Airports, Charts and Publications

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(Refer to figure 24, area 1.) What minimum altitude is necessary to vertically clear the obstacle on the northeast side of Airpark East Airport by 500 feet?

1,273 feet MSL. The obstacle on the northeast side of Airpark East Airport is 773' MSL. A minimum altitude of 1,273' MSL would be necessary to clear this by 500'.

(Refer to figure 24, area 2.) What minimum altitude is necessary to vertically clear the obstacle on the southeast side of Winnsboro Airport by 500 feet?

1,403 feet MSL. The obstacle on the southeast side of Winnsboro Airport is 903' MSL. A minimum altitude of 1,403' MSL would be necessary to clear this by 500'.

(Refer to figure 23, area 3.) What is the height of the lighted obstacle approximately 6 nautical miles southwest of Savannah International?

1,548 feet MSL. The lighted obstacle just southwest and outside of the 5 nautical mile ring is labeled (just above and to the right of the symbol) as being 1548 with 1534 in parenthesis. This would indicate an AGL height of 1,534' and an MSL height of 1,548'.

(Refer to Figure 21, area 1.) What is the Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) for Minot International (MOT)?

118.2 MHZ. The solid circle with the letter "C" in it indicates the CTAF. Sectional Legend Lengthy Explanation:AIM Chapter 4 - The CTAF may be a UNICOM, MULTICOM, FSS, or tower frequency and is identified in appropriate aeronautical publications. See Sectional Aeronautical Chart Legend.

(Refer to figure 25, area 2.) The control tower frequency for Addison Airport is

126.0 MHz. 126.0 MHz is the control tower frequency for Addison Airport as indicated by the "CT-" label preceding the frequency.

(Refer to figure 20, area 2.) The elevation of the Chesapeake Regional Airport is

19 feet. The airport elevation indicated is 19'.

The terrain elevation of the light tan area between Minot (area 1) and Audubon Lake (area 2) varies from

2,000 feet to 2,500 feet MSL. The light tan area indicates elevations of about 2-2,200'. The highest spot elevation shown is 2,205'. Additional elevation information can be derived by subtracting AGL tower heights from the MSL heights and via airport elevations. None exceed 2,500' MSL.

Determine the magnetic course from Cooperstown Airport (area 2) to Jamestown Airport (area 4).

213°. With a plotter, measure the true course from Cooperstown to Jamestown as 218°. Subtract variation of 5°E. 218°-5° = 213°.

(Refer to figure 25, area 8.) What minimum altitude is required to fly over the Cedar Hill TV towers in the congested area south of NAS Dallas?

3,549 feet MSL. When flying over a congested area of a city, an altitude of 1,000' above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 2,000' of the aircraft is required. The Cedar Hill TV towers have an MSL height of 2,549'.

At Toledo Executive, find the length of the displaced threshold for runway 22. View Figure 63

380 feet. The Chart Supplements U.S. for Toledo Executive indicates a displaced threshold (Thld dsplcd) of 380 feet for runway 22.

(Refer to figure 23, area 3.) The top of the group obstruction approximately 11 nautical miles from the Savannah VORTAC on the 008° radial is

454 feet MSL. The group of obstructions, labeled "stacks" are 454' MSL.

In order to find pictorial explanations of airport signs and markings, which publication would you consult?

Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM). AIM Chapter 2, Section 3, covers Airport Marking Aids and Signs and includes pictures with explanations. The Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge is another source of information.

Which description below accurately describes the colors used for airports on a Sectional Chart?

Airports with control towers are shown in blue. Airports with Control Towers (CT) and their related data are shown in blue. All other airports and their related data are shown in magenta.

Which is true concerning the blue and magenta colors used to depict airports on Sectional Aeronautical Charts?

Airports with control towers underlying Class B, C, D, and E airspace are shown in blue. Airports having control towers are shown in blue. All others are in magenta. Control towers are found underlying Class B, C, D, and E airspace.

Which resource should you use to ensure you are arriving at the correct airport and runway?

Chart Supplement and Airport Diagrams. For specific information about an unfamiliar airport, consult the Chart Supplement U.S. (formerly Airport/Facility Directory). The Chart Supplement U.S. (formerly Airport/Facility Directory) provides the most comprehensive information on a given airport.

Close to the airport information box at Lincoln Regional/Harder (area 4) notice a parachute icon. Which publication would give you information about the parachute jumping operations there?

Chart Supplement publication Information regarding parachute jumping operation are found in the A/FD section of the Charts Supplement publication.

(Refer to figure 22, area 1 and legend 1 ) For information about the glider operations at Sandpoint Airport, refer to the

Chart Supplements U.S. (formerly Airport Facility Directory). Information about glider operations is contained in the remarks about the airport in the Chart Supplements U.S.

Information concerning parachute jumping sites may be found in the

Chart Supplements publication Tabulations of parachute jump areas in the U.S. are contained in the Chart Supplements publication.

At which airports is fixed-wing Special VFR not authorized?

Dallas-Fort Worth International and Dallas Love Field. Just above the name of each of these airports is an indication of "NO SVFR". This means that fixed-wing Special VFR is not authorized.

(Refer to figure 78 and figure 79.) You are approaching Sioux City airport. Where would you expect to see the airport beacon?

East of runway 17-35. Legend three shows that an airport beacon is represented by a star. Viewing either the Chart Supplements U.S. or the Sectional Chart excerpt, the star is to the east of runway 17-35.

When approaching Lincoln Municipal from the west at noon for the purpose of landing, initial communications should be with

Lincoln Approach Control on 124.0 MHz. When approaching from 270° at noon, use the Lincoln Approach Control for 180°-359°. This would be 124.0 MHz.

(Refer to figure 21, area 2.) Which airport is located at approximately 47° 34 minutes 30 seconds N latitude and 100° 43 minutes 00 seconds W longitude?

Makeef. Find the 101° meridian and count 17 tick marks eastward. This is 100°43' W. Locate the 48° parallel and count to the south 25.5 tick marks along a line from the 100° 43' position. This is 47°34'30". The points converge at Makeeff.

Which public use airports depicted are indicated as having fuel?

Minot Intl. (area 1). The tick marks around the basic airport symbol for Minot Intl. indicate that fuel is available and the airport is tended during normal working hours.

What is the recommended communications procedure for landing at Lincoln Municipal during the hours when the tower is not in operation?

Monitor airport traffic and announce your position and intentions on 118.5 MHz. The CTAF is 118.5 MHz. This is the frequency to use when the tower is not in operation.

Time-critical aviation information can be found in:

NOTAMs NOTAMs are time-critical aeronautical information either temporary in nature or not sufficiently known in advance to permit publication on aeronautical charts or in other operational publications.

Where is Loup City Municipal located with relation to the city?

Northwest approximately 1 mile. Loup City Municipal is located approximately 1 mile northwest of the city as indicated by the "1 NW" after the airport identifier.

Which type radar service is provided to VFR aircraft at Lincoln Municipal?

Sequencing to the primary Class C airport, traffic advisories, conflict resolution, and safety alerts. Participating VFR aircraft are sequenced to the primary airport and provided Class C services within the Class C airspace and the outer area. This would include safety alerts & traffic advisories.

FDC NOTAMS contain regulatory information, such as

Temporary Flight Restrictions. FDC NOTAMs are issued by the National Flight Data Center and contain information that is regulatory in nature pertaining to flight including, but not limited to, changes to charts, procedures, and airspace usage. Airspace usage may include Temporary Flight Restrictions.

The most complete and up-to-date information regarding an airport can be found in:

The Chart Supplement publication (formerly The Airport/Facility Directory A/FD) The most complete info on an airport is found in the Chart Supplement.

The Chart Supplements publication normally would contain the most recent airport information. If you notice some difference between publications, it should be used rather than:

The information printed on your sectional chart. The Chart Supplements publication is updated more frequently than the Sectionals.

(Refer to figure 20, area 5.) The CAUTION box denotes what hazard to aircraft? View Figure 20

Unmarked balloon on cable to 3,008 feet MSL. The statement in the box is: "CAUTION: UNMARKED BALLOON ON CABLE TO 3008 MSL."

(Refer to Figure 24, area 5.) The navigation facility at Sulphur Springs (SLR) is a:

VOR/DME. Check the Sectional Aeronautical Chart Legend. The symbol in the center of Sulphur Springs navigational facility indicates a VOR/DME.

(Refer to figure 25, area 5.) The navigation facility at Dallas-Ft. Worth International (DFW) is a

VOR/DME. The navigation facility at Dallas-Ft. Worth International (DFW) is a VOR/DME. This can be determined by the hexagon surrounded by a rectangle.

Under what circumstances might an airport beacon be in operation during the day at an airport with an air traffic control tower?

When ground visibility is less than 3 miles and/or the ceiling is less than 1,000 feet. In Class B, Class C, Class D and Class E surface areas, operation of the airport beacon during the hours of daylight often indicates that the ground visibility is less than 3 miles and/or the ceiling is less than 1,000 feet.

Weather information is available at the Coeur d'Alene (COE) Airport (area 2)

from AWOS 3 135.075. To the right of COE note, in magenta, "AWOS-3 135.075". AWOS stands for Automated Weather Observing System. The AWOS system incorporates a transmitter to broadcast weather data.

An airport's rotating beacon operated during daylight hours indicates

that weather at the airport located in Class D airspace is below basic VFR weather minimums. In Class D surface areas, operation of the airport beacon during the hours of daylight often indicates IFR conditions.

Traffic patterns in effect at Lincoln Municipal are

to the left on Runway 17 and Runway 36; to the right on Runway 18 and Runway 35. The comments regarding runways 18 & 35 both indicate "Rgt tfc." meaning that these runways have right hand traffic patterns. Runways 17 & 36 do not have a notation and are standard left hand patterns.

(Refer to figure 20, area 2.) The flag symbol at Lake Drummond represents a View Figure 20

visual checkpoint used to identify position for initial callup to Norfolk Approach Control. Flag symbols on a sectional represent visual checkpoints.

The flag symbols at Statesboro Bullock County Airport, Claxton-Evans County Airport, and Ridgeland Airport are

visual checkpoints to identify position for initial callup prior to entering Savannah Class C airspace. Flag symbols are used to identify visual checkpoints on a sectional chart.

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