American History to 1877

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What state had the largest slave population in 1790? A. Virginia B. Rhode Island C. South Carolina D. Connecticut

A. Virginia

Initially--and until the 14th Amendment (1868)-- the rights guaranteed to American citizens in the Bill of Rights: A. Applied only to the federal government and its laws, not to the states. B. Was frequently invoked by state courts on local issues. C. Applied both to state governments and federal governments. D. Was in force only in northern states.

A. Applied only to the federal government and its laws, not to the states.

Who, out of the following, helped negotiate the Treaty of Paris of 1783? A. Benjamin Franklin B. George Washington C. Thomas Jefferson D. John Jay

A. Benjamin Franklin

Shays's Rebellion in late 1786 and early 1787 was a rebellion of: A. Debt-ridden farmers who closed the courts in western Massachusetts. B. Backcountry farmers in western Virginia who sought to diminish government. C. A group of soldier scholars near Detroit. D. Western Pennsylvania farmers who refused to pay the tax on whiskey.

A. Debt-ridden farmers who closed the courts in western Massachusetts.

The costliest loss of human life suffered by the U.S. Army in warfare against American indians in American history----630 dead---- occured: A. In the Ohio Valley in an attack by the Miami Confederacy led by Little Turtle. B. At Little Big Horn, Montana, when General George Custer's troops were slaughtered. C. At Wounded Knee, South Dakota, when the Dakota Sioux attacked the U.S. Army forces under the command of James W. Forsyth. D. At the Battle of Fallen Timbers, the culmination of the fight between Indians and American troops for control of the Old Northwest Territories.

A. In the Ohio Valley in an attack by the Miami Confederacy led by Little Turtle.

In the context of answer D above, define "secular." A. Not pertaining to or connected with religion. B. Christian C. Judeo-Christian D. Evangelical

A. Not pertaining to or connected with religion.

In James Madison's view in The Federalist, the "first objective government" is: A. Protection of property rights. B. Enacting the enthusiasms of the majority. C. A strong military, especially the navy. D. Universal suffrage.

A. Protection of property rights.

Which 2 states voted against ratification? A. Rhode Island & North Carolina B. Maryland & Virginia C. South Carolina & Georgia D. Ohio & Connecticut

A. Rhode Island & North Carolina

After the Treaty of Greenville in 1795, 12 Native American communities ceded most of their land from Ohio and Indiana to the federal government. A. True B. False

A. True

As originally written, the Constitution acknowledged and tacitly supported the institution of slavery. A. True B. False

A. True

By the time of the Declaration of Independence, the United States had already become larger than Great Britain, Spain and France combined. A. True B. False

A. True

During the ratification debates of 1787-88, the Federalists were more effectively mobilized than the Anti-Federalists. A. True B. False

A. True

Fewer than 1/10 of 1% of the population attended college in the late 18th century. A. True B. False

A. True

In his will, Tasdeuz Kosciuszko left funds for Thomas Jefferson to purchase and free slaves, but the founding father never used the money to do so. A. True B. False

A. True

In the era of Revolution, free blacks in most states had the right to vote. A. True B. False

A. True

More than 1/2 of the 55 men at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 had attended college. A. True B. False

A. True

Only 39 of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the document. A. True B. False

A. True

Only 39 of the original 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the document. A. True B. False

A. True

Shays's Rebellion was inspired by a belief that the Massachusetts government was not doing enough to protect indebted farmers from losing their land. A. True B. False

A. True

The 1790 Naturalization Act barred non-white foreigners from attaining American citizenship. A. True B. False

A. True

The Bill of Rights was a concession offered by the Federalists to overcome widespread fears of a despotic national government. A. True B. False

A. True

The final plan of the U.S. Constitution called for a two-house Congress consisting of a House of Representatives with its members apportioned according to population and a Senate in which each state was represented by 2 members. A. True B. False

A. True

The first written Constitution of the United States was the Articles of Confederation. A. True B. False

A. True

What state had the largest African American population in 1790? A. Virginia B. Rhode Island C. South Carolina D. Connecticut

A. Virginia

What state had the largest free black population in 1790? A. Virginia B. Rhode Island C. South Carolina D. Connecticut

A. Virginia

Which was not a characteristic of the Articles of Confederation? A. Amending the articles required unanimity of all the states. B. Each state had 2 votes in the upper chamber, and votes in the lower chamber were proportionally distributed by population. C. The national government could not levy taxes or regulate commerce. D. The national government could conduct wars and make treaties.

B. Each state had 2 votes in the upper chamber, and votes in the lower chamber were proportionally distributed by population.

Alexander Hamilton was an Anti-Fedarlist. A. True B. False

B. False

Alexander Hamilton was an Anti-Federalist. A. True B. False

B. False

By 1790, there were no slaves in New England. A. True B. False

B. False

Movement of Americans westward slowed dramatically under the Articles of Confederation. A. True B. False

B. False

The Constitution imposed high property qualifications for voting. A. True B. False

B. False

The father of the Constitution was Thomas Jefferson. A. True B. False

B. False

Thomas Jefferson was one of the authors of The Federalist Papers. A. True B. False

B. False

Under the Articles of Confederation, national government consisted of a weak legislative branch and a strong judicial branch. A. True B. False

B. False

Which of the following was not a significant difference between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists during the ratification debates? A. Federalists appealed more to merchants, artisans and commercially oriented landowners; Anti-Federalists appealed more to small farmers in areas remote from commerical markets. B. Federalists were overwhelmingly northern; Anti-Federalists were overwhelmingly southern. C. Federalists believed that the clash of diverse interests in a large republic would enhance American freedom; Anti-Federalists did not. D. Anti-Federalists saw centralized national authority as subversive of American freedom; Federalists did not.

B. Federalists were overwhelmingly northern; Anti-Federalists were overwhelmingly southern.

One of the leading Federalist thinkers was: A. Sam Adams B. James Madison C. Patrick Henry D. Daniel Shays

B. James Madison

Which of the following was not an element of western policy under the Articles of Confederation? A. The appropriation of large portions of Indian land. B. Procedures for the naturalization of Indians as American citizens. C. Guidelines for the incorporation of western territories as states. D. A ban on the introduction of slavery in the Old Northwest.

B. Procedures for the naturalization of Indians as American citizens.

The 1787 Northwest Ordinance prohibited: A. Established religion B. Slavery C. Indian Reservations D. Land Speculation

B. Slavery

The plan at the Constitutional Convention that proposed creation of a bicameral legislature with representation in each house determined by each state's population was the: A. New Jersey Plan B. Virginia Plan C. Small States' Plan D. Massachussetts Constitutional Model Plan

B. Virginia Plan

In James Madison's view in The Federalist, the nation's large size both geographically and in terms of its population was: A. A difficulty because democracies historically were always small. B. Burdensome on the wealthy. C. A source of stability. D. Irrelevant to good government.

C. A source of stability.

Under the rule of the U.S. Constitution, which remains in the hands of the states? A. Issuance of paper money B. Tariffs C. Education D. Insterstate Commerce

C. Education

Define "prohibited." A. Required B. Allowed C. Forbidden D. Tolerated

C. Forbidden

Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence? A. British recognition of American independence; Shays's Rebellion; Ratification of Articles of Confederation. B. Ratification of Bill of Rights; Congressional act reserving attainment of citizenship for "free white persons"; Publication of The Federalist. C. Shay's Rebellion; Philadelphia Convention; ratification of the Constitution; Treaty of Greenville; American defeat of Miami Confederacy; prohibition of slavery in Old Northwest.

C. Shays's Rebellion; Philadelphia Convention; ratification of the Constitution; Treaty of Greenville; American defeat of Miami Confederacy; prohibition of slavery in Old Northwest.

The 85 essays published by "Publius" and gathered into a book in 1788 was entitled: A. The Rights of Man B. The Bill of Rights C. The Federalist Papers D. The Publius Documents

C. The Federalist Papers

The U.S. Constitution provides that the president is to be elected: A. Directly by the people. B. By the U.S. Senate. C. By state legislators. D. By an Electoral College.

D. By an Electoral College.

Which of the following was not a feature of the new federal Constitution? A. Unlike members of the House of Representatives, United States Senators were not chosen directly by the people. B. While states retained legislative powers, national legislation was now the "supreme law of the land." C. D.

D. Congress was empowered to abolish slavery in the United States----but not before 1808.

Under the Articles of Confederation, the national government had the power to: A. Impose tariffs B. Regulate interstate trade C. Abolish slavery D. Declare war

D. Declare war

The U.S. Constitution: A. Asserts that the United States is a Christian nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. B. Declares the centrality of the Judeo-Christian to our nation's form of governance. C. Asserts that all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights, among these, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. D. Is a purely secular document that contains one reference to God and bars test for federal officeholders.

D. Is a purely secular document that contains one reference to God and bars test for federal officeholders.

The "father of the Constitution" was: A. Thomas Jefferson B. John Adams C. George Washington D. James Madison

D. James Madison

Which state was not eventually created from the region delimited by the Northwest Ordinance of 1787? A. Ohio B. Indiana C. Wisconsin D. Kentucky

D. Kentucky

Which is not true of the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution? A. Together they are called the Bill of Rights. B. They prohibit Congress from making laws with regard to religion or infringing on freedom of speech. C. They declare that rights not specifically mentioned in the Constitution are "retained by the people." D. They assert that presidents are to make declarations of war.

D. They assert that presidents are to make declarations of war.

Which is not true of the Anti-Federalists? A. They opposed the Constitution because it lacked a Bill of Rights. B. Many were state politicians who feared that their power would diminish with the creation of a strong central government. C. They were often small backcountry farmers. D. They were often financiers and others in cities and nearby rural areas.

D. They were often financiers and others in cities and nearby rural areas.

Who wrote, "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrrants?" A. Patrick Henry B. Edmund Burke C. Samuel Adams D. Thomas Jefferson

D. Thomas Jefferson


Division of power between the national government and the states.

Checks & Balances

Each branch of government has the ability to check the powers of the government in order to prevent one branch from dominating over the other.

Where did the ideas of the American Revolution come from?

European Enlightenment British legal and political values Ideas formed and shaped by life in the colonies.

Causes of the American Revolution

From 1754-1763 the British fought in the 7 years war in Europe also known as the French and Indian War because the Indians were helping the French in the war. This led to the Proclamation of 1763, which forbid the colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains.

America should become a self-sufficient industrial nation.


Created a strong standing army


Elitist-favored government of 'rich able and well born'


Favored an alliance with Great Britain


Favored tariffs on imported goods


Feared anarchy and favored order.


Promoted manufacturing and urban growth


Support from urban, mercantile interests, predominantly North East.


Supported a strong central government at the expense of individual states.


Wasted an efficient, organized, active government.


Causes of the American Revolution 2

In 1764, tax was placed on sugar and molasses through the Sugar Act. The Stamp Act of 1765 placed a tax on printed material. The colonists then declared "no taxation without representation". Even though the colonists were being taxed they had no say as to how they were to be governed.

"I am not a friend to a very energetic government."


America should become a self-sufficient agricultural nation.


Democratic-saw democratic participation as essential to freedom.


Favored an alliance with France


Favored free trade


Feared tyranny and favored freedom


Opposed a strong standing army


Promote westward expansion of independent farmers


Support from rural and Southern interests.


Supported a weak central government in favor of strengthening the states.


3 Branches of Government

Legislative Judicial Executive

Separation of Powers

Power divided between 3 branches of government

Causes of the American Revolution 3

This led to the Boston Massacre. More people were furious with the British which resulted in the Boston Tea Party. 90,000 pounds of tea were dumped into the harbor. As a result of the Boston Tea Party, laws were passed to punish the colonists through the Intolerable Acts.

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