Advanced First Aid CPR Final

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Place the right AED pad:

-right of the breastbone. -just below the collarbone. -above the right nipple.

Continue performing back blows and chest thrusts on a responsive choking infant until:

-the infant starts breathing on his or her own. -trained help arrives and relieves you. -you are completely exhausted.

When giving a child rescue breaths, the breaths should last:

1 second

When giving an infant rescue breaths, the breaths should last

1 second

When giving rescue breaths to a child, each breath should last approximately ________.

1 second

When giving rescue breaths to an adult, each breath should last approximately how long?

1 second

A child's age ranges from:

1 year to puberty

When performing chest compressions on a child, the sternum should be depressed

1.5 to 2 inches

When performing CPR on a child victim, give ____ breath(s) after every 30 compressions.


When giving chest compressions to an infant, use

2 fingers

When performing adult CPR, how many compressions should be given?


The ratio of compressions to breaths when performing adult CPR is

30 compressions to 2 breaths

The ratio of compressions to breaths when performing child CPR is

30 compressions to 2 breaths

The ratio of compressions to breaths when performing infant CPR is:

30 compressions to 2 breaths

How many back blows and chest thrusts should be given to a responsive choking infant?

5 each

Which of the following statements about AEDs is true?

(TRUE) The AED pads need to be attached to a dry chest. (FALSE) The electrode pads are placed on the left side of the victim's chest. (FALSE) Do not use an AED on a person with an implanted pacemaker. (FALSE) You need to turn the AED on daily as part of a routine inspection.

Which of the following statements about AEDs is true?

-(TRUE) Remove patches containing medication (eg, nitroglycerin, nicotine, or pain medicine). -(FALSE) Do not use an AED on children (ages 1 to 8 years). -(FALSE) Put petroleum jelly on the skin where the electrodes are to be placed. -(FALSE) All chests should be shaved before applying the electrodes.

At what point would you stop performing adult CPR and check for circulation?

-When an AED becomes available -When EMS personnel take over -When you are too tired to continue

AED supplies should include

-a razor -hand towel -breathing device and exam gloves

An AED can

-analyze the heart's rhythm. -deliver an electrical shock. -be used by trained laypersons.

The signs of a severe airway obstruction may include:

-difficulty breathing. -weak and ineffective cough. -inability to speak or breathe.

Before using an AED:

-give CPR until the AED is ready to be used. -position it next to the victim. -turn on the AED.

Place the second AED pad:

-on the left side of the chest. -left of the nipple. -above the lower rib margin

The links included in the cardiac chain of survival include:

-recognition and action. -CPR and defibrillation. -advanced care and postarrest care

How many abdominal thrusts should be given to a responsive choking victim?

As many as are needed to remove the obstruction or until the victim becomes unresponsive

For a responsive adult or child with a severe airway obstruction, ________.

Ask, "Are you choking?"

The proper sequence for CPR is:


Begin ________ immediately after the shock and follow the prompts of the AED.


Unresponsive choking in infants is managed through:


What is the leading cause of death in the United States?

Cardiac arrest

Which method should be used to open the airway for all unresponsive victims?

Head tilt-chin lift

________ occurs when heart muscle tissue dies because its blood supply is severely reduced or stopped.

Heart attack

When should a blind finger sweep be performed by a layperson to remove an object on a choking victim?

Never perform a blind finger sweep.

How many abdominal thrusts are given to an unresponsive adult choking victim by a lay rescuer?


If alone with an unresponsive child or infant victim, the rescuer should

Provide care for 2 minutes then call 911

For effective chest compressions during CPR, the rescuer should

Push hard and push fast

The simplest method to check responsiveness of a victim is to:

Tap the shoulder and shout "Are you okay?"

When giving abdominal thrusts, which part of the fist is placed against the victim's abdomen?

Thumb side

How many adhesive pads (electrodes) are placed on the victim's chest?


Which is the most common abnormal heart rhythm in cases of sudden cardiac arrest in adults?

Ventricular fibrillation

CPR by a layperson is needed

When the victim is not breathing

After initiating CPR, you stop to check circulation again:

You do not need to stop and check the pulse

When performing chest compressions on an infant, the sternum should be depressed:

about 1.5 inches

AEDs can be used on:

adults, children, and infants

An object lodged in the airway can cause a mild or severe

airway obstruction

When performing child CPR, give chest compressions at the rate of

at least 100 compressions per minute

When performing infant CPR, give chest compressions at the rate of

at least 100 per minutes

When performing chest compressions on an adult victim, the sternum should be depressed:

at least 2 inches

Adults include those who are:

at puberty or older

When performing chest compressions on an adult victim, the hands are placed:

at the center of the chest

Responsive choking in infants is managed through a sequence of

back blows, chest thrusts

When the heart stops beating

blood carrying oxygen becomes unavailable to the entire body

If alone with an unresponsive adult victim, the rescuer should

call 911

If an unresponsive victim is not breathing or only gasping, the first aider should first

call 911

During CPR, the rescuer gives

chest compressions and rescue breathing

If the choking victim is extremely obese or in an advanced stage of pregnancy

chest thrusts should be applied

In mouth-to-stoma rescue breathing, the first aider should

close the victim's mouth and nose and breathe through the opening in the neck

Avoid placing the AED pads ________ implantable devices

directly over

Verify no one is in contact with the victim

during the analysis or during the shock

A victim's chance of survival dramatically improves through

early CPR and early defibrillation

When giving rescue breaths to an infant, you should

form an airtight seal around the infant's mouth and nose

If the victim's mouth is severely injured, the first aider should

give rescue breaths by the mouth-to-nose method

When giving abdominal thrusts to a choking victim, where should you position your hands?

in the middle of the abdomen, just above the navel

At the same time you check for responsiveness, you should look at the victim to see whether he or she ________.

is breathing

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR):

is the initial care for cardiac arrest until a defibrillator is available.

When giving chest compressions to an infant, place two fingers:

on the center of the chest, just below the nipple line

When giving chest thrusts to a responsive choking infant, place two fingers

one fingerbreadth below the nipple line

When providing care for an unresponsive adult with an airway obstruction, the lay rescuer should:

perform CPR

During ventricular fibrillation, the heart:

quivers and cannot pump blood

When giving abdominal thrusts to a responsive choking victim, the rescuer's hand should be located:

slightly above the navel

The most common cause of airway obstruction in an unresponsive victim is

the tongue

To perform chest compressions on a child:

use one or two hands

Defibrillation is most effective if used

within the first few minutes following cardiac arrest

Infants are those who are

younger than 1 year of age

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