ADV 2332 Final

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(search engine marketing) process of getting listed on search engines.


(search engine optimization) process of designing the site and its content whereby search engines find your site without being paid to do so; also known as organic search, natural search, or algorithmic search.

how search works

*Query* (user-initiated search term -> *Web Server* -> *Index Server* (stores information previously categorized) uses Spiders (to index all relevant information) the contents of each page (titles & headings) are analyzed -> *Document Server* (retrieves relevant documents 'based on 'algorithm') a search engine algorithm displays the most relevant search results to the user -> *Search Engine Results Page*

factors affecting organic search rankings

*know three* -The location and frequency of keywords on the page -The HTML title tag -Site content, including quality and relevance -The number of other sites that link to the page -The number of click-throughs generated by searches to that page -Recency of mention and number of social mentions

pervasive computing

-According to IBM: --Pervasive computing aims to enable people to accomplish an increasing number of personal and professional transactions using a new class of intelligent and portable devices. --It gives people convenient access to relevant information stored on powerful networks, allowing them to easily take take action ANYWHERE, ANYTIME.

keyword density checkers

-Anything above 1 is good (?)

why mobile apps

-Be visible to customers at all times -Create a direct marketing channel -Provide value to your customers -Build brand and recognition -Improve customer engagement -Stand out from the competition -Cultivate customer loyalty

how Facebook invades young peoples privacy

-Because of adolescents' emotional volatility and their tendency to act impulsively, they are also more vulnerable than adults to such techniques as real-time bidding, geolocation targeting (especially when an individual is near a point of purchase), and "dynamic creative" ads tailored to their individual profiles and behavior patterns.

black hat SEO vs white hat SEO

-Black hat SEO refers to attempts to improve rankings in ways that are not approved by search engines and involve deception. They go against current search engine guidelines. -White hat SEO refers to use of good practice methods to achieve high search engine rankings. They comply with search engine guidelines.

stages of usability testing

-Concept testing --useful to prevent design flaws and to give general guidance to the designers about what prospects expect --can be done quickly in a focus group setting --relatively cheap -Prototype testing --implemented after the site design is complete --offers an opportunity to get reactions to the site design appeal & sites' structural consistence with prospects' expectations -Full usability testing --after the site is fully functioning but is not accessible to the public

campaign measurement process

-Determine objectives and success criteria --Awareness, involvement, active consideration and intent, trial, purchase, loyalty, and advocacy -Identify metrics and data sources --Tracking (to gauge responses) and diagnostics (to improvement opportunities) -Define measurement and reporting plan -Communicate measurement plan to all necessary stakeholders -Collect data, interpret, and analyze results --Be descriptive, be diagnostic, and ask how! -Marketing and process optimization --Create and reestablish baseline and benchmark metrics --Refine marketing strategy and redefine learning priorities

key issues in usability testing

-Don't consider eliminating it -Be sure testers are target audiences -Key is to have testers perform one or more typical tasks on site -Especially in early stages, ask them what they think -Frequent small-scale tests better than one large one -Can be outsourced or internal --Techniques are focus group research + web metrics

server request log files

-Each file request is recorded on the server -Data for each hit (file request) -IP address -Date, time of request -Code indicating successful, failed request -Number of bytes of data transferred -Referring site -Type of version of browser -Operating system -It can not track the movement of a user through the site -It collects data without the active permission of the users and often without their knowledge

moment of truth

-MOT represent an important marketing opportunity -Formal definition --An interaction between a firm and a customer that gives the customers an opportunity to form (or change) an impression about the firm -The first MOT: at the point of purchase -The second MOT: when consumers use the product -Zero MOT ? --Before the purchase and the use of the product


-Near field communications -Wireless communication between 2 devices when placed close to one another

QR codes

-Quick response codes -2 dimensional version of familiar bar code -Hold more data

organic vs paid search

-Search engine optimization (SEO), also known as natural, organic search -Pay-per-click (PPC), also known as paid search

common problems in organic search

-Search engine spiders unable to navigate the website due to flash videos and images including photos -No site map on website -Non-optimized navigation structure -Diluted link popularity of key category/product pages

digital convergence

-Smart phones & tablets allow users to perform a wide array of tasks on the same device -Refers to "the profound changes in the structure of media caused by the emergence of digital technologies as the dominant method for representing, storing, and communicating information"

web spider

-Spiders start by crawling the web. -This simply means that they follow links from page to page to page to page -While crawling each page they look at code for things like: --URL --Page Title --Meta Description --Headers --Body Copy --Image Alt-Tags --Etc. -Search Engines use the information they find to sort pages and categorize them. -After search engines have crawled a page, 'learned' what is on the page and categorized the page, they then store them in their index. --Google's Index is over 100 Million Gigabytes -The index is what is actually searched when a query is typed into a search engine. --You are not actually searching the world wide web, but simply searching one companies version of the world wide web.

tagged web pages

-Tag: a few lines of HTML placed on each page to be measured --*Allow to track a visitor*

bounce rates

-The percentage of sessions where someone only viewed a single page on your website and then left. -why a high bounce rate? --Setting wrong expectations --Poor user experiences on landing page --Simple one-page blog -Bounce rate is especially useful when you trying to measure your landing page effectiveness for your marketing campaign

collecting website data

-Traffic data : activity on the site -Audience data : both the behavior of people on the site and the people -Campaign data: the results of a specific marketing program -Three basic ways to collect the three kinds of data --Hit counters --Server request log files --Tagged web pages

tracking brands in social media

-Typical brand tracking measures (from social mention) --Strength - the percentage of mentions of the brand in the last 24 hours, relative to all mentions (buzz worthy). --Sentiment - the ratio of positive mentions to negative mentions (the degree of favorability). --Passion - the likelihood that any one person repeatedly talks about the brand (similar to depth of the brand) --Reach - the number of unique "authors" relative to the total number of mentions (similar to reach of the brand). --How socialable: measures brand visibility across the social web --Social Mention: track what people are saying about company, brand, product, or people --Klout: evaluate a brand or a person's Twitter or Facebook, Google +, Linkedin, Foursquare, Wikipedia, and Instagram to create Klout score out of 100, to measure the breadth and strength of one's online social influence --Twitalyzer: evaluate the activity of any brand in Twitter and reports on relative strength, signal-to-noise ratio, favor, passion, Klout score, etc. --Wordle: a program generating "word clouds" from text you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text

characteristics of viral marketing

-a reproduction rate of higher than one -social media apps are suited for viral marketing and sharing content is easier.

can-spam act compliance

-applies to acquisitional or promotional Emails --valid 'from' email address, valid reply --street address --unsubscribe --label as 'advertising' -the main provisions of CAN-SPAM --bans false or misleading header information --prohibits deceptive subject lines --requires that your email give recipients an opt-out method --commercial email should be identified as an ad and include sender's valid physical postal address

impact of crowd-cultures on branded content

-as crow-culture has diminished the impact of branded content, cultural branding has taken over. -we pinpoint cultural opportunities emerging in society and build brand strategies to leverage these opportunities.

confirmed opt-in

-between opt-in and double opt-in no reply is required

types of match in paid search

-broad match --reaches widest audience and not in same sequence --ex: sale purse=purse sale and ad will appear -phrase match --must be in exact sequence, enclosed in quotes --ex: "pink and purple purses" in that order will trigger an ad -exact match --most precise method, enclosed in brackets --ex: [pink purse] will trigger an ad


-describes the current state of device and network convergence

impact of Facebook

-digital culture -- "always being engaged with one's peers" -aggressive marketing practice --might not be able to protect the youth due to the aggressive marketing techniques by social media -targeting -- -data collection -- -tracking --

benefits of social media marketing

-generated exposure for my business -increased my traffic/subscribers/opt-in first -resulted in new business partnerships -helped us rise in search rankings

the environment

-it will only be shared if people think their friends haven't already seen it -luck in the right time and place of the message

the messengers

-market mavens --people who have a large amount of marketplace information and engage with others -social hubs --people with a large base of social connections -salespeople --amplify and make the message more persuasive --between social hubs and market mavens

SMM challenges

-measuring and proving the ROI of social media programs -converting followers, fans, etc. into paying customers -getting target audiences to engage and participate

the message

-must be memorable and interesting

types of emails

-newsletters -customer service announcements -new product announcements -alerts and reminders -promotion and advertisings

golden Rs of email marketing

-relevance --what does it mean to me? -respect --is my data used responsibly? -recipient control --do I have a choice over how my data is used?

site metrics

-site metrics - measures of business performance and measures of site performance -Business performance measures are vital to marketers --help marketers to judge the success of marketing activities --help marketers to demonstrate ROI on those activities -Site performance measures give directions to the technicians who maintain the site -However, marketers are more concerned with the *Traffic and Audience data* because of their relevance to marketing campaign success


-social media has bound communities together that were once geographically isolated, greatly increasing the pace and intensity of collaboration -subcultures --incubate new ideologies and practices -art worlds --break new ground in entertainment


-the amount of activity on a site during a specific time period -A session is a group of interactions that take place on your website within a given time frame -A single session can contain multiple screen or page views, events, social interactions, and transactions

search engine marketing

-used by most consumers -organic search is 'free' -people are looking for your product/services

branded content and sponsorship

-used to work well but not anymore due to crowd cultures

definition of viral marketing

-viral marketing is electronic word of mouth where the marketing message of a company or brand is transmitted and exponentially grows, usually through social media

double opt-in

-visitors agree to receive further communications on a site and via separate email confirmation


-visitors did not refuse to receive further communications from the marketer -under CAN-SPAM law, all emails must have a clear option to unsubscribe

types of cookies

Cookies: a small data files that are stored in the user's computer that transmit data back to a web server -Session cookies : in effect for 1 visit -Persistent cookies: on user's computer for a period of time make the user experience easier -First-party cookies: set by website from which files requested -Third-party cookies: set by Ad network or Metrics service -Users are based on cookies, so remember that people might use multiple devices to access your website. PC (1 user) + Phone (1 user) = 2 users -If someone deleted cookies from their browser and then visits your website, he or she will be seen as a new user

usability testing

Designed to see if the site works in a user-friendly fashion according to the expectations of members of the target market

permission marketing

Marketers must obtain permission from the prospect before sending an email -Anticipated --People expect to receive your emails -Personal --Email is sent to that person only -Relevant --Content pertains to the recipient's interests

hit counters

Number of visitors, number of unique visitors, number of pages that fully loaded, returning visitors, time spent on site, etc..

factors that facilitate adoption

Relative Advantage --Perception of superior product benefits Compatibility --Similarity; don't have to change task performance Complexity --(NOT) Difficult to learn to use Trialability/Divisibility --Try on limited, modular basis Observability/Communicability --Ease of communicating benefits to user

the use of social media among small business owners and their skepticism toward the use of social media

Small Business -To increase the exposure of a business -To increase traffic to a website -To cut down marketing costs -To generate sales majority of small businesses are skeptical about using SMM! -Cost is one factor -Lack of skilled employees another -Greatest - *fear* of negative comments by consumers

page rank

a mathematical algorithm named after Google co-founder Larry Page to indicate how important a page is on the web; used as a metric used when evaluating websites.

meta tag

a section in the HTML header section of a website that can be used to describe the site in more detail, including content and keywords; also known as meta name, or metal element.

advantages and disadvantages of organic search

advantages: - Better responses since majority of clicks are organic -More return traffic -Lower cost -Long term marketing solution -Brand recognition and loyalty disadvantages: -Results are not immediate -Ranking is difficult to predict -Initial time investment and time is major cost -Take time for results to be displayed

advantages and disadvantages of paid search

advantages: -Immediate results based on bidding system in which there are charges for clicks received -Gives definite search volume -Easy to change focus -Unlimited keywords Ability to test (keywords, ad copy, and landing pages, etc) disadvantages: -Easy to lose ranking or spot -Daily budget can be expensive depending on keywords -Unqualified clicks

broad match

all search volumes for that keyword idea, including synonyms and related words.

tracking emails

click through, open rates, bounce rates, and compare metrics across different offers (A/B testing from the direct marketing) -hard bounce --the email address is bad or truly undeliverable -soft bounce --the email could not be delivered at that particular time

email vs direct marketing

email is cheaper, faster, and has a higher response rate than direct mail

mobile marketing enabling technologies

email, mobile apps, bar codes, text messages, podcasts, music, videos, content marketing, search marketing, display ads


emails attempting to collect PII -some other common phishing red flags are: --links that don't send you to a or site, or the site that they claim to be representing. for example, hover over this link: --requests that don't make sense, such as, "Your account is over-quota. Click here to re-activate it." If it was full, shouldn't I just delete some of the contents? --emails that have you reply to a non-University email address. --requests for sensitive personal information or passwords.

evolution of email marketing

first generation: -broadcast, SPAM --high volume, low cost --send and forget --generally not relevant second generation: -permission marketing --responsible --segmented --usually relevant --value added third generation: -customer engagement --focus on individual --personalized content --dialogue-based --mail worth opening *know how it's changed over time*


in background usually without consumer knowledge

negative match

key term that you do not want to be considered in your search.

types of security breaches

malware, spyware, adware, phishing, pfarming, spoofing

visitor behaviors on site

number of page views, session time, path through the site, shopping cart abandonment, and entry page

media types

paid, owned, earned, shared

keyword density

percentage of times a particular word is used in a website page in comparison to the number of words on that page.


programs that "crawl" the web and follow every link or piece of data that they see and bring this information back to be stored; also known as robots.

exact match

search volume for that particular keyword.

phrase match

search volume that includes that entire phrase.


sites/pages that look like valid site -formal definition: --the exploitation of a vulnerability in Domain Name Service (DNS) server software that allows a hacker to redirect that website's traffic to another web site. DNS servers are the machines responsible for resolving Internet names into their real addresses, and are used anytime a user types the name of a website into his or her web browser and attempts to view a web page.


software covered by user agreements


software designed to do damage

index server

stores the information index, which has categorized websites as a best fit to certain keywords.


the amount paid in purchasing advertising; in this case, means the cost per thousand impressions, or the cost divided by the total number of impressions.


the cost of the paid ad campaign divided by the number of clicks.

domain name authority

the extent to which that domain name is considered to be a reputable website in a particular category.

universal search

the inclusion of search results from multiple content sources such as videos, images, news, maps, books, and websites into one set of research results.

three conditions of how to create an epidemic

the messengers, the message, and the environment


the number of times an ad banner is requested by a Browser


the number of times any link is clicked

paid search

the paid aspect of SEM based on an advertising model where firms seeking to rank high in specific search categories will bid on certain terms or "keywords" in the hopes of a lucrative ad ranking; also known as PPC (pay-per-click).

title tag

the title you see in the blue bar at the top of the web page; also known as the HTML title tag.

how to measure website effectiveness

usability, traffic, audience, and campaign measurement, site performance (quality assurance)


virtually the same as pfarming (sites/pages that look like valid site)

audience measures

visitors and visitor behavior on the site


visitors have actively chosen to receive further communications

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