American History: Notes from Ch. 12-34; Logan

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advanced after the Civil War

electrical power

after the light bulb was improved, this ran machines, street cars made travel cheap, and it allowed manufactures to locate plants anywhere


angry became demand got control of railroads, mad because of land grants, railroads were raising prices to keep farmers in debt, and railroad did short hauls instead of long hauls

bedroom communities

another nickname for suburbs

Central Pacific

appointed Irish and Chinese people and old people who fought in the Civil War; bad because of diseases and accidents


appointed Vice President by Nixon after his VP resigned


appointed the 1st female ever on cabinet


are we still in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban today?


art without representation of reality

Calvin Coolidge

as governor of Massachusetts, he said that police and other personnel can't strike

Jackie Robinson

baseball player that integrated baseball

Creel committee

big in propaganda


blacks work the land and give some of the crops to the landowners and never got money back


blocks of dirt and grass

Ku Klux Klan ritual

bonfire with chant and prayers


boys wanted to get married, but had no houses, so they made these


breeding animals

rural free delivery

bring packages directly to your home

steel windmill

brings up water because of the depth of water

Marshall Field

brought the concept of a department store to the USA

Berlin Wall

built in a day to stop East Berlins from fleeing to West Berlin

horizontal integration

buying out companies with similar products or merging them

vertical integration

buying out suppliers to control materials


by 1900, who had the biggest crop production in the world


called Society of Harmonious Fists the Righteous Fists of Harmony

Washington Naval Conference

called to try to disarm the navies after the war

Andrew Carnegie

came from Scotland; went to Penn Railroad; created Steel business; at one point, his company manufactures more steel than Great Britain


capital of Bavaria


change to remove public officials if they hate them

Kent State

college where students protesting war and bombing of Cambodia

being honest

considerably Jimmy Carters biggest downfall

Security Council

consisted of US, Britain, France, Taiwan, and Russia


controlled thoughts of people at home


could you be girly girl and a farm girl?

Central America

countries in here were in trouble with communists in 1980s

railroad time zones

created by Professor Dowd; divided Earth into 24 hours to make railroads look more efficient; led to abuse of social and economic rest; grew towns and markets; allowed work at different times

African Americans

created gospel music

Labor Unions

created jobs; 12 hour work days 6 days a week; 20% boys and 10% girls


created outside public school system to offer childcare for working mothers

John D Rockefeller

created standard oil company; 90% of refining oil; drove competitors out of oil by lowering their prices, and when he became successful, he raised them; payed employees badly


des Nimes; came from France; tough (cowboy equipment)

George M Pullman (Pullman Railroads)

designed railroad factory where employees could live; actually controlled their life; resulted in strike after he cut their pay

dry; Baptists; wet

did Arkansas have "wet" or "dry" counties? who was controlling the counties? what were they behind closed doors?

38th parallel

dividing line between Koreans

farmers; they settled down

during the Prairie wars, who did the government back? why?


during the Prairie wars, who lost money because of overproduction of their product?


eastern front against Germany

Great Strike of 1877

employees of a railroad company got their second wage cut in too months and went on strike; federal troops ended strike with force

Farmer's law

establish freight and messenger rates and prohibit discrimination

Harry Gem

established the first tennis club in 1872


everyone out west usually had what animal?

Mary Elizabeth Lease

example of a "tomboy" and independent farm wife talked about in class

James Dean

famous actor that died at a young age (cowboy)

Babe Ruth

famous for baseball

Helen Willis

famous for tennis

I love Lucy, the texaco star theater, see it now, person to person

famous tv show in 50s

Free (Coinage of) Silver

farmer's idea to get more money out there; never was going to work because of international bankinig


formed in 1892 in Omaha, Nebraska by farmers; included things in their platform about immigrants


franchise created in 1950s

13th amendment

freed slaves

Andrew Johnson

from Tennessee; poor in early life; didn't learn to read or write until an adult; changed his mind about slavery (had them and freed them); wasn't well liked as a president because he was considered a drunk because his wife died and dumb

Hearst and Pulitzer

gave them the name Boxers bc it sounds aggressive


going against society


government attention switched from farmers to who, making the farmers mad

John Conelley

governor of Texas who was riding in the car w JFK when he was shot




had contest for better design of tenement


had to bail big car companies out because they didn't change to small cars


hated all immigrants, except people from Northern Europe; especially hated Southern Europeans


helped pick up harvest


historians believe Kennedy would've lost to Nixon in the election of 1960 if it wasn't for what?


historians believe Kennedy would've lost to Nixon in the election of 1960 if there wasn't what?

10 gallon hat

holds water for horse (cowboy equipment)

shows and advertising

how could you make money off the radio?

go into a circle

how did cowboys get the cattle calmed down?

got a committee with equal representation and one independent

how did they try to decide the election of 1876?

3000; 1000

how many bills did FDR make after he won presidency? about how many were passed?

100; they showed they care too

how many days did Congress (Republicans and Democrats) and the people give FDR after he was elected? why did the Republicans approve this?

200 planes

how many planes does a carrier hold?


how many states were there that sent in 2 sets of votes in the election of 1876, because the blacks voted republican and the whites who hates republicans didn't include them in

half was Allies, half was Soviet; Soviets were already there and we couldn't handle all of it

how was Europe divided? why?

the peace maker

how was Jimmy Carter acting in the Camp David Accords?


how we transport most of our stuff now

Ho Chi Minh

if you were in South Vietnam, and you didn't like Ngo Dinh Diem, who did you like?


immigrants came from the _____________ countries in Europe


in Treaty of Versailles who: - had to pay reparations - couldn't have an army - couldn't have their colonies - and had to agree to the war guilt clause?

men (old soldiers)

in the "roaring 20s" who were traumatized and depressed, and get no help psychologically?


in the 20s it was hard to get this back to normal

Coolidge; he was too tired; Herbet Hoover

in the election of 1928, who did the Republicans want to run? what did he say? who did they choose as their candidate?

Bessemer process

injecting air into iron to remove carbon to produce steel

William Randolph Hearst

introduces exaggerated tales of personal scandals, cruelty, and hypnotism

steel plow

invented for hard soil in the west

Miles Davis, Sonny Rollins, Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Thelonius Monk

jazz singers in the 50s

barbed wire

keeps farms protected and animals contained


keeps sun out of eyes, neck, and face (cowboy equipment)

Fort Smith

last stop before Oklahoma


last wave of settlement; had a hard time where they settled; had bad winters


lasted from 1865-1877

GI Bill

law that gives soldiers free education

Eugene V Debs

led American Railroad Union

Teddy Kennedy

led investigation in 80s to get JFK brain back after it was lost

Sam Gompers

led the American Federation of Labor


led to the interstate highway system established by Eisenhower

Emmeline Pankhurst

let horses trample her to get women vote in Britain

grew up poor, Southerner, successful politician

list the three major ways LBJ was different from JFK


lying under oath

Oliver Kelley

made Patrons of Husbandry (Grange)


"Nigs of the North"

Sherman Antitrust Act

made it illegal to form a trust with free trade between states or other countries


making American better

Pancho Villa

mexican rebel who stole money and weapons by raiding Texas shops and houses


most likely to lose mind because of wind; ears hear higher pitches than the opposite sex


most used interstate highway

Industrial Workers of the World

"Wobblies"; created by William Haywood; protested against violence from coal miners, lumberers and cannery drivers

circumstantial evidence

"could've done it"

West Berlin

"island of freedom"


"well off"; mainly came to the US to escape themselves and their sons from the war draft

Spanish-American War

- "Splendid Little War" - lasted 4 months - less than 300 deaths - miracle we won

Battle of the Bulge

- "bulge" in lines - Hitler told army to not let us in Germany - huge snowstorm - Germany last fight - no one could find anyone, and shot ourselves - German general said we should surrender because we are surrounded, and our general knew he was wrong

popular fiction

- "dime novels" - included tales of the West


- "lightning war" - Hitler's warfare - so modern no one could compete with it o stop it - warfare on wheels - let Germany go halfway through Poland in two weeks

Ralph Nader

- "muckraker" - went undercover in Chevy and Ford companies = horrified - wanted consumer protection = caused nutrition labels to be created - huge impact for safer cars - created Consumer Reports


- "presidential" looking - been successful as a ladies man - worked for a newspaper company - owner gave him the company for marrying his daughter - had many mistresses, who were mean to his wife - got elected because he "wasn't Wilson" - chewed tobacco

Treaty of Versailles

- "recipe for war" - US never ratified this

Ashcan School

- "the poor man's university" - Robert Henri


- 100s of them - all questioned - sworn to secrecy - didn't talk - people said they heard shots from Grassy Knoll - some said from Depository


- 1936: Hitler takes _______________ - lost in WWI - thought he was taking it back - French and British should've taken action because it was under the treaty, it wasn't an act of neutrality


- 1945-49 - had civil war - communists (Mao Zedung) and anti-communists (Chaing Kai Chek)


- 1952 - "I like Ike" - vp: Nixon

Battle of Dien Bien Phu

- 1954 - massacre - French needed to rest, so they stayed in a valley around mountains to sleep - Vietnamese were underestimated - North Vietnamese carried pieces of guns up mountains and others would pick it up - one morning, North Vietnamese opened fire - major cross fire - caused the French to surrender

J William Fulbright

- 1966 - had a lot of power and was famous - began to protest LBJ - lonelyish at first - 1 of the 1st to protest - after he protested, people payed more attention


- 1970 - was lying about getting people off and back to the US - had people like cooks and mechanics coming home, which made soldiers' times 10 times worse - decides to invade Cambodia while his soldiers were fighting


- 1972 - the amendment that women should get the same rights as men - received hate (stop ______ campaign) - didn't pass

Camp David Accords

- 1978 - Israel and Egypt treaty that was thought would bring peace in Middle East - wanted to compromise - Egypt leading Middle East against Israel - both leaders got Nobel Peace Prize - peace agreement between countries

Abraham Zapruder

- 1978 - had cancer - revealed movie camera taken by FBI and said he wanted it and got it

3 Mile Island Explosion

- 1979 - in Pennsylvania - 1 powerplant had a crack in it and radioactive steam was coming out - closed all 3 powerplants - caused power out from Boston to Pennsylvania - company who built powerplant cut corners

Operation Desert Storm

- 1990 - vs. Sadaam Hussein - over Kuwait - only took 4 days

James Meredith

- 1st African American allowed in Ole Miss

Frances Perkins

- 1st female ever on cabinet - secretary of Labor - good and successful - made women look successful

Berlin Air Lift

- 1st incident of Cold War where we had to face Stalin - in 1948, Stalin blockaded Berlin - couldn't get stuff into West Berlin - went against Yalta - supplied West Berlin through air - dangerous bc we didn't have access to East Germany and could've gotten shot down


- 1st lady to "do something" - "legs" of FDR - dealt with coal miners and helped them - after FDR died, she was the 1st (female) ambassador of the UN


- 1st military alliance during peacetime ever - 11 countries (Canada, US, West European countries) - makes Stalin paranoid - North Atlantic Trade Organization

Sinclair Lewis

- 1st person to win a Nobel Peace Prize for writing - wrote Babbit

Master Race

- 1st theme of Mein Kampf - Germany was superior to all other races - Aryan race - faves were blondes with blue eyes - all other races needed to go bc they were less intelligent - some raced needed to die or be enslaved

Third Reich

- 2nd part of Mein Kampf - "Germany will be great again" - reminds people of heritage

George Wallace

- 3rd party candidate of the election of 1968 - South governor from Alabama - "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" - "wack job"


- 3rd progressive president - in charge of banking reforms - created Federal Reserve System

Warren Commission Report

- 6 months after assassination - tried to explain why they heard so many shots - 3 shots total = one in back of head = one hit back of right shoulder = one hit gvr of texas

Little Rock Central High Crisis

- 9 African Americans resisted Governor Faubus's ruling of not letting black in at Central - went and walked in anyways, receiving threats - 9 supported by national guard - September 1957


- Adolf's mom - married Adolf's dad when she was 21 - was only one to make Adolf feel good about his art


- August 6th, 1945 - sacred - shrine there - big area - had museum, eternal flame, and grassy area

Jeff Widener

- Australian photographer who got video of Tank Nan - stored tape so it wouldn't get stolen

Black Horse

- Ben Nighthouse Campbell's grandfather - fought in the Battle of Little Bighorn

Cuban Missile Crisis

- CIA assumed Cubans were anti communist but were wrong - Castro traded caught exiles for money and aid - found 112 pictures of missiles put by USSR - started cleaning land - had 10 days to do something - we decided to blockade Cuba - USSR got past blockade but turned around - lasted 13 days


- Castro takes power in here overthrowing US power - fought him under the Monroe Doctrine = against outsiders from England


- Chinese-Mongolians that attacked Europe - were stopped before they got to Poland and Hungary - Germans were called this in WWI


- Churchill told the people he was going to let them and the Germans kill themselves - lose 20 million in WWII - 1100 towns burnt between border and Moscow

Platt Amendment

- Cuba couldn't make treaties that might limit its independence or permit a foreign power to control any part of its territory - the US reserved the right to intervene in Cuba - Cuba was not to go into debt that its government could not repay - the US could but or lease land on the island for naval stations and refueling stations - were added to Cubas constitution - the US would not leave Cuba until these were adopted - became party of a treaty in 1903

Bill Clinton

- Democratic nominee of election of 1992 - won election

Al Gore

- Democratic nominee of election of 2000 - asked for recount of Florida after his committee found out that Florida threw away "hanging chads"

Truman Doctrine

- Greece in a civil war over communism - British threw in the towel - Truman said if they didn't come in communists would take over - said the US will aide any nation in danger of oppression: can be anything, doesn't specifically say communists, but warning them, saying we have our back

Haight Ashbury

- Hippie's capital - in San Francisco only because California had hallucinogenic drugs

German/Russian Non-Aggression Pact

- Hitler tells Stalin he is about to invade Poland and if he allows him, he can have the east half of Poland AND the Baltic States - Stalin agrees, which buys him 2 years to get everything together to build army

Suez Canal

- Hitler wanted this - needed oil for blitzkrieg

Hitler being Jewish

- Hitler's dad was illegitimate - grandma was a servant - raped by Jewish boy - he himself had a lot of self hatred bc of his bad situation

Eva Braun

- Hitler's girlfriend who he didn't love but married at the end of April 1945 and followed him for 10 years - swallowed poison

Munich Conference

- Hitler's home - invited British PM Chamberlin and Italy's Mussolini - Hitler said "all I want is Sudetenland" bc his people are there - Chamberlin trusted him - Czechoslovakia wasn't invited (they're next) - Hitler tested Chamberlin - turning point (no going back)


- Indian rights organization - began as self defense group against police brutality but ended up protecting rights - went on marches - wanted to destroy Bureau of Indian Affairs - got land, education

Iran Contra Scandal

- Iran held hostages - made a deal that we would sell guns to Iran for the hostages - gave money sold to Contras - comes out in 1986 - interviewed Reagan cabinet and Reagan

Sacco and Vanzettie

- Italian guys - got job in shoe factory in Boston - spoke no English - went out with friends to drink one day and the next day the place they worked at got robbed and the night watchmen got killed - got blamed for it - assigned attorney who was anti-immigrant - found guilty and sentenced to death and were executed - priest tried to help them

Ngo Dinh Diem

- JFK and CIA warned him of assassination plots against him - told JFK he'd be fine - but tanks and army against his house - last plot killed him


- JFK was here in an open car campaigning - told not to go bc a lot of AntiKennedy's in Texas - JFK shot here - JFK died in surgery here - shot 3 times here

Sargent Shriver

- JFK's brother in law - him and his wife ran the peace corps - child is married to Arnold Schrawzeneggar


- Jimmy Carter's wife - smart - helped Jimmy

Battle of Midway

- June 1942 - big victory - perfect stop for ships to stop for coal - good out post for Navy to watch Pacific - Japanese tried to get it - got within striking distance to California - plane battle - TURNING POINT in Pacific War - got upper hand


- June 6th, 1944 - in Normandy - tricked Hitler into thinking we were going to go through Calais - short for Debarkation Day (debark - to go somewhere) - extremely dangerous - caused Hitler to fight a two front war

Bay of Pigs

- Kennedy agreed to this even though he was against the Cubans and USSR - had no air coverage - Cuban exiles did this mission and aimed to get to Havana and overthrow Castro = this wasn't supported bc the poor Cubans like Castro and didn't want America intervening

New Frontier

- Kennedy's policy

conspiracies of JFK death

- LBJ was in on it bc everyone in Texas was mad at JFK for thinking of pulling out of Vietnam - mafia = Bobby had gone after Mafia and maybe they were getting revenge - Cubans = bay of pigs + cuban missile crisis = oswald tried to go to russia + cuba - oswald = laughed off by russia + cuba = anti American + Kennedy

Kent State

- May 4th, 1970 - 7 shot, 4 killed - Nation Guard kids were at this University because they wanted to avoid the draft, and Guard accidentally shot, causing all to shoot

National Socialist German Workers Party

- NADSP - "brown shirts" uniforms - more people join after Hitler gets more famous - reporters called them National Socialists - shortened to NS (Nazis) - hated by Hitler

Hitler becoming Chancellor

- NADSP had a part in parliament - Reichstag caught on fire - said communists started fire and everyone was against them - Nazi got majority and elected him

Ben Nighthouse Campbell

- Native American - worked to improve lives of Native Americans - great grandfather - Black Horse - North Cheyenne - elected in US Senate

Ronald Reagan

- New Deal Democrat in young years - Conservative in old years - governor of California - popular because he was a good speaker - friends with Conservatives

election of 1968

- Nixon won because he "wasn't Hubert Humphrey"


- Nixon's program to get us out of Vietnam - slow process - soldiers treated wrongfully (spit on)

Royal Air Force

- RAF - tried to help - had no time to train properly

election of 1932

- Repubicans wanted to nominate Hoover again - Democrats nominate FDR - FDR wins


- Republican - promising to end the war - won election of 1968 - made us hopeful, but watchful

George H W Bush

- Republican nominee of election of 1992 - wanted to be reelected

George W Bush

- Republican nominee of election of 2000


- Saudi Arabia and Middle East and Venezuela - middle east cut off oil because we were supporting Israel - started in 1974 - price of oil skyrockets in US

Teapot Dome Scandal

- Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall took conserved land and sold it to private businesses - happened during the administration of President Harding

assassination of Ferdinand

- Serbian men were "nationalists" and assassinated Ferdinand and his pregnant wife, making Kaiser Wilhelm wanting to take Austria Hungary over?

Christa McAuliffe

- Social Studies teacher - died in challenger


- Soviet satellite - embarrassing to the US


- Soviets invaded them in 1979 and left in 1989 - government being attacked by Taliban


- Stalin died in March of 1953 - leader after Stalin - said he was going to destalinize Russia = we though no more communism = not what happened - thought to be easier than Stalin


- Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty - limited nuclear weapons we were making - disapproved by USSR, then approved

A Mitchell Palmer

- US Attorney General - wanted to be president, so he always was in the news - busted into Union meetings - leader of Red Scare - sent letter bombs to the CEOs of big companies ("bombs on Wall Street")

Tonkin Gulf

- US Navy ships went up into this gulf - North Vietnam opened fire = blamed it on NV, but not proven - LBJ just wanted an excuse to declare war


- US helped their government

Panama Canal

- US paid Colombia to get this - Colombia then backed out - this country was revolving though and we were helping them - weren't using this as often


- Vaudeville skits or faked news reels - ex. THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY

conspiracy of Pearl Harbor

- WHOLE 7th fleet in one naval base - had information Japanese planned to attack us - we broke "magic" Japanese code, and FDR put whole fleet there to look like victims so we have a reason to enter war - wanted war to get out of GD

Caesar Chavez

- a Mexican American farm worker - organized a union for California's mostly Spanish speaking farmer = included women - moved from farm to farm - got arrested for sitting in white part instead of Mexican side at a movie

Battle of Coral Sea

- a day long (May 8th, 1942) - trying to protect Australia which was a part of Britain and a way to get onto Pacific - air craft carrier war - out numbered bc of effect of Pearl Harbor (3:7) - horrendous and very costly - we lost 1 carrier - saved Australia - US = strategic victory - Japanese = tactical victory


- a lot like TR - wants to take care of people - thinks wealthy should take care of struggling - while running during the GD, he basically told people the truth - used the "at bat" metaphor, which was a signal that he wouldn't give up - won election of 1932


- a magazine designed to treat contemporary issues from a feminist perspective - created by Gloria Stein


- a military power that protected their colonies and took over more - if you want to be a great empire, you have to a have a great one of these

Herbert Hoover

- a quaker - ran the Food Administration during WWI - not a politician, which was good because he didn't do anything

Jacob Riis

- about to become a famous photographer - took pictures of tenements

Lee Harvey Oswald

- accused of being JFK killer - worst shot in Marines - "Im being set up" - beaten up with big crowds watching - moved to parking garage


- added after Truman Doctrine - ambassador to Russia, George Kennan, wrote telegram telling the US the Truman Doctrine wasn't enough and we needed to contain communists - built bases around Soviet Union - Truman was on board with plan


- afraid of Kruschev - gets coach to try to out speak him - his wife goes to Vienna

Hubert Humphrey

- after RFK was killed, who did the Democratics nominate?

death of MLK Jr

- after giving a speech in Memphis, he was shot dead - violence broke out among many cities - April 4th 1968

Pearl Harbor

- after what event did we enter the war? - Naval Base in Hawaii - home to whole US 7th fleet (suspicious)

Agricultural Adjustment Administration

- aided farmers and regulated crop production - loans for farmers


- alone - bombed day and night - only way to get free was to go into basement and subways underground

nuclear power

- alternative to powerplants - cheap - clean - efficient - dangerous


- americans of Latin American descent - large and diverse - about 9 million - Mexican Americans - largest - included braceros - consisted of Puerto Ricans, Colombians, Cubans, Guatemalans, Salvadorans, and Nicaraguans

Brown v Board of Education

- an 8 year old African American had to walk to school far away when there was a white school closer to her home - resulted in nonsegregated schools - May 17th, 1954

Richard Nixon

- angry - paranoid - insecure - made committee search for leaks in White House


- angry at Ronald Reagan - intensified Cold War


- announced not to run after Tet = big moment = not true


- answer to German "wolf packs" - surrounded freighters - able to get across ocean - dangerous


- anti-war - pacifists


- appearance is graceful bc of their steel framework to support both floors and walls


- arrived day after Hitler and wife killed themselves - got 2 bodies, and though it was Hitler

United States

- arrived in Europe in May and June - British were barely holding on when we came - stopped German advance - Allies won Chateau-Thierry and Belleau Wood because of __________

Dorie Miller

- at Pearl Harbor when bombed - had bad job in kitchen in one ship - only one up on Dec 7th - shot down 2 Japanese ships - had a big gun - gun broke his ribs, but he kept shooting


- at Yalta, didn't want to repeat mistakes of WWI (Treaty of Versailles) - saw Stalin as a future enemy - exhausted


- attacked Afghan government - US helped train them and gave them weapons and money - won


- bad - restructuring economy - had to reform economy completely - economy went from Soviet Rule to private ownership - loss of jobs - had to take care of yourself and learn on your own - had to have thought to themselves


- bad aids epidemic - men refused treatment

Eisenhower doctrine

- basically Truman Doctrine, but about the Middle East

Boris Yeltsin

- beat Gorbachev - served from 1990-99 - good - Russian mafia moved in on him


- became known as the City Manage System because of this city - local managers of different things would hire a professional manager to manage the city, although he may not be popular

T Roosevelt

- became popular during the presidency of McKinley - got rid of Boss Tweed because he didn't need his money - didn't fit in well with the Republicans - vp of McKinley

Albert A Pope

- became the 1st American bike manufacturer

efficiency increase

- because of scientific management - "quality control"

French IndoChina

- before WWII, France colonized this - included the Vietnams, Cambodia, and Laos - when Japanese invaded this in WWII, the French left (opportunity for Vietnamese)


- belief women should have economic, political, and social equality with men - picked back up politically in 60s - more women in work and protests

Moscow Ballet

- best ballet in world - "Men in Tights"


- best legislator in the White House - not liked, but he did have a lot of leverage - knew how to get his way - 6'3 - stocking feet - wore cowboy hat and boots

Hollywood 10

- best way to get attention was to go after Hollywood first = movies were antiwar and anticommunist - said anyone antiwar was anticommunist - got headlines after Hollywood, who protested with the 1st amendment and went to jail - people assumed you could embarrass people if they are "commis"

technology we sent to USSR

- better cars = sent over fords and Chevys - actually built better tanks

ragtime music

- blend of black spirituals and European musical forms - originated in saloons - led to jazz, rhythm and blues, and rock and roll - created in the image of "loud loose, American rebel" music

Challenger Explosion

- blew up in 1986 - big deal because ordinary Americans could go - didn't have to happen - company who made it cut corners - heat tiles dislodged - resulted in talk of ending space shuttle

Adolf Hitler

- born in Austria in a very small town - not good growing up - dad was a big shot bc he had a government job as a post master - expected to take over hid dad's job - dad was an abusive drunk

old tenements

- boxed - on top of others - only one window

Joseph Pulitzer

- brought the NY World - pioneered popular innovations


- building an empire - having colonies

Berlin Wall

- built in aug 1961 in a day by Kruschev - made JFK "take a second look" - not approachable because it was made behind the border - symbol of Cold War - made JFK vulnerable = failed domestically = party and Congress didn't support him

US 7th Fleet

- bunch of ships - supposed to patrol Pacific

Carry Nation

- busted out bottles of liquor in bars - was elected in the senate

Fire Side Chats

- came on regularly - FDR was open and talked like a normal person - bonded with people through this - FDR brought dog

John Keynes

- came up with the Keynesian theory - economic teacher in Oxford England - said the government may go into debt, because it will be repaid with taxes (will go into debt to get jobs, but will get repaid with the workers taxes)

Henry Ford

- came up with the idea of an assembly line - could make a car very cheap - sold a car for about $600

Jimmy Carter

- campaigned for human rights = embarrassed Soviets and Chinese openly - backfired - made rights in USSR and China worse


- caused race riots - murdered in April

Bill Clinton

- champion campaigner - good charisma - real magnetism - taught law at U of A - ran for House of Representatives and lost = impressed Democratic party of Arkansas

Sadaam Hussein

- claimed Kuwait was their land because he wanted his oil - couldn't kill him because he hid in school and hospitals and Bush decided not bomb those areas

Sadaam Hussein

- claimed to have Weapons of Mass Destruction - his government got overthrown and he got away = found in hole = dog found him - took to Netherlands - hung for crimes against humanity


- close in age to JFK - on his cabinet - 3rd son of Joe and Rose

Jack Ruby

- club owner - shot Oswald - went to prison - when asked why he shot Oswald, he said "I feel sorry for Jackie" so she didn't have to sit through the trial - didn't talk in prison - died strangely


- college kids killed - not armed - no law and order

garden cities

- combine the benefits of urban life with easy access to nature


- committee for reelecting the president - gave plumbers the money - keeps money for presidents campaign


- communists in Nicaragua - took over - made Reagan furious

Phyllis Schlafly

- conservative - anti-feminist - felt ERA would lead to a "parade of horribles" including the draft for women, same sex marriage, men don't have to provide for the family, and the end of homemaker's laws

Herbert Hoover

- conservative - humanitarian - "didn't get it" - didn't understand how bad the GD really was - made a lot of acts - didn't understand the GD was long term


- considerably one of the worst part of Hitler's life - held Austrians at gun point to wave and praise when he entered


- considerably the most beloved president ever - considered to be a part of the family - people thought he was the reason that we got out of the GD


- countercultural - free spirits


- created by Booker T Washington - trade school - taught reading, writing, and arithmetic - also taught carpentry, plumbing, and contracting

poison gas

- created by Germans - killed both sides - used canaries for signals if it was there - became yellow tint - mainly consisted of chlorine

Warsaw Pact

- created in response to NATO bc Stalin was paranoid - Easter European countries were forced to enter - all 18 y/o boys were forced to enter the draft

Public Works Administration

- created jobs on government projects - big projects (hospitals, federal buildings, etc)


- created the Rough Riders Regiment, who lost their horses

Karl Marx

- creator of the idea of communism - wrote the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO - believed that capitalism was unjust

new tenements

- curved "I" shape - two windows - immigrants piled trash and it got in curved

Caroline Kennedy

- daughter of John and Jackie - ambassador to Japan


- decreased because most of the work force were immigrants - hard to originate because of: - different languages - no farmers - no African Americans were invited

W E B Du Bois

- demanded rights for blacks now - right morally

Normal rockwell

- depicted "sweet" pictures


- designed to make people sick - didn't have much air or sunlight (what people needed to live) - had rats the size of dogs - no working toilets - water was 4 or 5 blocks away - bathed on Saturday at Church - some people worked at home, doing stuff like sewing - people never gave up

Tennessee Valley Authority

- developed the resources of the Tennessee Valley - electricity to the Tennessee Valley


- did everything they had been doing - what they did in WWI got them their vote

Calvin Coolidge

- didn't believe in starting things - was reelected in 1924 - very popular with businesses - "The Business of America is Business" - pro businesss


- didn't believe in suffrage - history teacher - son of preacher - judged ideas and people as good or bad - loved to preach - carried a moral compass

Jimmy Carter

- didn't send in Military - Iran Hostage Crisis ruined his career - saved all 52 hostages

Richard Nixon

- didn't want to resign and thought he could get away with Watergate

WAC (women)

- didn't work in fighting - weren't liked by men - assumed to be lesbian or looking for husband - did have big impact - taking over what people did


- didnt have rights under the constitution - had local self rule but not federal


- didnt take long for them to rebel against US - they lose against US

Jimmy Carter

- down to earth - didn't want to be mean - "soft Southern drawl" - nice to his wife - didn't know how to be president = staff couldn't help him because they were from Georgia too

white flight

- during schools, white parents didn't want their kids to go to school with poor black kids - moved out

Berlin Wall

- during the night, permission was given to East Berlin to get to West Berlin - caught whole world by surprise - lasted 1961-89 - signal Cold War was about to end

Ngo Dinh Diem

- each day he is in power, the situation for South Vietnamese gets worse = killed communists and torturers - closed temples because he knew VC were meeting in there = caused monks to set themselves on fire

Ngo Dinh Diem

- educated in Catholic schools - wealthy - family had slaves - went to Harvard and school in Paris - sounded like the perfect match to South Vietnam

Plessy v. Ferguson

- elderly man snuck into white car to see dying daughter - sued owner of railroad - made segregation okay - "separate but equal is constitutional"


- elected in 1952 - famous general in WWII - ran and won as a Republican - very popular 8 years of presidency - had a doctrine

Richard Nixon

- elected president in 1968 - was in HUAC - conservative republican - Henry Kissinger was adviser


- encouraged to go to school - most sent their children to America's free public schools

National Recovery Administration

- established codes of fair competition - voluntary regulations for businesses


- everyone wanted to get to here to kill Hitler - knew enemies were approaching here - Russians got here first - Eisenhower said to get there but take time and make sure all Germans were gone

Teddy Roosevelt

- explorer - 1st job - under Secretary of Navy - wanted bigger Navy - influenced by THE INFLUENCE OF SEA POWER UPON HISTORY

Calvin Coolidge

- famous for breaking up the police strike in Boston - presided over the Tea Pot Dome Scandal - "Silent Cal" - slept a lot - believed that the president should not be an active president - die hard puritan


- fear of foreigners - belief of anyone who is poor and from Europe is dangerous - belief Karl Marc infected Europeans - increase by propaganda

Dr Charles Drew

- figured out idea of blood bank to increase people who needed blood - figured out to extract plasma (white blood cells) because it doesn't spoil

Thurgood Marshall

- first African American Supreme Court justice - case of Brown v Topeka

Honey Fitzgerald

- first Democratic Irish Catholic governor of Boston - daughter - Rose - grandfather of JFK

Wright brothers

- first built a glider - 36 and 32 when made successful flight - made first successful flight on December 17th - first flight lasted 12 seconds - two years later, extended flights to 24 miles


- first country behind iron curtain to ask for independence - had to ask Soviets - denied - made Soviets look worse


- first popular dance of the 20s

German goths attacked Rome

- first reich - able to defeat Rome

Jane Addams

- first social worker - chronically ill whole life - from wealthy family - sent to Europe and visited London, where she saw the settlement house at Toynbee Hall and thought it was "the Answer" - lived in Chicago - convinced Mr Hull to giver her his house - built Hull House

flexible response

- foreign policy - used by Eisenhower and JFK - means to take action and be flexible on a problem


- found JFK killer easily (notified by night club owner)

cleaning up local government

- foundation for all the other problems - bad because of political government and political bosses

Bill Clinton

- from Hope, Arkansas - moved to Hot Springs and lived there until he graduated - named a Rhodes Scholar - one of the best politicians in the century - has a good knack with people

Lost Generations

- from Paris - expatriate writers - had trouble getting published because most were serious - not appreciated in their time


- from Texas - vp of JFK - opposite of JFK

Gertrude Stein

- gave the expatriate writers the name of "Lost Generation"


- getting by with less - easily done - had meatless days, wheatless days, etc

3 approaches to get the women's vote

- go to the state legislatures and ask them to grant women the right to vote (only worked in Wyoming) - court cases by women to test the 14th amendment - women wanted to pass an amendment - all done by citizens

deficit spending

- going into debt on purpose - caused conservatives to freak out


- golden age for this was the 20s - went hand in hand with credit


- good - openness - gave Russians the US 1st amendment rights - surprised everyone - everyone was happy


- got out of hospital and ran for Congress - served in House of Reps once - served in Senate in 50s and married Jackie


- government issue - soldier

Al Smith

- governor of New York - politician - very happy and up - happy warrior - Catholic - divorced - wet


- great navy = great country - Germany was building up a great navy

Bonus Army

- group of veterans - told after WWI, they would get a bonus after retirement age, but wanted it during GD - marched to Washington - said their bonus was earned - Hoover didn't see it - Hoover says no and sends army (uses forceful act to remove people)

Schecter v. US

- guy who owns a grocery store had a problem with the NRA - didn't want to join NRA - didn't support NRA - didn't like New Deal bc he didn't like going into debt - competitors got his customers, and he got mad - cause NRA to get struck down

arms race

- h-bomb and atomic bomb - belief that more bombs were safer (build a lot to be safe) - going to edge of war to prevent war was policy of this (brinkmanship) - crazy idea

Adolf Hitler

- had 2 other half siblings - abused by father and not what his father wanted - older brother ran away - got pressured by dad - didn't like school and wasn't very popular and didn't have a lot of friends - wanted to go to mountains and draw

Joseph and Rose Kennedy

- had 4 boys and 5 girls - raised their 1st son to be president (good grades from a rich school)


- had a revolution in October of 1917 - Czar (Tsar) was overhthrown - became communist

Mao Zedung

- had been running communist part of China since 1927 - during WWII, got a lot of attention bc they helped fight Japanese - in 1949, won his war - assumed him and Stalin were going to band together - hated Stalin, and Stalin hated him

settlement house (Hull House)

- had education, where learned basis of English - food 3 times a day - daycare for children - entertainment (plays, music, dances) - temporary situation - clean sanitary place - had to learn city life - taught citizenship


- had members in FBI, CIA, or Military - under wraps - told to get information on democrats to use for Nixon - targeted Hubert Humphrey and Ted Kennedy

Edward Kennedy

- had part at Chappaquiddick (family island) - he took young drunk secretary home - car crashes - claimed he was behind wheel and crashed, but secretary was proven behind wheel and drowned - tried to evade negligent homicide - got off


- had pressure to enter WWI - waited til reelection - ran as a peace candidate

Berlin Air Lift

- had to cut engine to glide down to get into East Berlin - WWII volunteers that were experienced led flights - Stalin testing Aliies to see if we would help WBerlinians or desert them - made Stalin look bad in winter - Stalin backed down


- had tunnels to sneak mistresses in - called the Washington Naval Conference - didn't really do anything there - known for Ohio Gang and Teapot Dome Scandal - went on vacation, where he had a stroke and died

George Bush

- half of population couldn't stand him as president - sounded like a fool - used a lot of malapropism - assumed to be a rich boy whose dad got him through college - all of his plans went out the window on 9/11


- hated Shah - mostly young people - attacked US Embassy - took 300 captive - held 52 Americans hostage for over a year


- health insurance for the elderly


- health insurance for the poor of any age


- helped Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and 9/11 despite the fact we gave them weapons and guns and supported them 15 years earlier

Charles Lindbergh

- hero for the time - 1st to fly alone across the Atlantic - NY to Paris - 33 hours - open cockpit - 1st celebrity who was a sex symbol for girls - married a popular girl - baby got kidnapped

Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act

- highest protective tariff ever - bad bc we could've made money if we imported into trade - caused depression to go everywhere


- hotel that was sort of like a community for workers

Keynesian theory

- how New Deal was paid through - John Keynes came up with it - said the government may go into debt, because it will be repaid with taxes (will go into debt to get jobs, but will get repaid with the workers taxes)


- idea is we will be more "friendly" with the USSR - exchange ideas with USSR

Bill Clinton

- impeached - not convicted on the Lewinsky Affair - stayed in office until 2000


- in 1985-9, he was loved by all of the world except what he was ruling - invested democracy so he would get voted for again

Battle of El Alamein

- in Africa - fighting wars between British and Italians - British weren't doing good until the US came and helped - Hitler sent best tank division - trying to get Suez Canal - couldn't see Germans - barely seen - first fight in Africa - lasted from May 1942-November


- in Iran, he was in charge in late 1970s - harsh, but was anti-communist - fundamentalists in Iran hated him

American Moon walking

- in July of 1969 - dreamed by JFK - JFK got credit by Nixon - was claimed to be fake


- in Pacific Navy - didn't have the best grades - broke his back in Navy = on his back for a year and a half - wrote Profiles in Courage while in Hospital

Hillary Clinton

- in charge of the revision of health care while Bill Clinton was president (bad choice) - not charismatic

Reaganomics (Ronald Reagan)

- in the past, there was a lot of spending and not enough money to pay for it - thought programs should be downsized - tax cuts for rich - debt went sky high under this - hard to get loans - high interest - increase defense by 3x by cutting programs


- in this society, it was embarrassing to surrender - only way to defeat them was to bomb it with atomic bomb - saved US from Japanese Invasions


- included 4 planes - included a 93 plane that forced a bombing plane not to go into the White House

Vaudeville Theater

- included song, dance, juggling, slapstick comedy, and chorus - "an American invention" that offered something to attract everyone - African American performers - had minstrel shows - had exaggerated imitations of black musician dance - replaced by musicals

Tonkin Gulf Resolution

- instead of calling Vietnam a war, you can call it a conflict - goes against Constitution

Federal Housing Administration

- insured loans for building and repairing homes - loans for homes

Monica Lewinsky

- intern at White House during Bill Clinton's presidency - flirted with him a lot - had blue dress with DNA on it - said to be working against Bill


- introduced Fascism - followed and studied by Hitler - wanted to take Ethiopia

Gloria Steinem

- journalist - political activist - ardent supporter of women's liberation movement - founded the National Women's Political Caucas


- jungles - tropical climate


- just included information of presidents at first - gives all people the same information at once - was a public media at first - people learned you could money off it - most useful during emergencies - not very popular until the 2nd half of the 1920s - had music on it


- killed 2 months after MLK - shot in kitchen

Ronald Reagan

- known as strong Anti-Communist - gave speech and called USSR "Evil Empire"

Tianamen Square Massacre

- largest square in world - all concrete - May 1989 - Chinese students protesting for freedom and democracy although knowing little of each - not taught about in China - no one goes there

President McKinley

- last president of the 19th century - elected in 1896 - elected again in 1900 - assassinated a month into second term

Hideki Tojo

- leader of Japanese who decided to bomb Pearl Harbor

Malcolm X

- leader of black superiority while in the Nation of Islam


- leader of nonviolent protests to discrimination in Alabama - "I have a Dream"

Richard Nixon

- leaves after Ford comes in - goes to estate in California - lived 2 decades after - friends went to prison - didn't go to prison


- led Britain alone through WWII - only English leader who warned people about Hitler - talked to public every night, just like FDR - always with people - had headquarters in central London


- led multinational UN force - pushed North Koreans all way up to tip = broke orders of Truman, which was to take them just above the 38th parallel - didn't want to deal with China - popular - had an ego - got fired

Saudi Arabia

- let the US use their land as a staging area during Operation Desert Storm


- life as the way it actually is - portrays people and animals

Great Society

- like the New Deal but it didn't deal with the depression, just with 1/3 of the population miserable - war on poverty


- like the Peace Corp, but it helped poor people in the US


- looked huge - knew how to use his size to get what he wanted - got in people's personal space with "The Treatment" - didn't get ignored like JFK - New Deal Democrat - thought of FDR as political dad


- loosening of tension - Nixon went to China, which made USSR easier to get along with - Nixon wanted USSR to get scared we would have relations with China

Zimmerman note

- losing our land to Mexico by Germany

26th amendment

- lowers voting age to 18 - thought if you were old enough to get drafted, you were old enough to vote and young adults can say what they want


- made American people not trust government, politicians, and especially Republicans


- made alcohol more popular - not enforceable - costed the government millions - created Mafias

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

- made by Herbert Hoover - bill that will loan a company money - bade bc no one has money to buy stock from the company

subways and trolley cars

- made transportation across Manhattan easy as ever

Eleanor Roosevelt

- maiden name was Roosevelt - distant cousin of FDR and TR - closer to TR than FDR - Teddy gave her off to FDR - had 3 kids with FDR

German and Britain

- main imperial empires - big competition - wanted good colonies

Rachael Carson

- mainly responsible for the ecology movement - wrote Silent Spring - figured out if you put lethal pesticides, it infects the whole food chain - set a standard for Ralph Nader

economy under Gerald Ford

- mainly stagflation = highest interest 14% - dollar worth 14% less


- major work problem - causes less production - made bad working conditions


- marched across Belgium, killing many men and women, which was called the rape of Belgium - wanted to attack France from the back

Joseph Kennedy

- married Honey's daughter, Rose - ambassador for FDR to Britain - bought studio in Hollywood - turned into a wealthy, powerful man who did what he wanted - didn't have a good behavior

JFK and Jackie

- married in 1956 - wanted a big family - had Caroline and John Jr (John John) - had trouble with the rest of births

Adolf Hitler's father

- married to a 50 y/o when he was 36 - had a boy out of wedlock with mistress - wife died and married mistress - mistress died - got another girlfriend named Klara - got married when she was 21 and he was 50 - had Hitler


- means peace in Hindu and Egyptian - Hitler came up with it - symbol of NADSP


- military group - US trained them in torture and assassinations - sent aid to them - means against

the coal strike

- miners were receiving terrible pay and going to dangerous - Roosevelt threatened to send in the military - made a deal with miners to get slightly better conditions and pay - was needed because coal heated home and energy

Boxer Rebellion

- misnamed - originally Society of Harmonious Fists - against outsiders - burned houses of opium - attacked emperors - rebellion crushed


- morale of these in Vietnam went down - knew no one liked them - refused to obey orders - abused drugs such as opium and weed - chronically depressed


- most common pesticide - deadly - government outlawed it


- most photographed president ever - looked good - cool, calm, collected


- music that started in Memphis - how you should sound if you are sad - Elvis was grown up around it


- music that started in New Orleans - Louis Armstrong - most famous player


- music that started in St Louis

Yellow Journalism

- named after the first comic strip - exaggerating to sell


- necessary because of machine guns (needed to hide) - men learned to sleep standing up - diseases in foot, mouth, and fever - shellshock (old time PTSD) - stationary


- needs of this changed by industrial development

Adolf Hitler

- never finished high school - picked September for rallies because the sun made Nazi uniforms look golden - "Golden Race" - took over Germany in 1933

Adolf Hitler

- never married - got saved for the first time when he helped a mom with groceries and stayed the winter with her - copied penny postcards to make money and get his name out

Boss Tweed process

- never run for office - want power without "putting yourself out there" - want to control politicians - buy vote from immigrants - control politicians - everything run by someone not you - copied all over country, worse where they came from

Ronald Reagan

- new - elected in 1980 - was a "breath of fresh air" - energetic - patriotic - helped with questioning of 1970s


- new leader in Russia in 1985 - 54 when he took power - everything changed - reformed everything - introduced glasnost and perestroika - minister of agriculture - "mini-me" of Andropov


- no desire to be president - was lawyer and wanted to be Chief Justice of Supreme Court - governor of Philippines and loved by them - stuck in bathtub - Teddy was full of himself and said things about him - became chief justice


- no jungles - cold and flat


- no private ownership - all owned by government - classless society - everyone has right to decent life - threat to the US, because thought the lower class would accept it


- no regulation of prices of these


- oldest German city - picked bc he wanted to get Germany back to what it was - couldn't contain all people in rallies

Yalta Conference

- on Black Sea (in Soviet Union) - Stalin, FDR, Churchill - figuring out what to do with Germany (and Stalin)


- one of FDR favorite ways to talk to the public

T Roosevelt

- only child - had asthma and spoiled bc of this - not allowed to run and play with kids - happy child - fond of sitting in window seat - got to go out and sit in the sun sometimes - became a life long lover of the earth, which made him a conservationist


- only son of Joe and Rose Kennedy to live into old age and of natural death

Boss Tweed

- only took garbage to the nice side of town - created political machine


- only traded with them - addicted to opium by British

Brooklyn Bridge

- opened in 1883 - is the engineering icon of NYC - the transit route connecting Brooklyn to Manhattan

American Liberty League

- opposed New Deal - mostly consisted of Republicans, but did have some Democrats - main opposition was how much it would cose

Herbert Hoover

- orphan by 10 - "bounced" from relative to relative - still had a good personality - went to Stanford and majored in engineering - became a millionaire by 40 - head of Food Administration in WWI - old fashioned - cardboard collar - some people now say he is a failure

George Kennan

- our ambassador to Russia - writes telegram from Moscow saying Truman Doctrine wasn't enough

Jimmy Carter

- outsider - governor of Georgia - peanut farmer - Christian - wasn't going to do anything bad - going to be honest - told Americans we were in a period of self pity

Attorney General

- owns all courts - in charge of federal police (FBI)

Henry Ford

- paid people 5 dollars a day - shortened day to 8 hours - promoted productivity - "happy workers = better workers"

Carl Bernstein

- paired with Bob Woodward on Watergate - spent summer investigating

Espionage and Sedition Acts

- passed by Wilson - get arrested if you protest against the war - went against 1st amendment but Wilson felt since he was commander in chief during a war his word was higher - Eugene V Debs was arrested for it

Ronald Reagan

- people believed that he ended the Cold War = his policies did help


- people in South Vietnam who didn't like Ngo Dinh Diem - wanted to fight against South Vietnam and for North Vietnam - Ho told them to "swim like fishes in a sea" (blend in) - in Vietnam, we were looking for them mostly - villages got burned while they were looking for them


- people who left because of the Dust Bowl - lived as migrant farm workers in California - no food being grown

Freedom Riders

- people who rode around protesting discrimination - received violence from whites - early 1960s

Tuskegee Airmen

- pilots who learned in Tuskegee - got chance to do something - were so good they proved blacks could do anything

Birminham Alabama

- place of violence against African Americans and white supporters - included 18 bombs - resulted in many deaths and gained supporters of African Americans - 1957-1963


- planned D-Day for a year - called it Operation Overlord

Joseph Kennedy (JFK dad)

- poor immigrant - no one cared for him because he was Irish - worked every job he could get - told friends his son would be the 1st Irish Catholic POTUS - got job in bank and was quick to learn to volunteer at democratic party meetings - got the 1st Democratic Irish Catholic mayor


- powerplant tested here in Arkansas had 66 flaws

T Roosevelt

- prankster (polar bear with Britian) (made people walk around white house) - very popular - led country to Progressivism

political machine

- produces money and power for bosses - created by Boss Tweed

Kodak camera

- prompted millions of Americans to become amateur photographers - helped create the field of photojournalism - remains on of the largest in industry


- proved JFK was shot from front


- provide recreational opportunities

National Youth Administration

- provided job training for unemployed young people and part-time jobs for needy students - 18-25 year olds who didn't want to join CCC, lived at home and went to work - included girls

Civilian Conservation Corps

- provided jobs for single males on conservation projects - jobs for young men ages 18-25 - didn't include girls

Civil Works Administration

- provided work in federal jobs - temporary jobs for things like building buildings, funded by the government

Works Progress Administration

- quickly created as many jobs as possible, from construction jobs to positions in symphony orchestras - mostly jobs for arts

Ho Chi Minh

- raised an "army" through guerrilla warfare - when the Japanese left, he believed that Vietnam could be free = not true because he was communist

Joe Kennedy Jr

- raised to be president first - put in WWII as a pilot in the Air Corps - shot down and died

Adolf Hitler

- ran away from Austrian army and joined Germany's army in WWI - hated Austria - happiest person ever in war - kept trying to be promoted in war but got turned down

Barry Goldwater

- ran on the Republican ticked in the election of 1964 - super conservative - accused LBJ of being soft on Communism = didn't work

Hungarian rebellion

- rebelled against Soviets - lost gruesomely - had no guns - US didn't help bc they were behind the iron curtain - Eisenhower had pressure to help, but said no

W E B Du Bois

- received a doctorate from Harvard - founded Niagara Movement


- refused to think of them as a country during 1949-72 - thought Chinese communists took over illegally by force


- reopened the incident at Chappaquiddick - 5 snuck into Watergate - went into Democratic headquarters and stole information - put in there by Nixon - photographed information - got caught by nightwatchmen - were hiding under desks when cops came = had suits and ties on

Bob Woodward

- reporter that was on duty for the Washington Post - noticed signals that plumbers were working for Nixon

Booker T Washington

- right practically - patient - wanted to prove to the white man blacks worth

United States

- rooted for allies - wanted to trade with the Allies, sending most to Britain, making Germany mad bc they thought we broke the contract of neutrality, and started shooting our ships

Camelot Years

- rule of King Arthur - political utopia - JFK era thought to have these

Food Administration

- run by Herbert Hoover during WWI - based in London


- running Democratically for 1st time in election of 1948 - had no support - not liked by southerners bc for civil rights - Democrats split (Dixiecrats and Progressive) - didn't give up - doing terrible in polls, but wouldn't give up


- running for Republican in election of 1948 - polls showed he was going to win - won east - thought he won

Gerald Ford

- said he pardoned Nixon to put Watergate behind people because they needed a break - only president for 2 years - reminder of Watergate and bad economy


- said house can hold hearings to investigate anything they want - russians had their own A-bomb = people thought they were spies - best way to get attention was to go after Hollywood first

Air Force

- said they would take JFK - pronounced him dead - told autopsy would be in DC = was supposed to be in the state of the murder

Great Gatsby

- said what was wrong with the US because of the war - said partying is another way of hiding from problems - written by Fitzgerald

Foraker Act

- says Puerto Rico is a territory

3 reasons Nixon went to China

- scared USSR and caused detente - for trade - it was the smart thing to do

German Charlamane

- second reich - named emperor of Europe i 800 AD

George Marshall

- secretary of state - general during WWI - said we need to rebuild West Europe


- segregated in war - had different responsibilities - put to do manual labor


- senator from Massachusetts - called "Jack" by many - born to a wealthy family - 2nd of 9 children - Irish Catholic - father = Joseph

Federal Reserve System

- separates country into 12 districts and there is a reserve bank in each district - reserves money to help banks on verge of closing to keep people from panacking

Jim Crow laws

- separates races - increased bc of Plessy v Ferguson - evolved bc north didn't care abt south's segregation - overturned by Brown v Board


- serve as rustic havens in the center of the busy city

Marshall Plan

- set by secretary of state - said we need to rebuild West Europe ASAP - sent $12 billion - supported by average American

Interstate Commerce Act

- set up ICC - controlled federally - regulated railroad - 1st time federal government controlled business

baby bomb

- shortage of baby stuff bc many births - everyone was pregnant after WWII - big influence on society

Sirhan Sirhan

- shot RFK in kitchen - from Middle East

Zapruder Film

- showed JFK's head shot and neck shot - got public angry

Rosemary Kennedy

- sister to JFK - deemed Mentally Retarted - prettiest of the girls

Chinese students

- smart - went to Beijing University - chose May of 1989 because Gorbachev was going to visit and there would be media there = Gorbachev left though - went on hunger strike - 3,000 died


- someone assigned to your neighborhood, who becomes friends with immigrants - helps pay for immigrants' costs - influenced immigrants


- someone who leaves because of a reason - not happy with the 1920s US


- split in half - didn't follow rules given in WWI - capital in East (under Stalin) - split capital

u2 incident

- spy planes - flew high to take good pics of ground - spies on Soviets - 1 got shot down - Eisenhower denied we were there, but they had pilot of 1 that got shut down


- stagnant inflation - inflation was high - prices went up, but salary stayed the same - hard for Americans - Nixon tried to set price and wage regulations, but it was unpopular and he didn't help him win


- started around when Clinton was president and the Republicans hated him - since then, each party "declared war" on the other party - one party tries to fail the other party - no cooperation of either party - butt heads instead of banding together

gay rights movement

- started because of AIDS epidemic - had a quilt of all people who died with aids


- started by Betty Friedman and 28 other women - pushed for the creation of jobs, children care, and sports for women

Civil Rights Act of 1964

- started by JFK - finished by LBJ - huge - bill that made it illegal to discriminate - mostly done by JFK - when LBJ passed this, he praised Kennedy for it

La Raza Unida

- started by Jose Angel Gutierres - "The People United" - ran candidates and women for mayor

Bill Clinton

- state attorney general - governor of Arkansas in 1978 - lost governor in 1980 - governor from 1982-92

scientific management

- stock holders wanted the money - average businessman answered to other people

Ervin Committee

- summer of 1973 - HUAC for Watergate - interviewed people = kid in charge of secret tape reported they interviewed said "why dont you just get the tapes" - spent a year legally debating the tapes

Securities and Exchange Commission

- supervises the stock market and eliminated dishonest practices - set up to monitor the stock market

sit ins

- supporters of CORE would protest discrimination and sit at public places - resulted in many being treated violently - mid 50s - late 60s

J P Morgan

- taking advantage of no regulation of railroad prices - made a deal w Rockefeller

Erwin Rommel

- tank commander - famous German general - had tanks painted to look like the desert - hid tanks in dunes - planned to kill Hitler, but got caught and was imprisoned

Hubert Humphrey

- targeted by plumbers - plumbers wrote love letters to prostitutes in his name - wife left him - proven innocent

causes of the Great Depression

- tariffs and war debt policies that cut down the foreign market for American goods - a crisis in the farm sector - the availability of easy credit - an unequal distribution of income

Scopes Monkey Trial

- teach was caught teaching evolution in his classroom - tried to legislate what is taught concerning evolution, created by Darwin - was crazy because no one could accept we came from apes - didn't want anyone interpreting the Bible any other way besides literal - jury in Tennessee decided it was the bible that we should teach from


- the Lunar New Year - celebrated in Vietnam

Pulaski Academy

- the answer to busing in Little Rock - more private schools created after this one


- the deciding state in election of 2000 - both sides needed this to win - only 324 votes apart

Smith, Wellesley, and Vassar

- the first 3 all girl schools - "the Ivy League schools" for girls


- the first thing that came up when Nixon was president - what the government decided to do because they didn't want to help integrate schools - would bring blacks out of city and whites into city - caused riots

Geneva Accords

- the meeting after the surrender of the French - held in Switzerland - divided at the 17th parallel - we elected South Vietnam's President

Ross Perot

- the reason Clinton won election of 1992 - 3rd party candidate = former Republican - split Republican Party

New Left

- the teens that were very politically active - raised money for antiwar protests

Hearst and Pulitzer

- these two newspaper sellers exaggerates to sell - exaggerates Cuban concentration camps - sold more in war - created tension between Spain and America


- they believed prohibition was bad - not necessarily alcoholics

NVA (North Vietnam Army)

- they were bringing weapons to Cambodia as storage to the Vietcongs


- thinks people are psychologically harmed by charity - didn't like welfare

Aryan Race; 1933; 1935

- third reich - he will bring 3rd that will last 1000 years - only lasted from _______ to ______

Big Lie

- third theme in Mein Kampf - knew how to manipulate people and get them on their side - "If you tell it enough times, people will believe it" - Jews were the reason for everything - ex. Manifest Destiny and WWI - Hitler was a master of this

slogans of Wilson

- this is the war to end all wars - we must make the world safe for democracy

supply side economics

- though that more stuff would be bought because of the tax cuts - didn't happen - put $ in people's pockets


- thought by Reagan - thought that if USSR sent over missiles, we could shoot it down with lasers

Ronald Reagan

- thought communists would move into Latin America

Moral Majority

- thought school was going down the tubes - thought we needed religion in schools

Jimmy Carter

- thought we got Panama Canal the wrong way

Oliver North

- took blame for Iran Contra Scandal - colonel in Marines - confessed and said he did it alone = but he needed approval of President - ran for Senate after he went to prison

Mc Carthy

- took his belief of spying too far - "went down in flames" - let his power go to his head - said Eisenhower and army were closet communists


- took place in Nuremberg - started out small - by 1933, 2 mill were there - usually lasted 2 weeks - ended when war started - held in September


- tv showed the as a houseperson and parent - they who worked were pressured to go back to the house - trained their kids not to be house people

Food Administration

- under Herbert Hoover - people (specifically women and children) trapped in Europe could get food


- under Japanese rule, they were treated cruelly


- under pressure from Churchill to enter war - couldn't do anything bc it was an election year (1940) and you couldn't run on a war platform - run again - Lend Lease Act


- unhappy in South Vietnam in 1963 - CIA warned him of assassination plots against Diem = Diem told him he'll be fine = tanks and army were against his house


- unhappy with 1960s + 70s - didn't like how there was no religion in schools


- used captivating and sensational headlines to get reader's attention - include comics and word searches to entertain adults and children

free spirited

- used drugs - free sex - long hair - love - sharing - peaceful


- used to be = you got a check, which got bigger each time you had more kids - now = you can only get it for 2 years and only if you are in school (gave money for daycare, books, gas, etc)


- usually men or boys who rode rails - dangerous - sometimes food kitchens - left symbols for future __________ - can't fix this from charity because they were too big


- very removed cousin of TR - wife - Eleanor - had 3 kids with Eleanor

Adolf Hitler

- very solitary - dreamed to be an artist - then wanted to be an architect - not very good at being an artist - after he buries his mom, he reapplies to the art school, where he used the same portfolio and got denied again - ran out of money after this

Peace Corp

- volunteer assistance to developing nations of Asia, Africa, and Latin America - most successful thing of the New Frontier


- voted to surrender city - top of this country taken by Germany - bottom controlled by Vichy gvt


- vp of Eisenhower - on HUAC - strong anticommunist - spoke against communism


- wanted an excuse to declare war on NV = used the Tonkin Gulf as an excuse = disapproved by congress


- wanted more colonies - increased manifest destiny - wanted to spread culture and power


- wanted to be a state by US southerners because it was mainly a slave society - in 1890s, rebelled against Cubans - took an interest in then

Tet Offensive

- we agreed to have a cease fire on Christmas and Tet - NV and VC attacked us and used this cease fire to their advantage - went through Saigon = helped by VC - shocking = run over


- went around preaching about the Treaty of Versailles - had a stroke which basically "broke him" - wife (Edith) ran the rest of his presidency

Al Capone

- went to Canada to get alcohol and sell it illegally during the period of prohibition - went to Arkansas when he got in trouble - 20s made him and people like him heroes and government the bad guys

Adolf Hitler

- went to bars - angry after WWI - him and his friends lived in Munich

T Roosevelt

- went to school at 6 - dad took him to YMCA where he got beat up and became blind in left eye after retina split - fell in love with Alice at Harvard Law - took down Boss Tweed - commissioner of NYC - mom and wife died at the same time - blamed wife death on daughter


- were hired over others because they worked for less - caused race riots - moved north

Guantanamo Bay

- were reports of torture here - reports were proven true - not in the US but is occupied by the US


- what Operation Desert Storm was over - has half of world's oil

sinking of Lusitania

- what caused us to go into WWI - 128 Americans died - Germans blew it down and found out ammunition for war was in the bottom - US never admitted it

Hurricane Katrina

- what happened right after George W Bush got reelected - caused a lot of people to come to Arkansas - hurt Bush and others because they thought he didn't care

Iron Curtain

- what you had to go through to get into the east - said by Churchill = warning free people must not allow spread of communism


- when he was VP, he had already been in DC for 30 years - mad he didn't win the Democratic nomination of 1960 - had a huge ego - finished what JFK had started


- while in jail, no one called, but a lawyer showed up for them - all were Hispanic named except one white who worked for CIA - all had Cuban passports and $2500


- white blood cells - segregated


- white lightning - illegal

white flight

- whites moving to suburbs - because of Brown v. Board, they left city

Chaing Kai Chek

- who US supported - "bad leader" - fled to Taiwan - said Taiwan was Chinese

Social Security

- without this, your grandparents would live with your family - FDR stole this idea from Dr Townsend - get monthly check until you die - disapproved by conservatives bc they said we couldn't afford it - after the money you put into this runs out, the government has to pay for it


- women wanted it but had no votes - men didn't want it - women didn't bc of women abuse and no money for food or rent - considered a part of women's culture, especially eastern europe


- won west - Alaska and Hawaii won him presidency - thought he would lose because his party was split - congress hates him = "had enough" because they were republicans


- wore sleeveless dresses with a deep neckline - wanted the allusion of no waist - flat chested and boy like - dress shorter than the top of the stocking - had a hard time getting married or finding a job - were the "misunderstood" minority


- worse than atomic bomb - started arms race

Panama Canal

- would add to US power and honor - wanted by Teddy Roosevelt

the war of the worlds

- written about the invasion of Mars - released (read) on Halloween - thought to be real - resulted in deaths of many

Admiral Alfred T Mahan



- wrote The Sun Also Rises - wrote A Farewell to Arms - both criticize the war - not a spare writer (no detail)

Ida Tarbell

- wrote about the bad companies - point out way big companies were behaving was illegal


- wrote great gatsby - not a spare writer (detaily)

Emilio Aguinaldo

-Philippines George Washington - first president and hero of the Philippines


-became safer by having smaller and air filleld wheels

ways Bill Clinton balanced the budget

1. Cold War was over - cut down on military budget 2. reformed welfare

2 reasons US should've seen fall of Berlin Wall and collapse of Soviet Union coming

1. Gorbachev decided to allow Iron Curtain countries to do whatever 2. East Germany protested

Hitler's death coincidences

1. old woman let him stay with her for winter 2. got a breath of non colored poison gas 3. when in hospital, his troops were shot down 4. after he got out of hospital, the war ended

federal income tax

16th amendment

Hayes; Garfield; Cleveland; Harrison; Cleveland; McKinley

1876 R 1880 R 1884 D 1888 R 1892 D 1896 R give the presidents; citizens were very distributed because they believed the Republican party seemed to have a part in the machine


1931: Japan invaded ______________


1935: Mussolini invaded ______________


1938: Hitler takes _____________

women vote

19th amendment


1st American music ever seen

Amelia Earhart

1st woman to fly solo across Atlantic

Geraldine Ferraro

1st woman to run on major presidential ticket

Gertrude Ederle

1st woman to swim the English Channel

George Town, Oxford, Yale

3 colleges Bill Clinton went to

Master Race, Third Reich, Big Lie

3 themes of Mein Kampf

Wade-Davis bill

50% of the population from each state had to take the oath of the population; led by the Radicals Sumner and Stevens; said it had to take time to rebuild the nation

Custer's last stand

7th cavalry was in charge of looking up for Plains; they took army out to patrol and split up and Souix surrounded them

Agricultural Adjustment Administration


Britain, France, Russia (Slavs), Serbia



Andrew Carnegie was born in _______


April 1940: ____________ and Norway

atomic bomb at Hiroshima

August 6th, 1945

atomic bomb at Nagosaki

August 9th, 1945


British Prime Minister that trusted Hitler

Civilian Conservation Corps


Civil Works Administration


cheaper products; offered stock; track precise costs

Carnegie's three ways to keep power


Central Pacific Railroad employed ____________ immigrants.

Germany (and Austria-Hungary), Ottoman Empire (Turkey), Bulgaria

Central Powers


Cheyenne, Denver, Omaha, Dodge City, Abilene, and Fort Smith are all examples of what?


Chicago became known for _______________


Dec 1944: Battle of the __________


Did the democrats or republicans get their reputation tarnished by the Credit Mobilier? a. Democrats b. Republicans

Anwar Sadat

Egyptian leader at Camp David Accords

Brain Trust

FDR's cabinet got this name because it consisted of college professors


FDR's dog

New Deal

FDR's plan

Federal Housing Administration



Farmers throughout the West, Midwest, and Southeast convinced state legislators to pass laws, called what? a. Farmers law b. Granger laws c. Gentlemen's law


Feb 1933: _______________ Fire

rape of Belgium

Germany killed many men and women across Belgium

Ohio Gang

Harding's group of friends that he would play cards with

Denmark and Norway

Hitler went this way to capture London and Paris

Menachem Begin

Israeli leader at Camp David Accords


June 1940, Hitler takes _____________

Soviet Union

June 1941: Hitler invades _______________ ____________


June 1942

Nazis; Chancellor; Jewish

March 1933: - legal elections; ____________ got majority - Hitler becomes _________________ LEGALLY - put anti-_____________ laws


May 1940: Hitler takes ____________________

Coral Sea; El Alamein

May 1942: Pacific - ______________ ________ Africa - ____ ______________

VE Day

May 1945

National Recovery Administration


National Youth Administration



Name one strike from 19th century? a. The great strike of 1877 b. The Homestead Strike c. The Pullman Company Strike d. All of the Above

One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind

Neil Armstrong famous quote on the moon


Nixon had "plumbers" search for leaks in Democratic party


Northerners who moved South to get rich cheaply; took advantage of the South's poverty

Public Works Administration



Russian leader from 1984-5


Russian leader who died in 1983


Russian leader with liver disease and kidney failure who lived on machines and ruled for about 6 months

Securities and Exchange Commission



Sept 1, 1939: Hitler invades ________________


Sept 1938: ______________ Conference

VJ Day

September 1945


Southern traders who sided with the enemy


Spanish speaking neighborhoods


Summer 1939: German/________________ Non-Aggression Pact


Summer 1940-42: Battle of _____________


T of F: Women made the same pay as men


T or F : Union Pacific hired Irish immigrants and veterans


T or F: the Rocky Mountains were rich in coal and iron ore mining

Tennessee Valley Authority



The ______________ involves injecting air into molten iron to remove the carbon and impurities. a. Best steamer process b. Bessemer process c. Bouncy process


This was a town that was strictly controlled and restricted its residents from doing ordinary things. a. Pullman b. Boston c. Promontory


Thomas Edison invented the ___________. a. Lightbulb b. Typewriter c. Telephone


True or False the most common process for transforming iron into steel was called the Refinement process


True or False: Carnegie Steel Company produced large amounts of cotton


True or False: In 1870, Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company of Ohio processed two or three percent of the country's crude oil.


True or False: Social Darwinism made it illegal to form a trust that interfered with free trade between states or with other countries


True or False: The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) were called the Wobblies


True or False: The government favored the farmers over the railroads after the Civil War


True or False: Vertical integration is a process in which Rockefeller bought out his suppliers


True or False: William Haywood's nickname is "Big Bill"


True or False: the Grape was a farmers organization founded in 1867


True or false the seamstresses strike won a labor agreement and improved working conditions

Works Progress Administration



What did George M Pullman manufacture? a. Sleeper cars b. Railroad tracks c. Light bulbs


What does NLU stand for? a. National Labor Union b. Never Lazy Union c. National Lion Union


What strike happened because it was the workers 2nd wage cut in 2 months? a. Homestead Strike b. Great Strike of 1877 c. Pullman Company Strike

typewriter and telephone

What two inventions affected the office work for women?

mother jones

What was Mary Harris Jones nickname?


Which president gave the ICC power? a. Barack Obama b. Ronald Reagan c. Theodore Roosevelt


Which state was NOT included in the oil boom? a. Kentucky b. Ohio c. Alaska


Who built a railroad car manufacturing company, and built a town for his employees? a. George Pullman b. Rockefeller c. William Haywood


Who did Eugene V Debs read works by a. Winston Churchill b. John F. Kennedy c. Joseph Stalin d. Karl Marx


Who invented the typewriter? A. Thomas Edison B. Christopher Sholes C. Alexander Graham Bell


Who was the president of the American Federation of Labor? a. Mary Jones b. Eugene Debs c. Samuel Gompers


Why did the Great Strike of 1877 happen? a. 4th wage cut in 3 months b. Poor working conditions c. 2nd wage cut in 2 months d. Police brutality

French; Phony

Winter 1939-40: Hitler takes winter off and ____________ and Britians declare war "__________ War"

edwin l. drake

___________ was the first person to successfully use a steam engine to drill for oil

Immigration Restriction League

a group of Wealthy Americans; only let in certain people; had high quotas for North Europe and low quotas for South Europe; passed literacy tests (40 words in English or the persons Native tongue)

Nazi stadium

a huge rally field outside the city of Nuremberg

National Women's Political Caucus

a moderate group that encouraged women to seek political office


a person who is not under the influence of alcohol


a person who is under the influence of alcohol

2 years

about how long was the budget balanced for?

lightbulb, electricity, typewriter, electricity city cars, telephone

name a new invention

red cloud, sitting bull, crazy horse

name at least 2 Souix chiefs


name for a spy spying for communism

land barges

name for old large cars

fridge, vaccuum, sewing machine

name three of the new inventions sparked during the 1920s

Red China

named People's Republic of China


named Republic of China


new idea that you can offer up an idea in the form of a petition

the war

no one ever heard of cowboys until after what?

60%; 20%; 20%

not everyone were hippies - _______ - normal, not political - _______ - "hippies" - _______ - New Left


not guilty


on average how many laborers were killed in a work-related accident per week in 1882? a. 145 b. 675 c. 975


open at Yalta


ordered secret bombings of Cambodia, then told his soldiers to go over there

Pauline Newman

organized International Ladies Garment Workers Union

Mary Harris Jones

organized United Mine Workers of America

League of Nations; yes

out of all Wilson's 14 points, what was the "most precious" to him? was it included in the treaty?

Pullman Company Strike

owner cut workers and workers' wages; workers went on strike; owner hires strike breakers; strike turns violent; resulted in deaths


passed law to make it illegal to help contras

black codes

passed mostly in rural areas; people under this could get arrested for having no job; allowed them not to be able to serve on a jury, etc.


percent of farmers now

Francis Gary Powers

pilot of the u2 that got shut down

Truman Doctrine, Containment, Marshall Plan

policies that came out of the Cold War in 1947 (3)


president who sent the US army to try to fix the Mexicans problems

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

prince of Austria Hungary

housing, transportation, water, sanitation, crime, fire, disease

problems at the tenement houses


problems facing him: - young - catholic - people thought dad's money got him far - congress didn't like him

child labor, women labor, women suffrage, prohibition, factories, cleaning up local government

problems in economy

Teller Amendment

promises Cubans will be free and independent; promised in the beginning of the war

14th amendment

protected rights of citizens

15th amendment

protected rights of voting

transcontinental railroad

railroad that stretched from the East to the West; met in Promontory, Utah; brought dreams, adventure, and opportunity; transformed diverse people

Walter Mondale

ran on Democratic ticket in election of 1984

Ronald Reagan

ran on Republican ticket in election of 1984


ratio of gold to silver


regulated railroad rates; had problems because they couldn't regulate laws; failed

tenant farmers

rented land, got to keep harvest, but owed money

Gentlemen's Agreement

restricted the Japanese


ride horse better; helps keep away from the horns of the longhorns (cowboy equipment)

Elvis, Chuck Berry, Richard Penniman, Bill Haley and His Comets

rock and roll artists in 50s


running on the Democratic ticket in the election of 1960 (initials)


running on the Republican ticket in the election of 1960 (initials)

Chinese Exclusion Act

said Chinese had to be skilled to be accepted

Richard Nixon

said he didn't have to release the tapes because he was above the law

Interstate Commerce Act

said that Munn v. Illinois was wrong; established right of the federal government to support the railroad

Lincoln's 10% Plan

said that each state could get its rights back if 10% of the population took an oath for the Constitution; took the 10% of the population of 1860 voters lists


said that the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal wasn't big enough to get him out of office

Pendleton Act

said you have to take a test to have a government job


saw the South as a child that ran away from their parents


saw the South as not only seceeders but the cause of the Civil War

Lend Lease Act

says British could "borrow" stuff from us

25th amendment

says that the president can appoint the new VP if the other leaves office


school in Little Rock that was mainly black


school in Little Rock that was mainly white

Henry Kissinger

security adviser to Richard Nixon


split into: - Austria - Hungary - Czechoslovakia (Czech Republic and Slovakia) - Yugoslavia - Poland

Haymarket Affair

started because of the Great Strike of 1877; people protested against police brutality; ended in killing of people by police

Homestead Strike

steel company cut wages and the employees went on strike

Credit Mobilier

stock holding company; started by Union Pacific; giant scheme to make money; hired employees to lay track; and increased work, not pay, giving the earned extra money to Congress


stopped in the South because of overproduction


struggled after the Civil War

International Ladies Garment Workers Union

supported strike of sewers; improved working conditions of sewers

World War I

the "last old war"


the "political dad" of LBJ

Republicans, Depression

the 1920s presidents were Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover, who were all ________________, which may have led to the Great _____________________

Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins

the 3 astronauts on the mood

World Trade Center, Pentagon, White House

the 3 places targeted on 9/11

nuclear, bio, and chemical weapons

the 3 types of Weapons of Mass Destruction

black codes

the African Americans status got even worse treatment after the war because of this; kept blacks enslaved

William Jennings Bryan

the Democrats AND Populist party candidate for election of 1896

Kyklos, circle

the Ku Klux Klan comes from the Greek root word _____________ meaning ________________

Edmund Ross

the Radical who voted against his party and acquitted Johnson; got kicked out of Senate, shunned, wife left him and after all that he said he didn't regret anything because what he did was right

William McKinley

the Republican party for election of 1896; terrible speaker

agricultural nation; industrial power

the US was what type of nation before the Civil War? what were they after when they found big amounts of natural resources, government support, city growth?

executive privilege

the belief that the president was above the law


the best horse men everseen

Medicare and Medicaid

the best two things that came out of the Great Society

The Feminine Mystique

the book that captured how many women felt during the 60s


the crossing everyone used to get from Britain to France

yellow kid

the first comic strip created by Hearst

Tonkin Gulf

the first crisis when LBJ was in office

T Roosevelt

the first of the 3 progressive presidents

Andrew Johnson

the first person to be impeached

Home Insurance Building in Chicago

the first skyscraper

Ivory Soaps

the first sponsor ever, giving the name of soap operas

children labor was bad

the first thing to come out of scientific management

imperialism, nationalism, militarism, Alliance system

the four causes of war


the general that got lost in the Spanish-American War and showed loyalty because of it

House of Representatives

the group in Congress who decides to impeach someone and give a reason why


the group in Congress who hold a trial of impeachment

Al Qaeda

the group responsible for 9/11

bedroom houses

the houses white families moved into during the busing era

Wounded Knee

the last battle against the Indians (1896)


the last part to be settled; the only place to settle for immigrants

Osama Bin Laden

the leader of Al Qaeda


the main reason for all the problems in Mexico; this also causes many Mexicans to rebel

Communist Manifesto

the name of Karl Marx's communistic book

Deep Throat

the name of the person who told Bob Woodward to "follow the money" used for Watergate

Dealy Plaza

the name of the place in Dallas where JFK was shot

Great Communicator

the nickname coined to Ronald Reagan

arms race

the nickname of the US wanting to make the Soviets ruin their economy by trying to get around the SDI

he would resign

the night before the Munich Conference, what did Hitler tell his generals he would do if Chamberlin turned him down?


the only person in Washington to try to help the South

Grassy Knoll

the other place on a hill that JFK was shot from


the part of the buffalo used for bowls and spoons


the part of the buffalo used for teepes


the part of the buffalo used for the kettle


the part of the buffalo used for tools

magic bullet

the shot that supposedly hit John Connelley 3 times

Apollo 11

the spacecraft that went first on the moon

Social Darwinism

the thought that one's wealth, social status, or power is passed through generations

Red Scare

the threat to the United States that our lower class would accept communism

Dreamland Park, Steeplechase Park, Luna Park

the three parks in Coney Island (America's dreamland)

T Roosevelt; Taft; Wilson

the three progressive presidents

Eugene McArthy and Bobby Kennedy

the two people who the Democratic Party had run

Prairie Wars

the wars between cattle men and farmeres

capture the capital

the way to defeat a country

farmers and poor African Americans

their condition got worse during the 20s

good colonies

these colonies had good natural resources


these people were small, skinny, and weak (Vietnamese or French)


these people were strong, but unmotivated (Vietnamese or French)


these two groups worked for 8 hour work days for government workers with good pay

Toyotas and Hondas

these type of small cars were getting sold more than big

5 military districts

these were under martial law and each were governed by a general

Munn v Illinois

this Supreme Court case said that the Grange was right and that the farmers were in power

KKK Klan

this anti-racial group peaked in 1924

Freedmen's Bureau

this helped the African Americans, but wasn't enough; mostly women volunteered for this; needed more


this indian culture was migratory and would follow the buffalo


this party was known as corrupt


this was forever changes because of the war


thought to be savage; had no religion, only religion based on nature; no home; would scalp


time when farmers bought seeds, borrowing from bank


time when farmers payed back because of their harvest, but paid a risk because they couldn't always have had a good harvest


to accuse

Adolf Hitler

told his soldiers he wouldn't give them winter armor because they wouldn't be back


told the war in 1931 "when we invaded China, it was step one" and they intended to launch the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

Rosa Parks

took a seat in white section of bus and refused to get up

Boston Police

tried to strike and governor of Massachusetts shut it down

64000 question and 21

tv quiz shows in the 50s

as the world turns and the lone ranger

two examples of the first radio shows

rosenbergs and alger hiss

two people ruined by huac trials

North Koreans

under Mao, chose communism after WWII

South Koreans

under US, chose anti-communism after WWII


up until 1967, LBJ told us that we were winning in the war, but all we needed was what?


used for railroad tracks, barbered wire, farm machines, bridges (Brooklyn), and skyscrapers


used to keep dust out of nose and mouth (cowboy equipment)


useful because they were self-sufficient


using words the wrong way in a sentence or using the wrong words in a sentence


vote on the initiative

American Federation of Labor

wanted for less hours and higher wages; created by Sam Gompers

American Railroad Union

wanted skilles and unskilled to have equal pay; led by Eugene V Debs


wanted to promote black rights


was put on saddle for protection (cowboy equipment)


wasn't liked after his first term because they thought he wasn't efficient

white anglo saxon protestants



way Indians proved they killed the enemy

drive in movies, drive thru, cruising

ways to use cars in the 50s


went bankrupt because they were the headquarters for big car companies


went to the Philippines as governor and was liked


western front against Germany

acquitted; 51-49

what Andrew Johnson acquitted or convicted? what was the vote?

Lunar Landing Module

what NASA left on the moon


what amendment repealed the prohibition amendment, making it the only one to repeal another amendment?

western saddle

what american invented because they didn't want to ride bare back on a horse

bonds, taxes, borrowed

what are the three ways we financed the war

Unsafe at any Speed

what book did Ralph Nader write?

small cars

what came out of OPEC?

steel; removing its carbon

what can you turn iron into? by doing what?

assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand; June 28th,1914

what caused World War I? when?

the war would end

what did Americans think would happen after LBJ announced he wouldn't run next election?

straightened up his life

what did Andrew Johnson do after his entry into the White House?


what did Edison use to act as a filament?

it would start a dangerous president

what did Edmund Ross say about his decision to acquit Johnson?

corporal; yes; kill them

what did Hitler get as high as in the war? did the generals hate him? what did he say he could do?


what did Hitler get told he was when he applied to the art school?

Munich; capture men; no; treason

what did Hitler want to take over bc NADSP was really big? how did he try to do it? did it work? what was he arrested for?

his son would be the 1st Irish Catholic POTUS

what did JFK's dad's vow to his other Irish friends?

had LBJ be vp

what did Kennedy do to get Texas's vote bc there were a lot of AntiKennedys there

election of 1876

what did Reconstruction end with?

the evil empire

what did Ronald Reagan call the Soviet Union during a speech?

Nobel Peace Prize

what did TR gain by mediating the Russo-Japan war?

World Peace

what did Wilson think the treaty was going to bring?

reverse discrimination

what did people say busing was?


what did the Indians do regarding death>

burned a cross in your yard and ride horses around it

what did the Ku Klux Klan do to scare you?

US wasn't neutral anymore

what did the Truman Doctrine mean?


what did the end of a war bring temporarily?

kerosene; gasoline

what did we use oil for at first? after cars became popular, what did we use it for?

Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines

what did we win after the Spanish-American War?

all created by blacks

what do jazz, ragtime, and blues all have in common?

America Indian Movement

what does AIM stand for?

National Organization for Women

what does NOW stand for?

organization of petroleum exporting countries

what does OPEC stand for?

strategic defense initiative

what does SDI stand for?

Volunteers In Service To America

what does VISTA stand for?

pass a lot of bills

what does it mean to be a good legislator?

look intimidating but don't make trouble

what does speak softly and carry a big stick mean?

Equal Rights Amendment

what does the ERA stand for?


what freed factory workers from hard labor and a way of living, which reduced to 10 hours a day, making some people think it was reducing the workers' worth?

Vichy government

what government collaborated with Hitler and owned the bottom half of France?

our music

what is the main reason the Europeans think we are "cool"?

Serbian men killing Ferdinand

what is the specific example of nationalism in WWI?


what kind of people rebelled?


what made it able for everyone to buy cars, paying off your loan over time?


what of Bill Clinton was more reported than anything else?

Brown v Board

what overturned Plessy v. Ferguson


what part of Berlin did the Allies control?


what part of Berlin did the Soviets control?


what part of Europe did Stalin have?


what part of Europe did we have?

Europe and Germany

what parts of land did Yalta deal with to divide?

Vienna; his dad died; she had breast cancer

what place did Adolf Hitler and his mom make a place for him to run away to? why did it not work? what did his mom not tell Adolf?


what product that was child-needed was getting thrown in northern Arkansas because it was hard to transfer it from place to place?

war guilt clause; Austrians declaring war after their Archduke got killed

what said that Germany caused and started the war? but who/what actually started it?


what side was Clarence Darrow for in the Scopes Monkey Trial?


what side was William Jennings Bryan for in the Scopes Monkey Trial?


what spread because of a lack of food from the Dust Bowl


what spread to British and Americans because they weren't immune to it?

USS Maine explosion

what started the Spanish-American War?


what state did Ben Nighthouse Campbell represent in the senate?

Catholics, Jews, or people from poor nations

what three groups did nativists put into worst jobs and treat harshly when they saw them?

he was a Catholic, divorced, and wet

what three things were against Al Smith during the election of 1928?


what time do farmers usually do better

typewriter and telephone

what two inventions affected office jobs for women

money and respect

what two things did farmers want?

draft and production

what two things started immediately in the US after Pearl Harbor?

it didn't say anything about cabinet in the Constitution

what was Andrew Johnson's defense to his accusation?

the only thing we have to fear is fear itself

what was FDR inaugural quote?

his wheelchair

what was FDR not really photographed in out of respect?

Associate Secretary of the Navy

what was FDR's job before the presidency?


what was Lincoln's plan to heal through?

crimes against humanity

what was Sadaam Hussein killed for?

Tenure of Office Act

what was passed by Congress to set Andrew Johnson up so that they could impeach him?

Jews were the reason for everything; no; he told it enough times

what was the "Big Lie"? was it true? how did people believe it?

Russia's Vietnam

what was the Afghan v. Taliban was known as?

Suez Canal

what was the Battle of El Alamein about?

only going on certain days

what was the best way to control oil cut off?

Grand Experiment

what was the famous nickname for Prohibition?

KDKA; Philadelphia; election of 1920; Harding

what was the first radio station in America? where was it based? what did it cover first? who won it?

attack the trusts

what was the first thing Roosevelt did as president?

Aryan race; fully German

what was the name of the race Hitler wanted to make? what did it mean?


what was the worse name to call a candidate?

Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam, and Cuba

what we were going to win if we beat the Spanish

Civil War amendments

what were the 13th, 14th, and 15th war amendments called?

federal troops removed from Southern states, Democrats wanted federal money to help build the South, and Hayes appointed at least 1 Southerner on cabinet

what were the three parts or rules for the Compromise of 1877?

Tonkin Gulf Resolution

when LBJ asked Congress to declare war on NV, he asked for them to give him the power and he will run the war. what was this known as?


when WWII ends, who is in a civil war? what are they fighting over communism? who is in control of them?

demand and price

when farmer's debt goes up, what usually goes down?


when the economy gets bad, they are more scared because workers could strike, causing them to make less money

when Hitler's mom's doctor was Jewish

when was the second time Hitler hated Jews?

Moscow Ballet; technology

when we exchanged "ideas", what did the USSR send over? what did we send over?

Texas Schoolbook Depository (warehouse)

where Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly killed JFK

Yale Law School

where did Bill Clinton meet Hillary?


where did George W Bush launch a 2nd war, trying to finish his fathers unfinished business?

Central and South America

where did Spain target, although becoming free by the 1900s


where did imperialism start?


where did tennis come from?


where did the Souix end up on?

Swiss banks; most reliable

where did the accountants of people with big businesses put their money?


where do farmers not go very often, making them behind on news?

Harrison, Arkansas

where is the Ku Klux Klan post office?

Wounded Knee

where the Indians performed the first ghost dance

Cleveland Ohio

where the first shopping center?


where was iron first discovered?


where was the GD worse than in farms/countries?

Samuel Tilden

which New York governor was the democrat nominee for the election of 1876?

19th amendment; 1919

which amendment gave women the right to vote? when did it pass?

Appalachian Mountains

which mountains were rich in coal and iron ore mining?

United States

which of the Big Four was the Treaty of Versailles formed without?


which of the following was not a use of steel? a. Railroad tracks b. Automobiles c. Barbed wire

Republicans; they wanted equality

which party did the Southerners hate? why?

U of A and ASU

which two colleges in Arkansas were originally farmer schools

Clinton and Obama

which two presidents in the past 20 years were very popular abroad

MacArthur and Eisenhower

which two top WWII generals were apart of the army that Hoover sent in to disperse the bonus army?

Bill Clinton

while in White House: - revised health care - balanced budget - left White House with a government surplus

guards wife; Mein Kampf

while in jail for 5 years, who did Hitler get close to? what did he write while in jail?


who "fell on the sword" and dropped out of the election of 1876 to help prevent another civil war?


who called the Spanish-American War the "Splendid Little War"?


who came to Angel Island?


who came to Ellis Island?

Dr Townsend

who came up with the idea of Social Security?

Native Americans and cowboys

who contested the farmers for land?

Henry Bessemer and William Kelly

who created the Bessemer process?


who created the first comic strip?

Thomas Edison

who created the incandescent light bulb?

William Le Baron Jenney

who designed the 1st skyscraper


who did GWB attack within days of 9/11


who did Hitler blame for him not getting into art school, which was the first time something was signaled to be wrong with him?


who did Hitler think are stupid?


who did Hoover ask to give money, but didn't work because they got their money from their people, who had no money?

business owners

who did Hoover ask to keep their doors open?


who did Lincoln's 10% plan want to make it easy for?


who did the Democrats nominate in the election of 1932?


who did the Republicans nominate in the election of 1932?

George W Bush

who did the Supreme Court say won the election of 2000, disregarding the hanging chads in Florida?


who did the U.S. start looking to for colonies?

Ngo Dinh Diem

who did we elect as President in South Vietnam after the Geneva Accords?


who divided the earth's surface into 24 time zones a. Jefferson b. Pullman c. Dowd


who found out what they were capable of without the other gender?

William Jennings Bryan

who gave the first speech ever recorded; "You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold"


who got lost in Mexico?

George Eastman

who invented the Kodak camera, helping make photography accessible to the public

Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson

who invented the telephone?

Christopher Sholes

who invented the typewriter?


who is the grandmother of Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany, King George V of Britain, and Czar Nicholas of Russia

French; he was educated and their soldiers weren't motivated

who lost every battle they fought against Ho? why?

George Westinghouse

who made electricity safer and cheaper?


who paid for medicare and medicaid?


who ran on the Democratic ticket in the election of 1964?

his army

who shot Ngo Dinh Diem?

children; need food to grow

who suffers the most from no food being grown? why?

Theodore Roosevelt

who took Boss Tweed down?

Vladamir Lenin; Bolshevik (old time communism)

who took over Russia when the Czar was overthrown? what was his party?

Calvin Coolidge

who took over after President Harding died?

Native Americans

who used oil before the whites did?


who vetoed in the Security Council for Allies to help in Korean War?

president of Oltio Women Suffrage Association

who was Gloria Steinem's grandmother? (role)

Germany; Kaiser Wilhelm II

who was one of the specific countries that wanted imperialism and wealth? who was their leader, who wanted to be better than British?

Al Smith

who was the Democratic nominee in the election of 1928?

Edwin L Drake

who was the first person to use a steam engine to drill for oil

Rutherford B Hayes

who was the republican nominee for the election of 1876?


who was under control of Germany's capital

African Americans

who were in majority of the South, but didn't have any jobs because the South was broke; had no work or food


who were mentally damaged?

Wilson (US), Lloyd-George (UK), Clemenceau (FR.), and Orlando (It.)

who were the Big Four?

Indians, Army, Government, settlers

who were the people out west in need of beef?

Soviets and Americans

who were the two people in the Cold War?


who were treated surprisingly worse than the immigrants?

William McKinley

who won the election of 1896?

Wilson; the Republican party was split

who won the election of 1912? why?

Herbet Hoover

who won the election of 1928?


who won the election of 1964 in a landslide?

George W Bush

who won the election of 2004?

women and children

who worked in sweat shops, earning the lowest wages?

JP Morgan

who, along with his friends, tried to buy stocks to save the stock market right before it crashed?

we had just gotten out of Korea

why did Congress not approve of us declaring war on NV?

they were a mixed breed

why did Hitler wanted to kill the Gypsies

to fight Iraq

why did Iran need our guns during the Scandal?

he was showing early signs of dementia

why did Reagan not remember the facts about the Iran Contra Scandal?

they thought it was too easy

why did Republicans not like the 10% Plan?

butchered food would spoil

why did cowboys have to take the live cattle on the trail and not kill it?

they made railroad cars that were insulated with hay and ice

why did cowboys use railroads?

they could've gotten paid for it

why did the "ladies" that Bill Clinton had a reputation with get in the news?

he was like us; he was not like the Vietnamese

why did the US like Ngo Dinh Diem? why did the Vietnamese not like Ngo Dinh Diem?


why is the US great?

he fired a cabinet member which was illegal under the Tenure of Office Act

why was Andrew Johnson impeached?

he was African American

why was Barack Obama winning the 2008 election a big deal?

because the US were fighting communists and the US got the French to come back and the US gave aide to the French

why was it false what Ho Chi Minh said about Vietnam not being free?

he lied under oath

why was the scandal with Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton such a big idea?

there was no money

why was there not enough jobs for blacks?

they were both lower class and used to farming

why were farmers and immigrants looked to be friends?

we were lied to by the government

why were the American people so angry after Tet?

George H W Bush

won election of 1988

Ku Klux Klan

wore sheets to hide themselves; no protection from them; were considered a threat to them if you were black and trying to get education, did anything to insult a white person; spread throughout South

urban life

working people in cities

Edward Wheeler

wrote Deadwood Dick

Mark Twain

wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

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