American History Midterm

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What did progressives want?

some fought for worker conditions, some prioritized banning the sale of alcohol, some advocated for child labor laws, some fought for women's suffrage.

What was the importance of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire?

146 workers died, the exit doors had been locked by management and the fire escape collapsed due to its condition. The company had not been found liable for the death of the workers, and received 400$ in insurance money per worker that had died.

Who was Booker T. Washington?

Booker T Washington was a supporter of equal rights for African Americans. He taught himself to read and worked in coal mines. He founded the Tuskegee Institute.

What were the three state-level reforms Progressives pushed through to expand democracy.

Direct primary, Election innovations: initiative, referendum, and recall Ratification of the 17th Amendment

What did the NCLC hope to accomplish?

Focused on passing labor legislation to ban child labor throughout industry in US

Who were the Industrial Workers of the World?

Formed in 1905, the IWW is an international industrial union whose goal is to promote worker solidarity across trades and social classes. Known for the historical Seattle General Strike in 1919

The Taft Presidency

Hand picked by Roosevelt, which means that TR was going to keep a watchful eye on Taft. Taft was faithful to TR agenda, until he wasn't. He destroyed relationships with TR. Controversy with land conservation and the firing of Gifford Pinchot

Where did the Progressive spirit start in America?

It originated from the corruption and inequality of the gilded age.

What did the Birth control movement symbolized?

It was a medical and social reform. With birth control women had control over their bodies, and how many children they would have. It was a small bit of power women did not have before.

What was the New Freedom agenda?

It was an agenda that would limit the federal government, and use Sherman/legislation to regulate big business, giving small businesses a chance to grow in the marketplace.

Who were the muckrakers?

Journalists who published stories exposing the corruption of business and politics.

What is the NCLC?

National Child Labor Committee

Explain the main features of Progressivism

The main features of Progressivism were social, economic, and political change. Each of these changers were for the common goal of trying to give more power to the common people, and improve their lives.

Who was Theodore Roosevelt?

One of the presidents of the US who was a conversationalist who set aside lots of land for national parks.

What was the socialist party?

Political party formed in 1900 that advocated cooperation over competition and promoted the breakdown of capitalism.

Identify specific examples of grassroots Progressivism relating to the spread of democracy, efficiency in government, and social justice

Spread of Democracy- Efficiency in Government- Social Justice- New child labor laws

What impact did the Gilded Age have on the Progressive Era?

The Gilded Age was a time of corruption and did not address the problems of the every day American. These Americans become tired of being thrown to the way side and working against a corrupt system. This began the Progressive era where the common man fought for a better life.

Describe the role that muckrakers played in catalyzing the Progressive Era

The Muckrakers drew attention to the inequality and corruption formed during the gilded age. This spreading of information sparked the fire of the progressive ere.

What was the Square Deal?

The Square Deal was a promise, made by Roosevelt, that everyone had the right to succeed whilst he was running in 1804. It has to be good for the workers, owners, consumers, and farmers of a company.

What was the progressives ideals on the government?

They desired a perfected democracy. Americans needed to exert more control over their government, allowing the system of democracy to address the needs of its citizens

Explain the key features of Theodore Roosevelt's "Square Deal"

They key features in Roosevelt's "Square Deal" were Public Health, Industrial Innovations, and Conservationist.

Who was W.E.B. DuBois?

W.E.B. DuBois was an African American intellectual militant who founded the Niagara Movement.

What is a trustbuster?

a person working to destroy monopolies and trusts

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