Anatomy Ch. 6

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E. pectoralis major

A muscle located on the ventral (anterior) side of the body is the: A. occipitalis B. latissimus dorsi C. gluteus medius D. gastrocnemius E. pectoralis major

B. buccinator

A nursing infant develops a powerful sucking muscle that adults also use for whistling or blowing a trumpet called the: A. masseter B. buccinator C. zygomaticus D. temporalis E. platysma


An aponeurosis is a ropelike piece of muscle fascia that forms indirect connections to muscles of the leg. True False

D. iliopsoas

Paralysis of which of the following would make an individual unable to flex the hip: A. sartorius B. gastrocnemius C. biceps femoris D. iliopsoas E. tibialis anterior


Plantar flexion at the ankle joint is accomplished by the tibialis anterior muscle. True False

C. extensor digitorum longus

Sandra is playing the piano for her recital. Which muscle is NOT involved in the movement of her hands and/or fingers: A. flexor carpi radialis B. extensor carpi radialis C. extensor digitorum longus D. flexor carpi ulnaris E. extensor digitorum

internal oblique

The __________ muscle runs deep to the external oblique muscle.


The deepest muscle of the abdominal wall is the transversus abdominis. True False


The deltoid is a prime mover of arm adduction True False


The hamstring group inserts into the distal tibia. True False


The muscle referred to as the "smiling" muscle because it raised the corners of the mouth upward is the __________.

rectus femoris

The quadriceps femoris muscle group is composed of the three vastus muscles and the __________ muscle.

E. knee extension

What is the main function of the quadriceps femoris group: A. arm flexion B. thigh abduction C. foot inversion D. hand supination E. knee extension

D. scapular spine and clavicle

What is the origin of the deltoid muscle: A. distal humerus B. proximal radius C. proximal humerus D. scapular spine and clavicle E. olecranon process of ulna

D. biceps brachii and triceps brachii

Which of the following muscles are antagonists: A. masseter and temporalis B. bicpes femoris and biceps brachii C. gastrocnemius and soleus D. biceps brachii and triceps brachii E. vastus medialis and vastus lateralis

E. both masseter and temporalis

Which of the following muscles closes the jaw: A. frontalis B. buccinator C. sternocleidomastoid D. zygomaticus E. both masseter and temporalis

A. iliopsoas

Which of the following muscles is NOT involved in dorsiflexion and/or plantar flexion of the foot: A. iliopsoas B. tibialis anterior C. soleus D. gastrocnemius E. extensor digitorum longus

E. satorius

Which of these muscles is NOT located in the head: A. zygomaticus B. frontalis C. orbicularis oculi D. buccinator E. sartorius

A. platysma

Which of these muscles is located in the neck? A. platysma B. deltoid C. buccinator D. occipitalis

C. latissimus dorsi

Which of these muscles moves the arm at the shoulder joint? A. brachialis B. trapezius C. latissimus dorsi D. external oblique

E. latissimus dorsi

Which one of the following does NOT compress the abdomen: A. internal oblique B. transversus abdominis C. rectus abdominis D. external oblique E. latissimus dorsi

E. closes, purses, and protrudes the lips

Which one of the following is the action of the orbicularis oris: A. draws the eyebrows together B. allows blinking, squinting, and various other protective mechanisms for the eye C. closes the jaw D. pulls the lower lip down and back E. closes, purses, and protrudes the lips

C. deltoid

Which one of the following muscles is involved in abduction of the arm at the shoulder joint: A. biceps brachii B. latissimus dorsi C. deltoid D. pectoralis major E. triceps brachii


Biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis all cause arm flexion at the elbow joint. True False


Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion are synergistic actions. True False

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