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I have decided to make a definite plan for my future career. What ________________ (AM) is make a definite plan for my future career.

I am going to do

I caught the bus before they got to the airport to collect me. By the time they got to the airport to collect me _______________ (ALREADY) caught the bus.

I had already

I realised I hadn't booked an appointment when I got to the hair salon. I realised _______________ (FORGOTTEN) an appointment when I got to the hair salon.

I had forgotten to book

I don't have much money, so I probably won't go on holiday this year. If ________________________ (MORE), I would go on holiday this year.

I had more money

I can't play the piano very well because I only studied it for a year. Had ______________ (LONGER) than a year, I would be able to play better.

I studied the piano for longer

I managed to het to bed before midnight for once. For once _______________________ (SUCCEDDED) to bed beore midnight.

I succeeded in getting

I understand what you are saying but I can't agree. I can't agree, although ____________________ (POINT).

I take your point

I'm a sucker for _________________ good marketing campaign - I fall for _________ every time. Marketing people have got me sussed - they understand my mindset. ____________ I buy something, I feel happy. The problem ______________ I don't. Or, at least, I do but only for a moment. After that comes guilt and more often than ____________ I return the item for a refund. Am I locked into this unending spiral of spend and regret? I've been assessing options _______________ might hepl me curb my buying impulses. I'm learning to spread my purchases _______ much as I can - instead of going on a big spending spree, I try to limit ____________________ to one purchase per trip to the shops. I've earmarked my credit card _______________ luxury items alone and have stopped pretending it's good to use a card that gives loyalty points - that's a way of savin, right? Wrong! It's misery, not happiness.

a, it, if, is, ot, which, as, myself, to

The only thing I didn't love about the concert was the price. I loved everything __________________ (FROM) the price.

about the concert apart from

CAE The global recording industry has launched its largest wave of legal 1. _________________ against people suspected of sharing music files on the internet. The latest move by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) 2. _____________________ 2,100 alleged uploaders using peer-to-peer (P2P) networks in 16 nations 3. _________________________ the UK, France, Germany and Italy. Thousands of people have agreed to pay compensation since the campaign began. In the US, civil lawsuits have been brought against more than 15,597 people 4. _____________________ September 2003 and there have been 3,590 settlements. 'This is a significant escalation of our enforcement actions against people who are uploading and distributing 5. ___________________ music on p2p networks,' said IFPI chief John Kennedy. 'Thousands of people - mostly internet-savvy men in their 20s or 30s - have learnt to their 6. _________________________ the legal and financial risks involved in file-sharing copyrighted music in large quantities.' Individual cases are generally brought by the national associations 7. _____________________ the recording industry, and in some cases by the labels, as civil complaints. The UK record industry has so far brought 97 cases, with a 8. __________________ 65 covered by the latest action. More than 140,000 in compensation has been paid to the British Phonographic Industry by 71 individuals. 1. A) action B) activity C) acting D) acts 2. A) aimed B) targeted C) directed D) pointed 3. A) such B) with C) including D) throughout 4. A) during B) throughout C) since D) in 5. A) copyrighted B) registered C) trademark D) illegal 6. A) benefit B) charge C) cost D) fortune 7. A) for B) working C)representing D) inside 8. A) newly B) addition C) further D) another

action, targeted, including, since, copyrighted, cost, representing, further

It was only after telling everyone that it was his birthdaythat John got lots of cards. John only got lots of cards ________________ (HAVING) it was his birthday.

after having told everyone

We are keen to keep in touch with friends at ________________ hours of the day or night - and tweeting has become a mainstream form of communication. But __________ it really appropriate in all situations? Many tweeters have a strange urge to post their reactions to things as quickly as possible, to avoid being though of as behind the times. But __________________ if in a theatre, people tweet durin the performance itself, thereby ruining it for those around them? It's hard to imagine a live theatrical experience as anything _______________ than devalued when hald the audience can be seen in the glow of their phone screens, tweeting away __________________ of following the play. But the success of a performance requires the audience to ____________ attention. Some US theatres have _________________ matters into their own hands _______________ designating some sections as "tweet seats", well away from others. Nevertheless, when even part of the audience is inattentive - doing something _____________________ composing a thought in a tweet - it affects the whole atmosphere.

all, is, what, less, instead, pay, taken, by, like

However hard I look, up to now I haven't been able to find a job. I haven't been able to find a job ____________________ (ALTHOUGH) looking really hard.

although I have been

I don't think my future job prospects are very good, which is very worrying. I ___________________________ (ABOUT) my future job prospects.

am worried about

I love hiking, as does Stafano. Stefano loves hiking _________ (AND) too.

and I do

This may be suprising choice as it's jot comfortable or oviously APPEAL. I9m sure many people gravitate towards the GRAND of Venice or the beauty of Sydney but the place that does it for me is a remote valley in Iceland. Far from anything man-made, it was created by a violent natural catastrophe. It would have been a challenging place to ilve under any circumstances but thousands of years ago a volcanic ERUPT under a glacier caused a lood that carved out a huge canyon. TOWER walls of rock on either side protect the calley from the STRONG of the ferocious Artic winds. Here a forest has grown up in a SHELTER area of calm. I find it has its own ATMOSPHERE identity, which some may find PLEASE or ven threatening. However, it draws me back time after time. I stay in the campsite and it gives me a new perspective on my everyday life. It make me appreciate the formidable power nad ESCAPE force of nature.

appealing, grandeur, eruption, towering, stregth, sheltered, atmosphering, unpleasant, inescapable

They don't allow people who arrive late at the opera house in until the interval. People who arrive late at the opera house _________________ (ARE) until te interval.

are not allowed in

Young artists often copy famous paintings. Famous paintings ___________________ (ARE) young artists.

are often copied by

They sometimes tell the people who arrived late that they can't enter the theatre. People arriving late ______________________________ (PREVENTED) the theatre.

are sometimes prevened from entering

They confidently expect the broadcast to go ahead at 6 p.m. They __________________ (SURE) go ahead at 6 p.m.

are sure the broadcast will

As a child I was captivated by the idea of being a baker - it was the 0. ______________ of bread and cakes! In the vent it didn't happen but I do sell sweets online. That wasn't intentional - after college I'd been 1. ____________ down for every job I'd applied for, so starting my own bussiness was my last option. I researched the marker, looking for a 2. _____________________ , an unexploited area I could make my own, I persuaded a friend with marketing experience to come into 3. _______________ with me. I suspeczed it might be a temporary arragement until 4. ______________ for a career but I enjoyed the flexibility of working for myself and decided to develop it into a 5. _______________ viable bussiness. It was scary at first, particularly 6. _______________ with feelings of doubt. I was turning my 7. ______________ on security, taking a financial risk, but I was in charge, 8. __________________ the shots. It's been hard work, creating the website, networking, connecting with potential customers, but the future's looking bright. 0. A) aroma B) stench C) scent D) odour 1. A) got B) turned C) put D) taken 2. A) pasrt B) corner C) section D) niche 3. A) contract B) partnership C) alliance D) collaboration 4. A) picked B) decided C) chose D) opted 5. A) totally B) rather C) slightly D) quite 6. A) making B) getting C) coping D) being 7. A) back B) shoulder C) head D) bod 8. A) risking B) telling C) calling D) giving

aroma, turned, niche, partnership, opted, totally, coping, back, calling

I'll go home for CHrismas provided I have finished the project by then. I'll go home for Chrismas ____________ (LONG) finished the project by then.

as long as I have

People will always want entertainment, providing that they have the time to enjoy it. There will always be a need for entertainment, _____________________ (LONG) the time to enjoy it.

as long as people have

I've made an official omplaint but haven't had an answer. Despite having made an official complaint, _______________ (AS) received an answer.

as yet I haven't

The one sense all vertebrates use ___________ a means of identifying potential danger is hearing. _______________ there are examples of blind vertebrates, there seem to be no instances of naturally deaf ones, and animals can hear things around them no ________________ what they are doing. Hearing _________________ into its own, however, with underwater creatures. Light only travels a short distance underwater before it disappears, ______________ limits the value of sight for sea creatures. Conversely, sound travels faster and further then it does in the air, and any noises sea animals produce can be heard ____________ miles. Ironically, this causes problems as the underwater world is generally noisy and ___________ can be confusing echoes; sea creatures have to sort through these to isolate a message meant _________ them. Marine animals use sounds to navigatte, communicate and locate food, so ______________ this sense, they would be unable to function effectively.

as, while, matter, comes, which, for, there, for, without

Until recently, if you had 0. _____________ most people how many tastes existed, their answer would almost 1. ___________________ have been four: sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. Nowadays, however, more and more people 2. ___________________ the existence of a fifth taste: umami. Umami has always been there, but it wasn't until 1907 that a Japanese chemist called Kikubae Ikeda 3. _____________ it a name. He had noticed there was a quality shared by foods as 4. ______________ from one another as asparagus and parmesan cheese, a quality he named umami, the Japanese word for delicious. For many years, it was believed that human taste buds were 5. _____________ of detecting this fifth taste but it turns out that we can not only detect it, we go for it in a 6. ___________ way. Today, from the kitchens of the top avant-garde chefs to humble hamburger joints, umami-consciousness is making its 7. ______________ . And it sells! You can now buy umami-flavoured paste in a tube at your local supermarket and if the advertising is to be 8. ______________ , try it once and you'll be back for more. 0. A) questioned B) enquired C) quizzed D) asked 1. A) absolutely B) certainly C) completely D) clearly 2. A) acknowledge B) understand C) allow D) grant 3. A) found B) put C) gave D) chose 4. A) contrasting B) unalike C) different D) diverse 5. A) incompetent B) incapable C) inefficient D) inexpert 6. A) whole B) grand C) great D) big 7. A) point B) mark C) claim D) grade 8. A) believed B) considered C) credited D) assumed

asked, certainly, acknowledge, gave, different, incapable, big, mark, believed

If you harbour ASPIRE of a perfect life abroad, you're not alone. SURPRISE most people have these dreams immediately after returning from a particularly enjoyable holiday overseas. But take a moment to reflect on your motivation. Are you unhappy with your current life? Even if you are, moving abroad's LIKE to change that - relocation will not MAGIC solve your problems. If you yearn for an easy life, forget it. What on holiday appeared leisurely may turn out to be incredibly boring once you're struck with it, and adapting ti a new way of life can be EXPECT challenging. Remember too that you often need official APPROVE to woek in another country, which may involve providing proof of financial STABLE and employment. So the dream of just ROOT and going wherever you like is impractical. However, for every expat who finds the experience difficult and alienating, there are others who say it was educational and LIGHT. In the end, the dream is yours.

aspirations, unsurprisingly, unlikely, magicaly, unexpectedly, approval, stability, uprooting, enlightening

Very few people make an effort to recycle their rubbish, which I find stonishing. It's ______________ (HOW) make an effor to recycle their rubish.

astonishing how few people

You wouldn't expect to find a dead king under a city park, yet. ASTONISH, his was where archaeologists found Richard III, an English king who died in 1485. Always a CONTROVERSY figure, Richard was MORTAL as a villain and murderer by Shakespeare. The accuracy of tis portrayal is DEBATE, but the fact that Richard was killed at the Battle of Bosworth Field is DISPUTE. The exact whereabouts of his body after the battle was a mystery but with the discovery of a skeleton in Leicester, people speculated about whether these were the REMAIN if the king. The skeleton exhibited similar injuries to those recorded after the battle and scientists carried out carbon dating, which placed the skeletons in the fifteenth century. ANALYSE of DNA from living descendants of the king put IDENTITY of the skeleton beyond doubt - the evidence was CONCLUDE. The last missing king of England had been found.

astonishingly, controversial, immortalised, debatable, indisputable, remains, analysis, identification, conclusive

When using emojis, the over-30s seem to have a weird (0) ATTACH to the idea of communicating something specific. My parents' use of emojis is (1) EMBARRASS because it's so literal. They haven't realised that the humour of emojis lies in selecting ones which are (2) EXPECT or random, and not literally translating words into pictures. Using emojis literally can also lead to (3) UNDERSTAND becuase it's almost impossible to be subtle. The over-30s' attempts to use emojis are also always a little too (4) ENTHUSIASM and obvious. What they fail to comprehend is that emojis should always be used slightly (5) IRONY. People over 30 never quite get htis right because the effort involved is so painfully evident to the reader. My generation understands instinctively that you never give the (6) IMPRESS that you have spent actual time browsing for something (7) MEANING and relevant, or that you have given it any thoughtt at all. An (8) EFFECT emoji is one that seems casual and spontaneous.

attachment, embarrassing, expected, misunderstandings, enthusiastic, ironically, impression, meaningful, effective

The idea of souvenirs comes from memento more: religious objects which were supposed to heighten people's 1. AWARE of the spiritual world. Memento mori is actually a Latin phrase meaning Remember you will die. Like memento mori, souvenirs also act as 2. REMIND but of happy events such as holidays and celebrations. It's the 3. SYMBOL nature of souvenirs, such as fridge magnets and plastic miniature statues, which make them so 4. RESIST for tourists, who are looking for things which are cheap and easily 5. TRANSPORT. Because they're often mass-produced in a far-off land, they can lack 6. AUTHENTIC. For this reason, many people consider them to be 7. WORTH but for the people who buy them, their artistic or monetary value is 8. RELEVANCE. However, unique souvenirs which you may come across 9. EXPECT are always precious. My mother's favourite souvenir, for example, is a seahorse which my father found on the beach on their honeymoon.

awareness, reminders, symbolic, irresistible, transportable, authenticity, worthless, irrelecant, unexpectedly

The answer to the question is assumed to _____________ that it's element of surprise. If you tickle yourself, you are expecting the feeling, so you don't or can't react to it. But brain scans have indicated that brain activity is the same ________________ a person is expecting to be tickled or not. So what's _________________ on? OUr brains are constantly processing information absorbed from all our senses, which enables us to __________________ sense of our surroundings. An important aspect of this _____________ differentiating between events caused by external factors and those we start ourselves. ________________ seems to be some evidence that activity in the brain is different when responding to stimuli _____________________ are perceived as coming from outside and those that come from ourselves; we appear to be able to distinguish between __________ two. This may be fascinating but it takes _________________ the magic - I prefer to think that when a baby laughs as it is being tickled, it's simply having fun!

be, if, going, make, is, there, that, the, away

It used to _________ though that babies knew a lot more than they actually do. In the 1980s, researchers conducted experiiments where babies were shown imagines that appeared to defy the laws of physics. The babies started ______________ apparent disbelief , as if they had just seen something completely mind-boggling. But it turns ___________ that this wasn't because the babies understood physics _____________ becasue they were learning something new. Whether you show a baby an unusual occurrence involving an unfamiliar object, a familiar object in an odd situation or an unfamiliar object in a normal setting, the baby will do exactly the ____________ thing. It would seem that babies react by staring fixedly at absolutely _________________ they haven't seen before. They stare _______________ a short time and then they look away. Babies do this because they are learning and, having learnt what is new for them, have _________________ further reason to go on looking. So babies know ________________ whatsoever about physics - they just know how to learn.

be, in, out, but, same, anything, for, no, nothing

It's the first time I've seeb szch a beautiful painting! Never _________________ (BEFORE) such a beautiful painting.

before I have seen

You may think selling you house is easy but everyone wants to get the 0. ______________ deal. Unfortunately, teh housing market is 1. ________________ to highs and lows, which could prevent your 2. __________________ the price you want. However, displaying your house at its best could persuade 3. _______ buyers it's worth paying more for than a similar one nearby. Here are some simple steps you can take that might 4. _______________ a sale. De-clutter and throw away or store superfluous stuff. It may have sentimenal value for you but to buyers it's junk. Tidy shelves and work surfaces. 5. _________________ most buyers will renovate a house as soon as they move in, it is worth 6. _____________ up the place by painting, replacing worn carpets and so on. The look you want is neat but lived in - comfortable and cosy but suggesting that there is still 7. __________________ for a purchaser to put their own 8. _______________ on the house. It's your home and you love it but the trick is to make others love it, too! 0. A) nicest B) biggest C) best D) richest 1. A) liable B) subject C) acceptable D) part 2. A) succeding B) winning C) achieving D) managing 3. A) developing B) unrealised C) potential D) capable 4. A) clinch B) fix C) verify D) stick 5. A) but B) despite C) however D) although 6. A) doing B) getting C) making D) working 7. A) space B) room C) place D) capacity 8. A) idea B) brand C) character D) stamp

best, subject, achieving, potential, clinch, although, doing, room, stamp

Are dancers really just athletes? There are similarities ______________ them and it has long been acknowledged than their level of fitness is remarkably similar. Infact, experimets where footballers took ______________ in trainging sessions with dancers showed that ___________ was the players who got tired first. Many people already view dancers as elite athletes. Unfortunately, ____________ is also apparent is that while dancers possess an enviable range of flexibility, _____________ to mention amazing muscular strengh, they are also higly suscetible to injury. And ____________ from those who are lucky enough to dace at the higest level, they may have little real support when something serious occurs, so careers can be cut short. To returnto the original question, many would argue that dancers are more than athletes. _________________ training equally hard, they have teh added pressure of looking beautiful and ________________ everything appear effortless. So it is not only the physical capabilities of the dancers that is admirable but the grace and artistry with _________________ they perform.

between, part, it, what, not, apart, while, making, which

Just over four years ago I was set up on my first ever and only 1. _______________ date. My friend Simon had met a writer while doing a reading of his latest book in a local library. Convinced that his friend and I would be perfect 2. _____________ , Simon passed on my email details and then came back and told me all about him. The next 3. _______________ I knew, Simon and I were on Google, typing in his new friend's full name to see if any 4. _______________ of wives, girlfriends or long-term relationships appeared in any of his profiles. Having satisfied ourselves that the man in 5. _______________ was available, I sent him an email and we arranged to meet for coffee the following Sunday. We got 6. ___________ like a house on fire and though we're as different as 7. _____________ and cheese in all sorts of ways, we are essentially on exactly the same 8. _____________ . Four years on, we now share our lives. And when anyone asks how we met, I say, quite proudly, We were set up. 1. A) surprise B) secret C) blind D) unknown 2. A) fit B) suit C) partner D) match 3. A) thing B) time C) moment D) minute 4. A) information B) idea C) mention D) rumour 5. A) interest B) question C) issue D) mind 6. A) up B) on C) over D) off 7. A) cream B) butter C) chalk D) ham 8. A) wavelength B) bandwidth C) frequency D) modulation

blind, match, thing, mention, question, on, chalk, wavelength

Iconic bands like the Beatles or the Rolling Stones became successful 0. __________ names and generated vast wealth. This was partly achieved by controling the distribution of their music, which created 1. _____________ demand and fevered worldwide attention. However, the world has changed and with the proliferation and music sharing 2. ________________ by the internet, that kind of fervour will be hard to recreate 3. __________________, singers and musicians can still have good careers but the days of such long-lived mega status may be on their 4. __________________ out. The future is unclear: will huuge stadium gigs still be on the agenda or are bands going to 5. _________________ for more restricted local success? Touring bands have to 6. _________________ all their waking hours to their shows, which often 7. _____________ a strain on theri personal lives. We shouldn't 8. __________________ to conclusions but in future there may need to be redefining of what success as an artist really means - and it could be different from that of the past. 0. A) brand B( trade C) label D) tag 1. A) tough B) strong C) resilient D) durable 2. A) motivated B) dedicated C) approved D) facilitated 3. A) Whereas B) Conversely C) Naturally D) Additionally 4 A) way B) time C) route D) direction 5. A) accept B) agree C) settle D) stay 6. A) devote B) spend C) occupy D) offer 7. A) puts B) makes C) gives D) does 8. A) arrive B) lead C) reach D) jump

brand, strong, facilitated, naturally, way, settle, devote, puts, jump

My sister was totally shocked when she won the lottery. Winning the lottery _______________ (CAME) my sister.

came as a total shock to

Why are some actors singled out as being great while others are not; what determines this CATEGORY? Actors who make regular APPEAR in blockbuster films are often popular but they may remain RECOGNISE themselves whatever role they play. Other less-known but well-regarded actors manage to lose themselves completely inevery onscreen persona they take on. It's not just a question of theri VERSATILE - it's whether the audience accepts their character as totally BELIEVE. But there's an inherent paradox in this. SUPPOSE, great actors who pull this off may not NECESSARY be big box office draws and their films may not make money. Why is this? Possibly audiences don't warm to them when they are off-crean because, unlike their celebrity counterparts, they could seem rather bland or INTEREST. Maybe great actors need the kind of personality that makes them LIKE when they are off-screen, while retaining the ability to disappear into someone else once the camera starts rolling.

categorization, appearances, recogniably, versatility, believable, supposedly, necessarily, uninteresting, likeable

The audience were confused by the magician's trick. The magician's trick __________________ (CONFUSION) the audience.

caused confusion among

Music and sound are part of any CINEMA experience; they enhance the drama and add EMOTION strengh to the story. They manipulate the feelings of the audience in subtle ways. Music has a profound impact and is a POWER way influencing how we fell about what's on creen. It creates images that can suggest a quality in a character, or give an INDICATE of the mood od a scene. But it must be used CAUTION; too much may get on people's nerves or overwhelm the action. Sounds play an equal part in the mood of a film. A door banging or a window breaking play with audience's feeling in EXPECT ways, creating sudden feelings of disgust and even terror. Such sounds are never SIMILAR effective, heightening the INTENSE of a moment. A film in which all these elements come together is successful in enabling the audience to live in the dramatic moment.

cinematic, emotional, powerful, indication, cautiously, unexpected, accidental, similarly, intensity

Selling a new product is a complex business, especially when the product coudl be 0. __________________- as a luxury, and many people are involved in the process introducing it to the marker. Once the work of designing and manufacturing the product has been completed, it's 1. ___________________ the salespeople to sell it and, hopefilly, 2. ___________________ the company a fortune! Two words are mentioned in a merketing 3. _______________ : buzz and hype. Each of these has an important part to play. Buzz is what salespeople want to create through 4. __________________ of mouth - potential customers talking about the new product, creating a demand for it, building a sense of excitement about the 5. _______________ and generating a positive market 6. _____________. Hype, advertising created by the company itself, is the sales 7. ________________ the company puts out to distrust the hard sell and recommendation from loyal customers is likely ,to carry greater 8. ________________ among consumers. 0. A) classed B) clarified C) grouped D) graded 1. A) in for B) back through C) down by D) up to 2. A) create B) make C) turn D) keep 3. A) campaign B) movement C) project D) drive 4. A) saying B) expression C) word D) phrase 5. A) opening B) start C) initiation D) launch 6. A) reply B) acknowledgement C) answer D) response 7. A) fact B) pitch C) argument D) information 8. A) value B) appreciation C) acceptance D) weight

classed, up to, make, campaign, word, launch, acknowledgement, information, weight

It was 1977 and the American graphic designer Milton Glaser had been asked to 1. _____________ up with a logo for New York State. He pulled a red crayon from his pocket and began to sketch on the 2. _______________ of an envelope: first an I, then the simple outline of a heart, followed by two letters, N and Y. Glasser's doodle 3. _________________ to the development of one of the most successful advertising campaigns of all 4. ________________. It was so successful, in fact, that the torn envelope 5. __________________ his original idea is now in a permanent collection in a museum. The upbeat message of Glasser's design, which 6. __________________ the kind of joyful graffiti that a young lover might carve into a tree, 7. ___________________ to New Yorkers as well as tourists. Glaser himself acknowledges that it seems strange that a logo could have such an impact but it seems his design really did 8. ___________________ about a change in people's attitudes at a time when the city had been going through difficult times. 1. A) draw B) create C) make D) come 2. reverse B) back C) rear D) jnderside 3. A) led B) brought C) produced D) saw 4. A) history B) past C) ages D) time 5. A) holding B) storing C) bearing D) exhibiting 6. A) seems B) looks C) resembles D) reminds 7. A) appealed B) charmed C) attracted D) enticed 8. A) get B) bring C) set D) put

come, back, led, time, bearing, resembles, appealed, bring

It's 0. _______________ knowledge that the correct answer to Which weights more, a pound of lead or pound of feathers? if They're the same. Anyone who say lead is going 1. ______________ the facts. But is this actually the 2. _________________? Psychologists suggest it's possible for two objects with identical mass to feel unequally heavy and this is to 3. ___________________ the distribution of the weight. One experiment 4. ______________ some way to supporting this theory. Scientists placed a lump of lead in a cardboard box, then filled an identical bo with a bag containging the same wight of feathers. Volunteers were blindfolded, given each box 5. _________ and asked which was heavier. The majority 6. ___________ the box with lead in it The appearent explanation for their choice is the lead sitting in the bottom of the box 7. _____________ it difficult to control and it therefore felt heavier. 8. _________________, the feathers were equally distributed making the box easier to manage. Whatever the answer, it's a fun quiz question. 0. A) common B) usual C) normal D) everyday 1. A) opposed B) opposite C) against D) counter 2. A) way B) case C) idea D) proof 3. A) bring up B) come to C) keep on D) do with 4. A) goes B) moves C)gets D) takes 5. A) by row B) by rote C) in time D) in turn 6. A) took up B) went for C) got on D) kept wiht 7. A) made B) caused C) created D) formed 8. A) At least B) Consequently C) In contrast D) Comparatively

common, against, case, do with, goes, in turn, went for, made, in contrast

News that a bottle 0. CONTAIN a message sent by two twelve-year-old French-Canadian girls has been found on a beach in Ireland, eight years after it had fist set sail from Canada, has been met with 1. AMAZE. The story has captured the 2. IMAGINE of people all over the world. The girls threw the bottle into the St Lawrence River in Quebec while on holiday. But the chances of it being picked up by ten-year-old Oisin Millea eight years later on the other side of the world were 3. LIKE. The message, which was place in a two-litre Sprite bottle, was written in French and is still 4. EXPECT legible. Oisin made the 5. DISCOVER while walking on the beach near his home in County Waterford. His mother said Oisin was an 6. ENTHUSIASM treasure-hunter but this was by far the most incredible find he'd yet made. She added that one of the most 7. REMARK things about this story was the amount of media attention it has attracted from news 8. AGENT all over the world.

containing, amazement, imagination, unlikely, unexpectedly, discovery, enthusiastic, remarkable, agencies

I made the decision to go to university after all. What ______________________ (DECIDED) to university after all.

decided to do was go

Although the painting is worth much more, it was recently sold for only 10000. The painting was recently sold for only 10000, ______________________________ (BEING) much more.

despite being worth

I only managed to buy my own place after years of sharing with other people. Only after years of sharing with other people _______________________ (DID) my own place.

did I managed to buy

I resolved the problem by talking to his mother. What I _____________________ (DID) to talk to his mother.

did to resolve the problem was

I took the only course open to me and changed my job. What I ___________________ (DID), which was the only course open to me.

did was change my job

What the archaeologists discovered when they opened the tomb was amazing. The ____________________ (MADE) when they opened the tomb was amazing.

discovery that the archeologists made

People's attitude to tourists tends to be somewhat unfair - they say tourists arrive in large numbers, 0. ___________ the everyday life of residents and leave without having 1. _____________ with the local culture. People often prefer to describe themselves as travellers, 2. _____________ that this is a superior way of seeing the world. But is this simply the last stronghold of snobbery? Is it purely the 3. _______________ of people involved that turns travellers into tourists? It disregards the prosperrity tourists 4. _________________ to an isolated area the might itherwise be neglected, regardless of its beauty. Although some residents in tourist hot spots moan about the endless ebb and 5. _____________ of camera-carrying visitors, others embarace the accompanying financial benefits. 6. ________________ , many who term themselves travellers are actually secret tourists - they hanker 7. _________________ popular destinations and resent the hassle of organising their own trips. Tourists enjoy sharing their experiences, whereas travellers may 8. ________________ the company of others. Which is really preferable? 0. A) disrupt B) destroy C) damage D) distress 1. A) occupied B) involved C) absorbed D) engaged 2. A) implying B) inferring C) appealing D) persuading 3. A) dimension B) size C) volume D) capacity 4. A) carry B) bring C) deliver D) convey 5. A) flow B) movement C) stream D) tide 6. A) Alternatively B) Conversely C) Ironically D) Correspondingly 7. A) to B) after C) on D) with 8. A) repel B) object C) deny D) shun

disrupt, engaged, implying, volume, bring, flow, ironically, after, shun

However hard she tries, she still manages to offend people. It ________________________ (MATTER) she tries, she still manages to offend people.

doesn't matter how hard

Whatever she wars, she always manages to look amazing. It _________________ (MATTER) she wears, she always manages to look amazing.

doesn't matter what

Whatever film you want to see will be good for us. We _______________________ (MIND) film you want.

don't mind seeing whatever

Whatever we have for supper will be fine with me. I ____________________ (MIND) have for supper.

don't mind what we

We're going to camp whether or not it's raining. We're going to camp _____________ (EVEN) raining.

even if it's

Using technology affects everything: our habits, the way we work, 0. ______________ our relationships. Apps provide 1. _______________ cuts to programmes and information that is permanently on 2. _________________. But surprisingly, technology is also having a physical effect on us. We may be familiar with the idea that thumbs are getting stronger due to texting but we are probably less 3. ______________ on the way technology is changing our behaviour. No longer do we walk along briskly; we fiddle with our phones as we go. This changes our 4. _______________ as our heads dropp down, our bodies are slightly 5. _____________ over and we are less likely to look around at our rurroundings. Movements we make on 6. __________________ screens have become second nature, like pinching and spreading our fingers to shrink or enlarge the on-creen 7. _______________, but they are new gestures in our body-language vocabulary. Visual art forms like dance are 8. ____________ up on these new kinds of movement, allowing fascinating theatrical possibilities for the future. 0. A) even B) also C) on top D) in spite 1. A) quick B) little C) short D) fast 2. A) supply B) tap C) order D) provision 3. A) told of B) clued up C) hinted at D) informed about 4. A) posture B) condition C) mode D) standpoint 5. A) folded B) creased C) bent D) arched 6. A) handle B) contact C) stroke D) touch 7. A) display B) show C) exhibition D) disclosure 8. A) getting B) picking C) putting D) going

even, short, tap, clued up, posture, bent, touch, display, picking

Zoologists now believe that mammoths, which died out around 4000 years ago, were driven to 1. EXTINCT by humans as well as by climate change. A mammoth, named Jenya after eleven-year-old boy who made the astonishing find, is thought to be the most 2. PERFECT preserved animal of its kind. A mammoth has not been found since 1901, so this finding has been extremely 3. EXCITE for zoologists. Jenya's remains were excavated from the Siberian permafrost and taken to St Petersburg for 4. ANALYSE. Tests show that Jenya was fifteen years old, two metres tall and weighed 500 kilograms, which makes it 5. CONSIDER smaller than other mammoths previously found. He also had a missing left tusk and it was this 6. ABLE that probably led to his death. He would have been 7. POWER in fights with other mammoths or human 8. HUNT who were settling the Siberian marshes and swamps 20000 - 30000 years ago. So Jenya's death might have been the result of a 9. CONFRONT with an Ice Age man.

extinction, perfectly, exciting, analysis, considerably, disability, powerless, hunters, confrontation

Success, like beauty, lies in the 0. ___________ of the beholder. How one person chooses to define it can be very different from how others perceive it. For some people, it's earning a fortune, 1. _________________ for others it's working in a voluntary position helping those less fortunate. It's also relative rather than 2. __________________ because the person who 3. ______________ a new skill has achieved success in their terms just as much as the self-made millionaire. Ironically, there may also be an underlying contradiction in the term. 4. ___________________ , an actress who has a glamorous life and seems to have everything she wants may actually be troubled by the loss of her 5. ________________ life as paparazzi invade her personal 6. __________________ . It also has something to do wiht the length of time success 7. ___________________ . Many young people are happy with short-term fame but 8. _______________ it's true that raching that one goal might be comparatively straightforward, maintaining that success is often much harder. ANd surely, it's long-term success that is ultimately the most satisfying and laso the most enviable? 0. A) eye B) look C) sight D) view 1. A) as B) while C) so D) since 2. A) total B) whole C) complete D) absolute 3. A) wins B) earns C) gets D) masters 4. A) After all B) At first C) At once D) Apart from 5. A) secret B) private C) individual D) separate 6. A) zone B) area C) space D) place 7. A) goes B) holds C) keeps D) lasts 8. A) despite B) even C) although D) however

eye, while, absolute, masters, after all, private, space, space, lasts, although

Some users of Twitter have thousands of followers. Clearly, they are FASCINATE people. But some of their followers are pretty silent and RESPOND; in fact, they don't seem remotely interested in the CONTRIBUTE of the person they are following. And there's a reason for this: they are FABRICATE, added to the person's account by companies that sell fake social media followers to anyone hoping to boose their reputation. The number of followers a user has is often seen as an indicator of their social influence or POPULAR. Therefore, people such as artists or aspiring musicians might not find the idea APPEAL. Having thousadns of followrs could enhance their image as a DESIRE commodity and even lead of offers of work. Although it's not LEGAL to sell followrs, and it can be lucrative, somehow it feels ETHIC and unsatisfying. If your followers are fake, they don't care about you - and certainly don't read your comments. So what's the point of tweeting at all?

fascinating, unresponsive, contributions, fabrications, popularity, unappealing, desirable, illegal, unethical

Adults behaving like teenagers really embarrass me. I ______________________ (FIND) when adults behave like teenagers.

find it embarrassing

I'll stay and look after my sister until I'm not needed anymore. I'll stay and look after my sister ______________________ (AS) necessary.

for as long as

The reason that Dutch children are regularly 0. _____________ to be the happiest in the world is no surprise. Dutch parents have a healthy attitude towards their kids, treating them as individuals 1. ____________ of respect. They understand that achievement doesn't necessarily 2. _______________ to happiness. The Dutch have reined in the anxiety and stress of modern lifestyles and have redefined the meaning of success and well-being. Sitting down to eat breakfast as a family in an 3. ________________ important part of Dutch family life. In 4. ________________ to American and British families, where breakfast is a meal that's often skipped in the rush to get out of the house on time, the Dutch are champions of breakfast time and seem to be happier and heathier because of it. In the Netherlands, children also like going to school. Dutch children are among the least like to 5. ___________ pressured by schoolwork and score 6. ______________ in terms of finding their classmates friendly and helpful. Parents 7. _____________ realistic expectations of their children and are not competitive about their achievements. Countries such as Britain, where children are less happy, should 8. _______________ inspiration from the Dutch example. 0. A) found B) described C) viewed D) concluded 1. A) suitable B) worthy C) justified D) rightful 2. A) deliver B) fulfil C) realise D) lead 3. A) absolutely B) entirely C) extremely D) utterly 4. A) contrast B) opposition C) denial D) rejection 5. A) experience B) feel C) admit D) act 6. A) highly B) successfully C) hugely D) immensely 7. A) make B) take C) have D) get 8. A) follow B) grasp C) win D) gain

found, worthy, lead, extremely, contrast, feel, highly, have, gain

CAE She has learnt a substantial amount from her university course. She has ______________________ (GAINED) knowledge from her university course.

gained a substantial amount of

I wish people wouldn't talk during the performance -it makes me really uptight It really ______________________________ (NERVES) people talking during the performance

gets on my nerves when

The United Nations (UN) is a GLOBE organisation made up for almost 200 member states, whose mission and work are influenced by the principles agreed on when it was founded. Through bodies and committees like the Security Council and the General Assembly, the UN makes PROVIDE for its members to state their views on various issues. The Un works in areas such as the MAINTAIN of international peace and security, the protection of human rights, the upholding of international law and the DISTRIBUTION of humanitarian aid. By facilitating dialogue between its members and also by hosting NEGOTIATE , the UN has become a mechanism for governments to work COLLABORATE to find solutions to problems. The accurate interpretation and translation of the UN's six official languages is fundamental to the work of the organisation. This unique multilingual environment encourages increased efforts by the PARTICIPATE , which results in more involvement by the member states, better outcomes and greater EFFECT. To date, the various agencies, programmes and staff on the UN have been awarded the PRESTIGE Nobel Peace Prize more than ten times for their work.

global, provision, maintence, distribution, negotiations, collaboratively, participants, effectiveness, prestigious

Srinivasa Ramanujan, possible the 0. ___________________ mathematical genius of the last century, was born in Tamil Nadu, India. He came from a poor family and did not go to university but he developed his own individual way of writing formulae and even 1. ________________ to publish some of his work in an Indian mathematics journal. Ramanujan believed that his results were 2. ______________________ to him by a Hindu goddess and so he did not show how he had arrived at his conclusions. Because of this, his work 3. _________________ largely ignored until he sent letters to prominent international mathematicians, 4. ________________ them the British mathematician G. H. Hardy. As Hardy read Ramanujan's letter, his amazement steadily 5. __________________ . He recognised that the young Indian had 6. _________________ at several results in pure mathematics that were already 7. ______________ but had used completely new techniques. Even more astounding was the fact that there were some entirely new results quoted without proofs. Hardy immediately invited Ramanujan to work with him. Ramanujan made the journey to Cambridge in April 1914 and began a very productive 8. _______________ with Hardy. 0. A) greatest B) best C) highest D) strongest 1. A) accepted B) achieved C) managed D) succeeded 2. A) communicated B) provided C) distributed D) shared 3. A) maintained B) remained C) kept D) continued 4. A) among B) within C) inside D) between 5. A) multiplied B) increased C) boosted D) expanded 6. A) gained B) acquired C) landed D) arrived 7. A) noticed B) discovered C) realised D) known 8. A) teamwork B) collaboration C) cooperation D) participation

greatest, managed, communicated, remained, among, increased, arrived, known, collaboration

Were you aware that clothes are the most rapidly 1. ______________ waste item in the UK? Our wardrobes are 2. _________________ of things we seldom wear either because they don't fit use anymore or because we've been 3. _______________ that they're no longer in fashion. Rather than having them 4. ______________ so they do fit or look more up-to-date, we simply go out and buy more. It's not surprising that this overindulgence is now being tackled 5. ____________ by people who suggest we should either shop shopping altogether or go on a temporary shopping fast. For example, you might set yourself the 6. ______________ of not buying anything for six months or even a year. For those who really can't stand the 7. ________________ of having nothing new to wear, there's always the possibility of 8. ________________ your clothes with friends. Why buy two expensive outfits for two special occasions held on different dates when you could share? 1. A) raising B) developing C) growing D) mounting 2. A) full B) filled C) crowded D) occupied 3. A) induced B) influenced C) persuaded D) swayed 4. A) changed B) fixed C) mended D) altered 5. A) front-on B) head-on C) face-on D) right-on 6. A) aim B) focus C) promise D) target 7. A) concept B) plan C) notion D) thought 8. A) getting B) taking C) swapping D) giving

growing, full, persuaded, altered, head-on, target, thought, swapping

Just as I hot to the theatre, they announec that the concert was sold out. Hardly _______________________ (HAD) when they announced that concert was sold out.

had I got to the theatre

CAE Brian was really interested in North American history in his school days. Brian ___________________ (INTEREST) North American history in his school days.

had an interest in

Everyone had thought the painting was worth over 100 million. The painting _________________ (BEEN) worth over 100 million.

had been thought to have been

It was heavy snow on the line that delayed the train. The train would have arrived on time if it __________________ (HELD) heavy snow on the line.

had not been held up by

I dont have any free time, so I cant come to the theatre with you. If I ______________________ (WOULD) come to the theattre with you.

had some free time, I would

It's rare that I speak to my friend nowadays. I ________________ (HARDLY) nowadays.

hardly ever speak to my friend

The number of visitors to the island has fallen dramatically. There _______________ (STEEP) the number of visitors to the island.

has been a steep fall in

People claim that the government hasn't built enough new homes for migrant workers. The government _________________ (ACCUSED) enough new homes for migrant workers.

has been accused of not building

Scientists have made an enexpected discovery in the tretment of cancer. There _____________________ (BREAKTHROUGH) tin the treatment of cancer.

has been an unexpected breakthrough

Some people have been saying what a good move emigrating would be. It ____________________ (ARGUED) emigrating would be a good move.

has been argued that

Nigel started doing his ironing two hours ago. Nigel _________________ (FOR) two hours.

has been ironing for

This milk is bad - it smells terrible. This milk __________________ (OFF) - it smells terrible.

has gone off

There has been a huge increase in tourism this year. Tourism __________________ (GROWN) this year.

has grown substantially

We have maintained the level of visitors to the museum this year. The number of visitors to the museum __________________ (STABLE) this year.

has remained stable

I am really bad at remembering people's names when I meet them. I ________________ (MEMORY) people's names when I meet them.

have a really bad memory for

It will be six years since I moved here next Saturday. By next Saturday I will _______________________ (FOR) six years.

have been living here for

It's six years since I moved here. I _______________________ (BEEN) six years.

have been living here for

I expect I'll leave home before I'm twenty. I expect I will _________________ (TIME) I'm twenty.

have left home by the time

You have to have such a good knowledge of the city to be a tour guide. You _______________ (KNOWLEDGEABLE) the city to be atour guide.

have to be knowledgeable about

I made sure to take umbrella as I had heard it was going to rain. I made sure to take my umbrella ______________________ (HAVING) to rain.

having heard it was going

It's nearly impossible to succeed without people to help you. Nobody can do everything on their own and being friendly and 1. HELP is one of the most important 2. CHARACTER for a young entrepreneur to have. Without the ability to network and work with people, you won't be able to develop the 3. RELATION that you need to provide the support you'll need. Many young entrepreneurs get 4. MOTIVATE when things do not live up to their 5. EXPECT. It's a mistake to believe you can instantly start making millions of dollars. Most ideas will end in 6. FAIL . Don't take this to heart, treat it as a 7. FORTUNE from which you will recover. Remember that luck plays a major part in the success of any project. You may think you have the perfect idea but luck may not be on your side and you may not always get the 8. RECOGNISE that you deserve.

helpful, characteristics, relationships, demotivated, expectations, failure, misfortune, recognition

They should have told you by now whether your job application was successful. It's ______________ (HIGH) whether your job application was successful.

high time they told you

The prospect of choosing a holiday used to be daunting and alll HOPE travellers could do was visit travel through guidebooks. Even then, there were pitfalls. Travel agents has a financial interest in selling holidays, brochures made locations look BELIEVE beautiful and guidebooks were often outdated by the time you bought them. But now things are different. Not only is this considered ACCEPT but it is expected that people will blog about their tabels and put reviews of accommodation online. THis provides an endless stream of information and creates the IMPRESS of knowledge. Bloggers invite REACT to their posts, encouraging discussion, and this often results in the apparent ESTABLISH of a virtual community. However, blogs are INTENSE personal accounts and there may also be a hidden agenda. A blogger might have an axe to grind and write negatively, which can be LEAD; it can even lead readers to make serious JUDGE about places. The bottom line is, blogs can be useful but sometimes take them with a pinch of salt.

hopeful, unbelievably, acceptable, impression, reactions, establishment, intensely, misleading, misjudgements

I bought you some of those Belgian chocolates because I know how much you like them. Knowing _________________ (HOW), I bought you some of those Belgian chocolates.

how much you like them

When you decide to change your job, a prospective employer could aks you to take a personality test to see ___________ well you would fit into the organisation. Any company wants to employ _________ right person; in these days of financial constraints, they can risk _____________ a mistake by selecting someone who is not up to the job or isnt compatible __________ the culture of the company. The question ____________ , are these tests aby good? Ibe if their attractions lies in the apparent practicality - applicants complete the test, findings are analysed anf the perfect candidate for the job is revealed. But that's ___________ leads some people to regard the tests with scepticism. It seems efficient to put people into neat pigeon holes but in reality, it can be counter productive. One downside of the testing is that it stereotypes people possibly holding them ___________ from fulfillinf their potential. Maybe such tests do have a part to ______________ but their results shoud be treated with causion.

how, the, making, with, is, what, be, back, play

It doesn't matter, if you think you know the subject well, you must revise for the exam. You must revise for the exam, _______________________ (HOWEVER) you know the subject.

however well you think

Even if you think you know the person well, you must work at the relationship. You must work at the relationship _____________________ (HOWEVER) know the person.

however well you think you

Waiting another day to book my ticket would have meant paying a lot more. I would have had to pay a lot more _______________ (IF) another day to book my ticket.

if I had waited

Have nay of you stayed at the Hotel Belmondo? Asked Kim. Kim asked __________________ (IF) stayed at the Hotel Belmondo.

if any of us

CAE There has been much debate in recent times about when young people should take up a second language. This has been especially fuelled in recent times by the increasing (IMPORTANT) placed on the English language. It is now commonplace to see parents providing a substantial amount of (FUNDING) on additional tuition on language lessons to give their children every (COMPETITION) edge. In the past decade, language institutes have sprung up in numerous centres, all claiming to provide rapid (ADVANCED) in English. There has been a push by many parents to expose their children to English in their formative years. This, many claim, will make the language more (INSTINCT) and ensure that all pronunciation errors can be avoided. There is some evidence which points to youngsters who have been raised in bilingual families, where the language spoken at home is different to the one that they (CONVERSATION) with in their external environment. While these children can switch between two languages with greater (EASY) , it remains to be seen whether this is (ADVANTAGE) when learning additional languages.

importance, funds, competitive, advancement, instinctive, converse, ease, advantageous

According to a study on what lies at the heart of success, it seems that the key is not what might be expected, 0. ___________ talent, hard work or a good education, but insted it's total, unadulterated confidence. Confident people tend not to be 1. ______________ by their own shortcomings and often have 2. ______________ than life personalities. This means they make themselves more visible in the workplace, pushing themselves forward at every opportunity and so 3. _______________ promotion over those who may well be more competent but appear on the 4. _________________ to be less talented. Confident peole are often admired and their opinions valued; 5. __________________ , they are able to influence decisions made within a group. This could have implications for the recruitment procedures of many companies, as a typical job interview often involves a group task which unfairly 6. ________________ the over-confident, Such a display of confidence may carry too much 7. ________________ with interviewers, and better, quieter candidates may be 8. ___________________ down, leading to a less efficient workplace. 0. A) in other words B) in addition C) in fact D) in truth 1. A) put back B) put off C) put under D) put across 2. A) bigger B) wider C) greater D) larger 3. A) being B) making C) reaching D) getting 4. A) top B) head C) surface D) front 5. A) consequently B) so C) while D) as 6. A) supports B) favours C) shows D) demonstrates 7. A) consideration B) power C) force D) weight 8. A) moved B) sent C) turned D) passed

in other words, put off, larger, getting, surface, consequently, favours, weight, turned

CAE He saw the litter on the ground and picked it up an put it in the bin immediately. He grabbed the rubbish off the ground and threw it ________________________ (HESITATION)

in the bin without hesitation

The Melbourne Brain Centre is one example of a new trend _______ science building design emerging in universities ________________ the world. Instead of the isolating partitions and cubicles intended to promote competition, the architects who designed the Brain Centre set _____________ to promote openness and collectivity. Both are qualities which, _________________ to historian of innovation Steven Johnson, have _______________ a far greater contribution to scientific advancement. Johnson's analysis of innovative thinking highlighted the importance of creating an environment in _____________ ideas can develop. In the case of the Brain Centre, ______________ includes cafés and lounges throughout the building and laboratories, which are open spaces ______________ equipment and conversation can be shared. The walls of lounges are covered in a markable surface so that two researchers talking about their work can jot their thoughts down ___________________ having to interrupt the flow to look for pen and paper. In short, the Brain Centre is an environment designed to inspire.

in, around, out, according, made, which, this, where, without

Success takes time, patience, and commitment. _______ the digital age of overnight success stories, this hard graft is easily overlooked. _________ often than not, success is the result of months and years of consecutive all-nighters, involving trial and error and setback after setback. There is often nothing quite ___________ failure to make people strive harder for success. A worrying trend in some school is the pretence that there are _________ winners or losers in school sports. It may be hard for children to accept failure but, equally, it's unfair not to encourage and reward talent. This applies ___________ all subjects, including sport. Removing the competitive spirit from schools crushes the incentive to improve and does not prepare young people _________ the trials ahead. Instead, it would be so _____________ more beneficial for children to be rewarded for their achievements and encouraged to try to improve _______ they fail to do their best. ___________ must never be forgotten is that the sharp sting of failure can often be the motivation for children to strive for success.

in, more, like, no, to, for, much, if, what

Sali Tagliamonte, a language researcher specialising _________ young people's speech, had noticed that Canadian young people telling stories and reporting their ____________ and other's actual words had started to use be like instead of said. As this trend had begun in the USA, Tagliamonte's assumption ______________ that the Canadians had picked it __________ from Americans they had actually spoken to. Tagliamonte, ____________ with other linguists, believed that people only change their speech if they interact with others who have already adopted the change. But she wanted to test her hypothesis by recording some British students as _________. She thought they would use like to quote fat ____________ frequently than the Canadians since they had only limited and sporadic contact with Americans. When she analysed the recordings, she found, _________ her astonishment, that the British teens were using like to quote even more than their Canadian counterparts. Her results showed that for the first time, a language change was spreading ___________ means of movies and TV rather than interaction.

in, own, was, up, among, well, less, to, by

CAE The anti-smoking advertisement does nto stop people from smoking. The anti-smoking advertisement is ______________________ (INEFFECTIVE) people from smoking.

ineffective at stopping

Nowadays noise is ESCAPE. We are bombarded on all sides by the ringtones of personalised mobile phones and the LEAK of music from a fellow traveller's headphones. In shopping malls, background "muzak" is AVOID. Make a business call and the moment we're put on hold we're entertained by WANT music. Most of such music is bland and MINDS, often deliberately emotional, playing with our senses for COMMERCE reasons. When piped music was originally introduced into hotel lobbies and lifts, it was to mask a silence that might have created a feeling of COMFORT among clients and to allow private conversation. Now some fear such noise pollution may be HARM to our well-being. Some people find it impossible to function without noise, yet when they are plugged into headphones, they appear detached from those around them. There's something worrying about a society that finds silence THREAT or intolerable. We must rediscover the sound of silence.

inescapable, leakage, unavoidable, unwanted, mindless, commercial, discomfort, harmful, threatening

The irate customer refused to speak to anyone other than the store manager. The irate customer __________________ (ON) to the store manager and no one else.

insisted on speaking

I can't think of a logical explanation for his behaviour. It __________________ (MYSTERY) why he should have behaved like that.

is a mystery to me

Economists expect the price of oil to fall next year. It ______________________ (ANTICIPATED) the price of oil will fall next year.

is anticipated that

Experts are convinced the painting was completed in the 16th century. The painting __________________ (CONSIDERED) completed in the 16th century.

is considered to have been

Keving thinks it might be a good idea to sell the house. Kevin _________________ (CONSIDERING) the house.

is considering selling

It's true that the company might go into liquiddation if it's not careful. It's true that the company ________________ (DANGER) into liquidation if it's not careful.

is in danger of going

The size of the population is unlikely to change much in the near future. The size of the population _______________________ (STABLE) in the near future.

is likely to remain stable

Learning to drive is a waste of time unless you already have a car. There ________________ (POINT) to drive unless you already have a car

is no point learning

The new fridge won't go through the kitchen door. There _________________ (ROOM) get the fridge through the kitchen door.

is not enough room

No one can do anything about students having tattoos if they want them. There __________________ (DONE) about students having tattoos if they want them.

is nothing to be done

There is rumour of a change in the management structure next year. The management structure __________________________ (BE) next year.

is rumoured to be changing

If people think a painting was done by a famous artist, it will be worth a lot. If a painting _____________________ (HAVE) by a famous artist, it will be worth a lot.

is thought to have been done

People think that Edison invented the light bulb. Edison _____________________ (THOUGHT) the light bulb.

is thought to have invented

People think the artist made a fortune through his abstract work. The artist ______________________ (THOUGHT) a fortune through his abstract work.

is thought to have made

What can mirrors tell us about our self-image? Researchers have discovered that being aware of a mirror on the wall can influence the way we behave and, if this research ______ to be believed, always ___________ the better. The results of the research show that when there is a mirror present, people are more likely to work harder, be more cooperative and are less likely to cheat. In one experiment, participants ________________given a series of exercises to do and their performance was compared with a control group who did the same activities _______________ a mirror present. One possible explanation for the improved behaviour and to think ___________________ we act, rather than acting on impulse. _________ greater level of self-awareness would seem, therefore, to have a positive impact on behaviour, if ___________ because we like to have a positive self-image and prefer to see _______________ in a favourable light.

is, for, were, without, before, a, only, ourselves

Some people doubt whether Martin's new business venture will do well. Martin's new bussiness venture ________________ (EXPECTED) well by everyone.

isn't expected to do

I know that I'll find the right job soon. I know ________________ (MATTER) before I find the right job.

it is a matter of time

Research has shown that frightening experiences are forgotten more readily than painful ones. According to reseach, __________________ (DIFFICULT) frightening experiences that painful ones.

it is less difficult to forget

I adore getting clothes for my birthday. I adore __________________ (WHEN) clothes for my birthday.

it when people give me

I've always tried to be a supportive friend, 0. _______________ my own counsel on my true opinions. I've lied to 1. _________________ a friend's face and gone to parties with people I couldn't stand 2. ________________ upset them. But now I'm older I have realised that beign pernamently sympathetic is not the was to hold on to your intergrity and well-being. Armed with this understanding, I planned to 3. __________________ on a policy of being totakky honest at all times. I came across research that 4. _________________ me up, claiming that often people don't actually want the trust and that being honest reduces the stress that inevitably accompanies 5. _________________ so called white lies. So I decided to 6. _______________________ ahead. Some people hated me, others were angry, but my real friends valued my honest. 7. ________________ , I was aware of the damage bluntness can do but I've learned that true relationshop survives on sincerity and a few 8. ___________________ truths won't ruin it. I wish I'd known that before. 0. A) keeping B) holding C) clutching D) grabbing 1. A) rescue B) save C) recover D) retain 2. A) instead of B) in place of C) in preference to D) rather than 3. A) begin B) embark C) commence D) engage 4. A) backed B) supported C) held D) took 5. A) saying B) speaking C) recounting D) telling 6. A) go B) move C) got D) push 7. A) Although B) Obviously C) Conversely D) At last 8. A) house B) home C) base D) foundation

keeping, save, rather than, embark, backed, telling, go, obviously, home

I recently signed up for a weekend course to develop 1. LEADER skills and the ability to work in a team. I'd been 2. EMPLOY for a couple of months when I heard about the course. Even though I knew it was a good idea to do something like this, the night before I started to feel really 3. EASY about it and was actually thinking about cancelling my 4. REGISTER. I'm really glad I didn't. The course involved playing a series of problem-solving games in which the only way we could find a 5. SOLVE was by working as a team. In one of these games we had to work as two groups of four, each standing on a space about a step apart. There were four people on one side and four people on the other with an 6. OCCUPY space in the middle. Working 7. COLLABORATE , we had to organise ourselves so that all the people on the right-hand side of the extra space ended up on the left-hand side and vice versa. There was quite a bit of 8. CONFUSE but we managed to carry out the task quite successfully in the end.

leadership, employed, uneasy, registration, solution, unoccupied, collaboratively, confusion

However hard I try, I always seem to forget Charlie's birthday. It _______________ (DIFFERENCE) hard I try, I always seem to forget Charlie's birthday.

makes no difference how

If regular physical activity benefits the body, a sedentary lifestyle ________ well do the opposite. _____________ only does it increase people's chance of becoming overweight, it also gives rise to a range of health issues. ________ despite the well-documented advantages of physical activity, only 30 percent of adults report doing regular exercise __________ their leisure time. Even _____________ shockingly perhaps, studies that measure people's levels of physical activity suggest that these self-reports are, in _______ probability, overestimates. According to a recent study, it _____________ appear that, even for people who do exercise regularly, there's a clear link between excessive television watching and obesity. It was found that, regardless ___________ whether or not they were regular exercisers, for every two hours devoted to watching television, people have a 23 percent higher risk of becoming seriously overweight. It has also been established that remaining seated for hours __________ end changes the rate at which people calories, which means that even when they do exercise, they find it harder to lose weight than people who opt for a more active lifestyle.

may, not, but, in, more, all, would, of, on

People are more interested in history thatn you might expect. You ________________ (LESS) interested in history.

might expect people to be less

It's possible the he will fail in his ambition to be a dosctor if he doesn't work hard. His ambition to be a doctor _________________ (REALISED) if he doesn't work hard.

might not be realised

CAE Do you think you could give me a hand to move the sofa? Would you __________________ (MIND) to move the sofa?

mind giving me a hand

CAE When it comes to population, Beijing's is much bigger than Auckland's. Beijing is ________________ (POPULATED) than Auckland.

much more populated

I'm convinced that I was woken up by some kind of a noise. It _______________________ (MUST) some kind of a noise that woke me.

must have been

I'm sure that it was the sound of the rain that disturbed me. It _____________________ (MUST) if the rain that disturbed me.

must have been the sound

Alison would have come to the party unless something had happened to her. Something ______________________ (MUST) to Alison or she would have come to the party.

must have happened

I suppose it's human 0. ___________________ to try judge someone by their appearance. The downside is that it's then hard to alter our original judgement which was based on that first impression they 1. ______________ on us. At any initial encouter, we 2. _____________ note of the person's clothes, how they talk and what their body 3. ______________ indicates. But can this information be trusted? Does it actually reveal the truth? A talkative person may appear friendly and warm 4. ______________ they are actually self-centered, while an introvert may 5. ______________ as arrogant when they are the sweetest person in the world once you see beneath their quiet exterior. Why do we assume we understand someone simply on what we suppose is absolute 6. _______________ derived from a short axquaintance or that their appearance acctually reflects their personality? If we 7. _________________ on our initial judgements too heavily or are too ready to 8. _________________ to conclusions, we may be making a big mistake. 0. A) nature B) feeling C) disposition D) temperament 1. A) got B) put C) gave D) made 2. A) place B) take C) write D) keep 3. A) manner B) movements C) language D) signs 4. A) alternatively B) in spite of C) even if D) as well as 5. A) come through B) come down C) come out D) come across 6. A) data B) proof C) demonstration D) justification 7. A) lean B) trust C) hang D) ride 8. A) arrive B) spring C) reach D) jump

nature, made, take, language, even if, come across, proof, lean, jump

It wasn't necessary for Emma to book her train ticket so far in advance because there were plenty of seats available. Emma _______________ (BOOKED) her train ticket so far in advance because there were plenty of seats available

needn't have booked

This was Peter's biggest challenge to date. Peter ________________ (FACED) challenge before.

never faced a bigger thing

I only realised that Michael and Tim were brother when I saw them together last week. I has __________________ (STRUCK) Michael and Tim were brother until I saw them together last week.

never struck me that

I never return things I've bought to a shop - it's much hassle. I ____________________ (BACK) I've bought to a shop - it's too much hassle.

never take back anything

I absolutely forbid you to tell anyone about the plan. Under ____________________________ (NO) tell anyone about the plan.

no circumstances should you

You shouldn't tell anyone about this under any circumstances. Under ______________________ (NO) tell anyone about this.

no circumstances should you

Don't ever say anything to Josh about the new scheme. Under _______________________ (CIRCUMSTANCES) to Josh about the new scheme.

no circumstances should you say anything

I can't understand why she doesn't respond to my emails anymore. I've _________________ (IDEA) have stopped responding to my emails.

no idea why she should

I cannot remember ever having seen him before. I have __________________ (RECOLLECTION) having seen him before.

no recollection of ever

My study is full of papers - I can't get another thing on the desk. There is ____________ (ROOM) on my desk.

no room for anything else

You should'nt ever put your full address on luggage label. At ______________________ (TIME) put your fill address on a luggage.

no time should you

Tim isn't worried about not having made any plans for the future. Tim hasn't made any plans for the future ________________ (NOR) worried about it.

nor is he

Some people claim we would all fell much happier if, instead ______________ constantly checkinh for emails and texts, we turned off our smartphones ocmpletely and concentrated _____________ those people physically present. Such messages are a big distraction and ______________ people may be unaware of it, they can cause stress and unhappiness. THinking about ________________ instead of concentrating makes us less productive at work and can also lead to out having unsatissfying and incomplete personal relationships. If we are __________ careful m we wukk kise the knack of enjoying the warmth of human company, preferring to _______________ our attention taken by messages from those far away. Some people say the art of forming real relationships and keeping them going seems to be _______________ threat from the march of technology. The good news, however, is that _______________ small changes to the way in which we use our phones can be very effective and that it is not _____________- late to recognise the danger and do something about it. After all, we all want to be happy!

of, on, while, something, not, have, under, making, too

I am confident that he will be successful in his career. I am confident __________________________ (CHANCES) in his career

of/about his chances of success

I'm phoning because my daughter is too ill to talk to you. I'm phoning _______________ (BEHALF), how is too ill to talk to you.

on behalf of my daughter

He lost his job because he was inefficient. He lost his job _________________ (GROUNDS) his ineffiency.

on the grounds of

My application for the job was turned down because I didn't have the right qualifications. My application for the job was turned down ___________________ (GROUNDS) I didn't have the right qualification.

on the grounds that

I was just about to call you to tell you about the rearranged meeting. I was ________________ (POINT) you to tell you about the rearranged meeting.

on the point of calling

Speed-dating events were originally set up to help young people from the same background meet and make connections. Although speed daters only talk to _____________ another for a few minutes, that's plenty of time to decide if they want to take the relationship any ____________________. In fact, people know whether they do or they don't in matter __________seconds, only rarely changing their minds. Nowadays, a form of speed dating is increasingly finding its ___________ into the boardroom and the scientific conference; not ___________ a means for businesspeople and scientists to find their soul mates but rather because it's considered an efficient and fun way of generating ideas and sharing information. Instead of spending valuable time listening to only a _________ other people, everyone gets to talk, and everyone gets to listen. Like romantically oriented speed-dating events, participants put a tick ______________ to the names of the people they would like to see again. ________________ participants claim this is all about networking and information, it wouldn't be at all surprising if there were the occasional romance too.

one, further, of, way, as, few, next, although

I regret not having written down that amazing dream I had. If ____________________ (ONLY) that amazing dream I had.

only I had written down

It was only when he started to work hard that Peter got good results. Peter got good result __________________ (AFTER) work hard.

only after starting to

The neighbours are really noisy and they are not very friendly either. Not ____________________ (ONLY) really noisy, they are also not very friendly.

only are the neighbours

Michale doesn't see that he is in the wrong and he refused to discuss the situation. Not ___________________________ (ONLY) fail to see he is in the wrong, he also refuses to discuss the situation.

only does Michael

Joe originally intended to drive but the bad weather caused him to change his mid. Joe's _____________________ (WAS) drive but the bad weather caused him to change his mind.

original intention was to

Staying another night would have meant paying more. I would have had to _______________________ (IF) another night.

pay more if I had stayed

THe number of visitors to the museum was at its highest point in June. The number of visitors to the museum __________________ (PEAK) June.

peached a peak in

It seems our PERSON is affected by many things, including the position we sleep in. This is because our sleeping position partly determines how we feel whenwe wake up. To CLEAR, people who sleep on their backs with their arms stretched out typically awake feeling VITAL and eager for the day ahead. Conversely, those who sleep face down with arms outstretched awake feeling fatigued, as this position seems to generate a sense of losing control. APPEAR, although whether this is simply because they feel stiff in the morning is DEBATE. Most people appear to sleep on their side with their knees drawn up, often described as the foetal position. Actually, this is SURPRISE because although the position is often said to denote stress, people who sleep like this awake feeling FRESH, having somehow worked through their problems. It's unclear what it means if you are a REST sleeper and change your position frequently.

personality, clarify, revitalised, apparently, stubbornness, debatable, unsurprising, refreshed, restless

It is not actually possible to fail a 0. PERSONAL test but many people react 1. INDIGNATION if they feel the results don't match their own ideas of their strengths and 2. ABLE. What is simply an interpretation of the results is sometimes understood as a 3. CRITICISE or even an outright attack. Those who find themselves repeatedly turned down for jobs on the basis of test results may start to feel that the tests are simply too 4. DEMAND and may even decide to try and cheat on the next test they do. This is harder to do than you might think. Someone analysing test results would immediately become 5. SUSPECT if they were to notice that a candidate had answered inconsistently. Finding a series of 6. MATCH between a candidate's answers will make it obvious that the person taking the test is 7. TRUST . The best advice, then, is to make your 8. RESPOND as authentic as you can.

personality, indignantly, abilities, criticism, demanding, suspicious, mismatches, untrustworthy, responses

Ernest Shackleton was an early 0. _________________ of polar exploration, who led three British expeditions to the Antarctic. Shackleton's first experience of the polar regions was with Captain Robert Scott and his team and they established a new record. However, much to his 1. _________________ , Shackleton was sent home due to 2. _________________ health, meaning that he had to 3. ______________ his dream of reaching the South Pole. During his second expedition, he and three companions set another record - this time for having made the greatest 4. ________________ to the South Pole in history. Members of Shackleton's team also climbed Mount Erebus, the Antarctic's most active volcano. For these achievements, Shackleton received official 5. ________________ from the British king. In 1911, the race to the South Pole ended with Roald Amundsen's victory. Shackleton turned his 6. ________________ to the crossing of Antarctica from sea to sea, via the Pole. Disaster 7. ____________ though, when his ship, Endurance, became trapped in ice and was slowly 8. ________________ . Shackleton returned to the Antarctic in 1921, but died shortly after his arrival. At his wife's request, he was buried there. 0. A) pioneer B) developer C) designer D) creator 1. A) rage B) disorder C) annoyance D) temper 2. A) dissolving B) deteriorating C) damaging D) decaying 3. A) withdraw B) concede C) vanish D) abandon 4. A) revolution B) progress C) modification D) gain 5. A) recognition B) awarness C) gratitude D) reception 6. A) objective B) basis C) focus D) aim 7. A) struck B) caused C) broke D) established 8. A) demolished B) smashed C) extinguished D) crushed

pioneer, annoyance, deteriorating, abandon, progress, recognition, focus, struck, crushed

Not many of us are i a 0. __________________ to go hunting for the perfect home with a massive cheque in our back pockets. Lottery winners Barbara and Ray Wragg were when they became the 1. _________________ winner of a 7 million pounds prize. Rather than buying a huge mansion with a swimming pool, thry 2.________________ for a relatively ordinary five-bedroom house instead. Whe Wraggs are not 3. _________________ . Most of us dream of living somewhere other than where we are but dreams are essentially different from reality in that they do not 4. __________________ inco account things like work and study obligations or 5. ___________________ to friends and family. A common dream is to own a wood cabin in the middle of a forest, something most of us could 6. __________________- but few would actually want. Althoughthe cottage in the woods or the rock star mansion is what we 7. _________________ about, the reality is that the ideal home is a warn, comfortable place where we can be near our 8. ____________________ ones and escape. 0. A) condition B) position C) circumstance D) situation 1. A) exclusive B) only C) unique D) individual 2. A) chose B) decided C) elected D) opted 3. A) unusual B) uncommon C) unfamiliar D) unlikely 4. A) consider B) bear C) take D) weigh 5. A) proximity B) vicinity C) immediacy D) locality 6. A) permit B) let C) allow D) afford 7. A) aspire B) hope C) fantasise D) wish 8. A) esteemed B) loved C) liked D) fond

position, only, opted, unusual, take, proximity, afford, fantasise, loved

Children find it more interesting to visit museums than read about history. Children ____________________ (PREFER) about history because it is more interesting.

prefer visitng museums to reading

The police wouldn't allow anyone into the street. The polive _________________ (PREVENTED) the street.

prevented everyone from entering

I couldn't go away for the weekend because I didn't have enough money. I was ___________________ (PREVENTED) for the weekend by lack of money.

prevented from going away

My parents wouldn't allow me to go to the party. My parents _______________________ (PREVENTED) to the party.

prevented me from going

Although the aging 0. _________ isn't fully understood, scientists have come to the conclusion that environmental factors play a particularly important 1. ____________. Researcher Dan Buettner has spent years visiting areas of the world where people tend to 2. __________ longer, healthier lives in a bid to 3. ______________ at a definitive list of these factors. He identified areas he calls Blue zones, where longevity and good health are common. Sardinia, for example has the highest 4. _____________ of male centenarians in the world, Okinawa the longest disability-free life 5. ________________ and Costa Rica's Nicoya Peninsula middle-aged residents are four times more likely to 6. ____________ to their ninetieth birthdays than their peers in the USA. As diverse as the people in the Blue Zones may be, what they have in common are homes with stairs, a simple diet, purposeful lives and being 7. ________________ by others who value and appreciate them. As Buettner observes, these patterns not only 8. ___________ in lives that are longer but in lives well led. 0. A) process B) system C) progression D) manner 1. A) function B) responsibility C) task D) role 2. A) live B) survive C) exist D) maintain 3. A) create B) compile C) arrive D) determine 4. A) amount B) instance C) concentration D) figure 5. A) anticipation B) prognosis C) probability D) expectancy 6. A) celebrate B) get C) reach D) have 7. A) involved B) connected C) surrounded D) related 8. A) result B) produce C) lead D) make

process, role, live, arrive, concentration, expectancy, get, surrounded, result

One of the biggest issue many of us have to deal with in the modern world is PROCRASTINATE - the problem that Hamlet struggles to overcome throughout. Shakespear's play. We're all experts at putting off things we're WILL to do, though we probably regard our failure in this area as SIGNIFY, and react to them far less EMOTION than Hamlet does! However, when we come up with NUMBER imaginary reasons for not meeting a deadline or leaving a job unfinished, we're not alone. It's been said that nearly a quarter of the world's population follow the same pattern of BEHAVE. Sadly, although we might like to think it, we are not all PERFECT who work better under pressure - this is a myth and a wellused excuse. Putting things off can lead to some quite startling COMPLICATE, such as poor health and lack of success at work. It also has the potential to cause those around us great CONVENIENT - as Hamlet found out to his cost!

procrastination, unwilling, insignificant, emotionally, numerous, behaviour, perfectionists, complications, inconvenience

Susan doesn't compain about the cold winters unless it rains a lot. Susan doesn't complain about the cold winters ____________________ (PROVIDED) a lot.

provided it doesn't rain

Until Olivia expained the situation to him, the manager was unaware of what was happening. Until Olivia ________________ (PICTURE), the manager was unaware of what was happening.

put him in the picture

There is no possibility whatsoever of my attending the meeting. It's _____________________ (QUITE) the meeting.

quite impossible for me to attend

For me, imagining what life must have been like then is just not possible. I find it _________________ (QUITE) what life must have been like then.

quite impossible to imagine

I thought very hard but couldn't remember the answer. I __________________ (RACKED) to remember the answer.

racked my brains

The number of people travellign the airport was hisget in August. The number of people traveling through the airport __________________ (REACHED) in August.

reached a peak

I think Joe should seriously reconsider his plans, said the careers advisor. The careers advisor ___________________ (RECOMMENDED) his plans.

recommended Joe should seriously reconsider

I think it would be best for Sam to travel by bus, said Mia. Mia ___________________ (RECOMMENDED) by bus.

recommended Sam travel

Jane was advised to work harder by her Maths teacher. The maths teacher ___________________ (RECOMMENDED) harder.

recommended that Jane should work

She seems to take offence whatever you say. She seems to take offence ____________________ (REGARDLESS) you say.

regardless of what

I'm sorry that I didn't help him. I _____________________ (REGRET) him

regret not helping

I wish I had tried harder when I was at school. I really _______________ (REGRET) when I was at school.

regret not trying harder

I wish, I hadn't told Angela about hte row with Miriam, said Carla. Carla __________________________ (REGRETTED) about the row with Miriam.

regretted having told Angela

Dan felt he should have worked harder at school. Dan _____________ (REGRETTED) harder at school.

regretted not having worked

Lucy was sorry she hadn't applied for the course in time. Lucy ____________________ (REGRETTED) for the course in time.

regretted that she hadn't applied

Since its 0. ________________________ in 1989, When Harry met Sally has 1. _________________ a lasting place in the affections of audiences around the world. Director Rob Reiner could never have predicted that the film's central question. Can men and women really be friends? Would have such wide 2. ________________________ . It won the 3. ___________________ of audience and critics alike, with Nora Ephron 4. ________________________ a nomination for best screenplay at the Academy Awards. The film 5. ________________________ the relationship of the two main characters, Harry (Billy Crystal) and Sally (Meg Ryan), over the course of twelve years. At first it seems they are completely 6. _____________________ to each other; she's a romantic optimist, while he's cynical and 7. ____________________ in commitment. Unlike the characters, however, audience will not be deceived by their seeming incompatibility, aware that the laws of romantic comedy dictate that love 8. __________________ prevails. 0. A) release B) rise C) emergence D) origin 1. A) remained B) gained C) continued D) reached 2. A) appeal B) charm C) fame D) popularity 3. A) celebration B) success C) approval D) recognition 4. A) holding C) collecting D) taking D) receiving 5. A) portrays B) displays C) reveals D) demontrates 6. inappropriate B) unsuited C) unfit D) inadequate 7. A) lacking B) faulty C) missing D) insufficient 8. A) absolutely B) exactly C) inevitably D) truly

release, gained, appeal, approval, receiving, portrays, unsuited, lacking, inevitably

There is a rumour the the head of department will be retiring in the spring. The head of department is _______________________ (BE) in the spring.

rumoured to be retiring

So who needs people? People have always seen themselves as social animals, with living together as the norm, but increasing numbers are 0. ________________ down as singles. WHy is this happening? It's often presented as indicating the undersirable 1. ______________________ of society but actually, the reality is more interesting and less worrying. One reason more people 2. ______________________ for the single life is they can 3. _______________ it but since we are able to do many things that we decide not to do, this financial answer is just one part of the explanation. Another is the communications and technological revolution, which allows people to 4. ____________________ social evetns when they're livign alone. But a key 5. ____________________ seems to be that today, young people define living alone in a positive way, as a 6. ________________ of success. They see it as a way to 7. _______________ time in developing themselves personally and professionally. This means that the whole social framework is being transformed, changing not only how we understand ourselves and our relationships but also the way we build places to live and 8. ______________ economig growth. 0. A) settling B) placing C) putting D) sitting 1. A) damage B) breakage C) splinter D) fragmentation 2. A) pick B) opt C) select D) decide 3. A) afford B) pay C) spend D) provide 4. A) get through with B) put up with C) take part in D) keep out of 5. A) contingency B) factor C) enquiry D) question 6. A) mark B) brand C) label D) symptom 7. A) contribute B) make C) invest D) supply 8. A) expose B) cutline C) uncover D) promote

settling, fragmentation, opt, afford, take part in, factor, mark, invest, promote

She didn't get very good marks in the exam, so she didn't get a scholarship. She would have got a scholarship if __________________ (BETTER) marks in the exam.

she had got better

Carla introduced David to the people she had met in France. ____________________ was sure ________________ would get on like a house on fire. She suggested they all go out for dinner together and __________________ couples agreed to meet that evening at 8.30. Carla offered to book a table in a restaurant. __________________where were several dozen good restaurants in town, _____________of them had a table that night at 8.30. One of the head waiters suggested that Carla should call back at 8.00 to see if there had been any cancellations and, as luck would have it, there was _______________. Carla asked the head waiter to reserve the table in her name and he promised he __________________. When they got to the restaurant, however, there was no record of Carla's booking at all. Her friends thought she should make a formal complaint, but she decided not _______. They found a very good place two doors down the street, ________ their evening was certainly not ruined. In fact, it was one of the most enjoyable evenings any of them had ever _________.

she, they, both, although, none, one, would, to, so, had

If you feel stressed, breathing slowly should calm you down. Breathing slowly ______________________ (MAKE) if you feel stressed.

should make you feel calmer

Stonehenge is not only the most 0. SIGNIFY prehistoric monument in the UK, it is also the most 1. IMPRESS. It was built between 5000 and 4000 years ago and is formed of enormous stone in the shape of a circle. The biggest of the stones are 9 meter tall and weigh up to 40 tons. It is believed that these were brought from 32km away, a 2. CONSIDER distance in those days. The smaller bluestones came from several sies in Wales and had to be transported even 3. FAR, from a location 225km away. For centuries people have found it scarcely 4. BELIEVE that such an ambitious project could have been undertaken before that 5. INVENT of the wheel. One recent theory, which has generated a great deal of 6. CURIOUS , is that the stones were transported by the movements of glaciers. Others maintain that the stones were pulled by oxen over wooden tracks. Whatever the method used, one thing is 7. DENY; such an undertaking would have required a great deal of determination and vision and the ability to come up with 8. IMAGINE ways of solving huge technical challenges.

significant, impressive, considerable, farther, believable, invention, curiosity, undeniable, imaginative

Listening is the most important of all skills for successful conversations at work, college or in social 0. _________________ . Generally, people are very 1.___________ listeners. The reason for this is that when talking to a colleague or a friend, they are often already preparing their 2. _______________ while the colleague or friend is still speaking. But effective listening requires that you listen as though there were nothing else in the world more fascinating to you than what that person is saying. Even in the 3. ______________ off an extremely noisy party, the very best listeners seem to have 4. _____________ the gift of making the person who is speaking feel as if he or she were the only person in the room. They do this by paying 5. _________________ attention and asking lots of questions. One very useful technique to 6. ________________ the conversation going is to ask, What do you mean, exactly? It's impossible for the other person not to 7. _________________ more details. You can then follow 8. ______________with other open-ended questions and keep the conversation rolling along. 0. A) situations B) locations C) places D) settings 1. A) faint B) poor C) frail D) hopeless 2. A) speech B) response C) reaction D) expression 3. A) heart B) depth C) middle D) peak 4. A) pssessed B) achieved C) receoved D) acquired 5. A) strong B) close C) hard D) deep 6. A) give B) put C) get D) make 7. A) provide B) participate C) contribute D) attach 8. A) along B) in C) up D) after

situations, poor, response, middle, acquired, close, get, provide, up

I had only just arrived when he insisted we leave. No ___________________________ (SONNER)he insisted we leave.

sonner had I arrived that

I closed the door and immediately realised I had left my keys were inside the house. No _________________________ (SONNER) the door than I realised my keys were inside the hosue.

sonner had I closed

The moment I shouted he ran away. No __________________ (SONNER) he ran away.

sooner had I shouted than

She realised she'd lost her keys the moment she arrived home. No ______________________ (SONNER) she realised she'd lost her keys.

sooner had she arrived home than

Allegedly, students remember things with less difficulty when they see them than when they hear them Allegedly, ________________ (EASIER) remember things when they see them than when they hear them.

students find it easier to

I managed to finish all the homework before the deadline. I ____________________ (SUCCEEDED) the homework before the deadline.

succeeded in finishing all

Can there be perfection without pain for those who are SUCCESS in the world of dance? achieving excellence depends on many different things, including physique and luck. However, it is DISPUTE that those who dance proffessionally must also follow a RIGOUS training regime, combining this with complete DEDICATE to their art - and this can cerainly be painful. Dancers have to be like ENDURE athletes but they also have to combine fitness with elegance and MUSIC. It's said that giving a professional dance performance a football game as dancers have to combine periods of sustained activity with short bursts of EXPLODE energy, while also being able to recover quickly. In the past dancers trained mostly by going through REPEAT routines but in the modern world, with its high standards of fitness, they use additional techniques such as gym routines to gain muscle strength and stamina. Their ultimate aim is perfection.

successful, indisputable, rigorous, dedication, endurance, musicality, dissimilar, explosive, repetitive

All toddlers seem to have infectious giggles which are triggered by the simplest things __________ as splashing around in the bath. Anything that goes ______________________ a recognised pattern of behaviour seems to amuse a toddler - for example, _________ you put on a red plastic nose, they will dissolve in hysterics. What's _____________ , physical comedy like tripping over something also sets off gales of laughter. Laughing shows the child is developing a sense of humour and it's ___________________ knowledge that this plays a role in promoting seld-esteem and a heathy attitude to life ina adulthood. As a child grows older, verbal humour comes to _______________ forefront, firstly through rhymes, then playing with words. Children delight ___________ anticipating the punch-line to a joke, and there are ______________ things more satisfying than when your young child tells their own joke! It has been suggested that a sense of humour can be learned; for ____________ reason, laugh with your child - it may be one of the most valuable gifts you can give them.

such, against, if, more, common, the, in, few, this

It would be a good idea for you to talk to the careers advisor first. I ____________________________ (SUGGEST) to the career advisor fist.

suggest you talk

CAE The manager should think about experience when hiring new staff. The manager should _____________________ (CONSIDERATION) when hiring new staff.

take experience into consideration

Sue decided that it was not a good idea to return the dress to the boutique. Sue decided that she should not _________________ (TAKE) he boutique.

take the dress back to

CAE It is a good idea to learn Chinese to improve your future job prospects. __________________________ (TAKING) is a good way to enhance your work opportunities.

taking up Chinese

There is some debate about who coined the 1. ___________ or when it was first used but teenagers have, of course, always 2. _______________. Even so, until the 1930s no one paid them much 3. _____________ . It was then that we began to see teenage actors, many of whom were 4.__________ child stars, on cinema screen. Initially the films were comedies, but later teenage actors starred in dramas depicting the conflicts 5. _____________ from the so-called generation gap. The clothing and food industries quickly jumped on the bandwagon and began to produce goods 6. ____________ this newly discovered social group. These same fashions and foods still 7. ___________ their own today. How many people, after all, can claim they have never owned a pair of jeans or eaten a hamburger, both of which were originally products 8. _____________at the teenage market? Teenagers rule but it seems strange to think that their reign began less than a century ago. 1. A) name B) idea C) term D) idiom 2. A) been B) existed C) subsisted D) endured 3. A) notice B) thought C) mind D) attention 4. A) former B) earlier C) prior D) past 5. A) causing B) happening C) arising D) occurring 6. A) aiming B) seeking C) focusing D) targeting 7. A) hold B) maintain C) stand D) occupy 8. A) offered B) pitched C) delivered D) proposed

term, existed, attention, former, arising, targeting, hold, pitched

Leo was able to understand what the letter said by using a dictionary to help him. Leo understood what the letter said with __________________ (AID) a dictionary.

the aid of

The council are the ones that should do something about graffiti. It's ________________ (THAT) something about graffiti.

the council that should do

If it has to be postponed due to the weather, the match will be played at a later date. In __________________ (EVENT) due to the weather, the match will be played at a later date.

the event of it being postponed

Research undertaken into ________________ pursuit of happiness has produced some interesting ideas. Apparently, our level of happiness depends on ____________ much we invest in it. The hypothesis is that happiness resembles a skill and can therefore be learned - if people are willing to put time and effort _________________ perfecting it. Meditation seems to be a key factor and this _____________ be scientiically demosntrated. MRI scans performed on people who meditated regularly showed raised levels of positivity in the left-hand side of ____________ brains, the partt usually connected with happiness. At the same time, they managed to keep the more negative right side ___________ check. Does this mean only specialist meditators can be happy? Apparently ______________ , as even people who only meditated occasionally demonstrated greater positivity. This could indicate that tweaking the _____________ we channel our thoughts, modifying our perception of things around us, can __________________ a big difference to our sense of well-being. If true, isn't it worth putting in some effort?

the, how, into, can, their, in, not, way, make

Although many travel companies had financial difficulties last year, they seem to have recovered now. Although many travel companies had financial difficulties last year, it seems as though __________________ (TREND) now.

this send has been reversed

When she was promoted to project manager, Jana put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into her new role. Jana completely _________________ (THREW) as project manager.

threw herself into her new role

I should have got some more up-to-date qualifications by now. It's about ________________ (TIME) some more up-to-date qualifications.

time I got

Can you suggest a way of turning dreams into reality for ambitious people? Can you suggest hoe ______________________ (TRUE) for ambitious.

to make dreams come true

He is so ambitious - he's determined that he'll be successful in the company. He is determined _______________ (MARK) in the company.

to make his mark

It's difficult for a poorly performing company to make a profit. If a company is performing poorly, it's difficult _________________ (TURN) one

to turn it into a profitable

Would scientists bother _________________ read science fiction? We often imagine them ____________ hard-headed people who would find fiction like this frivoulous but, apparently, many enjoy __________. They claim to love the possibilities that science fiction presents - _____________ aliens might look like or the development of new life forms. Science fiction _____________ us out of our comfort zones, our familiar and known enviroment, and encourages us to think _____________ the box. Science fiction also provides an alternative perspective, giving fresh insights into life in general. The act ____________ creating a new society peopled with strangebeings enables science fiction writers to raise issues of morality in a meaningful yet unthreating way. This, in turn, allows those of us who read their work to question _______________ and the values we hold dear. And the issue of whether the science in fiction is really far-fetched is debatable - who knew _____________ things as mobile phones were possible when Star Trek came up with them?

to, as, it, what, takes, outside, of, themselves, such

Matthieu Ricard, the happiest man on earth, abandoned a successful scientific career __________ become a Buddhist monk. Since ______________, this unassuming man has taken a host of stunning photographs of the Himalayas, acted ____________________ the Dalai Lama's interpreter and meditated for many thousands of hours. According to Ricard, there are a number of misconceptions about meditation, the most common ______________ being the idea that it's all about making the mind go blank. Instead, he explains, what we should be doing is learning to let our thoughts pass without holding on to ________________. If Ricard himself is anything to go by, ________________ is an approach which produces some fairly extraordinary results. When scientists recently measured the activity of the French monk's brain, they found that the parts known to generates positive emotions were far more active and highly developed in Ricard than they were in others, so much ____________ that the scientists thought their equipment might be faulty. ____________ wasn't. When it comes to measuring happiness, Matthieu Ricard is simply right off the scale.

to, then, as, one, them, this, so, it

Travel and 0. TOUR provides more jobs than any other industry, accounting for 255 million job worldwide. Given the high levels of youth 1. EMPLOY in large parts of the developed world and a severe 2. SHORT of jobs in developing countries, you might think the industry should have no difficulty filling those vacancies. But the hospitality sector has to contend with negative 3. PERCEOVE among 4. PROSPECT employees of low wages, unsociable hours and a lack of career opportunities. These 5. ASSUME are false, according to Suzy Jackson of the Hospitality Guild, which was set up in 2011 to improve 6. RECRUIT . She makes the point that there are many career 7. OPEN for young people in the industry at entry level, and that they can rise through the ranks to become chief executive or managing director. This may only happen in 8. EXCEPT circumstances but because the hospitality industry takes so many young people with minimal formal qualifications, it devotes time and money to training. This makes it a very good choice for young people considering a long-term career.

tourism, unemploymen, shortage, perceptions, prospective, assumptions, recruitment, openings, exceptional

Although we may do it CONSCIOUS, we continually assess the SIGNIFY of things that happen to us in order to decide what action we should take and how we feel. However,we are all different and our PERSON mindset affects our response - it's what steers us and suggests possible courses of action. But it can also trip us up. If our mindset is tooo JUDGE, our reaction to an event are led by our need to evaluate it; we seek a CONCLUDE such as I'm always wrong! We may over-react to the experince, expressing feelings that are APPROPRIATE extreme, such as fury or terror. Analysing something with this king of dark mindset can mean our interpretation of it becomes BALANCE and, obviously, this kind of NEGATIVE is unhealthy. Conversely, people with more open mindsets seek a positive spin, things they can learn from the experience. They have a CONSTRUCT rather than pessimistic approach to life. It's clear which mindset is helful.

unconsciously, significance, personal, judgemental, conclusion, inappropriately, unbalanced, negativity, constructive

The passangers were warned that they should never leave their luggage unattended. The passangers were told that _________________ (CIRCUMSTANCES) leave their luggage unattended.

under no circumstances should they

We'll have to save up if we want to be able to afford a new car. We won't be able to afford a new car _________________ (UNLESS) up.

unless we save

Research into the role of people's mood in shaping their eating patterns has, _____________ very recently, almost always tended to focus on bad moods. The term emotional eating referred to the way that negative feelings could trigger a binge. There are two theories about ______________ a bad mood had this effect. The first is that many of us associate hunger _____________ unpleasant emotions. The second is that we use food - especially sugar - ___________ a drug to calm ourselves down. It's now recognised that we don't _____________ eat more when we're sad but also when we're feeling happy. This may seem obvious; we are, after all, conditioned from childhood to use excess calories to celebrate, _______________ it's at a birthday party, at a wedding, or a take-away meal to reward ourselves at the end of long week. What's _______________, food tastes better when we're feeling cheerful. This amating fact is something that _______________anyone is aware of. Chocolate, it seems, enhances our sense of joy, while also providing comfort when we're down.

until, why, with, as, only, whether, more, hardly

We really must learn to use less water. It is ___________ (VITAL) to use less water.

vital that we learn

People want others to notice that they are doing the right thing. People _______________ (SEEN)doing the right thing.

want to be seen

She wants people to take her seriously as an artists. She ______________ (BE) as an artist.

wants to be taken seriously

The shares index fell slightly before recovering to its previous level. There ________________ (BRIEF) the shares index before it recovered to its previous level.

was a brief dip in

The demand for luxury travel fell last year. There __________________ (DROP) for luxury travel last year.

was a drop in demand

It was almost closing time but the shop assistant let us into the shop. The shop __________________ (ABOUT) but the shop assistant let us in.

was about to close

The failure of the company was increadible disappointing. I _________________ (BITTERLY) the failure of the company.

was bitterly disappointed by

She didn't listen to my idea at all and refused to consider it. She ___________________ (DISMISSIVE) my idea and refused to consider it.

was dismissive of

They were supposed to publish my book next month but it's been delayed. Although my book _____________________ (DUE) next month, it's been delayed.

was due to be published

I'd planned a meeting with her at the weekend but she called it off. I _____________________ (GOING) at the weekend but she called it off.

was going to meet her

The museums guidebook didn't give enough infromation for tourists. The museum guidebook ______________ (WAS) than tourists wanted.

was less informative

I only managed to recall the contents of my dream by going back to sleep. It ________________ (ONLY) back to sleep that I managed to remember the contents of my dream.

was onl by going

Once I understood the question, I could answer it. It _____________________________ (ONLY) understood the question that I could answer it.

was only after I had

CAE When I realised what had happened, I became quite afraid. I _____________________ (OVERCOME) when I worked out what had occurred.

was overcome with fear

He was to finish the project by today. The project ________________ (SUPPOSED) by today.

was supposed to be

The high valuation really took the art collector by surprise. The art collector ___________________ (ABACK) the high valuation.

was taken aback by

He clearly felt strongly about the situation, which took me by surprise. It _____________________ (STRENGHT) about the situation that took me by surprise.

was the strenght of his feeling

I was going to ask you for some advice. I _____________________ (THINKING) your advice.

was thinking of asking

The original idea was to ban the waering of jeans by the start of last term. Originally, the wearing of jeans ___________________ (HAVE) by the start of last term.

was to have been banned

Originally, the course was to include music, but that changed. Originally, the course ___________________ (HAVE) but the changed.

was to have included music

The dream I had that night would later change the course of medical science. The dream I had that night _____________________ (WAS) the course of medical science.

was to later change

The research paper was to be published this week. The researchers ________________ (DUE) their research.

were due to publish

Museums are fat more interactive that they used to be. In the past, museums ___________ (NOTHING) interactive as they are now.

were nothing like as

Cathy wondered how likely it was that she would win the competition. Cathy aked herself what ____________________ (CHANCES) the competition.

were the chances of her winning

They were to tell us today if we'd won the competition. We ________________ (BEEN) today if we'd won the competition.

were to have been told

As children, we were forbidden from watching TV until all our homework was done. As children, we __________________ (ALLOWED) TV until all our homework was done.

weren't allowed to watch

The manager of the gallery believed he was showing a genuine masterpiece. The manager of the gallery believed that ____________________ (SHOWN) was a genuine masterpiece.

what was being shown

I always make sure I have a good relationship with my neighbours irrespective of where I happen to be living. I always make sure I have a good relationshop with my neighbours _______________ (WHEREVER) to be living

wherever I happen

The sales director is unsure about taking on new sales staff. The sales director is unsure ________________ (WHETHER) new sales staff or not.

whether she/he should take on

Someone found my stolen wallet and returned it to me by post. The person _________________ (FOUND) returned it to me by post.

whi found my stolen wallet

CAE US publication Rolling Stone magazine is to launch in China. The magazine, ________________ should hit shelves early next year, will focus on China's emerging youth culture as well as foreign arts and entertainment. Rolling Stone ________________ first published in San Francisco in 1967 to chronicle cultural changes in the US. "We feel Chinese music and arts are maturing rapidly and that a Chinese edition ________________ be viable," said Jimmy Jung, of One World Publishing. Rolling Stone _______________ licensed Hong Kong-based One World to publish the Chinese-language edition. Mr Jung said the magazine, to be printed in simplified Chinese characters, will contain a mix of local content _________________ primarily by Beijing-based staff and translations of articles from the US edition. "We want to make ___________________ that we're faithful to the spirit of the brand," said Jung. He added that while Hong Kong and Taiwan had more developed pop cultures, mainland China was more important. "We feel China offers greater potential and we want to be there from the _________________ ," said Jung, whose company also _________________ Chinese editions of British car magazine, Top Gear and gadget magazine T3.

which, was, will, has, written, sure, start, publishes

Sally Keating, _______________ runs an online recruitment service, admits __________________ often worries about the future. My biggest concern for my future is that my company may not turn out to be the success that I hope it will be as I'm depending _________________ that to make all my dreams come true. But when Sally starts worrying about the future, she isn't just thinking about the immediate needs of her business. By the _______________ her online business becomes successful, she also wants to ________________ bought a flat and got married. At the same time, she wants to save for her retirement. This is the advice coach Paddy Carson had to offer Sally: It's a good idea to think about your goals in life but Sally's problem is that she's identified far _________________ many. Instead, she needs to focus on making her business a success. She should get ______________ decent advice from someone who understands the recruitment business and set some realistic targets. She should not delay doing this. Rather than allowing herself to wonder whether her business will be successful, she should only picture ________________ it will be like when she's achieved her goals.

who, she, one, time, have, too, some, what

Talking to yourself actually helps improve congnitive performance. If you don't believe me, ask a primay schoolteacher. They will know children (1) __________ are given a task and talk themselves through it. Now I'm going to get the blue paint, they will say. That's good, they ass now I want something bright. Other children will just do their work in silence, (2) ___________ on the surface appears to show greater concentration. But ask the schoolteacher if they know which ones perform better in tests and appear to get things more quickly. They'll tell you, it is the children (3) ___________ verbal reasoning skills are more developed because they talk themselves through a task. Now, evidence from research (4) _____________ was carried out in the USA bears this theory out. Researchers tested the ability of people to find objects in pictures. Those (5) ______________ talked to themselves were able to find the objects more quickly.

who/that, which, whose, which/that, who/that

It's impossible to look into other people's relationships and understand what two people see in each other. People come up ____________ different suggestions for why people get together. Facial attraction is high on the list - luckily, we all have our own concept of ____________ makes someone good-looking, _______ we'd all fall for the same person. They might not be handsome _______ everyone's eyes but for the right person, the face fits. Some say it's emphaty, ______________ may be a good starting point, though I wonder whether it's enough to sustain a long-term relationship. Others think a good ___________ of humour is vital and that those who laugh together establish a happy basis on which to build. _____________ it may be true that opposites atttract, this could just be a short-term attraction based ____________ idle curiousity. Whatever the secret, it clearly lies deeper than surface attraction. As ____________ me, I'm still looking for the face that fits.

wiht, what, or, in, which, sense, while, on, for

In February next year it will be twnety years since I went to live in Australia. Next February, I ________________ (WILL) in Australia for twenty years.

will have been living

Before he put forward the proposal, I'm sure he took the comments of local residents on board. Before he put forward the proposal, I'm sure he _____________________ (WILL) of local residents on board.

will have taken the comments

it is predicted that the population will not fluctuate in the short term. It is predicted that the population _____________________ (STABLE) in the short term.

will remain stable

We may have moved by this time next year. I am not sure if we __________________ (STILL) here this time next year.

will still be living

I regret sending him the email. I ______________________ (WISH) him that email.

wish I hadn't sent

Many people resent having to pay so much tax. Many people ______________ (WISH) to pay so much tax.

wish they didn't have

What' important in the ideal partner? People come up _____________ different formulae and priorities. Some say empathy, ________________ may be a good starting point, though I wonder whether it's enough to sustain a long-term relationship. Others say a keen ________________ of humour is vital and it is evident that those who laugh together establish a happy basis on which to build. Physical attraction is high on the list - luckily, we all have our own concept of _______________ makes someone goodlooking, ___________ we'd all fall for the same person! They might not be handsome _____________ everyone's eyes but if they don't appeal to you, things qucikly fall apart. _________________ it may be true that opposites attract, I wonder whether this is a short-term connection based _____________ curiosity and the longest realtionships require shared interests. As ____________ me, I want a meeting of minds - personality is top of my list. Mind you, I'm still loking for my ideal partner!

with, which, sense, what, or, in , while, on, for

I'm sure he'll get a promotion very soon. I'm sure it __________________ (LONG) he gets a promotion.

won't be long before

Unfortunately, I couldn't visit my brother in Australia as I didn't have enough money. If I'd had more money, I ______________ (ABLE) to visit my brother in Australia.

would have been able

Unfortunately, I didn't have enough money to go travelling with my friends. If I'd had more money, I______________ (WOULD) travelling with my friends.

would have been able to

No-one could have imagined back then that Jake and Emma getting married. Back then, it __________________ (IMPOSSIBLE) to imagine Jake and Emma getting married.

would have been impossible

We were going to invite Sarah but we knew she'd be away. We ___________________ (WOULD) but we knew she'd be aways.

would have invited Sarah

I planned to visit her on Friday but I heard she'd gone on holiday. I ________________________ (WOULD) on Friday but I heard she'd gone on holiday.

would have visited her

I don't want to take part in the project. I ____________________ (RATHER) part in the project.

would rather not take

I was born in Australia, so I have to apply for visas for some countries. If I hadn' been born in Australia, it _____________________ (NECESSARY) for me to apply for visas for some countries.

wouldn't be necessary

If you tell yourself you will remember your dreams, you often do. If _________________ (DETERMINED) your dreams, you often do.

you are determined to remember

Buy one, get one free. If _______________ (CAN) get one free.

you buy one, you can

It' possible that you saw John last night - he's in the USA! John's in the USA, so ______________________ (HAVE) him last night.

you can't have seen

If there'd any chance of your passing the post office, could you get me some stamps? If _________________ (HAPPEN) the post office, could you get me some stamps?

you happen to pass

Supposing you saw a friend shoplifting in a supermarket, what would you do? If _________________ (WERE) a friend shoplifting in a supermarket, what would you do?

you were to see

You can come around whenever you like. Any time _________________________ (WOULD) is fine with us.

you would like to come around

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