American Revolution/Continental Congress

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What were the problems with the AoC?

--Could not tax to raise money....Had to get money from states but rarely did --Could not pay debt to France, Holland, and Spain from the Revolution --No Courts existed to settle disputes. States got upset with each other Pennsylvania and Connecticut almost went to war over land dispute Each state started its own trade rules and placed taxes on goods from other states --No strong executive to enforce laws

What factors allowed the British to almost win the war in 1776?

-They were highly trained -Took over New york causing Washington to retreat

What were the challenges that faced Gen. Washington's risky plan at Trenton.

-crossing the rive -Time (wanted to attack in the dark) -Muskets won't fire -fear of the germans

(date) Growing Conflict with the British


(date) American Revolution


(date) First System of Government in the US called Articles of Confederation


(date) Treaty of Paris Officially ends war


(date) Constitutional Convention


(date) New Constitution replaces Articles of Confederation as law of land


First President (Washington) and government under Constitution begins


How many Americans died in the Revolutionary War?

25,000 men

In the AoC how many votes were need to pass a law?

A law required 9/13 states to agree 13/13 to agree to change the AoC

When did the Battle of Trenton occur?

December 1776

In the AoC how many votes did each state have. Which states benefited from this?

Each state has one 1. Small states benefited

Articles of Confederation (AoC)

First Set of rules for the US Government approved in 1781

What happened in the role of African Americans during the beginning of the war?

First in 7/9/1175 General Washington decides not to allow African Americans into the army, but in 1779 Washington changes his mind to allow African Americans into the war.

The country that lost it's land claims after the Treaty of Paris in 1763.


Why was the alliance with France important for the war

France has a navy that became essential to the war effort of the Americans since the Americans had no navy

How did Washington deal with Smallpox as it spread through Valley Forge

He decided to inoculate his troops against smallpox which saved the army.

Why does Gen. Washington write to the Continental Congress before the battle of Trenton? What is their response?

He is requesting supplies and more money. Their response is that they have got nothing to give they army and they are removing troops from Phili.

Who was Colonel Rahl and what happened to him?

He was the commander of the Hessians and he died at the battle of trenton

What is Gen. Washington's plan to save the army at the Battle of Trenton?

His plan is to cross the rive on boats on Christmas and surprise attack the Germans at Trenton.

What Happened during the Battle of Trenton

In December 1776, there was only a few Continental Troop left, and a lot of them sick. In Addition enlistments were running out. Washington made one last attempt by attacking Trenton in order to gain supplies. They attacked on Christmas, catching the drunk germans by surprise. They won the battle without losing one man.

As the war progressed, how did General Washington revise his military strategy?

In the beginning of the war Washington's strategy was to defeat the British in one big battle but as the war progressed he changed his strategy to trying to tire the British out.

What happened during the winter of Valley Forge

In the winter of 1777/1778 Washington settled the army in Valley Forge. During that winter they suffered from Small Pox and lack of supplies and food. In these harsh times Baron Von Steuben from Prussia trains American troops in European discipline. Marquis de lafayette also helps by buying clothes for the army with his own money.

How did victories at Trenton and Princeton affect American Morale?

It boosted the American's morale because they saw they might actually win. They also gained tons of supplies and money, and they overcome having nothing to winning.

Meaning of the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence?

It explains that if you separate from your government/country you must explain why.

For which group of Americans did the Declaration of Independence raise hopes for as well as questions?

It raised questions and hopes for the African Slaves because of the words "all men are created equal". Did this apply to them?

Why did the Declaration of Independence increase American's motivation to fight and win the war?

It showed the soldiers that they had the support of all the colonies and that independence was a cause worth fighting for.

Why did the American cause look more hopeful after the Battle of Saratoga?

It showed they actually stood a chance against Britain and soon after France allied with the Americans

(date) Declaration of Independence

July 4th 1776

What was the Judicial Branch like under the AoC

NO NATIONAL COURT Problems when disputes between stats

What was the Executive Branch like under the AoC

NO President 3 person committee Very limited power

How many Continental Soldiers were killed in the Battle of Trenton


What Happened during the Battle of New York

On August 27, 1776, the Continental Army and British Army faced off in one big battle in New York. The British basically killed the Continental, crushing the Patriots spirits. 1407 Continental troops died while only 377 British Troops died. After the Battle Washington and his army flee to New Jersey.

They AoC had very little_____

Power for the central government

What Historians call the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence


Proportional Representation

Representation based on population

What battle convinced the French to join the side of the Continental army.


Why was the first system of government for the United States one in which the central government had very little power?

The Americans had just freed themselves from a tyranny so were in no place to be making a strong government themselves. The Americans fought for freedom so this was their freedom. They didn't want taxes because they feared things like the Stamp Act would happen again.

What Happened during the Battle of Saratoga

The British under the command of Burgoyne tried to take over Saratoga with 8,000 me in order to control the Hudson River Valley. When they arrived on October 17, 1777 they were successfully fought off by a huge group of miltia. Burgoyne accepted defeat and this showed that the Continental Army might win.

The year Declaration of Independence was signed and it's purpose

The Declaration of Independence was signed in 7/4/1776. It's purpose in US History was to announce their freedom from England.

In the Movie "The Crossing" what state do the continental army flee from the British into to and what river do they Cross.

The Movie starts out in New Jersey and the Continental Army flees across the Delaware River into Pennisylvania

The four subheadings of the Declaration of Independence

The Right of the People to Control their government, Tyrannical Acts of the British King, Efforts of the Colonies to Avoid Separation, The Colonies are Declared Free and Independent

Treaty of Paris (1883)

The Treaty Paris was a treaty signed on September 3rd, 1783 that officially ended the Revolutionary War. The Treaty stated: -Britain had to give up all land claims between the Atlantic Coast, Missisppi River, and Canadian Border. -The US was an independent country -US had to give back everything they had taken from the loyalists in the war Britain was forced to sign this because they had no money to continue the war.

Name two foreigners who were present with the Americans at Valley Forge and explain how they helped the Americans

The two foreigners were Baron Friedrich von Steuben and Marquis de Lafauette. They helped the army by training them and raising spirits by buying them food and clothes

How had the war gone for the Continental Army before the battle of Trenton?

The war had gone terrible for them. They had lost every battle including the Battle of New York. The Army had a lack of supplies. The British has hired elite soldiers called Hessians that made the army scared.

How did the French help the Americans in the Battle of Yorktown?

They sent 3,000 troops to help the Continentals surround Yorktown and they trapped the British with Warships in the bay.

Who were the Hessians?

They were from Germany and they were elite soldiers that fighted for Britain because Britain payed them

What happened during the Battle of Yorktown

When General Cornwallis of the British realized how bad they were being defeated in the south he decided to station his army back in Yorktown, Virginia in April 1781. Washington planned to trap Cornwallis's troops in Yorktown and on October 6th 1781, Yorktown was surrounded by 16,000 continental and French Troops. Cornwallis tried to escape, however 29 French warships blocked out the British Navy from rescuing him, forcing Cornwallis to surrender, on October 19,1781, ending all British Conflict in America.

Why did people want weak government resulting in the AoC

experience with the King/Parliament

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