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London (8 mil)


the Pennines, the Scottish Highlands


the red cross represents England (St. George's cross)


World famous red double-decker buses

trains in CZ are often late

dirty and shabby AIR: airplane, glider, helicopter, balloon, airship, shuttle,.... Traveling by plane is the quickest way of travelling, but the most expensive of all. Flying is the best and most comfortable way of going abroad to distant countries. We can reach remote places in just a few hours. By bus or train the same journey would take several days, be very uncomfortable and include the troubles of changing on the way, carrying heavy luggage, getting meals and sleeping on the train. The boarding of passengers when travelling by plane has special rules. You must be at the airport a little earlier because you have to have your luggage checked and weighed, go trough the customs hall, show the customs officers your passport and visa if needed, and have your hand luggage checked. After checking in you may go to the departure hall and wait for your flight. When you get on board the flight attendant shows you to your seat. Before taking you must remain in your seat, fasten your safety belt, you mustn´t smoke or use your mobile phone. The same applies when landing. WATER: ship, boat, canoe, ferry, passanger liner, hovercraft, motorboats Hundreds of years before airplane, ships provided transportation between continents separated by oceans. As late as the 1950s travel by ship was still one of the most popular ways to get across the Atlantic. In the same week that Pan America flew its jet to Paris, at least a dozen ships sailed from New York City to Europe. But jet air travel almost ruined international travel by ship. Fortunately, the world´s shipping lines found a new use for their ships. Former transatlantik liners cruise all over the world, reminding you of floating hotels with luxurious facilities. Also, pleasure crafts are very popular, including motor yachts, sailing yachts and small boats (canoes, kayaks and rafts) owned by private individuals, few though are large enough to be regarded as ship. TRAVELING When I want to travel by train I must go to the station, which is usually a large building with a main hall, waiting room, ticket offices, inquiry office, left luggage office and rows of lockers, not to mention bookstalls, lavatories, buffets and drink machines. Then I look up a connection in a timetable, buy a ticket (single or return



cca 63 mil

industrial cities (e.g. Ostrava - steelworks, mining industry)

other places of interest (e.g. historical cities, castles, spa resorts)

some of them belong to the UNESCO World's Heritage. One of them is Jasper in Alberta. Banff is the oldest national park. It was founded in 1885. Typical Canadian animals include: bison

prairie dogs, rattle-snakes, moose, cougars, musk oxen, bears, and beaver (in the picture). Places of interest CN Tower in Toronto The CN Tower is a communications and observation tower. It is composed of a hexagonal pillar, two visitor areas and a broadcast antenna. The entire tower measures 553.3 metres and when it was built, it was it is the tallest tower in the world, now it is the third tallest. The CN Tower is an icon of Toronto's skyline and one of the symbols of Canada. There are many attractions for tourist: observation points, a glass floor at an elevation of 342 m, a glass floor panelled elevator, EdgeWalk (where at an elevation of 356 metres visitors can walk on and around the roof of the main pod of the tower), a restaurant and lighting. Niagara Falls The Niagara Falls are waterfalls on the river Niagara between the lakes Ontario and Erie. The falls are on the international border between Canada and the USA and it is the most powerful waterfall in North America. The Niagara Falls are composed of two falls: the Horseshoe Falls which are on the Canadian side of the border and the American Falls on the American side. Due to its majesty it is a very popular tourist attraction. Canadian "Horseshoe" Falls are 792 metres wide and 51 metres high. Sports Ice hockey is Canada's national game. Canada has been one of the leading national ice hockey teams and many Czech players represented the country. Other popular sports include lacrosse and curling. Vancouver hosted the Winter Olympics in 2010. - CANADA Canada is located in North America, and it's second largest country. It is surrounded to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the East by the Atlantic Ocean, to the south by the USA and to the west by the Pacific Ocean and the state Alaska. The capital city is Ottawa. Population is 10 million inhabitants. Canada have two official languages French and English. Canada is Constitutional monarchy and federal state. Ceremonial head is British Queen represented by Governor General. Lakes The largest lake is in the Great Bear Lake. Other lakes are Huron, Great Bear, Superior, Great Slave, Winnipeg, Erie, Ontario Mountains The highest peak is Mt. Logan. In Canada we can find also the Rocky Mountains and the Mackenzie Mountains, Pelly Mountains, Appalachians Mountains Rivers The most important river is St. Lawrence river'. And the longest is Mackenzie's. In Canada we can find about 30 national parks. Ethnic groups Ethnic groups in Canada - Asian, European, Muslims, Hindu, „First nations" (Aboriginal indians), Inuits The flag red and white are the official colours of Canada Climate Climate in Canada is influenced by mountain ranges, plains and water surfaces, mostly continental with warm summers and cold winters. But in the North it is arctic: 50 °C. Economy few enterprises such as postal services, oriented to the private sector Car manufacturing, paper, iron and steel work, mining based on natural resources and agriculture: wheat, corn, vegetables, forests coal, oil, gas, silver, uranium, gold (gold rush) Canada is big producer of maple syrup. Maple is national tree sport National sport is lacrosse (was played by Indians). Ice hockey, football, curling, ice skating, downhill and cross-country skiing. - 24. CANADA základnl otázky 2which are the maln mountain ranges and which is the highest mountain 1. How large is the area of Canada a. Which are the largest rivers and lak 4what is the lim whe g the populatson of Canaos and what natinnalities doest sen ttlers? 2which are the most important natural rewsdurces a.what kind of government is there? and resk country n the worid t covers more than hat ol the Nurt c e are vancUver n e west New Scutand nd eta in is dvense dered on the eat rs nh tne usA the siuth ng a per of islands, The largest is da has berders e Pacn Oce n eest inthe east Victoria and Bate 1slands by the Atmtc Oce at is covered g meunta, the i6050m hgh) ie the northwe camada a f est m n Che west, there are the Rooy Moutains. The naghest metain Loqan (6cp Canada sa country of lakesz there are thovsds of them Crat The largest are Lae, Lake Ere order with yhe UsA. winelpeg are ott them there are he rourt attraction ites Macenzie

old buses are very slo

uncorfotable, and sometimes, especially in winter, not punctual and very crowded. They don't even look very reliable. TRAIN: advantages: Its relatively cheap

and the House of Commons

which has 646 elected members. The main function of the House of Lords is to make and revise laws and to check ne work of the government. ´ 2.THE UNITED KTNGDOM IL. 1Places of interest: Most tourists start exploring England by visiting the British capital city- London. It has enough attractions to keep a visitor entertained for several days, or even weeks, Apart from the obvious must-sees, there are also lots of galleries and museums, including the British Museum, where over 7 million objects from human history are exhibited. Lovers of modern architecture can admire buildings by the famous contemporary architect Norman Foster. London also offers many parks to relax in, such as St. James s Park, Hyde Park or Kensington Gardens. Oxford and Cambridge are famous universify towns, and their universifies are among the oldest in the world. Even if you are not a STudent, you can enjoy the old architecture of the colleges and their special atmosphere. 1he River Cam in Cambridge is a popular place for punfing(boating in long narrow boats moved by pushing a long pole ugainst The riverbed) Noffingham and the nearby Sherwood Forest are well known as the home of the legendary Robin Hood, and you can see an exhibition on the legends at Notingham Castle. The town also boasts (t has something to be proud of) the oldest pub in England, Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem, thought to date from before 1189. Brighton is a famous seaside resort south of London. Don't miss the popular Brighton Beach and the exotic-looking Royal Pavilion, a royal palace built in the early 19th century in Indian style, with Chinese decorafions inside. Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of one of the greafest PIaywrights n history, Wiliam Shakespeare. You can visit the house where Shakespeare was born and the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. But even if you are not into theatre, you can enjoy the old streets with picturesque half-fimbered houses from Shekespeard's time (- houses with a wooden frame which shows on the surface). 2.National stereotypes >British peopie are opened-heard, warm-hearted and they make a fren quckly 1. Great Fire of London (the story) . SItuated in.. . Thes t ur... 4 Population, inner city, Outer suburbs 5. Consikrs of -Ihe City or. 6. The city of london.. a. Tower of London - William The conqueror, wives of HenryVIll, Bloody Tower, Beereaters, Yeomman warders, prison, 1ower Bridge, St Pauls Cathedral, 7. The City of Wesminster 8. a. he Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, London Eye, eet , Dicken House, New Scotland YarT Duckingham alace, Downing street 10, DIcKen iouse, New Scottand Tara, Ine Milenium Dome, . 3nopplng and Entertainment a. Oxford Streel, Regent Street, Bond Street, Picccadily, Covent Garden. Royall National Theatre, Globe Theatre, Koyal Albert Hal, British Museum, British L1Drary, National Galery, Natural History Museum, Ihe Science Museum, sherlock adame Tussauds Wax, Bush House, Hyde Park, Kensington sardens, St James Park, Green Park, Regents Park, London 00, Kew Gardens, opener The Great Fire Pure Vse these Words OAIS a Brdge buildings When the Romans came to Britain in the first century AD, they uit ta tu names ariver mo London became the most important city in D vE 11ames SnoKC Geal ue of London oestroyed most af the city 2 Presentation peopie ol Loaon were asieep when the Gteat Fre started arly Read and listen to The Great Fire Pudding Lane, near London Brid e started al a baker's in weather everything was very dry, snd the 3Comprehension y ed e Tanesto the kiver 1hames. Luckily the fire c er Lorrect the false nltammable thine i rcacheo tal bundngs full of Bmuel Pepys wrote about the fire in hie fa 1 The Gteat Fire ol London wa5 p on Surday morning. he waiked to the Tower of London 1665. wasn't near hie bre on liie at he end or London Bridge. The fire The tire started at a balkerš. pacK. At 4am on Monday the fie PYs wet none and S3ed o E Te crossed ut Kaver hames. as wile lelt their home in their nightclothes. Thev r pys and ire in his pys Wrole aboul Lhe to ake a 1ot wilh them, and aler that day Pepys returned and py's and his wile left their s The Gre bu cese in the garden 6 D dayy ng o wednesdlay, 5 piember, there weren't many buildings lef in 7 The f 5 rden.T ed 13,500 houSes in 400 strcets, and most of the che he fire destroyel 12.000 houses c ed nto Doals, but most people escaped to thee PEopie escaped 1o the sea. F CIy, a0 dny rour peopie ded n the lire. Per "peopie ed in the fre.f T Means of Transport and Travelling Means of transport Public transport: buses, trams, metro People can also travel by taxi/ car/ motorbike/ bicycle/. Long-distance transport: trains, planes, ships, cars, buses. My favourite type of transport is a bus/ train/ etc. because it's convenient/ fast/ cheap/ comfortable/ Reasons for travelling people travel to other countries in order to get to know new cultures, see a different way of life, do some sightseeing, enjoy the beach, do activities they can't do in their home country (hiking, surfing, sking, etc.) I love travelling because it can broaden my horizons/ I can relax/ I can do my favourite activities like... I hate travelling because Accommodation Hotels: comfortable, clean, safe, good service, expensive, etc. Hostels: cheap, you can meet a lot of new people, might be dirty and noisy, etc. Campsite: you're in the middle of nature, cheaper than hotels, you can spend a lot of time outside, etc. Airbnb: comfortable, you can usually cook there, cheaper than hotels, you can get to know the local owner who can show you around, etc My ideal holiday I would love to go to Greece/ Bali/ Africa becauseI would go there for a month/ 2 weeks/. with my family/ friends/ alone. I would relax on the beach/ go surfing/ take a lot of photos/ try to find and spend some time with the locals/ etc. Advantages/ disadvantages of various means of transport Planes: it's the fastest way of travelling, you get some food and drinks on board (unless you travel by low-cost airlines). However, it's quite expensive, depends on the weather, you have to arrive to the airport a few hours in advance, etc. Trains: usually cheaper than planes, you can see a lot from the windows, you can take a short walk in there. However, they are slower than planes, can be overcrowded, etc. Buses: cheaper than trains/planes. However, they are less comfortable than trains, you have less leg space, can be stuck in traffic jams, etc. Cars: theyre comfortable, you can stop whenever you want. However, you have to drive it, you can be stuck in traffic jams, it's also quite expensive, etc. Things you need before you travel you need a passport, sometimes a visa, your ID in case you travel within the Schengen Area a good travel insurance you need to book your flight tickets/ train tickets/etc book your accommodation online -some people like to plan the whole journey by preparing an itinerary Important inventions 1) Wheel because it helps to transport people as well as goods Transport and traveling Transport can be defined as the movement of people and goods from one location to another. Transportation systems and the routes they use have greatly influenced both how and where people live. Reliable transport allows people to travel throughout a country´s territory and to live comfortably in remote areas far from factories and farms. Transport is very important to a nation´s economy. The trasportation industry is the largest industry in the world. It includes the manufacture and distribution of vehicles, the production and distribution of fuel, and the provision of transportation services. In the 20th century people became more aware of how trasportation systems affect the enviroment. For example, the burning of petroleum-based fuels for motor vehicles creates pollution that can be harmful to human health. Other environmental effects of transportation systems include impacts on noise levels, water quality, hazardous materials, natural habitats and wetlands. Many governments now require that before a new transportation project is begun a detailed study called an environmental impact assessment must be prepared to predict how the project will affect the environment. WE CAN TRAVEL BY: LAND car, bus, motorcycle, train, tram, trolley, bicycle, ..... CAR: advantages: speed

adults can also choose beer

wine, champagne, cognac, plum brandy, etc. When we go travelling, it is convenient to take along some non-perishable food, apart from bread and rolls. In our backpack we can include canned food or a piece of dry salami that will not spoil even during high summer temperatures. Of course we should not expose it to heat and sun needlessly. If we want to buy salami or meat for lunch, we must go to a butcher's shop. In a well-stocked store we can buy, besides salami and sausage, also påté, mayonnaise salads and meat broth. For meat, there is pork, beef, mutton, lamb or poultry. Sometimes we purchase fish and venison. Customers often ask for a piece of liver, kidneys, heart and other kinds of offal. If we are not satisfied with the local supermarket's selection of baked goods, we go to bakery. Such a store can be tound very easily because there Is the scent of fresh warm bread, crispy rolls, buns and baguettes in the air outside. We often buy sweet pastries- Christmas Cake, doughmuts, gingerbread, hlled buns or pies filled with poppy seeds, cottage cheese, plum jam, apples or nuts. Adjacent to the bakery is a sSweet-shop. There we can buy candies, ice cream and pastries filled with fruit, whipped cream, or chocolate as well. Milk and butter are available at the dairy. Here we can also choose from a wide variety of yoghurts, cottage-cheese creams and puddings. We often buy whipped cream, cheese (processed, naturally fermented and smoked), cream for coffee and cottage cheese too. In what other stores, besides food stores, do we do our shopping? At the drugstore we pick up soap, shampoo, skin cream, toothbrush and toothpaste For men, there are shaving accessories-electric shavers, after-shave lotions and vari ous deodorants. Women can choose from an almost unlimited choice of beauty aids. In particular one can see face powders, lipsticks, eyelash enhancers, eyebrow pencils, eye-shadows and nail polish. At the chemist's we can purchase detergents for washing dishes, windows, fioors, carpets and laundry. Often we must visit a pharmacy. The employees in the pharmacy willingly help us and offer us advice as to which ointments, pills or drops will help us, when we do not have medical prescription. we can also buy vitamin-enriched candy, herbal cosmetics, bandages, adhesive plasters and cotton-wool. If we suffer from insomnia, we can get our sleeping pills here. When we go shopping, we never forget to visit the local bookstore to find out if any new books have been published. From a wide selection we can choose the one we like the best. Our choice may be a book for instruction or for pleasure-for our leisure time. Among other things, shoppers can choose from many different magazines, newspapeS and maps. Nowadays the bookstore usually includes a music section. There we can get intomation about new music, or as usually happens, buy a tape (empty or recorded) or compact disc. In a domestic appliance store we can select what we need for our household-dishes and cutlery for our kitchen e.g. spoons and forks, knives, ladles, wooden spoons, plates, saucers, mugs, cups, pans, trays and pots. We can also purchase such helpful domestic appliances as a vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, oven, cooker, food mixer, freezer, sewing machine, washing machine and hair-dryer. Furthermore, we can find a chandelier, lamp for our room or bulbs and batteries. Other home accessories (mirrors, coat hangers) are also available. furniture store typically sells shelves, cupboards and wardrobes. Along with these we ind sets of upholstered sofas and armchairs, chairs, tables, desks, beds, and also carpets and framed pictures. If we need curtains, we go to a haberdashery. Cloth is sold here, usually by the metre (cotton, wool, silk and canvas) as well as thread, needles, crochet and knitting necedles, buttons, zippers, scissors, head scarves, wool yarn, dishcloths, towels, tablecloths and handkerchiefs. We select ready-made garments in textile stores. There are departments for women, men and children. We usually buy accessories for the school and office in a stationery shop. Besides individ- ual sheets of paper we can get exercise books, writing pads, pencils, pens, writing paper, envelopes, stamps, water-colours, brushes, postcards, photo albums and calendars. In sporting goods shops shop assistants help us select cross-country and downhill skis. Here we buy skates, choose a new bieycle, buy a ball for volleybal, football or basketball. We can also buy tennis rackets with accessories, hockey sticks, sports wear, sleeping bags, tents, backpacks, sports shoes and even body-building equipment. We shop at the jeweller's only on special occasions. Items here are not only of gold but also of silver or other precious metals and we can also buy chains, rings, bracelets or carrings. If we buy flowers, we have them neatly wrapped at the florist's. We just choose from Our favourite flowers (roses, camations, Ililies, orchids, fresias, tulips and daffodils) and the shop assistant will arrange them according to our wishes. Ifwe do not have the time to run from one shop to another, we go to a department store. There we pay at the cash desk and can have the goods we have chosen delivered to our home by a delivery service. We pay in cash, by cheque or with a credit card. QUESTIONS ON THIs TOPIC Do you like shopping? Which shops do you visit most often? Describe the various departments of a supermarket. .Do you prefer shopping in brand-name supermarkets or at stands? Some people think only foreign goods are of good quality. Why are they wrong, and what advantages do we gain buyinga Czech product? Think of the price of the product, guarantee and post-guarantee services, etc. .Competition is a typical attribute of the market economy. What advantages does it bring to individual consumers? Do you think competition in our country works as well as it should? Give reasons for your answer. Education The Czech republic 1) Kindergarten - is compulsory for 1 year before going to primary school. Parents can choose either a private or public one. 2) Primary education-compulsory for 9 years. Stage 1 (6-11 years of age) / Stage 2 (12-15 years of age). 3) Secondary education either 3 or 4 years of vocational or secondary school education. The former can be finished with either vocational certificate or Maturita exam. The latter with the Maturita Exam which is an equivalent of British A-levels exam. 4) Higher education- in 2018 there were 62 institutions in the country. Students can choose from Bachelor's (3years) and Master's (2 years) programs. 1) Which education system of these 3 do you like the most? Why? 2) Describe your school where you study. 3) What subjects do you study at your school? USA 1) Primary (Elementary) education - from the age of 6-11 2) Secondary education - students start at Middle/Junior high school and then move up to High school where they graduate at 12th grade, usually around the age of 18. 3) Higher education -in 2018 there were about 6.5 thousand higher education institutions in the USA United Kingdom -children have to legally attend primary and secondary education 1) Kindergarten - not compulsory 2) Primary education - from the age of 5 to 11 (from the age of 4 in Norther Ireland) - 2 stages-a) infant 5-7 years old b) junior 7+-11 3) Secondary- from the age of 12-16 - final examination 6cSE (General certificate of secondary education), after that students can stay at their school (if possible) for 2 more years - 6th form or go to 6th form college 4) Further education- depending on the type of the particular course, students finish their studies with following certification: A - level/ GNVQ's (General National Vocational Qualification) /BTEC's (Business and Technology Education Council) 5) Higher education - in 2018 there were 164 higher education institutions in the UK. There are some of the most famous universities in the world like Cambridge or Oxford university. Schools, Education GB 1. Nursery education -3-4 Primary level- první stupeň - From 5- 16 Receive full time education 2 Non-selective - comprehensive schools - free, 3. Secondary level - 11-18 - druhý stupeň grammar schools, students have to pass an entrance exam, they are selective comprehensive schools - 90% of students attend are non-sclective, for students of all abilities Public schools- private or independent a Eton b. Expensive C 8% of students d Offer scholarship to gifted children National Curriculum - emphasSises the practical application of knowledge based subjects -Mathematies, English, Science plus technology, history, geography, music, art, physical education, foreign languages 1989 - education in England and Wales was reformed There are 4 key stages -1 - up to 7- infants. 2 primary schools.- from 7. to 11 junior, 3. secondary schools - 1lto 14 pre GCSE, 4. from 14tol6 preparation for GCSE, In Wales - Welsh is taught in Welsh speaking schools 5. GCSE - Examination - General Certificate of Secondary Education at the age of 16 The compulsory subjects are - English, Mathematics, Science 6. GCSE - A- level Exam -Advanced level- At the age of 18 is taken standard examination for the entrance to higher education 7. Higher education-all post-schools after (above) GCSE courses at universities institutions of further educatIon 100 universities and Open Universities in Britain Open University - uses TV, e-lcarning, correspondence courses, summer schoolpart-lame schools fee-paid schools for mature students 9. Oxbridge - Oxford and Cambridge universities-ealled were founded in 12, 13" century 10. The Scottish universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Edinburgh- were founded in 14 and 1S II. UCLES - University of Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate-It provides the standard for schooh in Britain 12. UCLES EFL for Schools overscas, English as a foreign Language Examinations are recognized throughout the world -in our country, they are promoted by The Britich Council 13. The British Council -is an organisation linked to GB - It represents UCLES - it provides the standard for teaching English and the exans 14. Full time Universities - first degree (study for a degree) courses - students, who study engineering, usually spend some time of their courses away, in industrial locations to get practical experience - students, who study a foreign language, usually spend a year in that country. - last 3-4years (veterinary, medical require Syears) - Qualifications - BA - Bachelor of Art - BSc - Bachelor of Science - There are Several 3-hour examinations Students can achive Kuch reculte: First Class, Second Class (Upper or Lower) . Third Class - They have to perform their practical work or long essay or dissertation - higher education (a period of studying and supervised working on a particular job) - MA - Master degree - MSc - Mphil Some students go on further education for a degree- PhD - Doctor of Philosophy Further education for students over 16 studies for taking GCE A-levels Courses are at colleges for further education Lots of further educational courses are vocational (technical, commercial) Students can attend colleges part-time, or in the evening 15 The Czech system of Education.explain, your experience, opinion, make suggestions to change - give reasons 16. Differences between the UK and USA system of education (grades, marks, class, report cards, a sign note from a teacher to go to a toilet during a lesson, locker, schedule, campus, tuition, rules, - BRIDGE 1 September) 17. Slovní zásoba - Maturita Solution intermediate - lekce 3C - Education for life? Schools, Education - osnova GB Nursery education 1. 3. Primary level 4. Secondary level grammar schools comprehensive schools ab 5. National Curriculum- emphasises the practical application of knowledge a based subjects - Mathematics, English, Science plus technology, history, geography, music, art, physical education, foreign languages b 1989 eduoation in England and Wales was reformed There are 4 key stages: 6. GCSE - at 16 7. GCSE - A- level 8. Higher education-all post-schools after (above) GCSE 9. Oxbridge 10. Scottish universities II. UCLES EFL 12. The British Council 13. Full time Universities - first degree (study for a degree) courses BA - BSc - - higher education (a period of studying and supervised working on a particular job) - MA - MSc - Mphil 14. Further education 15. The Czech System of education 16. Your attitude to education, advantages, disadvantages, preferences, changes, plans, experience Education systemin the USA The US education system is not uniform and varies in each country. There is therefore no unitorm cuticulum. the state tries to intiuence the level of education by various grant programs but does not intertere with the education system. The American education system, on- of the best in the world, requires 12 years of elementary and secondary education prior to dmission to college. Compulsory school attendance can be studied in ubnc schoo1s Or prrvate schools. he education system s simplified into phases 2st Secondacy Education (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate) from 18 years of age Junior High School (primary school 2nd grade) 12 - 1d years old Elementary School (elementary school 1st grade) S 11 years Summary of the education system in the USA Primary School (tiementary School) will begin attending children at the age ot s years. Arter 3-6 years ot study, they attend the Midaie >xhool / Junior Hgh, where they study2 years in the 7th-8th grade. class. At this stage is folowed by High School, which is 9th-12th. vintage. High School is completed with a High school Diploma, then students can take up one of the forms of college. They are already focusing on vocational subjects. This Ype of education is usualy 2-4 years Ihe offer of higher education in the S is very diverse. Here are the possible levels of education that can be achieved: S8esiate desSS nikr to a diploma specialist at VOS in tbs bachelor's deguee-the sa0s as a bashelexa dskISs.in shs.Go master's gSECzech gasteta dsBESS doctorate (Pho) -the same as Ph URRIUL CE In the CzR Education in the United Kingdom Education in the UK has developed differently in different countries, which have separate systems because they are governed by the provincial governments: the British govemment is governed by the English, the Scottish Cabinet is administered by the Scottish Government, the Wales Government of the Welsh, and the North Irish Executive is responsible for Northern Ireland. Education is compulsory for children aged 5 (4 in Northern Ireland) up to 16 years of age. Before this age, children can be raised in the nursery. There are 5 levels of education in all British countries: 1. nursery school "early years education" 2. "primary education" "secondary education 4. Continuing (ie secondary) school "Further Education" (FE) higher education "Higher Education" (HE). Continuing schools are optional, they provide a secondary level of education and consist of a two-year 'Advanced course with an Advanced Subsidiary (AS) exam and then a two-year 'advanced" with the Advanced Level Exam (A2). Graduates receive a GCE A level graduate Fifth, higher education means study beyond maturity, usually at universities and other higher education institutions. The "National Curriculum" program introduced since 1988 is a framework for education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland for children aged 5 to 18

the largest city as Montreal. The next lar ge ctes are Toronto

winnipeg. Eomontio, Laigay. Quebec and Vancouve, nhich Canade s very nich in minerals and naturai rescurces, there are large deposts of coai, iron ore, o, naturai isan important port on the west coast. gas, coppeg zinc, nickel, lead, uranium etc. But its greatest resource are forests. Canaca is a maj0 expoter of lumber, wood, pulp and printing pAper The main mining province is Alberta. Hamilton and Sydney are main cendrs of he iron and sieel industry. The automobile industry has s tDiggest works in Chathami and Oshava. Ships are buit on the banks of Grest Lekes and the St. Lawrence Rver. The province of Ontarnio and Newfoundland have large paper mills Canada is also one of the biggest exporters of wheat The greatest wheat market in the world le in wnnipeg Canadian farms also produce grain. livestock, toba cco and vegetabiles CanAda has a Federal Pariliament consqting of imo Hiovaea ue House of Commons und the Senate. The Queen is represented Dy tne Giverige Gener . The réal Naad of state is the Prime Minister He seiects nis own Cabinet. There are two leading perties The LUiberal Party and the Progressive Conservauive Parly Canada is divided into 10 provisces and 2 cernitories: The Yukon Te rritory and the Northwest territory. The argest province is Quebec, whch s predor ninontdy French speaking other provinces are: Newfoundland, Prince Edeward 1sland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Manitoba, Ontario, 5asxatchiewan, Aiberta, and British Columbia CANADA raphy: anada occupies the whole of the northem part of North America (except Alaska) y sans Bain isiand, Newtoundiand, Vancouver, Prince Edward Island .ada is tne secona largest country in tne worid ts area IS about 1O mil. sq Km. it neignbours with the uSA- With Alaska and with the continental states and the Great Lakes Area. Ihis border is the longest undetended border in the world. famous Nianara Eall sreed or tresh water in the world. here are eautitul lakes in Canada, e.g. Great Bear 1 ake Creat Sl Oer big and Winnipeg e Canada has large mountain areas -the Rocky Mountains, the Mackenzie Mountains and the Melville Hills. The highest mountain is Mt. Logan in the Alaska Reglon, the Ogest ver is ne ackenz1e, otner Dig rivers are tne YUKOn, the Fraser, the Eiver ot. Lawrence. Climate: The climate vanes from Arctic climate in the North to moderate climate in the east Sne nortn of the country near the Arctic is a cold tundra with large and beautiful forests to the south. The central plains torm the prairie. People: Canada have more than 27 mil. people. The density is one o tevest wo 80 per cent Canadians live in laroe urban centree l et in the worid. an Southern border. People are mainly of British and French origin and of continental European ongin and tne rest iS made by ESKImOS or indians (ESKimos are sometirmes called the Inuits). wo main languages in Canada are English and French. History: ginal innaDitanis came to Ganada some 10 or 25 thousana years ago trom Asia. The 15th and 16th centuries) some navinatore geAge or Discoveries (the Coast Since the 16th century large territories were ocCupied hy the rench but France lost this country in wars with England and Canada became a British dominion. Economy dtrT oi, metal, on and gas, machine-building and chemical Chatham and Oshawa, ship are s Alberta. Motorcar industry has its works in Oronto. ydroelectric industry is highly developed in the provinces eal and and Quebec. Culture Ailmost har tne land area ofCanada is covered Dy TorestS. Oniy aDour per cent or dna ssuiteoe Tor aring wnedt. Oner impotant agriCuture tems are e.9 Natural resources: goid, uranium othermt ner agriculture finan Stpeople work in services, the rest work in manutacturing. agriculture, tinance, Sing eic Government type and administration: It is and independent federal parliamentary system with Queen Elizabeth ll as the head of state. She is represented in Canada by the governor-general. The federal parliament consisting of two houses: The House of Commons and The Senate. Canada is divided into 10 provinces ant 2 territories. The biggest province is Quebec (capital Quebec city). Other provinces are: Newfoundland Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Manitoba Ontario Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia The capital of Canada is Ottawa. The biygest city is Toronto, other Montreal. Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg... Canada is the member of many international organisations such as the UN and NATO. its flag is red and in the centre there is whit square with a red maple leaf. Canada Canada is situated on the whole northern part of North America. The capital of Lanada is Ottawa. Other big cities are 1oronto, Quebec, IOntreal, Vancouver Winnipeg or Calgary. The name Canada is believed to have originated with the first nhabitants since the Huron-IroquOIS Indians used the word ?kanata? for settlement. Canada is the second largest country in tne worid witn s area or about 10 miion Square Kilometers. Ine number of population or Canada is about 32 milion people. The density of population is veny low. Its only from 2 to 3 innabitants within one square kilometre. Most people of Canada live in large urban centres located 200 miles of the southen border. The rest of the country Iis rather cold and these bad iving conditions make uninhabitable more than 85%% of the land. Inere are ony soated seenens trading stations and mining settlements in these areas. More than 40% of the population are of British origin, 30% of French origin, 20% of German, Polish, Itallan and Dutch origin and the rest are Eskimos and Indians. The name Canada is of Indian orlgin, too. Indians used the work ?kanata? which means ?village?. In all the Canadian area there are about 185 thousand Indlans and about 10000 or z0000 ESKimos, however, thelr number is decreasing. The main occupation of Indlans and ESkimos Is fishing, hunting and reindeer ralsing. All the mountain ranges are called the Cordilleras (The Rocky Mountalns, Mackenzle PIOuntains, Meivilie Hills). On the easten coast there are loWiands. Between the mountains in the west and in the East there are large prairies Sultabiefor agriculture especially Tor the wneat growing Decause the soll is vey rerdie trere. important rivers are the Mackenzie, the Yukon, the Franzer, the Columbia and the St. Lawrence River. The Mackenzie River flows out from the Great Slave Lake into the Arctic cean. The Franzer flows into the Pacific Ocean and the st. Lawrence River, which was very important during the history of Canada, flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The Great Lakes are situated in the southern part of canada. They are Lake Superier, Huron, Erie, Ontario and Michigan. The border of the U.S.A. Goes through these lakes. 1ne exceptons Lake Michigan belonging only to the U.S./A. The famous Nidgara Falis are situated between Lake Erie and ontario. The height of them is 49 m. Otner beautirul lakes are the Lake or Wood, Lake winnipeg, Reindeer Lake, Antnabasca, Great Slave Lake or Great Bear Lake. As tor the climate most of the inhabited parts of Canada have a continental cimate nicn meanS summers are not and long wnile winters are rather cold. On the Pacific coast the ciimate is milder and the uninhabited north there is an arctic climate. Canada consist of 10 provinces and 2 territories. The first part or the provinces is called the martime province. They are Nova Scotia, New BrunswiCK, Prince Edward Island and New Foundland. Then there are central prOvinces Quebec and Ontario and the prairie provinces Manitoba, saskatchewan and Alberta. The last one Is British Columbia situated on the Pacific Coast. In the northern part of the state there are YUKOn lerritory and Nort-west Ierritory. Canada is an English and French speaking country. Most inhabitants in Quebec speak rench. Originally Canada was called New France decause it was a Frencn colony. Tne rirst Setuers were French amiving from Europe in 17th century. They sailed up St. Lawrence River and buit up settlements in the St. Lawrence Valley. In 1763 the French were defeated by the British and Canada became a British colony. They didnt take part in the war of Independence and remained loyal to Br Decduse ey ain b were afräid of becoming à part or the U.S.A. and that was exacuy Wnat tney didnt want to. But it doesn t mean they were satistied with British ruie. Ihere wasS a strong movement for poliical independence during the 19th century in Canada. inis forced Great Britain to establish Canada asa bominion in 186/. originaily Canāda had only 4 provinces: Nova Scotia, Quebec, New Brunswick and Ontario. The other Brtish possessions In North America joined Canada later. Great Britain lost its political influence of the U.S.A. Increased. NOW the English language spoken In Canada sounds more like American than British English. Canada's natural resources are well-known. 1hey are gold, uranium, other metal ores, nafta and gas. Uranium from Canada makes à 40% Of the Woria s tota productionor this ore. Ine main mining proVince is AlDerta. Haminton ana oyndey are the main centres or iron and steel industries.in Montreal ana 1oronto ships are made and in Chatham and Ottawa there is the car industry. Hydro-electric industry is highly developed especially in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Quebec Ontario and British Columbia with their large forests provide wOOd for buildings, furniture and paper production. The agriculture is highily productive. Canada is the firth largest producer of wheat and the second largest wheat exporter. Other important agricuitural products are ive-stoCK, 0ats, vegetabies, Iruits, tobacco etc. Canada is a part of the British Commonwealth of Nations. Its status is a Dominion. The official head is the British Queen Elizabeth IL. In Canada she is represented by the Governor General. The actual head of the executive power is the Prime Minister. rnres. There is a He selects his own Cabinet. Canaad is d reoerduon o Po Federal Government for the whole area of Canada and Provinaal overnnens there are provinces. The supreme law-making body is the Federal Pariament i consist of the House of Commons and the Senate. The members or tne riouse o Commons are elected for five years election terms. Members of the Senate are nominated for life long service by the Governor General. CANADA -PLACES OF INIEREST MONTREAL, Quebec What's Happening in 2014: For starters, the 15th anniversary otMontreal En Lumiere runs rom February 28 to Marcn 2, witn severalshows, hine aining, ramily tun and nightire. One rgest ie hed in Du winter lesthvals in the world, this event draws more than 900,000 fans and is cherished in Quebec. The music and dining cholces at En Lumiere will certainty help heat things up in the winter, But Montreal nas, snd aways will De, a Ciy tnat Si2zles in Summer, Anotner big anmiversary happening this year in nanir Montreal wIl reanly get you jazzed upi Tne ionueal Jazz resival ceieoraies is edionwitn iCnael Bubie, stacey Kent and Aain Lefevre from June 28 to July 5. Ir you prefer to groove to tne souno or a race Car, tren DucKIe up Tor tne oran F w eal, which will thunder dow ne streets June B-8. And f you re l0oking tora iaugh, loOK no turther thar the JUst for Laugns esuva rom Juy 12- 31. why You Should Go: Its fun, it s Cheap, its deicious, its sexy, ts energee, S np, es 0EauDrl ere s not mucn ioeal doest oner tourSs. A Se visi enthralled with the history no viDrant amosphere, wile returm visrtors wll tall headc s with the place wnen they discover juot how much there is to see and do, no matter if venturing out to the Jean-Talon Market at rif w the north end of the city or exploring the wares at Bonsecours Market in Old Montreal. Vacay.ca VWriter Nancy wigston says: The Plateau i5 the epicentre of Montrears resto and cycie the Uture. Rent wheels at Bia bike stands (300 i or locally at La Bicycleterie (201 kache Easty. A tew nignts at tne highy rated casa Bianca B&B4351 Avenue de Esplanade), overiocking splendid Parc Mont Royal makes for a full-immersion Plateau experience. (Don't miss cofee and tresh pastries at Kouign Amman, 322 Mont-Royal East). At Boulevard St-Joseph. youl enter Mile End, Leonard Cohen territory. CALLARY alberta whats Happening tor 2014: Cibes Decome most interesting when hey emorace what is distinct about themselves. Calgary did that a century &go we algary Stampede was bofn. Last year with only a bit of fanfare, Alberta's largest city launched an intriguing event calied Beakerhead, a restvail that celebrates innovaton through engineening and science. Astronaut Chnis Hadfield was the celebrity participant in this curious Cultural expenment. Calgary has more engineers per capita than hae the most Clues in e woru, meaning beakernedo nas tne foundabon to Dulld somethimg big and cool. its a festival to watch 8s itgais up o go-round from September 10-14. Calgary aliso has its irst Retais& ChateauX PrOperty, the Kensingron iverside inn, a Dougue note at earneu e distinction in November. 1ne June flood has gone amazingly well and much or the tourism intrastructure, including stampece PaK, Is again accessioe Why You Shoula do is always the reason. It is a mega-event that d0esnt aisappou This year, following a 101st session hampered by the flood, fgures to be a showstoper. Calgary. rom the a destination because of its wealth ot, well, wealn. Big ny o though, is a50 d energy ana d sponsoring creative projects and helping to sUstain the cy s cunai y Bcene, which is one of the best in the country. vacay.c nnist Adrian Brijbassi says: "Tve visited Calgary three times in ne past 6 monns and keep waiting for that moment when I can say, a-ha, this town and irs people just aren t as appealing 35 ney rist seemed. nstead, On this moSt recent time, I explored further, investigated deeper, and returned with the same conclusion as I previously did: It is a city whose ečônmle i has led to A binssoming of culture that has oreated one af the most vibrant and enjoyabie places to visit in North America." TORONTO, Ontario What's Happening for 2014: World Pride comes to North Amenca for the ol time, tuming ono of the most rollicking weeks in Canada into even more of a party. It is the fourth time the fostival is heing held and will be the last until 2017 in Madrid, Spain. An estimated 1.5 million people are expected to participate in World Pride. which runs from June 20-29, followed by the annual Toronto Pride Parade on June 30. The city's film and music events also ramp up. Canadian Music Week moves from March to May 6-10, avoiding the risk of snow and increasing the possibility of attracting more top-flight emerging talent from around the world. The Toronto intermatiornal Film Featival (TIFF) continuas to be a major driver of euunomic ectivity, aontributing $189 milion to the city Why You Should Go: Toronto has turned into one of the continent's leading cultural centres Artists, musicians, filmmakers, fashion designers and chefs all have outlets and connections in the city. Outstanding luxury properties share the downtown core with excellent low-cost hotels, inciuding some of the world's most acclaimed hostels. Toronto is a terrific big city, however, many visitors will save their trip to Canarla's giant metropolis for 2015, when the Pan Am Games are held here and when the aggravating construction projects leading to that athietic event are completed. Vacay.ca Visuals Editor Julia Pelish says: "Raucous, artsy, risqué, in your face, and amazingly populer, Pride Weak is nat anly one of Toronto's piunier oventa, it has been named fhe Best Festival in Canada by the Canadian Special Event Industry for two straight years. Like so many other Pnde celebrations in the world, the Toronto event has its roots in the 1969 Stonewall riots that took plaoe in New York City CANADA-PLACES OF INTEREST CALGARY (4,1 The largest city in Alberta, Calgary is situated between the Canadian Prairies and the foothills of the Canadian Rockies. After oil was discovered nearby in the early 1900s, Calgary boomed into what is now one of Canada's largest metropolitan areas, attracting thousands every year to its worid-famous rodeo event, the Calgary Stampede. oTTAWA Located at the confiuence of the Ottawa, Gatineau and Rideau rivers in southeastern Ontario, Ottawa is the capital of Canada. As the nation's capital, Ottawa is home to many tinancial, commercial and federal establishments. Running right through the heart of the city, the Rideau Canal is Ottawa's star attraction. In winter the canal becomes the world's largest ice skating ring9 QUEBEC CITY 2uebec City may be the capital of the Quebec province in eastern Canada, but its French heritage, architecture and language make it appear more like a charming European village. The city's icon, the stunning Chateau Frontenac, is regarded as the most photographed hotel in North America and offers tours even without an overnight Stay. TORONTO The capital of Ontario, Toronto is the most populated city in Canada as well as one of the largest cities in North America. With a large number of ethnic districts like Chinatown, Little india and Little Italy, Toronto is also one of the worid's most culturally diverse cities. MONTREAL The second largest city in Canada after Toronto, Montreal is the cultural and financial capital of the Quebec province. Boasting the largest French-speaking community outside of Paris, France, Montreal is a bustling metropolis comprised of a downtown district, a historic quarter, entertainment district and several distinctive neighborhoods. USA AWADA-TUACES OF UTEREST NIAGARA FALLS Niagara Falls is a series of three awe-inspiring waterfalls situated on the border of Canada's Ontario and the United States' New York. Although it is often called the "Honeymoon Capital of the Worid, Niagara Fals in recent years has also developed as a popular destination for family and adventure vacations. VANCOUVER Situated between the Coast Mountains and the Pacific Ocean in BritishColumbia, Vancouver is favored for its majestic landscapes that present a natural playground where tourists can swim in the ocean, rolierblade through scenic parks and snow ski in the mountains all in one day. The third largest metropolitan area in thecountry, Vancouver is one of the most poplar places to visit in Canada. Political systém USA is a federal state which means that there is a union of self-governing stafes uníted by central government Head of each state-Governor Federal government has 3 branches legislative b) executive )judicial - Legislative is represented by Congress- made up of Senate (100 senators, 2 from each state and House of Representatives (435 representafives, the number of representatives trom each stated depends on its size) - Executive power is represented by the president who is a head of the federal government - Judicial is represented by of by the Supreme COurt Geography Land of mary diverse terrains and features The highest peak: Mt. McKinley (6,194m)- Alaska borders with Canada (North), Mexico (South) Climate: because of its size (9834 000km-) there is a variation of temperatures, from arctic cold in northern Alaska to subtropical warmth in Hawaii Facts is made up of 50 states and a federal district (Columbia) borders with Canada and Mexico Alaska Hawai are not directly attached to the continent 3 populated country in the world (327 million) History Gained its independence from Britain on 4 July 1776 Civil war 1861 - 1865 11 southern slave-keeping stated declared their separation from the US and formed "Confederate states of America" against North (where slavery had been abolished) 7/1941 USA entered into wwII after a Japanese attack on the US Naval base in pearl Harbour (Hawai) 9/2001-US suffered from a terrorist attack on World Trade Towers in NY (the Twins) and Pentagon in Washington. USA The official language of the US is English. The official currency is the US dollar, which is a hundred cents. The United States Flag has seven red lanes and six white stripes. These thirteen lanes are for the original thirteen colonies. The flag also has a blue rectangle in the upper left corner, which consists of fifty stars. Fifty stars on the flag are fifty US states. History Christopher Columbus discovered America in the year one thousand four hundred and ninety-two. Geography USA is located in the southern part of North America. Their neighbors are Canada in the north and Mexico in the south. The US is the fourth largest country in the world. The US consists of fifty states, of which forty-eight are part of the continent and Alaska and Hawaii are separated. The largest state is Alaska. The highest mountain is called Denali (formerly McKinley), which is in Alaska. The largest rivers are Mississippi and Missouri. The largest cities are New York, Los Angeles, Chicago. Other cities are Houston, Dallas, Boston, San Diego, Phoenix, Denver, Detroit, Philadelphia. Population The population is about three hundred and twenty-five million. The country is the third largest in the world behind China and India. Many immigrants live there. But because of the large number of immigrants, there are many different languages spoken here. "Religion is important in the US Most of the adults in the US are Christians. New York It is the largest city in the USA. The city has more than eight million inhabitants and over twenty million in the suburbs. It is one of the largest cities in the world. Sometimes it is called "Big Apple". New York consists of five parts: Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, Staten Island, Brooklyn. There are many attractive places where visitors like going to New York City. The most famous bridge is the Brooklyn Bridge. There are many islands in this area, such as Roosevelt Island, Coney Island, Liberty Island with the Statue of Liberty. New York is also known for its panorama in Manhattan - a large number of skyscrapers on a small area. The largest park in the city is called Central Park. -- USA The official name is the United States of America. The USA consists of 50 states (48 continental + Alaska and Hawaii) and one small area which doesn't belong to any state - Washington D.C. - the capital of the USA. The USA borders with Canada in the north and Mexico in the south. The country spreads across the whole of North America from the Atlantic coast in the east and to the Pacific coast in the west. Population: cca 325 mil Capital: Washington D.C. Largest cities: New York (20 mil), Los Angeles (11.5 mil), Chicago (8 mil) The longest rivers: Mississippi with its tributary Missouri, Rio Grande, Yukon (in Alaska) Major lakes: The Great Lakes (Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario) The highest peak: Mt McKinley (in Alaska) at 6 194 m Mountain ranges: In the west: Sierra Nevada, the Cascade Range, the Cordilleras, the Rocky Mountains In the east: the Apalachian Mountains, the Allegheny Mountains Climate: Varies according to the regions. The warmest weather is in the southern part (Florida, Texas, California, Hawaii). Harsh climate is in the Rocky Mountains and Alaska. National symbols The national flag consists of two rectangles. The smaller blue rectangle with 50 stars symbolizes 50 states. The larger rectangle consists of 6 white and 7 red stripes which symbolize the original 13 colonies. It is often called "Old Glory" or "Stars and Stripes". The national anthem is called "The Star-Spangled Banner". The head of the country is the president. Donald Trump is the 45th president of the USA. History Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492 and met Indians there. First people got there from Europe in 1620 in a small ship called Mayflower. They were English Puritans who had left England to avoid persecution, and are known as the Pilgrim Fathers. They landed at Plymouth (present day Boston). Half of them died of starvation or epidemics and those who survived celebrated their first harvest with a feast of thanksgiving, today known as the Thanksgiving Day. Wildlife and National Parks The US is home to 59 national parks established to protect its natural beauties and wildlife. The Death Valley Desert: the name stands for its severe climate, it is the hottest and driest place in the USA. It is covered with sand a sand dunes. Yellowstone: the first national park to be established (in 1872). There are 67 species of mammals in the park, including the grey wolf, the threatened lynx, and the grizzly bear. The park has many coloured hot springs, boiling mud pots, geysers, and waterfalls. Grand Canyon: is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in the United States in the state of Arizona. Joshua Tree National Park: located in the southern part of California, the park is named after its numerous Joshua trees. Glacier Bay National Park: situated in Alaska, the national park is famous for its glaciers and fauna (bears, whales and many others). Yosemite: the park includes cliffs, waterfalls, and old-growth forests and Yosemite Falls - the tallest waterfall in North America. The bald eagle is the national animal of the United States. Wonders of Nature Niagara Falls The Niagara Falls are waterfalls on the river Niagara between the lakes Ontario and Erie. The falls are on the international border between Canada and the USA and it is the most powerful waterfall in North America. The Niagara Falls are composed of two falls: the Horseshoe Falls which are on the Canadian side of the border and the American Falls on the American side. Due to its majesty it is a very popular tourist attraction. American Falls are 320 metres wide and their height varies between 21 and 30 metres. -- USA - INTERESTING PLACES For general information about the USA (division, capital, population, etc.) see the sheet on the USA. Places of interest Niagara Falls The Niagara Falls are waterfalls on the river Niagara between the lakes Ontario and Erie. The falls are on the international border between Canada and the USA and it is the most powerful waterfall in North America. The Niagara Falls are composed of two falls: the Horseshoe Falls which are on the Canadian side of the border and the American Falls on the American side. Due to its majesty it is a very popular tourist attraction. American Falls are 320 metres wide and their height varies between 21 and 30 metres. Las Vegas The city of Las Vegas in the state of Nevada is famous for gambling, shopping, hotels, casinos, entertainment and night life. Because of its tolerance for adult entertainment it has the nickname Sin City, and it is a popular setting for literature, films, television programmes, and music videos. Los Angeles Los Angeles is the second largest city in the USA. Its name comes from the Spanish for "the City of Angels". Los Angeles is famous not only for its semi-tropical climate, palm trees and beaches but also for its traffic jams and pollution. Los Angeles is the capital of the film world. Many famous people live there in order to be near the film studios in Hollywood. Famous people often live in suburbs such as Beverly Hills or Hollywood. San Francisco San Francisco is located in the state of California. The city, overlooking a bay, is characterized by steep streets and cable cars. The most important sight is the Golden Gate Bridge (1,280 m long), that is said to be the most photographed bridge in the world. Another famous landmark is the prison Alcatraz where Al Capone and other dangerous criminals were imprisoned. Just nine men managed to escape from the rock but they probably drowned in the sea. Grand Canyon Grand Canyon is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in the state of Arizona. It is a part of the Grand Canyon National Park. Grand Canyon National Park is one of the world's most popular natural attractions and apart from sightseeing, visitors can enjoy skydiving, rafting, hiking, running, and helicopter tours. Although it is not the deepest canyon in the world, the Grand Canyon is known for its visually overwhelming size and its colourful landscape. Harvard University Harvard University, one of the world's most prestigious universities, is situated in Cambridge in Massachusetts. It was established in 1636. It is the oldest American university. It was named after its first benefactor John Harvard. Other places of interest Mount Rushmore is a national memorial carved into the granite in the Black Hills region in South Dakota. Mount Rushmore is the top tourist attraction in South Dakota because it attracts about 2 million people every year. The monument represents the first 15O years of the US history. Left to right there are sculptures of former US presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. Nashville: is considered the capital of country music. New Orleans: looks like an European-style city. It is an important port in the USA, lying in the south-east part of of Luisiana by the river Mississipi. New Orleans is home of jazz and the birthplace of Luis Armstrong. The best jazz in the country can still be heard in its French Quarter. Chicago: the third largest city in the USA is situated on the shores of Lake Michigan. Two important rivers run through the city - the Chicago and the Calumet. There is the second tallest skyscraper in the USA: Sears Towers (443 metres). It´s an industrial centre. There is a large Czech and Slovak community in Chicago. Atlanta is the seat of Coca-Cola. Detroit is the centre of the car industry in the US -- THE USA The United States of America is located on the continent of North America. The USA is the fourth largest country in the world. There is the Pacific Ocean to the west, and the Atlantic Ocean to the east. The largest city by population in the USA is New York City. The city that never sleeps has a population of over 8 million people. The capital city is Washington D.C., which is in the east of the USA There are 50 states that make the USA. 48 of them are located in central North America, and then Alaska is in the north-western part of north America, and Hawaii is in the Pacific, west of California The most exotic state is Hawaii. It is a state that is composed of 8 islands. It is well-known for its beautiful beaches with white sand, and also, two of the world's most active volcanoes are in Hawaii. The head of the United States is the president, currently Donald Trump. He is the 45th president, he won the election in 2017. Donald Trump is a Republican. There are two main political parties- Republican and Democratic. 80% population is white and 13% are African americans, Hispanic, Asian and Pacific islanders. The longest rivers are: the Mississippi and the Missouri. The Mississippi is the third longest river in the world. Other rivers are Ohio, Arkansas, Colorado, St. Lawrence. Lakes in the USA are Superior, Eire, Ontario, Michigan. Sports: Baseball, American football, and basketball. Americans play sports in high schools and they also have college teams. Sports are a huge part of American culture. The Super Bowl is the most popular game in the country. Baseball is considered to be the sport that shaped the nation Food: Any type of fast food can be seen as American traditional food. Barbecue, hamburgers, hotdogs, apple pie, steak- those are all favorites in the USA. Also, Thanksgiving turkey is very traditional. American kids favorites are peanut butter and jelly sandwich and mac and cheese Intresting places: In L.A. we can find the famous film centre Hollywood. Probably, the most famous natural monument in the US is the Grand Canyon Niagara falls - three waterfalls on the border between the canadian province of Ontario and the USA Mount Mc. Kinley - The highest peak of America Climate In the north is mide cold winters and the southern part is subtropical - Florida, Mexico Hawai is tropical zone. Alaska - artic zone Famous people: Henry Ford- founder of Ford motor company Walt Disney- film producer, creator of cartoon characters Marilyn Monroe- actress, singer, model Neil Armstrong- the first man to walk on the moon Bill Gates- founder of Microsoft Michael Jackson- singer -- BIG CITIES IN THE USA WAHINGTON D. C. It is a capital city of the USA. The city lies in the southeast of the USA. It covers the entire area of the District of Columbia. It is a seat of the government. George Washington was first President of the United States and in honour to him is the city named. Population of the city is 6,8 million inhabitants. monuments the white house the Washington Monument the Lincoln Memorial the Library of Congress - that includes about 98 million items Ford´s theatre - Abraham Lincoln was a shot sniper World bank NEW YORK New York is the largest city in the USA. It lies in the southeast corner of New York State. NY was founded by Dutch in 1624. The city is divided into 5 parts called Manhattan, Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Staten Island. Manhattan is the oldest and most important borough, it has the city´s tallest buildings, some of the world´s most exclusive shops,, the nation´s largest schools and colleges and a famous financial centre (Wall Street) and theatrical district (SoHo, Greenwitch Village). Broadway it is the most popular part of New York and the second largest of New York City's five boroughs. It is widely known as the heart of the American theatre industry. Brooklyn is an important port and industrial centre The Bronx is mainly a residential area (obytná zóna) Queens is an idustrial area with famous landmarks such as Long Beach, Flushing Meadow, and Central park Staten Island is the smallest borough with some less-than-developed localities. monuments statue of liberty - is a large statue that was presented to the United States by France in 1886. It stands at Liberty Island, New York in New York Harbor Times square - the world's most famous tourist attraction, large crossroad between Brodway and 7th Avenue Guggenheim Museum Saint Patrick´s Cathedral the Empire State Building LOS ANGELES Officially the City of Los Angeles and often known by its initials L.A. It is the second most populous city in the USA (first is New York City). It´s located on the west of the country next to Mexico in the state called California. The city is mostly known because of ethnic diversity, Hollywood and the entertainment industry, and sprawling metropolis. This city looks very spectacular and eye-opening to me. This city has been there from 1781. Los Angeles is divided into 10 parts: Downtown Los Angeles Eastern Los Angeles Echo Park and Westlake Harbor Area Greater Hollywood Los Feliz and Silverlake San Fernando and Crescenta Valleys South Los Angeles West Los Angeles Wilshire It is visited by many tourist. places of interest • Hollywood Hills • Walk of Fame • Venice • Griffith Park • Santa Monica and Beverly Hills other big cities - San Francisco, Miami, Las Vegas, Seattle, Boston -- American History OS4-H(STOR E DiscOvery-Columbus, met Native Americans, the country was being settled very slowly. At first Spanish CXpiorcs were mieresica in t. htps:/www.voutube.com/watch?ve=BilHY2-2iCYsknoredirerl story-the English king: the plot The first English colony was founded in Virginia 1607. In November 1620, a group of Englsh Puritans left England to avoid persecution after conflict with the king James I and his Church. They were called the Pilgrim Fathers. The small ship was caled Maytlower. They landed in Massachusetts, er pren Boston. hey called the place PIymouth. Half of them died of starvation or epidemics during the first winter. Those who survived celcbrated their first harvest-1Thanksgiving Day-the fourth Thursday in Novembet. htps:/www.voutube.com/watch?=YsdzjidL LAY- story about thanksgiving ntps:wwW.yOulube.cOm/watehRar_AsEZuEk thanksgiving menu hLEps:/wwW,youtube.com/watchzv=VgQiVaBmRBS How to cook a turkey htps:/wwW.youtube.comwateh?v=KuzZGXDZQMU - song pilgrims The 18 ccntury there were 13 Britisheolonies - New England. They were located along the Atlantic oast West of these colonies, there was a French Territory. There were French colonies.. hey were spread to tne KocKy Mountains in the west, to Louisiana in the south and to present anada. 1 hat temilory was ce nce Part or t was bougnt by the uS in 1803. here were wars between the British and he P rench. Lasted many years, expensive wars, Britain had to pay 1or them. nitps2/www.voutuhS.Som/watch?ylcZ0KGHP Boston 1ea Party 1 s xes were rased on colonies. The slogan was-no taxation without representation ( the ent). d rebellion -Boston Tea Party -1773. The American dressed as Indians and emptied chests of British tea into waters of B0Ston rtarbor. https:/www.youtube.com/watch?V=kkCO0CoHS3E- The War of Independence It was the beginning of the War of Independence 1775-1783. hecoloss aned tore e 13 By themselves. Declaration o Indepenaenee was ic etablished The original colonies adopted the declaration. 1 he deciaration was a Britain recognized The United States in 1783. The American constitution was adopted in 1788 .George washington 1 789, Commandcd army during the war or lndependence, Famous for his outstancding leadership. He was elected the lirst President of the United States of America Thomas Jeferson, 3 president, author of Declaration of Independence https:/www.youtube.com/watchžvWIRAWABYg irony-too late to apologize Fronersman ne roner-peopie who were moving the boundary or the White setuements, moved west in tne 18, 1 century, entered unknown, wild land, heroes, 2 1840-The Frontiers crossed the Great Plains- West of the Mississippi-flat grassland-for feeding herds ot cattie-bulraloDuvo, izo) n south to the railroads -station towns- Dodge City- . 97s.1985 famous, brave Calamity Jane, outlaw-Bly u best known 1875- ceury -tere were great waves ot mgraton. More thaln 10ml anvea rom Europc. 1hey mosty avery, were strongiy agalnst. ey of slavery. The south depended on the hard work of slaves. Mllrons siaves were stry veloping. Coua nt e was sdee kidnapped and brought from ArICa. ntips:/www.youtuhE.cOm/watchcIKDUXQVAE Slavery settica in on of slavery. The sou outube.com/watchw supporteda North/South- Developing industry/Agricultural south- slave systcm, Strong disagreement 4.Savery n some States Siavery was permitted (Missour, ArkKansas), in sSome banned west and Kansas cOuld not decide. Fugitive Slave Act-a law-severe penalties on north o helned negroes to es Bounty made their living by hunting escapeu Sves, searc hed iree States, rewards tor the return ot the runaway slaves anyone nIpszwwWw.xoutubs.com watchWSILYDdLY prctures, civil war DEpSITWWW.youuoe.COm wacniYJDALLIIE PICtures, civil war Disagreement on siavery resulted im Cil war 1861-1863. Union Army (Lineoln) A Confederate Army 1861-180 hern states. Split famincs aga Disagreeavis) the president of the confederabilion including 3,Smill slavesS ather. North stronger-22millior people, south- 9miltion ineiuding 3,3mill skaves. (Jefferson v .Abraham 1ncoin 1861 was clected the president-SSUed the Emancipation Proclamation 1865 6. The War took place in Virginia, Mississippi valley- solders had to march from north to the south, t d tne s ississippi valley- Souerc marched north-Pennsyivan 1863 Battle at Gettysburgueneral Lee win sounctn 30u Victory for the North. The biggest battic ever tought im the USA. Lasted 5 day, 50. 000 killed. Lee led his nen back Aimy Yk the Battle at ueuyo YDhAmjns https/ :/www.yo httpsz/wwW,YOutuhe.com/watchEgSlglxmšw soldiers to carry. 8. 14 Amendment to the Constitution-tgave blacks full rights of eitizenship, Ireedom T he Civil War ended in 1863 NRn, Lawseregton-racal separat ngpsrwwW. YOurubecomwalchsy wOutKEW Segregatson npa2/WYouiog.com wach.EpB=Epl Kosa Parks-an activist 10. Martin Luther King- 1950s movement, ramous Speecn attps:/www.youtube.com/watchaSmkqnnkinYs-I have a dream-part from 11.48. htps:/www.youtube.com/watchhEcOhEpYqkEU T have a dream with text-part from 9.36 htEpsz/wwWyOuTube.com/watchk GSINA Ku Klux Klan 11.Melting pot of nations The battle of the littie Big Horn-1876 USJOUx, Cheyenne warriors Jed by rzy FiorSe surroune a company cluding General Custer). It is Caled custer ne all 250 men of a Us ca Am s too weak. They were sent to set va inu vernment promised a lot- help, 100d, toos. 1 he promises were broken Stand. US solders hunted tne ket 12. 1890 The battle at Wounded knee - 120 men, 250 women and children were shot down by solde fovement American Indian o 13. 19705- 14. 1945-the USA the strongest country, Cold War started 15. 1949-NATO was established 16. 1965-73 the Vietnam War 17. 1989-Cold War ended American Presidents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Q6y42teDpk US presidents a song George Washington a leader in the French X British wars (1754) commanded Continental Army- the War of Independence is regarded as the father of his country 1789-clected the first president of the United States Thomas Jefferson The author of the Declaration of independence The third president of the USA Founder of the university of Virginia Amateur architect-built Monticello -his home Abraham Lincoln The sixteenth President of the US Born in a log cabin Against slavery Issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 Was shot dead by a man from south John Fitzgerald Kennedy The youngest president Established the Peace Corps His famous speech-ask not what your country ean do for you - ask what you can do for your country. Was assassinated in Dallas (Texas) https://www.youtube.com/watch?=V-LAOypFXig assassination JFK https://www.youtube.com/watch?=GLlqsGk8oMQ slow motion Other American heroes. http://www.stream.cz/neinouejsislavnedny/10004327-den-kdy-v-ust-skoncila-prohibice-5-prosines začátek a konec prohibice 7uin GENERAL INFORMATION -the capital of the USA, located in the east coast -population of 7,7 million - it's the seat of the federal government, Supreme Court and the President of the USA - named after the 1" president of the USA, George Washington - one of the most visited cities in the world PLACES OF INTEREST The White House: it's the symbol of presidency the official residence and workplace of the president The Washington Monument: it was built to honour the 1" president It's main feature is the 170-metre-toall obelisk (the world's tallest stone structure) The Capitol: it's the political centre of the government= Senate and the House of Representatives meet here to make laws. Its dome is topped by the bronze statue of freedom. The Washington National Cathedral International Spy Museum The Smithsonian Institution (operates 19 museums and a zoo) PLACES OF INTEREST (memorials) The Lincoln Memorial: it honours America's 16th president, A.Lincoln, who opposed slavery. It has been the site of many important speeches, including "I have a dream" by M.L. King, Jr. The Martin Luther King. Jr. Memorial: itf's the 1" memorial to honour an African- American+ the only memorial dedicated to somebody else than a president/ a war hero. M.L.King was a pastor who led non- violent profests against segregation and racial inequality in the 50s/60s. The Korean War Veterans Memorial: it was built in the shape of a large triangle made from black stone, which is covered by images from the war. 19 steel statues of soldiers are located inside the triangle. The Jefferson Memorial: if's dedicated to the 3 president, T.Jefferson who contributed to the Declaration of Independence. HTSTORY the first native New Yorkers = Lenape (hunted farmed between the Delaware and Hudson rivers) 1624: the Dutch West India Company sent about 30 families to live and work on Nutten Island" = they called it "New Amsterdam -1664: the British seized New Amsterdam from the Dutch and renamed it= "New York" more immigrants from the Netherlands, England, France, Germany+ African slaves GEOGRAPHY located in the N-E of the USA (halfway between Washington, D.C and Boston) located at the mouth of the Hudson river most of the NY city is built on 3 islands (Long Island, Manhattan and Staten Island) -5 boroughs = Brooklyn, Queens,Manhattan, The Bronx, Staten Island MODERN HTSTORY New York used to be one of the most important ports 20th century= era of struggle - a lot of affluent people left the city center after World War II more immigrants from Asia, Africa, The Caribbean and Latin America were allowed to relocate to the USA 09/11: NY suffered the terrorist attack GENERAL INFO the most populous city in the USA -if's a cultural, financial, business centre of the USA and the world -ifs an important center for the international diplomacy as if's home to the headquarters of the United Nations nicknames:Big Apple", "The City That Never Sleeps IMPORTANT PLACES Wall Street = home of the financial market, bond market, commodities market, foreign exchange market The Statue of Liberty = a gift from France. If's a symbol of freedom and one of the world's largest statues Rockefeller Center entertainment and shopping complex in the middle of Manhattan. Ir's famous for Top of the Rock Observation Deck offers great views of Manhattan The Empire State Building Times Square = the most iconic square lined with huge lit billboards and screens Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) Central Park Theater District runs along the street of Broadway ((((NEW YORK CITY New York is situated on the eastern coast of the USA on the Hudson River, the East River and the Harlem River. It is the largest city in the USA, an important seaport, and a financial, business and cultural centre. There are four airports and it has the largest subway system in the world. New York is sometimes called "the city that never sleeps" or "the Big Apple" (there used to be apple orchards). Nearly 20 million inhabitants live in New York. History The Italian explorer Giovanni da Verrazano was the first European on the territory in 1524. Today a bridge is named after him. The Dutch were the first to colonize New York in 1614: they built a fort (today the Wall Street) and bought Manhattan from the Indians and called the city New Amsterdam. In 1669 the English seized the colony and renamed it New York after the Duke of York, the King´s brother. 9/11: The September 11 attacks were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda on the United States. Two aeroplanes were flown into both the North and the South Tower of the World Trade Centre, causing their collapse and deaths and injuries of thousands of people. Another target was the Pentagon (see in Washington. D.C.). Layout New York consists of five boroughs: Manhattan, The Bronx, The Queens, Brooklyn and Richmond. Manhattan is the most important of them. Manhattan has a modern layout: avenues run from south to north and they have names, while streets run from east to west and they have numbers (see the first picture). Manhattan is famous for its skyline full of skyscrapers. Famous places in Manhattan Broadway is the cultural centre of the city with a number of theatres, cinemas, restaurants, clubs and bars. The famous Metropolitan Opera or Carnegie Hall can be found there. Wall Street is the financial centre of the world. There are banks and the Stock Exchange. Other information: Statue of Liberty: the Statue of Liberty is situated on Liberty Island, accessible from Manhattan by boat. The Statue is a symbol of freedom. It was a gift from the people of France. The statue is holding a torch in one hand and in the other one it bears a book (representing a book of the law) on which there is inscribed the date of the American Declaration of Independence, 4th July. Central Park: people can relax and engage in many activities there (walk, run, listen to concerts, watch performances, skate and ski). The Empire State Building is located there. Fifth Avenue, New York´s most famous shopping street. There is St. Patrick´s Cathedral, which is the largest Catholic cathedral in the United States. WASHINGTON, D.C. Washington D.C. is the capital city of the United States. It´s named after the first president, George Washington, who chose its site. It is the first city in the world especially built and planned as a capital. The letters D.C. mean District of Columbia. The capital is not a part of any of the 50 states. Washington lies on the Potomac River on the eastern coast of the USA. It is a legislative, administrative and judicial centre of the States. Its population is 7 million. The Capitol In the centre of Washington on Capitol Hill, there is the Capitol. It is the seat of the Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Mall is a long parklike area that starts at the Capitol and extends two miles to the west, ending at the Washington Monument. The Mall is lined by many important institutions and museums (e.g. the National Air and Space Museum). The Washington Monument is the city´s most famous landmark. It is dedicated to the memory of the first American President. It is the tallest structure in Washington, about 170 metres high. It is an obelisk, surrounded by fifty flags with an elevator inside. The top offers a panoramic view of the city. The Pentagon The Pentagon is the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, located in Arlington County across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. It has five sides, five floors above ground, two basement levels, and five ring corridors per floor. The Pentagon includes a five-acre central area, which is shaped like a pentagon and informally known as "ground zero". On September 11, 2001, exactly 60 years after the building's construction began, American Airlines Flight 77 was hijacked and flown into the western side of the building, killing 189 people. Lincoln Memorial The Lincoln Memorial was built in honour of the 16th President. It is in the classic style of a Greek temple. There are 36 columns because 36 states existed when Lincoln died. Inside there is a majestic white marble statue of Abraham Lincoln seated in a chair. White House The White House has been the residence and principal workplace of every American president except George Washington (the building wasn´t completed until after his death). It contains furnishings collected throughout its history. The portraits of Presidents and First Ladies line the corridors and hallways of the ground floor. Other information: The Jefferson Memorial honours Thomas Jefferson. Inside the memorial there is a bronze of Jefferson standing. In the Arlington National Cemetery veterans are buried. Washington is world famous for its museums - The National Air and Space Museum, the National Gallery of Art, Museum of African Art. There are also parks and green spaces - the most beautiful parks are West and East Potomac Parks and Constitution Gardens. )))) WASHINGTON, DC-NYc Washington is a beutiful capital city in the United States it was built on 10 mile square territory->the federal government by two states ->Maryland and Virginia SITe was chosen by oeorge Washingfon-The Tirst American president and named after him DC means District of Columbia(was popular name given to the Us in honor of Christopher Columbus) washington is a Us legislative.administrative and judicial center government buildings.museums and many afrractions .the streets that run from north to south bear the numbers(2,3,.) while the east-west streets are named (A,B,.C,. the US CAPITOL is the seat of Congress, the House of RepresentafivesS and nat THE MALL a long parkline area that starts at the Capitol, the mall is long 2 miles, to the west ending at the Washington Monument. Mall is bordered by many important institufions(f.e.National Air and Space Museum) THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT is the city s most famous landmark. It's memory of the first American president. It's the tallest structure in Washington, about 170 meters high. THE JErFERSON MEMORIAL honers Thomas Jefferson, the thind President. It was built by President Frankin Roosevelf on the zO0th ariversury of Jefferson birth. Inside the memorial is a bronze statue of Jefferson standing THE LINCOLN MEMORIAL was built in honor of sixteenth President. is in the classic style of a 6reek temple (chrám). There are 36 columns (sloupec) because 36 states existed when Lincoln died. Inside is a majestic white marble statue of Abraham Lincon seated in a chair. On the wall we can read his Gettysburg Address written after on of the most important battles of the Civil War .THE WHITE HOUSE has been the residence of every Americo President except George Washington. It contains furnishings collected throughout its history. The portraits of Presidents and first Ladies line the corridors and hallways of the ground floor. The house is open to the public ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETRY is tha nation's most sacred shrine (posvátná svatynë), Veterans buried at the Arlington represent every war the US has fought. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers is prominenf among tha many memorials in the cemetry New York city S The largest city in the USA and largest seaport more than 8 milion inhabifants (19 million in the metropolitan area)live There T is an exciting city of skyscrapers and many extremes Manhaffan islands is the financial center of the world NYCIS made up of five boroughs-the Bronx.Queens,Brooklyn with coney ISIand,staten 1siand-the beginning of Ny Harbor, and Manhatfan Brooklyn and Staten Island are connected by the beutiful VERRAZANO BRIDGE MANHATTAN is in fact an island, cut off from the mainland by Hudson river, the east river and the tiny Harlem river which divides in from the Bronx. The skyscrapers of bussines district are all in Manhat fan Manhattan Island was originally inhabifed by Indians in l626 they sold it To The Dufcn for c dollarg->they called Their new home New Amsreroam -*n Loo IT became an tnglish colony and was renamed New York. Manhatan Was built on a modern plan of streets and avenues. Most streets go0 Trom east to west and have numbers instead of names. Most avenues go from noth to souTn. BroadwaY the original Lndian path which is now a ramous theaTer cente Fith Avenue-is a most famous shopping street in NYC divides from east side to wesT SiGe North of central park is Harlem where many black people live. CENTRAL PARK a transform a rocky and swampy noman S-land info the aruralisTic landscape T TooR 10 years, is a place wnere peopie can waik,run, Doar, liSTen to outdoor concertsor watch pertormances included the New York Shakespeare Festival ICOLN CENTER iS not far from south-west corner of Center Park, Is a culfural point of pride to New Yorkers. It comprises the magnificent (Sklade se z krásnë) METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE, NEW YORK STATEE THEATER and AVERY FISHER HALL-permanent home of the NY Philharmonic Orchestra ST PATRIK's CATHEDRAL on fifth Avenue is the largest Catholic cathedral in the Us. If was built in the 19th century and soon became the center of Easter Parade-people walking and parading up and down Fifth Avenue on Ester Sunday ROCKEFELLER CENTER a large business and entertainment complex of 21 buildings, including Radio City Music Hall EMPIRE STATE BUILDING-for 39 years was the highest building in the world. Its 102 storeys. Then the twin skyscrapers ot the world Trade Center in Lower Manhattan were the tallest towers in NYC. Tragically on September 11,2001 a terrorist attack destroyed them. A new skyscraper is FREEDOM TOWER will be built in their place called Ground Zero after the disaster. The Freedom tower should be finished by 2009 and with 541 meters. STATUE OF LIBERTY on Liberty Island. The statue was a gift from the people of France. it has been the first sight for hundreds of thousands of people arriving by ship Europe. The statue of a woman holding a torch the symbol of freedom- has been welcoming immigrants to America for over on century The United States of America Basic Facts The official language of the USA is English. The official currency is American dollar (1 USD), which is 100 cents The flag of the United States has 7 xed stripes and 6 white stripes These 13 stripes stand for the original 13 colonies. The flag also has a blue rectangle in the top left corner which consists of 50 stars. The 50 stars on the flag represent the 50 states of the USA History Chistopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. In October 1621 they celebzated a good harvest. 1hey call thas day 1hanksgivang ay On 4th July 1776, the United States was established when 13 British colonies in Noxth Ameica declaxed their independence. In 1789 George Washington became the fiust President of the United States. In America thexe was Civil War (1861-1865) between the North and the South. The fixst settlexs lived in what is now the state of Viuginia and built the finst English town there in 1607 which was called Jamestown, Geography The USA is situated in the southen patt of Noxth America. Their neighbous are Canada in the north and Mexuco in the south: 1he CSA s the touuth lasgest county m the woxid. The USA consists of 50 states, 48 of them are patt of the contineat plus Alaska and lawai which es The lasgest state is Alaska The bighest amountain is called Denali (Mt. McKinley in the past) which is in Alaska. The laxgest uivers are the Mississippi and the issouni. The laxgest cities are New York, Los Angeles, Chicago. Other cities are Houston, Dallas, Boston, San Diego, Phoenix, Denver, Detroit, Philadelphia. Population The population is about 325 milion inhabitants The country is the thixd most populous in the would behind China and India. A lot of immigrants live there. But diue to a large number of immigsants thexe are a lot of dittexent languages spoken thexe Religion is important in the USA. The majority of US. adults are Chuistians Climate The climate of the USA is varicd. It is changing from arctic. cold in Alaska. to subtropical warmth in Hawaü and Gulf coast states, There is a difference between the climate on the Atlantic coast and the Pacitic coast The Pacıtic coast has warm summers and mild winters. The Atlantic coast is relatively cold, occasionally With heavy snowtalls in winter Goverment The President is elected for a 4 yeax peiod and can only be xeelected once The Congxess. 1s dvaded into two pazts the House ot Representatives and the Senate The House of Representatives consists of 435 lawmakers who are electecd fox 2 years The Senate has 100 members- 2 members fiom each state who serve fox 6 Years. There are 2 main political paxties in the. USA - the Democtatical and the Republican Places of interest There are many places woxth vsting The Niagara River, which flows fiom Lake Eue into Lake Ontario, is famous for the Niagara fals These falls are almost 60 meties high and 1200 metres wide. There are 5 lakes on the boxde. with Canada (Lake Ontano, Lake Eie, lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Supenor There are many national pauks in the USA such as Rocky Mountains ox Grand Canyon. The first National park was Yellowstone, it was establisted in 1872 in the state of Wyoming New York It is the largest city in the USA. There are orer S milion inhabitans in the city and over 20 milion in the suburbs It belongs to the largest cities in the world It is sometimes caled, The Big Apple" New York consists of 5 parts Manhattan, Qucens, The Bronx, Staten Island, Brooklyn There are many attractire places where visitors like to go in New York. The most known bridge is the Brooklyn Budge There are many islands in this area such as Roosevelt Island, Coney Island, Liberty Island with the Statue of Liberty. New York is also. famous tor its Manhattan skyline-a laxee number of skysCKapers on a small area. The largest park in the city is called Central park Washington D.C. Itis the capital city of the USA. It is the centre of US government. There are some impoxtant buildings such as the White House where the President lives. The Pentagon the center of military forces The Capitol, which is the seat of the Congres. Choosing a Career Types of companies and their advantages and disadvantages Family/multinational/travel agency/franchise advantages X disadvantages salary/high or low stress/ promotion possibilities/ working closely with your colleagues/ your influence on the company Job sectors State/public e.g. Healthcare, education, police forces, military X Private ment e.g. law firms and any other jobs which have a private ownership What are standard working conditions in the Czech republic? Your drean 1) 8-hour working day job? Why? 2) 4-week holiday period 3) sick pay. lunch break 4) some common benefits- lunch vouchers, language and fitness classes, company car or laptop How do people get a iob?2 1. write a CV (resume) 2. go to an employment agency/ job centre/ search for a job online or on a newspaper 3. apply for the position (send in your CV anda covering letter) some firms require filling in an application form 4. wait to be invited to an interview 5. conduct an interview 6. get a job offer 7. sign a contract Tob related vocabulary Blue-collar jobs require physical labour White-collar jobs - e.g. working in the office Working full- time - 40 hours a week in the CR Working part- time 20 hours a week in the CR Freelancer-a person who is self-employed Vacancy a job that is available for someone to do Career - an occupation undertaken for a significant period of person's life JOBS & CAREER Almost everybody needs and want to work. why exactily ? To cover our Iiving cost, make the most of our talent and for a kot of people is thelr job also their hobby. We are employees. The institution or company where we work at is Our employer. There are many kinds of jobs and professions. We can devide them into two groups-manual work and brain Work. I you work by your hands, you need to be strong and handy. If you use mainly your brain, you need to be smart and have a lot of new ideas. Examples of professions: a lawyer-právnik a dentist- zubař a doctor doktor a nurse-zdravotní sestra an architect -architekt -a priest-kněz a vet-veterinař apolice-officer / a policeman-policista a librarian-knihovnik an accountant-ücetni an engineer - inženýr a scientist-vėdec designer-navrhar a hairdresser -kadefnik a mechanic - mechanik a car mechanic automechanik a plumber - instalatér a carpenter-tesař - a builder- zednik an electrician elektrikář a tailor/ a dressmaker-krejči aceaner - ukizecka a fireman- hasic a rarmer - zeměděšlec a miner- hornik ashop assistant prodavač a secretarysekretářika an artist- umělec a designer-navrháf a journalist - novinář THE WAYS HOW PEOPLE CAN LOOK FOR A JOB There are several ways how to find a job. You can: look at job advertisements in newspaper or on the internet ask your family, friends and acquaintances if they know about any job vacancies you can go to a jobcentre or to an employment office /employment agencyl and ask for help. When you find a job advertisement, you have to contact your future employer either by post, telephone, or e mail and find out it the position is still tree. If it is, you have to apply tor the job => you wite a Cv (a curriculum vitae), in which you include all the necessary information -your personal data and details about your education, qualifications, work experience and special skills (for example computer skills, driving licence )Then you send your CV together with a cover letter (a letter that offers more detailed information about you) to your potential employer. After that you should prepare for the job-interview. If you are looking for a job, you should find out these information: What is the working time? What is the salary ? What are my duties, responsibilities? When would you need me to start? If the job interview is successful, you should sign a contract of employment. When you are satisfied with your job, it is great. But sometimes you do not feel well and you need a change. THE REASONS WHY PEOPLE CHANGE 10OBS bad working conditions a bad salary-they dont earn enough money an unpleasant and intolerant boss or colleagues long working hours some people change their job when they get married because they move to a different place-a different town or a city you can be made redundant you get a better job offer YOUNG PEOPLE AND THETR FUTURE 108 Young people have their dreams and preferences about their future job. They usually decide between the ages 16 and 20 if they are going to do a manual job or a better paid job. Many young people nowadays want to become lawyers, economists, managers, computer analysts or doctors because these jobs are interesting and usually well-paid. But if you want to do any of these jobs, you have to have higher education-you must study at a university or a college. If they prefer manual jobs, they can become builders, carpenters, plumbers, shop assistants and so on. My dreamjob as a child When I was a child I wanted to be a writer. When I grew up, my dream has changed because I realized it wasn't realistic because I am not talented enough to become a writer So, I became at first and HR assistant and the HR specialist. Nowada

famous Czechs


the white diagonal cross represents Scotland (St. Andrew's cross)

a tour organized in advance by a travel agency to which tourists pay a single fee covering transport

accommodation, meals and otem entertainment Way a path

Lakes in the Lake District (England),

Loch Lomond, Loch Ness (Scotland)

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aptal 1enos) PEOPLE Population: 20,00,41S (2003 estimate) Major ethoicinational groups: Europear descendars (chiefly Baitish and irzh, A P the cou netians sod Aborigines (natve Australians) EC cONOMY Important proovcts Agriculture-seep, cattie, wheat, wool, oilk, barley, forestry( 7 and beverages, iron and steel, cbemicais, textiles, motor vehicles Mining-coal, oil, tahral gas, iron ore, gol, led, Zine AUSTRALIA Currency Austraikn dolar ju cents ajor expors: co8l whe, wooL petroleum prodac Major imports: indastriai machinery, electnical appliáboes, telecommunications equipment The 10 Most Dangerous Animals in Australia As fascinating as Australia might be, the Land Down Under is not without dangers, especially when it comes to the rich launa. When choosing to travel to Australia, be sure to consiIder all the continent has in store, especialy poisonous or iethal animals. 1. The Box Jellyfish One of the most extremely lethal animals in the world, and implicitly Australian,A often found on the continent Fourd on ne co alongside the Great Barrier Reef, the box jellylish venom The stings are terribly painful and oltcn atal posSesse e of vinegar in vour first aid kit if you'll be traveling in ar cas Be sure to nciue lied for 30 seconds to the sting, then removng u with with a these towel, Jeuy will reduce the damage. But you will need to seek medical attention as soon as pOSSiDe e7 Taipan a large, fast and highly venomous snake often found throughout Australia The n has the most toxic venom out ot all the species worldwide, has a dark brown color and is often found in sugar fields where it hunts for rats. 1he snake is usually tound in the ar north of Australia, in Qucenşland, the Northern Territory and western Australa, where the winter is mild. Taipan's usually stay away from people but once cornered or threatened, they strike several times. Saltwater Crocodile The largest living member of the crocodilians and reptiles, the saltwater crocodile can groW up to 18 tect (5.45 meters) in iength and is Often tound in Inaniand, VIetnam ana Nortern Australia. 1They have been knowm to take on animals such an aauit warer buao an na oiten attacked pcople. It is usualy well camouflaged both underwaler or on ary land d strikes at an amazing speed. Its most powertul attack -the death roll-consIsts of grabbing its prey and roling powerfuly until it dies. Another D serious threat for those that wish to explore the waters of off Australia coast is of the Austrai bluc-ringcd Blue Ring Octopus octopus-one ia and the Philippin erful venom. It cause on the wound and octopus-one of the most toxic sea creatures n tne New Guinea, Indones1a, and the Philippines. Even though the octopus is only the sze of a golf ball, t ere is no kNOW iet aid treatment consists of pressure on tne wo eventually leading to caraac ates mouth-to-mouth breathing that can last for several hours. 5. Stone Fish Known as the most venomous fish in the worid, the stone fish Iives on the bottom of the reels, camouflaged as a rock ove the Tropic of Capricorn but can be tound in he Qucensland Great Barrier Reef as well It's venom comes trom the dorsal area, that is lined ck, paralysis and tissuc death depending on the severity ot the sts of immobilizing the venom by bandaging the aftected area then sting Fist n puying anot compreSs. Ine paln s Said to be so excruCIating that it lcad to amputating the affected linmo. . Red Back Spider This species tound all over the continent is Australia's most famous deadly spider. The red striped spider has a neurotic venom that induces severe pain, however, deatns are ra Thousands of people are bitten but only approximately 20o ot the victims require treatment. Generally, the children and the elderly are the most exposed to the spider s thr eat. This B one of the few spider species that displays sexual cannibalism while mating 7. Brown Snake There are several types of brown snakes but the Pseudonaja is the genus commonly found in Australia Known as one of Australia's most deadly creatures, the brown snake has a venom which quickly kills if it goes untreated. Even young snakes are capabie of delivering a tatal bite to humans. 8. Tiger Snake The tiger snake is another of the many venomous snakes found Australia, particularly in the SOuuretn egions. e suiped snakes are not generally aggressIve and rereat whenever they nce. The tuger snake 1S known as one ot the dcadiest snakes in the worid Although anti-venom is readily available, mortality rates are around 45e il the oite Is iet untreated. In most states, the speCIes is protected and any harming or injuring iead to a fne ot up to S4,000. 9. Great White Shark This exceptionally large shark known as the white death Is known as world's largest known predatory Ish They can be toud in great numbers on the sou coasts of Australia and, even though they have otten been depicted as tatal to humans, they do not target them as a prey. Many of the attacks we re not fatal, the shark on.y pertorming test-biting. out ot curiosity. Humans are not a good meal, consIdering the shark's slow digestion compared to the human's muscle to tat ratio 10. FunnelWeb Spider he darkly colored spiders resemblng tarantulas have tangs and chelicerae with ample venom netrate fingernails or shoes. They can be tound in the eastern coast ot Australia, New South Wales, Victoria or Qucensland. Frst aid consists ot applying a bandage ping the bitten limb. As with other spiders, the main treatment is the anti-venom. NEW ZEALAND Geography New Zealand is situated southeast of Australia and it consists of two large islands - North and South, and numerous smaller islands. The two main islands are separated by the Cook Strait. New Zealand is surrounded by the Tasman Sea in the west and the Pacific Ocean in the east. The South Island is divided along its length by the Southern Alps with the highest peak Aoraki / Mount Cook at 3,754 metres. The North Island is less mountainous but is marked by volcanism. The highest volcano is Ruapehu. Waikato is the longest river. There is also the country's largest lake, Lake Taupo, situated in the caldera of one of the world's most active volcanoes. The country is hilly and picturesque with rocks, volcanoes, hot springs, mud pools and geysers. For New Zealand, evergreen forests and warm climate are typical. National flag The flag is similar to the Australian one with the Southern Cross and the Union Jack. As New Zealand is a member of the British Commonwealth, Queen Elizabeth II is the country's head of state and is represented by a governor-general. History The islands were discovered by a Dutch explorer and navigator Abel Tasman in 1642. So it was a Dutch colony first and later Captain James Cook claimed the country for Great Britain in 1769. New Zealand was named after a part of Holland - Zealand. Inhabitants The original inhabitants are the Maori who were originally cannibals of Polynesian origin. They came from the Cook Islands about the year 800 AD. The Maori are the largest minority. New Zealand's culture is mainly derived from Maori. Together with English, Maori is also the official language of New Zealand. A haka is a traditional war cry and dance of the Maori people. It involves vigorous movements and stamping of the feet. The New Zealand national rugby union team, the "All Blacks", and a number of other New Zealand national teams perform haka before their international matches. Culture note A kiwi is not a fruit - it is New Zealand's native flightless nocturnal bird and a slang term for a New Zealander. The bird became the symbol of New Zealand. New Zealanders call the fruit "kiwifruit" - it is also known as Chinese Gooseberry. Wildlife In New Zealand we can find unique plants and animals, which do not grow and do not live anywhere else in the world. New Zealand has many unique native fish, insects, birds, lizards and frogs. Before humans settled in New Zealand, the country was mostly free of mammals, except those that could swim there (seals, sea lions, dolphins, whales) or fly there (bats). As the birds had no natural predators, wings became unnecessary for them and several native birds became flightless, including the kiwi, the moa (now extinct), and the kakapo parrot. Demography New Zealand is divided into 16 counties and a territory - the Chatham Islands. There are 3 dependent areas: the Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau. Major cities are: North Island Rotorua is a city with hot springs and thermal boiling water. Auckland is the largest city of New Zealand. (in the picture bellow) Wellington is the capital of New Zealand. (in the picture on the left) South Island Queenstown, in the southern half, is famous for its scenery, which is often seen in movies. Christchurch is the largest city of the South Island, it lies on the eastern coast. Dunedin is famous for its wool production. Places of Interest The Emerald lakes The Emerald Lakes are located in Tongariro National Park. They can be seen as a part of the Tongariro Alpine Crossing, which is one of the most popular day hikes in the country. The Emerald Lakes fill explosion craters near Mt Tongariro. Their brilliant colours are partly caused by dissolved minerals, washed down from the thermal area of nearby Red Crater. Movies Film makers often use the countryside for making films, the Oscar winning film The Lord of the Rings trilogy was shot by local director Peter Jackson there. NZ actors are well known around the world, too. Russell Crowe became a major star in Hollywood movies such as Gladiator. Sports Most of the major sports played in New Zealand have British origins. Rugby union is considered the national sport and attracts the most spectators. Other popular sports are golf, netball, tennis, cricket and football. They are good at water sports: surfing, canoeing, rowing and sailing. Extreme sports are increasingly popular. Bungee jumping and zorbing were both invented in New Zealand. There are also well-known sports people. Sir Edmund Hillary was the first man to reach the peak of Mount Everest. He was a New Zealander, born in Auckland. Agriculture and industry New Zealand is a rich agricultural country. It specializes in livestock breeding, cattle and sheep. The climate allows cattle to stay outside in winter. Grass grows faster in New Zealand than in most countries and is called "green gold" there. Industry is closely connected with agriculture. The principal branch of industry is the food industry. New Zealand is the world´s biggest exporter of meat (lamb, mutton, beef) and dairy products (butter, cheese, milk powder) and the second largest exporter of wool. Communication and Media Role of the media? The purpose of media is to deliver information to people as well as store and capture the necessary data. Their actual purpose is however much broader as they can also entertain and educate their viewers and readers Advantages X disadvantages of traditional and new New-It is up-to date, you can read it online, free, Mass more sources Traditional - Some people like the feel of paper, it edie is more reliable, among the serious media we can usually see who the author of the article is. Future of Which one do you prefer? Why2 newspaper? I like/prefer. because. As far as I am concerned, this media is more reliable/cheaper/ more up-to-date/online etc. newspapers can be divided into 2 categories 1. broadsheet serious media (e.g. New York Times (US), Daily Mail (UK), Lidové noviry (CR)) 2. tabloid- less serious, include gossips about the famous and rich (e.g. Globe (US), the Sun (UK). Blesk (CR)) -what can be found in a newspaper2 - reviews/ weather forecast/ sports coverage adverts/ crosswords/ puzzles TV programmes (regional, national, international) Radio (traffic reports, weather, talk shows). UK's TV channels - BBC, Skynews, itv, Skysports. US Tv channels- CNN, CNBC, HBO, NBC, MTV. Important invention is LiTergrun iction: novels, comics, detective, fairy fale. Printed books: they are real bocks.more Me and reg 9Y.scierE Tea, ESTEA, So comfortabie to reod, dont harm our eyesight love/ like/ hate reading/ T om age textbock. memoir fore (not) keen on reading becouse self-help beoks easier to carry around, you can have loadss of Lpreter hoves oe9opa nomoulyreod fiction non-fRction because love stories/ poetry/ fontany l helnny be inelerhoonie fe fae he Litereture eason That my friends, etc Printed books e-books Printed books: they are "real books", more comfortable to read, don't harm our eyesight as much as e-books/ phones, etc. E-books: they're lighter and therefore easier to carry around, you can have loads of books in one device, they're usually cheaper and more environmentally friendly, etc. Future of books: In my view all the books will be/ won't be in electronic format for the reason that. Literature genres Fiction: novels, comics, detective, fairy tale, Me and reading fantasy, mythology, science fiction, western, short stories, mystery, etc. I love/ like/ hate reading/ I am Non-fiction: biography, essay, textbook, memoir (not) keen on reading because... self-help books, etc. I prefer novels/ biographies/ I normally read fiction/ non-fiction because. short stories/ horror stories/ love stories/ poetry/ fantasy stories for the reason that.. I prefer watching films because Litereture it takes less time/ I love visual effect they use/ I can do it with my friends, etc. My favourite cultural activities Your own notes - phrases to use: Im really into/ Im a huge fan of (music, films, modern art etc.) When I was younger, I loved... but now I prefer.. for the reason that/ because. Movies, watching films at home cinema -I prefer/like/love watching comedies/ horror films/ action films/ dramas/ documentaries/ romantic films/.. because My favourite actor/ actress is for the reason that.. -I love/ hate watching films at home/ in the cinema because. Advantages/ disadvantages of watching films at home: you can watch it whenever you want, nobody disturbs you, it's cheaper BUT there's no special atmosphere, small screen - sound and picture quality is worse Music I prefer/like/love/ can't stand/ hate... pop/ rock/ classical music/ reggae/ soul/ jazz/etc. My favourite singer/ band isfor the reason that.. COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA The media have great importance in our society. All people around the world are curious and want to be informed about the events in the world. That's why you read newspapers, listen to radio or watch TV. Meaning of mass media - they are the source of information. They are easy to access, complicated and cheap. Thanks to them, we learn about the world around us, important inventions, new technologies and all that is happening in the world.mThey reach mass media - their task is to inform, educate, entertain, enrich our lives TV Public broadcasting - radio news programs, films, educational programs and documents Private (TV Nova) - less serious, broadcasting new movies, shows, reality shows and entertainment programs. Foreign language films are dubbed, sometimes with subtitles. Regional - Usually they broadcast news about the region and the events that happened there. RADIO Some people prefer to listen to the radio to watch TV or read the press. There's a lot of good music. The message is read by the moderator. Many people listen to the radio all day long - at work, cooking dinner, working in the garden, and so on. Young people usually listen to a lot of music. The radio also offers: quiz shows, educational programs, morning shows, telephone, programs, documentary films INTERNET It covers all types of media - it brings revolution in many areas of life - has changed the way of communication, study, spending time. Social networking, e-mail communication, getting the latest news, playing games, shopping, studying, transferring money, booking tickets, hotels, reading books, chatting with friends, sending documents, finding partners, listening to radio, watching movies. Someone can abuse your personal data through Fb, Instagram - photos and videos. COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA • Mass media have a great importance in our society. All people around the world are curious and want to be informed about the world's events. That's the reason they read newspapers, listen to the radio or watch television. • The importance of mass media - they are our source of information. • They are easily available, complex and cheap. Thanks to them we learn about the world around us, important inventions, new technologies and everything that happens in the world. • They reach a very large audience (mass-media) • - their role is to inform, educate, entertain, enrich our lives we can divide them into: • The press • Newspapers • Magazines • The television • Public (The national tv) - they broadcast news programmes, films, educational programmes and documentaries • Private (TV Nova) - they are less serious, broadcast new films, shows, reality shows and entertaining programmes. Foreign language films are dubbed, sometimes subtitled. • Regional - they usually broadcast the news about the region and events that happened there. • The radio The Internet THE PRESS - NEWSPAPERS AND MAGASINES • they have a great influence on public opinion and they also influence the political life. The newspapers are the oldest types of media. • Newspapers are published every day, some of them are published even at weekends. • There are two main types of newspapers: Broadsheets - they are printed on large pages and are serious in tone => they bring information that is objective => for example national and political news, financial and economic news, sports news, listings of television and radio programmes, the weather forecast, crosswords, advertisements and so on. They have more text and less pictures. Their main aim is to inform, not to entertain. They are usually published daily, and so we call them dailies. They are usually read by fewer people- they use formal language, articles and stories are longer- reading is more demanding. • The tabloids (popular paper) - they have a smaller size and bring less serious news => their aim is to entertain => these are usually "human-interest stories" and often discuss the personal lives of famous people - gossips. They usually refer to something negative, shocking, unexpected, sensational. They are more popular among the people, they use 'eye-catching' colours, headlines, big letters, paparazzi photos. They contain less text and more pictures and photos. The language used in the tabloids is rather subjective, highly emotional, there are lots of commercials. • There are also regional /local/ newspapers - weeklies - with the news of local events and sports, they publish advertisements for local businesses and real estate agencies. • Magazines are usually published weekly, have more pages than newspapers and are in color. • There are • women`s and men`s magazines which contain stories, articles on fashion, make-up, food and fitness, cars, music, sport • children`s magazines which publish short fairy tales, poems, simple crosswords... • magazines for specialists about computer programming, fashion, medicine, biology,... • journals - serious magazines with articles written by experts - e.g. doctors, scientists, teachers etc. • THE TELEVISION is the most popular source of information for many people. • On TV we can watch: • news programmes - about current affairs (TV News) • the weather forecast • talk shows • quiz shows (Who wants to be a millionaire?) • documentaries - (The Blue Planet) • soap operas - (Esmeralda) • sport broadcast ‒ (The US Open) • cartoons - (The Simpsons) • sitcoms - (Friends, How I met your mother) • reality shows ‒ (Farma) • THE RADIO • Some people prefer listening to radio to watching TV or reading the press. There is a lot of good music. The news is read by a presenter. • Many people listen to radio all day long - at work, when they cook dinner, work in the garden and so on. Young people usually listen to a lot of music. • The radio also offers: • chat shows • quiz shows • educational programmEs • morning shows, phone-in programmes • documentaries • THE INTERNET • - it covers all types of media - it brings a revolution in many areas of life - it has changed the way we communicate, study, spend our free time • - social networks, email communication, getting the latest news, playing games, shopping, studying, money transfer, booking tickets, hotels, reading books, talking to friends, sending documents, finding partners, listening to the radio, watching films • - somebody can misuse your personal information • -Fb, Instagram - photos and videos newspapers - noviny, daily - deník, weekly - týdeník, evening paper - večerník, national paper - celonárodní list, provincial paper - regionální, krajový list, quality paper - seriózní tisk, rag - plátek, magazine - časopis, journal - odborný nebo vědecký časopis, copy - výtisk, issue - vydání, contents - obsah, news summary - přehled zpráv, home news - domácí zprávy, foriegn news - zprávy ze zahraničí, front page news - zprávy na titulní stranu, nejdůležitejší zprávy, business news - podnikatelské zprávy, finance and commerce - finance a obchod, financial news - finanční zprávy, sports news - sportovní zprávy, women´s page - stránka pro ženy, weather forecast - předpověď počasí, cultural page - kulturní stránka, publish - vydávat, uveřejnit, issue - vydat, widely read - hodně čtený, favourite with - oblíbený u, news-agent - krámek s novinami, newspaper stall - novinový stánek, subscribe to a paper - předplatit si noviny national nawspapers (subst.) - celonárodní deníky local newspapers (subst.) - místní noviny morning newspapers (subst.) - ranní noviny evening newspapers (subst.) - večerník Sundays suplements (subst.) - nedělník journal (subst.) - odborný časopis weekly (subst.) - týdeník quarterly (subst.) - čtvrtletník special interest magazine (subst.) - zájmový magazín women´s press (subst.) - časopis pro ženy advertising periodical (subst.) - reklamní plátek headline (subst.) - titulek by-line (subst.) - podtitulek picture = image (subst.) - obrázek cartoon = comic trip (subst.) - komiks, humorný kreslený seriál caption (subst.) - text pod obrázkem column (subst.) - rubrika, sloupec line (subst.) - řádek letter (subst.) - písmeno article (subst.) - článek lead story (subst.) - hlavní zpráva editorial (subst.) - úvodník feature (subst.) - nejzajímavější článek report (subst.) - reportáž comment (subst.) - komentář front page (subst.) - první stránka home news (subst.) - z domova internacional news (subst.) - ze světa law (subst.) - právo obituaries (subst.) - nekrology women´s pages (subst.) - stránky pro ženy crossword (subst.) - křížovka Radio - rádio, listen to the radio - poslouchat rádio, pick up a station - chytit stanici, tune in a station - naladit, stanici, hear sth. on the radio - slyšet něco v rádiu, listener - posluchač, portable - přenosný, switch on/ turn on - zapnout, switch off / turn off- vypnout, plug in the set - zapnout přijímač, turn up zesílit hlasitost, turn dowm - ztlumit hlasitost, volume control - nastavení hlasitosti, loud - hlasitý, low - tichý, bass - treble control - ladění basů a výšek, be on the radio - být v rozhlase, newcaster - hlasatel čtoucí zprávy, home news - zprávy z domova, foreign news - zprávy ze zahraničí, press review - přehled denního tisku, current affairs programme - pořad o současných událostech, commentary on sth - komentář k něčemu, cover every kind of subject - zabývat se všemi možnými náměty, cover an event - referovat o události, running commentary on a match - přímá reportáž z utkání, panel discussion - panelová diskuse, diskusní tribuna, recorded music - reprodukovaná hudba, programme for the general public - program pro širokou veřejnost, hit parade - hitparáda, phone-in programe - pořad, během něhož posluchači telefonují do studia a host pořadu odpovídá na tyto otázky, present a talk on - uvést přednášku o, feature a wellknow personality - uvádět známou osobnost, signature tune - znělka pořadu, time signal - časový signál, perceive the radio only as a background - vnímat rádio pouze jako zvukovou kulisu, live broadcast - přímé vysílání, listen to regional broadcast - poslouchat regionální vysílání, be on the air - být vysílaný rozhlasem broadcasting (subst.) - vysílání long/medium/short waves (subst.) - dlouhé/střední/krátké vlny wavelenght (subst.) - vlnová délka switch on/off (verb) - zapnout/vypnout tune in to a station (verb) - naladit stanici local radio (subst.) - místní stanice announcer (subst.) - hlasatel live-broadcast (subst.) - živé vysílání phone-in (subst.) - kontaktní pořad competition (subst.) - soutěž panel discusion (subst.) - beseda s odborníky receiver (subst.) - přijímač treble (subst.) - nejvyšší tón turn up/down the volume (subst.) - /upravit hlasitost/ button (subst.) - tlačítko knob (subst.) - knoflík interference (subst.) - rušení aerial (subst.) - anténa television - televize, watch television - dívat se na televizi, broadcast on television - vysílat v televizi, transmit - vysílat přenos, transmitter - vysílač, transmission - přenos, be on television - být v televizi, speak to the nation on television - promluvit v televizi k národu, work in television as a reporter - pracovat v televizi jako reportér, digest of the week´s news - týdenní přehled zpráv, home news - zprávy z domova, foreighn news - zprávy ze zahraničí, coverage of an event - referování o události, cover every kind of subject - zabývat se všemi možnými náměty, cover and event - referovat o události, candid camera - skrytá kamera, unscripted discussion - nepřipravená diskuse, on-the-spot report - přímá reportáž, programme for the general public pořad pro širokou veřejnost, hold a competition with the audience participation - pořádat soutěž s účastí publika, feature a well-known personality - uvádět známou osobnost, light entertainment programme - zábavný pořad, request programme - pořad na přání, act as a moderator in a discussion - působit jako vedoucí diskuse, řídit a usměrňovat diskusi, question master - osoba řídící kvíz, commercial - reklama, master of ceremonies (MC, emcee) - konferenciér, emcee a show - konferovat zábavný pořad, TV rating - průzkum sledovanosti televizních pořadů, highbrow audience - náročné, intelektuálské publikum, live broadcast - živé vysílání, přímý přenos, select an educatinal programme - zvolit si vzdělávací program, videotape a programme - nahrát si program na videokazetu, follow regional brodcasts - sledovat krajová vysílání, rebroadcast a programme - vysílat reprízu pořadu, screen (subst.) - obrazovka contrast (subst.) - kontrast brightness (subst.) - jas remote control (subst.) - dálkový ovladač channel (subst.) - kanál soap orera (subst.) - seriál record (subst.) - nahrávání playback fast forward (subst.) - přetáčení dopředu rewind (subst.) - přetáčení zpět advertisement (subst.) - reklama Mass media- masmédia The press- tisk Print media - tištěná média Radio - rádio Television- televize Newspapers - noviny Magazines - časopisy Local paper- místní noviny Sunday paper- nedělní noviny Broadsheet /serious paper - velkoformátové noviny /seriózní tisk/ Tabloid /popular paper - bulvár to press a story- zveřejnit/vytisknout příběh Article- článek Headline- titulek Feature- celovečerní film Column - sloupek (v novinách) Scoop- exkluzivní zpráva Editorial /leading article - úvodník Interview - rozhovor Review- recenze, kritika A letter to the editor- dopis pro šéfredaktora Classified advertisement- tajný inzerát Cartoon- animovaný /film/ Coverage- zpravodajství Column- fejeton Reporter- reportér Journalist - novinář Correspondent- zpravodaj, dopisovatel Editor- vydavatel Investigative journalism - investigativní žurnalistika/novinařina Reader- čtenář Readership - čtenářská obec Circulation- náklad to subscribe- předplatit si Newsagent- prodavač novin (trafikant) News-stand- trafika /novinový stánek Paper boy /girl - ten/ta kdo roznáší noviny (hlavně USA) Paper round- roznáška novin Press conference- tisková konference Press release- tiskové zveřejnění Freedom of the press- svoboda tisku to censor- cenzurovat censorship - cenzura In favour of - ve prospěch/neobjektivní Telly- telka TV set- televizor The box- bedna /telka hovorově/ The tube- krabice /telka hovorově/ Be on TV- vysílat v televizi Broadcast- vysílání Channel- kanál Station- stanice Cable /satellite TV - kabelová TV Remote kontrol - dálkový ovladač Programmes /show, chat, talk, quiz, game, breakfast show/ Sitcom- situační komedie Drama-drama Soap opera- telenovela The news- zprávy Phone-in - rozhlasový nebo TV program s telefonickou účastí posluchačů resp. diváků Weather forecast- předpověď počasí Documentary- dokumentární pořad Current affair - současné zprávy Serial -seriál Episode- epizoda Presenter- hlasatel, moderátor Host- pořadatel newsreader- hlasatel Commentator- komentátor Viewer- TV divák listener- posluchač Video DVD Plasma TV to listen to - poslouchat Audience- obecenstvo to tune- naladit Announcer- hlasatel Advertising- reklama Commercials- komerční reklama Human Body, Health Care, Diseases Common illinesses and injuries you might have a cold, cough, temperature, fever, runny nose, earache, headache, stomachache, flu. In case you don't feel better in 3 days you should see your GP you might suffer from allergies- common symptoms are itchy eyes, sneezing, rash, shortness of breath, etc. - a lot of teenagers struggle with skin problems, like acne - in case of an accident, you might scratch your arms/ legs, break your arms/ legs, bang your head, sprain your ankle, etc. If it's a serious injury, you should call an ambulance/ go to the hospital. Serious illInesses some people suffer from serious illnesses as a result of their lifestyle or genetics. Examples of serious illnesses: cancer, epilepsy, Alzheimer's, etc. Medical iobs A GP (a general practitioner) deals with general medical issues. A dentist specializes in teeth. A surgeon performs surgeries/ operations. A pharmacist works in a pharmacy and he deals with medicine and prescriptions An optician/ optometrist deals with eye issues. A nurse helps doctors and her job is to care for people who are ill. Healthy lifestyle -it's important to havea healthy diet, do sports/ exercise regularly, dress warmly, avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic drinks, meditate, etc. Do you have a healthy lifestyle? I think my lifestyle is/isn't healthy for the reason that. I should (do more exercise/ eat more vegetables/ spend more time outside/etc.) Are Czechs healthy? I reckon/ in my opinion/ in my view Czechs are healthy/ unhealthy because.Czech diet is well- balanced/ too greasy/letc. Healthcare system in the Czech republic - Czechs need to pay for their health insurance (which is paid by their employers or by the gover nment in case of students). Thanks to our system we don't need to pay when paying a doctor a visit (unless he has no contract with your insurance company), some of the medicine is fully covered or partially covered, you have the right for annual check-ups, first aid, etc. I think our healthcare system is great/ inefficient/ poor/ etc. Human body and healthy lifestyle So what does a healthy lifestyle entail? According to the dictionary, lifestyle is a way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and value of a person or group. A healthy lifestyle would be a way of living that would result in a healthy mind, body and spirit. Healthy lifestyle => Healthy eating Eating food that are nutritional and good for the body like fresh fruits and vegetables, low fat diets, unrefined carbohydrates, etc. It includes avoiding food that is bad for you like refined carbohydrates, fatty foods, alcohol, etc. Eating in moderation is the essential component of healthy eating. Healthy lifestyle => Health and Fitness Regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Aerobic exercise is good for your heart and your body. Yoga has a therapeutic affect and also helps to reduce your stress level. Pilates are great for strengthening your "core" muscles which are situated around your midsection. You could consider some other forms of exercise like Tai Chi, martial arts and Qi Gong. It is essential that you incorporate any kind of exercises in to your daily life to help keep you fit and maintain your weight at a healthy level. Healthy lifestyle => Managing stress efficiently is a critical part of a healthy lifestyle. Failure to manage stress effectively can harm your body and affect your relationship with others. If left unattended, stress can also lead to alcohol or drug addiction Healthy lifestyle You cannot have a healthy lifestyle if you are depress and unhappy. Following your bliss is a must if you want to live a happy and joyful life. Doing what you are passionate about helps keep you motivated. Healthy lifestyle => Alternative health Alternative health options like herbal medicine, massage therapy, meditation, Ayurveda, reflexology, aromatherapy, etc, can benefit you and help you have a healthier lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle takes discipline. You must make up your mind and choose things that are good for you and your loved ones. It comes down to being committed to do what is good for your body, mind and spirit. Living a healthy lifestyle involves taking care of your physical, mental and spiritual health. You need to arm yourself with appropriate knowledge that will ensure that you get the result you want. The physical, mental and spiritual aspects of your life are intertwine. For you to be happy and healthy, you need to keep all these aspects of your life balanced. Human body Human body is composed from the same organs as body of a mammal. But human being differs from other mammals by having intellect, having ability to think and speak. Finally, he is able to work and invent new things of all qualities. He lives social life and he should be and feel equal to all other human beings without any national, religious or racial prejudice. Human body consists of bones, muscles and organs. All three parts are made from cells. There's over 5 litres of blood circulating in our body, composed from blood-corpusles (red and white ones), thrombocytes and blood plasma. „The pump", which helps the circulation is our heart. It oxidates our blood and sends it all around our body via artheries. Afterwards it goes back to the heart, without any oxygene, via vains. Our heart is supplied with oxygene by our lungs via small blood circulation. We've got bodes to give us shape and support the body, to protect and contain the most important organs of the body and to help us move about. Bones are made from living tissue, coposed of special cells. Bone-making (ossification) is a gradual process. Adults have 207 bones. The basic part of sceleton of sceleton is the spine. It carries the weight of the body and protects the delicate spinal cord. The skull shelters the brain while the ribs protect the heart and lungs. Bones are fit together at the joints and are held firm by ligaments. No part of our body is completely insensitive to pain because nerves are to be found in every part of our human body. The nervous system has two 2 parts: 1. the pheripheral system, which is in direct contact with the things that can cause us pleasure or pain. 2. central system consists of brain and spinal cord. It's in our central nerval system that all our sesation and reactions are finally registered. Human body - BRAIN directs and coordinates ou movements and reflexes, registers sensations and is the supreme nervous organ, by which man acquires knowledge and the power to use and addspt it. It shapes our personalities, and without it we would be more helpless than the tiniest human baby.Our body is covered with skin. It protects body form cold and is important for the water circulation on our body, too. It's also important for the contact of the body with outside. We should take care of it by washing daily and putting on some body milk. Human body - SENSES Human being has 5 senses: sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch Of course we can exist without them, but our life would be much more difficult then. Sight helps us moving around and see people we meet


In london we also can take taxi, traditional black taxi.


London aiports - the bigest - heathrow and hatwick

Municipal (local) governments (cities, towns, and villages in Ontario) - Responsible for firefighting, city streets and other local matters. If there is no local government, the province provides services.

Provincial and territorial governments (for example, the Province of Ontario) - Responsible for things such as education, health care and highways.

a tour organized in advance by a travel agency to which tourists pay a single fee covering transport

accommodation, meals and otem entertainment. Way = a path

on many routes cut-price fares are provided for students

pensioners, and the disabled


the red diagonal cross represents Northern Ireland (St. Patrick's cross)

it is anarchistic - rockers: tight black jeans

long hair, rough look - skateboarders: hooded sweatshirt (hoodies), special caps, hooded jackets, skate shoes, skate jeans -- Clothes and fashion People have different attitudes to fashion. Some are indifferent, they do not care what they wear, others, especially women, are very choosy and particular about what to wear and like to spend a lot of money on clothes. Different factors which have influenced the styles of clothing, such as geography, climate, poverty and wealth have played their role. Fashion concerns not only clothes, but also hair style, make-up and accessories, such as shoes, handbags, gloves, belts, hats, scarfs or jewellery and glasses. Styles, cuts, designs and particularly the length of clothes change very quickly because dressmaking has become big business nowadays. There is also a variety of materials the dress can be made of - traditional natural materials such as cotton, wool, linen, silk and the vast collection of new fabrics based on man-made fibres. Their design can be plain or patterned (flowered, geometric, striped, checked, dotted or spotted) and taken from the whole spectrum of colours running from the brightest and most garish to the coolest and most subdued. The way we dress also depends on our taste, on the season and the proper occasion. In summer we wear light summer dresses, loose blouses with a low neckline and with short sleeves or without sleeves, skirts, cropped trousers, shorts or Bermuda shorts and various T-shirts, and on our feet we pull on sandals, mules, slippers or plimsolls. When we go swimming we put on a swimsuit (bikini, one-piece or two-piece) or trunks, sometimes a beach gown and a straw hat. In winter we need to wear something warm - suits, trousers, jeans, woollies, cardigans, polo neck sweaters, jumpers, anoraks and parkas, winter coats and jackets, sometimes even a fur coat, gloves and mittens, caps, hoods, hats, scarfs and mufflers. And boots of course. On special occasions we like to be dressed properly too. When we go to a concert or to the theatre we prefer to be dressed up. We wear an evening dress, which consists of a dark suit, a light shirt and a tie or a bowtie, sometimes a dinner jacket, an evening gown, court shoes and pumps. For sports we put on sports wear, such as jeans shorts, T-shirts, blazers, parkas, track suit and to the mountains a waterproof jacket or anorak and sports shoes (trainers, plimsolls, heavy boots or skishoes). At home we like to feel comfortable, and so we prefer leisure wear - slacks, jeans and T-shirts and on our feet slippers or mules. To school we wear something practical and plain. The most favourite wear of teenagers include jeans or trousers, shirts and T-shirts of different colours, sweatshirts or pullovers and trainers. For workshop or cleaning jobs we must put on an apron, overall or overalls. Special kinds of clothes are uniforms and costumes. Uniforms are worn particularly by professionals such as the police, the armed forces, health workers, sometimes workers of a certain firm. It is still a tradition in some schools in Britain (mostly private ones) to wear a school uniform. It usually consists of a white shirt and grey or dark trousers and a dark sweater or blazer with a school badge on the breast pocket and perhaps a cap. A girl's uniform looks quite different from an ordinary girl's dress since it consists of a plain coat, a blouse and a skirt in some dark colour, such as grey, navy blue or brown. Costumes on the other hand reflect the style of a past time. Apart from the theatre they are not seen very often, only on special occasions. Scotsmen are well-known for their national costume which consists of a kilt (a short skirt with many pressed pleats), knee-length woollen socks, a cap and a sporran (a fur-covered bag worn as a purse). The kilt is made of tartan, a kind of woollen cloth woven in stripes of various colours which cross at right angles so as to form a pattern. The difference is in the colours and the with of the stripes. Most tartans have either green or red as the dominant colour. The fashion changes so fast. Worn-out clothes we can discard but what to do with unworn clothes which you do not like any more? People in the west often arrange a jumble or garage sale but it is not a custom in our country yet. Some people store them up in their wardrobe if they have enough room, pass them down to somebody younger or give them to a charity organization. Women who can do needlework (sew, knit, crochet or embroider) often remake an old dress and alter it into a new stylish model which is admired by their colleagues as if it was bought in a boutique. -- Fashion, Garments How many people live on this vast with their distinct appearance and personality? We can say that cach person has his/her own style and taste. We can scarcely find two individuals who agree on every detail of their clothes (the colour, pattern, length and fabric from which the clothes of their dreams should be tailored). It is a well-known fact that the character of people is reflected in the manner of their clothing and their overall appearance. It is of course not a hard-and-fast rule, but it happens that a happy person gives preference to a happy, lively, impulsive and perhaps a somewhat eccentric way of dressing. A romantic person prefers to dress in classical style, with smooth and fine lines, in simple pastel colours or with a floral pattern. Fashion has acquired its contemporary look very slowly. It is said, however, that it is not good to rush anything. Fashion has developed century by century, looked for and discovered new charms, invented ways of correctly using newly-discovered fabrics, colours, patterns and tailoring methods. Seamstresses and their assistants were always certain of having sufficient work in their shops. We can actually say that tailoring a dress is something of an art. Just as a painter plays with different shades of colour in his paint- ing, so a tailor looks for those details which would add even more beauty, brilliance and glamour to a garment. We gd to the tailor's when we wish to have a garment made to measure, The first ques- ton we are asked is what garment do we need and when should it be ready. The tailor or dressmaker measures our entire body, sleeve length, bust size and waist. Sometimes padding is added to the shoulders. After we are measured, we must decide on a suitable style of cut, a material, and then agree on a date when we will come to try on the garment. Many alterations can still be made at this stage. We can increase or reduce the length, extend or shorten the sleeves: only to ask to have our dress, which may have gone out of fashion, re-made. Maybe it is out of date, but because we still like the material, we wish to continue to wear it. modify the neckline. Sometimes we go to the tailor's There are many variations of how people dress. There is a major difference between men and women. Let us focus on women's fashion for a short while. A woman is a somewhat vain creature, who likes to spend money to feel good and to appeal to others. One of the best ways of improving her looks is to dress in the latest fashion. Properly chosen clothes can emphasize a beautiful female figure, highlight the fine lines of her body, or, on the other hand, hide or disguise minor imperfections, A woman can very easily call attention to herself with her clothing. To dress with flair and elegance requires a certain amount of skill and facility, style and a sense of what is beautiful. A skilful woman is also able to sew, knit and crochet a lot of nice things for herself and for her family. With a bit of effort and diligence she can create becoming sweaters, skirts, scarves and gloves. When a woman gets up in the morning, she puts on a light dressing gown over her pyjamas or night gown. She likes to move around in this clothing very much. But who would want to spend the day in nightwear? After breakfast and a morning shower the woman changes into her underwear. She puts on panties, bra or camisole, slip and bodice. What she then puts on depends on her mood, which can be good or bad, on the weather, or on chance. We must distinguish whether we''re heading out to school, to work, to the garden, to a swimming-pool, to visit friends or for an evening out. When we go out to work, school or just shopping, a skirt or dress is always appropriate. The length of dress can vary from short, reaching to above or below the knees, to long reaching down to the heels, or it can be very short. It all depends on the cut of the particular dress. Our dress can be wide, tight, with short or long sleeves, with a collar, with lace, with pleats or with slits. We choose the pattern and shade according to the colour we like. A dress can be dark or light, with flowers, stripes, checkers and dots. There is usually a row of buttons either in front or on the back in order to fasten the dress. The buttons can also be decorative. We can wear a hat along with the dress or carry a parasol, The skirt is another important piece of our wardrobe, It can be red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, pink, brown, grey, black or white. It can be made of crease-resistant material or a plain cloth. Along with the skirt we usually wear a T-shirt, a blouse, a shirt, or a shirt with a vest. Cotton T-shirts with a hood (decorated with labels, colourful patterns, embroidery or printing) are very popular nowadays, Tight fitting T-shirts are coming back into fashion again. In contrast, blouses should be light and airy, making us feel at ease in them. Blouses with wide sleeves, frills or an unusual collar are popular. Women like to wear a small cardigan, short coat, overcoat or jacket over the blouse. Trousers would go along well with the jacket. Trousers and jeans are not only for men, but women, too, feel very comfortable wearing such clothes. In autumn, whien the weather gets worse, it is wise to carry an umbrella or a raincoat in our hand-bag. In winter light garments are exchanged for something a little warmer. Instend of socks and knee socks we wear tights. Light wind-cheaters and leather jackets are exchanged for fur coats or warm quilted jackets, Our clothes also include a muffler, cap, headband, and gloves or mittens. We exchange fine shoes with high or low heels for warm winter boots and other winter shoes. Winter is a time for frequent social events and balls. Fashion designers prepare fabulous collections of evening dresses, which can be best shown off during a dance. If we do not feel like wearing a dress, we can put on a jacket with matching trousers. For sports, we put on shorts, boxer shorts, or Bermuda shorts, as well as the right kind of sports shoes, and we can go running or bicycle riding. We can also choose some other favourite sport. For water sports, as well as for sunbathing. we wear a swim-suit. And what about men's fashion? It has always been claimed that the male part of the population is very restricted in its choice of clothing. But that's a mistake, Not only women but men, too, have the option of buying the kind of garments that suit their taste. It is not true that men are indifferent in their selection of clothes. A large proportion of men place a lot of importance on their looks and spend a lot of time choosing clothes which are just right. For underwear men wear briefs or boxer shorns. Frequently we see men in T-shirts, long or short-sleeved shirts or in a sweater combıned with trousers or jeans. Shirts can be complemented by an elegant tie or at festive occasions by a bow-tie. T-shirts and shirts can be in different colours-white, black, yellow, orange, red, violet, blue, green, brown, pinkish or greyish. In the office men wear good-quality trousers with or without a belt, a jacket and sometimes a hat. For sports, men put on shorts, gym pants, Bermuda shorts, and a sweatshirt or T-shirt. Bathing trunks are another essential part of a man's wardrobe. Nowadays many men put on white night-shirts instead of pyjamas. From all this we learn that fashion often returns to the past for inspiration. That is why we should never throw out our old clothes, One never knows what will come in handy someday. The best example is the present time, which tries to imitate the fashion of our grandparents. QUEST ONS ON THIS TOPIC • Do you think clothes make the man? How much importance do you assign to clothes? Women have wanted to be attractive to men throughout the ages. How do women dress nowadays? • Try to think of men's fashion. Why is it important for men to look well drossed? • Why do people dress differently for different occasions? Why do we go to work dressed differently than to our garden? • What is the difference between summer and winter clothing? -- Dressing??? Women's Clothing MEN'S CLOTHING Sweater cap Seecter shirt t-shist gloves jeans wedding dres thaath dus Hawaiian shirt suit flip flops fym dothes teuk top singlet dres shorts cardigan shoes bow tie lonig coct jeens dress pents sleeveless shirt vest long-sleeve top Swimbuit jumper learn Vocabulary: Winter Clothes earmuffs earflap hat woolen sweater fleece gloves beret coat down jacket stockings jacket mittens Winter Clothing fleece jacket Suvaf sweaters 6loves beanies socks mittens long-sleeve top trench coatlwomen) long coat jacket earmuffs trench coatimen) cardigan Village vs. Town Life Village vs. Town Life Village versus Town Life • How is differences between Village Life and Town Lifel Jaké jsou rozdily mezi životem vesgice a živolem města? • The lifestyle between a city and village is very different. Životni styl ve městě a ve vesnicI je velmi odlišný * Life in the village and live in the city has their own advantages and disadvantages Oba dva mali své výhody i nevýhody • I prefer life in the village where I live. Já preferui Život na vesnici, kde také ži * But there are people who would never change life in the city. I have it the other way around. Ale jsou lidé. kteři by život ve městě nikdy nevyměnili Já to mám naopak. • Now describe the advantages and disadvantages of lIiving in the village. Nyní popiši výhody a nevýhody Života na vesnici Advantiges versus disadvantiges • Cohesion proximity and neigbborhood - soudržnost, blízkost, sQusedstvi • In the city are the people more stranger • They do not greet, they are indifferenter to what is happening around them Nepozdraví se, jsou Ihosteinější k tomu, co se děje kolem nich • People in the villige are closer • Together meet and celebrate in the local pub but also in the homes, celebrating their birthday together, the birth of the child, party before the wedding Or just for nice weather, get in the gardens and make a barbecue Společně oslavuji a setkávají se v mistní hospodě, ale také v domovech. společné oslavy Darozenin, narozeni ditěte, pártv pied svatbou Nebo jen tak když je pěkné počasi griluji na zahradě * Other community events include, for example, fire balls, hunting balls. Celebrations associated with the anniversary of the village. We also meet the feast and the typist with village entertainment, where people wear costumes, drink beer, wine, cakes, roasted meat and dancing until the morning Dalši společné akce na vesnici isou například plesy hasičské, myslivecké plesy Oslavy spojené s výročim vesnice Dále se tu setkáváme s hody a typiskou vesnickou zábavou. kdy lidé nosi kroje, pije se pivo, vino. ii se kojáče, rožní se maso a tancuje se až do rána. * In town, of course, people can also have fun, but they are more anonymous and just another. Ve městě se lidé taky umi samozřejmě bavit, ale je to vice anonymni a prostě iné • In the cities, people enjoy having a visit to bars, restaurants, discos, bowling or cinema. But there are more cultural activities in the city, because there are theaters, cultural houses, exhibitions, vernissages, concerts and many other cultural events that you will not see in the village. People from the village have to commute to the city after this fun Ve městech se lidé bavi tak, že navštěvuji bary restaurace, chodi na diskotéky. na bowling nebo do kina Ve městě je ale yětší kulturni vyžiti. protože tam įsou divadla, kulturni domy. kde se konají výstavy, vernisáže, koncerty a spousta dalšich kulturnich akci. které na vsi neuvidite Lidé Z vesnice musi za touto zábavou do města dojíždět • Cities provide excellent facilities for education, health care, employment opportunities. There is also a difference in traffic, because in cities there is the possibility of driving outside by car and by bus by tram, trolleybus In the village, you usually drive only cars, cycling, horseback riding or walking Mēsta poskytuji skvělé zázemí pro vzděláváni, zdravotni péči pracovní přiležitosti Také je tu rozdíl v dopravě, protože ve městech je možnost mimo auto a autobas jezdit ještě tramvaji, trolejbusem Na vesnici se většinou jezdi en auty, na kole, na koni nebo se chodi pěšky * Another difference is visible in eating habits. People living in cities are more at risk from disease due to their sedentary lifestyle and fast food. The village is more cooked from its own resources, which is generally healthier There is less traffic in the village and hence there is a cleaner atmosphere. Další rozdil je yViditelný u stravvacich návyků Lidé žiici ve městech isou vice ohroženi chorobami kvůli jejich sedavému Životnimu stvlu a ychlému občerstvení. Na yesnici se yice vati z vlastnich zdrojů, cQž je všeobecně zdravější Na vesnici je į menšÍ provoz a tudiž je zde čistši ovzduši * People do not suffer from so many asthma, allergies and because there are not so many people here, there are fewer viral and infectious diseases. Lide zde netoi tolik astmatem, alergiemi a protože tu neni takové množstvi JidL, je zde, méné virových a infekčních onemocnění. * In general, life is more peaceful in the village and people help each other more. Všeobecně je na vesnici život více klidnější a lidé si navzájem více pomáhaji, • One more difference that we can talk about is lower costs. The village is mostly cheaper energy such as water, heating, but also municipal garbage fee, dog fee Ještě jeden rozdil o kterém můžeme hovořit jsou nižši náklady Na vesnici jSou většinou levněiší energie jako je voda, topení, ale také poplatky za komunální odpad, polatek za psa. People do not şuffer from so many asthma, allergies and because there are not so many people here, there are fewer viral and infectious diseases. Lidé zde netrpi tolik astmatem, alergiemi a protože tu neni takové umnožstyi licdi. je zde. MENÉ VÍTOMCH a infekčních onemocnEni In general, life is more peaceful in the village and people help each other more. Všeobecne je pa vesnici život vice. Klidněiši a lidé si navzáiem vice pománaj One more difference that we can talk about is lower costs. The village is mostly cheaperenergy such as water, heating, but also municipal garbage Ještě jeden rozdil o kterém múžeme hovofit isou nižší náklady. Na yesnici 15OU většingu leyněiši energie jako je voda, topeni, ale také ROplatky za komunálni odpad. polatek za psa. People do not suffer from so many asthma, allergies and because there are not so many people here, there are fewer viral and infectious diseases. Lidé zde netrpi tolik astmatem, alergiemi a protože tu není takové umnožstyi licdi. je zde. mÉNÉ VÍTOMch a infekčních onemocnÉni In general, life is more peaceful in the village and people help each other more. Všeobecne je pa vesnici život vice. Klidněiši a lidé si navzáiem vice pománaji One more difference that we can talk about is lower costs. The village is mostly cheaper energy such as water, heating, but also municipal garbage fee, dog fee Ještě ieden rozdil o kterém múžeme hovofit isou nižší náklady. Na yesnici isQu většingu leyněišÍ energie jako je voda, topeni. ale také ROplatky za komunálni odpad. polatek za psa. Vocabulary healthy 1ifestyle zdravý životní styl clean Ai čisté ovzduii Ehea per co sts levnejsi nak lady he ating topeni wa ber voda ve gea ble grow in pe s va i zeleniny growing fruit beree ding chova te 1stvi hen slepice home made e ggs domaci vejce fire brigade hasičsky ples Hunting Ball myslivedky ples local pub mistni ho spoda c horseback iding jizda na koni cycling j12da na kole chüze påky roiey tramvaj rolejbus viak domaci stravova neighbor hle ob iersrven neighborhood sOued sousedstv1 proximiy blzkost friendship pra te lsrvi telebrate oslavovat child brth TLarozefni ditë e Stag Party roriucka se svobodou gardens zahr ada riling grlov an flo wers kve tiny herbs bylinky pota toe bea mboe y Bitra wo erries jaho dy oma toe aCata witho ut che mical spr ay ing he x ch emic kaho pastriku popladky ee tor nir ipl te popla tek za komunalni odpad popla tek a psa Pope lmice the number of bin pocet pope lnic Speaking_part (20 minutes to prepare 15 minutes actual exam 4part) 1. general discussion (2.5 minuttes) 2. picture description and comparison (4 minutes) 3. talking about a specific MATURITA question (5 minutes) 4. conversation with a teacher on a specific situation (3 minutes) General discussion (Part 1) you can be asked about questions about your family/ school/ friends/ free-time activities, etc. you should also introduce yourself shortly examples of questions you might be asked: What do your parents do? What do you like doing in your free time? What's your favourite subject at school? What do your parents do? Can you describe one of your friends? Picture description (Part 2) 1. describe 1 picture 2. Compare 2 pictures 3. talk about your own experience connected to the topic phrases to use to describe a picture: In this picture I can see There is/ arein this picture/ The picture show. In the left-hand/ right-hand corner there is/ are. On the left/ right there is/ are. : In the background/ foreground there is/ ar The people in the photo look happy/ sod because.. Perhaps they are (on a holiday/ at work.) The situation in the photo is common/ unuSual becausen my point of view Picture description Part 2) - phrases to use to compare 2 pictures: Both pho tos show :People in both pictures are. :The similarities are.The main differences are Talking about a specific question Introduction of a topic: Im going to talk about. I have divided my talk into several parts :Firstly, I'm going to discus. Secondly, I am going to mention. Next, I'd like to talk about.. Main body: Let me now move on to.. : Another interesting aspect is. :Interestingly.. Conclusion: you can point out the main idea/ your opinion on the topic/ you can speculate about a future development of the topic/etc. Tn conclusion.. To sum up..All in al..Thank you for listening. Have you got any further questions? aneaee to uEe to eoESE YOUr opinion In my view/ In my point of view... /I reckon..I believe.,I think... / As far as I am concerned./ In my opinion../ etc.

on TV there are fairy-tails - in the evening we have potatoes salad and fried carp for Christmas dinner - we sing carols and there are a lot of presents under the Christmas Tree 25th December - Christmas Day + 26th December - St. Stephen's Day - people visited grandparents and other relatives and their friends too GB - Christmas are there celebrated in the different way 24th December - this day is for office party

lot of people spend the day shopping - before children go to bed, they hang up Christmaas stockings at the end of the beds and believe that Santa Claus fills up the stockings with presents 25th December - Christmas Day - in the morning kids enjoy unwrapping presents - Christmas dinner consists of roast turkey with chestnut stuffing and roast potatoes and Christmas pudding - people sing carols on the radio, TV and there are also professional choirs 26th December - Boxing Day - people give presents or money to postmen, milkmen, dustmen and newspaper boys to their Christmas boxes USA - Christmas isn't national and family holiday - Americans decorated their houses or gardens - families invite friends to join them at Christmas dinner and often give parties 26th December - Boxing Day - shops are open and people have a day off New Year's Day and Eve - New Year's Day is celebrated on 1st January - it's start to the new year - is celebrated all around the world - the Czech Republic celebrate formation of independent ( 1993 ) - people sending New Year's cards and wishing Good Luck by the new year Easter CR - is celebrated on Easter Monday ( first Monday after full Moon ) GB + USA - is celebrated on Easter Sunday - feast of the Christian Church: Good Friday - Jesus' crucifixion Easter Sunday - Resurrection of Jesus - people decorated eggs as a symbol of new life and give them as presents CR - boys have special whip called ,,pomlázka" and they whip women with it - girl give them dyed or chocolate eggs - in the afternoon girls throw water on boys USA - most Americans spend Easter with the family - children look for eggs which the adults hid somewhere Day of the Deads - Halloween CR - on 1st November - people remember on the deads and go to cemetery to decorate graves USA + GB - on 31st October - children dress up costumes with masks and they go to their friends and neighbours houses and people treat them with sweets, fruit or money Festivals typically celebrated in the USA INDEPENDENCE DAY - is celebrated on the fourth of July. There are lots of fireworks in the street. Independence Day celebrates America´s independence from Great Britain. America wanted to be independent because the British wanted them to pay taxes. America became independent in 1776. The first President of the United States was George Washington. THANKSGIVING - this celebration has a historical background. In 1620 a group of people sailed from England to America on a ship called the Mayflower. They were called "Pilgrims" (or "Pilgrim Fathers"). They wanted to start a new life in America. Their journey started in Plymouth (south England). When they arrived in America, they called their new home "Plymouth", too. The first winter was very cold. Many of them fell ill and died. They didn´t know how to grow food. However, the Native Americans helped them and showed them how to grow corn and other vegetables and gave them medicines to treat their illnesses. They also showed them how to build better houses. In a year, all the Pilgrims, who survived, had a new home. They wanted to thank the Native Americans, so they invited them to a special dinner to celebrate their friendship. This special dinner was the first Thanksgiving. Since that, Thanksgiving has been celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. A turkey with cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes is eaten on this day. A pumpkin pie is also traditional. COLUMBUS DAY - the second Monday in October, commemorates explorer Christopher Columbus' landing in the New World in 1492. PRESIDENT'S DAY - the third Monday in February, honours all american presidents. Festivals typically celebrated in the UK GUY FAWKES NIGHT - also called "Bonfire Night" - celebrated on November 5. It is named after Guy Fawkes who wanted to blow up the Parliament and the King in 1605. He was arrested, hung, drawn and quartered, and then (according to a legend) thrown onto a bonfire. Today, it is a very noisy festival. There are lots of fireworks and bonfires. Children walk around with a model (an effigy) of Guy Fawkes and ask for a "penny for the guy". Then, they buy fireworks for the money. Many people protest against the fact that children can buy fireworks. PANCAKE DAY - takes place in spring. There are "pancake races" in the streets. People run and throw pancakes in the air. Lots of pancakes are made and eaten in English homes on this day. -- HOLIDAYS - ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day is a traditional North American holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. It is a kind of harvest festival. By celebrating the holiday people want to thank for all the things they have from the harvest season. The Americans eat roast turkey and pumpkin pie. It is the day of gifts, charity and food for poor people. It originates in 1620 when Pilgrim Fathers settled in America and during the first winter a lot of them died. The next year the Native Americans taught them how to plant corn and other crops, so in autumn 1621 they celebrated their first Thanksgiving Day. They also invited local Indians to the celebration. Saint Patrick's Day Saint Patrick is one of the patron saints of Ireland. St. Patrick's Day is celebrated by Irish Catholics all over the world on March 17. The celebration is connected with the colour green. People are dressed in green and they wear shamrocks on their chest. According to a legend, when St Patrick was a boy, he was taken to Ireland by pirates. He escaped and travelled around Europe. Then he studied to become a priest and returned to Ireland. There he became a bishop and the patron saint of Ireland. Independence Day The holiday is celebrated in the USA on July 4. It is the most important federal holiday in the USA, because Americans started to write their own history. On July 4, 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed - a document declaring independence from Great Britain, and general George Washington became the first American president. Celebrations of the Independence Day include fireworks, parades, carnivals, concerts, parties, barbecues, picnics etc. Halloween It starts on 31 October, called All Hallows or Holy Eve because it is the evening before All Saints Day (it´s on 1 November, 2 November is All Souls Day when the Christians honour the dead). It is joined with an old Celtic custom of celebrating the end of the season of the sun and the start of the Celtic year. In the evening children light pumpkin lanterns called jack-o´-lanterns to chase away witches and evil spirits. They wear masks and dress up as saints, angels, devils, witches, goblins and ghosts. They go from house to house, knock on doors and say: "Trick or treat" and if they are not given candies, they will play a trick. On that day people have parties, decorate their houses with paper moons, witches, bats, ghosts, black cats etc. They eat toffee apples. There is a tradition of bobbing for apples: biting apples which float in water. St. Valentine´s Day St. Valentine's Day is a holiday celebrated on February 14 in America and Europe. On that day people express their love by sending Valentine's cards, sms, buying flowers or other presents (boxes of chocolates, soft toys, etc.). St Valentine lived in Rome around 300 AD. He was a Christian priest who helped Roman soldiers who wanted to get married. At that time, they were not allowed to marry. He was caught and put to death on 14th February. -- CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS IN THE USA Thanksgiving They celebrate thanksgiving on the fourth Friday in November. After the harvest many people want to say thank you to God for all food. There are church services called Harvest Festivals or Thanksgiving festivals. There are food and people sing special songs of thanks. In 1620 Pilgrims from England settled in Amerika and they suffered a lot during the first winter and lot of them died. The next year the Native Americans taught them to plant corn. In autumn of 1621 they celebrated their Thanksgiving for the first time. On the thanksgiving they ear roast turkey filled with stuffing and cranberry sauce And as a side dish is favourite mashed potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, dumplings, bean pods, pea and carrot. As a dessert they eat pumpkin pie mostly, and they drink apple cider. Next day after Thanksgiving is Black Friday and Americans start to buy presents for Christmas. Halloween 31.října Halloween is associated with an old Celts tradition of celebrating coming of the new year. They wore masks, which should hide them between ghosts. Nowadays children wear mask and go trick-or-treating, they knock on the door and say 'trick or treat' if they don't get a sweets, they do a trick. Children make lanterns from pumpkins called jack-o'-lanterns. Christmas 24.12 - Christmas eve, 25.12 - Christmas day It's celebrate of the birth of Jesus Christ. Children believes that Santa Clause brings them presents. 24.12. they prepare cookies and milk for him. They get their present at the morning. They have a festive dinner 24.12. or 25.12. They eat roast turkey filled whit stuffing and cranberry sauce, or ham roastbeef and of course Christmas pudding. Christmas pudding is made from plums, nuts, raisins and ginger. As sweets they have gingerbreads and candy cane. Also they eats pumpkin, pecan, apple and carrot pies. They drink hot chocolate, apple cider and eggnog with or without alcohol. -- CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS IN THE UK Christmas 24. 12 - Christmas eve, 25. 12. - Christmas day Father Christmas brings presents in the England. On Christmas kids walks from house to house and sing carols, as a treat they get money. Children write letter to father Christmas and then they throw them into the fireplace, because father Christmas go through chimney. Children hang up stockings on the fireplace. Children and adults get their presents 25.12. they find them under the Christmas tree at the morning. After they unwrap their presents, they prepare Christmas lunch, which they have at 12:00 pm. For lunch they have turkey with chestnut stuffing and gravy. The British loves Christmas desserts. Traditional dessert is Christmas pudding. Christmas pudding is cacao cake filled with plums, nuts, ginger and raisins. They drink Christmas punch.. After lunch they watch the Queen's Christmas speech. customs The British decorate their house from outside. They send Christmas card to family and friends. The UK tradition of kissing under the mistletoe. Easter Day of celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. On Easter Sunday children get chocolate Easter eggs. In Britain is tradition in Easter egg hunt. Children believe, that the eggs gives them the Easter Bunny. Parents hide eggs on the garden or in the house, and children have to find them. And people go to church. Children make Easter Bonets. Traditional food is hot cross bun. They eat pancakes and a roast lamb. Guy Fawkes' night 5.11 Also we can call this day bonfire night. This holiday is about a man, a catholic he wanted to kill King James I., because he was protestant. He and his conspirators put 36 barrels of gunpowder in the cellar under the house of lords. It happened 5 November 1605. He wasn't successful. Nowadays it's just a festival where family and friends come together to watch a firework display. New year's The biggest and the most beautiful firework display is in London at London Eye. -- Festivals typically celebrated in the Czech republic DAY OF THE FIGHT FOR FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY (November 17) A day when we remember very important milestones from our history. In 1939, Nazis invaded Czechoslovakia and proclaimed it the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Czech students demonstrated against the occupation and the demonstration was brutally suppressed. In reaction, Czech universities were closed by the Nazis on November 17. In 1989 the Velvet Revolution started as a student demonstration against the communist regime. This day commemorates the struggle and fight for freedom. This day is little more than a day off for most people. Some bring flowers and light candles on Národní třída in Prague and other places connected with the Velvet Revolution. INDEPENDENT CZECHOSLOVAK STATE DAY (October 28) On this day the Czechoslovak state declared independence at the end of the First World War (WW I) in 1918. Until that time Czech and Slovak countries had been part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The first president, Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, worked from exile on the formation and later the recognition of Czechoslovakia as an independent state. On this day the president of the republic gives honours to people who did special deeds. -- Holidays in the Czech republic Christmas Christmas is a holiday celebrated as a major festival in many countries around the world, including the non-Christian ones. The holiday is to commemorate the birth of Jesus, the central figure of Christianity. Popular modern customs of the holiday include: decorating a Christmas tree, gift-giving, an exchange of greeting cards, church celebrations, a special meal (carp with potato salad, Christmas cake, Christmas cookies), and many others. Easter Easter is a Christian holiday and it is connected with the Christ's resurrection, but popular modern way of understanding Easter is as a celebration of spring and new life. Easter is a movable feast, which means that it is in no relation to a civil calendar. The date of Easter therefore varies between March 22 and April 25. Boys prepare plaited willow canes and on Easter Monday they go from house to house and whip girls. As a treat they get an egg, money, a drink or a ribbon. When whipping they have to recite a poem. There are many traditions: decorating eggs in many different ways, going to the church, decorating houses with catkins and young springs as a symbol of new life. People eat sponge cakes in the form of lamb or Easter cakes. Velvet Revolution November 17 is celebrated as the International Students´ Day. In our country it also the date when a students´ demonstration was supressed by police in 1989, which led to the Velvet Revolution. From November 17 to December 29, 1989 many demonstrations took place, involving students and dissidents. They resulted in a non-violent transition of power from the Communist party to a parliamentary republic. St. Wenceslas Day St. Wenceslas Day is celebrated on September 28 and it is also known as the Czech Statehood Day. In 935, St. Wenceslas, Duke of Bohemia, now patron of the Czech State, was murdered by his brother in Stará Boleslav. St. Wenceslas gave name to the main square of Prague, Wenceslas Square, and his statue dominates the square. Labour Day May 1 is known as the Labour Day. It celebrates the achievements of workers and has its origins in the labour union movement. May Day In the Czech Republic May 1 is also a traditional celebration of love. It has its origins in Czech traditions: 1. On this day every female has to be kissed under a flowering cherry tree in order to be pretty and healthy. 2. There is also a tradition of maypoles. It involves putting up tree trunks decorated with ribbons and a wreath. There is usually one large maypole put up in the village square and according to tradition, neighbouring villages may steal their maypoles on the night of 1st May. -- CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC CHRISTMAS 24. 12. People bake home-made sweets, like gingerbreads. In our country brings presents baby jesus. We get presents on th Christmas Eve. The symbol - baby jesus ringing on the bell. Most of people eat chicken steak and potatoe salat for the dinner, but traditional is carp. People decorate their home with advent wreaths, candles, tree with chains, bells, stars, angels and ornaments. In our town is tradition sing carols on the square on the christmas day. Many people of our town come here every year. Customs - you not eating all day to see the golden pig going to midnight mass Czech Bethlehem= nativity scene (scéna zrození) throwing a shoes fairytales, carols (koledy) EASTER This holiday has two meanings. In the concept of Christians Easter is holiday of resurrection Jesus. But it's also a pagan holiday that celebrates the arrival of spring. Easter doesn't have permanent date, every year it's in a different day. It's celebrate after the first spring fullmoon. Easter bunny is symbol of Easter. People tell to children, that easter bunny brings sweets to them. The other symbols are cakes in the shape of lamb, eggs, which people decorated, hot cross bun. Boys prepare braided whip made from willow twigs. Boys prepare braided whip made from willow twigs, and then go from house to house, whip girls and as a treat they get eggs, shots or sweets. Boys have to say a poem. 1. 6. children day 30. 4. burning witches EASTER The first Monday after the first spring full moon Easter is Christian tradition, which commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus. A celebration is full of fun in Czech Republic. Many traditions are kept especially in villages, and different regions may have their own Easter traditions and customs. I think that every family colours the Easter eggs. In the Czech Republic people know a lot of decoration techniques. The eggs can be boiled or concave. The boys braid the willow twigs, the Easter rod (pomlázka) from pomladit = make younger. On Easter Monday they walk to girl's homes and say some short poems and spank girls, as a reward the boys get some eggs and sweets However, after the noon the custom is opposite, girls drench boys with water or perfume. The Days before Easter are called Ugly Wednesday, Green Thursday, Good Friday and White Saturday Traditional food is Easter cake (mazanec). It is made from dough with almonds and raisins. April fool's day 1st of April On that day, you are allowed to pull jokes and pranks. It's very popular among children. The origin of this tradition probably dates back to the 16th century, when the Julian calendar changed to Georgian. According to the old one the New Year started on April 1st and those who did not accept or forgot the change were called ,,April Fools". The Burning of the Witches April 30th On the evening of April 30th, Czech people build a bonfire and prepare an effigy of the witch. They thought that if they made something that looked like a witch and burned it, they could finally get rid of the cold weather. As soon as it's dark, the effigy of the witch is brought out Then it is thrown into the bonfire. Nowadays It is a day , when a lot of people go back to the villages and they meet their friends and distant relatives. MAY 1st May 1st is the day of people in love, it is the Czech version of the st. Valentine´s day, but without the legend about the priest. This day relates to Karel Hynek Mácha, the Czech Romantic. In Prague's Petřín Park there is his statue. People in love go to Petřín and the tradition says that boys have to kiss girls under the blooming cherry-tree. May 1st is a national holiday in the Czech Republic, because it is the Labour day (den práce) The Day of Slavic Missionaries Cyril and Methodius July 5th The two Byzantine Greek brothers Cyril and Methodius are very important for Czech history. They brought Christianity to the Great Moravian Empire in the year 863 and created the Slavonic language and alphabet called hlaholice (the Glagolitic alphabet). They translated the Bible and contributed to the spread of Christianity and the Old Slavonic Language The day of John Huss July 6th Jan Hus was a significant Czech religious reformer who was burned as misbeliever in 1415 in Constance. His death sparked off the Hussite movement and wars in the 15th century. Saint Nicholas Day December 5th In evening of December 5th a lot of people are dressed like St.Nicholas, who walks with the Angel, who represents the Good, and with the Devil representing the Evil All three characters walk in the streets, stopping children and asking them if they were good in the past year. Most kids say yes and sing a song or recite a short poem. They are then rewarded with sweets, other treats. Naughty children/Bad kids are put into the Devil's sack and taken to hell, or only get a sack of potatoes or coal. The eve of St. Nicholas is especially fun in Prague. Parents bring their children to the Old Town Square, usually. but somewhere, the three characters visit people's homes. The St. Nicholas tradition is probably from 4th century and it is based on Greek bishop named Nicholas who is said to have left a gift of money on the windowsill to three poor girls to enable them to get married Christmas December 24 (Christmas Eve) On December 24 it is Adam and Eva's name day. The Christmas tree is decorated with traditional Czech Christmas ornaments in many households and preparations are made for the most festive dinner of the year. On Christmas Eve people do a lot of custom, for example: Golden piglet- this tradition says that if Czechs don't eat all day, they see a gold piglet. Pouring lead- The lead is poured into water and people foretell future according to the shape of cold lead. Cutting apples - when people cut the apples in half and the pip looks like a star, they will have lucky year. If it is looks like cross the year will be miserable. Shoe - girls throw the shoe and if the toe of the shoe faces the door the girl gets married in coming up year. Christmas Dinner The Dinner consists of carp, somewhere schnitzels, and potato salad. It is sometimes preceded by mushroom and fish soup. Some families keep their carp in their bath for several days as a temporary pet for their children. The Dinner can be ended with a dessert, such as apple strudel. A traditional Christmas bread called Christmas cake/vánočka and everyone bakes Christmas sweets. After dinner, in some families people around the table may sing Christmas carols before moving to the Christmas trees. Presents are placed under the tree. Czech children believe that Christmas gifts are brought by Baby Jesus, who comes into the room through the window to leave the presents there. Unlike Santa Claus, Baby Jesus is abstract figure and no one knows where he lives. Czech children write their wishes and the letters are put behind windows for baby Jesus a few weeks before Christmas. Midnight-Mass Some people attend the midnight mass at a local church on Christmas Eve December 25 A lot of families stay at home and relax or visit relatives and friends. New Year's Eve The celebration of New Year's Eve in the Czech Republic is very similar to other courtiers. A lot of people go to the mountains and celebrate this day with snow. At midnight people let of fireworks and they open champagne wines January 1st New Year's Day, a lot of people make their own New Year's resolution about something in their lives. But I think that most of the people don't keep it. Three kings day The Three king's day is a day memorates coming of three kings to Bethlehem. Some people are dressed like the three kings go to our homes with some moneyboxes and people contribute to charity. The kings write letters K+M+B. Many people think that it is symbols of kings names but probably it is symbols of ,,Christus mansionem benedicat": ,,Christ bless this house" The Czechs have a lot of national days: 1. leden - Day of renewal of independence of Czech state 28. září - Day of Czech statehood 28. říjen - Day of rise of independent Czech state 17. listopad - Day of fight for freedom and democracy 8. březen - International day of women 12. Březen - Day of entry into NATO 27. Červen - Day of victims of communism 11. Listopad - Day of old soldiers there are a lot of festive pageantry on these days. -- Scotland - festivals THANKSGIVING DAY hanksgiving Day is an I national boliday which takes place in the United States and Canada on the last Thursday in November in celehration of the 2harersand other biessing k during the year. The fist Thanksgiving Day was 3e/kbraie when the Plgrim Fathers held'a three day festival afler the harvest of 1621. But the day was not cejcbrated as a 4 NGAA national hoiday until more that two centuries later. Gradually each state 5adop-ed the idea uiril, in 1863, President Lincolys IICa national harvest festivai on Niovembet 26 The festival is soill basically a horn celcbration, wih 7he 5csovertones, for famiies and friend 8turkéy is the traditional meat at the 9 aSP ahd such auaumnal dishes as 102upin pie and plun pudding stres the harvest thėme. adupted celebrated drnval Ture happening repeatedly feast 2en g made it known offcially or publicly 6 harvest-izo large round orange-coloured vegetable observed-rar accepted proclairged large bird AO pumpkin cutting and gathering of food crops rogularo elating to beief in God religjous -happcning every ycar urkey-iedr unusually hrge or elaborate meal religious festival oelebrated with rejoicing Traditions, Holidays and Feastdays The Bntish are said to be conservative. In addition to the well-known fact that they still use their traditional system r currency into decimal as late as in 197), they drive on the iett and they still e aionl school uniforms at some schools, itis important to know that Britain is the okest demo n nd that they consider the monarchiy an inseparabie part of their govermment, ne Btitsn are reoweu 0ue d goud table mannera. Unlike the Czechs, they like to converse at table. The English word "gentleman" means an honest man with go0d marnncis. Ihey do nat shake hands and kiss hello so often as we do and are 1amous for their dry humouir. Everyoooyknows the English saying of security. They call the strait between Britain anid France the Their mania Channet for tea and at te ay rest o es thet gnt to privacy. 1hey are proua o tneir i5ies whic te Cotinent, The British are fond ot ainy weather but on the otner na ed to walk on the grass of he day is world famous. Ther counuy a the vear tound People in Britain are alloweu Canate maes tne ngsh kawns so green and 1esh all the year round. Peopie in Britain are allowed to waik on the grass aa you can oten See them picnicking on it. On the other hand the British are much advanced tn science and technology. Many sports and games ortgitarec de men show that they value progress, Sucoess and prospernty. The Anmenicans are net so reserved as many or were pertected it are far from having the reputation of being conservative. 1he saying "T ime is money and stories about self- h reople are. The Americans have a tondness for grandiosity, probably because they are sucha vast countiy. Siyscrapers m mAny AmeTican cilies and the way they competed in heignt may De a good exampie many of the national cstoms Both the British and the Americans oDscrve nonday ccasions such as a christening, birthday (aiso hameday tn traditions have been PCesereu feasts are a good opportunity for merymaking, having fun and a good time our country) or a wedding, the hoaays Great Britain New Years Day January 1st- Titles and decorations are conietted by une0vercig Febrnuary 14th-t is kovCrs day. On this day young people send Valentine cards to a person of the opposite sex, usually St Valentines Day anonyrnously, and exchange sires or serious contents such as "l be your sweetne f you will be mine, all pt my hte UFiginaiy deth commemorated the Roman priest who gave aid and comfort to the persecuted Christians before he St Davids Day March Ist (the patron saint of wales March 17th (the patron saint of Ireland). It is a public ho liday in Ireland. People often wear shamrocks on that day. St Patricks Day April 1st-It is named after the custom of playing practical jokes and tricks on people and then you can shout "April Fools Da April. Spring feast of the Christian Church. Good Friday commemoratesJesus crucitxion while tradition, Easter original Sunday Easter fcast of the Chrst connected with pre-cn r made of confectioneny, 7 commemorates the Resurrection ot Jesus. it is cormieciecd win prensuan e ymbolizing t was a festival celcbrating the spring oguinox E new ife, are given as presents. ft is celeorated on baster St.Georees May *l 2srd (the patron saint of England) May 1-political parties of the left hold processions arnd pubiic mEetings Mothers Day Znd Sunday in May - honours.at mothers Spring Bank Holiday Last Monday in May. Bank Holidays in England are also public holidays when banks and shops are closed. People poing for excursions, to the coast if possible. Londoners (real Cockneys) take their 1aimues to pe Hampstead Heath The Queen's Offieial Birthday June (Saturday atter June 9). There are various ceremonies associated with 1t, Sucn as the cereenonyor roo8 e Colour (a ceremonial mounting ot the guard in the presence of the sovereign) at the Horse Guards Parade in London Farher's Day 3rd Sunday in June - honours all fathers Summer Bank Holiday - fast Monday in August Halloween October 31. Among the old Celts it was the last day of the year and the beginning of winter whtn witches and ghots were suppoted lo celebrate their rites. When the pagans were Christianised, dhe holiday was converted to the Eve of All Saints Day when the Christian Charch honous the nemory of the dead. In Britain it is celebrated only in the North of England and in Scotland, but it ia generally celebrated in the USA and Canada. Children oelebrate it by drestng up in Halloween costures with masks over their faces. Cartying baskets or bage they go to their friends and neighboar house and they knock at the door or ring the bell. When people come to the door, children say "Trick or tat which means "Give us a treat or we will playa trick on you". The people treat the children with sweets, frait or money. The mot common trick is toaping the windows of houses and cars (Le, drawing pictares on the windows wh soap). A Tavourite custom is to make ajack-o-lantein from a pampkin which is serapod out and in which eyes, a fose and a and then à candle is lit anside. Prople sometimes give parties on Hll wer faney costimes and masks and the roona kre decorated with paper moons, witches and ghonts Guy Fawkes Day November Sth The anaiversary of the Gunpowder plot in 1605 ir celebrated with bonfires, fireworks and the buming of guys (efligies of Guy Fawkei (1520 1606). an Englinh corspirator who, with other catholics, attestipted to blow up Janes l'and Partianent). The plot was discovered and the conspiratoriexecuted. Remermbrance Day November 11. Thére is a ceremony at the Cenotáph in Whiehall, London, in which wo miutes slence honours thene killed in the twO worid Wars St. Andrew's Day Navember 30 (the patron saint af Scotland) Christmas December 24 - Unlike the Contineritals, the English have ng traditional celebration on Christmas Eve. December 24 has never been a holiday bat on the other hand it is the oaly day of the year reserved for the "office party A let of people spend the đay sbopping Before English chidren go to bed on Christirias Eve, they hang up Christmas stocking at the end of their beds and believe that Santa Claus or Father Christmas ndes through the air on a sledge drawn by reindeer and cornos downi the chimney and fills up the stocking vidi presents and toys Larger things are founud at the foot of their bods or under the Christieas tree. There is also a custori of leaving out mince pies for Father Chrismas Co cat when be comes down with presmts Chrisnias trices (conliers a Britain are oflen decorated with fairy lights nd bright coloured omaments. Sweets and fruit or sparklers are not hung en the tree. In the rooms holly and iny is hung Rs a decoration. It is supposed to date back to Teutonic times wben evergrecns were hung to allow wood spints to sheller from the cold. A sprig of matinoe is hung in a ceeitral posinon or over the door. If you calch a ginl under it, you are allowed to kiss her Decenber 25-he most festive day ef Christinas is Christmas Day- In the moming children enjay uwpp presats and midday Christmas dinner is a great occasion It consists of roast turkey with chestnut atuffing and reast potatoes and Christmas pudding This is a special rich puidding made with lots of dried frut, egg, aet and very linle flour. Itis made well ahead before Christmas, boiled in a basin for hours and then heated again on Christra Dey. It will keep for long time Sometimes brandy in poured over it and set alight and the pudding is served suirronded with There is also an old custorm of smiering into the podding, when it is being perpared, a coin, a thimble and a ring to bring wealth, work and a wedding to those who find it There ane plenty of caros on the radio nd TV and various professional choirs sing carols in old peoples homes, borpitals or eutsi churches Al teatame a hugo tuit cake appeas encrunted with marzipan and decorated with white icing Mince pies apecial Christnas weet, re rved an well, b there in no minced meat in them These pies ate small and round, containing a miaure of dried fruits soaked in lean juice and brandy and covered with pastry and bakod, They aro served het. On Christmas Day the monarch addrenes se nation and the Conmonwealth oo radio und television boys and the like small ams of money, which they collected in theie Christmas boxes For children it marks the beginning of the partomime season which ends at Easter. A pantomime isa vaditional Chrisbnas-time entertainment but it is not a play without words. A pantomime is a theatre show based en a fairy tale or btraditional story with asie, dancing acrotaties and clowning Cindorella, Linle Red Riding Hood, Pe Pan and Dick Winington are the aveate fairy tales for dramatization Lots of people go vialting on Boxing Day or to parties in the evening Decamber 31-Sume harions celebrate New Years Eve but for the English the most inportant holiday Environment Damage and its Protection Extreme weather floods/hurricanes/tornadoes/ draught/ forest fires/cyclones Types of alternative nergy 1) nuclear energy 2) making energy from wind (wind mills) water or sun (from solar collectors) 3) some cars can run on electricity or hydrogen I personally like because Environmental issues in my town/city Is the air or water polluted? Why? Are there any factories? Littering in the streets? Do people use environmentally friendly products? What do you do to help the environment at your area? What is alobal warming2 Mary greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane etc.) exist naturally and are crucial to create the greenhouse effect which is important for keeping the Earth warm. However, the use of fossil fuels (oil, natural gas and oil) has produced excessive amounts of greenhouse gases, and the result is global warming. What can we do to reduce global warming and help the environment? 1) recycle (paper, plastic, glass etc.) 2) not to waste water 3) save energy by switching off lights when not needed 4) using more energy-efficient products 5) use public transport more instead of drivinga car 6) plant trees (as they reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere Environment and protection The environment is all around us. It consists of water, air and soil. We should realize that we are a part of it. We should protect and take care of our planet. Some of the environmental problems are : Air pollution Water pollution Soil pollution Global warming and the greenhouse effect A hole in the ozone layer Acid rain Cutting down the rainforests Air pollution: It is mostly in big cities and industrial areas Leads to climate changes and greenhouse effect Causes acid rains and kills trees Destroys the ozone layer Air pollution is caused by: Burning coal in our homes and power stations Burning coal and gas in factories Old cars burning petrol and diesel (The exhaust gases) How can we solve the problem of air pollution? People should try to use other sources of energy such as solar, water or wind. Solar power is a way of using the sun´s energy to make the heat or the electricity. We can also use the wind power by building modern windmills which are spinned by the wind. We can also create electricity from the sea or river water. Water and soil pollution is caused by: industrial waste household waste chemicals which are used in agriculture Global warming causes: Rising of the Earth´s temperature Melting of the glaciers Rising the sea water levels and flooding the sea coasts (level of the sea water) The greenhouse effect is caused by : Accumulation of carbon dioxide( CO2 ) in the Earth´s atmosphere. It causes the global warming. If nothing changes, within a few decades the world will be different . It is necessary to reduce gas emission and to use other resources of energy. Rainforests They have been cut down to provide: land, paper, timber, medicine If we continue cutting down the rainforests, a lot of plants and species will extinct in the future. Acid rain One of the most serious pollution problem these days Gases like sulphur dioxide and nitron oxide are produced by power stations and cars. The gases dissolve in rainwater and this makes the acid rain which damages rivers and trees. Ozone layer and ozone hole The ozone layer protects us from the harmful rays of the sun. It is in the atmosphere and surrounds the Earth like a blanket. The ozone layer is destroyed by freons. The biggest ozone hole is formed over Australia and Antarctica. Recycling Recycling is separating rubbish and processing used materials into the new products. In the Czech Republic there are the most common containers: Blue for paper Yellow for plastic Green for glass Orange for cardboards of drinks. We also have special places where we can put other materials in - like iron, aluminium or used oil. How can we help environment? Separate and recycle rubbish (paper, plastic bottles...) Limit burning coal and save energy (switch off the lights, ...) Use alternative sources of power (wind, water, solar energy) Protect water Use recycled paper and other things Buy drinks in reusable bottles Use public transport, walk or ride a bike instead of going by car Environment and protection The environment is all around us. It consists of water, air and soil. We should realize that we are a part of it. We should protect and take care of our planet. Some of the environmental problems are: Air pollution Water pollution Soil pollution Global warming and the greenhouse effect A hole in the ozone layer Acid rain Cutting down the rainforests * Air pollution It is mostly in big cities and industrial areas Leads to climate changes and greenhouse effect Causes acid rains and kills trees Destroys the ozone layer Air pollution is caused by: • Burning coal in our homes and power stations • Burning coal and gas in factories • Old cars burning petrol and diesel (The exhaust gases) How can we solve the problem of air pollution? • People should try to use other energy sources such as solar, water or wind. • Solar power is a way of using the sun's energy to make the heat or the electricity. • We can also use the wind power by building modern windmills which are spinned by the wind. • We can also create electricity from the sea or river water. * ¨ * Water and soil pollution is caused by: industrial waste • household waste • chemicals which are used in agriculture Global warming causes: Rising of the Earth's temperature • Melting of the glaciers • Rising the sea water levels and flooding the sea coasts (level of the sea water) The greenhouse effect is caused by: Accumulation of carbon dioxide( CO2) in the Earth's atmosphere. * It causes the global warming. If nothing changes, within a few decades the world will be different. It is necessary to reduce gas emission and to use other resources of energy. I. SE * * Rainforests • They have been cut down to provide: land, paper, timber, medicine • If we continue cutting down the rainforests, a lot of plants and species will extinct in the future. Acid rain • One of the most serious pollution problem these days • Gases like sulphur dioxide and nitronoxide are produced by power stations and cars. The gases dissolve rainwater and this makes the acid rain which damages riers and trees. Ozone layer and ozone hole • The ozone layer protects us from the harmful rays of the sun. It is in the atmosphere and surrounds the Earth like a blanket. • The ozone layer is destroyed by freons. The biggest ozone hole is formed over Australia and Antarctica. Recycling Recycling is separating rubbish and processing used materials into the new products. In the Czech Republic there are the most common containers: • Blue for paper • Yellow for plastic • Green for glass • Orange for cardboards of drinks. We also have special places where we can put other materials in - like iron, aluminium or used oil. How can we help environment? • Separate and recycle rubbish (paper, plastic bottles..) - Limit burning coal and save energy (switch off the lights,...) - Use alternative sources of power (wind, water, solar energy) * Protect water - Use recycled paper and other things • Buy drinks in reusable bottles -Use public transport, walk or ride a bike instead of going by car Meals & Dining Czech food and drinks - traditional Czech food: potato Soup with mushrooms, sweet fruit dumplings, roast pork with dumplings, Schnitzel with potato salad, fried cheese, etc. -traditional drinks: beer, plum brandy, herbal liquor "Becherovka", etc, My favourite food - Czech food is heavy, fatty. greasy but delicious and filling. your own notes - useful phrases: My favourite food/ drink is I like/ love/ can't live without I don't like/ hate/ can't stand It's delicious/ sweet/ sour/ solty/ bitter/etc. Healthy and unhealthy food Healthy food: should be low in fat, sugar and salt and high in vitamins, minerals and fibre. Examples of healthy food: fresh fruit and vegetables, fish, nuts, dairy, etc. Unhealthy food: it's usually fatty, salty or to sweet and it includes preservatives and artificial colours or flavours. Examples of unhealthy food: fast food, processed food (tinned food, salami, ready-made food), British and American food British food: fish and chips, black pudding, steak and kidney pie, Yorkshire pudding, shepherd's pie, hoggis, typical English breakfast (bacon, sausages, eggs, toast, mushrooms, beans, tomatoes). Traditional drinks include tea, beer, cider or gin. American food: apple pie, hamburgers and French fries, tacos, hot dogs, nachos, Chicago- style pizza, steaks, chocolate-chip cookies, barbecue ribs, etc. Traditional drinks include soft drinks, coffee, beer, etc. Eating out and cooking at home Advantages of eating in a restaurant: special atmosphere food, good service, no need to clean everything up afterwards, etc. Disadvantages of eating in a restaurant: it can be avercrowded, food might not be tasty, it can be too expensive, there might be too much noise, etc. Advantages of cooking: it might be healthier and more delicious, you know what ingredients you use, it's cheaper, etc. Disodvantages of cooking: it might take a long time, you have to da the dishes ofterwards, it might end up as a disaster, Svičková na Smetaně-Beef Sirloin with Cream Sauce Describing the recipe for "Svíčková" can be like walking on a minefield: everybody can agree that the vegetable sauce with cream contains carrots, celery and parsley roots, that it involves a piece of beef pierced with speck and that it is served with bread dumplings, but the remaining ingredients, their proportions and especially the finishing touches can stir many emotions, Briti Vepřo knedlo zelo - roasted pork Perhaps the most traditional Czech dish you can ask for at restaurants. Vepřo knedlo zelo is basically roasted pork served with dumplings and a side of pickled cabbage. Česnečka - "Garlic soup" A garlic-heavy soup served with croutons, Cesnečka also contains a raw egg, which is added near the end of the cooking process and left alone to cook in the heat of the soup, Small pieces of sousage, pork, or cheese ore sometimes added to it as well. Fish and chips This dish is a must try whilst you are in the UK, no matter where you are, you'll be able to find a delicious plate of fish and chips. Bangers and Mash Also known as sausages and mash, this traditional dish consists of sausages and mashed potatoes, and is often accompanied with peas and gravy. This dish can usually be found on a menu in most pubs across the country or can be made very easily at hame, stend Eull English breakfast They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, which is why if you are doing something physically or mentally demanding, such as the Maturita exam, you need to have a full English breakfasti ausi This breakfast usually includes bacon, sausages, eggs, baked beans, toast, mushrooms, tomatoes hash browns and black puddings. Sunday roast The Brits love their Sunday Roast dinners. This dish is made up of roasted meat (beef, chicken, lamb or pork), roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, vegetables (usually a selection of peas, carrots, beans, broccoli and cauliflower). Meals and dinning For many people in our country food, eating, sometimes also cooking, is a downright pleasure. There are some people who eat just once a day - they have one continuous meal, other are figure-conscious and try to fast, cut down on some fat and sugar, or go on a slimming diet. For many others cooking and eating is a nuisance and they do not care much about meals. On the whole we eat more than the British or Americans do and our food is known to be less healthy. There is no expression in England for „dobrou chuť", which perhaps reflects the English attitude to food. Maybe we can say: „We eat to live, we don't live to eat." In the past the British cuisine did not enjoy a very good reputation. But it has improved considerably. Also the renowned English picnic has changed because people like more comfort today. We should also think about our healthy lifestyle when we eat. But it's very difficult in this time say what is or not healthy. You don't have to eat more than you can or eat nothing. The best way is well-balanced food. The healthy food include fruit, vegetables, cereals, vitamins, minerals, good water, milk, cheese, little salt and spices. It's not good idea to be vegetarian, because meat contains a lot of important substances - from the meat it's poultry, lean meat, sausages, fishes or smoked meat. Than also is good to eat fibrous food, dark bread instead of white bread. We should avoid restaurants with fast food because there are food with high calories and whit a lot of fat. But especially for Czech people is difficult to eat healthy because our national dishes are very fat and unhealthy. Among suitable eating habits sort eat slowly, take time to eat, eat at a nice seat table, eat more time a day in small amounts. Czech food The Czech are used to eating many floury, sweet and fatty meals, such as dumplings, pastry (cakes, sweets), fat pork and sausages. Our food should consist of more vegetables, fruit, lean meat, poultry and fish which would supply our bodies with more vitamins and minerals. Breakfast: The Czech have their morning cup of coffee or tea, a roll or a slice of bread, some cheese, salami, or a cake in haste. Lunch: The Czech midday meal is the main meal of the day (the English would call it dinner then). We can have it at home, at (works) canteens or dining halls, cafeterias or in a restaurant. It is usually a three-course meal which consists of soup, the main course and a dessert. An aperitif and an hours d'oeuvre are served only on festive occasion. As for soup we can choose from bouillon, clear (beef, chicken, vegetable, with liver-balls) soup and thick soups (potato, tripe and fish soup, cream of mushroom, celery, cauliflower or tomato). The Czech menu often offers the favourite dish - roast pork, with dumplings or potato dumplings and cabbage or sauerkraut. Another typical main dish is a fried pork chop with boiled potatoes or chips and a vegetable (lettuce, cucumber or tomato) salad, Vienna steak with potato salad or goulash with dumplings. Sometimes another Czech speciality is prepared - fruit dumplings with cottage cheese. As a dessert fruit (fresh or stewed), plain or with whipped cream, ice cream, sundaes, or custard with fruit are commonly eaten. Czech beer or an of the soft drinks (mineral water, lemonade, juice or just soda) are served with it. Dinner: The Czech evening meal is nut so nutritious if people have a hot meal at midday. It may be some cold meat, salami, ham, cheese, eggs, bread or rolls and some vegetables. Some people prefer a hot meal too. they may have pancakes, potato pancakes, pizza, stews or goulash, although some thick soup with meat sauce. Some people may have a similar dish as at midday except soup, although some thick soup with bread may be a separate evening meal. British food: In different parts in Britain people have different eating habits. They have five or six meals a day: breakfast, elevenses (a morning snack), lunch, tea, dinner and later perhaps supper. Breakfast: The British like to begin the day with a nice cup of coffee or tea in bed early in the morning. Then they have a leisurely breakfast, they do not like to hurry. The English take their time having breakfast. The renowned English breakfast starts with a glass of juice and a cereal, usually cornflakes with milk or cream and sugar, or porridge. This will be followed by fried or grilled bacon and eggs, sausages and grilled tomatoes or spicy beans in tomato sauce, or kippers. The round off with many cups of coffee rather than tea and buttered toast and marmalade (the toast is not fried but dry and by marmalade they mean preserves made of citrus fruits, usually oranges, containing small pieces of orange peel which give it a slightly bitter flavour). But such a substantial breakfast is not as common as it used to be, it is served in hotels or restaurants if you ask for English breakfast or at weekends when people have more time. For most Englishman breakfast is a bowl of cereal followed by toast and marmalade, and coffee or tea, of course. Elevenses - brunch: In the middle of the morning they have elevenses, which is usually not more than a cup of coffee and biscuits. Sometimes, often at weekends, when they get up later, they have brunch, a combination meal which is eaten for breakfast and lunch. Lunch: The midday meal is generally called lunch and is usually fairly light. If it is the main meal of the day, which is at Christmas or may be on Sunday, it is called dinner. Lunch often consists of a hot dish (for example soup if you eat a la carte in a restaurant), a salad, ham and cheese sandwiches, pizza, hamburgers and a dessert. The soup can be clear (beef, vegetable or chicken) or thick, such as cream of tomato, cauliflower, celery or mushroom. Teatime: Around four o'clock it is teatime. While in our country an afternoon snack is not common, in Britain it is a special occasion. The traditional tea consists of thin slices of white or brown bread and butter with cheese, fish or ham, perhaps some vegetables, and jam )made of other kinds of fruit than citruses), cakesfruit pies, biscuits and tea or coffee which in England are drunk with milk unless you ask for black coffee or only tea. Nowadays many people do not eat much at teatime but they have at least one cup of coffee or tea. Dinner: The hot dinner which is served around 7 o'clock may have three or four courses. It consists of soup or some other starter, then the main course (meat and fish with vegetables) which is followed by a dessert and finally perhaps cheese and biscuits. The meat may be a stew, chops, a meat pie, a roast joint or fish if it is Sunday, with potatoes and one or two of the other vegetables (carrots, beans, peas, Brussels sprouts, cabbage or broccoli). Beef and mutton or lamb are much more favoured than pork. As a dessert they may have fruit, fruit salad, fruit cake, pudding with custard, jelly with cream, trifle or ice cream. With the meal they may have beer, cider or wine. They finish their dinner with coffee rather then tea. High tea - supper: Eating habits in the North of England and Scotland differ slightly. Between five and six they may have high tea. Some light dish as fish (fresh, tinned or smoked), ham, sausages, eggs or cheese is followed by home made bread, buns, biscuits, cakes and cups of coffee and tea. Later in the evening more tea, cocoa, milk, sandwiches, bread and butter, cheese, cakes and biscuits may be eaten as supper. Also people in the South may have supper if they stay up late at night. It consists of sandwiches, could meat, vegetables, some milk, tea or coffee. American food: Americans usually eat three meals a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner. Certain kinds of food are typical at each meal. Throughout the US the food is similar, but there are some regional differences. In general American food is plain and not spicy. Burger: One of the most popular American food is the burger. Hamburgers are made of beef, not ham. They are served in a round piece of bread called a bun. They are often eaten with one or more of the following: tomato, lettuce, onion, mustard and ketchup. A hamburger with melted cheese in top is called a cheeseburger. Some restaurants have other kinds of burgers with others names, such as jumbo burger (very big), mushroom burger, or bacon burger. Hot dogs: Hot dogs (also called franks of frankfurters) are a kind of sausage. They can be steamed, boiled, or grilled. They are served in a long bun with mustard or ketchup or pickle relish. You may want to know that hot dog are often made from pork - the meat from pigs. Bacon and ham are also meant from pigs. Sandwiches - lunch: Americans eat a lot of sandwiches - especially for lunch. They are made with two pieces of bread and a filling. Some common fillings are tuna fish, eggs salad, ham, chicken, turkey, roast beef, cheese, and peanut butter and jelly. Some sandwiches are hot, for example, a hot roast beef sandwich. Another special type is the club sandwich, which is made with three pieces of bread and two fillings between the three pieces. The fillings are often chicken or turkey and ham with lettuce and tomato. One common sandwich is often called a BLT. Which means bacon, lettuce and tomato. Dinner: For main dishes - especially for dinner - Americans eat a lot of meat, although today people are eating more fish and poultry than they used to. Beef is the most popular meat, followed by pork and lamb. In a few places you can find rabbit meat, but you will not find horse, goat, or dog meat. There are many kinds of beef. Hamburger (ground beef) and beef steak are the best known. In general, Americans like thick steaks. There are three ways to cook the meat: rare (not cooked very much), medium, and well-done (cooked a lot). Salads are often served with a meal. They are eaten before or with the main dish. A salad can also be a main dish - especially for lunch. There are many kinds of salad, but some of the most common ingredients are lettuce, tomato, onion, and cucumber. Festival's food: Christmas: On some special occasions such as Christmas, traditional food is served both in Britain and in our country. Fish soup, fried carp and potato salad are commonly made for Christmas eve. As a dessert home made sweet and apple strudel are served. There is no traditional meal for Christmas Day, but many families prepare roast goose with dumplings and cabbage, Wiener schnitzel with potato salad, or roast turkey with potatoes. There is a suppression about New Year's Day dinner. You should not have any poultry on that day, otherwise you will miss your good luck in the next year. The British Christmas Day meal is roast turkey with chestnut stuffing, potatoes and the renowned Christmas pudding and mince pies as a sweet. Christmas dinner is a great occasion. It consist of roast turkey with chestnut stuffing and roast potatoes and Christmas pudding. This is a special rich pudding made with lots of dried fruit, eggs, suet and very little flour. It is made well ahead before Christmas, boiled in a basin for hours and then heated again on Christmas Day. It will keep for a long time. Something brandy is poured over it and set a light and the pudding is served surrounded with blue flames. Hogmanay: It's celebrate in Scotland the last day in the year. They sit down to dinner which begins with haggis, Scotland's national dish (minced heart, lungs and liver of a sheep, boiled in a sheep's stomach with oatmeal). Thanksgiving Day: Here is the Thanksgiving menu: Turkey with bread stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie. There is no soup and the menu could be made bigger with dinner rolls, a fresh green salad, corn and green beans. The beautiful turkey is the glorious centrepiece of the Thanksgiving table. The turkey should be golden brown on the outside and the inside should be moist and tender. The gravy is basically thickened juice from turkey that we get during baking. The mashed potatoes can be creamy or smooth, fluffy or light, or whatever you prefer. For best results, the cranberry sauce should be made about three days in advance. Boil water, sugar, cloves, allspice and cinnamon sticks for about three minutes, add cranberries and cook until they begin to pop. For the next three days cranberry sauce is refrigerated and all spices need to be removed before serving. The pumpkin pie needs a good crust made from dough and a good filling prepared from a mixture of pumpkin, sugar and spice. It's good ides to bake the pie the day before, so the oven is free to roast the turkey. It all may sound simple, but to prepare a meal for the whole family normally takes a few days of planning, grocery shopping and preparations and a whole day of cooking. Dinner time is between 3 to 5 PM. By that time is a great smell in whole house and everyone who skipped their lunch is hungry. -- OUR NATIONAL CUISINE A typical czech lunch consists of two courses, the first course is soup of any kind - vegetable, tomato soup or broth. The main course is meat and side dishes. Vegetarian, gluten free, healthy food and vegan food is now favourite everywhere including our country. Soups Important part of czech cuisine are soups. Traditional soups are chicken and beef broth with noodles or little dumplings. Another kulajda with mushrooms and egg, potatoe soup, Goulash soup and garlic soup. Tomato soup. Side dishes As side dishes we mostly use dumplings, potatoes, rice and pasta. Sweet dishes Typical sweet dishes are dumplings filled with plums, apricot, blueberry or strawberries. Pancakes are also favourite food in our country. And of course apple strudel. Main dishes Typical dish is goulash made from pork meat, and as a side dish dumplings. Another favourite dish is beef meat in creamy sauce with dumplings, which we call Svíčková. Also pork meat with cabbage and dumplings is typical for our country. Tomato sauce with dumplings or pasta. Typical Christmas dinner On christmas we eat fish soup and potato salad with carp. Nowadays most of people instead of carp eat schnitzel. Schnitzel is pork or chicken steak coated in flour, egg and breadcrumbs, and then fried. Eating habits Many of czechs don't eat breakfast. Czech cuisine have many unhealthy meals. There are lot of restaurants, so when we don't want to look, we can eat out home. In our country we can find restaurants of many types like czech, Indian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Italian. -- BRITISH AND AMERICAN CUISINE British cuisine In british cuisine we can find meals from different countries like Italian, French, American and Chinese cuisine. Breakfast The most well-known is full english breakfast and includes beans, eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes, bacon, toast, sausages. Nowadays they eat for breakfast cereals with milk, coffe, tea or juice and full breakfast on weekends. Lunch Fish and chips is well-known meal. Fishes coated in breadcrumbs. In british cuisine is traditional salty pie - filled with meat. Pudding - Made from meat or vegetable. Sandwich- all kinds and varieties . They eat lot of meals from fastfoods. Dinner They eat ready made meals (hotovky) or take away (na objednávku) meals, they eat out of home most of time, in all kinds of fast food restaurants for example Chinese, Indian, Mexican, Thai, Italian. Afternoon tea - 5 o'clock tea Christmas they eat turkey, fish soup traditional christmas pudding - christmas pudding have to be made long time before christmas, it's made from plumes, raisins, rum, eggs and nuts. But every family makes different type. AMERICAN CUISINE In USA people most of time eat meals from fast foods. Fast food is really favourite in America, because of price, in America it's cheaper. Traditional fastfood is fried chicken, hotdogs, hamburgers and fries. In northwest America are popular steaks, coated chickens and ribs. Southwest america is influenced by Mexico, so in thein cuisine we can find beans, tortillas with meat and vegetable, and chilli peppers US cuisine is influenced by the immigrants who brought their specialities eg. Mexican, Italian, Indian, Vietnamese, Jewish, Spanish. Breakfast They have hearty, rich breakfast. They eat bacon, eggs, sausages, toast and lot of fruit. In sweet variant it's for example pancakes with maple sirup, waffles with whipped cream or toust with peanut butter. Ceral with milk. Juice, coffee. Lunch In america lunch isn't main meal. Most of time they eat fastfood and sandwich in many types. Sometimes they eat soup and salad. Dinner Dinner is main meal of the day. It mostly consists of starter/appetizer (předkrm) for example fried chicken, salad, soup or fried potatoes and main meal which could be meat or fish with potatoes and hamburgers. As dessert usually an apple pie. Christmas On christmas they eat turkey, roastbeef. And pudding, the pudding is made from nuts, plumes, ginger and raisins. From sweets dish it could be also pumpkin pie or pecan pie. They drink hot chocolate, apple cider and eggnog. Drinks .Sugar drinks, like coca cola. -- AT THE RESTAURANT Parts of the kitchen Dishwashing section - This section is focused on washing the dishes. Main kitchen - In this section meals are being prepared. There are more parts in this section - meat section, side dishes section. Pastry section - Preparing sweet dishes. And section where cold meals are prepared, like starters, or cold breakfasts. The last is storage section. Jobs in the kitchen Executive chef - He is head of the kitchen. He is responsible for the kitchen and workers here. Chef - He is responsible for good work in the kitchen. He takes part in menu creation. Cooker and confectioner - His work is cooking meals and making sweet dishes. Kitchen assistant is person, who helps in the kitchen. He wash the dishes, peel potatoes. Parts of the restaurant In storage section are stocks of goods. Bar - Place where waitress are preparing drinks. Dining room - Place where customers eats. Outdoor section - Place where customers can eat outside. Cloak room - People can put there their clothes (jackets, etc.) Dishwashing section - People there wash glass. Toilets Jobs in the restaurant Restaurant manager - He is head of the waiters. He directs and organizes a restaurant job. Shift leader - He welcomes and settles guests, presents the menu and organizes and directs the work of waiters. Waiter, Waitress carry out guest orders and serves meals. Wine waiter serves wine. He have to know everything important about wines. take (took) order - přijímat objednávky deal with complaints - řešit (potýkat se) stížnosti book a table - zamluvit si stůl clear the table - sklidit ze stolu lay the table - prostřít stůl leave a tip - nechat spropitné bill - účet order - objednat -- FOOD AND DRINKS- MENUS AND RECIPES Parts of menu In the menu we can find starters hot or cold, made from cheese, meat, ham, vegetable, salads. Another part is soups, for example tomato soup, goulash soup, broth, garlic soup. Main dishes can consist of meat - chicken, pork, beef, game (zvěřina), venison (srnčí), boar (kančí), or fishes - filler, salmon, tuna. Also we can have vegetarian dishes made from soya and tofu. Side dishes like pasta, rice, potatoes, fries, potato wedges. And desserts can be cakes, puddings, pancakes, chocolate mousse, ice cream, pies. Things added to food Ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, olive oil, pepper, salad dressing, salt, spices, sugar, vinegar (ocet), herbs (bylinky, koření) Drinks Hot drinks hot chocolate, coffee, tea - herbal, black, fruit Cold drinks Soft drinks lemonades - homemade - made from fruits, or syrup and sparkling water. Coca cola, fanta, ice tea Milkshakes is drink made by mixing milk, sugar and fruits or different flavours like vanilla, chocolate, nuts. Juice is kind of drink made from fruits or some vegetables. It can be orange, apple, tomato, strawberry, pineapple and many other options. Water and mineral water, still or sparkling. Alcoholic Beer is an alcoholic drink which is made from barley, it is light or dark brown and has a lot of foam on top bottled, canned, draft, free alcohol beer The most popular - Pilsner Urquell, Budvar, Gambrinus, Staropramen Wine is an alcoholic drink

hearing gives sense to speaking and touch helps us to look out for dangerous things. Taste Blind people (the ones that cannot see) often walk with a stick or a dog beside. Their hearing and touch is better than usually. Deaf people often cannot speak because they cannot control what they say. Human body- KIDNEYS They perform four functions

of which the most obvious is the ejection of waste materials from the body. They are bean-shaped and lie just above the waist, one on each side of the spine. A human being can survive without kidneys for only 2-3 weeks. eri ene Cewe- escending Aorta Clenf Righ de Pelyis f Alney Human body-LIVER It's important for our metabolism and it's the largest gland in our body. It lies on the right side under the middroff, protected by ribs. It also has other functions, as for example supplying our body with vitamines, destroying dangerous waste, producing gall or hormones... Human body- PARTS OF THE BODY body, head, nec, shoulders, arm, upper arm, elbow, forearm, hand, finger, thumb, chest, stomach, hips, bottom, leg, thigh, knee, shin, calf, foot, ankle, heel, toe, big toe HEAD HAIR EYE EAR NOSE CHIN LUPS SHOULDER- NECK ARM -CHEST HAND STOMACH THUMB FINGERS LEG- KNEE ANKLE FOOT TOES HEEL Human body- THE HEAD forehead, eyebrow, eyelid, eyelashes, cornes, pupil, iris, cheek, nose, nostril, mouth, teeth, molar, lip, tongue, chin, ear, jaw Body Parts - Head and Face Parts Forehead Hair Eyelid Eyebrow Eye Eyelash Ear Cheek Earlobe -Nose Mustache -Lip Beard Mouth Chin Neck Human body- THE HAND wrist, palm, finger, nail, little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger, thumb Middle Finger Ring Finger Index Finger Pinky Thumb Palm Wrist Human body-ORGANS Body organs heart, lung, kidney, gall bladder, intestine Trechea Arteries Veins EL Heart (large and small), appendix, urinary bladder, Lungs Oesaphagus Diophragm iver, ovarV, muscles Achilles tendon, nerves, Stomach brain Liver Spleen Gll bladder Pencreas Kidnays Small Ureters intestines Appendix vein nte 8ledder Rectum Urethre Language Human body- SKELETON Cranium bone, joint, spine, ankle, rib, pelvis, Clavicle Mandible skull, shinbone, cranium Scapula Sternum Humerus- Ribs llium Sacrum Radius Pubis Ulna Carpals Metacarpals Phalanges Femur Ischium Patella Tibia Fibula Tarsals Metatarsals Phalanges Illnesses and diseases There are several contributors to the overall health of human body. Sufficient fluid intake, balanced diet, sport and regular sleep are the basics. Positive thinking, avoiding stress and active lifestyle are also considered as beneficial. We should avoid drinking too much alcohol, smoking and overeating. Statistically, the population of central Europe seems to be working too much, not eating at least five times a day and drinking too much coffee. Known diseases (illnesses): • Children's diseases: measles (spalničky), chicken pox (neštovice), rubella (zarděnky), mumps (příušnice), scarlet fever (spála). • Flu, fever, cold, cough, tonsillitis (angína), sore throat (bolest v krku), pneumonia, allergy. • Headache, toothache, stomach ache • Cancer, AIDS • High or low blood pressure, heart attack (infarkt), stroke (mrtvice) • Jaundice • Diarrhea, vomit There are some periods during the year, when people are more prone to illnesses such as spring or autumn. For example, during spring there can be a lot of allergies showing up and during autumns, people are often catching a flu. Sometimes we talk about „flu epidemics "

in some countries you can even take

you car wIth you disadvatages: less comfortable than TIying orrve sometimes vou have to change or wait for a connection trains in are o late, dirty and shabby AlR: airplane, glider, helicopter, balloon, airship, shuttle,. Traveling by plane is the quickest way of travelling, but the most expensive of all. Flying is the best and most comfortable way of going abroad to distant countries. We can reach remote places in just a few hours. By bus or train the same journey would take several dayS, be very uncomfortable and include the troubles of changing on the way, carrying heavy lugeage, getting meals and sleeping on the train. The boarding of passengers when travelling by plane has special rules. You must be at the airport a little earlier because you have to have your luggage checked and weighed, go trough the customs hall, show the customs oticers your passport and visa if needed, and have your hand luggage checked, Atter checking in you may go to the departure hall and wait for your flight. When you get on board the flight attendant shows you to your seat. Before taking you must remain in your seat, fasten your safety belt, you mustn't smoke or use your mobile phone. The same applies when landing. WATER: Ship, boat, canoe, ferry, passangeriner, hovercratt, motorboats hovercraft 7777W Hundreds of years before airplane, ships provided transportation between continents separated by Oceans. As late as the 1950s travel by ship was still one of the most popular ways to get across the Atlantic. In the same week that Pan America Tiew ItS Jet to Paris, at least a dozen snips sailed from New York City to Europe. But jet air travel almost ruined international travel by ship. ortunately, the worid s shipping lines found a new use for their ships. Former transatlantik liners cruise all over the world, reminding you of floating hotels with Tuxurious acilities. AISo, pleasure crafts are very popular, including motor yachts, sailing yachts and small boats (canoes, kayaks and rarts) owned by private individuals, Tew thougn are large enough to be regarded as ship Traveling WhenI want to travel by train I must go to the station, which is usually a large building with a main hal, waiting room, ticket offices, inquiry office, left luggage office and rows of lockers, not to mention bookstalls, lavatories, buffets and drink machines. Then I look up a connection in a timetable, buy a ticket (single or return

caled "the Paris of the Pacifie Tbe farous Sydney Opera House Jooks like waves breaking on the shore. Summer Olympic Games were held here in 2000 Canberra-Australian Capital Temitory entirely surrounded by New South wales National capital since 1927. It was designed mostly hy American landscape arcbiteet Walser Burley Grifin on both sides of tbe artficial Lake Buriey Grifia Victoria-Sute in far southeastern Australia Melbourne: Australia's second largest city and nation's financial and camımercial centre. Cene of Australian football

cricket, horse racing, vennis and goif. Many parks and gardens, the Roya Tasmania-Island state off the southeastern coust. More than oee fhft: of Taumania zs covered by Botanic Garden ational parks, including Sauthwest Natianal Park which hes been designated a Worid Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational Scieotific and Culrural Organization (UNESCOJ TAtmanian devil got its naoe from the shneking and groaing sounds it makes. The nouses temiied early European settiers who named it the devil South Australis-State in southcentral Australia Adelaide: Beautifal city with many gardens and fine homes Festival oentre performing ts Kangaroo Island: Australisn wildife fiourishes here, because rabbits, foxes and other European complex animals were never intoduced onto the isiand unhke the Australian maialand (kanzuoo, koalas, emus, etC.) Western Australla -State in the west af Austalia Perth: Perhaps the world's most isolatad large city. Jakarta closer to Perit. than Sydney Northem Territory-1Tecritory in Dorthem central Australia Kakadu National Park: East of Darwin, Aboriginal rock paintings, erocodies, waier bids, kakadu Ayers Rock: In Uuna Natioal Park. Huge sandstone nises 348 metres above desert fiooe, on an aren of 33 sq km Queensland-State in northeastern Autralin Great Barrier Reef: World's longest coral reef (2.000 km), skin diviag, topical fisbes and rich marine life Australan sheep grow oee quarter of all wool in the world. Big sheep farms are called stations. Some stations are even bigaer than the sinallest of European countries. The sheerers (woal cuters) travel im teams ffom 0De statioa to another. Most of them are able to sheer 100 to 120 sbeep 1a one day 2 Read the hisloricalnotes and pt them in tne rrgnt order 1. In 190l a new Bribsh Dominion know as the Commorwealth of Australia was Sormed 2. In September 2000 Australia hosted the Summer Olympic Games in Sydney. The Olympics aiso directed natiomal atteption to may unresolved issues Concemieg Aboriginal Ausiralians 3. The discovery of goid in the middle of the 19 ceotury attracted many immigrants ad te population increased rapidiy. Sx Beparate colonies were founde 4. The Dutch navigator Abel Tasmao discovered Tasmania in l642. An cariy name for Australia 5. Captain James Cook explored the eastern coast in 1730 and landed at Botany Bay was New Holland 6. Australia was discovered by Ponuguese, Spanish and Dutch navigalors 2. Captain Artlur Philip brought the first settlers, manly coevicts from England, to New Socth Wales Australia was originally &penai colany AusTRALIA AND NEWZEALAND3 FOCUS. Australs and New Zeaand are perhep6 fhe cieoresf Gxemgiera of the transfoematian af fomer European colones nto pOStWesiten malticuituraa states John Gay (1948), BrISh poldca pihosogier dnio una READ ABOOt Read about Australia and summarize what you've learned using nportant miccing vooabulary, Focus on verbs BASIC FACs C Official lang n e, Brisbane, argest cities: Sydty, Melbourme, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide e constellation of the Australa's fog The aon ack Ag e nt e dterticric Southern Cross and a large seve-pouted siar ae cououy LAND AN that is also a cootinent 0,68200 s k including Tasmamia). Lies berween the South Pacihic and indiaD Ocean, thouy nm8, tNGEpE lor ureat Dividing Kange Major ers. ue MTay and the Darlang is dec buutlircast. Maay erccka Eevation Highest- Mt Koscuszko 228 m evel) Lowest- La ded bv a semi-desert 200e. Far tropical, with beavy sumser ninfalls, Southwest and Adelaide - bot, dry summers, mild winiers GOVERNMENT Form of government: Coostirutional monarchy, m practice a pariarmentary dem0cracy Hed of state: ueto ot tne United Sung0om, who 8 aiso queen ot Auvralla, in practice the GOvernor Geoeral pertons all ranctuons in the Qucen s abbernce. Head of 9overniment Pnme MinIster Legislature: Prlianeat ot wo bouses: 76-member Senate and 248-member House of Representatives Political subdivisions: Six states and two teitories (Westerm Austnlia, Souhern Ausralia, uesian, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania

a trip through air or space in some form of transport. Expedition = an organized group trip: a trip made by a group of people for a specific purpose

for example, to explore unknown territory, to do scientific study, or to achieve a military obiective. Some words... and definition... Some words... and definition... Package tour = a fully organized holiday tour

a trip through air or space in some form of transport. Expedition = an organized group trip: a trip made by a group of people for a specific purpose

for example, to explore unknown territory, to do scientific study, or to achieve a military objective. Package tour = a fully organized holiday tour

a path or physical means of getting from one place to another. Journey a trip somewhere: a trip or an expedition from one place to another Some words.. and definition.. Trip = a journey: a journey of relatively short duration

expecialy to a place and back again, usually for a specific purpose such as a holiday or business meeting. Tour a pleasure trip: a journey vIsiting several places, uSually taken for pleasure, for example, on holiday. Voyage= a long trip: a journey by sea or air, expecially one to distant place Excursion= a short trip: a short trip to some place and back tor pleasuer or with a purpose The Commonwealth of British Nations It is an association of 54 independent nations Most members used to be part of the British Empire (colonies) It developed from the Empire It was set up in 1931 It played an important role during wWII Members who want to join, must be accepted by the existing members Member suates must recognize the British monarch as a head of the Commonwealth Members have special relationship with the UK Members are equal They encourage and support trade, defence, peace. They look for improvements in human rights, education, health. Commonwealth Day is celebrated on the 2nd Monday in March A special speech, given by the queen, is broadcast Commowealth games are held every 4years-similar to the Olympics formally known as British Commonwealth is the organisation of 54 independent member states - all but two- Mozambique and Rwanda were formally part of British Empire out of which it developed Countries within the Commonwealth have different social, political and economic background but share equal status Its activities are headed by Secretary- General Head of the Commonwealth is Queen Elizabeth IL, who is also a monarch of 16 Commonwealth members, which are known as Commonwealth realms The beginning of the Commenwealth was connected with Queen Victoria (1837-1901), who established British Empire Canada Canada Political systém Constitutional monarchy (Queen Elizabeth II who is a ceremonial head of state) Federal system of government (federal government in Ottawa) Bicameral parliament consists of Senate and House of Commons Each province has its own parliament (head of it is a "premier) Federal government has 3 branches- a) legislative b) executive judicial Legislative is represented by Congress - made up of Senate (100 senators, 2 from each state) and House of representatives (435 representatives, the number of representatives from each stated depends on its size) Executive power is represented by the president who is a head of the federal government Judicial is represented by the Supreme court and a hierarchy of other courts. Geography There are 10 provinces and 3 terrítories About 80% of the population live 150 kilometres from the US Canadian border South of the country is covered in foresT North-fundra Rocky mounfains lie along the west coast Continental climate (North - polar climate) Facts North of the continent of North America 2d largest country by area in the world The capital city is Ottawa There is a maple leaf on its flag Relatively small population of 30 million Multicultural country with 2 official languages, English 707% and French 22% History Settlement in Canada goes back 25000 years ago 1st Europeans to colonize- Portuguese (15h centur 2nd French who slowly established a colony up to the 18 century 3d from the 18 century, control moved to the British 1867- Canada became more independent as it became a dominion of the UK (independent of the UK but not in foreign affairs) 1982 Canada act" - formally separated from the UK The sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II, The representative the Queen Elizabeth is the Governor General of Canada (at present Julie Payette), carries out most of the federal royal duties in Canada. The official language are english and french. Canada is a federation composed of ten provinces and three territories In Canada, there are 3 levels of government. Each level of government has different responsibilities • Federal government (the Government of Canada) - Responsible for things that affect the whole country, such as citizenship and immigration, national defence and trade with other countries. • Provincial and territorial governments (for example, the Province of Ontario) - Responsible for things such as education, health care and highways. • Municipal (local) governments (cities, towns, and villages in Ontario) - Responsible for firefighting, city streets and other local matters. If there is no local government, the province provides services. • Ottawa • Ottawa is the capital city of Canada. Founded in 1826 as Bytown, and incorporated as Ottawa in 1855, the city has evolved into the political centre of Canada. • Ottawa is the most educated city in Canada and is home to a number of post-secondary, research, and cultural institutions, including the National Arts Centre, • the National Gallery, and numerous national • museums. Ottawa has the highest standard of • living in the nation and low unemployment. • It ranked 2nd nationally, 24th worldwide in the • quality of life index and is consistently rated • the best place to live in Canada. Niagara Falls Niagara Falls are located in North America, on the border of the United States of America and Canada. The waterfall is 52 meters high. Dinosaur Provincial Park The site of some 35 species of dinosaurs who lived about 75 million years ago. It is located in the province of Alberta, east of Calgary National parque Banff The parque was found in Y1885 and is the first and oldest national park in Canada. Is neer Calgary town Rocky Mountains The Rocky Mountains Canadian National Park is located west of Calgary and is one of the world's most breathtaking mountain in the world - CANADA Canada is a federation consisting of ten provinces and three territories. In Canada, there are 3 levels of government. Each level of government has different responsibilities. Federal Government - Responsible for matters affecting the whole country, such as citizenship and immigration, national defense and trade with other countries. Provincial and Territorial Governments - Responsible for things like education, health care and motorways. The ruler is Queen Elizabeth II (SECOND). The representative of Queen Elizabeth is the General Governor of Canada, he performs most of the federal royal duties in Canada. The official language is English and French. Ottawa is the capital city of Canada. Ottawa is the most educated city in Canada and is home to a number of postsecondary, research and cultural institutions, including the National Art Center, National Gallery and many national museums. Ottawa has the highest standard of living in the nation and low unemployment. Rocky Mountains The Rocky Mountains Canadian National Park, located west of Calgary, is one of the most beautiful mountains in the world. Banff National Park Park is the first and oldest national park in Canada. It is the small city of Calgary. - CANADA Canada is the second largest country in the world. It is an independent federal state and a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations. It is divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories. Canada borders with the USA in the south and west (with Alaska) and is surrounded by the Arctic Ocean in the north, the Atlantic Ocean in the east and the Pacific Ocean in the west. Population: cca 36 mil Capital: Ottawa (in Ontario) Other cities: Montreal, Toronto Mountains: the Rocky Mountains, the Mackenzie Mountains The highest peak: Mount Logan The longest river: the Mackenzie River The largest lake: Great Bear Lake Climate: mostly continental with warm summers and cold winters, in the north it is arctic (winter temperatures fall to - 50˚C) Official language: English and French Political system Canada became a British dominion in 1867. Now it is an independent federal state and a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations. The head of the state is the British monarch, but the leading figure in the political life of the country is the Prime Minister. 1. History The onginal inha bitans.caa.from Asia 25 000 years ago. 1at Eurupeans Vikings discovered Ccianada 1000 years ago, Giovano Gabono-Ralian, ( caled Jotn Gbo by the Engliah) discovered he Coast of C in 1497-Nawfoundland 1/th century1 permanent settlers were the Erench- 1st colggy.in the tit Lawrence Valy-called Newfrance Wars between E and F. 1763-Cafhada became a British colony 1867- Carada was granted a self-government-t became the first dominias in the Brtish Enmpru Guography- The western part-mountainous- The Cordilileras, The Easl- lowncs Detween the region of praires, fertile soil, wheat growing agniculurai aroa Rivers ongest The Mackerzie, St Lawrence-flows into the Alantic. The Frasor snto the P Lakes and rhvers in the north are ice-covered a great part of a year hec norther.part and southerm part, The southern part belongs to the USA .Climate. warm) and sunny summers long, cold winters. The Pacitc Coast is milder 1e uninhabiled North-severe winters, up to 50degrees below zero. east west-mooer Canada is politically divided into 10provinces and 2 territories There are the Central- climate provinces ( from the Great Lakes)populaton mainly French in Quebec-the biggest 1ne anc coast, the Praire provinces-westem partlarge area of fat, grassy and, The Paciic coast-Brtish Columbia. Teritories are Yukon and North-West Terntones 4.General Information bopuetion 26mil, ongion of 455 Bitish, 29%French, 23%other Europeans Languages, a bilingdal country-60% English, 30Frenich others are ethric minority, e.g Native lindians Density 1person in 65sq km. Most inhabitans are concentrated near the border with the USA, by the St Lawrence River, where the 1st French colonists settied Valid curcaneY-Canadian Dolar. A Tas 5. Native Canadians-Indians Eskimos lnuit). Kanata is a word for a vifage, settiement in Eskimos language. It probably gave the country its name, Canadians Art-Inuit art- carvings made from horns of deers, stones, dirawings. Inuit peopie believe that only matter dies, The spirit of humans or animals lives on Some inuits do not tke the word Eskimo. It s offensive for them. It means a meat eater or a stranger, C o 6. The Flag national flag since 1964, red stripes-symbol of Canadas position between 2 oceans, a maple leaf-Canadas national symbol, red colourthe biood of the Canadians who had died in ww White colour-represenits the snow of the Canadian North 7.Economy-agriculture, coal, oil, gas, ship building. paper mvilis, fur, maple syrup, tinned salmon, fishing, provide wood-timber 8.Animals Taioy Gese ah o 9. Famous Canadians National symbols Since 1965 it has had its own national flag: red and white are the official colours of Canada, while the maple leaf has long been a Canadian emblem. Inhabitants The Vikings discovered Canada more than a thousand years ago, but it was rediscovered by the Europeans only in the 15th century. The French occupied large parts of the territory in the 16th century. They were followed by the English who captured most of Canada from the French in the wars of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Present day Canadian population is made up mostly of European immigrants. Only a tiny percentage belongs to the native Canadians (Indians and Eskimos - Inuits). The majority of Canadians live in the 300 km wide strip along the US border. The name Canada probably comes from an Indian word "kanata", which means settlement. Wildlife Canada is famous for its varied and beautiful countryside, especially near the Great Lakes in the southeast and Slave and Bear Lakes in the northwest. Canada is rich in natural beauties. It has more than 30 national parks

due to the massive spread of contagion. Injuries Injury is damage to the body caused by external force. This may be caused by accidents

falls, hits, weapons, and other causes. Major trauma is injury that has the potential to cause prolonged disability or death. In general, there are activities considered more prone to injuries such as various sports (when we go skiing or snowboarding, playing football or ice hockey, skating, roller blading, riding a bicycle). We should be very careful and always use appropriate protection. Many injuries happen at home, usually minor. We can get burned (by fire, by some hot drinks or boiling water), cut our fingers or hands (with knife, scissors), skid on something and break our legs or arms. Major injuries happen during car crashes and while doing risky activities and sports. Treatment Light diseases might be often treated at home (flu, tonsillitis etc.). You are recommended to stay in bed, take vitamins, pills or other medicaments (treacles - sirupy, drops - kapky, sprays). Generally, it is very helpful to keep calm, drink a lot of fluids such as black or herbal tea, tea with lemon. More complicated diseases must be treated in medical facilities. Doctor's visit A doctor's visit, is a meeting between a patient with a physician to get health advice or treatment for a symptom or condition. We recognize several types of doctors: a general practitioner, a dentist, a psychiatrist, a cardiologist, a neurologist, a surgeon, an allergology's etc. We are usually visiting the general practitioner (GP) at the first signs of illness. High temperature, cold, worse condition in general. The standard visit process starts with the initial check by the nurse in the medical facility (ID, documentation, symptoms) Next, we are checked directly by doctor, discussing your state and symptoms following by body examination and other medical tests. The next task is to enlist the patient's agreement to a management plan, which will include treatment as well as plans for follow-up. Importantly, during this process the healthcare provider educates the patient about the causes, progression, outcomes, and possible treatments of his ailments, as well as often providing advice for maintaining health. Allergies Lots of people suffer from allergies today. We can be allergic to animals, dust, sun, flowers and trees in bloom. We have skin rash, red eyes, we sneeze and cough, sometimes we can't breathe normally. Allergic people must take pills or be vaccinated. Thank you for your attention Home and accommodation My home I live in a flat/ house/ on the 1 floor/ in the city centre/ in the suburbs/ in a village/ near the forest. There are 4 bedrooms, 1 living room, a kitchen and a bathroom.. My favourite room is my bedroom/ our living room/etc. because it's very spacious/ it's the most comfortable room in our flat/ house/ it's quiet, etc. House flat A house: it's more spacious, you can have a garden, you have more privacy than in a flat, it's more expensive and it takes more time to clean it, etc. A flat: it's smaller but cheaper, it's easier to clean, flats are usually closer to the city centre, etc I personally prefer living in a housel flat because. My ideal home My dream house/ flat/ cottage/.would be somewhere in the mountains/ on the beach/ in the city centre/. It would be spacious/ it would have at least 3 bedrooms/ big kitchen/ a small garden/. I would love to have 2 balconies/ a swimming pool/ a tennis court/ etc. Housing in the Czech republic/ UK/ USA Czech Republic: most of the people live in blocks of flats in towns/ cities. A lot of people live in the countryside, where people usually own detached houses/ semi-detached houses/etc. Some people live in flats but spend their weekends in cottages/ weekend houses in the countryside. UK: people mostly live in blocks of flats, terraced houses, semi-detached houses or detached houses, Houses are typically made of brick and stone USA: majority of people in cities live in block of flats. Americans who live in the countryside generally own a house/ a bungalow/ a trailer/ a mobile home. Problems in houses/ flats - there are many things that can go wrong in a house/ a flat, e.g. pipes might burst/ become blocked, roofs might leak, water taps can drip. light bulbs can blow, etc. - if something happens in a house/ flat we shouldn't panic but we should rather call an emergency line/ our parents and follow their instructions. 1. HOME AND ACCOMMODATION Each of us lives in a different way. There are many types of housing such as town or village, family house, apartment building or apartment house. Of course, everyone else has the equipment of their home. Most homes and sometimes flats are part of this room:hall, kitchen, dining room, living roo, bedroom, WC, bathroom, chamber,basement,cellar,Staircase,Attic,porch Kitchen components: table,Chairs,sink,refrigerator,Freezer,cooker Household appliances: kettle, cutlery / spoons, knives and forks, cooking utensils,dishes,plates The living room is located:sofa,armchairs, some furniture, paintings on the walls, some plants and flowers, carpet The bedroom is mostly this furniture: bed, nightstand, cabinet, reading lamp, chest of drawers The bathroom includes: a bath, shower, some towels, carpet Many homes or apartments are very old, so many people want to recover. For example, in an older apartment, the reconstruction is done by demolishing the old core, which is the kitchen and the bathroom and the construction of new walls according to the owner's wish, much of the reconstruction and replacement of the old floor is new. Reconstruction of the apartment is very expensive for money and time and most people have to hire a firm to complete the reconstruction. The old kernel has to be destroyed and replaced by a new kernel. The new core goes into bricks or gypsum. Then it depends on how the owner speaks to the company. -- SERVICES IN HOTELS Rooms Single room - for one person Double room - for two people Triple room - for three people Family room - contains three beds or more. Queen, king room - big bed, for one or two people V.I.P. room Women room - just for women Jobs General manager Front office manager - organizes and directs work in section reception Receptionist - responsible for the reception Concierge - He provides tickets and tickets to the theatre, flowers for customers and informs about the location. Doormen - Helps people out of the car, opens the door and provides taxi. Housekeeper - Responsible for the work in housekeeping. Maid - Cleans rooms. Cleaners - Cleans social parts of the hotel. Animator - Makes plans for kids, plays with them and takes care of them. Services In hotel we can find many services - wellness, fitness, water sports, hairdresser, indoor/outdoor swimming pool, massage, sauna (sóna), bar, animators services, night club. -- ------------------------------------------------------ Kdyby se ptali na cestování... TRAVEL AGENCY Types of holidays Business trip Study visit Summer camp Package holiday Honey moon Spa holiday Winter-skiing holiday One-day trip Hiking holiday accommodation For holiday people can go to the seaside and mountains-skiing. People can travel across their own country People can stay in their own cottage, or they can camp in the tent. Another possible accommodation is in hotels - wellness, spa, resort, or in pension. In connection with school trip to the different country is possible to stay in host family. Transport People can go by bus, coach or mini bus. Another option is train, plane and boat. Many people travel by car. Services of travel agency Exchange services Booking/Reservation insurance services provides accommodation, trips, tickets Souvenir shops Package holiday- zájezd travel around the world - cestovat po světě a city break- poznávací zájezd one-day trip- jednodenní výlet cruise- plavba excursion safari backpacking- baťůžkářství camping holiday aktivity holiday winter-skiing holiday spa holiday agro holiday strava= full board- plná penze, half board- polopenze, all inklusive ubytování= motels, botels, hotels, tent, caravan, apartment, bungalow, dormitory, pension -- Holidays and Festivals What is a public holiday2 A day when we observe an important historical or religious event -people usually have a paid day off at work and children don' t go to school the UK and Canada called bank holidays National holidays in the CR2 -Liberation day - to celebrate the end of German occupation during wWII in 1945 (May 8) - Jan Hus day (July 6) - to remember the Czech church reformer who was burnt at the stake of his beliefs - October 28th-establishment of the common states of Czechs and Slovaks, Czechoslovakia in 1918 American and British public holidays US: Thanksgiving (November), Independence day (July 4th) UK: New Year' s day (1s" January), Christmas day (December 25th, Boxing day (December 26th) GUstons Your favourite holiday? Why2 Traditions are still kept or slowly disappearing in the CR? think traditions are disappearing here because.. people don't care about traditions anymore/ there is too much commercialization of holidays / people are too busy to get together with friends and family to celebrate fradifional customs. I think traditions are still followed, especially in the country because people have closer relationships there. Our parents and grandparents spend time doing traditional things and pass them on fo their grandchildren How is Christmas celebrated in your country2 In our country we celebrate Christmas on December 24 We always decorate the Christmas tree/Our traditional Christmas dinner is fried carp and potato salad Many people fast all day before Christmas diner HOLIDAYS AND FESTIVALS All people around the world celebrate a lot of festivals and holidays. The origin of the world "holiday" comes from "holly day". But nowadays aren't holidays only religious, but also state and family. · Some of the holidays are celebrated everywhere, some of them only somewhere. · Some of holidays are celebrated in the same way, but some of them in the different way. I would like to focus on the most famous holidays in the Czech Republic, United Kingdom and United States of America. Christmas - everywhere people decorated Christmas trees CR - celebrations begin with the Day of St. Nicholas on 5th December - celebrations end with the Day of the Three Kings on 6th January Day of St. Nicholas - St. Nicholas, the Devil and the Angel visit the homes and ask the children if they behave - children sing a song or recite a short poem - good kids get sweets, bad kids are put in the Devil's sack and taken to hell 24th December - Christmas Eve - family is together

Scotland has a similar Curriculum for Excellence program for ages 5 to 14. The Scottish system of degrees is slightly different from English

but it is similar. It has these degrees: both standard and higher, with advanced similar to English sequel. Traditionally. high-ranking education in international comparison has stagnated in recent years. Eg. in 2013, PISA ("Program for International Student Assessment"), Britain has ranked among the average countries in both reading and mathematics, just like 3 years earlier, Scotland turned out slightly better than England, but Northern Ireland was a bit worse, and the last one in the UK was Wales. Education in Czech Republik tacher ntertaneandhiden are t ith he hen interesting programs. They begin to learn to count, to recognize numbers and letters, to sng. to draw and to paint, to listen to tairytales and to learning seasons, colors, shapes, and, above all, well- being and how to vEy day aer unn they hNve employment. That's seven to five. it is possible for parents to pick up after wnen e cr en are six, uey 8o to elementary sc01 were ey spend manutes. At elementary school they learn Czech language, one foreig anguage, matenates, chemstuy, pyses, geogopny, histoY, computer he secondary schoo may take several torms, such as a secondary wocational school completed by a Graduate exam and a practical a sehool electro-technical school, gricultural, technical and many other fields. From these schoofs you can e taught by a chel, car mechanic, nurse, beautian, hairdresser, water, nother type of secondary education is grammar school. Gymnasium may have some focus, such as mathematical, linguistic or humanist sciences, or 8 Baa oO s d5sumed that the student will quire admission examinations, which are usualy made from general oweage ana trom e suece tnat colege ocuses on or instance, colleges have a technical direction where students get the Doctor, Veterinarian - Title MVDr. Studying at college on the faculty civil gneerng o tacuty eonoc ay take three yedrs or BC. - Bacheso and 7 or tveyear studes lor the tde or gr.as agster. t the higher professional schools the Dis degree can be obtained. title n quae specialist in a particular field. In the case of my There is stilla so-called third-age university where people of retirement ge an edcate themseves. hese people are mostly edtcate n the becomes more accessible and understandable. They can then ommuncate better witn he youUnger generaton aa Keep their emory Education in Czech Republik In the Czedh Republic start education in kindergarten, where is with teachers aways entertained, and children are taught with the help of interestinge programs. They begin to learn to count, to recognize numbers and letters, to sing, to draw and to paint, to listen to fairytales and to play. They also learn about common things like dressing. binding laces, learning seasons, colors, shapes, and, above all, well-being and how to behave well with one another. Every day after lunch they have a nap and then go for a walk. The nursery spends time when parents are in employment. That's seven to five. Iit is possible for parents to pick up after Junch. when the children are six, they go to elementary school where they spend the next 9 years. Each lesson takes 45 minutes and breaks from 5 to 10 minutes. At elementary school they learn Czech language, one foreign language, mathematics, chemistry, physics, geography, history, computer science, music and art education, all at a basic level. They are expected to be able to make their first serious decisions at the age of fifteen, what they will do in the future and what kind of high school they will go to. The secondary school may take several forms, such as a secondary vocational school completed by a Graduate exam and a practical examination in a field of study, such as the School of Business and Hotel Management, Art Conservatory, language school, electro-technical school, agricultural, technical and many other fields. From these schools you can be taught by a chef, car mechanic, nurse, beautician, hairdresser, waiter, etc. Another type of secondary education is grammar school. Gymnasium may have some focus, such as mathematical, linguistic or humanist sciences, or a general focus. The grammar school is assumed that the student will continue to graduate after graduation from college. Higher schools require admission examinations, which are usualy made from general knowiedge and from the subject that college focuses on. For instance, colleges have a technical direction where students get the title ing. -Engineer, next Law -title Doctor of Law, Medicine- Title MUDr Doctor, Veterinarian- Title MVDr. Studying at college on the faculty civil engineering or faculty economic may take three years for Bc. Bachelor and/ or five-year studies for the title of Mgr.as Magister. At the higher professional schools the Dis degree can be obtained. title Dis. means a qualified specialist in a particular field. In the case of my studies, this is a qualified person for personnel management. There is still a so-called third-age university wthere people of retirement age can educate themselves. These people are mostly educated in the field of computer science. There are also other areas of education. 1 consider it very practical, because for the older generation the technique becomes more accessible and understandable. They can then communicate better with the younger generation and keep thelr memory stronger. Kindergarten-Skolka Elementary school základni škola Mandatory school attendence-povinná školní docházka First grade and Second grade- prní a druhý stupeñ After finishing elementary school-po dokončeni základní školy Student-student Entrance exam-vstupni zkouška Grammar scholl-gymnázium Secondary scholl-středni škola Boarding scholl- internátni škola Vocational scholl- odborná škola, učilištë Educational centre- vzdēlivaci zařizeni Leaving state exam- se závërečná státní zkouška Business and hotel management scholl-Skola obchodniho a hotelového managementu Art conservatory- umělecká konzervato Language scholl - Jazyková Electro-technical scholl - elektrotechnická Chemical school Agricultural, textil, technical- chemická, zemědëlská, textilin technická to become a shop assistant, cook, hairdresser, plumber, waiter..-stát se prodavačem, kuchařem, kadeřnikem, instalatérem, čšnikem Graduation exam-maturitni zkouška University- univerzita Faculty- fakulta Degree- titul Graduate studies-studia zakončená ziskánim titulu Graduation ceremony-promoce Typ of university:pedagogic, philosophic, journalist, chemical, economic, businnes-tyPY univerzit:pedagogická, filizifická, žurnalistická, chemická, ekonomická, obchodni To study architecture, law, medicine studovat architekturu, práva, medicinu External student-externí (dálkový) student Full time student- student denniho studia To get the 1 st, 2nd, 3rd grade in the exam-dostat u zkoušky 1,2,3 To become the lawyer, doctor, engineer stät se právnikem, lékařem, inženýrem Finishing university-dokončit univerzitu State, private or religious scholl-stätní, soukromé, náboženské školy Special scholl for physically or mentally disabled people-speciálni školy pro psychicky a mentálnë postižené Seasons of the Year Weather forecast is weather forecast, based on the use of knowledge about physical rules. Weather is defined by many factors, mainly atmospheric pressure, humidity, temperature and winds. The weather forecast needs to be monitored and many technical devices are used. Our country is in a temperate climate zone. This climate area is characterized by a change in seasons. We have four seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each season lasts three months. SPRING The first is spring. Spring starts in March. In the spring nature is changing Flowers begin to grow and grass starts to be green. The weather is often unstable at this time. The sun shines fora while, but sometimes the rain and drizzle begin. SUMMER Summer starts in June, sometimes coming much earlier. The sun is shining. the sky is clear. It's hot, but sometimes it's a big storm, but it's usually beautiful. Once the school year is over, people are leaving for the holidays. AUTUMN The summer ends in September and begins in the autumn. The weather begins to cool, the days are shorter and the nights longer. Mostily clear. WINTER Winter time starts in December. The main signs of winter are cold days and even colder nights. In winter, it often snow, the weather is cold to frosty. Cloudy, mostly cloudy, mostly sunny, sunny, rain, fog, solar hot splashes, cloudy, drizzle, light rain, strong wind, storm, snow, hurricane, hail, sleet, frost, windy SEASONS OF THE YEAR Weather forecast is weather forecast, based on the use of knowledge about physical rules. Weather is defined by many factors, mainly atmospheric pressure, humidity, temperature and winds. The weather forecast needs to be monitored and many technical devices are used. Our country is in a temperate climate zone. This climate area is characterized by a change in seasons. We have four seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each season lasts three months. SPRING The first is spring. Spring starts in March. In the spring nature is changing. Flowers begin to grow and grass starts to be green. The weather is often unstable at this time. The sun shines for a while, but sometimes the rain and drizzle begin. SUMMER Summer starts in June, sometimes coming much earlier. The sun is shining, the sky is clear. It's hot, but sometimes it's a big storm, but it's usually beautiful. Once the school year is over, people are leaving for the holidays. AUTUMN The summer ends in September and begins in the autumn. The weather begins to cool, the days are shorter and the nights longer. Mostly clear. WINTER Winter time starts in December. The main signs of winter are cold days and even colder nights. In winter, it often snow, the weather is cold to frosty. Match the symbols with the weather: Cloudy, mostly cloudy, mostly sunny, sunny, rain, fog, solar hot splashes, cloudy, drizzle, light rain, strong wind, storm, snow, hurricane, hail, sleet, frost, windy Great Britain Great Britain Political system Constitutional monarchy (Queen Elizabeth I who is a ceremonial head of state) In practice she reigns but doesn't rule. Real rule is the Government. The head is the Prime Minister (Boris Johnson 2020) who has the Cabinet of Ministers. Bicameral parliament 1) The Houses of Lords - the head is the Lord Chancellor. It doesni't have elected members, the seats are hereditary. 2) The House of Commons - it consists of 650 elected members of Parliament. The chief officer is the Speaker Some political parties: Conservative and Unionist, Labour, Scottish National, Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru, Green Party of England and Wales Geography The official name of Great Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain is a group of islands of the north-west coast of Europe. The largest island includes the countries of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The capital of England is London, of Scotland is Edinburg, of Wales is Cardiff and of Northern Ireland is Belfast Facts The national flag is known as the Union Jack".It consists of 3 crosses and symbolizes the Union of England, Scotland and Ireland. live about 60 million inhabitants. The official language is English and regionally Welsh and Gaelic. The currency is British pound. The highest mountain in Great Britain is Ben Nevis Places of interest LONDON- the capital and the seat of the Monarch, the Parliament, the Government and the Supreme Court There are for example Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square and St. Paul's cathedral. BIRMINGHAM - itt's the second largest city. This is a town of museums- there is the biggest gallery in Britain - Renoir, Manet and Rubens. LTVERPOOL - is known as a birthplace of music group Beatles. STONEHENGE - it's a megalithic monument from Celtic time. It symbolizes mystery, power and endurance. OXFORD - it's the seat of the oldest English university, which includes 34 colleges. EDINBURGH- the capital of Scotland, where is the Royal Castle - dominant of the town LOCH NESS - very famous lake because of reports of a Loch Ness GREAT BRITAIN The official name: UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND The UK lies on two major islands (Great Britain + Ireland) and a number of smaller islands (e.g. the Shetlands, the Orkneys, the Hebrides, the Isle of Wight, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man). Geographically it consists of 4 parts: - England (capital: London) - Wales (capital: Cardiff) Scotland (capital: Edinburgh) - Northern Ireland (capital: Belfast) Population: cca 63 mil Capital: London (8 mil) Head of country: the Queen Elizabeth II. Mountains: the Pennines, the Scottish Highlands The highest peak: Ben Nevis (1344 m) - in Scotland The longest rivers: the Severn (354 km), the Thames (346 km) Major lakes: Lough Neagh (in Northern Ireland), Lakes in the Lake District (England), Loch Lomond, Loch Ness (Scotland) Climate: influenced by the Gulf Stream - humid, mild winters, mild summers, rains a lot Surrounding seas and oceans: see the map National flag The British National flag is called Union Jack and consists of red and white crosses on a blue field. - the red cross represents England (St. George's cross) - the white diagonal cross represents Scotland (St. Andrew's cross) - the red diagonal cross represents Northern Ireland (St. Patrick's cross) The national anthem is "God Save the Queen". Places of interest Hadrian´s Wall Hadrian´s Wall lies across England near the Scottish border. It was built by the Roman Emperor Hadrian nearly 2,000 years ago to protect Britain against the invasion of Celtic tribes. The wall took nearly eight years to complete. It was about 130 kilometres long and 4.5 metres high but on the top of the wall there was also a parapet 1.5 metres high. At one time there were about 15,000 soldiers on the wall. They lived in large forts, which were part of the wall, and each of them housed 500-1000 soldiers. A significant part of the wall still stands and can be followed on foot. Hadrian's Wall Path is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Giant´s Causeway The Giant's Causeway is a large area of basalt columns located on the northeast coast of Northern Ireland. The site is popular with tourists who can walk over the columns, which form stepping stones at the edge of the sea. Most of the columns are hexagonal and the tallest of them are about 12 m high. This UNESCO World Heritage Site and a national nature reserve is the result of an ancient volcanic eruption. According to legend, the columns are the remains of a causeway built by a giant. The story goes that an Irish giant was challenged to a fight by a Scottish giant. So the Irish giant built the causeway across the North Channel so that the two giants could meet. Loch Ness Loch Ness is a large, deep, freshwater loch in the Scottish Highlands extending for approximately 23 miles. Although Loch Ness is only the second largest and second deepest lake in Scotland with its deepest point at 230 m, it is the best known of Scottish lakes thanks to a story of a monster. Some people believe that Loch Ness is the home of the Loch Ness Monster (also known as "Nessie"). This unknown animal is often described as a large creature with a long neck and one or more humps. Most scientist do not believe there is a monster in Loch Ness but thousands of people come to the lake every year hoping to see it. TASK: other places of interest Lake District is a mountainous region in North West England. It is said to be the most beautiful part of Great Britain and because of that it is a popular holiday destination not only for British visitors. Lake District is famous for its lakes and mountains. It contains 18 major lakes out of which the best-known is Lake Windermere. The central and most visited part of the area lies in the Lake District National Park. Lake poets used to live there and write about the countryside (William Wordsworth). GREAT BRITAIN - INTERESTING PLACES For general information about the UK (division, capitals, population, etc.) see the sheet on Great Britain. Places of interest Brighton Brighton lies on the southern coast of England. It is a famous seaside resort for holiday makers from the whole of Britain. Brighton´s beaches and seafront are popular with visitors. The seafront has bars, restaurants, nightclubs, sports facilities and amusement arcades. The traditional Victorian Palace Pier by the seaside is the centre of entertainment. Bath Bath was founded by the Romans who built a spa there. There are many Roman archaeological sites throughout the central area of the city. The baths themselves are about 6 metres below the present city street level. Around the hot springs, Roman foundations, pillar bases, and baths can still be seen, however all the stonework above the level of the baths is from more recent periods. Most of the buildings in the present day city of Bath are constructed from the same material: luscious, honey-coloured stone. Oxford Oxford has been a university town since the 12th century. It lies on the river Thames. A popular means of transport especially for students are bicycles and punts. Today there are 35 colleges, each with its own character and traditions. Another famous university town is Cambridge, lying on the river Cam. The two universities are big rivals and every year they organize rowing competitions. Stratford-upon-Avon Stratford upon Avon is the birthplace of William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616). He was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language. His works include sonnets, poems and plays: comedies (As you like it), tragedies (Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet), histories (Richard III) and have been translated into every major living language. Every year, Shakespeare's birthday is celebrated in Stratford. The celebration takes place over two days on the weekend closest to 23 April, the date of his birth, and includes musical performances, drama and a parade through the town. In 2016, events were held in Stratford to mark the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death. Stonehenge Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in the south of England. It is composed of a circular setting of large standing stones. The origin of the colossal structure dates back to 2000 up to 3000 BC. No one knows the true meaning of this ancient creation for sure. Some historians say it was used as a temple for sun worship, some believe it was a healing centre or a burial site and others consider it a huge prehistoric calendar. The site and its surroundings were added to the UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites. Liverpool Liverpool is an industrial town which was built so that English kings could invade Ireland. Its ships travelled the world carrying salt, cotton, sugar, coal and slaves. It became one of world´s greatest cities and ports. Liverpool is famous as the birthplace of the Beatles. Beatles fans have the opportunity to visit places connected with the history of the band and take part in tours dedicated to this famous band. Other places of interest Manchester: Manchester was the world's first industrialised city due to the boom in textile manufacture during the Industrial Revolution, it was the most productive centre of cotton processing, and later the world's largest marketplace for cotton goods. Its history is reflected in the architecture: the city is characterized by the widespread use of red brick and just outside the city centre there is a large number of former cotton mills. Canterbury: there is a famous cathedral with the grave of the archbishop Thomas Beckett who was murdered there in 1170. He was the most famous martyr. Thanks to this event, the cathedral was a popular destination for pilgrims from all over Europe, all throughout the Middle Ages. Lake District: see the sheet on Great Britain Belfast: is the capital and largest city of Northern Ireland. Belfast is situated at the mouth of the River Lagan giving it the ideal location for the shipbuilding industry that once made it famous. When the Titanic was built in Belfast in 1911-1912, it was the largest shipyard in the world. Edinburgh: this historical city is the capital of Scotland and home to the Scottish parliament. There is Edinburgh Castle which was the home of Scotland´s royal family until 1603 when the king James VI moved the throne to London. It is called the Athens of the North. Edinburgh hosts many festivals, Edinburgh's Hogmanay is one of the most popular. Hogmanay is the Scottish celebration of the New Year. There are four days of processions, concerts and fireworks, with the street party beginning on Hogmanay. The event attracts thousands of people from all over the world. -- THE UNITED KINGDOM The official name of the UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Location The UK is located in north-west Europe on the island of Great Britain and northern Ireland. The UK is on the south England and France divided by the La Manche channel. England, Wales and Scotland are on one island know as Great Britain and Northern Ireland is also part of the UK. The highest peak is Ben Nevis - The mountain is popular destination. The longest river is Severn other rivers are Themes, The Avon, the Tyne. People The population in the UK is 63 million inhabitants. National languge is english. It is very multi-cultural country. Religion is mostly protestant, christians and muslims. Priest in the Anglician church are allowed to get married. Ethnic groups are consist of 90% white people, 2% indian, 1,5% pakistani, 1,5 irish, 1% black africian and 1% asists. The climate It is influenced by the Gulf Stream, it's quite warm but it rains often. Mild and humid. Sports Most well-known sports in the UK is football, rowing, boxing and cricket. Political system The UK's political system is constitucional monarchy. The head of the UK is gueen Elisabeth II. The British parliament is one of the oldest and includes house of lords and house of commons. Flag The flag is called Union Jack and has colors red, blue and white. The national anthem is „God save the queen". Attractions British humor is known around the world, they use a lot of sarcasm and irony British music has influenced the whole music industry, iconic musicians such as The Beatles, Queen, David Bowie, Elton John, Rolling Stones Many British writers are really famous and important like W. Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Ch. Dickens, G. Orwell, O. Wilde, J.K. Rowling scientists- Darwin, Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawking- all British Places of interest Stonehenge - It is a remnant of a circular complex of menhiras and stone circles lying in Wiltshire. London eye - Europe's largest observation wheel. In London we also find Tower of London, Big Ben. Oxford and Cambridge are important university cities. Liverpool is famous because the „Beatles" lived there. Edinburg is the capital city of Scotland and there is an important Arts festival. Economy They makes money from export of good, shipping, tourism. velká británie hospodaří s uhlím, dřevem, stavebnictvím a papírenstvím. -- ((((LONDON London is the capital of the UK. It is a large city situated on the river Thames, divided into two unequal parts. The more important is the part of the north bank. The oldest part of London are the City and Westminster. It is also the centre of the Commonwealth of Nations, the British government, the Parliament and many other institutions. London has about 8 million inhabitants. History The name London comes from the Romans who built houses and other buildings and made a town next to the river Thames. They called the town Londonium. The town grew bigger and bigger and became an important port. Two major tragedies struck London in the 17th century: The Great plague in 1665, where about a hundred thousand people died, and a year later, in 1666, The Fire of London which damaged most of the town. BIG BEN is the nickname for the great bell of the clock attached to the Palace of Westminster in London, the seat of the British Parliament. It is the largest four-faced clock and the third-tallest free-standing clock tower in the world. The tower has no elevator so those who want to get to the top must climb 334 stairs. Big Ben is one of the biggest tourist attractions, however, its interior is not open for overseas visitors. The clock is also famous for its reliability. BUCKINGHAM PALACE It has been a royal seat since 1762 when George III. bought the house from the Duke Buckingham. It is the principal London residence of the British Queen. Changing the guard at Buckingham Palace. At half past eleven most mornings the soldiers at Buckingham Palace change the guard. It takes about thirty minutes, and hundreds of visitors come to watch. TOWER BRIDGE Tower bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge in London over the river Thames. It has become an iconic symbol of London. The bridge consists of two towers which are tied together at the upper level. There are two equal bascules, which can be raised to allow river traffic to pass. The bridge deck is freely accessible to both vehicles and pedestrians, whereas the bridge's twin towers, high-level walkways and Victorian engine rooms form part of the Tower Bridge Exhibition, for which an admission charge has to be paid. THE TOWER OF LONDON Tourists visiting this famous building can see the Crown Jewels, visit the Bloody Tower and the White Tower, the oldest part of the Tower. The Tower was a royal palace, then a prison, a royal zoo, now it serves as a museum. Tourists are guided by Yeoman Warders (also called Beefeaters). The tower is also famous for its ravens. A group of six captive ravens live at the Tower of London. Their presence is traditionally believed to protect the Crown and the tower

modern buses and c0aches

are very comfortable disadvantages: bus fares are increasingly more expensive

high expenses on fuel and repair. Service

dangerous traffic during rush hours BUS: advantages: for many people it is the only way, to get to work

punk revolts again hardrockers

hippies, politics and power

first or second class) at a booking office

go to the platform and wait till my train arrives. get on the train, which may be fast, express, or slow, Ipreter a carriage for non-smokers and usually look for a vacant seat facing the direction of the ride, ora corner seat. When enter the compartment ask if the seat is free, put my luggage on the rack and take a seat. If a the seats are occupied, must go and look for another vacation seat. When I am travelling I look out of the window, or read a book or magazine. when the guard comes must show him my ticket. He punches it and informs me about my connection to the place I am travelling to. Ican also make sure if it is a through train or ifI must change. Occasionally he is followed by the inspector, who might come across a stowaway and make him pay both the price of the ticket and high fine for being a stowaway. WhenI arive at the railway station I get off the train, leave the platform and go straight to a taxi rank The desire to travel is as old as civilization. In the past travelling was considered part of a good and proper education. While travel was once an uncertain and hazardous event, it is now an easily planned and coordinated adventure that has been improved by progress in transportation, computer technology, and networks of international communication. The modern travel industry, is organized to satisfy every need desire of the individual traveller The most importatnt components of the travel industry are destintions, transport, accommodation and catering. Individual travellers can either organize their trip themselves or use the services of a great number of travel agents, tour companies, transport companies, or even local or national tourism boards. DESTINATIONS - There are thousands of travel books available on every place a tourist might wish to visit you can also use the internet, TV advertising or a travel agent's brochures. THRE SPRIN NOEN C TRANSPORT Tourists can fly, rent cars, drive their own cars, get about by coach and travel by train using many transport bargains, e.g. Eurail pass. They can even go from one place to another by ship, ferry, riverboat. If they stay in one location, they often take advantage of local public transport, streetcars, buses and the underground. HOTEL * ACCOMMODATION- Hotels operated by chains normally offer accommodation ranging from the inexpensive to the luxurious ones, But there are still many privately owned inns and hotels that are much cheaper. Least expensive for the average traveller is the family hotel, or boardinghouse (bed and breakfast), which offers inexpensive rooms and meals. Students can stay in youth hostels at little cost. CATERING - Dining habits vary from country to country. In Italy, for example, a ristorante is an eating establishment where you are expected to order a full, several-course meal. In a trattoria, on the other hand you can eat as much or as little as one chooses. In Spain the evening meal is very late, normally after 10 PM

first or second class) at a booking office

go to the platform and wait till my train arrives. I get on the train, which may be fast, express, or slow. I prefer a carriage for non-smokers and usually look for a vacant seat facing the direction of the ride, or a corner seat.When I enter the compartment I ask if the seat is free, put my luggage on the rack and take a seat. If a the seats are occupied, I must go and look for another vacation seat. When I am travelling I look out of the window, or read a book or magazine. When the guard comes I must show him my ticket. He punches it and informs me about my connection to the place I am travelling to. I can also make sure if it is a through train or if I must change. Occasionally he is followed by the inspector, who might come across a stowaway and make him pay both the price of the ticket and high fine for being a stowaway. When I arrive at the railway station I get off the train, leave the platform and go straight to a taxi rank. The desire to travel is as old as civilization. In the past travelling was considered part of a good and proper education. While travel was once an uncertain and hazardous event, it is now an easily planned and coordinated adventure that has been improved by progress in transportation, computer technology, and networks of international communication. The modern travel industry is organized to satisfy every need desire of the individual traveller. The most importatnt components of the travel industry are destintions, transport, accommodation and catering. Individual travellers can either organize their trip themselves or use the services of a great number of travel agents, tour companies, transport companies, or even local or national tourism boards. DESTINATIONS - There are thousands of travel books available on every place a tourist might wish to visit you can also use the internet, TV advertising or a travel agent´s brochures. TRANSPORT - Tourists can fly, rent cars, drive their own cars, get about by coach and travel by train using many transport bargains, e.g. Eurail pass. They can even go from one place to another by ship, ferry, riverboat. If they stay in one location, they often take advantage of local public transport, streetcars, buses and the underground. ACCOMMODATION - Hotels operated by chains normally offer accommodation ranging from the inexpensive to the luxurious ones. But there are still many privately owned inns and hotels that are much cheaper. Least expensive for the average traveller is the family hotel, or boardinghouse (bed and breakfast), which offers inexpensive rooms and meals. Students can stay in youth hostels at little cost. CATERING - Dining habits vary from country to country. In Italy, for example, a ristorante is an eating establishment where you are expected to order a full, several-course meal. In a trattoria, on the other hand you can eat as much or as little as one chooses. In Spain the evening meal is very late, normally after 10 PM

to travel by ship over a sea or other large body of water on a pleasure. trip

usually calling at several places. Flight an air trip

othe 9 meioa eh e Treen 320.14 wh narm bd sveay sumsarg ana long cold witr on the ere vukon

Prases Columbia and the 56. Lowrence Paonc cOast the ctlimate s mlde the nort, whch s mosty uninnabted, Nas the Arcuc uime has masthva centine icnis mosty uninhabited, The Vikings first discovered Canada more than a thovsand years ago, but the Europeans came therg in the cand nes from the Indan nord Kanata, hicn means viege o community. e ue ince Be0. Berore that, the country as hiat cated New France, then bch eurth America. Canada became 6rnish calony in 1793 and a Brtsh dominion in 1867 NOw t is gcvemng member of the eitish Commonwealth and since 1964 nas iad its v narionai fag and embiem Canasa ras & popvaton of about 24 maon people, About 45% of then are of Brnibsn onign, about 30% ench ongin, ovr 20% of European onigin. Then there ae about 300,000 Indians and 20.000 ESkimos (ehe napie leel) The Eskimo populeooe ves in the Arctic regions and Indians lve mosUy in the vileges in the praines. Most of e Franch CanadSns ve in the province of Quebec. Both Engish and French are the omcal languapes in Cansda. Most inhablunts ve neer the U.S Caradian borders-The capitai city s Ottana

but people often eat snacks called tapas in the early evening to tide them over until dinner. In some popular tourist places

reservations must be made weeks in advance. Some words... and definition.. Cruise travel by sea

a path or physical means of getting from one place to another. Journey = a trip somewhere: a trip or an expedition from one place to another. Trip = a journey: a journey of relatively short duration

expecially to a place and back again, usually for a specific purpose such as a holiday or business meeting. Tour = a pleasure trip: a journey visiting several places, usually taken for pleasure, for example, on holiday. Voyage = a long trip: a journey by sea or air, expecially one to a distant place. Excursion = a short trip: a short trip to some place and back, for pleasuer or with a purpose. TRANSPORTATION Transport can be defined as the movement of people and goods from one location to another, Iransportation systems and the routes they use have greatly influenced both how and where people, live. Reliable transport allows people to travel throughout a country's territory and to live comfortably. in remote areas far trom factories and farms. Transport is very important to a nation's economy. The trasportation industry is the largest industry in the world. It includes the manufacture and distribution of vehicles, the production and distribution of fuel, and the provision of transportation services. In the 20th century people became more aware of how trasportation systems affect the enviroment. For example, the burning of petroleum-based fuels for motor vehicles reates pollution that can be harmful to human health. Other environmental effects of transportation systems include impacts on noise levels, water quality, hazardous materials, natural habitats and wetlands. Many governments now require that before a new transportation project is begun a detailed study called an environmental impact as5sessment must be prepared to predict how the project will affect the environment. We can travel by: LAND car, bus, motorcycle, train, tram, trolley, bicycle, CAR advantages: speed comtort, you can go anywhere, and whenever. yo need to you aren t dependent on public transport isadvantages: a car is expensive

hearing gives sense to speaking and touch helps us to look out for dangerous things. Blind people (the ones that cannot see) often walk with a stick or a dog beside. Their hearing and touch is better than usually. Deaf people often cannot speak because they cannot control what they say. KIDNEYS They perform four functions

of which the most obvious is the ejection of waste materials from the body. They are bean-shaped and lie just above the waist, one on each side of the spine.A human being can survive without kidneys for only 2-3 weeks. LIVER It's important for our metabolism and it's the largest gland in our body. It lies on the right side under the middroff, protected by ribs. It also has other functions, as for example supplying our body with vitamines, destroying dangerous waste, producing gall or hormones... PATRS OF THE BODY body, head, nec, shoulders, arm, upper arm, elbow, forearm, hand, finger, thumb, chest, stomach, hips, bottom, leg, thigh, knee, shin, calf, foot, ankle, heel, toe, big toe THE HEAD forehead, eyebrow, eyelid, eyelashes, cornes, pupil, iris, cheek, nose, nostril, mouth, teeth, molar, lip, tongue, chin, ear, jaw Healthy lifestyle So what does a healthy lifestyle entail? According to the dictionary, lifestyle isa way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and value of a person or group. A healthy lifestyle would be a way of living that would result in a healthy mind, body and spirit. MIND BODY SPIRIT Healthy lifestyle => Healthy eating Eating food that are nutritional and good for the bodylike fresh fruits and vegetables, low fat diets, unrefined carbohydrates, etc. It includes avoiding food that is bad for you like refined carbohydrates, fatty foods, alcohol, etc. Eating in moderation is the essential component of healthy eating. FruR and Brea, Pke wegetables potatoes, pasta Meat fish Milk and dairy foods dy Food and drinks high in fat and/or sugar Healthy lifestyle => Health and Fitness Regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Aerobic exercise is good for your heart and your body. Yoga has a therapeutic affect and also helps to reduce your stress level. Pilates are great for strengthening your "core" muscles which are situated around your midsection. You could consider some other forms of exercise like Tai Chi, martial arts and Qi Gong. It is essential that you incorporate any kind of exercises in to your daily life to help keep you fit and maintain your weight at a healthy level. Health Healthy Ilifestyle => Managing stress efficiently is a critical part of a healthy lifestyle. Failure to manage stress effectively can harm your body and affect your relationship with others. If left unattended, stress can also lead to alcohol or drug addiction CARE ACTIVE STRESS MANAGEMENT NUTRIENTS LIVING Healthy lifestyle You cannot have a healthy lifestyle if you are depress and unhappy. Following your bliss is a must if you want to live a happy and joyful life. Doing what you are passionate about helps keep you motivated. PoSITIVE EAT THINKING BETTER HEALTHY VING FEEL 4oop RELULAR :EVERSE Healthy lifestyle => Alternative health Alternative health options like herbal medicine, massage therapy, meditation, Ayurveda, reflexology, aromatherapy, etc, can benefit you and help you have a healthier lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle Living a healthy lifestyle takes discipline. You must make up your mind and choose things that are good for you and your loved ones. It comes down to being committed to do what is good for your body, mind and spirit. Living a healthy lifestyle involves taking care of your physical, mental and spiritual health. You need to arm yourself with appropriate knowledge that will ensure that you get the result you want. The physical, mental and spiritual aspects of your life are intertwine. For you to be happy and healthy, you need to keep all these aspects of your life balanced. Bosdy Mind Balance Human body Human body is composed from the same organs as body ofa mammal. But human being differs from other mammals by having intellect, having ability to think and speak. Finally, he is able to work and invent new things of all qualities. He lives social life and he should be and feel equal to all other human beingS without any national, religious or racial prejudice. Human body Human body consists of bones, muscles and organs. Al three parts are made from cells. There's over 5 litres of blood circulating in our body, composed from blood-corpusles (red and white ones), thrombocytes and blood plasma.The pump", which helps the circulation is our heart. It oxidates our blood and sends it all around our body via artheries. Afterwards it goes back to the heart, without any oxygene, via vains. Our heart is supplied with oxygene by our lungs via small blood circulation. Human body - bones We've got bodes to give us shape and support the body, to protect and contain the most important organs of the body and to help us move about. Bones are made from living tissue, coposed of special cells. Bone- making (ossification) is a gradual process. Adults have 207 bones. The basic part of sceleton of sceleton is the spine. It carries the weight of the body and protects the delicate spinal cord. The skull shelters the brain while the ribs protect the heart and lungs. Bones are fit together at the joints and are held firm by ligaments. Human body- THE NERVES No part of our body is completely insensitive to pain because nerves are to be found in every part of our human body. The nervous system has two 2 parts: 1. the pheripheral system, which is in direct contact with the things that can cause us pleasure or pain. 2. central system consists of brain and spinal cord. It's in our central nerval system that all our sesation and reactions are finally registered. Human body- THE BRAIN directs and coordinates ou movements and reflexes, registers sensations and is the supreme nervous organ, by which man acquires knowledge and the power to use and addspt it. It shapes our personalities, and without it we would be more helpless than the tiniest human baby. Parts of the Human Brain frontal lobe -parietal lobe -occipital lobe temporal lobe- -cerebellum spinal cord - Human body- THE BRAIN Our body is covered with skin. It protects body form cold and is important for the water circulation on our body, too. It's also important for the contact of the body with outside. We should take care of it by washing daily and putting on some body milk. Human Skin Anatomy Hair Shaft Stralum Comeum Granula LY Cpider Halir Follicle Dermis Fat Tissue Cellagen and taneaus Elastin Fers Biood Sweat Nerve Velin Artery Vessels Gland Human body- SENSES Human being has 5 senses: sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch Of course we can exist without them, but our life would be My Five Senses much more difficult then. Sight helps us moving around and Hearing see people we meet

but people often eat snacks called tapas in the early evening to tide them over until dinner. In some popular tourist places

reservations must be made weeks in advance. Cruise = travel by sea

old buses are very slow

uncorfotable, and sometimes, especially in winter, not punctual and very crowded. They don´t even look very reliable TRAIN: advantages: it´s relatively cheap


The london underground is the oldest, it has rides since 1863.


advantages: speed; comfort; you can go anywhere and whenever you need to; you aren´t dependent on public transport disadvantages: a car is expensive; high expenses on fuel and repair service; dangerous traffic during rush hours

Federal government (the Government of Canada) - Responsible for things that affect the whole country, such as citizenship and immigration, national defence and trade with other countries.


There are deposits of brown and black coal


advantages: for many people it is the only way to get to work; bus services link all major towns; on many routes cut-price fares are provided for students, pensioners, and the disabled; modern buses and coaches are very comfortable disadvantages: bus fares are increasingly more expensive; old buses are very slow, uncorfotable, and sometimes, especially in winter, not punctual and very crowded. They don´t even look very reliable

a superstition holds that "if the Tower of London ravens are lost or fly away

the Crown will fall and Britain with it". HYDE PARK There are many beautiful parks in London, the picture shows Hyde Park with a lake in the middle called the Serpentine. Visitors can take a boat out on the water. Another famous place in the park is the Speakers´ Corner near Marble Arch. It is an area where open-air public speaking, debate and discussion are allowed. Speakers here may talk on any subject, as long as the police consider their speeches lawful. There is also the statue of Peter Pan. PICCADILLY CIRCUS Piccadilly Circus is a road junction and public space of London's West End in the City of Westminster. The Circus is close to major shopping and entertainment areas in the West End. It is a busy meeting place and a tourist attraction. The Circus is particularly known for its video display and neon signs mounted on the corner building on the northern side. London transport Underground, commonly called the Tube, is a popular way of travelling around the city. London is also famous for its two-storey red busses, called double-deckers, and black cabs. Other information: The Houses of Parliament = the Palace of Westminster: the seat of the Government. Big Ben is a part of this complex of buildings. 10 Downing Street - the Prime Minister, the head of the British government, lives here. Culture - London´s West End has some of the best theatres in the world (e.g. the Barbican Theatre with the Royal Shakespeare Company), concert halls (the Royal Opera House), and many clubs and cinemas. There are many museums and galleries, most of them are free to enter, and a famous Madame Tussauds showing wax figures or a popular London Dungeon (a museum of horror). Shopping- the most famous shop in London is probably the Harrods, a department store with 330 departments offering a wide range of products and services. Another famous place for shopping is Oxford Street, a busy shopping street with many shops. Famous sports clubs - Some of the most famous English football clubs are in London (Arsenal, Chelsea, Tottenham Hotspurs). London is also home to cricket, tennis (Wimbledon), and other sports (rugby, rowing, etc.). In 2012 London hosted the Olympic Games. Eating - You can find food from nearly every country in the world in London. In Soho, in the West End of London, you can eat food from Italy, India, China, Japan, Greece and lots more places. Or why not have some English fish and chips? They are cheap, and good to eat. London Icons - see the map )))) -- (((LONDON The capital city of the UK. Situated on the thames river in the southeast of England. The city was found 2000 year ago, romans called it Londinium. Today's population is about 8 milion inhabitents. It's called a cosmopolitan city - people of many nationalites, for example Arabs, Indians and Pakistanis 1666 - This date is important for London history, as most of the city was burnt down due to the fire, known as the Great Fire of London. Transport - World famous red double-decker buses - The london underground is the oldest, it has rides since 1863. - In london we also can take taxi, traditional black taxi. - London aiports - the bigest - heathrow and hatwick Places of interest: The tower Stands on the north bank. The white tower - the oldest part The tower had many uses - a royal residence, a fortress, a prison, museum, zoo, fortress. Today her is a musem of historicial cal weapons and corpnation jewels. The tower bridge Great symbol of London. It's bridge over Thames. The bridge opens in thé middle when huge ships want to pass through. St. Paul's Cathedral One of the largest in the world. Built in 17th century. It's residence of bishop of London. Many famous people are burried there - Duke of Wellington. Buckingham Palace One of the most famous places in the world is, it´s the residence of Queen in London. The City is the oldest part of London around St. Paul. There are many banks (the most important is Bank of England) and offices here Trafalgar Square Named after Admiral Nelson's victory over Napoleon at the Battle of Trafalgar. Nelson's statue is situated on a high column. The square with its fountains is a very popular place for various meetings and demonstrations. The Houses of Parliament are in gothic style but were built after the old building had burnt down. The only part, which escaped the fire, was Westminster Hall.There is also a famous clock-tower with Big Ben. Downing Street 10 is the official home of British Prime Ministers The Globe is the theatre, where Shakespeare plays his own plays Hyde park It's one of the largest parks in London. There are many interesting places to visit or relax but one of the most interesting places is the Speaker's Corner. You may go there and speak freely about anything you like.))) -- (1.) SoHE FACTS FE beiuish trs Toe Llistory of Great Britain Ear settiers- the frst people to inhabıt the British Isles arrived about 3.000 BC. They . wYoutube.com/watch?ycE6OeRZB We- ancient Britain-a kid in... The Celts-invaded Britain trom the l0 century BC pe e country rom 555C to AD. Britain got its name-Britannia. They were 1 he Latin word for a camp is CASTRA. Nowadays it is the root of many Enelish citv nameschester wnnester, Manchesier. 1he country prospered They built the Hadrian's Wall to protect Britain from peopie irom tne nortn. 1ey never conquered dcouand https://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=la XQvl9vUdg - Hadrians Wall T he Amgles and Saxons from Germany, Denmark, Netherlands- the 5t century England got its name- neloanhe icgend of Kimg Arthurstrong king A long poem- Beowulf Christianity was brought- 1The first Archbishop ol Canterbury Seandinavia- The Vikings arrived from S- the 9 century. Brought some vooubulary EB, D13Cr, stcuk, knife, husband. The House of Normandy (1066-1154)- from France- invaded the country from l066, Ihe Battle ot Hastings-1066.1he English (king Harold) were deleated by a French amy( WIam, LDuke or Normandy). He became King William I of England -William the Conqueror. They divided the very lord had a land Thev ro eteudalismevery man had a lord, ad 2 words or expressions while other languages mostly I word. Normans expressions more polite ( , S , anve) Angio-axo1s expressions easier ( stool, beily, get to) heps /www.Youtube.com/watch?v-bO8A5gRe_Dw Battie of Hastings song 3min - Iutin These invasions pushed the Celts into Wales, Scotland and Ireland. The English are the descendants of all the invaders- but mostly of the Anglo-Saxons, The House Plantagenet (1154-1399)- Richard the Laon-hearted, Jonn, KoDIn tood, vagna arta. nost time gnting abroaa, heavy taxes on the country, was killcd in a battle, his brother dissatisfied with him. He lost land across the channel He aarreled ith Hhe Charchpe ht ateu him. Robin Hood outlaw) fought aganst him. 1215 -he was forced to signa document called AAR A he document limitcd the power of the king It gave more rights to barons. Because of his bad reputation, n0 later an English King Was named JoiN. The Hundred Years War -(1337-1453)- money, to enlarge the land, growing trade, new trade roads The h r eaith claimed the throne of France He landed in (invaded) Normandy. Events-Joan of Are She c , de was capurcd by the rench and sold to the English She was burnt at the stake as a witch (life is not lair, 18 it). The end- the French deleated the English. The English lost Ergnng nn Tne connnent except for Calai8 The Black Death ( about 1349) - sort of plague struck England population was reduced by half Feudalism declned otS or land but only few workers. T hey demanded money! The beginning of the end of feudalism. https:/www.youtube.com/watchyAJIVmGNMS Y 19min- Plague, B5C documentary, cruel War of Roses (symbols of the fighting families were roscsA struggle tor the throne. (white rose) 1wo Engish against families-The Houses were nentng he com/watch?v=1FjECURZro documenta House of ancaster (red rose). D SSdewM6oY4 song spi kvin rosespittpsWww.yosuDE.oa The end- Elizabeth of Y+ Married+ Henry of L. Later on, from other relations - Richard Il (1483-1485) also a tamous trageuy by Sniakespeare. 1485-The Battle of Bosworth Field- Richard 1 against Henry Tudor. Richard was deteated. The period of The House of ludor bega The Tudor Period -The House ofTudors ( 1485- 1603)-Decline of feudalism, trade grew, mercehant ASS, Period or great voyages ana dscovery, Henry yi. ceen on sports, pleasure. He had 6 Wives-divorced, Henry VIl- inherncu B ived His first wife - Catherine ol Arg hanged the beheaded, dieu, aivo im a son Henry wanted to divorce her. He necacu the rope pettno a the Pope. The Pope refused!!1 The central power ot the urcn tosliehed new was the head ot the Catholic Church- all over the worta. Because or that- endent from Rome. He proclaimed Church-1The Chureh of EnganadangakaSa eally angry. The property of meny mon vere himself the Head of the urcn. lic Church heavily destroyed! Burnt! Those who doubted about u coniscae eheaded- for example - Sir Thomas More-the story m ttps://www.youtube.com/waten AA. ups iwww.yOutube.com/wBtchlv=Zkp7IPAFUYA Henry VIll doeument 6min hitps/www.youtube.com/watch/v=3EGzlHsyežlc Henry VIll song ABBA Elizabeth I(055K-1603)- t was called the Golden Age o1 English history. Iier arriced w In this way lled DE g e was called Mony Furopean kings wanted to coro she manageu to keeppeae one y anish Armada-Spanish huge fleet- wanted to conguet England. However, She remalnea unt nada was defeated Great Victory! Engiand. Due to a su, ua Great voyages, discovery, Francis Drake, Sir Walter Raleigh. He explored the cOust of Nortn I There America were ios and founded first English there. The colony was calied- ViKGINIA- nond ot conquests during her reign https:/www. youtube.com/watchtvXgXd0GkkFIQ Sir Francis Drake documentary 10 min The House of Stuart (I603-1714)-James 1, Guy Fawkes, Plgrim Fathers, Oliver Cromwel, Englancd- ublic. James I-(l603-1625)-wanted to rue wunout p . desp DIVINE RIGHT= The king wasS chosen by a gou so oy tne uou cajuue and the Parliament. 620 Tuler. it resulted inUuy FawkCS NIgh He war ymouth, Thanksgiving Day. A group of English pecopie esc Pilgrim Fathers. uyu World (America). They wanted to purity 1 he Church 01 ENgtanu uon They looked for religious freedom. They were callcd separatsis o pu ta htps2/www.youlhibe.com/walchY 4p-DWAIPOgS colonization -Jamestovwn-irony smin 1028-1here was a struggle between the King and the P'ariament. 1oo much power for the king, parlament wanted more powet o w rliamentary agreement, no imprIsonment Without a trial 1642- CIVIL WAR-The king supported by Royalists against aramcnt suppotteu Dy punat leader-i in roundheads- cut their hair short, strict beliets, closed heares. verowe tact more despotic than the king8 He got the king beeaded, he established republic, he dismissed the Parliament, He ruled by a committee ot par lhament, He caled ninscit ne LOrd to dictator. He ordered massacres in ireaa and Scotlana. nps:www.Ouruoe.com Walcl song civ war 1775-83-The loss of America-colonists refused to pay Such heavy taxes- no taxalion without epreseanbstot 1ee rarY War o peaeneec on or inuepenucnce estabiisne on July 4, 1776. It was adopted by 13 original colonies. Britain recognized the independence of the USA In 1783. American constrtution was adopted in 1788 (76, 83, 88). 1789- Revolution in France, 1793-wars between CB and F, France wanted to conquer sotne area. Napoleon against Admiral Nelson-Nelson won at the battle of T rafalgar 1805 at the cape Or g near panish coast. it was a INAVI Balle-tlccta, spain-France against Btitain. 1ratnIgar square in London commemorates the baltie. The House of Hanover- Victoria (1857-1901)-The Victorian Age. She was the symbol of stability. chools were built, more members ora new miaie ciass. owever. Brtaim at t tmeaso nOW tu biisn weai ne Dris Were oecong D peo Or ts Sums and v Ictorian Imoralny WierCDaries Dekens 1 ne nst monar Ch to nve m buckingnam Palace. She reigned tor o4 yeas. 1ne Bisn pire reactu s greaest powe Dt poins, h aGibraltar, The Cape of (iO0d HopeD handGreat Famine in Ireland Dunng Zcalund, , 5 esnostase stamps, underground railway, 1he uted N howed age of industry and sCience, more roads were built, canals cut ATter she died, British Empire was cming to s end. npswww.YOuruoe.comywatchWALIDCSP Victorian Age - pictures, 1 nggsWWW.YOLiDE.COMWatch-v=stOALZOIKLYWE the worst jobs 8min 1926-The Brifish Commonwealth of Nations was declared. It is a free association of equal states under hEtps/www.youtube.com/watch=SOQwaZ 5KXbS Winston Churchill -most ramouS speechi, blod toil and Sweat The House of Windsor -Elizabeth l(1952-...)The Current British Royal family, Qucen Elizabeth I, f Edinburgh, Philip, their son- Prince Charles, his ex-Wife, Lady Diana. sne uica a car crash in Paris while being chased by paparazzi. HiS current wife-Camilla Parker Bowles. Children of Charles and Diana - William and Henry. William got married to Kate. Ihey have got a son-Gcorge nitps/www.yOutube.com/warch/yeeRIXR2B7g Her Majesty Qucen I1-lighter side itps:wwNYOutube.com/watchyletk_ayOlxd Margaret Thatc her- The Iron Lady https://www.youtube.com/watchfynrMLeWdcGwA British family https://www.youtube.com/watchžvetyS QnVMJlwQ Dlana- Kate https://www.YOutube.com/watch fy=l98EFErpu diana accident tps./wwW.yOutube com/watchE9SS VLISKAI WIll remember you william Diana picturesamin htsps://www.Youtube.com/watch fy=veWHazTuyME Elton attps://www.youtube.com/watch fv=wJalMQvHBrE funerál https://wwwYOutube.com/watch fy=g7r1SKaQ Loved princess OC.SOmwatcnrEDp2SDIO Wuam -Prince Wiliam interview on fatherhood, baby ) 1.THE UNTITED KTNGDOM I The official name of this country is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. LParts of G8: GB is consist of England, Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland. GB is formed by isles(British Isles)->gratest isle are Irish Republic.Northern Ireland, The Orkney 2.People: The population of the UK is more than 60 million, tfaking into account egration and immigration. oUr/milion live in London. To live in Britain means that you could enjoy a very g0od standard of living with life expectancy for men being nearly 76 years and 81 years for women. Unemployment is low (4.87%). On the negative side, 17% of the population is living below the poverty line. S.Languages In Uk speaks every body english, but English have any special accents and ialed Gaelic is spoken in some areas of Scotland, and Welsh is the second ge spoken in Wales. RPERecuive pronuncition-if's Royal dialect Oxford english-faught at school Cocney-London dialect, if's probably the difficualt to understand ->rhyming slang 4.Political system: The Unifed Kingdom is a constifufional monarchy and parliamenfary democracy ith a monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II, and a parliament with fwo houses: The House of Lords, with 588 life peers (their titles cannot be inherited), 92 hereditary peers (their titles can be inherited by their children), and 26 bishops

to travel by ship over a sea or other large body of water on a pleasure trip

usually calling at several places. Flight = an air trip

Konverzační okruhy z Anglického jazyka pro PŘ Czech Republic Shopping Education Seasons of the Year Great Britain Means of Transport and Travelling Canada USA Choosing a Career Australia and New Zealand Communication and Media Human Body

Health Care, Diseases Home and accommodation Holidays and Festivals Environment Damage and its Protection Meals & Dining Daily routine and hobbies European Union Clothing, Dressing, Fashion Village vs. Town Life Konverzační okruhy z Anglického jazyka pro PŘ Speaking_part (20 minutes to prepare 15 minutes actual exam 4part) 1. general discussion (2.5 minuttes) 2. picture description and comparison (4 minutes) 3. talking about a specific MATURITA question (5 minutes) 4. conversation with a teacher on a specific situation (3 minutes) General discussion (Part 1) you can be asked about questions about your family/ school/ friends/ free-time activities, etc. you should also introduce yourself shortly examples of questions you might be asked: What do your parents do? What do you like doing in your free time? What's your favourite subject at school? What do your parents do? Can you describe one of your friends? Picture description (Part 2) 1. describe 1 picture 2. Compare 2 pictures 3. talk about your own experience connected to the topic phrases to use to describe a picture: In this picture I can see There is/ arein this picture/ The picture show. In the left-hand/ right-hand corner there is/ are. On the left/ right there is/ are. : In the background/ foreground there is/ ar The people in the photo look happy/ sod because.. Perhaps they are (on a holiday/ at work.) The situation in the photo is common/ unuSual becausen my point of view Picture description Part 2) - phrases to use to compare 2 pictures: Both pho tos show :People in both pictures are. :The similarities are.The main differences are Talking about a specific question Introduction of a topic: Im going to talk about. I have divided my talk into several parts :Firstly, I'm going to discus. Secondly, I am going to mention. Next, I'd like to talk about.. Main body: Let me now move on to.. : Another interesting aspect is. :Interestingly.. Conclusion: you can point out the main idea/ your opinion on the topic/ you can speculate about a future development of the topic/etc. Tn conclusion.. To sum up..All in al..Thank you for listening. Have you got any further questions? aneaee to uEe to eoESE YOUr opinion In my view/ In my point of view... /I reckon..I believe.,I think... / As far as I am concerned./ In my opinion../ etc. Czech Republic History Formed in the 9th century - Great Moravia In the 10h century became part of the Holy Roman Empire King Charles IV was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 1335 - Golden age of Czech history" (eg. 1 university in central Europe was built in Prague in 1348) Jan Hus was executed in 1415 Hussite wars reign of HabsburgsCzech lands became part of the Astro- Hungarian Empire In 1618, a revolt by Czech protestants against Catholic rule started the Thirty year warled to a the final defeat of the Czech protestants in 1620 at the Battle at White mountainmany of the Czech aristocrats left the country afterwards The 19h century revival of the Czech language and national consciousness Geography Centre of Europe Population of 10.4 million Capital city: Prague Currency: Czech crowns Bordered by Germany (Ww), Poland (N), Slovakia (E) and Austria (5) Climate: temperate 3 main regions: Bohemia/Moravia/ Silesia History (continued) Independent from the Austro-Hungarian Empire Czechoslovakia formed on October 28, 1918 T.G.Masaryk 1t president 1938 the Munich agreement between UKGr,It, Fr Sudetenland given to Germany. 1948- the Communist party took over 1989-"Velvet revolution" saw the end of CommunismV. Havel became the 1 president of a newly democratic Czechoslovakia 1993- the "Velvet divorce"- separation of the CR and SVK 1999- joined NATO 2004 became a member state of the Eu Political system Parliamentary democracy (two-chambered parliament) 3 branches of the state power o) legislative b) executive judicial - Legislative is represented by 1 Chamber of deputies (200 representatives elected for a period of 4 years) 2. Senate (81 representatives elected for a period of 6 years) Executive power is represented by the government (supreme body of the ex, Power) and the president of the republic. Judicial power is represented by the system of independent courts of law which is made up of the Supreme courts, Supreme Administrative Court, Supreme, Regional and District courts. The constitutional court - Oversees adherence to the constitution THE CZECH REPUBLIC The Czech Republic is situated in Central Europe. The capital city is Prague. It borders with Poland in the north, Germany in the west, Austria in the south and Slovakia in the east. The Czech Republic has more than 10 million inhabitants. Beside Czech people the country is home to a number of minorities. The most numerous national minorities are Slovaks, Poles, Germans, Ukrainians and Vietnamese. The Czech Republic has been a member of the European Union since 2004. Historical and political division Historically the Czech Republic is divided into three areas: 1. Bohemia 2. Moravia 3. Silesia Politically it has 14 districts such as: Moravian-Silesian Region, South-Moravian Region, Vysočina Region, Central Bohemia Region etc. Climate and landscape It is an inland state with moderate climate. Here we can find valleys, lowlands, high grounds (The Bohemian-Moravian Highland, The Central Bohemian Highland), mountain ranges, moorlands and swamps. In the north of the country, the Krkonoše mountains are the highest mountain range with Sněžka as its highest peak (1602 m). Other geographical facts: use the map National symbols: Coat of Arms National anthem: The Czech anthem is the song "Where my home is" by J.K.Tyl. National flag: The national flag consists of a white and red stripe and a blue triangle. Places of interest It is a country with nice nature, rich culture and history. The combination of natural beauties and numerous wonderful buildings coming from the past centuries make the Czech Republic a popular tourist destination. There are several sites listed under UNESCO. These World Heritage Sites are places of importance to cultural or natural heritage. The Kroměříž Castle used to be the principal residence of the bishops and archbishops of Olomouc. Originally it was built in a Gothic style, later it was renovated in a Baroque style. The Pleasure Garden is a very rare example of a Baroque garden. The Pilgrimage Church of St John of Nepomuk at Zelená hora is a religious building at the edge of Žďár nad Sázavou, Czech Republic. It combines Baroque and Gothic elements in both construction and decoration. Villa Tugendhat is a historical building in Brno. It is one of the pioneering prototypes of modern architecture in Europe, and was designed by the German architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. The villa is built from reinforced concrete and is an icon of modernism. Famous Czech products The principal industries are heavy and general machine-building, iron and steel production, metalworking, chemical production, electronics, transportation equipment, textiles, glass, brewing, china, ceramics, and pharmaceuticals. Its main agricultural products are sugar beets, fodder roots, potatoes, wheat, and hops. Tasks: • industrial cities (e.g. Ostrava - steelworks, mining industry) • famous Czechs • other places of interest (e.g. historical cities, castles, spa resorts) - PRAGUE Location Prague is the capital and the largest city in the Czech Republic. Geographically it is situated on the Vltava River in Central Bohemia. The city is home to 1.3 million people. It consists of 22 districts. Prague is a place with a number of famous cultural attractions and it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe. The city got a lot of nicknames among which the best-known are „Prague - Mother of Cities", „City of a hundred Spires" or „Golden Prague". The reason may be its numerous historical monuments of all periods and its church towers and domes. History Prague has been a political, cultural and economic centre of the Czech state for more than 1000 years. The city was founded by the Slavs who built a market on a crossroads of trade routes near a ford over the Vltava river. It became a seat of Czech kings and later Roman Emperors. With the king Charles IV the Golden Age of the city came. Charles IV is said to have been very wise and highly-educated, he could speak several languages and loved culture. He made Prague become the royal seat, built the Charles Bridge and Karlštejn Castle, and founded the first Czech university. In the last century many historical events took place in Prague (assassination of Reinhard Heydrich in 1942, liberation of Prague and end of WW2 in 1945, "The Prague Spring" in 1968, the Velvet revolution and end of communism in 1998). Most visited historical sights Wenceslas Square Is one of the main city squares in a shape of a very long rectangle situated in the New Town of Prague. It is dominated by Saint Wenceslas Statue and the National Museum at the top of the square. It is a popular shopping and cultural centre and a traditional setting for demonstrations, celebrations and other public gatherings. The square is named after Saint Wenceslas, the patron saint of Bohemia. Prague Castle Is the largest medieval castle complex in Europe and it is Prague's premier tourist attraction. In the past it used to be a seat of Czech kings, nowadays it is the seat of the president. The complex consists of Saint Vitus Cathedral, viewing towers, museums and art galleries, Golden Lane and many other interesting spots. It is home to the crown jewels of Czech kings. Astronomical Clock Is mounted on the wall of the Old Town City Hall in the Old Town Square and it is a popular tourist attraction. Every hour the clockwork shows figures of Apostles and other moving sculptures. National Theatre The National theatre is located alongside the banks of the Vltava River. It was built between 1868-1881 thanks to money collected across the country and following a destructive fire in 1883, the theatre was built anew. The theatre has become one of the top Czech cultural venues and shows dramas, operas and ballets. Charles Bridge Charles Bridge is the most famous of the fifteen Prague bridges. It was built by Charles IV in gothic style in 1357. The bridge is 515 metres long and 10 metres wide. It is decorated with Baroque statues and fortified with towers on either side. According to a legend the bridge has lasted so long because eggs were added into the mortar during its construction. The Petřín Tower Giving one of the best views of the city, the Petřín tower is 60 meters high with 2999 steps. It was built as a copy of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. On the top of the Petřín Hill there is also a mirror maze. -- THE CZECH REPUBLIC - GENERAL INFORMATION Czech Republic is situated in the heart of Europe, which, in other words, means the Central Europe. There are four neighbouring countries: Poland, Slovakia, Austria, and Germany. We can describe the locations of our neighbouring countries by means of the world directions. Poland is in the north, Slovakia is in the east, Austria is in the south and Germany is in the west. The population of the Czech Republic is about ten milions inhabitants. The Czech Republic covers an area of 78,866 square kilometres. The largest cities are the capital city Prague, next Brno (in Moravia), Ostrava, Olomouc, Liberec, well-known Plzeň, České Budějovice, and others. The head of the Czech Republic is the President Miloš Zeman. The highest mountain is Sněžka in the Giant Mountains near the Polish border. The longest river is the Vltava, which springs in the Šumava and flows into the Labe river. Other important rivers are Labe, Ondra, Morava. Minorities Slovaks, Poles,Germans, Russians, Romanies and members of other nations Agricultural production grain, sugar- beet, maize, hop, sunflowers, fruit, vegetable, oats, barely, sugar beet, wheat, potatoes Industries mechanical engineering Prague, Brno, Plzeň chemical industry Ústí nad Labem, Neratovice, Kralupy nad Vltavou, Ostrava, Pardubice textile, clothes and leather industry Northeast Bohemia, Brno, Liberec, Prostějov, Prague food industries in all big cities breweries Plzeň, Prague, České Budějovice, Lisovel glass, jewelleries, porceláne Karlovy Vary, Jablonec nad Nisou, Nový Bor wood and paper industries Matches Sušice pencil manufacturing České Budějovice - There are deposits of brown and black coal 1 Jaunary = Anniversary of the Foundation of Czech Republic 1993 8 May = Anniversary of the End of the Second World War in 1945 5 July = Arrival of Slavic Missionaries Cyil and Methodius in 863 6 July = Master Jan Hus burnt at stake (1415) 28 September = St. Wenceslas Day 28 October = Anniversary of Foundation of Czechoslovakia in 1918 17 November = Anniversary of Fights for Freedom and Democracy in 1939 and 1989 Moderate climate. Spas the famous West Bohemian Triangle of spa towns in particular, and this includes Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně and Františkovy Lázně There are three historical parts of the country: Bohemia in the west, Moravia in the east and the smallest Silesia in the northern part of Moravia. Charles IV. was one of the most popular Czech kings and built the famous Charles Bridge and Karlštejn Castle. The national flag consists of the white and a red stripe and blue triangle. The Czech anthem is the song „ Where my home is" by J.K. Tyl. -- TRAVELLING AROUND THE CZECH REPUBLIC The most popular place for tourist is definitely the capital city Prague. It is full of tourist from all over the world for all over the year. In Prague we can visit Prague castle, Charles bridge, Town hall with astronomical clock, St. Wenceslas chapel with crown jewels, Wenceslas square, National museum, Jewish cemetery and St. Vitus Cathedral,. Prague offers more than 40 theater. The most famous one is, of course, the National Theatre. The Czech Republic is also full of historical monuments such as castles, most famous is Karlštejn, Český Krumlov castle, castle Lidice, Hluboká nad Vltavou castle and Litomyšl castle. Next beauty of Czech Republic we can find is St. Barbara Temple and Church of St. John Nepomuk in Kutná Hora. We can visit some look-out towers like Petřín and Doubravka. Another place of interest is memorial Terezín, it's near to Litoměřice, and it's full of Jewish monuments. We can visit there Jewish ghetto, Jewish cemetery and Small Fortress Terezin. Other popular places are ski centres, we can travel to Špindlerův Mlýn and Harrachov. For example they can also go to our biggest peak Sněžka Natural beauties If tourist would like to see natural beauties in Czech Republic, they can visit Devil's wall in Liberec region, Mumlava waterfall in Harrachov, and National park Czech Switzerland. Spas - Lázně Spas are also in our country. The most famous are in Karlovy Vary, another spas are for example Františkovy and Mariánské. Means of transport In the Czech Republic we often travel with trains, because trains are faster and are cheaper then buses. Next possible option of transports is bike, cars, metro, bus and taxis. Taxis are very expensive. In Prague there is one international airport for people travelling abroad. Places put on the UNESCO World cultural heritage list Historical centre of Český Krumlov and Telč are under UNESCO, and Prague historical centre, includes for example Charles Bridge and Charles University. And another places like Cathedral St. Barbara in Kutná Hora, villa Tugenhad in Brno, Litomyšl castle and Kroměříž castle are under UNESCO too. For visitors to the Czech Republic it is a country with very interesting and rich history. The Czech Republic has beautiful old buildings with rich past. There are many different architectural styles. The people are friendly and helpful for tourists. But the language is difficul for foreigners. (cizinci) -- Capital city, population-10.5mill, currencyCZCch croWn, major Ciues, 1 he iag-tradhttonal Slavic colours. Thre blue triangle was added in 1918 tO represent olovaka cons We Moravia, Bohemia and Stlesia. Location. Lhe country 15 avidcu mo coues. we ve in. Geography- mountains, ranges, rivers, divided into counties, industry.. Ihere is/are, on the boarder of, It flows into, the longest, the highest, lakcs, caves, forests, rocks, urban, rurial, mayor, we produce Sugar Cubes- Dacice, Semex- Pardubice. 1here 15 also a lOt ot agriculure in Our county m. g 1m the soun, people work on Vineyards, corm is grown. Crops of potatoesare many grown .. v Tn Ocfrava there used to ewed in.s.. In Mlada damatically reduced so there t qu , the resulted in many social problems such as... 3. History, politics 1918- The independent Czech Republic was forimed. Before, 1t was a part of the AUstro ungarnan ER Ne irst preEsident was 1GM. 1he counlry was invaded byNazi Uenany the 1n 1959. 1he wwil finished in 1945. in l989 there was a Velvet revolution to 1989. The first return f democracy. The countw lov Havel ( admired abroad, dramatist lent of the democri oms slogan-the truth and love Lm A muva AGvohoA reelpea bro doheolo It is an independent, democratic state. The head is the president. CuTentuy 3 **sssn3OVCrnment consists or the Cabinet. Cabinet is made up ot ministres. The head ot ths government 15 1ne Fime minister or tne zen kepuoic. ane 1.999 The general election is held every 4ycars. We are a member of the Eu, NATO and other international organisations. zech hs love nature, skiing, skating, cycling. playing volleyball, ice hockey, bRsketbal.. At weckends, they go to their cottiages, whicar l located m ne counyac, 1ney VISIt their grandpareritS..A Easter, thEy chase wh wnips. Durng wintct, 1n te conuystaes, 1t 1s popuiar t0 nave or to see apig siLRIEt, Rots O ch music, made tlačenka, jitrnice, ovar, o expl usic. SHEIANA, DUOLN Popular Czech musicians are.JN., CiSa politicions,singers, players, sporisnen, Some tanmous omenskv. actors, doctors .. In villages, during summer, feašts are held añinually to celebrate a successtul haes usually takes 5 days, 1t involves dancing under a may polelage and tamily gathering, folk music, e soutnem part or i ne 2ech Kepubne auicimer mustc oands are popuiar. . Places ol interest, Sightseelng-uesCnpuos, Tesons y hat Villa in B lov, Prague, Telc, Lcdnicko Tehoh is famos for.., Czech 1928 Ludwg Mies, n Paradise, The Highland, Cylomd Canada, Sunava, 1ne 6. 11ps tor holiday activities (Cycling, Walking, 5wimming, 11shing, city tors, Signtseemg, Shopplng, Climbin8, having a rest.. The Czech Republie 1. General information 2. Geography- mountains, ranges, rivers, counties, industry. 3. History, politics 4. Lifestyle Places of interest (5), sightsceing-descriptions, reasons - why chosen 6. Tips for holiday activities ( cycling, walking, swimming. fishing, city tours, sightseeing, shopping, climbing, having a rest.. Brno, Prague 1. Location 2. General information 3. History 4. Famous for 5. lIniversity town.. 6. Industry, Trade 7. Sightseeing Brno-Spilberk, Petrov, cathedrals, squares, markets, theatres, museums, interesting buildings, other places of interest.. 8. Famous, well known figures-who lived, worked there 9. Surrounding Brmo -recreation, education, caves, castle Veveří, Masaryk Racetrack, reservoir-dam, 10. Surrounding - Prague 11. Sightseeing Prague -Praguc Castle, St. Vitua Cathedral, Old Royal Palace with Vladislav Hall, Bohemian crown jewels kept in a chamber, Golden Lane, Little Quarter, Charles Bridge, with Baroyue statues, The Old Town, The New Town, The Old Town Square, The astronomical clock in the Old Town Hall1, Wenceslav Square with its statue, Vyšehrad Citadel, Slavin cemetery, local Jewish community,, Clementinum -State Library, Carolinum-the oldest part of Prague University, National Gallery, National Museum, Stavovske Theatre, The National Theatre, Laterna Magica theatre, Na Zábradli, Ypsilon Theatre, 10. Some legends - Brno Dragon, Brmo Wheel, - Prague-Golem, others. The Brno Wheel in around 1636 there fived a young man in Lednice, Jiři Birk, who thanks to his doed became a legend in Drno. One day in May he met with his frionds in a pub and as it goes whon people have a lew dri-ks - nothing in the wortd is impossible. Alter a few pitchers, the youth began to boast aboul his skills as a praltsman. Because no one paid much atlention to him, he tried another tactic. He made a bet lhat wil-in 12 hours he could cut down a tree, mako a wagon wheel and roll it to Brno befcre the cily gata closed. The neighbours started to laugh. "it's impossible. Brno is six miles away. How could you do it T get up at 6 in the morning,cut down the tree, mako a wheel from it, and rol it to Brno," Birk ropeated pig-headedly. You've gol yoursalt a bekl" thie others agreed with emirking smiles, taking pleasure in the situalion. "Il you don't nanago, you will pay lor a bael of winel "Fine! But il 1 succeed, cach al yoa wll give me one tolar Detailed nules werm decided and the böts were proparly toasted. Suraly you can imagine what a dillicult nighl Birk had and how much his head ached. A bet's a bal, and R must be kept. Cursing, he got down to worlk. To his hor ror, he realizad that it he lost the bet, he woud have to leave Lednice, because he would betihe laughing stock of the lown. Birk really was a handy craflsman and all Uhreo witnesses vho were supposed to supovise his work were lamazed by how skilled he was. At noon the wheel was ready and the wheeler began to smile from time to tirne. He thought that roling the wheel to Brno would be child's play. He was very mistaken The road seomed to go on forever, He was just on tha erge of giving up the bet, but could hear the laughter ol his Iriends ringing in his ears. With Ihe last of his strength he rolled the wheel to City Hal. The Petrov bells were just jolling for evening(curtew. Birk had won the bell To make the bet valid, he had to ask the burgemaster for contirmalion of his arival, He returned home victorious, bul lor a long lime he wasicured of placing any more betls. The mayor, Gabrilel Grimm, had this wheel hung in the city hallpassagoway anda is stil hanging thore today. Tomonow you can check this for yourself, The Brno Dragon dAitaaLAuaauki You know how peoplo talk, but as the saying goes "in éverything there is a itle bit of tnush" Bcleve il or not onco upon a bino a huga dragcn appearcd in Bmo. R was a baod usling monster. it ate chidkens, hers, and even gtrangicd a besd of lambs. People were femifiod of ia. Farmes slopaed working in the fieids, merchanls avoided the city with a ten loot pole, arnd women coudn'1 go to the maiket. Women frarm Leh especlally regreld that they couldn't go to Ihe markol and complainedlerocicusly about it Tho cty councillors leared the wonen more than the dragon snd started to twtack their brains as to hcw to get rid of the dragon as quickly as possible, Altor much kfispule, one of therm had a bright idea: "Lef's make an announcement that whoever kills the dragon will get 100 gold pieces." For a long lime there was no one to be found who would batle with the dragon, unil one day a journeyman bulcher who was enticed by the reward appeared. Because he not only had greal muscles, but also conmon sense, he knew that strength alane was not enough for such a rival. "Give me the skin of an ox and a sack of lime, and will lil the dragon." The city councilors were rather surprised about the Ihings that he requested, but they tulilled his wishes. The butcher put the iunslaked ime inside of the skin andt bowed i sp. He hid this lingeniousily made sack into the grasses. He climbed a lall tree near the Svilava River, where the dragon had itsdon. He didn't have to wait for long before he heard a homible snorting and Tumbling uckus, The dragon could smell the ox's skin and got vary hungry. It searched around to.find às prey and then saw the bag of line under a tree. t hurtod lilseld at the sack and levoured it whole. Atler such aleast it became teribly thirsty, I crawlad to the river and had a big dink. The lime in its stomach began to harden andislake. The dragon slated to hnust about, urithe and 'shriek lin pain. Scoing the horror, tha bulcher did not dare to come dowin from the tree for a long time. Only after the dragen's stomach burst did he 9o 1o see lar himsell that the dragon was reaily dead. The lollowing morning peopla came unning over to thank their hero. They ioaded Ihe dragon on a wagon and ceremoniously carted it of to the city. There, it was &luled and hung into the passage way of the main gate. Not until later was it lransfemed to the passage way of the Old City Hall, which was built from the monay coming from the lounishing trades and from renewed trade. Mosl protvabily Bie siory was dillerant in 1008 Kng Malyás (Matthow) received Uio exotic gilt fom a Turkish adelegetion ard becauss he cicn'? Anow wiaf o Go wilh L, he/magnsnimcusily cornafed i fo he cly cn ho oocason oi is bacoming he Moravian inargrave. Many af us would preler fo b9- gve a legad in wiich ngeuty waS viefovious over migh Prague is the apilal of thc Cech Kepubiuc, Uhe Seat ot be Tesidenl, 8overment and parianet ant he po uural and econamic, centre of the couutty.It spreads out o o0 10 ainisrative distri ea of almost 500 km and t hasat.zn efow Hraday aid Vyšehrad Cany an es oest he foandation of Prague with Princess Libuše of the Pemysiid aysy wn re glory of Prague which "would touch tne SS eo e kdl land above Slavs came to the Pragie vaey ie of the Piyslid dynasty. In the 10th century anoiher caste, Chares the i eame teoraniy a seat of the Premyslid Princes too. Prague became tne (1144) v (1346-1378) and during his reign it flourished and gre hin of Ciarles Bridge smd St Vitus Cathedral. Charles Unuversity0 e f the ussite movement. In 1420 Jan Zizka defeatesd the int a In the 1 A tbe end of the 16th century Frae regne s a o 1620 the seat of Rudolph 1, who imvited artists and scientists therey Dal of the White Mountain, near the place the Czeen est t cioaie samds until now. A few mosths tater, in 162, 21 tepres wc ected in the Old Town Square. The Ihiry reils Wa, te cau imes t fact that Prague was not the caprtal oE l ife when Czech scholars and writers began the process At tne ei o 1913 Prapue was the capital of the independent Czechastovak Keppic n 195 1as ocrind bv German troops and in l1942 severely persecute Siau n 9th May, 1945. The Heyirich Ater the Pragae uprs he deutic reforms in the couritry and eg orinOn 17h November, 1989, the Velvet Revolurtion bregan dern d thns o Ist January. s Contiueu with ne sputng ot amer teter ecsbvka uu pe u u meecs co 1993, Prage becane ue apa ae Castle, the seat of the President, is the daminant ot ne csy d eaits can admire the city below With the ro0ts nt Gothie, Reraiss eaudes three utside t cludes palaces and hrundreds ot churen spire Chic Viadislay Halt, and the newly redecorated Spanish a i couryards ver oyroos i g wi med. In the Viadislav FHall the election of ue Pteset ares Piae a H land Rudolph CGallery serve 1or ceretDonliai And ur " It was completed in 192,a ts The smot ime i site The Gothic cathedrat was founded by Ciaries i 1n cote after the IOunca Avchbishooric. The present calheurat ts the resut ot tne wotk or twO s s Mathias of Anmas and Petr Parlét. The most admired parts ticm ievels (St Wenceslas crown, the scepe paruy wu n-p l rnt which contains the sarcophaguses of Czech kings and quetens. a envent of Se George, the first to be ouait n nvent of SSt George, the ust to be ouait n bone 0 cof to the Baroque art of the National Gallery. 1he cov ie the Rval Summer Palace Bele Romanesque arenee re porth of the Ales, and the Singing Fountain which gained ts 1at exanpie eby he falling drops of water. Gnllen La De rade up a ny B. alate" whie 16th century when craftSIDE seiea e Palare with the beanstiful 18th century Rococo facade, the 1h houses the maty nstoy oue National Gallery, not far from it is Cernin Palace built in the styie ot 17th ceniuy Italian architecture, now the seat of the Ministry of reign Alfairs, and the Loreto cOprex, une 1a eny a piace of pilgnimage, with a caninon ult everlookine the Lesser Town the Strahov Monasy ounde d in t is now a Museum of ech Literahure. NeaY e e a D It was built 1or the Jubilee Exhibition in 1891 as a ree copy or ue etes wer. t arus a Along Nenrla Sireel we can go trom the Castie to the Lesser 1own below. 1he Lesser Towa 5a poec quarter ith pr ictur rooked streoets, stylish taverms, ancieht houses a pa bo er and A 1 urapO architecture is St. Nicholas harch in the Lesse w e itava This oldest (14th oentury) and nust FTom UE S eome a favourite place for walks and tourist attractioms. it is 20 10n culptures and groups of statues mainly ot Baroque ongan (soTe of hen oy M. B. BrOWt ana 2. T DO together with the Bridge ioweTS make it ique wOTK OT arcnectlre Prague is the apilal of thc Cech Kepubiuc, Uhe Seat ot be Tesidenl, 8overment and parianet ant he po uural and econamic, centre of the couutty.It spreads out o o0 10 ainisrative distri ea of almost 500 km and t hasat.zn efow Hraday aid Vyšehrad Cany an es oest he foandation of Prague with Princess Libuše of the Pemysiid aysy wn re glory of Prague which "would touch tne SS eo e kdl land above Slavs came to the Pragie vaey ie of the Piyslid dynasty. In the 10th century anoiher caste, Chares the i eame teoraniy a seat of the Premyslid Princes too. Prague became tne (1144) v (1346-1378) and during his reign it flourished and gre hin of Ciarles Bridge smd St Vitus Cathedral. Charles Unuversity0 e f the ussite movement. In 1420 Jan Zizka defeatesd the int a In the 1 A tbe end of the 16th century Frae regne s a o 1620 the seat of Rudolph 1, who imvited artists and scientists therey Dal of the White Mountain, near the place the Czeen est t cioaie samds until now. A few mosths tater, in 162, 21 tepres wc ected in the Old Town Square. The Ihiry reils Wa, te cau imes t fact that Prague was not the caprtal oE l ife when Czech scholars and writers began the process At tne ei o 1913 Prapue was the capital of the independent Czechastovak Keppic n 195 1as ocrind bv German troops and in l1942 severely persecute Siau n 9th May, 1945. The Heyirich Ater the Pragae uprs he deutic reforms in the couritry and eg orinOn 17h November, 1989, the Velvet Revolurtion bregan dern d thns o Ist January. s Contiueu with ne sputng ot amer teter ecsbvka uu pe u u meecs co 1993, Prage becane ue apa ae Castle, the seat of the President, is the daminant ot ne csy d eaits can admire the city below With the ro0ts nt Gothie, Reraiss eaudes three utside t cludes palaces and hrundreds ot churen spire Chic Viadislay Halt, and the newly redecorated Spanish a i couryards ver oyroos i g wi med. In the Viadislav FHall the election of ue Pteset ares Piae a H land Rudolph CGallery serve 1or ceretDonliai And ur " It was completed in 192,a ts The smot ime i site The Gothic cathedrat was founded by Ciaries i 1n cote after the IOunca Avchbishooric. The present calheurat ts the resut ot tne wotk or twO s s Mathias of Anmas and Petr Parlét. The most admired parts ticm ievels (St Wenceslas crown, the scepe paruy wu n-p l rnt which contains the sarcophaguses of Czech kings and quetens. a envent of Se George, the first to be ouait n nvent of SSt George, the ust to be ouait n bone 0 cof to the Baroque art of the National Gallery. 1he cov ie the Rval Summer Palace Bele Romanesque arenee re porth of the Ales, and the Singing Fountain which gained ts 1at exanpie eby he falling drops of water. Gnllen La De rade up a ny B. alate" whie 16th century when craftSIDE seiea e Palare with the beanstiful 18th century Rococo facade, the 1h houses the maty nstoy oue National Gallery, not far from it is Cernin Palace built in the styie ot 17th ceniuy Italian architecture, now the seat of the Ministry of reign Alfairs, and the Loreto cOprex, une 1a eny a piace of pilgnimage, with a caninon ult everlookine the Lesser Town the Strahov Monasy ounde d in t is now a Museum of ech Literahure. NeaY e e a D It was built 1or the Jubilee Exhibition in 1891 as a ree copy or ue etes wer. t arus a Along Nenrla Sireel we can go trom the Castie to the Lesser 1own below. 1he Lesser Towa 5a poec quarter ith pr ictur rooked streoets, stylish taverms, ancieht houses a pa bo er and A 1 urapO architecture is St. Nicholas harch in the Lesse w e itava This oldest (14th oentury) and nust FTom UE S eome a favourite place for walks and tourist attractioms. it is 20 10n culptures and groups of statues mainly ot Baroque ongan (soTe of hen oy M. B. BrOWt ana 2. T DO together with the Bridge ioweTS make it ique wOTK OT arcnectlre 19, Praque Progue is The capifal ciTy of Czech Republic. It s seat of the President, government and parliament and the political. Is centre of culture life.It spreads Out on both banks of the river vifava. It has about 1.2 million inhabitfants, in Prague we can found a lot of unilversifies and a lot foreign students, museums, yalleries ana heatres. Inere are many indusTries Too. Ine most mportant Kind5 rhe of industry are the engineering(CKD, Tesia,).food industry, fextile, chemical, printing and film. Prague is an amporfant road,rail,air and river Transport function. Administrative districsi 10 (ror example vysehrad, iradcany. osetov or tne New 1ownor the Old Town.) A T Major is Tomáš Hudeček Iransport Prague is the only city in Czech republic where is a metro, Famous peopie from Prague: AU PRAGUE CASTLE.c The seat of president, is the dominant of the city. Is over a thousand years old. From this castle is amazing view of the city. The monumental complex Of tne castles includes three courtyards tnadvori) and over 30 rooms among which tne late 6othic VLADISLAV HALL, STVEUS CATHEDRAL The most impressive buiiding at the castle, It was complete in 1929. The gothic cathedral was founded by Charles IV.in connection with the estalishment of The Prague Archbishopric. he cathedral was work by Petr Parler and Matthias ot Arras. ST GEORGES BASTLICA Is the oldest surviving church building within Prague Castie. The basilica was founded by Vratislaus I of Bohemia in 920. It is dedicated to Saint George. COLDEN LANE -ls a street situated at the Prague Cas tle. Its name is connerted with 16th century. Made up ot finy houses. ST NTCHOLAS CHURCH Is in the Lesser Town square. It was builf between 1704-1755 on the site where formerly stood a Gothic church from the 13th century also dedicated to Saint Nicholas. It was built by Christoph Dientzenhofer, later by his son Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer. CHARLES BRIDGE Over the river Vitava This oldest and most charming of the many Prague bridges has become a favourite place for walks and tourist attraction. It's 520 metres long and decorated with 30 seulputures and grouups af statues mainly of Baroque origin which together with the Bridge Towers make it a unique work of architecture NATIONAL MUSEUM It's from 19.century. At present the National Museum hoiuses almost 14 million items from the area of natural history, history, arts, music and librarianship, located in tens of buildings ANOTHER FAMOUS PLACES IN PRAGUE Rudolfinum, Jewish town, Charles University Petřin, Paris street, National Theatre GENERAL INFORMATION: 1.2 million inhabitants 14th largest city in the EU business, political, economic and cultural centre of the Czech republic known for its various architecture- from Gothic to modern architecture MUSEUMS AND GALLERTES The National Museum natural, scientific and historical collections. The Rudolfinum it's a home to the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra and it's named in honour of Rudolf, the Crown prince of Austria. There's also a gallery of contemporary art. The National Gallery The National Technical Museum artefacts showing the history of technology MUSEUMS AND GALLERTES The National Museum - natural, scientific and historical collections. The Rudolfinum it's a home to the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra and it's named in honour of Rudolf, the Crown prince of Austria. There's also a gallery of contemporary art. The National Gallery The National Technical Museum artifacts showing the history of technology. OTHER ACTIVITIES Divoká Sárka, Stromovka - there are many biking and walking paths Festivals-United Tslands (3-day open-air music festival) - The Prague Spring International Music festival (symphony orchestras + chamber music ensembles) The Prague Marathon- takes place in May Christmas markets - in Old Town Square St. Venceslav Square PRAGUE Prague is located in the middle of Central Bohemian Region on both banks of the river Vltava. Prague is the capital and the largest city in the Czech Republic. The population is 1,2 million inhabitants. In Prague live a many foreigners most of them are Ukrainians, Slovaks, Russians, and Vietnamese. But every year, thousands of students from all around the world come to Prague to study. The Vltava river runs through the city. It is a political, cultural, academic and economic centre. Prague is the seat (sídlo) of the Czech president, parliament and government. One of the most beautiful town in Europe. Since 1992, the historical center of Prague has been put on the UNESCO world cultural heritage list. Prague can be divided into four sections: Hradčany, Lesser Town, Old Town, and New Town. The King Charles IV. chose the city as the capital of his whole empire. He founded Charles University, St. Vitus Cathedral and Charles bridge. Many of the most beautiful things we associate with Prague can be treated back to Charles IV. Transport Most of the people in Prague use metro, trams or buses. Thanks to the metro, you can travel long distances in a short amount of time. If you don't like the public transportation, you can drive a car or get a taxi. The largest Czech airport, called Václav Havel Airport, is located only 15 km from the centre of Prague. Prague offers more than 40 thea. The most famous one is, of course, the National Theatre. A national monument from the 19th century consists of three art ensembles: opera, drama, and ballet. Other smaller theaters that are popular: National Black Light Theatre, Archa Theatre, Divadlo na Vinohradech. In Wenceslas square we can see the statue of St. Wenceslas on his horse, it´s a saint of Bohemia Places of interest Charles Bridge Charles bridge connects old town and Lesser town of Prague. Charles Bridge is the center of many attractions not only for tourists. Statue of John Nepomuk. Prague offers more than 40 theaters. The most famous one is, of course, the National Theatre. A national monument from the 19th century consists of three art ensembles: opera, drama, and ballet. Other smaller theaters that are popular: National Black Light Theatre, Archa Theatre, Divadlo na Vinohradech. The old town square Town hall with astronomical clock St. Wenceslas chapel with crown jewels Wenceslas square National museum Jewish cemetery Lesser town (malá strana) Prague castle OTHER CITIES Brno 2nd largest cityy the capital of the South Moravian region - there's a 2nd largest university sights: Spilberk Castle, St. Peter and Paul's Cathedral, Tugendhat Villa Ostrava former industrial and coal- mining centre (technical landmarks: Lower Vitkovice Area, Michal Mine) known for the festival Colours of Ostrava Pizeň (home of Pilsner beer), Karlovy Vary (spa town film festival), Zlín (home to the Bata shoe company) TOURIST ATTRACTIONS: Ješted Tower outside Liberec Ceský Krumlov UNESCO site Kutná Hora - "bone church", St. Barbard's Cathedral Karlštejn Castle NATURE: Krkonoše National Park, Punkva Caves, Bohemian Paradise Shopping SHOPPING Shopping is an activity that is necessary in our lives. Most people have to spend part or day doing some kind of shopping for food or other basic stuff. It's a question of knowing what to buy, where and when. We have a large selection of shops where we can shop. We can go to a big hypermarket, a supermarket, a department store, a small department store, or an outdoor market. There are other shops, flower shops, books, journalists in the city. Currently, the supermarket is the number one type of shop where people like to make their big purchases. In the supermarket, you can buy almost all kinds of food: meat, cheese, eggs, milk, butter, bread, sugar, flour, tea, coffee, fruits, vegetables, and canned food in cans and cans. In the supermarket you can buy cleaning supplies such as laundry, washing powder and polishes, and you can also find small home items. Another place where people make a lot of shopping is a department store because it offers everything under one roof. The department store has different sections where you can buy almost everything: clothes for men, women and children, shoes, sports stores, photographic shops, furniture, home accessories, garden supplies, electronics, CDs and tapes, books, furniture, jewelery, perfumes and cosmetics. Many people shop for weekends when supermarkets are not so full. At the end of the month or at the end of the season, some products are also offered at lower prices. Shops: Butcher - meat (pork, beef, chicken), ham, salami, cheese, Baker - bread, rolls, cakes, donuts, cakes, biscuits Grocer's - all kinds of food (milk, yoghurt, butter, cheese, soups, sugar, oil, drinks) Shoes - shoes, shoes, sandals, slippers, trainers, socks, stockings Clothing shop - sweaters, shirts, shirts, jeans, hills, underwear, gloves, hats Bookstore - books, textbooks, dictionaries, calendars Flower shop - flowers, pots Greengrocer's - Fruit and Vegetables Pharmacy - shampoo, cosmetics, detergents, washing powder Newsagent's - magazines Pharmacy - medicines, medicines, herbal tea Goldsmith's - rings, bracelets, chains, watches For many people shopping centers are the place where they spend their free time. They have a long opening hours and are open at weekends. Many shops are concentrated in a large hall. Most of them are shops with clothing and boutiques, some jewelery stores, accessories and cosmetics. In most shopping malls you will find fast food and cafés, a children's yard and sometimes a cinema. -- Shopping Shopping is part of our everyday lives. Some people enjoy it, and will wander around shops only to have a look, with no particular goal, others hate shopping and find it very unpleasant. For shopping may also involve stress, for instance during summer or winter sales. Special offers result in stressful behaviour and overcrowded shops. The same happens at Christmas. That is why, for some people Christmas is no longer a feast of peace but a feast of eating and drinking. Most people, however, shop in huge supermarkets. More and more huge shopping centres are being built on the outskirts of towns that offer everything under one roof: stores, cafés, restaurants and sometimes even cinemas, hairdressers and other services. Naturally, they can offer what small shops cannot afford: the opening hours are longer, there is enought parking space, a free childcare centre, and many more. In most shops there are counters with cash registers on it, supermarkets usually have got checkouts. The customers use either shopping baskets or - better - shopping trolleys, the latter make the client spend more as they are so big and seem to be so empty. The surprise comes when it comes to paying. In clothes shops there are fitting rooms. In shops there are usually rows of shelves with products. After having paid for the goods you are given a receipt that gives you a guarantee and possibility of taking the goods back and getting a refund. You can pay either in cash, by cards or cheques. Some shops offer buying on credit. Some chain shops also offer customer's cards for loyal customers. They can either collect points for products they buy or use the card for buying the products and pay only, say, once a month the whole sum. The invisible money that is on such card also makes you buy more. Shopping arcades are convenient and comfortable especially when it's raining outsider. A chain store is a shop with subsidiaries in many towns. Harrods is a famous British department store, very expensive and very luxurious. -- Shopping When we run short of some things that we need right away, we go to the nearest shop. We should be able to get what we need there. If not, we must go to some other outlet. The most frequented shops are food stores. That's where we go to buy what is most important for us and most in demand - food and drinks. In a small shop or stand the shopkeeper himself assists us. In a supermarket we take a cart or basket and we pick our food ourselves. Most food stores have not one but several departments. We select baked goods - bread, rolls, buns and cakes-from wicker baskets or glass shelves. The fruit and vegetable counter is a separate department too. There a shop assistant weighs the customer's fruit and vegetables. Sometimes the price is given on a per-item basis. There is usually a wide selection of fruit and vegetables-ranging from products which can be grown in our climate to exotic tropical fruit. The most frequently offered and sold products are difterent varieties of apples, oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruit, pineapple, bananas, kiwi fruit, dates, figs, grapes, mangos, strawberries, nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts and coconuts), peanuts and almonds. In summertime our choice is even wider due to the presence of pearS, plums, cherries, currants, gooseberries, raspberries, blackber ries, bilberries and water-melons. We need vegetables as a daily part of our diet. We can improve vitamin-poor meals with lettuce, spinach, peppers or tomatoes. Other vegetables often used for cooking are potatoes, carrots, parsley, celery root, onion, garlic, leeks, chives, caulifower, cabbage, Savoy cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, green peas, lentils, beans, soybeans and radishes. In a supernmarket we can put into our basket goods chosen according to our needs. We buy flour, sugar and salt less frequently. This food is usually packed in one-kilo bags. Spices sold by weight are also offered in small packages -cumin, black pepper, cinnamon, marjoram, ginger, bay leaf, allspice, thyme, etc. Nowadays customers are offered a large selection of pre-cooked foods which make the task of cooking easier- for instance, dry soups in bags, sauces and pasta. As for soft drinks, we can find here lemonade, orange juice or apple juice and mineral water

on many routes cutprice

tares are provIded tor students, pensionersS, and the disabled

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