abnormal psychology test 3 ch. 10-15 ALL

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a young woman who formerly had a fairly high sex drive, and who reports no new medical problems, nonetheless experiences an unexpected drop in sex drive. what would be an important question to ask her, before recommending some sort of psychotherapy?

"have you recently started taking birth control pills?"

the MOST realistic statement a person with anorexia would make following cognitive treatment is

"i expect to feel fat because of my illness"

"i've been diagnosed with gambling disorder," a friend says, "what kind of therapy works best?" based on current research, your BEST response is

"i'd suggest cognitive-behavioral therapies, biological therapies, and self-help groups"

a high school student asks you, "what's the big deal about using pot? how can it hurt me?" the MOST accurate reply you could make is

"if you're high, you won't be able to remember what you just learned"

an example of a disturbed cognition that might be present in a person being treated for anorexia is the statement

"my weight and shape determine my value"

Based on the likely sociocultural factors related to erectile disorders, the BEST advice you could give to an aging couple would be to:

"provide more intense and lengthy penile stimulation"

"i just received a dsm-5 diagnosis of Internet use disorder," a friend says. "what do you think?" your MOST accurate reply would be

"that's not possible. the disorder is not in the DSM-5"

"I want to maximize the antipsychotic effect of a drug while minimizing its undesirable side effects," says a doctor. What's the BEST advice you can give the doctor?

"use an atypical antipsychotic drug"

A person has ingested enough ethyl alcohol to lose consciousness but has not died. The MOST probable alcohol concentration in that person, expressed as a percent of blood volume, is:


A mother experiences "baby blues" shortly after delivering a child. The chances that she later will develop postpartum psychosis are closest to:

1 in 1,000

in what proportion of suicides and rapes in the united states does alcoholism play a role?


the proportion of patients taking antipsychotic medication who eventually develop tardive dyskinesia is closest to


the peak age range for the development of anorexia nervosa is

14 to 20

A woman has close female relatives diagnosed with a somatization pattern of somatic symptom disorder. According to research, her probability of being diagnosed with the same disorder is about:


research has found that if a person's life change credits (LCUs) totaled more than __ over the course of a year, he or she was particularly likely to develop serious health problems

300 LCUs

according to recent studies, in a random sample of 24 employed adults, you would expect that about 2 of them would be using an illegal drug. in a random sample of 24 unemployed adults, how many illegal drug users would you expect to find?


to be classified as having male hypoactive sexual desire disorder, one would have a reduced interest in sex and little sexual activity, lasting

6 months

a person who eats large amounts of food in a short period and does this repeatedly, with no other symptoms, would be said to have

a binge-eating disorder

A healthy man is likely to have two to five REM periods each night and several penile erections during that time. If he is not experiencing this, he MOST likely has:

a biologically based erectile dysfunction

a recent study of erectile disorder showed that most cases of erectile disorder are caused by

a combination of psychosocial and physical causes

having a background in medicine, but also a grudge against the profession, puts a person at risk for

a factitious disorder

if a chronically ill child was removed from his or her home and placed in foster care, and then became quite healthy, one might suspect that the parent (usually the mother) was experiencing

a factitious disorder

what statement MOST accurately reflects what is being done in the area of "internet use disorder" at the present time?

a lot; internet use disorder is not a dsm-5 category, but people who meet the disorder's criteria act similarily to those with gambling disorder, which is in the dsm-5

what person would be MOST likely to develop alcoholism?

a lower socioeconomic class person living in a high unemployment area

what situation would be MOST likely to lead to a diagnosis of muscle dysmorphobia?

a man who is muscular but does not see himself as being muscular and so continues to strive for a perfect body

autoerotic asphyxia is a fatal side effect of

a masochistic practice

according to dsm-5, the cut-off point for diagnosing early ejaculation is within __ of initiating sexual activity

a minute

a person with schizophrenia demonstrates poverty of speech and experiences auditory hallucinations. according to the "type 1-type II" evaluation categorization, this person would be

a mix of type I and type II

a man awakens after 8 hours of normal sleep and has an unbroken "snap gauge" band. there's a good chance that the man has

a physical basis for his erectile problems

In general, the closer that people are genetically related to someone with schizophrenia, the more likely they are to be diagnosed with schizophrenia as well. This is evidence of:

a positive correlation between a schizophrenia diagnosis and closeness of relationship

in behavioral terms, what is a token?

a reinforcer

Sam has just had an injection of heroin. He feels intense pleasure very quickly. This is known as:

a rush

according to frieda fromm-reichmann (1948), schizophrenia is caused by

a schizophrenogenic mother

what is NOT a characteristic of anorexia nervosa?

a view that one is currently unattractively thin

what medical breakthrough is MOST likely to appeal to an overweight person?

a way to safely increase GLP-1 in humans

what statement is NOT true about anorexia nervosa?

about 25% of people who experience anorexia nervosa are men

One study shows that, in "substance-free" dorms, the percent of students who are binge drinkers is:

about 36%

If grandpa is 90 and healthy, what is the percent chance he still masturbates at least occasionally?

about 40%

new-wave cognitive-behavioral therapies are MOST similar to

acceptance and commitment therapy

That eating disorders are rising among nonwhite Americans to levels approaching the rates for white Americans is MOST likely due to:


if an individual had experienced normal sexual functioning for years and gradually developed a problem with becoming aroused under any condition, the type of dysfunction would be

acquired and generalized

which professions put one MOST at risk for an eating disorder

actors and certain athletes

all treatments for anorexia nervosa share the long-term common goal of

addressing the underlying causes of the disorders

conversion disorders most often appear in


during which period does frotteurism typically belong?


In therapy, a patient is taught to visualize sexual scenes and uncover any negative emotions that occur. The therapist is using:

affectual awareness

If current trends concerning the body images of African American women and white American women continue, we would expect in the future that:

african-american women would show increasing body image dissatisfaction

Hanna goes to a meeting because her husband is an alcoholic who only occasionally can abstain from alcohol. The meetings with other people in similar situations helps her cope. She probably attends meetings of:

al. anon

a friend says, "I want to minimize my risks of organ damage and long-lasting mental change," and then asks, "what kind of drug should I most avoid?" Your best answer is:


according to the chart in your textbook, teenagers say that the drug easiest for them to obtain is


"I have this vague sense that something isn't right, but I just can't describe it," is a statement MOST likely said by someone experiencing:


the medical problem that is twice as frequent in women with anorexia as it is in women with bulimia is


what problem is common in anorexia nervosa?


Lola's physician prescribed diet pills. Which of the following drugs did the pills MOST likely contain -cocaine -morphine -barbiturates -amphetamines


An antiandrogen would be MOST appropriate if a paraphilic disorder is caused by:

an inappropriate sex drive

what is a foreign invader of the body?


fungi are an example of


If one could use only a single treatment for schizophrenia and wanted the MOST effective treatment, one should choose:

antipsychotic drugs

the discovery of antihistamine drugs in the 1940's indirectly led to the development of

antipsychotic drugs

what is the more effective treatment for schizophrenia?

antipsychotic medications

compared to people with anorexia nervosa, MOST people with bulimia

are of a more normal weight

all the treatment methods for bulimia nervosa share the immediate goal of

assisting patients to eliminate their binge-purge patterns

Shelly is experiencing shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing, and feels as if she is choking. Which does Shelly have? -insomnia -asthma -muscle contraction -migraine headaches


Worldwide, 235 million people suffer from:


In 2001, Andrea Yates, showing symptoms of postpartum psychosis, drowned her five children. Assuming she was suffering from postpartum psychosis, her actions were...

atypical; less than 5% of women with postpartum psychosis harm or attempt to harm their offspring

the MOST common type of hallucination in schizophrenia is


a person with schizophrenia who hears all the animals around her making plans to get her ready for the ball, and comes to think of herself as cinderella, is experiencing a(n) __ hallucination and a delusion of ___

auditory; grandeur

Defects in the ________ system are thought to contribute to the development of psychophysiological disorders

autonomic nervous

which type of therapy has clients interact with computer-generated on-screen virtual human figures in an attempt to help them overcome their psychological problems?

avatar therapy

a client being treated for alcohol abuse receives just enough of a drug called curare to produce temporary paralysis as that client takes a swig of beer. presumably, sufficient pairings of paralysis and alcohol will reduce the client's desire for alcohol. this procedure is called

aversion therapy

i sit staring at a blank page, unable to make myself write a new multiple-choice test item; i just don't seem to care. my behavior is like that of people with schizophrenia displaying the symptom called


__ produce antibodies


because of the likelihood of convulsions, withdrawal from __ is especially dangerous


what combination is MOST likely to result in antagonistic effects?

barbiturates and cocaine

_____ compared the immune systems of 26 people whose spouses had died 8 weeks earlier with those of 26 matched control group participants whose spouses had not died. Blood samples revealed that lymphocyte functioning was much lower in the bereaved people than in the controls.

bartrop and colleagues

Based on past results, one would predict that women who win the Miss America Pageant in the future will:

be smaller than those in the past

Why is the risk of transmitting AIDS an important factor for heroin users?

because heroin users often share needles that can be infected

The viral explanation for schizophrenia suggests that brain abnormalities, and therefore schizophrenia, result from viral exposure:

before birth

"it seems to me that people with illness anxiety disorder simply model what they see others doing." a person with which theoretical view would be MOST likely to say this?


Every time Miguel had a headache, his mother let him miss school. Now, as an adult, his headaches have become more frequent. His head pounds any time he is required to do something he would rather not. This is a ______ explanation of conversion symptoms.


While inflicting pain, perhaps unintentionally, on an animal or person, a teenager may become sexually aroused and later turn out to be a sadist. The theory that best describes this example of the development of sadism is:


the first time the patient reported vague chest pains to a 911 operator, local EMTs responded with obvious attention and concern. over the next several months, the patient called 911 more and more often, receiving the same concerned care for the same symptoms. this patter of patient response is MOST easily explained by which theoretical perspective?


Margo feels a lot of stress from home and has started drinking more than usual. If she develops a psychophysiological disorder it will be because of:

behavioral changes

Shelly has started smoking to help ease her stress from work. If she develops a psychophysiological disorder, it will be a result of:

behavioral changes

For which disorder would you expect to find nearly equal numbers of men and women sufferers?

binge-eating disorder

people who are overweight and regularly binge eat without compensatory behaviors are experiencing

binge-eating disorder

participants who have just completed a very-low-calorie weight-loss program would be MOST at risk for


__ has been of some help in the treatment of heartbeat irregularities, asthma, high blood pressure, stuttering, and pain

biofeedback training

what theoretical orientation is MOST helpful in understanding the origin of gender identity disorder?


A person with schizophrenia who is experiencing anhedonia is displaying:

blunted or flat affect

similarities between bulimia and anorexia include

both tend to begin after a period of dieting among people afraid of becoming obese

In the latter half of the nineteenth century, a person who today is diagnosed with somatic symptom disorder would MOST likely have been diagnosed with:

briquet's syndrome

Frieda Fromm-Reichmann's approach to psychotherapy with patients who had schizophrenia was to

build a sense of trust in the patient

if binge eating is followed by a period of strenuous exercise to compensate for the food, the diagnosis is probably

bulimia nervosa

the MOST accurate diagnosis for a woman who regularly eats a whole pizza, a carton of ice cream, and a box of donuts at one sitting, then forces herself to throw it all up, is:

bulimia nervosa

A manager who feels anxious about speaking in front of large groups frequently has a couple of glasses of wine to "relax" before beginning to speak. This "medicinal" use of alcohol can be explained MOST easily:

by operant conditioning

the term neuroleptic is applied to drugs that

can mimic symptoms of neurological disorders

Parents who feed their children when they are anxious and comfort them when they are tired rather than giving them a nap, run the risk of producing children who:

can't assess their own needs

Those with schizophrenia who hold awkward and bizarre positions for long periods of time are experiencing:

catatonic posturing

Those with schizophrenia who stop responding to their environment and remain motionless and silent for long periods of time are experiencing:

catatonic stupor

what 2 pairs MOST closely represent opposites in terms of the behavior you would observe in people with schizophrenia?

catatonic stupor and catatonic excitement

alcoholics anonymous supports the belief that alcoholics should

cease drinking entirely

if someone receives "modern" sex therapy, chances are that the therapy will

center on specific sexual problems

therapists who advise clients to resist following orders from their hallucinatory voices are using a technique from the cognitive-behavioral approach that involves

challenging ideas about the power of hallucinations

Hilde Bruch's ego deficiency view of children with eating disorders involves:

children lacking control over their lives and misperceiving internal cues

which antipsychotic drug appears to work at serotonin receptors?


mario felt awake and alive as though he could conquer the world. he MOST likely used


increasingly concerned about my minor heartbeat irregularities, i think that my health is being threatened, and more and more often i misinterpret my body's normal signals. what viewpoint BEST explains my experiences?


Occasionally, you see or hear things. Your friends tell you it's your imagination, but eventually you come to think your friends are hiding something and you develop delusions of persecution to explain their behavior. This thinking leads you down the "rational path to madness." This scenario is consistent with the:

cognitive view

throughout much of the united states, it is illegal to use marijuana, even for medical reasons. compared to other nations, this is

common; most countries do not allow either medical or recreational use of marijuana

an acquaintance of yours uses ecstasy and says "wow! i was totally energized and tripping. it was like LSD and meth combined." your acquaintance's experience with ecstasy was

common; the drug has both stimulant and hallucinogenic properties

in the original community mental health act, the place where individuals would be treated was a

community mental health center

Someone who fasts or exercises strenuously following a binge is engaging in:

compensatory behaviors

what is thought to be the cause of vaginismus (the involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles)?

conditioning of a fear response

Kelly is a long-time serious drinker. In the last year she has started having huge memory lapses. When this happens she makes up wild stories to help her fill in what she does not remember. This symptom is called:


Albert had finally had enough of his inability to walk. He went to a psychologist, who told him there was nothing medically wrong with him. The therapist was using the treatment approach of:


what is a likely long-term consequence of anorexia?

continuing concern about weight and appearance

just before debuting at carnegie hall, the pianist suffered paralysis of her left hand. which BEST describes her disorder? -conversion disorder -somatization disorder -pain disorder associated with psychological factors -preoccupation disorder

conversion disorder

disorders that represent the conversion of conflicts and anxiety into physical symptoms would include

conversion disorders

in the treatment of schizophrenia, a case manager's primary goal is to help with

coordination of services

the leading cause of death globally, resulting in 7.3 million deaths each year is

coronary heart disease

Sobriety High and Drug Court programs:

cost more than regular educational programs, but save society money in the long run

When a fetishist imagines the object of the fetish and then immediately imagines an aversive stimulus, the behavioral approach being used is:

covert sensitization

what is a negative effect of cannabis use?

decrease in fertility

Chronic and excessive use of benzodiazepines may cause the:

decreased production of GABA

if a man has been taught to masturbate almost to orgasm, and then to insert his penis for intercourse, the man is MOST probably being treated for

delayed ejaculation

the symptoms of schizophrenia most likely to be relieved by antipsychotic drugs is


Antonio believes that the anchor on the evening television news is speaking directly and personally to him. He even goes to the television studio to talk to the anchor. Antonio is suffering from:

delusions of reference

patients are more likely to recover from schizophrenia if they

demonstrated good premorbid functioning

A man experiencing the process of erection and partial elevation of the testes is in which stage of sexual response?


in females, the labia swells during which phase of the sexual response cycle?


a factor increasing the likelihood of a relapse of a person with bulimia is

development of a pattern of frequent vomiting

If a person says, "I must be perfect in every way. I'll be a better person if I deprive myself of food," that person is engaging in:

distorted thinking

jess thought she was taking an aspirin. but later when she had a glass of wine and became very nauseated she realized the pill was


what is another name for genital pain during sexual activity?


William, a 20-year-old who is having his first sexual relationship, has gone to see a sex therapist about a sexual dysfunction problem. What is William MOST likely suffering from?

early ejaculation

if researchers find that many people with eating disorders also have symptoms of depression, they know that

eating disorders and depression are somehow related

A marijuana user has just taken the drug. Almost half an hour passes before the user begins to experience the drug high. Most likely, the user has taken the drug by

eating it in some food

months after last taking a drug, a former drug abuser still produces very little serotonin the person is depressed and anxious, and has great difficulty remembering new material. most likely, the abused drug-- if it were a single drug-- was


Recently the dopamine hypothesis for schizophrenia has been challenged because it has been discovered that:

effective new drugs suggest abnormal neurotransmitter activity of serotonin as well as dopamine

In one study, asthma and arthritis patients who wrote down their thoughts and feelings about stressful events for a handful of days showed lasting improvements in their conditions. This is an example of the effectiveness of:

emotion expression

Salvador Minuchin describes a family system in which members are overly involved in each other's affairs as a(n):

enmeshed family pattern

erectile dysfunction occurs during the __ phase of sexual arousal


in males, the penis becomes erect during which phase of the sexual response cycle?


according to dsm-5, someone who initiates sexual contact with children is

experiencing a paraphilia regardless of how troubled the individual may be

Peter is a behavioral therapist who exposes patients with bulimia to situations that usually cause binge episodes and then prevents them from binge eating. The technique that she is using is called:

exposure and response prevention

one of the therapy methods commonly used to treat bulimia nervosa is

exposure and response prevention

families with high levels of "expressed emotion"

express negative emotions like hostility and criticism

when people with gender dysphoria take hormones, it is an attempt to

facilitate their living as the other gender

a woman complains of an assortment of physiological ailments. you think that she is intentionally producing the physical symptoms to appear sick, which fills some psychological need. you would diagnose...

factitious disorder

which conclusion about family patterns and eating disorders is MOST supported by systematic research?

families of those with bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa vary widely

what problem did early behavioral therapists focus on when treating sexual dysfunction?


a man with muscle dysmorphobia is MOST likely to

feel that he is scrawny despite the fact that he is not

research has revealed that lack of orgasm can sometimes be linked to all of the following EXCEPT

female inadequacies

a pattern of abnormalities, head and facial deformities, heart defects, and intellectual development disorder characterizes someone with

fetal alcohol syndrome

The campus "bra bandit" steals women's underwear from the campus laundry and then masturbates into the underwear. The MOST accurate diagnosis would be:


obsessive-compulsive symptoms may contribute to low sexual desire because someone with this disorder

finds contact with body fluids and odors unpleasant

If all you know about someone is that the person has been binge drinking in the past month, then you know the person had at least:

five drinks at a time at least once, and probably is a male

in one study, prospective parents rated a picture of a chubby child as less _____ than an average weight child

friendly and intelligent

a person feels most comfortable wearing clothes preferred by the opposite gender, strongly wishes to be the opposite gender, and is considering a surgical procedure. the MOST likely diagnosis for this person is

gender dysphoria

what is the BEST example of a finding from genetic linkage and molecular biology studies?

gene defects on certain chromosomes predispose one to schizophrenia

If genetics plays a strong role in the development of cocaine abuse, we would expect to find the lowest concordance rates for cocaine abuse among:

genetically unrelated pairs of people

in the past 30 years, the rate of opioid addiction in the united states has

gone down and up at least twice

for people with bulimia nervosa, binge episodes produce feelings of

guilt and depression

if a person with schizophrenia were making involuntary tic-like movements of the tongue, mouth, face, or whole body, smacking the lips, and making sucking and chewing movements, one would suspect the patient

had been taking antipsychotic medication for a long time

Helen was just discharged from a public mental health facility. She went to live with a group of other former patients in a group-living arrangement. There were staff members to help out but the residents controlled most of the day-to-day activities. Helen's living arrangement is a:

halfway house

the main difference between hallucinations and delusions is that

hallucinations involve perception and delusions involve belief

the perceptual distortions some drugs produce are called


the MOST powerful form of cannabis is


which finding BEST argues against the idea that female orgasmic problems are due to society's message to women that they should deny their sexuality? many women with arousal and orgasmic difficulties

have a history of rape or child sexual molestation

ellen stopped taking her regular amount of cocaine after using it for months. she will probably experience

headaches, depressed feelings, and "crashing"

The complete remission rate for those diagnosed with schizophrenia is:

higher in developing countries than in undeveloped countries, possibly because of better family and social support

If grandma is 90 and healthy, what is the chance, expressed as a percentage, that she still masturbates at least occasionally?

higher than 20%

The data from studies of the biological and adoptive parents of children who receive a diagnosis of schizophrenia as adults show that the concordance rate of schizophrenia with biological relatives is:

higher than with adoptive relatives

who developed the social readjustment rating scale?

homes and rahe

milieu therapy is based primarily on the principles of __ psychology


Beyond its use in the control of pain, _____ has been used successfully to help treat such problems as skin diseases, asthma, insomnia, high blood pressure, warts, and other forms of infection.


the part of the brain MOST closely associated with the control of eating and body weight is the


what statement accurately represents the "rational path to madness"?

i experience disturbing symptoms. i talk them over with others. others say i am imagining things. i decide others are lying to me.

in what case is someone MOST likely to develop an eating disorder?

if the person has an identical twin with anorexia nervosa

what response from the person he exposed himself to would be LEAST satisfying to an exhibitionist?

ignoring the exhibitionist

what system is the body's network of activities and cells that identify and destroy antigens and cancer cells?

immune system

postpartum psychosis occurs

in about 0.1 percent of women, beginning soon after childbirth.

which of the following is NOT a symptom of female sexual interest/arousal disorder?

inadequate lubrication during sexual activity

female sexual interest/arousal disorder differs from male hypoactive sexual desire disorder MOST notably in that it

includes difficulties in both the desire and arousal stages of the sexual response cycle

in the united states, over the past several decades, the typical duration of sexual intercourse has

increased, as has the distress of those suffering from early ejaculation

If observations of a relationship between "expressed emotion" in families and recovery from schizophrenia demonstrate cause-and-effect, one would predict that relapse would be LEAST common in people with schizophrenia whose families:

infrequently express criticism and allow a good deal of privacy

what was the dominant way of treating people with schizophrenia during the first half of the twentieth century?


therapists who teach clients to make statements such as "it's not a real voice; it's my illness" are using a technique from the cognitive-behavioral approach that involves

interpreting their hallucinations

Melanie has been out with friends and has been using drugs. In spite of being obviously uncoordinated and under the influence, she wants to drive her car. Her condition is an example of:


vomiting as a compensatory behavior for those experiencing bulimia

ironically, leads to greater hunger and more frequent binges

a paraphilia

is a response to a socially inappropriate object or situation

Compared to a person who is happy and self-confident, a person who is bored and depressed:

is more likely to eat junk food

one who is experiencing gender dysphoria

is unhappy with his or her biological gender

what has been identified as a problem in designing and evaluating treatment methods for substance abuse?

it has been difficult to precisely define treatment success

tardive dyskinesia can be overlooked because

it has symptoms that are similar to schizophrenia

how does viagra work?

it increases blood flow into the penis

which of the following occupations is MOST similar to what Masters and Johnson identified as the spectator role in sexual behavior? -priest -airline pilot -actor -judge


A patient in an alcohol rehabilitation center tells you a detailed story about growing up in the mountains of Tennessee. Later, you find out that the person had never even visited Tennessee. A day later you visit the patient again, and the patient does not recognize you. Most likely, the patient is suffering from:

korsakoff's syndrome

what is a diagnostic criterion for bulimia nervosa?

lack of control over eating during binging

according to recent research, what is the LEAST likely reason a person becomes obese?

lack of willpower

people with schizophrenia have NOT been found to have

larger amounts of cortical gray matter

compared to those diagnosed with schizophrenia who live in developing countries, those diagnosed with schizophrenia who live in developed countries are

less likely to recover fully and more likely to be hospitalized

about what percentage of american men experience a somatic symptom disorder in a given year?

less than 1%

relapse for people with bulimia and people with anorexia is MOST likely triggered by

life stresses

a man who has never been able to achieve or maintain an erection for sexual intercourse would MOST likely be diagnosed with what type of erectile disorder?


If a woman had never experienced normal sexual functioning with her husband and had a problem with becoming aroused with him, but found she could be aroused with other men, the type of dysfunction would be:

lifelong and situational

Pro-Ana websites view anorexia not as a disorder, but as a:


Two people of the same gender and weight consume the same amount of alcohol in the same amount of time. Nevertheless, one of them sobers up substantially sooner than the other. MOST likely, this difference is due to:

liver function; some people's livers metabolize alcohol faster than others' livers

where would you find about one-third of people who have schizophrenia?

living on their own, unsupervised

what kinds of treatment programs seem to work best for mentally ill chemical abusers (MICAs)?

long-term, individualized, comprehensive therapy

a person with schizophrenia who says "it's cold today. my cold is better but i got it from the nurse. she is a blonde who lives in manhattan. i live in manhattan with jimmy carter," is experiencing

loose associations

The link between dopamine and schizophrenia is supported by the finding that:

lower dopamine activity helps remove schizophrenic symptoms

In women, the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase is found at:

lower levels in the stomach, making them more susceptible to getting drunk

schizophrenia is found in all socioeconomic classes. however, it is MOST likely to be found in someone from a

lower socioeconomic level

__ are white blood cells that circulate through the lymph system and bloodstream


which is not a risk for young people abusing cocaine? -heart attacks -respiratory failure -miscarriage -macular degeneration

macular degeneration

Terry has been diagnosed as having a paraphilia, specifically transvestic fetishism. Terry is MOST likely to be:


what is the MOST likely explanation for the different explanations of eating disorders in men and women?

male eating disorders are more likely to be tied to work or sports

an otherwise healthy man reports almost no interest in sexual activity and has had very few sexual experiences in the past several years. that person MOST likely is experiencing

male hypoactive sexual desire disorder

a researcher reports that a drug directly stimulates a reward center in the brain rather than through indirect stimulation of a reward center. the drug the researcher is studying could be any of the following drugs EXCEPT -powdered cocaine -methamphetamine -marijuana -caffeine


recent studies show that gender-sensitive programs for treating substance abuse

may be very useful; substance abusers of different genders have different physical and psychological reactions to drugs

the major disadvantage of using forced tube-feeding for patients with eating disorders who refuse to eat is that the patients

may become distrustful of the medical establishment and uncooperative with further treatment

"i feel great!" a friend says "let's go to the casino and play the slots." your friend has been to the casino several times in the past 2 weeks and just can't seem to stay away. does your friend qualify for the diagnosis of gambling disorder?

maybe; a distressed mood goes with gambling, and your friend's behavior seems out of control

Is there any genetic explanation for substance use disorders?

maybe; those with a substance use disorder are more likely than those without a disorder to have an abnormal D2 receptor gene

an individual who has been diagnosed with a somatic symptom disorder would MOST likely first seek

medical help

why are people who take medication for schizophrenia often given medication that helps control shaking and tremors?

medication used to treat schizophrenia leads to Parkinson-like symptoms

__ is a technique of turning one's concentration inward, achieving a slightly changed state of consciousness, and temporarily ignoring all stressors


what statement is suggested by recent research on body dissatisfaction among college students?

men who are overweight and underweight are more dissatisfied than those who are of medium weight

the "club drug" that damages nerve endings but is NOT considered hallucinogenic is


a patient who is called a resident who lives in a therapeutic community and actively works with staff members to create a life that is as much like that outside the hospital as possible, is probably receiving __ therapy


what therapy is based on the premise that when you change the social environment, you can change the patient?

milieu therapy

With _____, a person pays attention to the feelings, thoughts, and sensations that are flowing through his or her mind but do so with detachment and objectivity and, most important, without judgment.

mindfulness meditation

what is the risk of tolerance and physical addiction to hallucinogens as compared to that of other addictive drugs?


freebasing has the effect of making cocaine

more concentrated

in general, the problems that mentally ill chemical abusers (MICAs) face in terms of diagnosis and treatment are

more than those faced by either people with severe mental disorders or chemical abuse disorders

after an accident, kendra was taken to the hospital with broken legs and arms. she was almost immediately given a shot that reduced her pain. the shot was MOST likely


A wounded veteran of the U.S. Civil War suffering from "soldiers' disease" MOST likely was suffering from:

morphine dependence

recent studies of pedophiles show that

most have at least one other psychological disorder

many teenagers go on occasional eating binges. what statement is true about this behavior?

most people who engage in the behavior do not have bulimia

If a therapist thought that eating disorders were BEST explained by an interaction of sociocultural, psychological, and biological factors, that therapist would be taking a(an):

multidimensional perspective

The idea that both partners share the accountability for sexual dysfunction is known as:

mutual responsibility

Steven tends to fall asleep at the drop of a hat: while watching television, eating, and even driving. He would most likely be diagnosed with:


Armand does not feel much emotion and does not really want to do anything. He has also completely withdrawn from his friends and family. The presence of these behaviors illustrates ____ schizophrenia


poverty of speech, blunted and flat affect, loss of volition, and social withdrawal are all examples of _____ symptoms of schizophrenia


You are a therapist using self instruction training. Your client repeatedly tells you "I can't take the pain. It is just too much." This is an example of a?

negative self-statement

Advantages of atypical antipsychotic drugs over conventional medications include:

newer medications produce fewer extrapyramidal effects

Studies attempting to relate personality traits to potential for developing substance abuse show that:

no single trait or combination of traits predicts substance abuse

If stress continues for an extended period of time, _____ and _____ give an inhibitory message to lymphocytes.

norepinephrine; corticosteroids

The view that modern researchers hold about clitoral orgasms is that they are:

normal and healthy

a hospitalized patient no longer talks about delusions and hallucination, thanks to participating in a token economy program. however, critics of the token economy program would say that the token economy program has

not eliminated the delusions and hallucinations, but improved the patient's ability to imitate normal behavior

a patient in therapy who eats exactly 8 pieces of bread that he has carefully made into balls of equal diameter is displaying a symptom of anorexia nervosa related to

obsessive-compulsive disorder

the psychological disorder that anorexia nervosa MOST resembles is

obsessive-compulsive disorder

people with schizophrenia who are working in a sheltered workshop are receiving

occupational training

Shelly is sitting on the couch with her husband and children when suddenly she smells smoke. However, no one else can smell the smoke and there is no fire. What is she experiencing?

olfactory hallucinations

the proportion of americans over the age of 11 who smoke is about


according to reports about the effectiveness of Drug Courts and Sobriety High programs, how likely are those who complete these programs to violate the law again compared with those who do not complete them?

one-quarter as likely

which is a depressant? -opioids -cocaine -LSD -amphetamines


A man being treated for a fetish to women's hats first obtains an erection from looking at women's hats and then begins to masturbate while looking at a picture of a nude woman. At the moment of orgasm, he makes sure to look at the picture of the nude woman. The behavioral approach being used is:

orgasmic reorientation

people suffering from anorexia nervosa tend to

overestimate their body size

A person lives at home but spends his day at a mental health facility. The facility might be described as providing:

partial hospitalization

If a person being treated for schizophrenia goes each day to a center where the focus is on improving social skills and receiving therapy, the person is participating in:

partial hospitalization

Pat and Jody each have 5 screwdrivers (OJ and vodka). Pat gets very drunk. Jody does not. Which of the following is most likely to be true?

pat is a woman, and jody is a man

"Depression and eating disorders are correlated." What does this statement mean?

people with eating disorders also tend to be depressed

Kelsey feels stressed because of her responsibilities of being a mom. However, she tends to be optimistic, engages in constructive coping, and is resilient. The likelihood of her developing a psychophysiological disorder is slim due to:

personality style

Millie sees pretty colored butterflies on all the walls. She also hears gentle music, which is not actually there. The presence of these behaviors illustrates ______ symptoms of schizophrenia.


in general, which statement about feelings that trigger eating is true?

positive emotions are less likely than negative emotions to trigger the eating of junk food

having a positive relationship with one's mother is associated with __ in women

positive orgasm outcomes

While Type I schizophrenia is dominated by ______ symptoms, Type II schizophrenia is dominated by ______ symptoms.

positive; negative

A person with schizophrenia who is experiencing alogia is displaying:

poverty of speech

what is NOT a compensatory behavior for someone with bulimia?

preoccupation with food

In the classic type of pedophilic disorder, those MOST at risk to become victims are:

prepubescent girls

The stage of the development of schizophrenia marked by deterioration of functioning and the display of some mild symptoms is called the:

prodromal phase

The use of methadone in drug maintenance programs is controversial because methadone:

produces withdrawal that is sometimes more difficult than heroin withdrawal

the behavioral view of schizophrenia

provides a partial explanation for the origins and symptoms of schizophrenia

A group of physical illnesses that seem to be caused or worsened by an interaction of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors is called:

psychological factors affecting other medical conditions

__ is the study of the connections between stress, the body's immune system, and illness


what appears to be the key factor in determining the types of food that are likely to be eaten in a binge?

rapidity through soft texture

behavioral therapists treating a conversion disorder would be MOST likely to focus on

reducing the rewards available for displaying the disorder

according to freud, people with schizophrenia

regress to a pre-ego state of primary narcissism

Jason, a recovering heavy drinker, has been trained to identify the situations that might cause him to drink and to be aware of when he should stop drinking. This approach is known as:

relapse-prevention training

a client receiving treatment for substance abuse keeps track of times the substance is used and develops strategies to deal with the substance when there is an opportunity to use it. the client is MOST likely receiving

relapse-prevention training

the technique of having a client with pedophilia identify situations in which he performs inappropriate behavior and then teaching him more appropriate coping strategies is called

relapse-prevention training

Theresa has hypertension. Which is MOST likely to be recommended as a treatment for her? -behavioral medicine -relaxation training -biofeedback training -meditation

relaxation training

__, often in combination with medication, has been widely used in the treatment of high blood pressure

relaxation training

__ and __ are equally helpful in the treatment of high blood pressure, headaches, and asthma

relaxation training; biofeedback training

Because alcohol binds to neurons that normally receive the neurotransmitter GABA, it is not surprising that alcohol:

relaxes people

in victorian times, a woman diagnosed as "insane" was presumed to have a dysfunction of her

reproductive organs

the community mental health act stipulated that patients with mental disorders should receive all EXCEPT __ without leaving their communities

research opportunities

if someone had a sexual dysfunction, we know that this person would not be having difficulty in which of the following phases of the sexual response cycle? -excitement -resolution -orgasm -desire


A person who stopped eating candy and other sweets, then gradually eliminated other foods until he or she was eating almost nothing could be experiencing:

restricted-type anorexia nervosa

the preoccupation with food characteristic of anorexia nervosa is thought to

result from starvation

what is the BEST example of a double-bind communication?

saying "i love you" to a child but refusing to allow that child in your lap

A middle-aged individual shows many of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, and at the same time often appears profoundly depressed. The symptoms have lasted almost a year. This is an example of:

schizoaffective disorder

what psychological problem is LEAST likely to be associated with anorexia nervosa?


what is NOT related to a fuller recovery from schizophrenia

schizophrenia developing in early life

researchers found that phenothiazines reduced psychotic symptoms but also caused Parkinsonian symptoms, like tremors. this discovery suggests that

schizophrenia is tied to excessive dopamine

most contemporary psychodynamic theorists would agree with what statement?

schizophrenogenic mothers, if they do exist, don't create children with schizophrenia

who is MOST likely to experience a psychophysiological disorder?

sean, an african-american male in his thirties

what is considered to be the first line of treatment for schizophrenia?

second-generation antipsychotic medications

If a man's behavior elicited kindness and sympathy from his wife when he was mute, he would be receiving _____ gains from his behavior.


It was convenient when Rowena awoke blind. She had been terrified about testifying in court and now she did not have to. This is an example of:

secondary gain

the MOST commonly used form of treatment for a substance use disorder is

self-help groups

the levels of __ are low in many people with depression and those with eating disorders


the use of narcotic antagonists can be dangerous. this is based on their ability to initiate

severe withdrawal

the event that is more likely to result in low sexual desire is

sexual molestation

A woman with anorexia has lanugo. What has happened?

she has grown fine silky hair on her body

people who do not have anorexia who are placed on a starvation diet

show many of the food preoccupations of people with anorexia nervosa

EMTs need to be sure to ask someone who is taking nitroglycerin if that person also has taken:


cocaine and amphetamines produce

similar behavioral effects, and similar emotional effects

Based on family pedigree studies, which relative of an individual with a diagnosis of schizophrenia would be MOST at risk for developing the disorder?


barbiturates were first prescribed to help people


Long-term mental patients frequently developed anger, aggressiveness, and loss of interest in personal appearance. This condition has been called:

social breakdown syndrome

Some hospitalized mental patients not only failed to improve but also suffered negative effects of their care. This syndrome is called:

social breakdown syndrome

Janet has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She has a very supportive husband, caring children, and several friends who will provide support for her during her recovery. As a result of this ________, she is more likely to have a successful recovery.

social support

Juanita often feels lonely and does not have many close friends. She also has poor immune functioning and tends to get sick often. This may be due to:

social support

a patient who receives help in finding work, in finding a place to live, and in taking medication correctly is probably receiving

social therapy

those with schizophrenia who are unable to recognize other people's needs and emotions and who also distance themselves from reality are displaying

social withdrawal

The fact that insurance companies in the United States generally covered Viagra but not birth control pills until required to by state law supports the idea that:

society sets different standards for sexually active men than for women

People around those who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia begin to treat them as if they are "crazy", expecting and overreacting to odd behaviors that they might not even notice in others. This observation is most consistent with the ____ understanding of schizophrenia


A patient had several surgeries over the years for vague and nonspecific sexual reproductive problems, visiting many of the top hospitals on the East Coast during the course of treatment. The BEST diagnosis for this disorder is:

somatic symptom disorder

if a person complains of a wide variety of physical symptoms over a period of time in the absence of a physical basis for the symptoms, the diagnosis would likely be

somatic symptom disorder

A woman has experienced a wide range of vague but disturbing physical symptoms over a period of several years. Doctors cannot find a cause for the problems; medically, the woman appears normal. Based on this information, the BEST diagnosis would be:

somatic symptom disorder (somatization pattern)

abnormalities that are thought to have both biological and psychological causes are diagnosed as

somatic syndrome disorder

a woman's dyspareunia is MOST likely caused by

some physical condition

if people with schizophrenia make at least modest gains when they receive behavioral therapy, this would indicate that

some symptoms of schizophrenia may be learned

who is MOST likely to receive phalloplasty? -someone experiencing premature ejaculation -someone experiencing erectile dysfunction -someone experiencing gender dysphoria -someone who has a homosexual orientation

someone experiencing gender dysphoria

what person would be MOST likely to cut out sweets, then eliminate more and more types of foods, but not engage in forced vomiting

someone experiencing restricting-type anorexia nervosa

the term schizophrenia is derived from the Greek for

split mind

In treating erectile disorder, the "tease" technique involves:

stimulating the penis but stopping stimulation once erection occurs

recent research shows that if one identical twin develops schizophrenia, there is almost a 50% chance the other twin will develop schizophrenia. if future research confirms this finding, we will have evidence of

strong environmental and strong genetic components of schizophrenia

A young adult used LSD and now experiences hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized speech. This would be referred to as...

substance/medication-induced psychotic disorder

a modern explanation of why many people with anorexia continually have food-related thoughts and dreams is that

such thoughts and dreams are the result of food deprivation

which of the following would NOT be considered a "drug" -heroin -caffeine -sugar -nicotine


the treatment that has been the MOST popular for restoring weight among persons with anorexia is

supportive nursing care and a high-calorie diet

stress leads to increased activity by the

sympathetic nervous system

Probably the WORST thing one who has "partied hard" with alcohol could do right after drinking would be to:

take some barbiturates to fall asleep

Almost two-thirds of women athletes engage in self-destructive ways of controlling their weight. Which method is MOST common?

taking diet pills

One of the unwanted and later side effects of antipsychotic medications is:

tardive dyskinesia

a woman has been treated with chlorpromazine for several years. lately she seems to be chewing gum all the time and her arms are always in motion. she has begun to display twitching facial tics. this is an example of

tardive dyskinesia

approximately 45 million americans suffer from

tension headaches

which hormone can cause decreased sexual desire when present in low but not high levels? -estrogen -prolactin -testosterone -progesterone


which activity is an overweight female teenager with an eating disorder NOT more likely to do than her peers -texting -spending time on facebook -surfing the web for fashion sites -watching tv shows with teenaged characters


most clinicians would agree that paraphiliac activities should NOT be considered a disorder when

the behavior is part of an otherwise typical sex life

what is the MOST accurate biological explanation for people who gain weight after losing it?

the brain is trying to restore the person to a set weight point

what statement BEST reflects our understanding of hysterical disorder?

the causes of hysterical disorders are poorly understood, with no theory predominant in aiding understanding

munchausen syndrome by proxy is MOST likely to adversely affect the physical well-being of

the child of the person experiencing it

research on the aftermath of anorexia nervosa shows that

the death rate from anorexia appears to be declining

The pleasant feeling called a "high" produced by using narcotics is due to:

the drug attaching to sites normally receptive to endorphins

what is likely to be useful in distinguishing conversion or somatic symptom disorders from true medical problems?

the failure of a condition to develop as expected

Most sex therapists are uneasy about recent reliance on drug treatments for sexual disorders because:

the integrated approach to therapy might be ignored

the technique for treating mental patients that was pioneered by egas moniz was

the lobotomy

if you went to a meeting of a group lobbying for better care for the mentally ill and made up primarily of family members of people with severe mental disorders, you would probably be attending

the national alliance on mental illness

what statement would a cognitive theorist be MOST likely to say about hysterical disorders?

the patient is otherwise unable to communicate difficult emotions

what thought would likely be MOST arousing to a voyeur in the act of secretly watching a couple have sex?

the people would be humiliated if they knew i was watching

If you could "get inside the head" of a person experiencing auditory hallucinations, you would MOST likely find that:

the person actually produces nerve signals of sound in his brain

what is the concern regarding the changes produced by token economies?

the person may have learned new behaviors without changing distorted thinking

methods of supplying nicotine to those who are trying to quit smoking include all of the following except -nicotine nasal spray -the subcutaneous nicotine pump -the nicotine patch -nicotine gum

the subcutaneous nicotine pump

the "weight set point" is

the weight a person is predisposed to maintain

the second-generation antipsychotic drugs were called atypical because

their biological operations differ from that of the conventional antipsychotic medications

what is a tactile hallucination?

there are invisible bugs crawling under my tingling skin

What do Parkinson-like symptoms, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, and tardive dyskinesia have in common?

they all involve disruption of motor control

the main criticism of the behavioral and psychodynamic explanations for the maintenance of hysterical disorders is that

they can't explain how the gains can outweigh the pain of the disorder

according to Masters and Johnson, the resolution phase is more gradual and less sudden in women when

they do not experience orgasm

people who are mildly to moderately obese can legitimately conclude that:

they should be left alone or encouraged to set only realistic weight-loss goals

what statement is true of state mental hospitals in the united states in the mid-20th century?

they were overcrowded and understaffed

what is a true statement about factitious disorders?

those with factitious disorder are not trying to achieve some external gain by faking illness

the goal of family therapy is

to help the family better support the patient with schizophrenia

Couples in sex therapy who are working on eliminating the spectator role, are generally advised:

to refrain from having intercourse and focus on other body pleasure instead

a third-grade teacher gives students stickers throughout the school day when they engage in appropriate behaviors. at the end of the day, students can trade in their stickers for treats from the class "treasure chest". this program is MOST similar to which form of therapy used for institutionalized people with schizophrenia?

token economy

A frequent drug user finds that larger doses of a drug are necessary to produce the same "high" that much lower doses once produced. That drug user is developing:


Mendon began by taking one amphetamine a day to control his appetite. After a month or so, the one pill did not work as well but two pills did. This is an example of:


A person takes a drug at noon. Although remaining awake and alert, the person experiences poor coordination, palpitations, and greatly enhanced visual perceptions. By dinner, the symptoms have pretty well subsided. MOST likely, that person:

took LSD

During a ____ a needle is inserted into the brain through the eye socket and is then rotated to destroy brain tissue

transorbital lobotomy

"cross-dressing" is another term for

transvestic disorder

people with __ are thought to be more relaxed, less aggressive, and less concerned about time

type b personality style

a person diagnosed with schizophrenia is not hospitalized, yet eventually shows complete remission of symptoms. this pattern is

typical of what happens in developing countries

an individual who is dependent on alcohol is experiencing delirium tremens. this reaction is

uncommon, starting within three days after an individual stops drinking

DSM-5 includes gambling disorder as an addictive disorder, along with substance abuse disorders. This inclusion is:

unique; gambling disorder is the only disorder in the category that doesn't involve a substance

what is NOT a treatment for female orgasmic disorder? -creating orgasm triggers -masturbation training -positioning that produces clitoral stimulation -use of the squeeze technique

use of the squeeze technique

what is the MOST common biological cause of erectile failure in men?

vascular problems

most patients who lived on the hospital wards in state mental hospitals in the mid-1900's

were people with schizophrenia

what should be addressed to change the high rates of eating disorders among U.S. children and adolescents?

western notions of beauty and societal values

a person who experiences vomiting and shaking when she tries to stop drinking alcohol has developed

withdrawal reactions

a client receives directed masturbation training and self-exploration instruction as part of the client's sex therapy. MOST likely, the client is a

woman being treated for orgasmic disorder

what is NOT consistent with the most common pattern of schizophrenia

women develop the disorder earlier and more severely than men

which statement is MOST accurate about female orgasm?

women who are comfortable masturbating are more likely to experience orgasm

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