age of imperialism

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what were 5 american ideologies that drove us towards empire?

5 American ideologies that drove us towards empire were 1) Nationalism- zealous love for one's country 2) Exceptionalism- the belief that ones country is better than or the best amongst others 3) Patriarchy- fatherly rule 4) Social Darwinism 5) Manifest Destiny- god wants us to go forth and conquer 6) Racism

insurrection in the philippines

at 1st us promised to give independence to the philippines but it became clear that wasnt happening so emilio aguinaldo tried to force the americans out w/ a rebellion

why was cuba interesting and important to the us?

cuba had been fighting for independance from spain since 1868 americans had invested over $50 mill in cuban sugar plantations 90% of cubas sugar was exported the us us- cuban trade was worth $103 mil by 1889 war was bad for buisness. buisness men of all kinds wanted us military action to end the strife in cuba

how did foreign trade grow and change?

from 1865 to 1900 exports had gone from $234 million to $1.5 billion and had reached $2.5 billion by 1914 by 1914 the us became the #4 invester in foreign trade markets by 1874 the us began exporting more than importing.

the platt amendment

gave us the right to intervene in anything they wanted gave us a base in guantanamo bay cubans had to seek american approval b4 signing treatys w/ other nations

what are 3 reasons why the U.S. finally joined the war?

germany sank 3 american merchant ships and then tried to convince mexico to attack the us we wanted control over the terms of peace the situation was looking ver desperate for the entante

the teller amendment

promised that the us would not try to annes cuba or control it in any way

yellow journalism

propaganda that exaggerated spanish atrocities. news papers would try to out do each other with outrageous stories of spanish evils in order to attract readers

importance of the philippines

served as s large base of operations at the door step of the largest market in the world china

what were the two major factions, who belonged in each and why did they align in such a way?

The two major factions were: The Central Powers- Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire (ruled by the Turks) These governments were generally monarchial, dictorial, and totalitarian The Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia These governments were generally liberal and democratic

what were 4 ways we knew we had an empire by 1914

4 ways that we knew we had an empire by 1914 were.. 1) we had one of the most formidable navies in the world 2) we were the only industrial power in the Americas 3) we controlled all trade that went through the Western Hemisphere 4) we established a chain of bases that stretched across the Pacific

how did imperialism help the economy?


how did that work with progressivism?


on what areas of the world was our imperialist focus?

America's imperialist design focused on Central and South America, Asia and the Pacific Rim (especially China. Hawaii, and the Philippines)

what is an empire?

An empire is an area of many territories and peoples that is controlled by one government.

how did europeans expect the war to go?

Each side fully expected a swift and easy victory by Christmas. Citizens readily supported their countries march to war.

selective service act

Law passed by Congress in 1917 that required all men from ages 21 to 30 to register for the military draft 5mil men were called 2 mil served in france

panama separation from colombia and deal w/ panama

Panama Canal: The US tried to strike a deal with Columbia for a canal in 1901, but when they hesitated, Roosevelt sent in the military to help Panamanian rebels win independance from Columbia. The new nation of Panama gave the US a strip of land on which to build a canal in turn for 10 million dollars and a yearly payment of $250,000 for 100 years. The project began in 1903 and was completed in 1914

labor during the war

President Wilson created government organizations to manage war production, energy, food, and transportation. There was little tolerance for Labor unrest. The leadership of the radical IWW was imprisoned. Arrests also broke the back of the socialist party. The AFL promised no strikes during the war.

what happened to russia

Russia withdrew from the fighting when a revolution overthrew their government.

The maine

U.S. battleship sent to Havana in early 1898 to protect American interests; it blew up mysteriously in February 1898 killing 266 men. American newspapers blamed the Spanish, helping to cause the war. In 1976, it was discovered that the ship blew up accidentally.

what did we gain from the spanish american war?

US gains from the Spanish-American War: The peace treaty gave Independence to Cuba, and Spain was forced to give the US the territories of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. Soon after the US established colonies on Wake Islands and Samoa.

what were the five phases of imperialism?

build a bigger navy dig a canal across panama establish colonies improve communication technology intervene in foreign conflict to assure sucess of friendly govts sell surpluses- goods that are not purchased in the us secure sources of raw materials(oil, copper,ect)

why did such a small event cause such a massive conflict

each country came to the aid of their allies and by summer 65 mill troops were mobilized and europe was engulfed in the largest war that the world had ever seen

why did the us become imperialist?

economic competition among industrialized nations political and military competition (naval forces) a belif in racial and cultural superiority of people with english decent to impose american influence and culture for a more stable and strong american economy foreign supplies of raw materials(rubber, copper) as well as markets too sell finished goods needed to be secured. to be considered a major world power economic competition from other countries military competition from other countries feeling of cultural superiority

what major changes were made to the military?

in 1883 congress ordered construction of a massive modern navy, using steel instead of wood, steam instead of wind and the most advanced weponry at the time

what sparked the great war

in 1914 arch duke of hungary was assassinated by serbs who were allies of russia

why did we annex hawaii?

main goal of pasific imperialism it was a critical midpoint in the pacific. it could be used as a refueling station and key defensive position island also contained a rich bounty of sugar rice and fruit

sources of raw materials, markets for finished goods

major exports were cotton, meat, dairy, and grains the american agricultural and automotive macherinery were also sold in great amounts abroad

the pacification of the philippines

rebellion lasted 1899 to 1906 and left 200,000 filipinos and 5,000 americans dead. rebels met defeat wen their leaders were trapped in a village and american troops slaughtered all 600 people including women and childern


short for Committee of Public Information, President Wilson created this in order to shape public opinion. They created posters, signs, and newspaper advertisments, as well produced over 100 million pieces of literature to promote the war. promted fear encouraged people to spy on neibors, distorted the truth and promoted racism against germans

what did the venezuelan crisis show about U.S. and british influence in the americas?

showed american dominance and british weakness in the hempisphere.

what did it say about our feelings towards small non- industrial nations?

showed the lack of respect the us had for the rights and sensibilities of small nations

importance of the panama canal

shows that once again that the U.S. will do whatever they want to get their way, including causing or helping a revolt , Great for trading, travel, and national defense british originally had the right to a canal across panama but they recognized their declining influence in the region and wanted the us an ally if war ever broke out with germany

what happened to the defeated and their territory?

the austria hungray empire was broken up into several smaller nations germanys pacific colonies were given to japan while some ofits european territories were made into seperate countries the middle eat was reorganized înto countries w/ out reguarded to ethnictiyy or religion- caused decades of resentment and hostility among arabs towards each other and the west that continues to this day they were all placed under the controle of either britain or france germany was forced to pay unreasonable reparation which caused years

which company played the biggest role in the annexation of hawaii?

the dole fruit co controlled 75% of the land and made up 2% of its population dole fruit w/ navy help led a revolution which removed queen liliuokalani and installed a provisional govt new govt then appealed for us addmission became offically us territory

what was the war like for the U.S? what was our major advantage?

the us declared war on germany in april 1917 and sent tens of thousands of troops to france the next year the american effort lasted only 110 days us only able to move the battle lines 34 miles but it was enough to push the beleagured and worn out germans pst the breaking point peace was declared in 1918 better military

how does the us empire differ from those in the past?

the us didnt physically conquer other parts of the world exerted an extrodinary amount of economic pressure on foreign countries founded and supported(usually military) foreign govts that were friendly to the us

who did the us want to win the great war and why?

the us govt and buisness wanted the entante to win for 2 main reasons wanted liberalism and democracy to triumph over totalitarism wanted to entante to be able to pay bak their loans

what made this war so different from all the others?

the use of new weapons and strategies such as trench warfare, chemical weapons, tanks, long range artillery caused the war to be much longer and costlier than expected over 10 million people died in battl

cubans reluctance to accept the platt amendment

they want to be independent but the us wasnt letting cuba grow into their own independent nation

espionage and sedition acts

two laws, enacted in 1917 and 1918, that imposed harsh penalties on anyone interfering with or speaking against U.S. participation in WWI

why did the world powers begin to form alliances?

world powers had industrialized and new global empires were created, they began to fear each other each power had been heavily building their militarys they were encroaching on each others global interests

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