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Which of the following is an example of active transport?

- The movement of sodium up its concentration gradiet

The smallest unit of an element that still retains the distinctive behavior of that element is an . A electron B atom C elemental particle D isotope


Which of the following statements about nutrients istrue? a.All classes of nutrients are essential to human survival. B.Because the body cannot store any micronutrients, they need to be consumed nearly every day. C.Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are micronutrients. D.Macronutrients are vitamins and minerals.

All classes of nutrients are essential to human survival.

What area on DNA indicates the area where RNA polymerase can bind?

CACA area

The smallest independently functioning unit of an organism is a(n) . a.cell b.molecule c.organ d.tissue


Which of the following sequences on a DNA molecule would be complementary to GCTTATAT?


what reactions release energy

Catabolic, exergonic, and decomposition

Which of the following is not a difference between DNA and RNA?

DNA contains alternating sugar-phosphate molecules whereas RNA does not contain sugars

Place the following structures in order from least to most complex organization: chromatin, nucleosome, DNA, chromosome

DNA, nucleosome, chromatin, chromosome

Which of the following is a molecule, but not a compound? A H20 B 2H CH2 D H+


A molecule of ammonia contains one atom of nitrogen and three atoms of hydrogen. These are linked with . A ionic bonds B nonpolar covalent bonds C polar covalent bonds D hydrogen bonds


The characteristic that gives an element its distinctive properties is its number of . A protons B neutrons C electrons D atoms


A substance formed of crystals of equal numbers of cations and anions held together by ionic bonds is called a(n) . A noble gas B salt C electrolyte D dipole


Which of the following neurotransmitters is released at the motor end plate?


Ion pumps and phagocytosis are both examples of

active transport

Which of the following properties is not common to all three muscle tissues? A excitability B the need for ATP C at rest, uses shielding proteins to cover actinbinding sites D elasticity

at rest uses sheilding protiens to cover actinbinding sites

What is the general term for the loss of muscle mass?


The nerve impulse travels down a(n) , away from the cell body. A dendrite B axon C microglia D collagen fiber


C.J. is stuck in her car during a bitterly cold blizzard. Her body responds to the cold by

becoming lethragic to conserve heat

Bones grow in diameter due to bone formation . A in the medullary cavity B beneath the periosteum C in the epiphyseal plate D within the metaphysis

beneath the periosteum

What type of connective tissue is termed a liquid connective tissue?


The skeletal system is made of . A muscles and tendons B bones and cartilage C vitreous humor D minerals and fat

bones and cartilage

Which element is important in directly triggering contraction? A sodium B calcium C potassium D chloride


According to the sliding filament model, binding sites on actin open when . A creatine phosphate levels rise B ATP levels rise C acetylcholine levels rise D calcium ion levels rise

calcium ion levels rise

Muscle relaxation occurs when . A calcium ions are actively transported out of the sarcoplasmic reticulum B calcium ions diffuse out of the sarcoplasmic reticulum C calcium ions are actively transported into the sarcoplasmic reticulum D calcium ions diffuse into the sarcoplasmic reticulum

calcium ions are activtely transported into the sacroplasmic reticulum

During which phase of a twitch in a muscle fiber is tension the greatest? A resting phase B repolarization phase C contraction phase D relaxation phase

contraction phase

After you eat lunch, nerve cells in your stomach respond to the distension (the stimulus) resulting from the food. They relay this information to . a control center B.a set point C.effectors D.sensors

control center

AB → A + B is a general notation for a(n


AB → A + B is a general notation for a(n) reaction. A anabolic B endergonic C decomposition D exchange


In DNA, nucleotide bonding forms a compound with a characteristic shape known as a(n) . A beta chain B pleated sheet C alpha helix D double helix

double helix

Which of the following properties of muscle is the ability for it to return to the same size after being contracted or stretched?


Which lay of the skin is the most superficial?


What enzyme unwinds the double helix of DNA during replication?


Which of the following occurs in the spongy bone of the epiphysis? A bone growth B bone remodeling C hematopoiesis D shock absorption


Which type of stem cell gives rise to red and white blood cells?


What type of bond holds together the nitrogenous bases?


Which of the following types of bonds allow water compounds to link up?


Which of the following systems are primarily responsible for emotions?

limbic systems

Which of the following molecules leaves the nucleas in order to create proteins?


What bone cell is considered a bone destroying cell?


In bone, the main cells are . A fibroblasts B chondrocytes C lymphocytes D osteocytes


Humans have the most urgent need for a continuous supply of . B.nitrogen C.oxygen D.water


Which of the following is a function of the rough ER?

production of protiens

Which function of the skeletal system would be especially important if you were in a car accident? A storage of minerals B protection of internal organs C facilitation of movement D fat storage

protection of internal organs

If a cell lost one of the following organelles, which one would cause the loss of protein synthesis?


The rough ER has its name due to what associated structures?


Which of the following structures could be found within the nucleolus?


Thin and thick filaments are organized into functional units called . A myofibrils B myofilaments C T-tubules D sarcomeres


Which cell type helps to repair injured muscle fibers? A ganglion cells B myotube cells C myoblast cells D satellite cells

satellite cells

After you eat lunch, nerve cells in your stomach respond to the distension (the stimulus) resulting from the food. They relay this information to


The body system responsible for structural support and movement is the . a.cardiovascular b.endocrine c.muscular d.skeletal


Striations, cylindrical cells, and multiple nuclei are observed in . A skeletal muscle only B cardiac muscle only C smooth muscle only D skeletal and cardiac muscles

skeletal muscles only

Which of the following divisions of the nervous system deals with skeletal muscle contraction?

somatic motor

Which of the following is not a function of the hypodermis? A protects underlying organs B helps maintain body temperature C source of blood vessels in the epidermis D a site to long-term energy storage

source of blood vessles in the epidermis

Muscle that has a striped appearance is described as being . A elastic B nonstriated C excitable D striated


Jenny mixes up a batch of pancake batter, then stirs in some chocolate chips. As she is waiting for the first few pancakes to cook, she notices the chocolate chips sinking to the bottom of the clear glass mixing bowl. The chocolatechip batter is an example of a


Stimulation of the heat-loss center causes ________. a.blood vessels in the skin to constrict B.breathing to become slow and shallow C.sweat glands to increase their output D.All of the above

sweat glands to increase their output

Sesamoid bones are found embedded in . A joints B muscles C ligaments D tendons


Depolarization of the sarcolemma means . A the inside of the membrane has become less negative as sodium ions accumulate B the outside of the membrane has become less negative as sodium ions accumulate C the inside of the membrane has become more negative as sodium ions accumulate D the sarcolemma has completely lost any electrical charge

the inside of the membrane has become less negative as sodium ions acccumlate

Ty is three years old and as a result of a "stomach bug" has been vomiting for about 24 hours. His blood pH is 7.48. What does this mean?

tys blood is slighlty alkaline

Ty is three years old and as a result of a "stomach bug" has been vomiting for about 24 hours. His blood pH is 7.48. What does this mean? A Ty's blood is slightly acidic. B Ty's blood is slightly alkaline. C Ty's blood is highly acidic. D Ty's blood is within the normal range

tys blood is slightly alkaline

How many pairs of chromosomes are found in the most human cells?


What gets added to the end of an RNA strand at its end in order to protect it?

5' cap

The fibrous membrane covering the outer surface of the bone is the . A periosteum B epiphysis C endosteum D diaphysis


A molecule of ammonia contains one atom of nitrogen and three atoms of hydrogen. These are linked with

polar covalent bonds

At what point does the maximum amount of myelin form on the axon of a neuron in both the PNS and the CNS? (At what rough age) C - 10-20 years old 1/1

10-20 year olds

The muscles of a professional marathon runner are most likely to have . A 80 percent fast-twitch muscle fibers and 20 percent slow-twitch muscle fibers B 20 percent fast-twitch muscle fibers and 80 percent slow-twitch muscle fibers C 50 percent fast-twitch muscle fibers and 50 percent slow-twitch muscle fibers D 40 percent fast-twitch muscle fibers and 60 percent slow-twitch muscle fibers

20 percent fast twitch and 80 percent slow twitch

How many "letters" of an RNA molecule, in sequence, does it take to provide the code for a single amino acid?


The muscles of a professional sprinter are most likely to have . A 80 percent fast-twitch muscle fibers and 20 percent slow-twitch muscle fibers B 20 percent fast-twitch muscle fibers and 80 percent slow-twitch muscle fibers C 50 percent fast-twitch muscle fibers and 50 percent slow-twitch muscle fibers D 40 percent fast-twitch muscle fibers and 60 percent slow-twitch muscle fibers

80 percent fasr twitch muscle fiber and 20 percent slow twitch muscle fibers

Match the portion of the phospholipid and its property.

Phosphate head matches hydrophilic Fatty Acid Tails matches hydrophobic

Wolff's law, which describes the effect of mechanical forces in bone modeling/remodeling, would predict that A a right-handed pitcher will have thicker bones in his right arm compared to his left. B a right-handed cyclist will have thicker bones in her right leg compared to her left. C a broken bone will heal thicker than it was before the fracture. D a bed-ridden patient will have thicker bones than an athlete.

a right handed pitcher will have thicker bones in his right arm compared to his left

Ligaments connect bones together and withstand a lot of stress. What type of connective tissue should you expect ligaments to contain? A areolar tissue B adipose tissue C dense regular connective tissue D dense irregular connective tissue

adipose tissue

Which connective tissue specializes in storage of fat? A tendon B adipose tissue C reticular tissue D dense connective tissue

adipose tissue

Metabolism can be defined as the ________. a. adjustment by an organism to external or internal changes b. process whereby all unspecialized cells become specialized to perform distinct functions c. process whereby new cells are formed to replace worn-out cells d. sum of all chemical reactions in an organism

adjustment by an organism to external or internal changes

A sprinter would experience muscle fatigue sooner than a marathon runner due to . A anaerobic metabolism in the muscles of the sprinter B anaerobic metabolism in the muscles of the marathon runner C aerobic metabolism in the muscles of the sprinter D glycolysis in the muscles of the marathon runner

anerobic metabolism in the muscles of a sprinter

Sebaceous glands . A are a type of sweat gland B are associated with hair follicles C may function in response to touch D release a watery solution of salt and metabolic waste

are assoiciated with hair follicles

Eccrine sweat glands . A are present on hair B are present in the skin throughout the body and produce watery sweat C produce sebum D act as a moisturizer

are present in the skin throughout the body and produce watery sweat

C.J. is stuck in her car during a bitterly cold blizzard. Her body responds to the cold by A.increasing the blood to her hands and feet B.becoming lethargic to conserve heat C.breaking down stored energy D.significantly increasing blood oxygen levels

breaking down stored energy

In a compound fracture, . A the break occurs at an angle to the bone B the broken bone does not tear the skin C one fragment of broken bone is compressed into the other D broken bone pierces the skin

broken bone pierces the skin

During muscle contraction, the cross-bridge detaches when . A the myosin head binds to an ADP molecule B the myosin head binds to an ATP molecule C calcium ions bind to troponin D calcium ions bind to actin

calcium ions bind to troponin

Which of the following can be found in areas of movement? A hematopoiesis B cartilage C yellow marrow D red marrow


reactions release energy. A Catabolic B Exergonic C Decomposition D Catabolic, exergonic, and decomposition

catabolic, exergonic and decompostion

Which of the following is the smallest structural unit that has all of the characteristics of life?


Which of the following is an example of a normal physiologic process that uses a positive feedback loop? a.blood pressure regulation B.childbirth C.regulation of fluid balance D,temperature regulation


In observing epithelial cells under a microscope, the cells are arranged in a single layer and look tall and narrow, and the nucleus is located close to the basal side of the cell. The specimen is what type of epithelial tissue? A columnar B stratified C squamous D transitional


Cardiac muscles differ from skeletal muscles in that they . A are striated B utilize aerobic metabolism C contain myofibrils D contain intercalated discs

contain intercalated discs

Which of the following statements about chemical bonds is true? A Covalent bonds are stronger than ionic bonds. B Hydrogen bonds occur between two atoms of hydrogen. C Bonding readily occurs between nonpolar and polar molecules. D A molecule of water is unlikely to bond with an ion.

covalent bonds are stronger than ionic bonds

In DNA, nucleotide bonding forms a compound with a characteristic shape known as a(n)

double helix

Which of the following is not a type of tissue? A muscle B nervous C embryonic D epithelial


Bones grow in length due to activity in the . A epiphyseal plate B perichondrium C periosteum D medullary cavity

epiphyseal plate

During which phase of muscle contraction does Ca2+ bind to the troponin/tropomyosin complex?

excitation contraction coupling

Muscle fatigue is caused by . A buildup of ATP and lactic acid levels B exhaustion of energy reserves and buildup of lactic acid levels C buildup of ATP and pyruvic acid levels D exhaustion of energy reserves and buildup of pyruvic acid levels

exhaustion of energy reserves a buildup of lactic acid levels

Which of the following statements is true? A Fast fibers have a small diameter. B Fast fibers contain loosely packed myofibrils. C Fast fibers have large glycogen reserves. D Fast fibers have many mitochondria.

fast fibers have large glycogen reserves

The diaphysis contains . A the metaphysis B fat stores C spongy bone D compact bone

fat stores

The correct order for the smallest to the largest unit oforganization in muscle tissue is . A fascicle, filament, muscle fiber, myofibril B filament, myofibril, muscle fiber, fascicle C muscle fiber, fascicle, filament, myofibril D myofibril, muscle fiber, filament, fascicle

filament,myofibril,muscle fiber, fascicle

What type of fracture is typically only in youth?


A phospholipid . A has both polar and nonpolar regions B is made up of a triglyceride bonded to a phosphate group C is a building block of ATP D can donate both cations and anions in solution

has both polar and non polar regions

Which of the following is not a component of a feedback loop?


Because they are embedded within the membrane, ion channels are examples of

integral proteins

Bones that surround the spinal cord are classified as bones. A irregular B sesamoid C flat D short


Smooth muscles differ from skeletal and cardiac muscles in that they . A lack myofibrils B are under voluntary control C lack myosin D lack actin

lack myofiibrils

Long bones enable body movement by acting as a . A counterweight B resistive force C lever D fulcrum


Which category of bone is among the most numerous in the skeleton? A long bone B sesamoid bone C short bone D flat bone

long bone

Without red marrow, bones would not be able to . A store phosphate B store calcium C make blood cells D move like levers

make blood cells

Skeletal muscle is composed of very hard working cells. Which organelles do you expect to find in abundance in skeletal muscle cell? A nuclei B striations C golgi bodies D mitochondria


Which of the following organelles produces large quantities of ATP when both glucose and oxygen are available to the cell?


Which of the following lines the body cavities exposed to the external environment?


Which of the following lines the body cavities exposed to the external environment? A mesothelium B lamina propria C mesenteries D mucosa


From which embryonic cell type does muscle tissue develop? A ganglion cells B myotube cells C myoblast cells D satellite cells

myoblast cells

The cells responsible for the transmission of the nerve impulse are . A neurons B oligodendrocytes C astrocytes D microglia


Drug X blocks ATP regeneration from ADP and phosphate. How will muscle cells respond to this drug? A by absorbing ATP from the bloodstream B by using ADP as an energy source C by using glycogen as an energy source D none of the above

none of the above

A pentose sugar is a part of the monomer used to build which type of macromolecule?

nucleic acids

A pentose sugar is a part of the monomer used to build which type of macromolecule? A polysaccharides B nucleic acids C phosphorylated glucose D glycogen

nucleic acids

Transcription and translation take place in the

nucleus and cytoplasm

A fracture can be both . A open and closed B open and transverse C transverse and greenstick D greenstick and comminuted

open and transverse

A collection of similar tissues that performs a specific function is an


A collection of similar tissues that performs a specific function is an . a.organ b.organelle c.organism d.organ system


is methane. This compound is . A inorganic B organic C reactive D a crystal


In the human body which of the following atoms are in their highest concentration?


Together, just four elements make up more than 95 percent of the body's mass. These include [

oxygen carbon hydrogen nitrogen

Together, just four elements make up more than 95 percent of the body's mass. These include . A calcium, magnesium, iron, and carbon B oxygen, calcium, iron, and nitrogen C sodium, chlorine, carbon, and hydrogen D oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen

oxygen, carbon hydrogen and nitrogen

The cell membrane of a muscle fiber is called . A myofibril B sarcolemma C sarcoplasm D myofilament


A substance dissociates into and in solution. The substance is a(n) . A acid B base C salt D buffer


A substance formed of crystals of equal numbers of cations and anions held together by ionic bonds is called a(n)


Most of the bones of the arms and hands are long bones; however, the bones in the wrist are categorized as . A flat bones B short bones C sesamoid bones D irregular bones

short bones

Which of the following is the epithelial tissue that lines the interior of blood vessels?

simple squamous

Which of the following is the epithelial tissue that lines the interior of blood vessels? A columnar B pseudostratified C simple squamous D transitional

simple squamous

The body system responsible for structural support and movement is the


Which of the following statements is false? A Slow fibers have a small network of capillaries. B Slow fibers contain the pigment myoglobin. C Slow fibers contain a large number of mitochondria. D Slow fibers contract for extended periods.

slow fibers have a small network of capillaries

Metabolism can be defined as the

sum of all chemical reactions in an organism

Jenny mixes up a batch of pancake batter, then stirs in some chocolate chips. As she is waiting for the first few pancakes to cook, she notices the chocolate chips sinking to the bottom of the clear glass mixing bowl. The chocolatechip batter is an example of a . A solvent B solute C solution D suspension


Which of the following is a feature common to all three components of the cytoskeleton?

they are all polymers of protien subunits

Which of the following statements describes smooth muscle cells? A They are resistant to fatigue. B They have a rapid onset of contractions. C They cannot exhibit tetanus. D They primarily use anaerobic metabolism.

they are restistant to fatigue

The process in which RNA is read and protein is created is which of the following?


In relaxed muscle, the myosin-binding site on actin is blocked by . A titin B troponin C myoglobin D tropomyosin


In humans, exposure of the skin to sunlight is required for . A vitamin D synthesis B arteriole constriction C folate production D thermoregulation

vitamin d synthesis

What aspect of creatine phosphate allows it to supply energy to muscles? A ATPase activity B phosphate bonds C carbon bonds D hydrogen bonds

phosphate bonds

Arrange the following terms in order of increasing specialization: oligopotency, pleuripotency, unipotency, multipotency.

pleuripotency, multipotency, oligopotency, unipotency

Which of the following statements about chemical bonds is true?

polar covalent bonds are stronger than ionic

The energy stored in a foot of snow on a steep roof is . A potential energy B kinetic energy C radiant energy D activation energy

potential energy

he energy stored in a foot of snow on a steep roof is

potential energy

The ability of an enzyme's active sites to bind only substrates of compatible shape and charge is known as . A selectivity B specificity C subjectivity D specialty


If cardiac muscle cells were prevented from undergoing aerobic metabolism, they ultimately would . A undergo glycolysis B synthesize ATP C stop contracting D start contracting

stop contracting

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is an important molecule because it . the result of catabolism B.release energy in uncontrolled bursts C.stores energy for use by body cells D.All of the above

stores energy for use by body cells

What type of tissue would be found in areas where there is a high amount of friction?

stratified ep

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