America through baseball midterm

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Martin Dihigo

-"El inmortal" 1923-50 -played in the negro, Mexican, and Caribbean leagues -considered to be one of the greatest to ever play the game

Babe Ruth

-"Home Run King" in baseball, provided an idol for young people and a figurehead for America —regarded as one of the greatest sports heroes in American culture

Napoleon Lajoie

-"the Frenchman" -was signed to the Phillies in the NL but Lajoie and dozens of others from the NL joined the AL -played w ty Cobb

Andy Cohen

-"the great Jewish hope"/"Tuscaloosa terror" -Jewish baseball player who was from Texas, went to school in Alabama -fantastic ball player

Lipman Pike

-1st ever Jewish major league player in 1858

❗️Grover Cleveland

-22nd And 24th President -hosted the world tourists of baseball in 1889

William H. Taft

-27th U.S. President. 1909-1913. Republican -first president to throw out the first ball at a Major League Baseball season opener

❗️Woodrow Wilson

-28th President -an imperialist who was apart of trust busting

❗️National agreement of 1891

-All leagues agreed to respect each other's player contract -allowed for multiple organizations to co exist

Gentleman's clubs

-Amateur clubs, group of men gathering to play baseball(usually wealthy) -did not allow blacks -knickerbockers 1842(first organized teams which played under similar rules to today)

Cincinnati Red Stockings

-America's first salaried baseball team -showed that baseball wasn't just a game and could be a business and occupation

Horace Wilson

-American educator in late 19th century -crediting with introducing the sport of baseball to japan

Albert Spalding

-American pitcher, manager, and executive in early years of prof baseball -co founder of A.G spalding sporting goods company -created the national league

1934 tour of japan

-Babe Ruth barnstorming trip to Japan, met by very enthusiastic fans -played a big factor in making prof baseball possible in japan

Reserve clause

-Committed players to teams and reserved the rights for them to stay w the team until their contract was over -players could not enter into another contract with another team under this -overturned in 1975

Henry Chadwick

-Former British cricket player who embraced the game of baseball and became a sportswriter writing about the game -Was credited with inventing the batting average and box score and eventually became known as "Father Baseball" -Covered international matches and urged the rules committee to make adjustments to increase the number of fans at the game -reported about doubleday's dementia

Ban Johnson

-He created the American League in 1900 when the National League baseball owners refused to merge with his new teams - more than 100 of the National League's players joined his new league -president of the western association -NL hated WA and fought against it -ended up organizing with teams with rich businessman who helped w costs

Albert Fall

-He was Secretery of the Interior during Harding's administration, and was a scheming anticonservationist. He was convicted of leasing naval oil reserves and collecting bribes, which was called the Tea Pot Dome scandal. -first in cabinet to go to jail

Isoo Abe

-Japanese baseball player -waseda college -created the foundation of baseball, also known as the "father of baseball" in Japan

Arnold Rothstein

-Jewish mobster involved in fixing the 1919 World Series -"the brain" businessman and gambler -prime example of power held by wealthy individuals in the progressive era


-McGraw used this concept while at spring training to get players from Latin American countries to play in the us -if you could pass yourself off as white or not black if you were light skinned enough -process was thoroughly investigated and many players were sent back to their home countries

Baltimore Orioles

-NL pennant champs from 1894-96 -led by "Foxy" Ned Hannan -they were the main part of inside/dirty baseball -team made up of working class, rough and tough men


-New York baseball hall of fame building -not owned by mlb

❗️Cap Anson

-One of the earliest superstar players of baseball. He played first base for the White Sox for 22 seasons finishing with a career average of .333 and 3,418 hits -an innovator in outfielder positions, spring training, base coaches and pitcher rotations -very racist but respected by other members on the team, especially during world baseball tour

Warren Harding

-President aka "president of the fans" -prohibition, bribery, and financer -Teapot dome scandal 1922 (wyoming) -before watergate, it was considered the "greatest and most sensational scandal in the history of American politics" -damages the rep of the Harding admin

❗️William McKinley

-President during the Spanish-American War -went to war in the Philippines, defeat Spanish fleet and takes over Puerto Rico and Cuba territories and we become the leader of these Latin American and Caribbean territories -projected is into us imperialism in that we were trying to expand so much to make America a strong force and ally

Theodore Roosevelt

-President during the progressive era and baseballs silver age -imperialist who was a "trust buster" and wanted to clean up dirty politics to globalize America -thought baseball was not a good thing for Americans, but believed that individual outdoorsy activities were most beneficial to the people

Spalding World Tour

-Spalding took his Chicago white stockings on a tour of four continents to play a team of all stars -first effort to push America's power and perception of global involvement

❗️Jane Austen

-Wrote about baseball 40 years before it's official invention -British origins were erased from history by Albert spalding

Lefty O'Doul

-Yomiuri/Tokyo Giants, 1934 -player who went on to become an extraordinary minor league manager -vital figure in the establishment of professional baseball in japan

❗️Brooklyn Excelsiors

-amateur baseball team -originated the "Brooklyn-style" baseball cap, precursor to the modern cap -one of the first baseball clubs to undertake a long-distance tour to compete outside their home region

Jim Creighton

-an American baseball player during the games amateur era -considered to be the first "superstar" of baseball -played for one of the most dominant teams of the era, the Excelsior of Brooklyn -signif: underpaid

Brotherhood war

-began in 1885 -association concerned with helping players in trouble and improving relations between management and players -in 1888, club owners tried to impose a stiff set of salary limits upon the players, the brotherhood provided a base for player resistance

Silver age

-beginning of 20th century(1900-20) where progressivism was very popular and prevalent -under the presidencies of teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson there was many "trust busting" antics in affect to clean up "dirty politics" -baseball fan base skyrocketed bc of the clean changes being made to baseball as well as the country -wanted to completely get rid of monopolies in the sport

Mo Berg

-catcher and coach in MLB -average player but known for being the "brainiest guy in baseball" -served as a spy for the office of strategic services during ww2

Mo Berg

-catcher and coach in MLB -average player but known for being the "brawniest guy in baseball" -served as a spy for the office of strategic services during ww2

❗️Connie Mack

-catcher, manager, team owner -the longest-serving manager in MLB history -first manager to win the World Series 3 times

❗️Mike "King" Kelly

-extremely popular player for Chicago White Stockings, "win at all costs" mentality, Irish, big drinker, sold for $10,000 to Boston Beaneaters, casey at the bat character -"slide Kelly slide" -played every position -invented first base interfering

Ty Cobb

-father wanted him to be a lawyer, military, doctor -mother shot father, ty channeled his anger about life in the field and was very aggressive -gambler, racist, wife beater, womanizer, nasty -best hitter, he was heckled as a disabled man -was called the n word by a dan and Cobb climes into stands and beat him severely, gets banned indefinitely -teammates went on strike to protest the ban -Johnson reduced the ban to ten games

❗️George/Harry Wright

-fielding tips: backup other fielders, throw ahead of the runner -played center field for first professional team

❗️Dolf Luque

-first Latin American pitcher -played for 18 years in Cincinnati

❗️James Madison Toy

-first Native American baseball player -played many different positions

Hal Chase

-first baseman and manager in mlb, widely viewed as the best fielder at his position -bribed other players -gambling and fixing games in order to get money -tells us that gambling was a rampart part of American society and especially in sports

❗️National Association of Baseball Players

-first organization governing American baseball -first convention of sixteen NYC area clubs in 1857 practically terminated the knickerbocker era, when that club privately deliberated on the rules of the game

Pete Rose

-former player and manager -banned from any possibility of being inducted into the hall of fame after gambling scheme -showed that baseball would have nothing to do with gambling, used rose to prove a point

❗️National association of professional baseball players

-founded in 1871 continued through the 1875 season -25 teams total

Players Fraternity

-fraternity's 17 demands to NL/AL limit on reserve clause -owners pay for uniforms and travel expenses -owners justify fines and suspensions -5 day severance pay -frat wins 11 of 17 demands -fails on sharing film profits from World Series -David fultz founded it and represented players


-gentleman's club created before national league -owned by Alexander Cartwright -said to be one of the first teams to play in a recorded game and their name was based on their occupation -pants named after them

Golden Spike

-given annually to the best amateur baseball player in the US -the award, created by USA baseball and sponsored by the MLB players association was first presented in 1978

❗️Walter Johnson

-given the nickname "Big Train" because his pitch was so fast -significant player in the dead ball era

❗️Wee Willie Keeler

-great bunter -highest career at bats-per-strikeout ratio in mlb history -short

Sunday Blue Laws

-laws designed to enforce religious standards -can't play baseball games on sundays -prohibit selling alcoholic beverages for on and off premises sales on Sunday's at some restricted time

Andrew Freedman

-monopolist -bought the ny giants and moved the baseball "capital" from Chicago to New York -Jewish and caused fights with everyone -willingly let his star pitcher (Amos rusie) sit out because he wouldn't pay him more

William Hulbert

-one of the founders of the National League, recognized as baseball's first major league, and was also the president of the Chicago White Stockings franchise -thought the national association would kick him out for stealing all of the good players so he created his own league

❗️Fleet Walker

-played for American association's mud hens -first known black player in major leagues -faces racial bigotry

The Dowd Report

-players "permanently ineligible" from HOF for gambling -document describing Pete Rose situation

David Fultz

-players fraternity (1912-15) -an American and baseball player and coach -played mlb as a center fielder in the national league


-private teams that toured the world -showed the rest of the world that baseball showed America's globalization and how no one could beat them -idea that America was rising to the top in more ways than one (economically, socially, etc)

❗️1896 election

-republican McKinley won and tried to make baseball a monopoly

❗️National commission

-reserve clause and player contracts -dispersal of money -appointing of umpires -expansion of leagues -World Series is cancelled

Palmer Raids

-series of raids during the first red scare by the us department of justice under Woodrow admin -particularly target Italian immigrants and Jewish immigrants w suspected radical leftist ties -raids and arrests occurred under the leadership of attorney general A. Mitchell Palmer

Harry pulliam

-sixth president of the national league -President during the period in which the NL and the AL settled their differences and formed a national agreement which led to the creation of the World Series

❗️Ned Hanlon

-sometimes referred to as the "father of modern baseball" -prof player and manager -invented the "inside baseball" strategy, including the "hit and run" play

Charles Comiskey

-st Louis Browns 1st baseman, then manager -players hated him for being so cheap -stingy, but know the power was w the journalists and fans -invented first press room -spent a lot of money on recruiting good players

John brush

-successful retail magnate who owned the ny giants -giants became most valuable franchise in prof sports during his tenure, brush was not liked by players or the press

Cuban Giants

-the first African-American professional baseball club

Federal League

-took NL to Supreme Court and court ruled that the NL was not a baseball monopoly (1922)

Alexander Cartwright

-was a founding member of the New York knickerbockers baseball club -recognized as the father of organized baseball -however, the centrality of his role in the development of the game has been disputed

Jack Norworth

-wrote take me out to the ball game -second most sung song in USA behind hbd -about feminism

❗️Teapot Dome Scandal

A government scandal involving a former United States Navy oil reserve in Wyoming that was secretly leased to a private oil company in 1921

❗️Pullman Strike (1894)

A staged walkout strike by railroad workers upset by drastic wage cuts. The strike was led by socialist Eugene Debs but not supported by the American Federation of Labor. Eventually President Grover Cleveland intervened because it was interfering with mail delivery and federal troops forced an end to the strike. The strike highlighted both divisions within labor and the government's continuing willingness to use armed force to combat work stoppages.

Trust Busting

A term used in the progressive era where presidents were working to clean up the "dirty politics" like monopolies

New Woman

A time where "ladies days" were created at baseball games where woman would get in for free to promote the sport to woman

Mills Commission

Committee that decided Abner Doubleday was the inventor of baseball based on the testimony of one man

Henry Chadwick

Former British cricket player who embraced the game of baseball and became a sportswriter for the New York Clipper writing about the game. He was credited with inventing the batting average and box score and eventually became known as "Father Baseball" -covered international matches and urged the rules committee to make adjustments to increase the number of fans at the game -reported about doubleday's dementia -write about the tour and about the power of imperial imaginat

La soule

Game founded in Norway, known for being baseballs "doppelgänger"

Brotherhood of Professional Baseball Players

Group formed in the 1880s which divided profits between investors and participants, but failed because fans would not abandon the established leagues and the successful baseball franchises demanded large quantities of capital.

John McGraw

Hard-nosed former player for the Baltimore Orioles who took over as manager of the NY Giants in 1902 where he remained for 30 years. -his grudge against Johnson made him skip the championship against Boston in 1904 -agreed to play philly the next year so players could get bonus -they won four games to one

❗️Edward "Ned" Williamson

One of the best fielders in his era


Owners of the teams(leaning towards monopoly)

Honus Wagner

Pittsburgh Pirates shortstop who is considered the first star player of the 20th century. He was a great hitter but also an excellent fielder and could play any position. -played 21 seasons almost all for Pittsburg pirates -nicknamed the "Flying Dutchman" due to his superb speed and German heritage

John Montgomery Ward

Played for NY Giants, only man in major league w/ 100 wins and 2000 hits, lawyer and educated man, part of Baseball Brotherhood (union of payers) Signif: he complained and talked about the problem of work and living conditions and the right grip of capitalists on baseball players paychecks and freedom

Billy Sunday

Preacher and Former Pro Baseball Player- Key figure in the prohibition movement -influential evangelist -his sermons and preaching played a significant role in the passing of the 18th amendment

Gospel of Wealth

Rich teams are richer and poor teams are poorer, poor administration of wealth, Carnegie

Kenesaw Mountain Landis

The first baseball commissioner, he was a federal judge known for honesty and toughness. He said that no player who even thought about throwing a game would ever be able to play pro baseball. He banned several White Sox players, including Shoeless Joe Jackson, from ever being inducted into the Hall of Fame. His words and tough actions led to people having confidence in their heroes once again. He and Babe Ruth together brought back baseball's popularity. -"Moses of baseball"

inside baseball

The intricate knowledge of a process not normally known to the public and only of interest to insiders. William Safire: "From its sports context comes its political or professional denotation: minutiae savored by the cognoscenti, delicious details, nuances discussed and dissected by aficionados.


The movement in the late 1800s to increase democracy in America by curbing the power of the corporation. It fought to end corruption in government and business, and worked to bring equal rights of women and other groups that had been left behind during the industrial revolution.

❗️American League

The second professional baseball league, begun in 1901

Cy Young

This MLB pitcher & Hall of Famer holds the record for most career wins as a pitcher at 511. -cy young award -pitched for five different teams -establishes numerous pitching records some of which have stood for a century


White anglo Saxon protestant

Christy Mathewson

Who- "Christian gentleman", college educated Where- NY giants (1901-1918) What- one of the greatest pitchers ever Signif- has success during baseballs deadball era: 373 wins as a team and pitched for 22 wins. He enlisted in military at a young age and died from a gas mask incident

Abner Doubleday

Who- a career us army officer and union 2-star general in the American civil war What- later turned out to be demented and died in an asylum Where-Cooperstown, NY is where the myth started Signif- he fired the first shot in defense of fort sumter, the opening battle of the war, and had a pivotal role in the early fighting at the battle of Gettysburg -declares by the mills commission to have invented the game of baseball

Alexis de Tocqueville

Who: A french political thinker and historian What: known for his works "democracy in america" and "the old regime and the revolution" in these works he analyzed the rising living standards and social conditions of individuals and their relationship to the market and state in Western societies Where: "democracy in America" was published after his travels in the US Signif: "democracy in America" was one of the most influential books of the 19th century. With its intelligently analytical and clear-thinking observations on equality and individualism, Tocqueville's work remains a valuable explanation of America to Europeans and of Americans to themselves

National league

Who: organization of clubs What: $100 entry fee Where: in cities with populations of more than 75,000 Signif: all player contracts were written and adhered to by players. Morals, no Sunday games, alcohol, gambling, players fraternizing with fans, unruly fans ejected

❗️Pullman Strike

in Chicago, Pullman cut wages but refused to lower rents in the "company town", Eugene Debs had American Railway Union refuse to use Pullman cars, Debs thrown in jail after being sued, strike achieved nothing

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