Aerodynamics and Performance (5)
2. Cruise performance: Use the chart to calculate the fuel burn at 8000 feet altitude at standard temperature (ISA) using 2500 RPM and 21.2"of Manifold Air Pressure (MAP). Use your handout for figures.
10.5 gph
Using the Time, Fuel and Distance to climb, what is the time required to climb from sea level to 7500 feet with temperatures at 10 degrees Celsius above standard and zero wind. Use your handout for figures.
12.4 minutes
9. What is the rate of sink if the power available is 120 Hp and power required is 140 Hp and the weight of the aircraft is 3000 pounds.
220 fpm
29. What is the landing distance required to clear a 50 ft obstacle if landing at an airport 3000 ft Pressure Altitude and 20ºC, with no headwind on a paved level dry runway and flaps 100%.
2222 ft
20. Using the Cirrus takeoff performance chart:What is the distance required to clear a 50 foot obstacle if the field elevation in 2000 feet, Temperature is 20 degrees Celcius, and there is a 12 knot headwind. (ROUND TO THE NEAREST FOOT.) Use your handout for figures.
2299 feet
8. Calculate the Rate of Climb if power available is 180 Hp and power required is 130 Hp and the weight of the aircraft is 3000 pounds.
550 fpm
28. Find the maximum rate of climb at 5000 ft and 0ºC from your Cirrus charts.for a 3000lb aircraft.
605 ft/min
11. WIth respect to change in velocity, what is required in order to generate enough lift to takeoff.
19. Identify the factors that affect takeoff distance:
Airport elevation, Air density, Slope of runway, Direction and velocity of wind
26. At airspeeds slower than V(min power), more power is required to maintain altitude. What is this called?
Back side of the power curve. Region of reversed command. "Slow flight" is an example of this situation
31. As altitude increases Power available;
4. The difference (in HP) between power avaliable and power required is called what?
Excess power
32. As aircraft weight increases Power required;
33. As Drag increases (from flaps and undercarriage lowered) Power required;
13. During takeoff ground roll, lift ________ weight
Is less than
21. Best range airspeed with a tailwind will be ________ than best range airspeed with a headwind.
25. Maximum range airspeed will produce what effects?
Maximum distance for a given amount of fuel.
27. Operating at V (min power) (Minimum Power Speed) results in ...
Maximum endurance, Minimum sink rate, and Most time aloft
14. The drag curve, when applied to piston engine driven propellor aircraft, is recalculated and called the;
Power required curve
23. Maximum range can be affected by
RPM settings, altitudes, wind, weight
7. The loss of one engine in a twin engine aircraft results in:
Significant loss of climb capability, Yaw in the direction of the failed engine, Increased drag due to use of rudder to overcome yaw
18. Service ceiling is:
The maximum altitude in which the aircraft can achieve a climb rate of 100 fpm.
16. Best angle of climb speed is:
The most altitude that can be obtained over a given amount of distance and Vx
17. The power avaliable curve is not straight because:
The propeller effciency changes depending on airspeed
6. The reasons for having more than a twin engine rather than one engine include which of the following?
To provide more power than can be provided by one engine and Improves safety by providing redundancy in case one engine fails.
15. Flying at a higher velocity than where the Power Required Curve and Power Avaliable Curve cross would produce a descent.
22. Operating at maximum L/D (Lift/Drag ratio) gives speed for best glide distance and best range.
24. Absolute ceiling, when viewed on a power vs. velocity graph, is the point where power available and power required curves are tangent to each other (ie touching). That point indicates the velocity at which straight and level flight can be maintained, however there is no climb capability.
30. Vx is less than Vy;
5. When determining takeoff distance required, whether runway is paved or grass will affect your takeoff distance.
3. During the ground roll whilst accelerating along the runway before taking off, the four forces ________ in balance.
are not
10. The best glide ratio is:
found on power required curve at the point of minimum drag.
12. During takeoff ground roll, drag ________ thrust.
is less than