AI Quiz 1

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arise when the agent has no idea about the states and actions of its environment.

Exploration problems

The process in a one dimensional state-space landscape, where elevation corresponds to an objective function, and the aim is to find the highest peak -a global maximum, is called

Hill climbing

Knowing something about the current state of the environment is not enough information to decide what to do. An agent needs some sort of ________________________ that describes situations that are desirable

goal information

Informed search methods

have access to a heuristic function h(n) that estimates the cost of a solution from n.

Percept Sequence

is the complete history of everything the agent has ever perceived

What type of search does this describe ?

local beam

If there is a one to one mapping between concepts and memory locations, we call that a

localist representation

Select all of the statements that are true about Atomic Representation:

long answers

A __________________ path cost always increases as you go along a path, because action costs are always positive


A key property of A * search is/are

never overestimates the costs to reach a goal

Select all of the applicable characteristics of the Two Player Zero Sum game

no win-win outcome, perfect information, deterministic

Uninformed search methods have access only to the

problem definition

allows us to make a decision without examining every state


Beam search

puts a limit on the size of the frontier; that makes it incomplete and suboptimal, but it often finds reasonably good solutions and runs faster than complete searches

Stochastic games include a ____________________ such as throwing dice

random element

Deep learning

refers to machine learning using multiple layers of simple adjustable computing elements.

ProbCut is a version of Alpha-beta that uses _______________ to lessen the change that the best move will be pruned


games include CHANCE nodes


What are the common player names for the Two-Player zero sum game ?

Max and min

The recursive algorithm that proceeds all the way down to the leaves of the tree and then backs up the minimax values through the tree as the recursion unwinds is the

MiniMax Search

In a minimax tree with a branching factor of 3 and depth 2 (one max layer, one min layer with 3 nodes, and a leaf layer with 9 total nodes) what is the maximum number of nodes that can be pruned by alpha-beta pruning?

4 ( 2 each in the right most and 2 leaf layers)

What is one of the limitations of Game Search ?

All algorithms must make assumptions and approximations

pruning prunes branches that have no effect on the final evaluation


In a full-depth minimax search of a tree with depth D and branching factor B, with α−β pruning, what is the minimum number of leaves that must be explored to compute the best move?


Uniform-cost search

expands the node with lowest path cost, g(n), and is optimal for general action costs

Knowledge based agents can accept new tasks in the form of

explicitly described goals

algorithms operate by searching from a start state to neighboring states, without keeping track of the paths OR the states that have been reached

Local search

Which of the following statements about alpha-beta pruning are true or false?

None are true. Alpha-beta always finds the optimal strategy against an opponent that plays optimally. If an ordering heuristic is available we can expand nodes in an order that maximizes pruning. Alpha-beta requires less run time than minimax except in contrived cases.

a purely random walk that moves to a successor state without concern for the value i.e. picks a random move

Simulated annealing search

The standard names for the operations to add new sentences to a knowledge base and query what is known in the knowledge base are

Tell and Ask

Q: A∗ is of no use in robotics because percepts, states, and actions are continuous.

false A* search is often used in robotics. the space can be discretized or skeletonized

Q: Depth-first search always expands at least as many nodes as A* search with an admissible heuristic.

false. A lucky depth first search might expand exactly d nodes to reach the goal. A* largely dominates any graph search algorithm that is guaranteed to find optimal solutions.

pruning prunes moves that appear to be poor, but might be good


Q: ​​h(n) = 0 is an admissible heuristic for the 8-puzzle.

True h(n)=0 is always an admissible heuristic since costs are nonnegative

Q: Breadth-first search is complete even if zero step costs are allowed.

True: depth of the solutions matters for depth first search not cost

What does the Best-First-Search function return ?

a solution node or a failure

job of AI is to design an ___________________ that implements the agent function, i.e., the mapping from percepts to actions

agent program

Monte Carlo Tree Search estimates the value of a state as the ____________ over a number of simulations of complete games

average utility

Agent programs combine particular components in particular ways to generate actions.

basic kind of agent program that embodies the principles underlying almost all intelligent systems: Simple reflex agents, model based, goal based

A useful way to visualize a search is to ______________ in the state space

draw contours

atomic representation

each state of the world is indivisible, i.e., it has not internal structure

The local search algorithm that is explicitly motivated by the metaphor of natural selection in biology is known as the

evolutionary algorithm

performance measure

the sequence is desirable, then the agent has performed well

The goal of learning is to minimize the _____________ of problem solving, trading off computational expense and path cost

total cost

situation that an agent can find itself in

world state, state, representational state, initial

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