American Republic Ch. 14

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Who were the four presidential candidates in the 1860 election, and what were their respective political parties?

1. Stephen Douglas--Northern Democrats 2. John C. Breckinridge--Southern Democrats 3. John Bell--Constitutional Union Party 4. Abraham Lincoln--Republican Party

List three of the factors that gave the South a fighting chance despite the North's advantages.

1. They only had to defend it's own territory, not take new territory 2. They thought they would get foreign help. 3. They believed the Southern troops were better soldiers.

What three characteristics distinguished American slavery? (How was it different from any other slave system in the world?)

1. involved only those of African descent 2. became a permanent condition for most slaves 3. was a result of buying stolen Africans and selling them

By 1860, how much of the Southern population was enslaved?


What became the nickname of Kansas as a result of the clash over slavery there?

Bleeding Kansas

Why did thousands of Africans die in the Middle Passage?

Conditions were poor---crowded, chained, poorly fed, diseased, and stressed to point at which some committed suicide

Which Supreme Court decision was crucial in the slavery controversy.

Dred Scott case

List ways in which the North and the South were different 1.) economically and 2) politically

Economically different---North was industrial and South was agricultural Politically different---Northerners believed in strong federal government and Southerners believed in strong local and state governments

Where were the first shots of the war fired?

Fort Sumter

What was Lincoln's public position on slavery?

He wanted to keep slavery where it existed, and stop the spread of slavery to other parts of the country.

What were the consequences of Brown's failed raid on Harper's Ferry?

He was hanged and became an inspiration for the abolitionists, and the Southerners became more fearful of a slave revolt.

Who was the president of the Confederacy?

Jefferson Davis

Whom did the Confederacy choose to be their president and vice-president.

Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens

Name people in the chapter who played major roles in the abolition movement.

John Brown, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, William Lloyd Garrison, and Horace Greeley, Lyman Beecher,

What were the four key border states?

Kentucky, Missouri, Delaware, and Maryland

Contrast the Northern and Southern viewpoints on slavery.

North: Saw spread of slavery as a threat to North's influence in Congress, most opposed slavery but few wanted to go to war to free the slaves South: defended slavery, economy depended on slavery, some saw slavery as a necessary evil, resisted national interference in slavery issues

In what state was Fort Sumter located?

South Carolina

Which state was the first to secede?

South Carolina

List the states that seceded and formed the Confederate States of America

South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas (later Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia)

What was the main economic focus of the South? the North?

South: agriculture North: industry

What groups of people were most influential in Northern and Southern society?

South: top 1% upper class (mostly plantation owners) North: owners of industries and railroads

What single issue united the various groups that formed the Republican Party?

They were anti-slavery.

Which state was added to the Union when it broke away from an existing state?

West Virginia?

What was the Union's most significant advantage?

industrial capacity

What concept did Stephen Douglas introduce as a compromise solution to the slavery controversy in the territories.

popular sovereignty (would allow settlers to solve slavery issue for themselves)

What famous novel stirred sympathy for the abolitionist cause? Who wrote it?

"Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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