Anatomy: Cat Quiz 1
torus metacarpalis
A larger pad, the ________________ serves as a cushion for the joint between the metacarpals and the proximal phalanges.
torus carpalis
An additional pad, the ___________ covers the accessory carpal bone.
phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata
Animals with a backbone are members of the ___________, and ________.
Cats are members of the mammalian order ___________.
backward, tail
Caudalis is _______, toward the _______.
toward head
forward, head
Cranialis is ________, toward the ________.
toward tail
away from attached base
toward back
belly, venter
Each skeletal muscle has an origin, insertion, and a thick portion, the ______ or ______.
family Felidae
torus digitalis, distal, middle
Five of the digits of the forefoot (manus) have pads, the _________, located between the _____ and ______ phalanx.
dorsal and ventral
Frontal plane?
genus Felis
Horses and cattle are ________ because they walk on hoofs.
8 (4 on each side)
How many nipples does a cat usually have?
Humans are ________; they walk on the entire sole of the foot
In females, the anal opening is located at the base of the tail _____ to the urogenital orifice.
In females, the urinary and genital passages open to a common ________.
penis, scrotum
In males, the urogenital structures consist of the _______ and a double pouch, the ________.
In the cat the gait is called ____________, meaning that the animals walk on the digits with the remainder of the hand and foot elevated
Most muscles are attached by means of heavy visible bands of connective tissue or ________ at their origin and insertion.
toward attached base
toward nose
right and left
Sagittal plane?
striated, skeletal
Skin muscles are ________ muscles that usually lack _________ attachments.
Teats or nipples are located on the _______ surface of the trunk.
cutaneous maximus
The ____________ is a large sheet on the side of the body that you cut during skinning.
The ears possess a long, flexible external fold called the ________ which direct sound waves into the external auditory meatus.
The epidermis on the bottom of the cat's foot is thickened into pads called ________.
nares (nostrils)
The external ________ are situated on naked nose.
plica semilunaris
The eyes have upper and lower lids and a greatly reduced nictitating membrane called the _____________.
torus metatarsalis, tori tarsali
The hind foot has a ________ and four __________.
epidermal derivative
The horny claws on the digits are an additional _________________.
cranial thorax, caudal abdomen
The trunk is divided into a _________ and a ___________.
The upper lip is cleft in the center by a groove called the ________.
cranial and caudal
Transverse plane?
belly side
Vibrissae are situated on mystacial pads on either side of the _________ and are named according to location.
Vibrissae located above the eye are called ___________.
Vibrissae located below the eye are called _________.
Vibrissae located on the cheek are called _________.
labial-mandibular buccals
Vibrissae located on the lower lip are called ___________.
labial-maxillary buccals
Vibrissae located on the upper lip are called __________.
hair, mammary glands
What are the two unique external characteristics that distinguish cats from all other vertebrates?
closer to the nose
What does rostral mean?
Felis catus or Felis domesticus
What is the domestic cat called?
front foot
hind foot
cutaneous maximus
large, flat, skin muscle
pili carpales
long hairs on the forefeet, not sensory
vibrissae or tactile pili (whiskers)
special, long sensory hairs on the face