AC 111 midterm/final

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concept testing

a method of pretesting alternative ideas for an advertisement or campaign by having consumers provide their responses and/or reactions to the creative concept

Public relations society of americA

a nonprofit trade association for public relations professionals. its the biggest trade association in the US serving the PR industry. can effectively: validate the result of their effort, link the results w business outcomes, credibly merchandise the impact of results, set smarter objectives, develop better strategies, employ more compelling and engaging tactics, make midcourse adjustments/corrections, and regularly adapt their measurement approaches based on changing objectives, new competitors and emerging best practices


a person praises the product or service on the basis of his/ her personal experience with it

advantages of PR

Credibility Cost Avoidance of clutter Lead generation Ability to reach specific groups Image building

sales promotion

Marketing activities that provide extra value or incentives to the sales force, distributors, or the ultimate consumer and can stimulate immediate sales.

hierarchy of needs

Maslow's pyramid of human needs, beginning at the base with physiological needs that must first be satisfied safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and at the top self actualization

In an advertising agency, who among the following is usually responsible for preparing the creative brief?

account manager

With respect to psychographic segmentation of markets, AIO stands for

activities, intrests and opinions

user-generated content

ads are created by consumers rather than by the company and/or its agency

positioning by price/quality

ads that reflect the image of a high quality brand where cost, while not irrelevant, is considered secondary to the quality benefits derived from using the brand

target ratings points (TRPs)

The number of persons in the primary target audience that the media buy will reach—and the number of times. (doesnt include waste coverage)

direct channels

a marketing channel where a producer and ultimate consumer interact directly with one another


a measure of the potential audience that might receive an advertising message through a media vehicle

contextual advertising

advertisers who target their ads based on the content of the web page

omnichannel retailing

companies sell their products through multiple distribution channels including retail stores, online, catalogs, and mobile apps

Yummy Soups positioned itself as better tasting and more appropriate to the adult palate to gain an advantage over Magic Soups, another packaged soup manufacturer. In the given scenario, which of the following positioning strategies has Yummy Soups used?


barrier to entry

conditions that make it difficult for a firm to enter the market in a particular industry, such as high advertising budgets


contains the information or meaning the source hopes to convey (middle of sender and receiver)

touch point

each and every opportunity the customer has to see or hear about the company and/or its brands or have an encounter or experience with it. company-related, intrinsic, unexpected, customer-initiated

hemispheric lateralization

distinguishes between alpha activity in the left and right sides of the brain

psychographic segmentation

dividing a market into different segments based on social class, lifestyle, or personality characteristics

marketing mix

elements of a marketing program including the 4 Ps product, price, promotion, place

A "Love Has No Labels" public service advertising campaign that was sponsored by the Ad Council filmed a live event where skeleton images embraced behind a large x-ray screen, then the people walked out from behind the screen. The people who embraced represented different pairings of gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, ability, and age. This video used a(n) ________ appeal to get viewers to look at their expectations and implicit bias.


The five steps in the creative process as designed by James Webb Young include

immersion, digestion, incubation, illumination, and verification.

duplicated reach

individuals exposed to the same commercial on two or more media vehicles

word-of-mouth communication

informal communication between consumers about goods and services

types of advertising appeals

informational/ rational appeals feature appeals competitive advantage appeal favorable price appeal news appeals product/ service popularity appeals emotional appeals

zero-based communications planning

involves determining what tasks need to be done and which marketing communications functions should be used and to what extent

differentiated marketing

involves marketing in a number of segments, developing separate marketing strategies for each

positioning by product attributes and benefits

positioning based particular product benefits

purchase intention

predisposition to buy a certain brand


preoccupation with material things rather than intellectual or spiritual concern


price based or promotional based to make a more simplified decision

IMC communications plan

provides the framework for developing, implementing, and controlling an orgs IMC program

the marketing team at Clear Cite Industries is interested in reaching consumers who have various lifestyles, so their marketing approach should use ________ segmentation.



receiver's set of reactions after seeing, hearing, or reading the message


reduces the key idea into a few words or a brief statement

Advertising appeal

refers to the approach used to attract the attention of consumers and/or to influence their feelings toward the product, service, or cause. Can be viewed as "something that moves people, speaks to their wants or needs, and excites their interest.


reflects the degree to which the various elements of the ad are meaningful, useful, or valuable to the consumer

emotional appeal

relate to the customers' social and/or psychological needs for purchasing a product or service

Teeth-whitening product ads focus on the benefits of removing stains and the health benefits of using their product. This type of ad is called

straight sell

types of creative execution style

straight sell of factual scientific/ technical evidence demonstration comparison testimonial slice of life animation personality symbol imagery dramatization humor combos

direct headline

straightforward and informative in terms of the message the ad is presenting and the target audience the message is intended for


symbols, rhymes, associations, and images that assist in the learning and memory process

market segments

target markets the company wishes to pursue

mobile marketing

Promotional activity designed for delivery to cell phones, smartphones, tablets, and other handheld devices that includes apps, messaging, commerce, and customer relationship management.

Which of the following statements correctly describes a disadvantage of publicity?

Publicity is not always under an organization's control and can be unfavorable.


Resending an ad to a website visitor who previously visited the site seeking information but did not purchase, in an attempt to make a sale.

consumer-oriented sales promotion

Sales promotion techniques that are targeted to the ultimate consumer such as coupons, samples, contests, rebates, sweepstakes, and premium offers.

organic search results

Search results that appear due to the relevance of the search terms, not advertisements.


Short featured films created by the advertiser ex= the walking dead

psychoanalytic theory

Sigmund Freud's approach to understanding human behavior

IMC Objectives

Statements of what various aspects of the integrated marketing communications program will accomplish

image advertising

Strategy used to develop a strong, memorable identity for a brand

Venus Corporation is creating an advertising budget with the goal to reach a large number of customers. Productive Advertising Company advises them that the most cost-effective way to reach a mass market is with

TV advertising


The coordination of all seller-initiated efforts to set up channels of information and persuasion to sell goods and services or to promote an idea.

Which of the following is a common criticism of TV commercials

The creative execution tends to overshadow the advertiser's message.

field of experience

The experiences, perceptions, attitudes, and values he or she brings to the communication situation

brand equity

The intangible asset of added value or goodwill that results from the favorable image, impressions of differentiation, and/or the strength of consumer attachment of a company name, brand name, or trademark.

consumer socialization process

The process by which an individual acquires the skills needed to function in the marketplace as a consumer.

IMC management

The process of planning, executing, evaluating, and controlling the use of various promotional-mix elements to effectively communicate with a target audience.


The receiver's response communicated back to the sender

sweeps periods

The times of year in which television audience measures are taken (February, May, July, and November).

promotional mix

The tools used to accomplish an organization's communications objective. The promotional mix includes advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, publicity/public relations, and personal selling.

digital out-of-home media

Traditional out-of-home media (billboards, transit ads, etc.), now presented in a digital format.

communication task

Under the DAGMAR approach an advertising goal involving a set of specific and measurable tasks. four stages: 1. awareness 2. comprehension 3. conviction 4. action

video on demand (VOD)

Video clips of various entertainment activities, which include ads or are sponsored, are also available through the Internet.


Video display advertisements that play on an Internet site before the video requested appears.


a PR tactic whereby one particular medium is offered exclusive rights to a story

behavioral targeting

a basis for target marketing based on consumers' website surfing behaviors

testing bias

a bias that occurs in advertising effectiveness measures because respondents know they are being tested and thus alter their responses. major disadvantage is lack of realism

According to the basic model of communication, which of the following is an example of a channel?

a billboard besides an interstate highway

rich media

a broad range of interactive digital media that exhibit dynamic motion, taking advantage of enhanced sensory features such as video, audio, and animation. advanced technology

top-down approach

a budget system methods include the affordable method, arbitrary allocation, percentage of sales, competitive parity, return on investment (ROI)

Sum Company is working on their advertising budget. They are taking advice and applying it to their projections, realizing that money spent on advertising does not line up to sales in the same month or even quarter. This lag is called

a carryover effect

horizontal cooperative advertising

a cooperative advertising arrangement where advertising is sponsored in common by a group of retailers or other organizations providing products or services to a market

readers per copy

a cost comparison figure used for magazines that estimates audience size based on pass-along readership

daily inch rate

a cost figure used in periodicals based on an ad placed one inch deep and one column width


a customers perception of all benefits a product or service weighed against all the costs of acquiring and consuming it

economies of scale

a decline in costs with accumulated sales or production. in advertising, economies of scale often occur in media purchases as the relative costs of advertising time or space may decline as the size of the media budget increases

The Printable Principle Ad Agency advocates the importance of being straightforward and informative in terms of the message they are presenting and the audience they are targeting. When creating an ad, they use ________ to announce the reason a reader should be interested in the product or service.

a direct headline

sales promotion

a direct inducement that offers an extra value or incentive for the product to the sales force, distributors, or the ultimate consumer with the primary objective of creating an immediate sale

one-step approach

a direct-marketing strategy in which the medium is used directly to obtain an order (for example, television direct-response ads)

trade allowance

a discount offered to retailers or wholesalers to encourage them to stock, promote, or display a manufacturers product. most common trade promotion

cogitative dissonance

a feeling of psychological tension or post-purchase doubt that a consumer experiences after making a difficult purchase choice

product placement

a form of advertising and promotion in which products are placed in television shows and/or movies to gain exposure

issue advertising

a form of advocacy advertising in which the advertiser wishes to bring attention to what it considers to be an important issue

support advertising

a form of direct marketing in which the ad is designed to support other forms of advertising appearing in other media

aerial advertising

a form of outdoor advertising where messages appear in the sky in the form of banners pulled by airplanes, skywriting, and on blimps

native advertising

a form of paid media where the ad experience follows the natural form and function of the user experience in which it is placed. the advertiser attempts to gain attention by providing content in the context of the users experience

ethnographic research

a form of qualitative input that has become popular among advertising agencies, which involves observing consumers in their natural environment

inside card

a form of transit advertising where messages appear on cards or boards inside of vehicles such as buses, subways, trollys

freestanding inserts (FSIs)

a four-color multipage printed advertising booklet that contains consumer packaged goods coupons offers delivered with newspapers (usually in the Sunday paper). they can also be delivered in direct mail packages along w local retailer ads or can be cooperative booklets such as smart sources as well as books done by companies. the most popular method for delivering coupons, that accounts for 90%

facebook analytics

a free analytics tool provided by FB that allows users to measure the performance of their site. measures include page reviews, reach, etc. "allows users to understand and optimize your complete customer journey across mobile, web, bots, offline, and more"

reference group

a group whose presumed perspectives or values are being used by an individual as the basis for his or her judgements, opinions, and actions

RFM analysis

a marketing technique used to determine quantitatively which customers are the best ones by examining how recently a customer has purchased (recency), how often they purchase (frequency), and how much the customer spends (monetary)


a measure of the number of different audience members exposed at least once to a media vehicle in a given period of time

cost per order (CPO)

a measure used in direct marketing to determine the number of orders generated relative to the cost of running the advertisement


a media scheduling method that combines flighting and continuous scheduling


a media scheduling pattern in which periods of advertising are alternated with periods of no advertising


a media scheduling strategy where a continuous pattern of advertising is used over the time span of the advertising campaign

eye tracking

a method for following the movement of a person's eyes as he or she views an ad or commercial. Eye tracking is used for determining which portions or sections of an ad attract a viewer's attention and/or interest

consumer juries

a method of pretesting advertisements by using a panel of consumers who are representative of the target audience and provide ratings, rankings, and/or evaluations of advertisements

protestant ethic

a perspective of life that stresses hard work and individual effort and initiative and views the accumulation of material possessions as evidence of success

brand loyalty

a preference for a particular brand that results in its repeated purchase

self-liquidating premium

a premium that requires the consumer to pay some or all of the cost of the premium plus handling and mailing costs

A/B testing

a process that involves the testing of two versions of an ad or homepage to see which will be more effective prior to launch


a promotion that is a form of a sweepstake because it has a chance element or odds of winning associated with it. games usually involve game card devices that can be rubbed or opened to unveil a winning number or prize description

event marketing

a promotion where a company or brand is linked to an event or where a themed activity is developed for the purpose of creating experiences for consumers and promoting a product or service.


a promotion whereby consumers compete for prizes or money on the basis of skills or ability, and winners are determined by judging the entries or ascertaining which entry comes closest to some predetermined criteria

off invoice allowance

a promotional discount offered to retailers or wholesalers whereby a certain per-case amount or percentage is deducted from the invoice

price off deal

a promotional strategy in which the consumer receives a reduction in the regular price of the brand

Video News Release (VNR)

a publicity piece produced by publicists so that stations can air it as a news story

target CPM (TCPM)

a relative cost comparison that calculates CPMs based on the target audience as opposed to the overall audience

single source tracking methods

a research method designed to track the behaviors of consumers from the television set to the supermarket checkout counter

Trade-Orientated Sales Promotion

a sales promotion designed to motivate distributors and retailers to carry a product and make an extra effort to promote or "push" it to their customers. can be contests, dealer incentives, trade allowances, point of purchase displays, training programs, trade shows, cooperative advertising


a score indicating the # of people who remembered an ad/ its message

IMC or advertising campaign

a set of interrelated and coordinated marketing communications activities that center on a single theme or idea that appears in different media across a specified time period


a situation where a particular company or brand is perceived as unique or better than its competitors

waste coverage

a situation where the coverage of the media exceeds the target audience

A detailed assessment of the current marketing conditions facing the company, its product lines, or its individual brands is

a situational analysis

Public Relations (PR)

a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics

Inroads Enterprises understands the importance of building specific marketing programs and policies that reflect their corporate strategy. To guide how they will allocate their resources, they are creating

a strategic markleting plan

direct marketing

a system of marketing by which an organization communicates directly w customers to generate a response and or transaction

nonmeasured media

a term commonly used in the advertising industry to describe support media

mock magazine test

a test in which an ad is placed in an actual magazine and a similar methodology is employed. variety of portfolio testing

Flesch formula

a test used to assess the difficulty level of writing based on the number of syllables and sentences per 100 words. named after its developer; Rudolph Flesch

failure fees

a trade promotion arrangement whereby a marketer agrees to pay a penalty fee if a product stocked by a retailer does not meet agreed-upon sales levels

trade show

a type of exhibition or forum where manufacturers can display their products to current as well as prospective buyers


a variety of procedures whereby consumers are given some quantity of a product for no charge to induce trial methods: through mail, on-packaging sampling, event sampling(fastest growing and most pop ways)


a videotape of the storyboard along with an audio soundtrack

virtual and augmented reality

a view of the real-world environment supplemented by computer-generated sensory input

marketing plan

a written doc that describes the overall marketing strategy and programs developed for am org, particular line or brand


a written version of a commercial that provides a detailed description of its video and audio content


ad effectiveness measures that are taken after the ad has appeared in the marketplace

Positioning by Product Class

advertising a product from outside the product class

percentage of sales method

advertising and promotions budget is based on sales of the product

corporate advertising

advertising designed to promote overall awareness of a company or enhance its image among a target audience

professional advertising

advertising directed at those in professions such as medicine, law, dentist, or architecture who are in a position to recommend the use of a particular product or service to their clients

national advertising

advertising done nationwide. goal= inform or remind consumers of the company/brand and its features, benefits, advantages, or uses to reinforce its image

tracking studies

advertising effectiveness measures designed to assess the effects of advertising on awareness, recall, interest, and attitudes toward the ad as well as purchase intentions


advertising effectiveness measures that are taken before the implementation of the advertising campaign

cooperative advertising

advertising programs by which a manufacturer pays a certain percentage of the expenses a retailer or distributor incurs for advertising the manufacturers product in a local market area. trade oriented promotion

ingredient-sponsored cooperative advertising

advertising supported by raw material manufacturers with the objective being to help establish end products that include materials and/or ingredients supplied by the company

B2B advertising

advertising targeted at individuals who buy or influence the purchase of industrial goods or services for their companies

transit advertising

advertising targeted to target audiences exposed to commercial transportation facilities, including buses, taxis, trains, elevators, trolleys, airplanes, and subways

trade advertising

advertising targeted to wholesalers, distributers, and retailers

comprehension and reaction tests

advertising testing to ensure receivers comprehend the message and to gauge their reaction to the same

image advertising

advertising that creates an identity for a product or service by emphasizing psychological meaning or symbolic association with certain values, lifestyles, and the like


also known as a weblog, which is a web-based publication considering primarily of periodic articles written and provided in reverse chronological order. blogs may reflect the writings of an individual, community political org, or corporation

Joy continues her decision-making process for updating her 1980s kitchen. She is now comparing the warranties and services available for various brands. What stage of the decision-making process has Joy has entered?

alternative evaluation

event sponsorship

an IMC activity where a company develops actual sponsorship relations with a particular event and provides financial support in return for the right to display a brand name, logo, or advertising message and be identified as a supporter of the event

teaser advertising (mystery ads)

an ad designed to create curiosity and build excitement and interest in a product or brand without showing it

banner ads

an ad on a web page that may be "hot linked" to the advertisers site


an advertisement that appears in a window on your computer screen while you are waiting for a web page to load

recognition method

an advertising effectiveness measure of print ads that allows the advertiser to assess the impact of an ad in a single issue of a magazine over time and/or across alternative magazines

theater testing

an advertising effectiveness pretest in which consumers view ads in a theater setting and evaluate these ads on a variety of dimensions. this was one of the most popular methods for pretesting finished commercials

Google Analytics

an analytical tool offered to google users to assist advertisers in measuring your advertising ROI as well as tracking your flash, video, and social networking apps. "tracks and reports website traffic currently as a platform inside the google marketing platform"

pass-along rate

an estimate of the number of readers of a magazine in addition to the original subscriber or purchaser

Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)

an estimate of the total lifetime profit that can be generated from a specific customer

In her remodeling project, Joy has reached the alternative evaluation stage, bringing her choices for a double-stack oven down to three brands. She is looking at the amount of time it has taken her to compare features, realizing that she now has a manageable number of options, called

an evoked set

category development index

an index that is calculated by the % of product categorys total sales that occur in a given market area as compared to the % of the total population in the market % of product cat total sales/ % of total pop in market x 100

survey of buying power index

an index that provides information regarding population, effective buying income, and total retail sales in an area

Refunds or rebates

an offer by a manufacturer to return a portion of a products purchase price, usually after consumer supplies a proof or purchase


an offer of an item of merchandise or service either free or at a low price that is an extra incentive for purchasers. a FREE PREMIUM is a small gift/ merchandise included in the product package

marginal analysis

analysis that involves comparing marginal benefits and marginal costs

Big Ticket Sales is working with Success Advertising to create the message that the Big Ticket Brand meets consumer needs better than their competition does, then listing the reasons why and providing facts and education about their brand. Big Ticket Brand is asking the ad to be

and info/rational appeal


animated scenes are drawn by artists or created on the computer, and cartoons, puppets, other types of fictional characters are used.


any paid form of non personal communication about an organization, product, service, or idea by an identified sponsor

portfolio testing

are laboratory methodology designed to expose a group of respondents to a portfolio consisting of both control and test ads. highest recall is the most effective

market opportunities

areas where there are favorable demand trends, where the company believes customer needs and opportunities are not being satisfied, and where it can compete effectively

internal analysis

assesses relevant areas involving the product/service offering and the firm itself

classical conditioning

assumes that learning is an associative process with an already existing relationship between a stimulus and a response

salient attributes

attributes considered important to consumers in the purchase decision process


based on age, geographics, religious, racial, and ethnic differences

salient beliefs

beliefs concerning specific attributes or consequences that are activated and form the basis of an attitude

Determining a target market's present level of awareness and knowledge of, and liking for, a product often requires ________ measures.

benchmark measures

what is the main portion of a text in print ad called

body copy


can be the basis for the advertising execution. offers a direct way to communicate a brands particular advantage over its competitors or positioning a new/ lesser-known brand w industry leaders


catchy songs about a product or service that usually carry the advertising theme and a simple message

paid media

channels a marketer pays to leverage and includes traditonal advertising meadi; tv, radio, print, direct mail, outdoor as well as digital ads

inherent drama

characteristic of the product that makes the consumer purchase it

When Mariah Carey paired her new perfume with the looks and sweetness of lollipops, it was an application of the principles of

classical conditioning

When consumers see the patented Blueberry color on the sole of a shoe, they associate the color with premium quality and refinement. Using the Blueberry color as a stimulus to cause a consumer response is an example of

classical conditioning

Sean purchased his four-door sedan with good gas mileage. But he is having second thoughts about the purchase because his friend Sam really wanted him to buy a pick-up truck. The dealership recently sent a follow-up letter to Sean reinforcing the wisdom of his fuel-efficient purchase. The dealership is trying to address Sean's

cognitive dissonance


combining different execution techniques to present an advertising message

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between marketing and communications objectives

communiations objectives are derived from makreting onjectives

positioning by use or application

communicate a specific image or position for a brand is to associate it with a specific use or application. ex= baking soda shows use for cleaning, laundry and baking


communications effects are the logical basis for advertising goals and objectives against which success or failure should be measured


communications regarding an organization, product, service, or idea that are not directly paid for or run under identified sponsorship

Abound Industries has selected an advertising method to stimulate short-term sales by offering customers samples and same-day coupons for immediate discount at point of purchase. This method is known as

comnsumer-oriented sales promo

standard learning model

consists of a learn --> feel --> do sequence

GSI Industries' new marketing VP is working with the team to identify the best way to influence purchase behavior. He has led the team through a brainstorming session on how consumers make purchase decisions to satisfy needs and desires. The list includes brand comparison, research, and evaluations from other consumers. These activities define

consumer behavior

personality symbol execution style

creates a central character or personality symbol that can deliver the advertising message w which the company/brand can be identified

selective demand advertising

creates demand for a specific company's brands

A(n) ________ refers to the manner in which an advertising idea is turned into a message and presented to consumers.

creative executional style

one of the primary advantages in the use of publicity is its


alpha activity

degree of brain activation

Money Backed Enterprises has hired Productivity Marketing to analyze their market potential by segmenting the consumers of their products on the basis of family size, education, and income. This approach is called

demographic segmentation

Which of the following is an advertising execution approach designed to illustrate key advantages of a product by showing it in actual use?


buzz marketing

describes WOM communications ab a company, its products, services, and brands as well as the advertising messages

inquiry tests

designed to measure advertising effectiveness on the basis of inquiries or responses generated from the ad such as requests for info, # of phone calls, # of coupons redeemed

recall tests

designed to measure advertising recall


designed to measure dilation and constriction of the pupils of the eyes in response to stimuli

primary demand advertising

designed to stimulate demand for the general product class or entire industry

motivation research

determine consumers purchase motivations. methods= in-depth interviews, projective techniques, association tests, focus groups

creative strategy

determines what the advertising message will say or communicate

major selling idea

determining the central theme of the ads campaign

unique selling proposition (USP)

developed by rosser reeves, and there are 3 characteristics: 1. each ad must make a proposition to the consumer. must say "buy this product, receive this benefit" 2. the proposition must be one that the competition either cannot or does not offer 3. the proposition must be strong enough to move the mass millions (pull new customers)

According to the marketing and promotions process model, the marketing process begins with the

development of a marketing strategy

account-specific marketing (comarketing)

development of customized promotional programs for individual retail accounts by marketers

Reflective Enterprises is working with Productivity Marketing to create separate strategies for several of their consumer segments. This approach is called

differentiated marketing

Full of Fun Industries has been reviewing their advertising spending on traditional media such as television, radio, and print. The noticed that their competitors across the country are spending less on traditional advertising and more on ________, which includes online search, display and video ads, and advertising on social media.

digital advertising

Creative Boutique has decided to change their inventory strategy. They are closing their storefronts to rely instead on their supply chain network of manufacturers to ship goods directly to Creative Boutique's customers. Creative Boutique will now use ________ as their primary medium for reaching consumers.

direct response ad


direct selling of goods and services through the internet

When Blueberry Designs decided to patent their blueberry-color soles, they created a recognizable symbol of their brand. This communication process of creating a message to be received and understood by the consumer is called


Retail/Local Advertising

encourages consumers to shop at a specific store, use a local service, and patronize a particular establishment

earned media

exposure for a company or brand that it did not have to pay for and is generated by outside entities such as the media or the general public


factors that compel a consumer to take a particular action

press release

factual and interesting information released to the press

in the communication process ___ is the part of a recievers response that is communicated back to the sender


slotting allowance (stocking allowance, introductory allowance or street money)

fees that must be paid to retailers to provide a "slot" or position to accommodate a new product on the store shelves

The experiences, perceptions, attitudes, and values a consumer brings to a communication situation are referred to as his or her

field of experience

problem detection

finding ideas around which creative strategies could be based

External Analysis

focuses on factors such as characteristics of the firm's customers, market segments, positioning strategies, and competitors

social media

forms of electronic communication (web sites) through which users create online communities to share ideas, information, personal messages, and other content. online means of communication and interactions among people that are used to create, share, and exchange content like info, insights, experiences, perspectives, and even media themselves

external search

gathering of information from sources external to the consumer such as the internet, friends, relatives, marketer-controlled sources, public sources (magazines, newspapers) and personal experiance


general category of available delivery systems, including broadcast media, print media, marketing, outdoor advertising, and other support media

Brown's Frozen BBQ Sandwiches are made with goat meat drenched in a sweet onion sauce. These sandwiches would not be popular in Texas, where people prefer beef, or in Miami, where a mustard-based sauce is preferred. Based on the company's desire to target specific regions, which segmentation approach would be best?


Strategic Marketing Plan

guide the allocation of its resources

The primary goal of an integrated marketing communications program is to

have a company's entire marketing and promotional activities project a consistent, unified image to its customers.

Many advertising experts consider the most important part of a print ad to be the


indirect headline

headlines that are not straightforward about identifying a product or service or getting to the point

Success Advertising realizes that consumer move from being unaware of a brand to learning about a number of brands, then methodically reducing the number through familiarity and evaluation before choosing to purchase. What foundational model is basis for the classic purchase funnel metaphor?

hierarchy of effects model

undifferentiated marketing

ignoring segment differences and offering just one product or service to the entire market

A brand's market position refers to its:

image in the mind of the customers.

cause-related marketing

image-related advertising in which companies link with charities or nonprofit organizations as contributing sponsors. an increasingly popular method of image building

The process of combining mass-media advertisements with other promotional elements such as direct marketing, public relations, and sales promotion is known as


internal audience

individuals or groups within an organization w a close connection to it. (employees, stockholders, investors, members of local community, suppliers, current customers)


influence consumer learning and behavior, the reinforcement of successive acts that lead to a desired behavior pattern or response

situational determinants

influences originating from the specific situation in which consumers are to use the product or brand directly affects their perceptions, preferences, and purchasing behaviors. three types: specific usage, purchase situation, communication situation

digital/ internet marketing

interactive media social media mobile marketing


involves putting thoughts, ideas, or info into a symbolic form (sender)

native advertising

is a type of paid placement designed to fit seamlessly into the content that surrounds it

advocacy advertising

is concerned w the propagation of ideas and elucidation of social issues of public importance in a manner that supports the position and interest of the sponsor

Subway Restaurant's catchy "Five-dollar foot-long" song, or ________, has been an integral part of one of the most effective promotional campaigns ever developed in the fast-food industry.


Mango Services wants to know how much copy will be written for next Sunday's ad. The Printable Principle Ad Agency has responded that once the ________ is complete, they will know how much space they have to work with and how much copy will be written.


Which of the following is a basic component of a print advertisement?



looking for a term, company, and so forth on the internet

Sum Company is reviewing their media-mix options to reach their target audience for cost effectiveness. They have created a series of goals for sales, market share, and profitability. Sum Company is writin

marketing objectives

geographic segmentation

markets are divided into different geographic units

Prior to the development of integrated marketing communications, which promotional function dominated in most companies?

mass media advertising

Electroencephalogram (EEG) measures (brain waves)

measures of the electrical impulses in the bran that are sometimes used as a measure of reactions to advertising

recency planning

media planning that attempts to reach the consumer in the period of time just before their purchase decision

success advertising continues to be a leader in creating IMC campaigns due to their ability to create an image or impression that is appropriate for the channel of comm. that image of impression is also known as



messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network.

behavioristic segmentation

method of segmenting consumers based on their usage, loyalties, or buying responses to a product

carryover effect

money spent on advertising does not necessarily have an immediate impact on sales


moral principles and values that govern the actions and decisions of an individual group

Stylo, a perfume manufacturing company, spends about $1,000,000 annually on advertising. The company seeks to remind its customers in the United States about the brand and its features, benefits, and uses. It primarily strives to reinforce its image and initiate product purchase. In the context of the types of advertising to consumer markets, Stylo is using

national advertising

arbitrary allocation

no theoretical basis is considered and the budgetary amount is often set by flat

mass media

nonpersonal channels where the message is directed to more than 1 person

bonus pack

offers the consumer an extra amount of a product at the regular price by providing consumers with extra quantity of merchandise at no extra charge over the reg price.

Over the last decade, Reflective Enterprises has evolved their marketing and distribution channels from retail stores only by adding both mobile apps and online catalogs. In addition, they strategically use these methods to influence a customer's shopping experience, including research before a purchase and service after a sale. This direct-marketing approach is called

omnichannel retailing

transformational ad

one which associates the experience of using (consuming) the advertised brand with a unique set of psychological characteristics which would not typically be associated with the brand experience to the same degree without exposure to the advertisement


online games designed to promote a product and/or brand

social media management

online means of communication and interactions among people that are used to create, share, and exchange such content like info, insights, experiences, perspectives, and media themselves

Terry, a salesperson for Big Ticket Sales, creates a tailored presentation to share with a consumer and solicit feedback. What type of communication channel is he using?


Colonel Sanders in KFC's ads is an example of advertising that uses a ________ in its execution technique

personality symbol

media strategies

plans of action for achieving stated media objectives such as which media will be used for reaching a target audience, how the media budget will be allocated, and how advertisements will be scheduled

Pop-ups and Pop-unders

pop ups: advertisement window on the internet usually larger than a banner ad but smaller than a full screen pop under: ad that pops up as the user is leaving the website

A firm with multiple brands competing in the same market differentiates its products through


Positioning by Product User

positioning a product by associating it with a particular user or group of users

Henry's Supermarkets have been very effective in positioning themselves as stores that offer superior products at a discounted rate. Henry's strategy reflects positioning based on


Munroe Dairy, Inc., a manufacturer of dairy products, has come up with new global ads that promote the benefits of drinking milk as well as demonstrate the various uses of milk. This is an example of

primary-demand advertising

Appeal Automobiles introduced a new car into the market. In an attempt to attract new buyers, the company stressed that the new car has side-door air bags. Its focus on safety illustrates a strategy of positioning by

product attributes and benefits

Pluto Inc., a fruit juice manufacturer, launches an ad that contains the slogan "Try our fruit juices and get the freshness of real fruit" to position itself against the category. In this scenario, Pluto Inc. is positioning its juices based on

product class

Creating a promotional program for footwear that can go from bicycling to the office to all-day wear demonstrates the strategy of positioning by

product user

X-Ray Industries is coming out with a new model of x-ray machine that will reduce radiation exposure. What type of advertising will help them reach their audience?

professional advertising

loyalty programs (continuity or frequency programs)

program designed to encourage repeat purchase or patronage of a specific brand of a product or service. one of the fastest growing areas of alses promotion

S-shaped response curve

projects an S-shaped response function to the budget outlay


promotion where winners are determined purely by chance; it cannot require a proof of purchase as a condition of entry

AIDA model

represents the stages a sales person must take a customer through the selling process

focus group

research method whereby consumers (usually 10- 12 people) from the target market are led through a discussion regarding a particular topic

conditioned response

resembling the original unconditioned reaction

A to Z, a supermarket in New Jersey, placed a weekly advertisement in the local newspapers. The advertisement stated that A to Z would sell all vegetables at a flat rate of $5 from Monday to Wednesday between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. at select locations in the state. A to Z most likely used

retail advertising

nonfranchise-building (non-FB) promotions

sales promotion activities that are designed to accelerate the purchase decision process and generate an immediate increase in sales but do little or nothing to communicate information about a brand and contribute to its identity and image

consumer franchise-building (CFB) promotions

sales promotion activities that communicate distinctive brand attributes and contribute to the development and reinforcement of brand identity

Direct-response advertisers generally set objectives and measure success in terms of

sales response generated by an ad

demographic segmentation

segmenting markets by age, gender, income, ethnic background, and family life cycle


selling products and services by using the telephone to contact prospective customers

QR codes

short for quick response codes. it is an optically machine-readable label attached to an item or advertisement that records information, which can be revealed to the viewer through an imaging device, which translates the code into content

campaign theme

should be a strong idea, as it is the central message that will be communicated in all the advertising and other promotional activities

hierarchy of effects model

shows the stages a consumer goes through in transitioning from being unaware of a brand, to learning about it, forming favorable attitudes/ feelings towards it, leading to purchasing the brand

innovation adoption model

shows the stages a consumer passes through in the process of adopting a new product

Some television ads for medical treatments that offer a problem-solution approach are often not able to use actual patients. Marketers creating these ads seek professional actors to play a role to achieve a high-quality commercial. This is known as

slice of life

competitive advantage

something special a firm does or has that gives it an edge over competitors

media vehicle

specific carrier within a medium category

product- or service- specific preplanning input

specific studies conducted on the product or service, the target audience, or a combination of the two

Marketing Objectives

statements of what is to be accomplished by the overall marketing program within a given time period

Advertising Innovation is recommending that their client, Inroad Enterprises, market to three different groups of people. By identifying the specific needs of each group, they can create an individualized promotional effort. This is called

target marketing


television commercial that is very long, ranging from several minuets to an hour. infomercials are designed to provide consumers w detailed info ab a product/ service

When a person speaks on behalf of a product or service based on his or her personal use of and experiences with it, a(n) ________ execution is being used.


on-air testing

testing the effectiveness of television commercials by inserting test ads into actual TV programs in certain test markets

field tests

tests of the ad or commercial under natural viewing situations, complete with the realism of noise, distractions, and the comforts of home

subliminal perception

the ability to perceive a stimulus that is below the level of conscious awareness

product integration

the act of integrating the product into television program content

viral marketing

the act of propagating marketing relevant messages through the help and cooperation of individual consumers


the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large

absolute cost

the actual total cost of placing an ad in a particular media vehicle


the ad consists of primarily visual elements

promotional products marketing

the advertising or promotional medium or method that uses promotional products, such as ad specialties, premiums, business gifts, awards, prizes, or commemoratives


the art and science of fitting the product or service to one or more segments of the broad market in such a way as to set it meaningfully apart from competition

press conference

the calling together of the press to announce significant news and/or events

branded entertainment

the combined use of audio-visual program and a brand to market a product or service. the purpose of a branded entertainment program is to entertain, while at the same time provide the opportunity for brands or products to be promoted

mailing list

the data base from which names are generated, and the ability to segment markets and ofc the offer

contribution margin

the difference between the total revenue generated by a brand and its total variable costs

evaluative criteria

the dimensions consumers use to compare competing product or services alternatives

direct selling

the direct, personal presentation, demonstration, and sales of products and services to consumers in their homes or at their jobs

concave-downward function model

the effects of advertising quickly begin to diminish

online commercials

the equivalent of traditional television commercials that appear on the net


the extent to which an ad contains elements that are novel, different, or unusual. originality flexability elavboration synthesis artistic value

affordable method

the firm determines the amount to be spent in various areas such as production and operations

problem recognition

the first stage in the consumer decision making process which occurs when the consumer perceives a need and becomes motivated to solve the problem

benefit segmentation

the grouping of consumers on the basis of the attributes they sought in a products


the idea that advertising will have the most effect on someone who is in the market for the product and that planners should attempt to reach that consumer as close as possible to their purchase decision


the immediate and direct response of the sensory organs to stimuli

operant conditioning

the individual must actively act on some aspect of the environment for learning to occur

internal search

the initial search effort often consists of an attempt to scan information stored in memory to recall past experiences and/or knowledge regarding various purchase alternatives

Public Relations

the management function which evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of an individual or organization with the public interest, and executes a program of action (and communication) to earn public understanding and acceptance stages: 1. determine and evaluate public attitudes 2. identification of policies and procedures of an org w a public interest 3. development and execution of a communications program deigned to bring about public understanding and acceptance


the message is delivered or action on the screen is narrated or described by an announcer who is not visible


the method through which communication travels from the source to the receiver (in middle of sender and receiver)

Straight-sell or factual message

the most basic types of creative execution. relies on a straightforward presentation of info concerning the product or service


the most broad external factor. the complexity of learned meanings, values, norms, and customs shared by members of a scoiety

unduplicated reach

the number of persons reached once with a media exposure


the number of times a target audience is exposed to a media vehicle in a specified period

average frequency

the number of times the average household reached by a media schedule is exposed to a media vehicle over a specified period


the passing of information, the exchange of ideas, or the process of establishing a commonness or oneness of thought between sender and receiver


the person whom senders shares thoughts or info


the physical arrangement of the various parts of the ad, including headline, body copy, illustrations, etc

marketing channels

the place element of the marketing mix, are "sets of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption

consumer behavior

the process and activities people engage in when searching for, selecting, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services so as to satisfy their needs and desires


the process by which an individual recieves, selects, organizes, and interprets info to create a meaningful picture of the world

Target Marketing

the process of identifying markets w unfilled needs, segmenting the market, targeting specific segments, and positioning ones product or service through marketing strategies

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

the process of improving ranking in search engine results. iprove traffic on ones site by search engine by unpaid (organic) results

account planning

the process that involves conducting research and gathering all relevant info about a clients product or service, brand, and consumers in the target audience

relative cost

the relationship between the price paid for advertising time or space and the size of the audience delivered. used to compare the prices of various media vehicles

social class

the relatively homogeneous divisions in a society into which people sharing similar lifestyles, values, norms, interests, and behavior can be grouped


the reward of favorable consequences associated w a particular response. is an important element of instrumental conditioning


the sender of a communication that has info to share

media objectives

the specific goals an advertiser has for the media portion of the advertising program

content sponsorships

the sponsor not only provides dollars in return for name association on the internet but also participates in the provision of content itself

halo effect

the tendency for evaluations of one attribute or aspect of a stimulus to distort reactions to its other attributes or properties

cognitive response

the thoughts that occur to them while reading, viewing, and/or hearing a communication

digital PR

the use of digitasl and social tech to manage an orgs PR functions

out-of-home advertising

the variety of advertising forms including outdoor, transit, skywriting, and other media viewed outside the home

creative execution style

the way a particular appeal is turned into an advertising message presented to the consumer

support media

those media used to support or reinforce messages sent to target markets through other more "dominant" and/or more traditional media

external audience

those who are not closely connected w an org (public at large)

________ advertising is targeted at marketing channel members such as wholesalers, distributors, and retailers in order to encourage them to stock more of a particular brand.



transforming the sender's message back into thought


type of services accessed through a portable communications device. disadvantages: creative challenges; small screens limit advertisers time; less time to get attention and limited messaging capabilities sharing; not sharing.... irritation; more and more ads will be sent to phones and the consumer could get annoyed w the amount

According to the market coverage alternatives, ________ involves ignoring segment differences and offering just one product or service for the entire market.

undifferetiated marketing

What term refers to something that the competition either cannot or does not offer?

unique selling proposition


unplanned distortion or interference


unsolicited commercial email

Saturn Inc., a fruit juice manufacturer, came up with an advertising campaign based around the slogan "It's a wholesome meal." The ad speaks about the nutritious content of the fruit juice and how it can assist in losing weight. With respect to the positioning strategies, this is an example of positioning by

use or application

initially, Flash Parcel Service (FPS) built its advertising campaign around the slogan "Our business quality speaks the language of speed." Back then, the company was trying to make the customers aware of the speed with which it delivers the service. Later, FPS modified its slogan and designed new ads to make customers aware of the different aspects of its delivery such as reliability, cost-efficiency, and punctuality. By moving away from promoting itself as simply a parcel delivery company, FPS has

used a repositioning strategy

new media

used to describe the proliferation of media resulting from the advent of web 2.0

concentrated marketing

used when the firm selects one segment and attempts to capture a large share of this market

According to Young's model of the creative process, which stage is defined as studying the idea to see if it still looks good then shaping the idea to practical usefulness?


multiattribute attitude model

views an attitude object, such as a product or brand, as possessing a number of attributes that provide the basis on which consumers form their attitudes

Humor (advertising method)

well suited for TV or radio.

product symbolism

what a product or brand means to consumers and what they experience in purchasing and using it

communication objectives

what the firm seeks to accomplish with its promotional program

sponsorships (TV)

when the advertiser assumes responsibility for the production and usually the content of a TV program as well as the advertising tHAT APPEARS W IT

slice of life

widely used advertising format, for consumer products and services, based on a problem-solution approach

disadvantages of PR

-Potential for incomplete communication process -Lack of connection between receiver and sender -Lack of coordination with marketing unit -Erratic, redundant communications

developing the media plan

1. Market analysis 2. Establishment of media objectives 3. Media strategy development and implementation 4. Evaluation and follow-up

80-20 rule

20% of buyers account for 80% of sales volume

cost per ratings point (CPRP)

A computation used by media buyers to compare the cost-efficiency of broadcast programs that divides the cost of commercial time on a program by the audience rating. cost of commercial time/ program rating

cost per thousand (CPM)

A computation used in evaluating the relative cost of various media vehicles that represents the cost of exposing 1,000 members of a target audience to an advertising message. cost of ad space (absolute cost)/ circulation x 1000

vertical cooperative advertising

A cooperative arrangement under which a manufacturer pays for a portion of the advertising a retailer runs to promote the manufacturer's product and its availability in the retailer's place of business.

two-step approach

A direct-marketing strategy in which the first effort is designed to screen or qualify potential buyers, while the second effort has the responsibility of generating the response.

creative brief

A document that specifies the key elements of the creative strategy for an advertising campaign and serves the basis for communication between the client and the advertising agency

direct response advertising

A form of advertising for a product or service that elicits a sales response directly from the advertiser.

indirect channel

A marketing channel where intermediaries such as wholesalers and retailers are utilized to make a product available to the customer.

effective reach

A measure of the percentage of a media vehicle's audience reached at each effective frequency increment.

electrodermal response (EDR) (galvanic skin response)

A measure of the resistance the skin offers to a small amount of current passed between two electrodes. Used as a measure of consumers' reaction level to an advertisement.

Gross Rating Points (GRPs)

A measure that represents the total delivery or weight of a media schedule during a specified time period. GRPs are calculated by multiplying the reach of the media schedule by the average frequency. reach x frequency


A medium using the Internet to distribute files for downloading into iPods and other MP3 players.


A planning configuration of products that occupy a shelf section in a store that is used to provide more efficient shelf space utilization.

index number

A ratio used to describe the potential of a market. The index number is derived by dividing the percentage of users in a market segment by the percentage of population in the same segment and multiplying by 100.


A sequence of drawings used to present the visual plan or layout of a proposed commercial

media planning

A series of decisions involved in delivering the promotional message to the prospective purchasers and/ or users of the product or brand

sales promotion trap

A spiral that results when a number of competitors extensively use promotions. One firm uses sales promotions to differentiate its product or service and other competitors copy the strategy, resulting in no differential advantage and a loss of profit margins to all.

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)

A strategic business process used to develop, execute, and evaluate coordinated, measurable, persuasive brand communications programs over time with consumers, customers, prospects, employees, associates, and other targeted relevant external and internal audiences. The goal is to both generate short-term financial returns and build long-term brand and shareholder value.

promotional pull strategy

A strategy in which advertising and promotion efforts are targeted at the ultimate consumers to encourage them to purchase the manufacturer's brand.

promotional push strategy

A strategy in which advertising and promotional efforts are targeted to the trade to attempt to get them to promote and sell the product to the ultimate consumer.

direct marketing

A system of marketing by which an organization communicates directly with customers to generate a response and/or transaction.

alternative media

A term commonly used in advertising to describe support media

below-the-line media

A term used to refer to support media whose costs are not assigned directly to advertising and/or promotional budgets.

event sponsorship

A type of promotion where a company develops sponsorship relations with a particular event such as a concert, sporting event or service.

interactive media

A variety of media that allows the consumer to interact with the source of the message, actively receiving information and altering images, responding to questions, and so on.

Productivity Advertising is working with Inroad Enterprises to train a new team of salespeople on the steps to guide a customer through the buying process. They are teaching the stages of attention, interest, desire, and action. This is known as the

AIDA model

advertising creativity

Ability to generate fresh, unique, and appropriate or relevant ideas that can be used as solutions to communication problems

pay-per click

Advertisement payment method in which advertisers' costs are based on the number of times the ad is clicked on during a search.

scientific/technical evidence

Advertisers cite technical/scientific information to support their advertising claims

in-store media

Advertising and promotional media that are used inside of a retail store such as point-of-purchase displays, ads on shopping carts, coupon dispensers, and display boards.

ROI budgeting method

Advertising and promotions are considered investments, and are expected to earn a certain return

shock advertising

Advertising in which marketers use nudity, sexual suggestiveness, or other startling images to get consumers' attention.


Altering a product's or brand's position due to: Declining or stagnant sales

split run test

An advertising effectiveness measure in which different versions of an ad are run in alternate copies of the same newspaper and/or magazine.

specialty advertising

An advertising, sales promotion, and motivational communications medium that employs useful articles of merchandise imprinted with an advertiser's name, message, or logo.

Brand Development Index (BDI)

An index that is calculated by taking the percentage of a brands total sales that occur in a given market area as compared to the percentage of the total population in the market. % of brand total sales/% total population in market x100

mobile billboard

An out-of-home medium in which advertisements are able to be transported to different locations (signs painted on automobiles, trailers pulling billboards, and the like).

reminder advertising

Builds brand awareness and/or helps keep the brand name in front of consumers

push money (spiffs)

Cash payments made directly to the retailers' or wholesalers' sales force to encourage them to promote and sell a manufacturer's product.

owned media

Channels of marketing communication that a company controls, such as its websites, blogs, and mobile apps as well as social media channels.

brand identity

Combination of name, logo, symbols, design, packaging, and image of associations held by consumers

benchmark measures

Determine target market's present position regarding the various response stages

creative tactics

Determining how the message strategy will be executed


Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Market Segmentation

Dividing a market into distinct groups that have common needs, will respond similarly to a marketing action

Station, platform, and terminal posters

Floor displays, island showcases, electronic signs, and other forms of advertising that appear in transit facilities, like subways stations and airline terminals

positioning by competitor

Focus on comparing the product to a specific competitor in the market.

information/rational appeals

Focus on the consumer's practical, functional, or utilitarian need for the product or service and emphasize features of a product or service and or the benefits or reasons for owning or using a particular brand


Focuses on telling a short story with the product or service as the star

Which of the following statements is true about effective communication?

For effective communication, marketers must understand the meanings that consumers attach to words and symbols.

According to the American Association of Advertising Agencies, ________ is a concept of marketing communications planning that recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic role of a variety of communication disciplines and combines them to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum impact.



Identifying and choosing the initial group of consumers who will be used to start spreading the message


Illustrates the key advantages of the product by showing its actual use or in some staged situation. Effective in convincing consumers of a product's utility, quality, and benefits

general preplanning input

Include books, periodicals, trade publications, websites, scholarly journals, pictures, and clipping services, which gather and organize magazine, newspaper and online articles on the product, the market, and the competition, including competitors ads

nonorganic (paid) search results

Internet search results that are impacted by advertisements paid for by marketers

Which of the following features of direct-response advertising differentiates it from other forms of advertising?

It provides for immediate feedback from the message recipient.

positioning by cultural symbols

Makes the brand easily identifiable and differentiated from others


Media combining the use of advertising and entertainment (for example, in-game advertising, advergaming).

direct response media

Media used to seek a direct response from the consumer, including direct mail, television, print, digital, and other media.

nontraditional media

Newer media, including various forms of support media such as entertainment marketing, guerrilla marketing, product placements, and the like, as well as Internet and interactive media, such as blogs, podcasts, and more.


Nonpersonal communications regarding an organization, product, service, or idea not directly paid for or run under identified sponsorship

social networking sites

Online platforms for networks or social relations among people who share interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections.

outside posters

Outdoor transit posters appearing on buses, taxis, trains, subways, and trolley cars.

Marketing Public Relations (MPR)

PR activities designed to support marketing objectives and programs. adds value by: Building marketplace excitement before media advertising breaks, improves ROI, creates advertising news where there is no product news, introducing a product w little or no advertising, providing a value added customer service, building brand-to-consumer bonds, influencing the influential, and defending products at risk and gives consumers a reason to buy

laboratory tests

People are brought to a particular location where they are shown ads and/or commercials

personal selling

Person-to-person communication in which the seller attempts to assist and/or persuade prospective buyers to purchase the company's product or service or to act on an idea.

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