Anatomy and Physiology 2

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What is the primary driving force behind glomerular filtration? A. Concentration gradient caused by the capsular proteins B. Blood colloid osmotic pressure C. Concentration gradient cause by the plasma proteins D. Blood hydrostatic pressure

Blood hydrostatic pressure

Which of the following laws states that as volume foes up, pressure goes down? A. Boyle's B. Natural C. Dalton's D. Henry's


Which of the following refers to a decreased heart rate? A. Hypotension B. Hypertension C. Bradycardia D. Tachycardia


Which of the following includes phagocytosis, NK cells, and fever as defense mechanisms? A. 4th line of defense B. 1st line of defense C. 3rd line of defense D. 2nd line of defense

2nd line of defense

The process of spermatogenesis produces how many viable gametes? A. 4 B. 2 C. 1 D. 3


Embryonic folding occurs during which week of development? A. 5th B. 7th C. 3rd D. 4th


In average, how many red blood cells per microliter can be found in the blood? A. 400,000 B. 10 million C. 5 million D. 2 million

5 million

What is the average pH of urine? A. 8 B. 3 C. 6 D. 4


How much blood can be found in out venous drainage at any given normal time? A. 10% B. 32% C. 64% D. 13%


Which of the fallowing blood types is compatible with Type A blood? A. B only B. A only C. A and O D. O only E. A and B

A and O

An individual with Type B blood will have which of the fallowing antibodies in their plasma? A. A antibody only B. Both B and A antibodies C. Neither A or B antibodies D. B antibody only

A antibody only

During a blood sample test, a patients blood was checked for agglutination by adding the antiserum to the sample. If the patients blood agglutinated when treated with both the A antiserum as well as the B antiserum, what blood type does the patient have? A. O B. A C. B D. AB


Which of the following converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II? A. Renin B. ADH C. ACE D. Angiotensinogen


Which of the following DOES NOT control the renal secretion and reabsorption of sodium and Chloride? A. Aldosterone B. Angiotensin II C. Arterial Natriuretic Peptide D. ADH


Finish the statement: the adenohypophysis is another name for the... A. Follicular Cells B. Adrenal Gland C. Posterior Pituitary Gland D. Anterior Pituitary Gland

Anterior Pituitary Gland

Which of the fallowing is another name for vasopressin? A. Oxytocin B. Anti-Diuretic Hormone C. Prolactin D. Calcitonin

Anti-Diuretic Hormone

Facultative water reabsorption is regulated by which of the following? A. Arterial Natriuretic Peptide B. Angiotensin II C. Aldosterone D. Antidiuretic Hormone

Antidiuretic hormone

Which of the fallowing options most accurately describes erythrocytes? A. Red-Orange staining granules. 2 nuclear lobes B. Anuclear, biconcave discs C. Pale like granules with 4-5 nuclear lobes D. No cytoplasmic granules with a large rounded nucleus

Anuclear, biconcave discs

Which of the fallowing types of cells has the ability to activate itself? A. Endocrine B. Exocrine C. Paracrine D. Autocrine


Hoe is the majority of carbon dioxide carried in the blood? A. Hemoglobin B. Dissolves C. Red blood cells D. Bicarbonate


What of the following stimuli increases thirst? A. Decreased blood osmolarity B. Increased blood volume C. Decreased blood pressure D. All of the options

Decreased blood pressure

What structure DIRECTLY receives filtrate from the proximal convoluted tubule? A. Collecting duct B. Descending limb of the loop of Henle C. Distal convoluted tubule D. Ascending limb of the loop of Henle

Descending loop of Henle

Finish the statement: White blood cells are able to bind to the endothelium, roll, and squeeze through the endothelial cells in order to migrate to an area that in infected. This process is called... A. Diapedesis B. Coagulation C. Leukocytosis D. Leukopenia


What is the first part of the small intestine referred to as? A. Duodenum B. Ileum C. Jejunum D. Rectum


Which of the following refers to the movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the alveoli and the pulmonary capillaries? A. External respiration B. Pulmonary ventilation C. Total lung capacity D. Internal respiration

External respiration

Which of the following is responsible for storing sperm cells? A. Vas deferens B. Epididymis C. Prostate gland D. Seminiferous tubules


Finish the statement: The process of blood cell formation is called... A. Hemostasis B. Leukopoiesis C. Hematopoiesis D. Erythropoiesis


Which of the fallowing answer options gives red blood cells their ability to bind and transport oxygen in the blood? A. Angiotensin II B. Erythropoietin C. ACE D. Hemoglobin


Hyperkalemia refers to A. Low potassium B. Low sodium C. High potassium D. High sodium

High potassium

which of the following refers to out "non-specific" immune system that we are born with? A. Innate immunity B. Humoral immunity C. Adaptive immunity D. Cell-mediated immunity

Innate immunity

Which of the fallowing has an antagonistic relationship with glucagon? A. Insulin B. Testosterone C. Cortisol D. Parathyroid Hormone


Which of the following pressures are both in favor of reabsorption? A. Blood osmotic pressure and Interstitial fluid osmotic pressure B. Blood hydrostatic pressure and Interstitial fluid osmotic pressure C. Interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure and Blood hydrostatic pressure D. Interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure and Blood osmotic pressure

Interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure and Blood osmotic pressure

Finish the statement: Capillary walls separate the ... from the ... A. Interstitial fluid; Intercellular fluid B. Interstitial fluid; Plasma C. Plasma; Intracellular fluid D. Intracellular fluid; Extracellular fluid

Interstitial fluid; Plasma

During which phase of the cardiac cycle is the pressure in the left ventricle increasing the most? A. Atrial contraction B. Isovolumetric contraction C. Ventricle filling D. Isovolumetric relaxation

Isovolumetric contraction

During isovolumetric relaxation, which of the fallowing valves open? A. Tricuspid B. Pulmonary C. Aortic D. Bicuspid E. None of the options F. All of the options

None of the options

Finish the statement: Increasing the preload would... vascular resistance? A. Not have an effect B. Increase C. Decrease

Not have an effect

If the sum of the hydrostatic pressure and interstitial fluid osmotic pressure is greater than the sum of the interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure and the blood osmotic pressure, which direction will the fluid be moving? A. There will be no movement of fluid B. Out of the capillary C. Fluids will be moving in both directions D. Into the capillary

Out of the capillary

Which of the fallowing facilitates uterine smooth muscle contraction and milk ejection? A. Thymosin B. Oxytocin C. Somatotropin D. Glucagon


Which of the following hormones regulate milk ejection? A. Progesterone B. Prolactin C. Estrogen D. Oxytocin


Which part of the nephron is the most active reabsorber? A. Collecting duct B. DCT C. Lop of Henle D. PCT


Which of the following cells releases hydrochloric acid in the stomach? A. G cell B. Mucous neck cell C. Chief cell D. Parietal cell

Parietal cell

Finish the statement: A hormone that requires a simultaneous or recent exposure to a second hormone would have a... effect with that second hormone. A. Synergistic B. Permissive C. Antagonistic


Which of the following components is shared between the respiratory system and the digestive system? A. Larynx B. Trachea C. Bronchi D. Pharynx


The physical expression of the gene is referred to as... A. Genotype B. Phenotype C. Mutation D. Karyotype


Which of the following is a primary lymphatic organ/tissue? A. Peyer's patches B. Spleen C. Lymph nodes D. Red bone marrow

Red bone marrow

PRISH is and acronym that is used to help us remember the signs of inflammation. The "R" in PRISH stands for... A. Rich B. Rugged C. Redness D. Rash


Angiotensin II has which of the fallowing actions? A. Simulating the release of aldosterone and promoting vasoconstriction of arterioles B. Releasing epinephrine and norepinephrine that will increase blood pressure C. Decreases blood pressure by stimulating secretion of urine D. Aiding in the development of gametes and stimulating the release of DHEA

Stimulating the release of aldosterone and promoting vasoconstriction of arterioles

The layer of the uterus that receives the blastocyst for implantation is the... A. Stratum Functionalis B. Stratum Basalis C. Myometrium D. Perimetrium

Stratum Funcationalis

Filtered lymph is returned to the blood at the... A. Right atrium B. Pulmonary veins C. Subclavian veins D. Left atrium

Subclavian veins

Which of the fallowing is derived from cholesterol and is lipid-soluble? A. cAMP B. Steroid Hormones C. Thyroid Hormones D. Eicosanoids

Steroid Hormones

Podocytes contribute to which of the following? A. Juxtaglomerular apparatus B. Glomerulus C. Visceral layer of the Bowman's capsule D. Parietal layer of the Bowman's capsule

Visceral layer of the Bowman's capsule

In the event of heavy blood loss, sweating or vomiting, sodium concentration of body fluids is drastically decreased. The decrease osmolarity puts us at risk for... A. Water intoxication B. High blood pressure C. All the options D. Renal calculi

Water intoxication

What is the average GFR for females and males, respectively? A. 50 ml/min and 70 ml/min B. 75ml/min and 85 ml/min C. 105 ml/min and 125 ml/min D. 90 ml/min and 100 ml/min

105 ml/min and 125 ml/min

Which of the following individuals would be categorized as having stage 1 hypertension? A. 142/91 B. 135/86 C. 118/79 D. 163/101


The innate immune system includes which of the following? A. 1st and 2nd line of defense B. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd line of defense C. 1st line of defense D. 3rd line of defense E. 2nd line of defense

1st and 2nd line of defense

How much Cardiac Output do the kidneys receive? A. 40-45% B. 10-15% C. 20-25% D. 30-35%


Which of the following is the earliest that a fetus can be born prematurely and still survive? A. 16-17 weeks B. 21-22 weeks C. 31-32 weeks D. 24-25 weeks

24-25 weeks

Which of the fallowing molecules reacts with renin? A. Angiotensinogen B. Angiotensin II C. Angiotensin I D. Aldosterone


Which endocrine organ releases somatotropin? A. Anterior Pituitary B. Pancreas C. Hypothalamus D. Gonads

Anterior Pituitary

Which of the following is NOT a method of capillary exchange? A. Anastomoses B. Bulk Flow C. Diffusion D. Transcytosis


Which of the fallowing conditions is caused by increased growth hormone secretion as an adult? A. Dwarfism B. Hashimoto's Disease C. Gigantism D. Acromegaly


Which of the fallowing is DIRECTLY activated by a G=Protein in response to a water-soluble hormone binding to an extracellular receptor that is embedded din the plasma membrane? A. cAMP B. Transcription C. Adenylyl Cyclase D. Protein Kinases

Adenylyl Cyclase

The Zona Glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex releases mineralocorticoids. Which of the fallowing is an example of mineralocorticoids? A. DHEA B. Melatonin C. Cortisol D. Aldosterone


LH does which of the following? A. Stimulates development of the corpus luteum B. Stimulates Leydig cells to release testosterone C. Stimulates ovulation D. All of the options

All of the options

Which of the following drugs can be used to treat hypertension? A. All of the options B. Beta Blockers C. Diuretics D. ACR Inhibitors

All of the options

Which of the following factors affect the metabolic rate (heat production)? A. Age B. All of the options C. Hormones D. Exercise

All of the options

Which of the following is (are) functions of the lymphatic system? A, Transport dietary fats B. Carry out immune responses C. All of the options D. Drain interstitial fluid

All of the options

Which of the following is the most common transplant? A. Allograft B. Autograft C. Isograft D. Xenograft


Which cells are the major mediators of the humoral immune system? A. B-cells B. NK cells C. Macrophages D. T-cells


Cytotoxic T cells are often called... A. CD8 T-cells B. CD4 T-cells C. CD2 T-cells D. CD1 T-cells

CD8 T-cells

Which of the following cells destroys virally infected cells using granzymes and perforins? A. CD4 T-cells B. CD8 T-cells C. B-cells D. Macrophages

CD8 T-cells

What is the secondary product of the parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland? A. Somatotropin B. Parathyroid Hormone C. Corticotopin D. Calcitonin


What is the most abundant mineral in the human body? A. Sodium B. Potassium C. Chloride D. Calcium


Which molecule is responsible for the plateau phase of the cardiac action potential? A. Calcium B. Potassium C. Glucose D. Sodium


Which of the following is an example of a positive inotrope? A. Hydrogen B. Calcium C. Calcium channel blockers D. Potassium


When considering glomerular filtration, which two pressure point in the same direction? A. Capsular hydrostatic pressure and Blood colloid osmotic pressure B. Blood hydrostatic pressure and Capsular hydrostatic pressure C. Capsular osmotic pressure and Blood colloid osmotic pressure D. Blood hydrostatic pressure and Blood colloid osmotic pressure

Capsular hydrostatic pressure and Blood colloid osmotic pressure

Which structures connects the papillary muscles to the valve cusps? A. Chordae tendineae B. Trabeculae carne D. Pulmonary trunk D. Ligamentum arteriosum

Chordae tendineae

Which of the following from left to right is the correct order of the pathway of urine drainage? A. Renal pelvis, Minor calyx, Major calyx, Ureter B. Collecting duct, Major Calyx, Minor Calyx, Renal pelvis C. Minor calyx, Major calyx, Ureter, Renal pelvis D. Collecting duct, Minor calyx, Major calyx, Renal pelvis

Collecting duct, Minor calyx, Major calyx, Renal pelvis

Which of the following form "membrane attack complexes"? A. Interferon B. Complement proteins C. Antibodies D. NK cells

Complement proteins

Finish the statement: ... is when a trait occurs due to the combined genes and environmental factors. A. Complex inheritance B. Sex-linked inheritance C. Codominance D. Incomplete dominance

Complex inheritance

Which of the following is one of the functional classifications of the respiratory system? A. Conducting zone B. Lower respiratory system C. Middle respiratory system D. Upper respiratory system

Conducting zone

Which of the fallowing hormones is released by the hypothalamus? A. Corticotropin Releasing Hormone B. Vasopressin C. DHEA D. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone

Finish the statement: The gallbladder secretes bile DIRECTLY into the... A. Common bile duct B. Cystic duct C. Common hepatic duct D. Hepatopancreatic ampulla

Cystic duct

Mean arterial pressure can be calculated using which formula? A. SP/3xDP+PP B. SP+DP+PP C. DP+PP/3 D. PP-3/SP


Which of the following CANNOT be found in the spermatic cord? A. Vas deferens B. Pampiniform plexus of veins C. Dartos muscle D. Cremaster muscle

Dartos muscle

Finish the statement: Anemia will... blood pressure. A. Decrease B. Not have an effect C. Increase


Finish the statement: Increasing levels of angiotensin II would... GFR A. Not have an affect B. Increase C. Decrease


Finish the statement: Increasing the afterload would... cardiac output. A. Decrease B. Not have an effect on C. Increase


Finish the statement: Increasing the end systolic volume would... cardiac output? A. Decrease B. Increase C. Not have an effect


Which of the following is the correct calculation for Vital Capacity? A. ERV+IRV+TV B. RV+TV+IRV C. TV+IRV D. ERV+IRV


Which of the following is a tropical disease where lymphatics are clogged with parasitic roundworms resulting in edema of enormous proportions? A. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma B. Elephantiasis C. Buboes D. Hodgkin's disease


Finish the statement: A(an)... is when a blood clot forms and a piece of the clot breaks free, lodges in the brain, and leads to stroke? A. Thrombus B. Embolus C. Hemochromatosis D. Pheochromocytoma


Most epithelial tissue is derived from the... A. Endoderm B. Ectoderm C. Mesoderm


Finish the statement: While looking under the microscope, Kaitlyn notices two cells, Cell 1 is most likely a(an)... , while Cell 2 is most likely a(an)... ? A. Neutrophil; Basophil B. Eosinophil; Lymphocyte C. Basophil; Eosinophil D. Monocyte; Lymphocyte

Eosinophil; Lymphocyte

Fimbriae can be found projecting from... A. Fallopian tubes B. Uterus C. Ovaries D. Cervix

Fallopian tubes

True or False: Gas exchange can occur in venules?


True or False: High fever is beneficial and not dangerous


True or False: The urethra in both males and females is shared between the urinary system and the reproductive system.


Finish the statement: ... is going without food for several hours or days A. Bulimia B. Fasting C. Anorexia D. Starvation


What is the function of the metarteriole? A. Drains capillary beds B. Regulates blood flow C. Feeds capillary beds D. Facilitates gas exchange

Feeds capillary beds

Which type of capillaries have small pores with a delicate membrane and can be found in the small intestine and endocrine glands? A. Sinusoidal capillaries B. End capillaries C. Fenestrated capillaries D. Continuous capillaries

Fenestrate capillaries

Which of the following is required for a secondary oocyte to finish meiosis II? A. hCG from the trophoblast B. Fertilization by the sperm cell C. Feedback from the corpus luteum D. FSH and LH

Fertilization by the sperm cell

Thrombin facilitates which reaction? A. Fibrinogen to Fibrin B. Fibrin to Fibrinogen C. Prothrombinase to Prothrombin D. Prothrombin to Fibrinogen

Fibrinogen to Fibrin

Excretion of solutes can be calculated by which of the following formulas? A. Glomerular filtration + Reabsorption - Secretion B. Glomerular filtration + Secretion - Reabsorption C. Secretion + Reabsorption - Glomerular filtration D. Glomerular filtration - Secretion / Reabsorption

Glomerular filtration + Secretion - Reabsorption

Which of the following is an autoimmune condition that affects the kidneys? A. Glomerulonephritis B. Myasthenia Gravis C. Grave's Disease D. Multiple Sclerosis


Which of the fallowing is an action of cortisol? A. Glucose formation B. Glycogenesis C. Increased immune responses D. Stimulation of protein synthesis

Glucose formation

Which of the fallowing metabolic reactions is stimulating by glucagon? A. Glycogenesis B. Glycolysis C. Glycogenolysis D. All of the available answers are correct


Which of the fallowing conditions refers to a build up of thyroid hormone that is caused by an iodine insufficiency? A. Addison's Disease B. Cushing's Syndrome C. Goiter D. Grave's Disease


Which of the fallowing is the most abundant anterior pituitary hormone? A. Thyroid Hormone B. Growth Hormone C. Follicle Stimulating Hormone D. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone

Growth Hormone

Which of the following refers to increased sodium in the blood? A. Hypokalemia B. Hypercalcemia C. Hypernatremia D. Hyperkalemia


Which of the fallowing would most likely result from hyperinsulinism? A. Hypocalcemia B. Hypercalcemia C. Hypoglycemia D. Hyperglycemia


Which of the following is NOT one of the classes of immunoglobulins? A. IgE B. IgS C. IgM D. IgG


When parathyroid hormone is released into the bloodstream, it has which of the fallowing effects? A. Increases blood glucose B. Decrease Blood Glucose C. Increase blood levels of calcium D. Decrease blood levels of calcium

Increase blood levels of Calcium

Which of the following would be changed cause by an increase in the release of Arterial Natriuretic Peptide? A. Increased GFR B. Decreased urine output C. Increased blood volume D. Increased blood pressure

Increased GFR

Which of the following will lead to an increase in cardiac output? A. Increase parasympathetic stimulation B. Increased blood volume C. Increased end systolic volume D. Decreased vasoconstriction

Increased blood volume

Which of the fallowing is NOT an action of thyroid hormone? A. Increasing basal metabolic rate B. Maintenance of body temperature C. Increased protein breakdown and degeneration D. Increased ATP production from glucose

Increased protein breakdown and degeneration

Finish the statement: Exhaling carbon dioxide ... blood pH. A. Increases B. Decreases C. Does not affect


Which of the following statements is true? A. Increasing sympathetic stimulation will increase cardiac output but decrease blood pressure B. Increasing vasoconstriction will increase vascular resistance C. Increasing blood viscosity and vessel length decrease vascular resistance D. Increase vasodilation increases blood pressure

Increasing vasoconstriction will increase vascular resistance

Which of the following accounts for the majority of water gain? A. Ingested foods B. Skin absorption C. Ingested fluids D. Metabolic water

Ingested fluids

Which of the following is NOT one of the salivary glands? A. Submandibular gland B. Parotid gland C. Sublingual gland D. Lacrimal gland

Lacrimal gland

On which organ can the Tenia Coli and Haustra be found? A. Esophagus B. Large intestine C. Stomach D. Small intestine

Large intestine

Which of the following is often referred to as the voice box? A. Oral cavity B. Nasal cavity C. Larynx D. Pharynx


Which of the fallowing structures is separated by the bicuspid valve? A. Left Atrium and Left Ventricle B. Pulmonary trunk and Right ventricle C. Left ventricle and Aorta D. Left Atrium and Left Ventricle

Left Atrium and Left Ventricle

Which of the fallowing chambers is DIRECTLY connect to the pulmonary veins? A. Left ventricle B. Right ventricle C. Right atrium D. Left atrium

Left atrium

Which of the fallowing has the thickest wall? A. Right ventricle B. Left ventricle C. Left atrium D. Right atrium

Left ventricle

Which of the fallowing conditions refers to an increase number of white blood cells? A. Thrombocytopenia B. Leukocytosis C. Erythroblastosis D. Leukopenia


Lipid transport in the blood is by way of... A. Lipoproteins B. Filtration C. ATP D. Red blood cells


Which of the following is NOT part of the respiratory zone? A. Alveolar ducts B. Lobar bronchi C. Respiratory bronchioles D. Alveoli

Lobar bronchi

Which of the following filter lymph? A. Lymph vessels B. all of the options C. Spleen D. Lymph nodes

Lymph nodes

Which of the following would be the biggest type of vessel? A. Lymphatic trunk B. Lymphatic ducts C. Lymphatic arteries D. Lymphatic capillaries

Lymphatic ducts

Which of the fallowing is a branch off of the right coronary artery? A. Circumflex artery B. Marginal artery C. Great cardiac artery D. Anterior interventricular artery

Marginal artery

Platelets arise form which of the fallowing cells? A. Neutrophils B. Proerythroblast C. Lymphocyte D. Megakaryocyte


Which of the following answer options in characterized by low arterial blood levels of bicarbonate? A. Metabolic Alkalosis B. Respiratory Acidosis C. Respiratory Alkalosis D. Metabolic Acidosis

Metabolic Acidosis

Which of the fallowing is one of the "agranulocytes"? A. Neutrophils B. Basophils C. Monocytes D. Eosinophils


Where does chemical digestion begin? A. Mouth B. Large intestine C. Stomach D. Small intestine


Which of the fallowing refers to the death of ischemic (oxygen deprived) cells in the heart? A. Myocardial infarction B. Stroke C. Atherosclerosis D. Angina pectoris

Myocardial infarction

Breast milk provides an infant with antibodies helping to protect the infant. This type of immunity is... A. Artificial active immunity B. Natural active immunity C. Natural passive immunity D. Artificial passive immunity

Natural passive immunity

Which of the fallowing is the most common white blood cell that can be found in the blood? A. Eosinophils B. Neutrophils C. Erythrocytes D. Lymphocytes


The filtration membrane is composed of which of the following layers? A. Basal lamina and Podocytes B. Podocytes and Glomerular endothelial cells C. Podocytes, Basal lamina, and Glomerular endothelium cells D. Podocytes, Basal lamina, Juxtaglomerular cells, Glomerular endothelium cells

Podocytes, Basal lamina, and Glomerular endothelium cells

Which of the fallowing endocrine organs releases the hormone who's action is to conserve body water by decreasing urine formation preventing perspiration? A. Anterior Pituitary B. Adrenal Gland C. Thyroid Gland D. Posterior Pituitary

Posterior Pituitary

Which of the following factors when increased would also increase the stroke volume? A. Blood viscosity B. Preload C. Afterload D. Vessel length


Finish the statement: In the ... of ADH the collecting duct becomes more permeable to water. A. Absence B. Presence


Which of the fallowing hormones promotes milk production? A. Somatostatin B. Calcitonin C. Prolactin D. Thyrotropin


Which of the fallowing is an action of somatotropin? A. Stimulates metabolism B. Prevents the release of water in the kidneys C. Promotes growth of body tissues D. Constricts arterioles

Promotes growth of body tissues

Which of the following is connected by the ductus arteriosus? A. Umbilical vein and Inferior vena cava B. Right atrium and Left atrium C. Pulmonary arteries and Pulmonary veins D. Pulmonary trunk and Aorta

Pulmonary trunk and Aorta

Of the AVAILABLE answer options, which of the fallowing answer options best orders the pathway that a drop of blood in the right atrium would pass as it travels through the heart? (left to right) A. Right ventricle, Pulmonary veins, Pulmonary arteries, Left ventricle B. Pulmonary trunk, Pulmonary veins, Bicuspid valve, aorta C. Pulmonary arteries, Pulmonary valve, Left ventricle, Tricuspid valve D. Tricuspid valve, Left atrium, Right atrium, Bicuspid valve

Pulmonary trunk, Pulmonary veins, Bicuspid valve, aorta

Which of the following separates the stomach from the small intestine? A. Pyloric sphincter B. Ileocecal sphincter C. Upper esophageal sphincter D. Lower esophageal sphincter

Pyloric sphincter

Which of the following deflection waves represents the depolarization of the ventricles? A. QRS wave B. P wave C. None of the options D. T wave

QRS wave

Which of the following answer options correctly order the blood vessels of the kidneys from left to right? A. Renal artery, Arcuate artery, Efferent arteriole, Afferent arteriole, Renal vein B. Renal artery, Afferent arteriole, Cortical radiate arteries, Peritubular capillaries, Renal vein C. Renal artery, Arcuate artery, Cortical radiate veins, Interlobar veins, Renal vein D. Renal artery, Interlobar artery, Segmental arteries, Arcuate vein, Renal vein

Renal artery, Arcuate artery, Cortical radiate veins, Interlobar veins, Renal vein

Which of the following renal structures is the most superficial? A. Renal cortex B. Renal capsule C. Renal column D. Renal medulla

Renal capsule

Where can the interlobar arteries of the kidneys be located? A. Renal cortex B. Renal hilum C. Renal pyramids D. Renal columns

Renal columns

Finish the statement: The glomerulus and the Bowman's capsule make up the... A. Macula densa B. Renal corpuscle C. Nephron D. Juxtaglomerular apparatus

Renal corpuscle

Which of the fallowing structures comes in contact with deoxygenated blood? A. Pulmonary veins B. Right ventricle C. Left atrium D. Bicuspid valve

Right Ventricle

Which of the fallowing chambers does the coronary sinus dump into? A. Right ventricle B. Left atrium C. Right atrium D. Left ventricle

Right atrium

Which sound is caused by the closing of the atrioventricular valves? A. First Korotkoff sound B. S1 (lub) C. Last Korotkoff sound D. S2 (dub)

S1 (lub)

Which of the fallowing conditions would most likely occur in response to high altitudes posed by this environment (rocky mountains)? A. Secondary Polycythemia B. Anemia C. Leukopenia D. Thrombocytopenia

Secondary Polycythemia

Which of that fallowing conditions refers to and infection of the blood? A. Fibrinolysis B. Polycythemia C. Septicemia D. Hemophilia


Which cell forms the blood-testis barrier? A. Granulosa cells B. Sertoli cells C. Spermatogonia D. Leydig cells

Sertoli cells

Of the components in the cardiac conduction system, which fires the fastest? A. Atrioventricular node B. Atrioventricular bundle of his C. Sinoatrial node D. Purkinje fibers E. Right and left bundle branches

Sinoatrial node

Which of the fallowing answer options demonstrated the correct order of the components of the cardiac conduction system from left to right? A. Atrioventricular node, Sinoatrial node, Atrioventricular bundle of his, Right and left bindle branches, Purkinje fibers B. Atrioventricular node, Atrioventricular bundle of his. Sinoatrial node, Purkinje fibers, right and left bundle branches C. Sinoatrial node, Atrioventricular node, Atrioventricular bundle of his, Right and left bundle branches Purkinje fibers D. Sinoatrial node, Atrioventricular bundle of his, Atrioventricular node, Purkinje fibers, right and left bundle branches

Sinoatrial node, Atrioventricular node, Atrioventricular bundle of his, Right and left bundle branches, Purkinje fibers

Which of the following can be found within our body's first line of defense? A. Skin and mucous membranes B. Phagocytosis C. complement D. Antibodies

Skin and mucous membranes

On which organ can Villi be found? A. Stomach B. Large intestine C. Small intestine D. Esophagus

Small intestine

Where can the Peyer's patched be found? A. Small intestines B. Throat C. Pancreas D. Kidneys

Small intestines

Which of the following has a higher concentration outside of the cell? A. Bicarbonate B. Calcium C. Sodium D. Potassium


Which of the following destroys and stores breakdown products of old red blood cells, acts as a blood reservoir, and stores platelets? A. Lymph nodes B. Red bone marrow C. Thymus D. Spleen


Which of the following is NOT an APC? A. T cells B. Macrophages C. B cells D. Dendritic cells

T cell

Which of the following cells requires antigen presentation to be activated? A. T-cells B. B-cells C. Macrophages D. All of the options


Which of the following components mark the end of the conducting zone? A. Bronchioles B. Alveoli C. Bronchi D. Terminal Bronchioles

Terminal Bronchioles

Which of the fallowing homeones stimulates the development of the secondary sex-characteristics in males? A. Thymopoietin B. Testosterone C. Thyroid Hormone D. Growth Hormone


Which of the fallowing binds to an intracellular receptor? A. Peptide Hormones B. Amine Hormones C. Eicosanoids D. Tetraiodothyronine


Which of the fallowing statements are TRUE regarding the endocrine system and the nervous system? A. All of the answers are correct. B. the endocrine system releases neurotransmitters, while the nervous system releases hormones. C. The endocrine system typically act locally, and the nervous system tends to act more systemically. D. The duration of action of hormones is typically much longer than that of neurotransmitters.

The duration of action of hormones is typically much longer than that of neurotransmitters.

The diastolic blood pressure is indicated by what? A. S2 (dub) B. The last Korotkoff sound C. S1 (lub) D. The first Korotkoff sound

The last Korotkoff sound

Which of the following is false regarding muscular arteries? A. These are larger diameter vessels such as the aorta B. They contain more smooth muscle than elastic tissue C. These make up most of out bodies arteries D. They are also called distributing arteries

These are larger diameter vessels such as the aorta

Which of the following is TRUE regarding complete antigens? A. They gain immunogenicity when linked with a self-protein B. They require a binding protein in order to stimulate an immune response C. lipids make the strongest complete antigens D. They display both immunogenicity and reactivity

They display both immunogenicity and reactivity

which of the following is FALSE regarding lymph nodes? A. They contain reticular fibers that act as a filter B. They are surrounded by a connective tissue capsule C. They have more efferent vessels than afferent D. They contain lymphatic nodules made up of B Cells

They have more efferent vessels than afferent

Which of the following drains roughly 75% of all of the body's Lymph? A. Right lymphatic duct B. Brachiocephalic trunk C. Thoracic duct D. Left lymphatic duct

Thoracic duct

Which of the following is the site of T-Cell maturation? A. Thymus B. Lymph nodes C. Spleen D. Tonsils


Which is the purpose of the pulmonary circulation? A. To meet the metabolic needs of the tissues B. To facilitate perfusion of the heart C. To offload nutrients at the liver D. To reoxygenate deoxygenated blood

To reoxygenate deoxygenated blood

Which of the following is an example of MALT? A. Tonsils B. Spleen C. Lymph nodes D. Thymus


Which of the following is supported by 16 and 20 C-shaped cartilaginous rings and is lined by ciliated epithelial cells? A. Trachea B. Esophagus C. Pharynx D. Larynx


Which mechanism do larger, lipid-insoluble substances use to move across the cell membrane? A. Transcytosis B. Diffusion C. Anastomoses D. Bulk Flow


True or False, it is possible to decrease the amount of receptors that a target cell has in order to desensitize that cell.


True or False: Baroreceptors send inhibitory signals to the vasomotor center which leads to a vasodilation.


True or False: Carbohydrate metabolism is mostly glucose metabolism.


True or False: Lymph flows through several lymph nodes before returning back to the cardiovascular system


True or False: Sympathetic stimulation affect both heart rate and stroke volume?


Which of the following pancreatic enzymes breaks down proteins? A. Pancreatic lipase B. Pancreatic amylase C. Trypsin D. Ribonuclease


Movement of substances from the peritubular capillaries into the renal tubules is called? A. Tubular secretion B. Tubular reabsorption C. Tubular filtration D. Glomerular filtration

Tubular secretion

Which of the following layers makes up capillary walls? A. Tunica Intima and Tunica Externa B. Tunica Intima only C. Tunica Media only D. Tunica Media and Tunica Externa E. All three Tunicas

Tunica Intima only

Which layer of blood vessels contains smooth muscle and elastic tissue? A. Tunica Externa B. Tunica Adventitia C. Tunica Media D. Tunica Intima

Tunica Media

On which organ can the Trigone and Detrusor muscle be found? A. Urethra B. Kidney C. Ureter D. Urinary bladder

Urinary bladder

Which of the following is an example of artificially acquired active immunity? A. Anti-venom B. All of the options C. Vaccines D. Infections


What is the first step of hemostasis? A. Platelet releases reaction B. coagulation C. Platelet aggregation D. Vascular spasm E. Platelet Adhesion

Vascular Spasm

Blood pressure is regulated by which of the following? A. Vascular resistance only B. Cardiac output and Blood volume C. Vascular resistance, Cardiac output, and Blood volume D. Blood volume and Vascular resistance

Vascular resistance, Cardiac output, and Blood volume

Baroreceptors will send signals faster if... A. Oxygen concentration in the blood is high B. Vascular stretch is low C. Oxygen concentration in the blood is low D. Vascular stretch is high

Vascular stretch is high

Which of the following is NOT and action of angiotensin II? A. Vasodilation B. Stimulating the thirst center C. Releasing ADH D. Stimulation the release of aldosterone


Which of the fallowing is NOT released from the Anterior Pituitary Gland? A. Prolactin B. Thyrotropin C. Vasopressin D. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone


Which of the following is true regarding veins? A. In general, veins have the dame pressure as arteries do B. Only a small portion of our body's blood can be found in veins C. Veins carry blood away from the heart D. Veins have all three tunics and valves as well

Veins have all three tunics and valves as well

Which of the fallowing regions of the adrenal gland releases cortisol? A. Zona Reticularis B. Adrenal Medulla C. Zona Fasciculata D. Zona Glomerulosa

Zona Fasciculata

Which of the fallowing would occur IMMEDIATELY after a lipid-soluble hormone has entered the target cell? A. a formation of the receptor- hormone complex B. Translation C. Transcription D. Activation of the G-Protein E. Synthesis of cAMP

a formation of the receptor-hormone complex

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