Anatomy and Physiology Exam 2

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pointing a finger, serving a tennis ball, using the hip


Turning one's head from side to side, a bent arm

Cartilaginous joints unite two bones by means of __________.


The skull consists of _____ cranial bones and _____ facial bones.

8, 14

When viewing the skull from a superior view, all of the following can be seen except the __________.

Sphenoid bone

The joint capsule of synovial joints consists of an outer ____________ and an inner ___________.

fibrous layer, synovial membrane

Which of the following is not an example of a fibrous joint?


The parietal bones are connected to the frontal bone by the __________ suture.


Label the features of the hyoid bone.

greater horn, lesser horn, body

Bone remodeling may occur

All of these choices are correct

Which of the following statements about bone remodeling and repair is correct?

Exposure of a bone to increased stress can lead to bone remodeling

Condyles are found in the axial skeleton only.


Indicate whether each statement is true or false. 1. The acromion process of the scapula forms a protective cover for the shoulder joint and forms an attachment site for the sternum. 2. The clavicle, or collarbone, has a slight S-shaped curve and attaches to the sternum and the scapula. 3. The upper limb has greater mobility than the lower limb.

False, True, True

Indicate whether each statement is true or false. A slow loss of the internal spongy bone begins about at age 40 and increases after age 45

False, True, True, False

Check all of the bones that belong to the lower limb.

Femur, Tarsals, Tibia, Metatarsals, patella

Beginning in anatomical position, what movements of the forearm are involved in bending your elbow and then turning your forearm so that your palm faces the floor?

Flexion and pronation

Which of the following anatomical features of bones is correctly matched with its function?

Foramen - a hole for a blood vessel

The proper sequence of events in bone repair is

Hematoma formation, callus formation, callus ossification, remodeling of bone

A dislocated shoulder involves separation of the __________ from the scapula.


A patient a hospital with a broken femur. A piece of the bone is protruding from the skin, and the femur was shattered into many fragments, none of which line up in their original position. Select all that describe this type of fracture.

Open, Non-displaced, comminuted

Match the bone with the component of the nasal cavity it forms.

Roof, Roof, Roof, Lateral wall, Lateral wall, Floor Septum

What are two reasons why the number of bones vary with age?

Sesamoid bones form within tendons in response to stress. Some bones fuse together with age. Bones are lost due to deterioration of calcium salts

Which of the following is an air-filled space found within some bones?


Synovial Cartilaginous Fibrous

Synovial: Plane, Hinge, pivot, condyloid, ball and socket Cartilaginous: Synchrondroses, symphyses Fibrous: Gomphoses, Sutures, syndesmoses

Classify a vertebra that has the following characteristics:(1) Posterior-facing superior articular processes(2) Circular vertebral foramen(3) Long spinous process


Select the types of angular movements allowed at synovial joints.

abduction, extension, flexion, supination, pronation

A skateboard accident leaves a young man with a broken arm. An X-ray reveals the ulna bone is fractured, with a fragment of the bone separate from the rest of the ulna. Which of the following best describes his fracture?

avulsion fracture

Collagen and calcium hydroxyapatite are the primary constituents of __________.

bone matrix

Osteocytes send long, slender cell processes down narrow passageways called __________. These passageways connect osteocytes both with each other, and with the blood supply of the osteon.


Lateral movement of the mandible for chewing or grinding the teeth is __________.


The growth spurt seen in puberty is triggered by __________.

sex hormones

___________ is an example of a joint that contains hyaline cartilage.

An intercarpal joint


moving the teeth side to side

The flat bones of the skull develop from ___________ in a process called intramembranous ossification.


Match the components of the epiphyseal plate with the correct description.

Zone of resting, Zone of proliferation, Zone of hypertrophy, Zone of calcification, ossified bone

The passive and active ranges of joint mobility are

about the same

The range of motion that can be accomplished at a joint by muscular contraction is

active range of motion

Ligaments attach __________.

bone to bone

A movement in which one end of an appendage remains fairly stationary while the other end makes a circular motion A movement in which a bone spins on its longitudinal axis A movement that turns the palm to face posteriorly or downward A movement that turns the palm to face anteriorly or upward A movement that tips the soles medially A movement that turns the soles laterally

circumduction rotation pronation supination inversion eversion

Four or five bones fuse to form the __________, or the "tailbone."


Determine whether each statement is true or false.

false, false, true, true

The spaces between developing skull bones that have not ossified are called __________.


In endochondral ossification, chondroblasts produce a _________ cartilage model that has the approximate shape of the bone to be formed.


The _______ form(s) part of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity.

inferior nasal conchae

Bones that are longer than they are wide and generally have enlarged ends for articulations are classified as __________ bones.


The _________ bone is not a carpal bone.


In appositional growth of cartilage,

new chondrocytes and new matrix are added onto the outside of the tissue

Bone cells called ___________ have processes that lie in canaliculi.


The bones that can only be visualized from an inferior view of the skull (assuming the skull is fully intact and not cut open) are the __________.


What is the vertebral structure projecting posteriorly, and originating near the junction of the two lamina?

spinous process

The largest bursa of the knee joint allows the anterior thigh muscles to move over the distal end of the femur. This is called the ___________.

suprapatellar bursa

Which of the following bones does not contain paranasal sinuses?


_____________ does not belong to the pectoral girdle.

the sacroilliac joint

Match the bone with the correct anatomical portion of the skeleton.

1. Hyoid - Axial 2. Coxal bone - Appendicular 3. Sternum - Axial 4. Clavicle - Appendicular 5. Sacrum - Axial 6. Tarsal bones - Appendicular 7. Coccyx - Axial 8. Patella - Appendicular

Define basic multicellular unit (BMU).

A group of osteoblasts and osteoclasts that work together during bone remodeling

Correctly pair the class of synovial joint with its description. Multiaxial joint Monaxial joint, moving freely in one plane with very little movement in any other Biaxial joint that exhibits an oval convex surface on one bone that fits into a complementary-shaped depression on the other Biaxial joint where both bones are concave in one direction and convex in the other Joint in which adjacent bones slide over each other and have relatively limited movement Monaxial joint in which a bone spins on its longitudinal axis

Ball and socket Hinge Condylar Saddle Plane Pivot

We easily recognize bones as central to the skeletal system, but we have another component that is associated with bone and provides cushioning, structural support, and aids in bone repair. What is this component being described?


Put the following components of the vertebral column in order from superior to inferior.

Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, sacrum, coccyx

Drag the each item to correctly label the image - Hyaline Cartilage

Chondroblast, Chondrocyte, Lacuna, Matrix

Select all of the movements allowed at the temporomandibular joint.

Depression and elevation, Medial and lateral excursion, and protraction and retraction

Indicate whether each statement is true or false. 1. The crista galli and the sella turcica are features found on the sphenoid bone. 2. The foramen magnum is found in the posterior fossa and is where the brain connects to the spinal cord. 3. The petrous portion of the temporal bone extends posterolaterally from each side of the sella turcica. 4. Openings that can be found in the middle cranial fossa are the foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum, and the olfactory foramina.

False, True, True, False

Match the bone matrix component or function with the appropriate classification.

Inorganic, Organic, Organic, Inorganic, Organic

Structures called _________ house blood vessels that carry blood from the medullary cavity and periosteum to the osteon. These passages run perpendicular to the long axis of the bone.

Perforating canals

Check all that are bones of the pelvic girdle.

Right hip bone, Left hip bone, Coccyx

A patient in a skiing accident is told that the lateral side of the right leg and ankle joint has been crushed. The bone that has been injured is the __________.


An instructor describes a joint as freely mobile. This description refers to the joint's ___________ classification.


Proteoglycan molecules in the matrix of cartilage

give cartilage its resilient nature

The __________ of a rib articulates with the body of a thoracic vertebra.


The radius and lunate bones articulate with the ___ of ___

head, ulna

What results from damage to annulus fibrosus and release of nucleus pulposus?

herniated disk

A soccer player rushes toward a ball, considering two options, kicking the ball hard to the left or kicking it hard to the right. In kicking to the left or right, the joint that will influence the direction most significantly is the __________, and will largely involve ___________ of that joint.

hip joint, rotation

A sedentary patient is low in vitamin D, and her calcium levels begin to drop. How will the body respond to bring calcium levels back to normal?

increase parathyroid hormone secretion

Label the microscopic anatomy of spongy bone.

left to right, top to bottom compact bone, trabecula, osteoblast, osteoclast, spongy bone, osteocyte, lamella

Bone-forming cells that produce collagen and proteoglycans and release matrix vesicles are called __________.


Sam was a 60-year-old man. As a result of picking up a heavy object, he fractured the radius and ulna of his right arm. X-rays indicated that he had severe osteoporosis. His blood calcium levels were above normal and the pathologist found cancer cells that produced a hormone-like substance. That substance was most likely

parathyroid hormone

The amount of motion or movement at a joint when moved by an outside force is the

passive range of motion

Joints made up of fibrocartilage that are sometimes flexible are ____________.


True or False. There are three arches in the foot to distribute the weight of the body.


True or false: The application of small electrical charges to broken bones are sometimes used to enhance healing.


Joints joined together by hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage would be classified as __________ joints.


Important functions of the skeletal system include

protection of the brain and soft organs

Some flat and irregular bones of the skull have air-filled spaces called __________.


Match the bone with the correct component of the skeleton.

1. Mandible - Face 2. Sphenoid - Cranium 3. Sacrum - Vertebral column 4. Sternum - Thoracic cage 5. Scapula - Pectoral girdle 6. Radius - Upper limb 7. Tarsals - Lower limb 8. Coxal bone - Pelvic girdle

Which of the following examples represents a bony joint (synostosis)?

An infant is born with right and left mandibular bones, but they soon fuse into a single bone.

Match the description to the correct bone feature term.

Body, Head, Neck, Margin, Angle, Ramus, Condyle, Facet, Line, Crest, Spine

Select all that are components of the skeletal system.

Bones, Cartilage, Ligaments, Tendons

Which of the following is associated with osteoclast reabsorption of bone?

Hydrogen Ions form an acid environment in bone matrix

A boy grew rapidly and reached a height of 6 ft. 2 in. by the time he was 13 years old. He had normal body proportions and sexual development. Which of the following caused his condition?

Hypersecretion of growth hormone

Mechanical stress applied to bone __________ osteoblast activity in bone tissue, and the removal of mechanical stress __________ osteoblast activity.

Increases, decreases

In _________ growth of cartilage, chondrocytes within the tissue divide and add more matrix between the existing cells.


What is the pear-shaped opening, located anteriorly in the skull, that is divided into right and left halves?

Nasal cavity

Select all that are functions of the skeletal system.

Production of blood cells and platelets, protection of internal organs, and storage of minerals

The cartilage matrix molecule _________ can trap large quantities of water, helping cartilage remain flexible and resilient.


Drag the each item to correctly label the image - Hyaline cartilage - growths

Top to bottom Perichondrium, Appositional growth, Interstitial growth

True or False? As weight is transferred through the arch system of the foot, some of the ligaments are stretched; when weight is removed from the foot, the ligaments recoil.


1. The pelvic girdle is attached much more firmly to the body than the pectoral girdle. 2. In general, the bones of the pelvic girdle are thicker, lighter, and longer than those of the upper limb. 3. The right and left coccyx join each other anteriorly and the sacrum posteriorly to form the pelvic girdle.

True, False, False

Indicate whether each statement is true or false. 1. The hyoid bone is shaped like the letter 'U' and is unpaired. 2. The hyoid bone is considered to be a facial bone because of its inferior attachment to the mandible. 3. The hyoid bone provides an attachment point for some tongue muscles and form important neck muscles that elevate the larynx during speech or swallowing.

True, False, True

True or False: Each of these factors are important for bone growth.

True, True, False, True, True, True, False, False, True

Which of the following statements regarding calcium homeostasis is true?

When blood calcium levels are too low, osteoclast activity increases

From a relaxed, standing position, as you bring your arms up laterally so that they are straight out from your sides to stretch in the morning, the motion of the arms is called ____________. When you put your arms straight back down to your sides and then reach both hands up to rub your eyes, the motion that results at the elbow joint is called __________.

abduction, flexion

The range of motion determined by the joint's muscular contraction is ______ , whereas _____range of motion requires some external force such as manipulation in therapy.

active, passive

The displacement of a bone from its normal position is called ______.

adduction, fracture, luxation

The synovial fluid in synovial joints consists of ___________.

all of the choices are correct

What limits a joint's range of motion?

all of the choices are correct

Which of the following are age-related changes with the joints?

all of these choices are correct

You are reading the notes of an archeologist who uncovered an ancient battlefield and examined the humerus of someone that who was clearly killed in that battle. The notes mention a region of what appears to be woven bone. This region was likely

an injury sustained before the battle

Adduction and abduction are examples of ____________ movements.


Flexion of the forearm is an example of a/an ___________ type of movement.


The type of movements where one linear part of the body bends relative to another part would be ______ movements.


In __________ growth of cartilage, chondroblasts in the perichondrium add new cartilage to the outside edge of the existing cartilage.



are the basic units in compact bone tissue

The multiaxial joint in which the spherical end of one bone fits into the cuplike socket of the other bone is called a ___________ joint.

ball and socket

Osteoclasts and osteoblasts that travel through or across the bone surface removing and replacing old bone matrix are collectively called a/an __________.

basic multicellular unit

The process of __________ is important to change shapes of bones, adjust to bone stress, replace old bone matrix, and to facilitate repair of broken bone.

bone remodeling

Hyaline cartilage

can serve as a precursor for the formation of long bones in the body

During a lab practical, a student observes an individual vertebra that has three holes in it. She must be looking at a __________ vertebra.


Hyaline cartilage consists of specialized cells called __________ that produce a matrix surrounding themselves. When matrix surrounds these cells they become __________ that are trapped in lacunae.

chondroblasts, chondrocytes

All of these bones fuse to form the coxal bone except the __________.


How does the endocrine system affect osteoporosis How does the muscular system affect osteoporosis How would the urinary system contribute to osteoporosis How might the integumentrary system contribute to osteoporosis

decreased estrogen levels Lack of exercise cacium ions released from the bones lack of exposure

An x-ray determines that Philip fractured the shaft of his humerus. The break is in the _____________ of the bone.


Which of these is not a paranasal sinus?

mastoid sinus

The ________ bone contains a sinus.


A cleft palate results from incomplete development of the _______


Match the articulation term to its definition. Lateral Excursion Medial Excursion

moves mandible to either the right or left returns the mandible to the midline position

A child is resting his elbows on the dinner table. What specific bone structure is contacting the table?


Alexis was a creative baker who constantly leaned on her elbow in applying fanciful decorations onto cakes. She was supporting Jeff, a hard-working nursing student who spent endless hours writing and researching. One evening, both noticed that each had a puffy, balloon-like swelling at the tip of one of their elbows. These were later diagnosed as cases of___________, which luckily resolved after a few weeks for both of them using minor treatment and a change in work habits.

olecranon bursitis

A posterior movement of a body part in the transverse plane is called ________. A movement of the forearm that turns the palm posteriorly or downward is called ________. An example of _________ is sliding the mandible forward.

retraction pronation protraction

Select the types of circular movements allowed at synovial joints.


The dens or odontoid process is on the __________.

second cervical vertebra

On each side of the skull, the __________ suture joins the parietal bone with the temporal bone.


The proportion of collagen to hydroxyapatite in bone determines the

strength of the bone

Passive range of motion is demonstrated when a therapist holds a patient's forearm and moves it so that the elbow flexes.


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