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The Narrative of Hosea Hudson: The Life and Times of a Black Radical

black, communist, and pro-union story of mutal explotation


colonizer is barbaric Discourse of colonialism

gender-independent movements

women and men working is separation in different movements with different goals

full gender-integration movements:

women and men working towards the same goals in the same movement

industrial democracy

workers making decisions, sharing responsibility and authority in the workplace.


First democratically elected president of the congo, assassinated by US and dictator The film

Concerning Violence

Frantz Fanon violence is necessary from otherthrow of colonialism

Movement People

Gomez chapter highlighting the social movements and accomplishments of black people across the world


Gomez, Michael, black peoples resilience and movements towards personal freedom

Black Women Activists and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee"

Griggs Fleming, Cynthia womens role in sncc Ruby Doris Smith Robinson fierce activism and early death

"La balada de los dos abuelos" and "Tengo"


economic growth

(GDP) Some Questions of Development

economic development

(meeting basic needs) Some Questions of Development

What We Want What We Believe

- 1966 Black Panther Party and Platform Program

We're on Our Way

Hamer, Fannie Lou urges people to vote and relize potential for activsm violence against black people: Black man beat her and jail, White cop sexually exploited her

"Excerpt from Bismarck, Europe and Africa: The Berlin Africa Conference 1884-1885 and The Onset of Partition"

A confrence dividing Africa amongsth European Powers in Berlin about dividing Africa between European powers took place November 15th 1884 in Berlin Germany Attendees -14 countries. Called conference to discuss free trade amongst the European powers in Africa


According to Marxian theory, class conflict arises in capitalist societies due to contradictions between the material interests of the oppressed proletariat—a class of wage labourers employed by the bourgeoisie to produce goods and services—and the bourgeoisie—the ruling class that owns the means of production and extract their wealth through appropriation of the surplus product (profit) produced by the proletariat. Leading to socialism-common ownership of means of production and resources, but people can have individual property Panther sisters of womens liberation

TEN:Teatro Experimental do Negro

Black Experimental Theater of Brazil was influenced by Négritude's celebration of blackness and refusal of assimilation was opposed to the privilege granted to mulattoes as well as to whitening Pan-Africanism Negritude and the Currency of Blackness

Black Power: Its Need and Substance

Carmichael, Stokely and Charles V. Hamilton black people need to unite to build their own communities and uplift themselves from racist narratives fed to them

"Discourse on Colonialism"

Cesaire Aime colonist motivations were rooted in economic exploitation colonist are brutalized and decivilized barbarism of colonist Founded the Negritude movement "Resistance to the politics of assimilation" Sengore (president of Senegal) and Damas (French Guinea) and Suzanne Cesaire


Class struggle in africa Nervous conditions commentary


Class struggle in africa Nervous conditions commentary

Nervous Conditions

Colonized subjects, girl struggling to assimilate and uplift her family


Cuba emphasized the contributions of Africans to Western culture claim Africa as "the center and the redemption of Caribbean culture" Pan-Africanism Negritude and the Currency of Blackness

"Pan-Africanism, Négritude, and the Currency of Blackness"

Davis & Williams - different black movements across the world and importance of this perspective

Worlds of Color

DuBois The shadows/impacts of different countries over where they colonized, the working class was divided so the powerful could win Labor and the color line go hand in hand Shadows of different European countries/ Impacts of colonialism Colonialism=Capitalism Divided Africa by tribal groups Believed we should have working class unity. White working class is poisoned. Capitalism divided the working class so they would not unite and over power them Economic motives of capitalism: raw material cheap labor, markets Anti-colonialism, colonialism does not equal civilization Colonizers claimed they were there to bring civilization to theses "savages" when in fact the Europeans were the Savages

the color line

DuBois: Problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line/ racism


Dubois- Labor is the other side of the race problem

"Induction" Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey Excerpt from Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey

Hollis Lynch Pan Africanist Black solidarity, black internaltionalism Political and economical Black power (Black Star Line) Free American Blacks to Liberia Black nationalism, nation building, and anti-colonialism Separatist UNIA (Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League)1914 One god, one aim, one destiny African independence

The Women's Liberation and Gay Liberation Movement

Huey Newton 1970 Speech should be looking at these movements as allies

An End to the Neglect of the Problem of the Negro Woman

Jones, Claudia black womens dienfranchismnet in activism hisotry despite their efforts ignorance towardsour problems

You've Struck a Rock

Kuumba, M. Bahati Contrary to the myth of women as divisive women contributed significantly to: Integrated organizations Parallel organizations Montgomery bus boycott and anti-pass campaign jump started their motivation to be a part of the movements

Letter from a Birmingham Jail

MLK duty to fight against injustice, even if it is a law dissapointment with white moderates

Not Just an American Problem, But A World Problem

Malcom X Americans need to turn civil rights into human rights in order to gain allies "Image making" makes us feel inferior Image of a criminal

Address to the Conference of the Pan-African Freedom Movement of East Central Africa

Nelson Mandela plans to carry out revolutionary struggle in africa outside forces are violent and unrelenting when resisted

Class Struggle in Africa

Nkrumah, Kwame Applied Marxist methodology and philosophy to analyze social, political and economic conditions in Africa Neocolonialism (new form of colonialism) Continue to rule with help of indigenous people often labeled the petty bourgeoisie or civil servants Petty bourgeoisie-Class against proletariat and peasantry Enemy within Need warfare (armed struggle) They will not give up power easily Proletariat and peasantry can come together and fight this Criticized Negritude

What Life Has Taught Me

Selassie, Haile africa will fight from equality until racism and bigotry is ended, peace is resotred

excerpts from Négritude: Black Poetry from Africa and the Caribbean



Some Questions of Development


Some Questions of Development


Spanish Caribbean

Foot Soldiers Class of 1964

Spelman class of women fighting for civil rights


a celebration of blackness highlighting contributions of blacks to Western civilization inspired by intellectuals from the French Caribbean (Aimé Césaire and Léon Damas) as well as Léopold Sedar Senghor (Senegal) Pan-Africanism Negritude and the Currency of Blackness-Darian Davis and Judith Williams

A Black Feminist Statement

The Combahee River Collective sexual and racial politics produce a unique struggle black women have the least privilege to leverage in activism

Fire !!

Thurman, Wallace et al., eds., Collection of negro artist during the Harlem renaissance colorism, white people, bisexuality

"Some Questions of Development"

Walter Rodney Explaining why African is underdeveloped from a historical and modern context Defining why Africa's countries were considered "undeveloped." However the correct term to describe is underdevelopment because the developed countries are exploiting it of their resources.

"Yinka Shonibare: Of Hedonism, Masquerade, Carnivalesque and Power: A Conversation with Okwui Enwezor"

Yinka Shonibare's depiction of the Berlin conference. Divide Africa like a cake(Great Britain, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Spain Locating oneself in the center and the margin Influences from all over the world, you don't have to put yourself in a box

gender-parallel movements

women and men assigned different tasks and goals within the same movement


a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force


creation of new realities and systems Panther Sister on Women's Liberation

Environmental justice:

fighting for issues that contribute to the health of communities based on working in harmony with the earth

Environmental Justice for All,

how ej impacts us

Environmental racism

human actions that contribute to the degrading environmental conditions for people of color


living movement connecting people of the diaspora on the basis that we have common struggles

"Principles of Environmental Justice"

outlining what environmental justice is and what is demands from us


partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically


places of labor, work

Panther Sister on Women's Liberation- September 1969

state of women within the black panthers, fear of splitting movement w gender issue


struggle against colonial forces Concerning violence


system of economic exploitation


turning people into tools of labor World of Color


which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes

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