All chapters answers call of the wild

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8. How much gold did they pack per bag, and what did they use for bags

50 lbs per moose-hide bag

32. How far was Sixty Miles from Dawson

50 miles

14. How far was the foot of Lake Le Barge to the White Horse Rapids

60 miles

4. How far did they travel to get to Stewart River

70 miles

17. How did Perrault save himself when he fell through the ice

By placing his pole across the hole and then pulling himself out

9. How did the other dogs react to Buck's leadership

extremely well and put more effort

14. What two qualities came to Buck because of his life at Judge miller's ranch

faithfulness and devotion

23. While Buck remained away, how did he feed himself

fished for salmon and killed a black bear, who was blinded by mosquitoes

9. What term did Thornton have for his time of talking with his dogs


6. What did Buck come to know for the first time

genuine passionate love

3. How did Buck react to Francois' decision

growled and attacked Sol-leks because he felt he had earned the right to be the team leader.

6. How did Buck respond to their cursing

growled and snarled, retreated but never ran away

54. How long did Buck keep himself protected before the wolves backed away

half hour

31. What did Buck do in response

he bit down on Thornton's mittened hand

3. What injury had Pike previously faked that eventually happened

he limped

11. What was most notable about the lifestyle of the hairy man

he lived in fear

11. How did Buck show affection for Thornton

he would bite Thornton's hand, but not break the skin.

13. What would Buck do when sudden irresistible impulse struck him

he would lift up from a nap and run for hours through the woods and spy upon bird life.

4. What did Skeet do for Buck

helped nurse him back to health by licking his wounds

18. What constantly conflicted with Buck's call from nature

his love for John Thornton

6. What would Thornton do like an Indian

hunt his dinner and travel until he found it

48. Where did Buck find Thornton's body, and who was near him

in the water with Skeet along side him

15. Why did the neighboring camp men feel Buck's new owners no longer needed a tent

it was springtime.

30. What happened to the dog that wouldn't give into the man's training



lost an eye

44. What injuries did Thornton find upon Buck

many bruises and a state of starvation

30. What animal appeared in abundance in the fall & why

moose - to lower, less rigorous valleys before winter

7. Why had the amount of mail increased immensely

more men rushed for gold, & wives and sweethearts wrote

20. How did the wolf feel about Buck's departure, and what did he do

mournful, and let out a long howl

22. In what condition were the dogs when they reached Dawson

poor and they had lost weight

14. How well did these men pack a sled (give a specific example as proof)

poorly: the tent was rolled 3 times larger than it should have been.

10. What was the short-legged, hairy man

pre-historic man who shared such life with Buck's ancestry

33. What did Buck have to do to start his attack on the moose

remove it from the herd

26. How did Dave feel about being taken out of the team

resented it and whined about it. He attacked Sol-leks, who was put into his place, and tried to return to his place.

14. What did Buck especially love to do

run at twilight and listen to sounds of the forest

5. What two items did Thornton need to survive in the wilderness

salt and a rifle

13. What type of attitude did she have

she complained about everything; she was a nag

10. How did Thornton show affection for Buck

shook his head violently and called him nasty names

16. What quality indicated weakness

showing mercy

47. What was Pete doing when he was killed


11. In what condition was the camp of the men who purchased Buck

sloppy and in disorder

37. Leaving the ship, what did Buck experience for the first time


4. From what common ailment did each dog suffer

sore feet

15. What one thing could Buck not do to John Thornton that he could to other men

steal from him

58. At what season of the year does Buck return to the valley where Thornton was killed


8. In comparison to Spitz, how was Buck as a leader


12. Besides his travels on the ground, how else would the hairy man move about

swing through the trees

24. What was the bet

that Buck could break a sled holding 1000 lbs. and pull it 100 yards.

49. What terrific pride welled up in Buck, and what had he come to realize because of it

that he had killed man, the noblest game, and that man was an easy kill without weapons.

45. What proclamation did the tribe make regarding Buck

that he was the Evil Spirit

13. What fear had Buck learned because of being in the Northland

that no owner was permanent; therefore, he kept Thornton in view at all times.

15. Whose "note" did Buck hear and find

that of a timber wolf

41. What did Buck see that caused him to growl ferociously

the Yeehats dancing about their kill

18. For what reason was Buck's new team used

the mail train

20. What decision was made(and by whom) about Buck's attack

the miners decided Buck's attack was provoked.

2. Since when had John Thornton been at this camp site

the previous December

33. What were the results of these commands

the runners broke from the ice

20. How much was the first man supposed to get for Buck

the second man? 50.00 and 100.00

25. Buck could have been mistaken for a gigantic wolf if not for what

the stray brown on his muzzle and above his eyes and the spray of white hair down the middle of his chest

55. Who did Buck recognize among the pack

the timber wolf he had previously run with

56. What occurrence signified Buck became a welcomed pack member

the wolves sat and howled, and so did Buck.

44. What happened when the tribe members tried to defend themselves

their arrows missed Buck, and they even shot each other. One threw a spear into the chest of another.

2. What happened to many who found the lost mine

they never returned

8. What happened to dogs that became useless for delivering the huge amounts of mail

they were sold

39. What awareness did John Thornton have about the advice he gave the travelers

they wouldn't follow it.

22. What injury did Buck suffer as a result of saving Thornton

three broken ribs

19. When the sled was overhauled and items discarded, what made Mercedes cry

throwing away her clothes

29. Why did Buck kill

to eat

37. At what approximate time would dawn come during this season

twilight? 3 a.m. and 9 p.m.

22. How long did Buck remain in camp before "the call" came back upon him

two days and nights

7. What brand of rifle did Thornton find in an abandoned cabin

Hudson Bay Company

23. Prior to traveling with these new owners, how many times had Buck traveled between Salt Water and Dawson


38. How many days did Buck hunt the moose

4 days

15. During a particular two-week period, how much distance did they average

40 miles

23. How long after arriving in Dawson did the team return to work

2 days

17. On the first day on the trail, how far did they travel

40 miles

16. From the point of this camp site, how far were they from Dawson

400 miles by trail

26. What were the beginning odds against Buck, and to what level did they rise

2-to-1 raised to 3-to-1

2. During this time, how much weight did Buck lose

25 pounds

5. During a five-month stretch, how far had they traveled

2500 miles

33. How far did they travel before returning for her

3 miles

6. For the final 1800 miles, how much rest did they get

5 days

39. How far away from Thornton's camp did Buck catch a scent that caused him to hurry

3 miles

17. Approximately, how much did the wolf weigh

50 lbs

1. How long did it take to get the mail from Dawson to Skagway

30 days

31. For how much was Buck sold


20. What was the distance between Big Salmon and Little Salmon

35 miles

30. What did Thornton whisper to Buck as encouragement

"As you love me, Buck. As you love me."

32. What were Thornton's first two commands

"Gee" -- move right; "Haw" -- move left

17. What was the simple law

"kill or be killed"

28. How much money did Hans, Pete and Thornton have between them to bet


35. What were the three offers made by the Skookum King

$800, $1000, $1200 for Buck

13. Because of the trail's difference, compare the time going out to that of coming in.

1 day compared to 10 days

21. What did Buck have to eat each day

1 ½ lbs. of sun-dried salmon

36. How much did the moose weigh

1300 lbs.

20. How many dogs totalled this team


31. How many points and how tall was the moose that Buck attacked

14 points and 6 feet tall

12. How much did Buck weigh

140 lbs.

29. At this point in time, how much did Buck weigh

150 lbs.

24. Since the beginning of winter, how far had the team travelled

1800 miles

13. In what year was the Klondike Gold Rush


6. What caused the fight between Buck and Spitz to stop suddenly

A pack of starving huskies attacked the camp because the pack smelled food. Francois, Perrault and the dogs fought back the attackers.

1. Where is Dyea beach


29. What one thing never found the travelers to weary to do

Argue; quarrel

21. Where did Buck truly save Thornton's life, and what were the circumstances behind the need to do so

At Forty Mile Creek, Thornton was thrown from the boat into the rapids. Buck jumped in and got Thornton to a slippery rock but could not Thornton to shore. Buck swam to shore, and Hans and Pete attached a rope line to him. Buck took a bad angle and could not reach Thornton. Hans and Pete pulled Buck back to shore, and when Buck heard Thornton's voice, he made another attempt, this one successful.

13. When did the team-dogs return to camp

At daybreak

15. Where did the attack occur

At the shore of Lake LeBarge, four hundred miles from Dawson

2. What had Buck been doing about fighting

Avoiding any possibilities

33. What caused a breakdown in the dog-team's solidarity, and what were some of the results

Because Buck challenged Spitz' leadership, the dogs started to act independently. One night Pike stole fish from Spitz and was protected by Buck. Another night Dub and Joe fought with Spitz to escape punishment. (more on page 22, first paragraph).

3. Why were strong, furry dogs needed

Because gold had been discovered in Alaska and the Yukon territory, and men needed large, furry dogs to toil and pull supplies and findings.

19. For what main reason had Perrault been chosen to be courier

Because nothing daunted him, he took risks.

7. How many huskies attacked the camp

Between 80 and 100 (4 or 5 score)

11. Who showed Buck the method of getting a sleeping spot


5. What two dogs did Perrault first bring to the team

Billee and Joe - both huskies

6. How did the dog brothers differ

Billie had an excessive good nature; Joe was more sour and introspective and had a bad eye.

37. What type of rage did Spitz possess

Bitter rage, but never blind rage

19. Who did Buck attack at a bar in Circle City, and why

Black Burton, who bullied a tenderfoot. Thornton stepped between the fight and Buck protected Thornton.

10. That night, why did Francois and Perrault throw things at Buck

Buck tried to enter their tent to sleep because he had never slept outside in such cold weather.

40. How did Buck change his strategy, and what happened then

Buck tried to rush with his shoulder into Spitz' shoulder, but Spitz leaped away and slashed Buck's shoulder.

39. What strategy did Buck try first, and what happened to him

Buck tried to sink his teeth into Spitz' neck, but Spitz slashed and cut Buck every time Buck tried.

25. How did each of the following feel about the travels

Buck -- tired

24. For what main reason had Spitz and Buck fallen into conflict with each other

Buck challenged Spitz acknowledged supremacy and leadership, and Spitz had never experienced that from any Southland dog. Buck endured and prospered in the North, and he was cunning enough to know how to get away with mischief.

9. What happened to Buck when he was guilty of this fact (the answer to #8)

Buck had his shoulder slashed to the bone with a three-inch gash.

1. What was the reason for Buck not knowing that trouble was brewing

Buck had not read the newspapers

12. What was different about Buck's approach to receiving attention compared to Skeets and Nig

Buck never sought it, but Skeets would shove his nose under Thornton's hand until he was petted and Nig would rest his head upon Thornton's knee. Buck would wait until summoned.

7. What was different about the way Buck lived on the property compared to all the other dogs

Buck ruled over the entire property and could go either inside or outside at will.

23. How did Francois end Dolly's chase

Buck then ran toward Francois, who used an axe to kill Dolly.

2. In what particular states was trouble brewing

California, Oregon, Washington

10. Describe each man

Charles was middle-aged with light colored eyes and a mustache. Hal was 19 or 20 and immature, indicated by his need for carrying a big Colt revolver and a hunting knife.

12. Who was Mercedes

Charles' wife and Hal's sister

16. What place stands between salt water and fresh water

Chilkoot Divide

22. What food did Buck steal from Perrault, and which dog got punished for it

Chunk of bacon; Dub

27. What tools did he use to break Buck

Club (axe used to pry open the crate)

16. Where did Manuel make his exchange for Buck

College Park

5. In what type of setting was his home

Country estate that was settled away from the road and half-hidden by trees; more spacious in the back with stables and outhouses and trees and kennels

12. What was Perrault's job

Courier for the Canadian Government, delivering dispatches

33. What dog was also sold with Buck


3. What happened to Curly

Curly attempted a friendly approach to a husky dog, but that dog ripped open Curly's face from eye to jaw. Curly was knocked to the ground, and the surrounding dogs dove in for the kill.

25. What did Hal do to compensate for the weakened huskies

Doubled their food.

27. What dog was the first to be removed from the team, why and how

Dub was removed because he grew too weak from injuries that went untreated. Hal shot him.

11. Who was Buck's father & mother, & what types of dog were they

Elmo - St. Bernard; Shep - Scotch shepherd​

24. For what reason did Buck steal, and how did he approach stealing

Hunger; secretly and with cunning

18. What had the temperature dropped to

Fifty below zero

22. What did Buck go without for two days and nights and how did he travel during those days

Food and water; in the baggage car of a train

21. What did Francois do to relieve Buck's feet

Rubbed Buck's feet for a half hour after supper and made moccasins for Buck's feet.

6. How old was Buck

Four years old

4. What made Buck back away from Francois

Francois had a club, & Buck remembered the man in the sweater.

7. Why did the chase finally end

Francois tossed the club aside and placed Buck as leader

26. What bodily inherited features did Buck receive from his father and mother

From his father, Buck got his size and weight; from his mother, he got shape, especially the head and muzzle, which resembled that of a wolf.

14. Who was Manuel, and what was his bad habit

Gardener's helper on Judge Miller's property; gambling on the Chinese lottery

8. What was different about the way Thornton treated his dogs compared to other owners

Give examples of Thornton's treatments. Thornton treated them as if they were children while others viewed them as business expenses. Thornton never forgot to greet his dogs and he sat to talk with them.

9. Who bought Buck and the team on the fourth day after the team arrived at Skagway

Hal and Charles

35. When Buck got too tired to move on, what finally got him to move

Hal clubbed and whipped him.

29. What was the dogs' main job once they arrived in Dawson

Haul cabin logs and firewood

53. How did Buck keep the pack in front of him

He backed himself into a three-sided, protected embankment that men had structured while mining.

10. How did Buck kill one of the huskies

He bit into the throat, ripping open the jugular.

27. What did Dave do to the traces

He bit through them and stood in his place.

17. What did Hal finally do to help get the sled moving

He broke the runners from the ice.

29. What did Buck learn from the man in the red sweater

He could not beat a man who had a club.

42. What did Thornton do with knife once he had gotten it from Hal

He cut Buck loose.

20. What happened to make dogs fear Buck more than ever

He defeated three of the fiercest dogs in fights.

27. For what reason was Spitz going to punish that dog

He did not come from his nesting spot when morning arrived, and Spitz was charged to find. When Spitz found him, he started to attack Pike, but Buck jumped forward to stop the punishment. Buck received punishment from Francois.

17. Why did Buck not protest when the rope was placed around his neck

He did not understand totally, nor did he challenge the actions of someone he knew.

19. How did Buck feel about the change

He didn't like the monotony but took pride in working hard.

42. How did Buck finally overcome Spitz

He faked his rush into Spitz, but he then swept low and crunched his teeth onto Spitz' foreleg, one then the other, and broke his legs.

1. Why was John Thornton located at that spot

He froze his feet, and his partners left him there to heal.

40. Even though whipped and clubbed, why did Buck refuse to get up and lead the team from Thornton's camp

He had a feeling for impending doom because of the thin and rotten ice that he had felt.

52. What caused the whole pack to attack Buck

He killed three more.

42. Which member of the tribe did Buck kill first and how

He ripped open the throat of the Yeehat chief .

5. How did Buck react to this happening

He sprang upon Spitz, surprising both of them, but Buck felt the urge to do this because he refused to accept this treatment.

19. What lie was told about Buck's destination

He was being taken to a doctor in San Francisco because he had fits.​

43. What happened to Spitz

He was killed by the encircling dogs after his front legs were broken and he went down.

1. Why didn't Buck feel at ease

He was too busy adjusting the new lifestyle of the North.

2. What did Buck learn about these other dogs from the attack upon Curly

If a dog goes down, he'll never get up again, and Buck would never let himself go down.

41. What special quality did Buck possess


27. What combinations allowed him to survive alone in the forest

a wolf-like cunning, the intelligence of both a shepherd and a St. Bernard, and the experiences gained from his Northland travels

28. What lesson did Buck about intervening with another's punishment

Intervene when Francois is not in sight.

25. From whom did Thornton borrow the money

Jim O'Brien

10. Which dog did Buck punish on the first night


16. What dog did the wolf seem like when he whirled and snapped at Buck


21. What would Buck dream about while lying by the fire

Judge Miller's house and its surroundings and occupants; the man in the red sweater; Curly; his fight with Spitz; and food

20. For what knowledge did Perrault have pride

Knowledge of the ice

23. During this time, what seemed to cause Buck the most suffering

Lack of water

21. In what ways did the four men who came to the saloon torment Buck

Laughed and poked sticks at him

14. Other than the injuries, what else were the results of this attack

Lost half the food supply; huskies chewed through the sled lashings, ate a pair if Perrault's moccasins, ate chunks of leather traces, 2 feet from Francois' whip​

23. In the Eldorado Saloon, with whom did Thornton make a bet and for how much

Matthewson for $1000

15. Where were the Judge and the boys on the night Buck was kidnapped

Meeting for the Raisin Grower's Association; organizing an athletic club

9. Who were the Judge's daughters

Mollie and Alice

34. On what ship did they travel


40. What first evidence that something was amiss did Buck find

Nig's dead body with arrows in either side

38. During any fight, when would Spitz attack

Not until after his foe had rushed first and after Spitz defended himself from that first rush.

8. What one reason caused this third dog to attack another dog

Other dogs should not approach him from his blind side; otherwise, he would whirl and attack.

32. Who bought Buck and for whom did he work

Perrault; Canadian government

26. Who did Buck first protect from Spitz's punishment


43. What dog did Hal put as lead


18. What was done with the rope if Buck tried to fight them

Pulled tightly to choke him.

4. Where did Buck live, and who owned the property

Santa Clara Valley at Judge Miller's home

26. What seemed to be Buck's special ability

Scent the wind and forecast it a night in advance

25. Into what city did the train arrive


32. What did Mercedes do when she was pulled from the sled

She fell limp on the trail and refused to move.

31. How did Mercedes make the sled heavier and by how much weight

She rode it,a nd she weighed 120 lbs.

22. What happened to Dolly at Pelly

She suddenly went mad. Frothing at the mouth, she chased after Buck who could not put any more distance between him and her.

25. How did Buck's senses change

Sight and scent - remarkably keen; hearing - acute

2. Which dog did Francois first place as team leader


11. Who attacked Buck after that kill


3. What dog tried to bully Buck


35. On the ship, what dog attempted to steal Buck's meal


4. Who was the leader of the dog team, and who was behind Buck

Spitz - leader; Dave - behind Buck

35. Who finally caught the rabbit, and how

Spitz cut through the trail and got ahead of the rabbit. As the rabbit tried to jump and avoid him, Spitz caught the rabbit in its flight. Spitz broke the rabbit's back to kill it, thus ending the hunt and the chase.

4. What happened to Buck's sleeping nest when he went to get his food

Spitz went into it and snarled when Buck returned to it.

10. What activities did Buck share with the family

Swam with the Judge's sons; escorted his daughters on morning and evening walks; lay beside Judge's feet on wintry nights; played with Judge's grandsons and watched over all.​

23. Without having an ability to adjust, what might have happened to Buck

Swift and terrible death

11. Which two dogs were added to the team, and where

Teek and Koona at Rink Rapids

24. What was one thing that made Buck glad, and why

The removal of the rope because the rope gave man an unfair advantage.

31. What three factors permitted Perrault to think he could make Dyea in record time

The dogs had had a week's rest; the trail had already been cut through and was packed hard; and the police (or government) had arranged to have two or three spots for food along the way.

25. Describe the meaning of pride for the dogs

The dogs held on to a pride that kept them working hard in the traces and on the trails. A dog would rather die pulling a sled than to be cut from the lashes. Being cut from the traces would break the heart of a dog.

30. What happened every night at nine, twelve and three o'clock

The eerie, nocturnal howling song of the dogs

50. What made it an easy decision for Buck to answer "the call"

Thornton was dead, and all ties to man broken.

3. Who were Skeet and Nig

Thornton's dogs: Skeet an Irish Setter; Nig huge black, half blood hound, half deerhound

36. What did the killing of the rabbit trigger

The fight started between Spitz and Buck.

27. What caused to odds to increase

The majority of the men agreed that Buck had break the runners from the ice

18. What happened at the turn

The sled toppled over & the dogs kept running even though Hal called for a halt.

24. When Buck returned to the bear, what did he find and what did he do

a dozen wolverines. he chased away 10 and killed 2.

34. What marked the end of the hundred yards

a pile of firewood

46. How far away from Thornton's camp had they gotten

a quarter of mile

24. What became obvious about the new owners

They couldn't even learn how to work in this environment.

28. What happened to the six "Outside" dogs

They died.

45. What happened to the team and travelers

They fell through broken and drowned.

18. After that first day, why did they travel at a slower pace

They had to break their own trail.

8. What caused the huskies to come to this camp

They smelled food.

34. At. Five Fingers, how did they get food for the dogs

They traded the revolver for a few pounds of frozen horsehide.

15. Why was Buck placed between Dave and Sol-leks

They were apt teachers about working on a team.

9. What made these huskies terrifying

They wore Speedos (not really, just wanted to make sure you read this). Their hunger-madness did this.

41. How did Thornton get the knife from Hal

Thornton hit Hal across the knuckles with an axe handle he had been making.

19. Why did Perrault usually walk ahead of the team

To pack the snow with his webbed shoes

8. What two dogs lived indoors

Toots and Ysabel

14. What change came over Dave and Sol-leks when it was time to work

Usually passive and not the type of dogs to allow others to approach, they became active and alert whenever it came time for the harness.

36. What happened to Billee

When he fell and couldn't get up, Hal killed him with an axe because he traded his gun.

36. What happened to that dog

Whipped by Francois

59. Do the Yeehats ever return to that same village

Why or why not? No, because they believe in the Evil Spirit.

34. Did Buck realize that Francois thought Buck had been causing the trouble

Yes, but Francois never caught him.

17. What type of person then claimed Buck

a Scotch half-breed

28. What eventually happened to Dave

after making camp, he no longer had the strength to make it in the harness. The dog team was led past him and beyond a belt of river timber. The Scotch half-breed returned to Dave and shot him.

43. How did Buck kill the second member of the tribe

also ripped his throat open

32. What caused the moose's bad temper

an arrowhead lodged in front of his flank

5. For how long did Perrault and Francois chase Buck

approximately one hour

38. Where was John Thorton's camp

at the mouth of the White River


badly injured hind leg​


badly torn throat​

18. Why and how was Buck rewarded

because he never gave up and showed signs of friendliness. Buck and the wolf sniffed each other and played together.

35. Why did the moose lose his help from the herd

because the others in the herd were not threatened and they needed to move on as winter approached

51. As the wolfpack approached Buck, what did he do to the first attacker

broke its neck

9. During this time of mining, what did the dogs do

brought in meat the men hunted and lay by the fire

3. What was supposed to be so special about the lost mine

claimed to have nuggets unlike any grade of gold

22. Why was it a bad idea to have so many dogs for one sled

couldn't carry enough food for all of them

26. Once the food supply became short, how did the travelers try to solve the problem

cut the rations in half while trying to travel more distance each day.

37. What would Buck not allow the moose to do

eat or drink

21. What was Thornton doing when Buck returned

eating dinner

12. In what condition was the trail at this point

excellent, well-packed & hard; no new fallen snow; not too cold

57. What later notation indicates that Buck remained with the pack

new pack members had similar coloring features to Buck's

13. How many dogs made up this complete team


28. Had Buck ever been victimized by such tools


1. Why did Francois feel there would be no more trouble

no more Spitz to give them trouble

16. Once fully packed, could the dogs easily pull the sled

no, because it was too heavy & unbroken from the ice.

21. How well did the new dogs work with the team, and why

not well because they couldn't learn the right things to do

16. What caused Francois and Perrault to withdraw from Buck's life

official government orders


one ear chewed and ripped​

46. How long did the tribe members stray until they grouped together

one week

1. How did John Thornton use the winnings from the bet

paid off debts and set off to journey to a fabled mine

30. What wonderful quality comes to those who work hard and suffer greatly


34. What quality must a hunter have in order to succeed


28. What was Buck capable of doing simultaneously

perceive, determine and respond

19. When did Buck remember Thornton & what did he do about it

when he stopped to drink water, he returned

7. What was different about the relationship Buck had with Thornton to that of the one he had with Judge Miller and family

with Miller's sons, it was a working partnership; with the grandsons, a guardianship; with the Judge, a stately friendship; but with Thornton, he gained love and adoration and respect.

5. Overall how did Skeet and Nig treat Buck

with the same warm kindness that Thornton had shown

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