american revolution

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Tea Act of 1773

Allowed East India Company to avoid navigation taxes when exporting tea to colonies and gave them power to monopolize tea trade; this angered colonists and threatened merchants and the colonial economy.

Writs of assistance

Allowed England to search colonists' ships and other private property without an individual warrant

Who was known as the swamp fox?

Francis Marion

What incentive were offered for those Americans who joined the army?

Money and clothing at enlistment and land if they completed their three year service.

Why did the British leave 10,000 troops in the colonies after the war?

They began to fear American independence, but also native revolts because the natives were weaker without the French.

John Dickinson defended the idea of no taxation without representation by arguing that _____.

to tax people without their consent violated English law

In his pamphlet Common Sense, Thomas Paine defended the idea of American independence on the grounds that _____.

people should not pledge allegiance to a king and a corrupt government

Who were the Hessians?

British mercenaries

Treaty of Paris

(1783) peace agreement that officially ended the revolutionary war and established Britian's formal recognition of the US, boundary at Mississippi River

1st continental congress

-September 1774 -55 delegates from the colonies met in Philadelphia, delegates form all the colonies except Georgia -"civic virtue"- simplicity, self-reliance, industry and thrift, unselfish commitment to the public good -justify their acts through laws of nature, colonial charters, and British constitution - find a middle ground with Britain

What were John Locke's views on property?

1. People have natural rights to life, liberty, and property 2. Government is created to protect the rights of people 3. Government has only limited and specific powers that the people agree to give it

Seven Year's War


declaratory act

1766, Passed at the same time that the Stamp Act was repealed, declared that Parliament had the power to tax the colonies both internally and externally, and had absolute power over the colonial legislatures.

Quebec Act

1774 Organize the Canadian's lands gained from France; Catholicism was official religion of Quebec; Gov't w/o representative assembly; extended Quebec's boundary to Ohio River; Americans viewed it as attack on American colonies, b/c it took land from them; feared would try to steal American gov't; resented recognition given to Catholicism.

Common sense

1776: a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that claimed the colonies had a right to be an independent nation

When did the fighting move to the South?


Thomas Gage

A British general who replaced Thomas Hutchinson as Governor in May 1774. In September,1774, he sent troops from Boston to seize the stores of cannon and ammunition the Massachusetts milita had stored in armories in charlestown and Cambridge.

What was the Gaspee?

A British ship looking for smugglers that was run aground and burned by the colonissts.

Crispus Attucks

A free black man who was the first person killed in the Revolution at the Boston Massacre. "first martyr"

olive branch petition

A petition sent to King George III from the delegates of the Second Continental Congress stating their loyalty to the king and asking him to repeal the Coercive Acts. The king did not believe this because they were also building a militia

Proclamation of 1763

A proclamation from the British government which forbade British colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains. Passed after Pontiacs rebellion.

Continental Association (The Association)

A provincial government set up in the back country when Britain began to shut down the colonial governments starting with Boston. Stop trade with Britain until Coercive acts were repealed

Sugar act of 1764

A tax on molasses imported from the West lowered the tax on molasses but increased government authority to crack down on smuggling. The first tax with the intent of raising revenue.

Stamp Act of 1765

An act by British Parliament that placed a duty (a tax) on legal documents such as wills, diplomas, marriage papers and other official documents sold in the American Colonies in 1765. It also taxed newspapers, almanacs, playing cards and dice. When the British attempted to enforce, they were met by stormy protests; significant because this was the first time a tax was paid directly to England.


At Saratoga the British general was forced to surrender his troops to the Americans, this showed the world that America was capable f the war and convinced France to support the American cause

Declaration of Independence

Blames King George III for the taxes and troubles in America, blamed the British for turning their backs on their brethren. Declares the colonies free from British rule

Molasses Act of 1733

British legislation which had taxed all molasses, rum, and sugar which the colonies imported from countries other than Britain and her colonies. The act angered the New England colonies, which imported a lot of molasses from the Caribbean as part of the Triangular Trade. The British had difficulty enforcing the tax; most colonial merchants did not pay it.

Virtual Representation

British governmental theory that Parliament spoke for all British subjects, including Americans, even if they did not vote for its members

Coercive acts

Closed ports, forbid government meetings, The British officials would be tried outside the colonies, the quartering Act of 1775, people then fled Boston in fear and the houses were taken over by the soldiers. Also called the intolerable acts.

Patrick Henry

Convinces the Virginia House of Burgesses to protest Stamp Act, leads to adoption of resolves saying Parliament had no right to tax the colonies

Battle of Yorktown (oct 1787)

Cornwallis moves up toward Yorktown and Washington moved his army South toward Yorktown, the French navy blocks the British navy from coming to Cornwallis' aid. Ends American Revolution.

Nathaniel Greene

Divides army in attempt to wear out the British

American expectations at end of Seven Year's war

End of high taxes, Ohio valley opened for settlement, more consideration in the British Empire

George Grenville

First lord of the treasury, imposes Molasses act of 1733 on the colonies, as well as the sugar act and the Currency act

Lexington and Concord

First shots fired here, April 1775

currency act of 1764

Forbade the colonies to issue paper money. The colonists saw the British government increasing its control over the colonies against the colonists' will.

Joseph Galloway

He and others wanted to reach a peaceful agreement with Britain and give Parliament the final say

Richard Henry Lee

Introduces Lee resolution, which becomes part of the Declaration, after the introduction of this resolution the idea of freedom was taken more seriously

Why did the British government move their troops to the coast?

It was cheaper and they wanted to control the protests rising up against the Stamp Act.

Who wrote "A Letter from a farmer in Pennsylvania"

John Dickinson, it was written to protest the Townshend Duties

2nd continental congress

May 1775 in Philadelphia to create an army, George Washington was appointed as Commander-in-chief because he was from Virginia and he could help broaden the spectrum. The army they created was called the Continental Army. John Hancock was the first president of the Continental Congress.

Women of the Army

Nurse, scavenge, cook, wash clothes, Washington did not like to have them around because they distracted the men

Quartering act of 1765

Ordered colonists to house the troops in barracks, stables, taverns, and empty buildings to provide them with firewood, salt, drinks without being paid.

Pontiac's rebellion

Pontiac, a Native American chief, led a group of natives with the intent of resisting the white settlement. They overtook all British outposts west of Pittsburg. This led to the Proclamation of 1763

Townshend duties

Popularly referred to as the Townshend Duties, the Revenue Act of 1767 taxed glass, lead, paper, paint, and tea entering the colonies. The colonists objected to the fact that the act was clearly designed to raise revenue exclusively for England rather than to regulate trade in a manner favorable to the entire British empire.

Baron Freidrich Wilhelm Von Steuben

Prussian military leader who helped to train and discipline the American troops.

Why was the battle at Trenton significant?

Quick surrender of the Hessians, first real victory for the Americans, Christmas 1776

Resistance group formed in opposition to the stamp act

Sons of Liberty

What happened on March 5, 1770?

The Boston Massacre, 5 colonists were killed

Carlisle Comission

The British wanted to return to the way things were in 1763, what the Americans wanted earlier How did Benjamin Franklin use it to the American's advantage? He told the French that the colonies might accept it if the French did not help the colonies.

What tax remained after the repeal of the Townshend duties in 1770?

The tax on tea

How did British feel about the Americans at the end of the Seven Years war?

They thought that Americans were self-centered and had to be forced to help in the war

ends french presence in North America, as well as ending the seven year's war

Treaty of Paris 1763

Who rode with Paul revere on the night of Lexington and Concord?

William Dawes

Statement: "The Articles of Confederation succeeded in guiding the US through its first decade." Each of the following actions supports this statement EXCEPT: a. Congress regulated interstate trade b. Congress enacted the Land Ordinance of 1785 c. Congress enacted the Northwest Ordinance d. The US government signed a favorable treaty of peace e. The US government conducted the war effort that resulted in American independence

a. Congress regulated interstate trade

Which of the following is a correct statement about the American colonies in the 1770s before the outbreak of the Revolutionary War? a. Except for a few radicals, Americans generally accepted the policies of George III's ministers b. Most Americans resisted the British governments efforts to impose new taxes c. France encouraged the British colonies to revolt d. Colonial boycotts failed to have an effect on British policy e. The thirteen colonies had developed a single policy for dealing with Parliament

a. Except for a few radicals, Americans generally accepted the policies of George III's ministers

Which of the following most accurately describes the change in American public opinion between January 1774 and July 1776? a. It changed from a desire for reconciliation to a decision for independence b. Most people favored independence in 1774 but were willing to fight for it only after the Declaration of Independence c. Loyalists were in the majority both 1774 and 1776 d. By the summer of 1776, only a relatively small number of Americans expressed support for the king's government e. Military support from France encouraged American Patriots

a. It changed from a desire for reconciliation to a decision for independence

Which of the following most accurately describes those Americans who fought on the British Side in the American Revolution? a. They came from all groups and classes b. They were a majority of the population c. they were most numerous in New England d. They were generally identified with the Whig party in England e. They were motivated for a desire for financial gain

a. They came from all groups and classes

The Battle of Saratoga had all of the following consequences EXCEPT: a. encouraged Britain to grant most of the American demands b. persuaded the French to form an alliance with the US c. defeated a British attempt to isolate New England from the other colonies d. gave a boost to American morale e. caused the British to adopt a different military strategy

a. encouraged Britain to grant most of the American demands

The Boston Tea Party had which of the following causes? a. The Boston Massacre b. Parliament's efforts to improve the profits of the British East India Company c. Intolerable Acts d. the arguments of the Committee of Correspondence e. the imperial policies of Lord Grenville

b. Parliament's efforts to improve the profits of the British East India Company

Which of the following is a correct statement about the US at the end of the Revolutionary War? a. The central government was stronger than any state government b. Women received greater political rights c. Aristocratic privileges were reduced or eliminated d. Slavery was unchallenged e. Every state adopted the idea of separation of church and state

c. Aristocratic privileges were reduced or eliminated

Which of the following sources would be most useful in studying the philosophical foundations of the American Revolution? a. John Dickinson's Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania b. Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac c. John Locke's Two Treatises of Government d. John Edward's Sinners in the Hands of an Angry G-d e. the Albany Plan of Union

c. John Locke's Two Treatises of Government

Which of the following was NOT a consequence of the Stamp Act? a. delegates from different colonies held a protest meeting in New York b. the sense of liberty threatened tax officials c. colonial war debts were paid d. colonists boycotted British goods e. London merchants suffered from a reduction in trade

c. colonial war debts were paid

The Townshend Acts provoked all of the following colonial reactions EXCEPT: a. the Massachusetts Circular Letter b. John Dickinson's Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania c. the Stamp Act Congress d. Colonial boycotts of British goods e. the Gaspee incident

c. the Stamp Act Congress

Suffolk resolves

coercive acts are unconstitutional, called for civil disobedience, no revolutionary course of action taken, distributed by Paul Revere

Statement: "The new state constitutions enacted during the Revolutionary War reflect the Patriots' emphasis on individual liberty." Each of the following actions support this statement EXCEPT: a. starting each constitution with a bill of rights b. providing for separation of power to limit abuses c. submitting proposed constitutions to the people for ratification d. the absence of any provision for the abolition of slavery e. providing for a separation of church and state

d. the absence of any provision for the abolition of slavery

As a result of the Treaty of Paris, the US gained al of the following EXCEPT: a. fishing rights off the coast of Canada b. British recognition of US independence c. a western boundary on the Mississippi River d. the territory of Florida e. a peaceful settlement of the Revolutionary War

d. the territory of Florida

Enlightenment philosophers believed in all of the following ideas EXCEPT: a. People have the right to revolt against tyranny b. People have rights simply because they are human c. Sovereignty resides with the people d. a fundamental purpose of the government is to protect people's rights e. G-d is the primary authority for government

e. G-d is the primary authority for government

"After the French and Indian War, the British government tried to make Americans pay for British protection in the colonies." Each of the following supports this statement EXCEPT the: a. Stamp Act b. Sugar Act c. Quartering Act d. Townshend Acts e. Quebec Act

e. Quebec Act

Which of the following sources would be the most useful in researching a paper entitled "Arguments for Independence, 1776"? a. John Dickinson's Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania b. the Olive Branch Petition c. John Locke's Two Treatises of Government d. Treaty of Paris (1783) e. Thomas Paine's Common Sense

e. Thomas Paine's Common Sense

Which of the following does NOT express British criticism of the colonies in 1763? a. Samuel Adams and other colonial leaders organized opposition to British authority b. many colonists showed disloyalty by failing to support the war effort c. the colonial militia was badly trained d. although the colonies benefited from the British victory, they failed to pay their fair share of war costs e. the Virginians under George Washington disobeyed orders in attacking a French fort

e. the Virginians under George Washington disobeyed orders in attacking a French fort

Daughters of liberty

made their own clothes and boycotted shops that sold British goods

The First Continental Congress was a reaction to _____.

passage of the Intolerable Acts

Declaration of Right and Greivances

rights of the colonies to tax and legislate for themselves, limit Parliaments power, passed by the first continental congress


ship seized by customs collectors in 1768, it belonged to John Hancock, and its seizure brought riots

Pontiac's Rebellion was a reaction to _____.

the westward movement of English settlers

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