ALL Pharm cards for Final Review

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what are benzodiazepines considered better for pts than barbiturates?

-favorable side effects -effectiveness -safer - when taken alone as an OD, they result in little more than sedation. Also don't work on the brainstem, so they do not depress respirations

barbiturates - common info

-not prescribed as often as benzos -many unwanted side effects -habit forming -narrow therapeutic range -may see used for LONG TERM control of seizures - do not stop abruptly -considered a controlled substance -prototype is phenobarbital -ultra short acting barbs typically end in "-tal"

What do the 3 low-molecular weigh heparins that are currently available end in (regarding their names) that give us a clue that they are Low-Molecular weight Heparins?

-parin (enoxaparin, daltexparin, and tinzaparin)

what should be done before administering analgesics to a pt?

-perform thorough history - obtain baseline vital signs and I&O -assess for potential contraindications and drug interactions -perform thorough pain assessment (including COLDSPAA factors) -be sure to include other (nonpharmacologic) interventions as well - medicate patients before the pain becomes severe - ensure safety measures to prevent injury

common barbiturates

-phenobarbital (Luminal) -butabarbital (Butisol) -pentobarbital (Nembutol) -secobarbital (Seconal)

what are compelling indicators?

-post-MI -high cardiovascular risk -heart failure - diabetes mellitus - chronic kidney disease - previous stroke

PPI typically end in


Do rapid acting forms of nitrates treat or prevent angina? What about long-acting forms?

-rapid acting-treat acute anginal attacks (sublingual tablets, intravenous infusion) -long acting- prevent episodes

ARBs typically end in


give some examples of when you would use a benzodiazepine?

-sedation -sleep induction -skeletal muscle relaxation -anxiety relief -treatment of ETOH withdrawal -agitation -depression -epilepsy -balanced anesthesia -moderate/conscious sedation (such as a colonoscopy)

what are the classes of benzodiazepines?

-sedative-hypnotics -anxiolytics

serotonin receptor antagonists end in


Statin drugs (which treat for pts with high LDL) typically end in what?

-statin (lovastatin, pravastatin, simvastatin, vastatin)

Adverse effects of Phosphodiesterase inhibitors

-thrombocytopenia -elevated liver enzymes -dysrhythmias

H2RAs typically end in


when would you WANT to give a pt an "overdose" of barbiturates?

-to induce anesthesia - to stop uncontrollable sz's

primary uses of cholinergic agonists

-urinary retention -myasthenia gravis -alzheimers disease -xerostomia -glaucoma

You are administering oral procainamide to a client. What do you want to know before you give the drug? What will you watch for after administration?


Your patient has been receiving amiodarone for several months. What are your assessment priorities?


Where do the 5 major classes of diuretics exert their action and why is this important?

...In the tubules and I forgot why that is important!!! Do you have notes on this?

Name 3 things to do/no do when taking I-131

1. Wait 7 days for contact with children and pregnant women 2. Wash eating utensils 3. avoid oral contact (kissing)

What are some Adverse Effects Analeptics

1. Wide range of effects - dose related 2. Tend to "speed up" body systems 3. Palpitations, tachycardia, hypertension, angina, dysrhythmias, nervousness, restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dry mouth, increased urinary frequency, others

What are the common antifungal drugs

1. amphotericin B (Fungizone) 2. fluconazole (Diflucan) 3. nystatin (Mycostatin) 4. caspofungin (Cacidas) 5. voriconazole (VFEND)

the risk of CHD in pt with cholesterol levels of ____ mg/dl is 3-4 times greater than in pateinets with levels less than ____ mg/dl

300 mg/dl ; 200 mg/dl

What is the longest a women should take a bisphosphonate? What happend after this time?

5 years. After 5 years there is an increase in the number of fractures of "cortical bones" - femur, humerus, etc.

How long does levodopa therapy typically work?

5-10 years after starting the med

Humalog 75/25 should be given how long before a meal?

5-15 minutes


5-alpha reductase inhibitor

albuterol (ProAir, Proventil)

A moderately selective beta-2 agonist. Available orally and by inhalation (MDI). Inhaled IMPORTANT - albuterol is referred to as a "rescue drug". Adverse effects more common with oral administration—tachycardia, palpitations, anxiety, tremors, HA, insomnia. There are others - all end in "terol" salmeterol (Serevent) - Black box warning use with caution

Tell about ipratropium bromide (Atrovent) Anticholinergics Bronchodilator Prototype

A muscarinic antagonist Contraindicated in clients who are allergic to peanuts. S.e. rare as little is absorbed systemically—cough, throat irritation Similar drug: tiotropium (Spiriva) Longer onset and duration DPI Another option albuterol/ipratropium (Combivent)—MDI or (DuoNeb)—inhalation solution

selegiline (Eldepryl)

A selective inhibitor of type B monoamine oxidase (MAO-B). This enzyme inactivates dopamine so inhibition of this enzyme is good. Does not have the food interactions of MAOI-As. May actually slow the progression of PD. Can delay the need for levodopa when used early in treatment.

What is a superinfection/suprainfection

A side effect of antibiotic therapy wher the antibiotics reduce or eliminate normal bacterial flora allowing other bacteria or fungus to take over and cause infection.


ADR caused by EXCESSIVE DOSING, however, in practice, we will hear the term toxicity to refer to any SEVERE ADR regardless of dose that caused it.

Sympathetic receptors

ADRENERGIC - Alpha 1 and 2, Beta 1 and 2, and Dopamine


AKA ADRENERGIC AGONISTS Drugs that mimic the action of the SNS. Generally classified into two groups: catecholamines and noncatecholamines. Also classified according to their selectivity


AKA Anticholinergenics or antimuscarinics. Drugs that antagonize or block the muscarinic receptors. Basically they inhibit the action of ACh. Atropine is the prototype of this group


AKA Cholinergic agonists. drugs that stimulate the PSNS


AKA Cholinergic blockers, cholinergic antagonist, or parasympatholytics. Drugs that block the action of the PSNS

Cholinergic blockers

AKA anticholinergics or more accurately antimuscarinics. Drugs that block the action of the PSNS


AKA infiltration of IV, Give phentolamine if needed

What should you remember to do if giving potassium by IV?

ALWAYS use a pump for IV administration because it will slow the rate it is administered and reduce pain at injection site and phlebitis (inflammation of vein).

Nursing Notes on Spironolactone...

Caution when giving in combination with other potassium sparing drugs

What is the MOA of Direct-Acting Vasodilators?

Directly relax the smooth muscle walls of blood vessels thereby lowering peripheral resistance and BP. HR is often increased reflexively due to the vasodilation. diazoxide and sodium nitroprusside used to treat emergency hypertension minoxidil (loniten) can cause hair growth. Used in male baldness now as well BiDil- combo drug (hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate) used for African American

When should diuretics be given if they are only to be administered once a day and why?

In the morning.


Hyperthyroid drug


Hyperthyroid drug


Hyperthyroid drug

other side effects, besides constipation, of calcium channel blockers

Hypotension, palpitations, tachycardia, nausea, Rash, flushing, edema, dermatitis


Hypothyroid drug


Hypothyroidism marked by dry skin and swelloing around lips and nose as well as mental deterioration

What should you monitor for when a patient is on this med?

Must correct hypovolemia prior to starting and monitor fluid volume closely in patients taking concurrent diuretics.


N= NSAIDs - Nonsterioidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs. Decrease inflammation by inhibiting COX (cyclooxygenase). COX has two forms - 1 and 2. NSAIDs may be nonselective (1st generation) or COX2 selective (2nd generation). Fewer harmful effects with COX2 selective agents. Aspirin is a nonselective; Celecoxib (Celebrex) is a COX2 selective.

should you give a cholinergic agonist for a pt with an ulcer?

NO - cholinergic agonists increase gastric secretions!

can you give a cholinergic agonist for a pt when there is a possible bowel obstruction?

NO - you can cause a perforated bowel

Should antihypertensive drugs be stopped abruptly?

NO- may cause rebound hypertensive crisis, may lead to stroke

do anticoagulants work on existing clots?

NO- only work to prevent clots from happening, OR to prevent existing clots from growing LARGER.

Is orlistat (Xenical) a CNS stimulant?

NO. it is a Lipase inhibitor











Mefanamic acid






somatic pain responds well to what kind of analgesic?




What are the Major drug classes used to treat angina?

Nitrates, Beta Blockers, Calcium Channel Blockers

Do all potassium sparing diuretics work by antagonizing the action of aldosterone?


Is digoxin used to prolong life?

No, improves quality of life

Should a patient taking a nitrate take viagra? Why?

No, it can lead to a dangerous drop in BP.

Is medication only thing patient can do to treat hypertension?

No- watch diet, stress level, weight and alcohol intake

Would a patient suffering from dementia benefit from taking Gingko?

No. Gingko will improve blood flow to the brain and periperally but will not help if dementia is already present.

If a patients comes to the hospital with a Vitamin K definciency are NSAIDs an appropriate drug? Why or why not...

No. NSAIDs are contraindicated when there are conditions for putting the patient at risk for bleeding such as rhinitis, Vit K deficiency, and peptic ulcers

If the sodium level is 134 should you call the physician?

No. The body can handle variations in the sodium level better than it can potassium.

is acetaminophen (tylenol) an opioid?

No. Tylenol is a nonopioid analgesic; it is not an antiinflammatory


Q= Quinidine. A Class 1A antidysrhythmic. Common side effects: diarrhea and hypotension. Can also cause "cinchonism" which causes blurred vision, tinnitus, and GI upset. Fairly strong anticholinergic effects as well. Usually given po. Only quinidine gluconate can be given IV.


R=Reglan. Generic name is metoclopramide. The only "prokinetic" (meaning it increases the tone and motility of the GI tract) agent currently available. Used for GERD, N/V, diabetic gastroparesis, and postoperative emesis. Major side effect: DIARRHEA!

ACE inhibitors do what to BP

REDUCE bp - but watch for hypotension!

Respiratory side effects of barbiturates

RESPIRATORY DEPRESSION apnea bronchospasms cough

Decreased fluid volume causes:

Reduced BP Reduced pulmonary vascular resistance Reduced systemic vascular resistance Reduced central venous pressure Reduced left ventricular end-diastolic pressure Potassium and sodium depletion


Inhibits NE release

What is the MOA of Direct Renin Inhibitors?

Inhibits renin and blocks the conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin I. Ultimately decreases the level of angiotensin II and suppresses activation of the RAS.

What is the MOA of succinylcholine (Anectine)?

It is a NMBA so it blocks the nicotinic M receptors, very short acting

What is the MOA of epinephrine?

It is a catecholamine so it produces a sympathomimetic repsonse by positive inotropic and chronotropic effects (B1), increased BP (A1), and bronchodilation (B2)

What type of drug is paclitaxel (Taxol)

It is a chemo drug

Why would a patient without PD be taking amantadine?

It is actually an anti-viral drug used for influenza

If blood flow to the kidneys is decreased, how is the action of diuretics effected? What is the exception to this?

It is also decreased. The exception is Loop Diuretics. They can be effective even with low blood flow.

What does ketorolac do? How long can it be used for?

It is an antiinflammatory with the analgesic properties equivalent to opioids but WITHOUT respiratory depression or addiction. It should be taken for maximum of 5 days.

What is the special consideration for Calitonin?

It is derived from salmon so be aware of salmon allergies.

What is the treatment for hyperkalemia?

Kayexalate—can be given orally or rectally via an enema


L= levothyroxine (Synthroid). A synthetic thyroid hormone used in hypothyroidism. Long half life and can be dosed one time a day BEFORE BREAKFAST (absorption is better on an empty stomach). However, can take approximately a month to reach steady state. Replacement therapy generally necessary for life. Side effects: s/s of hyperthyroidism - tachycardia, palpitations, etc.

CAIs are less potent or more diuretics than loop diuretics or thiazides?


Tell about the MOA and usage of Class III—Potassium channel blockers

Repolarization of the heart depends on removal of potassium from the cell. Class III drugs block the potassium channels in myocardial cells. This causes a delay of repolarization and prolongs the refractory period. ECG: increase QT interval, bradycardia Limited use due to potentially serious toxicity

What is the main adverse effect of dopamine agonists?

Sleep attacks


Stimulant Laxative

ADRENERGIC AGONISTS--Dopamine (Intropin)

Stimulates dopamine, a1 and b1 receptors. Receptor stimulated depends on the dose. Low doses—stimulate dopamine receptors only. Moderate doses—dopamine & beta 1. A catecholamine. Remember that dopamine improves renal perfusion. Primary uses are shock b1 and dopamine, Heart failure b1, Renal failure dopamine. Administered by continuous IV infusion


Stool softener

What is the first response action if infiltration occurs?

Stop IV. Some meds like dopamine can be very damaging to tissues

If a person on phenytoin or carbamazepine develops the Stevens-Johnson Syndrome rash, what should you do?

Stop the meds and call dr.

What advice would you give a women who takes SERMs and is about to take a long flight?

Stop using the SERM 72 hours before the flight to reduce the risk of thromboembolism and resume taking SERM once fully ambulatory again.

What is the MOA of Nonopiod Antitussives?

Suppress the cough reflex directly or numbs the stretch receptors in the respiratory tract and prevents the cough reflex from being stimulated Examples: benzonatate (Tessalon Perles) dextromethorphan (Vicks Formula 44, Robitussin-DM)


T= Tamoxifen (Nalvadex). A SERM (selective estrogen receptor modulator). One of the most widely prescribed drugs for breast cancer. Can inhibit cell growth by blocking estrogen receptors. Used both to treat active disease as well as to reduce occurrence of breast cancer in high risk women. Most common adverse reaction is hot flashes. Most serious is development of endometrial cancer or thromboembolism.

what kind of needle do we use to administer regular heparin?

TB syringe

imipramine (Tofranil)

TCA is also used to treat enuresis (or bedwetting)

Toxicity of Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs)

TCA overdoses are notoriously lethal. The lethal dose is only 8 times the average daily dose. Estimates suggest that 70-80% of patients who die of TCA overdose do so before reaching the hospital. The CNS and cardiovascular system are the primary systems affected and clients generally die either from seizures or dysrhythmias. There is no specific antidote for TCA poisoning. Activated charcoal may be administered.

6 main factors you must consider when monitoring a drugs effect

THERAPEUTIC INDEX (therapeutic level to toxic. Some have very small ratio such as warfarin) DRUG CONCENTRATION (adjust dosage if concentration too high due to complications like kidney protein) PATIENT CONDITION (all physical and psych conditions) TOLERANCE & DEPENDENCE (tolerance decreases effect; you want to avoid dependence where the body/mind starts to NEED the drug) INTERACTIONS - drug/drug or drug/food ADVERSE EFFECT - nonintended neg effect

what is the proper technique for sublingual NTG for anginal pain?

Take 1 SL tab, wait 5 min, if no relief call 911

Nitroglycerin—Nursing Implications: When do you call 911?

Take 1 SL tab, wait 5 minutes, if no relief, call 911 and take another. Take third dose in 5 more minutes and hopefully the ambulance is there and you are still alive.


Take it with NSAIDS

How long should a patient use topical adrenergics?

Sustained use over several days causes rebound congestion, making the condition worse. Should not be used longer than 3-5 days

What are hyponatremia symptoms?

Symptoms: Lethargy, stomach cramps, hypotension, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures

what is prokinetic agent prototype?

metoclopramide (Reglan)

ADRENERGIC ANTAGONIST—Beta 1 Selective (Cardioselective)

metoprolol (Lopressor) is the prototype. Inhibits the beta 1 effects without causing bronchoconstriction or inhibiting glycogenolysis. Used for hypertension, angina, and following a MI. Safer choice for asthmetics and diabetics. Other b1 selectives are atenolol (Tenormin) and acebutolol (sectral)


minimum effective concentration; the plasma drug level below which therapuetic effects will not occur

Which antianxiety catagory medications are NOT habbit forming, do NOT cause sedation and do NOT depress the CNS

miscellaneous anxiolytic medications

drug approved for preventing gastric ulcers caused by long-term NSAID use

misoprostol (Cytotec)

if you have a pt that has to take NSAIDs often due to arthritis, what would you give them and why?

misoprostol (Cytotec). This drug is approved for preventing gastric ulcers caused by long-term NSAID use.

What is the drug used to treat narcolepsy

modafinil (Provigil)

cholinergic crisis

occurs when a pt receives too much of a cholinergic agonist. Sx are shock, salivation, etc. Treat with an anticholinergic.


occurs when plasma drug levels climb too high

growth hormone antagonist

octreotide acetate (Sandostatin)

What are the Major adverse effects of orlistat (Xenical)?

oily spotting, flatulence, steatorrhea, and fecal incontinence in 20-40% of patients and deficiency of fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K)

what type of drugs given on the skin would be used for localized treatment?

ointments, gels, creams

prototype PPI


this serotonin receptor antagonist is the BIG chemo drug given for n/v

ondansetron (Zofran)

uses for opioid analgesics

pain!!! cough center suppression (only at correct dosages - higher dosages can actually CAUSE coughing) treatment of diarrhea balanced anesthesia (typically in the beginning of anesthesia for a procedure)

contraindication of ARBs?


What is the common suffix for ADH


Mu receptors

primarily pain blocking receptors; associated with respiratory depression, euphoria, decreased GI activity, miosis, sedation and physical dependence

bethanechol (Urecholine), a direct=acting muscarinic agent

primarily used for urinary retention

what is morphine's maximum dose?

there is no maximum dose for morphine

how do lipids transport in the blood?

they bind to protein

thrombolytics are different from anticoagulants in what way?

they break down, or lyse, preformed clots (whereas anticoagulants can't break down existing clots - only keep them from forming in the first place)

When stopping Beta blockers remember

they should not be stopped abruptly

why do we TYPICALLY not like to use anti-cholinergic drugs as an antacid (although they would decrease GI secretions?)

they would also have yucky side effects (can't see, can't pee, can't sit, can't s*^t)

as long as there are no other "compelling" indicators, what is first-line therapy for hypertension?

thiazide diuretics (**there is new documentation questioning this, but as of now, this is the standard)

What is generally the first line therapy for patients with hypertension but without other "compelling" indicators?

thiazide diuretics according to JNC VII but has recently been questioned. Many patients will require >1 medication to control BP

What generation of cephalorsporins starts to cross the blood brain barrier

third generation

preclinical trial

time when patent clock STARTS, time when chemicals that have therapeutic value are tested on animals to determine if they have the same effects on living tissue and any adverse effects. After extensive testing, company can submit app for an "investigational new drug" (IND)

Why should patients to change positions slowly when on a psychotherapeutic?

to avoid postural hypotension and possible injury

Why should you check the patient's mouth if they are on a psychotherapeutic drug?

to make sure oral doses are swallowed.

Why should only small amounts of medications should be dispensed at a time?

to minimize the risk of suicide attempts

what are some major things we use antiplatelet drugs for?

to prevent MI, reinfarction, strokes, etc

what is the purpose of an antiplatelet drug?

to prevent platelet adhesion or aggregation

what type of drugs given on the skin would be used for systemic treatment?

transdermal patches


treatment for hyperkalemia

T/F: cholesterol absorption inhibitors reduce total cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides, and increase HDL levels


T/F: may pt will require >1 medication to control BP


nonselective adrenergic agonists stimulate both alpha and beta receptors. True or false?


t/f: anticholinergics can be used for antiemesis


What are the adverse effects of Calcium Channel Blockers?

Very acceptable adverse effect and safety profile. May cause hypotension, palpitations, tachycardia or bradycardia, constipation, nausea, dyspnea

Adverse effects of Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)

Very few serious side effects in the absence of tyramine. Can cause orthostatic hypotension.

What are pharmacokinetics

What the body does to the drug

What are pharmacodynamics

What the drug does to the body

When should phosphodiesterase inhibitors be used?

When patient has not responded to treatment of digoxin, diuretics, and/or vasodilators


When the drug reaches the target site from bloodstream

what information is included in a med profile/history?

all drug use herbal/home remedies ETOH, tobacco, caffeine current and history of illegal drugs otc vitamins/supplements hormonal (birth control) past prescriptions on reg basis family history, cultural, racial history related to meds

what should be done before antilipemic drug therapy is used?

all reasonable non-drug means of controlling blood cholesterol levels, such as diet and exercise should be tried for at least 6 months and found to fail before drug therapy is considered. Even then, antilipemic drugs are used as an adjunct to diet therapy and is based on the specific lipid profile of the pt.

nitrates can also help what symptom?

alleviate coronary artery spasms

antigout medications

allopurinol (Zyloprim) colchicine probenecid (Benemid)

Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs) MOA?

allow angiotensin I to be converted to angiotensin II but BLOCK receptors that receive angiotensin II Block vasoconstriction and release of aldosterone

how to prevent tolerance

allow regular nitrate free period transdermal patch-remove at bedtime for 8 hrs, apply new patch in morning


allows the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II but blocks the actual receptor that receives the angiotensin II

What are the adrenergic agents that reduce BP?

alpha 1 antagonists (alpha 1 blockers), alpha 2 agonists, and beta blockers

how do alpha 2 agonists lower BP

alpha 2 agonists reduce brainstem vasomotor center-mediated CNS activation; used as antihypertensives to lower BP

what type of drug is used to treat hypertension and BPH?

alpha adrenergic antagonists

CLASSES of drugs appropriate to treat BPH

alpha-1 blockers androgen inhibitors

What Antacids will you find constipation a common side effect?

aluminum and calcium based


amount of time it takes for amount of drug in body to decrease to 1/2 of peak life

what are the 3 FDA recall responses?

class 1: most serious - drug carries reasonable probability of serious adverse health effects or death class 2: less severe - may result in reversible health effects; likely not permanent class 3: least severe; not likely to result in any significant health problems

ADRENERGIC AGONISTS—Alpha2 Selective (Centrally Acting)

clonidine (Catapres) is the prototype. Selective stimulation of 2 receptors, Inhibiting release of NE→vasodilation. Results in decreased BP,decreased HR. Used as an antihypertensive. Considered as secondary or supplemental and is usually not appropriate for monotherapy. Can be administered transdermally whhere the drug is released at a constant rate for 7 days

Common alpha 2 agonists?

clonidine (Catapress) methyldopa (Aldomet)

What is the alpha 2 selective prototype drug?


digoxin adverse effects

colored vision (green, yellow, purple), seeing halos nausea, vomiting, anorexia dysrhythmias, bradycardia

What are common symptoms of seratonin syndrome?

delerium, agitation, tchycardia, sweating, myoclonus (muscle spasms), hyperreflexia, shivering, coarse tremors, extensor planter muscle responses. In more severe cases - hyperthermia, seizures, rhabdomyolysis, renal failure, cardiac dysrythmias, and disseminated intravascular coagulation may occur. Seratonin Syndrome is happening more than is being documented.

What are Analeptics (CNS stimulants) used for?

used for neonatal apnea although less frequently

outcome criteria

descriptions of specific patient behaviors or responses that demonstrate meeting of or achievement of goals related to each nursing diagnosis. These statements, like goals, should be verifiable, framed in behavioral terms, measurable, and time specific. Outcome criteria are considered to be specific, whereas goals are broad.

amount of absorption

determines how INTENSE effects will be.

rate of absorption

determines how SOON effects will begin

If a patient has a cerebral edema what glucocorticoid would you anticipate administering?

dexamethaone (Decadron)

serotonin receptor antagonists can be combined with ______ (a steroid) for increased effects

dexamethasone (Decadron)


dexamethasone (Decadron) prednisone

ACE inhibitors are beneficial to who?

diabetics slows progression of renal disease in hypertensive diabetics with renal diseases


dialation of pupil

common side effect of prokinetic


What are early symptoms of lithium toxicity?

diarrhea, vomiting, and motor tremors. Clients should drink at least 2 liters of water daily and maintain a stable amount of sodium in their diet.

Common vasodilators

diazoxide (Hyperstat) hydralazine (Apresoline) minoxidil (Loniten) sodium nitroprusside (Nipride)-used for hypertensive crisis

properties of an ideal drug

effectiveness (most important property a drug can have), safety (no such thing as a safe drug), selectivety (no such thing as a selective drug), other goodies: reversible action, predictability, ease of administration, freedom from drug interactions, low cost, chemical stability, and possession of a simple generic name

when a pt is given a bile acid sequestrant, when should other meds be given?

either 1 hour before or 4 hours after


electronic med administration record


elimination of drug from body


elimination of drugs from the body

Two COMT inhibitors available

entacapone (Comtan) tolcapone (Tasmar) - has been associated with severe liver failure and is not used as much


entacapone, carbidopa, and levodopa all in one pill

common routes of medication administration

enteral, parenteral, rectal, vaginal, topical or transdermal, inhaled by nasal or oral, opthalmic, otic

imipramine (Tofranil) a TCA is also used to treat....

enuresis (or bedwetting)

What is the nonselective adrenergic prototype?


Adrenergic Agonists, Nonselective

epinephrine is the prototype. A catecholamine. Used in anaphylaxis, asthma, CPR, simple glaucoma, etc. Administered parenterally, topically, or by inhalation. Causes increased inotropic and chronotropic effects in B1, increased BP A1, and bronchodilation B2. Side effects raised BP, angina, cerebral hemorrhage, increased blood glucose, necrosis, and dysrhythmias

what is HIT/HAT?

heparin induced/heparin associated thrombocytopenia. It is NOT the same as heparin toxicity; it is when your platelets bottom out/get too low because you are on heparin.

Result of nitrates

increase oxygen to myocardial tissues

prokinetic agents

increase the tone and motility of GI tract

What are the S/E phenylephrine (Neosynephrine)?

increased BP

As the name suggests, SSRIs selectively inhibit serotonin reuptake causing...

increased concentrations of serotonin at nerve endings in the CNS.


estrogen estrogen + progestin

What are the risks of clozapine (Clozaril) an Atypical antpsychotic?

increased risk of agranulocytosis and need lab work weekly (WBCs). The two other antipychotics in the Atypical group are olanzapine (Zyprexa--1996) aripiprazole (Abilify—2002)

Alpha 1 Activation does what to the body?

increases BP Vasoconstriction Mydriasis Urinary retention

bupropion (Wellbutrin)—Zyban (a Miscellaneous antidepressant) is often classified as an Atypical Antidepressant because....

it does not cause sexual dysfunction or weight gain. In fact, it can increase libido and cause weight loss! However, it can also cause seizures.

sucralfate (Carafate) - what's different about this drug?

it doesn't neutralize acid and doesn't reduce acid production; it promotes HEALING by creating a protective barrier against acid and pepsin

What is a critical administration issue for Vincristine

it must never be given intrathecally (directly into spinal canal)

important organs for excretion, in order

kidneys, liver, bowel


what the drug does to the body

drug-food interaction

when food can decrease the rate and extent of absorption

orphan drugs

when new/promising drugs never complete research phase due to overwhelming cost of research and development

PCA by proxy

when someone other than the pt pushes the button to administer analgesic (this should NOT BE DONE)

steady state/plateau

when the administration rate equals rate of drug elimination/clearance. generally 4 half-lives.

What causes angina?

when the supply of oxygen int he blood is insufficient to meet the demands of hte heart, the heart muscle "aches"

how do you treat cholinergic crisis?

with an anticholinergic

if there is a decline in pt's condition or if vital signs are abnormal, what do you do in regard to pts analgesic order?

withhold dose and contact physician; especially important if respiratory rate is less than 10-12 breaths/min

time allowed to pass patient medication

within window of 30min before prescribed time to 30min after prescribed time.


without acid

is burning sensation with SL tabs normal?

yes, indicates drug is still potent

should patients be warned about postural hypotension?

yes, need to change positions slowly

Can patients experience postural hypotension with antihypertensives?

yes-change positions slowly

is hydrocodone refillable?

yes. it's currently schedule III

What must be done prior to starting orthoclone OTK3

you must get a baseline weight to monitor for heart and lung issues

Name 3 antigout medications

1. allopurinol (Zyloprim) 2. Colchicine 3. probenecid (Benemid)

when talking about ANS Receptors, these are the 5 ADRENERGIC (SNS) receptors

1. alpha 1 2. alpha 2 3. beta 1 4. beta 2 5. dopamine

What are the receptors of the SNS

1. alpha 1 & 2 2. beta 1 & 2 3. dopamine

what classes of drugs would be appropriate for a pt with asymptomatic heart failure and hypertension?

ACE inhibitor or beta blocker


This drug is a SL form - burning sensation good No viagra (hypotension risk)


This drug is a beta II agonist that was recently banned for use in stopping preterm labor

what classes of drugs would be appropriate for a pt with hypertension and symptomatic heart failure

ACE inhibitor, Beta blocker, ARBs, or aldosterone blocker along with loop diuretic


ACE inhibitors


This drug is a beta-2 agonist that is commonly called a "rescue drug" because it treats acute asthma attacks

what is a large group of "safe" and effective drugs and used as first-line drugs for heart failure and hypertension?

ACE inhibitors


This drug is a combo drug (hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate) used to treat hypertension in African American


This drug is an antihistamine used for vertigo

Biguanide (metformin (Glucophage))- major adverse effect? contraindications? when to hold?

*Adverse Effect-Lactic Acidosis *Contraindications-renal disease, liver disease, alcoholics *Hold if patient is to undergo studies w/ contrast dye

What are the adverse effects of calcium channel blockers?

Causes major constipation problems!!!! Hypotension, palpitations, tachycardia, Constipation, nausea Rash, flushing, peripheral edema, dermatitis

What are hyponatremia causes?

Causes: Same causes as hypokalemia; also excessive perspiration (during hot weather or physical work), prolonged diarrhea or vomiting, or renal disorders

pramlintide (Symlin)- Effects? Who can use? Route? Adverse effects?

*Effects- Slows gastric emptying & decreases postprandial glucose levels. *Can be used by Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetics *Route-SC *Adverse effects- Nausea, vomiting

Glitazones- MOA? Adverse effects? Contraindications?

*MOA- Decrease insulin resistance *Adverse effects- edema and hepatotoxicity *Contraindications- Liver disease, heart disease, heart failure

Some things to read in book

Pharmaco Bridge of Nitrate on page 376. How to correctly apply ointments pg 377 Dig Babies and children pg 342 Xanthine and elderly - pg. 576

exenatide (Byetta) & liraglutide (Victoza)- MOA? Route? Who can use? Adverse effect?

*MOA- Incretin mimetic- Activate incretin receptors directly *Route-SC *Only for Type 2 Diabetics *Adverse effect- Risk of pancreatitis

Gliptin- MOA? Adverse effect?

*MOA- Incretin mimetic- enhances action of incretin by inhibiting enzymes that break incretin down *Adverse effect- pancreatitis

What glucocorticoid is commonly used to Tx COPD?


Sulfonylureas- MOA? Adverse effects? Precaution?

*MOA-Stimulate pancreas to produce more insulin *Adverse effects-Hypoglycemia & weight gain *Precaution: Do not use alcohol w/ med

Glinides- MOA? Adverse effects?

*MOA-Stimulate pancreas to produce more insulin (same effect but shorter duration than sulfonylureas) *Adverse effects- Hypoglycemia & weight gain

Depo Provera







This drug is an antihistamines usedfor motion sickness

methyldopa (Aldomet)

This drug is an antihypertensive agent used to treat hypertension during pregnancy

Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors- MOA? Adverse effects? Time to take?

*MOA-slows absorption of carbs in intestines *Adverse effects- flatulence, cramps, diarrhea, hepatotoxicity @ high doses. *Take w/ first bite of food at all meals.

guaifenesin (Mucinex)

This drug is an expectorant and the actual clinical effectiveness is questionable

what good is dopamine to us?

it can dilate renal blood vessels and improve renal perfusion

adenosine (Adenocard)

This drug is an unclassified antidysrhythmic. Asystole for a period of seconds is normal side effect

Intermediate Acting Insulin (NPH)- onset of action, duration, route of administration, and color of solution?

*Onset=1-2 hours *Duration= 10-18 hours *Route=SC *Color=Cloudy (roll to mix solution)

Short Acting Insulin (Humulin R)- onset of action, duration, route of administration, and color of solution?

*Onset=30-60 minutes *Duration= 6-10 hours *Route=IV or IM *Color=Clear


drug which has an inhibitory effect on the cns to the degree that they reduce nervousness, excitability or irritability by causing sleep

Rapid Acting Insulin (Humalog, Novolog, Apidra)- onset of action, duration, route of administration, and color of solution?

*Onset=5-15 minutes *Duration= 3-5 or 6 hours *Route=SC *Color=Clear

cholinergic agonists

drugs that STIMULATE the PSNS. also called parasympathomimetics

Long Acting Insulin (Lantus, Levemir)-route of administration, color of solution, able to mix with other insulins in same syringe?

*Route=SC *Color=Clear *Able to Mix=No, do not mix with other insulins in the same syringe


drugs that block the actions of endogenous regulators; receptors commonly blocked

What are the effects of dobutamine (Dobutrex)?

+inotropic effects with increased oxygen consumption. Leads to increased cardac output.

Thiazide and Thiazide-like Diuretics: Indications

- Hypertension (one of the most prescribed group of drugs for this) - Edematous states - Heart failure - Idiopathic hypercalciuria - Adjunct drugs in treatment of edema related to hepatic cirrhosis, corticosteroid or estrogen therapy

Potassium Sparing Diuretics

- Promote Na and H20 excretion in the distal tubule - Potassium reabsorbed - Weak diuresis and antihypertensive effects when used alone - Used frequently in combination

Osmotic Diuretics Indications:

- Reduction of intracranial pressure (cerebral edema) - Treatment of cerebral edema NOT indicated for peripheral edema

ipratropium bromide (Atrovent)

This drug is the Anticholinergics Bronchodilator prototype and is contraindicated in clients who are allergic to peanuts.


This drug is the Xanthines prototype. The therapeutic range is 10-15 or 20. Concurrent tobacco use ↓ serum levels. & St. John's wort also ↓ serum levels.

What class of drugs has a suffix of osin? What mens health issue are they used for?What else are these drugs used for? What should be monitored when using these drugs?

1. alpha 1 adrenergic blockers 2. BPH 3. hypertension 4. BP


This drug is the most frequently used nonopioid antitussive.

what are desired outcomes that let you know the analgesics are therapeutic?

-decreased complaints of pain -decreased severity of pain -increased periods of comfort - improved activities of daily living, appetite, and sense of well-being -decreased fever (aceteminophen)

Things to remember when taking B-Blocker

1. don't stop abruptly 2. watch for orthostatic hypotension 3. take pulse rate at home. Call if less than 60 4. Also watch systolic blood pressure, hold if it is less than 90-100.

What is special about fluconazole (Diflucan)? What does that make it effective in treating?

1. it can penetrate the CSF 2. cryptomeningitis

What are the categories of beta-lactam antibiotics

1. penicillins 2. cephalosporins 3. carbapenems 4. monobactams

Drugs commonly used for heart failure?

ACE inhibitors (vasodilators) Angiotensin receptor blockers diuretics spironolactone beta blockers cardiac glycosides phosphodiasterase inhibitors b-type natriuretic peptides

Who is ACE and why do we want to inhibit him?

ACE inhibitors come from the venom of a Brazilian pit viper in the Brazilian rain forest. Well known that pit viper bites lead to rapid hypotension. Now used therapeutically to treat hypertension





thiazide diuretics

This group of drugs are antihypertension agents that are considered the first line therapy for hypertension without "compelling" indicators


This group of drugs are antihypertension agents. Patients typically complain of a bad headaches at first but it decrease with time

ACE inhibitors

This group of drugs are antihypertensive agents that are commonly called "renoprotective." Serious side effects are hyperkalemia and angioedema - rare but potentially fatal

Alpha-1 Blockers

This group of drugs are antihypertensive agents they may cause orthostatic hypotension when first starting. It is recommended they be taken at night

What should you teach a patient who is about to start taking metronidazole (Flagyl) regarding alcohol?

Alcohol should not be taken for 24 hours before and 36 hour after taking metronidazole (Flagyl) because it can cause acute alcohol intolerance

Direct-Acting Vasodilators

This group of drugs are antihypertensive agents. May cause HR to increase reflexively due to the vasodilation. Must correct hypovolemia prior to starting


This group of drugs are antiinflammatory agents that have been known to cause Liver dysfunction.

Inhaled Corticosteroid

This group of drugs are antiinflammatory agents that have been known to cause oral fungal infections. Abrupt stopping of the oral form can cause adrenal crisis.


This group of drugs are bronchodialator agents with a narrow margin of safety and many drug interactions

Adverse Effects of opioid analgesics

-euphoria (this is what makes them habit-forming) -CNS depression (this is what makes respirations decrease) -N/V (nausea/vomiting) -urinary retention -diphoresis (sweating) and flushing -miosis (pupil constriction) -constipation -itching

Beta-Agonists (Sympathomimetics)

This group of drugs are bronchodilator agents. Short-acting form commonly called "rescue agents". Long-acting form NOT to abort an acute asthma attack.


This group of drugs are generally used only for nonproductive coughs

Topical adrenergics

This group of drugs are potents decongestants with a prompt onset. They can't be used for more than 3-5 days b/c of rebound congestion

Calcium Channel Blockers.

This group of drugs are used to treat Angina, hypertension, & dysrhythmias. They are especially effective for vasospastic angina. Constipation is big problem

Beta Blockers

This group of drugs are used to treat angina, dysrhythmias, MI, hypertension and more. They are considered "cardioprotective"

What are the advers S/E of succinylcholine (Anectine)?

malignant hyperthermia


medications that relieve pain without causing loss of consciousness. aka painkillers, opioids, acetaminophen (Tylenol - APAP), NSAIDs

where is the vomiting center located?

medulla oblongata

What are the adverse effects to remember when taking a CAI?

metabolic acidosis and hypokalemia

hyperthyroid tx drugs

methimazole (Tapazole) propylthiouracil (PTU) I-131

4 stages of hypertension

normal <120/<80 prehyper 120-139/80-89 stage 1 140-159/90-99 stage 2 >160/>100

orlistat (Xenical)

not actually a CNS Stimulant it is a Lipase inhibitor. Used as anorexiant

Autonomic Nervous System:Three principal functions

1. Regulate the heart 2. Regulate secretory glands (salivary, gastric, sweat, & bronchial) 3. Regulate smooth muscles (bronchi, blood vessels, urogenital system, and GI tract)


oxycodone in continuous/extended release form


pain relievers that contain opium, durived from opiumm poppy or chemically related to opium

what should be monitored on beta blockers?

pulse rate daily- lower than 60 bpm needs to be reported


pupils constrict


pupils dilate

What is the indirect-acting cholinergic agonist prototype:

pyridostigmine (Mestinon)


quantifies drug absorption


quantifies the extent of drug absorption

what do barbiturates do to the seizure threshold?

raise seizure threshold


the primary therapeutic use of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

therapeutic range

the range between the MEC and toxicity


the splitting up of glycogen in the liver, yielding glucose

Other Anticholinergics

- Scopolamine--suppresses emesis and motion sickness, - ipratropium bromide (Atrovent)--Bronchodilator (Inhaler) - benztropine mesylate (Cogentin)—used in Parkinson's - tolterodine (Detrol) Urge incontinence - dicyclomine (bentyl) IBS - glycopyrrolate (Robinul) dries secretions is used in palliative care


the study of what the body does to the drug

benzo drug effects

-calming effect on CNS -useful in controlling agitation and anxiety -reduces excessive sensory stimulation, inducing sleep -induce skeletal muscle relaxation

nitrates MOA

-cause relaxation of smooth muscles of blood vessels leading to vasodilation -potent dilating effect especially on coronary arteries

Angiotensin: What does it do?

"Tenses" your "angios"!! →vasoconstriction Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAS) Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is responsible for converting angiotensin I (through the action of renin) to angiotensin II. Angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor and causes aldosterone secretion from the adrenals. Watch for hyperkalemia - lose sodium and water and hold potassium on ACE drugs

what effect do beta blockers have on contractility of the heart? Why is this good for heart failure?

-decrease contractility -beta blockers are cardioprotective against catecholamines

How do oral decongestants compare to topical?

Prolonged decongestant effects, but delayed onset. Effect less potent than topical. No rebound congestion. More systemic side effects. Exclusively adrenergics. Example: pseudoephedrine (Sudafed)

What is/are the S/E of pyridostigmine (Mestinon)?

** S/E Rare but Serious ** cholinergic crisis

What are the S/E of bethanechol (Urecholine)?

** S/E rare by PO, more common by SC ** 1. hypotension 2. bradycardia 3. diarrhea

Which drug should nitrate patients avoid?

"afil" drugs sildenafil (viagra) cause additive hypotension effect, potentially dangerous


"dipine" hypertension and angina amlodipine (Norvasc)

Alpha-1 Blockers

"osin" prazosin (Minipress) doxazosin (Cardura) terazosin (Hytrin) Remember causes orthostatic hypotension when first starting.... take at night

What letters do ACE inhibitors all end in?


Why would a hypertensive diabetic benefit especially from ACE inhibitors?

"renoprotective" Slows progression of renal disease in hypertensive diabetics with renal disease

common inodilators?

"rinone" -inamrinone (Inocor) -milrinone (Primacor)

What letters do all ARBs end in?


What letters do H2 antagonists all end in?

"tidine" Common trade names are Tagamet, Zantac, Pepcid, and Axid

prefix "noci-" means

"to cause harm, injury or pain."

why are opioid agonist-antagonists used?

- less respiratory depression - less abuse - DONT USE IF YOU HAVE A PURE AGONIST ON BOARD

Drug Classes Used to Treat Hypertension

-Diuretics -Adrenergic Agents -ACE Inhibitors -Angiotensin II Receptor -Blockers -Calcium Channel Blockers -Vasodilators -Direct Renin Inhibitors

Contraindications of opioid analgesics

-KDA (known drug allergy) -severe asthma or other respiratory insufficiency (Floyd said this was more of a precaution than a contraindication) -elevated intracranial pressure (Floyd also said this was more of a precaution; it's given quite often in recovering trauma pts) -Pregnancy

important things to remember when administering the fentanyl patch to clients

-apply only on intact skin (open wounds, abrasions, or nicks from shaving could give too much of the drug to the pts bloodstream too quickly) - you may clip hair, but do not shave - make sure patch is adhered completely so pt can bathe or shower comfortably - when putting on new patch, make sure you have located and removed ALL old patches - when putting on new patch, do not put on same spot to keep skin from breaking down

what common ending do thrombolytic drugs typically have?

-ase (eminase, activase, streptokinase, retavase, etc)

adverse effects of nitrates

-headache -tachycardia, postural hypotension -tolerance

barbiturate therapeutic effects

-hypnotics: help insomnia -sedatives: decrease anxiety -anticonvulsants: prevent seizures -surgical procedures: induction of anesthesia

what effect does digoxin have on the heart?

-increase in force of myocardial contraction without an increase in oxygen consumption -reduced heart rate -decreases automaticity at SA node, decreases AV nodal conduction

In other words digoxin does what?

-increased stroke volume and cardiac output -pseudodiuretic- improved renal perfusion

calcium channel blockers typically end in:


barbiturate drug effects

-low doses: sedative effects -high doses: hypnotic effects (also lowers respiratory rate) -anticonvulsant


-medications that relieve pain without causing loss of of consciousness -"painkillers" -opioids -acetaminophen (Tylenol) - NSAIDs

Main drug classes to treat angina

-nitrates -beta blockers -calcium channel blockers

1000 mL --> L

1 L

1g = ?mg

1 g = 1000 mg

1 gr (grain) = ?mg

1 gr = 65mg

when administering H2RAs and the pt is taking other antacids, when do you want to give it?

1 hour before other antacids

1k = ? g

1 k = 1000 g

1 kg = ?lb

1 kg = 2.2lb

A-delta fibers

1 of 2 types of nociceptors; fast traveling, myelinated fibers that respond to mechanical stimuli; they sense sharp, stinging, cutting or pinching pain that is localized

C fibers

1 of types of nociceptors. Slower-traveling, unmyelinated fibers that respond to mechanical, chemical, or thermal stimuli They sense dull, burning or aching pain that is generally nonlocalized

1 tbsp = ?mL

1 tbsp = 15mL

1 tsp = ? mL

1 tsp = 5 mL

1 tsp = mL

1 tsp = 5mL

How long before elective surgery should a client stop taking NSAIDs and why?

1 week becuase of the potential for increased bleeding.

what are 3 factors that can alter drugs effect on fetus?

1) gestational age; 1st trimester is most crucial 2) mothers health 3) drug chemistry & dosage **breastfeeding can be harmful depending on drug

What is Methotrexate? What is the antidote for it?

1. A common cell cycle-specific antineoplastic drug 2. leucovorin

3 unique facts about furosemide, a loop diuretic....

1. Risk of ototoxicity with high doses and rapid IV administration 2. Diuresis begins within 5 minutes following IV administration and within 1 hour following oral administration (She said in class that you should be able to see significant amount of urine within 5-15 minutes) 3. Sometimes referred to as a high-ceiling diuretic because it works even in the presence of diminished kidney function

What are 3 general nursing implications for antianginals?

1. Alcohol consumption and hot baths or spending time in whirlpools, hot tubs, or saunas will result in vasodilation, hypotension, and the possibility of fainting 2. Teach patients to change positions slowly to avoid postural BP changes 3. Encourage patients to keep a record of their anginal attacks, including precipitating factors, number of pills taken, and therapeutic effects

What are the nursing considerations for sulfonamides

1. Allergic reations are common 2. Photosensitivity is common 3. Delayed reactions are common 4. You must encourage increased fluid intake to avoid crystalluria

What are two reasons a patient taking antidysrhythmics should be instructed to call the doc?

1. Any worsening of dysrhythmia 2. Toxic effects - Shortness of breath, Edema, Dizziness, Syncope, Chest pain, GI distress, Blurred vision, Edema

Nursing Implications for Diuretics

1. Assess baseline fluid volume status, intake and output, serum electrolyte values, weight, and vital signs—especially postural BPs 2. Assess for disorders that may contraindicate or necessitate cautious use of these drugs 3. Monitor serum potassium levels during therapy. 4. Teach patients to maintain proper nutritional and fluid volume status 5. Teach patients to eat more potassium-rich foods when taking any but the potassium-sparing drugs 6. Teach patients to change positions slowly, and to rise slowly after sitting or lying to prevent dizziness and possible fainting related to orthostatic hypotension 7. Encourage patients to keep a log of their daily weight 8. Encourage patients to return for follow-up visits and labwork 9. A weight gain of 2 or more pounds a day or 5 or more pounds a week should be reported immediately

Name 4 types of Antidepressants

1. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) 2. Miscellaneous antidepressants 3. Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs) 4. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)

What are the A/E of metronidazole (Flagyl)?

1. dizziness 2. headache 3. gastrointestinal discomfort 4. nasal congestion 5. reversible neutropenia 6. reversible thrombocytopenia

What are the advantages of I-131

1. Avoid surgery 2. Low cost 3. No reported deaths 4. Only thyroid tissue is destroyed

What must be monitored in patients taking antifungals

1. BUN 2. creatnine 3. liver enzymes

What are the different categories of antibiotics

1. Beta-lactam antibiotics 2. Macrolides 3. Tetracyclines 4. Sulfonamides 5. Aminoglycosides 6. Quinolones or fluoroquinolones 7. Misc.

Tell about Class 1--Sodium Channel Blockers

1. Block the fast sodium channels 2. All are prodysrhythmic 3. Similar in structure to local anesthetic properties 4. Adverse effects vary with individual drug but In general: bradycardia, hypotension However, some have significant anticholinergic effects (dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention)

What are the general toxicities of chemotherapy

1. Bone marrow suppression 2. Digestive tract injury 3. Alopecia 4. Reproductive toxicity 5. Hyperuricemia (increased blood uric acid) 6. Local injury from extravasation

Name the four important points to remember about Class IC--flecainide (Tambocor)

1. CAST—p. 360 2. Generates new ventricular dysrhythmias in about 10% of patients 3. Use is limited to life-threatening ventricular dysrhythmias 4. Serum levels generally monitored

What should you monitor in patients taking clindamycin (Cleocin)?

1. CBC 2. What for C. Dif

What is Atropine used for?

1. CPR 2. perioperative to decrease GI secretions and motility

What are the effects of Atropine?

1. Decreases in salivary, bronchial, GI, and seat gland secretions 2. mydriasis 3. increased HR 4 bronchodilation 5. decreased bladder tone 6. decreased GI Motility

What are the special considerations for administration of immunosuppressants

1. Don't take on an empty stomach to avoid GI upset 2. Don't mix oral solutions in a styrofoam cup because meds can adhere to sides

What are the disadvantages of I-131

1. Effect is delayed 2. It is common for to much thyroid gland to be destroyed giving the client life long hypothyroidism

Name three important things to remember about Class III--amiodarone (Cordarone)

1. Effective in both atrial and ventricular dysrhythmias. 2. Adverse effects common! Corneal microdeposits Hypo- or hyperthyroidism Pulmonary toxicity Prodysrhythmic 3. Exceptionally long half-life!

If a women does not have a uterus which HRT will she most likely be given? If she does have a uterus? What risk does this pose?

1. Estrogen only therapy because the increased risk of endometrial cancer does not apply and if progestin were given with estrogen it would increase her chances of developing breast cancer. 2. Estrogen and Progestin. The progestin removes the increased risk of endometrial cancer but increases the risk of breast cancer.

Loop Diuretics...

1. Exert their action in the ascending loop of Henle 2. Block resorption of sodium, chloride, water, as well as potassium 3. Considered potent diuretics 4. Potent diuresis and subsequent loss of fluid

Five Nursing Considerations with a patient on antidysrhythmics

1. Frequent measurement of serum drug levels, serum electrolytes, heart rate and BP 2. Patients taking -blockers, digoxin, etc., should be taught how to take their own radial pulse for 1 full minute, and to notify their physician if the pulse is less than 60 beats/minute before taking the next dose of medication 3. For class I drugs, monitor ECG for QT intervals prolonged more than 50% 4. IV infusions should be administered with an IV pump 5. Solutions of lidocaine that contain epinephrine should not be given IV—they are to be used ONLY as local anesthetics

What are the contraindications of pyridostigmine (Mestinon)?

1. GI obstruction 2. Urinary Obstruction

What are the "other" common S/E of amphotericin B? What can be done to decrease the effects?

1. HA 2. Chills 3. Fever 4. Hypotension 5. N/V 1. Premedicate with hydrocortisone or ibuprofen 2. Slow administration

What should be monitored in a patient taking an aminoglycoside and why

1. Hearing (tinnitus, feelingof fullness in ears) because ototoxicity is an A/E 2. BUN and Creatnine levels because nephrotoxicity is an A/E

What are the risks of HRT therapy?

1. Heart disease 2. Stroke 3. Blood clots 4. Endometrial cancer 5. Breast cancer 6. Dementia 7. Chlosma (brown macular spots on the face)

Name 7 common disorders antihistamines are used to treat.

1. Histamine-mediated disorders 2. Allergic rhinitis (hay fever, mold, and dust allergies) 3. Anaphylaxis 4. Angioneurotic edema 5. Drug fevers 6. Insect bite reactions 7. Urticaria (itching) Also used for motion sickness, insomnia, vertigo. May be used to treat colds and influenza—palliative, not curative IMPORTANT - Dramamine for motion sickness Antivert for vertigo

What are 3 thing a nurse should teach a patient who is taking corticosteroids?

1. If switching from oral to inhaled steroids, must taper doses. When taking oral, adrenal glands stop producing the steroid. If you switch abruptly to inhaled form (which doesn't have a lot of systemic effect) you can cause adrenal crisis because your adrenal glands have not begun to produce the steroid again. This can be fatal. It can take up to a year for the adrenal gland to fully function after longterm steroid use. 2. Teach patients to gargle and rinse the mouth with lukewarm water afterward to prevent the development of oral fungal infections 3. If a β-agonist bronchodilator and corticosteroid inhaler are both ordered, the bronchodilator should be used several minutes before the corticosteroid to provide bronchodilation before administration of the corticosteroid

What are 3 things a nurse should teach a patient taking antitussives?

1. Instruct patients to avoid driving or operating heavy equipment 2. Patients taking chewable tablets or lozenges should not drink liquids for 30 to 35 minutes afterward 3. Report a persistent cough to the caregiver

What are 5 things a nurse should teach a patient taking antihistamines?

1. Instruct patients to report excessive sedation, confusion, or hypotension 2. Instruct patients to avoid driving or operating heavy machinery; advise against consuming alcohol or other CNS depressants 3. Instruct patients to not take these medications with other prescribed or OTC medications without checking with prescriber 4. Best tolerated when taken with meals—reduces GI upset 5. If dry mouth occurs, teach patient to perform frequent mouth care, chew gum, or suck on hard candy (preferably sugarless) to ease discomfort

Name 7 Nursing Instructions to give a patient taking Nitroglcerin at home

1. Instruct patients to take prn nitrates at the first hint of anginal pain 2. Instruct patients in proper technique and guidelines for taking sublingual NTG for anginal pain 3. Instruct patients never to chew or swallow the SL form. 4. Instruct patients that a burning sensation felt with SL forms indicates that the drug is still potent 5. Instruct patients to keep a fresh supply of NTG on hand; potency is lost in about 3 months after the bottle has been opened 6. Medications should be stored in an airtight, dark glass bottle with a metal cap and no cotton filler to preserve potency 7. Instruct patients in the proper application of nitrate topical ointments and transdermal forms, including site rotation and removal of old medication

What are the 2 ways thyroid agents for hyperthyroidism work?

1. Interfere with formation of thyroid hormone 2. Destroy part of the thyroid gland (I-131)

anticoagulants are also used to prevent clot formations in certain settings where clot formations are likely. Name 3 of the 5 given in class.

1. MI 2. Unstable angina 3. atrial fibrillation 4. indwelling devices, such as mechanical heart valves (**note - this is one area in which ptt values may go a bit higher than the 2.5-3.5xs normal) 5. major orthopedic surgery

Name the four major events that anticoagulants are used to PREVENT

1. MI 2. stroke 3. DVT 4. PE

what are the 2 MAJOR adverse effects of statins?

1. MYOPATHY (muscle pain) --> could lead to rhabdomyolysis 2. elevation in LIVER ENZYMES or LIVER DISEASE

What happens when cholinergic receptors are activated?

1. Miosis 2. decreased heart rate & contractility 3. bronchial contriction & increased secretions 4. increased GI motility & secretions 5. emptying of bladder and bowel 6. vasodilation 7. sex organ = erect

Name 2 instances when aspirin would be indicated for use by children

1. Rheumatoid arthritis 2. Kawasaki Disease

8 Nursing Implications related to hypertension

1. Monitor BP during therapy; instruct patients to keep a journal of regular BP checks 2. Instruct patients that these drugs should not be stopped abruptly because this may cause a rebound hypertensive crisis, and perhaps lead to stroke 3. Remind patients that medication is only part of therapy. Encourage patients to watch their diet, stress level, weight, and alcohol intake 4. Patients should avoid smoking and eating foods high in sodium 5. Encourage supervised exercise. 6. Instruct patients to change positions slowly to avoid syncope from postural hypotension 7. Men taking these drugs may not be aware that impotence is an expected effect of many medications. This may influence compliance with drug therapy 8. Hot tubs, showers, or baths; hot weather; prolonged sitting or standing; physical exercise; and alcohol ingestion may aggravate low blood pressure, leading to fainting and injury. Patients should sit or lie down until symptoms subside.

Name 4 nursing considerations when giving nitroglycerin inpatient

1. Monitor VS frequently during acute exacerbations of angina and during IV administration. 2. If experiencing chest pain, the patient taking SL NTG should be lying down to prevent or decrease dizziness and fainting that may occur due to hypotension 3. IV forms of NTG must be given with special non-PVC tubing and bags 4. Discard parenteral solution that is blue, green, or dark red

What are 5 important points to remember about Class IB--lidocaine (Xylocaine)

1. No anticholinergic properties 2. Administered IV for acute ventricular dysrhythmias 3. Not effective with atrial dysrhythmias 4. Serum lidocaine levels may be monitored 5. First signs of toxicity involve the CNS: confusion, anxiety, tremors, paresthesias

What are the two major categories of dopamine agonists?

1. Nonergot derivatives = Fewer side effects 2. Ergot derivatives

Considerations for the Client Receiving Levodopa

1. On-off phenomenon 2. Wearing off 3. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) 4. Foods high in protein 5. Dyskinesias 6. Drug holiday

What are the two dosage forms of decongestants?

1. Oral 2. Inhaled/topically applied to the nasal membranes

Nursing Implications

1. Oral drugs - should be taken regularly, same time each day with meals to reduce GI upset. Do not crush, chew, open extended-release forms. If patient is NPO for a procedure, contact physician regarding AED dosage 2. A medical alert tag or ID should be worn 3. Driving may be impaired until drug levels stabilize

What are the 2 main factors contributing to antibiotic reistance

1. Overprescribing of antibiotics 2. Patients not completing the entire course of prescribed antibiotics

What are the 6 rights of drug administration?

1. Right Patient 2. Right Drug 3. Right Dose 4. Right Route 5. Right Time 6. Right Documentation Mneumonic: Patients Do Drugs Round The Day

What the obstacles to successful chemotherapy

1. Toxicity to normal cells 2. Nadir - can require interupption to scheduled chemotherapy 3. Cure requires 100% of malignant cells be killed 4. Abscence of early detection 5. Poor response of solid tumors 6. Drug Resistance

What are the 2 divisions of the ANS

1. Parasympathetic 2. Sympathetic

What are 3 things a nurse should teach a patient taking decongestants?

1. Patients on medication therapy for hypertension should check with their physician before taking OTC decongestants 2. Patients should avoid caffeine and caffeine-containing products 3. Report a fever, cough, or other symptoms lasting longer than a week

What are some nursing Implications with antiparkinsonian drugs?

1. Patients should be told not to discontinue antiparkinsonian drugs suddenly 2. Teach patients about what therapeutic and adverse effects to expect with antiparkinsonian drug therapy 3. Levodopa preparations may darken the patient's urine and sweat

Name 4 things to teach a patient taking beta blockers at home

1. Patients taking b-blockers should monitor pulse rate daily and report any rate lower than 60 beats per minute 2. Dizziness or fainting should also be reported 3. These medications should never be abruptly discontinued due to risk of rebound hypertensive crisis 4. Inform patients that these medications are for long-term prevention of angina, not for immediate relief

What should a nurse teach a patient who is taking an expectorant?

1. Patients taking expectorants should receive more fluids, if permitted, to help loosen and liquefy secretions 2. Report a fever, cough, or other symptoms lasting longer than a week

What are the primary indications for immunosuppresants

1. Prevention of organ rejection in transplant clients 2. Treatment of autoimmune disorders (eg rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, MS)

What are the 3 major functions of COX1

1. Protects gastric mucosa 2. Supports renal function 3. promotes platelet aggregation

PSNS Effects (Rest and Digest)

1. Pupils constrict (miosis) 2. Heart rate and contractility both ↓ 3. Bronchi constrict & ↑ secretions 4. ↑ GI motility and secretions 5. Emptying of bladder and bowel 6. Vasodilation 7. Sex organs→erection

digoxin (Lanoxin)

1. Sometimes used as an antidysrhythmic 2. Primarily used for Afib/Aflutter 3. Negative inotropic, chronotropic, and dromotropic effects

Name the six Common Dysrhythmias

1. Supraventricular dysrhythmias 2. Ventricular dysrhythmias 3. Ectopic foci 4. Conduction blocks 5. Bradydysrhythmia 6. Tachydysrhythmia

Name 4 important points about adenosine (Adenocard)

1. Terminates tachycardia 2. Given as rapid IV bolus for the conversion of PSVT to NSR 3. Very short half-life 4. IMPORTANT - Asystole for a period of seconds is normal side effect

Where do sulfonamides achecive a high concentration and what are they used to treat?

1. The kidneys 2. UTIs

Name the 5 groups of Diuretics.

1. Thiazide and Thiazide-like Diuretics 2. Loop Diuretics 3. Potassium-Sparing Diuretics 4. Osmotic Diuretics 5. Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors

What are the primary uses of ADH?

1. To Tx diabetes insipidus 2. To Tx nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting) 3. Control of hemmorage (esp. vasopressin a vasoconstrictor) 4. To Tx hemophilia A (esp. desmopressin)

What are the therapeutic Uses of CNS Stimulants

1. Treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 2. Treatment of narcolepsy 3. Treatment of migraine headaches 4. Appetite suppressants (anorexiant)

Which type of organism does metronidazole (Flagyl) have especially good activity against? Give examples...

1. anaerobic organsims 2. Peptostreptococcus spp., Eubacterium spp., Bacteroides spp., Clostridium spp.

What is epinephrine used for?

1. anaphylaxis 2. asthama 3. CPR 4. simple glaucoma

Is penicillin a bacterialcidal or bacterialstatic? What is it most effectice against?

1. bacteriocidal 2. gram positive organisms

What are the effects of beta 2 activation?

1. bronchodilation 2. uterine relaxation

What drug(s) is/are used to Tx Aspergillus

1. caspofungin (Cacidas) 2. voriconazole (VFEND)

What are the 2 type of chemotherapy agents

1. cell cycle specific 2. non cell cycle specific

Name the beta lactamase inhibitors

1. clavulanic acid 2. tazoactam 3. sulbactam

Name the misc antibiotics

1. clindamycin (Cleocin) 2. linezolid (Zyvox) 3. nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin) 4. vancomycin (Vancocin)

What are the nursing care points for ADH?

1. contraindicated in cardiac disease 2. monitor vital signs and I/O 3. Assess weight changes 4. Assess for signs of hyponatermia

Name 5 immunosuppressants

1. cyclosporine 2. azathioprine (Imuran) 3. mycophenolate mofetil (Cell Cept) 4. glatiramer acetate (Copaxone) 5. muromonab-Cd3 (Orthoclone OKT3)

What are the contraidications for cholinergic agonists?

1. drug allergy 2. bowel obstruction 3. bradycardia 4. hypotension 5. COPD 6. peptic ulcers

What is succinylcholine (Anectine) used for?

1. endotracheal intubation (primary use) 2. mechanical ventilation 3. procedures in which muscle relaxation/para;yzation is necessary

Name 3 adverse effects of Niacin

1. flushing 2. pruritus 3. gi distress

3 important nursing implications for thrombolytics

1. following strict manufacturers guidelines for prep and administration 2. monitor IV sites for pain, redness & bleeding 3. monitor for excessive bleeding (anything from bleeding gums and heavier-than-normal menstrual periods to vomiting blood, decreased BP and increased pulse)

Other AEDs

1. gabapentin (Neurontin) Well tolerated, Commonly used for neuropathic pain. 2. ethosuximide (Zarontin), DOC for absence seizures 3. a bunch more that we don't have to memorize

What are the general S/E of antifungals?

1. hepatotoxicity 2. nephrotoxcity

What are the common side effects of growth hormones?

1. hyperglycemia 2. inflammation at the injetion site

What are the signs and symptoms of cholinergic crisis?

1. hypotension 2. shock 3. salivation

What are the two neurotransmitters involved in PD?

Dopamine (inhibitory) - too little & Acetocholine (excititory) - too much

Name the carbapenems

1. imipenem/cilastatin (Primaxin) 2. meropenem (Merrem)

4 important patient teaching points for pt on thrombolytics

1. importance of regular lab testing 2. signs of abnormal bleeding 3. measures to prevent bruising, bleeding, tissue injury 4. importance of wearing med bracelet

What are the S/E of epinephrine?

1. increased BP 2. angina 3. cerebral hemorrhage 4. increased blood glucose 5. necrosis 6. dysrhythmias

What are the effects of beta 1 activation?

1. increased heart rate 2. increased contractility (positive inotropic effect) 3. increased renin secretion

What are the primary concerns with immunosuppressants

1. increased risk of infection 2. increased risk of neoplasms

What does dopamine (Intropin) do?

1. increases renal perfusion 2. stimulates dopamine, A1, and B1 receptors (which one depends on dosage)

What are the effects of alpha 2 activation?

1. inhibition of norepinephrine 2. vasodilation 3. decreased BP

What is the MOA for pyridostigmine (Mestinon)?

1. inhibits cholinesterase 2. increases force of muscular contractions

What are the nursing care points for Growth Hormone?

1. injection only 2. Monitor gluose levels 3. contraindicated in anyone who has stopped growing.

what are the 2 MAJOR benefits of low molecular weight heparins over regular heparin?

1. it's given subcutaneously, so it can be done on an outpatient basis at home 2. because it's given subcutaneously, we don't have to monitor daily ptt values

When are statins contraindicated?

1. known drug allergy 2. pregnancy 3. liver disease

Metronidazole (Flagyl) may increase the toxicity of which drugs?

1. lithium 2. benzodiazapines 3. cyclosporines 4. CCBs 5. various antidepressants 6. warfarin 7. others

Nursing implications related to hypertension

1. monitor BP during therapy (keep a log) 2. don't stop drugs abruptly- this could cause a rebound hypertensive crisis and lead to stroke 3. teach pts that drugs are only PART of the solution - diet, stress level, weight and ETOH intake can all affect BP as well. 4. encourage pts to avoid smoking and eating foods high in sodium 5. encourage supervised exercise 6. watch for orthostatic hypotension

What are the nursing care points for ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone)?

1. monitor for allergic response 2. given by injection

What are the types of cholinergic receptors?

1. muscarinic 2. nicotinic

when talking about ANS receptors, these are the three type of CHOLINERGIC (PSNS) receptors:

1. muscarinic (most therapeutic) 2. nicotinic (N) 3. nicotinic (M)

What are the principal actions of the SNS?

1. mydriasis 2. increased heart rate & contractility 3. bronchdilation 4. decrease GI motility & secretions 5. urinary retention 6. constipation 7. vasoconstriction

What is phenylephrine (Neosynephrine) used for?

1. nasal congestion 2. mydriasis for eye exams

What is a very common concern with cyclosporines? How can you monitor for it? What can you do if it happens?

1. nephrotoxicity 2. Monitor BUN & creatnine levels 3. it is usually reversible following dosage reduction

What are the results of bone marrow suppression

1. neutropenia 2. thrombocytopenia 3. anemia

What are the primary indications for use of Celebrex?

1. osteoarthritis 2. rheumatoid arthritis

What are the signs/symptoms of hyperthyroidism?

1. palpitations 2. nervousness 3. tachycardia 4. dysrhythmias

Which drugs may decrease the effectiveness of metronidazole (Flagyl)?

1. phenytoin 2. phenobarbital

Name four Class 1a drugs

1. procainamide (Pronestyl, Procan SR) 2. quinidine sulfate (Quinidex) 3. quinidine gluconate 4. disopyramide (Norpace)

What are the side effects of quinolones?

1. prolonged QT/cardiac dysrhythmias 2. joint upture/tendonitis

What is a major A/E of orthoclone OKT3? What do you do to monitor for it?

1. pulmonary edema 2. get a chest X-Ray within 24 hours of starting treatment

What condition in a patient would indicate caution should be used in Rx amphotericin B? Why?

1. renal impairment 2. nephrotoxicity is a serious A/E that occurs in 80+% of patients receiving amphotercin B IV

What factors influence absorbtion?

1. route of administration 2. rate of dissolution 3. surface area 4. blood flow to area 5. lipid solubility 6. first pass effect

What is isoproterenol (Isuprel) used for?

1. shock 2. cardiac arrest 3. CHF

What is dopamine (Intropin) used for?

1. shock 2. heart failure 3. renal failure

Name the 5 most pharm ways of lowering lipids

1. statins 2. bile acid sequestrants 3. fibric acid derivatives (aka fibrates) 4. cholesterol absorption inhibitor 5. niacin

What digetive tract injuries are caused by chemotherapy

1. stomatitis - inflammation of the stoma[oral cavity(mouth)] 2. diarrhea 3. N/V

What the adverse S/E of isoproterenol (Isuprel)?

1. tachydysrythmias 2. angina 3. hyperglycemia

What is nystatin (Mycostatin) used to Tx and how is it administered

1. thrush = Oral (swish and swallow) 2. diaper rash = topically 3. yeast infection = intravaginally

What are the indicated uses of cholinergic agonists?

1. urinary Retention 2. myasthenia gravis 3. alzheimers disease 4. xerostomia 5. glaucoma

What are the effects of alpha 1 activation?

1. vasoconstriction 2. increased BP 3. mydriasis 4. urinary retention

what is the ptt lab value that we WANT to see of a pt that is on heparin?

1.5 - 2.5x normal ptt times (between 35-70 seconds)

What are the general considerations for antibiotics

1.Give on time 2. Don't give with antacids, milk, or calcium as these will decrease absorbtion 3. Hypersensitivity reaction may be delayed 4. Oral contraceptives may be ineffective

What are some Nursing Considerations when giving CNS Stimulants?

1.Should be given at least 6 hours before bedtime to reduce problems from insomnia 2. May cause dry mouth; frequent oral care is needed 3. Take on an empty stomach, 30-45 minutes before meals 4. Drug "holidays" may be ordered 5. Parents should keep a journal to note child's response to therapy

Drugs used in Treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

1.amphetamine (Adderall, others) 2.methylphenidate (Concerta, Ritalin) 3.atomoxetine (Strattera)

what are the main objectives in treating angina?

1.increase blood flow to heart muscle 2. decrease myocardial oxygen demand

Appetite suppressants (anorexiant)

1.sibutramine (Meridia) 2.phentermine (Ionamin) 3.orlistat (Xenical) - not actually a CNS Stimulant

What percentage of the population needs to take Antihistamines for environmental allergies?

10% to 20% of general population is sensitive to various environmental allergies.

When does Nadir occur

10-28 days after chemo dosing

10 meds: risk of interactions


What percentage of malignant cells must be killed for a cancer to be 'cured'


1L = mL


1000mg = ?g

1000mg= 1 g

the initial onset of fentanyl when given as a Duragesic patch takes __ hours



120-139 / 80-89



What is the normal concentration of sodium in ecf?

135 to 145 mEq/L

Stage 1 hypertension

140-159 / 90-99

stage 1 hypertension

140-159 / 90-99

Hypoglycemia blood glucose levels=?

<50-70 mg/dl

1mg = ?mcg

1mg = 1000 mcg

1 oz = mL = tbsp

1oz = 30 mL = 2 tbsp

Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906

1st law that helped regulate drugs and dealt with labeling

Desired Hemoglobin A1c for Diabetics=?


max dose of Tylenol for those with compromised liver

2 grams

When to administer sucralfate (Carafate)?

2 hours apart from other drugs (and it has a short half life, so it's given often)

what classes of drugs would be appropriate for a pt with hypertension and diabetes

2 or more durgs: thiazides, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, ARBs, CCBs can be used. ACE inhib and ARbs slow progression of kidney disease (if we can use something that can help a patient with hypertension AND that can be reno-protective, it's smart for us to do so)

stage 2 hypertension

=>160 / => 100

fibrates increase HDL levels by ___% and lower LDL slightly.


what is the normal ptt value of a patient who is NOT on heparin?

25-35 seconds

when are ACE Inhibitors contraindicated?

2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy (but generally stay away during all of pregnancy)

What is the route for growth hormone administration? Frequency?

3 times per week via injection

Potassium content outside of cells (serum) ranges from ___ to ___ mEq/L

3.5 to 5

Humulin 70/30 should be given how long before a meal?

30 minutes

When and how should thyroid agents for hypothyroidism be administered?

30 minutes ac breakfast

Stage 2 hypertension

> 160 / > 100

how many half-lives are necessary to remove drug from body?


max dose of Tylenol for healthy liver

4 grams



Normal Hemoglobin A1c=?


How many generations of cephalosprins are there


Define glucocorticoid

A major class of corticosteroid hormones that regulate carbohydrate, protein, and lipid metabolism and inhibit the release of corticotropin

5 meds: risk of interactions


2 meds: risk of interaction


Normal BP

<120 / <80

normal BP measurements




Define mineralocorticoid

A major group of corticosteroid hormones that regulate electrolyte and water balance; in humans the primary mineralocorticoid is aldosterone


A barbiturate. LONG half-life 2-3 weeks. Drowsiness is common side effect, but tolerance usually develops, Some children experience paradoxical excitability

Tell about PHENOBARBITAL an Antiepileptic

A barbiturate. LONG half-life 2-3 weeks. Drowsiness is common side effect, but tolerance usually develops, Some children experience paradoxical excitability

What is On-off phenomenon?

A common experience of patients taking medications for PD in which they experience periods of greater symptomatic control alternating with periods of lesser control

bethanechol (Urecholine)

A direct-acting muscarinic agonist. Cholinergic agonists relax bladder sphincter and Primarily used for urinary retention. Commonly given post-operative or postpartum. S.E. rare with oral administration, more common with subcutaneous to treat hypertension, bradycardia, and diarrhea


A dromotropic agent is one which affects the conduction speed in the AV node

What is an allogenic transplant

A transplant between genetically nonidentical individuals of the same species

name the 2 types of nociceptors

A-delta fibers C fibers

Which has a more dominent effect? A1 or A2



ACE Inhibitors. ACE stands for angiotesin converting enzyme, and it is responsible for converting angiotesin I to angiotesin II. Angiotesin II (A2) is a potent vasoconstrictor and it also stimulates the secretion of aldosterone, increases BP, increases sodium and water retention, increases potassium excretion. ACE Inhibitor meds inhibit enzyme that allows for conversion and thus DECREASES BP. This is the main reason it's given as an anti-hypertensive med. When giving ACE Inhibitors, you must monitor BP and watch for hyperkalemia (too much potassium in the blood). A persistent cough is a common side effect. Angioedema is rare but serious. Generic names often end in "...pril" Ex: lisinopril Refer to p 389 in text

What must you monitor during therapy?


What do you need to check before administering ACE inhibitor?

BP K level Pregnant or not

What is the MOA of Opiod Antitussives?

Suppress the cough reflex by direct action on the cough center in the medulla Examples: codeine (Robitussin A-C, Dimetane-DC) hydrocodone

What would you want to monitor in a patient who is taking cisplatin (platinol) or cyclophosphamide (cytoxan)?

BUN and creatnine levels

Why would you administer a dosage of 325-650 mg q4-6h of aspirin?

For its antiinflammatory effects

What is the most common use for antimalarials in the USA?

For prophylaxis for people traveling to high risk regions

Corticosteroid Prototype—beclomethasone (Beconase)

Administered via inhalation for asthma (Qvar) Similar medications triamcinolone acetonide (Azmacort) fluticasone (Flovent, Flonase) Note the spelling of the generic names!

Does the client with PD have functioning nerve terminals?

By the time PD is diagnosed, around 80% of the terminals are nonfunctioning. When there aren't any functioning nerve terminals left the symptoms can no longer be controlled.


Adrenergic blockers have the opposite effect of adrenergic agonists and are therefore referred to as antagonists. They bind to adrenergic receptors, but in so doing inhibit or block stimulation of the SNS. Can also be called sympatholytics. Generally have a high degree of selectivity


Adrenergic. Main hormone is Norepinephrine

True or False: Chemotherapy drugs are more effective to cells that have a high growth fraction (rapid proliferation) Is this a good thing or a bod thing?

True Sounds like a good thing but really means it is hard to get ahead of the growth

What is the MOA of Adrenergics?

Adrenergics (sympathomimetics) Site of action: blood vessels surrounding nasal sinuses Constrict small blood vessels that supply URI structures—(α1 agonist) As a result these tissues shrink, and nasal secretions in the swollen mucous membranes are better able to drain Nasal stuffiness is relieved

True or False: Lantus insulin does not peak.

True. Lantus insulin does NOT peak. It is a basal coverage insulin.

Alpha-1 Activation causes

Vasoconstriction, Mydriasis, Urinary retention


Herbal Remedy-antiplatelet/antihypertensive/antilipid


Herbal Remedy-anxiety


Herbal Remedy-anxiety


Herbal Remedy-burns, constipation

St. John's Wort

Herbal Remedy-depression

Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors

Adjunct drugs in the long-term management of open-angle glaucoma Used with miotics to lower intraocular pressure before ocular surgery in certain cases


Herbal Remedy-fever


Herbal Remedy-hypercholesterolemia


Herbal Remedy-immunity


Herbal Remedy-memory/brain


Herbal Remedy-menopause

Black Cohosh

Herbal Remedy-menopause/PMS


Herbal Remedy-n/v

How should you stop taking a psychotherapeutic?

Abrupt withdrawal should be avoided

What is the primary neurotransmitter for the PSNS?

Acetyl Choline (ACh)

What is the MOA of Anticholinergics as Bronchodilators?

Acetylcholine (ACh) causes bronchial constriction and narrowing of the airways Anticholinergics bind to the ACh receptors, preventing ACh from binding Result: bronchoconstriction is prevented, airways dilate Generally administered via inhalation—oral or nasal Anticholinergics Bronchodilators end in "tropium"

primary neurotransmitter for PSNS

Ach (acetylcholine)

What is a growth hormone antagonist used to Tx?


Osmotic Diuretics

Act by increasing osmotic pressure and pulling fluid into the vascular space. This increases urine production and causes only a slight loss of electrolytes Mannitol is the prototype. Can only be given parenterally


Activation leads to bronchodilation and uterine relaxation. Therapeutic uses: Asthma, Delay of preterm labor. Caution: Beta 2 activation causes glycogenolysis and can lead to hyperglycemia. Usually only an issue if diabetic.

7 types of pharmactherapeutics

Acute- drug treatment, sustain life, emergency Maintenance- prevent progression, chronic illnesses Supplemental- substance body needs but cannot produce ex: insulin for DM pts Palliative- make comfortable, no cure, end-stage ex: morphine for cancer patient Supportive- support body while recovering ex: fluid or blood products Prophylactic- prevent illness, ex: vaccines, pre-surgery antibiotics Empiric - probably cause of illness treated


Herbal Remedy-physical endurance

What are the effects of aldosterone on sodium, water, and potassium?

Aldosterone causes the retension of water and sodium and excretion of potassium

Who receives insulin?

All type 1 Diabetics, some long term type 2 diabetics, and some short term type 2 diabetics when caused by illness, pregnancy, steroid use, etc.

What does it mean that NSAIDs show a 'ceiling effect' that limits their effectiveness?

At a certain point any further increase in dosage will increase the risk for adverse effects without a corresponding increase in therapeutic effect.

What is the MOA of Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs)?

Allow angiotensin I to be converted to angiotensin II, but block the receptors that receive angiotensin II. Block vasoconstriction and release of aldosterone


Alpha-1 Blockers


Alpha-1 blocker

cevimeline (Evoxac)

Also a direct acting muscarinic agonist. Parasympathomimetic. Limited therapeutic use, Stimulates salivation and Stimulates lacrimation. Used in Sjogren's syndrome which causes xerostomia and dry eyes

Dopaminergic Receptors

Also adrenergic receptors. Stimulated by dopamine only. Clinical significance: Depending on dose, dopamine can dilate renal blood vessels and therefore improve renal perfusion

What are Antileukotriene Agents, and what is the MOA?

Also called leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRAs). Leukotrienes are substances released when a trigger, such as cat hair or dust, starts a series of chemical reactions in the body. Leukotrienes cause inflammation, bronchoconstriction, and mucus production. LTRAs prevent leukotrienes from attaching to receptors within the lungs which blocks inflammation in the lungs. Not used for an acute attack; may be used for prophylaxis and long-term maintenance.

Anticholinergics (Cholinergic Antagonists)

Also known as parasympatholytics or antimuscarinics. Drugs that antagonize or block the muscarinic receptors. Basically they inhibit the action of ACh. Atropine is the prototype of this group


Also known as sympthomimetics. Drugs that mimic the action of the SNS. Generally classified into two groups: catecholamines and noncatecholamines. Also classified according to their selectivity


An Inotropic drug influences the force of the contraction of the cardiac muscle, or heart, thereby affecting cardiac output

What is beta lactamase

An ezyme that makes bacteria resistant to antibiotics

Pyridostigmine (Mestinon)

An indirect-acting cholinergic agonist. Inhibits cholinesterase--the enzyme that breaks down Ach Used primarily for myasthenia gravis, Therapeutic doses ↑ force of muscular contraction; toxic doses ↓. Absolutely contraindicated with GI obstruction and urinary tract obstruction. Cholinergic crisis most serious adverse effect. Neostigmine (Prostigmin) is a similar drug used

succinylcholine (Anectine)

An ultra-short acting drug. Paralysis abates rapidly . Paralysis peaks about 1 minute after IV injection and fades completely within 4-10 minutes. Used primarily during endotracheal intubation. Malignant hyperthermia is a rare and potenially fatal adverse effect - genetically determined

What conditions are calcium chanel blockers used to treat?

Angina, hypertension, dysrhythmias


Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers

amantadine (Symmetrel)

Another common drug used for PD. Stimulates the release of dopamine from nerve endings in the CNS or may block the reuptake of dopamine. Most effective in earlier stages. Usually effective for only 6-12 months.

amantadine (Symmetrel)

Another common drug used for PD. Stimulates the release of dopamine from nerve endings in the CNS or may block the reuptake of dopamine. Most effective in earlier stages. Usually effective for only 6-12 months. It is actually an anti-viral drug used for influenza


Anti-gout med


Anti-gout med


Anti-gout med



What is ADH and what does it do?

AntiDiuretic Hormone It decreases urine output

What are the Four Categories of Psychotherapeutic Drugs

Antianxiety drugs, Antimanic drugs, Antipsychotics, Antidepressants

What is the MOA of Anticholinergics?

Anticholinergic Ipratropium (Atrovent) ↓ nasal secretions

What are antihistamine Adverse effects?

Anticholinergic (drying) effects, most common: Dry mouth, Difficulty urinating, Constipation, Changes in vision. Drowsiness - Mild drowsiness to deep sleep


Anticholinergics Bronchodilators


Antidiuretic Hormone


Antidiuretic Hormone

carbemazepine (Tegretol)

Antiepileptic. Carbamazepine undergoes autoinduction. Levels may need to e adjusted for the first few months, but then it should level out


Antihistamines, Decongestants, Antitussives, and Expectorants

What is occasionally used to treat anxiety?

Antihistamines. hydroxyzine (Vistaril) causes significant sedation

Which antianxiety med causes significant sedation?

Antihistamines. hydroxyzine (Vistaril).

hydroxyzine (Vistaril)

Antihistimine for anxiety causes significant sedation


Antimanic drug is the prototype

Legend Drug

Any prescription drug

phentermine (Ionamin)

Appetite suppressants (anorexiant)

sibutramine (Meridia)

Appetite suppressants (anorexiant)

Tell about fexofenadine (Allegra) a 2nd generation antihistamine

Approved in 1996. Long duration of action. Can dose 1-2 times/day. Administered orally. Allegra-D—contains pseudoephedrine (drug used to make meth). Drug/food interactions - Decreased abosorption with grapefruit and other juices

What change from one generation to the next

As you progress from first generation to later generations you get: 1. increased effectiveness against gram negative organisms 2. increase resistance to destruction by beta-lactamases 3. increased ability to cross the blood brain barrier

What is the anticholinergic prototype?


aripiprazole (Abilify—2002)

Atypical antipsychotic

olanzapine (Zyprexa--1996)

Atypical antipsychotic

clozapine (Clozaril—1989)

Atypical antipsychotic. increased risk of agranulocytosis and need lab work weekly (WBCs)



Statins are used for pts with what kind of cholesterol problem?

High LDL. (Statins are potent LDL reducers and basically decrease the rate of cholesterol production)

What are the effects of isoproterenol (Isuprel)?

B1 = +inotropic, +chronotropic B2 = bronchodilation, glycogenolysis Results if increased cardiac output

What vitamin in Niacin also known as?


3. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) 4. Foods high in protein

B6 enhances the effect of decarboxylase (an enzyme that breaks down lavodopa). Foods high in protein should be eaten but since they compete with levodopa, the meds should be taken 30 minutes before meal is consumed.

what are the adverse effects of thrombolytics?

BLEEDING! (internal, intracranial, superficial) n/v hypotension anaphylactoid reactions cardiac dysrhythmias

Why is it important to monitor nutrition in a child being treated for ADHD

Because CNS stimulants decrease appetite

What would you tell new mother who wants to know why she can't just take Advil for her pain?

Because NSAIDs are excreted in mothers milk.

Why should a client be informed that the drug takes a few weeks to begin working?

Because a lack of instant success, along with sexual dysfunction and weight gain, may cause them to quit taking the meds prematurely.

Why is it important to know that B2 inhibit glycogenolysis by the liver?

Because glycogenolysis is what the liver does to counteract hypoglycemia. if patient is diabetic they have no other natural mechanism to handle the situation if hypoglycemia occurs. Can be fatal

Why might a diabetics medications need to be altered when taking a B2?

Because if hyperglucose occurs, they may need more insulin

Why is it significant that sibutramine (Meridia) is found in many diet medications including OTC?

Because it is linked to increased risk of stroke

Why is a patient more likely to develop hypokalemia when on loop diuretics than on thiazide diuretics?

Because loop diuretics absorb 20-25% of sodium, and Thiazides only absorb 5-10%.

Another use for alpha blockers-- phentolamine (Regitine)

Because of their potent vasodilating effects, alpha blockers can also be used to prevent skin necrosis and sloughing following extravasation.

Why might an NSAID be used in conjuction with an opioid?

Because when used together there is often an opioid sparing effect allowing less opiods to be used.

Why are Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) typically used as second-line therapy?

Because, even though they are highly effective antidepressants, there is a risk of hypertensive crisis caused by tyramine interaction.

Gestational Diabetes is characterized by?

High insulin resistance

What is the myth about first generation drugs and sedation?

Benedryl causes significant sedation but many first generation drugs are actually comparable to 2nd. First gen efficacy is higher as well.


Benign Prostate Hypertrophy, it sometimes makes urination difficult

Lorazepam (Ativan)

Benzo antianxiety, habbit forming, only use for short time

What is commonly used as the first-line treatment for anxiety?


Name 3 Types of Antianxiety drugs

Benzodiazepines, Antihistamines, Miscellaneous anxiolytic medications

Diazepam is a ___ drug that can be given IV or rectally and is commonly used to treat epilepsy.



Benzodiazipine drug that can be given IV or rectally and is commonly used to treat epilepsy.

Name three classes of CCBs

Benzothiazepines-diltiazem (Cardiazem, Dilacor) Phenylalkamine- verapamil (Calan, Isoptin) Dihydropyridines- "dipines"


Beta Adrenergic Blockers (most often referred to as "beta blockers") Can block beta 1 receptors (heart), or beta 2 receptors (lung). If the beta blocker affects only one of these, it is a "selective beta blocker." Drugs that block beta 1 AND beta 2 receptors are called "non selective." Effects on the heart of cardioselective (B1) blockade: decrease heart rate, slow (decrease) conduction through AV node, decrease myocardial oxygen demand, decrease myocardial contractility. Uses: angina, hypertension dysrythmias, myocardial infarction, etc. Commonly end in "" Ex: propranolol

Memorize this quote

Beta blockers are also considered to be cardioprotective because they inhibit stimulation of the myocardium by circulating catacholamines

Which drugs do athletes avoid?

Beta blockers because they feel it decreases their performance

Type 1 Diabetes

Beta cells of the pancreas destroyed-- no insulin is produced. Primarily affects children and adolescents.

Beta Blockers MOA

Beta receptors on heart blocked


Beta-1 receptors: primarily in the heart. Response to Beta-1 stimulation is ↑ heart rate, ↑ contractility, ↑ renin secretion


Beta-Agonists (Sympathomimetics)

What are the three types of bronchodialators?

Beta-Agonists, Anticholinergics, and Xanthines

Which hypertensive medications work better for African Americans? Which work better for caucasion?

Better for African American: CCBs and diuretics Better for Caucasion: B-blockers and ACE inhibitors

Direct-acting cholinergic agonist

Bind to receptor and activate them



Neuromuscular Blocking Agents (NMBAs)

Block Nicotinic M receptors. Given to produce muscle relaxation during surgery, endotracheal intubation, mechanical ventilation, and other procedures

Tell about MOA and usage of Class II--Beta Blockers

Block SNS stimulation. Slow the heart rate (- chronotropic) Many uses as an antidysrhythmic. Tx of atrial dysrhythmias associated with heart failure. Decrease likelihood of sudden death due to fatal dysrhythmias in post-MI clients. Tx of tachydysrhythmias

Tell about the MOA and usage of Class 1c drugs

Block sodium channels. Profoundly decreases conduction velocity. ECG intervals often prolonged Generally used for life-threatening dysrhythmias—atrial predominately. Pronouned prodysrhymic effects

What is the MOA and usage of Class 1b drugs

Block sodium channels. Shorten refractory period. Little effect on conduction velocity. Minimal effects on ECG Used for ventricular dysrhythmias

Alpha Adrenergic Antagonists

Block the stimulation of alpha receptors. Clinically relevant drugs in current use block 1 receptors in the vasculature and bladder. Alpha 1 blockade leads to vasodialation and decreased bp, relaxation of bladder sphincter and micturation (urination). Uses are hypertension and BPH. The prototype is prazosin (Minipress)

Tell about MOA, usages, and adverse effects of the Class 1a drug procainamide (Pronestyl, Procan SR)

Blocks fast sodium channels, slows impulse conduction, delays repolarization, prolongs refractory period. Inhibit formation of ectopic foci in atria and ventricle Can be used for both atrial and ventricular dysrhythmias Adverse effects are Prodysrhythmic Hypotension Bradycardia Lupus-like syndrome


Blocks the normal effects of the PSNS. (PSNS antagonist)


Blocks the normal effects of the SNS. (SNS antagonist)

Is doxorubicin (adriamycin) related cardiotoxicity going to acute or delayed?


How do Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers compare to ACE Inhibitors?

Both contraindicated in pregnancy ARBs Do not cause cough or significant hyperkalemia but can cause upper respiratory infection and headache.

What are β Blockers Adverse Effects?

Bradycardia, hypotension, altered glucose and lipid metabolism, wheezing and dyspnea if nonselective

What does H1 do? (why would we need to take H1 blockers?)

Bronchoconstriction Increase in body secretions—especially mucus Vasodilation→↓ BP Fluid movement out of the blood vessels and into tissues leading to edema Stimulation of nerve endings causing itching

What are the Drugs that Affect the Lower Respiratory System

Bronchodilators and Antiinflammatory Agents

explain how giving an alkaline compound, such as an antacid, doesn't alter your blood pH

because antacids are generally poorly absorbed, they only work in the stomach, not systemically. Therefore, they don't alter systemic pH

What is the MOA of Calcium Channel Blockers?

Cause smooth muscle relaxation by blocking the binding of calcium to its receptors, preventing muscle contraction. This causes decreased peripheral smooth muscle tone and decreased systemic vascular resistance. Result: decreased blood pressure

Beta Blockers MOA Review. Tell me why you think they should be used after MI

CARDIOPROTECTIVE. B1-receptors on the heart are blocked. Remember...when this happens, the correct answer is "decrease" in terms of effects on the heart. Decreased HR, Decreased myocardial contractility , Decreased myocardial oxygen demand. After an MI, a high level of circulating catecholamines irritate the heart, causing an imbalance in supply and demand ratio and even leading to life-threatening dysrhythmias. B-blockers block the harmful effects of catecholamines, thus improving survival after an MI. β blockers sometimes called cardioprotective for this purpose

Drugs more effective in african americans

CCBs and diuretics

what two classes of drugs are typically more effective in blacks than whites?

CCBs, and diuretcs

entacapone (Comtan)

COMT inhibitors

tolcapone (Tasmar)

COMT inhibitors. has been associated with severe liver failure and is not used as much

Cholinergic Agonist not recommended for

COPD or GI obstruction

What is the difference in Sinemet and Sinemet CR?

CR is controlled release, so it is absorbed much slower. It increases the drugs "on-time"


Calcium Channel Blockers


Calcium channel blockers. Prevents calcium from entering cells. Have greatest effects on heart (decreases heart rate & contractility( and blood vessels. (smooth muscle relaxation). Used to treat hypertension, angina, and cardiac dysrhythmias. Examples include amlodipine (Norvasc)- antihypertensive. Verapamil (Calan) - all the above, and diltiamem (Cardizem) - all of the above. Hint

Tell about loratadine (Claritin) a 2nd generation antihistamine

Can dose 1-2 times/day. Administered orally Claritin-D contains pseudoephedrine Two others: cetirizine (Zyrtec) levocetirizine (Xyzal)

What is a saying to describe the actions of the SNS?

Can't See, Can't Pee, Can't Spit, Can't ****

Why do you need to monitor carbemazepine (Tegretol) when first starting it?

Carbamazepine undergoes autoinduction. Levels may need to e adjusted for the first few months, but then it should level out

What is Carbidopa???

Carbidopa is given with levodopa. Carbidopa prevents levodopa breakdown in the periphery by the enzyme decaroxylace. Carbidopa does not cross the blood-brain barrier. As a result, more levodopa crosses the blood-brain barrier, where it can be converted to dopamine

Name the two types of Class II—Beta blockers

Cardioselective and nonselective. All end in LOL

What is COMT?

Catechol Ortho-Methyltransferase Inhibitors

What pregnancy category are NSAIDs?

Category C in the first 2 trimesters and category d in the third trimester.

Describe the MOA of Calcium Channel Blockers.

Cause coronary artery vasodilation. Decrease myocardial contractility. Result: decreased myocardial oxygen demand. IMPORTANT - Especially effective for treatment of vasospastic angina

What is the MOA of Nitrates?

Cause relaxation of smooth muscles of the blood vessels which leads to vasodilation. Potent dilating effect especially on coronary arteries. Result: ↑ oxygen to myocardial tissue. IMPORTANT - Nitrates also alleviate coronary artery spasms. Used for prevention and treatment of angina

What if you received an order to give two potassium sparing drugs? What would you do first?

Check potassium serum levels

Many antiepileptic drugs have a narrow therapeutic range. What would you need to check before giving this med?

Check serum drug levels

difference between chemical, generic, and trade names of drugs

Chemical names: actual chemical composition of drug Generic names: nonproprietary name assigned by US Adopted Name Council Each drug only has 1 generic name and it's in all lowercase. must be bioequivalent (has same active ingredient). TRADE: aka proprietary name or brand name. Given to drug by manufacturer; protected by trademark.


Chest Pain. The heart requires a large supply of oxygen to meet the demands placed on it. When the supply of oxygen in the blood is insufficient to meet the demands of the heart, the heart muscle "aches"

How are osmotic diuretics different from thiazide or loop diuretics?

because they cause the excretion of water without directly effecting sodium. They do not cause Hypers or Hypos


Cholinergic - Main hormone is Acetylcholine

Parasympethetic Receptors

Cholinergic - Muscarinic, Nicotinic M




Chronotropic drugs may change the heart rate by affecting the nerves controlling the heart, or by changing the rhythm produced by the sinoatrial node

What is Vaughan Williams Classification?

Classification of dysrythmias. Class I, A, B, C Class II Class III Class IV Miscellaneous

when do you take PPI?

before meals

anticholinergic antidiarrheal

belladonna (Donnatal)


benign prostatic hypertrophy

What is levodopa?

Common treatment for PD. It is the biologic precurser of dopamine. Levodopa is taken up by the dopaminergic terminals, converted into dopamine, then released as needed. As a result, the neurotransmitter imbalance is controlled in patients with early PD who still have functioning nerve terminals.

What causes Hypokalemia?

Commonly caused by excessive loss as opposed to poor intake. Average daily requirement = 5-10 mEq. Average daily diet=35-100 mEq Causes of hypokalemia Loop and thiazide diuretics Malabsorption Large amounts of licorice consumption! Alkalosis Corticosteroids Crash diets Diarrhea or vomiting Ketoacidosis

What is the MOA of Atropine?

Competes with ACh for binding and inhibits nerve tranmission at those receptors


Competes with ACh for binding at the muscarinic receptors of the PSNS and ultimately inhibit nerve transmission at these receptors. Principle actions are: decrease in salivary, bronchial, GI, and sweat gland secretions; mydriasis; increase HR; bronchodilation. Also causes decreased bladder tone (retention) and decreased GI motility (constipation). Used commonly in CPR and preoperatively. Most serious adverse effect is overdose

What is the most common side effect of calcium channel blockers? What instructions should a nurse give a patient who is taking them?

Constipation is a common problem; instruct patients to take in adequate fluids and eat high-fiber foods.

What are the three antiinflammatory agents?

Corticosteroids, Antileukotrienes, and Mast Cell Stabilizers


Cox-2 selective NSAID

Parasympathetic Nervous System is also known as _____


Effect of Beta Blockers

DECREASE: HR, myocardial contractility, myocardial oxygen demand

CNS side effects of barbiturates

DROWSINESS lethargy vertigo mental depression paradoxical restlessness

Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938

Dealt with safety (Forgo Drug Complications Always)

Why are Diuretics highly effective antihypertensive agents? What type of diuretics are most commonly used for BP?

Decreases fluid volume ↓ preload ↓ cardiac output ↓ total peripheral resistance ↓ workload of heart ↓ BP Exert effects in different areas of the renal tubules Thiazides are used most commonly for BP control and are listed in JNC 7 guidelines


cholinergic agonists

Thiazide and Thiazide-like Diuretics: Adverse Effects

Dehydration Electrolyte imbalances

Nonsedating/peripherally acting—2nd generation

Developed to eliminate unwanted adverse effects, mainly sedation. Work peripherally to block the actions of histamine; thus, fewer CNS adverse effects. Longer duration of action (increases compliance) fexofenadine (Allegra) loratadine (Claritin) cetirizine (Zyrtec)


Digoxin (Lanoxin) A cardiac drug that increases the myocardial contractility w/out a corresponding oxygen requirement. Slows the heart rate & improves stroke volume. Commonly used to treat heart failure. Narrow theraputic window (approx 1-2 ng/ml. Early symptoms of toxicity: N/V & anorexia. Low serum K+ levels increase risk of toxicity. Do NOT administer w/meals high in fiber (it binds to it, rendering it ineffective).

what is another name for Cardiac Glycosides?

Digoxin, digitalis

Beta-Agonists (Sympathomimetics)

For the desired effects on the lungs, would want a beta-2 stimulant→broncho-dilation Most are administered orally or by inhalation. Short-acting: Inhaled, Used to terminate an acute asthma attack IMPORTANT - Sometimes referred to as rescue agents Long-acting: NOT indicated to abort an acute asthma attack. Inhaled or oral

What are the 7 Drug Classes Used to Treat Hypertension?

Diuretics Adrenergic Agents ACE Inhibitors Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers Calcium Channel Blockers Vasodilators Direct Renin Inhibitors


cholinergic agonists: S= increase Salivation L= increase Lacrimation (tearing) U= increase urination D= diarrhea G= increase GI motility/secretions E=Emesis (vomiting)

What are the benefits of using topical Intranasal steroids?

Do not cause rebound congestion beclomethasone (Beconase) flunisolide (Nasalide) fluticasone (Flonase)

If PD is caused by too little Dopamine, why not just give exogenous Dopamine?

Dopamine cannot cross blood-brain barrier. As disease progresses, none of the meds work bc the functioning nerve terminals die off. 80% are already nonfunctioning before any symptoms start.

General contraindications for cholinergic agonists

Drug allergy, GI or GU obstruction, Bradycardia, Hypotension, COPD, Peptic ulcers

What are Diuretic Drugs?

Drugs that accelerate the rate of urine formation. Result: removal of sodium and water

What are Expectorants?

Drugs that aid in the expectoration (removal) of mucus. Reduce the viscosity of secretions. Disintegrate and thin secretions.

What is the MOA of Antihistamines?

Drugs that directly compete with histamine for specific receptor sites

Anticholinergic Therapy

Drugs that inhibit acetylcholine

CNS Stimulants

Drugs that stimulate a specific area of the brain or spinal cord.

amphetamine (Adderall)

Drugs used in Treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

methylphenidate (Concerta, Ritalin)

Drugs used in Treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

What are Antitussives?

Drugs used to stop or reduce coughing. Most of the time, coughing is beneficial because it removes excessive secretions and potentially harmful foreign substances. In some situations, coughing can be harmful, such as after hernia repair surgery. Or can be used for dry cough. IMPORTANT- Generally used only for nonproductive coughs!

What are some anticholinergic Adverse Effects?

Dry mouth Urinary retention Constipation OVERHEATING CAN BE BIG PROBLEM

What do the terms Dysrhythmia and Antidysrhythmics mean?

Dysrythmia is any deviation from the normal rhythm of the heart. Antidysrhythmics are Drugs used for the treatment and prevention of disturbances in cardiac rhythm.

"Afil" or "Adil"

E.D. Drugs


Hyperosmotic Laxative

What does COX2 do?

Enhances inflammation and perception of pain


Enolic Acid NSAID




Hyperosmotic Laxative


Epinephrine A NONselective adrenergic agonist commonly called Adrenalin. A sympathomimetic. Often used to treat anaphylactic reactions. Increases contractility of the heart, increases BP & causes bronchodilation. Can increase blood glucose as well.

What is the Mechanism of Action of AEDs

Exact mechanism of action not known, they raise seizure threshold

How good is the bioavailability of quinolones?

Excellant, almost as good orally as parenterally

What must you monitor the IV site of amphotericin B for?


PD Has no cure, but levodopa can permenently control the signs and symptoms. True or False

False. As PD progresses, it becomes more and more difficult to control it with levodopa. Ultimately, levodopa no longer controls the PD, and patient is seriously debilitated

t/f: after a procedure or surgery, a patient will automatically be given pain meds

False. The patient needs to alert the nurse when he/she is hurting so adequate pain medication can be administered and monitored.

T/F diuretcs are highly effective antihypertensive agents because they increase fluid volume

False. They are highly effective antihypertensive agents because they DECREASE fluid volume

In laymans terms what does the SNS do?

Fight or Flight

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

First sign is a big nasty red rash. The problem is it is systemic and can be very dangerous if not recognized.


Hyperosmotic Laxative

Food Interactions with Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)

Food containing the amino acid tyramine is the primary culprit and a hypertensive crisis is the result. Foods that MUST be avoided are aged, mature cheeses (cheddar, blue, Swiss); smoked/pickled meats, fish, or poultry (herring, sausage, corned beef, salami, pepperoni); aged/fermented meats, fish, or poultry; Brewer's yeast, red wines. Important for the client to have a nutritional consult prior to beginning these meds. Some of the above foods MAY be allowed in very small portions.

Potassium obtained from foods

Fruit and fruit juices, fish, vegetables, poultry, meats, dairy products

what neurotransmitter do barbiturates potentiate?

GABA (an inhibitory amino acid)

What is the most common and severe adverse affect of NSAIDs on the gastrointestinal lining and how can it be avoided?

Gastrointestinal bleeding. it can be avoided with the use of misoprostol (Cytotec).

How does Gingko effect platelet aggregation? How will this impact the use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs?

Gingko inhibits platelet aggregation and will potentiate the effects of anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs.

Treatment for hypoglycemia

Give oral glucose tabs, D50W (50% Dextrose), Glucagon

Define Empiric Therapy

Giving an antibiotic BEFORE a culture has identified a specific causitive organsim

Define Definitive Therapy

Giving antibiotics after a culture has grown and the specific causitive organism has been identified.

What is the primary therapeutic use of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors?


Cholinergic Agonists Uses

Glaucoma, Urinary retention, Xerostomia (Sjogren's sndrome), Myasthenia gravis, Alzheimer's. Overdose results in cholinergic crisis and should be treated with anticholinergic


Growth Hormone (GH)


Growth Hormone Antagonist


Growth Hormone Antagonist

When people just say antihistamine, are they talking about H1, H2, or both?


What are the two histamine receptors

H1 (histamine1), H2 (histamine2)

What are H1 blockers or antagonists used for? What are H2 blockers or antagonists used for?

H1 antagonists are commonly referred to as antihistamines and are used for respiratory disorders H2 blockers or H2 antagonists Used to reduce gastric acid in peptic ulcer disease


H2 antagonists

what are the two classes of drugs that REDUCE ACID (not neutralize existing acid)

H2 blockers, and PPIs

is cimetidine (Tagamet) selective or non-selective?

H2 selective (so it has minimal effect on h1 (allergy) symptoms)

Antileukotrienes: Adverse Effects

HA, nausea IMPORTANT - Liver dysfunction. Assess liver function before beginning therapy and periodically throughout. montelukast (Singulair) has not been associated with liver dysfunction

What should a man who has taken a drug for erectile dysfunction do if he has an erection lasting longer than 4 hours?

He should seek immediate care as this is considered to be a medical emergency.

What are the adverse effects of Nitrates?

Headaches-Usually diminish in intensity and frequency with continued use, Tachycardia, postural hypotension, Tolerance may develop

Name the 3 most common anticoagulants

Heparin Low molecular weight heparins (I know- sneaky, but they are different!) warfarin (Coumadin)


Heparin (HIGH ALERT MED!) An anticoagulant administered by IV or SC (subcutaneously). DOES NOT DISSOLVE CLOTS, but can prevent clots from forming. Used to treat pulmonary embolism, CVA (stroke), DVT, etc. Primary adverse reaction is hemorrhage. Protamine sulfate is the antidote for heparin overdose. Effects of heparin monitored via a blood test, PTT, usually obtained daily or more often if heparin is administered IV. Generally not necessary to monitor PTT w/SC administration.

Saw Palmetto

Herbal Remedy-BPH


I: Insulin: transports glucose into the cell. That's why diabetics (who lack endogenous insulin) have high serum blood glucose levels - because the glucose can't enter the cell. Available in many different types. Types differ in terms of onset of action, duration of action etc. Novolog insulin has a RAPID onset and is commonly used for both meal coverage and "correction" dose. (if you do a finger stick and blood sugar is high and I'm not about to eat, you would administer Novolog b/c it would be quick to bring that high glucose down. If your blood sugar is good (say, 100), but I'm about to eat, I will also need a fast acting insulin to cover the sugar I'm about to intake in a meal)). Glargine insulin (Lantus) provides basal coverage meaning it lasts approximately 24 hours and does not peak.

Serotonin Receptor Antagonists can be administered via

IV or oral

How is nesiritide (Natrecor) administered?

IV, in IC unit

ACE Inhibitors are generally considered safe(ish). When would it NOT be safe at all for a person with hypertension to take an ACE Inhibitor?

If you are pregnant. All ACE inhibitors are contraindicated in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy

What are the therapeutic Objectives in the Treatment of Angina?

Increase blood flow to heart muscle and/or Decrease myocardial oxygen demand. Minimize the frequency of attacks and decrease the duration and intensity of anginal pain. Improve the patient's functional capacity with as few adverse effects as possible. Prevent or delay the worst possible outcome, MI

Thiazide MOA is...

Inhibit resorption of sodium, chloride, and potassium ions in the distal tubule. - Result: water, sodium, and chloride are excreted. - Potassium is also excreted to a lesser extent. - Less potent than loop diuretics - hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) is the prototype

Tell about the MOA and usage of Class IV--Calcium Channel Blockers

Inhibit the slow channels or the calcium-dependent channels. Slows impulse conduction and heart rate Used to treat atrial dysrhythimias Generally well tolerated; monitor for bradycardia and hypotension


drugs that inhibit various classes of drug metabolizing enzymes and are called enzyme inhibitors; can lead to toxicity bc there is more free drug available (not broken down as much); requires lower dosage

pancuronium (Pavulon)

Intermediate-acting. Used to facilitate intubation and for muscle relaxation during surgery or mechanical ventilation

vecuronium (norcuron)

Intermediate-acting. Used to facilitate itubation and for muscle relaxation during surgery or ventilation. One of the most commonly used NMBAs

Sodium Oxybate (Xyrem)

Is misused as a "date rape" drug. Approved to treat cataplexy which is a condition characterized by acute attacks of muscle weakness and often associated with epilepsy. Only available through restricted dispensing programs Schedule III drug. Technically a CNS depressant

What is a special consideration for metronidazole (Flagyl)?

It can cause acute alcohol intolerance when taken with alocholic beverages

Why would a nurse perform a careful assessment of a patient's oral cavity after being told they are on Phenytoin?

It can cause gingival hyperplasia with prolonged use.

Why is long term use of glucocorticoids avoided in children?

It can cause growth retardation

What effect can grapefruit juice have on cyclosporine

It can inhibit metabolism of cyclosporine and which will raise the serum levels and increase the risk of toxicity

What is the effect of administering tetracyclines with antacids

It decreases aborption. The same is true for milk and calcium

When a client is going to be taking a cephalosporin what should you tell them regarding drinking alcohol

It depends. Some cephalosporins can cause a reaction with alcohol so you should check the specific one they will be taking and if there is a reaction teach about it.

How does tylenol help with inflammation?

It has not anitiinflammatory action

How would anticholinergic therapy be helpful?

It helps with some of the symptoms od PD - such as salivation, diarrhea, frequent urination, and muscle tremors. It Does NOT help with extremely slow movements (bradykinesia) associated with PD.


drugs that mimic the body's own regulatory molecules; activate receptors

What are some benefits and risks associated with atomoxetine (Strattera)?

It is not addictive, but the FDA issued a warning in 2005 describing cases of suicidal thinking in recipients

Why does Phenytoin react with other medications?

It is tightly protien bound and it induces hepatic enzymes

What is unique about orthoclone OKT3

It is used for reversal and prevention of graft rejection. It is the only drug available for reversal

What special consideration should be given when administering bisphosphonates?

It should be taken first thing in the morning with a full glass of water and the patient must remain upright for 30 minutes to avoid esophogeal erosion.


J: Januvia (trade name). Generic name is sitagliptin. An oral incretin mimetic used only for type II diabetes. MOA is to stimulate glucose-dependent release of insulin by enhancing the action of incretin hormones. Generally well tolerated. FDA currently monitoring for increased incidence of pancreatitus in in patients taking Januvia. Taken one time/day.


K= potassium Sparing diuretics! Includes aldosterone antagonists and nonaldosterone antagonists. Aldosterone antagonists (i.e. spironolactone [aldactone]) inhibit the effects of aldosterone. (Aldosterone causes retention of sodium and water and excretion of potassium). Nonaldosterone antagonists (i.e. triamterene [dyrenium]) acts directly on the renal tubule to suppress reabsorption of sodium and water and encourage reabsorption of potassium. Regardless, MUST MONITOR POTASSIUM LEVELS!

Name the main loop diuretic

Lasix. There are more but we don't need to memorize.

When should b-type natriuretic peptides be used?

Last resort

Cholinergic agonists

drugs that stimulate the PSNS. Also called parasympathomimetics

Which Antimanic drug is the prototype?

Lithium, a mood-stabilizing drug

Why are SSRIs a relatively safe choice?

Little to no adverse effect on cardiac system

antidote to acetaminophen toxicity

acetylcysteine; works by preventing hepatotoxic metabolites of APAP from forming; 18 oral doses over 72 hours or via IV over 20 hours


M= metformin (Glucophage). An oral antidiabetic agent. Lowers blood sugar by decreasing production of glucose in the liver. Can cause lactic acidosis - primarily in those with renal insufficiency. Held prior to and following any procedure involving "dye" until kidney function is confirmed via creatine level.

thrombolytics are used in what acute care settings?

MI (though less frequently now thanks to cardiac cath labs) CVA PE

What is the MOA of corticosteroids?

MOA—Inhibit release of inflammatory mediators (histamine, leukotriene, cytokines, etc.)

What is a primary indication for CellCept



drugs that typically do very little on their own, but can immensely help other drugs

How do we get sodium?

Maintained through dietary intake of sodium chloride. Salt, fish, meats, foods flavored or preserved with salt

Drug Interactions with Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)

Many drug interactions can occur. Clients must be instructed to avoid all medications, including OTC meds, not specifically approved by the physician.

What are Mast Cell Stabilizers and what is the MOA?

Mast cells contain inflammatory granules such as histamine. When released, these granules initiate the inflammatory response. Available medications cromolyn (Intal)—MDI nedocromil (Tilade)—has a very bitter taste (MDI)

Mannitol Crysalization

May crystallize when exposed to low temperatures—use of a filter is required. If you see crystal discard dose and get new dose.

Tell about Pulmonary Inhalers

Metered-dose inhaler (MDI) - old type not environmentally friendly and patients don't like new type. Using them without spacers causes user errors because people put them too close to their mouth and the dose goes to the roof of mouth instead of lungs Dry powder inhaler (DPI) Nebulizer


Mimics the action of the PSNS. (PSNS agonist)


Mimics the action of the SNS. (SNS agonist)

bupropion (Wellbutrin)—Zyban

Miscellaneous Antideppressant - is a sustained release form that is also used as first-line therapy for smoking cessation. it does not cause sexual dysfunction or weight gain. In fact, it can increase libido and cause weight loss! However, it can also cause seizures.

trazodone (Desyrel)

Miscellaneous antidepressant. is commonly used for insomnia

buspirone (BuSpar).

Miscellaneous axiolytic. Exact MOA not known. Anxiolytic effects develop slowly—not appropriate for prn use


More commonly called beta blockers. May be selective or nonselective. Beta-1 blockers are often called cardioselective→↓ heart rate, ↓ contractility, ↓ myocardial oxygen demand. Nonselective beta blockers also cause bronchoconstriction and inhibition of glycogenolysis. Uses are agina, hypertension, dysrhythmias, MI, heart failure, others

Drugs Used for Alzheimer's Disease

Most are indirect-acting cholinergic agonists meaning they inhibit cholinesterase and allow ACh to accumulate. donepezil (Aricept)—1996, rivastigmine (Exelon)—2000, galantamine (Razadyne)—2001, memantine (Namenda)—2003. See p. 316 for MOA of Memantine


Most frequently used and most effective nonopioid antitussive. Considered as effective as codeine. Minimal risk of dependence. Widely available OTC in capsules, lozenges, syrups, suspensions, and chewable tablets. Adverse effects are rare, but include N/V, drowsiness, dizziness, restlessness. Generally recommended for a persistent, nonproductive cough

How are most 1st Generation Antihistamines administered?

Most given orally

Type 2 Diabetes

Most prevalent form of diabetes, usually begins in middle age. Decreased insulin secretion & increased insulin resistance.

Opioid receptors

Mu; Kappa

Client Assessment: Do you know what to watch for?

Muscle weakness, lethargy, irregular heart rythym

Lithium has a wide or narrow therapeutic range?

Narrow. Normally want to keep it between 0.6-1.2 mEq/l. For acute mania the level is 1-1.5

What is the MOA of Nasal steroids?

Nasal steroids Site of action: blood vessels surrounding nasal sinuses. Antiinflammatory effect. Work to turn off the immune system cells involved in the inflammatory response. Decreased inflammation results in decreased congestion. Nasal stuffiness is relieved

What drugs cure Alzheimers?

None, cholinergic agonists help some. Usually takes 6 weeks to work

What are the Four stages of hypertension based on BP measurements? She want this memorized

Normal--<120 / <80 Prehypertension—120-139 / 80-89 Stage 1 hypertension—140-159 / 90-99 Stage 2 hypertension--> 160 / > 100


North American Nursing Diagnosis Association



Does a penecillin allergy contraindicate the use of a cephalosporin?

Not unless anaphylaxis was involved.

Alpha 2 Antagonists

Not used. If a med is an alpha blocker it is referring to alpha1

spironolactone (Aldactone)

Now commonly used in the treatment of heart failure—evidence based practice! Protects the heart from ventricular remodeling after a MI.


O= Opioids. Most effective pain relievers available. When classified according to receptor activity, may be a pure agonist, an agonist-antagonist, or a pure antagonist. When agonist-antagonists are given alone, they produce analgesia. When they are given in the presence of a pure agonist, they will antagonize analgesia and can precipitate withdrawal syndrome. Major adverse reactions of pure opioid agonist: respiratory depression and constipation. Antidote: a pure antagonist! Naloxone (Narcan)

A patient has just been admitted to the hospital and has been prescribed an antibiotic. What is the first thing a the nurse should do?

Obtain a culture BEFORE starting the antibiotics. Cultures obtained after antibiotics are started will be inaccurate. Once the culture has been collected start the antibiotics.

How do they prevent Nitrates tolerance from developing?

Occurs in patients taking nitrates around the clock or with long-acting forms. Prevented by allowing a regular nitrate-free period to allow enzyme pathways to replenish. Transdermal forms: remove patch at bedtime for 8 hours, then apply a new patch in the morning

Cholinergic crisis

Occurs when a client recieves too much of a cholinergic agonist - causes hypertension, shock, salivation, etc. Treated with an anticholinergic

Tell about Traditional antihistamines—1st generation

Older. Work both peripherally and centrally. Have anticholinergic effects, making them more effective (more drying of secretions) than nonsedating drugs in some cases. diphenhydramine (Benadryl) chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton)

Tell about Xanthines

Once the treatment of choice for asthma and bronchospasm. Relatively narrow margin of safety and many drug interactions. Consequently, no longer widely used. Chemically related to caffeine and have a similar stimulant effect

Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act of 2002

One of the first studies that dealt with how drugs affect the pediatric population

What are the 2 types of antitussives?

Opiods and nonopiods


Opioid antidiarrheal


Opioid antidiarrheal

zolmitriptan (Zomig)

drugs used for Treatment of migraine headaches . abortive drugs and not preventative

What are some side effects of potassium?

Oral preparations can cause diarrhea, vomiting, GI bleeding, ulceration

Apomorphine (Apokyn)

Ordered in mL instead of mg

Apomorphine (Apokyn) should be ordered in___ instead of ___

Ordered in mL instead of mg

What two drugs get rid of the most H20 but don't directly work with sodium?

Osmotic Diuretics & Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors


Osmotic Diuretics prototype. Can only be given parenterally. May crystallize when exposed to low temperatures


P= Proton pump inhibitors. Most effective drugs for suppressing secretion of stomach acid. Blocks the final step in gastric acid production. Used primarily for ulcers and GERD. Generic names commonly end in "...prazole". Prototype is omeprazol (prilosec) which is now available OTC.

What are some other antiepileptic Drugs


What is the parenchyma of the kidney?

Parenchyma means functioning unit.... and it is nephrons? I think????

sumatriptan (Imitrex),

drugs used for Treatment of migraine headaches. abortive drugs and not preventative

Why give sedatives with NMBAs?

Paralysis can cause panic if the patient is alert

______ is a Chronic, progressive, degenerative disorder Caused by an imbalance of two neurotransmitters

Parkinson's Disease (PD)

What is the most common cause of drug allergy


antacids are used in treatment of what two conditions?

Peptic Ulcer Disease GERD


dry mouth

chlorpromazine (Thorazine)

Phenothiazine antipsychotic. many anticholinergic adverse effects

fluphenazine (Prolixin)

Phenothiazine antipsychotic. many anticholinergic adverse effects

Which antipsychotics have many anticholinergic adverse effects?


What are 2 types of antipsychotics?

Phenothiazines & Atypical

Memorize the 5 antipsychotics!!!!

Phenothiazines are largest group, but have many anticholinergic adverse effects. 1. chlorpromazine (Thorazine) 2. fluphenazine (Prolixin) Atypical antipsychotics 1.clozapine (Clozaril—1989) increased risk of agranulocytosis and need lab work weekly (WBCs) 2.olanzapine (Zyprexa--1996) 3.aripiprazole (Abilify—2002)

What are largest group of antipsychotics

Phenothiazines. 1. chlorpromazine (Thorazine) & 2. fluphenazine (Prolixin) are examples.

What is the difference between phenytoin and fosphenytoin?

Phenytoin has to be injected very slowly, per min. Also, it is very alkaline (pH of 12) and that makes it painful to administer IV. Fosphenytoin is thought of as a pre-phenytoin because it turns into phenytoin once in the body, but is not painful to administer so a better choice for IV.

What are Hypernatremia causes?

Poor renal excretion stemming from kidney malfunction; inadequate water consumption and dehydration

What are "Compelling indicators" for hypertension?

Post-MI, High cardiovascular risk, Heart failure, Diabetes mellitus, Chronic kidney disease, Previous stroke

What causes hyperkalemia?

Potassium supplements ACE inhibitors Renal failure Potassium-sparing diuretics


Preferred bronchodilators-- produce fewer cardiac-related side effects. albuterol (Proventil) is the prototype. Commonly administered orally or by inhalation. Used in asthma. terbutaline (Brethine) mainly beta 2 agonist that is used to stop preterm labor

What are antihistamine beneficial effects?

Produces the opposite effect of histamine causing relaxation of bronchial tree, DECREASES secretions, itching, flushing, & edema. Cause vasoconstriction, Older antihistamines also cause mild CNS depression→sedative effect

What are the benefits of using Topical adrenergics?

Prompt onset Potent phenylephrine (Neo-Synephrine)


Provera Depo-Provera Megace

What are some things you should include in your teaching about psychotherapeutic drugs?

Provide simple explanations about the drug, its effects, and the length of time before therapeutic effects can be expected

if these three neurotransmitters make connection to their receptor sites, acid production increases, which is why, if we have blockers for any one of these, we effectively reduce acid production

acetylocholine, histamine, gastrin

Why do they use both rapid-acting and Long-acting Nitrates?

Rapid-acting forms Used to TREAT acute anginal attacks. Sublingual tablets; intravenous infusion. Long-acting forms Used to PREVENT anginal episodes. All other forms

What is a recent change in the treatment of asthma?

Recently the focus has switched from using bronchodilators to using more antiinflamatory meds.


activates receptor (HELPS)

ACE inhibitors side effects

dry nonproductive cough hypokalemia angioedema - rare but potentially fatal

Kefauver-Harris Amendment of the 1938 Act (in 1962)

Required drugs to be proven effective

What is a nursing consideration for cyclophosphamide (cytoxan)? Why?

Requires extensive hydration for minimize risk of hemorrhagic cystitis.

What is a nursing consideration for cisplatin (platinol)? Why?

Requires extensive hydration to minimize risk of nephrotoxicity

In laymans terms what does the PSNS do?

Rest & Digest

Milk of Magnesia

Saline Laxative

Durham-Humphrey Amendment of the 1938 Act (in 1951)

Rx vs. OTC


S= Statins. Most commonly used class of drugs to lower acholesterol. Cause significant decrease in LDL and a more mild increase in HDL. Side effects are uncommon. However, can cause liver toxicity (liver enzymes should be monitored at least yearly) and rarely, myopathy. Use with caution in combination with fibrates. Usually administered at bedtime.

What does SLUDGE stand for?

S=Salivation L=Lacrimation U=Urinary incontenence D=Diarrhea G=GI Motility & Secretions E=Emisis Used to describe the actions of cholinergic agonists


S=salivation (↑) L=lacrimation (↑ tearing) U=urination (↑) D=diarrhea G=GI motility/secretions (↑) E=Emesis

What is the route of administration for CellCept






classes of drugs appropriate for tx of osteoporosis

SERMs (selective estrogen receptor modulators) bisphosphonates calitonin

SNS Main Effects

SNS - Fight or Flight 1. Pupils dilate (mydriasis) 2. Heart rate and contractility increase 2. Bronchi dilate 3. Slight decrease GI motility 4. Urinary retention and possible constipation 5. Vasoconstriction 6. Uterus relaxation (B2) 7 Liver - glycogenolysis

Initials preceeding names of enteric coated tablets are


What does H2 do? (why would we need to take H2 blockers?)

Secretion of gastric acid

Adverse effects of TCAs

Sedation, impotence, orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, dysrhythmias, weight gain. The client may develop some tolerance to some of these, but they usually do not disappear completely.

What drugs are Commonly used as first-line therapy for depression?

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). Newer SSRIs are also targeting norephinephrine.

Adverse effects of ACE inhibitors

dry unproductive cough hyperkalemia angioedema-rare but potentially fatal

What is JNC VII

Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC-7) May 2003. JNC VIII (8) Panel appointed August 2008, Expected release date is Spring 2011

Adverse effects of SSRIs

Sexual dysfunction (impotence, decreased libido), weight gain, and serotonin syndrome

What special precaution should a woman take when handling finasteride (Proscar)? Why?

She should wear gloves because finasteride is potentially teratogenic.

Sliding Scale Insulin Dosing

Short or Rapid Acting insulin doses adjusted according to blood glucose test results.

What forms of Nitrates are used to treat angina?

Sublingual, Buccal, Intravenous solutions, Ointments, Transdermal patches, Translingual sprays (all six bypass 1st-pass effect), Chewable tablets, Oral capsules/tablets


Substances which can produce a sympathomimetic response. Receive their name because of their similar chemical structure. Generally have a short duration of action (often need to be administered in a continuous fashion), cannot be given orally, and do not cross the blood-brain barrier. Examples: epinephrine, dopamine


anticholinergic antidiarrheal

What will happen if a patient takes 2 drugs that are both highly protein bound?

The 2 drugs will compete for binding sites on the protein. One will win and the other will have more "free" drug in the bloodstream which will shorten its expected duration of action and increase the chance of toxicity

Does orlistat (Xenical) cause serious liver injury?

The FDA is investigating. 13 cases have been found in ten years

atropine is the prototype of the _____


cholinergic blockers

anticholinergics or antimuscarinics or cholinergic antagonists or parasympatholytics

Why would NSAIDs be contraindicated for dehydrated patients?

The can increase the chance of acute renal failure occurring.

ANTIEPILEPTIC DRUGS (AEDs) are Also known as




Metabolic Syndrome/Syndrome X

The collective group of comorbid conditions that are associated with type 2 diabetes.


The cornerstone of levodopa therapy. Some advantages over levodopa alone are: 1. Dose reduction 2. Don't need to limit pyridoxine 3. Less on-off

What is carbidopa-levodopa (Sinemet)?

The cornerstone of levodopa therapy. Some advantages over levodopa alone are: 1. Dose reduction 2. Don't need to limit pyridoxine 3. Less on-off

What is the implication to chemotherapy drugs having a low therapeutic index?

The low therapeutic index is does limiting. This means there is a fine line between therapeutic levels and toxic levels.

Tell about Corticosteroid usage to treat asthma

The most effective anti-inflammatory drugs available. Inhaled steroids used both for prevention of asthmatic attacks and management of chronic asthma—fixed schedule, not prn. Oral steroids reserved for short-term tx of acute exacerbations. Used cautiously in anyone with an active infection. Adverse effects limited with the inhaled route—pharyngeal irritation, cough, dry mouth, and IMPORTANT- - oral fungal infections - always rinse mouth after use to help prevent. - Steroids are NOT used to abort an acute asthma attack

If a patient on antibiotics gets diarrhea what should the nurse be aware of?

The patient could develop a C. dif infection


This drug is a Calcium Channel Blocker in the Phenylalkylamine class


This drug is a Calcium Channel Blocker used to prevent vasospasms after subarachnoid hemmorrhage


antidote for acetaminophen toxicity that can be given as an intravenous injection.

Why is hyopalbumenia dangerous for patients taking highly protein bound drugs?

The risk of toxicity will be increased because the lack of available protein will result in more "free" drug in circulation than expected.

A patient taking a steroids after receiving an organ transplant asks if they can continue taking Echinacea, how do you respond?

The steroids are being taken as an immunosupressant and Echinacea is taken to stimulate the immune system so the Echinacea would be contraindicated.

What is doxorubicin (adriamycin) realted cardiotoxicty related to? Why?

The total cumulative dose. There is a lifetime max on this drug.

CHAP 24 Antianginal Agents REVIEW

The use of Nitrates, Beta Blockers, & Calcium Channel Blockers to control angina and prevent MI. DRUGS Nitrates - nitroglycerin (all others have "nitrate" in name B-Blockers - all end in "lol" Calcium Channel Blockers - diltiazem (Cardizem, Dilacor) verapamil (Calan, Isoptin) several "dipine"

Other uses for Beta 1 blockers

anxiety, stage fright, migraine headaches

What can happen to children younger than 8 years old who are administered tetracyclines

Their teeth can be discolored

What is a Combination antihypertensive?

There are many available. Now actually combining three separate medications into one pill

What are the available routes of administration for metronidazole (Flagyl)?

There are oral and injectable forms

What does it mean if drug is highly protein bound?

There is less "free" drug to be distributed to tissue which will increase the duration of action

minoxidil (loniten)

This drug is a Direct-Acting Vasodilator that can cause hair growth. Used in male baldness now as well

diazoxide and sodium nitroprusside

This drug is a Direct-Acting Vasodilators used to treat emergency hypertension

If a child is diagnosed with a viral disease is aspirin a good choice for pain relief? Why or why not...

They are not because use of aspirin in children with viral diseases is linked to an increased incidence of Reye's syndrome.

How do direct acting cholinergic agonists work?

They bind to cholinergc receptors and activate them

What effect would a dopamine agonists have on PD?

They do not turn into dopamine, but stimulate dopamine receptors. This way you can lower the dose of levodopa reducing side effects

How do COX2 inhibitors benefit the heart?

They don't.

Why give catacholamines continuously through IV?

They have a short duration of action

Why are thyroid hormones not cardioprotective?

They increase the sensitivity of the heart to catecholamines

How do indirect acting cholinergic agonists work?

They inhibit the action of cholinesterase

Why is COMT important in the treatment of PD?

They prolong the duration of action of levodopa. Fast acting effective in first dose. Benefit patients experiencing the "wearing off effect" or "on-off effect"

If a client, who takes aspirin, calls and complains of ringing in her/his ears what should you do? Why?

They should be referred to their physician immediately because tinnitus is a sign of aspirin toxicity

Why is there a poor response to chemo from solid tumors

They typically have a low growth fraction and so are less responsive to cytotoxic drugs

Most common diuretic used for BP?


first line drug therapy without other "compelling" indicators

Thiazide diuretics

Thiazide and Thiazide-like Diuretics

Thiazide diuretics - all end in "thiazide" Thiazide-like diuretics - Don't have to memorize

azelastine (Astelin)

This drug is a 1st generation antihistamine that is available intranasally. This form causes less sedation because it is applied topically

loratadine (Claritin)

This drug is a 2nd generation antihistamine. The D form contains pseudoephedrine

fexofenadine (Allegra)

This drug is a 2nd generation antihistamine. The D form contains pseudoephedrine (drug used to make meth). It also has decreased abosorption with grapefruit and other juices


This drug is a Calcium Channel Blocker

What are the three main types of Decongestants?

Three main types are used 1. Adrenergics - Largest group, Sympathomimetics 2. Corticosteroids - Topical, intranasal steroids 3. Anticholinergics - Less commonly used, Parasympatholytics

What are cytotoxic antibiotics used for?

To Tx cancer NOT infections

Goals of therapy using antiepileptics

To control or prevent seizures while maintaining a reasonable quality of life, and To minimize adverse effects and drug-induced toxicity

Why would you administer a dosage of 80-325mg qd of aspirin?

To inhibit platelet aggregation

Why do we encourage foods high in potassium in clients on diuretics and list 3 foods high in potassium BESIDES bananas!

To prevent Hypokalemia. Foods are: Bananas Oranges Cantaloupe Dates Raisins Plums Fresh Vegetables--broccoli, spinach Potatoes (especially potato skins)

What is Saw Palmetto used for?

To relieve the symptoms of BPH.

What do you teach a patient who has become addicted to adrenergic nasal spray?

To stop Cold Turkey.... it may take a week or longer for rebound congestion to subside. Or Stop one side at a time.

What is the primary therapeutic use of Growth Hormone?

To tx hyperpituitary dwarfism

How long does ANTIEPILEPTIC DRUGS (AEDs) therapy usually last?

Traditionally believed to be lifelong - recent studies are suggesting that patients who have been seizure-free on medications for 1-2 years can eventually stop taking the drugs with doctor supervision

What are the Two Types of Antihistamines?

Traditional—1st generation Nonsedating/peripherally acting—2nd generation

Which antidepressants have been available for more than 40 years and are Used less commonly today due to adverse and toxic effects?

Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs)

Which drugs are considerably less expensive than many of the newer agents and many are available in generic form.

Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs)

Simultaneous use of these drugs with alcohol or other CNS depressants can be fatal. True or false



Tylenol / acetaminophen

Who receives oral antidiabetic agents?

Type 2 diabetics


U= Ultram. Generic name is tramadol. This is a nonopioid analgesic. Does have weak agonist activity at mu opioid receptors but causes minimal respiratory depression and is not a controlled substance. notable side effect: seizures. Avoid use in clients with or at high risk for seizures.

Common ARB side effect

URI and HA does NOT cause cough or significant hyperkalemia

What is nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin) commonly used for?


Primary Uses of Cholinergic Agonists

Urinary retention, Myasthenia gravis, Alzheimer's Disease, Xerostomia, Glaucoma

What should you be sure to tell a patient who is taking doxorrubicin (adriamycin)?

Urine may turn a reddish color for a few days.

What special instructions should be given to female patients receiving immunosuppressants

Use contraceptive during treatment and for up to 12 weeks after therapy ends

VALPROIC ACID (Depakene) an Antiepileptic

Used for tx of seizures, bipolar disorder, and migraine prevention. Serious side effects are rare but include liver toxicity and pancreatitis. Several drug interactions but it is NOT an inducer

When would you use Mast Cell Stabilizers to treat asthma?

Used to treat asthma when steroids are not effective or are contraindicated. Not for an acute attack. Must take on a regular basis to maintain benefit if used because of histamine related asthma. If used for exercise-induced asthma, take 15-30 minutes before exercise


V=vancomycin (Vancocin) Potentially toxic antibiotic used for serious infections including MRSA and C. dif. Inhibits cell wall synthesis. Effective only against Gm+ organisms. Usually given IV. Serious s.e.=ototoxicity. Must also be alert for "Red Man Syndrome" - rash, flushing, hypotension, etc., - can be minimized by slow IV administration.

What is linezolid (Zyvox) used to treat?


What is the prevention protocol for antimalarial drugs?

Varies from med to med but... 1. Commonly starts 2 weeks before exposure and continues for several weeks 2. May be taken one time/week 3. Take with at least 6-8 ounces of water


W=Warfarin Oral anticoagulant that antagonizes the effects of vitamin K. Peak effects take several days to develop. PT and INR are tests used to monitor effectiveness. Highly protein bound and subject to MANY drug interactions. Antidote is vit K

What are Hypernatremia symptoms?

Water retention (edema), hypertension Red, flushed skin; dry, sticky mucous membranes, increased thirst, elevated temperature, decreased urine output

What precaution should be taken by providers when administering cytotoxic drugs

Wear gloves when handling the drug

What precaution should a nurse take who is administering a cytotoxic antobiotic?

Wear gloves.

Why is it important to administer antihistamines promptly?

Work by inhibiting the action of histamine (H1)—not by preventing its release Do not "push off" histamine that is already bound to a receptor, but competes with histamine for unoccupied receptors. So take it before you go around a known allergen


X=Xanax. Generic name is alprazolam. A benzodiazepine. Used for anxiety, panic disorders, and occasionally for PMS. Drowsiness is a common side effect. May be habit forming. Generally not recommended for use for anxiety for longer than 4 months. Do not discontinue abruptly after long-term use.


Xanthine Prototype. Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle→ bronchodilation. Suppresses airway responsiveness to stimuli that promote bronchospasm. Therapeutic range is 10-15 or 20 Adverse effects directly related to serum levels: N/V, HA, irritability, insomnia, dysrhythmias, hypotension, tachycardia, seizures. IMPORTANT - Concurrent tobacco use ↓ serum levels; St. John's wort does as well. Concurrent caffeine use leads to ↑ CNS stimulation

Can a combination of drugs be used to treat epilepsy?


Does PHENOBARBITAL have any drug-drug interactions?

Yes, it has Many drug-drug interactions because it is an inducer of drug-metabolizing enzymes

Does levodopa require functioning nerve terminals?

Yes, without functioning nerve terminals, levadopa or dopamine cannot be utilized by the body

Can levodopa cross the blood/brain barrier?

Yes. Dopamine cannot, but Levodopa can. It is administerred orally.

If the potassium level was 3.4 should you call physician?

Yes. Even slightly high or low levels are cause for concern


Z= zithromax. Generic name is Azithromycin. Commonly referred to as a Z-pack. A macrolide antibiotic. Used commonly for respiratory tract infections. Administer on an empty stomach. Side effects uncommon, but can cause GI upset. Oral therapy usually consists of once a day dosing for 3-5 days.

Acetazolamide (a CAI) is used in the management of

edema secondary to heart failure when other diuretics are not effective

A fosphenytoin equivalent will have what on the label?

a "PE" on the label

What is clavulanic acid

a beta lactamase inhibitor

What is sulbactum

a beta lactamase inhibitor

What is tazoactam

a beta lactamase inhibitor


a client who needs more of a drug to get the same effect.

explain how a diuretic decreases fluid volume and thus decreases BP

a diuretic decreases preload -> which decreases cardiac output -> decreases total peripheral resistance -> decreases workload of heart = lowered BP

Pediatric Research Equity Act of 2003

a legislative move that boosted pharmaceutical safety amongst the nation's children. Gives the FDA the authority to require pediatric studies of drugs to ensure they are safe for children. Many of today's drugs have only been tested on adults.

side effect

a nearly unavoidable secondary drug effect produced at therapeutic doses


a new selegiline transdermal patch. It is selective MAOI Type B inhibitor —can be used without the dietary restrictions at its lowest dose (6 mg over 24 hrs).


a pre-existing condition that precludes use of a particular drug under all but most desperate of circumstances


a pre-existing condition that significantly increases the risk of an adverse reaction to a particular drug, but not to a degree that is life threatening


a psychological problem

3.Common SSRIs

a.fluoxetine (Prozac) b.paroxetine (Paxil) c.sertraline (Zoloft) d.citalopram (Celexa) e.escitalopram (Lexapro) f.duloxetine (Cymbalta)

idiosyncratic effect

abnormal & unexpected response to a medication, other than an allergic reaction, that is peculiar to an individual client. No explanation for effect.

Antimigraine drugs, sumatriptan (Imitrex) & zolmitriptan (Zomig) are known as

abortive drugs and not preventative because they don't prevent migraines but are used as treatment if a migraine comes on. They all end in "triptan"

4 points of pharmacokinetics

absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion

valproic acid (Depakote)

abticonvulsant drug is also used to treat anxiety

adverse effects of CCBs

acceptable s.e hypotension, palpitations, tachycardia, bradycardia, CONSTIPATION, nausea

what two classes of drugs are more effective in whites than in african-americans?

ace inhibitors and beta blockers

if I'm in Moderate pain, you would typically give me what kind of analgesic?

add opioid ATC

Name the two Unclassified Antidysrhythmics

adenosine (Adenocard) digoxin (Lanoxin)

how can patients help decrease risk of constipation?

adequate fluids and eat high fiber foods

Sympathetic Nervous System is also known as:


dopaminergic receptors are also _____ receptors


I am a drug that mimics the action of the SNS and also go by the sexy name of "sympathomimetics"

adrenergic agonists

in what drug is the most common s.e. orthostatic hypotension?

adrenergic antagonist; alpha 1 selective

Pepto Bismol

adsorbent antidiarrheal

pregnancy category C

adverse effects in animal fetus, info for humans not available

Side effects to barbiturates not related to CNS, respiratory, GI, or sleep

agranulocytosis, hypotension, and Stevens-Johnson syndrom

MOA Agonist-Antagonist

aka a partial agonist; produces analgesia when used alone; when used with a pure agonist, reverses those effects


aka metabolism; liver is the most important site (the sewage treatment plant)

What is the beta 2 selective prototype drug?

albuterol (Proventil)

what should be avoided or cautioned of using when on antianginal drugs?

alcohol consumption, hot baths, hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas may cause vasodilation, hypotension, and possibility of fainting


alendronate (Foxamax) risedronate (Actonel) ibandronate (Boniva)

allergic reaction


I am on a ventilator and am panicked, working against the machine. What drug will you give me to calm my A$$ down?

an NMBA (neuromuscular blocking agent)

if a pt is in a cholinergic crisis, you should give him:

an anticholinergic

positive chronotropic effect

an increase in heart RATE

positive dromotropic effect

an increase in the conduction of cardiac electrical nerve impulses through the AV node

positive inotropic effect

an increase in the force of heart contraction

what kind of drug would be used for an alzheimers pt?

an indirect-acting cholinergic agonists; they inhibit cholinesterase and allow ACh to accumulate


an informed decision on the part of the patient not to adhere to or follow a therapeutic plan or suggestion. Also called "nonadherence"

nursing process

an organizational framework for the practice of nursing. It encompasses all steps taken by the nurse in caring for a patient: assessment, nursing diagnoses, planning (with goals and outcome criteria), implementation of the plan (with patient teaching), and evaluation

when do you typically use calcium channel blockers? (CCB)

angina hypertension dysrhythmias

indications for CCB?

angina, hypertension, dysrhythmias

when are beta adrenergic antagonists used?

angina, hypertension, dysrhythmias mi heart failure

ARB stands for ?

angiotensin II receptor blockers

________ don't bind with any of the receptor sites and don't work with the proton pump to reduce acid


how does warfarin (Coumadin) suppress coagulation?

antagonizing vitamin K (think of it this way - warfarin declares "WAR" on vitamin K and keeps it moving so nothing/noone clumps together!)


antiepileptic. tightly protien bound and it induces hepatic enzymes. It can cause gingival hyperplasia with prolonged use

neuropathic pain, characterized by shooting, burning or stabbing pain, is often given what kind of drugs?


meclizine (Antivert), dimenhydrinate (Dramamine), diphenhyramine (Benadryl) are all what class of drugs being used to treat emesis/vertigo in this case?

antihistamines (h1 receptor blockers)

What is clonidine(Catapres) used for?

antihypertensive (given secondary)

Alpha 1 blockers used for

antihypertention, and to help urinate


any health care professional licensed by the appropriate regulatory board to prescribe medicine.

ADR (Adverse Drug Reaction)

any noxious, unintended and undesired effect that occurs at NORMAL drug doses

medication error

any preventable adverse drug event involving inappropriate medication use by a patient or health care professional; it may or may not cause the patient harm

what is the treatment for a patient with HIT/HAT

argatroban (most common!) or lepirudin


around the clock

What is the common suffix for erectile dysfunction drugs?


what is THE MOST COMMON antiplatelet drug?

aspirin. usually given around 81-325 mg/day

Kappa receptors

associated with miosis, decreased GI motility and sedation

What is albuterol (Proventil) used for?


common beta blockers?

atenolol (Tenormin) metoprolol (Lopressor) nadolol (Corgard)-nonselective propranolol (Inderal)- nonselective

Name 2 b blockers used as antihypertensives

atenolol (Tenormin) nebivolol (Bystolic)

How is the intranasally form of azelastine (Astelin) - a 1st generation antihistamine - different from oral meds?

azelastine (Astelin) is available intranasally. Just as effective as oral meds. Less sedation because it is applied topically

Are aminglycosides bacteriocidal or bacteriostatic


Are carbapenems bacterialcidal or bacterialstatic


Are sulfonamides bacteriocidal or bacteriostatic


Are tetracyclines bacteriocidal or bacteriostatic


Valium (diazepam)


Valium (diazepam) is a ____


what classes of drugs would be appropriate for a pt with hypertension and unstable angina/MI?

beta blocker or ACE inhibitor

what classes of drugs would be appropriate for a pt with hypertension and stable angina?

beta blocker or calcium channel blocker

Drugs more effective in white patients

beta blockers and ACE inhibitors

What is the prototype cholinergic direct acting muscarinic agonist?

bethanechol (Urecholine)

___________ are used as second or third line therapy, often combined with a statin, and prevent resorption of bile acids from small intestine

bile acid sequestrants

MOA antagonist

binds strongly to mu/kappa receptors, but REVERSES the effect of the opioid. ex: naloxone (Narcan)

MOA Agonist

binds to mu and/or kappa receptors and causes response. Ex: morphine and codeine

direct-acting cholinergic agonist

binds to receptors and activates them

stimulant laxatives

bisacodyl (correctol, Dulcolax)

miscellaneous antidiarrheals that are not opioid or anticholinergic

bismuth subsalicylate (pepto bismol) attapulgite (kaopectate)

what is the main adverse effect of anticoagulants (specifically heparin)?


ACE inhibitors do what?

block ACE "pril"

How are beta blockers cardioprotective?

block harmful effects of caetcholamines, improving survival afterr MI

Neuroleptics - how do they work?

block the dopamine receptors in the CTZ

histamine blockers (H2RAs) suppress secretion of gastric acid by _____

blocking histamine receptor on parietal cell

direct renin inhibitors work by inhibiting renin and blocking what?

blocking the conversion of angiotensiogen to angiotensin 1 (the precurser)

primary factors that affect distribution

blood flow to tissues, ability to exit the vascular system


body surface are

factors influencing med administration

body weight, age (infants/elderly are especially sensitive), gender, culture, baseline data (VS, labs), whether pt is "high risk"

adverse effects of BB?

bradycardia, hypotension, altered glucose and lipid metabolism, wheezing and dyspnea

what part of the brain do barbiturates work on?

brain stem (primarily); they also decrease nerve impulses to cerebral cortex


breakdown of dug by liver

What are the adverse affects of progestins?

breakthrough bleeding spotting amenorrhea breast tenderness increased risk of breast cancer

beta 2 activation

brochodilation uterine relaxation (GOOD USE FOR PRETERM LABOR!) therapeutic in asthma and preterm labor warning: cuases glycogenolysis (breakdown of glycogen) and can therefore lead to hyperglycemia in diabetics - give supportive meds

What are the effects of albuterol (Proventil)?



bulk-forming laxative


bulk-forming laxative

What are miscellaneous anxiolytic medications?

buspirone (BuSpar). Exact MOA not known. Anxiolytic effects develop slowly—not appropriate for prn use

How do Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) work?

by inhibiting the enzyme MAO. Iinhibition of this enzyme results in accumulation of neurotransmitters.

How do Beta Blockers Reduce BP?

by reducing heart rate through B1-blockade. reduced secretion of renin


calcitonin (Miacalcin)

what was the prototype H2RA

cimetidine (Tagamet)

why would you not want to give promethazine (Phenergan) or prochlorperazine (Compazine), both neuroleptics, via IV, if at all possible

can cause massive tissue necrosis if leaked out.


capable of causing cancer.


capable of causing permanent changes in the genetic composition of living organisms


capable of causing structural defects in fetus

What two mechanisms determine BP?

cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance

name the three zones of the stomach

cardiac zone gastric zone pyloric zone

What is a concern for a patient taking doxorubicin (adriamycin)?


why are elderly high risk?

cardiovascular (decreased absorption and distribution), GI (altered absorption and delayed gastric emptying), Hepatic (decreased metabolism), renal (decreased excretion), Beers criteria

2 barriers to adequate pain management

caregiver barriers client barriers

ADRENERGIC ANTAGONISTS—Nonselective Beta plus Alpha 1

carvedilol (Coreg). Also a calcium channel blocker. Also possesses antioxidant properties. Used for heart failure, hypertension, angina, post-MI. Most often given in combination with digoxin, furosemide and ACE inhibitors when used to tx heart failure

I am a substance that can produce a sympathomimetic response; i get my name because of my super sassy similar chemical structure; I have a "short duration of action", so I need to be administered in a continuous fashion; I cannot do oral, and I do not cross the blood-brain barrier, or pass Go and collect $200. What am I?


2 classifications of adrenergic agonists

catecholamines and noncatecholamines

What pregnancy category is metronidazole (Flagyl)?

category B but is not recommened in the first trimester

Calcium Channel Blockers MOA

cause coronary artery vasodilation


cause smooth muscle relaxation by blocking the binding of calcium to the receptors, preventing muscle contraction Decreased BP


causes the retension of water and sodium and excretion of potassium

the only COX 2 selective inhibitor still on the market

celecoxib (Celebrex)

What is the only COX2 inhibtor still on the market and what is the FDA monitoring it for?

celecoxib (Celebrex). cardiovascular effects

What does penicillin have cross reactivity to?


methyldopa (Aldomet)

commonly used to treat hypertension during pregnancy

PRIMARY side effect of calcium channel blocker?


major s/e of sucralfate (Carafate)


primary side effect of bile acid sequestrants



constriction of pupil

why is meperidine (Demerol) not used very often anymore?

contains a byproduct that can decrease seizure threshold and increase CNS excitability, which means it can lead to seizures; it is very short lasting, and causes more euphoria than other opioids; oral doses arent recommended because it takes so much of the drug to be effective

what does ACE do?

converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II

What must be corrected before direct renin inhibitors can be started?

correct hypovolemia and monitor fluid volume closely

what should you watch for before starting direct renin inhibitors?

correct hypovolemia before starting and monitor fluid volume closely in patients taking concurrent diuretics

What is the drug of coice for preventing organ rejection following allogenic transplantation


What good does Alpha 2 do?

decrease BP inhibits NE release vasodilation

Sleep side effects of barbiturates

decrease REM sleep, which leads to agitation and inability to deal with normal stress

Diuretics do what?

decrease fluid volume decrease: preload, cardiac output, total peripheral resistance, workload of heart, BP

effects of CCBs

decrease myocardial contractility: decreased myocardial oxygen demand

how do diuretics treat heart failre?

decrease volume around heart

why is spironolactone good for heart failure?

decreases chance of remodeling from occuring

What are some of the commonly used NANDA approved diagnosis related to patient education?

deficient knowledge ineffective health maintenance ineffective self health mgmt risk for injury impaired memory noncompliance


drug which has an INHIBITORY effect on the CNS to the degree that they reduce NERVOUSNESS, EXCITABILITY or IRRITABILITY without causing sleep


diltiazem (Cardizem, Dilacor) hypertension, angina, dysrhythmia

What are the three Calcium Channel Blockers used for angina?

diltiazem (Cardizem, Dilacor) verapamil (Calan, Isoptin) several "dipines"

What are the Calcium Channel Blocker drugs used for hypertension?

diltiazem and verapamil are used to treat hypertension, angina, and dysrhythmias All of the other ones end in "dipine" These are used to treat hypertension and angina, but NOT dysrhythmias. nimodipine - solely used to prevent vasospasms after subarachnoid hemmorrhage

What should you remember to do if giving potassium in liquid form?

dilute first, even if giving through a feeding tube

If a patient is NPO how would you administer nystatin?

dip a spongette in the nystatin and treat the mouth

opioid antidiarrheals

diphenoxylate (Lomotil) loperamide (Imodium)

plasma drug levels

direct correlation between therapeutic and toxic responses and amount of drug in plasma

Direct-Acting vasodilators MOA?

directly relax smooth muscle walls of blood vessels lowerr peripheral resistance and BP HR increased

Drugs to tx hypertension

diuretics adrenergic agents ACE inhibitors Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers Calcium Channel Blockers Vasodilators Direct Renin Inhibitors

What is the beta 1 selective prototype drug?

dobutamine (Dobutrex)


dobutamine (Dobutrex) is the prototype. A catecholamine. Available for IV use only. + inotropic effects with raised O2 consumption. Leads to increased cardiac output. Used for heart failure and chronic heart failure. Not used as much as digoxin. Major side effect is tachycadia

emollient or surfactant laxatives

docusate sodium (Colace) mineral oil

benefit of ARB over ACE?

does not cause cough or significant hyperkalemia

naloxone HCL (Narcan)

does not have any sort of analgesia or respiratory depression because it's an ANTAGONIST - given for reversal of opioid induced respiratory depression; remember you are reversing analgesia also, so pt will be in pain -commonly given when respirations dip below 10-12/min

dopaminergic receptors are ONLY stimulated by


What is the dopaminic receptor prototype drug?

dopamine (Intropin)

alpha-1 blockers to treat BPH

doxazosin (Cardura) tamsulosin (Flomax) terazosin (Hytrin)


dronabinol (Marinol) - related to marijuana - approved for stimulation of appetite and antiemesis

What is the common suffix for the generic name of bisphosphonates?


what is the most common side effect of antihistamines?

drowsiness, but can have anticholinergic effects, as well.

With carbapenems there is an increased risk for what?

drug induced seizures

phase 3

drug is tested in vast clinical market

phase 1

drug tested on small # of healthy human volunteers

phase 2

drug tested on small group of volunteers who have the disease drug is thought to treat

Is Acetylcholine excitatory or inhibitory?

excitatory. Overstimulation of the cholinergic excitatory pathways result in muscle tremors and rigidity

How would impaired kidney function effect potassium levels?

excreted via kidneys would be impaired leading to higher serum levels, possibly toxicity

All Antipsychotics can cause what?

extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) symptoms that arise adjacent to the pyramaidal portions of the brain - symptoms are various motion disorders similar to Parkinson's Disease. p. 260 in book

Give an example of a cholesterol absorption inhibitor

ezetimibe (Zetia)

1st dose syncope


if morphine was given via epidural or intrathecal, you do not have to monitor respirations if you did not give the morphine. true or false?

false. If it was given epidurally or intrathecally, respiratory depression my be delayed b/c analgesia can persist for 24 hours

parenteral is generally the ___ route by which a drug can be absorbed


lipids is another word for


pregnancy category X

fetal abnormalities reported. Do NOT use!

explain how fibrates work

fibrates work by activating lipase. the lipase (ASE=enzyme) breaks down cholesterol and inhibits the creation of triglycerides in the liver, and increase secretion of cholesterol into bile.

which antilipemic is appropriate for a pt with a high triglyceride level?

fibric acid derivative (fibrates)

sympathetic system is in charge of what in the body?

fight or flight responses

androgen inhibitors

finasteride (Proscar) dutasteride (Avodart)

when do you take prn nitrates?

first hint of anginal pain

What is the generic suffix for quinolones?


Name 2 Class Ic drugs

flecainide (Tambocor) propafenone (Rhythmol)


fludrocortisone (Florinef)


for IBS

what does inotropic mean?

force or energy of muscular contractions

proton pump inhibitors have a new FDA warning about in increased risk of ___



furosemide (Lasix) A loop diuretic, meaning it exerts its action (inhibits reabsorption of sodium & water) in the loop of Henle. Used to treat hypertension, heart failure, edema, etc. Also causes excretion of K+, so must monitor serum K+ levels prior to administration.

PPIs are indicated for GERD and what kind of ulcers?

gastric and duodenal ulcers

2 common fibrate drugs

gemfibrozil (Lopid) and fenofibrate (Tricor)

Why should a patient starting cycloesporine have a baseline oral assessment performed

it can cause gingival hyperplasia

what are side effects/adverse reactions to gemfibrozil (Lopid), a fibric acid derivative?

gi upset increased risk of gallstones hepatotoxicity


glucocorticoids A corticosteroid or "steroid." An immunosuppressant. Influences metabolism of carbohydrates -> increases blood glucose -> proteins -> suppress protein synthesis reducing muscle mass & delaying wound healing; and fats -> breaks down fat causing redistribution (moonface, hump back). Also possess potent anti-inflammatory actions. MANY uses and many adverse reactions. Must be tapered when discontinuing. Typically ends in "one" (Prednazone, Cortisone)

CLASSES of drugs considered adrenal cortex agents

glucocorticoids mineralcorticoids

What drug is often given in conjuction with cyclsporines and why

glucocorticoids because they are also immunosuppressants so you are doubling up

Orphan Drug Act of 1983

government incentives designed to bring "orphan drugs" to market if proven safe

list some drug - food interactions

grapefruit digoxin - high fiber tetracycline - calcium warfarin (coumadin) - green leafy veggies/vit K

Tell about guaifenesin (Mucinex)

guaifenesin reduces the adhesiveness and surface tension of bronchial secretions; thus, making them easier to "cough up". Actual clinical effectiveness in reducing acute cold symptoms questionable. Look at pg 559. Often found in combination with other OTC cold/flu medications. Few adverse effects

What should you teach a client to do when taking Drugs that can cause anticholinergic side effects:

have frequent drinks of water, sugarless hard candy, eye drops for dry eyes, checking for constipation, etc.

What are the common side effects of erectile drugs?

headache flushing dyspepsia

Early symptoms of hypoglycemia

headache, confusion, irritability, tremor, fatigue, sweating, drowsiness

What is dobutamine (Dobutrex) used for?

heart failure

Identify three conditions which include diuretic therapy as a part of treatment.

heart failure brain edema (or any edema) Glaucoma

what is the cause of heart failure?

heart is unable to pump blood in sufficient amounts from the ventricles to meet the body's metabolic needs

beta 1 receptors are primarily found in the ___


What food should be avoided with digoxin?

high fiber foods

this lipoprotein is responsible for cholesterol removal and is known as the "good" cholesterol

high-density lipoprotein (HDL)

peak level

highest blood level of drug; generally occurs within an hour or few hours after administration

What should patients avoid or use with caution when on drug therapy?

hot tubs, hot weather, prolonged sitting or standing, alcohol ingestion. may lead to fainting and injury

why should we care if pts enjoy a hot tub, want to partake in exercise or vacation to bermuda while on antihypertensive meds?

hot tubs, showers, or baths; hot weather; prolonged sitting or standing; physical exercise; and alcohol ingestion may aggravate low blood pressurel, leading to fainting and injury. patients should sit or lie down until symptoms subside.

Do not give beta blocker if

hr below 60


hydrocodone + ibuprofen; available orally

with calcium-based antacids, what is a unique (common) problem in pts once they stop taking it?

hyperacidity; those that take it for a prolonged time, once they stop taking it, they can have a rebound hyperacidity

ACE adverse effects

hyperkalemia ANGIODEMA dry nonproductive cough

what are the 2 major side effects of spironolactone?

hyperkalemia and gynecomastia

why are potassium levels critical to normal body function?

hypo or hyperkalemia can lead to fatal cardiac dysrhythmias

Administration of digoxin in the presence of _______ can lead to fatal cardiac dysrhythmias!


what increases risk of toxicity in digoxin?


CCB adverse effects

hypotension, palpations, tachycardia CONSTIPATION

nonselective anti-inflammatory drugs

ibuprofen aspirin naprosyn ketorolac (Toradol) indomethacin (Indocin)

in what circumstance should you NEVER give a pt a fentanyl patch? (Duragesic)

if they are opioid naive

Which carabepenem has the highest risk of seizure

imipenem/cilastatin (Primax)


imparied ability to execute voluntary movements. Sometimes the very drugs that are meant to control this symptom can actually cause it or make it worse.


implementation or fulfillment of a prescriber's or caregiver's prescribed course of treatment or therapeutic plan by a patient. Also called adherence.

What should men be aware of that may cause compliance issues?


what additional complications can men encounter while on hypertensive meds?


What are the effects of dopaminergic receptor activation?

improved renal perfusion r/t dilation of renal blood vessels

When is metronidazole (Flagyl) contraindicated?

in the case of drug allergy

beta 1 stimulation does what to the body?

increases heart rate increases contractility increases renin secretion is considered a positive inotropic

If an infant has patent ductus arteriosis what drug might be administered to try to close it?

indomethacin (Indocin)

barbiturates are ______, meaning they stimulate the enzymes in the liver responsible for metabolizing them


high risk clients

infants and elderly, pregnant patients

Indirect-acting cholinergic agonist

inhibit action of cholinesterase

indirect-acting cholinergic agonists

inhibit action of cholinesterase

How do alpha 2 agonists lower BP?

inhibit norepinephrine, dilate blood vessels

Direct Renin Inhibitors MOA?

inhibit renin and blocks conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin I ultimately decreases level of angiotensin II

How do alpha-2 agonists lower BP?

inhibit secretion of norepinephrine


instant release morphine


instant release oxycodone

NPH insulin

intermediate acting insulin


intermediate-acting insulin

What is metronidazole (Flagyl) widely used to treat?

intraabdominal and gynecologic infections


intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous

direct-acting vasodilators lower BP by doing what?

irectly relaxing the smooth muscle walls of blood vessels and thereby lowering peripheral resistance and BP.

bupropion (Wellbutrin)—Zyban (a Miscellaneous antidepressant)

is a sustained release form that is also used as first-line therapy for smoking cessation.

trazodone (Desyrel) a Miscellaneous antidepressant

is commonly used for insomnia

What is important to remember about nafcillin

is it extremely irritating to veins


is one of the most desirable qualities a drug can have, because a selective drug is able to alter a disease process while leaving other physiologic processes largely unaffected.


is the enzyme responsible for breaking down acetylcholine.


is used in the management of edema secondary to heart failure when other diuretics are not effective

What is the beta nonselective prototype drug?

isoproterenol (Isuprel)


isoproterenol (Isuprel) is the prototype. +inotropic and +chronotropic effects (B1). Bronchodilation, glycogenolysis (B2). Results in increased cardiac output. Used to treat shock, cardiac arrest, CHF. Adverse effects are tachydysrhythmias, angina, hyperglycemia

what is different about cimetidine (Tagamet) when compared to other H2RA's

it CAN cross the BBB, so it can cause confusion, hallucinations, lethargy, etc (also gynoclamastia, male impotence, decreased libido in men)

codeine has (more/less) respiratory depression than morphine


are barbiturates prescribed more/less/the same as benzodiazepines?

less. benzodiazepines are now considered safer

what are the 4 levels of med errors?

level 1: no error, but risk is present for one level 2: error occurred - no harm caused level 3: error occurred - harm was caused level 4: error occurred - death

hypothyroid tx drug

levothyroxine (Synthroid)

Class 1b drugs

lidocaine (Xylocaine) mexiletine (Mexitil) phenytoin (Dilantin)

what part of the brain do benzodiazepines work on?

limbic system thalamus hypothalamus **there is a thought that the brain contains receptors that ONLY allow benzos into to work**

Beers criteria

list of medications inappropriate for the elderly

What laboratory monitoring is required when taking tolcapone (Tasmar)?


detemir (Levemir)

long acting insulin

glargine (Lantus)

long acting insulin

are beta blockers used for immediate relief or long term prevention of anginas?

long term prevention

is warfarin a short-term drug, or long term drug?

long term. (remember that wars drag on for a loooong time)


long-acting insulin


long-acting insulin

this lipoprotein is most closely correlated with heart disease

low-density lipoprotein (LDL)

trough level

lowest blood level; occurs just prior to administration of next dose

what antacids will you find diarrhea a common side effect?

magnesium based antacids

What are we now seeing AEDs also used as?

mood stabilizers

first pass effect

most drugs given orally are absorbed directly into portal circulation. Once in the liver, many drugs are highly metabolized causing much of the active dose to be lost before ever entering general circulation.

h1 receptor blockers, when used as an antiemesis, are used most commonly to treat

motion sickness


movement from the site of administration into the bloodstream

Does heparin have a short half life, or long half life, in comparison to warfarin?

much shorter half-life: 1-2 hours

_____ receptors are the most therapeutic


anticholinergics, or cholinergi antagonists, block ____ receptors and inhibit _____ neurotransmitter

muscarinic; ACh

What is the primary indication for pyridostigmine (Mestinon)?

myasthenia gravis

antiemetics are drugs used for


GI side effects of barbiturates

nausea vomiting diarrhea constipation

B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP)

nesiritide (Natrecor)


neuromuscular blocking agents

How to remember Nitrate names

nitroglycerin others have "nitrate" in name

Can Sinemet CR be crushed?


do you aspirate LMWH? (low molecular weight heparin?)


pregnancy category A

no evidence of risk to fetus

tributaline (beta II agonist)

no longer used to stop preterm labor

pregnancy category B

no risk to animal fetus; info for humans not available

what would I give for someone in mild pain?

non-opioid (tylenol, NSAID - SAA, ibuprofen, etc) ATC


non-steroid anti-inflammatory

What is the primary neurotransmitter of the SNS


visceral pain often needs what kind of analgesic?


What is the route of administration when when metronidazole (Flagyl) is used to treat antibiotic related colitis?


How is cyclosporine administered

oral or IV


oral, sublingual, buccal

How is warfarin (Coumadin) administered?


how can cimetidine (Tagamet) be administered?

orally, IM, IV

1st dose syncope

orthostatic hypotension is a common side effect, and effect is most pronounced with the 1st dose, therefore it is recommended that the 1st dose be taken at bedtime.

What should you watch for when giving Atropine?



oxycodone + aspirin


oxycodone + ibuprofen

via what route can heparin be administered?

parenteral - SC or IV

How are growth hormone antagonists administered?


in the gastric zone, what are the three types of cells, their (main) associated secretions, and the reasons for those secretions?

parietal cells secrete hydrochloric acid to help break down food; chief cells secrete pepsinogin that also helps break down substances; mucous cells secrete mucus that serve as a protective coating against the digestive ation of the hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes


patient controlled analgesia (the pain button)

What 6 elements must be present on an Rx?

patient's name date order was written name of drug dosage amount and frequency route of administration prescriber's signature

When does tolerance of nitrates occur?

patients taking around the clock or with long acting forms

most common trade name drug for oxycodone


Afferent nerves transmit impulses from the ____ to the ____

periphery; CNS

prototype of barbiturates


What is the alpha 1 selective prototype drug?

phenylephrine (Neosynephrine)


phenylephrine (Neosynephrine). Alpha 1stimulation causes vasoconstriction. Not a catecholamine, but poorly absorbed orally. Commonly given for relief of nasal congestion and to produce mydriasis for optic procedures. Side effects are raised blood pressure if given IV


phenytoin precursor

What is a common S/E of tetracycline


what is an anti-cholinergic drug that we would consider using, because it's a muscarinic selective antagonist and only works on the muscarinic receptors in the stomach that regulate gastric acid secretion (and thus, would have very little other side effects)

pirenzepine (gastroezepine)

bowel-cleansing solution

polyethylene glycol 3350 (GoLytely)

pregnancy category D

possible fetal risk in humans reported; consider benefit vs. risk

Compelling indicators

post-MI, high cardiovascular risk, heart failure, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, previous stroke

phase 4

postmarketing studies VOLUNTARILY conducted by drug companies

What do you check before giving an ACE inhibitor?

potassium and bp

what should be monitored prior digoxin dose?

potassium levels, heart rate (hold dose: <60, >120 bpm)

Spironolactone is what kind of diuretic?

potassium sparing diuretic

when should NTG be replenished?

potency is lost in 3 months after bottle has been opened

What does angiotensin II do?

potent vasoconstricor causes aldosterone secretion from adrenals

What does antiotensin do?

potent vasoconstrictor


prazosin (Minipress). Primarily used for hypertension. Can also be used for urinary obstruction in BPH. Most common s.e.→ orthostatic hypotension, lightheadedness, dizziness, HA, etc. Doxazosin (Cardura), terazosin (Hytrin), tramsulosin (Flaomax)-approved only for BPH, alfuzosin (Uroxatral)-approved only for BPH

new drug development process

preclinical trials -> phase 1 clinical trial -> phases 2, 3, and 4


process of stimulating enzyme synthesis; can require increased dosages and increase the risk of drug-drug interactions

What is amphotericin used to treat

progressive and potentially fatal systemc fungal infections


propranolol (Inderal) is the prototype. Causes decrease HR and decrease contractility leading to decrease cardiac output (β1). As cardiac output decreases, so does BP (decrease renin also). O2 demand decreases as well so can be used for angina. Adverse effects related to b2 blockade are bronchoconstriction and inhibition of glycogenolysis

what is the antidote for overdose of heparin?

protamine sulfate

what lab values do we care about if a pt of ours is on warfarin?

prothrombin time (PT or "pro time"), and INR

________ is the last step in acid production, most effective drugs we have for suppressing gastric acid production

proton pump

this type of drug makes pts achlorhydric

proton pump inhibitors


prototype of barbiturates

Besides intraabdominal and gynecologic infections what is metronidazole (Flagyl) used to treat?

protozoal infections such as amebiasis and trichomoniasis

when is dronabinol (Marinol) contraindicated?

psychiatric disorders

bulk-forming laxatives

psyllium (Metamucil) methylcellulose (Citrucel)

opioid naive

pt has never, or has not recently, been given opiods

what lab value will you monitor when a pt is on heparin?


insulin aspart (Novolog)

rapid acting insulin

insulin glulisine (Apidra)

rapid acting insulin

insulin lispro (Humalog)

rapid acting insulin


rapid-acting insulin


rapid-acting insulin


rapid-acting insulin

definition of chronotropic

rate of the heartbeat

how does a drug produce a response? (3 ways)

receptor interaction, enzyme interaction, nonselective interaction

what are three main mechanisms of action

receptors, enzymes, non-specific

How do Beta Blockers decrease BP?

reduce heart rate through beta1 blockade cause reduced secretion of renin

What effect can immunosuppressants have on vaccines

reduce their effectiveness

thrombolytics prevent tissue destruction by ...?

reestablishing blood flow to the tissue by breaking up the clot

Humulin R

regular insulin

What is the MOA for bethanechol (Urecholine)?

relaxes the bladder sphincter

what effect does aldosterone have on the heart?


Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970

required education/labeling of what drugs can be habit-forming (p. 53 of text)

what are the triad of symptoms that point to barbiturate toxicity?

respiratory depression coma pinpoint pupils

parasympthetic system is in charge of what in the body?

rest and digest

6 rights of drug administration

right client/pt, right med/drug, right dose, right time, right route, right documentation (Carol May Drive To Rodeo Drive)

what may happen if drugs discontinued abruptly?

risk of rebound hypertensive crisis

what factors affect absorption?

route of administration, rate of dissolution, surface area, blood flow to area, lipid solubility, first pass effect

how do ARBs help with heart failure?

same as ACE inhibitors decrease afterload, increase cardiac output

ARB suffix?


what's the difference between a sedative and hypnotic

sedative does not cause sleep while a hypnotic does; however, a sedative can become a hypnotic if it is given in large enough doses

Late symptoms of hypoglycemia

seizures, coma, death

____ is one of the most desirable qualities a drug can have because it can enable a drug to alter a disease process while leaving other physiologic processes largely unaffected.


these drug classes are most effective drugs available for n/v caused by chemo

serotonin receptor antagonists

what receptors are important in the emetic response?

serotonin, dopamine, ACh, histamine

When taking lithium, what is important to monitor?

serum sodium levels

The therapeutic effects of SSRI antidepressants may not occur for...

several weeks

Relief of depressive symptoms when using TCAs may take...

several weeks and consistent dosing is required; prn administration is inappropriate. Therapeutic effects are often not realized for 10-21 days.

What is the most serious adverse effect caused by tolcapone (Tasmar)?

severe liver failure

How long should phosphodiesterase inhibitors be used?

short term


short-acting insulin

opioid analgesics (should/should not) be taken with food

should. it will minimize gastric upset

Name an important drug interaction that the client should be aware of when taking Nitroglycerin

sildenafil (Viagra) should not be taken within 24 hours of nitrates. The two together can cause an additive hypotensive effect which can be potentially dangerous

what characteristics do infants have that can affect dosage or drug choice?

skin is thinner and more permeable stomach lacks acid lungs are weaker/less of a barrier body temperature is not as regulated immature organs sensitivity of receptors rapidly developing tissues

erectile dysfunction drugs

slidenafil (Viagra) vardenafil (Levitra) tadalafil (Cialis) alprostadil (Muse)

prolonged absorption in the form of enteric-coated tablets is absorbed into the body through?

small intestine

what is a lifestyle activity that decreases the effectiveness of H2RAs?


growth hormone drugs

somatrem (Protropin) somatropin (Humatrope)


sound alike, look alike drugs - high alert meds (high risk for med errors)


statements that are time specific and describe generally what is to be accomplished to address a specific nursing diagnosis

What letters do alpha/beta blockers end in?

still end in lol if it is alpha and beta blocker - she will tell us if it is an alpha/beta blocker on test

Nonselective adrenergic agonists

stimulate both alpha and beta receptors

What is the MOA of phenylephrine (Neosynephrine)?

stimulation of A1 receptors = vasconstriction

physical dependence

strictly a physiological phenomena

If I'm in severe pain, give me

strong opioid


study of drug's natural sources such as plants, animals, minerals, laboratory synthesis

clinical pharmacology

study of drugs in humans

routes of administration for nitrates?

sublingual, buccal, oral, chewable tablets, iv, ointments, transdermal patches, translingual sprays

What is the nocotinic prototype drug?

succinylcholine (Anectine)

____ is used primarily during endotracheal intubation; an extremely short acting paralysis NMBA; malignant hyperthermia is a rare and potentially fatal adverse effect

succinylcholine (Anectine)

2 drugs used for Treatment of migraine headaches are?

sumatriptan (Imitrex), zolmitriptan (Zomig)

What is fluconazole (Diflucan) the DOC for?

supress vulvovaginal candidiasis

Why take alpha 1 blockers at bedtime?

syncope is common especially when first starting drug. Advise patient to go slowly if getting out of bed at night.

What are the S/E of dobutamine (Dobutrex)?



tamoxifen (Nolvadex) raloxifene (Evista)

Selective adrenergic agonists

target a specific subtype receptor. Selective drugs are used more frequently as they minimize adverse effects and maximize therapeutic effects

modafinil (Provigil)

the CNS Stimulant drug used to treat narcolepsy

definition of dromotropic

the conduction of electrical impulses


the delivery of a drug from the bloodstream to its site of action


the enzyme responsible for breaking down acetylcholine

What is Nadir

the lowest level of WBC follwoing chemo treatment


the main loop diuretic


typical of drugs within a drug class (ex: hydrochlorothiazide is a prototype representative of thiazide diuretics)

how many SL tabs can patient take?

up to 3

What is bethanechol (Urecholine) used for?

urinary retention, commonly given post-op and/or post partum




use of drugs to diagnose, prevent, or treat disease or prevent pregnancy


use of many medications

what is the antidote of there is warfarin toxicity?

vitamin K

lmwh comes in a predrawn syringe. what else do we know that is different about this?

we DON'T want to get rid of the air bubble in this syringe!

nimodipine (Nimotop)

used for vasospasms following subarachnoid hemorrhage

atomoxetine (Strattera)

used in Treatment of (ADHD). It is not addictive, but the FDA issued a warning in 2005 describing cases of suicidal thinking in recipients

What abticonvulsant drug is also used to treat anxiety?

valproic acid (Depakote)

How do alpha 1 antagonists lower BP?

vasodilate "osin"

How do alpha-1 antagonists lower BP?


What are the effects of clonidine(Catapres)?

vasodilation which decreases BP & HR

what effect do phosphodiesterase inhibitors have on heart?

vasodilation=decrease after load, increase cardiac output positive inotropic response= increase heart rate

What effect does nesiritide (Natrecor) have on heart?

vasodilation=decreased after load, increased cardiac output

How do ACE inhibitors help wtih decreased cardiac output?

vasodilator- get more blood out decrease the after load, increase cardiac output

antidiuretic hormone (ADH) drugs

vasopressin (Pitressin) desmopressin (DDAVP)

Name two Class IV - Calcium Channel Blockers

verapamil (Calan) diltiazem (Cardizem)


verapamil (Calan, Isoptin) hypertension, angina, dysrhythmia

therapeutic range for digoxin?

very narrow, 1-2ng/ml

this type of lipoprotein is produced by the liver and transports endogenous lipids to the cells

very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)

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