Alcohol, drugs, and behavior - exam 1 review

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Tolerance to one type of depressant, such as alcohol, can lead to the development of cross-tolerance for another depressant, such as benzodiazepines.


Organic solvents can be toxic to cells and organs.

True 2

Overall illicit drug use has declined since its peak in 1979 and 1980.

True 2

The drug wars in Mexico have claimed about 35,000 lives in recent years.

True 2

The use of needles to inject street drugs has been one major cause of the spread of the HIV virus that leads to AIDS.

True 2

The most widely abused prescription opiate is


The natural form of the hallucinogen LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is found in

a fungus which grows on rye/wheat plants.

Drugs that bind to receptors and block the effects of neurotransmitters are


Psychiatric medications

are used to rebalance irregular brain chemistry.

The main barrier that drugs have to cross to affect the body is the

blood-brain barrier.

Which of the following routes of administration acts the slowest upon the brain?

contact (transdermal) absorption

Which of the following is a function of the new brain?


Which is NOT a type of tolerance?

delayed tolerance

Drug effects on the individual have been intensified due to

development of more efficient and faster ways of putting drugs into the body.

When a substance originates outside the body, it is


Which will NOT cause a sober mouse to become an alcoholic mouse?


Which is NOT a genetic research technique?

liver biopsies

Within the neuron, what is stored in vesicles?


Which of the following is a thought or psychotic disorder?


Which level(s) of prevention is/are most likely to include intervention?

secondary and tertiary prevention

The gap between neurotransmitters is the


Morphine is about _________ times more powerful than opium.


How many nerve cell connections are in the nervous system?

100 Trillion

The lifespan of a chronic high-dose drinker is

15 years shorter than that of the general population.

A child's circulatory system contains about how much blood?

3-4 quarts of blood

Which of the following correctly lists the three major classes of depressants?

Alcohol, opiates, & sedative-hypnotics

Chronic heavy drinking can contribute to which of the following diseases?

Cancer of the stomach and esophagus, malnutrition, hypertension (high blood pressure), & cardiac arrhythmias (abnormal irregular heart rhythms).

On which part of th3 body does long-term use of stimulants (e.g., nicotine, cocaine, and methamphetamine) have the most significant impact?

Cardiovascular system

Which gene signals a susceptibility to both alcoholism and gambling?

DRD2A1 allele gene

The most crucial neurotransmitter involved in behavioral addictions, drug use, and drug abuse is:


One of the earliest Americans to write about the health dangers of drinking and to recommend temperance was

Dr. Benjamin Rush

Which is not true about tobacco?

Even though tobacco was a common plant in Europe before Columbus came to the Americas, no one had ever smoked it.

Dendritic "spines" (memory bumps) grow in the synapse when the eve is stimulated by sensory input.


Depressants affect the central nervous system by elevating the user's blood pressure, pulse, heart rate, and respiration.


The chewing of coca leaves in South America was mostly among the common people since the nobility thought it was a dirty habit.

False 2

Today's marijuana is less potent than the marijuana smoked in the 1960s.

False 2

The most addicting drug is alcohol.

False ch1

The neurotransmitter most responsible for stimulating the reward/reinforcement center is GABA.

False ch1

Which disorder is similar to compulsive shopping?


Which of the following is not a stimulant (an "upper")?


Drugs that stimulate which neurotransmitter have the potential to treat sexual addiction?


Which of the following factors have contributed to the spread of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C?

Sharing contaminated needles & drug-induced high-risk sexual practices

In 1937 marijuana became illegal in the United States largely because

The chief federal drug regulator wanted a new mission and purpose after alcohol prohibition was repealed, and he chose marijuana. & smoking of marijuana by Mexican migrant workers became demonized because the workers were perceived as a social and economic threat.

When a stimulant drug wears off and the body withdraws from the extra energy produced by the drug, which of the following occurs?

The user becomes exhausted & emotional depression sets in.

The effect an all around er has on the user depends on which of the following factors?

The users mindset, the physical setting in which the drug is used, amount taken or dosage.

Which of the Following are common mistakes made by alcohol and other drug prevention and education efforts?

They often overlook and do not recognize the level of sophistication most college students have regarding most aspects of alcohol and other drugs & prevention messages often appear condescending to the average student.

"Addiction" is the disease, whereas inhaling abuse, steroid misuse, or compulsive gambling, eating, shopping, or sex are the manifestations of the disease.


Psilocybin mushrooms cause less disassociation, panic, and psychotic reactions compared with LSD.


Although marijuana was used extensively by those in the 1960s "hippie movement" and at the "Summer of Love" in 1967, amphetamines and methamphetamines were not popular yet, so were not used.

False 2

Inhalants most often cause central nervous system stimulation leading to excitement.

False 2

Psychoactive drugs cannot create sensations or feelings that don't have a natural counterpart in the body.

True ch1

The nucleus accumbens is found in the old brain.

True ch1

When a drug is injected, how long does it take for the drug to reach the brain?

15 to 30 seconds

Which of the following best defines codependency?

An individual depends on the addict to fulfill some need of his or her own.

When there is internal conflict, the new brain will usually override the old brain.

False ch1

MDMA (ecstasy) and LSD act like stimulants as well as hallucinogens.

True 2

Addiction generally affects only the person with the problem and does not affect family members or family dynamics.


Which is NOT a type of withdrawal?

pharmacodynamic withdrawal

Formication, the imaginary sensation that hundreds of tiny bugs (e.g., coke bugs, meth bugs, and snow bugs) are crawling under one's skin, is caused by the visual hallucinogenic effects of stimulants.


In addition to their psychedelic effects, all arounders almost always depress the central nervous system.


Which of the following plants do not contain caffeine?

poppy and hemp

Limiting the places where tobacco smoking is permitted has not reduced the use of tobacco in the United States or other countries where such policies have been implemented.


Most sedative-hypnotics are from natural sources.


Substance abuse treatment facilities often avoid accepting dually diagnosed patients, seeing them as too disruptive or inattentive to participate in group therapy.


The further cocaine gets from its original production source, the more pure it becomes.


The phrase "supply reduction" refers to prevention programs that prevent people from wanting to use illicit drugs.


The type of drug a person uses has little impact on the symptoms of his or her co-occurring mental health disorders.


Women have a higher percentage of body water than men do of comparable size, so there is more water to dilute the alcohol they drink.


Although Cannabis was used in ancient times as a source for fiber and oil, for its edible seeds, and as a medicine, it was not used for its stupefying and hallucinogenic properties.

False 2

Easy access to alcohol, a permissive societal view of drinking, unsafe living conditions, poor nutrition, and limited access to healthcare and drug recovery programs are examples of what factors associated with increased alcohol use?


Which congressional act (that became the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution) prohibited the manufacture and sale of any alcoholic beverage with above 0.5% alcohol?

The Volstead Act (1920)

Anterograde amnesia is the term used to describe an inability to remember what happened during a psychedelic trip.


Children who grow up in a home with drug-using or alcohol-abusing family member take on distinctive roles that affect their personalities.


Endogenous craving associated with initial abstinence is a type of drug hunger brought about by the depletion of brain neurotransmitters during drug use.


False-negative results, not false positives, constitute the majority of urine-testing errors.


Substance-induced disorders are mental health problems caused by alcohol and other drug use.


Susceptibility to blackouts and brownouts is also a marker for susceptibility to alcoholism.


The historical and moral conflict between doing what an individual wants to do (primal urges) versus what he should do (common sense, reason) is mirrored in the conflict that arises between the old brain and the new brain when addictive drugs and behaviors are involved.


The inability to resist an impulse that is originally pleasurable but ends up becoming harmful is called an impulse-control disorder.


The legality of alcohol and tobacco, coupled with pervasive advertising of these substances, reduces the effectiveness and limits the credibility of many prevention programs.


The sense of relaxation and well-being that smokers receive from a cigarette is actually the sensation of the withdrawal symptoms being subdued.


Cyber-addiction and gaming addiction, including MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role-playing games), are characterized by which of the following actions?

Using the computer or video games for 40 hours or more per week, losing track of time while logged on, neglecting responsibilities, and feeling irritable and anxious when offline.

The most popular psychoactive substance over the millennia has been


The sub group of sedative-hypnotics that came to dominate the prescription market because they were safer than barbiturates are called


In levels of use terminology, abuse means

continued use of the drug despite negative consequences.

The discovery of brain chemicals that acted like psychoactive drugs led to

more understanding of the process of addiction, more understanding of the process of mental illness & new uses of therapeutic drugs to treat addiction and withdrawal states.

The London Gin Epidemic was ultimately brought under control by

prohibition of the selling or drinking of gin, heavy regulation on the production of alcohol, & strict regulation of sales and stiff taxes on gin.

The mechanism that accepts neurotransmitters is a


A common drug used at parties now, GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate), is classified as a

sedative (downer)

Another word for putting powdered cocaine under the tongue is


Which of the following is a part of a neuron?


Which is a NOT a desired effect of psychoactive drugs?

to increase depression

The T in SPECT scans stands for what?


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