American Gilded Age

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Elections during the Gilded Age:

were closely contested affairs.

Crédit Mobiler and the Whiskey Ring:

were indicative of the corruption in the Grant administration

Why does Foner refer to the political climate of the day as "The Politics of Dead Center?" Provide one example that supports this statement.

- no difference between political parties - a lot people voting - increase in partisanship (bias)

According to Henry George, author of Progress and Poverty, what role should government play in American lives?

-"single tax" replace all takes with one big taxes -government should be a repressive power main goal was to enhance quality of life

How effective was the Interstate Commerce Commission.

-1st attempt to regulate businesses -lacked power to establish rates on its own -could only sue companies/little impact on railroad practices

What evidence is provided that proves that "the railroad made possible what is sometimes called the Second Industrial Revolution?"

-3x more tracks, Increase in lumber/steel/trade/jobs/agricultural/mining

In what ways did US treatment of indigenous people mirror what was happening globally?

-Austrilia gather aboriginal population in a reserves -similar to US Indian reservations

In what ways did US government policy towards Native Americans change from 1871-1887?

-Dawes acts took Indian land and broke it into small pieces -made Indians assimilitate to american culture

What were TWO of the significant events of 1886 discussed? What is the relationship between the two?

-Statue of Liberty: symbol of freedom -Great upheaval: strikes/protests Statue of Liberty meant to inspire dedication to the nation's political and economic system

According to Frederick Jackson Turner, what was the significance of the western frontier?

-acres of fertile land -enterprise -considered a safety value for people dissatisfied with their situation -seen as a place of opportunity

Discuss two issues that led to social unrest during the Gilded Age?

-bad working conditions -unfair distribution of wealth -gov. supported the industries well-being over the workers

What was "the great curse of the Old World" according to the publication The Nation?

-class system -lack of care for the lower class

Review the image of the Sears, Roebuck, and Co. catalog on page 593. How is that catalog evidence of economic integration (spread of national brands)?

-consumers could order things and get them delivered to their homes

How did the Civil Service Act of 1883 work to reform political corruption?

-created a merit system for federal employees -had to apply and show your qualified for the job

Do you agree or disagree with Andrew Carnegie's "worship of money" denouncement? Explain.

-distribute wealth to better society -Philanthropy (love of humanity)

Which groups (more than one) supported the Republican Party during the Gilded Age and why?

-eastern industrials -union veterans -created a system of pensions for union soldiers and their widows

What were THREE causes of the "explosive economic growth" faced by the US?

-factory production, mining, railroad construction

How did the rise of bonanza farms affect traditional farm families economically?

-grow only one thing -covered thousands of acres/ employed wage workers -family farms loss money on agricultural goods could not compete with bonanza farms

What role did the federal government play in developing the West?

-helped develop and settle the west -helped distrubute Indian land, manage land sales, control territorial politics, and distribute land , money

How did the discovery of natural resources in the West act as a catalyst for economic growth?

-large corporation took over smaller companies selling the natural resources

How did the federal government react to the Great Railroad Strike of 1877?

-send in military to protect the company

What was problematic about the rapid geographic and economic growth of the US and the size of the federal government?

-small -couldn't handle problems created by rapid economic growth

How was Charles Darwin's scientific study applied to societies?

-this theory of evolution ( people best suited to their environment took the place of those who are unable to adapt) was applied to society -put anglo-saxon at the top

What was the core argument behind Thorstein Veblen's Theory of the Leisure Class?

-upper-class focused on spending money not on needed things but just to show they had wealth

What moral reforms did many Protestants pursue during the time period?

-wanted to outlaw sinful behavior

What did Gilded Age economists view as "the iron law of supply and demand?"

-wealth wouldn't be given to those who worked the hardest but those with business skills and access to money

What role did women play in pioneering the West?

-women keep their house holds running smoothly while husbands and sons were out tending to crops -tended to animals, crops, cooked, cleaned

How did Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla contribute to the economic growth of the time?

Edison: electric power Tesla: electric motor Increase in consumer goods/ factory production/ city services/ electric transportation

How did Laurence Gronlund's view of socialism differ from that of Karl Marx?

Gronlund: saw socialism as a peaceful evolution that would take place over time -Marx: predicted socialism would come into being via a working class revolution

How could industrial leaders of the day be seen as Robber Barons? How could they be seen as Captains of Industry? Provide an example for each.

Robber Barons- bad guys, unfair to workers/marketplace Captains of Industry- good guys, philanthropist/creator of jobs Rockefeller (RB) monopoly/oil Rockefeller (CDI) donated/ medical aid

How were the Tweed Ring and the Credit Mobilier Scandal evidence of political corruption of the Gilded Age?

The Tweed Ring (William M. Tweed)- robbed the rich and gave to the poor The Credit Mobilier Scandal- illegal manipulation of contracts by a construction and finance company associated with the building of the Union Pacific Railroad

The Civil Service Act of 1883:

created a merit system for government workers.

What were the goals of President Grant's "peace policy"?

destroyed Indian economy, horses, buffalo,

The Interstate Commerce Commission was established in 1887 to:

ensure that railroads charged farmers and merchants reasonable and fair rates.

The Grange was an organization that:

established cooperatives for storing and marketing farm output.

Republican economic policies strongly favored:

northern industrialists

William M. Tweed was a

political boss who, although corrupt, provided important services to New Yorkers.

How are pools and trusts evidence of the negative aspects of unregulated competition?

pool: divided up market between competing firms and created fixed prices trusts: legal devices whereby the affairs of several rival companies were managed by a single director

How was enforcement of the 14th Amendment different from its proposed purpose? Provide an example.

purpose: gave everyone access to citizenship -factories didn't have to pay minimum wage -gov. couldn't step in -regulating businesses was an insult to free labor

What impact did the incredible economic growth of the period have on worker's freedoms?

skilled works got to work with out supervision

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