ALL the social psych test questions

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What is the highest level of analysis in psychology?

Culture and environment

What is the most fundamental principle of statistics?

Data collected in a study will vary

Dr. Parikh has conducted a study that involves gathering data about her students' performance on an exam. She observes that some students did very poorly, while other students made no errors at all. This pattern of variation within her data set is referred to as the ________.


Oscar would like to go to a movie without supervision. To try and get what he wants, he starts by asking his mom if he can go on a trip to the Rollercoaster Park with just his friends. When his mom says no, like he predicted, he goes on to ask if he can at least go to the movies by himself. Oscar's strategy in asking to go to the movies is an example of what persuasion trick?


What is the name for the piece of technology that automatically records brief snippets of conversation?

Electronically activated recorder (EAR)

Which of the following provides evidence that the need to belong is a fairly universal human tendency?

Even people who are described as introverts report being happier when they are in social situations

Calvin is interested in measuring his school's willingness to do volunteer work around the community. He sends out a self-report survey that asks students to directly fill out their _________ attitudes on the topic.


Anushka is generally in favor of a new candidate for Prime Minister of England, but knows that the candidate is controversial and extreme. She discusses her concerns with other people who support the candidate, and at the end of the talk they are all much more in favor of their candidate. This demonstrates the process of ________.

Group polarization

Which of the following is NOT one of the ways to reduce social loafing? That is, which of the following will increase social loafing?

Have the group do a simple task

People who have a high school dominance orientation (SDO) are likely to agree with which of the following statements?

Hierarchies are natural, some groups are simply better than others.

One commonly used test of nonconscious bias

Implicit association test

Mood-congruent memory is occuring in which of the following scenarios

John is currently sad and can more easily recall a time when he got in trouble for a late assignment

In Asch's classic study of conformity, what were research participants asked to do?

Judge the sizes of lines that were on a card held a few feet away from them

_______ is/are the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership


When each participant has an equal chance of being assigned to a particular group, the research design uses

Randon assignment

Humans have a strong, innate desire to form connections with other people. This is known as:

need to belong

Which of the following emotional prejudices might a person be most likely to experience in response to another person who is high in warmth but low in competence?


A larger group of individuals to whom we would like to generalize our research findings is called a(n) ________.


According to _________ theory, people tend to categorize each other into groups and then show favoritism to their own group

Social identity

The Dean of the Education department at a major college is awarded a $250,000 grant. He is allowed to pay himself out of that grant, and can also use the money for his department's improvement. A study of how much he gives himself and how much he uses for other purposes would be studying the Dean's _________.

Social value orientation

Rueben is in a biology class and the professor tells the students to find a lab partner. Rueben immediately approaches an Asian classmate because he believes that all Asian students are naturally good in math and science. Rueben's mental shortcut is an example of a(n) ______.


What is the difference between stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination?

Stereotypes are based on beliefs, prejudice is based on emotions, and discrimination is based on behavior

_______ biases are those that are unintended, immediate, and irresistible


Brandon does not believe he is prejudiced. However, he got very nervous when told he was randomly assigned to room with a man from Costa Rica for his first year in college. He plans to spend as little time as possible in his room because of this reason. Brandon is probably experiencing which of the following?

aversive racism

Kari visited the doctor recently who told her she needed to start eating better or she is at risk for a heart attack within the next few years. Kari is very motivated to view herself in a positive light and doesn't like the news the doctor gave her. She wonders if the doctor's tests could have been inaccurate. Kari's uncertainty over her health results from the doctor is an example of what?

motivated skepticism

The practices of excluding one or more individuals from a group by reducing or eliminating contract with that person, often by ignoring, shunning, or explicitly banishing them is called


Javari is teaching a psychology class and tells his students, "Kenna is 31, single, outspoken, and bright. She majored in philosophy in college. As a student, Kenna was deeply concerned with discrimination and other social issues." When Javari asked his class if it was more likely that Kenna was A) a bank teller or B) a bank teller AND a feminist, most people in his class chose option B. Javari explained that their answer was incorrect because their _____________ heuristic led them astray.


Jabon is given $50 to do with as he sees fit. He can decide how much to give to Alisa. Alisa can accept Jabon's money offer, or she can reject it. If she accepts it they both keep those amounts, but if she rejects it neither gets to keep any money. This situation is an example of the ________.

Ultimatum game

The stereotype content model suggests that we judge social groups on which two features?

Warmth and competence

Which of the following is true of Milgram's (1963, 1965, 1974) research on obedience to authority?

With each increment of shock voltage, fewer participants oberyed, but about 65% still administered 450 volts (the highest level)

Latroya, Gary, and Katelyn are assigned to work together in their psychology class. Latroya and Gary are very organized, and start working right away. Katelyn decides that she doesn't have to put forth any effort because the other two will do the job well-enough. If she gets a high grade without contributing to the project, she has demonstrated the ________ problem.


Only 7.5% of public radio listeners in New York contribute to the stations. The people who listen without contributing money to New York Public Radio are demonstrating the _______ problem.


________ is/are the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership


Dovidio and Gaertner (2000) used applicant race and applicant qualification to predict whether participants recommended the applicant be hired as a peer counselor. They found that discrimination (the white candidate being more likely to be recommended than the Black candidate was most likely when the applicant was....

Moderately qualified because the appropriate decision was not obvious

Which of the following statements demonstrates the process of downward social comparison?

Yes, I got an 82 on the exam, but the average class score was 71 so I'm doing better than most.

If you are participating in the prisoner's dilemma, which scenario would lead to the best outcome for you?

You defect but your partner cooperates

what is a primary obstacle that prevents people from engaging in cooperative actions?

a divide between personal and collective interests

Burger (2009) conducted a replication of Milgram's studies on obedience and found

about the same level of obedience as the Milgram's study

The study of ________, which is a major topic of focus for social psychologists, examines the psychological processes involved in having a sexual interest in another person


What are the possible actions that a person can take when involved in the prisoner's dilemma?

cooperate or defect

What type of research design shows that two variables are related to one another, but not that one causes the other?

correlational research design

A social category or group with which an individual does not personally identify is called a(n)


Nora has decided to visit the new community recreation center for a swim. As she enters the change room she notices both of the two other people present put their shoes into a locker. Before she walks out to the pool she does the same. What concept helps explain her actions?

Informational influence

During his early work, social psychologist Normal Triplett noted that cyclists were faster in races against other riders than they were they were racing alone against a clock. This lead to his concept of _________.

Social facilitation

What theory of social loafing says that when alone, the social influence of an outside source (a boss) is focused entirely on the person whereas when working in a group, that social influence is diffused across multiple members

Social impact theory

The fact that none of us are alone in the world- that we are all affected but others and, in turn, affect others- is the emphasis of the study of ________

Social psychology

Dr. Maweldi is studying children in his laboratory and he places Maryam and Tameika at a table together. The kids are given a plate of chocolates and Tameika is told to decide how many candies she will get and how many Maryam will get. Dr. Maweldi is studying Tameika's ________ when he examines how she allocates the treats to herself and her partner.

Social value orientation

Clara is extremely hungry after having a 3 hour meeting. She wants food as quickly as possible but is unsure of where to eat. Because of her motivation to eat, she makes a quick decision to eat at the coffee shop a few buildings away. Her motivation to make a quick decision is an example of what concept?

need for closure

In order to study fear, a neuroscientist connects Natalie to an electroencephalograph (EEG) and then shows her a brief video of scary animals. These include wasps, snakes, and alligators. He then observes at Natalie shows activation in her amygdala. At which level of analysis has this scientist made his observations?


Which of the following is an example of manipulating the trustworthiness of a speaker?

the speaker presents his/her message as educational or objective information

The idea that self-esteem functions to mentally monitor one's degree of inclusion or exclusion in social groups is called the ________ model.


When the findings in a research study are believed to be due to an actual phenomenon under investigation and not due to chance or random occurrence, this is called ________.

statistical significance

When Ashley conducts research and determines that the results are highly unlikely to have been due to random chance, she can state that her findings are ___________.

statistically significant

Jason believes that all Asian people are good at math. What is this belief an example of?


Dr. Waehner is studying the relationship between sensation seeking behaviors and personality traits in college females. He finds that there is a relationship between these two variables, and that the relationship is significant. If he is using a typical cutoff to make that determination, then his study would have a p-value around ________ or less.


What is a primary obstacle that prevents people from engaging in cooperative actions?

A divide between personal and collective interests

A temporary committee to address company police policy on promotions was formed at the Iwanna Workhere Corporation. The group had five meetings, ironed out new wording for the promotion procedures, and is now deciding that future meetings are no longer necessary. In Tuckman's model of group formation, what stage is this group now in?


The durability bias occurs when a person overestimates how long their feelings might last. This bias is a type of:

Affective forecasting

Historical or publicly-available data is often used for what type of research?

Archival Research

_______ are opinions, feelings, and beliefs that a person holds about another person, a concept, or a group


what are the three characteristics of a speaker that makes him/her more trustworthy when delivering a persuasive message?

Authority, honest, likeability

Shortly after she gets to her new college 2,500 miles from home, Tomasa goes to the school's activity fair to find some groups to join. She immediately signs up to audition for two different musical clubs, which are her interest. Her desire to join these groups may help to satisfy her need to _________.


Having conscious beliefs, feelings, and behaviors of hostility toward outgroup members that you are perfectly willing to admit reflects what type of bias?

Blatant bias

John is testing the effects of exercise on mood. He defines exercise as the number of steps a person takes in a day, and he measures it with a special watch that participants wear. What did John do to the variable "exercise"?

Operationalize it

A background variable about an individual such as race, gender, or socioeconomic status is considered what kind of variable?

Participant variable

What is a potential positive outcome of the planning fallacy?

People might attempt projects that otherwise might have been avoided had the amount of effort or time needed been understood

The _______ route to persuasion relies on superficial cues that have little to do with logic. It requires a target who is not thinking carefully about what you are saying


Lars grew up in Copenhagen and has heard negative messages about immigrants. He has never had a negative interaction with an immigrant but has decided that he doesn't like them. This is an example of a(n) ______.


Ellie is very subtly and nonconsicously reminding women of their gender before giving them a math test. What technique is Ellie using for her study?


Which of the following is a possible outcome when individuals' implicit and explicit attitudes do not match?

They are unaware they hold an actual bias, such as a bias towards an ethnic minority

Carol and Martin are participating in the Prisoner's Dilemma, where each is promised a certain amount of money for either cooperating or defecting. If Carol and Martin are married and their goal is to win the highest possible combined total of money, what should they each do?

They should both cooperate

Whenever he travels to Denver for business meetings, Calvin notices that he gets bad headaches that don't go away until he returns home to Toronto. He assumes that it is just the travel that causes his migraines, but he does not consider that the elevation change and atmospheric pressure might be at fault. Calvin is making incorrect ________ conclusions about his headaches.


While reading a magazine Juan notices an advertisement for tennis shoes. Juan is very interested in reading about the materials the shoes are made out of and logically concludes the tennis shoes would be a good purchase. Juan was likely in which persuasion route?


Which of the following is the best definition of conformity?

changing one's attitude or behavior to match a perceived social norm

the tendency of a group to spend more time discussing information that several group members know than information that is known by fewer members is called the ______ effect.

common knowledge

Chukwudi believes that atheists cannot be trusted. As a result, he refuses to hire anyone who does not regularly attend church. Chukwudi's action is an example of __________.


The stereotype content model suggests that when we interact with homeless people we feel what type of emotional prejudice?

disgust or contempt

what evidence supports the idea that social pain might be as devastating to a human being as physical pain?

fMRI imaging studies find similar brain area activated by both experiences

Lily is counting the number of people who line up early to board an airplane. For half the trials, Lily has a flight attendant warn that they will begin boarding soon. For the other half, no warning is given. What type of experiment is Lily conducting?

field experiment

In her research on social interactions, Dr. Fisher anticipates that people of the same racial background will interact more with each other than they will with people of different races. She then conducts research to test this idea. Dr. Fisher's prediction is an example of a(n)_________.


Sasha is taking her family to Disney World. She predicts that she will feel immense happiness seeing her young daughter, Emerald, meet all the princesses at the theme park. However, when her daughter Emerald meets the first princess, Sasha does not feel as happy as she thought she would. Sasha's experience is an example of what concept?

impact bias

According to the Stereotype Content Model and the BIAS Map, ______ is associated with active behavioral tendencies and _____ is associated with passive behavioral tendencies

warmth; competence

Gaertner (1973) found that when conservatives received a wrong number call asking for help, they were more likely to help a White caller than a Black caller; however, liberals were more likely to hang up the phone before hearing the request when the caller was a Black person than when the caller was a White person. This study illustrates the importance of a strong versus weak norms in predicting

when aversive racists discriminate

When being considered for a job opening, people being interviewed often mirror the interviewer's behavior. This can be explained by what concept?

Chameleon effect

The Baltimore Bashers, a semi-professional football team, has been very successful this season. when interviewed, the head coach says that their success comes from having a tight-knit team of players who like and support each other and who believe that they can only be successful together. The coach is referring to group _________.


One beach in Malibu, California has been available to beachgoers for years without restriction, but lately so many people have visited it that it has become dirty and littered. As a result nobody wants to go anymore. This beach is an example of a _________.

Common-pool resource

Tressa and Arnold are playing at recess and they decide to create a new game. They work out the rules, get a few other kids involved, and have fun with this project of theirs. Their coordinated efforts are an example of ________.


Some of the things Milgrim claimed in his publications were inconsistent with what actually happened according to the archived records. Which of the following of Milgram's claim was supported by the archived records?

Most participants (84%) were very glad or glad to have participated

Asch's study on conformity, where participants had to make line-judgements, can be best explained by what concept?

Normative influence

Why is it important to use random assignment when determining which research participants will comprise the different treatment groups in the study?

Random assignment balances out the differences that might naturally exist between participants

Tracy enters a car dealership interested in buying a new car. Immediately she is greeted by a salesman offering her water or soda and a cookie. The salesman is likely relying on what social norm to help persuade Tracy to buy a car?


16-year-old high school student Gregory thinks of himself as a member of the "musical clique" at school and feels that the musicians are the best group of students. He thinks poorly of athletes and spends most of his time with peers who share similar interest. This an example of ________ theory.


Jedediah reads that every astronaut who has ever stepped foot on the moon has been a vegetarian. He looks at his wife and says, "I wonder why being a vegetarian increases one's likelihood of going to the moon!" Jedediah has arrived at an (incorrect) __________ conclusion.


Greg and Richard live in a neighborhood where there is a community garden. Each is allowed to take fruit and vegetables for their own family, but they must also remember that if they take too much the garden will fail and nobody will be able to benefit from it. This is analogous to a ________ game.

commons dilemma

Dr. Sipps administers an intelligence test for his client, Mr. Robey, and determines that his IQ is 105. On the report of the test, he writes, "The client's intelligence quotient was found with 95% certainty to fall between 102 and 108." This range that allows for a variation within a statistic is called a _______.

confidence interval

Diana and Paul decide to rob a fast food restaurant together but both are caught by the police. They are questioned in separate rooms and each is given the choice to reveal their participation or to stay quiet. If they are promised a lighter sentence for being cooperative and a harsher sentence for refusing to confess, they are engaged in the ________.

prisoner's dilemma

To decide which participants will be in the treatment group and which in the control group, Gowron flips a coin for each participant. This probability-based method of dividing a sample of research participants into different treatment groups in called

random assignment

Dr. Stuart wants to study whether there is a relationship between the number of hours a high school senior spends on social networking sites and their grade point average. He obviously cannot study every 12th grader, so instead he will select a smaller ________ of seniors to study.


Aaruna believes that all fans of the Toronto Maple Leafs are strong, tough people who are loyal in any circumstance. Since he has become a fan of that sports team, he starts to think of himself in exactly these ways, and describes himself as tough, strong, and loyal. Aaruna's adjusted self-concept reflects the basic concepts of ________ theory.

social identity

Ingrid goes to a community build of a new playground where dozens have people have shown up to lend a hand. Ingrid doesn't really want to help, so she makes sure to take the easiest tasks possible, and puts very little effort into them. She does not think her lack of effort will matter or will be noticed. Ingrid is demonstrating ________.

social loafing

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