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18 U.S.C. Section 241 Conspiracy Against Rights

"If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death key element in this statute is the conspiracy to interfere with a citizen's enjoyment and free exercise of any right or privilege given to him by the United States Constitution

Length of time allowed for an interrogation

"Normal" person - 4 hours, break, 4 more hours Handicapped person - 3 hours, break, 3 hours

Gang Definition

"any group having some manner of a formalized structure and whose primary objective is to obtain money through illegal activities. Such groups maintain their position through the use of actual or threatened violence, corrupt public officials, graft, or extortion, and generally have a significant impact on the people in their locales, region, or the country as a whole

What can crisis management take on the form of?

"avoidance" of responsibility

police live in what type of world?

"reactive" world- officer responds to crime

What is special circumstance for infant abandonment?

"safe surrender" you can bring an infant 7 days old or less to a fire station, police station, sheriffs department or EMS they cannot be prosecuted

Arson 3rd Degree Punishment

$10,000 and/or 1-5 years

Operating motor vehicle without required revalidation decal affixed to license plate 40-2-8.1

$25 fine decal must be on license plate

what is the monetary cap on all claims for compensation for victims?


Arson 2nd Degree punishment

$25,000 and/or 1-10 years

Arson 1st degree punishment

$50,000 and/or 1-20 years

Steering method

'9-3' position always use BOTH hands

What did Arizona v. Hicks affirm?

'immediately apparent' means the officer has probable cause to believe that the object is subject to seizure

16-5-20; elements of simple assault

(1) attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another, or (2) commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury

16-5-2; elements of voluntary manslaughter

(1) causes the death of another human being under circumstances which would otherwise be murder and if he acts solely as a (2) result of sudden, violent, and irresistible passion resulting from serious provocation sufficient to excite such passion in a reasonable person

16-5-41; elements of false imprisonment

(1) in violation of the personal liberty of another, (2) he arrests, confines, or detains such person, (3) without legal authority

16-7-23; criminal damage to property in 2nd degree

(1) intentionally damages any property of another person without his consent and the damage thereto exceeds $500; or (2) recklessly or intentionally, by means of fire or explosive, damages property of another person

16-5-23; elements of simple battery

(1) intentionally makes physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with the person of another; or (2) intentionally causes physical harm to another

16-7-22; criminal damage to property in the 1st degree

(1) knowingly and without authority interferes with any property in a manner so as to endanger human life; or (2) knowingly and without authority and by force or violence interferes with the operation of any system of public communication, public transportation, sewerage, drainage, water supply, gas, power, or other public utility service or with any constituent property thereof.

16-5-24; elements of aggravated battery

(1) maliciously causes bodily harm to another (2) by depriving him or her of a member of his or her body, by rendering a member of his or her body useless, or seriously disfiguring his or her body or a member thereof.

16-5-40; elements of kidnapping

(1) person abducts or steals away another person (2) without lawful authority or warrant and (2) holds such person against his or her will

16-5-1; elements of murder

(1) unlawfully and (2) with malice aforethought, either express or implied, (3) causes the death of another (1) in the commission of a felony, he or she (2) causes the death of another human being irrespective of malice Murder in 2 degree (1) in the commission of cruelty to children in the second degree, he or she (2) causes the death of another human being irrespective of malice

16-5-21; elements of aggravated assault

(1) when he or she assaults: -with intent to murder, rape, or rob -with a deadly weapon/object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily injury -device likely or actually does cause strangulation -a person without legal justification by discharging firearm from within a motor vehicle toward a person or persons (drive by)

16-5-3; elements of involuntary manslaughter

(1)commission of an unlawful act when he (2) causes the death of another human being (3) without any intention to do so by the commission of an unlawful act OTHER than a felony (1) commission of a lawful act in an unlawful manner when he (2) causes the death of another human being (3)without any intention to do so, by the commission of a lawful act in an unlawful manner likely to cause death or great bodily harm


(a) a person against whom a crime has been perpetrated or has allegedly been perpetrated or (b) in the event of death of crime victim the following are in custody for an offense or the defendant: spouse, an adult child, a parent, a sibling, a grandparent in this order if others do not apply (c) parent, guardian, or custodian of a crime victim who is a minor or legally incapacitated

Voir Dire

(process of jury Selection) panel with questions asked

"catching up"

(traveling 55+ mph) when an audible siren is no longer heard by cars in front of emergency vehicle since the patrol car is "catching up" with the sound

uniform traffic citation 'UTC"

* 1 original and 4 copies - officer copy is the last copy and is white -court copy is orginial -department of public safety copy -issuing department's copy -violator's copy is yellow -officer copy

Why do people, especially youth, join gangs? 5 Domains

- 1.Family, 2. community, 3. school, 4. peers, and 5. individuals can lead others to join - Family: Broken homes, parental problems, F.Violence, and lack of adult male role models, members are in the gang, economic deprivation -Community: Presence of gangs, drugs, alcohol, firearms, lack of social and economic opportunities, high crime rates. - School: failing grades, few teacher role models, low commitment to school, learning disabled - Peers: Delinquent peers, low commitment to positive peers, street socialization, friends who use or sell drugs -Individuals: Prior delinquency, deviant attitudes, defiant and individualistic characteristics, Fatalistic view of the world, aggression, illegal gun use, alcohol, and drugs. They seek an identity, status, companionship, protection, and self-esteem.

When must a hearing occur after placing a juvenile in secure or nonsecure custody?

- 5 days: secure - 7 days: nonsecure

Plea of Nolo contendere

- Cannot be accepted if BAC is .15g or higher - Cannot have had a previous conviction or nolo plea within previous 5 years - Judicial review of circumstances as required by subsection (b) (1 & 2)

Racing on Highway and Streets 40-6-186

- Drag Racing (Point to Point) - Racing (No distance per say)

Intentional operation of motor vehicle to create danger to persons or property "Laying Drag" 40-6-251.1

- Gyrate - Zig Zag or Circular - Spin Around

Arson in the Second Degree 16-7-61

- Human life NOT in danger - By means of FIRE or Explosion

Federal Bureau of Investigations - (FBI)

- MOST- prominent Federal law enforcement agency - Jurisdiction include wide range of criminal, civil and security fields EX: espionage, sabotage, other domestic security matters, fraud against government, etc. having responsibility to enforcement of all Federal laws not expressly assigned to the other agencies

opening statement

- NO argument and No evidence - each side lays out what they are going to say and present - inform the jury on what the case is about and what they should expect to hear -anticipated evidence

Punishment for Arson in the Third Degree is?

- Not more than $10,000 fine - 1 to 5 yrs in prison

Punishment for Arson in the Second Degree is?

- Not more than $25,000 fine - 1 to 10 yrs in prison

Punishment for Arson in the First Degree is?

- Not more than $50,000 fine - 1 to 20 yrs in prison

Arson in the First Degree 16-7-60

- Reasonably foreseeable that HUMAN LIFE might be ENDANGERED - By means for FIRE or Explosion

What has to be on a speeding ticket?

- Speed traveled - Speed posted

Officer Personalities

- The Helpful - The Authoritarian - The Aggressive - The Pacifying

Driver personalities

- The cooperative - The Blameless - The Nonchalant - The Hostile

Light or Flag on Projecting Load 40-8-27

- When load extends 4ft - Signal light must be visible within 500ft

Arson in the Third Degree 16-7-62

- With Intent to Damage $25.00 or more - By means of Fire

what happens if Broken chain of custody?

- admissible (allowed) in court unless proven tampered with -jury decides how much it weights on decision

US Customs Service

- also division of Treasury department - collects the revenue from imports and enforces customs and related laws ex: properly assessing and collecting customs duties, excise tax, processing cargo and mail into US - also help enforce laws on automobile safety and emission control, discharge of refuse in navigable waters, counterfeit money

Inventory of personal property

- can be made on Arrest Booking Report or other department forms. - EVEN IF the arrestee has NO PROPERTY label as "NO PROPERTY" on an Inventory Sheet - ALL "unallowed" items WILL BE inventoried

Organized Crime Prevention Council

- coordinates the sharing of intelligence on organized crime activities within the state composed of local and state law enforcement agencies - maintains a manpower and equipment pool that is available to local law enforcement agencies for short-term undercover investigations

US Secret Service

- division for the Treasury department - authorized to detect and arrest any person committing any offense against the laws of the US relating to coins, currency and securities of the US and of foreign governments also, authorized to protect the President, Vice President, the immediate families of both, former President and wife during lifetime, minors of former President until 16, major presidential candidates, visiting head of foreign states and governments

Office of Consumer Affairs

- enforces Fair Business Practices Act and other business acts - mediates consumer complaints and shares information with other national and local agencies investigates, assures compliance or files civil suit in cases where consumer fraud is evident or a pattern of deceptive practices or misrepresentation emerges

Securities Division, Office of Secretary of State

- enforces Georgia Securities Act of 1973, Cemetry Act of 1983, and Land Sales Act of 1982 - provides substantive regulations of the securities, cemeteries, and land sales development industries investigates fraud and abuse involving wide variety of notes, stocks, and certificates having commercial value - conducts background registration inquires on applicants for licenses and registration in regulated industries

Wildlife Resources Division

- enforces state game and fish laws and manages the state's wildlife resources - conservation rangers responsible for enforcing boating safety, litter, and other related natural resource laws and regulations

Alcohol and Tobacco tax Unit

- enforces state laws dealing with alcohol tax, tobacco tax, motor fuel tax, and motor vehicle registration - frequently assists local law enforcement with technicalities of liquor cases

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms - (ATF) A Federal Agency

- is a division of US Treasury Dept - enforces and administers Federal Laws regulating firearms, explosives, wagering, alcoholic drinks, and tobacco - special attention given to violations by organized and white collar criminals - service useful to local agency is tracing of firearms-

selective enforcement techniques

- moving *linear *area -point/shot -stationary assignment

Notification required by employing agency

- must notify POST within 15 days if agency suspensions is longer than 30 day, demoting, terminating certified officers, any change in status of an officer (ex: change of address, name, or promotion), and if arrested

Drug Enforcement Administration - (DEA)

- part of US Justice Depart - mission is to enforce Federal drug laws and to prosecute those organizations and individuals involved in the growing, manufacture, or distribution of controlled substances appearing in or destined for the illicit traffic in US - requires it to provide a leadership role in narcotic and dangerous drug suppression programs at the national and international levels *domestic responsibilities include enhancing the capabilities of state and local law enforcement agencies through cooperation and coordinated programs which bring greater state and local pressures to bear on local market and provide attention to potential interstate and international investigations beyond local jurisdiction and the limitation of local resources - regulates legal trade of narcotic and dangerous drugs and all its entails of import, export, manufacturing, registering, etc.

Regional Academy Advisory Board

- primary function is to discuss law enforcement problems in region and select in service courses that will help the peace officers more effectively perform duties -made of law enforcement practitioners and government officials from within the academy's region

Department of Public Safety aka Georgia State Patrol

- state's largest law enforcement agency - responsible for enforcement of traffic laws throughout state, at request of local law enforcement agency will handle accident investigations - has criminal jurisdiction in areas designated by Governor - Governor will order to Patrol to reinforce local agency when a riot, disaster, other situation is beyond control of local agency

What to avoid in testimonys?

- testifying to a conclusion of law -ONLY testify to the facts!

how to get photographs in court ?

- the person who took the pic must testify -date and time pic taken - accurately represents the scene


-"any drug that excites any bodily function, but more specifically those that stimulate the brain and central nervous system." -stimulant use make the user a danger to him or herself -talkative and easily excitable -Hypersensitivity -Insomnia -Extreme paranoia -Dilation of the pupils, • Unusual perspiration, and • Increased body temperature

Minimum requirements for certification

-18 years or older -citizen of US -high school graduate or GED -shall not be convicted of felony or sufficient misdemeanors -be fingerprinted for criminal history search -have oral interview with hiring agency to determine appearance, background, and ability to communicate -to be good moral character -required to be examined by licensed physician and found free of any conditions -successfully complete the academy entrance exam

extended jurisdiction until age 21 includes which crimes?

-1st degree murder -1st degree forcible rape/statutory -1st degree sexual offense/statutory


-50cc -up to 30 mph -two or three wheels

3 types of Retractors

-Automatic Locking (AL) -Emergency Locking (EL) -Switchable

Use of Force

-Can be violent -violence does not always mean excessive -Force is not inherently wrong

Latin Kings

-Chicago in the mid-1960s -one of the most violent gangs in the United States today -identified by the use of a five pointed crown accompanied with the initials LK, or a lion wearing a crown. Yellow or gold is a predominate color used by members to show their affiliation with the gang

What cases can Magistrate courses handle?

-Civil claims totaling $15,000 or less -Criminal cases; preliminary hearings, search/arrest warrants, bail

when do you do a Redirect examination of witness

-Clarity when there was an issue raised during cross examination that needs to be clarified -Can't ask things you forgot to ask

cross examination

-Defendant's attorney will ask questions -purpose of this questioning is to challenge the information provided during direct questioning - attorney will try to contradict the facts, prove you to be unreliable, show bias on the officers part, destroy the credibility of the officer and others

Black Gangster Disciple/Folks

-Early 1970s -Several gangs of the Englewood, Chicago area formed this "Nation" of the gangs in response to the emergence of the Black P Stone Nation -Jewish Star of David, a sixpoint star, was adopted by the gang in his honor along with the upward crossed pitchforks is used in their graffiti, jewelry, and tattoos

Persons exempt from licensing requirements; exemptions for nonresidents 40-5-21

-Employees of the government while driving a motor vehicle owned or leased by the government -nonresident who has in their possession a valid drivers license for another state -Active duty whose stay will be less than 90 days -active duty who have in their possession a foreign drivers license (must get states license within 45 days) -Those driving a tractor or equipment for farming purposes -Member of reserves driving military vehicle -Those taking a driving test -migrant farm worker who works less than 90 days in any calendar year and possess a valid ID from another state

Five Stages within the CJ Process

-Entry -Prosecution and Pre-Trial services -Adjudication -Sentencing -Corrections

Safety Considerations

-Hills -Curves -Posted Speed limit

Pre-Arrest Screening Techniques are?

-Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus -Walk & turn -One leg stand -Preliminary Breath test (PBT)

Three Components to the CJ System

-Law Enforcement -Courts -Corrections

What are ethics?

-Moral principles -Rules of conduct -Values of human conduct

What are nondivertible offenses?

-Murder -1st and 2nd rape -Arson -Chapter 90, Article 5 (selling drugs -1st burglary -crime against nature

Drivers must be licensed; Prior licenses must be surrendered; local licenses are forbidden 40-5-20

-Must posses a valid, current license to drive -cannot drive from passenger compartment -all surrendered licenses must be destroyed -Local authorities cannot require a local license

reasonable doubt

-NOT situation where no doubt at all -reasonable question to whether or not a person did it

What do should a fire investigator never rule the cause of the fire if there is no explanation?

-Never find ARSON as cause of fire if there is no explanation

Types of Selective Traffic Enforcement

-Observation of a patrol vehicle -Reputation of Department -Enforcement Process

What distinction is there with a license of someone who is older than 21 yrs vs someone how is under 21 yrs?

-Older than 21 yrs license is horizontal Younger than 21 yrs license is vertical


-Piru Street in Compton, California -Sylvester Scott and Vincent Owens -adopted the color Red from a high school -graffiti can be identified by the terms Bloods, Bloodstone, BS, or C/K, which stands for "Crips Killers." -will not always wear red clothing, however the color will be somewhere on their body (shoe strings, belts, Phillies baseball caps, etc.)

Display of License plates 40-2-41

-Plates must be attached to the rear of the vehicle and in plain sight -persons must not display any tag (temp. or long term) that has not been issued by the state (ie. TAG APPLIED FOR) -plate covers are not allowed unless they are colorless and transparent

Who can direct traffic?

-Police officer -Firefighter (EMT) -Police Volunteer -School-crossing guard


-Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations -prohibit persons, through a pattern of racketeering activities or proceeds therefrom, to acquire or maintain, directly or indirectly, any interest in or control of any enterprise, real property or personal property of any nature, including money

Methods used to estimate and determine Vehicle speed

-Radar -Vascar -Lidar -Pacing

Use of Voice commands

-Rarely used -Mostly useful for giving directions/answering questions

Sanctions for unethical behavior

-Reprimand -Probation -Suspension of certification -Revocation of certification -Restriction or limitation of certification

Sixth Amendment

-Right to speedy trial by an impartial jury -To be confronted with the witnesses against him -Entitled to an attorney

Tennessee V. Garner

-Use of deadly force to prevent the escape of felony suspects, is constitutionally unreasonable, and where the suspect poses no immediate threat to the officer and/or others -the harm resulting from failing to apprehend him does not justify the use of deadly force to do so. -prohibits a police officer from using deadly force as a last resort to apprehend a fleeing criminal suspect

Safety belts; Child restraining systems

-Vehicles manufactured after JAN 1st, 1964 shall be equipped with two(2) sets of safety belts in the front seat. *installed by manufacturer and dealer -Every driver transporting a child 8 years or younger will use a child restraint system appropriate to the child's height and weight *except taxi and public transit.

Time is not counted for statute of limitations for the following reasons

-accused not usually and publicly a resident within this state -the person committing he crime is unknown or the crime is unknown -accused is a government officer/employee and crime charged is theft by conversion of public property while such an employee -accused is a guardian or trustee and the crime charged is theft by conversion of property of the ward or beneficiary

the additional search at the detention facility serves 2 purposes

-acts as a double-check for weapons or contraband on the arrestee's person -the search allows for inventory of the arrestee's personal property

What are two types of seizure?

-actual (physical force) -constructive (showing authority)

NAS STUDY : Recommended Improvements

-all labs be accredited -all professionals be certified -better research of techniques

4 elements of crime prevention

-anticipation -recognition -appraisal -action

What is the definition of family violence?

-any felony; -commission of the offenses of: battery, simple battery, simple assault, assault, stalking, criminal damage to property, unlawful restraint, criminal trespass

Officers authorized to remove vehicles (impounding)

-any unattended vehicle illegally left on highway, bridge, causeway, or tunnel -person driving vehicle arrested -any vehicle left unattended for 24 hrs or more

What relationships are prohibited for officers?

-anyone under investigation, indictment, arrest, incarcerated -"open and notorious criminal reputation"

The Pacifying Officer

-are "professional nice guys" who basic needs in life are to be liked and accepted -they are liked not for who they are, but for how much they do to others -they are unable to say no -liked in the community

the blameless driver

-are insecure people who always see themselves as blameless -protest that for being stopped for going through a red light and it was still amber -maintain their self-esteem by calling other people wrong throughout their lives

the nonchalant driver

-are very casual attitude toward life that exenda to their driving habits -can be 15 mins late and not give it a second thought -drive 15 mpb through a stop sign and think nothing of it

When a person is stopped for DUI, what can the officer do?

-ask for ID -ask questions related to the DUI -administer SFST (standardized field sobriety testing)

"New world view" of police officer?

-boy scout leaders are pedophiles -cynicism builds (everyone has hidden agendas) -bullshit predominates (almost everyone morphs into an "*******")

2 most common encountered ways infectious disease can spread to emergency responders

-by blood borne -airborne pathogens

GA requirements prior to appointment

-by law must complete a basic training course may be required to reimburse agency if officer leaves within 2 years of hiring -a newly appointed Chief must complete 60 hour Law enforcement Chief Executive course

The Authoritarian Officer

-by the book -sometimes enforce the law to the injury of justice- -their attitude is "the law is the law" -they leave discretion to the courts

History of Organized Crime

-can be traced back to immigrant groups who joined together for protection in the 19th and early 20th centuries

Three ways Georgia claims jurisdiction

-committed either wholly or partly within the state -conduct outside the state with an attempt to commit a crime within the state -conduct within the state with an attempt to commit a crime outside of state

Where can criminal law in the US be found in?

-common law -constitution -statutes -administration/regulatory agencies

When are warrantless search legal?

-consent given -incident to lawful arrest -exigent circumstances

What are the three types of law?

-constitutional -statutory -administrative

How can you tell the difference with the title of a criminal case vs. a civil case?

-criminal case: State v. Brown -civil case: Jones v. Brown

What are the characteristics of the Stockholm syndrome?

-debility -dependency -dread -disorientation

Provisions of the Georgia Family Violence Act

-definition of family violence -jurisdiction -petition hearings -protective orders and consent agreements -family violence shelters -Family Violence and Stalking Protective Order Registry

Elements of a crime (crime triangle)

-desire -ability -opportunity

behaviors associated with hypervigilance

-desire to remain socially isolated at home -unwillingness to engage in conversation or activities that are not police related -reduces interaction with non-police friends and acquaintances -procrastination n decision making not related to work -infidelity -noninvolvement in children'a needs and activities - "I usta" syndrome-loss interest in hobbies and or recreational activities

medical clearance of arrestee

-detention facility will not accept seriously injured or unconscious arrestee unless have release from medical facility or practitioner -if arrestee is refusing medical attention, the arresting officer may choose to take arrestee to medical facility to make a refusal in front of medical personnel -arrestee may also make refusal in front of witness at detention facility -all witness must fill out a incident report if still refuses medical attention

Acts which constitute obstruction or interference in an investigation include refusal to ?

-disclose whereabouts of the juvenile -allow director access to juvenile or to information and records upon request -allow director to arrange for medical o isr other evaluations of juvenile by an expert

Hispanic gangs including the Latin Kings, Sur 13, and Norte 14

-distinctive dress: plaid shirts are worn buttoned at the collar and cuffs, which makes it easy for them to conceal weapons -In the summer, they wear over-sized t-shirts with the bottom worn outside of the trousers. Athletic type undershirts are worn tucked into the trousers -Gangs are named after a geographical area or "turf" that they feel is worth fighting for and defending

interstate compact

-document that was ratified by 50 states providing formal means of returning juvenile, who is absconder, escapee, or runaway to juvenile's home state -90 days


-does not require any advanced training -the officer follows a suspected violator at the same rate of speed for a certain distance in order to "match" the violator's speed

Yakuza from Japan

-formed in the 17th century to throw off the control of rebellious Samurai in Japan -activities primarily involve racketeering, extortion, murder, kidnapping, illegal gambling, prostitution, and loansharking. Human trafficking, narcotics trafficking, and financial fraud are also commonly associated with Asian organized crime

Due process

-fundamental fairness (treating people fairly) -innocent until proven guilty (don't have to prove innocence) EX: notice of charges, right to have trial, right to confront accusers

Hate Gangs

-generally all white Anglo-Saxon -In 2013, 1,096 patriot and militias had been identified active in all fifty states -underground members have been charged with bombing, bank robberies, attempted murder, illegal weapon possession, fraud, tax evasion, and intimidation of public officials

The Aggressive Officer

-have a good deal of pent-up anger steamming from the frustration of wanting much more from life than they are getting -motivation comes from the desire to even the score -they explode periodically -complaints received about these officers often invloved abusive language

If cooperation is denied by a parent/ caretaker/custodian, you may not enter home unless?

-have arrest warrant -search warrant -exigent circumstances

in order to transfer a case to superior court, court of original jurisdiction must?

-have probable cause hearing -transfer hearing

Equipment for motorcycle riders

-headgear -windshield or eye protectors

mandatory suspension of license by department 40-5-54

-homicide by vehicle -any felony of which a motor vehicle is used -hit and run of a scene of an accident involving an injury -racing -using vehicle to elude police -driving on revoked, canceled, or suspended registration

Other reasons for time not counted in statute of limitations:

-if you have a suspect, but waiting on better evidence -victim is unaware of the crime (and if state doesn't know)

what is hypervigilance manifested by?

-increased peripheral vision -improved hearing -faster reaction times -increased blood sugar consumption -elevated heart rate

how is autonomic nervous system affected by a heightened awareness?

-increasing blood pressure -respiration -body temperature and other functions

When should a person be considered a gang member

-individual admits membership in a gang -law enforcement agency or reliable informant identifies an individual as a gang member -informant of previously untested reliability identifies an individual as a gang member, and it is corroborated by independent information -individual resides in or frequents a particular gang's area and affects their style of dress, use of hand signs, symbols or tattoos, and/or maintains ongoing relationships with gang members -officer believes there is reasonable suspicion that the individual is involved in gang-related criminal activity

What are examples of legitimate purposes for roadblocks?

-interception of illegal aliens -sobriety checks -verification of ID's and registration -emergency checkpoints -seeking information from the public

What are barriers to effective communication?

-interruptions -pretending to listen -invading space -overreacting -distractions -prejudices (ethnocentrism)

Objection by attonrey

-jury DOESN'T hear -argument talked about quietly in front of judge's bench

What is criteria for secure custody?

-juvenile is charged with felony and demonstrated the juvenile is dangerous to property or person -juvenile is a danger to persons and charged with misdemeanor assault, misdemeanor firearm, impaired driving under 21 - properly notified and failed to appear -delinqueny charge pending -absconder -detained for own protection -undisciplined -willfully failed to appear

who can examine and obtain copies of files and records concerning juvenile without court order?

-juvenile or juveniles attorney -parent, guardian, custodian or authorized representative -DA or prosecutor -court counselors -sworn LEO in state

the cooperative driver

-knows what they did wrong and admits it -are upset primarily with themselves and not the officer -attitude is either positive or neutral and often assure the officer

Golf cart/car

-less than 15 miles per hour -used for golfing activities

witness preparation

-lets witnesses know what the process is -prosecutor cant lead them through the testimony, can only ask general questions - Don't rehearse the questions beforehand

What are an officer's duties relative to any traffic detention?

-license -registration -VIN check


-light detection and ranging -to measure a traget vehicle's speed using laser, an electromagntic energy -differ in its method of generating the light energy and its resulting higher frequency

the hostile driver

-look for trouble the way most people look for fun -have large amounts of anger and are always looking for confrontation -ignore laws half of the time


-marked or unmarked areas at an intersection to be traversed by pedestrians

victims exhibit these behaviors

-merged professional and personal roles -hypersensitivity to change -rigidity and inflexibility -ever present feeling of being threatened and/or persecuted -need to retaliate against the power structure -social isolation from fellow workers except a few "believers" -grandiose sense of self importance -exaggerated perception of past accomplishments -internalized sense of entitlement

no notification is required for a minor who is either charged or in custody of?

-minor is emancipated -minor not taken into custody and has been charged with motor vehicle moving violation for which 3 or fewer points are assessed, except offenses involving impaired driving -minor charged with motor vehicle offense that is not moving

What is the reasoning behind the Carroll Doctrine?

-mobility of vehicle -expectation of privacy is less in an automobile -automobiles are frequently subject to government regulation -inventorying vehicle is allowed

Verbal communication

-most common form of communication -tone, pitch, volume, body language (can tell you about the speaker's emotions) -message intended is rarely message sent

point (or spot) assignment

-most effective in selective enforcement when accident-causing violations are concentrated at a single location -requires officer to concentrate their enforcement efforts on a single location at which a high number of accidents occur -

The Helpful Officer

-motivated by the need to help others -main objective is to educate the driver by explaining that he committed a violation, thus reducing the possibility that the driver will commit the voiolation again -may issue a warning -attitude is understanding, fair

Notification of Disciplinary Action

-must notify the POST within 15 days of said action by certified mail actions include: being arrested, suspensions of 30 days or more, if terminated or resigns in lieu of being terminated, indictments of any courts, conviction or bond forfeiture of any court *minor traffic citation DON'T have to be reported

What must a family violence report contain?

-name, DOB, sex -relationship of parties -time -place -date of incident -if children involved/present -abuse -drug involvement -weapons -existence of any protective orders -disposition of case

What happens when an officer loses his power of arrest?

-no authority to execute an arrest warrant -may not apply for/execute a search warrant -no authority to issue a uniform traffic citation -may not arrest for a city/county ordinance -his authority is reduced to the same as a private citizen

Persons exempt from licensing requirement

-nonresident w/ home state license -nonresident w/ international driving permit -person on active duty w/ valid drivers license issued in foreign country by the military -person driving tractor for farm business -member of armed reserves operating gov't vehicle

When may an officer issue a citation?

-offense occurs in officer's presence -information received from another officer -the violation was the result of a motor vehicle accident

Chinese Triads

-organized in China in the 1800's as a patriotic group opposing the rule of the Manchu Dynasty -activities primarily involve racketeering, extortion, murder, kidnapping, illegal gambling, prostitution, and loansharking. Human trafficking, narcotics trafficking, and financial fraud are also commonly associated with Asian organized crime

What hearsay information is considered to be reliable?

-other officers -victims of crime -disinterested private citizens of good reputation -informer making statements against his penal interest

When is there no right to impound a vehicle?

-passenger can drive the vehicle -can call someone to pickup the vehicle in a reasonable amount of time

Exceptions to driving on right side of road

-passing -obstruction exists -one-way road (drive in middle)

Who are the covered relationships under the Georgia Family Violence Act?

-past/present spouses -persons who are parents of the same child -parents and children -step parents and step children -foster parents and children -other persons living in same house hold

juvenile's fingerprints and photographs must be destroyed if?

-petition not filed within one year of process -court does not find probable cause -juvenile not adjudicated delinquent of a felony or misdemeanor

What are the prerequisites for a warrantless arrest?

-probable cause -OCGA 17-4-20/23

What is the purpose of an inventory search?

-protecting the owner's property -protecting officer's against claims of lost property -protecting the public and police from illegal weapons that might be in the vehicle -determining whether the vehicle is stolen or not

What are the two duties of the corrections system?

-punishment -rehabilitation

Principles of physical fitness

-regularity -recovery

When taking a juvenile into temporary custody, an officer may?

-release juvenile with or without first counseling -release juvenile to juvenile's parent, guardian, or custodian -refer to community resources -seek a petition -seek petition and request custody order

Examples of affirmative defense

-self defense -defending a third person against unlawful force -Use of force in defense of habitation -entrapment -minimum age -mental capacity -involuntary intoxication -mistake of fact

Commercial Motor Vehicle

-self-propelled or towed -transport property or passengers -more than 8 including driver for $$$ -More than 15 including the driver for $$$ -gross weight of 10,001 lbs. -hazmat transport

Racing on highways and streets

-serious traffic offense -loose drivers license

What are the factors used to determine need for secure custody?

-seriousness of crime -offense meets criteria set in 7B-1903 -supervision history -aggravating circumstances -mitigating circumstances

Overtaking vehicle on left (passing)

-shall pass to the left at a safe distance and shall not again drive to the right side of the roadway until safely clear of the overtaken vehicle -driver of overtaken vehicle shall give way to the right in favor of overtaking vehicle and shall NOT increase the speed of vehicle until safely clear by overtaking vehicle

How should your command language sound?

-short, forceful, and direct -simple

accident location file

-should be started at the beginning of a reporting year -should list locations of traffic accidents and explain an effective tactical plan of action for traffic control

Riding on motorcycles

-sitting astride -facing forward -one leg on either side -cannot carry anything which prevents keeping both hands on handlebars -no extra passengers unless made to carry additional passengers -must wear footwear -must keep headlights on always

NAS STUDY: Problems

-standardized terminology -error rates- no record -over claiming/over testifying -varying protocols

general organizational categories of terrorism

-state-sponsored (international) view terrorism as legitimate tool of foreign policy ex: Cuba and Iran -left-wing terrorism promote socialist doctrine ex: Communism or Socialism -right wing terrorism is racial supremacy, anti-government ex: KKK, militias -religious terrorism committed in name of faith ex: Islam ethno-nationalist/separatist desire to gain self-determination for political cause ex: Roman Catholic Irish republicans of Northern Ireland Criminal terrorism component of organized crime ex: illegal drug distribution special interest seek to resolve specific issues ex: animal rights

Requirements for plain view

-the officer discovering the object must have a legal right to be where he is at the time of discovery -it must be immediately apparent that the seized item is stolen property, contraband, or the fruits of a crime

Gilmartin's survivor tools

-time management- gain control over personal time -physical fitness- working out gets rid of stressors that impede recovery from Hypervigilant state -financial independence- consume less and focus on family needs more

History of interrogations

-torture methods to obtain confessions were accepted -Brown v. Mississippi --> could no longer use violence against an accused to obtain confessions

Speed of school bus

-transporting school children to and from school or to and from school activities at a speed greater than 4 MPH (not a highway) -transporting school children to and from school or to and from school activities on a public road (highway) at a speed greater than 55 MPH -when a bus is in transportation but not loading or unloading children- 55 MPH

stationary assignment

-type of patrol is effective when that the patrol unit will be observed by a greater number of street/highways users -the officer positions himself in a way that makes the patrol vehicle highly visible to a larger number of drivers

what constitutes a suspicious package?

-unexpected or from someone unfamiliar -addressed to someone no longer with organization -excessive postage -handwritten or poorly typed addresses -incorrect titles -title but no name -misspelling of common words -oily stains discoloration or strange odors

Once jurisdiction has been obtained, it will continue until what conditions are met?

-until terminated by the court -until juvenile reaches 18 -until emancipation

U-turns (when prohibited)

-upon any curve -vehicle cannot be seen by the driver of another vehicle approaching from either direction -turn cannot be made in safety and w/o interfering with other traffic -where a prohibition is posted

Purpose and Application of Field Notes

-used as an investigative aid -basis for writing reports


-vehicle or with seat or saddle -no more than three wheels -not a tractor, moped, or all-terrain veh.

When is a vehicle considered abandoned?

-vehicle was left with the door open/closed in a stranger's driveway after attempting to elude officer -leaving vehicle in middle of an intersection and running from officer


-visual average speed computer and recorder -a very simple time and distance computer -by having the officer measure the time it takes for a vehicle to travel a measured distance and feeding that information into the VASCAR unit -its not a radar device amd the unit depends on the officer observing and entering the info into the unit


-west Los Angeles area in the early 1970's -Raymond Washington -identify with the color blue; members will wear blue bandannas (called rags), caps, belts, shoelaces, shirts, pants. They call themselves Cuz, Kuz, Kuzz. They use the initials B/K, which stands for "Blood Killer." -heavily armed

Non-verbal communication

-what we hear vs see -different forms: facial expressions, hand motions, body posture, hair style, how you drive, dress (paralanguage)

When overtaking on the right in permitted

-when vehicle overtaken is making or about to make left turn -under conditions permitting such movement in safety (movement shall NOT be made by driving off roadway)

Light or flag on projecting load

-whenever load extends to the rear 4 ft more more beyond the bed or body -must have red flashing light or bright red/fluorescent orange flag

Eligibility for compensation to victims

-who have been physically injured in violent crime Includes: victims of homicide, sexual assault, child abuse, domestic/family violence, DUI crashes, vehicular homicide, hit and run, serious injury by vehicle and person incurring eligible expenses due to crime

Testify requirements

-witness competence -addresses issue -relevant -don't need to be an adult

The booking officer should review one of the following documents prior to Accepting Custody of the arrestee. One of the following would constitute LEGAL CONFINEMENT.

-writ or order by court for execution of sentence -court orders or order from Attorney General -arrest warrant -transfer papers or hold orders -warrants signed by arresting officer or teletype message indicating outstanding warrant -uniform traffic citation -warrant or GCIC message confirming violation of parole or probation -order from juvenile or superior court remanding juvenile to adult to judicial system -verbal request from arresting officer indicating he is en-route to secure an arrest warrant

16-5-93; victims entitled to notice of release from custody of person arrested for and charged with stalking or agg. stalking


16-10-33; remove or attempt to remove firearm, chemical spray, or baton from person acting within course of employment

... punishable by 1-5 years; can also charge obstruction in conjunction with this

Per Se threshold for persons under 21


Per Se threshold for Commercial Vehicle Drivers


Per Se grounds amount of alcohol


Presumption of guilt according to GA and breath test 40-6-391

0.00-0.05 presumed to not be DUI 0.04 Driver of commercial vehicle is violating law 0.02- under 21 y.o. is in violation 0.051-0.079 no presumption under law can be in violation as a "Less Safe" 0.08- presumed DUI "Per Se"

Due to metabolism, the average person's BAC drops by about

0.015% per hour

Every wreck has at least how many contributing factors?


Suspension or denial of license for failure to comply with order of child support

1 notice shall be mailed to address on license no further notice required

Punishment for conspiracy to commit a crime - felony

1-10 years

punishment for criminal damage to property in 1st degree

1-10 years

punishment for false imprisonment

1-10 years

punishment for necrophilia

1-10 years

Punishment for involuntary manslaughter

1-10 years with commission of an unlawful act other than felony misdemeanor with commission of lawful act in unlawful way

Punishment for voluntary manslaughter

1-20 years

punishment for agg. assault

1-20 years

punishment for robbery

1-20 years

punishment for sexual assault

1-20 years

punishment for statutory rape

1-20 years

punishment of aggravated battery

1-20 years

punishment of cruelty to a person who is 65 years of age or older

1-20 years

Punishment for criminal attempt of a felony punished by life imprisonment or death

1-30 years

punishment for bestiality

1-5 years

punishment for criminal damage in the 2nd degree

1-5 years

punishment for possession of tools for commission of crime

1-5 years

punishment for vandalism to a place of worship

1-5 years

Characteristics of a profession

1. Common body of knowledge 2. Minimum standards and qualifications 3. Minimum standards of conduct 4. Organization

Types of Actions of a Suspect

1. Cooperative 2. Resistive 3. Assaultive 4. Life Threatening

Different levels of diplomatic immunity

1. Diplomatic agents and family are immune from criminal prosecution and civil law suits 2. Admin and technical staff members of embassies have lower level 3. Consular officers serving in consulates throughout the county have an even lower level 4. Members of embassy service staff and consular are immune only for acts performed as part of their official duties

What are the top ten unethical offenses committed by law enforcement officers?

1. False statements/reports 2. Larceny 3 Sexual offenses other than rape 4. Battery 5. DUI 6. Excessive use of force 7. Fraud/forgery 8. Drug offenses 9. Weapon offenses 10. Possession or selling cocaine

Levels of Law

1. Federal - overrides all laws 2. State 3. City Ordinances **State and City can only add laws, not take away

6 types of motor vehicle crashes

1. Frontal 2. Lateral(T-Bone) 3. Rear-end 4. Rollover 5. Vaults 6. Rotations

What are 4 exceptions to the exclusionary rule (NOTE: there are more, but only what we went over in class for purpose of this review)

1. Good faith 2. Independent source 3. Inevitable discovery 4. Purged taint

3 types of Selective Enforcement Techniques

1. Moving a. Linear b. Area 2. Point/Spot 3. Stationary assignment

Class of fires:

1. Natural 2. Accidental 3. Arson 4. Unknown

OCGA 17-4-20 Arrest with/without a warrant

1. Offense is committed in officer's PRESENCE or within such officer's immediate knowledge 2. Offender is endeavoring to ESCAPE 3. There is probable cause to believe an act of FAMILY VIOLENCE has occurred 4. The officer has probable cause to believe that the offender has violated a criminal family violence order (officer cannot have any prior or current familial relationship with alleged victim/offender) 5. Officer has probable cause that an offense involving physical abuse has been committed against a VULNERABLE adult 6. For other cause there is likely to be a FAILURE of JUSTICE for want of a judicial officer to issue a warrant

Non-deadly force is justified...

1. Reasonably necessary to defend yourself against some other person using unlawful force (non-deadly force) against you; 2. Reasonably necessary to defend a third person from someone using unlawful force (non-deadly force) against them.

Important steps before cleaning weapon

1. Safety check 2. Remove live ammo from cleaning area 3. Remove magazine 4. Lock slide to rear 5. Visually and physically inspect the chamber, magazine well, and barrel 6. Remove ammo from magazine 7. Place ammo away from weapon

4 types of officer personalities

1. The Helpful Officer 2. The Authoritarian Officer 3. The Aggressive Officer 4. The Pacifying Officer

What three things does the exclusionary rule prohibit?

1. The introduction of evidence seized during an unlawful search 2. Testimony concerning knowledge acquired from that unlawful search 3. Derivative evidence that flowed from the unlawful search

What must the prosecution show to use inevitable discovery exception?

1. The lawful means, which made the discovery inevitable, were possessed by the police, and 2. were actively being pursued PRIOR to the occurrence of the illegal conduct

Deadly Force is justified....

1. To protect yourself from death or serious bodily injury. 2. To protect a third person from death or serious bodily injury. 3. To prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

What are the 2 categories for Vehicle Pullovers?

1. Unknown 2. High Risk

3 Phases of the DUI investigation

1. Vehicle in motion 2. Personal contact 3. Pre-Arrest Screening

Detection phases of a DUI

1. Vehicle in motion 2. personal contact 3. pre-arrest screening

5 parts of a safety belt

1. Webbing 2. Anchor Points 3. Latch plate 4. Buckle 5. Retractor

When searching a building due to a "Bomb Threat" the correct method of searching is?

1. Work in pairs 2. Work from the Outside to Inside 3. Bottom to Top 4. Then Public Access

6 keys to defensive driving

1. aim high 2. get the big picture 3. signal your intentions early 4. plan an escape route 5. take decisive actions 6. make sure others see you

GAS consists of 3 phases

1. alarm reaction- mobilize resources 2. resistance- cope with stressor 3. exhaustion- reserves depleted

What must a search warrant affidavit have concerning the place or person to be searched?

1. an adequate description of the place or person to be searched 2. facts to establish probable cause that the item sought is located at the described place

5 pitfalls that officers should avoid in thier conversations with drivers

1. being abrupt 2. being overly talkative 3. being judgemental 4. using a negative or authoritarian tone of voice 5. poor word choice

2 most important areas of friction

1. between tire and road 2. between brakes and wheels

3 factors that influence your behavior towards others

1. biological 2. unique experiences 3. cultural influences

When are frisks justified?

1. concerns for safety for the officer or others 2. there is suspicion that the suspect is armed and dangerous 3. there is suspicion that the suspect is about to commit a crime and a weapon is commonly used

Skid control rules

1. do NOT use power. Get off accelerator 2. declutch is driving manual car 3. do NOT use brakes until steering control is established


1. don't eat, drink or touch mouth, nose or eyes when giving first aid or before you wash your hands 2. avoid handling personal items while giving care or before wash your hands 3. do not touch objects soiled with blood or body fluids

2 types of nonverbal communication when on a traffic stop

1. facial expressions 2. stance

When can an exception to the knock and announce rule be made (No-knock warrant)?

1. increase peril of the officer 2. lead to destruction of evidence

Three elements of arrest

1. intent 2. seizure 3. communication and understanding

What proceedings does court have jurisdiction over?

1. interstate compact on placement of kids 2. judicial consent to emergency surgery or medical treatment 3. emancipation proceedings 4. order to appear and show why not held in contempt

When are Qualified Interpreters required?

1. involving a hearing impaired person 2. any proceeding involving a child under 18 whose parents are hearing impaired

Child Safety Seat's (C.S.S) protect in 5 ways

1. keep the child inside of the vehicle 2. Contact the strongest parts of the body 3. Spread the crash forces over a wide area of the body 4. Help the body to slow down 5. Protect the head m neck and spinal cord

Compensation is allowed for 5 categories of loss as long as not covered by any other source (ex: insurance)

1. medical 2. counseling expenses 3. funeral expenses 4. economic support (financial hardship) 5. crime scene sanitation

witness competence (2)

1. not mentally deranged 2. know something relevant to the case, know what testifying about

What would cause concern for officers doing a stop and frisk?

1. officer is alone and backup hasn't arrived 2. number of suspects and their physical size 3. the emotions, behavior, and look of suspects 4. the suspects refuse to cooperate, giving evasive answers 5. the suspects kept his hands in his pockets after being told to remove them

The driver of an authorized emergency vehicle may:

1. park or stand 2. proceed past a red or stop signal or stop sign, but only after slowing down as may be necessary for safe operation 3. exceed the max speed limits as long as it does not endanger life or property 4. disregard regulations governing direction of movement

What does not apply to routine duties?

1. park or stand 2. proceed past a red or stop signal or stop sign, but only after slowing down as may be necessary for safe operation 3. exceed the max speed limits as long as it does not endanger life or property 4. disregard regulations governing direction of movement

Why can an officer search you and your immediate area incident to an arrest? (OCGA 17-5-1)

1. protecting the officer from attack 2. preventing the person from escaping 3. discovering or seizing the fruits of the crime for which the person has been arrest; or 4. discovering of seizing any instruments, articles, or things which are being used or which may have been used in the commission of the crime for which the person has been arrested

What are steps when responding to claims of abuse or neglect?

1. provide necessary medical assistance 2. notify Department of Social Service 3. notify juvenile investigator 4. take child temporarily into custody if necessary 5. crime scene handled the same 6. conduct interviews 7. show concern and sympathy

One of two grounds have to be proven to suppress evidence, what are the two grounds?

1. search and seizure without warrant was illegal 2. search and seizure with a warrant was illegal because the warrant is insufficient on its face and there was no probable cause for the issuance of that warrant

crime can be divided into 4 broad categories

1. street crime 2. organized crime 3. white collar crime 4. terrorism

Five requirements of a roadblock

1. supervisory officers decided when and where to implement it for a legitimate purpose 2. all vehicles were stopped 3. the delay to motorists was minimal 4. the operation was well-identified as a police checkpoint 5. the screening officer was competent to determine which motorists should be given field tests for intoxication

4 basic types of drivers

1. the cooperative driver 2. the blameless driver 3. the nonchalant driver 4. the hostile driver

What are the two steps to a stop and frisk?

1. the officer must PAT DOWN first 2. Then intrude BENEATH the clothes only if he comes upon something which feels like a WEAPON

What are the two prongs of the Aguilar and Spinelli Test?

1. the underlying circumstances showing the informant's credibility or the reliability of the information 2. the basis of the informant's knowledge

universal precautions

1. treat all bodily fluids as if they are contaminated with infectious disease 2. use same precautions when dealing with suspects and victims 3. purpose is to reduce risk of blood borne and airborne diseases 4. use protective barriers if possible for CPR 5. use gloves 6. use a bandage to cover any cuts, sores, scrapes or skin conditions you may have

What are the general safety procedures of firearms?

1. treat every firearm as if loaded 2. always point weapon in safe direction 3. never point a firearm at anyone you don't intend to shoot 4. always keep trigger finger outside the trigger guard and against the frame (home position) 5. Never pass a firearm to another person unless the action is open and the weapon is clear of all ammo 6. Never accept a firearm unless the same as #5 7. Always wear ears and eyes 8. Always know location of weapon, never leave unattended 9. Clean firearm after each day of shooting

The Georgia Family Violence Act qualifies two things:

1. victims for certain protection 2. offenders for arrest with and without a warrant

The Six tests used for DUI leg test 2. Finger to nose 3. finger count 4. Walk and turn 5. Tracing 6. Nystagmus (alcohol gaze)

In cases that require a ex parte order a hearing must be scheduled within ____ days after the entry of the order to determine whether the order should remain in effect


What is the minimum age of fingerprinting?


A hearing impaired person shall notify the agency no less than

10 days excluding weekends and holidays

How far must you be sitting from the air bag?

10 inches

Need of distance for Air bag and driver

10 inches

OCGA 40-14-8 Use in School and residential districts

10 miles per hour rule

Passanger car

10 people or less in vehicle

How far apart should cones or markers be placed at the scene of a MVC?

10-20 ft apart

punishment for incest

10-30 years; under the age of 14 years 25-50 years

Children as young as .... may admit themselves into a facility


a physician may hold an abused juvenile for how long?

12 hours

License suspension for First conviction

12 months; after 120 days, the subject my apply for reinstateent

if juvenile commits a offense that would have been a felony if committed by an adult they may be transferred to adult court at what age?


How many police academies in GA?

13 regional academies

What is the minimum age in GA

13 years

Statute of limitations: rape

15 years

How many counties in GA?


At what age can petition the court for emancipation?


A juvenile is anyone under this age?

17 yo.

Year the Declaration of Independence was written


Year the Constitution was written


When did the Constitution go into effect?


Year the Bill of Rights were written?


What does the average American citizen consider personal space?


POST council

19 voting members 10 appointed by Governor 9 members are on Council by virtue of holding office in law enforcement related associations Also, 5 advisory members appointed by Council with no voting powers

Punishment for forgery

1st degree: 1-15 years 2nd degree: 1-5 years 3rd degree: 1-5 years 4th degree: misdemeanor

punishment for burglary

1st degree: 2-20 years 2nd degree: 1-5 years

punishment for cruelty to children

1st degree: 5-20 years 2nd degree: 1-10 years 3rd degree: misdemeanor

why do disgruntled factions turn into terrorism?

2 primary factors: -terrorism is inexpensive -terrorism works by forcing the powerful into concessions

what is a adversarial system?

2 trained experts explain their side to the jury - no competition

Statute of limitations: misdemeanor

2 years

What is the Cone Distance for 25 mph?

20 ft

How far should a vehicle following an emergency vehicle stay back?

200 ft

when was fornication ruled unconstitutional?


Times for Air Bag

20ms to sense an accident / 40ms to inflate the bag total of 60ms

if minor is taken into custody, the LEO of his/her immediate superior, must notify a parent or guardian the minor is in custody with ____ of arrest hours


Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus

3 validated clues 1. lack of a smooth pursuit 2. distinct and sustained Nystagmus 3. Onset nystagmus prior to 45 degrees

License suspension for Upon 2nd conviction

3 years; Reinstatement may be granted after 18 months

A person who is a resident of this state shall for how many days must obtain a GA drivers license before operating a motor vehicle in this state?

30 days

How many days does a petition have to be heard before dismissal?

30 days tops

What is the Cone Distance for 35 mph?

30 ft

Statute of limitations: other felonies

4 years

What is the Cone Distance for 45 mph?

40 ft

What is the Cone Distance for 55 mph?

40 ft

No County, City, or campus Officer, shall be allowed to make a cause based on the use of any speed device.

40-14-8 Use in school and Resident Districts

Obedience to Authorize person directing traffic


How fast can a bus drive carrying students to and from school


School bus speed limit while traveling to and from school


Federal law

42 U.S.C. 1983

Seatbelt statistic

42% of fatal police crashes, officers were not wearing seat belts you are 26X more likely to be ejected

At what angle should you approach the subject when handcuffing them?

45 degree angle from the rear

What percentage of eye witness statements are inaccurate?


What percent of calories should come from carbs?

45-65%; primary source of energy

How many hours does an officer have to obtain an arrest warrant for an offender from the judge before being released? (OCGA 17-4-62)

48 hours

How much recovery time between hard exercise sessions?

48 hours

When it is questionable if an inmate is an illegal alien, what is the protocol? (OCGA 42-4-14)

48 hours to contact Law Enforcement Support Center (LESC) of the Department of Homeland Security to verify status; if an illegal alien, keeper of jail should notify the US Department of Homeland Security

Gangs are responsible for how much violent crime?

48% in most jurisdictions, but up to 90% in others

How many days must a hearing be held in a secure custody order?


In cases wherein it is alleged that a juvenile is in immediate protection or assistance a respondent is given notice of hearing, which is to be held within ____ working days from the date of service of the petition


How far should someone park when near any fire apparatus stopped in answer to a fire alarm?

500 ft

How many academies are classifies as departmental and provide training for peace officers within their respective departments?



6-16, commits crime or infraction

How many days do you have to change your address or name on a DLs

60 days

How many days does one have to change their address or name on a license?

60 days

Inflate and deflate times for Air bag

60ms to inflate and 1 sec. to deflate

Automobile manufactures' specifications for brake drums require braking portions to withstand what degree?

659 degrees F

How many days must a hearing be held in a nonsecure custody order?


Statute of limitations: crimes punishable by death/life imprisonment or if under 18 years old

7 years

What percentage of communications are conveyed via spoken word?


When bringing in an individual under a warrant to jail, how many hours does the officer have to present the warrant before the offender is released? (OCGA 17-4-26)

72 hours

prosecuting attorney may apply for a new protective order within?

90 days before the expiration of original order

What percentage of successful performance is attributed to psychological skills?

90%; rarely less than 40%

Which vehicle classes are the same, but are only different in compensation

A & E are the same B & F are the same B class cannot drive A, E, or M A can drive all, but M

Officers can be assigned to either?

A Moving or Stationary Patrol

absolute immunity

A complete exemption from civil liability usually afforded to officials while performing particularly important functions, such as representative enacting legislation and a judge presiding over a law suit.

Non-deadly force OCGA 16-3-21

A person believes that force is necessary to defend self or others from the use of unlawful force

Vicarious Liability

A supervisor is responsible for the acts of his subordinates. Negligent hiring Negligent retention Failure to train

What elements are necessary to bring an action against an officer for 42 USC 1983?

A violation of a federal constitutional right or statue Such violation must be by a person acting under color state law


A- Ability O- Opportunity J- Jeopardy

Classes of D.L.s

A- Person is compensated for driving, required to operate any combination of vehicles, gross combination weight rating of 26,001 lbs. or more, to include a towed vehicle that is HEAVIER than 10,000 lbs. (tractor trailer) B-Single vehicle, such as a bus. 26001 lbs and or towing another vehicle up to 10000lbs. C- NO vehicle or combination of vehicles in excess of 26,000lbs. D-Provisional license, those who wish to get a DL E- Same as A without compensation F-Same as B without compensation M-Motorcycle license P- Learners permit

Driver improvement training programs for elderly drivers is?

AARP driver safety program and AAA "roadwise review" program


Ability to use force

Effective communications

Active listeners Patient Sensitive Observant

What kind of a system is the united states run by

Adversarial system

What is the test used to determine the reliability of the informer?

Aguilar & Spinelli Test (AKA two prong test)


Alcoholic/drug dependent form

What is Over Lapping skid marks?

All four tires locked up and overlap

Registration of motor vehicles 40-2-20

All motor vehicles must be registered each year and persons must obtain a license to operate it Mopeds, golf carts, personal mobility scooter, trailers with no springs used in farming are exempt from tags fine of $100

Difference between admission and confession

An admission represents a statement that tends toward proving guilt (Ex. "I was there"). On the other hand, a confession is a fully corroborated statement during which the suspect accepts personal responsibility for committing a crime.

Area Patrol is?

An area which includes several streets or highways

what is another limitation to the crime victim compensation act?

An individual may make claims under this act (2 per year)

When the inventory is complete the Arrestee WILL sign inventory sheet. If the arrestee refuses to sign?

Annotate the inventory sheet with "Refused to sign" and sign as a witness and have a 2nd officer sign as witness (if available)

foreign court

Any court of competent jurisdiction outside of GA but within the US.

Accident (Crash)

Any person is killed or injured or damages the property of another to an extent of $500 or more is sustained.

Color of law

Appearance without the substance of a legal right. Usually implies a misuse of power made possible because the wrongdoer is clothed with the authority of the government

Chronic stress (most dangerous)

Appears to be never ending There is no way out

Department of Defense

Army, Navy, Air force all have own agencies enforce criminal law on military installations and enforce military regulations handle the investigations of serious violations of criminal law on military installations and of military regulations

Types of skid marks

Asphalt Furrow (on dirt) cement/ concrete pavement cleaning skids abrasive material skids

3 types of retractors

Auto Emergency Switchable (ie the two above combined)

Processing an Accident Scene

Be prompt and safe on arrival observation of en route situation handling of en route hazardous situations

What makes any armor the most effective?

Being worn at all times

Types of mental illness

Bipolar disorder Schizophrenia Obsessive compulsive disorder Panic disorder Post traumatic stress


Black marks on the road where the tires make contact with the road as they skid

Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)

Blood alcohol content # of grams of alcohol in the blood found in 100 milliliters of the person's blood

Mom sends underage child to the store to buy food

Both the child and the mother will be charged Mother with 'permitting unauthorized minor to drive' Child with 'driving without a license'

What court case gave the "Free and Voluntary Rule"?

Brown v. Mississippi

Cycle of violence

Build up Explosion Regret and remorse

What did Missouri v. Seibert (2004) affirm?

Cannot use the Elstad case to PURPOSELY avoid reading Miranda and then once getting the answers wanted for conviction, reading Miranda and asking the same questions again

Sequence of a Trial

Case Called jury selection (Voir dire) Jury selected Jury Sworn opening statements prosecution presents case -Presents Evidence - Testimony of witness Defense moves for direct verdict defense presents case - Presents Evidence - Testimony of witness prosecution rebuttal closing arguments (MOST IMPORTANT) judge instructions jury to make a verdict jury retires to jury room to make decision Jury returns and renders verdict Sentencing

Injury defined:

Cause by the transfer of energy to tissue

quasi-judicial immunity

Certain officials are immune of performing judicial type functions but not when performing other functions connected with their office.

Characteristics of mentally ill

Changes in behavior Memory loss Hears voices

16-6-4; child molestation; agg. child molestation

Child Molestation (1) does any immoral or indecent act to or in the presence of or with any child under the age of 16 years with the intent to arouse or satisfy the sexual desires of either the child or the person; or (2) by means of an electronic device, transmits images of a person engaging in inducing, or otherwise participating in any immoral or indecent act to a child under the age of 16 years with the intent to arouse or satisfy the sexual desires of either the child or the person Agg. Child Molestation commits the offense of child molestation that physically injures the chid or involves an act of sodomy


Child Passenger Law

Patrol Patterns

Circular Patrol Double Back Patrol Random Patrol

Local Law Enforcement Agencies

City, County, and County Sheriffs

Types of Legal Liability

Civil liability Criminal liability Administrative liability


Civil wrong for which a remedy may be obtained usually in the form of damages.

Extended jurisdiction to age 19 includes which felonies?

Class B1 Class B2 Class C Class D Class E

Close vs. Open Ended questions

Closed: yes or no Open: answer requires explanation

What is Law Enforcement main goal?

Compliance of the Law

What are the driving characteristicsof a DUI Driver?

Crossing center line, Speeding, Driving on shoulder of roadway, No lights, Too slow, Stopped in Roadway, Wide turns

Evaluation form for elderly to have license suspend or Revoked

DDS - 270

Make sure others see you


Ways you can have your drivers license suspended

DUI failure to pay child support racing fleeing/eluding homicide by vehicle

What is an example of a link between an arrest and a vehicle search?

DUI -- searching for source of intoxication

What court case affirmed that an officer doesn't have to have the paper copy of their POST certification to have arrest powers?

Davis v. State

Stockholm Syndrome

Debility Dependency Dread Disorientation

Gross Misuse is?

Deliberate or obvious misuse

Purpose of the breath test

Demonstrate association of alcohol with observable evidence of suspects intoxication ie corroboration

Mental illness

Depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behavior

Title 18 USC 242

Deprivation of rights under color of law

What is an external factor that influences an officers perception?


Marking of Official Vehicle 40-8-91

Distinctly marked on each side and the back with the name of the agency responsible in letters NOT LESS than 4 inches in height

Where is venue for juvenile?

District court where juvenile lives

What amendment affects eyewitness identification evidence?

Due Process clause of the Fifth Amendment


Emotional or psychological shock that may produce disordered feelings or behavior


Endangering child by driving under influence *always make it as separate case*

For Reckless driving a key element is?

Endangering public safety

OCGA 17-5-28 Search of other Persons on Premises

Even if a person isn't named in a warrant, but found on the premises, they are subject to search if the officer can articulate specific facts that would support a reasonable believe that the person is armed (Terry frisk)


Every county has one, who is an elected, Function in part of the superior court, operates the county jail, has arrest power throughout the state and not confined to county boundaries

Subjective Evidence

Evidence that CANNOT be evaluated (opinions, judgement, rumors) Simply accept what the person states or reject it.

Objective evidence

Evidence that you can examine and evaluate for yourself.

Subjective evidence

Evidence that you cannot evaluate... you simply have to accept what the person says or reject it

Post staff

Executive office and 4 divisions: Training standards, Program support, Administration hearing and certification, and Investigations each headed by division director and clerical staff that operates under supervision of Executive director

who is the lead federal law enforcement agency in any terrorist attack


What feature is most likely to make the traffic stop a learning experience for the Officer?

Facial Expressions

criminal liability

Federal 18USC 241 AND 242

When is a preliminary Exam required


Punishment for fourth or subsequent within 10 years is a?


You cannot write a citation for a?


Punishment for school bus drivers convicted of DUI while driving a school bus is?

Felony 1-5 year and/or fine

Ethanol Alcohol

Fermented sugars by yeast Distilled by a controlled boil to extract and concentrate the gases used in drinks, gasoline, and in medical antiseptics

Acute (most common)

Fight or flight Thrilling and exciting in small doses

OCGA 25-2-9 Authority given to...

Fire Marshals have the authority to investigate fires at the request of local LEOs Have the power to arrest

16-5-70; elements of cruelty to children

First Degree (1) a person supervising the welfare of or having immediate charge or custody of a child under the (2) age of 18 commits the offense cruelty to children in the 1st degree when such person (3) willfully deprives the child of necessary sustenance to the extent that the child's health or well-being is (4) jeopardized such person maliciously cause a child under the age of 18 cruel or excessive physical or mental pain Second Degree person with criminal negligence causes a child under the age of 18 cruel or excessive physical or mental pain Third Degree -primary aggressor, intentionally allows a child under the age of 18 to witness the commission of a forcible felony battery, or family violence battery; or -primary aggressor, having knowledge that a child under the age of 18 is present and sees or hears the act, commits a forcible felony battery, or family violence battery

16-5-44.1; elements of motor vehicle hijacking

First Degree (1) while in possession of a firearm or weapon, (2) obtains a motor vehicle (3) from an individual or the presence of another individual by force and violence or intimidation OR attempts/conspires to do so Second Degree (1) obtains a motor vehicle (2) from an individual without his or her consent or from the immediate presence of another individual without her or her consent OR conspires to do so

16-7-1; burglary

First Degree without authority and with the intent to commit a felony or theft therein, he or she enters or remains within an occupied, unoccupied, or vacant dwelling house of another or any building, vehicle, railroad car, watercraft, aircraft, or other such structure designed for the use as the dwelling of another. Second Degree without authority and with the intent to commit a felony or theft therein, he or she enters or remains within an occupied, unoccupied, or vacant building, structure, railroad car, watercraft, or aircraft.

Impending skid marks

First point of brake application not full ABS

What states are included in the 11th Circuit for Supreme Court?

Florida, Alabama, Georgia

What is a common indicator of a driver under the influence?

Flushed face

Definition of Deadly Force

Force that is likely to cause death or serious bodily injury.

Definition of Non-deadly Force

Force that is not likely to cause death or serious bodily injury.

Parts of a pistol

Frame, barrel, slide, magazine, ammunition, trigger, trigger guard, firing pin

Fifth Amendment

Freedom against self-incrimination and double jeopardy

First Amendment

Freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition the government for a redress of grievances

What does FITT stand for?

Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type

When do most DUI's occur?

Friday and Saturdays between 2000-0200

Vehicle Crashes

Frontal Lateral Roll-over Rear-end Vaults Rotations

booking report when completed must be entered to?

GCIC- GA Crime Information Center

Victims must apply by written application to who?

Georgia Criminal Coordinating Council

Where does a peace officer get his power of arrest from?

Georgia law Title 35; the POST act

What does Two Short Whistle Blast mean?


Types of Seizures

Govt. Termination of movement by means intentionally applied -Spraying with O.C. spray -Hitting with a baton -Grabbing/striking someone -Shooting someone with a weapon -Killing (the ultimate seizure)

What is one of the most reliable field tests available to determine impairment?


The five Motorcycle gangs that pose a serious threat to the nation...

Hells Angels, the Outlaws, the Mongols, the Sons of Silence, and the Bandidos

Good faith defense

Honesty in belief or purpose Faithfulness to one's duty or obligation Observance of reasonable commercial standards of fair dealing in a given trade Absence of malice

Good faith

Honesty is an intention or an honest belief yang the act you are doing is lawful and not done because you do not like a person or because you intend to cause unlawful harm to such person.

What is the Oath of Honor?

Honor, Integrity, and Respect are never betrayed. I will always hold myself and others accountable for having the courage to do the right thing.

3 elements to every crash

Human element (texting) Roadway Element (Ice, snow, pothole) Vehicle Element (tire condition, brakes)

Objective Language (Facts)

I saw him... I counted four people... I saw him run toward... She said she was going to...

When does airbag deploy?

If accident is within 30 degrees of center on front of vehicle, at least 14mph for fixed object and 28mph for moveable object

What did Oregon v. Elstad (1985) affirm?

If officers fail to advise a person in custody of Miranda and he is asked questions that incriminate him, that may be cured if the defendant later is advised of Miranda and gives an un-coerced, free and voluntary statement. That statement is admissible in trial. Not advising Elstad of Miranda was a mistake and the officers were not intentionally trying to get around the law

What is the good faith exception to the exclusionary rule?

If officers had reasonable, good faith belief that they were acting according to legal authority, such as by relying on a search warrant that is later found to have been legally defective, the illegally seized evidence is admissible under this rule.

Operating motor vehicle while registration of such vehicle is suspended, canceled, or revoked 40-6-15

Illegal and guilty of a misdemeanor. up to 12 months in jail

What is to deter the traffic violator or potential violator.

Immediate Object

intellectual disability disorder

Impairments of general abilities that impact a persons ability to function

How long will a Drivers license be if you fail to pay a UTC?

Indefinitely until the matter is settled in court and fines are paid

POST has 5 advanced levels of certification

Intermediate, Advanced, Supervisory, Management and Executive

Barriers to effective communication

Interruptions Pretending to listen/daydreaming Invading space Overreacting Distractions Prejudices

What is considered a successful traffic stop?

Is one in which an officer does all in his power to provide a learning opportunity for the driver.

Required obedience to traffic laws; maximum fines for violating speed limits 40-6-1

It will be unlawful for anyone to do any act forbidden or fail to perform any act required in chapter 6 and will be a misdemeanor. Fines for speeding: 0-5mph=no dollars 5-10= $25 10-14= $100 14-19= $125 19-24= $150 24-34= $500

Who determines a Preliminary Hearing



Justification to use force

Who wrote "Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement"?

Kevin M. Gilmartin Ph.D

Homicide by Vehicle- 1st

Killing or severe bodily injury BY passing a school bus, fleeing the police, or DUI

Homicide by Vehicle- 2nd

Killing or severe bodily injury but not by passing a school bus, fleeing the police, or DUI

Marking of official vehicles

LE vehicles- shall be distinctly marked on each side and back w/ name of agency in letters not less than 4 inches in height

4 Levels of Gang Involvement

Leader Hard-Core Member Associates Fringe/Peripheral/Marginal members

En route planning

Learn of the crash Obtain info about the crash anticipate the scene and the needs plan while en route your actions

What will happen if you fail to appear for court?

License will be suspended until the situation is fixed in court

Characteristics of IDD

Limited verbal skills Short attention span Weak short-term memory

Ninth Amendment

Listing of certain rights in the Constitution shall not be construed to deny or disparage other rights retained by the people

Is to increase the level of voluntary compliance to traffic regulations.

Long Range Goal

16-9-1; offense of forgery, 3rd degree

Makes, alters, possesses, utters or delivers any check written in the amount of $1500 or more... Possess 10+ checks written without a specified amount in a fictitious name or manner...

16-9-1; offense of forgery, 4th degree

Makes, alters, possesses, utters or delivers any check written in the amount of less than $1500 Possess less than 10 checks written without a specified amount in a fictitious name or manner...

Deadly force 17-4-20 (b)

May use deadly force if: Felon possess a deadly weapon, reasonably believes that the felon poses an immediate threat of physical violence to the officer or others, or subject has committed a crime involving or threatening a crime of serious physical harm to another person

What is the difference between mental illness and intellectual disability disorder?

Mental illness is a disorder like depression and intellectual disability disorder are impairments that impact ones ability to function.


Mentally ill form

aspects of communication

Message intended Message sent Message received

Types of Alcohol

Methyl Ethyl Isopropyl

4 categories of IDD

Mild or educable Moderate or trainable Severe or moderately trainable Profound or limited trainable

Third conviction within 10 years

Misdemeanor or a high and aggravated nature

First and second conviction within 10 years


non verbal communication

More important than spoken word. Of average communications, only about 7% of message is actually conveyed by the spoken word

State Law Enforcement Agencies

Most are headquartered in Atlanta with offices scattered around State

verbal communications

Most common form of communication. Verbal message is contradicted by the body language. Message intended is rarely the message sent


Moving commercial motor vehicle

Brake lights and Turning Signals 40-8-25

Must be visible within 300ft

Headlights 40-8-22

Must be visible within 500ft

Tail light 40-8-23

Must be visible within 500ft

Tag Light 40-8-23

Must be visible within 50ft

Other than the officer's senses to develop their probable cause, what else can they draw from?

NCIC/GCIC returns Radio Communications Flyers/Bulletins


National Highway Traffic Safety Administration


National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration

Does the Good Faith Exception apply in Georgia?


Is plain view an exception to the warrant requirement for search?


Is there a murder scene exception to the search warrant?


intellectual disability disorder

No Age requirement Chronic disorder IQ 70 or below

Deadly Force OCGA 17-4-20 (d)

No agency of this state shall adopt or promulgate any rule which prohibits a peace officer from using that degree of force to apprehend a suspected felon which is allowed by statutory and case law of this state.

Abused and neglected

No minimum age

permitting unauthorized minor to drive 40-5-123

No person shall cause or knowingly allow his child under 18 to drive without a license

O.C.G.A. 40-6-2

No person shall fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order or direction of any police officer, firefighter, police volunteer authorized under code section 35-1-11, or school-crossing guard

Third Amendment

No soldier can be in your home without consent

Fourteenth amendment

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall deprive anyone of life, liberty, or property without due process of law

Types of bombs

Nuclear Chemical Mechanical

Preliminary Breath Testing

ONLY used to determine is alcohol is either present or not present in the driver's system cannot use it in court can put BAC in narrative

What is the OODA loop?

Observe, orient, decide, act

Negligent torts

Occurs when an officer performs a reasonable act within his/her scope of duty but without due care.

Intentional Torts

Occurs when there is an intention on the part of a peace officer to bring some physical or mental harm to another person

non verbal communication

Of average communications, only about 7% of message is actually conveyed by the spoken word.


Office of Justice Assistance, Research, and Statistics

OCGA 17-5-27 Use of Force

Officers must make a good faith attempt to give verbal notice of their authority and purpose before force is used

Booking an individual into the jail creates what?

Official record of the arrest and cannot post bail until booking has been completed

Elements in tort Liability

Owned a duty to plaintiff That we breach that duty There was injury to the plaintiff Proximate cause of the injury is a direct connection between breach of duty and the injury to the plaintiff Plaintiff must prove amount the amount of damages

Who do you notify if you violate any rules regarding certification?


Arriving at the scene

Parking considerations (park on the hill crest) Safety considerations Check for injuries evidence collection and documentation

Georgia Crime Information Center (GCIC)

Part of GBI Collects, maintains and disseminates complete and accurate criminal history information (oversees the privacy and integrity of criminal history record information) maintains Criminal Justice Information center (CJIS) and serves as link to Federal Bureau of Investigation's National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and access to criminal history record information from other states

What gives you the most points on your license?

Passing a bus

Homicide by vehicle 1st degree

Passing a school bus, DUI, fleeing or evading a LEO and killing a person without malice forethought

Perception Defined is

Past Experience + Observations = ...

What case established officers being able to make a warrantless, forced entry?

Payton V. New York; exigent circumstances

involuntary hospitalization

Peace officers within 72 hrs of receipt of certificate take custody of and deliver to nearest receiving facility the county where patient is found or examined.

2 GA DUI Laws

Per Se and Less Safe

Who should get copies of secure or nonsecure custody order?

Person (parent & child), agency, or detention facility where juvenile is to be placed

OCGA 40-14-2 Use by Certified peace officers

Person operating the speed detection devices muse be registered or certified by the GPSTC


Person who is not a resident and does not reach the criteria of a Non-resident Must register their vehicle if in the state over 90 days

Malfunction Clearance

Phase 1 - tap, roll, rack, recover Phase 2 - tap, roll, rack, rack, rack, reload, roll, rack

What was the Ohio statute violated in Mapp v. Ohio?

Possession of Pornography (felony)

What two things must be on a speeding ticket

Posted speed and the actual speed of the vehicle at the time of the violation

What are the defenses available to officers involving torts?

Probable cause and good faith

Preliminary Exam 2 Purpose?

Probable cause hearing which determines: 1. has a felony been committed 2. was the defendant the one who committed it

Eighth Amendment

Prohibits cruel and unusual punishment, excessive fines, and excessive bail

In Re Winship

Proof beyond a reasonable doubt needed in Juvenile cases They are not entitled to a jury by their peers cannot result in a conviction


Property to property; any and all publicly maintained area used for vehicular travel

Direct examination

Prosecutor will ask questions will ask what happened, we must ask in full and in detail if the same question is asked multiple times, think about the question and the report made

What is the exception to the Miranda warning?

Public Safety Exception


Regular driver

Fourth Amendment

Right against unreasonable search and seizure

Second Amendment

Right to bear arms

In Re Gault

Right to counsel Right to be notified of charges to confront and cross examine witnesses May receive a transcript protection against self-incrimination

Divided Highway

Roadway divided into two or more roadways by an intervening space or physical barrier

Isopropyl Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol, waterless hand sanitizer, a deicer for windsheilds

Situations requiring traffic direction and cotrol rechniqes and procedures

Rush hour traffic; Peak hours of business during evenings, weekends, and holidays; school traffic; special or unusual situations; Hazardous scenes; Escorts of special traffic

4 strategies of problem-oriented policing

SARA -scanning -analyzing -responding -assessing

What does a Long Whistle Blast mean?


What kind of vehicles have a high center of mass and are more likely to be involved in a rollover?

SUVs and trucks

an officer can be polite and professional without being a?

Sales person

A juvenile cannot be held in temporary custody more than 12 hours or 24 hours if any of the 12 hours fall on ____ or ____

Saturday, Sunday

What is the SARA model?

Scan Analyze Respond Assess

Feedback look of communication

Sender > message > Receiver > feedback

SCOTUS factors in considering reasonableness of force (aka Graham Factors)

Severity of offense Immediate threat to safety Actively resisting arrest Evading arrest by flight Size, age, mental health, violent history, alcohol, drugs, etc.

Driving under the influence (ability impaired) 40-6-391

Shall night drive or be in any actual or physical control of any moving vehicle while: -under influence of alcohol -any drug -under intentional influence of any glue, paint, aerosol, or toxic vapor, -blows a 0.08 within three hours of being in contact with a vehicle -any amount of marijuana or controlled substance

Subjective Language (conclusions)

She acted like she was... I thought he was... He needs to grow up.

Personal Contact

Should I ask them to exit the car? See: bloodshot eyes, soiled clothing, fumbling fingers, paraphernalia, bruises, bumps, etc. Hear: Slurred speech, admission, abusive language, inconsistent responses smell: alcohol, marijuana, unusual odors, 'coverup' smells

Vehicle in Motion

Should I stop this vehicle? - Weaving, Headlights off, Swerving, Wide turning radius, Following too Closely, Drifting, 10 miles under the speed limit, braking erratically

Physical characteristics of DUI Driver

Slurred speech, Fumbles with his DL, Glassy eyes, Odor of alcoholic beverage, Passed out

16-6-2; sodomy; agg. sodomy

Sodomy when he or she submits to any sexual act involving the sex organs of one person and the mouth or anus of another Agg. Sodomy commits sodomy with force and against the will of the other person or when he or she commits sodomy with a person less than 10 years of age

effective communication

Speaking clearly and directly accomplishes two things: If we are speaking directly to them, they are more likely to listen. It lets them know we are sincere

what will you charge a man who is driving 80mph in a 55mph zone


Cycle of Violence

Stage 1 - build up Stage 2 - explosion Stage 3 - regret and remorse REPEAT

Civil Liability

Stare torts. Federal law 42 USC 1983

the officer who insist on trying to get the driver to admit guilt may only succeed in?

Starting an argument

Criminal Liability

State 16-5-1 and 16-5-42

In cases of alleged child sexual abuse in a daycare facilities or home, Department of Social Service must notify who?

State Bureau of Investigations

Steps for disengagement

Step back to create distance and protect weapon, step to side to get out of line of fire and more from spot last seen by threat

Interpersonal communication

Successfully communicating with another person It is a game of pitch and catch Message intended v. Message received

The most dangerous phase during a vehicle stop is?

The Approach

Petition or motion for review has to be filed by

The Department of Social Services

Who determines the need for treatment in the case of a juvenile?

The Juvenile Court

Why can Georgia decide not to allow the good faith exception?

The US Supreme Court gave states the power to impose higher standards on searches and seizures than required by the Constitution

Who has the responsibility of determining if a building should be evacuated upon receiving a bomb threat?

The building management

40-8-76 Excpetions

The child is 4'9" or 100lbs and can be secured by a safety belt

Person is sent to a care facility 90 miles away, but there is a facility that is 10 miles away which offers the same treatment, which of this should he be sent to?

The closest one available. 10 miles


The condition of being actually of potentially subject to an obligation; the condition of being responsible for a possible or actual loss, penalty, evil expense, or burden; or, a condition which creates a duty to act immediately or in the future

Williamson v. U.S.

The hearsay rule is premised on the theory that out-of court statements are subject to particular hazards. The declarant might be lying; he might have misperceived the events which he relates; he might have faulty memory; his words might be misunderstood or taken out of context by the listener. And the ways in which these dangers are minimized for in-court statements—the oath, the witness' awareness of the gravity of the proceedings, the jury's ability to observe the witness' demeanor, and, most importantly, the right of the opponent to cross-examine—are generally absent for things said out of court.

Who can start a ALS hearing procedure?

The officer must because he is the one who knows what happened

Graham vs Connor

The orange juice incident -Person had low insulin -Officers stopped to conduct investigation of possible robbery -Subject showed strange behaviors -Detained by use of handcuffs -Released after situation was cleared

What is Gross Vehicle Weight?

The weight of the car only

What is Off-Set skid marks?

There is an abrupt impact causing a shift in the skid marks

Why is the booking a critical time for the arrestee?

They may become agitated or depressed, often suicidal and others may be uncooperative or violent. DO NOT reply on the arrestees to make you aware of these events.

Spree Arsonist

Three or more fires at separate locations

Serial Arsonist

Three or more fires at three or more locations

Mass Arsonist

Three or more fires in one event

What are the tiers of police/citizen contact?

Tier One - verbal encounter Tier Two - brief seizures Tier Three - arrest

How the body eliminates alcohol

Time. Commonly expelled through ones breath, sweat, and urine. 90% Alcohol will metabolize in the liver and is aided by alcohol dehydrogenase BAC drops at a rate of 0.015 per hour


To convey information or to get a point across

Objective Reasonableness

To strike the delicate balance

Traffic Enforcement is?

Total police effort direction to obtain compliance to traffic regulations after programs, education, training, engineering and the like fail to reach this object.

What does Multiple Whistle Blast mean?

Trying to get Attention

Conspiracy Against Rights

Two or more persons. 18 USC 241

District Attorney of County

Typically enters a case after police work is done, may assist in complicated cases like fraud and bribery

US Marshal Service

US department of Justice responsible for serving civil and criminal process as direct by the court; the execution of arrest warrants; investigation and arrest of fugitives, movement and custody of federal prisoners, witness protection, seizing and disposing of property under court orders, security of federal court facilities, judges, jurors, and other trial participants the collection and disbursing of federal funds and other functions at the direction of Attorney General

What court case gave us the good faith exception?

US v. Leon (1984)

Lewd Stickers, decals, etc... 40-1-4



Under the age of 21

A person shall not drive or be in actual physical control of any moving vehicle while:

Under the influence of alcohol, any drug, Intentional influence of any glue, aerosol, or other toxic vapor.

In what manner should traffic directions be directed?

Uniform manner

Serious Misuse is?


Most common actions for suit

Use of force Negligent Motor Vehicle Operation Taking away freedom

Administrative liability

Violation results in: Dismissal Demotion Transfer Reprimand

Cases involved in the history of the exclusionary rule

Weeks v. United States (1914) Wolfe v. Colorado (1949) Mapp v. Ohio (1961)

License to be carried and exhibited on demand 40-5-29

While operating a motor vehicle, one must carry and show his license at the request of a LEO

Most people arrested for DUI's are what race and age?

White/Hispanic between 25-44 yrs old

18 U.S.C. Section 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

Whoever willfully subjects any person to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. if death results from the acts, the person shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death

Are officers required to notify victims that compensation is available to them?


While diplomats have this immunity in the US, can they still get in trouble?

Yes, in their originating county - they can decide on punishment

what type of world can an officer create?

a "proactive" world in which I plan my home life around core values of family, loving and caring

what is world view based on?

a "threat based" biologically driven perspective in which everyday events unfold as potentially dangerous to officer safety

What should arrest be thought of?

a PROCESS of events

How did the Maryland v. Buie case define a protective sweep?

a QUICK and LIMITED search of premises, incident to an arrest and conducted to protect police officers or others

Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) or Oxacillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (ORSA)

a bacterium responsible for several difficult to treat infections in human any basteria/staph infection that has develop resistance to antibiotics spread by person to person by direct contact

what stance should an officer not take during a traffic stop?

a combative stance

autonomic nervous system

a control system that acts largely unconsciously and regulates bodily functions such as the heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, pupillary response, urination, and sexual arousal

hypervigilance is what?

a cyclical, biologically driven energy change


a depressant that affects the central nervous system

what does hypervigilance produce?

a general "sense of energy" to meet and overcome threat to personal survival

What is a seizure?

a government termination of movement through means intentionally applied

what happens when a temporary restraining order is issued without notice?

a hearing must be set at which time the court will consider protective order

what is terrorism generally motivated by?

a higher cause or purpose; including: race and hate, religion, politics, and desire for social change

dependent juvenile

a juvenile in need of assistance or placement because the juvenile has no parent, guardian or custodian responsible for care or supervision

Neglected juvenile

a juvenile who does not receive proper care, supervision, or discipline from the juvenile's parent, guardian, custodian or caretaker, or who has been abandoned

Undiscplined juvenile

a juvenile who while less than 16 years of age but at least 6 years of age, is unlawfully absent from school is regularly disobedient

What is a protective sweep?

a limited search of the premises conducted primarily to ensure the safety of police officers by detecting the presence of others

What must exist between the arrest and the search of the vehicle?

a nexus/link

Pedestrian obedience to traffic controlled devices

a pedestrian shall obey the instructions of any official traffic control device unless otherwise directed by a LEO

16-5-60; elements of reckless conduct, HIV infected persons

a person causes bodily harm to or endangers the bodily safety of another person by consciously disregarding a substantial and unjustifiable risk that his act or omission will cause harm or endanger the safety of the other person and the disregard constitutes a gross deviation from the standard of care which a reasonable person would exercise HIV (1) an HIV infected person who, after (2) obtaining knowledge of being infected with HIV ~summary~ shares HIV without the other persons consent in various ways (1-5)


a person who has not reached their 18th birthday and is not married, emancipated, or a member of the armed forces

Pedestrians under the influence

a person who is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug which renders him a hazard shall not walk or be upon any roadway or the shoulder of any roadway

Traffic Accident

a road vehicle accident in which (1) the un-stabilized situation originates on a trafficway or (2) a harmful event occurs on a trafficway

Facts of the case in US v. Leon

a search warrant was executed based on an affidavit signed by a judge and reviewed by three DA's Large quantities of drugs were seized but were suppressed due to the lack of probable cause for the original search warrant officers had good faith executing the search warrant, they are not expected to question the judge's decision

true emergency

a situation in which there is a high probability of death or serious injury to an individual, or significant property loss

what are most militias concerned about?

a social disaster stemming from race war, economic collapse, nuclear holocaust, or biological disaster

No motor vehicle shall be operated w/ a windshield or rear window having what?

a starburst or spider webbing effect greater than 3X3 inches

crisis zone

a strop about 20 inches wide that starts at the violator's rear bumper and ends about 10 inches from the driver's door. If passengers are in the back seat it will end 10 inches from the passengers window

Reticular Activating System (RAS)

a system of the human brain that determines one's state of awareness

Linear Patrol is?

a type of patrol that requires the officer to patrol a street or highway from one point to another fixed point (Think a Straight Line)

What is the process for a private citizen applying for a warrant? (OCGA 17-4-40)

a warrant hearing is to be held

What did US v. Ross affirm?

a warrant-less search is no broader or narrower than a magistrate would legitimately authorize by warrant

What does taint mean?

a. to affect with or as if with a disease b. to affect with decay or putrefaction; spoil. Contaminate

What does purge mean?

a. to free from impurities; purify b. to remove (impurities and other elements) by or as if by cleaning

symptoms of Hepatitis B

abdominal pain, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, gray colored bowl movements, joint pain, jaundice

Department of Social Services is required to send a written and oral report to DA and law enforcement if the director finds evidence of

abused juvenile within 48 hours of abuse

Friction enables the emergency vehicle to do what?

accelerate, stop, and change direction

Characteristics of an effective report

accuracy conciseness completeness clarity legibility objectivity grammatically correct correct spelling

What are two parts of a crime?

act and intent


act committed which constitutes any violation of GA laws in code book under many chapters and titles

What is qualified immunity?

acting within duties of your job and no case law/law against it

Due Regard

actions that a reasonable, careful officer, w/ similar training and experience performing similar activities, would take under the same circumstances

Acts (choosing not to enforce the law) become what?

acts of commission- continuum of dysfunction moves to conscious violation of agency rules, regulations, and SOPs


acute viral disease of central nervous system transmitted through saliva of infected animal almost always fatal

What is professionalism?

adhering to the technical/ethical standards of a profession

US Fish and Wildlife Service

administers and enforces federal wildlife and park protection laws and regulations


administrative steps taken after the arrested person is brought to the police station which involves entry of the person's name, the crime for which the arrest was made, and other relevant facts on the police "blotter" and which may also include photographing and fingerprinting

biological agents/weapons can be disseminated by

aerosols (crop duster planes), dermal exposure (breaks in skin), or inhalation ex: anthrax is very persistent can remain in soil for hundreds of years

What are the two parts to a warrant?

affidavit command

When must NONRESIDENTS apply for registration on their vehicle?

after 30 days

When must VISITORS apply for registration of their vehicle?

after 90 days

What did Minnesota v. Dickerson affirm?

after the officer knows there are no weapons, he is not authorized to squeeze, slide, or manipulate the contents of defendant's pockets; has to be IMMEDIATELY apparent

17-5-29 Return of Search Warrant

after the search has been completed, it is the duty of the officer to file a verified list of items seized with the magistrate

Emotional survival for the average officer is dependent on?

agency awareness

custodial authority

agency having custody of the accused must notify the victim if accused is released (must include terms ex: if wearing electronic tracker) or escapes from custody

what pathogens present more of a challenge and why?

air borne pathogens because they cannot be easily identified until the responder is within close contact of the infectious person

biological weapons

aka poor man's atomic nuke, considered to be very high risk bacteria and viruses exist everywhere materials needed to build a functional device are generally easy to procure and little expertise needed to disseminate the agent effects are generally delayed for hours or days if agent is contagious the target area could expand very quickly but initially defined area

What is the most abused drug?


OCGA 17-5-24 Authority to Execute

all peach officers can execute a search warrant

What is a physical lineup?

all persons should be of same age/race/characteristics and are lined up; can be compelled to speak certain words

unknown risk

all vehicle stops should be thought of in this term the violation itself is not an indicator of what you are dealing with the appearance of the driver/passengers ad vehicle may not offer any warning of danger

What is one of the most common skids?

all wheel braking skid GET OFF BRAKES

What is the purpose of a secondary stop location at a roadblock?

allows motorists who have the proper credentials and are safe to drive only be detained briefly

Purpose of the decocking lever on a pistol?

allows the hammer to be dropped on a live cartridge without risk of discharging it

Rule of Sequestration

allows witnesses to be excluded from the courtroom during proceedings. The rule also requires that witnesses not discuss the case with anyone other than the judge, or the attorneys involved directly in the case. A violation of the rule goes to the credibility of the witness.

Following (another vehicle)

always allow for 3 seconds between you and the vehicle you are following

What is the only exception for duty to report?

an attorney acquires such knowledge from client during representation

What is an ex parte?

an emergency hearing


an infection caused by bacterium Bacillus anthracis found in many types of soil that primarily affects livestock but can occasionally spread to humans affecting either skin, intestines, or lungs -in humans it can be treated but fatal in animals - causes coal-black sore-most common form of disease -may be used as type of biological weapon become infected simply by inhaling spores and inhaled anthrax is most dangerous form

What did Florida v. Wells establish?

an inventory must not be a cover for general rummaging to discover evidence

What did the US v. Cortez case affirm?

an investigatory stop must be justified by some objective manifestation that the person stopped is, or is ABOUT to BE, engaged in criminal activity

where is the best environment to conduct an interview?

an office

What did Steagald v. US affirm?

an officer may search for the subject of an arrest warrant at his residence armed only with an arrest warrant

Organized Crime Strike Force

an umbrella organization operated by US department of Justice representatives from 15 federal, state, and local agencies make up force meet regularly to discuss the activities of member agencies investigates- racketeering, traditional organized crime, white-collar organized crime, and violations by and against unions

How often do you have to complete firearms training after initial certification?


How can you prevent brake fade?

anticipate need for braking and give yourself enough distance to slow down

What is the definition of crime prevention?

anticipation, recognition, and appraisal of some crime risk and the initiation of some action to remove or reduce it

definition of government action

any action taken by government officials and their agents

Sirens, whistles, bells

any authorized emergency vehicle may be equipped w/ such under normal conditions from a distance of not less than 500 ft- must be used in an emergency

If a crime is committed in transit, how is venue determined?

any county in which the crime could have been committed

who has authority to issue custody orders?

any district court judge

Delinquent juvenile

any juvenile who while less than 16 years of age, but at least 6 years of age commits a crime or infraction under state law or under an ordinance of local government, including violation of the motor vehicle laws


any land way open to the public as a matter of right or custom for moving persons or property from one place to another

arresting law enforcement agency

any law enforcement agency, other that the investigating agency, which arrests the accused

Nondivertible offense

any offense that would require a juvenile to go to court and other options would not be available

Misdemeanor child abuse

any parent of a child less than 16 years of age, or any other person providing care to or supervision of such child, who inflicts physical injury, or who allows physical injury to be inflicted


any person other than a parent, guardian or custodian who has responsibility for the health, and welfare of a juvenile in a residential setting

Reckless Driving

any person who drives any vehicle in reckless disregard for the safety of persons or property

Habitual violators

any person who has been arrested and convicted within 3 or more times within a 5 year period

16-5-73; punishments for meth manufacturing in presence of children

any person who intentionally causes or permits a child to be present where any person is manufacturing meth or possessing a chemical substance with the intent to manufacture meth shall be guilty of a FELONY 2-15 years when a child receives serious injury from the above, guilty of a FELONY 5-20 years

contributing to delinquency

any person who is at least 16 years old who knowingly or willfully causes, encourages, or aids and juvenile to commit an act whereby the juvenile could be adjudicated delinquent, undisciplined, abused, neglected is guilty

Hearing Impaired Person

any person whose hearing is totally impaired or hose hearing is so seriously impaired as to prohibit the person from understanding oral communications when spoken

Definition of a civil dispute

any problem involving two parties where no crime has occurred

OCGA 17-5-26 When Warrant may be executed

any reasonable time; varies from case to case

Exemption from expired license

any service member whose GA driver's license expired while such service member was serving outside the state shall be permitted to operate a motor vehicle in accordance w/ such expired license for a period of 6 months from the date of their discharge

What did Brown v. State (1988) affirm?

any stop of a MOVING vehicle has been treated as a DETENTION, and an officer generally has no authority to make a stop of a vehicle UNLESS he has at LEAST a reasonable suspicion

What is an informer?

anyone who gives information to a police officer


anything that a witness didn't see or generate themselves

What does the US Supreme Court say in regards to open fields?

applies to all land outside the curtilage regardless of how remote the land is and regardless of efforts of the property owner to keep others out

Per Se DUI

applies when a person is found to have a BAC at or above the prohibited level (.08)

What can the officer do if he has probable cause to search the vehicle after arrest?

apply for a search warrant

Maximum/Threshold braking

applying enough brake pressure to reach the point just before locks

Executive director of Post

appoint by POST council responsible for planning, organizing, and directing the administration of statewide program

what is the most critical time on a domestic violence call?

approach and entry

Court counselor may divert juvenile to?

appropriate public/private resource, restitution program, community service, victim/offender mediation, regimented physical training counseling, teen court program

terrorist operations

are often large-scale

What is a Nation in regards to a gang?

are organizations comprised of different gangs. The People's Nation and the Folks Nation are the two major gang nations in the United States

What is the area within the immediate control of an arrestee defined as?

area at the time of arrest, not the time of the search


area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb lines

What constitutes as curtilage on a person's property?

area surrounding and associated with a home; occupied by a dwelling and its yard and outbuildings (frequently visited)

it takes probable cause to?


What do you need to ask a person for their ID?

articulable reasonable suspicion

it only takes what to stop someone

articulable suspicion

What is progression in a training program?

as fitness level increases, must increase overload

City of Pooler v Edenfield

as the second pursing officer followed at a distance of 1/4 mile or more, the officer's actions were not the proximate cause of the accident

What are effective communication techniques?

asking for clarification, repeating back phrases, and watching the speaker for non-verbal cues

where should you park your car on a domestic violence call?

at least one house away

What is a photo lineup?

at least six pictures of persons of same age/race/characteristics shown to the victim/witness

when can the search incident to arrest take place?

at the time of arrest and again at the jail for inventory

what is the antidote for exposure to chemical agents?

atrophine (itself a poison)

Parts of mental conditioning

attitude, belief system, duty, honor, integrity/commitment, emotions

OCGA 40-1-1

authorized emergency vehicle belonging to a public utility corporation or operated by the DOT and designated as an emergency vehicle by the DPS; motor vehicle belonging to a fire dept; certified private vehicle belonging to a fire fighter; an ambulance

What did Terry v. Ohio (1968) affirm?

authorized the stop and frisk of an individual based on reasonable suspicion, a standard not amounting to probable cause, but requiring some degree of protection under the 4th amendment

Railroad Police

authorized to employ officers who have full police powers throughout the State when investigating offenses committed on railroad property

What did Carroll v. US affirm?

automobile exception to the search warrant (still needs probable cause)

the heightened awareness stress what system in the body?

autonomic nervous system

Investigations Unit of Department of Juvenile Justice

available 24 hours a day for wanted juveniles

What are cover/concealment tactics?

awareness, seeking cover, changing cover, firing from cover

What is the goal of the suspension system?

balance the vehicle through changes in speed or direction

what questions are allowed during Voir Dire

basically anything -race, religion, political beliefs, if there mind is already made up

Tint on the windshield must...

be no longer that 6"

If a private citizen makes an arrest, where must they take the arrestee? (OCGA 17-4-61)

before a judge or a peace officer

improve verbal communications skills by

being a good listen

officers should avoid what with arrestees of opposite sex when possible?

being alone with them

What is ethnocentrism?

belief in the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture; causes conflict

Militant muslims

believe the greatest threat to Islam from the west was technology that fostered sin and depravity -they want to defeat this perceived attack on the faith

What is the standard of proof for a criminal conviction?

beyond a reasonable doubt

what type of terrorism has thus far been limited to very few cases?

biological terrorism


bleach is still most effective cleanup of contamination use a 1:10 solution- 1 part bleach to 9 part water anything that can not be sanitizer it is best to throw it away and get a new one (ex: any leather gear that you can't get wet and leather gear will absorb blood)

What are different types of protective equipment?

body armor, holsters, batons, taser, and chemical agents

What is statutory law?

body of law created by acts of the legislature; subordinate to Constitutional law

Drug Investigations use these two techniques

both overt and covert techniques. Covert techniques include undercover operations. Overt techniques include the execution of warrants and arrests made by uniformed officers

Defining scope in relation to a search warrant

boundary or limits imposed by the size and nature of the items named in the search warrant Example: cannot search a jewelry box for an AR-15

What is one of the worst consequences of heat due to excessive or hard braking?

brake fade

What is an integral part of vehicle control?


Shadowing skid marks

brakes have not fully locked, but speed reduction is there and ABS is is occurring

What are acts of commission-administration?

breaking rules and policies that the officer perceives as unfair, offensive, or oppressive

Define a tier two - brief seizure

brief seizures must be supported by articulable reasonable suspicion (ARS) **has to be more than a hunch

What is the scope of the search based on PC on a vehicle?

bumper to bumper

What 4 offenses do businesses deal with mostly?

burglary, fraud, robbery, and shoplifting

How are felonies indicted?

by a grand jury

16-8-5; theft of services

by deception and with the intent to avoid payment, he knowingly obtains services, accommodations, entertainment or the use of the personal property which is available only for compensation

What is perception driven by?

by physiological and psychological demands


by trasmitting a high-frequency radio wave and bouncing the signal off a moving target, the radar instrument is able to convert electronically a shift in a signal's frequency into a mile per hour display

officers should attempt to ?

calm emotional motorists before allowing them to resume driving

survivor orientation

can control their personal life

What happens in regards to searching when the arrestee is under control of the officer?

can no longer search, there is no longer an issue of officer safety or evidence being destroyed

What happens when one action constitutes for multiple crimes?

cannot be convicted if the other crimes are lesser included of the other crime

Operation of radio, etc

cannot be plainly audible at a distance of 100 feet or more from a motor vehicle!


carry 10 plus passengers and used for transportation for compensation

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

caused by HIV; it is the most advance stage of HIV infection can damage any of the body's major organs because HIV destroys immune system cells

Skid Marks

caused by a tire that is not free to rotate

Skid marks

caused by tires that are not free to rotate locked as a result of braking or action by driver wheels suffered binding or becomes jammed as a result of collision

Injury is...

caused by transfer of energy to tissues

Friction between the tire and road surface must overcome ______ or loss of control will occur

centrifugal force

What did Illinois v. Gates affirm?

changed the standard from Aguilar & Spinelli to the totality of the circumstances; did not abandon the two prong test, but added to it


chemically known as diacetylmorphine. The three primary geographic sources for the heroin used in the United States are the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Mexico. It is usually found in a powder form extending from fine to lumpy granular in texture. The color may be white, off-white, brown, blue-white or tan depending upon its geographical origin. The brown heroin usually originates in Mexico and the white from European markets.

Punishment for child molestation

child molestation: 5-20 years Agg. child molestation: life imprisonment or split sentence of no less than 25 years imprisonment and life probation

2 types of MVC's

collision and non collision

Accident crash

collision of vehicle with another vehicle or an object in which a person is killed or injured or in which damage to property is done in excess of $500

Norteños or Norte 14

color red, the number 14, the letter N, and the Huelga bird (the symbol of the United Farm Workers' Association)

16-8-6; theft of lost or mislaid property

comes into control of property that he nows or learns to have been lost or mislaid and appropriates the property to his own use without first taking reasonable measures to restore the property to the owner

OCGA 17-5-23 Command of the Search Warrant

commands the officer directed to execute the search warrant

What type of crime is to be committed for a private citizen to execute a citizen's arrest? (OCGA 17-4-60)

committed in his presence/within his immediate knowledge; still must have reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion

Define a tier one - verbal encounter

communication between police and citizens involving no COERCION or DETENTION citizen is free to leave at any time and not required to talk to you

notify who of your location and vehicle description before exiting your vehicle

communication officer

counter-intelligence range of uses

community safety, combating terrorism, drug operations, community affairs, public information, operational deception, security operations, coordination with other agency, crime prevention

What is the standard for obscene material?

community standard to be determined by someone other than a police officer


complete cessation from movement

What is an easy way to show intent?

completion of the crime

What is the advantage of darkness?

concealing weapon, position, and movement; allows to observe without being observed

Georgia Crime Lab

conducts test on submitted evidence, reports on the test results, and testifies in court as tot he results when needed

What was the outcome in Missouri v. Seibert?

confession and other evidence completely thrown out and Seibert walked due to this error

What information released could lead to criminal charges and/or civil litigation?

confidential information

the main obstacle to a successf traffic stop is what?



considered the most dangerous vehicles you will stop interior is hidden look for rocking of the vehicle listen for sounds of unobserved doors opening while walking in crisis zone, place your hand against van to feel for movement use mirrors to see inside may want to use passenger side approach during the night consider having driver exit vehicle

nuclear weapons

considered to be low threat due to the difficulties in procuring nuclear material and expertise to construct a usable device 2 categories: clean -low radiation residue dirty- high radiation residue effects- long term and manifest into cancer basically limited to a defined area

16-4-1; criminal attempt

constitutes a substantial step toward the commission of a crime; cannot be convicted of criminal attempt and the crime

2 types of vehicular damage

contact and induced damage


contained naturally in opium and was first isolated in 1832.5 It is generally manufactured in a lab from methyl morphine. It is not usually prescribed in pure form but is obtained in medicines such as Empirin Compound and Novahistine-DH. In small, regulated doses, for appropriate uses, its addiction danger level is minimal

What items will not be returned to a subject from the inventory?

contraband and stolen property

key to coping

control what you can control and release yourself from what you can not control

2 types of stops

controlled stop sudden/panic stops

Interview definition

conversation between a law enforcement officer and a person who has or is thought to have knowledge sought by the officer; generally cooperative

Interrogation definition

conversation between a law enforcement officer and a person who is suspected of committing a crime or of assisting others to commit a crime

an officer's tone of voice should be what?


Definition of communication

convey information or to get a point across

When taking measurements of a MVC, you should what?

coordinate and triangulate

What should the investigator do after receiving a confession?

corroborate those statements with evidence

symptoms of AIDs

coughing and shortness of breath, seizures and lack of coordination, difficult or painful swallowing, severe and persistent diarrhea, fever, vision loss, nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, weight loss, extreme fatigue, severe headaches with neck stiffness

thumbs hooked into the front of the belt and learning toward the driver, means?

could be understood as hostile and threatening

order for nonsecure custody entered by


What is purpose of transfer hearing?

court to determine whether the protection of the public and the needs of the juvenile will be best served by having case heard in superior court

What is the inevitable discovery exception?

courts will not suppress evidence that has been seized illegally if the government can establish that the evidence inevitably would have been discovered lawfully

Covering plate 40-2-6.1

covers license plate with plastic or other material, or with body, to prevent or impede the ability of surveillance equipment to clearly photograph the plate

Motor Vehicle Crash (MVC)

crash involving a motor vehicle in transport, does not involve an aircraft or watercraft, and does not include any harmful event involving a railway train in transport prior to involvement of a motor vehicle in transport ($500 or more in damage!)

What is administrative law?

created by administrative agencies in the form of rules, regulations, orders, and decisions to carry out regulatory powers and duties of such agencies Examples of admin law includes rules and regulations of the Georgia POST council or GCIC

Crime Victim Liaison aka Victim Witness Coordinator

created position by some agencies and tasked with the assisting victims through the complexities of the criminal justice system

A percentage of what collected by the courts is paid into the Peace officers annuity and benefit fund?

criminal or traffic fines and bond forfeitures

all response to terrorist attacks divided into 2 categories

crisis management (law enforcement investigation and prevention) and consequence management (emergency management functions after the event)

What type of an arrest does a search incident to arrest apply to?

custodial; NOT traffic citations

A idealistic recruit may become what type of veteran?

cynical veteran

Induced Damage

damage that is not the result of direct contact between two colliding bodies, but due to the transmission of contact force through the vehicle ex: crumpled dashboard due to the engine being pushed into the passenger compartment

Contact Damage

damage that is the result of a collision between two bodies- includes such damage as crumpled, distorted, and broken parts of the vehicle ex: crumpled fender, broken headlamp

major incidents have common factors

dangerous, dynamic (always changing), complex, confusing

Reactive policing definition

dealing with crime after it occurs; treating and rehabilitating criminals

Proactive policing definition

dealing with crime before it officers; structuring environment to prevent crimes

punishment for armed robbery

death or imprisonment for life or 1-10 years

punishment for rape

death, life imprisonment without parole, or by a split sentence of no less than 25 years and life on probation

tire imprints

debris which has been pulled onto the road by a vehicle (dirt, water, oil, sand, etc)


decide what action you will take decide how you will end the interaction

Thompson v Payne

decision to initiate or continue a pursuit may be negligent when the heightened risk of injury to third parties is unreasonable in relation to the interest in apprehending suspects

Determining venue for kidnapping

declared a continuous offense and venue may be in any county where the accused exercises dominion/control over the person of another

As your speed increases, the friction between the tires and the roads does what?


What do officers do to justify continuing their career?

deny negative aspects of their job

What indicates dysfunction in an officers life?

depression, isolation, and withdrawal from society and loved ones

Computerized anti lock braking system

designed to keep vehicles wheels rolling as the brakes are applied to assist the driver in achieving a controlled stop wheels keep rolling, allowing the driver to retain steering ability

What was the decision in Miranda v. Arizona?

detained criminal suspects, prior to police questioning, must be informed of their constitutional right to an attorney and against self-incrimination.

Key Event/Key Point

determines the time, place, and type of accident that will occur

What is the concept of diplomatic immunity?

diplomatic agents and members of their immediate families are immune from all criminal prosecution and most civil law suits

Different interrogation techniques/themes

direct accusation blame accomplice emotional overwhelming evidence

common methods of exposure

direct contact, indirect contact (contaminated surface), droplet contact (sneezes), airborne, fecal-oral (enter though contaminated food or water),vector-borne (ex: mosquitoes)

If the Department of Social Services receives report of abused juvenile in a daycare facility or home

director must notify department of heath and human resources and division of child development within 24 hours or next working day of receipt of report

Damage severity

disabling no damage functional

tuberculosis (TB)

disease that primarily affects the lungs -spread through the air when infected person sprays out droplets by coughing, speaking, or singing

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

division of Treasury enforces all internal revenue laws except dealing with firearms, explosives, alcohol, and tobacco mission to encourage and achieve the highest possible degree of voluntary compliance with the tax laws investigate criminal and civil violations of Internal revenue laws in past been helpful in breaking up organized crime activities

Private security guards

do not have full police powers

What is angular search or "slicing the pie"?

do this from cover; don't hug the cover

FBI categorizes terrorism in US as either

domestic (conducted in the US without any foreign direction or involvement) or international (occurs outside the US or crossed national boundaries)

What should you do to the handcuffs to minimize risk of injury to the subject?

double lock

Following too closely

driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent (discretion left to officer) having due regard for the speed of such vehicles and the traffic upon and the condition of the highway

Duty to make immediate reports of accidents

driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury to or death of another person or property damage to an apparent extend of $500 or more than immediately give notice of such accident to the local police department, sheriffs, or state patrol

Limitations on backing

driver shall not back unless such movement can be made w/ safety and w/o interfering other traffic -not back upon any shoulder or roadway

Ways you can experience loss of control of a motor vehicle

driving too fast for conditions, inappropriate braking, changing directions to abruptly, entering curve too fast

Schedule I

drugs have the highest potential for abuse and no current medical use in the United States

What are controlled substances?

drugs, substances, or immediate precursors in Schedules I through V of the O.C.G.A. and 21 C.F.R. Part 1308

evidence seized illegally violated what clause of what amendment?

due process of the 14th amendment, or some provision of the Bill of Rights

Besides making sure you are responding to a "true emergency", you must pay _______ to the safety of others.

due regard

What must an officer have for being in emergency mode?

due regard for the safety of others

opportunities of exposure

during arrest, rendering aid to victims, evidence collection


earth's pull on an object

What is critical for safe handling of an emergency vehicle?

effective use of weight distribution

When combat loading a shotgun, where should the ammo be loaded into?

ejection port

most officer-citizens contacts occur in an?

emotional climate

Selective enforcement should never be what?

enforcement quotas or exploitation of hot spots

Forest Service, US Department of Agriculture

enforces federal regulations on national forest lands protection of natural resources establishes cooperative agreements with those county sheriffs and police departments whose jurisdiction include national forest land agreements emphasize local responsibility for criminal law enforcement in return for the required additional activity

16-6-22; incest

engages in sexual intercourse or sodomy, with a person whom he or she knows he or she is related to either by blood or by marriage as follows: (1) father and child/stepchild (2) mother and child/stepchild (3) siblings of whole blood or half blood (4) grandparent and grandchild of whole blood or half blood (5) aunt and niece or nephew of whole blood or half blood (6) uncle and niece or nephew of whole blood or half blood

16-6-3; statutory rape

engages in sexual intercourse with any person under the age of 16 years and not his or her spouse, provided that no conviction shall be had for this offense on the unsupported testimony of the victim. CONSENT not an element


engaging in more than one incident of racketeering which incorporates acts or threats involving homicide, bribery, burglary, arson, prostitution, gambling, theft and dealing in narcotics or dangerous drugs, among a number of other offensive acts

What is the purpose of giving legislature the privilege from arrest?

ensures they can do their job without reprimand from law enforcement who may not agree with their decisions

victims of sexual assault

entitled to forensic medical examination at no cost to them or insurance and is charged directly to GA Crime Victims' Compensation Program

The Preliminary Breath test primarily accomplishes what?

establish PC for an arrest

incident command requires

establishing objectives, setting priorities, and assigning resources

What did Wong Sun v. US (1963) affirm?

even though Wong Sun was unlawfully arrested by the DEA, Wong Sun returned on his own behalf days later to give a statement --> deemed separate from fruit of the poisonous tree and motion to suppress was denied

Even if evidence was obtained in violation of the 4th amendment, when are the courts not required to return property to the defendant?

even though the evidence was found unlawfully, if the evidence is contraband, it is not to be returned to the defendant

five mistakes an officer can make

every stop is approached in the same way, even if there is a good reason to suspect unusual risks (failure to use threat assessment) when there is no initial danger, there is failure to perceive new ad ominous information treating violators as if they are unarmed exhibit no curiosity about what may be in the car have low levels of awareness of ways that they can be harmed

Weight transfer

every time you accelerate, decelerate, or change the direction of the vehicle, the weight distribution of the vehicle shifts

Presumption of sound mind

everyone is presumed of sound mind and discretion, but the presumption may be rebutted and the burden of proof is then on the defense

What constitutes a party to the crime and what is the punishment?

everyone person concerned in the commission of a crime is a party thereto and may be charged with and convicted of commission of the crime

what is the exclusionary rule?

evidence illegally obtained will not be admissible in court

What did Mapp v. Ohio (1961) affirm?

evidence obtained in violation of the 4th amendment could NOT be admitted in a state court criminal proceeding, and establishing the exclusionary rule applies to EVERYONE

Objective evidence

evidence that you can examine and evaluate yourself. Not influenced by personal feelings, interpretation, or prejudice. (heard, smelled, touched, able to be described, counted...)

How to determine if the length of a traffic stop was reasonable?

examine whether the police diligently pursued a means of investigation that was likely to confirm or dispel their suspicions quickly

What are acts of commission-criminal?

examples: falsifying a report, perjury, stealing, destruction of evidence, etc.

What did Weeks v. United States (1914) affirm?

exclusionary rule at this time only applied to the actions of the federal government; before this decision the courts admitted illegally seized material as evidence to avoid allowing guilty parties to go free

symptoms of hypervigilance

exhaustion; abnormally increased arousal, a high responsiveness to stimuli, and a constant scanning of the environment for threats

What is the independent source exception?

existence of evidence which was not illegally seized and which in fact provided a basis for the discovery of the challenged evidence

what is the favorite weapon of terrorist?



extends to 16-17

domestic terrorism

extreme force and violence perpetrated by residents of a country, within that country, for the purpose of coercing its government and population into modifying its behavior

What does probable cause to seize refer to?

facts and circumstances that would lead a reasonable officer to believe that an item is contraband is stolen or constitutes evidence of a crime

What does probable cause to arrest refer to?

facts or circumstances that a particular person has committed a crime and that person may be ARRESTED for that crime

What does probable cause to search refer to?

facts or circumstances that make an officer believe that evidence of a crime is now in a particular location and that officer should be allowed to go and SEARCH for that evidence

Definition of probable cause

facts or circumstances that would make a reasonable or prudent person believe a crime is being or has been committed

If someone doesn't stop for a roadblock, what citation can be given?

failure to obey a traffic control device; officer is considered a traffic control device during a roadblock

Standard arrest booking report form is?

fairly self-explanatory, the information that must be entered: General Information- agency info, time of arrest, case #, etc. Personal Information- name, race, DOB, age, weight, SS, visible marks, etc. Charge Information- counts, statues Bond Information Disposition Information- sentence, time served, Fine paid, etc. Medical Information- record exact response for arrestee Release Data- Property Receipt

training for terrorism

familiarization with the threat, prevention through intelligence collection and investigation, tactical response, negotiations, hazardous material response, and incident command system

Your reaction to a skid must be what?

fast and accurate

Injury severity

fatal possible injury no injury

reasons victims do not report crimes to law enforcement officers

fear of retaliation and believing that the police could not or would not do anything about the crime

victims of human trafficking may also be able to receive compensation from?

federal government

4 types of regulations the operator of an emergency vehicle is governed by

federal law motor vehicle laws enacted by the state local ordinances departmental policies

POST certified instructors come from?

federal, state and local law enforcement agencies

Upon your third conviction making you a habitual violator, is that a felony or misdemeanor?


How long do you have to report violations to POST?

fifteen days

semi trailers

find good location to stop allow patrol car to be offset more than normal and back from the rear of the semi more watch the side mirror as you approach, you should see the driver should shooting start, only cover is to dive under trailer entire length of trailer is crisis zone never stand in front of the driver's door or get into the rig

good preparations is to have what?

first aid kit handy and stocked with protective equipment and supplies * keep hand sanitizer in kit--**but this is not a replacement for washing just helps with can not wash hands right away

Homicide by Vehicle (2 degrees)

first and second degree

punishment for motor vehicle hijacking

first degree: 10-20 years second degree: 1-10 years


first recognized in Naples, Italy as a prison gang, in the mid-1800s. Members, former prisoners, "formed clans in the cities and continued to grow in power."

how should you use artificial light?

flashlight techniques -two types of carry styles: chapman and harries

symptoms of HIV

flu-like symptoms, diarrhea, fatigue, fever, frequent vaginal yeast infections, headache, mouth sores including thrush (small white eruptions in mouth), stiff or aching muscles, rashes, sore throat, swollen lymph glands

During routine duties, officers are required to what?

follow the rules of the road just like any ordinary citizen

golden hour

for serious injuries, medical aid must be administered at the scene and the victim transported to medical facility within 1 hour of occurrence *this quick response gives the victim the greatest chance of survival

Centripetal force

force that makes the body of an object follow a curved path ex: going into a curve and gliding through it w/o accelerating

if the officer or a family member feels that an older driver needs to be evaluated for safety, they can complete and submit ?

form DDS-270 to the department of driver services

Which amendment covers an arrest?


What must occur for a stop and frisk to be lawful?

frisk if there is articulable reasonable suspicion for weapons

Should you focus on front or rear sights?


6 types of skids

front wheel braking skid rear wheel braking skid all wheel braking skid power skid spin out hydroplaning

Define tier three - arrest

full scale arrest, supported by PROBABLE CAUSE

Administrative hearing and certification division

function is to ensure compliance of qualifications and training requirements and to bring action against those not in compliance -processing of applications for certification and registration -process career development certifications -issuance of basic certification certificates -radar and speed device certifications -coordination hearings for Council relating to suspension, revocation, or other sanctions that could be impose against peace officer -processing specialty certifications -administration of required exams

objectives of terrorism

gaining recognition, coercion, intimidation, and provocation (government to overreact ex: Patriot Act)

chemical weapons

generally "toxic" poisonous and considered to be High threat, easily accessible to anyone effects- generally instantaneous and can be short term or long term generally limited to defined area

What to do when you skid

get off accelerator counter steer refrain form using brakes


get vaccine for Hepatitis B and C and stay up to date with Tetanus vaccine (every 10 years)

How does training assist in lag time?

gives your brain something to draw from

protective barriers

gloves, mask, sharps container (for needles), eye protection, micro shield (for cpr), gown

cover for offciers separation of officer so there isn't single line of fire surveillance of the problem area and area of responsibility fields of fire that encompasses the vehicle and all suspects - without endangering innocent bystanders light control to your advantage maeuverability efficient arrest procedures perimeter control

good vehicle placement promotes this

Who does the exclusionary rule apply to?

government action; federal, state, county, and local officers alike

What is a search?

government intrusion into a place where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy

When a juvenile is alleged to be abused, the court will appoint a ____ to specifically represent the interests of the juvenile

guardian ad litem

When are headlights required?

half hour after sunset to a half hour before sunrise and at any time when it is raining

2 types of steering

hand over hand shuffle

basic steps for suspicious package

handle with care, isolate, don't open, smell, or shake

Drug evidence must be

handled carefully, with the chain of custody being properly and carefully maintained.


happens when driving on wet roads tires riding on top of water width of tires also a factor- wider the tires the sooner hydroplaning begins

Efficient driver

has ability to complete trip w/ minimum effort and time

16-7-20; possession of tools for the commission of crime

has in his possession any tool, explosive, or other device commonly used in the commission of burglary, theft, or other crime with the intent to make use thereof in the commission of a crime

When conducting an effective interview, how can you control the environment?

have as few distractions as possible

How can you prevent hydroplaning?

having good tires with deep treads

16-8-4; theft by conversion

having lawfully obtained funds or other property of another including, but not limited to, leased or rented person property and knowingly converts the funds or property to his own use in violation of the agreement or legal obligation

victim orientation

having little control over professional life

16-11-37; terroristic threats and acts

he or she threatens to: -commit any crime of violence -release any hazardous substance -burn or damage property he or she acts: -burning or flaming cross with intent to terrorize another -shoots at or throws an object at a conveyance which is being operated or which is occupied by passengers -releases hazardous substance

the police have a responsibility to

help ensure the safe and efficient movement of vehicles transporting people and goods on publicly traveled highways

known risk

high risk stops should be thought of in this term

influenza (flu)

highly infectious respiratory disease

When do you most often see conscience stricken confessions?

highly publicized cased where people want to take the credit

Mandatory suspension of license

homicide by vehicle any felony in the commission in which a motor vehicle is used hit and run/ leaving scene of accident racing fleeing/eluding operating a motor vehicle w/ a revoked, canceled, or suspended registration

15 feet to the rear 3 feet offset

how to position you police car during a traffic stop

what must be done to complete booking process?

identity of the arrestee must be established by: Driver license or ID, prior arrest records etc.

What did Thornton v. US affirm?

if a person is a recent occupant of a vehicle, the vehicle may be searched incident to lawful arrest when it is reasonable to believe evidence relevant to the crime of arrest might be found in the vehicle

Doctrine of Comparative Negligence

if an action is brought against you, it becomes the jury's responsibility to determine the portion of the plaintiff's injuries that are attributable to his or her own negligence and what portion of his or her injuries are attributable to your negligence AKA- jury will determine what % of negligence (if any) can be attributed to either party

16-8-18; entering automobile

if any person challenger any automobile or other motor vehicle with the intent to commit a theft or felony

move over law SDCL 32-31-6.1

if driving on two lane highway, driver must slow to a speed that is at least twenty miles per hour less than the posted speed limit or five miles per hour when the speed limit is posted at twenty miles per hour or less and proceed with caution violation is a class 2 misdemeanor

When will slight movement not constitute the offense of kidnapping?

if incidental to another offense; -conceals or isolates victim -makes commission of the other offense substantially easier -lessens risk of detection -for the purpose of avoiding apprehension

Is physical discipline covered under the Georgia Family Violence Act?

if it is reasonable discipline of a child, it is covered under the civil statute

When may a warrantless search happen?

if the arrest is lawful

What is the purged taint OR attenuation exception?

if the evidence is to be introduced is so far REMOVED from the WRONG done by the cops, then it may be admissible

In Weeks v. United States, what did they say about the 4th amendment?

if the evidence obtained was admitted, it would reduce the 4th amendment to a form of words without the use of the exclusionary rule.

What did Illinois v. Rodriguez affirm?

if the officers reasonable believe that the person had authority to give consent to search, there was no fourth amendment violation

What would be an example of a failure of justice in which you would arrest without a warrant?

if there is a mitigating circumstance, such as potential to flee. The officer can get a verbal confirmation from judge, arrest the offender, and then get the actual paper warrant.

Exemption of registering vehicle in state for nonresidents/visitors

if they are current and valid in their state, they are exempt from registering their vehicle in GA

how does the person that you are attempting to arrest know what you are trying to do?

if you tell them what you are doing

point reflex zone target zone

if your approach or stance is in these two zones, you will be extremely easy to attack

Is an arrest without probable cause legal or illegal?


Operation of Radio, etc. from motor vehicle at level audible at distance of 100 feet or more is prohibited. 40-6-14

illegal except in cases of political purposes and in business cases misdemeanor

When does a show up occur?

immediately after a crime has been committed

what is the first thing that should be done when reaching the detention facility?

immediately frisk searched

Why have gangs started in the first place?

immigrant groups who banded together for protection because of a lack of responsiveness by law enforcement and because of language and cultural barriers to effective assimilation into American society

Where should a duplicate copy of a search warrant be left?

in a conspicuous place

No person shall drive or move on any highway any motor vehicle unless the equipment is what?

in good working order

an officer may not hold a driver's license for?

in lieu of bond

In regards to criminal homicide, how is venue determined?

in the county where the cause of death was inflicted; if a dead body is discovered in the state and cannot be determined where the cause of death was inflicted, venue is where the dead body was found

In regards to venue, where shall criminal actions be tried?

in the county where the crime was committed

high risk

in this type of stop, suspects re removed from the vehicle while you remain at a safe distance, at cover with side arm or shotgun in position

Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus

inability of the eyes to maintain a visual fixation as they turn to the side

Achieving higher levels of certification (advance levels) a Peace Officer may be eligible for?

incentive pay, increase chances of promotion, qualify for lateral transfer between law enforcement agencies

When are custodial searches done?

incident to arrest

Activities of Gangs

includes trafficking in illegal drugs and alcoholic beverages, illegal gambling, prostitution, loan-sharking, human trafficking, sexual exploitation of children, murder, kidnapping, arson, robbery, bribery, extortion, money laundering, and a number of other federal and state crimes

What is the difference in punishment for a misdemeanor and a misdemeanor of high and aggravated nature?

increase fines

If you fail to pay a UTC, how long will your suspension be?

indefinite until fees are paid and everything is settled in court

blood borne pathogens

infectious by means of blood or bodily fluid transfer

airborne pathogens

infectious by means of particles traveling through the air

What is hearsay?

information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge


information gathered and activities conducted to protect against espionage, other intelligence activities, sabotage, or assassinations conducted for or on behalf of foreign powers, organizations or persons or international terrorist activities, but not including personnel, physical, document or communications security programs

Statement definition

information received from a person during a police investigation is generally referred to as a statement

what is stale information?

information that is older than 5-10 days; reduces that the possibility that the item will be there when the warrant is served information has to be fresh and current

inhalation anthrax

inhaling the bacterial spores lead to rare, often fatal form that attacks the lungs and sometime spread to brain flu like symptoms that progress to bronchitis then into shock

2 types of severity in MCA's

injury and damage

The Department of Social Services receives complaint of petition for juvenile

intake counselors 15 days to make decision or leo has 5 days from decision date to appeal for nondivertible crimes

what is the first line of defense for law enforcement?


16-8-14; theft by shoplifting

intent of appropriating merchandise to his or her own use without paying for the same or to deprive the owner of possession thereof or of the value thereof, in whole or in part, does any of the following: (1) conceals or takes possession of the goods/merchandise of any store or retail establishment (2) alters the price tag or other price marking on goods (3) transfers the foods or merchandise of any store or retail establishment from one container to another (4) interchanges the label or price tag from one item of merchandise with a label or price tag for another item of merchandise (5) wrongfully causes the amount paid to be less than the merchant's stated price

16-7-2; smash and grab burglary

intentionally and without authority enters retail establishment with the intent to commit a theft and causes damage in excess of $500 to such establishment without owner's consent **NOT during store hours

16-5-23.1; elements of battery

intentionally causes substantial physical harm or visible bodily harm to another

16-7-21; criminal trespass

intentionally damages any property of another without consent of that other person and the damage thereto is $500 or less OR knowingly and maliciously interferes with the possession or use of the property of another person without consent of that person Knowingly and without authority -enters upon the land or premises for an unlawful purpose -enters upon the land or premises after receiving notice that entry is forbidden -remains upon land or premises after being told to depart

16-6-22.1; sexual battery

intentionally makes physical contact with the intimate parts of the body of another person without the consent of that person

16-6-22.2; agg. sexual battery

intentionally penetrates with a foreign object the sexual organ or anus of another person without the consent of that person

Alcohol is directly absorbed where?

into the bloodstream -through stomach and small intestines


introduce yourself and department explain the reason for your contact

Investigation Division of Post

investigates individual applicants, peace officers, and other employed in public safety who desire State certification bases on allegations of misconduct and agency audits to insure compliance with the law personnel assigned to division are deployed in 5 geographical areas of state

US Postal Inspection Service

investigative arm of the US Postal service responsible for protecting the mails and postal facilities from criminal attack, protecting American public from being victimized by fraudulent schemes where use of the mail is a essential part conducting internal audit program of Postal service


involuntary jerking of the eyes

general adaptation syndrome (GAS)

is a "general alarm reaction" to external stimuli


is an enhanced state of sensory sensitivity accompanied by an exaggerated intensity of behaviors whose purpose is to detect threats -is also accompanied by a state of increased anxiety which can cause exhaustion

nonverbal communication

is comprised of the messages our bodies send without us uttering a word

LEO role in the trial

is not to convince anyone of the guilt or innocence of the defendant, but rather to present testimony based on the facts known to the officer. These facts must be based on a fair, objective, and thorough investigation

Incident Commander

is predetermined and often local law enforcement official- chief or sheriff


is simply information that has been organized, processed, and analyzed concerning a threat * CIA defines it as knowledge and foreknowledge of the world around us

License suspension for upon 3rd conviction

is suspended for a period of 5 years

Three questions must be answered to ensure a valid arrest for a violation of the Georgia Controlled Substances Act

is the substance controlled; is the substance scheduled; and, was evidence collected legally and properly?

Judges role in a trial

is to ensure procedural due process, not determine innocence or guilt. The jury is has the role of determining the facts of the case and applying the law, as charged by the judge, to the facts to determine a verdict.

long-range goal of enforcement

is to increase the level of voluntary compliance to traffic regulations

the primary purpose of traffic laws and traffic law enforcement

is to regulate traffic flow, reduce accidents and make streets and highways safer for drivers and pedestriants

In traffic enforcement , the officer has discretionary options to?

issue a verbal warning, a written warning, or a citation, and write a summons for a court appearance

What does a DUI test do to the persons focus?

it divides the focus

Is it lawful to resist an unlawful arrest and can you be charged with obstruction?

it is lawful to resist an unlawful arrest and you CANNOT be charged with obstruction

driver side approach advantages

it is tactically more secure from a weapon assault from inside the vehicle it gives the violator a restricted range of vision allows officer closer contact to the violator

If a crime is committed in more than one county, how is venue determined?

it shall be considered to have been committed in any county in which evidence shows beyond a reasonable doubt that it might have been committed there

What can breach of peace refer to?

it's vague, could mean DUI, speeding, etc.

Law Enforcement Support Personnel

jailer, communication officers, identification technicians, forensic specialists, photographers

if a crime is committed on water boundaries of two counties, how is venue determined?

jurisdiction of each county extends to the center of the main channel of the stream or body of water

situational based "trader" values are substituted allowing for what?

justification of negative behavior -he screwed me , I can screw him back

who gets secure custody for undisciplined juvenile?

juvenile court counselor

controlling the scene

keep crash from becoming worse Steps for proper handling - first aid - traffic control - additional assistance - evidence collection

How should you use natural light to your advantage?

keep it behind you

advantages of leaving violator in vehicle

keeps distance between the violator and the officer, thus decreasing the likelihood of a quick unexpected attack violator is not able to listen to communications between officer and dispatch

Homicide by vehicle 2nd degree

killing a person but not while DUI, passing a school bus, or fleeing or evading a LEO

Proof of minimum insurance

knowing it shows in database and have no proof on you- YOU ARE GOOD not having proof on you and not knowing if it is in the system or not- YOU SCREWED

16-10-24; obstruction of officers

knowingly and willfully obstructs or hinders any law enforcement officer, prison guard, jailer, correctional officer, community supervision officer, county of Department of Juvenile Justice probation officer, probation officer, or conservation ranger ^ or by offering or doing violence

book process is what stage of the arrest process of an individual?

last stage

Short lived Evidence

lasts for a few hours

Temporary evidence

lasts for a few minutes

who is the first line of defense for society?

law enforcement

Who is exempt from the operation of radio, sound making devices, etc?

law enforcement any emergency vehicle motor vehicles used for business or political purposes (ex: ice cream truck!)

What should you do when en route to a MVC?

learn and obtain info about crash develop "game plan"

Controlled-access highway

legal access points to and from a highway or roadway

Probable cause is the basis for a _______ _______ or a _______ _______.

legal search; legal arrest

Juveniles alleged to be delinquent must be?

less than 16

Juveniles alleged to be abused or neglected must be?

less than 18

abused or neglected

less than 18

If convicted of racing...

license will be suspended for 12 months

punishment for agg. sexual battery

life imprisonment or a split sentence of no less than 25 years and life on probation

What is the purpose of the Bill of Rights?

limit the power of the Federal Government and specifically enumerating those rights that belong specifically to the people

steps to follow to initiate a high risk stop

locate the stop to your advantage proper vehicle placement (farther back than usual) announce your purpose order the suspect out of the vehicle command the occupants to stay inside the vehicle maintain surveillance with shotgun or rifle trained on the suspect stabilize the situation until you have enough backup once additional help has arrived, the first step is to organize primary officer should start the process of talking the suspect out of the vehicle

Direction of tires can be determined by...

looking at soft materials


loss of traction between the surface of the tire and the surface of the roadway

Facts of the case in Weeks v. United States

lottery tickets and related documents were seized from Weeks's home without a search warrant

homeland security advisory system

low condition (green)- declared when there is low risk of terrorist attack guarded condition(blue)- declared when general risk elevated condition (yellow)- significant risk of attack high condition (orange)- High risk of terrorist attack severe condition (red)- severe risk of terrorist attack

What areas does an officer have the right to search incident to arrest, if that person was in a vehicle?

lunge area still applies; the arrestee and the passenger compartment of the vehicle

what is a coping mechanism of hypervigilance?

magic chair

Who may issue a search warrant?

magistrate, state, superior, probate, city, and juvenile judge

tactical reminder

make radio contact before stopping a vehicle if possible be cautious about what you say on the radio continuously monitor the actions of the occupants from the moment you decide to make the stop always think weapons control the environment of your stop, to the extent possible maintain distance you can reposition your patrol car

Preponderance of Evidence

makes something more likely than not needs to be 51%

16-9-20; deposit account fraud

makes, draws, utters, executes, or delivers an instrument for the payment of money on any bank or other depository in exchange for a present consideration or wages, knowing that it will not be honored by the drawee

16-7-26; vandalism to a place of worship

maliciously defaces or desecrates a church, synagogue, or other place of public religious worship

Tire Imprints

marks left on the pavement or ground by rolling, not skidding tires

Factors to be considered that have an important part in the amount of friction present:

materials on road surface (dry v wet) materials of the tire (quality of rubber) tire tread depth temperature (as heat rises, friction lessens) air pressure in tire

Peace Officer benefits

may be eligible to receive certain benefits from state or federal laws -Educational Grants for Children- if officer is killed or permanently disabled in line of duty -Federal Indemnification Program (aka Public Safety Officers' Benefit Act) - if officer is killed or permanently disabled in line of duty survivors of officers are eligible for $150,000 from OJARS -State Indemnification Program- if officer is killed or permanently disabled in line of duty- $75,000 -Peace officers annuity and benefit fund- serves as pension and disability fund must obtain membership in the fund

protective order

may continue in effect for as long as the court determines is necessary, but no longer than 3 years


means a written notice when time permits or by telephone or other means if time doesn't permit


measured in feet per second *rate of motion*

Mens Rea and Actus reus

mens rea - intent actus reus - act of crime

What is the survival triangle?

mental and physical conditioning, delivery, tactics

What are the three significant components of successful communication?

message intended, message sent, message received

What does feedback indicate in communication?

message received was the message intended

Punishment for criminal trespass


Punishment for simple battery


punishment for adultery


punishment for battery


punishment for prostitution


punishment for public drunkenness


punishment for public indecency


punishment for simple assault


punishment for wearing masks, hoods, etc


punishment for sexual battery

misdemeanor or high and aggravated nature

punishment for solicitation of sodomy

misdemeanor, unless soliciting to someone under 18, felony 5-20 years

Driving while license suspended or revoked 40-5-121

misdemeanor- 2 days to 12 months $500-$1,000

punishment of stalking

misdemeanor; second offense felony 1-10 years

What can you do to harden a target?

more lighting, locks, and unpredictable personal habits

______ of a lawful search incident to arrest is irrelevant


what is the leading cause of injury related death for elderly driver

motor vehicle injuries

school bus

motor vehicle used to transport children to and from school and school activities or to and from church and church activities.

how to cope?

move from a victim orientation to a survivor orientation

advantages to having violator come into patrol car

move violator from their environment easier to document the stop with audio/video ease of issuing citations, conducting interviews and detecting other violation there will be no need for a second approach to the violators vehicle to return DL and papers

When getting sight alignment, should you move weapon or your eye?

move weapon up to eye sight

Vehicle in Motion

moving/equipment violations unusual operation

What does reversibility mean in regards to physical fitness?

muscles will begin to decondition after 96 hours of not using them

Professional driver

must be able to see objects and situations in and around their intended path of travel must be able to interpret those situations and determine the nature and seriousness of the hazards

OCGA 17-5-25 Execution of Search Warrant

must be executed within ten days from the time of issuance

If secured custody is ordered, the case ____

must be reviewed every 10 days until secure custody is no longer required

Change of address or name 40-5-33

must change his or her license within 60 days

OCGA 17-5-21 Grounds for a Search Warrant

must describe the place or person to be searches and things to be seized

What is overload in a training program?

must exceed your day-to-day activities

Ethical requirement of officers in regards to laws, statutes, regulations, orders, and codes

must observe all of them

In-service training for active peace officers

must successfully complete 20 hours of in-service training annually or will lose power to arrest - courses are usually short duration of 3 to 4 hours and taught several times a month at various academy locations

OCGA 17-5-2 Inventory of Things Seized

must take an inventory of everything seized in a search without a warrant and a copy should be given to the person arrested, as well as to the judicial officer. If the person is released without charges pressed, items will be returned to the subject.

All petitions must contain?

name, birthday, physical address of juvenile and authority; last known name, address and phone of parent, custodian, guardian

Law enforcement officer at scene of accident to instruct drivers to provide certain info to other parties

name/address tag number insurance

Five categories of controlled substances

narcotics, stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, and marijuana

What is the most common cause of firearm accidents?


symptoms of chemical weapons

nerve agents-pinpoint pupils, runny noses, difficulty breathing, and seizures and convulsions more common chemicals- uncontrollable sneezing, coughing, nausea, vomiting

Can 2 vehicles travel side by side at the same time while in adjacent lanes?


Can a roadblock be done for the purpose of detecting general wrongdoing?


Does an officer have to live in the jurisdiction that he is serving a warrant? (OCGA 17-4-25)


If a person successfully resists arrest, has a seizure occurred?


If an officer is given a warrant, does the officer have the discretion to execute it or not? (OCGA 17-4-24)


Is a search warrant required to search open fields?


Is a warrant or probable cause required for a protective sweep?


Is impossibility of a crime a defense?


is it uncommon for peace officers to respond to suspicious packages?


Riding in house trailers

no driver of a motor vehicle shall allow a person or persons to occupy a house trailer while it is being towed by a motor vehicle upon a public highway

Obstructing an intersection

no driver shall enter an intersection unless there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection w/o obstructing the passing of other vehicles -AKA do not go into intersection until you can safely go through w/o stopping or yielding

law enforcement agency must initiate and coordinate a criminal investigation

no later than 48 hours of receipt from Department of Social Servies

how long do temporary restraining orders last?

no later then 10 days from issuance * court may extend time if have good cause or as agreed upon by the adverse party

Clinging to vehicles

no person riding upon any bicycle, coaster, roller skates, sled, or toy vehicle shall attach the same or themselves to any vehicle upon a roadway

Permitting unlicensed person to drive

no person shall KNOWINGLY authorize a motor vehicle owned by him be driven upon any highway by any person who is not authorized under this chapter or who is not licensed for the type or class of vehicles to be driven or in violation of any of the provisions in this chapter

Permitting unauthorized minor to drive

no person shall cause or knowingly permit his child or ward under the age of 18 to drive a motor vehicle upon any highway when such minor is not authorized -shall not apply to any vehicle not required to be registered

Minimum speed regulations (slow-poke law)

no person shall drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic

Obstruction of driver's view or control

no person shall drive a vehicle when it is so loaded as to obstruct the view of the driver to the front or sides no passenger shall interfere with the drivers control of the vehicle

Obedience to authorized persons directing traffic

no person shall fail/refuse to comply w/ any any lawful order of any LEO, firefighter, police volunteer, school crossing guard

Opening/Closing vehicle doors

no person shall open the door of a motor vehicle on the side available to moving traffic unless and until it is reasonably safe and can be done w/o interfering the movement of other traffic -cannot keep door open on side of traffic for longer than what is necessary to load/unload passengers

How much time between act and death to be homicide?

no time limit

Crossing fire hose

no vehicle shall be driven over any unprotected fire-hose w/o consent

punishment for obstruction of officers

no violence: misdemeanor violence: 1-5 years

If there isn't a law, is that action a crime?

no, according to 16-1-4

When receiving consent for search, does the officer have to tell the person of their right to refuse search?

no, but they should

Is an officer liable if the citizen's arrest holds no merrit?

no, they cannot be charged with false arrest or false imprisonment

Were the documents admissible in court in Weeks v. United States after the appeal?

no, they fell under the exclusionary rule and the decision was overturned.

Is there a requirement to publicize when the roadblock will be taking place?

no; but it helps put the public on notice and reduces anxiety of motorists

Can you apply for a general search warrant?

no; has to be specific or it is deemed unconstitutional

Is aerial observation subject to 4th amendment protection?

no; what a person knowingly exposes to the public, even in his own home or office, isn't subject to protection from 4th amendment

What type of an arrest is the issuance of a traffic citation (OCGA 17-4-23)?


What is more important: verbal or non-verbal communication?


Statute of limitations: conviction established by DNA


Statute of limitations: murder


how long does it take to recovery from the on/off hypervigilant state?

normally takes 18 to 24 hours

Window tint

not less than 32% (plus or minus 3)

when must summons and petition be personally served?

not less than 5 days before hearing

Punishment for criminal attempt of a felony not punished by life imprisonment or death

not less than one year no more than 1/2 the max

how often is inevitable discovery exception used in trials?

not often

Too fast for conditions

not person shall drive a vehicle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions

Crime Victims' Bill of rights

notifications that must be made to the victim- accused's been arrest, release from custody (whether on bond or other means), any judicial proceeding at which release of the accused may be considered, and separation of the victim from the accused or the accused's family and friends during any court proceedings, file written objection to any parole proceeding Also allows judges to restrict the release of the victim's address, telephone number or place of employment to the defendant -can request compensation from state to cover certain loses as result of being victim of crime

What should an officer do when serving a warrant in another jurisdiction that is not his own?

notify that agency

weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

nuclear, chemical, and biological

16-8-3; theft by deception

obtains property by any deceitful means or artful practice with the intention of depriving the owner of the property

Wilson v City of Atlanta

officer had balanced the risk and did not violate due regard for the safety of the driving public

What did Arizona v. Gant affirm?

officer may search when reasonable to believe evidence relevant to the crime of arrest might be found in the vehicle

Mixon v City of Warner Robins

officer must balance the importance of apprehension of a suspect against the threat of harm to the public's safety when initiating or continuing a pursuit

disadvantages of leaving violator in vehicle

officer must make second approach access to weapons may be in the vehicle ability to leave the scene causing pursuit investigation capabilities are decreased, and there is no way to document/record the subject's action or responses increased ability for violators to formulate a plan for resistance

What is the purpose of a protective sweep?

officer safety from unseen third parties

What did Chimel v. California (1969) confirm?

officers can ONLY search the person and immediate area surrounding the person; any more than that needs a search warrant

What did Cox v. State affirm?

officers do not have to obtain a prior judicial approval to listen to conversations from a hall outside of an apartment or to place the naked ear next to the door to the apartment

where did we get our justice system

old England

Effective procedures for collecting and maintaining field notes

old notes may be removed and filed; fresh paper can be added

are things the same as I thought when I started this stop

once the officer is proceeding with the stop, ask this eighth question

Selective enforcement

one additional tool used by law enforcement to reduce conflict and make tafffic enforcement more effective

limited control can also lead to ?

one to acquire an entitlement mindset that is justified by a feeling of being "screwed" by the powers-that-be

Safe driver

one who can complete the trip w/o crashing

Proactive driver

one who uses superior knowledge such as Newton's Laws to avoid situations that requires superior skill

Who may apply for a search warrant?

only a certified peace officer in the course of official duty may apply

What is criteria for nonsecure custody?

only made when there is reasonable factual basis to believe the matters alleged in petition are true and -juvenile is a runaway and consents to nonsecure custody -juvenile meets one or more of criteria for secure custody

Any notification however must be made to who?

only to the actual victim

When shall a vehicle perform above movements?

only when making use of a audible signal and use of a flashing or revolving red or blue light from a distance of 500 ft

Aggressive driving

operates any motor vehicle with INTENT to annoy, harass, molest, intimidate, injure, or obstruct another person

What are most crimes defined as?



opposing counsel uses a harassing tone and manner and hopes that everyone in the courtroom can be convinced, that the officer, his or her department, and everyone associated with investigating and prosecuting the case is not credible.

who deals with stress better?


What is a command (in regards to a warrant)?

order of a court

Other than what the officer sees when obtaining his probable cause, what else can he use?

other senses (NOT taste) hearing, smell, and touch

What did Maryland v. Buie affirm?

outlined the procedure for a protective sweep

O. C. G. A. §16-15-2 Street Gang Terrorism and Prevention Act

outlines the General Assembly's legislative intent to eradicate criminal activity

When at the scene on a domestic violence call, where should you talk to subjects?

outside of house, have them come to you

symptom of rabies

pain and burning around bite other symptoms include sore throat, low grade fever, headache, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, muscle spasms, drool thick saliva, agitated and combative, increase mental confusion * death usually occurs 3 to 20 days after symptoms developed recovery is rare


paramilitary civilian forces taking their authority from the 2nd Amendment meaning militia is civilian force approved by constitution to protect people against an oppressive government and is the reason for the 2nd amendment approximately 40,000 militia participants in US

What are examples of neglect?

parents impaired by drugs or alcohol and no responsible person arranged to supervise, living conditions are poor, lack of heat, etc

Federal Protection and Safety Division

part of General Service Administration mission is the protection of federally owned and leased buildings, their occupants, and their patrons

Which of the three will get you the most points? Speeding passing a bus or laying drag

passing a bus

What is a neutral independent administrator?

peace officer who administers the lineup, but does not know which person in the lineup is the suspect; aka Blind Administrator

What does speaking clearly and directly accomplish?

people more likely to listen and lets them know you are sincere

3 elements of stopping

perception and reaction weather and roadway stopping distance

16-6-7; necrophilia

performs any sexual act with a dead human body involving the sex organs of the one and the mouth anus, penis, or vagina of the other

16-6-9; prostitution

performs or offers or consents to perform a sexual act, including but not limited to sexual intercourse or sodomy, for money or other items of value

16-6-6; bestiality

performs or submits to any sexual act with an animal involving the sex organs of the one and the mouth, anus, penis, or vagina of the other

16-6-8; public indecency

performs the following acts in a public place: (1) an act of sexual intercourse (2) a lewd exposure of sexual organs (3) a lewd appearance in a state of partial or complete nudity; or (4) a lewd caress or indecent fondling of the bod of another person

hepatitis B (HBV)

persistent infection leads to lifelong liver disease spread primarily through blood, semen, other bodily fluids can survive outside the body for at least 7 days

Example of transferred intent

person A intended to shoot person B. Person A missed and hit person C. There is still intent, kist transferred. Murder for person C, aggravated assault for person B.

What is the scope of a search incident to arrest?

person arrested and the area into which an arrestee might reach in order to grab a weapon/destroy evidence (lunge area, wingspan, immediate area, etc.)

Deadly Force OCGA 16-3-21: Use of force in defense of Self or Others

person is justified in using or threatening force against another when he/she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm of self or others or to prevent forcible felony

operating motor vehicle without registration or valid license plate 40-2-8

person must register the vehicle within 30 days -misdemeanor; fine of $100 for each violation

16-5-101; cruelty to a person who is 65 years of age or older

person supervising the welfare of or having immediate charge control, or custody of a disabled adult, elder person, or resident commits the offense of neglect to a disabled adult, elder person, or resident when the person willfully deprives a disabled adult, elder person, or resident of health care, shelter, or necessary sustenance to the extent that the health or well0being of such person jeopardized


person who drives or is in actual physical of a motor vehicle


person who drives or is in control of a vehicle

______ means close constant supervision by law enforcement officer who took child into temporary custody

personal care and supervision

what do you need to do to get a secure custody order for delinquent?

petition and report

Example of actual seizure

physically detaining a suspect

magic chair

physically exhausted officers "crash" upon returning home and withdrawal into themselves to the exclusion of family, loved ones, and friends

When Power lines are down...

place out cones or flares out 100 feet back

When an officer obtains probable cause for arrest, what is the requirement in regards to where and what the officer is doing?

place where the officer has to be lawful and the manner in which he observed it has to be lawful

disadvantages of having the violator come into the patrol car

places the officer in close proximity to the violator violator has the opportunity to listen to radio traffic having to listen to violators verbal abuse

What did Arizona v. Gant (2009) affirm?

police are only able to search the following: arrestee and the immediate area (passenger compartment of the vehicle)

What did Hudson v. Michigan (2006) affirm?

police must have a reasonable suspicion under the particular circumstances that one of the grounds for failing to knock and announce their presence before executing a search warrant exists

What did Illinois v. McArthur affirm?

police officer's refusal to allow defendant to enter residence without a police officer until a search warrant was obtained was a "reasonable seizure" that did not violate the fourth amendment

terrorist targets

population centers (to increase the casualty rate) and symbolic targets ex: attacks on New York or Washington DC

Hand over Hand steering

position your hands on opposite sides of the steering wheel and as you turn you must let go with one hand and cross over your other hand

Shuffle steering

postion at 9-3 hands should never cross the 12 or 6 both hands stay in contact with wheel

mom and pop militias

prepare for disasters and not really involved in crime represent largest portion of militias in US

What is the standard of proof for a civil case?

preponderance of evidence

Tips for trigger control

press, don't squeeze; each shot should be a surprise

What privilege does the militia hold when in attendance of drills, parades, meetings, encampments, elections, and going to/from their duties? (OCGA 17-4-2)

privilege from arrest

What privileges do legislature members hold?

privilege from arrest in exception to committing treason, felony, or breach of peace

Standard of proof required for a search warrant

probable cause

Flashing yellow signals

proceed w/ caution

symptoms of TB

productive cough lastly more than 3 weeks, unexplained fever, night sweats, unintentional weight loss, loss of appetite, lethargy, coughing up blood or blood streaked sputum (mucus)

officers have limited control over what?

professional careers -bosses, politicians, laws, regulations, etc. diminish perception of control

What kind of drivers to emergency vehicle operators strive to be?

professional drivers

symptoms of MRSA

progress rapidly within 24-48 hours and within 72 hours can take hold in human tissue and become resistant to treatment starts as small red bumps like pimples

How are gifts, gratuities, etc. handled by officers?

prohibited; do not accept

US Attorney

prosecutors in Federal District Courts

what would one use to protect oneself from blood borne pathogens?

protective gear like latex gloves to protect themselves from contact with blood or bodily fluids

What must the agency do anytime a hearing-impaired person is a party to a hearing?

provide a court qualified interpreter

accident records should assist enforcement efforts by

providing data that identifies high-accident locations and areas, time that accidents occur, and causes

Punishment for conspiracy to commit a crime - misdemeanor

punished as misdemeanor

methods to ascertin the violator's speed

radar, VASCAR, pacing, LIDAR,

What must you do while reading the Implied Consent Law?

read it in it's entirety

What is needed if the officers want to widen the scope of their protective sweep?

reasonable suspicion

What types of search and seizures ARE allowed?

reasonable; 4th amendment only protects from UNreasonable search and seizures

16-8-7; theft by receiving stolen property

receives, disposes of, or retains stolen property which he knows or should know was stolen unless the property is received, disposed of, or retained with the intent to restore it to the owner *for conviction, not necessary to have a conviction of principal thief

punishment for reckless conduct; HIV infected persons

reckless conduct: misdemeanor HIV infected persons: 1-10 years

What does attenuation mean?

reduced or weakened, as in strength, value, or virulence

Point of No Escape

refers to the place and time after which a given individual cannot avoid or prevent an impending accident

Point of Disengagement

refers to the point at which the objects or units involved in the collision start to separate from one another, and the initial force exerted between them ceases


reflection of grams of alcohol found in 100 milliliters of blood

Crash management

render first aid establish a safe passage for other cars gather and document facts take warranted enforcement (ticket or arrest) normalize the roadway

What are the primary tasks carried out by the patrol officer at an accident scene?

rendering first aid as necessary, gathering and documenting facts surrounding the accident, and establishing safe passage for roadway traffic

Sudden/panic stops

require controlled braking and a steering maneuver

Rolling friction

required to maintain control of vehicle -vehicle will steer only w/ rolling friction b/c if the front wheels are not rotating it is impossible to steer vehicle

What is the stop and identify statute in GA?

required to produce identification

Implied Consent Law

requires persons believed to be driving under the influence of alcoholic beverage and/or drugs submit to chemical tests to determine the alcohol or drug content of their blood or breth

What did Hiibel v. Nevada (2004) affirm?

requires suspects to identify themselves during police investigations; not a violation of fourth or fifth amendment

Less Safe DUI

requires the officer to show that the driver was less safe than a driver who is not under the influence, even if the BAC is below prohibited level

what constitutes as exigent circumstances?

requiring immediate action or remedy; urgent

Objects moving in a direction have a natural tendency to do what?

resist change

Incident Command System

response to disasters requires a unified management system that applies common business practices to incident response *enables you to take control of the situation

Who is responsible for issuing out punishment?

responsibility of the court, not the law enforcement officer

Immigration and Naturalization

responsible for administering the immigration and naturalization laws relating to admission, exclusion, deportation, and naturalization of aliens inspects aliens to determine admissibility to the US, guards against illegal entry, investigates, apprehends and removes aliens in country in violation examine applications wishing to become citizens

Training Standards Division of Post

responsible for the functions related to development , evaluation, and management of peace officer training: -curriculum development/maintenance -examination development and validation -20 hour training waiver requests -performing quality control functions on basic and advanced-level training -processing academy certification and instructor certification -processing academy director certification -course equivalency ratings for approval/disapproval -technical assistance to training academies -processing and evaluating new course requests

What does Georgia's Supreme Court say about the good faith exception?

rests not on a constitutional right; rests on the statute passed by the legislature and we simply hold that the courts are bound by that statute Burden on proving lawfulness of a warrant IS on the state; not solely on the judge

Power skid

result of accelerating too fast for the road conditions commonly known as 'fishtailing'

Emergency Peace Officer

retains the power and authority of peace officer only for the duration of the emergency or disaster

Tenth Amendment

retains the rights to the States or to the people; allows states to add laws

Right of way

right of one vehicle or pedestrian to proceed in a lawful manner

Brief summary of fourth amendment

right of people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects

Seventh Amendment

right to trial by jury in civil cases

laned roadway

roadway which is divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for vehicular traffic

Example of constructive seizure

saying, "STOP, POLICE!" and the suspect stopping

Headlights and communication equipment

school bus transporting children- must be on at all times school bus must have one or more devices of communication between driver and school/public officials

Get the big picture

see everything related to your total traffic picture avoid fixed staring

Personal Contact

see, smell, hear driver's ability to get out of car, walk, attitude. flushed/pale face

Definition of arrest

seize by legal authority and take into custody.

What type of doctrine is plain view?

seizure doctrine, NOT search

during the initinal conversation with the driver, the officer should not attempt to make the driver happy by?

selling a traffic citation

if arrestee is an juvenile under GA law arrestee must be what?

separated by "sight, sound, and touch" from adult arrestee

Felony child abuse

serious bodily injury- creates substantial risk of death or cause permanent damage serious physical injury- causes great pain and suffering


serious inflammation of the meninges which is the thin membranous covering of the brain and spinal cord most commonly caused by infection by bacteria, virus, or fungi *most difficult to treat is bacteria meningitis * it is very dangerous infection because once brain cell are killed will not regenerate themselves majority are spread by blood borne pathogens

________ conduct behavior, or inaction of the juvenile's parents, guardian, custodian, or caretaker that evidences a disregard of consequences of such magnitude that the conduct, behavior, or inaction constitutes an unequivocal danger to juvenile's health, welfare, or safety but does not constitute abuse

serious neglect

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

serious virus that leads to deterioration of the body's immune system, uses body's CD4 cells or T-cells to replicate itself associated with AIDS and is fatal viral infection *HIV doesn't make a person sick it makes it much easier for other illnesses to infect the body because it weaken immune system -spreads by unprotect sex, sharing infected needles, or by ingested pre-chewed food, or mother to child in childbirth

spot map

serve as an early warning system, provide information on problem areas and times

What is the purpose of the Constitution?

sets the boundaries within which government is permitted to operate and applies to government officials

Stapling, defacing, or altering of license which has been seized by LEO

shall NOT be stapled to any document or in any manner defaced or altered so as to indicate at any time in the future such previous seizure and processing of the license

Authorized use of blue lights

shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation to operate any motor vehicle equipped or having any blue lights -LE, antiques, and vehicles w/ a permit granted by state agency exempt

Vehicle turning left

shall yield the right of way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction

Operation of vehicles on approach of authorized emergency signals

shall yield to the right and immediately drive to a position parallel to and as close as possible to the right hand edge or curb of roadway and shall stop and remain in such position until emergency vehicle has passed

domestic violent extremist

share a hatred of the federal government and minorities; and supremist beliefs ex: KKK, skinheads operations are based on the precepts of a novel titled The Turner Diaries

Distance to airbag

should be with 10 inches of your body

What doctrine was struck down in Wolfe v. Colorado?

silver platter doctrine

The average car tire is how wide?

size 9 shoe

how should you hand off a firearm?

slide back and butt towards person

punishment for sodomy; agg. sodomy

sodomy: 1-20 years agg. sodomy: life imprisonment, or by a split sentence of no less than 25 years and life on probation

16-6-15; solicitation of sodomy

solicits another to perform or submit to an act of sodomy

16-6-5; enticing a child for indecent purposes

solicits, entices, or takes any child under the age of 16 years to any place whatsoever for the purpose of child molestation or indecent acts

once the driver demonstrates an unwillingness to cooperate, the officer should be what?

somewhat more direct

Georgia Bureau of Investigations - (GBI)

specialized services- Crime Prevention Unit, Intelligence Squad, Special Investigation Section, and Controlled Substances Section

officer must be certified by POST as be trained in the use of

specific device they are operating

Frequently identified causes of accidents

speed failure of the driver to cope w/ traffic situation specific traffic law violations

Only POST registered or certified peace officers may use what

speed detection devices

Deadly equation

speed x Weight = Force

formula for speed


most common violations a traffic officer will encounter are

speeding and speed related offenses , such as reckless driving, racing, or laying drags

2 devices most frequently used in the admin of the traffic enforcement programs are

spot maps and accident location file

stopping the violator

spot the violating vehicle turn around the patrol car overtaking violator's vehicle advise dispatch stop the vehicle effective use of light

What is the most dangerous stage of the cycle of violence?

stage two - explosion

Fundamentals of Marksmanship

stance, grip, sight alignment and picture, breath control, trigger control, trigger reset

Pre-arrest Screening

standard field sobriety testing preliminary breath testing


standing of vehicle, whether occupied or not otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually unloading or loading property or passengers

Who is the burden on to prove that the search was lawful?


What is the broken windows theory?

state of urban environment may affect crime; -social norms and conformity -presence or lack of monitoring -social signaling and signal crime

Other law enforcement agencies with officers with full arrest powers to protect facilities and service population

state universities, metro Atlanta rapid transit authority, state capitol complex all have their own police force

2 types of friction under normal driving conditions

stationary (or rolling) friction sliding friction

What did Delaware v. Prouse affirm?

stopping an automobile and detaining the driver in order to check his driver's license and the registration of the automobile are UNREASONABLE; random stops are unlawful

What are proxemics?

study of spacial requirements of humans/animals and the effects on behavior, communication, and social interation

Outcome of Jackson V. Denno case?

subjects under the influence are not able to consent understanding of their Miranda warning

The Implied Consent Warning contains what 3 elements?

submission to a state administered chemical test right to an additional test drivers license suspension for a period of 1 yr on refusal

what is the first sign of terrorist attack?

sudden increases in demands on hospital emergency rooms and EMT units

What is the greatest cause of death for law enforcement officers?

suicide 37%

What type of judge may issue an arrest warrant based on probable cause? (OCGA 17-4-40)

superior, city, state, or magistrate

What is constitutional law?

supreme law of the land; neither congress or state can enact a law that contradicts the Constitution

additional problems during known risk traffic stops

suspect doesn't cooperate gas use time aggressive nonthreatening actions by the suspect bolting aggressive threatening actions by the suspects

What is an affidavit?

sworn statement

How should you search a subject under arrest?

systematically, from behind start with one side at the head and work way down repeat on other side be sure to check shoes

4 crisis reach point reflex target

tactically thinking, a violator's vehicle is divided into how many geographical zones

What should you do if your vehicle is hydroplaning?

take foot off accelerator and let the car slow down 'ride' it out

the petition does not authorize?

taking physical custody of child

What is the key task of leadership?

teaching a balanced life police vs personal life

how many days to execute a search warrant?


Testing (speed) device for accuracy

test before and after shift

Importance of The Turner Diaries novel

that it carefully details creation and operation of underground cells and terrorist tactics


that part of a trafficway designed, improved, and ordinarily used for motor vehicle travel or, where various classes of motor vehicles are segregated, that part of a trafficway used by a particular class


that part of a trafficway which includes both the roadway and any shoulder alongside the roadway


that portion of a trafficway contiguous with the roadway for emergency use, for accommodation of stopped vehicles, and for lateral support of the roadway structure

What did Wolfe v. Colorado (1949) affirm?

that the 4th and 14th amendment not only applies to federal officers, but state officers as well

To charge a person w/ operating a motor vehicle while registration is suspended/revoked/canceled... what must be present?

that the person is KNOWINGLY driving it suspended/revoked/canceled

What is a cautionary instruction to tell the person doing the lineup?

that the suspect may or may not be in the lineup and not to be compelled to choose one

too fast for conditions

that under certain conditions a driver should exercise caution and proceed at a "reasonable" rate of speed as it relates to the hazards

What is the definition of a frisk?

the PAT DOWN of an individual's OUTER clothing to determine whether he is carrying a WEAPON

What is discernment?

the ability to differentiate between right and wrong

If a crime is committed on water boundaries of two states, how is venue determined?

the accused shall be tried in the county of this state which is situated opposite the point where the crime is committed


the action or process of identifying the presence of something concealed

Terminal philosophy

the belief that terrorism cant happen here and can't happen to me because it gets people killed

Deliberate Intent

the classification given to the cause of an event which occurs when a person acts deliberately to cause the event or deliberately refrains from prudent acts which would prevent occurrence of the event

what is challenged when one becomes a helpless victim?

the core "guardian/protector" values of duty, honor and etc.

Selective enforcement is accomplished through

the deployment of personnel in several tyoes of either moving or stationary patrol

When do you not have to stop for a school bus?

the driver of a vehicle upon a highway w/ separate roadways need not stop upon meeting or passing a school bus which is on a different roadway

Obedience to and required traffic control devices

the driver of any VEHICLE shall obey the instructions of an official traffic control device unless otherwise directed by a LEO

Highway (Trafficway)

the entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained when any part thereof is open to the use of the public for the purpose of vehicular travel (Boundry line are property line to property line)

militant muslim strategy

the goal is provoke the US to taking direct action against Islamic nations by attacking targets of immense symbolic importance to the US secondary attacks are aimed at technological power: infrastructure and cyber-terrorism

officer should always have another officer witness what?

the inventory of the arrestee's property if possible

what is the primary weakness in national posture against the threat of terrorism?

the lack of viable intelligence

under most circumstances, the first message that a driver recieves comes from where?

the look on the officer's face

what do terrorist seek to use?

the media to effect public opinion to force policy makers to decisions in terrorist favor

What does consent for search eliminate?

the need for probable cause

Who is the burden placed upon to comply with the GA LAW hearing impaired statues?

the officer

the more one feels "out-of-control" the greater the chance of?

the officer sees themselves as victims

Why is the state considered the victim when a crime is committed?

the party violated state law


the person or agency that has been rewarded legal custody of a juvenile by the court

Point of Actual Perception of Hazard

the point at which an individual sees, feels, hears, or otherwise perceives an indication that an accident is about to occur

Point of Initial Engagement (Point of Impact)

the point where contact is first made during a collision

What is the deadliest weapon in law enforcement?

the police vehicle

unlike stationary approach, moving patrol provides a greater deterrant effect causes

the police vehicle is observed by a larger number of drivers


the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain political and military information

Definition of scope

the range of one's authority, breadth, or opportunity to function

What did Katz v. US establish?

the reasonable expectation of privacy (REP) standard

intelligence is aimed at protection of the society by

the reduction of organized crime in the community, from entering community, including business and establishment of program to deter organized crime in community


the resistance to slip when two surfaces rub together

When in emergency mode, you are asking what from other motorist?

the right of way, NOT demanding it

What does the right to inventory depend on?

the right to impound

What did Baker v. State affirm?

the state expects to lose such contests if the supervisor fails to show up in court and has no other admissible evidence to establish the basis for the roadblock


the state or condition of a vehicle which is in motion or within the portion of a transport way ordinarily used by similar transport vehicles

Temporary custody

the taking of physical custody and providing personal care and supervision until a court order for nonsecure custody order can be obtained


the tendency of a mass to resist acceleration; the tendency of a mass at rest to remain at rest or a mass in motion to stay in motion in a straight line unless disturbed by external force

Point of Possible Perception

the time and place at which the hazardous situation could have been perceived by a normal person

Final Position (Point of Rest)

the time and place that the objects that have collided come to rest, without the use of any power

For vehicle control, the most important areas of friction are between where?

the tires and road surface brakes and wheels

traffic enforcement define

the total police effort directed to obtain compliance to traffic regulations after programs of traffic safety education, driver training, traffic enginerring, and other efforts have failed to achieve that objective

FBI defines terrorism as

the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof , in furtherance of political or social objectives

What did Kyllo v. US (2001) affirm?

the use of thermal imaging device to scan the home of a person in connection with an indoor marijuana farm was ruled improper

disadvantages of passenger side approach

the violator has a better view of the officer on approach and at the vehicle officer may temporarily lose sight of the occupants on his approach it is difficult to see roadside hazards while using stealth and a no light approach it presents a slightly longer retreat to the patrol car if needed

What is Gross weight?

the weight of the car plus the weight of the load

What can imply an officer's intent?

their actions I.e. handcuffing an individual

What happens if the driver refused the state administered test but gets their own test later?

they have not satisfied the obligation and will act as a refusal

what would one use to protect oneself from air borne pathogens?

they should increase the amount of protection by using gear to protect their respiratory system from exposure to particles in the air like masks

plus one rule

think that there is always at least one more occupant than what you can see

passenger side approach

this approach yields its greatest benefits at night

target zone

this arcs from where it overlaps the point reflex zone to the front fender of the vehicle. this is sometimes referred to as the kill zone

reach zone

this extends forward an arm's length from where the crisis zone ends

point reflex zone

this fans out from the back corner of the driver's window at about a 45 degree angle and fades into the next zone

advantages to passenger side approach

this is unexpected by the violator, allowing you to often times approach undetected allows the officer a larger filed of view into the vehicle less vulnerable to traffic

information gathering

this is where you gather the information that will allow you to resolve the call


those who don't live in the state but have business in the state. Being employed or engaging in a trade, profession or occupation in GA or his or her children attend a public school in GA Over 30 days must register their vehicles

punishment for terroristic threats or acts

threats: misdemeanor acts: 1-10 years

What is lag time?

time it takes for the brain to perceive a threat and send signal to body to react

An officer's "world view" can change how?

to accommodate perceived job parameters

Suspension of license for failure to respond to citation

to any person who has failed to respond to a citation to appear before a court of competent jurisdiction in this state other than a parking violation suspension notice mailed suspended for an indefinite period until paid

What is probable cause the basis of? (three things)

to arrest to search to seize

What is the purpose of a pat down?

to check for weapons; must have ARS

What is the purpose of the exclusionary rule?

to deter police misconduct; to control the behavior of the cops

objective of a traffic enforcement program

to deter the traffic violator or the potential violator

What is the magistrate's duty for search warrants?

to determine whether probable cause exists to issue the search warrant

General purposes of Title 16 - Crimes and Offenses

to forbid and prevent conduct which unjustifiably and inexcusably causes or threatens substantial harm to individual or public interest

goal of traffic enforcement

to improve traffic safety

ultimate goal of law enforcement intelligence training

to make observing and reporting information a habit with each officer because intelligence allows effective utilization of resources and activities against hostile intelligence-like forces (ex: street gangs)

Officer's motivation should be

to take whatever action is most likely to improve safety on the highway

What did State v. Stephens affirm?

totality of circumstances should be the OUTER limit of probable cause and should go by the Aguilar-Spinelli test whenever feasible

what are the most deadly activities in which an officer can engage

traffic stops and should not be considered routine

Benefits to knowing your territory

travel time from A to B is cut to a minimum accident exposure is minimized emergency vehicle operator can devote full time to driving and know what to expect (curves, traffic control devices, etc)

what happens if you cant prove 'beyond a reasonable doubt'

trial is over , not guilty

Spin out

triggered by accelerating through a corner too quickly front tires lock us, rear of vehicle swings around

juvenile court counselors handle all cases except?



turn the tires of the patrol car to the...

Counter steering

turning the steering wheel in the direction the rear of the car is sliding AKA turn car in direction you want to go

driver's side approach passenger's side approach

two approach options to the violator vehicle

Correct procedure for completion of an incident report

typically done as a supplemental report; unless no further investigation is needed and in that case the initial report is also the closing report

How old must a juvenile be for felony child abuse?

under 16 years old

where is law enforcement in the incident command system?

under operations function

16-8-2; theft by taking

unlawfully takes or, being in lawful possession thereof, unlawfully appropriates any property of another with the intention of depriving him of the property, regardless of the manner in which the property is taken or appropriated

Flashing red signals

use as a stop signal

Accelerator and Brake

use right foot only make stops and starts as smoothly as possible

Sureños or Sur 13

use the colors blue and white to identify themselves with La EME, and always include the number 13 in their graffiti and other identifiers. Sur 13 is one of the largest and most active gangs in the Atlanta area

Nature's Law (physical forces of nature)

used in accident reconstruction and are based on tried and proven methods of determining weight transfer, skid resistance, momentum, etc

Methyl Alcohol

used in antifreeze, gasoline, and as a camping grill fuel

How can one self identify as a gang member?

using gang language "Cuz, homeboy, Blood, Crip..." Has tattoos with gang material on it wears specific colors wears clothing associated with gangs (Red Sox Hat, Red bandana, Blue shirts) Hand signs Street names Jewelry

cutaneous anthrax

usually occurs when spores enter a cut or abrasion causing a skin (cutaneous) infection at site mildest and most common form inflammation at site and blisters around an area of dying tissue that becomes black in the center

problem vehicles

vans semi-trailers motorcycles

Allowed items will?

vary with each department and may be returned to arrestee after completion of the frisk/search inventory

3 factors in a crash

vehicle human internal

3 Phases od DUI detection

vehicle in motion personal contact pre-arrest screening

Spencer Law 40-6-16

vehicle that is displaying white, red, blue, amber, or yellow lights drivers must slow down or move over a lane

motor vehicle

vehicle which is self-propelled other than a electric personal assistive mobility device

intestinal anthrax

very rare and fatal caused by eating meat infected with anthrax causes stomach and intestinal inflammation and sores like skin sores stomach flu like symptoms

What are Romeo and Juliet provisions?

victim no more than 4 years younger than the offender and younger than 18; punished as misdemeanor

crime victim compensation act

victims can request compensation from the state for certain losses that occur as result of being victims of crimes

who are not eligible for compensation?

victims of property crime, victims who participants in a criminal act, victims who consent, provoke or incite the crime against them, victims who do not report the crime to law enforcement officials within 72 hours

muslim fundamentalists

view the undeniable momentum toward moral and spiritual decline among their people attributed to cultural diffusion from the west

16-5-91; elements and punishment of aggravated stalking

violates a court order; felony 1-10 years

driver side approach disadvantages

violators anticipate a driver's side approach the officer is more vulnerable to traffic officers filed of view inside the vehicle is limited

16-6-19; adultery

voluntarily has sexual intercourse with a person other than his spouse

Serious injury by vehicle

w/o malice causes bodily harm to another by depriving him of a member of his body, rendering a member of his body useless, or causing organic brain damage while committing reckless driving or DUI

What should you do if a subject isn't following orders?

wait for backup and continue giving orders

Courts will consider the following in judging due regard in the use of signaling equipment:

was it necessary? was it used? was the signal audible and visible to motorists and pedestrians?

Always, Always, Always

wash hands before and after Anything even if you wore gloves


weapons are found built into the motorcycle you may order biker to stay astride his bike with the kick stand up and ignition off jewelry may be a weapon

tactic of terrorism

weapons of mass destruction, explosives and incendiary, armed assault, assassination, kidnapping and hostage-taking, hijacking, cyberterrorism, and hoaxes or threats for any other tactic

elements necessary for a successful terrorist attack

weapons, mobility, communications, intelligence, dedication

16-11-38; wearing masks, hoods, etc.

wears a mask, hood, or device by which any portion of the face is so hidden, concealed, or covered as to conceal the identity of the water and is upon any public way or public property or upon the private property of another without the written permission of the owner or occupier of the property to do so **doesn't apply to traditional holiday costumes

Gross Weight

weight of vehicle plus the weight of the load thereon

7 interrelated questions that are the core of assessing the threat on a vehicle stop

what is the nature of the offense involved -- THREAT POTENTIAL what many occupants are in the vehicle what is the behavior of the occupants what weapons are involved what type of vehicle is involved what environmental hazards exist what are my strengths in this situation

How much force can be used to affect an arrest?

whatever force is REASONABLE

Parking procedure

wheels parallel to and within 12 inches of the right hand curb or closer

Vehicle approaching or entering intersection

when 2 vehicles approach intersection at same time, driver on left will yield and give right of way to vehicle on right.

What are acts of omission?

when a person fails to fulfill their responsibility

When are Miranda warnings required?

when a person is in custody and going to be interrogated

What is a show up?

when a witness views a single individual for purposes of identification; sometimes known as a field interview

16-6-1; rape

when he has carnal knowledge of: (1) a female forcible and against her will; or (2) a female who is less than ten years of age

16-5-90; elements of stalking

when he or she follows, places under surveillance, or contacts another person at or about a place or places without the consent of the other person for the purpose of harassing and intimidating the other person

16-4-8; conspiracy to commit a crime

when he together with one or more persons conspire to commit any crime and any one of more of such persons doe any overt act to effect the object of the conspiracy

OCGA 16-11-36 Loitering & Prowling

when in apace at a time or in a manner not usual for law-abiding individuals under circumstances that warrant a justifiable and reasonable alarm or immediate concern for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity.

Centrifugal force

when momentum increases with accelerations tends to make the vehicle push to the outside double speed=centrifugal force will quadruple

as soon as you contemplate making a vehicle stop

when should you begin making a risk assessment

What constitutes reasonable expectation of privacy?

when someone exhibits an actual expectation of privacy that society recognizes as reasonable

When is a petition/hearing used?

when someone petitions the court on their own, NOT when an officer makes an arrest

When are rear wheel skids most common?

when the brakes get 'hot' such as in pursuits or emergency runs 180 degree spins common MUST get off brake and counter steer

When does an interview turn into an interrogation?

when the subject becomes a suspect in the case

When will a defendant move to suppress evidence?

when they are aggrieved by an unlawful search and seizure and wish to have their property returned

When is their an exception to militia not having the privilege from arrest?

when they commit treason, felony, or breach of peace

Brake fade

when you apply brakes, the vehicle seems to start lunging forward brakes may feel like they have 'disappeared' caused by excessive heat

Point of Maximum Engagement

where the greatest collapse of material or overlap of objects occurs

What establishments should be avoided by officers?

where the law is frequently violated

Where can an officer search incident to arrest?

where weapons or evidence of the crime are likely to be found

Controlled stop

where you have ample distance to use early and smooth braking

What are you accountable for when shooting your firearm?

where your bullet goes and ends up

original law enforcement agency

which investigated or is investigating the crime (Investigating Law Enforcement agency) is responsible for notifying the victim

When must you carry your license and show it?

while operating a motor vehicle and when demanded by a law enforcement officer

What did Brewer v. Williams (1977) affirm?

while police denied Williams of his sixth amendment rights (having council present) by use of the Christian Burial speech as interrogation, the courts decided that the girl's body would have been found by the search team regardless of the conversation between Williams and the officer

Characteristics of a complete report

who what when where why how

Crash Reporting answers

who (VIN#, DL, Model, Make, L. Plate) What (other car, animal, pole) Where (closest points) When (time) How Why (texting, DUI, etc)

16-11-41; public drunkenness

who shall be and appear in an intoxicated condition in any public place or within the curtilage of any private residence not his own other than by invitation of the owner or lawful occupant, which condition is made manifest by boisterousness, by indecent condition or act, or by vulgar, profane, loud, or unbecoming language

What must an officer be able to articulate when executing a search incident to arrest?

why he is searching and what he is searching for

What did Randolph v. State (2003) establish?

wife cannot forfeit husband's constitutional rights if they are both present and he refuses search

Elderly People in the year 2030

will jump from 35 million to 70 million people be largest segment of the population will be 23% of all drivers on the road

who would be the jury if the defendant opted to not have a jury?

with constitutional right to no jury trial a JUDGE would be the jury

16-8-42; armed robby; robbery by intimidation

with intent to commit theft, he or she takes property of another from the person or the immediate presence of another by use of an offensive weapon, or any replica, article, or device having the appearance of such weapon.

16-8-40; robbery

with intent to commit theft, he takes property of another from the person or the immediate presence of another: (1) by use of force (2) by intimidation, by the use of threat or coercion, or by placing such person in fear of immediate serious bodily injury to himself or to another; or (3) by sudden snatching

16-9-1; offense of forgery, 2nd degree

with intent to defraud he or she knowingly makes, alters, or possesses any writing, other than a check, in a fictitious name or in such manner that the writing as made or altered purports to have been made by another person, at another time, with different provisions, or by authority of one who did not give such authority

16-9-1; offense of forgery, 1st degree

with intent to defraud he or she knowingly makes, alters, or possesses any writing, other than a check, in a fictitious name or in such manner that the writing as made or altered purports to have been made by another person, at another time, with different provisions, or by authority of one who did not give such authority and utters or delivers such writing

How should you report to the range?

with unloaded weapon

A victim must fully cooperate with law enforcement and complete an application within how long?

within 1 year of the incident

return to parents once parties have calmed down

within 12 hours

When must probable cause hearing be conducted?

within 15 days of date with juveniles first appearance

How soon should Department of Social Service inform DA if they find evidence that a juvenile may have been abused?

within 48 hours of receiving report of abuse

When must an officer notify the principal of a juvenile when charged with a felony?

within 5 days

When shall a person apply to the department for a license showing a correct name change (newly married women for example) or address change?

within 60 days

When must copies of orders be sent to the detention facility?

within 72 hours

When should Department of Social Services notify the State Bureau Of Investigations of sexual abuse in a day care facility or home?

withn 24 hours or next work day

When Responding to a bomb call

work in pairs, begin search on the outside and work your way inside starting from the bottom and working your way up. remember to work the public access areas before the locked down parts of a building

What is the biggest cause of brake fades?

worn pads which allow heat to transfer to the brake fluid

What were federal agents doing with the silver platter doctrine?

would go to local officers, knowing the exclusionary rule didn't apply to local officers, and ask them to search people's homes, vehicles, etc. without a warrant and turn over any evidence found to the federal agents. ("on a silver platter")

Are NCIC/GCIC returns reliable enough for probable cause?


Can a person be designate to act on behalf of the victim during periods of physical disability?


Can a temporary restraining order be issued without notice to the accused?


Can an officer issue a UTC to someone that is chilling at home watching the UGA game that let their friend drive their car to get beer at the gas station knowing their car's insurance is expired/revoked/suspended?


Can the job become all consuming?


Do the courts recognize the police officer's authority to search individuals without a search warrant incident to their arrest?


If a crime was committed in County A, but the warrant was issued in County B, is that warrant still valid? (OCGA 17-4-44)


If the officer does not have the paper copy of their POST certification, can they still work?


Is an arrest a seizure of a person?


are terrorist willing sacrifice their lives or freedom to carry out a successful attack?


can officers become hypervigilant all the time?


Can an officer seize abandoned property?

yes and without a search warrant

Are officers able to handcuff a subject when not arresting them in a tier II stop?

yes, for safety reasons

Are officers able to order the driver to get out of the vehicle during a traffic stop?

yes, for safety reasons

Can you arrest a passenger of the person driving a stolen vehicle?

yes, law states that they know or should have known that the vehicle was stolen and you have probable cause to arrest all occupants

is it okay to tag out when you aren't getting anywhere with a subject?

yes, let someone else try

Can a judge deviate from the trial process?

yes, the judge can deviate to further fairness and to assure a fair trial. -judges run the courtroom how they want it.

Do the police need a search warrant to search digital information on a cell phone?

yes; can search outside, physical aspects of phone only

Who will benefit from your practicing the fundamentals of safe driving?

you and your family general public your department

Aim High

your eyes should lead your vehicle down the road by at least TWELVE (12) seconds helps locate, identify, and respond to potential hazards

crisis zone

your safest approach to a vehicle will be through this zone

16-6-5.1; sexual assault

~summary~ If you are in charge of that individual (teacher, CJ employee, doctor, therapist) engages in sexual contact with such other individual

Incidents should be considered gang related when...

• An incident occurs where the participants, suspects or victims, are identified as gang members or affiliates. • A law enforcement agency or reliable informant identifies an incident as gang activity. • An informant of previously untested reliability identifies an incident as gang activity and it is corroborated. • The conduct is consistent with street gang activity

What is a Narcotic?

• Causes sleep • Decreases pain, coughing, respiration and blood pressure • Creates confusion and euphoria • Causes addiction, constipation and decreased drive

Examples of MVC's

• Collision with another motor vehicle (in transport or parked) • Collision with a Pedestrian • Collision with another road vehicle • Collision with an animal

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