American History: Quiz 10

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In Eisenhower's farewell address, - How did he describe communism? - Did he call for the defense industry to be disbanded? Explain. - What warning did he make regarding the defense industry?

- "global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method" - He wanted a firm middle ground between too little and too much military might; he did not want the industries and military to involve each other either.

What methods did Harding College's National Education Program use to promote free market capitalism, democratic gov't, & Judeo-Christian ethics? Characterize Reagan's tribute to George S. Benson.

- Cartoons - Lectures Reagan celebrated Benson's life on his birthday, praising him for the ideals he brought to the table.

Identify the Truman Doctrine.

America would aid any country battling the spread of communism

What new technology widened the "generational rift" b/w teens and their parents during the 1950's?

Transistor radio

What did the Venona Files (1995) reveal?

US counterintelligence agents cracked codes that revealed Soviet spies had infiltrated the US gov't (including FDR's administration) & other areas

Explain the Domino Principle. What region of the world did it specifically apply to?

US leaders feared that if one country fell to communism other countries would follow - specifically in Indochina

Describe the U2 crisis of 1960, including Gary Powers.

A US U2 plane that was tracking Soviet arms was shot down by Soviets; the US stated that it was a weather plane, but the pilot, Gary Powers, was alive, and Eisenhower was forced to tell the truth.

What did Winston Churchill mean by the "iron curtain"?

A strong line was forming in Europe that separated the democratic nations from the communist ones

Identify the Warsaw Pact.

Alliance of communist allied nations, competing against NATO

Who were the two presidential candidates in both 1952 & 1956? Who won both?

D - Adlai Stevenson II R - Dwight D Eisenhower - won both

According to Thomas Kidd, what was "perhaps the most powerful symbol of desegregation on a national level"?

Jackie Robinson breaking the MLB's color barrier

How did George Kennan contribute to the Cold War?

Kennan was a US diplomat who informed US leaders of how to interpret Soviet actions

How did the Eisenhower administration deal with illegal immigration?

Operation Wetback was instituted, deporting 1M+ illegal immigrants

Explain "sit-in" and "wade-in" tactics.

Sit-in - sitting in a place of business until removed/getting what you wanted Wade-in - the same, but in a swimming pool (lol)

What was Sputnik? Why did it concern Americans?

Sputnik was the first space satellite, making Americans think that the USSR had pulled ahead in the Cold War and in what military might they may have.

What was the Berlin Blockade? Why did Stalin order it? Describe Truman's response to it. How effective was this?

Stalin cut off all incoming traffic from West Berlin b/c the Soviets technically held Berlin. Truman airlifted TONS of supplies to aid the city and, fearing a war if he contested further, Stalin backed down, and Berlin was ok again.

What was the Southern Manifesto?

Statement issued by southern congressmen in 1956 that said states were not bound to obey Supreme Court decisions outlawing racial segregation

How did the post-war economy affect women, labor unions, and African Americans? Note the significance of the SCOTUS case Smith v. Allwright.

- WWII was a permanent turning point for female employment, with women working outside the home increasing - Labor unions had been quiet during WWII, but they started many strikes after the war, threatening the economy's status - African Americans gained more employment and voting opportunities as rights were gained (Smith v. Allwright said that a state's primary could not be only of one race, such as all-white), as well as further rights in transportation

List the 6 major components of Eisenhower's legacy. How was his presidency a "Hidden Hand" presidency?

1) Beat Hitler 2) Strong foreign policy w/o going to war 3) Integrated US schools 4) Improved US infrastructure 5) Continued economic growth 6) "Hidden Hand" presidency - Eisenhower was depicted as being completely hands off when he was secretly quite the opposite

List/describe 7 ways in which the Cold War was contested.

1) Diplomatically (aid, supplies, etc) 2) Propaganda 3) Espionage 4) Nuclear Arms Race 5) Space Race 6) Proxy Wars (fighting wars against allies of each other) 7) International Athletic Competitions (Olympics)

Identify Joseph McCarthy. Even if he was correct about widespread espionage, why is he still deserving of criticism, according to William Nolte?

An outspoken/extreme anti-Commie Wisconsin Senator. He accused many, and although he was right on a few, he went too far in accusing George Marshall & the US army, leading to his censure by the Senate. Nolte: Although he was right that some were traitors, he was too irresponsible.

What major American institution did Truman order to integrate in 1948?

Armed forces

Identify Billy Graham. What'd he warn against?

Biggest "televangelist" of the 1950's; he warned against modern alternatives to the gospel, including communism, rationalism, scientific idolatry, & big government.

Identify Emmitt Till.

Black teen who supposedly whistled at a white woman and was thereafter kidnapped, mutilated, and murdered by other white men. The men that were accused were acquitted despite admitting that they did it afterward.

Identify Rachel Carson, Ralph Nader, and Betty Friedan.

Carson - wrote "The Silent Spring", foundation of the modern environmental movement Nader - consumer protectionist (movement for safety, such as seatbelts and safety control) Friedan - wrote "The Feminine Mystique", inciting feminist/women's movements

Identify Whittaker Chambers, Alger Hiss, & Julius & Ethel Rosenberg.

Chambers - magazine editor who admitted he used to be a Soviet spy, giving up other spies (such as...) Hiss - Soviet spy in the State Dep't; found guilty for perjury rather than treason Rosenbergs - couple who gave away nuclear secrets to the Soviets; both were executed, though Ethel was likely not at fault

Explain how George S. Benson's experiences as a missionary in China influenced his views on communism. What other reason did Benson have for promoting pro-capitalism while at HU?

Communists invaded the town where he was stationed at, so he had to flee -- but not before seeing the brutalization there. He also wanted to help HU be financially stable.

Describe the Hungarian uprising of 1956. Include an identification of Imre Nagy.

De-Stalinization began in Hungary, so Khrushchev worried that Hungary would exit the Warsaw Pact. SO... Plan A) Put moderate Communist in charge of Hungary (Imre Nagy) - failed, as Nagy immediately announced Hungary's exit from the Warsaw Pact Plan B) Soviets oppressed Hungary, killed Nagy Eisenhower did nothing

Who were the Dixiecrats? Why'd they rebel against Truman in the 1948 election?

Dixiecrats were "Deep South Democrats" who strongly defended racial segregation; Truman ordered desegregation of armed forces & supported civil rights, angering them.

What were the conditions in EU which sparked the Marshall Plan? What was the Plan? What contribution did it make toward western EU?

EU was rebuilding from WWII, and Greece & Turkey had been threatened by the USSR. The Marshall Plan aided these EU countries w/ supplies in this rebuild, and it helped set the EU up for success against USSR rule.

What role did TV play in American culture in the 1950's? how did Christian leaders differ over its value?

EVERYONE had a TV; the most popular shows were watched and known by all as well. Sports, specifically wrestling and boxing, grew more popular as well. And while some Christians were worried about TV's influence, this was overshadowed by the ability to give the Christian message on TV.

Explain Eisenhower's "Open Skies" proposal. Why did Khrushchev reject it?

Eisenhower offered to permit air recon over both countries; Khrushchev denied, saying it was a "bold espionage plot", when in reality, he simply did not have the nuclear arsenal that the USSR had been boasting about.

Describe the administrative arrangement for GER after WWII, as well as the arrangement of Berlin.

GER was divided into 4 among the Allies, and the Soviets & Western Allies split Berlin (even though it was technically in Soviet territory)

What did the GI Bill of Rights do?

Gave money for education and for down payments on homes to veterans

What did Khrushchev say in his "secret speech"? What was "Khrushchev's thaw"?

He stated that the system of communism was good, but Stalin was at fault. Khrushchev's relaxing of tension/censorship/previous policies is the "thaw".

Why was Eisenhower one of the few Americans who, in Kidd's words, could "have pulled off ending the Korean War without falling victim to charges of being weak on Communism"?

He was a former general in an anti-Commie time

What was the significance of MLKJ's kitchen table prayer?

His prayer was the closest he ever felt to God, strengthening him for the protests that lay ahead.

Explain "massive retaliation".

If an opponent attacked, the other force would respond with a MUCH greater attack.

In what way was Memphis a "convergent point" for two different cultures in the 50's?

It was a cross between white immigrants, in the Scottish & Irish, and the all-black entertainment section.

What effect did the Korean War have on Truman's presidency?

It was a crushing blow to his legacy, with the cease-fire being accredited to his successor, Eisenhower.

Describe the Berlin controversy of 1958. What was Eisenhower's cool-headed response?

Khrushchev essentially did Berlin Blockade Pt. 2. Eisenhower's plan was: 1) Continue sending convoys, and do nothing until the Soviets do something. 2) If the USSR does something, arm convoys 3) If the USSR interferes w/ armed convoys, then reimplement the Berlin airlift, cut off diplomatic relations, take the issue before the UN, and mobilize troops for war.

Describe the situation in Korea prior to the War beginning in June 1950.

Korea was divided in two, and the Soviets backed NK while the US backed SK.

Why did liberal Dems also rebel against Truman in the 1948 election? Who did Republicans nominate to go against him? Who won?

Liberal Dems wanted more decisive civil rights actions, & they recoiled against Truman's intervention in Soviet power. The Republicans weakly nominated Thomas Dewey, who lost.

Contrast how liberal critics & conservative critics reacted the US culture during the 1950's.

Liberal: the culture of conformity/consumption was ingenuine Conservative: Radical secular philosophy threatened conservative survival; opposition to religion, capitalism, etc was too far

Why did Truman relieve Douglas MacArthur of command?

MacArthur was indignant about leaving NK under Communist control, sending a public letter to a congressman about its effects; Truman then fired him.

Identify William J Levitt. Why does historian Donald Miller compare him to Henry Ford?

Mass producer of homes/real estate; where Ford mass-produced cars at a cheaper price, Levitt did the same for houses

Who were the braceros?

Mexicans who were funneled into low-paying manual labor in the railroad/farming sectors

Describe the Suez Canal Crisis of 1956, including an identification of Gamal Nasser.

Nasser - an Egyptian colonel - nationalized the Suez Canal for Egypt, as well as getting involved w/ Israel. Eisenhower pressured Israel/GB/FRA to stand down and let Egypt do its thing.

What is the historical significance of NSC-68?

National Security doc that painted a grim view of Soviet/American clashes; it was the "blueprint for waging the Cold War"

Identify NATO.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization; a peacetime alliance b/w 10 nations (including US, GB, FRA, ITA, etc) that said that an attack on one was an attack on all

Identify Rosa Parks & explain her significance to the Civil Rights Movement.

Parks denied the request to sit at the back of the bus and was arrested because of it; this mobilized many African Americans to begin organizing the Montgomery Bus Boycott -- and other similar protests.

What effect did defense spending have on the US' south?

Plants, factories, & bases normally ended up in the south, being coordinated by southern Congressmen; this helped the South's industries/economies.

Describe the post-war economic boom. How did it contribute to the post-war baby boom?

Post-war America had its best economy yet, with low unemployment, low inflation, diminished poverty, less hours to work, & higher pay. This led to more confidence in having more children, leading to the baby boom.

Define Eisenhower's "New Look" defense strategy.

Reduced conventional forces, increased nuclear arsenals

Identify Branch Rickey & Jackie Robinson. Explain the role they had in baseball's integration.

Rickey - president of Brooklyn Dodgers who signed Robinson to break the color barrier Robinson - player who BROKE the color barrier

Describe the most popular music of the 1950's & the backlash it received from Christian leaders.

Rock & roll was the most popular; Christian leaders said that it "endorsed sin"

What is the significance of Sweatt v. Painter? What is the significance of Brown v. Board of Education?

Sweatt v. Painter - Sweatt was denied admission to Texas Law on grounds of race; SCOTUS overturned this, challenging "separate but equal" Brown v. Board - Ruled that "separate but equal" was unconstitutional & that race-based segregation in schools was not allowed

What actions did the CIA take toward Iran during the Eisenhower administration?

The CIA created a coup against the current leader and vested power in the acting Shah afterward. They tried to do the same elsewhere, but none failed more than in Vietnam.

What happened when US troops under Douglas MacArthur neared the Yalu River in Nov 1950? Describe the dramatic feat of the US 1st Marine Division at the Chosin Reservoir.

The Chinese sent hundreds of thousands of troops into NK for a counterattack. The 1st Division fought through waves of Chinese soldiers (and ice/snow) to get to their port of escape.

Explain the significance of the Inchon landing.

The Inchon landing was a daring amphibious landing in the Korean War; if it were successful, then NK could be trapped, but if it failed, then UN forces could be wiped out entirely.

Name 2 Communist achievements in 1949 that concerned Americans.

The Soviets successfully tested an atomic bomb, AND communists took control of China

Describe the UN alliance that helped SK fight against NK. Which nation sent the most troops?

The US went to the UN for "police action", and 15 nations sent troops, with the US sending the most.

Why did Truman refuse to call the Korean War a "war"? How did the war set an "important precedent"?

The authorization of conflict came from the UN, not needing a formal declaration of war from Congress. From Korea on, the US engaged in many small/large-scale conflicts where the president did not ask Congress first.

Describe Eisenhower's actions during the Little Rock Desegregation Crisis. What was significant about his reliance on the 101st Airborne?

The governor of AR sent in his National Guard to stop black guards from enrolling; Eisenhower nationalizes the AR National Guard + sends in his 101st Airborne (showing that the troops supported him and he meant what he did) to let the kids in.

Explain the controversial activities of the House of Representatives' Un-American Activities Committee.

The group investigated Communist activites TOO thoroughly; the Hollywood 10 (a group of figures who refused to answer questions) were jailed for up to year, for example.

What effect did the Interstate Highway system have on the old system developed in the 1920s + the cities on those old highways?

The new system modernized & often bypassed old roads & houses, prioritizing quick transportation across the country

Describe the profound differences b/w the US & the USSR in economics, civil rights, and religion.

US: Embraced capitalism/private ownership, freedom of speech/religion USSR: Touted socialism/state ownership, suppressed critical speech, persecuted people who were devout

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