American History 1122 self test

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At the end of the French and Indian War, eastern North America was the possession of the ____________________________.


During the French and Indian War, the Iroquois remained loyal to the ______________________________.


Who wanted to ban the use of tobacco and called it "sot-weed"?

James I

Who was John Eliot?

a missionary to the Indians

What did Pontiac do?

attempted to form a confederacy of all the Indian tribes from the Allegheny Mountains to the Mississippi River

What did Jeffrey Amherst do?

captured Forts Niagara, Crown Point, and Ticonderoga

In Massachusetts Bay Colony, only ________________________________________ were allowed to vote.

church members

What did Sir Francis Drake do?

circumnavigated the globe

From 1689 to 1763, the Anglo-French wars were fought on which four continents?

Europe, Asia, Africa, North America

Both ____________________________ and ________________________________ claimed the Ohio River country.

France, Britain

To find a water passage to Asia, both Holland and England employed the services of ________________________________________________.

Henry Hudson

List three characteristics of the limited form of socialism practiced by the early Christian church.

voluntary, short-lived, for a specific situation

Who drove a supply wagon in General Braddock's British army?

Daniel Boone

__________________________________ opposed the union of church and state and helped found Rhode Island.

Roger Williams

What did John Smith say?

said, "He that will not work shall not eat . . . . "

Who was Sir Humphrey Gilbert?

the "Father of English Colonization"

Who was John Winthrop?

the "Father of Massachusetts"

What events made 1619 one of the most significant years in the history of Jamestown?

the London Company sent a shipload of young, single women to Jamestown; the first self-governing assembly, the Virginia House of Burgesses, met to make laws; twenty African slaves were sold to the people of Jamestown

Who was Edward Wingfield?

the first leader at Jamestown

Who was George Popham?

the leader of the Kennebec Colony

What were John Winthrop and his Puritan followers allowed to take with them to America?

their charter

John Smith was given the title of ___________________________ of New England.


Write the Scripture verse Colossians 3:23.

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.

Virginia _______________________ was the first English child born in America.


Fort ____________________________ was a French fort built on land claimed by Virginia.


The first formal written constitution in America was called the ________________________________________.

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

James Oglethorpe helped found ______________________________ Colony as a haven for convicts.


Pocahontas married an Englishman named ____________________________________.

John Rolfe

_______________________________ became governor of Plymouth Colony after John Carver died.

William Bradford

__________________________________ helped found the colony of Pennsylvania where Quakers were free to live.

William Penn

What did William Brewster do?

led the Pilgrims to America

The colony of ________________________________ was founded so that Roman Catholics would have a place to live freely.


The Pilgrims were Separatists who came to America aboard the ___________________________________.


The ____________________________________________ was the first written agreement for self-government in America.

Mayflower Compact

Two great military leaders who gave their lives at Quebec during the French and Indian War were the French commander, _________________________________, and the British commander, _________________________________.

Montcalm, Wolfe

The country of England had a solid claim to large parts of the _________________________ American coastal area because of the voyages of the Cabots.


Two Wampanoag Indians known to the Pilgrims at Plymouth were _______________________________ and ______________________________.

Samoset, Squanto

The _______________________________________ ceded Acadia to England by France.

Treaty of Utrecht

The history of the ________________________________________ has been more influenced by England than by any other European Country.

United States

The colony of _______________________________ was named for Elizabeth I.


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