American Spies

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CAPD (94): During their first mission, what does Clark's group destroy in Columbia?

A plane

TBS (04): What is being held at the World Clock in Berlin when Bourne plans to turn himself in to Nicky?

A protest

TSOAF (02): What does Haft use to choke Monsieur Monceau after he is uncomfortable with Dressler's plan?

A scarf

TBS (04): Who is working with Gretkov in the CIA?


TBS (04): What is the name of the station the tram arrives at in Berlin with Nicky and Bourne?

Alexanderplatz station

MIF: Who is John Lark?

August Walker

MIGP: What is Jane's codename during the mission to find the courier?


JRSR (14): How does Aleksander plan to destroy Wall Street?

Bomb in a van

TBI (02): Who had tried to kill Wombassi almost three weeks before on his yacht?


TBS (04): Where is Bourne publicly identified after Landy releases his photo to the authorities in Berlin?

Brecker Hotel

TBS (04): Where was Neski killed by Bourne?

Brecker Hotel (Room 645)

MIGP: Where does the beginning of the movie take place?


MI: What is IMF a division of?


THFRO (90): What agency is Jack Ryan with?


TBU (07): What was Bourne's military rank as David Webb?


MI2: Who was presumed killed on the flight but was found in the cargo bay of a different flight?

Captain McIntosh

TBS (04): Where did Gretkov consolidate oil rights to create an empire?

Caspian Sea

TBI (02): What is the name of the agent activated in Rome?


TBI (02): Which Treadstone operative attacked Jason in his apartment in Paris?


THFRO (90): What is the name of the Magneto-hydrodynamic propulsion drive in the Red October?

Caterpillar drive

TSOAF (02): What is the name of the country that is the middle of the debate right now about freedom from the Russians?


JRSR (14): What is the name of the organization based in Russia that Jack discovers and is sent to check out in Moscow?

Cherevin Group

JRSR (14): What is the name of the organization behind the transactions that tipped off Jack that a terrorist plot is unfolding?

Cherevin Group

JRSR (14): Why does Jack tell Cheverin he is at the Russian office for the routine audit?

Cheverin concealing accounts

TBL (12): What US city did Aaron flee to from Alaska?


MIRN: Who does Ethan impersonate to get close to the British Prime Minister?

Chief Atlee

TBS (04): How does Bourne kill Jarda?

Chokes him

TSOAF (02): What does John Clark bring to Spassky's mom to find out where he is with the other two Russian scientists?


TSOAF (02): What does the vending machine disguised bomb vend?


JRSR (14): What disease does Cathy notice Cheverin has?


MI: Who is the only other survivor of Jim's team?


CAPD (94): Which Reciprocity file is Jack able to print out before Ritter deleted all of his files?

Clark file

MIGP: What does Ethan have to do to reach the server room in Dubai?

Climb the exterior of the Burj Khalifa

JRSR (14): What is Jack's callsign when he calls in for assistance in Moscow after killing Embee Deng?


THFRO (90): What activity does Marko want to do after he defects that he hasn't gotten to do since he was a boy?


TSOAF (02): What sport is being played at the stadium in Baltimore that the bomb is placed at?


TBI (02): What did Marie find in Castiel's things that causes her to panic?

Her picture from the day before

THFRO (90): Where does Jack send the Red October to discuss the defection?

Laurentian Abyssal

JRSR (14): What branch of the military does Harper say he is with when he introduces himself to Jack at PT?


JB (16): Where is Nicky when she hacks into the CIA servers?

Reykjavik, Iceland

MI3: What is the name of Julia's brother who has a habit of getting drunk and stripping?


MI3: Who tells the British guy where Julia is and she's captured?


CAPD (94): Who's computer does Jack have Petey hack into to find out answers about Reciprocity?


TBL (12): How does Byer discover Aaron was still alive after the drone strike?

They identified his signal afterwards

TBL (12): What happened to the reserves of blue and green pills Agent Three had stored in a container outside of the cabin?

They melted in the snow

TBS (04): Why is Kirill released from police custody in Moscow?

They realize who he works for

MIGP: What does Ethan say happened between him and Julia?

They split up

MI2: How is Nyah and Ambrose connected?

They used to be in a relationship

MI: How is Claire related to Jim?

They're married

MI2: What is the name of the horse Nyah bets on at the races?

Thief in the Night

THFRO (90): What is the name of the rock formation that is the entrance to the canyon near Iceland?

Thor's twins

THFRO (90): How long does Advisor Pelt give Jack to prove his theory of Marko's defection?

Three days

MI2: How is the mission given to Ethan when he is on holiday?

Through sunglasses

MI3: What does Ethan ask Julia to do for him?

Trust him

TBS (04): What does Bourne use to sterilize his gunshot wound from Kirill?


MIF: Who has the trigger for the plutonium bombs?


MIF: Who stabs and kills Hunley in London?


JRSR (14): Where is Aleksander planning to attack in Manhattan?

Wall Street

TBI (02): What type of vehicle does Alliance Security do security for where Bourne got security information for an assassination?

A yacht

JB (16): Who is shown to have survived the events of the film?

Aaron Kalloor

JB (16): What two people does Dewey want The Asset to take out at Exocon Symposium?

Aaron and Heather

TBL (12): Why do Aaron and Martina crash at the end of the chase in Manila?

Aaron passes out from blood loss after being shot

MIGP: Where is Jane shot by Wistrom?


CAPD (94): What position is Jack Ryan appointed to while James Greer recovers?

Acting deputy director, intelligence

PG (92): Who informs Jack that Sean had escaped during prison transport?

Admiral James Greer

THFRO (90): What is the name of the Admiral Marko sent a letter to before setting sail for the Red October?

Admiral Padorin

MI3: What does Ethan inject into Lindsay when he finds her?


JRSR (14): Where is Jack deployed 18 months after 9/11 and him joining the military?


TBL (12): Where is Aaron when he first starts to feel the effects of the blue pill wear off?

Airplane bathroom

TBL (12): Which state acts as the Special Operations Group Training Site that Aaron Cross visits in the beginning of the film?


TBI (02): What is the name of the man in charge of Treadstone?

Alexander Conklin

MI: What is the name of the rogue agent who is attempting to get the CIA's Non-Official Cover List in Prague?

Alexander Golitsyn

TBI (02): Where does Bourne visit and is recognized as Mr. Kane?

Alliance Security

TBI (02): How does Bourne realize he tried to assassinate Wombassi?

Alliance Security report

JB (16): What team does The Asset eliminate in their pursuit of Bourne and Malcolm Smith?

Alpha and Bravo team

TBI (02): Where does Bourne go after the cops pursue him in Switzerland when he leaves the bank?

American embassy

TSOAF (02): What reason does General Dubinin give his Russian pilots for attacking an American aircraft carrier?

An American ICBM hit the Kremlin

PG (92): What does Paddy gift to Jack and Sally in addition to information on Annette?

An Irish dooll

PG (92): What is Sean impaled on when fighting Jack on the boat?

An anchor

JRSR (14): What is the official reason for Jack meeting with the Cherevin Group in Moscow?

An audit

PG (92): Who discovers the English's surveillance in the chandelier of the rare book dealer?

An electrician

TSOAF (02): What does Grushkov give to Cathy at the picnic?

An engagement gift

MI3: What does Brownway install in Ethan?

An explosive charge

PG (92): What does Annette use to exchange information with a broker about Sean's prison transportation?

An old book

JB (16): What does Nicky use to hack into the CIA's servers?

An old piece of tech

JB (16): What does Bourne think his father, Richard Webb, did for the CIA?


MIGP: Who kills the IMF secretary?

Anatoly Sidorov

PG (92): What is the name of Kevin's lover?


PG (92): Who does Jack realize is the driver during the IRA attacks?


MI3: What does Benji call the technology that seems world ending?


TBU (07): What CIA office is located in New York?

Anti-Terorrism Bureau

JB (16): What kind of event do Nicky and Bourne use as cover in Athens?

Anti-war rally

JB (16): Which hotel is the cyber convention taking place at in Vegas?


THFRO (90): In what US State does Vasily say he will winter in?


JB (16): What city in Greece does Bourne meet with Nicky?


MI2: Where is Vladimir trying to get with the Chimera virus?


MIRN: What is the name of Faust's British handler?


TBL (12): What is the name of the umbrella corporation over Sterisyn Morlanta?

Candent Group

MI: What does Ethan ask for before the mission with Jim?

Cappuccino machine

TBS (04): How does Bourne hurt Kirill before leaving him in Moscow?

Car accident

TBI (02): What does Bourne use as a distraction to infiltrate the Treadstone Safe House with Nikki and Conklin inside?

Car alarms

CAPD (94): What does Operations mark the explosion in Cali as instead of a missile strike?

Car bomb

JB (16): How are Bourne and Nicky hurt during the chase through Athens?

Car crash

MIRN: Where does the lipstick USB lead Benji and Ethan?

Casablanca Morocco

JRSR (14): Who does Jack bring with him to dinner to meet with Cheverin after they arrive in Moscow?


JRSR (14): Who is captured by Cheverin when his men attacks the Beta CIA safe house?


CAPD (94): What residue is found in the drug cartel bombing that points both Ryan and Cortez to the bomb being from the US military?


TSOAF (02): What does Hafta use to get to choke Jack to death with at the Baltimore docks?


MIRN: What European official is attending the Vienna Opera?

Chancellor of Austria

MIRN: Who had created the Syndicate as an exercise?

Chief Atlee

MIGP: What is William Brandt's role in the IMF?

Chief analyst

MI2: What is the name of the virus that bio-chemical expert Vladimir Nehkorvich created?


JB (16): What is the name of the person Nicky works for now in a hacktivist group?

Christian Dassault

JB (16): Who attacks Bourne while he is looking at Nicky's decrypted files?

Christian Dassault

JB (16): Who does Nicky's coordinates point to in Berlin?

Christian Dassault

TBI (02): How does Bourne know that Eamon is at the house and they need to leave?

Christmas stuff is up

CAPD (94): What branch of the military is seen performing a rescue at the beginning of the movie?

Coast Guard

MIGP: What is the name of the person Ethan is trying to track down?


CAPD (94): What rank was Felix Cortez in the Cuban intelligence services?


JB (16): What does Heather try to get Bourne to do for her?

Come back to the CIA

JRSR (14): What ID Harper's rank?


TBI (02): What is Nikki's field for Treadstone?

Communications (Logistics technician)

TBS (04): What were Nicky's jobs for Treadstone?

Communications and track agent's mental healths

CAPD (94): How does Jack pay for the helicopter?

Company check

JB (16): What does the government file against Allan and Deep Dream because he won't bow to their demands?


JRSR (14): What Job does Jack have at the bank he works at as a cover?

Compliance officer

TBS (04): Who were Neski's files on?


THFRO (90): Where did Jack meet Marko before the Red October?

Consulate in Leningrad

CAPD (94): How many cartridges were recovered from the crime scene on the Enchanter?


TBI (02): How many kids does Eamon have?


TBS (04): How many people died during the Berlin buy?

2 (seller and buyer)

TBL (12): By how many days did Aaron beat the record for crossing the mountains?

2 days

TBI (02): How long ago did Treadstone lose Bourne?

2 weeks ago

MIF: How long has it been since Ethan captured Solomon Lane?

2 years

MIRN: How long has Faust been undercover in the Syndicate?

2 years

MI3: How long does Luther say a normal relationship will last before it ends?

23 months

TSOAF (02): How many years after the nuclear bomb is buried in the sand does the movie take place?

29 years

TSOAF (02): How many scientists of the 17 at the facility are missing?


MIRN: How long does Ethan have to hold his breath to insert Benji's profile into the system?

3 minutes

TBL (12): How many shots does Aaron discharge before he reaches where Number Three is?

3 shots

TBU (07): How long has Bourne been trying to figure out who he is?

3 years

JB (16): How many kills does Dewey confirmed Bourne had during his time with Treadstone?


MI2: How much is the top bid for Chimera?

37 million pounds

THFRO (90): How many years has Marko been at war on the sea?

40 years

CAPD (94): What user number is Jack when Ritter catches him on his computer?


TSOAF (02): How much money did Olsen actually get paid by Dressler for the nuke as seen after the CIA remote hack his computer?

45 million dollars

MI3: How long does Davian give Ethan to find the Rabbit's Foot?

48 gours

TBI (02): How many spots does Treadstone know Marie had lived so they can try to find where she's staying?


TBL (12): What Outcome operative number is Aaron Cross?


TBS (04): What level of clearance does Landry request from Langley to learn about Treadstone?


THFRO (90): How old is Jack Ryan's daughter, Sally?


MI3: How much time did Ethan have left before his 48 hours were up?

5 seconss

MIRN: How much does Ethan pay Lane to let Benji go?

50 million dollars

MIGP: How many Serbian nationalists did Ethan kill to get confined to Russian prison?


TBL (12): How many Outcome operatives were there before the dissolution of the program?


TBU (07): How many weeks have passed since Bourne in Moscow?


MIRN: How long has it been since the CIA absorbed the IMF?

6 months

THFRO (90): How long is the Red October comparing it to an aircraft carrier?

650 feet

THFRO (90): How long had Tupolev been too deep to receive orders to go after the Red October?

7 hours

TBL (12): How often do the Outcome agents need to take a single yellow pill after they are transitioned out of Outcome?

8 days

MI2: How long is Ethan out of contact during the Biocyte break in?

8 minutes

JRSR (14): What event is occurring on tv in the beginning of the movie?


CAPD (94): What letter is on Ryan's badge when he visits the White House?


THFRO (90): What does Marko call Mancuso that Jack overhears?

A Cowboy

JB (16): What does Dewey want from Aaron's new platform?

A backdoor into Deep Dream

TBI (02): In what type of location is Bourne when he first sees his own name?

A bank (In Switzerland)

CAPD (94): What does Escobedo attack Cortez with after exposing his betrayal?

A baseball bat

PG (92): On what type of transportation is Sean killed by Jack?

A boat

TBI (02): What type of transportation does Bourne wake up on after he loses his memory?

A boat

TBL (12): What type of transportation does Aaron and Martina use to get lost?

A boat

TBU (07): What does the asset use to kill Daniels when he's about to meet with Bourne?

A bomb (On a Vespa)

TBS (04): What item does Bourne use to fight two Moscow cops before he steals a cab?

A bottle of vodka

CAPD (94): What does Chávez paint with the spotter so the jet can blow up the drug lord meeting?

A bright yellow truck

MI2: What is Nyah stealing when Ethan meets her in Seville?

A bulgari necklace

CAPD (94): What type of vehicle does the cartel use to block the caravan during the attack?

A bus

TBL (12): What type of transportation does the LARX-3 try to smash into Aaron's motorcycle and almost crushes Martina?

A bus

TSOAF (02): What ends the fire drill of nuclear threat in Mt Weather?

A call from the President's Wife about a black tie event

TBI (02): What does Bourne blow up on Eamon's property to distract The Professor?

A car

TSOAF (02): What kind of transportation was the President in while trying to flee the bomb site before it goes off?

A car (limousine)

TBI (02): How did John Michael Kane die almost two weeks before Bourne arrived at his apartment?

A car accident

PG (92): What specific type of explosion does Jack shield his family from during the IRA attack?

A car bomb

JB (16): How did Bourne's dad die back in Beirut before he joined Treadstone?

A car explosion

JB (16): What item does Heather give Bourne to remember his father by?

A cast of his star on the memorial wall

PG (92): What does Cathy crash into with Sally when Sean shoot's up their car in the freeway?

A cement barrier (divide)

TBL (12): How does Number Three send his and Aaron's bloodwork to the company?

A drone

MI: What does Ethan have to stop from touching the pressure sensitive floor?

A drop of sweat

MIGP: What natural disaster hits Dubai during the op?

A dust storm

MIF: How does Ethan and his team trick nuclear weapons expert Nils Debruuk into giving them the passcode to his phone?

A fake CNN broadcast about bombings in religious holy sites

THFRO (90): What crashes on the Enterprise prompting Jack to head to the Dallas?

A fighter jet

TBS (04): What two items did Kirill use to frame Bourne for the Berlin bomb?

A fingerprint and a fake computer file

TBL (12): What item does Aaron put a nail into in Martina's garage as a distraction against one of the agents?

A fire extinguisher

THFRO (90): How does the US get the Red October to leave its crew and submerge again?

A frigate shoots at them

MIGP: What do the Russian authorities say is why the Kremlin blew up?

A gas main explosion

MIRN: What does Hunt use to capture Lane?

A glass box

MIF: What does Walker call himself in regards to Julia?

A guardian angel

TBI (02): What is the only item that Bourne leaves behind in his safety deposit box on Switzerland?

A gun

TBL (12): What does Number Three give to Aaron to deal with the wolves when he leaves?

A gun

THFRO (90): What does the Mystic use to knock on the hatch of the Red October?

A hammrr

MI: What does Krieger drive when Ethan kills him and Phelps?

A helicopter

THFRO (90): What does Jack ride to meet with the USS Dallas?

A helicopter

TSOAF (02): What type of transportation is Jack in when the bomb goes off in the Baltimore stadium?

A helicopter

PG (92): In what type of location is Cathy and Sally when Sean tries to kill them?

A highway

TSOAF (02): What two items does Cabot have an analyst give Ryan for his first meeting with the committee about Nemerov?

A jacket and tie

JB (16): What does Nicky give to Bourne before she dies from being shot by The Asset?

A key

THFRO (90): What is inside the safe with two doors on the Red October?

A key

MI3: What does Musgrave give to Ethan so he can break out of IMF holding?

A knife

MI: What does Krieger drop that gives away that Ethan stole the list in Langley?

A knife

TBL (12): What item does Aaron put away when Martina says she wants to get lost on the boat?

A map

MI: What is Ethan given on the plane home in the end?

A mission tape in the form of a Caribbean Aruba movie

TBI (02): What type of location does Wombosi visit to confirm of John Michael Kane was his attempted assassin?

A morgue

TBL (12): What type of transportation does the LARX-3 steal to pursue Aaron and Martina after the cop car?

A motorcycle

TBL (12): What vehicle did Aaron steal for him and Martina to escape the police in Manila?

A motorcycle

JRSR (14): What does Cathy find in Jack's pants that makes her catch him in a lie?

A movie ticket

TBS (04): How did Bourne frame the killing of Nevski?

A murder-suicide by gun

TSOAF (02): What kind of regime does Dressler want?

A neo-Nazi fascist state

TSOAF (02): What is being wheeled to a plane in the beginning of the movie?

A nuclear bomb

THFRO (90): What prompts Marko to strand the crew on lifeboats?

A nuclear reactor emergency

JB (16): What type of location does Bourne and Heather meet where he tells her he will think about her offer to join the CIA?

A park

TBI (02): Where do we first see a display of martial arts by Bourne?

A park in Germany

TBL (12): Which document do we see Aaron doctoring for Martina before they head to the Philippines?

A passport

MIGP: How does Ethan get the mission briefing for the Kremlin?

A payphone

JRSR (14): What does Med Student Cathy Muller bargain with Jack for him to stand up and try again in physical therapy?

A percocet

TBS (04): What does Jarda use as a distraction to try to kill Bourne?

A phone ringing

TBS (04): What does Bourne look at while on his way to Moscow on the train?

A picture of him and Marie

TSOAF (02): What is the pilot reaching for when he crashes and loses the nuke in the sand?

A picture of his family

TBL (12): What type of transportation does Aaron steal to flee Alaska?

A plane

TBU (07): What type of vehicle does Bourne steal to evade Paz in NYC?

A police car

JB (16): What does Bourne find that shows him the truth that Richard Webb started Treadstone?

A proposal

MIRN: What keychain is on the key to Ethan's cuffs?

A rabbit's foot

MI: What causes Krieger to almost drop Ethan onto the pressure sensitive floor?

A rat scurries close to him

JB (16): What does Bourne leave in Heather's car to show her that he knows her true intentions?

A recording of her saying either Bourne will be brought in or killed

MIGP: What does Jane use to drop the hacking device into the Kremlin?

A red balloon

MIRN: What is the name for the triple encrypted ledger?

A red box

THFRO (90): What is the DSRV?

A rescue sub

TBL (12): What item does Aaron use in the garage to distract an agent so he can get to the top floor of Martina's home?

A saw

TBS (04): What is on the deleted file found in Conklin's computer?

A secret Zurich account

TBL (12): What kind of animal does Aaron see the wolves taking down through his gun scope?

A sheep

TBI (02): How does the movie open?

A ship finding Bourne adrift in the water

TBI (02): What kind of gun does Eamon keep in his house that Bourne uses?

A shotgun

PG (92): What does Jack use to bar the basement door to delay Sean?

A shovel

JB (16): What does Bourne shoot into the van when they close in on Nicky in Athens?

A smoke pellet

TBL (12): How does Aaron capture one of the wolves that was chasing him to give them the tracker?

A snare in a tree

CAPD (94): What exercise does John Clark observe Domingo Cruz conducting before he recruits him for his team on Reciprocity?

A sniper exercise

TBS (04): How does Bourne threaten Landy when he contacts her on the phone for the first time in Berlin?

A sniper rifle

TBL (12): What item does Aaron give Martina to hold while he kills the agents in her house?

A stopwatch

PG (92): What does Jack think knocked out the power to the house?

A storm

TBL (12): What does Aaron hear which tips him off of the impending strike on the cabin?

A strange noise (Drone incoming)

THFRO (90): What is sitting next to Jack Ryan on the plane when he's finally able to sleep at the end of the movie?

A stuffed teddy bear

TSOAF (02): What is in the watch Dressler looks at during his conference about Chechnya?

A swastika

TBS (04): What does Bourne send to Landy through the mail?

A tape recording of Abbott conspiring with Gretkov

JB (16): What does the key Nicky gave to Bourne lead to?

A terminal locker

MIF: What is Hunt electronically linked to to prove he is Lark?

A theft of smallpox from the CDC

MI3: How does Farris die?

A time released explosive in her head

TBS (04): What type of transportation does Bourne use to evade capture after the authorities come after him in the Brecker Hotel?

A train (first, a ferry)

TBL (12): Where was Number Three hiding when Aaron completed the training mission?

A tree

TSOAF (02): What is the nuclear bomb disguised as before it is sent to Baltimore via the Canary Islands?

A vending machine

MIRN: How does Ethan receive his mission briefing from the IMF?

A vinyl record

PG (92): Which two people does Jack identify in satellite photos that confirm which camp Kevin's forces is set up at?

Cooley and Annette

PG (92): What is the name of the bookstore that Annette trades information out of?

Cooley's Rare Books

MIF: What is the credo for the Apostles?

there has never been great peace without first a great suffering. The greater the suffering, the greater the peace.

TBS (04): What does Marie have Bourne to do after he has dreams?

Write about them

THFRO (90): What does Jack keep repeating he should do instead of telling people his theories?

Write them in a memo

THFRO (90): What does Jack say he does for the CIA?

Writes books for them

TBL (12): What color is the pill that the program transitions to from the green and blue pill?


TSOAF (02): What war was Israel fighting when they lost the nuclear bomb?

Yom Kippur war

MI2: What phrase does Ethan and Vladimir repeat?

You're sorry. I'm sorry.

TBL (12): Where did Byer find the video of Hirsch and Hillcott being friendly?


MI3: Who gets shot during the op in Shanghai?


MIF: What is the name of the White Widow's brother?


TBS (04): Why does Abbott kill Danny Zorn in Berlin?

Zorn figured out Bourne was being framed

PG (92): How is Lord Holmes related to the Queen?


JB (16): What does Bourne do for Heather when she helps him?

Covers up that she killed Dewey

JB (16): What item does Bourne steal from Exocon that would help him record conversations?

Covert Camera

TBU (07): How does Bourne incapacitate Paz before heading to the training facility?

Crashes into his car

THFRO (90): What is the name of the maneuver Russian captains use to check behind them?

Crazy Ivan

THFRO (90): What is the nickname of Jack Ryan's daughter, Sally?


MIGP: Where did Julia die?


CAPD (94): What nationality is Colonel Felix Cortez?


CAPD (94): What is the name of the man who was killed during the caravan attack?

Dan Murray

MI3: Who does Davian kill that looks like Julia?

Davian's translator and head of security

TBS (04): Who is the first person to tell Bourne his real name?

David Webb

TBU (07): What does Dr. Hirsch give back to Jason when they meet again?

David Webb's dogtags

MI3: Who meets Ethan in Shanghai?

Declan, Zhen, and Luther

JB (16): What organization is Aaron Kalloor the chairman of?

Deep Dream

JB (16): What two programs is Dewey worried were compromised by Nicky's hack?

Deep Dream and Iron Hand

THFRO (90): What does Jack Ryan think Marko is planning to do when he heads for the US with the Red October?


CAPD (94): What ID Ritter doing when Jack hacks his computer?

Deleting his Reciprocity files

PG (92): Who does Kevin have Sean kill at the camp?

Dennis Cooley

MI3: Where does Ethan tell Julia's family he works for over ten years?

Department of Transportation

TBS (04): What position does Landy have at the CIA?

Deputy director (task force chief)

TBU (07): What is the name of the asset that Noah sent after Bourne and Nicky after Daniels's death?

Desh Bouksani

MIGP: What is Moreau exchanging the launch codes for?


MI2: What name does Vladimir call Ethan?


CAPD (94): Who is the survivor that Clark and Ryan find when searching for the men of Reciprocity?

Domingo Chavez

CAPD (94): Who shoots and kills Cortez at the Lindo Coffee factory?

Domingo Chavez

THFRO (90): What part of the Red October does Jack not know and is concerned by?


TBL (12): What does Martina call it when she talks about the creation of the pills?


TBL (12): What is Aaron's fake name when he tries to infiltrate Sterisyn Morlanta?

Dr. Brundage

TBL (12): What is the name of the operative posing as a clinical psychologist to get close to Martina to kill her?

Dr. Connie Dowd

TBL (12): Who's death does Aaron see on the tv when he is at the airport?

Dr. Hirsch

TBU (07): Who is housed at SRD, training facility?

Dr. Hirsch

TBU (07): Which two people are arrested for being involved in Blackbriar?

Dr. Hirsch and Noah Vosen

MIF: What does Ethan say his name is when he meets Erik?

Dr. Rob Thorne

JRSR (14): How does Jack dispose of the bomb and Aleksander?

Driving the van into the river

TBL (12): How is the wolf who swallowed Aaron's tracker killed?

Drone missile strike

TBL (12): Why does Aaron say he risked going over the mountain to complete the training mission?

Dropped his program kit and lost his chems

TBL (12): How does Aaron say he lost his chems during the hike?

Dropped them down a ravine

TBI (02): How does Bourne tell Conklin to tell people he had died?


JRSR (14): How did Cheverin fake his son Aleksander's death?


TBS (04): How does Marie die?

Drowns (after Kirill hits her car into a river)

JRSR (14): How does Jack kill Embee Deng in the hotel room?

Drowns him in the bath tub

CAPD (94): What does the president declare is a clear and present danger to the us?

Drug cartels

CAPD (94): What does Clark's force find in the jungle that they destroy?

Drug lab

MI: what brand of cigarette does Max want Job to buy when they meet up?


MIGP: What is the signal that Ethan uses to set up a meeting with the Russian arms dealer?

Dunhill lighter

TBU (07): What are the responses to the Sparrow ID challenge?

Duress (Ruby), normal (Everest)

TSOAF (02): Which item number is the trigger for the bomb?


TSOAF (02): What designation is Air Force One during the counterattack?

Eagles Nest (Jet was Eagle 1)

TBI (02): What is the name of the man that Marie visits after the cover is blown?


CAPD (94): What is the code name of the jet who bombs the drug lord meeting?

Easy Rhino

MI3: What does Ethan have Julia do to him?

Electrocute him and bring him back

JRSR (14): What is the name of the bodyguard/fancy driver the Cherevin Group sends to drive Jack around in Moscow?

Embee Deng

JRSR (14): Who tries to shoot and kill Jack when he arrives at the hotel in Moscow?

Embee Deng

JRSR (14): Who was the first person Jack has killed?

Embee Deng

CAPD (94): What is the name of the man sent down to Columbia to negotiate the release of the funds?

Emil Jacobs

CAPD (94): What is the name of the boat the Coast Guard finds at the beginning of the movie (includes the city)?

Enchanter. Mobile

JB (16): What does Heather do to the files Nicky had stolen in Berlin?

Erased them remotely

MIF: Who found Ethan after he saves the world?

Erika Sloane

MI2: Who does Ambrose pretend to be to convince Nyah to stay with him?


MI2: Who triggers the alarm for the Bulgari necklace so Nyah will get caught?


MIF: Who shoots Luther in the chest during the plutonium buy?


MIRN: Who shot the Chancellor of Austria in the shoulder?


MI2: Who does Vladimir Nehkorvich contact about getting Chimera to Atlanta?

Ethan Hunt

MIF: Who does Walker tell Erika is John Lark?

Ethan Hunt

MIGP: Which two characters meet with Moreau?

Ethan and Brandt

MIGP: Who did Brandt fail to protect as an agent and got him busted down to analyst?

Ethan and Julia

JB (16): What is the name of the cyber convention being held in Las Vegas?

Exocon 2016

MI: How does Ethan escape the second IMF team?

Exploding gum

JB (16): What did Richard Webb threaten to do after Treadstone recruited Bourne?

Expose them

JRSR (14): What agency was the man Aleksander kills from?


CAPD (94): What position does Emil Jacobs have in the US government?

FBI Director

TBL (12): What is the website Aaron visits to show Martina his former identity?

Fallen Heroes

MIF: How does Walker die?

Falls down a cliff

MI3: What is the name of the IMF agent who has gone off grid and Musgrave asks Ethan to find?


MIF: Who helps Benji try to disarm the second bomb?


MIRN: Who kills the Bone Collector?


CAPD (94): Who did Cortez use to work for before Escobedo?

Fidel Castro

JRSR (14): Where does Jack meet with his CIA contact about Moscow?

Film forum

TBU (07): What two things are needed to open Noah Vosen's safe?

Fingerprint and Noah Vosen voice print

TBS (04): What does Kirill use to blame Bourne for the explosion during the Berlin buy?


TBS (04): What was left behind at the Berlin buy that was used to incriminate Bourne?

Fingerprints on one of the bombs

TBL (12): What does Aaron do in the airplane bathroom?

Finishes the Sterisyn Morlanta badges

MI: What does the team pretend to be to infiltrate Langley?


THFRO (90): Why is the day the 23rd important to Jack Ryan when figuring out Marko might want to defect?

First anniversary of Marko's wife's death

JB (16): Why was Richard Webb killed in Beirut?

For threatening to expose the program

CAPD (94): Where in California is John Clark recruiting his team for Reciprocity?

Fort Hunter Liggett

JB (16): What does Iron Hand consist of as a black-ops program?

Full-spectrum surveillance

JB (16): What did Dewey do for Aaron in the past so he feels entitled to a backdoor into Deep Dream?

Funded his startup

JB (16): What is written on the bottom of the pages of Nicky's journal?

GPS coordinates

MIRN: What is the final security measure for the Morocco facility?

Gait analysis

TBU (07): What occupation does the person that spooks Ross have when he's evading the CIA through the terminal?

Garbage man

TSOAF (02): What does the bomb dropped on Grozny do to the residents?

Gases them and gives them cerebral palsy

MIGP: Who does Ethan impersonate to infiltrate the Kremlin?

General Anatoly Federov

TBS (04): Where does Bourne's file say his first mission was?


TBI (02): Why is Marie hard to track for Treadstone?

Has no footprint, goes off the grid a lot

JRSR (14): What does Cathy think Jack is doing after he lied about seeing Sorry, Wrong Number and is why she went to Moscow?

Having an affair

THFRO (90): What does Jack say about Marko's formation that proves to Mancuso he should listen about the defection?

He Crazy Ivans to starboard at the bottom of the hour

TBS (04): How does about be distract the agents that come to Jarda's house so he can escape?

He blows up the house

MI2: Why does fake Hugh say fake Ethan can't talk?

He broke his jaw

TBS (04): How does Bourne learn about Landy in Naples?

He bugged Nevins's phone

MIF: What physically happens to Walker during the plane crash?

He burns half his face

THFRO (90): What does Marko do to the orders he receives after killing Political Officer Putin?

He burns them

TSOAF (02): What clothing item does Jack notice is different?

He can't button up his jacket

JB (16): What does Heather read in Bourne's psychological report from Hirsch?

He could potentially be recruited back

MI2: What does Ambrose do to Hugh for doubting Nyah?

He cuts off the tip of his pinkie with a cigar cutter

MIRN: What did Atlee do to the disk when he met with Faust?

He deleted the files on the drive

MIRN: What happens to Ethan after he inserts the profile?

He dies

TBL (12): How does Aaron stop the cops in the Philippines who had taken Martina?

He drops down on them

THFRO (90): How does Jack get onto the Dallas when he flies in on a helicopter?

He drops into the water and a diver rescues him

JB (16): What did Bourne specifically do to cause The Asset's capture?

He exposed Blackbriar

MIGP: Why does Ethan break Bogdan out of the Russian prison?

He fed him intel

TBL (12): Why was Number Three assigned the station at the Training Site as punishment?

He fell in love

PG (92): Why does Sean call Jack at the house after he arrives in North Africa?

He finds out Ryan's family had survived

TBL (12): What happens to Aaron when they viral him off of the blue?

He gets sick and starts having flashbacks to when he joined the program

TBS (04): What happens to Bourne in the beginning of the movie?

He has a dream

TBS (04): How does Bourne discover Landy's room number (235) at the Westin Grand Hotel in Berlin?

He has the front desk call her

TBS (04): How does Bourne know to go to Berlin?

He hears Landy talk about what happened there

JB (16): How does Bourne meet with Heather Lee in London?

He hops in her van

MIGP: Why does Wistrom bring Leonid along?

He is a polish cryptographer who restructured Russian nuclear security after Cold War so he can identify the nuclear launch codes are legit

TBS (04): What happens to Gretkov?

He is areested

MIF: What happens to Walker during the HELP jump in Paris?

He is struck by lightning

JRSR (14): Why didn't Jack finish his PhD?

He joined the Marines after 9/11

TBS (04): What information does Bourne reveal to Neski's daughter?

He killed them, her mother didnt

MI3: What does Davian do to Julia?

He kills her

JRSR (14): Why is Cathy good bait for Cheverin?

He likes married women

MIRN: How does Ethan draw Lane out of hiding and save Benji?

He memorized and destroys the red box

TBU (07): Why does Bourne reach out to Simon Ross about meeting?

He read his newspaper stories about Bourne

TBS (04): How does Bourne distract the authorities to get to the ferry after the Brecker Hotel?

He runs in front of a speeding train

MIRN: How does Luther find Ethan?

He searches for Faust

PG (92): How does Jack discover which camp that Kevin's forces are hiding at in Libya?

He sees Annette's female body in the satellite photo

TBL (12): How does Aaron know Number Three is also a part of the program?

He sees his bloodwork

TBL (12): What happens to Dr. Donald Foite after security breaks into the lab where he's killing the Outcome scientists?

He shoots himself

TBS (04): How does Abbott die?

He shoots himself

JB (16): How does Bourne delay the team as he heads up to meet Dewey in the suite?

He shuts down the elevators

THFRO (90): How does Marko say the political officer died so it is seen as an accident?

He slipped on his tea and hit his head

TBS (04): How does Bourne tell Landy he sees her during their last phone conversation?

He tells her to sleep because she looks tired

MI3: How does Ethan know Farris?

He trained her and she was the first person he recommended for active field duty

JB (16): How does Dewey plan to sell the hit on Aaron?

He wants The Asset to shoot him as well

THFRO (90): What does the ambassador tell Pelt the letter said from Marko to get his assistance?

He was going to fire his missiles at the US

JB (16): Why does The Asset want to personally catch Bourne?

He was uundercover in Syria and captured because of Bourne

TBL (12): Why was Aaron assigned to the training mission in Alaska?

He went AWOL for four days and skipped a check-in

TBL (12): What does Aaron think will happen if he waits too long to take a green pill?

He will physically degrade

TSOAF (02): Why is Jack chosen to speak about the new Russian Federation President, Alexander Nemerov?

He wrote a paper a year ago that Nemerov would be the next president

MIGP: How does Ethan escape the Russian hospital?

He zip lines out

TBL (12): Why is Aaron away from the cabin when the missile destroys it?

He's doing recon

TSOAF (02): What is different about Zorkin during the press conference that Jack notices and has to be included in the health brief?

He's gained weight

JRSR (14): What reason do Jack and Cathy come up with to get him away from dinner so he can infiltrate Cheverin's office?

He's wasted and a jerk so he needs to take a walk

MI2: What is the chimera monster made of?

Head of a lion and tail of a snake

TBI (02): What physical ailment does The Professor tell Bourne he also gets which is a byproduct of Treadstone?


TBU (07): How does the asset kill Simon Ross?

Headshot (sniper rifle)

JB (16): Who shoots and kills Dewey in the suite?

Heather Lee

JB (16): Who contacts Bourne to let him know about the team heading to him in Berlin?

Heather Lee texts him

TBL (12): What item does Martina hit the LARX-3 with before kicking him and his motorcycle into a pillar?


MIGP: Who turns out to be Wistrom in Dubai?

Hendricks himself

MI3: Which of Julia's parents isn't alive to walk her down the aisle?

Her dad

JB (16): What was inside the locker Nicky gave Bourne the key for?

Her data and an encrypted USB

JRSR (14): What ítem do Jack and Cathy bicker over in the car on the way to dinner with Cheverin to plant the seeds of marital strife?

Her engagement ring

TBL (12): What does one of Dr. Dowd's agents find in Martina's house?

Her gun

TBU (07): What does Nicky Parsons change about herself to disappear after Bourne kills the asset?

Her hair (short and black)

TBL (12): What does Martina use as a brace to hold the door to the room she's hiding in to hide from the man killing the researchers?

Her lab coat

MIF: Who did the White Widow start her philanthropy in honor of?

Her mother, Max

PG (92): What organ did the doctors have to remove from Sally after the car accident?

Her spleen

TBU (07): What is Bourne having flashbacks of when he's in Moscow?

Him joining the Treadstone program

TSOAF (02): What item did Jack take from Bill before he died?

His badge

TBU (07): What was Landy's code to Bourne?

His birthday

TBI (02): Which family member does the hotel in Paris say collected John Michael Kane's possessions after he died?

His brother

PG (92): Which of Sean's family members does Jack kill while trying to stop the IRA attack on the royal family?

His brother, Paddy

PG (92): What does Jack say is the one thing in life that is absolutely certain when asked by General Greers?

His daughters love

JRSR (14): What marital status does Jack introduce Cathy as when they meet Cheverin?

His fiancé

MIGP: What did Benji recently pass before he breaks Ethan out of the prison?

His field exam

TBL (12): What part of Aaron's body was Dr. Shearing checking during his checkup to see how it has healed?

His hand

MIGP: Who is Jane Carter to Hanaway?

His handler

JRSR (14): In what part of Cheverin's body is a grenade fragment he got during his time in Afganistan?

His hip

TBI (02): Why did Bourne not kill Wombassi?

His kids were there

TBS (04): What does Bourne hurt during his escape from Brecker Hotel?

His leg

TBL (12): What item accompanies Aaron's message to Byer saying No More?

His medicine containing dog tags

JB (16): What item does Bourne look at while thinking about his street fighting?

His old Jason Bourne passport

TBS (04): How is Langley notified Bourne is in Naples?

His passport gets flagged

TBI (02): What does Bourne steal from one of the embassy agents after he disables him?

His radio

TBI (02): What part of Bourne's apparel does that he of the embassy agents call out when he prepares to arrest Bourne?

His red bag

JRSR (14): What is Jack trying to help one of his men with when the rocket hits the helicopter?

His seatbelt

MI2: Who does the owner of the Bulgari necklace think Ethan is?

His security chief

PG (92): Where is Jack shot when he tries to stop the IRA attack in London?

His shoulder

TBS (04): Which part of Bourne's body does Kirill shoot?

His shoulder

TBL (12): Where on Aaron's body is the tracking device he removes after the drone strike?

His side abdomen

JRSR (14): Who did Cheverin fake the death of to plant them in the US as a sleeper agent?

His son, Aleksander

TBL (12): What item does Aaron take from the plant head of security, Mackie, after he takes him down before the gate?

His watch

MI3: Who does Owen Davian threaten in front of Ethan in the beginning?

His wife

TBS (04): Who was blamed for Neski's death?

His wife

TSOAF (02): What Job does Cathy think Jack does after he hurt his back in the marines


CAPD (94): What is Ernesto doing when we first meet him?

Hitting baseballs

PG (92): Who turns out to be the traitor feeding information to Kevin and Sean?

Holmes Assistant, Watkins

MI: What does JOB 314 turn out to be?

Holy Bible passage Job 3:14

MIF: What book does Ethan's mission come in?

Homer's Odyssey

MI3: Where does Ethan and Julia get married before he goes to Vatican City?

Hospital chapel

MI3: Where does Ethan buy the wedding rings for him and Julia?

Hospital gift shop (animal rings)

PG (92): What unit of the CIA saves Jack after the boat crash?

Hostage Rescue

TBI (02): What is the name of the hotel in France where John Michael Kane was staying?

Hotel Regina

TBS (04): What code name does the operation center have during the Berlin buy?


MI2: Who does Ambrose kill thinking he's Ethan?

Hugh Stamp

MIRN: Who becomes the new IMF Secretary after it is reinstated?


MIF: What is Ethan's code phrase to the courier where he receives his mission briefing?

I am the storm

MIF: Who does Ethan knock out so they can pull off the trade to the White Widow?

IMF Secretary Hunley

PG (92): What is Paddy O'Neil's true job?

IRA Bagman

MI3: What does Ethan say they need and he has to go get more during the engagement party?


THFRO (90): What country's coast does Jonesy say the Red October is headed to based off of the pulse?


MIF: Who attacks Walker's team under London after they turn on the IMF?

Ilsa Faust

MIF: Who shoots and kills John Lark?

Ilsa Faust

MIF: Who tried to assassinate Lane after Ethan breaks him out of the prison convoy?

Ilsa Faust

MIRN: Who breaks Ethan out of Syndicate custody?

Ilsa Faust

MI: What does IMF stand for?

Impossible Mission Force

MIRN: How does the Syndicate agent sneak a rifle into the Vienna Opera?

In a saxophone

TBS (04): In what country are Bourne and Marie living at the beginning of the film?

India (Goa)

MIGP: Where does Hendricks send the signal from for the nuclear launch?

Indian Public tv station

MIGP: Who does Jane have to seduce in Mumbai?

Indian billionaire entrepreneur Brij Nath

JB (16): What information does Nicky find in the CIA servers about Treadstone?

Information on David Webb's father, Richard

JB (16): What was Nicky's goal when hacking the CIA files?

Information on all the black ops programs

JRSR (14): What is an associate doing with Viktor before he beats him up the first time we meet Viktor?

Injecting him with a needle

MI2: What does Nyah do with the last vial of Chimera?

Injects herself with it

TBL (12): Where does Aaron Cross keep his medication?

Inside his dogtags

TBL (12): Where in the car in Chicago do we see Aaron key passports, license plates, and other documentation in case he has to run?

Inside the car door

TBL (12): Where does Aaron keep $40,000 dollars on his person?

Inside the lining of his jacket

CAPD (94): What universal monster does the CIA use for Escobedo's intelligence officer since they don't have a picture of them?

Invisible Man

TBS (04): What is the name of Neski's daughter that Bourne meets with?


MIGP: What is the name of the operation Hendricks commences to launch a missile at the US?

Iron Fist

JB (16): Which program does Nicky believe is directly related to Treadstone?

Iron Hand

TSOAF (02): What nationality was the pilot who crashed with the live nuke?


THFRO (90): What does it mean when a submarine does "full blow"?

It rises to the surface in an emergency fashion

TBS (04): What country does Bourne go to after Marie dies?

Italy (Naples)

MI: What is the name of the operation to steal the NOC list?


MI: Who is first to be killed on the team in Prague?


MI: Who are the members of Jim's team in Prague?

Jack Harmon, Claire, Sarah, and Ethan

CAPD (94): Who did Moira say that Roberto was the Latin version of when describing him to Cathy?

Jack Ryan

THFRO (90): Who shoots and kills Loginov?

Jack Ryan

CAPD (94): Who suggests to Jack to reach out to Clark down in Columbia when he needs to negotiate for the release of Hardin's funds?

James Greer

CAPD (94): What event is happening in Washington while the men of Reciprocity are being killed in an operation?

James Greer's funeral

TBS (04): Who does Bourne meet up with in Munich?


MI: Who kills Claire on the TGV?


MI: Who does Ethan meet when he calls the IMF in London?

Jim Phelps

MI: Who is Job?

Jim Phelps

MI: What is the codename of the mole?


TBL (12): What activity was Colonel Eric Byer doing when Turso meets him to tell him about the Bourne situation?


TSOAF (02): What is the name of the operative that Cabot sends to Russia to look for the three nuclear scientists?

John Clark

TSOAF (02): What name are the two tickets to the White House Correspondence dinner under?

John Clark

TSOAF (02): Who kills the arms dealer Olsen?

John Clark

MIF: Who does Ethan and Walker find in the Parisian nightclub bathroom?

John Lark

MIF: Who does Ethan pose as to buy the weapons grade plutonium?

John Lark

TBI (02): What name does Bourne ask a hotel if they are staying at?

John Michael Kane

TBU (07): What is the cover identity for the SRD training facility?

Johnston Medical Center

MIGP: Who does Wistrom bring along to the meeting foe the launch codes?


MIGP: Who does Wistrom kill in Dubai?

Leonid Lisenker

JRSR (14): What rank is Jack in Afghanistan?


JRSR (14): What is Cheverin planning on putting in Cathy's mouth to hurt and torture her?


MIRN: Where is the shooter that Faust takes down at the opera to save Benji?

Lighting booth

CAPD (94): What coffee brand does Clark specifically suggest to Jack to try?


CAPD (94): What business's factory does the climatic battle take place at?

Lindo Coffee

MIRN: What did Ethan take from Faust that turned out to be a USB drive?


THFRO (90): What is Markus's ethnicity instead of Russian?


CAPD (94): What crime did Domingo Cruz commit during the sniper exercise?


JRSR (14): In which European city does the movie open?


MIF: Where does the White Widow want Ethan to bring Lane?


MIRN: Where is Ethan when he is compromised and taken by the Syndicate?


TBI (02): How did Conklin wanted Wombassi to be killed three weeks before?

Looked like he was murdered by one of his own entourage

PG (92): What is the name of the man that the IRA has been trying to assassinate in the royal family?

Lord Holmes

THFRO (90): What class of ship is the USS Dallas?

Los Angeles

MI3: Who slips up and tells Davian Ethan's name?


MI: Who delivers the NOC list to Kittridge?


MIGP: Who gives Ethan and his team their next mission?


MIRN: Who does Brandt hire to help him find Ethan and Benji before Special Activities does?

Luther Strickell

MI2: Who does Ethan recruit to his team for the Chimera mission in addition to Nyah?

Luther Strickell and Billy Baird

MI3: Who is on the team assembled for the Farris job with Ethan?

Luther, Declan, and Zhen

MIF: Who asks Ilsa to kill Lane?


MIF: Who is Solomon Lane turned over to in the end of the movie?

MI6 to balance Faust's accounts

TBU (07): What station is Neal Daniels the station Chief of?

Madrid, Spain

MIGP: What is the name of the Russian nuclear submarine Hendricks commands to launch a missile?

Magellan Rise

THFRO (90): What did the SARS say the pulse was that Jonesy caught from the Red October?

Magma displacement

MI3: How does Luther unlock the microdot?


THFRO (90): In what US state does the Red October ride up a river to a naval base?


MIRN: Where is Luther when he helps Benji hack the Russian satellite?


JB (16): What name does Bourne get from the files before Heather erases the files?

Malcolm Smith

JB (16): What did Heather put on Nicky's computer to track her?


TBI (02): Who shoots and kills Conklin when he leaves the safe house?


TBL (12): Where did Sterisyn Morlanta keep the chems Aaron needs?

Manila, Philipines

MIGP: What is the name of the courier Hanaway is looking for?

Marek Stefanski

TBS (04): Why does Bourne spare Abbott's life?

Marie wouldn't have wanted Bourne to kill him

JRSR (14): What branch of the military did Jack join after 9/11?


MIGP: What is the name of Hendrick's right hand man?

Marius Wistrom

TBI (02): What location was Wombassi's yacht where Bourne tried to assassinate him?


TBU (07): Who does Bourne meet with in Paris to deliver news?

Martin Kreutz

TBL (12): What state did the massacre at Sterisyn Morlanta occur in?


TSOAF (02): What is the name of the man who delivered the bomb to Baltimore?


MI: What is the name of the arms dealer suspected of having a mole in the IMF?


MIF: Who is the White Widow related to?

Max, an arms dealer from the first movie

CAPD (94): What is the name of the senator leading the senate hearing where Jack asked for more funds for anti drug action?


CAPD (94): What fast food restaurant was the food wrapper from that the men find while looking for Domingo during the sniper exercise?


MIF: What is one of Lane's targets with the plutonium and why he did the smallpox outbreak?

Medical camp in Kashmir

TBL (12): What was Sterisyn Morlanta's Outcome group classified as in the eyes of the company?

Medical examination suite

MI3: Where does Ready-Travel Resort Services offer to send Ethan for a trip?


JRSR (14): What US state is Aleksander planted in at 9 until he launches his attack?

Michigan (Dearborn)

MI3: What does Farris send to Ethan?

Microdot under a postcard

MIRN: Where is the mission in the beginning taking place?

Minsk, Belarus

TBL (12): How is the cabin destroyed when it is meant to kill Aaron and Number Three?


THFRO (90): What does Marko plan to conduct close to the US?

Missile tests

MIGP: What does Ethan say when he aborts the missile?

Mission accomplished

TBU (07): What are the codenames of the operatives watching Ross?

Mobile (Number)

TBS (04): What is the code name of the seller of the data in Berlin?

Mobile One

CAPD (94): Where does Jack find a voice recording of Felix besides the CIA's recording?

Moira's answering machine

CAPD (94): What crime does Jack uncover about Hardin after his death?

Money laundering for the cartels

PG (92): What board game are Jack's family playing in the hotel in London in the beginning of the movie?


THFRO (90): In what US state does Vasily Borodin want to live in and raise rabbits with an American wife?


TBL (12): Where is Martina's sister that she tried to fly out to see before the company stopped her?


THFRO (90): How do Dallas and Red October communicate through their periscopes?

Morse code

TBS (04): What city is the train Bourne boarded from Berlin headed to?


JB (16): What vehicle does Bourne steal at the rally to catch up to Nicky?


JRSR (14): What does Jack borrow from his friend Teddy to follow Aleksander through New York?


TBL (12): How is the LARX-3 killed by Martina?

Motorcycle crashes into pillar

MI2: What vehicles do Ambrose and Ethan ride when they face each other?


THFRO (90): What is the name of Cricket's nanny?

Mrs. Wheeler

TSOAF (02): What is the name of the location the President is being briefed in after the 29 year time skip?

Mt Weather

JB (16): What does Bourne use to distract The Asset and move close to Malcolm Smith in Paddington Plaza?

Multiple fire alarms

MI3: Who helps Ethan to break out of IMF custody?


MI3: Who is Davian really working with in the IMF?


THFRO (90): What is the name of the DNSO that Jack and Mancuso use to reach the Red October


CAPD (94): Who does Cortez fax that he knows about the illegal war being put on by Reciprocity?

NSA Cutter

JRSR (14): What group does Aleksander paint his van to seem a part of so he can infiltrate Wall Street?


JRSR (14): What war is depicted in the painting hanging in Cheverin's office?

Napoleon War

JB (16): What organization is Edwin Russell the director of?

National Intelligence

TBL (12): What is the name of Byer's company?

National Research Assay Group

THFRO (90): What position does Jeffrey Pelt hold for the president?

National Security Advisor

CAPD (94): What position does James Cutter have in the White House?

National security advisor

MI3: How is the explosive implanted in someone's head?

Naval cavitym

TBU (07): Who is discovered to be Ross's source?

Neal Daniels

TSOAF (02): What does Jack tell the president after the attack on Grozny?

Nemerov didn't order the bombing

TBS (04): What is the name of the files that Landy planned to buy in Berlin?


TBS (04): Who did Conklin have Bourne kill as his first mission?


TBS (04): What is the name of the man who interrogates Bourne for the US Consulate when he tries to enter Naples?


TBS (04): Who does Bourne say he wants to bring him in?


TBS (04): Who does Landy and Abbott meet with before heading to Berlin?


TBU (07): Who does Bourne recruit to help him find Neal Daniels?

Nicky Parsons

TBL (12): What two words did Aaron write in the mirror in Manila for Byer to find?

No more

TBU (07): Who does Bourne call while in Noah Vosen's office?


TBU (07): Who shoots at Bourne when he jumps off the roof of the SRD?

Noah Vosen

PG (92): In what region of Africa is Kevin's training camp?

North Africa

CAPD (94): What was the condition for the senate giving Jack more money?

Not funding military sctikn

PG (92): What is the name of the bar that Kevin met Jimmy at and Jimmy is later killed at?


MI3: What is Luther's callsign during the Berlin job?


CAPD (94): What chemical compounds does Cortez find in the drug cartel binning that points to the military?


JRSR (14): What industry is the US and Russia in a standoff about?


TBS (04): How long does Gretkov tell Kirill he has time off for after he says he killed Bourne?

One month

JB (16): How does Dewey learn about Aaron's plan for Vegas?

One of Aaron's workers sells him out

THFRO (90): Who turns out to be the saboteur on the Red October?

One of the cooks, Loginov

THFRO (90): What does Jack have Marko do to show he's not intending to attack the US and is doing other?

One radar ping

CAPD (94): What part of the CIA is Bob Ritter the deputy director of?


PG (92): What color is Sally's hat from her school uniform?


MI3: What does Zhen drive in Vatican City?

Orange Lamborghini

MIGP: What award was the Secretary given by the Russian Prime Minister when he was in town?

Order of Friendship

PG (92): What is the name of the award Lt. Commander Robby Jackson gives Jack at the US Naval Academy for his actions in London?

Order of the purple target

TBL (12): What is the name of the program that Aaron Cross is a part of?


TBL (12): What program was Hillcott the head of?


TBL (12): How was Aaron able to get to the rendezvous so quickly to complete his training mission?

Over the mountain

TBL (12): What was Aaron's name before he joined Outcome?

PFC. James Kitsom

JB (16): What is the name of the location Bourne plans to meet with Malcolm Smith in London?

Paddington Plaza

THFRO (90): How is Marko related to Admiral Padorin?

Padorin is his wife's uncle

THFRO (90): What composer did Petty Officer Jones play in the submarine in the story told by one of the superiors of the USS Dallas?


MI2: What is the name of the airline Ethan and Vladimir are on when Ethan steals Chimera?

Pan Pacific Airlines

MIGP: What does Ethan track with the tracking device in Dubai?


TBL (12): What name does Martina call the operatives of Outcome?


TBU (07): What is the name of the asset who killed Simon Ross?


MIGP: What does Ethan ask Brandt for when he first meets him?

Pen to draw on his hnd

TSOAF (02): What government building does Jack infiltrate to contact the President about the bomb being from the US?


MI3: What is Declan's callsign and job during the Berlin job?

Phoenix and helicopter flirt

PG (92): What is Cathy Ryan's profession?

Physician (doctor?)

TSOAF (02): What date are Cathy and Jack on when Grushkov interrupts to offer to keep the back channels open for Jack?


MI2; What does Ethan show Nyah to convince her to help him take down Ambrose?

Pictures of the plane crash

MIGP: What are the agents code names in Mumbai?

Planets. Venus (Jane), Brandt (Saturn), Jupiter (Ethan)

MI: What position is Ethan on Jim's team?

Point man

JB (16): What did The Asset steal as a getaway vehicle?

Police armored truck

THFRO (90): Where is the Red October when we first see it in the film?

Polijarny Inlet in Murmask

CAPD (94): What does Ritter have from the President in his safe in case he is caught?

Presidential pardon

TSOAF (02): What causes Dressler's car to blow up?

Pressing the car lighter

CAPD (94): How does the cartel identify the vehicle in the caravan with Ryan and Jacobs in it?

Pretending to be a motorcycle officer escort

JB (16): What concern does Aaron say users may have about the new platform and he assures them they will be fine?


MI2: What does Nyah Nordoff-Hall do for a living?

Professional thief

MI3: Where does Ethan tell Julia he has to go last minute?

Public transportation conference in Houston

MIRN: What does the CIA do on a weekly basis to Benji?

Put him through a lie detector

JRSR (14): What does Q. P. mean when Jack asks Harper about the dog he brought with him?


MI3: What is Davian looking for and wants Ethan to find?

Rabbit's Foot

MI3: What is Ethan's callsign during the Berlin job?

Raider One

MIGP: What was the name of the Russian prison?

Rankow Prison

PG (92): What does Kevin plan to do with Holmes?

Ransom him

PG (92): What photo does Jack use to identify both Cooley and Annette knew each other?

Rare Book Collectors Society photo

PG (92): What does Annette pose as her job?

Rare book dealer

MIF: What does Ethan have to do to get the passcode from Dilbruuk to his laptop?

Read John Lark's manifesto on the air

MI3: What business calls Ethan to offer him an all expenses paid trip?

Ready-Travel Resort Services

CAPD (94): What is the name of the operation the President and James Cutter had Ritter launch?


TSOAF (02): What is the American response to Grozny being bombed by the Russian?

Recognizing Chechnya as its own state

MI2: What did Vladimir specialize in?

Recombining dna molecules

TBL (12): What color access card is needed to enter the room of Sterisyn Morlanta's Outcome researchers?


TBL (12): What is the callsign of the drone operator when they attempt to take out Aaron at the Training Site?

Red Crown (Their partner is Solo)

THFRO (90): Where is the USS Dallas headed to near Grand Banks?

Red Route One

MI: What is the name of the exploding gum?

Red light/green light

TBL (12): What does Aaron take from the freezing lake during his training exercise?

Red tube containing a map

MI3: What does Zhen spill on Davian so he has to go clean up his shirt?

Red wine

TBU (07): What did Dr. Hirsch do to Jason?

Remade David Webb into him

MIGP: Why is the Secretary flying to Washington DC?


PG (92): What does Jack have the CIA do so he can figure out which Libyan camp Kevin's forces are at?

Retask the satellites

TBL (12): Who is the head of Operation Outcome?

Retired Navy Admiral Mark Turso

JB (16): What casino did Bourne and The Asset crash into during their chase through Las Vegas?


CAPD (94): What is the name Felix Cortez gives to Moira Wolfson when he dates her for information?

Roberto Landa

CAPD (94): What kind of weapon does the cartel use to blow up the vehicles in the caravan after the busses block access?

Rocket launchers

JRSR (14): What does Cathy Muller bet Jack he has to do and then they'll have dinner?

Run out of physical therapy

MIGP: Where do we see Ethan at the beginning of the film?

Russian Prison

MIGP: What does Sabine Moreau steal from Hanaway when she kills him?

Russian nuclear launch coses

MIGP: What did Hendricks steal from the Kremlin?

Russian nuclear launch-control device

TBL (12): What does Aaron call it when someone cycles off their blue meds?

Sensory overload

TBL (12): Where do we see an Outcome agent be given the new yellow pill after turning in their bloodwork?

Seoul, Korea

MIGP: Who killed Julia?

Serbian death squad

MIGP: Who was after Ethan and Julia whole Brandt kept watch?

Serbian death squad

MIGP: What name does Bogdan know Ethan by?


MI3: What city does Musgrave tel Ethan to go to?


MIGP: Why does Brij leave Jane at the bar?

She almost broke his hand when Brandt jumped

MIRN: How does Faust take down Benji so she can steal the USB with the Syndicate Ledger?

She defibrillates him

TBL (12): What story does Dita plan to spread so that way Martina will seem like a national security threat?

She stole samples from work

MI3: What job does Julia have?

She's a nurse

TBL (12): Why does Dr. Dowd say they needed to take Martina's gun?

She's a potential suicide risk

PG (92): What news do we find out about Cathy when the doctor talks to Jack after the car accident?

She's pregnant

JB (16): What is the name of the act that the government official cites when serving Aaron with the complaint?

Sherman Act

JB (16): What does Bourne do to The Asset to stop him from killing Aaron and Heather on the symposium stage?

Shines a light in his eyes

TBI (02): What business does Marie tell Eamon that Bourne used to work in?


PG (92): What is written on the medal Jack receives from Lt. Commander Robby Anderson?

Shoot me

JRSR (14): How is Cherevin killed by Russians after the failure of his plan?


TBS (04): What is Kirill doing when he is arrested by the Moscow police?

Shooting Bourne

TBU (07): What is Bourne's final test when he turns from David Webb into Bourne and enters the Treadstone program?

Shooting a man, no questions asked

TBL (12): How does Aaron destroy the drone when it's looking for him after destroying the cabin at the training site?

Shoots it down with a rifle

JB (16): How is Nicky killed?

Shot by The Asset

CAPD (94): How is Ernesto killed?

Shot by one of his henchmen

TBL (12): How are the other researchers of Sterisyn Morlanta killed when Operation Outcome is shut down?


TBL (12): Where is Aaron shot by the LARX-3 which caused him to pass out from blood loss?


MIF: What does Lane plan to use the second plutonium bomb on in addition to the medical camp?

Siachen Glacier (contains water supply for India, Pakistan, and China)

MIGP: Who finds Ethan and Hendricks after they abort the missile?


TBU (07): What is the name of the reporter who is digging into Bourne and Blackbriar?

Simon Riss

TBL (12): What is Ezra Kramer reporting to Mark Turso at the beginning of the movie?

Simon Ross blowing the whistle on Bourne, Treadstone, and Blackbriar

TBL (12): What does Byer tell Aaron in a flashback that Outcome is because of the moral gray area they work in?


MI2: How long has it been since Nyah left Ambrose?

Six months

THFRO (90): What is the name of the person who identifies the caterpillar drive for Ryan at the shipyard?

Skip Tyler

MIF: What virus did Lark unleash on women and children?


TSOAF (02): What is the name of the order of taking out the Russians missiles?


CAPD (94): How does Felix Cortez kill Moira Wolfson?

Snaps her neck/strangles her

JB (16): How does Bourne kill The Asset?

Snaps his neck

JRSR (14): What is the reason that Jack said he wanted Cathy to marry him?

So he can tell her he's CIA

JB (16): What industry is Deep Dream?

Social media

JRSR (14): What did Cheverin do with the businesses Jack had flagged before the audit?

Sold them

MIF: Who is marrying Julia and Ethan in the beginning?

Solomon Lane

MIRN: What is the name of the man who created the Syndicate?

Solomon Lane

MIF: What does the White Widow want in exchange for the three pieces of plutonium?

Solomon Lane broken out of prison and taken to her

MIGP: How is Ethan's cover blown at the Kremlin?

Someone broadcasts on the IMF frequency that there is a bomb

THFRO (90): What position does Petty Officer Jones have on the USS Dallas?

Sonar operator

JRSR (14): What is the name of the movie playing in the film forum when Jack meets with his contact?

Sorry, Wrong Number

TBU (07): What is the name of the ID challenge that Noah uses for Nicky Parsons?


MIRN: What is the name of the CIA division tasked with hunting Ethan down?

Special Activities Division

JB (16): How does Heather help Bourne get through the airport and back on US soil?

Special agency security clearance for his passport

JRSR (14): What are the symptoms of cirrhosis Cathy noticed which tells her Cheverin is stage 3?

Spiderweb veins on hands and yellow tinge to the skin

JRSR (14): What injury causes Jack to have to leave Afghanistan?

Spinal injury

TSOAF (02): What is Cabot's last word to Jack?


TSOAF (02): What is the code name for Cabot's source in the Kremlin?


TSOAF (02): Who tells Jack the bomb was Israel's?


JB (16): What university did Aaron and Heather attend together?


TBL (12): What college did Dr. Hillcott come from?

Stanford University

THFRO (90): What is the name of Cricket's stuffed koala bear?


JB (16): What monument in Athens does Bourne tell Nicky to meet him at when they split up?

Statue of Athena

TSOAF (02): What kind of fighters fly the Snapcount bombs to Russia?

Stealth bombers

TBL (12): What is the name of the company Dr. Marta Shearing works for?

Sterisyn Morlanta

MI2: What does Ambrose want from McCloy instead of $30 million?

Stock options for 51% of the company

JB (16): What is Bourne's job in Greece?


TBS (04): What was Nicky's cover while she worked for Treadstone in Paris?


CAPD (94): How does Clark help Ryan identify Ernesto Escobedo as the drug lord working with Hardin?

Suggesting his coffee

MIRN: How is the Chancellor of Austria killed?

Suitcase bomb in his car

TSOAF (02): What is Jack's not quite girlfriend, Dr. Cathy Muller's, job?


JB (16): What was Malcolm Smith in charge of for Treadstone back in the 90's when Bourne was recruited?


TBS (04): What unit code name do the members of the unit shadowing the buy in Berlin go by?

Survey (One, Two, Three, etc)

MIGP: Who is Hendricks before the Kremlin theft?

Swedish born Russian nuclear strategist

MI2: Where is Biocyte Pharmaceuticals headquarters where Vladimir created Chimera?

Sydney, Australia

MIGP: What organization is teased at the end of the movie?


MIRN: What does Benji steal from the Morocco facility?

Syndicate ledger

JRSR (14): What does Jack offer to do for Cheverin to make up for his mistake with the audit?

Take him to dinner

TBU (07): Where is Neal Daniels hiding out?


MIGP: Who does Sidorov think Ethan is?

Team Leader who blew up Kremlin

CAPD (94): How does Ritter and Cutter turn Clark against Ryan after Reciprocity is burned?

Telling Clark that Jack is the one who shut down the program

TBS (04): How does Bourne tell Landy he was watching her in Berlin?

That Nicky is right next to her

TSOAF (02): What part of Jack's report about Nemerov does Nemerov joke about when they first meet?

That he had a lot of girlfriends in college

TBL (12): How does Connie Dowd try to spin Dr. Foite's actions while talking to Martina?

That he was obsessed with Martina

TSOAF (02): What does Cathy Muller tell Jack in bed that she thinks will scare him?

That he's in love with her

JRSR (14): What does Jack tell Cathy when she shows up in Moscow unexpectedly?

That he's in the CIA

PG (92): Why is Paddy excited about Annette after he delivered her information?

That she's English

MIF: What name does the Syndicate adopt when they become terror-for-hire?

The Apostles

JB (16): What is the name of the Iron Hand unit who was in Rome before being tasked with hunting down Nicky and Bourne?

The Asset

JB (16): Who was the agent who killed Richard Webb in Beirut?

The Asset

TBU (07): What is in Noah Vosen's safe?

The Blackbriar files

MIRN: What is Janik Vinter's nickname?

The Bone Doctor

MI: What is Golitsyn attempting to steal in Prague?

The CIA's Non-Official Cover list

TBL (12): What does the presenter for Candent call Sterisyn Morlanta?

The crown jewel of Candent

PG (92): What is the subject of Jack's presentation in London?

The development of Soviet fleet

TBI (02): What is missing from Ramon's house that makes Bourne realize Treadstone is coming?

The dog

TBL (12): What does Dr. Forte remove from the door when he plans to kill the other researchers at Sterisyn Morlanta?

The door handles

JRSR (14): What is the tracking device Cathy is wearing?

The engagement ring

MIGP: What is Ghost Protocol and who can enact it?

The entire IMF was disavowed by the President

TSOAF (02): Why does Olson claim he'll pay $400 for a worthless bomb to the Syrian junk trader?

The junk trader's son

TBS (04): Who is Jarda?

The last Treadstone operative

MI3: What does Ethan ask Julia to make sure she's alive?

The name of the lake where they first met

MIF: What happens if you try to disarm one of the plutonium bombs?

The other one goes off

JRSR (14): What does Jack notice about one of the NYPD police vans that tips him off which one is Aleksander?

The paint is still wet

TBS (04): What does Bourne burn after Marie dies and he is about to leave India?

The photos he has of Marie

TBL (12): Where does Aaron get the laminate for the Sterisyn Morlanta badges he makes on the plane?

The plane safety brochure

MIF: What deal did Walker make with Lane?

The plutonium for the framing of Ethan Hunt

THFRO (90): What does Marko take off of the political officer's body while the cook's assistant and Dr. Petrov bears witness?

The political officer's missile key

MIF: Where does Benji and Luther save Ethan during the Lane breakout?

The sewer

PG (92): What is the doctor calling about at the end of the movie?

The sex of the baby

TBL (12): What is delaying the drone when it heads towards Aaron to try to kill him again?

The snowstorm

MI: Where does the final exchange between Max and Ethan occur?

The train TGV

TBU (07): What is Landy's coded message of Bourne's birthday lead to?

The training facility (415 E 71st street)

THFRO (90): What did the letter from Marko to Admiral Padorin declare?

Their intent to defect

JRSR (14): What does Cheverin show can be done to a human if you touch a certain part of their neck?

Their mouth is forced open

TSOAF (02): What article of clothing does John Clark take from the Ukrainian soldiers?

Their shoes

TBU (07): Why does Bourne want to find Daniels?

There's a picture of him with Dr. Hirsch and he wants to find Dr. Hirsch

TBS (04): For what reason does Kirill tell people in India he is looking for Bourne?

There's been a death in the family and he is his friend

MIRN: What is interesting about the Syndicate agents?

They are covert operatives who have been presumed dead or missing

MIRN: What happens to the IMF at the committee hearing?

They are shut down and turned over to the CIA

TBL (12): How does Byer discover that Martina is alive and it's Dr. Dowd's body in the burned remains of her house?

They find her dog tags and see evidence she was shot

TBL (12): What happens when the agents take a yellow pill?

They get a nosebleed and die

THFRO (90): What is the name of the submarine that first encounters the Red October?

USS Dallas

THFRO (90): What ship does Jack fly to to begin his investigation?

USS Enterprise

TSOAF (02): Where does the CIA track the phone call to one of the scientists who are building the bomb?


TBU (07): What is Blackbriar?

Umbrella for all black ops

TBL (12): What word does Lieutenant General Don Paulson keep using when Byer meets with him and tells him they're ending Outcome?


JRSR (14): Where does Aleksander plan to blow up to mimic Waterloo?

Under Wall Street

TSOAF (02): Which country crafted the plutonium in '68 used in the Baltimore bomb?

United States

MIGP: How does Hanaway capture Marek?

Using a tranquilizer in his class ring

MIRN: What was the package on the Russian plane that Ethan parachuted out?

VX Nerve Gas

CAPD (94): What is the call sign for Clark during the operation where most of Reciprocity is killed?


THFRO (90): Who is killed by the saboteur when he shoots the bridge of the Red October?


MI3: Where is Davian going to be in Rome for the arms deal?

Vatican City

MIF: Where are the three nuclear weapons set off?

Vatican City, Mecca, and Jerusalem

THFRO (90): What is the name of the man who meets with Jack at the Farm?

Vice Admiral Greers

THFRO (90): Who fakes a torpedo hit so that Dallas can meet with the Red October?

Vice admiral Greers

MIRN: What does Benji win for free?

Vienna Opera tickets

CAPD (94): What conflict does Senator Mayo in the senate hearing compare Jack's request for more anti drug funds to?


THFRO (90): What is the name of the Russian submarine commander who was Marko's student and was shadowing him for the Red October exercise?

Viktor Tupolev

THFRO (90): What name does the soviets call Captain Marko Ramius?

Vilnius schoolmaster

TBL (12): What does Aaron want Martina help him to do in the Philippines?

Viral off the blue pill

TBL (12): What did Dr. Hillcott find when he researched the accident in 1985?

Viral-receptor mapping

TBL (12): What did the company do to cycle Outcome agents off of the green physical enhancement pill?

Viraled (Infected them with live virus)

MI2: Who does Ethan pretend to be to get information from McCloy on Chimera?


JRSR (14): Where does Jack do his physical therapy to learn to walk again?

Walter Reed Army Medical Center

TBU (07): Where in London does Bourne have Simon Ross meet with him?

Waterloo Station

TBS (04): Where is Landy staying in Berlin?

Westin Grand Hotel

TSOAF (02): What event does Cabot have Jack take his girlfriend to make amends?

White House Correspondence Dinner

TBU (07): What does Paz ask Bourne when he confronts him on the roof of the SRD?

Why Bourne didn't shoot him

MIGP: Who does Ethan meet with after he breaks out of the Russian hospital?

William Brandt and the Secretary

MI: What is the name of the Langley man they use the credentials of to get into the CIA database?

William Donloe

MI3: Where does Declan go to lose the other helicopter?

Wind farm

MIF: How does Ethan try to take our Walker's helicopter?

With a payload of rocks

MIGP: How did Benji and Ethan infiltrate the Kremlin and fool the guard?

With a projector

TBL (12): What animals does Aaron have to scare off during his training exercise?


TBI (02): What is the name of the man Bourne tried to assassinate before he lost his memory?


MI2: What is the name of the cure to Chimera?


MI3: Who does Ethan call at the IMF to help him locate Julia in Shanghai?


MIF: Who wears a mask and pretends to be Lane to trick Walker into revealing he is Lark?


MIRN: Who does Lane kidnap to force Ethan to get the unlocked disk to him?


MIGP: Who breaks Ethan out of prison?

Benji and Jane

MIF: Who does Ethan take with him to make the deal for the weapons-grade plutonium?

Benji and Luther

JB (16): Which European city does the coordinates on Nicky's notebook lead to?


MIF: Where did the plutonium deal occur?


TBS (04): Where was Bourne's first mission?


TBS (04): Who found Danny Zorin's body?

Berlin police

MI3: What city does Ethan go to find Farris?

Berlin, Germany

MI3: What does Ethan use to smuggle in his tablet to Vatican City?


CAPD (94): What is the callsign of the helicopter during the assault on Lindo Coffee?


TSOAF (02): Who's badge does Jack use to enter the Pentagon?

Bill Cabot

TBS (04): What other personal information does Landy tell Bourne other than his real name?

Birthdate and place (4-15-71 in Nixa Missouri)

TBI (02): What is the name of the new program Abbott declares to a senate committee when he says Treadstone is decommissioned?


TBU (07): What keyword does the CIA Satellite Substation overhear on the phone and flag Ross for?


TBU (07): What does Bourne give Landy before he heads into the training facility?

Blackbriar files

TBL (12): What does Aaron collect as he is out in the wilderness during his training exercise?

Blood samples

MIGP: What does Cobalt want to do?

Blow up a nukr

MIGP: What does Ethan get blamed for in Russia?

Blowing up the Kremlin

TBL (12): What color pill had Aaron not had in 32 hours during his training mission?


TBU (07): What is special about the clothing on the man Bourne has Ross set up as his contact while the CIA follows him?

Blue hood

MIGP: What color does the gloves show when they are glued?

Blue is glue

MI: How does Ethan get into contact with Max?

Book of Job discussion forums

TBI (02): Who does Conklin say killed Wombassi?


TBI (02): Who does Bourne tell Conklin killed Marie?

Bourne because she was slowing him down

TBU (07): How does the movie open?

Bourne fleeing a train and fighting the Russian police

CAPD (94): What room of the house is Escobedo in when he sees the news report of the president taking his money?

Bowling alley

TBL (12): What does Byer say the group is searching for by researching Treadstone?

Cutting out an infection

JB (16): What event is happening in Vegas which requires the attendance of Dewey and Aaron?

Cyber convention

JB (16): What division does Heather Lee head for the CIA?


CAPD (94): Which agency is demanding Hardin's funds when the president wants the money?


TSOAF (02): What city is the South African Olsen located in?


TBL (12): What type of transportation is the Outcome agent in Seoul on when they die?


TBI (02): How much does Bourne tell Marie he'll pay her to drive him to Paris?

$20,000 dollars

MI2: How much does Ambrose say Biocyte's stock will be worth after it jumps?


TBI (02): How much is Bourne worth as government property?

$30 million dollars

TSOAF (02): How much does Olson buy the nuclear bomb for from the Syrian junk trader?

$400 dollars

TSOAF (02): How much does Olsen sell the nuclear bomb to Dressler for?

$50 million dollars

CAPD (94): How much money did Hardin skim from the cartel in his offshore accounts?

$650 million dollars and change

MI3: How much is Davian planning to sell the Rabbit's Foot for?

$850 million

CAPD (94): Why is James Greer in the hospital after thinking he only had a flu?

(Pancreatic) cancer

CAPD (94): What ocean region was the rescue of the Enchanter conducted?

(South) Caribbean

MIGP: What does Moreau see to know the IMF have infiltrated the Dubai meeting?

Brandt's camera eye contact

MI3: Who does Farris think in the IMF is working with Owen Davian?


MIRN: What is Ethan's designation for the emergency channel?


THFRO (90): How does Marko kill the Political Officer Ivan Putin?

Breaking his windpipe

PG (92): How does Ryan tell Paddy O'Neill that he'll sabotage his fundraising efforts?

Bring the news to video his injured daughter in her hotel room

MIRN: Which agency did Lane leave to create the syndicate?

British intelligence

TBI (02): Where does Bourne notice Wombassi while at Alliance Security?


TBU (07): How is Martin Kreutz related to Marie?


THFRO (90): What did the saboteur take out of the Caterpillar to try to disable it during the canyon run near Iceland?

Buffer circuit

TBI (02): What does the ship doctor remove from Bourne's body when he comes patches him up?


TBL (12): What kind of car does Byer's team look for to figure out where Marta is?

Burgundy Buick LeSabre

MIGP: Where is the swap occurring between Moreau and Wistrom?

Burj Khalifa, Dubai

TBL (12): What did the CIA do to Pamela Landy after she leaked documents?

Burned her

TBL (12): What does Aaron do two Martina's house as a distraction?

Burns it down

TBU (07): What type of transportation does Nicky Parsons use to disappear?


PG (92): What is the IRA agent doing when Jack first identifies him on his way home from the Naval Academy?

Buying a newspaper

THFRO (90): After distracting a torpedo from the Konovalov, how does the Dallas trick the torpedo to hit the Konovalov?

By doing a full blow and rising to the surface and countermeasurss

MIF: How does Ethan stop Walker's plane?

By ramming it

TBL (12): What position does Terrence Ward have with Sterisyn Morlanta?


MIF: Who is the White Widow working with for immunity?


JB (16): What position does Heather jockey for when talking with Edwin Russell?

CIA Director

MI: Where is the real NOC list being held?

CIA headquarters in Langley

TSOAF (02): Who dies from the nuclear explosion in a medical tent?


CAPD (94): Which drug cartel is Operation: Reciprocity targeting?

Cali Cartel

JB (16): What did Heather and Dewey do to distract Bourne in Berlin so the team can move into place?

Calls him and talks to him

THFRO (90): Why does Jack say to the flight attendant he doesn't like to sleep on planes?


TBU (07): Where was Ross meeting with his source in Italy?


JRSR (14): What is the UN voting on in regards to oil industry?

Turkish pipeline

MIF: Where did Ethan say he was at before coming to Kashmir?


TBI (02): What activity is the Professor doing when he is activated by Treadstone?

Tutoring piano

MI2: How many times has Sean Ambrose doubled for Ethan?


JB (16): How long was The Asset captured by Syria?

Two years

TSOAF (02): What is it called that the two government officials have to okay a launch?

Two-man rule

TBI (02): What is the first thing the doctor notices is coming back to Bourne?

Tying knots

THFRO (90): What class of submarine is the Red October?


PG (92): Where is Jack Ryan a professor of History at in Maryland?

US Naval Academy

TBL (12): What vehicle did the LARX-3 steal to chase down Aaron and Martina when they are in Manila?

A cop car

TBL (12): What type of establishment does Byer meet with Lieutenant General Don Paulson to inform him of the ending of Outcome?

A diner

MI3: How does Musgrave send information to Ethan about the Farris job?

A disposable camera

TBL (12): What does Aaron shoot through to kill the last agent before Dr. Dowd?

A door

MIF: How does the team trick the police into following Lane's tracker?

A drone

MI: What is the NOC list on?

A floppy disk

TBL (12): What do we see Aaron Cross in when we first see him?

A lake

THFRO (90): What does Marko send to Padorin that caused him to declare the Red October needs to be sunk?

A letter

TBS (04): How long has it been since the events of the first film?

2 years

CAPD (94): What was the password to Hardin's computer?

2-21-84 (Wife's birth month, daughters day, sons year)

MIRN: How much money is on the red box for the activation of the Syndicate?

2.4 billion pounds

MI2: What is the incubation period when you're infected with the Chimera virus?

20 hours

MIGP: Who kills Wistrom?


MIGP: Where does the missile almost hit?

San Francisco

MI: How much did Ethan get paid for delivering the NOC list?

$10 million

MI: How much does Max pay Job for the fake list?


CAPD (94): How much is the helicopter that Jack has to buy to take it out to find Reciprocity?

$2 million dollars

TBS (04): How much was stolen 7 years ago from the CIA as reported by Neski?

$20 million dollars

JRSR (14): How many years after Jack was in PT does the movie pick up for the main story?

10 years

TBL (12): How many points did Aaron's army recruiter bump his IQ to get him into Outcome?

12 points

MIF: How long is the timer after the plutonium bombs activate?

15 minutes

PG (92): In what city in Ireland was Sean's father killed in 1979?


CAPD (94): What does Bob Ritter request from James Cutter write him to cover his butt?

Authorization order

TBI (02): How does Marie tell Bourne if there's a problem when she infiltrated Hotel Regina?

Bag over right shoulder

MI: Where is the money Max pays Ethan?

Baggage car

TSOAF (02): What US city is the bomb sent to after it passes through the Canary Islands?


TBU (07): What area of a house does Bourne kill the asset?


TBL (12): Why does Byer say they will need to burn down Outcome if Hirsch becomes exposed?

Because he is friends with Hillcott

TBL (12): What does Martina say the projects at Sterisyn Morlanta are meant to change?

Behavioral design

MI2: What does Ethan say he and Nyah should do at the end of the movie?

Get lost

TBU (07): What identity did Bourne have that he had never used before Daniels's death?

Gilberto De Piento

MIF: How does Ethan save Walker's life during the HELO jump?

Gives him his oxygen tank

MI2: What is the name of the Doctor McCloy infected with Chimera who died 31 hours later?


MIF: What was the name of the hotel in Paris?

Grand Palais

JB (16): In what country does Bourne live where he fights other men?


TBS (04): Who informs Kirill that Bourne is still alive?


MI3: What is Zhen's callsign during the Berlin job?


MI2: What does Ethan have to destroy at Biocyte so chimera is gone?

Growth cells and three injection guns

TSOAF (02): What is the name of the city in Chechnya the Russians Bomb during the Correspondence Dinner?

Grozny (the capital)

TSOAF (02): Who is revealed to be Spinnaker?


TSOAF (02): Who is the first person to know Jack had proposed to Cathy?


TBL (12): How are Martina and Aaron alerted that the company knows they went to the Philippines?

Guards come to their lab

TSOAF (02): Who tries to choke Jack to death at the Baltimore docks with chains?


TSOAF (02): Where did John Clark go to track down Olsen?


MIF: What does Sloan call the IMF?


MIRN: What game is Benji playing at his workstation?

Halo 5

MIF: How does Benji almost die during the fight with Solomon Lane?


JRSR (14): Who does Jack meet in Moscow after he kills Embee Deng?


TBL (12): How does Aaron get rid of the tracker to convince Byer he is dead?

Has a wolf swallow it

MI3: Who kills Musgrave?


MIF: Who helps Luther try to disarm the first bomb?


MIGP: Who is seen alive and well under a different cover in the end of the movie?


MIF: Who is at the medical camp in Kashmir?

Julia and her new husband, Erik

TBI (02): How does Castiel kill himself instead of being interrogated by Bourne in his apartment?

Jumps from the window

TBL (12): What fake name does Aaron tell Martina is her name when they leave her house?

June Monroe

MI: What drug does the IMF frame Ethan's mother and uncle for manufacturing


TBI (02): What is missing from the morgue when Bourne visits it for answers?

Kane's body

TBL (12): Where do we first see an Outcome agent ingest a yellow pill?

Karachi, Pakistan

PG (92): Who shoots (head shot) and kills Jimmy O'Rearden?

Kevin's lover, Annette

MIGP: How does Jane kill Moreau?

Kicks her out of a window

MI: Where does the beginning interrogation take place?


MIF: What does Walker say he'll do if Ethan doesn't turn himself in as John Lark?

Kill Julia

TBL (12): What does Dr. Dowd and her agent try to do to Martina before Aaron finds them at Martina's home?

Kill her and frame it as a suicide

MIRN: What is the name of the phrase the British Prime Minister has to say to unlock the red box?


TBS (04): Who does Bourne notice and realize their cover is blown in India?


TBS (04): Who hunts Bourne in Moscow?


TBS (04): Who interrupts the Berlin buy?


MI: Who does Jim say is the mole?


MI: Who handles Ethan after Jim's team is killed?


CAPD (94): What is the callsign for Captain Ramirez and the rest of Reciprocity when almost all of them are killed in an operation?


PG (92): What does the KCVO stand for that Jack is given by the queen?

Knight Commander of Victorian Order

JB (16): What is Nicky's code name in Christian Dassault's organization?


THFRO (90): What is the name of Tupolev's submarine?


THFRO (90): Which vessel attacks the Red October?


MI: Who was working with Claire and Jim?


MIGP: What is the identity of Cobalt?

Kurt Hendricks

TBL (12): What is the name of the program that improves on Treadstone and Outcome?


TBL (12): What is the name of the agent that Byer mobilizes from Bangkok to intercept Aaron in the Philippines?


MI3: What is the name of the lake where Julia and Ethan met?

Lake Wanaka

TBS (04): Who had Gretkov arrested in Moscow?


TBS (04): Who is present when Abbott died?


TBS (04): How does Bourne track Nicky in Berlin at the World Clock?

Landy's phone

JB (16): What city is Dewey meeting with Aaron about Deep Dream in?

Las Vegas

TSOAF (02): What is the name of the treaty that allows Cabot to inspect Russian nuclear facilities?


TBI (02): What does Bourne find on his bio while he's on the fishing boat that leads him to a safety deposit box in Zurich?

Safety deposit box number (laser projector)

PG (92): What animal did Jack forget needed to be taken care of while the family is away in London?

Sally's goldfish

PG (92): What celebration does Lord Holmes join to present Jack the KCVO?

Sally's welcome home party

TSOAF (02): What is the name of the facility that the nuclear bomb originated from?

Savannah River

CAPD (94): What advice did Jack give to the president that he follows on tv?

Say that Radlin is his lifelong friend when asked if they're good friends?

TBI (02): What kind of ship does Marie run in Mykonos where Bourne finds her again?

Scooter rental

PG (92): Who shoots and kills Kevin and Annette on the boat?


CAPD (94): What job does Moira Wolfson have in Jacobs's office?


TSOAF (02): Which other government official authorized the strike against Russia according to the two-man rule?

Secretary of State

TBS (04): Who goes with Landy to Berlin after Bourne enters Naples?

Section Chief Abbott

THFRO (90): What was the SARS device first created to detect before being used in navy ships for sonar?

Seismic events

CAPD (94): Who does Ryan tell the President he is going to go to about the President's action?

Senate Oversight Committee

MI: What is Ethan's cover when they track down Golitsyn in Prague?

Senator Walters

JRSR (14): What does Harper want to do with Jack after he sends him back to finish his PhD?

Send him to Wall Street to find terrorist money

MI: Where is the Bible from that Ethan finds at the Prague safe house and implicates Jim as the mole?

The Drake Hotel, Chicago

MI2: What does Vladimir reference in his video in relation to the virus?

The Greek myth of Bellerophon and the Chimera

TBU (07): What is the name of the newspaper that Simon Ross is a reporter for in London?

The Guardian

PG (92): Who tries to assassinate Kevin after Sean is captured?


PG (92): What is Jack's reward for foiling the attempt to kill Lord Holmes?


THFRO (90): Why does the Red October's crew think Marko scuttled the boat?

The Konovalov blew up and they didn't know it was there

THFRO (90): What matter does the ambassador bring to Pelt after the Red October situation is closed?

The Konovalov missing around Grand Banks

TSOAF (02): Who does Jack have the Pentagon contact about the bomb information he has?

The Kremlin

JRSR (14): Who do Harper and Jack meet with after the bomb is neutralized?

The President

MIRN: What does the Red Box need to be decrypted?

The Prime Minister of Britain

TBI (02): Which Treadstone operative attacks Eoman's house before Bourne shoots and kills them?

The Professor

TBI (02): Who assassinated Wombassi after he says John Michael Kane wasn't the killer?

The Professor

TBI (02): Who first tells Bourne about Treadstone?

The Professor

THFRO (90): Why did Marko and the officers defect from Russia?

The Red a October was a tool of war

TSOAF (02): What is happening while KGB and American forces kill the fascist traitors?

The Russian and American President sign a treaty

THFRO (90): When the Red October first uses the caterpillar drive, what does Jones hear on the sonar for a second?

The Russians singing the National anthem

PG (92): What is the name of the group who bombs the Libyan camp to try to kill Kevin's forces?


JRSR (14): What does Jack call what Russia is planning to do with the economy?

The Second Great Depression

MIRN: Who is the vinyl record briefing really from?

The Syndicate

JRSR (14): What is trending up that seems suspicious with the state of world affairs that tips ******** the Russians are going to try to topple the US economy?

The US dollar

MI3: What agency is interested in hiring Ethan for a job?

The White House

TBL (12): What is Noah Vosen testifying about in front of a panel at the end of the movie?

The activation of Blackbriar

TBU (07): What does Bourne find in Daniels's destroyed briefcase?

The address for the Anti-Terrorism Bureau

PG (92): Where does everybody hide in Jack's house when Kevin attacks?

The basement

TBI (02): Where in Eamon's house does Bourne send Eamon and his two kids before Treadstone attacks?

The basement

MI3: Where does Ethan switch out with Davian in Vatican City?

The bathroom

PG (92): How does Jack know the power to the house was deliberately cut?

The boat house lights are on

TBL (12): Where does Aaron see Jason Bourne's name written at the training site?

The bottom of the top bunkbed

JB (16): What does The Asset do with the tracker Heather gives him in London?

Throws it in the trash

MIGP: Why does Ethan infiltrate the Kremlin?

To access the secret archives and find files on Cobalt

TBS (04): Why did Bourne head to Moscow?

To apologize to Neski's daughter

JB (16): Why does Bourne need Christian Dassault?

To decrypt the files Nicky got from the CIA

TBS (04): Why does Bourne meet with Jarda?

To find out the fate of Treadstone/Who's running Treadstone

JRSR (14): Why does a CIA associate steal Cheverin's wallet during dinner?

To get Jack the key card to his office

TBL (12): Why does Aaron go to Martina's house?

To get more chems

CAPD (94): Why does Jack fly down to Columbus after Greer's funeral?

To help Clark save the men of Reciprocity

TSOAF (02): Why does Cabot bring Jack along with him to Russia?

To inspect nuclear arms

CAPD (94): Why is Jack Ryan sent down to Columbia by the President?

To negotiate the release of Hardin's money

THFRO (90): What reason does the ambassador of Russia tell Pelt the Russian fleet is mobilizing?

To rescue the sons of high party officials who are officers on the lost Red October

JB (16): What is Dewey planning for Aaron in Vegas?

To stage a hit and kill him

TBS (04): Why did Landy want to find Bourne after he delivered the tape?

To thank him

CAPD (94): What deal does Cutter promise Clark if he kills Ryan?

To turn Reciprocity on

THFRO (90): How does everyone think the Red October was scuttled?

Torpedo explosion

MI3: What does Ethan do now that he isn't in the field?

Trains IMF agents

TBS (04): What type of transportation does Bourne have Nicky get on at the World Clock?


TBS (04): What does Landy find at the dead end before she requests clearance from Langley?


TBL (12): What shape is the new yellow pill that Outcome agents are given?


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