Adolescense Final Update

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According to the textbook, because _____ girls do not feel as _____ about their appearances as girls of other racial backgrounds, these individuals typically have _____ overall self-esteem.

Black; negatively; higher

Why is early adolescence a time during which parents' knowledge of their adolescent's behavior declines?

Both A and B are true.

Which of the following is a mechanism by which higher-socioeconomic parents help their children become enrolled in higher-track classes?

Both A and B.

What is one research finding that supports the belief that the particular grade configuration of a school is less important than the school's educational climate?

Both of these statements support the belief that the particular grade configuration of a school is less important than the school's educational climate.

Research findings supports the hypothesis that, "under conditions of low collective efficacy, social problems are contagious"

Both statements A and B support the hypothesis.

Which of the following individuals would be considered to be in an identity moratorium state?

Brandon, who is in the midst of a period of exploration

Which of the following statements about cliques is false?

Cliques are typically more emotionally salient for adolescents involved in antisocial behavior

Research has established that circumcision

Is associated with negative outcomes for females but not for males

Felicia has a problematic relationship with her parents. All of the following negative effects are likely to occur for Felicia, except:

active school involvement.

According to Vygotsky, adolescents learn best when

all of the above

Contemporary discussions of adolescent romance draw on:

all of the above

Not only are schools the chief educational arena for adolescents, but they also play an extremely important role in:

all of the above

Which of the following can delay the onset of puberty

all of the above

What do the most recent models of the psychological process of achievement during adolescence illustrate?

all of the above are true

Compared to childhood, reward seeking and sensation seeking during adolescence

are higher during adolescence than childhood

What is the best way to conceptualize adolescent sexual development?

as gradual stages of increasing intimacy

Jessica is 15 years old and spends most of her energy wondering who she is and what kind of person she will become. Erikson would describe her as facing the crisis called:

identity versus identity diffusion.

Research suggests that creating "schools within schools" in larger high schools is associated with all except which of the following?

improving students' mental and physical health outcomes

A sense of identity is typically crystallized:

in late adolescence to the early 20s.

According to a survey conducted in the early 2000s, how do adolescents spend most of their leisure time?

in passive activities

As discussed in the textbook, during the 1950s, how did the United States respond when politicians felt the United States had lost its scientific edge to the former Soviet Union?

increased emphasis was placed on math and science education

Expanding opportunities for adolescents to get involved in athletics, drama group, or another extracurricular activity would be associated with all but which of the following outcomes?

increasing the likelihood that they drop out of school

Jim and Stacey are the parents of two preteen girls. Throughout the girls' childhood, the family has enjoyed fairly harmonious relationships. The likelihood that they will experience serious problems as the girls go through adolescence is:

not likely.

research assessing parent-adolescent communication about sex has found all of the following, except:

parent-adolescent communication about sex significantly lowers adolescents' likelihood of being sexually active.

Which aspect of parent-adolescent communication about sex is likely to have a meaningful effect on the adolescent's behavior?

parent-child communication specifically focused on the topic of contraception lowers the rate of risky sex

Compared with students in other countries, U.S. elementary school students_______ students in other countries, and high school students in the United States _______ than their peers in other countries (especially in science and math).

perform as well as; perform more poorly

Jane's community does a lot to support and encourage adolescents' success in school. This community has a large amount of:

social capital

Harry has failed ninth grade this year and has not learned the material he needs to go on to higher grade levels. However, his teachers are debating letting him go on to tenth grade next year so that he does not feel left behind or lose touch with his same-age friends. This practice is called:

social promorion

Adolescents from divorced families frequently display all of the following negative effects, except

social rejection as a result of stigma

The adverse outcomes of being born to an adolescent mother are generally a result of all of the following, except:

the immature reproductive system of an adolescent mother.

What would a social control theorist say about an adolescent who engages in risk-taking behavior?

they have a weak attachment to society.

Who of the following is likely to have limited economic and occupational success, which will affect the transition into adulthood?

All of these factors are likely to disrupt the transition into adulthood.

Although it is difficult to separate "selection" and "socialization" effects, individuals who are securely attached in infancy are likely to:

All of these statements are true.

Which of the following is not one of the popular stereotypes of contemporary adolescents?

Although not supported by research, all of the above are popular stereotypes of contemporary adolescents.

The simultaneous release of growth hormones, thyroid hormones, and _________ stimulates rapid acceleration in height and weight during puberty


The _________ is the minimal amount of energy one uses when resting

Basal metabolism rate

Lydia's family is always going to art shows, concerts, and poetry readings. They have a large amount of:

Cultural capital

Taken together, research studies have determined that growing up in a poor neighborhood:

Has negative effects on adolescent behavior, achievement, and mental health, and these effects are above and beyond those effects attributable to growing up in a poor family

Which of the following statements about self-esteem in children is true?

High achievement in school boosts self-esteem.

Which of the following is not a finding of Witkow's recent study that investigated the ways in which adolescents use their time?

High-achieving students spend equal time with their friends than do low-achieving students on weekdays.

Kate is a Black teen mom and has decided to move back to her parents' home. Which of the following statements is not true?

It would be best if Kate lived with her parents for an extended period.

Who is the most likely, after becoming pregnant, to have an abortion?

Jamie, a White female living in the suburbs

According to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, sports figures Babe Ruth, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Michael Phelps are all considered above average in

Kinesthetic intelligence.

Who is the most likely to be a victim of a crime such as theft, robbery, rape, and assault?

Mitch, a Hispanic adolescent living in the inner city

Natalie's mom believes that peers influence each other to use drugs and spend time partying rather than studying. Given what you know about adolescent peer relationships, is this true?

Natalie's mom is sort of right—adolescents exert both positive and negative influences on each other.

Jeannette, a 17-year-old, has decided to engage in sexual intercourse with her boyfriend. Tammy, also 17, has decided to abstain from sex until she is older. Which adolescent is more likely to experience psychological disturbances?

Normative sexual activity during late adolescence is not associated with psychological disturbance.

No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was a policy designed to ensure that all students, regardless of racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic background, receive a high-quality public education. Which of the following statements is false?

One of the most important factors of NCLB is that students learn how to engage in critical thinking.

The difference in the amount and distribution of body fat

One reason for the difference in the body shapes of the sexes

Hormones play two very different roles in adolescence. _______ hormones program the brain to behave in certain ways, whereas _______ hormones are thought to stimulate development of the secondary sex characteristics.

Organizational; activational

________ involvement has been found to enhance the adjustment of low-income students in their transition to middle school.


Dr. Martino argues that development proceeds in stages and that each stage is marked by fairly consistent behavior. Then, as the child's biological development progresses and new experiences are acquired, a shift occurs and development breaks through to the next level. Dr. Martino's view is most consistent with that expressed by the:

Piagetian perspective

A double shift in social status takes place during adolescence with an increase in both _____ and _____

Privileges; expectations

Which of the following statements about puberty's impact on family relationships is true?

Puberty appears to Increase distance between parents and children

Popularized about 50 years ago, this expression refers to young people in a more frivolous and lighthearted manner than the term adolescent.


According to research by Small and Luster, which adolescent is most likely to engage in early sexual activity?

The adolescent most likely to engage in early sexual activity is one that has a combination of the above risk factors.

Legal decisions have tended to support adolescent autonomy when

The behaviour is viewed as having potential benefit

What is a realistic concern with regard to requiring all high school seniors to pass a graduation test in order to earn a diploma?

The financial costs associated with failing students would create a huge incentive for states to develop exams with very low requirements for passing.

Which of the following statements about intelligence in adolescence is true?

The higher an individual's IQ, the smaller the number of same-aged peers who perform equally or better

What might explain why adolescence has been elongated?

The increased importance of formal education in making a successful transition into adult roles

What was one of the results of the Guyer and colleagues' (2009) study, where teenagers were imaged with fMRI equipment while they thought they were participating in a networking task with other teenagers (in reality, the study was rigged such that they were automatically provided with positive or negative feedback)

When the adolescents were told that other teenagers were interested in them, areas of their brains known to be sensitive to rewards were activated.

Which type of intervention has been effective for adolescent-limited offenders?

a combination of all of the above

One study indicated that there is quite a bit of diversity among teenage mothers in their transitions to adulthood. Which of the following is not one of the three groups of teen moms identified in Oxford and colleague's study?

a group of individuals who bounced back and forth between identities and scored alarmingly low on all measures of "life satisfaction" (higher scores = more satisfaction)

According to the textbook, young adolescents with __________ also report high levels of anxiety, tension, and adjustment problems.

a volatile self-image

Studies of immigrant families suggest that the least amount of conflict exists in households in which:

adolescents and their parents communicate in their native language.

In addition to the school year being longer than it was in the past:

adolescents remain in school for more years.

Adolescents who have ADHD are at risk for:

adolescents who have ADHD are at risk for all of these problems.

Based on the definitions outlined in the Five Cs of positive youth development, what does confidence mean?

an internal sense of overall positive self-worth and self-efficacy; global self-regard

Who would argue that the physical changes of puberty cause substantial disruption and conflict inside the family system?

anna freud

According to the textbook, the harmful effects of low parental monitoring are especially bad in neighborhoods that:

are low in collective efficacy.

Compared to adolescent women who choose to have their child, adolescents who abort their pregnancy:

are psychologically, socially, and economically better off.

Professor Gates is studying large groups of adolescents to learn about their particular mini-cultures. Professor Gates is most likely studying:


Which of the following statements about dating violence is false?

dating violence is virtually nonexistent among LGBT adolescents.

Changes in the limbic system during adolescence may cause all except

decrease risk taking

In middle school, Carlos was involved in many school plays and musicals. Being part of the drama crowd was important for Carlos in what way?

identity development

James has flunked out of high school, has severed all of his ties with family and friends, and has no sense of where he is headed. He also seems to have significant disruptions in his sense of time (some things seem to happen much faster than they really do). According to Erikson, James is experiencing:

identity diffusion

By the 1960s, after Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, schools were called on to:

implement desegregation programs

The textbook suggests all of the following as ways to increase use of contraceptives among adolescents, except:

offer sex education that teaches the fundamentals of contraceptive use once adolescents become sexually active.

Peers usually have more influence than parents on matters of:

patterns of leisure activity.

Judy and Jessica hang around people their same age. These people are most accurately described as:


Craig is easily persuaded by his friends to engage in illegal and antisocial behaviors. If you had to guess, which style of parenting do you think Craig's mom and dad utilize?


Peers usually have more influence than parents on matters of:

personal taste

At age 17, Cherise is a frequent drug user. According to one team of researchers who followed a sample of individuals from preschool into young adulthood, it is possible that:

she had psychological disturbance before the age of 7.

sonya has scored in the top 1 percentile on an IQ test, yet she gets below average grades in school. What is true about Sonya?

she is an underachiever

What is the main reason that many achievement-related issues take on new significance during adolescence?

social transitions

The most common trigger of the first episode of major depression is:

the breakup of a romantic relationship.

Research investigating media "effects" on adolescent development has a hard time ruling out the possibility of spurious causation, which means that:

the correlation between two things is due to the fact that each of them is correlated with a third factor.

Studies of adolescent drug use suggest that:

the drug of choice among adolescents is alcohol.

"Sexual socialization" refers to:

the way in which an individual is exposed to and educated about sexuality.

Over the course of adolescence, which of the following is not true of changes that take place in crowds?

their descriptions become more concrete (e.g., the "preppy" group becomes "the Playstation crowd")

Which of the following are not part of the feedback loop in the endocrine system

thyroid hormones

The process of separating students into different levels of classes within the same school is called:


The paradox of adolescent autonomy is that:

whereas adolescents today are expected to be increasingly autonomous psychologically and socially, they are now less autonomous economically.

Dave knows that kids who drink and drive sometimes get killed, but he believes that he is somehow immune to having such a terrible thing happen to him. Dave's belief is an example of:

A personal fable

Jennifer, who is 16, ran away with her friend Tonya, who is 18. The police, however, only arrested Jennifer for running away because for a minor, running away is considered

A status offense.

Which of the following statements about the inventionsts perspective is true?

Adolescence is a separate period that has been largely determined by the broader social environment

One explanation for the risk-taking peak that is observed in adolescence is that:

Adolescents are relatively higher in sensation seeking and impulsivity than children and adults

Sexual activity in adolescence is motivated by:

All of the above are true.

Although it is difficult to separate "selection" and "socialization" effects, individuals who are securely attached in infancy are likely to:

All of these statements are true

According to the textbook, why do private school students academically outperform students at public schools?

Because of the characteristics of the students who attend private schools.

Who will have the most difficulty negotiating the transition into adolescence

Charlie, a Hispanic American

Molly's breasts are beginning to develop, she is beginning to grow pubic hair, her skin is becoming more oily, and her body is growing rapidly. These changes are brought about by the secretion of _____ by the _____.

Estrogen and androgens; ovaries

Which of the following statements suggests that rising levels of the protein leptin is an important signal that tells the body it is ready for puberty?

Excessive thinness can delay onset of puberty.

Researchers have found that, with regard to adolescent sleep patterns:

Getting inadequate sleep is associated with poorer mental health and lower grades for adolescents

Which of the following sex characteristics is the first to develop in boys?

Growth of testes and scrotum

Which of the following statements about adolescent mood swings is false?

Hormones play a greater role in the development of depression than do stressful life events.

Jesse is a physically immature 14-year-old who goes to school where it is expected that 14-year-olds date. Hillary is a physically mature 14-year-old who goes to school where it is expected that students delay dating until age 16. Which adolescent is more likely to date?


Compared to approximately 100 years ago, contemporary adolescents take on full-time employment _____ and live under adult supervision _____ than adolescents in earlier times

Later; less

Dr. Davis is interested in how puberty affects adjustment. He studies a group of 100 junior high school students over the course of three years. He is conducting what kind of study?


During adolescence, individuals' IQ scores _____, whereas their mental abilities _____.

Remain stable; increase

Which adolescent is most likely to be rejected as a result of aggressive behavior?

Robert, a male who is highly relationally aggressive

Which of the following statements concerning sibling relationships is false?

Siblings are likely to be closer in families under economic stress than in affluent families.

Which of the following is A sign of Americanization

Speaking English exclusively

According to the textbook, in non-Western cultures, there is huge discrepancy in the extension of privileges to males and females. In general, girls' behavior is more _____, whereas boys are given more ____.

Subject to the control of adults; freedom and autonomy

Consistent with the immigrant paradox discussed in another chapter of the textbook, which of the following statements is true?

Susceptibility to peer pressure is higher among relatively more acculturated Latino adolescents than their less acculturated peers.

The Bar Mitzvah and Bas Mitzvah are contemporary examples of traditional society's practice

The accentuation of male and female differences

The factor that seems most important in influencing how well children adjust to divorce over time is

The degree of conflict between parents.

Which of the following is not thought to contribute to the onset of puberty?

The development of primary sex characteristics

Which of the following statements about the timing and tempo of sexual maturation is true?

The duration of puberty varies widely, from 1.5 to 6 years in girls and 2 to 5 years in boys.

Chris and his parents had an argument because they did not want him to go to a New Year's Eve party across town. A few days after the argument, Chris's anger subsided because he realized his parents were worried about his safety. Which cognitive process did Chris most likely use to reach this conclusion?

Theory of Mind

Which country has the highest rate of teen pregnancy?


The messages that contemporary society sends adolescents are:

Unclear and inconsistent

With age, adolescents develop a more sophisticated theory of mind, which is the ability to

Understand that others have beliefs, intentions, and knowledge that may be different from one's own.

Black, Hispanic, and American Indian youth have more trouble negotiating the transition into adulthood than do their counterparts of which race(s)?

White and Asian youth

Which of the following statements about stepfamilies is false

Younger children have a harder time adjusting to stepfamilies than older adolescents

Bill approaches new tasks with the attitude that he can master them, and he tries to do so because he wants to gain new skills. Bill is motivated by:

a mastery orientation

Children's friendships are based on _____, whereas adolescents' friendships are typically based on _____.

activities, intimacy

The process of grouping individuals within social institutions on the basis of chronological age is called:

age grading.

Maria is the mother of a 6-month-old baby girl, Antonia. Antonia does not seem to have a close, trusting bond with Maria. Instead, their relationship is characterized by ambivalence. What type of attachment best describes Antonia's relationship with Maria?

anxious-resistant attachment

Ryan did a survey at his middle school of the most common after-school jobs for the eighth-grade class. What are his results likely to say?

baby-sitting and lawn work

By the end of high school, crowds:

become less important to adolescents.

Which theory helps researchers understand adolescent risk taking?

behavioral decision theory

Changes requiring considerable adjustment for families with adolescents typically include all of the following, except:

being the central setting for their adolescent's narrow social world.

Which of the following would be considered a status offense?

being truant from school

AIDS is transmitted through:

bodily fluids

Which groups are most likely to disengage from school during early adolescence?

boys and students from poor families

Research on religious changes during adolescence indicates that:

children are more strict observers of religious customs.

Adolescents are most likely to exhibit false-self behavior with their:


Which of the following factors is not closely related to when an adolescent will begin dating?

depressive symptomatology

For middle adolescents, the least important aspect of dating is:

developing intimacy

All of the following are noted in the text as reasons why achievement during the adolescent years merits special attention, except:

development in the realm of achievement begins and ends during adolescence.

Karen's parents have noticed that throughout Karen's adolescent years, their relationship has transformed. What type of autonomy is Karen expressing?


As discussed in your textbook, the major characteristics of good schools include all but which of the following?

emphasizing rote memorization and passive listening in classrooms

Theodore has been referred to as an "acting-out" adolescent. He engages in delinquent behavior. Theodore is most likely exhibiting:

externalizing symptomatology.

Experts recommend that adolescents with specific learning disabilities receive:

extra instruction in study skills, time management, organization skills, note-taking, and proofreading.

Sullivan believed a precondition to forming close relationships as an adolescent is:

forming intimate friendships during preadolescence.

The idea that pressure to behave in sex-appropriate ways temporary increases during middle adolescence, especially for girls, is called the _______ hypothesis.

gender intensification

Stan's parents both work long hours. They are concerned that he doesn't have enough interaction with adults. If they want him to be exposed to positive interactions with adult role models, which of the following activities should they not encourage him to do?

get a job at the local music store

Two characteristics of authoritative parents that positively influence their children's school performance are ______ and ______.

healthy beliefs about the child's achievement; less tendency to be over-controlling

Generalizing from the textbook, if Nicky's parents want to slow down her sexual involvement, which of her parents should talk to her about sex?

her mother

A large, nationally representative sample of adolescents found that adolescents' friendship groups fell into one of four profiles. Which was the group that consisted of a network of high-achieving friends who were involved in school-based extracurricular activities and who reported low use of alcohol and few symptoms of depression?

high functioning

According to Erikson, the major crisis of adolescence is called:

identity versus identity diffusion.

What is the best way to conceptualize movement through the four identity states?

individuals move from state to state, and not necessarily in an orderly fashion

The first ejaculation of seminal fluid that occurs

is Often determined culturally

Work values are the different types of rewards that individuals expect to receive from their chosen occupation. The textbook discussed all but which of the following values?


Which is not a risk factor for sexual abuse?

living in a major city, compared to living in a rural area

Marnia attends a school with seventh and eighth graders as well as adolescents who are 1 or 2 years younger. This type of educational institution is called a:

middle school

Secondary education refers to:

middle school, junior high school, and high school.

Which of the following has not been found to be a characteristic of adolescents who work more than 20 hours per week?

more involvement in extracurricular activities

Black adolescents are _____ likely to experience their parents' divorce and _____ likely to experience their remarriage

more; less

Over the course of adolescence, relationships among siblings become more egalitarian but _______ distant and _______ emotionally intense

more; less

In general, which of the following relationships tends to be the closest?


The presence or absence of certain hormones early in life may "program" the brain and the nervous system to develop in certain ways later on. These hormones are considered:


Today, people go through ______ earlier than 100 years ago, but tend to stay in ______ longer.

puberty; school

Professor Snapes is conducting research on sexual harassment of adolescents. He is likely to learn all of the following, except:

school-based programs aimed at reducing sexual harassment, such as a program called Safe Dates, have had long-term success.

Gwen has recently been preoccupied with trying to understand what kind of person she is. As an exercise, she writes out a list of 20 traits that she thinks best describe her. According to the text, Gwen is focusing on her:


Even though Chloe works very hard in school, she gives her classmates the impression that she is uninterested in school in order to have an excuse for her poor performance. What type of behavior is this?


In a study on the effect of early intensive education on later school performance among children in poverty, which intervention had the greatest impact on performance in high school?

the preschool intervnetion

Which of the following statements concerning sexual-minority (LGBT) youth is false?

the progression through the phases of dating and romance is as similar for them as for heterosexual adolescents

The determinants of sociometric popularity are ______, though the determinants of perceived popularity are _____.

things like social skills, friendliness, and sense of humor; highly variable

In America today, what percentage of individuals between the ages of 14 and 17 are in school?

virtually all individuals

When calculating individual performance on an IQ test, a child who was of average intelligence would have an IQ score of:


In 1960, the average age of marriage for women was _____; today it is _____

20; 27

Approximately ____ of teens are out of school, unemployed, and looking for full-time work.


What percentage of American adolescents who become pregnant get an abortion?


American high school students spend fewer than _____ hours per week on homework, whereas Japanese, Taiwan, and India high school students average closer to _____.

5; 5 hours per day

The average duration of a romantic relationship during the middle high school years is about _____ months.


What may explain the results from the studies that have relocated adolescents from poor neighborhoods to more advantaged neighborhoods?

Adolescents may encounter more discrimination in the new neighborhood

What makes adolescents attractive targets for a variety of businesses?

All of the above.

Which of the following statements is consistent with Piaget's cognitive development theory?

Individuals progress through stages based on biological readiness in addition to increasing environmental demands

What do researchers believe explains why some individuals who engage in precocious, promiscuous, or unprotected sex are also highly likely to engage in other types of delinquent behavior?

It is likely that risky sexual behavior and other types of risky behavior are both symptoms of a certain personality profile which makes individuals more likely to behave risky in general.

One study of more than 160,000 adolescent from 35 countries found that:

The prevalence of bullying is higher in schools characterized by greater income inequality.

Which of the following statements about the history of the student worker is not true?

The proportion of American High school students holding part-time jobs increased dramatically during the first decade of the twenty-first century.

Why is it so hard to teach adolescents to "just say no" to things adults disapprove, such as drinking, smoking, and having risky sex?

Unfortunately, these behaviors are typically associated with being popular

All of the following are ways that scientists study brain maturation except:

Using fMRI technology to measure event-related potential in response to different stimuli or events

Jeb has the choice of several after-school activities. Statistically, he is the most likely to choose:


The close, significant emotional bond between parent and infant is called:


Research on the structure of cliques during high school has suggested that adolescents can fall into any of the following categories, except:

clique avoiders.

Healthy individuation and positive mental health are fostered by _____ family relationships.


Which of the following is described by the textbook as being a "double-edged sword" (at least for girls)?


Jennifer has never had a very good relationship with her parents, especially her mom. Lately, Jennifer has been exhibiting quite a lot of depressive symptomatology along with an extremely disordered relationship with food. Based on research from the textbook and according to the Adult Attachment Interview, which attachment style would you guess Jennifer most likely falls under?

dismissive or preoccupied

In general, which of the following relationships tends to be the least intimate?

father-daughter relationship

The most common reasons that 14- to 15-year-olds give for abstaining from sex are:

fear of disease and fear of pregnancy.

Self-esteem is _____ among students who are identified with peer groups that have relatively high status in their school.


Justin, a 16-year-old, has a substance-abuse problem. According to a research study presented in the textbook, to whom is he most likely to turn for help?

his friends

The tendency to interpret ambiguous interactions with others as deliberately antagonistic is called:

hostile attributional bias.

What family factor appears to predict adolescent sexual involvement, especially among girls?

household composition

According to the textbook, all of the following contributed to the rise of the adolescent workplace in the United States, except:


The key to resolving the crisis of identity versus identity diffusion, according to Erikson, is:

interactions with others.

According to the textbook, research indicates which of the following is not a correlate of high self-esteem?

involvement in many extracurricular activities

The formation of synapses

is both genetically programmed and formed through experience

The ability to see beyond what is directly observable and reason in terms of what might be possible

is hypothetical thinking

Mary comes from an economically disadvantaged household. Her mother went to the school counselor to find out what could be done to help Mary overcome her disadvantage. What did the counselor suggest would help?

positive relations at home

All of the following are reasons stated in the textbook to explain why adolescent autonomy has attracted the attention of developmental psychologists, except:

puberty sets up a situation of the adolescent's increasing emotional dependence on the family.

Which of the following is not considered an aspect of positive sexual development that the majority of adolescents face?

reconciling feelings of sexual arousal with one's religious beliefs

Karen, a ninth-grader, was mad at Cheryl for spilling juice on Karen's shirt. Karen spread a rumor that Cheryl had gossiped about her friends. Karen is using _____ to express her aggression toward Cheryl.

relational aggression

Based on the definitions outlined in the Five Cs of positive youth development, what does character mean?

respect for societal and cultural rules

In early adolescence, _____ friendships are most common, and in late adolescence, _____ friendships are common.

same sex; opposite sex

Overall, which group of adolescents feels least positive about themselves?

white females

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