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Match the following terms with the appropriate sentence or phrase that describes it. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Crossing over can occur during this event. → Meiosis Always results in a 50% reduction in chromosome number. → Meiosis The new cells produced are genetically identical to the original cell. → Mitosis Process an organism might use to repair cell damage. → Mitosis Used to form gametes such as egg and sperm. → Meiosis

The age of Earth is thought to be approximately 4.6 million years.


The competitive exclusion principal dictates that species may commonly occupy the same realized niche space in nature.


The evolutionary history of a group of organisms is known with complete certainty.


The history of Earth is dominated by climate stability.


The opening and closing of stomata is regulated by the need for CO2 during carbon fixation.


The result of most mutation is an increase in the fitness of an organism.


There is much more genetic variability within a particular deme (local population) than between adjacent demes along an environmental cline.


Under normal dominance, a particular phenotype may result from only one genotype.


Viruses are metabolically active prior to the infection of a host.


With respect to plants, most of the evolutionary adaptations for life in terrestrial environments occur in the gametophyte forms.


In the Calvin-Benson Cycle, the conversion of carbon dioxide to glucose (fixation) requires ATP and reduced NADP but does NOT directly require light.


In the absence of selection pressure or genetic drift, allele frequencies will remain unchanged over time.


In the most primitive chordates (urochordates), only the larval form may have bilateral symmetry and all of the distinctive chordate characteristics (e.g. notochord, dorsal nerve).


Lakes such as Crater Lake, Oregon have very little dissolved or particulate material because the size of the surrounding watershed is so small relative to the size of the lake.


Natural selections occurs at the level of the individual; evolution occurs at the level of the population.


Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) corresponds approximately to visible wavelengths of light.


Prebionts are NOT living organisms but have some of the properties that we attribute to life.


Prions are self-replicating proteins responsible for diseases such as Mad Cow Disease and Kuru.


Protista are often referred to as acellular because their many organelles allow them to function like more complex multicellular organisms.


Sex linked characteristics occur most frequently in males because they only have one copy of the damaged X chromosome.


Sexual selection is a form of natural selection that is usually driven by mate selection by the female of a species.


The Hatch-Slack and CAM pathways for carbon fixation are adaptations of the Calvin-Benson cycle designed to reduce water stress in plants.


The accumulation of oxygen in the earth's atmosphere is probably the most critical event in the evolution of multicellular organisms.


The amount of "structure" found in a community will help regulate the amount of species richness (e.g. biodiversity).


The amount of "structure" found in a community will help regulate the extent of species richness.


The endosymbiont hypothesis explains the evolutionary progression from prokaryotes (monera) to eucaryotes.


The greatest degree of interaction between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems can be observed in bogs and salt marshes.


The history of Earth is dominated by climate change.


The location of certain biomes on Earth can can be accurately predicted using only 2 variables: rainfall and temperature.


The physical structure of a community is often determined by the plant community and abiotic components (i.e landscape, geology, etc.).


The physical structure of a community is often determined by the plant community and abiotic components.


The result of most mutation is a decrease in the fitness of an organism.


The spongy mesophyll in leaves is the site of photosynthesis.


Tell whether the statement is most closely related to water movement in the following plant structures: Xylem, Phloem, Apoplast, or all three.

Uses a molecular pump to change osmotic potential → Phloem transport Movement of water through the spaces between root cortex cells → Water movement via the apoplast Hydrogen bonding (cohesion between water molecules)is critical to this transport → Xylem transport Moves water and products of photosynthesis(sugars) → Phloem transport Transpiration is critical to transport through this structure. → Xylem transport Involves osmosis → All 3 (xylem, phloem, and apoplast)

According to Darwin and Wallace, organisms which survive to reproduce in each generation in nature... Select one: a. ... reproduce at an earlier age. b. ... are, on average, the organisms with the highest level of fitness. c. ... are selected randomly. d. ... produce the most eggs and sperm.

b. ... are, on average, the organisms with the highest level of fitness.

Which of the following statements is NOT true with respect to the animal like protists? Select one: a. The phylum Ciliata is characterized by abundant cilia and a variety of sub-cellular organelles. b. All are prokaryotic. c. They are often referred to as protozoans. d. The subphylum Sarcodina are generally ameboid. They may be naked or surrounded by a calcified shell as in radiolarians or foraminiferians.

b. All are prokaryotic.

Which of the following statements would NOT be true of interactions among individuals within a population? Select one: a. Competition between individuals in a population is the basis for evolution by natural selection. b. All interactions between individuals in a population have negative consequences. c. Some of the negative aspects of competition within populations can be "managed" by the use of territories and/or social structure. d. Altruism, cooperative foraging, and hunting are examples of intraspecific interactions which can benefit populations.

b. All interactions between individuals in a population have negative consequences.

Which of the following is true with respect to primary producers: Select one: a. None of the statements listed here are true. b. All of the statements listed here are true. c. On the surface of the Earth, primary producers are dominated by plants and algae. d. Only a relatively small proportion (about 10%) of total global primary production is actually consumed by primary consumers (herbivores). e. Primary producers are all autotrophic (i.e. do not require previously formed organic matter). f. Chemolithotrophic bacteria, like those growing around seafloor vents, are primary producers.

b. All of the statements listed here are true.

Match the following statements with respect to population growth models and strategies. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

"r max" → Intrinsic growth rate In this model "r" is variable and always less than "r max". → Logistic growth model In this model the plot of ln(N) vs. time is a straight line with slope equal to "r". → Exponential growth In this model "r" = "r max" *[(K-N)/K). → Logistic growth model Maximum sustainable population size for a given resource base. → Carrying capacity

Match the answers to the appropriate statement. An answer may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

"r max" → Intrinsic growth rate In this model the plot of ln(N) vs. time is a straight line with slope equal to r → Exponential growth Maximum sustainable population size for a given resource base → Carrying capacity, K In this model "r" = r max * [(k-n)/k] → Logistic growth In this model "r" is constant and typically equals "r max" → Exponential growth

How many moles of ATP are produced from 1 mole of glucose through anaerobic respiration?


Place the following plant groups in evolutionary order (oldest = 1; Youngest = 6):

3 → Club mosses (lycopsida) 1 → Chlorophyta (e.g. green algae) 4 → Pteropsida (e.g. ferns) 6 → Angiosperms (e.g. flowering plants) 2 → Bryophytes (e.g. mosses) 5 → Gymnosperms (e.g. conifers)

How many moles of ATP are produced from 1 mole of glucose through aerobic respiration?


Put the following root structures in the correct order based on the direction of water flow (e.g. 1 = outermost; 5 = innermost).

4 → Pericycle 3 → Endodermis 5 → Steele 1 → Epidermis 2 → Cortex

Match the following terms with the correct definition. Some items may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

A mechanism that occurs during adaptive radiation in which phenotypes that allow individuals to live at the extreme edges of a niche are highly adaptive. → Character Displacement An environmental or geographic gradient that may lead to differences in selection pressure. → Cline This form of sympatric speciation often results from the non-disjunction of chromosomes during meiosis → Polyploidy The modern theory of evolution that seems to be supported by the fossil record. The theory suggests that the rate of evolution can be rapid. → Neo-Darwinian Theory (Punctuated Equilibrium) Local population of a particular species. → Deem Polyploidy is an example of this form of speciation. → Sympatric Speciation The theory of evolution as proposed by Darwin and Wallace. → Gradualism A form of speciation that requires a geographic barrier to gene flow. → Allopatric Speciation This is an example of a mechanism that can genetically isolate populations during the process of speciation. → Seasonal Isolation The difference in beak shape of Darwin's finches was caused by this mechanism and resulted in a decrease in competition for food resources. → Character Displacement

Match the statement with the appropriate step of respiration. Some steps may be used more than once or not at all. Chemiosmotic Synthesis of ATP; Krebs (Citric Acid) Cycle; Glycolysis; Electron Transport Chain

ATP is produced by the F1 protein which channels protons (H+) through the membrane: Chemiosmotic Synthesis of ATP This step requires the input of acetyl CoA which is produced from pyruvic acid. This step mostly produces NADPH (NADre) rather than ATP: Krebs (Citric Acid) Cycle Input is glucose and the outputs are ATP, NADPH, NADre), and pyruvic acid: Glycolysis Anaerobic respiration (fermentation) largely consists of this step: Glycolysis This step REQUIRES an initial input of energy (2 ATP) to start the process: Glycolysis Does not directly produce ATP but operates a proton (H+) pump: Electron Transport Chain Step which produces the greatest amount of ATP: Chemiosmotic Synthesis of ATP Stage in aerobic respiration which DIRECTLY REQUIRES oxygen: Electron Transport Chain

Tell whether the statements relate to protostomes, deuterostomes, BOTH protostomes AND deuterostomes, or NEITHER protostomes nor deuterostomes. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Acoelomate organisms such as tape worms and flukes. → Neither protostomes nor deuterostomes Blastopore becomes anus; radial cleavage; mesoderm forms from pouches. → Deuterostomes Molluscs, annelids, and arthropods. → Protostomes Organisms that have a true coelom. → BOTH protostomes AND deuterostomes

Match the following statements with the respiratory mechanism with which it is most closely related. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Aerobic respiration → Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain, and chemiosmotic synthesis Fermentation. → Glycolysis Converts pyruvic acid to CO2, NADPH (i.e. reduced NAD), and a little ATP via the citric acid cycle. → Krebs cycle This directly provides energy for the proton (H+) pump. → Electron transport chain ATP synthesis through membrane transport of protons (H+) through the hollow F1 protein. → Chemiosmotic synthesis

Match the terms with the most appropriate definition or statement. Responses can be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Anatomy unique to echinoderms. → Water vascular system. Structure of all arthropods which requires that growth is always accompanied by molting. → Exoskeleton Modern members of this phylum are ancestors of an evolutionary link between annelids and arthropods. → Onychophora Structure utilized by terrestrial arthropods as a way of removing nitrogenous waste while conserving water. → Malpighian tubules Evolution by a reduction in the number of segments and grouping the remaining segments according to their function. → Tagmetization Feature of hemichordates that will evolve into the pharyngeal slits found in all chordates. → Atrial pores Bilaterially symmetrical larvae of hemichordates. → Dipleurula Appendage modified for use as a feeding structure in the subphylum uniramia. → Mandible Bilaterially symmetrical larvae of echinoderms. → Trochophore An appendage modified for use as a pincer-like structure. → Chilicerae

Put the following events into the correct chronological order (from oldest to more recent):

Appearance of bacteria-like organisms Fermentation (anaerobic respiration) Cyclic photosynthesis Non-cyclic photosynthesis Aerobic respiration Appearance of metazoans (multicellular animals)

Match the term with the best description or definition.

As water is evaporated from the leaf, the solute concentration increases. Water moves from the xylem to the leaf via osmosis. → Tension Region of sieve tube being UNLOADED with water and sugar. → Sink region Region of sieve tube being LOADED with water and sugar. → Source region Water evaporates from leaves through the stomata. → Transpiration Water molecules form hydrogen bonds due to their dipole moment. → Cohesion The dipole moment of water causes it to stick to the walls of the xylem. → Adhesion

Match the terms with the most appropriate phrase or definition. Attachment; Capsid; Lysogenic Cycle; Transcription; Lytic Cycle; Viral Genome

Attachment: Facilitated by receptor proteins on the virus and the host cell membrane. Capsid: Protein Coat Lysogenic Cycle: Viral reproduction that includes placing its genetic material into the host chromosome. Transcription:Host's biochemical machinery translates the virus genome and assemples new viruses. Lytic Cycle: Viral reproduction that does NOT include placing its genetic material into the host chromosome. Viral Genome: May be double or single stranded DNA or RNA.

Match the description or definition with the appropriate phrase...Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all. Calvin Benson Cycle; PAR; Non Cyclic Photosynthesis; RuBP (Ribulose bisphosphate); Stroma; ATP; Thylakoid Membrane (Granna); Cyclic Photosynthesis

Biochemical reactions involved in carbon fixation (dark reaction): Calvin Benson Cycle A specific segment of the solar spectrum which can be utilized in photosynthesis: PAR Light reaction found in eucaryotes: Non Cyclic Photosynthesis This is said to be the most abundant enzyme on earth and is involved in the initial stages carbon fixation: RuBP (Ribulose bisphosphate) This is the site of the dark reactions in the chloroplast: Stroma A compound which provides energy for biochemical reactions within all cells: ATP This is the site of the light reactions in the chloroplast: Thylakoid Membrane (Granna) Type of photosynthesis found in primitive bacteria: Cyclic Photosynthesis This is one of the primary products of the light reactions of photosynthesis: ATP This process generates free O2 and electrons for the P680 molecule of Photosystem II: Non Cyclic Photosynthesis

Use matching to tell whether the statements relate to protostomes, deuterostomes, BOTH protostomes AND deuterostomes, or NEITHER protostomes nor deuterostomes. Statements may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Blastopore becomes anus; radial cleavage; mesoderm forms from pouches. → Deuterostomes Organisms that have a true coelom. → BOTH protostomes AND deuterostomes Molluscs, annelids, and arthropods. → Protostomes Acoelomate organisms such as tape worms and flukes. → NEITHER protostomes nor deuterostomes

Matching. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Body form with only single line of symmetry. → Bilateral Symmetry Tissue type found in animals that is specifically adapted to provide a protective outer surface. → Ectoderm (e.g. epidermis) Tissue layer of animals that is specifically adapted to line the body cavity and cover organs. → Mesoderm Tissue layer of animals that is specifically adapted to absorb nutrients. → Endoderm Body form with multiple lines of symmetry. → Radial Symmetry Condition in which both male and female gonads are found in one individual. → Hermaphroditic

Match each statement with the appropriate mechanism of speciation. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Can result in divergent speciation. → BOTH allopatric AND sympatric speciation. Responsible for the radiation of Darwin's finch species on the Galapagos Islands. → Sympatric speciation Speciation by polyploidy or character displacement. → Sympatric speciation Evolution promoted by physical barriers such as plate tectonics and continental drift. → Allopatric speciation

Match the following terms with the appropriate sentence or phrase that describes it. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Chromosomes (one provided by each parent) which usually code for identical genetic characteristics. This represents a diploid condition. → Homologous Pair Specific location of a gene on a chromosome. → Locus The genetic molecule in ALL organisms on earth. → DNA Groupings of 3 consecutive nucleotides code for the same amino acid in ALL organisms on earth. → Triplet Code A sequence of DNA nucleotides that code for a specific protein linked to a recognizable inherited characteristic. → Gene

By matching, tell whether the statements relate to the phylum Aschelminthyes, Annelida, Mollusca, or ALLthree phyla. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Characterized by repeating, nearly identical segments. → Annelida Includes nematodes and rotifers. → Aschelminthyes Has ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm tissue. → Aschelminthyes, Annelida, and Molluska (ALL three phyla). Has a pseudocoelom. → Aschelminthyes Exhibits variable differentiation with respect to mantle, foot, and visceral mass. → Mollusca Has a closed, pressurized circulatory system (blood always in veins arteries). → Annelida

Match the term with the sentence most closely related to it. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Chromosomes, one provided by each parent, which code for a specific genetic characteristics. → Homologous pair Specific location of a gene on a chromosome. → Locus A sequence of DNA nucleotides that code for a specific protein linked to a recognizable inherited characteristic. → Gene Combination of alleles present in a particular individual. → Genotype Different forms of a gene which code for a specific genetic characteristic. → Allele

Match the organelle of protists with its correct function. Cilia; Food Vacuole; Pellicle; Contractile Vacuole

Cilia: Can be modified for locomotion, food handling, or defense (or predation). Food Vacuole: Digests food and eliminates solid waste to the environment. Pellicle: Helps to maintain a hydrodynamic shape while the organism moves through the water. Contractile Vacuole: Regulates water concentration and dissolved waste products in the cell.

Match the following letters with the key terms related to interactions between populations. A "+" means that a population benefits, a "-" indicates that a population is harmed, a "0" means that the interaction of populations has no effect. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Commensalism → (+/0) Symbiosis or mutualism → (+/+) Parasitism → (+/-) Neutralism → (0/0)

Mendel used his knowledge of chromosomes to develop the modern theory of inheritance.


Mitochondria are the site of photosynthesis in prokaryotes.


Osmosis is the diffusion of water from a high solute concentration to a low solute concentration.


Permanent plant tissue includes all of the following types of cells: Xylem, phloem, meristematic tissue, and epidermis.


Photosynthetic pigments are specifically designed to reflect light.


Categorize the following ecosystem processes with respect to materials cycles. Terms may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Evapotranspiration of water from a forest canopy. → Flux Respiration of organic matter by microbes in the leaf litter of a forest. → Flux A molecule of water, on average, spends 3,000 years in the ocean. → Turnover time The Antarctic ice cap relative to the hydrologic cycle. → Reservoir Methane gas hydrate in the ocean sediment. → Reservoir

Match the following statements with the correct terms. Terms may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Excretes waste products in terrestrial arthropods. → Malpighian tubule Made mostly of a compound called chitin. Must be shed for growth to occur. → Exoskeleton Evolutionary mechanism of arthropods in which segments are grouped together into head, thorax, or abdomen. → Tagmetization The most successful arthropod group (based on numbers of species) which is mostly terrestrial and often capable of flight. → Insecta A group of extinct arthropods. → Trilobita

"r" strategists compete by having a higher level of efficiency. They tend to have a low growth rate and high body mass.


A change in community composition across an ecocline is termed succession.


An example of the importance of temperature in regulating aquatic ecosystems is illustrated by the very low productivity and low species richness observed in polar seas.


Common sources of genetic variability other than mutations can provide NEW alleles to a population.


Crossing over during meiosis over can provide an important source of NEW alleles to a population.


Ecoclines are defined as a change in community composition over time.


Evolution of the vertebrate lung first occurred in amphibians.


In aquatic ecosystems, the highest rate of net primary production and the highest amount of biomass is observed in open ocean ecosystems.


Low species diversity and a low degree of species equitability are often characteristics of very stable ecosystems.


Put the following Earth history events in the correct chronological order (oldest = #1 to youngest = #8).

First accumulation of complex macromolecules via polymerization → 4 Appearance of first organisms using non-cyclic photosynthesis → 6 Appearance of the first bacteria-like fermenting organisms → 5 Appearance of a reducing atmosphere → 2 Appearance of first bacteria-like organisms using aerobic respiration → 8 Formation of Earth → 1 Formation of an atmosphere with oxygen → 7 First acculturation of SIMPLE organic compounds → 3

Match the following terms with the appropriate description. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Form of reproduction in which the female gamete (egg) is larger and fixed in one place. The male gamete is smaller and motile through the use of flagella. → Oogamy The diploid and haploid life forms are identical in appearance. → Isomorphic Both the male and female gametes are identical in appearance (and often flagellated). → Isogamous This life form of plants is "1n" and produces gametes. → Gametophyte The diploid and haploid life forms are different in overall appearance. → Heteromorphic The male and female gametes are different in appearance. → Heterogamous

Place the taxonomic levels in the correct order from the most inclusive group to the least inclusive (i.e. #1 has the most groups of species and #8 the least).

Genus → 7 Class → 4 Family → 6 Phylum (Division for plants) → 3 Species → 8 Order → 5 Kingdom → 2 Domain → 1

Match the terms with the most appropriate definition or statement. All of the responses are used. Gram Stain; Plasma Membrane; Endospore; Capsule; Staphylococcus; Spirillum

Gram Stain: This is a simple test that provides information about the cell walls and membranes of bacteria. Plasma Membrane: ALL bacteria have this structure. Endospore: A resistant structure formed by some bacillus bacteria to withstand extreme environmental conditions. Capsule: A thick layer of lipo-polysaccharide deposited on the outside of bacteria cell wall that provides additional protection from the environment. Staphylococcus: A colony of spherical cells that look like a bunch of grapes. Bacteria of this type cause MRSA. Spirillum: Describes bacteria with a cork-screw shape.

Match the following terms with the correct definition or statement. Each response is used once. Halophiles; Acidophiles; Thermophiles; Archaebacteria

Halophiles: Category of bacteria capable of growth in high salt concentrations. Acidophiles: Category of bacteria capable of growth at low pH. Thermophiles: Category of bacteria capable of growth at high temperatures. Archaebacteria: Kingdom of bacteria frequently found in extreme environmental conditions.

Use matching to tell whether the statements relate to: the Radiate group, the Annelida, the Mollusca, or ALL three groups. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Has a closed, pressurized circulatory system (blood always in veins arteries). → Annelida Have no coelom. → Radiate group Characterized by repeating, nearly identical segments. → Annelida Have only ectoderm and endoderm tissue. → Radiate group Variable differentiation with respect to mantle, foot, and visceral mass. → Mollusca

Place the following taxonomic categories in order from the most general to the most specific (i.e. #1 is the group that has the most members and #8 the least).

Kingdom → 2 Species → 8 Class → 4 Phylum (or Division for plants) → 3 Family → 6 Domain → 1 Order → 5 Genus → 7

Match the following concepts with the related plant transport system. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Involves osmosis. → Xylem, Phloem, and Apoplast Movement of water through the spaces between cortex cells. → Apoplast Transpiration is critical to water movement through this structure. → Xylem Hydrogen bonding (between water molecules) is critical to transport through this structure. → Xylem Moves water and products of photosynthesis (sugar). → Phloem

Use matching to tell whether the statement is related to: Agnatha (e.g. hagfish), Chondrichthyes (e.g. sharks), Osteichthyes (bony fish), Amphibia, or Reptilia. Responses can be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Jaws present but no true bone (only a cartilagineous skeleton). → Chondrichthyes (e.g. sharks) Metamorphosis during development; juveniles are aquatic but adults are terrestrial. → Amphibia Produces an amniotic egg. → Reptilia Cartilagineous skeleton and no functional jaw. → Agnatha (e.g. hagfish) Most of the common modern fish are representative of this group. → Osteichthyes (bony fish)

Use matching to tell whether the statement is related to: Agnatha, Chondrichthyes,Osteichthyes, Amphibia, or Reptilia.

Jaws present but no true bone. → Chondrichthyes Cartilagineous skeleton and lacks a functional jaw. → Agnatha Produces an amniotic (land) egg. → Reptilia Metamorphosis during development; juveniles are aquatic but adults are terrestrial. → Amphibia Most modern fish are representative of this group. → Osteichthyes

Place the following plant groups in evolutionary order (from oldest to more recent):

Lycopsida (club mosses) → 3 Chlorophyta (green algae) → 1 Pteropsida (ferns) → 4 Angiosperms (flowering plants) → 6 Gymnosperms (conifers, gynkos, etc.) → 5 Bryophyta (mosses) → 2

Match whether the statements refer to: Endosymbiont hypothesis, Ciliate hypothesis, or the Plakula hypothesis.

May explain the evolution of organisms having both endoderm and ectoderm tissue. → Plakula hypothesis. Supported by the fact that mitochondria have DNA and are roughly the size of bacteria. → Endosymbiont hypothesis May explain the evolutionary progression from prokaryotes (monera) to eucaryotes. → Endosymbiont hypothesis May explain the evolutionary origin of eumetazoans (multicellular organisms) from multinucleate protistans. → Ciliate hypothesis

Use matching to tell..whether the statements refer to: the Endosymbiont hypothesis, the Ciliate hypothesis, or the Plakula hypothesis. Hypotheses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

May explain the evolutionary progression from prokaryotes (monera) to eucaryotes. → Endosymbiont hypothesis May explain the evolution of organisms having both endoderm and ectoderm tissue. → Plakula May explain the evolutionary origin of eumetazoans (multicellular organisms) from multinucleate protistans. → Ciliate hypothesis This hypothesis is supported by the fact that many ciliates have a macronucleus and multiple micronuclei. → Ciliate hypothesis

In disruptive selection, the most common phenotypes have a higher reproductive success (i.e. Fitness).


Match the taxonomic name with their best description. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Multicellular and often differentiated into holdfast, stipe, blade, etc. NOTevolutionarily related to land plants → Phaeophyta (e.g. Brown algae) Single celled or colonial with pill-box design and silica deposited in cell wall. → Chrysophytes (e.g. Diatoms) Single or multi-cellular; stores energy as starch; has centrioles; photosynthetic pigments are similar to land plants. → Chlorophytes (green algae) Paired flagella; important in marine primary production; may be photo-luminescent. → Pyrrhophyta (e.g. Dinoflagellates)

Which of the following prebionts has demonstrated ability to store genetic information AND synthesize organic matter?

Naked RNA

Place the following classes into the correct phylum. Names of phyla may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Oligochaeta → Annelida Bivalvia → Mollusca Gastropods → Mollusca Cephalopoda → Mollusca Polychaeta → Annelida Nematodes and rotifers → Aschelminthyes

Match the plant tiussue with the appropriate statement or description. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Permanent tissue that provides a protective covering on plants. → Epidermis Undifferentiated tissue responsible for primary growth (i.e. length). → Apical Meristem Permanent tissue that moves water and dissolved inorganic substances up. → Xylem Undifferentiated tissue that provides secondary growth (i.e. growth in girth). → Vascular cambium or laterial meristem Permanent tissue that moves water and dissolved organic substances up AND down. → Phloem Permanent tissue that provides support. → Schlerenchyma

Match the statement or description with the appropriate group of protists. Phaeophyta (e.g. Brown algae); Pyrrhophyta (e.g. Dinoflagellates); Chlorophytes (green algae); Chrysophytes (e.g. Diatoms)

Phaeophyta (e.g. Brown algae): Multicellular and often differentiated into holdfast, stipe, blade, etc. NOT evolutionarily related to land plants. Pyrrhophyta (e.g. Dinoflagellates): Paired flagella; important in marine primary production; may be photo-luminescent. Chlorophytes (green algae): Single or multicellular; stores energy as starch; has centrioles; photosynthetic pigments similar to land plants. Chrysophytes (e.g. Diatoms): Single celled or colonial with candy box design and silica deposited in cell wall.

Match the terms with the appropriate phrase or definition.

Pollen grain-- male gametophyte. → Microspore Male reproductive part. → Stamen Has 2 nuclei and stores energy for the developing embryo. → Endosperm Female reproductive part. → Pistil 7-celled female gametophyte. → Megaspore Gives rise to plant shoot and primary leaves. → Epicotyl

Match the following statements with the type of photosynthesis to which it is most closely related. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Prevents an electron deficit in the photo-system by splitting water. → Non-cyclic photosynthesis Does NOT produces molecular oxygen as a byproduct. → Cyclic photosynthesis Found in primitive photosynthetic prokaryotes (bacteria). → Cyclic photosynthesis The photo-system contains a variety of pigments which are designed to capture photons from a broad band of the visible spectrum of light. → Both cyclic AND non-cyclic photosynthesis

Colonization of terrestrial ecosystems posed serious problems for aquatic plants. Match the problem with the solution provided by plant evolution. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Problem of protecting delicate reproductive structures in an environment subject to rapid change. → Jacket cells or other protective structures associated with the gametangia of plants Problem associated with evaporative water loss through parts of plant exposed to air. → Waxy cuticle Problems associated with lack of support when growing in air. → Vascular system Problems obtaining and moving water and nutrients in plants. → Vascular system

Match the terms with the most appropriate definition or phrase. All of the responses are used. Prokaryota; Transformation; Conjugation; Transduction; Archaebacteria; Eucaryota

Prokaryota: Domain of organisms that has a low level of complexity and is noted by the absence of cellular organelles. Transformation: Exchange of genetic material between bacteria by picking up material from the environment. Conjugation: Exchange of genetic material between bacteria that involves the formation of a bridge. Transduction: Exchange of genetic material between bacteria that is aided by retroviruses. Archaebacteria: A group of bacteria named for the type of environment they typically inhabit. Eucaryota: Domain of organisms that has a high level of complexity and is noted by the presence of cellular organelles.

In many aquatic ecosystems, nutrients like phosphorus, nitrogen, or iron can regulate promary production.


Tell whether the statements relate to the following phyla: Cnidaria (Hydra, corals jellyfish), Acoelomates (planarian, flukes, proboscis worms, etc.), or Porifora (sponges). Phyla may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Sessile filter feeder with flagellated collar cells. → Porifora (sponges) First evolutionary appearance of mesoderm and a complete digestive tract occurred in this group. → Acoelomates (planarian, flukes, proboscis worms, etc.) Thought to be evolutionarily related to ciliates through its planula larval form. → Cnidaria (Hydra, corals jellyfish) Contains groups which are highly adapted to parasitic life in the digestive or circulatory systems of vertebrates. → Acoelomates (planarian, flukes, proboscis worms, etc.) Only have ectoderm and endoderm; Often polymorphic with polyp and medusa stages. → Cnidaria (Hydra, corals jellyfish)

Place the following root structures in the order a water molecule would see them as it is being taken up by a plant (1=outermost; 4= innermost in root).

Steele → 4 Endoderm → 3 Root Hair → 1 Cortex → 2

Match the statement with the correct definition or term.

Structure that regulates the opening and closing of stomata. → Guard Cells Enzyme responsible for fixing CO2 in the Calvin-Benson cycle. → RUBISCO (RuBP) Carbon storage product resulting from the CAM cycle. → Malic acid or isocitric acid Site of oxaloacetate storage in C4 plants. → Bundle sheath cells Carbon storage product resulting from the C4 cycle. → Oxaloacetate Enzyme responsible for fixing CO2 in the CAM and the Hatch-Slack pathway. → PEPase

Match the terms with the correct definition.

Structures with similar appearance but not derived from a common ancestor. → Analogous Structures The evolutionary history of a particular taxonomic group. → Phylogeny Accumulation of heritable differences by closely related species or groups of organisms. Process which leads to speciation. → Divergent Evolution Organisms not closely related evolve similar structures due to similar selection pressure. → Convergent Evolution The discipline of naming and classifying organisms. → Taxonomy or systematics Structures in different species that have a similar appearance and are derived from a common ancestor. → Homologous Structures

Match the following with the correct type of population interaction. A "+" means that a population benefits, a "-" indicates that a population is harmed, a "0" means that the interaction of populations has no effect. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Symbiosis or mutualism → (+,+) Parasitism → (+,-) Commensalism → (+,0) Neutralism → (0,0)

Match the term with the most appropriate description or definition. All of the responses should be used only once.

Term describes the exchange of genetic material between adjacent bacteria via a cytoplasmic bridge. → Conjugation Exchange of genetic material between bacteria with the help of a virus. → Transduction Exchange of genetic material among bacteria by picking it up from the environment. → Transformation Simplest domain of living organisms. → Procaryotes Domain of living organisms containing organelles. → Eucaryotes Kingdom of bacteria known for their ability to inhabit harsh environmental conditions. → Archaebacteria

Tell whether the following example from an elemental cycle is a "reservoir", "flux", or "turnover time". Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

The Antarctic ice cap. → Reservoir Evapotranspiration of water from a forest. → Flux Methane gas hydrate in the ocean. → Reservoir Respiration of organic matter by microbes in the leaf litter of a forest. → Flux A molecule of water, on average, spends 3,000 years in the ocean. → Turnover time

Match the term with the sentence most closely related to it. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

This results in a 50% reduction in chromosome number. → Meiosis The new cells that are produced are genetically identical to the original cell. → Mitosis Crossing over can occur during this. → Meiosis Used to form gametes such as egg and sperm. → Meiosis

Use matching to tell whether the statements relate to: Cnidaria (Hydra, corals jellyfish), Acoelomates (planarian, flukes, proboscis worms, etc.), or Porifora (sponges). Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Thought to be evolutionarily related to ciliates through its planula larval form. → Cnidaria (Hydra, corals jellyfish) Only have ectoderm and endoderm (no mesoderm); Often polymorphic with polyp and medusa stages. → Cnidaria (Hydra, corals jellyfish) First evolutionary appearance of mesoderm and a complete digestive tract occurred in this group. → Acoelomates (planarian, flukes, proboscis worms, etc.) Sessile filter feeders with flagellated collar cells. → Porifora (sponges) Contains many groups that are highly adapted to parasitic life in the digestive or circulatory systems of vertebrates. → Acoelomates (planarian, flukes, proboscis worms, etc.)

"Mark and Recapture" methods may be used to determine population size for organisms not easily counted.


"Mark and Recapture" methods may be used to determine population size.


A conservative morphological characteristic is one that only evolves very slowly and in response to very high selection pressure.


A phenotype is defined as the actual physical manifestation of a genetic characteristic in an individual.


A population is defined as a group of individuals of the same species that share space and time.


A true coelom is defined by the presence of a body cavity completely surrounded by mesoderm.


A watershed is defined as the land surface that contributes water and chemical constituents to an aquatic ecosystem.


Acidophiles, thermophiles, and halophiles are examples of archaebacteria that live in extreme environments.


Aerobic respiration can produce up to 16x more energy per mole of glucose than fermentation.


Albedo, a measure of the reflectivity of the earth's surface, can be an important factor in the planet's heat budget.


All chordates have 3 structures in common during some point in development: Notocord, hollow dorsal nerve cord, and pharngyl slits.


All plants exhibit alternation of generation during which life forms alternate between haploid and diploid states.


All plants exhibit alternation of generation in which life forms alternate between haploid and diploid forms.


Anthrax is an example of an endospore-forming bacteria.


Blue green algae are an example of photosynthetic bacteria.


Blue green algae are an example of photosynthetic eubacteria.


Cooperative hunting or foraging is an example of intra-specific cooperation.


Cooperative hunting or foraging is an example of intraspecific cooperation.


Decomposers are able to obtain energy and carbon from ALL trophic levels.


During disruptive selection, the least common phenotypes have a higher reproductive success (i.e. Fitness).


Evolution is defined as a change in allele frequencies over time for a population.


Food webs are a better representation of trophic relationships in ecosystems because many organisms derive their energy from multiple trophic levels.


Herpes is an example of a retrovirus that utilizes the lysogenic cycle of reproduction.


The following question relates to the 5 fundamental foundation points of evolution by natural selection. Match the related sentences or phrases. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Variations that occur among individuals in a population are inherited. → Phenotypic variations are heritable. Individuals in a populations differ substantially with respect to physical appearance and physiology. → Phenotypic variability in populations. Less fit individuals tend to produce less offspring. → Differential reproductive success. More offspring are produced than can be supported by the environment. → Excess progeny leads to intense competition for scarce resources. Variations among individuals in a population means that these individuals do not have the same level of fitness. → Differential adaptiveness.

An allele is.... Select one: a. ... different forms of a gene that codes for a specific genetic characteristic. b. ... the structure formed during crossing over. c. ... the physical location of a gene on a chromosome. d. ... only carried on the X chromosome.

a. ... different forms of a gene that codes for a specific genetic characteristic.

Which of the following is NOT true with respect to animal-like protista? Select one: a. All are prokaryotic. b. The subphylum Sarcodina are generally ameboid. They may be naked or surrounded by a calcified shell as in radiolarians or foraminiferians. c. The phylum Ciliata is characterized by abundant cilia and a variety of sub-cellular organelles. d. They are often referred to as protozoans.

a. All are prokaryotic.

Which or the following statements about mastigophora is NOT true? Select one: a. All mastigophora have cilia adapted either for locomotion, feeding, or for defense. b. All mastigophora have flagella. c. Some are freeliving in various aquatic environments. d. Some mastigophora are parasitic, causing diseases such as Chagas or African sleeping sickness.

a. All mastigophora have cilia adapted either for locomotion, feeding, or for defense.

Which of the following is NOT a direct cause of genetic variation in populations: Select one: a. Attributes accumulated during the life of an organism b. Crossing over c. Mutations d. Sexual reproduction

a. Attributes accumulated during the life of an organism

Which of the following designs of bacteria would be LEAST likely to be Gram positive? Select one: a. Bacteria with a plasma membrane, cell wall, and layers of peptidoglycan. b. Bacteria with a plasma membrane only. c. Bacteria with a plasma membrane and a cell wall. d. Bacteria with a very simple cell wall structure.

a. Bacteria with a plasma membrane, cell wall, and layers of peptidoglycan.

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding gas exchange in leaves? Select one: a. Due to active transport, gas exchange is not dependant upon the size of the surface area of the spongy mesophyll. b. Gas exchange must cccur across a thin film of water on mesophyll membranes. c. The opening and closing of stomata regulate exchange of gases between the leaf and the atmosphere. d. Transport of gases is dependant upon diffusion. e. Closed stomata will cause O2 to increase and CO2 to decrease in the leaf.

a. Due to active transport, gas exchange is not dependant upon the size of the surface area of the spongy mesophyll.

Which statement is NOT true with respect to endosymbiosis? Select one: a. Endosymbiosis explains the origin of sub-cellular fungi such as Plasmodium. b. Endosymbiosis explains the evolutionary origin of eucaryotes. c. Endosymbiosis is supproted by the fact that some organelles are roughly the size as bacteria in divide using a similar method. d. Endosymbiosis is supproted by the fact that bacteria grow symbiotically inside modern groups of Archaezoans. e. Endosymbiosis is supproted by the fact that genetic material is found in organelles such as mitrchondria.

a. Endosymbiosis explains the origin of sub-cellular fungi such as Plasmodium.

Which of the statements is NOT true regarding the EFFICIENCY of energy transfer between adjacent trophic levels? Select one: a. Energy transfer between plants and primary consumers is relatively efficient ( about 5%) because of the high caloric content and high digestibility of plant material. b. Energy transfer between primary consumers and secondary consumers is relatively efficient (>10%) because of the high caloric content and high digestibility of meat. c. The low relative abundance of top carnivores on Earth is a function of inefficient energy transfer between trophic levels. d. The efficiency of energy transfer between adjacent trophic levels is limited by laws of thermodynamics and an organism's cost of doing business. e. Photosynthesis is relatively inefficient because much of the solar energy striking the Earth is not available to plants.

a. Energy transfer between plants and primary consumers is relatively efficient ( about 5%) because of the high caloric content and high digestibility of plant material.

Which of the following is an example of primary succession? Select one: a. Growth of a rainforest on the slopes of a volcano in Costa Rica. b. Reestablishment of an aspen forest following an avalanche in Montana. c. Growth of an oak-maple forest on an abandoned corn field in Pennsylvania. d. Pine forest returning after a forest fire in California.

a. Growth of a rainforest on the slopes of a volcano in Costa Rica.

Which of the following is NOT true of Batesian mimicry. Select one: a. In this form of mimicry, both populations serve as model and mimic. b. It arises as a result of co-evolution. c. It is exemplified by swallowtail butterflies. d. It consists of separate model and mimic populations.

a. In this form of mimicry, both populations serve as model and mimic.

Which of the following is NOT a step in the lytic cycle. Select one: a. Insertion of viral DNA into the host chromosome. b. Attachment to the host cell membrane. c. Assembly of new virus particles. d. Release of new viruses, possibly due to host cell lysis. e. Replication and transcription of the viral genome.

a. Insertion of viral DNA into the host chromosome.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about gymnosperms? Select one: a. Male and female reproductive structures (gametangia) combined in a single structure. b. Male and female reproductive structures (gametangia) located in separate cones. c. Megaphyllous leaves rolled into needles. d. Gymnosperms represent the first evolutionary appearance of seeds.

a. Male and female reproductive structures (gametangia) combined in a single structure.

Which of the following is NOT true with respect to the evolution of tetrapody. Select one: a. Modern lungfish are thought to be ancestors of the group that gave rise to tetrapody. b. The coelacanth is thought to be the only living ancestor of the group that gave rise to tetrapods. c. The homology of bone structures in fins and appendages of early tetrapods provides strong evidence for its evolutionary origin. d. Tetrapody likely evolved from a group of lobefin fish with lungs.

a. Modern lungfish are thought to be ancestors of the group that gave rise to tetrapody.

With respect to elemental cycles which of the following is NOT correct: Select one: a. Photosynthesis is a flux that returns carbon from plants material to the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. b. The units of "flux" is mass per unit time. c. Diffusion is a major flux that moves carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the ocean. d. The largest carbon reservoir on Earth is found in marine sediments. e. Freshwater represents a MINOR fraction of all the water in the hydrologic cycle.

a. Photosynthesis is a flux that returns carbon from plants material to the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

With respect to elemental cycles which of the following is NOT correct: Select one: a. Photosynthesis is a flux that transports carbon from plants material to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. b. Freshwater represents a MINOR fraction of all the water in the global hydrologic cycle. c. The largest carbon reservoir is in the Earth's crust and in marine sediments (as limestone). d. The units of "flux" are mass per unit time. e. Diffusion is a major flux that moves carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the ocean.

a. Photosynthesis is a flux that transports carbon from plants material to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Which of the following would NOT be considered examples of a high degree of physical structure and complexity in aquatic ecosystems? Select one: a. The abyssal plain on the bottom of the ocean floor. b. Reef structures. c. A rocky intertidal zone. d. Floating and submerged vegetation around the edges of a lake.

a. The abyssal plain on the bottom of the ocean floor.

The coriolis force... Select one: a. causes air and water currents to turn clockwise in the northern hemisphere when they move away from the equator. b. is the same force that pushes you back in your seat in an accelerating vehicle. c. has no major influence on prevailing winds or ocean currents. d. is only important when you move a mass (i.e. air or water) along the equator.

a. causes air and water currents to turn clockwise in the northern hemisphere when they move away from the equator.

The coriolis force... Select one: a. causes air and water currents to turn clockwise in the northern hemisphere. b. has no major influence on prevailing winds and ocean currents. c. is only important when you move a mass (i.e. air or water) along the equator. d. is the same force that pushes you back in your seat in an accelerating vehicle.

a. causes air and water currents to turn clockwise in the northern hemisphere.

The Casparian strip... Select one: a. ensures that all water and dissolved substances must pass through the endodermis cell membrane. b. is a raunchy street in lower Bethlehem. c. is located between the epidermis and cortex of plant roots. d. provides energy for the active transport of minerals from the soil into the xylem of the plant root. e. is a waxy cuticle covering plant epidermis.

a. ensures that all water and dissolved substances must pass through the endodermis cell membrane.

The proximity of an aquatic ecosystem to a terrestrial ecosystem can be important because... Select one: a. terrestrial ecosystems are an important source of dissolved and particulate nutrients to aquatic ecosystems. b. shallow water found near continental margins can increase aquatic productivity. c. the water temperature is typically warmer near continental margins. d. ocean currents are enhanced near continental margins.

a. terrestrial ecosystems are an important source of dissolved and particulate nutrients to aquatic ecosystems.

Which of the following is NOT true of orographic effects on climate? Select one: a. Relative to the windward side, the leeward side of a mountain is usually more arid (i.e. in a rain shadow). b. Arid regions are typically found on the windward side of major mountain ranges. c. Rainfall tends to increase as you move an air mass up-slope on the windward side of a large mountain. d. The Mojave Desert is an example of a climate regulated in part by orographic effects.

b. Arid regions are typically found on the windward side of major mountain ranges.

Which of the following is NOT true of orographic effects on climate? Select one: a. The Mojave Desert is an example of an climate controlled in part by orographic effects. b. Arid regions are typically found on the windward side of major mountain ranges. c. Relative to the windward side, the leeward side of a mountain is usually more arid (i.e. in a rain shadow). d. Rainfall tends to increase as you move an air mass up slope on the windward side of a large mountain.

b. Arid regions are typically found on the windward side of major mountain ranges.

Which of the following statements is NOT true of energy and ecosystems: Select one: a. The second law of thermodynamics limits the efficiency of energy transfer between trophic levels. b. Energy lost from an ecosystem as heat can be recaptured by organisms at certain trophic levels. c. The ultimate source of energy for most of Earth's ecosystems is the sun. d. The "cost of doing business" for an organism describes energy used for metabolism (digestion, temperature regulation, respiration, etc), excretion, energy cost of looking for food, etc.

b. Energy lost from an ecosystem as heat can be recaptured by organisms at certain trophic levels.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the genetics of sex in humans. Select one: a. Males genotypes are homozygous for sex characteristics. b. Female genotypes are homozygous for sex characteristics. c. Males have a lower probability than females of having a deleterious sex-linked condition. d. The male "Y" chromosome is physically larger than the "X" chromosome.

b. Female genotypes are homozygous for sex characteristics.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of spermopsida? Select one: a. Production of seeds b. Flagellated male gamete (sperm) c. Reduced gametophyte phase d. Use of pollen as the male gamete.

b. Flagellated male gamete (sperm)

A genotype is said to be ________ when an individual has 2 identical alleles for a particular genetic characteristic (e.g. RR). Select one: a. Allopatric b. Homozygous c. Heterozygous d. Sympatric

b. Homozygous

Which is NOT true with respect to a phylogeny: Select one: a. Taxonomic groups with the most derived characteristics are typically placed farthest from the base of the phylogeny. b. It is known for certainty for most taxonomic groups. c. It should form the basis for taxonomic classification of organisms. d. It is a record of the evolutionary history of related taxonomic groups. e. It is rooted with the taxonomic group with the most ancestral characteristics.

b. It is known for certainty for most taxonomic groups.

Which of the following is NOT true: Select one: a. As the population size (N) approaches the carrying capacity (K), the population growth rate (r) approaches zero. b. K strategists have a high intrinsic rate of growth which they use as a competitive strategy against other populations. c. All of the above are true (i.e. none of the statements are false). d. The slope of the plot of ln(N) vs. time is "r", the population growth rate. e. The intrinsic rate of growth is the maximum growth rate which may be attained by a particular population.

b. K strategists have a high intrinsic rate of growth which they use as a competitive strategy against other populations.

Which of the following characteristics of chordates is NOT present during some point in their development. Select one: a. Pharyngeal slits b. Larvae are bilateral and motile while the adults are radial and sedentary. c. Notocord d. Hollow dorsal nerve cord

b. Larvae are bilateral and motile while the adults are radial and sedentary.

Which of the following is NOT true of the early evolution of life on earth? Select one: a. Evolution has produced an increase in the diversity (number) of organisms through time. b. Life on earth is polyphyletic, meaning that it evolved numerous times from different prebionts during (i.e. the phylogenit tree has many different roots). c. The triplet code is the same for ALL organisms on earth. d. Natural selection played an important role in the evolution of early life. e. All organisms are based on genetic material composed of nucleic acids (mainly DNA).

b. Life on earth is polyphyletic, meaning that it evolved numerous times from different prebionts during (i.e. the phylogenit tree has many different roots).

Which of the following sources of mortality would NOT be an example of density dependent limitation on a population: Select one: a. Mortality due to predation. b. Mortality due to the effects of an exceptionally harsh winter storm. c. Mortality from starvation. d. Mortality due to an infectious disease.

b. Mortality due to the effects of an exceptionally harsh winter storm.

The actual physical expression (appearance) of an organism's genetic composition is referred to as it's __________. Select one: a. Blood type b. Phenotype c. Genotype d. Dagurotype

b. Phenotype

Which of the following does NOT provide evidence that plants evolved from green algae (e.g. division Chlorophyta)? Select one: a. Plants and green algae both have centrioles. b. Plants and green algae have cell walls composed of silicon. c. Plants and green algae both have chlorophyll a, b, and carotinoid. d. Plants and green algae both produce starch as a storage product. e. Plants and green algae both have cell walls composed of cellulose.

b. Plants and green algae have cell walls composed of silicon.

Which of the following is NOT a consequence of the formation of the moon via the Big Splash? Select one: a. Formation of the Pacific Basin b. The first appearance of life on Earth. c. Increased magnetic field of the earth and a subsequent reduction in cosmic radiation at its surface. d. Generation of tidal cycles. e. Slowing the rotation of the earth from 8 to 24 hours. f. Stabilization of the earth's obliquity and causing a 23 degree tilt.

b. The first appearance of life on Earth.

When a gene for a non-sex characteristic is carried on the X or Y chromosome, it is said to be ... Select one: a. Cuff-Linked b. Allele-Linked c. Sex-Linked d. Phenotype-Linked

c. Sex-Linked

When a gene for a non-sex characteristic is carried on the X or Y chromosome, it is said to be ... Select one: a. Phenotype-Linked b. Cuff-Linked c. Sex-Linked d. Allele-Linked

c. Sex-Linked

Which of the following is NOT true of radiolarians and foraminiferians: Select one: a. They can feed using a process called phagocytosis. b. They are significant parasites in many under-developed countries. c. They are classified in the group sarcodinia which includes amoeba. d. They are a type of amoeba that form a hard shell e. They are an important component of marine sediments and can be used to reconstruct past climate.

b. They are significant parasites in many under-developed countries.

Which of the following is NOT true with respect to niches: Select one: a. A niche may be defined by almost any parameter relevant to a particular species. b. Two or more populations frequently occupy identical niches in nature. c. A niche is an N dimensional hyperspace. d. A realized niche can never be larger than a fundamental niche.

b. Two or more populations frequently occupy identical niches in nature.

Which of the following trends would you NOT expect to see in a community undergoing succession? Select one: a. Increasing community biomass. b. You would expect to see ALL of these trends during succession. c. Increasing community complexity and biodiversity. d. Increasing community productivity (i.e. the rate of biomass accumulation).

b. You would expect to see ALL of these trends during succession.

Prions are... Select one: a. infectious strands of genetic material found in the environment. b. self-replicating proteins that cause diseases such as Kuru and Mad Cow Disease. c. a group of ciliated protists d. a group of dinoflagellates.

b. self-replicating proteins that cause diseases such as Kuru and Mad Cow Disease.

Which of the following statements is NOT true of radiolarians and foraminiferians: Select one: a. They can feed using a process called phagocytosis. b. They are an important component of marine sediments and can be used to reconstruct past climate. c. They are significant parasites in many under-developed countries. d. They are a type of amoeba that form a hard shell. e. They are classified in the group sarcodinia which includes ameba.

c. They are significant parasites in many under-developed countries.

Neotony is... Select one: a. ... demonstrated when the young of marsupials is delivered into the pouch at a very young developmental state. b. ... when phylogenetic relationships between groups is found by comparing the morphology of larval stages. c. ... evolutionary change by increasing the duration and importance of adaptations present in the larval stage of development. d. ... responsible for the similar apparance of the trochophore and diplurula larva.

c. ... evolutionary change by increasing the duration and importance of adaptations present in the larval stage of development.

Which of the following is NOT true with respect to biogeochemical cycles? Select one: a. Matter of similar state or chemical composition is partitioned into pools or reservoirs (units = Kg). b. Turnover time (yr) = Reservoir size/Flux. c. ALL of these statements are true. d. Matter CYCLES through ecosystems and is not created or destroyed. e. A flux is defined as the rate of movement of matter from one reservoir to another (units = Kg/yr).

c. ALL of these statements are true.

Which of the following is NOT a direct cause of genetic variation in populations: Select one: a. Crossing over b. Mutations c. Attributes accumulated during the life of an organism. d. Sexual reproduction

c. Attributes accumulated during the life of an organism.

Which of the following statements is NOT true? Select one: a. The penetration of light may be greatly reduced in aquatic ecosystems with high concentrations of dissolved organic matter. b. Dissolved organic material is formed from the decomposition of plant material in soils and bogs. c. Dissolved organic carbon is found in high concentrations in open ocean environments (i.e. far from continents). d. Dissolved organic material may stain water a yellow-brown color. e. Dissolved organic matter may lower the pH (making it more acidic) of aquatic ecosystems.

c. Dissolved organic carbon is found in high concentrations in open ocean environments (i.e. far from continents).

According to the pressure flow model of transport.... Select one: a. Solutes move from a lower concentration in the source to a higher concentration in the sink. b. None of these statements are true. c. During photosynthesis the leaves constitute the sink and the root cortex constitutes the source. d. Sources and sinks may be NOT be interchangeable in a plant based on the relative size of production and utilization of photosynthetic products. e. Solute is actively transported into the source region of the phloem to create the osmotic pressure needed to transport water.

c. During photosynthesis the leaves constitute the sink and the root cortex constitutes the source.

Mendel's ______ law states that elements of inheritance (genes) remain distinct and unchanged (no blending) when new gametes are formed. Select one: a. Ultimate b. Second c. First d. Unified

c. First

The genetic copmosition of an organism is referred to as it's ___________. Select one: a. Phenotype b. Blood Type c. Genotype d. Dagurotype

c. Genotype

Which of the following is an example of primary succession? Select one: a. Pine forest returning after a forest fire in California. b. Reestablishment of an aspen forest in an avalanche chute in Montana. c. Growth of a rainforest on the slopes of a volcano in Costa Rica. d. Growth of an oak-maple forest on an abandoned corn field in Pennsylvania.

c. Growth of a rainforest on the slopes of a volcano in Costa Rica.

Why are there generally so few top carnivores in any given ecosystem? Select one: a. They are usually hunted into extinction. b. Biological magnification leads to greater mortality (from toxicity) at higher trophic levels. c. Little energy available for organisms at the top of the trophic pyramid. d. The digestibility of prey items decreases as the trophic levels increases.

c. Little energy available for organisms at the top of the trophic pyramid.

Why are there generally so few top carnivores in any given ecosystem? Select one: a. The digestibility of prey items decreases as the trophic levels increases. b. Biological magnification often produces problems with toxicity at higher trophic levels. c. Little energy is available for organisms at the top of the trophic pyramid. d. They are usually hunted into extinction.

c. Little energy is available for organisms at the top of the trophic pyramid.

Which of the following is probably NOT true regarding the origin of organic carbon on Earth. Select one: a. The first organic compounds were simple and later polymerized to form more complex macromolecules. b. Organic carbon was formed on Earth through the interaction of common energy sources and compounds found in the atmosphere. c. Organic carbon was generated on Earth during the formation of the moon. d. Organic carbon was transported to Earth via extra-terrestrial objects such as asteroids and comets.

c. Organic carbon was generated on Earth during the formation of the moon.

Which of the following statements regarding the origin of organic carbon on earth is NOT correct? Select one: a. Standley and Uray performed experiments to determine whether simple organic compounds could have been generated on the earth under early environmental conditions. b. Simple organic compounds can be generated from energy sources and inorganic compounds thought to have been present in Earth's early atmosphere. c. Organic carbon was present on the earth since its origin 4.6 billion years ago. d. Organic carbon could have been accummulated through intense bombardment by asteroids and comets. e. Simple organic compounds probably accummulated in the oceans of earth over long periods of time (100s of millions of years).

c. Organic carbon was present on the earth since its origin 4.6 billion years ago.

Which of the following statement is NOT true? Select one: a. The greenhouse gas found in greatest concentration in Earth's atmosphere is water vapor. b. The Milankovitch Cycle describes long term changes in solar radiation due to our Earth's orbital dynamics around the sun and wobble on its rotational axis. c. Over the past 160,000 years, changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide have resulted in global scale changes in Earth's climate. d. A decrease in solar activity (i.e. decrease in sunspot activity) may have been responsible for one of the largest changes in global climate in the past 1,000 years (i.e. Maunder Minimum). e. Aerosols in the earth's atmosphere can reflect solar radiation, resulting in global scale cooling.

c. Over the past 160,000 years, changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide have resulted in global scale changes in Earth's climate.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a density dependent form of limitation for a population: Select one: a. Shortage of food resources b. Parasitism c. Severe environmental conditions (e.g. high temperature or drought) d. Disease

c. Severe environmental conditions (e.g. high temperature or drought)

Which of the following is NOT true with respect to biogeochemical cycles? Select one: a. Matter of similar state or chemical composition is partitioned into pools or reservoirs (units = Kg). b. Matter cycles through ecosystems and is not created or destroyed. c. Turnover time = Flux x reservoir size (Units = years). d. All of the responses are true. e. A flux is defined as the rate of movement of matter from one reservoir to another (units = Kg/yr).

c. Turnover time = Flux x reservoir size (Units = years).

Which of the following characteristic is NOT common in dicot angiosperms? Select one: a. Flowers have petals in multiples of 4s and 5s. b. Leaf venation is net-like. c. Vascular tissue in the stem is scattered and random rather than being organized into bundles. d. The presence of vascular cambium allows stems to grow in girth (like trees).

c. Vascular tissue in the stem is scattered and random rather than being organized into bundles.

Which of the following lines of evidence would NOT be used in attempting to generate a phylogenetic tree for a group or organisms? Select one: a. Morphology b. Fossil evidence c. Histology and embryology d. All of the lines of evidence listed here may be helpful in determining a group's phylogeny. e. Molecular biology

d. All of the lines of evidence listed here may be helpful in determining a group's phylogeny.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about angiosperms? Select one: a. Angiosperms can be broadly divided into 2 groups: monocots and dicots. b. They became the dominant plant in the fossil record during the Cretaceous period 135 million years ago. c. Male and female reproductive parts are both found in the flower. d. Angiosperms represent the first evolutionary appearance of seed plants.

d. Angiosperms represent the first evolutionary appearance of seed plants.

During intraspecific interactions, a population may reduce competition by: Select one: a. Using social structure. b. Shifting individuals to another niche space. c. Dividing up resources into territories. d. Both A and C are true. e. Both A and B are true.

d. Both A and C are true.

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding ancestral and derived characteristics? Select one: a. Ancestral characteristics are primitive and derived characteristics are advanced. b. Organisms with derived characteristics are usually placed in the outer branches of a phylogenetic tree. c. Organisms with ancestral characteristics are usually placed closer to the root of a phylogenetic tree. d. Classification of a morphological characteristic as ancestral or derived would not play a role in generating a phylogenetic tree.

d. Classification of a morphological characteristic as ancestral or derived would not play a role in generating a phylogenetic tree.

Which of the following is NOT true of the Mona Loa atmospheric carbon dioxide record? Select one: a. The saw-tooth pattern represents seasonal variation in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. b. There is an overall increasing trend in atmospheric carbon dioxide over the period of record. c. Upward trends in the saw-tooth pattern represent net ecosystem respiration in the northern hemisphere. d. Downward trends in the saw-tooth pattern occur during the northern hemisphere winter.

d. Downward trends in the saw-tooth pattern occur during the northern hemisphere winter.

Which of the following statements is NOT true of energy and ecosystems: Select one: a. The ultimate source of energy for most of Earth's ecosystems is the sun. b. The "cost of doing business" for an organism describes energy used for metabolism (digestion, temperature regulation, respiration, etc), excretion, and energy looking for food, etc c. The second law of thermodynamics limits the efficiency of energy transfer between trophic levels. d. Energy lost from an ecosystem as heat can be recaptured by organisms at certain trophic levels.

d. Energy lost from an ecosystem as heat can be recaptured by organisms at certain trophic levels.

Which of the following statements is FALSE? Select one: a. Polar regions are colder because the solar energy per unit surface area of the earth is less than that of equitorial regions. b. Polar regions are colder because the 23.5 degree tilt of the earth's axis greatly reduces solar energy during the winter months. c. Equitorial areas of the earth are generally warmer because there is little seasonal variation in solar energy. In addition, solar energy per unit surface area of the earth is higher than in polar regions. d. Equitorial regions are generally warmer because a given amount of solar energy is distributed over a much larger surface area of the earth (i.e. lower solar energy per unit surface area of the Earth).

d. Equitorial regions are generally warmer because a given amount of solar energy is distributed over a much larger surface area of the earth (i.e. lower solar energy per unit surface area of the Earth).

Which of the following is NOT an important milestone in the evolutionary history of vertebrates? Select one: a. Evolution of a cranium and bony vertebrae. b. Evolution of the amniotic (terrestrial) egg. c. Evolution of the jaw from gill arches. d. Evolution of internal fertilization and complete development in the uterus. e. Evolution of tetrapody.

d. Evolution of internal fertilization and complete development in the uterus.

A genotype is said to be ________ when an individual has 2 different alleles for a particular genetic characteristic (e.g. Rr). Select one: a. Allopatric b. Homozygous c. Sympatric d. Heterozygous

d. Heterozygous

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic exclusive to vertebrate chordates? Select one: a. Myelin sheath covering nerve fibers. b. An elaboration of tissue types not seen in other animals. c. A gland for the storage and delivery of iodine. d. Internal skeleton which develops around the notocord. e. A tail f. Internal fertilization and complete development in the uterus.

d. Internal skeleton which develops around the notocord.

An intrinsic isolating mechanism plays what role in speciation? Select one: a. These mechanisms are responsible for the geographic barrier to gene flow. b. These mechanisms are responsible for increasing gene flow between populations. c. It always operates to physically separate new and old populations. d. It promotes genetic isolation of the new species by reducing or eliminating hybridization.

d. It promotes genetic isolation of the new species by reducing or eliminating hybridization.

Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas? Select one: a. Water vapor b. Methane c. Carbon dioxide d. Oxygen

d. Oxygen

Which of the following does NOT provide evidence that plants evolved from green algae. Select one: a. Plants and green algae both have centrioles b. Plants and green algae both have cell walls composed of cellulose. c. Plants and green algae both produce starch as a storage product. d. Plants and green algae have cell walls composed of silicon. e. Plants and green algae both have chlorophyll a and b.

d. Plants and green algae have cell walls composed of silicon.

Which of the following statements is NOT true of proxy records of climate? Select one: a. Remains of plants in rodent middens (burrows) can provide a proxy record of past climatic conditions. b. Air bubbles in ice cores can provide a direct measurement of past atmospheric composition (as opposed to being a proxy record of atmospheric composition). c. Fossilized shorelines can be used to indicate relative changes in sealevel, thus providing a proxy record for global climate. d. Proxy records of climate are frequently not necessary because there are often direct observations of past climatic conditions. e. Fossil records of microorganisms such as foraminiferans, radiolarians, and diatoms in dated marine sediments can provide a proxy record of past climatic conditions.

d. Proxy records of climate are frequently not necessary because there are often direct observations of past climatic conditions.

Which of the following factors is NOT responsible for populations most often being distributed in clumps? Select one: a. Advantages to individuals which are distributed in clumps (e.g. parental behavior, defense, feeding, etc.). b. A population's method of reproduction. c. The fact that resources are distributed heterogeneously in nature. d. Random distributions of individuals in a population.

d. Random distributions of individuals in a population.

Which of the following is NOT true about polymerization of organic carbon? Select one: a. Living organisms can polymerization simple organic compounds into macromolecules through the aid of enzymes. b. Minerals such as mica and clay can aid polymerization by helping to orient the reactants. c. Polymerization is the process of combining simple organic compounds to form complex organic compounds like macromolecules. d. Simple organic carbon polymerized to form Earth's first living organisms. e. Evaporation of tidal pools and ponds could have aided polymerization by increasing the concentration of reactants.

d. Simple organic carbon polymerized to form Earth's first living organisms.

Which of the following statements is NOT true of the early evolution of life on Earth? Select one: a. All organisms are based on genetic material composed of nucleic acids (mainly DNA). b. Natural selection played an important role in the evolution of early life. c. Evolution has produced an increase in the diversity (number of species) of organisms through time. d. Successful life probably evolved numerous times from different prebionts during early evolution.

d. Successful life probably evolved numerous times from different prebionts during early evolution.

Which of the following statement is NOT true of..industrial melanism? Select one: a. It is an adaptation that resulted in protective coloration. b. It was observed in moth populations in England during the beginning of the industrial revolution. c. It represents a form of directional selection. d. The dark coloration resulted in a decrease in fitness. e. It resulted because of darker colored moths..were consumed less frequently by predators.

d. The dark coloration resulted in a decrease in fitness.

Which of the following statements is NOT true with respect to plant gametophytes and sporophytes? Select one: a. The sporophyte form is diploid and produces spores via meiosis. b. All plants exhibit some form of alternation between sporophyte and gametophyte forms. c. The gametophyte form is haploid and produces gametes via mitosis. d. The sporophyte form produces spores via mitosis. e. Dominance of the gametophyte form is a primitive evolutionary condition in plants.

d. The sporophyte form produces spores via mitosis.

Which of the following is NOT true with respect to niches: Select one: a. A realized niche space can never be larger than a fundamental niche space. b. A niche may be defined by almost any parameter relevant to a particular population. c. A niche can be characterized as an N dimensional hyperspace. d. Two or more populations frequently occupy identical niches in nature.

d. Two or more populations frequently occupy identical niches in nature.

Which of the following statements is NOT true? Select one: a. Vegetation cover in a watershed can greatly influence the associated auqatic ecosystems. b. The most effective way to manage water quality of an aquatic ecosystem is to control what goes on in its associated watershed. c. Land use (anthropogenic influences) in a watershed can greatly influence the associated auqatic ecosystems. d. Watershed management is NOT an effective approach to address water quality issues.

d. Watershed management is NOT an effective approach to address water quality issues.

Seasonal variation in solar heating of Earth... Select one: a. causes dry air to fall at the equator, producing equatorial desert regions. b. causes warm moist air to rise at about 30 degrees north and south latitude. c. is caused by seasonal variation in the output of the sun. d. is caused by the 23 degree tilt of the Earth on its rotational axis.

d. is caused by the 23 degree tilt of the Earth on its rotational axis.

The two main equations of the Hardy-Weinberg are: p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 and p + q = 1 Which of the following statements is NOT true? Select one: a. The frequency of p + q in a population must be less than 100% b. p and q represent the frequency of two different alleles in a population. c. 2pq is the frequency of the heterozygote genotype in the population. d. p2 represents the frequency of one of the homozygous genotypes in the population.

d. p2 represents the frequency of one of the homozygous genotypes in the population.

Punctuated equilibrium... Select one: a. is NOT supported by the fossil record. b. is the classical definition of evolution as described by Darwin and Wallace. c. is the neo-impressionist theory of evolution. d. suggests that evolution may occur in rapid spurts separated by long periods of equilibrium. e. is evolution by slow and steady progress.

d. suggests that evolution may occur in rapid spurts separated by long periods of equilibrium.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding population growth models? Select one: a. ALL of these statements are true. b. As the population size (N) approaches the carrying capacity (K), the population growth rate (r) approaches zero. c. The slope of the plot of ln(N) vs. time is "r", the population growth rate. d. The intrinsic rate of growth is the maximum growth rate which may be attained by a particular population. e. "K strategists" have a high intrinsic rate of growth which they use as a competitive strategy.

e. "K strategists" have a high intrinsic rate of growth which they use as a competitive strategy.

Evolution by natural selection can only act on traits that... Select one: a. ... are present in high frequency in a population. b. ... occur in dense populations. c. ... have significant implications for the organism. d. ... arise due to mutation. e. ... are heritable (i.e. inherited).

e. ... are heritable (i.e. inherited).

Which of the following is true with respect to primary producers: Select one: a. They are autotrophic (i.e. do not require previously formed organic matter). b. On the surface of the Earth, primary producers are dominated by plants and algae. c. Chemolithotrophic bacteria, like those growing around seafloor vents, are primary producers. d. Only a relatively small proportion (about 10%) of total global primary production is..actually consumed by primary consumers (herbivores). e. All of the above are true.

e. All of the above are true.

Which of the following is NOT true of genetic drift? Select one: a. It is a form of neutral selection. b. It can be caused by founder effects. c. It represents random changes in allele frequencies. d. It can be caused by genetic bottlenecks. e. It is a form of natural selection.

e. It is a form of natural selection.

Which of the following statements is NOT true with respect to plant gametophytes and sporophytes? Select one: a. The gametophyte is haploid and produces gametes via mitosis. b. Dominance of the gametophyte is a primitive evolutionary condition in plants. c. All plants exhibit some form of alternation between sporophyte and gametophyte forms. d. The sporophyte is diploid and produces spores via meiosis. e. The sporophyte produces spores via mitosis.

e. The sporophyte produces spores via mitosis.

According to Darwin and Wallace, organisms which survive to reproduce in each generation in nature... Select one: a. are selected randomly. b. reproduce at an earlier age. c. are, on average, the organisms with a lower level of fitness. d. produce the most eggs and sperm. e. are, on average, the organisms with a higher level of fitness.

e. are, on average, the organisms with a higher level of fitness.

Based on the logistic growth model, what would the population growth rate be if the following conditions existed: 1) "r max" was 10%, 2) the carrying capacity (K) was 100 individuals, and 3) the current population size (N) was 60 individuals. Select one: a. 6% b. 4% c. 2% d. 40% e. 0.6%

r max = 10% N= 60 K= 100 r = r max * [K-N]/K r = 10% * [100-60]100 r = 10% * 0.4 r = 4% b. 4%

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