AMH Chapter 30

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During the federal midterm elections of 1994, which political party lost the House of Representative for the first time since 1952?


After a standoff between Saddam Hussein and what international peacekeeping body over chemical weapons inspections in Iraq, President Clinton launched airstrikes against Iraq in 1998, firing over 1000 cruise missiles and B-52 bombers at suspected Iraqi chemical weapons storage facilities, missiles batteries, and command centers?

United Nations

In 1998 President Clinton ordered the U.S. military to launch cruise missiles at al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan retaliation for al-Qaeda bombings on U.S. embassies that killed several people in what continent?


During the 2000 presidential election, what is the name of Clinton's former Vice President who ran as pragmatic, moderate liberal against evangelical Texas Governor and President George H.W. Bush's son, George W. Bush, who campaigned on a platform of compassionate conservatism?

Al Gore

What is the name of the radical Islamic terrorist group that was led by wealthy Saudi Osama Bin Laden, was comprised of supporters form over 60 nations, was sheltered by the Taliban- a radical Islamic movement in Afghanistan- and was responsible for the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, a string of attacks at U.S. embassies and military bases and the 9/11 attacks?


What is the name of the doctrine initiated by President bush in 2001, which invoked the idea that the U.S. had the right to unilaterally and preemptively declare war on any regime or terrorist group that threatens the U.S., resulting in prolonged conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, and entanglements with nations throughout the world?

Bush Doctrine

What is the name of the group of influential religious activists, led by TV minister, entrepreneur, and former Republican presidential candidate Pat Robertson, which mobilized social conservatives across the U.S. to shape politics on the local and national levels during the early 1990s?

Christian Coalition

Despite protests in the U.S. and Iraq's cooperation with U.N. weapons inspectors in late 2002, President Bush pushed for war against Saddam Hussein and Iraq, and in 2003, what Secretary of State, who had served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of State during the Gulf War of 1991, alleged to the U.N. that Iraq had a vigorous weapons of mass destruction program?

Colin Powell

President Clinton triumphed over republican Senator Bob Dole in the 1996 presidential election, becoming the 1st Democrat to serve back to back terms since what other 20th century U.S. president?

Franklin Roosevelt

Democrat Barack Obama denounced the war in Iraq and predicted the sectarian violence that ensued, was a former law professor and community activist, became the 1st African American U.S. President- winning the 2004 and 2008 elections- and was a senator from what U.S. State


During Clinton's administrations the economy thrived, thanks in part to emerging computing technologies, especially ubiquitous access to what, which sparked the dot-com boom as well as widespread financial speculation to find the next Google or Amazon?

Internet/ World Wide Web

After the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979, what is the name of the Afghani anti-Soviet rebel group that the U.S. financed and armed in Afghanistan in 1979 and again in 1981, of which Osama bin Laden was a member and financier, to strengthen the insurgency, ultimately resulting in Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989?


Congressional Republicans, led by Texas Congressman Dick Armey and what Georgia Congressman, offered a new "Contract with America ' in 1994, with Republican candidates pledging their commitment to a consecutive legislative blueprint?

Newt Gingrich

The Bush Administration planned military action against al-Qaeda and the Taliban in what would become the longest war in U.S. History, starting with what October 2001 operation of air and missile strikes throughout Afghanistan, resulting in the fall of Kabul and the retreat of Bin Laden and al-Qaeda to the border of Pakistan within a few weeks?

Operation Enduring Freedom

Republicans accused Clinton of perjury for denying having sexual relations with a White House intern before a grand jury and in a public statement, resulting in the House of Representatives attempt to impeach Clinton in 1998; however, most Americans disapproved of his move, Clinton's approval rating soared to 78%; and what governing body acquitted Clinton in 1999?


What is the name of the 2001 attacks launched against the U.S. by al-Qaeda, a radical Islamic terrorist group, during which terrorists hijacked 4 U.S. passenger planes, and then crashed them into North and South Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, The Pentagon in Washington D.C., and (unintentionally in) rural Pennsylvania, resulting in the deaths of approximately 3,000 Americans within 2 hours?

September 11

Although during the 1990s many immigrants migrated to traditional immigrant states, including California, Texas, New York, Florida, New Jersey, and Illinois, the decade saw unprecedented migration to what region of the U.S., with North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennesse, Arkansas, and Georgia becoming the fastest-growing immigrant destination states?


The 2000 election ended in impasse, when a close vote in Florida triggered an automatic recount, Gore called for manual recounts in several countries, and what governing body intervened with the ruling that the recount had to end, resulting in Bush winning Florida by margin of 537 votes, and in turn the U.S. Presidency

Supreme Court

What was the center of the 2004 presidential election between Democratic Massachusetts Senator John F. Kerry, who criticized George W. Bush for American soldiers abuse of prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, the U.S. military prison in Cuba, and the inability of the Bush administration to capture Osama Bin Laden?

War on Terror

The U.S. bombed and took Bagdad in 2003, hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops moved into Iraq, Saddam Hussein's regime collapsed, and the new Iraqi government found Hussein guilty of crimes against humanity and hanged him in 2006; yet, thereafter, Iraqi insurgency remined strong, and no evidence of what has been located in Iraq?

Weapon of mass destruction

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