Acts 1-12

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(Acts 7) How did Stephen begin his speech?

"Brothers and fathers, listen to me!"

(Acts 10) What did the voice say in Peter's trance in reference to the large sheet containing all the animals?

"Get up Peter. Kill and eat."

(Acts 10) How many men were sent from Cornelius?


(Acts 10) How many times did the discourse go back and forth with the angel's request and Peter's response?


(Acts 10) How many days did it take for Peter to meet up with cornelius?

3 days

(Acts 5) How much time passed between Ananias' death and when Sapphira came in?

3 hours

(Acts 10) About what time did an angel of the Lord appear to Cornelius?

3 in the afternoon

(Acts 7) How long was Moses with his original family as a baby?

3 months

(Acts 2) How many new believers were there?


(Acts 7) How many years were Abraham's descendents going to be enslaved and mistreated?


(Acts 5) How many people followed Theudas a while ago according to Gamaliel?

400 men

(Acts 11) How many believers from Joppa went with Peter to Cornelius' house?


(Acts 6) How many were chosen to deal with the widows?


(Acts 3) At what hour did Peter and John go to the temple?


(Acts 9) Who did Peter find in Lydda and what was wrong with him?

Aeneas who was paralyzed and bedridden for 8 years

(Acts 11) Who was the prophet that predicted a severe famine in the Roman world?


(Acts 5) What did the angel tell the apostles to proclaim?

All about this new life

(Acts 7) Name the chapter and book of the quote, "Did you bring me sacrifices and offerings forty years in the wilderness, people of Israel? You have taken up the tabernacle of Molek and the star of your god Rephan, the idols you made to worship. Therefore I will send you into exile' beyond Babylon."

Amos 5 (:25-27)

(Acts 5) Who opened the jail door and when?

An angel of the Lord during the night

(Acts 5) What were the names of the couple who also sold property?

Ananias and Sapphira

(Acts) What are the main events in Acts 5?

Ananias and Sapphira, The Apostles Heal Many, The Apostles Persecuted

(Acts 8) Where did Philip get miraculously transported to right after the baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch?


(Acts 11) Who did they send to Anthioch when the leaders in Jerusalem heard of the good news being proclaimed their?


(Acts 9) Who brought Saul to the apostiles originally?


(Acts 1) Who were the two candidates, and who was chosen?

Barsabbas (Justus), and Matthias who was chosen

(Acts 3) What was the name of the temple gate the lame man was near?

Beautiful Gate

(Acts 12) Describe the guard detail for Peter while he was in Herod's prison awaiting trial.

Between two soldiers, bound by two chains, with sentries at the entrance

(Acts 12) Who was the personal servant of king Herod that Tyre and Sidon secured the favor of?


(Acts 12) Where did Herod go to when he was quarelling with Tyre and Sidon?


(Acts 11) Who was reigning when Agabus prophesized the famine in the Roman world?


(Acts 10) What was the name of the centurion at Caesarea?


(Acts) What are the main events in Acts 10?

Cornelius Calls for Peter, Peter's Vision, Peter at Cornelius's House

(Acts 9) Where was Saul headed to persecute the church?


(Acts 3) Name the book and chapter of the quote, 'The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own people; you must listen to everything he tells you. Anyone who does not listen to him will be completely cut off from their people.'

Deut. 18

(Acts 2) How did the new believers act afterward?

Devoted to fellowship and teaching, sold everything and lived in commune

(Acts 1) What was the command Jesus gave regarding the gift Jesus' Father promised?

Do not leave Jerusalem

(Acts 1) What does Akeldama mean?

Field of blood

(Acts 3) Name the book and chapter of the quote, "Through your offspring all peoples on earth will be blessed."

Gen. 22

(Acts 9) For 3 days Saul what 3 things?

He was blind and did not eat or drink anything

(Acts 12) When king Herod did not praise God after Tyre and Sidon called him a god, and God struck him dead, what phrase was used describing how he died?

He was eaten by worms and died

(Acts 10) Before getting hungry around noon, just before he went into a trance, where was Peter and what was he doing?

He was on the roof praying

(Acts 6) Which two groups of jews were at odds about treatment of widows?

Hellenistic complained against the Hebraic

(Acts 4) Along with the gentiles who conspired against Jesus?

Herod and Pontius Pilate.

(Acts 4) By what power did Peter reply to Annas the high priest?

Holy Spirit

(Acts 3) What did the men of Israel act out of originally when Christ was crucified?


(Acts 8) What book was the Ethiopian eunuch reading?


(Acts 8) Name the chapter and book of the quote, "He was led like a sheep to the slaughter, and as a lamb before its shearer is silent, so he did not open his mouth. In his humiliation he was deprived of justice. Who can speak of his descendants? For his life was taken from the earth."

Isaiah 53

(Acts 7) Name the chapter and book of the quote, "'Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house will you build for me? says the Lord. Or where will my resting place be? Has not my hand made all these things?'"

Isaiah 66 (:1,2)

(Acts 12) Originally when the angel began to help Peter escape what did Peter think?

It was a vision

(Acts 4) What physical sign happened to the place they were praying?

It was shaken

(Acts 10) What was the name of the regiment Cornelius was in?

Italian Regiment

(Acts 12) Who specifically did Peter say to tell the story of his escape to?


(Acts) What are the main events in Acts 1?

Jesus Taken Up Into Heaven, Matthias Chosen to Replace Judas

(Acts 2) In order, which 3 OT passages did Peter use when addressing the crowds and what generally say?

Joel 2: The Holy Spirit, Psalm 16: Jesus' ressurection, Psalm 110: Jesus' kingship

(Acts 3) Who went with Peter to the temple?


(Acts 10) Whos baptism does Peter first remind Cornelius of?


(Acts 10) When the angel appeared at 3 in the afternoon to Cornelius, what was the name of the city that he was supposed to send for Simon called Peter?


(Acts 9) Where was Dorcas serving the poor and what was another name for her?

Joppa / Tabitha

(Acts 4) What was the persons name who sold a field he owned, where was he from and to which tribe did he belong?

Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus

(Acts 5) After Theudas was killed, who was the other person who led a revolt?

Judas the Galilean

(Acts 9) Where was there church growth under a time of peace?

Judea, Galilee and Samaria

(Acts 6) What did Stephen's face look like when he began his speech to the Sanhedrin?

Like an angel

(Acts 9) Where did Peter go after the story of Saul's conversion?


(Acts 1) Along with the apostles, who was there praying just after the ascension?

Mary Jesus' mother and his brothers

(Acts 8) What did Simon the sorcerer offer to the apostles?


(Acts 6) What was the name of the convert to Judaism who was one of the 7?

Nicolas from Antioch

(Acts 4) What did the Sanhedrin tell to Peter and John after Peter's address to them?

Not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus

(Acts 1) What are the criteria for the new disciple?

One who was with them from the very beggining of John's baptism till the ascension and a witness to the ressurection.

(Acts 12) Who returned to Jerusalem after Herod's death and who did they take with them?

Paul and Barnabas / John-Mark

(Acts 2) Who quoted the OT passages while adressing the crowds?


(Acts) What are the main events in Acts 11?

Peter Explains His Actions, The Church in Antioch

(Acts) What are the main events in Acts 3?

Peter Heals a Lame Beggar, Peter Speaks to the Onlookers,

(Acts 8) Which two apostles traveled to Samaria in order to lay hands on new believers?

Peter and John

(Acts) What are the main events in Acts 4?

Peter and John Before the Sanhedrin, The Believers Pray, The Believers Share Their Possessions

(Acts 12) After John was put to death and Herod saw it pleased the Jews, who did he arrest next and about what time?

Peter during the Festival of Unleavened Bread

(Acts) What are the main events in Acts 12?

Peter's Miraculous Escape From Prison, Herod's Death, Barnabas and Saul Sent Off

(Acts 8) Who went down to a city in Samaria and preached the word?


(Acts 11) After Stephen was killed how far did some believers scatter?

Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch

(Acts 4) Once Peter and John were released, what was the response of them and the other believers?


(Acts 4) Who approached Peter and John after they healed the lame man at the temple who were greatly disturbed?

Priests, captain of the temple guard and Sadducees

(Acts 4) Name the book and chapter and the quote, "the stones you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone."

Psalm 118

(Acts 4) Name the book and chapter of the quote, "Why do the nations rage and the people plot in vain? The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his annointed one."

Psalm 2

(Acts 1) Which Psalms does Peter appeal to in his case for nominating another Apostle?

Psalm 69, "May his place be deserted; let there be no one to dwell in it," and 109, "May another take his place of leadership."

(Acts 4) What did those who were greatly disturbed do to Peter and John?

Put them in jail

(Acts 2) What was Peter's main final exhortation to the crowds in his great sermon?

Repent and be baptized

(Acts 12) Who answered the door after Peter excaped and he went to the house of Mary, the mother of John-Mark?


(Acts 3) Beginning with who have all the prophets spoken and foretold of all these days?


(Acts 5) According to Peter, ___ filled Ananias' heart and he lied to ___

Satan / the Holy Spirit

(Acts) What are the main events in Acts 9?

Saul's Conversion, Saul in Damascus and Jerusalem, Aeneas and Dorcas

(Acts 3) Peter told the lame man he had no ___ or ___.

Silver / Gold

(Acts 3) Peter told the lame man he had no ___ or ___.

Silver / gold

(Acts 8) What was the name of sorcerer in Samaria?


(Acts 10) Who was Simon called Peter supposed to be staying with in Joppa according to the angel?

Simon the Tanner

(Acts 9) In Joppa, who did Peter stay with for some time after Dorcas came back to life?

Simon the tanner

(Acts 3) How long had the lame man been crippled?

Since birth

(Acts 5) Right after the events with Ananias and Sapphira where does Luke say the believers were meeting?

Solomon's Colonnade

(Acts 3) After Peter healed the lame man, where did he go?

Solomon's Portico

(Acts) What are the main events in Acts 7?

Stephen's Speech to the Sanhedrin, The Stoning of Stephen

(Acts 2) When they were together on the day of Pentecost, what happened first?

Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came

(Acts 10) What was Peter's response to the voice telling him to get up, kill and eat?

Surely not!

(Acts 6) What were the names of the groups who were opposing Stephen?

Synagogue of the Freedmen, Jews of Cyrene and Alexandria and Cilicia and Asia

(Acts 9) Where is Saul from?


(Acts 10) After the events at Cornelius' house, what did Peter order?

That they be baptized

(Acts) What are the main events in Acts 6?

The Choosing of the Seven, Stephen Seized

(Acts) What are the main events in Acts 8?

The Church Persecuted and Scattered, Philip in Samaria, Simon the Sorcerer, Philip and the Ethiopian

(Acts 7) What did Stephen say the leaders have always resisted?

The Holy Spirit

(Acts) What are the main events in Acts 2?

The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost, Peter Addresses the Crowd, The Fellowship of the Believers

(Acts 1) What happened right before Jesus' ascension?

The Holy Spirit is promised to them

(Acts 1) Where did the ascension take place?

The Mount of Olives

(Acts 9) After many days of preaching after conversion, how did the Jews react?

The conspired to kill him

(Acts 3) Who did Peter address at Solomon's Portico?

The men of Israel

(Acts 9) When Peter called for the believers after Dorcas came back to life, who did he especially call for?

The widows

(Acts 1) To whom is Acts seemingly addressed?


(Acts 5) What happened to Ananias and Sapphira?

They died

(Acts 5) How did the apostles respond to their suffering?

They rejoiced because they had been counted worthy to suffer for the Name

(Acts 4) After they prayed, how did the believers behave?

They shared their possesions.

(Acts 2) What happened after the Holy Spirit came upon them?

They spoke in tongues as the Holy Spirit enabled

(Acts 9) How did the Hellenistic Jews react to Saul's arguments?

They wanted to kill him

(Acts 2) What did the Holy Spirit look like to them?

Tongues of fire that seperated and rest on them

(Acts 1) What happened right after Jesus' ascension?

Two men in white tell the men of Galilee he will return

(Acts 12) What cities were quarelling with Herod?

Tyre and Sidon

(Acts 11) After Barnabas encouraged those in Anthioch, he left Antioch and did what?

Went to Tarsus to look for Paul

(Acts 5) Who stopped the death penanlty for Peter and the apostles?

a Pharisee named Gamaliel

(Acts 12) After Peter escaped how far did the angel go with him?

a length of one street

(Acts 7) Who approved of the stoning of Stephen?

a young man named Saul

(Acts 12) When did Herod intend to bring Peter out for public trial?

after Passover

(Acts 8) Who did Philip meet on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza?

an Ethiopian eunuch

(Acts 8) What was the Ethiopian eunuch's job?

an important official in charge of all the treasury of Kandake, the queen of the Ethiopians

(Acts 12) At about the time when Agabus prophesized the famine, what did King Herod do?

arrested some believers and had James, the brother of John, put to death

(Acts 10) What two actions does Peter say that the witnesses did with Jesus after he was raised from the dead?

ate and drank

(Acts 10) What did Cornelius do when Peter arrived?

fell down at his feet and worshipped him

(Acts 5) What did the leadership of the Sanhedrin end up doing to the apostles?

flogged and warned them then released them

(Acts 12) What did Tyre and Sidon rely on the King's country for?

food supply

(Acts 10) What did Peter make clear about the action of him coming into the house of Cornelius, which makes the entrance unusual?

it is against Jewish law

(Acts 12) After telling Rhoda she was out of her mind, what did they say about Peter being at the door?

it must be his angel

(Acts 7) Where did Abraham leave and where did he settle?

land of Chaldeans / Harran

(Acts 9) How did Saul escape the plan to kill him in Damascus?

lowered him in a basket through an opening in the wall

(Acts 4) How old was the man who was healed at the temple gate?

over 40

(Acts 9) What happened to Saul's eyes after he was prayed for by Ananias?

something like scalees fell off

(Acts 8) After his ministry in Samaria, where did the Spirit tell Philip to go?

south on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza

(Acts 10) What two actions did the people who heard the message and received the Holy Spirit perform which astonished the circumsized beleivers with Peter?

speaking in tongues and worshipping God

(Acts 7) What did Stephen see just before his stoning as he looked up to heaven?

the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God

(Acts 8) What happened to the church after the stoning of Stephen?

the church was persecuted and scattered across Judea and Samaria

(Acts 11) What was the reaction of the circumsized in Jerusalem to Peter's actions with Cornelius?

the critisized him

(Acts 9) Where did God command Ananias to go?

the house of Judas on Straight Street

(Acts 12) After escaping and coming to his senses, where did Peter go to?

the house of Mary the mother of John-Mark

(Acts 9) After the healing of Aeneas, along with the people of Lydda, who else turned to the Lord?

the people of Sharon

(Acts 9) Why were the men astonished who were with Saul?

they heard the sound but did not see anyone

(Acts 9) After the death threats in Jerusalem where did the leaders send Saul?

through Caesarea off to Tarsus

(Acts 12) After Herod searched for Peter, what did he order for the guards?

to be executed

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