American Government Final studyguide (quizzes ch. 1-19)

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The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated may not include cell phones since it is not included in the language of the 4th Amendment.


Which of the following is not one of three models of constitutions of the American colonies:

autocratic colony

In July of 1775, the Continental Congress drafted the "Olive Branch Petition," which meant as an appeal to the king asking him to intervene and take their side against Parliament. The king rejected the petition and issued the:

b. Proclamation of Rebellion.

Which of the following was a precedent for the Bill of Rights?

b. The English Bill of Rights.

According to the Fifth Amendment, private property may be taken for public use, as long as the government can show it has a legitimate use for it.


Which President served more than two terms?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

the colonists and the American citizenry and the Founding Fathers recognized the importance of specifying how governing authorities should not act toward its people.


The Great Compromise used the Mason-Dixon Line to define North from South, or, slave states/territories from free territories.


The State of Georgia was not required to reapply for statehood after the end of the Civil War.


The eighth section of Article I enumerates the specific powers provided to Congress, and is an exhaustive list.


Attorney Walter Greene advised Dollree Mapp to withhold consent to search her house unless the officers produced a search warrant.


The local government, rather than the local church, was responsible for calling ministers.


The rotation schedule for Senate elections establishes that at least half of our elected federal government will have a minimum of six years' experience.


The Emancipation Proclamation included the so-called border states of Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri, where slavery existed side by side with Unionist sentiment.


The Executive Branch executes the laws created by the Judicial Branch and protection of the nation, with the President as the head of state.


The Federalists wanted guaranteed protection for certain basic liberties, such as freedom of speech and trial by jury.


The Fifth Amendment places the burden of requesting an attorney on the person being question since only he knows when he needs an attorney.


The Fifth Amendment protects all people during their interactions or confrontations with police and always protect silence.


The benefit of a representative democracy over a pure democracy is the idea that government can protect the majority from the minority.


The Supreme Court case of United States v. Miller (1939) emerged as a gun control verdict.


In early England the most common form of justice was carried out by the tribe or the community. These tribunals were known as:

all of the above

In Wilkerson v. Utah, the Supreme Court concluded that the Eighth Amendment prohibits a sentence of life without the possibility of parole for a juvenile convicted of a nonhomicide offense.


In order to achieve ratification, and become the supreme law of the land, the Constitution had to be approved by 12 out of 13 states through specially called conventions.


The colonists and the American citizenry and the Founding Fathers recognized the importance of specifying how governing authorities should not act toward its people.


A general rule has evolved to give substantial protection to verdict finality and to assure jurors that, once their verdict has been entered, it will not later be called into question based on the comments or conclusions they expressed during deliberations.


A nation is a people living in a country which they hold as their own, and united under a government which has control over that country and all its inhabitants.


A should be speedy, since it would be unjust to keep any one imprisoned before trial a moment longer than necessary. He might be able to prove his innocence immediately.


After the Civil War, southern states still controlled setting voter qualifications which permitted the creation of laws severely limiting and excluding black Americans from voting.


All levels of state government are subject to federal laws and the Constitution, as no government entity nor organization can subvert or contradict the Constitution.


Believers must make a conscious effort to separate themselves from sinful associations and behaviors by not being unequally yoked with unbelievers or participating in government.


By empowering Congress to enforce citizenship requirements and to enact all laws "necessary and proper" to that end, the Fourteenth Amendment authorizes Congress to preempt laws that undermine blacks' constitutionally protected status as citizens of the state where they reside.


By relying on a single head of government, it created the concept of accountability, as one person answered for the whole of the Executive Branch; it created the idea of a streamlined, transparent system with one man held responsible for the workings of government, good or bad.


Christians should not swear oaths, as Christ forbade Christians to do so in His Sermon on the Mount.


Civil rights promote equality and equity in government by guaranteeing everyone equal and unrestricted access to civil liberties.


Congress may not commandeer the legislative process of the States by directly compelling them to enact and enforce a federal regulatory program.


Death-penalty trials can last more than four times longer than non-capital trials, requiring juror and attorney compensation, in addition to court personnel and other related costs.


Despotic governments have often deny people the right of assembly under the pretense of preventing insurrections.


Following a brief civil war that saw the deposition of the Catholic King James II in favor of his son in law the Protestant King William III, British Parliament wanted to guarantee that no future king could accrue too much power at their expense.


Governor Cosby sought to take legal action against John Peter Zenger and his printing shop in retaliation against the newspaper because it published political satire against the governor's administration.


If a state needs additional help to regain control from domestic violence, the state's legislative body or Governor must request federal intervention; the federal government cannot go in without a request to do so.


If the federal government is assigned a task, such as entering treaties and trade agreements with foreign governments or maintaining an army (not including local militias or the National Guard), then the state cannot take that duty.


If the right to bear arms held as a collective right, it would be the singular example of such in the Bill of Rights; all other rights addressed in the first ten Amendments work as individual rights, making it a more logical assumption that the right to bear arms also worked as an individual right.


In 1767, Parliament passed the Townshend Acts, unlike the previous acts, these new taxes were on imported goods.


In Virginia in the 1770s, John Waller, a Baptist minister, was dragged off of a platform by the local jailer in the middle of a sermon, and was subsequently beaten before returning to preaching.


In the context of impeachment, the "misdemeanor" focuses on the behavior of a public official, i.e., his demeanor.


Justice Harlan, wrote in the dissent of Plessy v. Ferguson that the Constitution is color-blind, and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens. In respect of civil rights, all citizens are equal before the law.


Lincoln issued a warning that he would issue an "Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that enslaved people in states or areas of 'rebellion against the United States' would be free effective on January 1, 1863."


Many Baptist ministers were concerned that the Constitution lacked a federal guarantee of religious liberty as well as an explicit prohibition against the founding of a federal church.


National government is the power or authority by which a nation is ruled.


Northerners understood that citizenship included the right to a passport, a claim to protection by the government, and other rights, which today we generally call civil liberties.


One of the arguments in Brown v. Board of Education was that separate school systems for blacks and whites were inherently unequal, and thus violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.


One of the issues the Supreme Court decided in Obergefell v. Hodges was whether the Fourteenth Amendment required a state to recognize a marriage between two people of the same sex when their marriage was lawfully licensed and performed out-of-state.


Only citizens of the United States can vote.


President Abraham Lincoln called slavery a "monstrous injustice" and declare his hatred of it for violating the Declaration of Independence.


President Lincoln hoped that the Emancipation Proclamation would bring an end to the Civil War by weakening the Confederacy and strengthening the Union if the freed slaves fought for the Union.


Samuel Adams said, "The constitution shall never be construed to authorize prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms."


Section 3 of Article IV of the Constitution prescribes the methodology for the admission of new states into the Union.


Since marijuana is a prohibited substance, dispensaries in states with lax marijuana laws cannot use federally-insured banks, yet must still pay federal taxes.


Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, were two women who became the faces of the Suffragettes and founders of the National Woman Suffrage Association.


The 13th Amendment was added to the Constitution on December 18, 1865. By then, President Lincoln had been assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.


The 15th Amendment coupled with the Plessy v. Ferguson decision opened the door for the rampant, permissive segregation of the first half of the 1900s.


The 24th Amendment, coupled with the Civil Rights Act of 1957, removed the final blocks for voting for minorities or persons of color.


The 5th Amendment addresses the rights of participants in civil proceedings and criminal proceedings.


The Anabaptist Schleitheim Confession composed in the 1500s in Switzerland, argues for greater separation of church and state.


The Corwin Amendment was a proposed 13th Amendment, which enshrined slavery by prohibiting Congress from abolishing or interfering with state-allowed slavery.


The Eighth Amendment's prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment guarantees individuals the right not to be subjected to excessive sanctions. That right flows from the basic precept of justice that punishment for crime should be graduated and proportioned to both the offender and the offense.


The Electoral College allows a government representative of the ideals of the entirety of the population, not just the majority.


The Fifth Amendment includes the protection from being tried twice for the same criminal offense.


The Founding Fathers feared a conglomerate head of the Executive Branch would cause a catastrophic diffusion of ideas and power, making for a weak branch incapable of executing laws.


The Founding Fathers never questioned the right of an individual to possess a firearm; this was a fundamental need for an individual to provide for his family.


The Founding Fathers tried to use the three-fifths compromise to inspire emancipation of the slaves; by emancipating the slaves, the southern states would gain greater representation in the House of Representatives, since all persons would be fully counted.


The Magna Carta formed the foundation of such rights as a speedy trial, habeas corpus, and no extensive taxation without consent/representation.


The Magna Carta outlined the response when Petitions for Redress were ignored: rebellion.


The Missouri Territory wanted entrance into the Union as a slave state, and Maine wanted entrance as an abolitionist state with freedom from Massachusetts, so both were admitted to maintain the balance of pro-slavery versus abolitionists in the Senate.


The Ninth Amendment was used very little until the mid-1960s and the case of Griswold v. Connecticut.


The Popish Plot led to a reign of terror against supposed Catholic conspirators against King Charles II that resulted in the execution of thirty-five people and nearly upended the King's succession. Most of the executed people were innocent and were executed as a direct result of false testimony given by Titus Oates.


The President also holds the job of entertaining foreign dignitaries. If the President does not formally receive the dignitary, the dignitary cannot perform any official acts on US soil.


The President holds authority to command both the entire United States military, as well as the National Guard (state-level militia) as required.


The Supreme Court has found it difficult to say exactly when a sentence is disproportionate to the underlying criminal offense and that the gross disproportionality principle reserves a constitutional violation for only the extraordinary case.


The Supreme Court has long held the requirement of a public trial is for the benefit of the accused.


The Supreme Court held in the Plessy v. Ferguson case that segregation was allowed as long as the facilities in question were equal.


The Supreme Court of Arizona, found that Ernesto Miranda had not requested an attorney during his interrogation, and his confession was voluntary. Therefore, the confession was properly admitted.


The US Supreme Court found that Miranda was not in any way apprised of his right to consult with an attorney and to have one present during the interrogation, nor was his right not to be compelled to incriminate himself effectively protected in any other manner.


The ability of the President to appoint ambassadors aligns with the idea of treaty establishment.


The broad power of taxation is given to Congress only to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.


The concept of a Bill of Rights was not invented by Americans but has its roots in a tradition dating back to medieval England.


The decision in McDonald v. Chicago (2010) distinguishes the Second Amendment as an individual right instead of merely a collective right.


The detectives did not inform Ernesto Miranda that he had the right to remain silent or the right to an attorney. Because Miranda had been convicted in the past, the detectives felt that Miranda knew the routine and knew his rights.


The first sentence of Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment, "[a]ll persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside," overturns the decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford that blacks could never be citizens of the United States.


The opponents of the taxes argued that Parliament had no right to tax the colonists because the colonists had no representation in Parliament, and thus could not be taxed. Furthermore, the charters that governed the colonies were made with the King, and not with Parliament.


The people of the United States place trust in the hands of the legislature to enact laws for the will of the people, elevating the importance of legislature maintaining their given authority.


The presumption of openness of a criminal trial may be overcome only by an overriding interest based on findings that closure is essential to preserve higher values and is narrowly tailored to serve that interest.


The term "common law" has a couple of different meanings. The term can mean the law and procedure of the courts that used juries, as opposed to equity and other courts that did not use juries.


Thomas Jefferson agreed with the Baptists that religious liberty could only be achieved through the disestablishment of the Anglican Church in Virginia.


the decision in McDonald v. Chicago (2010) incorporated the Second Amendment to the states, making it unconstitutional for a state to deny an individual the right to own a firearm for the purpose of self-defense and hunting. True False


Which Amendment had the practical effect of modifying the structure of presidential elections from how they were established under the original provision of Article Two?


The belief of the Anabaptists that the church should be independent of government control or association, and all people should have religious freedom threatened to undermine civilization in Europe.


The benefit of a representative democracy over a pure democracy is the idea that the majority does not rule.


The central idea in the United States of liberty itself contradicted slavery and the Founding Fathers believed in an organic expansion of abolitionism.


The first steps towards amending the Articles of Confederation or adopting a new constitution occurred at the Annapolis Conference.


The purpose of government is to protect the people in the enjoyment of their rights and to promote the general public welfare and prosperity.


Under the Articles of Confederation, the only other major powers reserved for Congress were the ability to conduct foreign policy and raise an army for defense.


Under the Articles of Confederation, the underlying assumption was that the central government received its legitimacy and power from the state governments.


A state law that requires voters who appear to be Oriental to not be allowed to vote would violate which Amendment?

a. 15th

Which of the following is not one of the departments of the Executive Branch?

a. Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms

The ________________ failed to implement a single head of government or any way to enforce the laws created by Congress.

a. Articles of Confederation

The President may grant pardons and reprieves for those who:

a. committed violations of federal law

Which of the following is not one of the measures taken by Parliament in the Intolerable Acts:

a. confiscation of munitions

The Constitution established the five functions of government, which include:

a. establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, and promote the general welfare.

A form of government in which the separate states retain the right to make their own laws and to govern themselves in all matters which are not placed in the exclusive power of the Union or national government is called a:

a. federal government.

Civil rights comprise the protection of civil liberties from discrimination, meaning government cannot infringe the civil liberties of an individual such as:

a. gender, race, ethnicity and national origin or disability.

A "speedy'' trial is conducted according to fixed rules, regulations, and proceedings of law, free from vexatious, capricious, and oppressive delays manufactured by the ministers of justice unless the defendant is willing to pay for the trial date to be secured.


A law enforcement officer has blank search warrants with him and can fill them in however he wants.


A law enforcement officer must obtain an arrest warrant by oath or affirmation, but does not have to follow that procedure to obtain a search warrant.


A member of Congress can be changed with any legislated crime, felony or misdemeanor, including traffic infractions while serving in office.


A national government is established to protect the wealthy in the enjoyment of their rights and to promote the general public welfare and prosperity.


According to the Fifth Amendment, the government can take your land as long as it is less than one acre.


After the Hays police department learned that Matthew Vogt kept an item from a crime scene, the Hays police department opened an internal investigation. Vogt was informed that he had the right to an attorney prior to giving a statement concerning his possession of the flashlight from the crime scene.


Among the guaranteed rights included in The English Bill of Rights, was "excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted unless the victim's family contributes handsomely to the coffers of the Crown."


An aristocracy, oligarchy and monarchy all follow a prescribed line of succession.


By empowering Congress to enforce citizenship requirements and to enact all laws necessary and proper to that end, the Fourteenth Amendment authorizes the Supreme Court to preempt laws that undermine blacks' constitutionally protected status as citizens of the state where they reside.


By the time of the American Revolution, the 22nd Continental Congress served as the de facto government of what was then the "united states of America."


Charters in the American colonies ultimately originated from the Queen of Spain.


Congress has repeatedly defined ''other high Crimes and misdemeanors'' to only be indictable offenses under criminal laws.


Each of right in the Bill of Rights correlates directly to offenses committed by the British, culminating in the Seven Years War.


Each state gets Electorates equal to three-fifths of the number of Representatives apportioned to the state.


Federalists wanted guaranteed protection for certain basic liberties, such as freedom of speech and trial by jury.


For an arrest warrant to be valid, it must include the name of the person, the physical description of the person, the person's Social Security Number, where the person works, his nicknames, descriptions and locations of any tattoos, his date and place of birth, and who his parents are.


In 1966, Queen Elizabeth of England issued the Assize of Clarendon, a landmark set of procedural rules that began to transition England's law from the traditional trial-by-ordeal system to an evidentiary model based on investigation and sworn testimony.


In the case Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court held that a free negro of the African race, whose ancestors were brought to this country and sold as slaves, is not a citizen within the meaning of the Constitution of the United States.


The purpose of poll taxes was to raise funds to repair roads and bridges, and other state maintenance and improvement projects.


The right of the Supreme Court to declare federal and/or state laws unconstitutional is set out in Article 3 of the Constitution.


The significance of the Indemnity Compact is that the Pilgrims agreed to submit to a government which they founded, and agreed to live under a government to which they consented, establishing a precedence for future constitutions.


Thomas Jefferson was elected President of the Confederate States of America


Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and George Washington were all Baptist.


To enact church discipline, the local church had the right to exclude errant members from participation in Communion in accordance with Proverbs.


Until the enactment of the 26th Amendment in 1951, the standard voting age across the United States was different in each state.


Until the enactment of the 26th Amendment, the standard voting age across the United States was 25.


Until the ratification of the Twenty-Second Amendment in 1851, the President could be reelected an unlimited number of times.


Vogt appealed his case to the U.S. Court of Appeals 10th Circuit, which held "criminal case" does not include probable cause hearings.


in order to achieve ratification, and become the supreme law of the land, the Constitution had to be approved by 12 out of 13 states through specially called conventions.


the Eighth Amendment demands the avoidance of all risk of pain in carrying out executions


the greater question answered by the Third Amendment involved the right of a state to protect itself from an unrestrained central government and the individual citizen's right to protect itself from government gone awry.


Someone charged with the offense of treason is not entitled to a trial.


A search warrant that describes the place to be searched as "the big building on Alumni Drive" complies with the requirements of the 4th Amendment.


Article III, Section 1 applies only to Supreme Court judges.


Believers must make a conscious effort to separate themselves from sinful associations and behaviors by not being unequally yoked with unbelievers. Christians should abstain from violence on a personal level or on a governmental level. That is why Anabaptists support Christians holding political office.


In Wayman v. Southard (1825), the United States Supreme Court recognized that state legislatures can set procedures for federal courts.


James Madison considered the greatest strength of the Articles of Confederation was its lack of a strong central government.


Article 4 of the Constitution prevents individuals from escaping the law of one state by traveling to another state.


Article II of the Constitution introduced the idea of a single, controlled head of the Executive Branch of government, one capable of maintaining authority throughout his term.


Christians should abstain from violence, whether on a personal level or on a governmental level.


Each house of Congress must keep record of its votes; the formal recording of votes allows accountability of government to the constituency, a notable and primary function in a democratic republic.


If the President vetoes a bill, he returns it, with his objections, to the House in which it originated. If, after reconsideration, two-thirds of each House approve the bill, it becomes a law without the President's signature


Loyalty to his country is the first duty of the citizen; and this means that he is bound to support and respect its Constitution, obey its laws, bear his just share of the expenses of the government, and render such personal service as is required of him, whether in civil life or in defense of the country under arms.


Only the House of Representatives is directly elected by the people, and, since the people provide the source of tax revenue, it follows that strict control over government funds derived from the people lies with those elected directly by the people.


The Supreme Court has held that pursuant to the Sixth Amendment, any closure of a suppression hearing over the objections of the accused does not include consideration of the following:

b. the closure is published in the legal section of the local newspaper for three consecutive weeks.

The Annapolis Conference was held in the year:

c. 1786.

The Civil Rights Act and which amendment federalized voting laws, removing the authority from the states to create and enforce their own voter laws?

c. 24th

Congress may not simply commandeer the legislative process of the States by directly compelling them to enact and enforce a federal regulatory program is an application of which Amendment?


A bill of attainder is defined as "a legislative measure inflicting punishment without a trial in court"


Virgil Ogletree, Dollree Mapp's tenant, was never prosecuted.


Among the most adamant advocates for a Bill of Rights were the Puritans.


The Edict of Rome, granted civil rights and full toleration to Christians in the Roman Empire.


Fifteen federal judges have been removed from the bench through the impeachment process.


The sole power to impeach an official belongs to:

b. the House of Representatives.

________________ is not a grant to the citizens of that which they did not possess before, but it is their own statement of the rights which they already enjoy and which they mean to secure and to hand down to their posterity.

c. Bill of Rights

Which of the following is not a territory of the United States?

c. Grenada

the President does not have the authority to appoint:

c. State Court judges.

The act of communion in the Anabaptist faith is:

d. memorial

Resentment over domestic and foreign policy, economic issues, and tax issues led to Shay's Rebellion in 1786


The Declaration of Independence asserts that individual rights are granted by government.


What type of government involves a small group in near absolute control to improve themselves, even at the detriment of the populace?


The Third Amendment stands alone in its lack of necessity for interpretation, as its verbiage prohibits government military agents from illegally occupying a home without owner consent during peacetime, and demands recompense for these actions in time of war.


The United States does not allow a state to be sued by citizens of another state, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state.


The goal of having two houses of Congress was two-fold, to:

a. implement the Great Compromise between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan for government, and prevent hastily-drawn legislation from approval, since both houses of Congress must approve of legislation before it becomes law.

The English Bill of Rights did not include:

a. the right for all Catholics to bear arms.

he English Bill of Rights did not include:

a. the right for all Catholics to bear arms.

The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of:

all of the below

In the case Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court decided the issues using:

c. both the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.

A state law which prevents 18-year-olds from voting if they are not attending school full-time violates which Amendments?

d. 14th and 26th

Which Amendment reads as follows: "The right of citizens of the United States, who are 18 years of age or older, to vote, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on account of age?"

d. 26th

The ________________ permits the weighting of voting so the election actually represents the entirety of the nation rather than only small geographical locations.

d. Electoral College

In what case did Supreme Court say marriage is one of the basic civil rights of man and is fundamental to our very existence and survival?

d. Loving v. Virginia

No state shall pass a law contradicting the Constitution of the United States, nor shall any state enact a law contrary to any legislation passed by Congress, is the definition of the:

d. Supremacy Clause

In the case Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, the Supreme Court determined that the Cherokee Nation was not a foreign state by looking at which of the following facts?

d. all of the above

Examples of bad behavior and impeachable offenses by federal judges includes:

d. all of the above.

Each state holds a duty to acknowledge the rights and laws of the other states is:

d. horizontal federalism.

The Supreme Court has sheltered States from almost all money-damage actions brought in any court, even when initiated by a State's own residents based on clear violations of Federal statutory law by applying which Amendment?


Which of the following Amendments may apply if an issue arose regarding the electoral college process?


In the case Everson v. Board of Education (1947), the Supreme Court decided that the First Amendment permits the State of New Jersey from spending tax-raised funds to pay the bus fares of parochial schoolchildren as part of a general program which pays the fares of students attending public and other schools.


In the case Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court ruled that state governments may not violate the constitutional right of peaceable assembly.


Jefferson agreed with the Anglicans that religious liberty could only be achieved through the disestablishment of the Anglican Church in Virginia.


Lincoln believed elections were not the proper way for the people to declare their will regarding slavery and other issues.


Many of the practices in treason cases in the late seventeenth century England were carried over from the notorious Four Heart Chamber, which subjected treason defendants to a disregard of basic individual rights.


Most colonists considered The Royal Proclamation of 1763 to be a reward for their efforts in the French and Indian War.


Most legal scholars start the study of the 8th Amendment with Otis Oates in England in 1578 and the Glorious Plot.


None of the enumerated rights in the Bill of Rights correlated directly to offenses committed by the British.


Northern states of post-Revolutionary War America desired all persons count, giving them higher numbers of representatives and more members in the Electoral College; however, southern states and those opposed to slavery sought counting only free people, excluding slaves.


Once a House of Congress accepts a bill, it again goes to the appropriate committee for review, is reported to the congressional floor for debate and vote, and if it passes with a 25% majority, it is then sent to the President for his signature.


President Lincoln personally believed that slavery was beneficial to the economy and supported slavery and its expansion.


Samuel Adams argued in Federalist 46, "Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."


Section 10 of Article Four of the Constitution gives all citizens equal protections, regardless of where they reside.


Section 3 of Article IV of the Constitution prescribes the methodology for the secession of a states from the Union.


Section 4 of Article Four of the Constitution dictates how each state will treat other states in respect to their various laws.


Taxes, such as the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act, were levied upon the colonists to rebuild the British Navy and fund exploration of the North Pole.


The 26th Amendment, coupled with the Civil Rights Act of 1957, removed the final blocks for voting for minorities or persons of color.


The 4th Amendment does not protect people from unreasonable searches of their apartments or mobile homes.


The 4th Amendment guarantees that people will be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, but it only applies to citizens of the United States.


The Albany Plan was adopted by 75% of the colonial legislatures.


The Constitution defines good behavior and bad behavior of a judge and how to remove a judge for bad behavior.


The Great Compromise permits the weighting of voting so the election actually represents the entirety of the nation rather than only small geographical locations.


The President can adjourn Congress and declare a pro forma session an adjournment.


The election of 1800 resulted in a tie between Jefferson and Burr, and a subsequent deadlocking of the House of Representatives took 36 ballots and seven days to resolve, closely approaching the March 4th Inauguration deadline. Congress determined to prevent this from happening again and passed the 12th Amendment, which states that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court will assume the duties as Acting President until such appointment occurs


The election of President of the United States relies on the popular vote


The facts in the Vogt case are that during a job interview in Haysville, Vogt mentioned that he kept a flashlight that he had kept from a crime scene as a Hays police officer.


The first paragraph of Section I, Article II of the Constitution discusses the line of succession, giving power to the Vice President should the President become compromised for any reason.


The issue in Vogt v. City of Hays was the admissibility of statements obtained from an individual who is subjected to custodial police interrogation and the necessity for procedures which assure that the individual is accorded his privilege under the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution not to be compelled to incriminate himself.


The legislative branch can recognize necessary autonomy for the judicial branch to effectively enforce legislation enacted by Congress.


The only method to add an amendment to the Constitution is through ratification by 75% of the states' legislatures.


The phrase "assistance of counsel" encompassed the right to be represented by a lawyer admitted to the Bar or a law student studying to take the Bar Exam.


The phrase "not subject to the jurisdiction thereof" of the 14th Amendment refers solely to the minor children of diplomats who have diplomatic immunity from all American law and thus cannot be tried in an American court without the consent of their home country.


the method of pocketing a proposed bill to prevent a veto by the President, is used when Congress forwards a bill to the Vice President and he holds it without taking action for ten days; the bill is then considered to have passed.


Under the Albany Plan, Parliament would create a unicameral legislature called the "Grand Council," whose members would be elected by the colonial legislatures, and whose seats would be based on each colony's contribution to treasury.


in 1767, Parliament passed the Townshend Acts, unlike the previous acts, these new taxes were on imported goods.


in a pure democracy, the majority rules, as all decisions fall to every member with a strict majority determining every outcome


only suspects in police custody are entitled to Miranda warnings, due to the inherently compelling nature of custodial interrogation.


part of the reasoning behind the Supreme Court's decision in Griswold v. Connecticut was that a governmental purpose to control or prevent activities constitutionally subject to state regulation may not be achieved by means which sweep unnecessarily broadly and thereby invade the area of protected freedoms.


the Articles of Confederation did not address treaties and allowed each state to make its own treaty reg


the Fourth Amendment is designed to protect Americans from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government.


the Magna Carta formed the foundation of such rights as a speedy trial, habeas corpus, and no extensive taxation without consent/representation


the ability of Congress to define treason or to set its punishment is limited to prevent political offenders from being charged as traitors.


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