African American history final exam practice

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Which of the following statements about the health of black Americans is true? a.They have a higher rate of morbidity for kidney diseases but a lower rate of mortality than white Americans. b.They are less likely to die from asthma than white Americans. c.They are disproportionately affected by the rising prevalence of diabetes. d.They are more resilient and have the highest life expectancies compared to other Americans.

They are disproportionately affected by the rising prevalence of diabetes.

Identify a true statement about the 369th United States Infantry. a.They were one of the last combat forces to go overseas. b.They were not allowed to fight on the Western front. c.They were the first Allied unit to reach the Rhine. d.Almost half of the unit was captured by the Germans by the end of the war.

They were the first Allied unit to reach the Rhine.

Who popularized the genre of gospel music through compositions such as "Precious Lord, Take My Hand"? a.Thomas Dorsey b.Duke Ellington c.William Grant Still d.R. Nathaniel Dett

Thomas Dorsey

Which of the following statements about Clarence Thomas's appointment to the Supreme Court is LEAST accurate? a.The controversial nature of Thomas's appointment increased substantially when a former employee accused him of sexual harassment. b.Before his appointment to the Supreme Court, Thomas had held government positions related to civil rights. c.Thomas's appointment received unequivocal support from the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and the Congressional Black Caucus. d.Thomas was appointed to replace an outgoing black justice, ensuring African Americans would retain some representation on the Court.

Thomas's appointment received unequivocal support from the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and the Congressional Black Caucus.

Why did an unprecedented number of blacks migrate out of the South to the North and the West in the 1940s? a. To join labor unions b. To get recruited by the military c. To participate in protests against segregation d. To find employment

To find employment

With which of the following industries was the union Local 22 associated? a.Tobacco industry b.Automobile industry c.Textile industry d.Steel industry

Tobacco industry

Which author became the first African American recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1993? a.Alice Walker b.Rita Dove c.Toni Morrison d.Kara Walker

Toni Morrison

In "The Conservation of Races," who articulated the idea that black Americans faced a "dilemma" as a result of their "double-consciousness" of being both Negroes and Americans at the same time? a.W. E. B. Du Bois b.Lugenia Burns Hope c.Monroe Trotter d.Mary Church Terrell

W. E. B. Du Bois

Which black leader called for a Pan-African Congress to meet in Paris in 1919 and draw attention to the plight of African peoples? a.Chandler Owen b.Claude McKay c.A. Philip Randolph d.W. E. B. Du Bois

W. E. B. Du Bois

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded in 1909 because a.several white army officers were shocked by the way Lieutenant Colonel Charles Young was forced to retire. b.Bishop Alexander Walters of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church wanted to seek support against the draft exemptions given to whites but not blacks. c.William English Walling, a white reformer and socialist, was horrified by the racist Springfield riot in 1908. d.several black leaders wanted to unite and pressurize the military authorities to create a black officer training camp.

William English Walling, a white reformer and socialist, was horrified by the racist Springfield riot in 1908.

Which co-editor of the Boston Guardian, and the first black man accepted to Phi Beta Kappa, launched a public campaign in 1901 to oppose Booker T. Washington's views and challenge Washington's leadership of the black community? a.W. E. B. Du Bois b.William Monroe Trotter c.T. Thomas Fortune d.William H. Councill

William Monroe Trotter

The Southern Conference for Human Welfare was all-black organization created to oppose the South's Jim Crow laws. interracial organization created to counter the spread of Communist influence into the civil rights movement. c.a leftist interracial organization created to address the problems of discrimination in the South. all-black organization created to promote the works of young black artists.

a leftist interracial organization created to address the problems of discrimination in the South.

The music of De La Soul and A Tribe Called Quest is marked by a.violent and misogynistic imagery. embrace of "Dirty" southern sounds known as Neo-Soul. c.a mix of black nationalism and New Age spirituality. d.the recurring use of Islamic themes.

a mix of black nationalism and New Age spirituality.

William H. Johnson's work in the late 1930s could best be described as a.influenced by primitivism and native African styles. b.abstract designs devoid of apparent meaning. c.a modernist approach to black folk art. d.a marriage of modern urban subject matter and classical technique.

a modernist approach to black folk art.

Which of the following statements about the funding of black schools in the South during the Progressive Era is LEAST accurate? a.The low amount of public funds spent on black schools was incidental, arising more from the income levels of local communities than from deliberately racist policies. b.The disenfranchisement of black citizens made it impossible for them to force tax dollars to be spent equitably on black and white schools. c.Southern blacks had to pay a "double tax" on education because they had to spend their private wealth to make up for the shortfalls in public funds for their schools. d.Although southern Progressives called for an "education revival," the movement was directed primarily at white students.

a.The low amount of public funds spent on black schools was incidental, arising more from the income levels of local communities than from deliberately racist policies.

In two separate 2007 cases, the Supreme Court struck down programs in Louisville and Seattle that a.required students with special needs to attend schools located far from their homes. b.allowed children to attend schools outside their neighborhoods in the hopes of encouraging racial diversity. c.enforced a rigid system of busing to ensure that each school had roughly the same racial profile as every other school in its district. d.allowed home-schooled students, almost all of whom were black, to participate in high school athletics, despite their poor performance on standard tests

allowed children to attend schools outside their neighborhoods in the hopes of encouraging racial diversity.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, civil rights legislation helped to bring about all of the following changes EXCEPT explosion in the number of southern blacks who were registered to vote. effective solution to the structural problems of racial inequality and poverty. c.a drastic increase in the number of African Americans holding southern and federal offices. d.the effective desegregation of the vast majority of southern schools.

an effective solution to the structural problems of racial inequality and poverty.

In general, President Ronald Reagan used his appointment powers to a.ensure that the expansion of civil rights remained at the top of the federal government's agenda. the implementation of the civil rights laws but on a more moderate and gradual basis than before. c.appoint the Supreme Court justices who were in favor of affirmative action. d.appoint conservative leaders to key positions in agencies responsible for implementing the civil rights laws.

appoint conservative leaders to key positions in agencies responsible for implementing the civil rights laws.

As president, Bill Clinton did all of the following EXCEPT a.appoint the first African American to the post of Secretary of State. b.appoint four black Americans to his cabinet. c.appoint more African American judges than any previous president. d.drastically reduce poor Americans' access to welfare benefits

appoint the first African American to the post of Secretary of State.

During his presidency, George H. W. Bush a.appointed numerous African Americans to visible and influential positions. b.succeeded in winning almost a quarter of the black electorate back to the Republican Party. c.continued his predecessor's policy of only appointing blacks to token positions within his administration. d.appointed fewer blacks to positions of leadership than any president since Harry Truman.

appointed numerous African Americans to visible and influential positions.

Throughout most of his career, Malcolm X a.worked closely with leaders in the mainstream civil rights movement. b.contended that blacks could only uplift themselves by assimilating into white society and changing it and themselves simultaneously. c.remained an obscure figure, unknown outside of radical black circles. d.argued that black men should prove their manhood by defending themselves and their families against violence with violence.

argued that black men should prove their manhood by defending themselves and their families against violence with violence.

In the late 1940s, the Tuskegee Army Air Field in Alabama famously provided blacks with training in a.tank warfare. b.covert operations. c.aviation. d.demolitions.


In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the U.S. Supreme Court a.began to whittle away at affirmative action programs and antidiscriminatory policies. b.became the sole liberal holdout in a government otherwise dominated by conservatives. c.expanded its progressive agenda as more women and blacks took seats on the Court. d.consisted entirely of white men for the first time since the 1960s.

began to whittle away at affirmative action programs and antidiscriminatory policies.

At the end of Barack Obama's two-term presidency, the income disparities had a.marginally reduced. b.leveled out. c.drastically reduced. d.continued to grow.

continued to grow

the emergence of black playwrights as the leading figures in American theater. a.emergence of black men as the leading authors of the day. b.emergence of black women as the leading authors of the day. c.disappearance of race consciousness from most black authors' works.

emergence of black women as the leading authors of the day.

In 1908, Berea College in Kentucky a.became the first racially integrated college in the South. b.closed down rather than admit a black student who had sued to be admitted. c.ended its policy of racial integration after the Supreme Court declared the policy illegal. became the first southern university to allow a black professor to teach classes to white students.

ended its policy of racial integration after the Supreme Court declared the policy illegal.

When given a strategically important mission in preparation for the Argonne-Meusse offensive, the black soldiers of the 368th Infantry Regiment of the 92nd Division

failed after suffering heavy casualties, providing ammunition for observers who blamed black troops for all the setbacks suffered by the U.S. Army.

The two targets of the Double V campaign were a.the discrimination of blacks by whites and the mistreatment of black women by black men. b.racial discrimination in the workplace and disenfranchisement at the polls. c.fascism abroad and racial discrimination at home. d.Germany in Europe and Japan in the Pacific.

fascism abroad and racial discrimination at home.

As the United States drifted to war from 1939 through 1940 and American industries shifted from domestic to war manufacturing, black workers a. found their opportunities for economic advancement blocked by rigid anti-black policies and the hostility of white workers. b. gained unprecedented access to skilled jobs on nearly the same scale as white workers. c. drove many white workers out of the industries because employers preferred to hire blacks, whom they felt they could pay lower wages. d. were lured from distant lands by employers in industrial centers like Chicago and San Francisco who were desperate for any workers they could acquire.

found their opportunities for economic advancement blocked by rigid anti-black policies and the hostility of white workers.

During the 1930s and the 1940s, black Americans a.lost substantial political clout because of the Great Depression. b.became a decisive bloc in the states of the Deep South. c.gained numerous judicial and legislative seats in the Midwest. d.abandoned the Republican Party almost completely.

gained numerous judicial and legislative seats in the Midwest.

The Niagara Movement's original platform called for all of the following EXCEPT a.freedom of speech and criticism. b.guaranteed suffrage for black men and all women. c.the abolition of all race-based distinctions. d.respect for working persons.

guaranteed suffrage for black men and all women.

To test the Supreme Court decision in Irene Morgan v. Commonwealth of Virginia in 1947, the Congress of Racial Equality a.attempted to enroll a black student in an all-white public university. b.had black delegates take the front seats in buses during the "journey of reconciliation." c.had black students sit at a "whites only" Woolworth's lunch counter and ask for service. d.sent a black delegation to a state convention of the Democratic Party of Virginia.

had black delegates take the front seats in buses during the "journey of reconciliation."

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial in Washington, D.C., depicts King as a.having come forth from the Mountain of Despair to stand tall as a symbol of hope. b.a general seated on a horse, leading his troops into a war. c.deep in thought, holding a book in his hands. d.a central figure, surrounded by a man, a woman, and a child, symbolizing a worker, a migrant, and the struggles of a black nation.

having come forth from the Mountain of Despair to stand tall as a symbol of hope.

President Clinton faced criticism from some African Americans for his refusal to fight to get Lani Guinier appointed as a.a justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. b.head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division. c.chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. d.chair of the Civil Rights Commission.

head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division.

One reason that The Cosby Show was culturally important is that portrayed a successful, upper-middle-class black family. offered a bluntly honest depiction of inner-city black life. brought militant black power politics to prime time television for the first time. established the template for 1980s sitcoms starring black actors in predominantly white casts.

it portrayed a successful, upper-middle-class black family.

A crucial difference between Marcus Garvey's UNIA and both the NAACP and the socialist movement was that the UNIA a.addressed not only the political and legal concerns of black people but also their social concerns. b.believed that only through the cooperation of whites and blacks within a single organization could black people advance. c.believed that a small elite should assume a role of leadership to guide the masses to better lives. d.managed to appeal to and win the support of a wide swath of black Americans, creating a true mass following.

managed to appeal to and win the support of a wide swath of black Americans, creating a true mass following.

Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, and Shelby Steele were all prominent African American scholars who a.served as cabinet members under Republican presidents. b.opposed affirmative action in schools. c.kept alive the tradition of militant cultural nationalism. d.quit their jobs to protest the reversal of the gains blacks had made in the realm of higher education since the 1960s.

opposed affirmative action in schools.

During the First World War, black soldiers served in all of the following units or positions EXCEPT a.the signal corps. b.Army lawyers. c.intelligence officers. d.pilots in the aviation corps.

pilots in the aviation corps.

The Twenty-fourth Amendment helped to guarantee blacks' voting rights by banning a. grandfather clauses. b. literacy tests. c. poll taxes. d. tests.

poll taxes

In response to the March on Washington, President Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8802, which a.prohibited employment discrimination in the defense industries. b.desegregated the armed forces. c.guaranteed the right to vote for all men who served in the armed services. d.made lynching a federal crime.

prohibited employment discrimination in the defense industries.

In the 1980s, Americans employed a sit-in campaign and sanctions to a.further the Cold War with the Soviet Union. b.protest Saddam Hussein's move against oil-rich Kuwait. c.protest apartheid in South Africa. d.facilitate the removal of Panama's president Manuel Noriega.

protest apartheid in South Africa.

In 1918, Nannie Helen Burroughs was placed under surveillance by the War Department after she a.publicly attacked President Wilson for refusing to denounce lynching. b.called on black men not to enlist in the military until their right to vote was guaranteed. c.published an editorial asserting that only a socialist government could solve the country's racial problems. d.alleged that war was being fought not to spread democracy but to fill the coffers of rich capitalists.

publicly attacked President Wilson for refusing to denounce lynching.

In 1939, Eleanor Roosevelt resigned from the daughters of the American Revolution after the organization a.admitted the first black woman into its ranks. b.embarrassed Roosevelt by providing her with a black escort when she visited their headquarters. c.refused to allow a black singer to perform in their hall. d.criticized her husband for not doing more to protect blacks' civil rights.

refused to allow a black singer to perform in their hall.

Hip hop culture in the early 1980s included all of the following elements EXCEPT a.graffiti. b.breakdancing. c.rock and roll. d.innovative deejay styles.

rock and roll.

During the Freedom Summer of 1964, Charlie Cobb of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) a.added protest songs to marches. b.started freedom schools to expand black children's educational opportunities. c.established the Medical Committee for Human Rights to provide greater health care to black Mississippians. d.established the Mississippi Project to provide legal services to black Mississippians and civil rights volunteers.

started freedom schools to expand black children's educational opportunities.

The failure of which crop contributed greatly to Afro-Caribbean migration into the United States in the early twentieth century? a.bananas b.sugar c.cotton d.rice


President Wilson lavished praise on The Birth of a Nation, a 1915 movie that glorified a.the Radical Republicans. b.the antebellum abolitionist movement. c.the Ku Klux Klan. d.African American participation in the American Revolution.

the Ku Klux Klan.

In Jesse Jackson's 1984 presidential bid, his grassroots supporters were known as a.the King's Dream Team. b.the Moral Majority. c.the Rainbow Coalition. d.the Freedom Fighters.

the Rainbow Coalition.

All of the following events contributed to the exodus of blacks from the South to the North during the First World War EXCEPT a.boll weevil infestations that devastated the cotton crops. b.the abrupt halt of immigration from Europe. c.the flooding of the Mississippi River's Gulf Region d.the development of the Dust Bowl on the Great Plains.

the development of the Dust Bowl on the Great Plains.

An important development in the civil rights movement in the postwar period was a.the disintegration of the liberal-left coalition. b.the disintegration of the liberal-right coalition. c.the strengthening of the liberal-left coalition. d.the strengthening of the liberal-right coalition.

the disintegration of the liberal-left coalition.

Many African Americans objected to the policies of the Reagan administration for all of the following reasons EXCEPT a.his reluctance to support a national holiday commemorating Martin Luther King, Jr. b.the disproportionately high black unemployment rates that prevailed throughout his presidency. c.the economic burden imposed on black families by his insistence on repeatedly raising federal taxes. d.his determination to decrease the federal government's spending on social programs such as food stamps and Medicaid.

the economic burden imposed on black families by his insistence on repeatedly raising federal taxes.

Organizations such as the Deacons of Defense and Justice and the Cambridge Nonviolent Action Committee demonstrate that the nonviolent civil rights movement in the South sometimes worked in conjunction with organizations willing to employ armed defense. despite its long reach in the South, the nonviolent civil rights movement made little leeway in the more militant black communities in the North. the sort of militant organizations that could develop in the North could not take root in the more oppressive soil of the South. the nonviolent civil rights movement not only refused to commit violent acts but also refused to associate with organizations that did so.

the nonviolent civil rights movement in the South sometimes worked in conjunction with organizations willing to employ armed defense.

The cultural nationalist movement of the 1960s emphasized a.recognition of the essential equality of men and women. b.the need to work closely with militant organizations like the Black Panther Party (BPP). c.Marxist revolutionary thought as the proper instrument for racial uplift. d.the recovery of African rituals, clothing, and languages.

the recovery of African rituals, clothing, and languages.

The Equal Justice Initiative's National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, Alabama, is a national monument to a.the victims of lynching and racial terror. b.the black soldiers who fought for the South in the Civil War. c.the Civil Rights activists. d.the black soldiers who died in World War II.

the victims of lynching and racial terror.

In the European theater, black soldiers constituted almost half of the a.transportation corps. b.ordnance men. c.combat infantry. d.tank battalions.

transportation corps.

As actors, Paul Robeson and Lena Horne both a.found that, despite their acclaimed performances on stage, they would only be cast in the roles of servants in films. b.tried to accept only roles that portrayed blacks positively and resisted playing demeaning or stereotypical roles. c.refused to combine their politics with their film careers, a stance which made them more palatable to white audiences than other black actors of the day. d.cultivated screen personae based on mumbling, shuffling buffoonery that film scholars now recognize as sly digs against racial stereotypes.

tried to accept only roles that portrayed blacks positively and resisted playing demeaning or stereotypical roles.

Malcolm X's Garveyite heritage led him to disagree with Elijah Muhammad over the question of a.whether black Americans were an African people or an Asian race. b.whether black Americans could assimilate into white society. c.whether militant self-defense was ever justified. d.whether black Americans should focus on cultural or economic independence.

whether black Americans were an African people or an Asian race.

The primary goal of organizations such as the Colored Merchants Association and the Citizens' League for Fair Play was to a.block the implementation of the New Deal, which was seen as both racially biased and anti-capitalist. B.wield the economic clout of black consumers to create business and jobs for black professionals and workers. c.organize armed committees to prevent the foreclosure of black-owned stores and the eviction of black tenants from their homes. d.apply political pressure on the Roosevelt administration to provide federal funding to encourage the development of black-owned businesses.

wield the economic clout of black consumers to create business and jobs for black professionals and workers.

Roughly how many black men and women served in the U.S. military during the Second World War? a.150,000 b.500,000 c.1,000,000 d.2,500,000


Approximately how many African Americans fled the South for the North and the West between 1915 and 1930? a.500,000 b.1,500,000 c.3,000,000 d.5,250,000


Approximately what percentage of the black vote went to George W. Bush in the 2000 presidential election? a.10 b.25 c.35 d.60


In 2020, blacks represent what percentage of the total American population? a.7 percent b.13 percent c.29 percent d.27 percent

13 percent

Which group's Nasty as They Wanna Be led to the arrest of its members on charges of obscenity after a performance in Florida, an arrest that the court later overturned as a violation of free expression? a.2 Live Crew b.Public Enemy c.A Tribe Called Quest d.N.W.A.

2 Live Crew

In the fall of September 1941, blacks represented what percentage of the 1.5 million men in the U.S. military? a.5 percent b.15 percent c.25 percent d.35 percent

5 percent

Approximately how many African Americans received commissions in the U.S. Army during the First World War? a.10 b.85 c.335 d.650


In both the 1984 and 1988 presidential elections, approximately what percentage of black voters casted their vote for the Democratic candidate? a.75 percent b.80 percent c.90 percent d.95 percent

90 percent

What was "Camp Obama"? a.A training session designed to turn grassroots volunteers into effective political organizers b.The Republican Party's name for what it saw as an unfairly pro-Obama American media c.A summer camp set up by Barack Obama to bring white and black children with little direct experience of other racial groups together d.A small group of political insiders who lent their skills and experience to the relatively inexperienced presidential candidate

A training session designed to turn grassroots volunteers into effective political organizers

Which unit became the first American unit to enter the French fortress of Laon and also fought the last battle of the First World War? a.The 24th United States Infantry b.The 370th United States Infantry c.The 92nd United States Infantry d.The 369th United States Infantry

A.The 370th United States Infantry

Which of the following was a landmark ruling by the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges in June 2015? a.States that do not grant same-sex marriage are not required to recognize same-sex marriages granted in other states. b.All states are not required to grant same-sex marriage, but they must recognize same-sex marriages granted in other states. c.All states are required to grant same-sex marriages and to recognize same-sex marriages granted in other states. d.Same-sex couples who live in states that do not grant same-sex marriages must move permanently to a state that grants same-sex marriage if they want to get married.

All states are required to grant same-sex marriages and to recognize same-sex marriages granted in other states.

Which of the following statements about the military draft during the First World War is MOST accurate? a.The U.S. government refused to draft black men into the military until losses on the battlefield made it unavoidable. b.Most black men actively resisted the draft because they had no desire to fight for a country that deprived them of their political rights. c.Although white men were drafted in higher absolute numbers than black men, a higher percentage of black men who registered were drafted. d.Although northern states often drafted black men before white men, southern states like Georgia and South Carolina drafted almost no African Americans because of fears of armed black uprisings.

Although white men were drafted in higher absolute numbers than black men, a higher percentage of black men who registered were drafted.

Which Afro-Caribbean immigrant from Puerto Rico amassed one of the largest archives of material related to people of African descent and helped found the Negro Society for Historical Research? ca.Wilfred A. Domingo b.J. A. Rogers c.Arthur Alonso Schomburg d.Cyril Briggs

Arthur Alonso Schomburg

Who chaired the NAACP's Legal Redress Committee in the 1910s? a.Booker T. Washington b.Arthur Spingarn c.Francis J. Grimké d.W. E. B. Du Bois

Arthur Spingarn

Which of the following statements about exemptions to the draft during the First World War is LEAST accurate? a.Black men who worked for rich white landowners were sometimes exempted from service. b.Black men rarely received marriage exemptions because, unlike white women, their wives were expected to work outside the home. c.Rich farmers sometimes received agricultural exemptions from service while sharecroppers and tenant farmers were denied exemptions. d.Because the draft was a federal initiative, exemptions were awarded consistently from state to state.

Because the draft was a federal initiative, exemptions were awarded consistently from state to state.

Whom did President Roosevelt promote to the rank of brigadier general a week before the presidential election of 1940 in an attempt to assuage the feelings of black Americans upset by the perpetuation of racism in the military? a.Carlton Chapman b.Charles L. Thomas c.George Watson d.Benjamin O. Davis

Benjamin O. Davis

Which of the following statements is true about black employment in the United States during the Second World War? a. Blacks have attained the necessary skills for employment in the defense industry under several New Deal programs, such as the National Youth Administration (NYA). b. Blacks were restricted from enrolling in training programs offered by the Vocational Training for War Production Workers and the Engineering, Science, and Management War Training. c. By the end of the war, black workers had gained skilled and higher-level jobs in proportion to their numbers in the workforce. d. During the war, black workers focused on the war effort and lost the impetus gained so far in labor unionization.

Blacks have attained the necessary skills for employment in the defense industry under several New Deal programs, such as the National Youth Administration (NYA).

Under President George H. W. Bush, Colin Powell held what important position? a.Secretary of State b.Secretary of Defense c.Director of the CIA d.Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Which two black socialists were sentenced to jail for two and a half years because of the anti-war articles in their newspaper The Messenger? a.Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph b.A. Philip Randolph and Charles H. Mason c.Charles H. Mason and Nannie Helen Burroughs d.Nannie Helen Burroughs and Chandler Owen

Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph

Lasting almost two weeks and leaving over three dozen people dead, the worst race riot of the post-World War I period took place in a.Chicago. b.Washington, D.C. c.Knoxville. d.Omaha.


What was the relationship between the civil rights movement and the labor union movement during the 1940s? a.Civil rights organizations generally distanced themselves from labor activism, which they regarded as dangerously radical. b.Civil rights organizations discouraged the unionization of black workers as they regarded unionization as unproductive and a waste of time and effort. c.Civil rights organizations worked closely with labor unions, and labor civil rights constituted an early, crucial part of the unfolding civil rights movement that would peak in the 1960s. d.Civil rights organizations and labor unions were actively hostile toward each other because each movement saw the other as an obstacle against desired change.

Civil rights organizations worked closely with labor unions, and labor civil rights constituted an early, crucial part of the unfolding civil rights movement that would peak in the 1960s.

Whom did President Ronald Reagan succeed in appointing as head of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in 1982? a.William Bell b.Arthur S. Flemming c.Clarence Thomas d.Julius Chambers

Clarence Thomas

Which of the following statements about black Americans' electoral power in the 1950s and 1960s is LEAST accurate? In some northern states and cities, black voters represented a significant electoral bloc that could swing closely contested elections. Despite the gains they made in state offices and appointed positions, African Americans failed to win any seats in the U.S. Congress. Several dozen black politicians served in northern state legislatures during this period, but none served in southern ones. African Americans were appointed to a number of prominent federal positions during this period, including solicitor general and circuit court judge.

Despite the gains they made in state offices and appointed positions, African Americans failed to win any seats in the U.S. Congress.

Which of the following statements about Barack Obama's presidential election is LEAST accurate? a.Ninety percent of the people who voted for his opponent were white. b.Almost 70 percent of the people who voted for the first time in 2008 voted for Obama. c.Despite winning a commanding majority of the popular vote, Obama won by only a small handful of electoral votes. d.Obama was the first Democrat to win more than 51 percent of the popular vote in over forty years.

Despite winning a commanding majority of the popular vote, Obama won by only a small handful of electoral votes.

On June 23, 1963, approximately 125,000 people participated in a "Walk to Freedom," capped by a speech by Martin Luther King, Jr., in which city? a.Atlanta b.Montgomery c.Baltimore d.Detroit


The worst race riot of the Second World War took place in June 1943 in which city? a.Detroit b.Chicago c.Los Angeles d.Cleveland


Which Messman received the Navy Cross for his performance during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, making him the first decorated black serviceman of World War II? a.Charles Drew b.Dorie Miller c.Lester Granger d.George Watson

Dorie Miller

What role did hip hop artists play in the 2008 presidential election? a.For the first time, in the 2008 election, hip hop artists became directly involved in political recruitment and voting drives. b.The role of hip hop artists in the 2008 election was essentially negative, as both candidates distanced themselves from the movement in order to appeal to middle-class white voters. c.During the 2008 election, Barack Obama gave rappers an insider role in his campaign and reached out to the hip hop nation through new computer-based technologies. d.Disillusioned by the weak government response to Hurricane Katrina, few hip hop artists took any role in the political campaign.

During the 2008 election, Barack Obama gave rappers an insider role in his campaign and reached out to the hip hop nation through new computer-based technologies.

The mother of which teenage boy, who was lynched in 1955 for whistling at a white woman, insisted on publicizing the image of his corpse to force the world to recognize the crime committed against him? a.Emmett Till b.Medgar Evers c.Michael Schwerner d.Andrew Goodman

Emmett Till

Which of the following statements about black female suffrage is LEAST accurate? a.Even before the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, black women could vote in some northern states. b.Finding strength in numbers, national suffragist organizations like NAWSA welcomed black women into their ranks. c.After the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, black women in southern states found that their right to vote was still denied. d.Without abandoning the struggle against racial discrimination, black women in the early twentieth century also publicly protested against the disenfranchisement of women.

Finding strength in numbers, national suffragist organizations like NAWSA welcomed black women into their ranks.

Democrats and blacks alleged that many African American voters were systematically disenfranchised during the 2000 presidential election in which crucial state? a.California b.Texas c.New York d.Florida


Who was the author of The Foxes of Harrow in 1946, which remained on the best-seller list for many months and reportedly approached the million-copy mark? a.Frank Yerby b.Richard Wright c.James Baldwin d.Chester Himes

Frank Yerby

Which element was added to the repertoire of protest during the Albany Movement of 1961 by Bernice Johnson Reagon and others? Nonviolence Sit-ins Boycotts of northern businesses with chains in the South Freedom songs

Freedom songs

Which of the following statements about Marcus Garvey is LEAST accurate? a.At one point, Garvey proclaimed the creation of the Empire of Africa, with himself as its head of state. b.Garvey's movement had widespread appeal, attracting equal numbers of followers in both the southern and northern states. c.Garvey's insistence on black pride won him the unwavering support of black leaders like Du Bois and Randolph. d.Garvey's following represented the largest black movement in American history.

Garvey's insistence on black pride won him the unwavering support of black leaders like Du Bois and Randolph.

Which leader of the militant Cambridge Movement in Maryland brandished rifles in the face of white mobs as a means of self-defense? a.Victoria Gray b.Ella Baker c.Gloria Richardson d.Septima Clark

Gloria Richardson

The four students (Blair, McCain, McNeill, and Richmond) successfully launched the tactic of lunch counter sit-ins in a.Nashville, Tennessee. b.Greensboro, North Carolina. c.Montgomery, Alabama. d.Tallahassee, Florida.

Greensboro, North Carolina.

Which president desegregated the armed forces and issued an executive order requiring fair employment in the federal government? a.Franklin D. Roosevelt b.Harry S. Truman c.John F. Kennedy d.Lyndon B. Johnson

Harry S. Truman

In what state was President Barack Obama born? a.Illinois b.California c.Florida d.Hawaii


Which of the following statements is true of Lonnie G. Bunch, III? a.He is the first African American to hold the position of Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. b.He is a Democrat who formed a team of Republicans and Democrats to promote the idea of a national African American museum in the House of Representatives. c.He is the congressman who presented the bill to create the National Museum of African American History and Culture Plan for Action Presidential Commission. d.He was the head of the National African American Museum and Cultural Complex (NAAMCC).

He is the first African American to hold the position of Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.

Which of the following statements is true of Kendrick Lamar? a.He is the first rapper to win a Pulitzer Prize. b.He is the first hip-hop artist to win the Polar Music Prize. c.He is the first tassou performer to gain international acclaim. d.He initiated the "One Mind, One Vote" youth voter registration program.

He is the first rapper to win a Pulitzer Prize.

Identify a true statement about Freddie Stowers. a.He is credited with introducing jazz to France. b.He was the highest-ranking black officer in 1917. c.He was the first black person to join the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). d.He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor posthumously.

He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor posthumously.

Which co-founder of the Black Panther Party and minister of defense for the party was convicted for manslaughter in the death of a policeman? a.Bobby Seale b.Eldridge Cleaver c.Vincent Harding d.Huey Newton

Huey Newton

Which of the following statements about Clinton's "One America" advisory board is MOST accurate? a.Its seven members consisted entirely of African Americans and Hispanic Americans. b.It emphasized education as an important means of addressing racism. c.Its recommendations had little influence on the president's actual policies. d.From its inception, it received the wholehearted support of the American people.

It emphasized education as an important means of addressing racism.

What was the fate of W. E. B. Du Bois's An Appeal to the World, a petition submitted to the United Nations to draw attention to the plight of African Americans? a.It was brought before the General Assembly, which voted to condemn the United States for human rights abuses. b.It received a significant amount of press attention but failed to make it before the General Assembly. c.It was brought before the General Assembly, which, under strong pressure from the United States, voted to deny its charges. d.It was brought before the General Assembly by Eleanor Roosevelt, who used it as evidence that the people of democratic societies could question their governments without impunity.

It received a significant amount of press attention but failed to make it before the General Assembly.

Which of the following statements about the Montgomery Bus Boycott is LEAST accurate? a.It rejuvenated a civil rights movement that had been deflated by the limitations placed on the Brown decision. b.It represented the first successful example of mass nonviolent resistance in U.S. history. c.It represented a triumph for those in the civil rights movement who championed moderation and gradualism. d.It directly challenged laws that had not been declared unconstitutional by the courts.

It represented a triumph for those in the civil rights movement who championed moderation and gradualism.

Which of the following statements is true of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? a.It diminished the power of the Attorney General, making the position ineffective in the implementation of desegregation. b.It failed to establish a law to prevent employment discrimination based on sex, race, color, national origin, and religion. c.It required all federal programs to eliminate discriminatory practices or lose their funding. d.It gave states greater power over the implementation of desegregation in schools, public facilities, aterm-92nd the ballot box.

It required all federal programs to eliminate discriminatory practices or lose their funding.

What role did the Justice Department play in the freedom rides of 1961? a.From the beginning, it reluctantly guaranteed to protect the riders in the exercise of their constitutional rights. b.It ignored the riders' plight and left them prey to mob violence. c.It regarded the riders as radical agitations and sent federal agents to block their progress. d.It stepped in to protect the riders and guarantee their rights only after they had been viciously attacked by mobs.

It stepped in to protect the riders and guarantee their rights only after they had been viciously attacked by mobs.

Which of the following is true of the Niagara Movement? a.It never openly attacked the Jim Crow laws. b.It strived to develop its ranks from the members of the Talented Tenth. c.It received unconditional support from Booker Washington and his followers. d.It only included men as members.

It strived to develop its ranks from the members of the Talented Tenth.

Which of the following statements about the Nation of Islam is LEAST accurate? a.Its most famous convert was the boxer, Cassius Clay. b.Its religious teachings closely resembled those of mainstream Islamic sects throughout the world. c.Its policies emphasized not only religious worship but also the establishment of black-owned businesses and self-help programs. d.Its members rejected surnames that might imply a connection with whites.

Its religious teachings closely resembled those of mainstream Islamic sects throughout the world.

What island was the origin of the largest contingent of Afro-Caribbeans to migrate to the United States? a.Jamaica b.Cuba c.Nevis d.Barbados


Which bandmaster of the Harlem Hellfighters is credited with introducing jazz to France? a.Henry Hugh Proctor b.Matthew Bullock c.Max Yergan d.James Reese Europe

James Reese Europe

Which of the following persons belonged to the Bookerite, as opposed to the Niagara, faction? a.Monroe Trotter b.Ida B. Wells c.James Weldon Johnson d.W. E. B. Du Bois

James Weldon Johnson

Which artist painted subway walls under the graffiti tag SAMO and won recognition for provocative works such as Irony of a Negro Policeman? a.Martin Puryear b.Jean Michel Basquiat c.Kara Walker d.Carrie Mae Weems

Jean Michel Basquiat

Barack Obama's presidential candidacy was nearly derailed by an inflammatory sermon delivered by a.Jesse Jackson. b.Al Sharpton. c.Jeremiah Wright. d.Ralph Abernathy

Jeremiah Wright.

During the 1930s, a rivalry between Max Schmeling and which African American athlete enhanced anti-German sentiment in the black community? a.Jesse Owens b.Theodore Berry c.Ralph Metcalfe d.Joe Louis

Joe Louis

Which playwright, poet, and critic would change his name to Amiri Baraka after he became a voice of black militant art in 1965? a.LeRoi Jones b.John Oliver Killens c.Larry Neal d.Addison Gayle

LeRoi Jones

Which executive secretary of the National Association of Graduate Colored Nurses played a crucial role in expanding opportunities for black nurses in the U.S. military? a.Mabel Staupers b.Nell Hunter c.Crystal Bird Fauset d.Mary McLeod Bethune

Mabel Staupers

An entire black regiment was rewarded with the Croix de Guerre for its performance at a.Minaucourt. b.Mont des Tombs. c.Maison-en-Champagne. d.Les Tueries.


Who was the first president of the National Association of Colored Women? a.Ida B. Wells b.Pauline Hopkins c.Anna Julia Cooper d.Mary Church Terrell

Mary Church Terrell

Which member of the black cabinet served as its "titular head," thanks partly to a close relationship with the Roosevelt family? a.Mary McLeod Bethune b.Campbell Johnson c.Crystal Bird Fauset d.Rayford W. Logan

Mary McLeod Bethune

Which cultural nationalist founded the US (meaning "us" black people) and created Kwanzaa? a.Bobby Seale b.Vincent Harding c.Maulana Karenga d.Cleveland Sellers

Maulana Karenga

Whose sculpture Ethiopia Awakening was influenced by contemporary pan-Africanism and the conflation of Ethiopia with all of Africa? a.Meta Fuller b.Henrietta Vinton Davis c.Hallie Q. Brown d.Josephine Ruffin

Meta Fuller

Which of the following statements is true of the unionization of black auto workers in Detroit during the 1940s? a. Most blacks workers were initially reluctant to join unions and in fact often functioned as strikebreakers. b. The United Auto Workers (UAW) refused to admit black workers into its ranks because of their long history of serving as strikebreakers. c. Black workers unionized for a time but soon left the unions as they were disillusioned with the rampant racism within the unions. d. Although black and white workers increasingly joined unions, they could not work together because of racial hostility, thereby undermining the cause of unions.

Most blacks workers were initially reluctant to join unions and in fact often functioned as strikebreakers.

Which of the following statements about black housing in the North in the postwar period is LEAST accurate? a. Official federal policy was to bar any racial discrimination in selling or renting property subsidized by federal money, but this policy was often ignored. The migration of black Americans to northern cities was accompanied by the migration of white Americans from the cities to the suburbs. The relegation of blacks to segregated ghettoes was maintained in part by the active, sometimes violent, resistance of white communities against the settling of black residents in their neighborhoods. The relegation of blacks to segregated ghettos was accomplished in part by banks' policy of redlining, which was the refusal to extend loans to prospective black homeowners.

Official federal policy was to bar any racial discrimination in selling or renting property subsidized by federal money, but this policy was often ignored.

After his election in 1928, which representative from Illinois became the first black northerner to serve in Congress? a.Oscar DePriest b.William Hale Thompson c.Martin B. Madden d.George White

Oscar DePriest

Who headed the Council on African Affairs, which organized charities for African peoples and kept Americans informed about Africans' struggles against colonialism? a.W. E. B. Du Bois b.Paul Robeson c.Walter White d.Mordecai W. Johnson

Paul Robeson

Which radical leftist's militancy waned in the 1920s as he began to adopt more traditional labor-union organizing and accepted the office of general organizer of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters? a.Hubert Harrison b.Cyril Briggs c.Philip Randolph d.Chandler Owen

Philip Randolph

Which of the following presidents of the United States signed the bill to create the National Museum of African American History and Culture Plan for Action Presidential Commission into law? a.President Barack Obama b.President George W. Bush c.President Bill Clinton d.President Ronald Reagan

President George W. Bush

Who was the best-known black leftist of the 1930s? a.Cyril Briggs b.Richard Wright c.Eric Walrond d.Josh White

Richard Wright

Which co-founder of Def Jam Records is arguably the first major producer of hip hop? Sean Combs Tupac Shakur Clive Campbell Russell Simmons

Russell Simmons

Colin Powell was the first African American to hold all of the following positions EXCEPT a.Secretary of State. b.Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. c.Secretary of Defense. d.National Security Advisor.

Secretary of Defense.

Which of the following positions did both Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice hold under President George W. Bush? a.National Security Advisor b.Chairperson of the Joint Chiefs of Staff c.Secretary of State d.Secretary of Defense

Secretary of State

Which of the following statements about the training of black soldiers during the First World War is MOST accurate? a.All black soldiers were trained at the same segregated camp in Rockford, Illinois. b.Most black soldiers trained in integrated camps alongside white recruits, though they would later be segregated into all-black units. c.Some all-black divisions were not allowed to train together because of civilians' fears of large concentrations of black men, and they were not brought together until they reached Western Europe. d.Although black soldiers suffered discrimination within military camps, they were generally well-received by neighboring white communities, which applauded them for their service.

Some all-black divisions were not allowed to train together because of civilians' fears of large concentrations of black men, and they were not brought together until they reached Western Europe.

As of 2007, all of the following states' legislatures had issued apologies for their past roles in slavery EXCEPT a.Alabama. b.South Carolina. c.Virginia. d.Maryland.

South Carolina.

In the late 1930s, some American blacks joined the Abraham Lincoln Brigade to fight against fascism in which country? a.Ethiopia b.Egypt c.Spain d.Italy


Who emerged as perhaps the most prominent black filmmaker of the late 1980s and 1990s with his films Do the Right Thing and Malcolm X? a.John Singleton b.Spike Lee c.Mario Van Peebles d.Robert L. Johnson

Spike Lee

Which civil rights leader changed his name to Kwame Touré and moved to Conakry, Guinea? a.Malcolm X b.Stokely Carmichael c.Floyd McKissick d.Huey Newton

Stokely Carmichael

Which editor of the Freeman helped found the Afro-American League in 1890 to agitate for black rights? a.William H. Councill b.Isaiah T. Montgomery c.William Hannibal Thomas d.T. Thomas Fortune

T. Thomas Fortune

Which New Deal program established work camps that though rigidly segregated nonetheless provided employment for 200,000 black boys and young men? a.The Farm Security Administration (FSA) b.The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) c.The National Youth Administration (NYA) d.The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

In the context of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA), which of the following statements accurately states the Supreme Court's decision in the 2013 case of Shelby County v. Holder? a.The Court voided Section 4 of the VRA and its "coverage formula" that was used to identify jurisdictions notorious for devising practices and schemes to restrict voting. b.The Court reinstated Section 5 of the VRA that required "covered" jurisdictions to bring any changes to their voting requirements to the federal government for preclearance. c.The Court voided Section 5 of the VRA but extended the "coverage" for notorious jurisdictions for the next 25 years. d.The Court voided Section 4 of the VRA for three out of seven states that were originally identified as notorious jurisdictions under the "coverage formula."

The Court voided Section 4 of the VRA and its "coverage formula" that was used to identify jurisdictions notorious for devising practices and schemes to restrict voting.

Which of the following statements is true of the 1941 mass March on Washington proposed by A. Philip Randolph? a. The March was intended to be an all-black movement rather than an interracial one. b. The leadership of the March was largely dominated by communists. c. The March failed to generate widespread support from urban black communities. d. idea of the March was largely supported by high government officials.

The March was intended to be an all-black movement rather than an interracial one.

Which of the following monuments was erected in 1884 to commemorate Negro soldiers? a.The Memorial to Robert Gould Shaw b.The Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial c.The Lincoln Memorial d.The King Memorial

The Memorial to Robert Gould Shaw

In 2009, which conservative party movement among Senate Republicans fought the Affordable Care Act legislation to the point of closing down the government in fall 2013? a.The Tea Party Movement b.The Boycott Movement c.The March on Washington Movement d.The Moral Mondays Movement

The Tea Party Movement

Known for its embrace of Marxism and its "Free Angela Davis" campaign, what was the most radical feminist organization of the 1970s? a.The Third World Women's Allianceterm-100 b.The National Black Feminist Organization c.The Combahee River Collective d.The Black Women Organized for Actionterm-101

The Third World Women's Alliance

During the 1930s, which of the following agencies provided subsidies to local housing authorities for the construction of low-cost housing, equipped with electric or gas appliances and recreation facilities, giving African American families an opportunity to live in a kind of environment previously unknown to them? a.The Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) b.The United States Housing Authority (USHA) c.The Federal Housing Authority (FHA) d.The Farm Security Administration (FSA)

The United States Housing Authority (USHA)

What notorious argument was presented in the Moynihan report? Disparities in white and black test performance resulted from innate intelligence rather than educational background. The central problem of the black community was the proliferation of female-headed households. Federal programs designed to lift African Americans out of poverty instead transformed them into a class of dependents. Terrorism by militant black groups represented the single greatest threat to America's domestic security.

The central problem of the black community was the proliferation of female-headed households.

Which of the following statements is true of the economic changes in the United States between the 1970s and the early 1980s? a.Black men disproportionately gained more blue-collar jobs in the newly decentralized manufacturing sector. b.Manufacturing jobs grew in the Northeast and Midwest as industries moved there because of tax-friendly state policies. c.The emergence of the trucking industry led to the diffusion of manufacturing jobs into suburban areas, later called industrial parks. d.The new interstate highway system led to the spatial and economic restructuring of cities and the creation of blue-collar jobs.

The emergence of the trucking industry led to the diffusion of manufacturing jobs into suburban areas, later called industrial parks.

Which of the following factors contributed to the merging of labor activism with civil rights in the United States in the 1940s? a.The migration of over a million blacks from the North to the South b.The anti-communist hysteria of the Cold War c.The federal government's New Deal policies d.The organizing of labor by specific crafts rather than the industrial principle

The federal government's New Deal policies

Which of the following statements about the American prison system is LEAST accurate? a.The crackdown on illicit drugs of the sort often found in poorer communities has resulted in large numbers of prisoners serving long sentences for nonviolent crimes. b.The job-skills training and educational classes available through the prison systems ironically make ex-convicts from poor neighborhoods more hirable than if they had stayed in school. c.The number of prisoners incarcerated in the United States has increased by more than two million since 1970. d.Blacks are imprisoned at higher rates than other groups in part because they are typically placed under closer police surveillance than other groups

The job-skills training and educational classes available through the prison systems ironically make ex-convicts from poor neighborhoods more hirable than if they had stayed in school.

Which of the following statements about the Scottsboro case is LEAST accurate? a.White Alabamans prided themselves on the initial verdict because even though the black defendants were sentenced to death on flimsy evidence they nonetheless were not lynched. b.Despite initially receiving death sentences, all of the convicted defendants were eventually released. c.The case brought national and international attention to the South's often barbaric justice system and the worst aspects of the Jim Crow system. d.The notoriety of the case led to the substantial erosion of legal protections for African Americans as white southerners dug in their heels against calls for reform.

The notoriety of the case led to the substantial erosion of legal protections for African Americans as white southerners dug in their heels against calls for reform.

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