American Govt SSCG1

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Representative government

A system of government in which people left delegates to make laws and conduct government. ex: Republic

Direct Democracy

Government in which citizens are directly involved, they govern themselves

Presidential government

a form of democratic government in which a president heads the executive. ex: USA

Federal system

a government that divides the powers of government between the national government and state or provincial governments ex: federal->president, state-> governor, such as the USA

Unitary system

a government that gives all key powers to the national or central government ex: all power to national, countries such as Great Britain, Italy and France


a loose union of independent states. ex: treating each other like small countries, the U.S.A after the Revolutionary War, and countries such as: Canada, Switzerland, Mexico, Australia, and India

Limited government

a system in which the power of the government is limited, not absolute ex: the Constitution


a system of government in which a small group holds power and citizens have little say. ex: you never go to Olive Garden alone, China


a system of government in which the power to rule is in the hands of a single individual (automatically in person in charge) ex: Dictatorship &a Monarchy

What is the social contract theory?

a theory that indicates government must exist with the authority and consent of the people

What is the divine right theory of the origin of the state?

a theory that indicates that government came from the notion that the "gods" had chosen certain people to rule, rule by lineage

What is the force theory of the origin of the state

a theory that indicates that government emerged when all people of an area were brought under the authority of one group of people

What is the evolutionary theory of origin of the state?

a theory that indicates that government grew out of family units, the need for organization of large extended families

What did Rousseau believe?

believed for a government to have legitimacy, it needed to base itself off general will of the people

Achievements of articles of confederation?

fair policy for those west Appalachians, peace treaty with Britain in 1785 , created Foreign affairs, Marine, War, Treasury under a single permanent secretary, full faith and credit



Parliamentary government

form of government in which executive and legislative functions both reside in an elected assembly, or parliament. (Executive and legislative functions are carried out by an elected assembly or parliament) ex: Britain


government in which the people rule. ex: we rule by voting

How does the government maintain social order?

governments make and enforce laws allowing people to live in orderly fashion ex: police


group of people united by bonds of race, language, custom, tradition, and sometimes, religion ex: pirate nation

What did Montesquieu believe?

he believed in a separation of powers into 3 branches of government, wrote: Spirit of laws, written in 1600's



Other weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

no power to collect taxes, regulate trade, congress could not enforce laws, needed approval of 9 out 13 states, only 9-10 would ever show up, each state had a single vote, to change articles needed all 13 states, no executive branch, no national court system


people elect representatives

How does the government provide national security?

protect people from outside attacks, make trade agreements ex: military

Natural rights

rights you are born with. ex: life, liberty, property

How does the government provide public services?

services that people need but cannot provide for themselves ex: food inspectors

Problems faced by the nation because of the articles

states quarreled over boundary lines and tariffs, states began to deal with foreign nations, the US was in debt, a economic depression in which many farmers and merchants were left in debt

How does the government make economic decisions?

stimulate economic growth, distribute public services ex: a new tax

What did Thomas Hobbes believe?

that in a "state of nature" where no government existed life was "cruel, short and brutish.", that people did not have the right to break this agreement

What did John Locke believe?

that people were naturally endowed with the right to life, liberty, and property, when government failed to preserve the rights of the people the people could justly break the contact

Representative Democracy

the citizens elect people to represent them


the institution through which the state maintains social order, provides public services, and enforces binding decisions on citizens. ex: enforcing laws

Social contract

theory that by contract, people surrender to the state the power needed to maintain order and the state, in turn, agrees to protect its citizens ex: breaking away from the British

What were the four features of the Articles of Confederation?

unicameral congress, no president, no federal court (congress handled disputes among states), each state had one vote regardless of population

What years did John Locke live?


What years did Thomas Jefferson live?


Who was Thomas Jefferson a huge admirer of?

John Locke

Who's theory would be the basis for the American colonies Declaration of Independence from King George Ⅲ?

John Locke

When was the Declaration of Independence written?

July 4, 1776

What are the purposes of government?

Maintain social order, provide national security, provide public services, and make economic decisions

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