ADMN 575: Midterm: Ch: 5&6/8 Quiz Questions

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Validity, one of the key characteristics of an effective performance appraisal system, means: -evaluating fairly against established criteria, regardless of individual differences. -capturing multiple dimensions of a person's job performance. ​ -staying open to modification based on new information. -allowing the person being evaluated to have some input.

capturing multiple dimensions of a person's job performance.

Which of the following is true of 360-degree feedback?​ -It fails when the management and performance feedback components are separated. -it's based on multiple sources of information -​It involves feedback from peers instead of superiors. -​It deteriorates the accuracy of performance appraisals.

it's based on multiple sources of information

Ralph, an FBI agent, interrogates a criminal suspect. Ralph carefully observes the suspect's body movements and notices him clenching his teeth, drumming his fingers, and profusely perspiring. Given this information, it is evident that Ralph is engaging in _____.​ -​proxemics -​power play -kinesics -labeling

kinesics: the study of body movement and posture

A manager says to her secretary, "Nancy is a slacker. She is always hard to find when there is a deadline." In this scenario, the manager is indulging in _____.​ -​jargon usage -labeling -power play -screening


At Bling Clothing, the managers and employees regularly interact with each other. They carry out negotiations to ensure that the goals of the organization and the goals of the employees are met. This approach is an instance of _____. -​intermittent scheduling -organizational behavior modification -management by exception -management by objectives

management by objectives

According to Adams's theory of inequity, which of the following is a strategy for restoring equity?​ -Rationalize the equity -Include a hierarchy​ -Alter a person's inputs​ -Stay in the organizational situation​

-Alter a person's inputs​: 7 methods alter a person's outcomes, alter a person's inputs, alter the comparison other's outcomes, alter the comparison other's inputs, change who is used as a comparison other, rationalize the inequity, and leave the organizational situation.

Joe has a keen interest in his present job, but he does not get along with his boss, Martin. Martin never appreciates Joe's achievements and gives him unreasonable targets to meet. This has made Joe unhappy with his job. According to Herzberg's Theory, which of the following is a reason for Joe's job dissatisfaction?​ -Existence needs​ -​Motivation factors -Manifest needs​ -Hygiene factors​

Hygiene Factors

Which of the following best describes eustress? -It is a positive response to challenges that generate energy and motivates an individual to achieve.​ -It is a negative response such as frustration, which leads to unhealthy and unproductive results.​ -It is the belief that performance is related to rewards.​ -​It is the value, or importance, one places on a particular reward.

It is a positive response to challenges that generates energy and motivates an individual to achieve.​

Which of the following statements is true of equity theory?​ -It challenges people to grow and invest themselves in an organization.​ -​It stresses the role of energy recovery in overall performance. -It assumes that people expect certain outcomes of behavior and performance.​ -It is concerned with the social processes that influence motivation and behavior.​

It is concerned with the social processes that influence motivation and behavior.​

According to Herzberg, which of the following is a difference between motivation factors and hygiene factors?​ -Motivation factors include extrinsic factors, whereas hygiene factors include intrinsic factors.​ -Motivation factors lead to negative mental health, whereas hygiene factors lead to positive mental health.​ -Motivation factors relate to job satisfaction, whereas hygiene factors relate to job dissatisfaction.​ -Motivation factors include security and status, whereas hygiene factors include advancement and responsibility.

Motivation factors relate to job satisfaction, whereas hygiene factors relate to job dissatisfaction.​

Mike, the CEO of SwifTech, rewards and punishes his employees based on their performance. Which of the following behavior modification approaches does Mike follow? -Classical conditioning -Observational learning​ -Modeling learning -Operant conditioning

Operant conditioning: the process of modifying behavior by following specific behaviors with positive or negative consequences

Drake, a technical support executive at Zenk Corp., has good managerial skills and a keen interest in organizing team strategies. This earns him a promotion to a senior position where he manages a team of 40 people. According to Maslow's need hierarchy theory, which of the following needs is fulfilled for Drake?​ -The need for power -Physiological needs​ -Self-actualization needs​ -The need for affiliation​

Self-actualization needs​

In the context of Herzberg's two-factor theory, which of the following is true of hygiene factors?​ -They relate to job satisfaction. -They are important to a certain level but unimportant beyond that threshold.​ -They directly affect a person's drive to do a good job.​ -They challenge people to grow and invest themselves in an organization.​

They are important to a certain level but unimportant beyond that threshold.​

In the context of expectancy theory of motivation, which of the following is true of evaluation systems?​ -They stress the role of energy recovery in overall performance.​ -They are based on the notion of social exchange in which each party in the relationship demands certain things of the other.​ -They consider power and exchange important in understanding human behavior.​ -​They are meant to enhance a person's belief that effort will improve performance and therefore lead to better pay.

They are meant to enhance a person's belief that effort will improve performance and therefore lead to better pay.

In the context of Amitai Etzioni's categories of exchange relationships, which of the following statements is true of alienated relationships?​ -They have low negative intensity.​ -They have high positive intensity. -They have low positive intensity.​ -They have high negative intensity.​

They have a high negative intensity

According to McClelland, which of the following is true of people with a high need for achievement?​ -They set goals that are moderately difficult yet achievable. -They set goals that are very simple and easily achievable.​ -They always prefer to work alone, irrespective of their task.​ -They like having external events interfere with their progress.​

They set goals that are moderately difficult yet achievable.

Expectancy theory attributes motivational problems to:​ -​disbelief in a relationship between effort and performance. -a desire for the rewards offered.​ -one's own self-interest.​ -belief in a relationship between performance and rewards.​

disbelief in a relationship between effort and performance.

Malcolm, a senior editor at a publishing house, often loudly criticizes his subordinates in front of the other colleagues even when the subordinates are not at fault. This leaves them embarrassed and humiliated. He also unnecessarily swears and talks at elevated tones while expressing himself. It is evident that Malcolm exhibits _____ at his workplace. -​nondefensive communication -​submissive behavior -​passive behavior -dominant defensiveness

dominant defensiveness

McGregor's Theory X assumptions are appropriate for:​ -​people with a high need for affiliation. -​individuals motivated by higher-order needs. -employees motivated by lower-order needs.​ -people who are not by nature resistant to organizational needs.

employees motivated by lower-order needs.

Seek & Swipe, a website for online shopping, decides to inform its ten most loyal customers about discounts offered on its latest product offerings. In order to maximize information richness in its message, which of the following communication media will Seek and Swipe most likely use? -​Formal numeric reports -​Face-to-face discussions ​-Flyers -Bulletins

face-to-face discussions

Adams's theory of inequity suggests that people are motivated when they:​ -satisfy organizational demands through a range of contributions.​ -find themselves in situations of unfairness.​ -have a very high need for socialized power as opposed to personalized power.​ -​find themselves in situations of equity.

find themselves in situations of unfairness.​

The idea of encouraging eustress is to focus on an individual's:​ -interpretation of or response to events.​ -ability to meet the need of achievement.​ -​negative response such as frustration. -perception of the performance process.​

interpretation of or response to events.​

The behaviorist approach to learning assumes that: -observable behavior is a function of its consequences -behaviors followed by positive consequences are less likely to recur. -​learning begins with cognitive activity. -​punishment and extinction enhance desirable behavior.

observable behavior is a function of its consequences

According to McClelland, high achievers:​ -prefer to work alone, irrespective of their task. -set goals that are very simple.​ -like having external events interfere with their progress.​ -often hope and plan for success.​

often hope and plan for success

Roberta, the supervisor of a fund-raising project, needs to discuss with her teammates about their unsatisfactory performance in the project. In order to maximize information richness in her message, Roberta will most likely: -​send each teammate a personal e-mail. -post a flyer on a bulletin board for all teammates to see. -​make telephone calls to each teammate. -organize face-to-face meetings with each teammate.

organize face-to-face meetings with each teammate.

Clayton Alderfer's regression hypothesis suggests that:​ -people are frustrated by their inability to meet needs at the next higher needs in the hierarchy; hence, they regress to the next lower category of needs.​ -the presence of motivation factors is not essential to enhancing employee motivation to excel at work.​ -achievement seek performance excellence, enjoy difficult and challenging goals, persevere, and are competitive.​ -as one level of need is met, a person regresses to the next lower level of need as a source of motivation.

people are frustrated by their inability to meet needs at the next higher needs in the hierarchy; hence, they regress to the next lower category of needs.​

Ali, a manager at Westfort Inc., reduces the pay of his subordinates when they fail to achieve their targets. Which of the following approaches does he use? -punishment -Reinforcement -Extinction -​Contingency


Managers can make the most of Maslow's need hierarchy for success in their teams by:​ -focusing on each individual's needs or the rewards or punishment meted out in the work environment.​ -recognizing individual's needs for achievement, power, and affiliation.​ -organizing each individual's needs into the categories of existence, relatedness, and growth.​ -recognizing that each individual has a unique set of needs and therefore gearing incentives to meet various needs.

recognizing that each individual has a unique set of needs and therefore gearing incentives to meet various needs.

Molly, the store manager of a bakery, never fails to voice her opinions to her employees on various matters of the store. Expressive supervisors like Molly: -do not support interpersonal communication. -​leave their employees wondering about their opinions. -​lack perceptual screens. -tend toward extroversion.

tend toward extroversion

Frederick Taylor, the founder of scientific management, examined labor efficiency and effectiveness. His goal was to change:​ -the motivation factors that relate to job satisfaction and the hygiene factors that relate to job dissatisfaction.​ -​the relationship between technology and labor efficiency. -the work conditions related to satisfaction of the need for psychological growth.​ -the relationship between management and labor from one of conflict to one of cooperation.​

the relationship between management and labor from one of conflict to one of cooperation.​

Adam Smith formulated the invisible hand and the free market to explain the motivation for individual behaviors. The invisible hand refers to:​ -the unseen forces of a free market system that shape the most efficient use of people, money, and resources for productive ends.​ -the work conditions related to satisfaction of the need for psychological growth.​ -the variables within an individual that lead to motivation and behavior. -the desire to influence others, the urge to change people or events, and the wish to make a difference in life.​

the unseen forces of a free market system that shape the most efficient use of people, money, and resources for productive ends.​

Which of the following is a criticism of self-evaluations? -They decrease the commitment to goals. -They make the evaluation interviews less constructive. -they often conflict with supervisory evaluations -They make the evaluation interviews more defensive.

they often conflict with supervisory evaluations

Selena, the head architect of a government firm, is called for a meeting with her boss. Her boss expresses his concern about a collapsing dam at one of the hydroelectric power plants. Using reflective listening, when responding to her boss, Selena should avoid: -too much direct eye contact with him. -asking questions for clarification. -even brief periods of silence. -paraphrasing the concern being expressed.

too much direct eye contact with him

Which of the following statements is an example of nondefensive communication?​ -​I sent the memo through intracompany mail. The postman must have lost it. -​Mary is always late to meetings! She lacks professionalism! -​Dan's report is good, but I need to make one recommendation before I approve it. -​The check is in the mail. Don't call me again!

​Dan's report is good, but I need to make one recommendation before I approve it.

Which of the following statements is true of learning? -It leads to increased employee engagement. -​It helps guide and direct motivated behavior -It minimizes the need for performance evaluations. -It helps improve customer relations

​It helps guide and direct motivated behavior

Aisha, a manager at Zappo Inc., rewards her subordinates for consistent good performance. Which of the following approaches does she use?​ -Classical conditioning -​Organizational citizenship behavior -Observational learning -​Positive reinforcement

​Positive reinforcement

The first step in the performance measurement process is: -measuring performance. -defining performance in behavioral terms. -assessing the impact of performance behaviors. -rewarding positive performance behaviors.

​defining performance in behavioral terms.

Janice feels uncomfortable working late hours in office every day. She decides to discuss the matter with her boss, Merwyn. Being a recent hire, she is hesitant and nervous to complain so early in her tenure. As she begins to speak, Merwyn notices anxiety and discomfort in her facial expression and body language. Using reflective listening, in response to Janice's concerns, Merwyn should first: -paraphrase Janice's expressed concerns. -​make affirming contact with Janice. -reflect Janice's core feelings. -clarify Janice's implicit thoughts and feelings.

​make affirming contact with Janice.

In the context of Maslow's need hierarchy, the progression hypothesis suggests that:​ -the lowest level of needs represents the external incentives of employees.​ -people with a high need for achievement seek performance excellence.​ -it is more crucial to gratify the needs at the highest level and then the ones below it.​ -​people progress up the hierarchy as they successively gratify each level of need.

​people progress up the hierarchy as they successively gratify each level of need.

Sania is conducting a survey to determine the average social distance in corporate offices in her city. By conducting this survey, Sania is engaging in _____. -​proxemics -power play -​kinesics -​labeling

​proxemics: the study of an individual's perception and use of space, including territorial space,

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