Anatomy Exam #1 and #3

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Rigor mortis occurs after death because A)Cross-bridges form but can't release B)Calcium is actively transported back to the sarcoplasmic reticulum C)Cross-bridges never form D)Anaerobic respiration is occurring E)Myosin levels decline at death

A)Cross-bridges form but can't release

Troponin A)Has a calcium-binding site B)Binds to ATP C)Has two subunits D)Is part of the myosin myofilament E)Is a long, flexible protein

A)Has a calcium-binding site

Fran has a microbial infection attacking his brain. Which cell type would you expect to proliferate and be most active during this time? A)Microglial cells B)Oligodendrocytes C)Astrocytes D)Ependymal cells E)Schwann cells

A)Microglial cells

Low levels of ______ can have dire consequences on the functioning of neurons because of its role in membrane repolarization A)Potassium ions B)Chloride ions C)Sodium ions D)Hydrogen ions

A)Potassium ions

What type of muscle tissue causes peristalsis? A)Smooth muscle B)Cardiac muscle C)Skeletal muscle

A)Smooth Muscle

Chemical synapses are characterized by A)The release of neurotransmitter by the presynaptic terminal B)Receptors located only on the presynaptic terminal C)Connexons that connect the pre and postsynaptic cells D)The presence of receptors for neurotransmitters on the presynaptic terminal E)The absence of gap junctions

A)The release of neurotransmitter by the presynaptic terminal

Actin myofilaments A)Contain strands of fibrous actin B)Are the thickest proteins in muscle C)Resemble bundles of minute golf clubs D)Are held in place by the M line E)Contain both myosin and tropomyosin

A)Contain strands of fibrous actin

When two or more presynaptic neurons synapse with a single postsynaptic neuron in the CNS, a(n)_______ pathway is formed A)Convergent B)Divergent C)Sensory D)Reverberating E)Somatic


The peripheral nervous system includes the A)Cranial nerves B)Blood-brain barrier C)Brain D)Spinal cord E)Cerebellum

A)Cranial nerves

The sodium-potassium pump located in the plasma membrane A) actively transports sodium into cells B) osmotically moves sodium into cells C) actively transports potassium into cells D) actively transports water out of cells E) moves chlorine out of cells

D) actively transports potassium into cells

Nucleotides A) are part of DNA molecules but not RNA molecules B) have nothing to do with the genetic information in the nucleus C) are proteins that function as enzymes D) are the building blocks of nucleic acids E) hold the nucleus together

D) are the building blocks of nucleic acids

The antecubital region is the A) chest area B) lower back C) forearm D) area in the front of the elbow E) bottom of the foot

D) area in the front of the elbow

Which of the following means a change in shape of a protein? A) primary structure of protein B) peptide bond C) secondary structure of protein D) denaturation E) amino acid

D) denaturation

The aroma of cookies baking in the kitchen reaches you in the living room. The distribution of this odor throughout the house is an example of A) dialysis B) active transport C) osmosis D) diffusion E) filtration

D) diffusion

Plasma membrane phospholipids A) have tails that face the exterior of the membrane B) are 95% cholesterol C) are arranged in a single layer D) have a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tails E) have polar (charged) tails

D) have hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tails

The thumb is ___________ to the fifth digit (little finger). A) medial B) distal C) superficial D) lateral E) proximal

D) lateral

Molecules that serve as chemical signals to open or close gated ion channels A) ligands B) isotopes C) responders D) membrane potentials E) communicators

D) membrane potentials

Which of the following is most inferior in location? A) mediastinum B) pericardial cavity C) pleural cavity D) pelvic cavity E) diaphragm

D) pelvic cavity

Eicosanoids A) are components of the plasma membrane B) are structural proteins C) are fat soluble vitamins D) play a role in the response pf tissues to injuries E) comprise the genetic material

D) play a role in the response of tissues to injuries

Molecules that form when electrons are shared unequally between atoms are called A) lopsided molecules B) salt molecules C) nonpolar molecules D) polar molecules E) none of these choices are correct

D) polar molecules

If a toxic drug inhibited mRNA synthesis, which of the following would directly affected? A) microtubule production B) intracellular digestion C) secretion of glycoproteins and lipoproteins D) protein synthesis E) active transport

D) protein synthesis

Glycogen is the A) storage carbohydrate in plants B) sugar found in RNA C) major nutrient for most body cells D) storage carbohydrate in animals E) nondigestable plant polysaccharide

D) stored carbohydrate in animals

A symporter will transport ___________ across the cell membrane. A) two different ions or molecules in opposite directions B) one specific ion or molecule C) two of the same ions or molecules in the same direction D) two different ions or molecules in the same direction E) two of the same ions or molecules in opposite directions

D) two different ions or molecules in the same direction

Which of the following nitrogen bases is found in RNA but not DNA? A) thymine B) cytosine C) guanine D) uracil E) adenine

D) uracil

An investigator who conducts an experiment to determine how changes in pH affect the function of enzymes on digestion is most likely to be a(n) A) anatomist B) histologist C) neurologist D) engineer E) physiologist

E) physiologist

Isotopes of the same element have A) the same number of neutrons but different numbers of protons B) different numbers of protons and electrons C) no mass number D) the same mass number E) the same atomic number but differ in their mass numbers

E) the same atomic number but differ in their mass numbers

The primary structure of a protein is A) the number of polypeptide chains in the molecule B) represented by multiple polypeptide chains C) the hydrogen bonds between amino acids D) the folded, helical nature of the molecule E) the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain

E) the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain

Arrange the events of synaptic transmission in correct sequence 1)Sodium ions diffuse in to the cell and cause a local potential 2)Neurotransmitter binds with receptor on postsynaptic cell 3)Neurotransmitter diffuses across the synaptic cleft 4)Membrane permeability to sodium ions on postsynaptic cell increases 5)Action potential causes release of neurotransmitter A)5,2,3,4,1 B)5,4,3,2,1 C)5,2,3,1,4 D)5,3,4,1,2 E)5,3,2,4,1


All of the synthesis reactions in the body are called A) oxidation-reduction B) anabolism C) dissociation D) catabolism E) hydrolysis

B) anabolism

Normal pH for blood is 7.35 to 7.45. Maintenance of the pH in this range is A) called denaturation B) critical because enzymes work best within narrow ranges of pH C) not required D)not critical because extreme pH values do not affect enzyme function E) None of these choices is correct

B) critical because enzymes work best within narrow ranges of pH

A particular membrane transport process exhibits saturation, uses carrier molecules, but does NOT require ATP. The process is probably A) phagocytosis B) facilitated diffusion C) osmosis D) active transport E) pinocytosis

B) facilitated diffusion

Which of the following chemical reactions best represents the decomposition of ATP? A)ATP + energy --> ADP + H20 B)ATP + ADP -->ATP C)ADP + ADP + ADP --> ATP D)ATP + H20 --> ADP + Pi + energy E)ADP + Pi + energy --> ATP + H20

D) ATP + H20 --> ADP + Pi + energy

An atom of chlorine has 17 protons and 18 neutrons. Which of the following statements is true? A) Chlorine has an atomic number of 35 B) Chlorine has an atomic number of 18 C) Chlorine atoms have 18 electrons D) Chlorine has a mass number of 35 E) Chlorine has 35 electrons

D) Chlorine has a mass number of 35

A cell that produces many proteins for secretion would have large numbers of A) mitochondria and cilia B) ribosomes and centrioles C) Golgi apparatus and microvilli D) rough ER and Golgi apparatus

D) Golgi apparatus and microvilli

The cavity of the body immediately inferior to the diaphragm is the ________________ cavity. A) inguinal B) pelvic C) pleural D) abdominal E) thoracic

D) abdominal

A sustained muscle contraction is known as A)Tetanus B)Paralysis C)Twitch D)Treppe E)Tone

A) Tetanus

Which of the following is consistent with homeostasis? A) as body temperature rises, sweating occurs to cool the body B) as blood pressure falls, blood flow to the heat decreases C) decreases in blood pressure causes a corresponding decrease in the heart rate D) elevated blood glucose level causes insulin secretion to decline E) when a person drinks large quantities of water, urine output decreases to raise blood volume

A) as body temperature rises, sweating occurs to cool the body

If the potential energy in the chemical bonds of the reactants is greater than the potential energy in the chemical bonds of the product, A) energy is released by the reaction B) the chemical reaction equalizes the potential energy levels C) energy must be supplied for the reaction to occur D) energy has not been gained or lost E) energy is not a factor in the reaction

A) energy is released by the reaction

Microscopic examination of a frozen tissue specimen is an application of which of the following disciplines? A) histology B) radiology C) gross anatomy D) regional anatomy E) physiology

A) histology

If a 0.9% Nacl (saline) solution is a isotonic to a cell, then a solution of 3.5% Nacl would be A) hypertonic to the cell B) hypotonic to the cell C) catatonic to the cell D) isotonic to the cell E) all of these choices are correct

A) hypertonic solution

All of the chemical reactions within a cell are known as cell A) metabolism B) reproduction C) inheritance D) communication E) movement

A) metabolism

Carbon dioxide is considered a(n) A) molecule and a compound B) element C) molecule D) compound E) adrenine

A) molecule and a compound

Solution A contains 5 grams of sugar per liter while solution B contains 2 grams of sugar per liter. The solutions are separated by a selectively permeable membrane. If the solvent in both solution is water, predict in which direction most of the water molecules will move. A) move by the osmosis from solution B to solution A B) move by simple diffusion from solution A to solution B C) move by the active transport from solution B to solution A D) move by the filtration from solution A to solution B E) there will be no movement of water

A) move by the osmosis from solution B to solution A

A vertical plane that separates the body into right and left portions is called a ____________ plane. A) sagittal B) horizontal C) coronal D) transverse E) frontal

A) sagittal

Hyperventilation causes the loss of large amounts of carbon dioxide from the body, decreasing the amount of hydrogen ions in solution. As a result, A) the pH of body fluids will rise B) the pH of body fluids will not be affected C) the pH of body fluids will become neutral D) the pH of body fluids will fall E) None of these choices is correct

A) the pH of body fluids will rise

Which of the following sequences is correct? A) transcription --> translation --> protein synthesis B) translation --> protein synthesis --> transcription C) translation --> transcription --> protein synthesis D) transcription --> protein synthesis --> translation E) protein synthesis --> translation --> transcription

A) transcription --> translation --> protein synthesis

Which of the following correctly describes myoglobin's special function in muscle tissue? A)Acts as a reservoir for oxygen B)Stores Glucose C)Synthesizes ATP D)Breaks down glycogen E)Produces action potentials

A)Acts as a reservoir for oxygen

The sarcoplasmic reticulum A)Shortens during muscle contraction B)Connects adjacent sarcomeres C)Stores calcium ions D)Transmits nerve impulses to the myofibrils E)Covers the muscle fiber

C)Stores calcium ions

Callie is a world class marathon. Which of the descriptions about her dominant type of skeletal muscle is False? A)They are well adapted to anaerobic activity B)They have large deposits of myoglobin C)They have low glycogen stores D)They split ATP slowly E)They have a well developed blood supply

A)They are well adapted to anaerobic activity

Which of the following would occur as a result of a single muscle contraction? A)Twitch B)Paralysis C)Tone D)Tetanus E)Treppe


In general, water-soluble molecules diffuse through the ____________; and lipid-soluble diffuse through the ______________________-. A) lipid bilayer; membrane channels B) membrane channels; lipid bilayer C) membrane channels; membrane channels D) lipid bilayer; lipid bilayer E) none of these choices is correct

B) membrane channels; lipid bilayers

An organism's ability to use energy in order to swim is an example of A) organization B) metabolism C) development D) responsiveness E) maturation

B) metabolism

The wall of the abdominopelvic cavity is lined by a serous membrane called the A) visceral mediastinal membrane B) parietal peritoneum C) epicardium D) visceral pleural membrane E) visceral peritoneum

B) parietal peritoneum

Which organ system is the location of blood cell production? A) endocrine B) skeletal C) nervous D) cardiovascular E) digestive

B) skeletal

A runner produced hypotonic sweat while running a marathon in hot weather. After the race, he drank large volumes of water. As a result of the water intake, his body cells will A) shrink B) swell C) shrivel D) crenate E) not change

B) swell

What system removes nitrogenous waste products from the blood and regulates blood pH, ion balance, and water balance? A) immune B) urinary C) respiratory D) lymphatic E) cardiovascular

B) urinary

Arrange the following list of biochemical events in the correct sequence 1)An action potential is conducted deep into the muscle fiber by the T tubule 2)Calcium ions bind to troponin 3)The membranes of the sarcoplasmic reticulum become more permeable to calcium ions 4)Calcium ions diffuse into the sarcoplasm around the myofibril 5)The troponin-tropomyosin complex moves exposing active site A)1,5,2,3,4 B)1,3,4,2,5 C)1,4,3,2,5 D)1,3,2,5,4 E)1,2,3,4,5


LouAnn is being treated for a neurological condition with a specific drug that target neurons deep within the brain. Which glial cell must be bypassed by this drug in oder for it to be effective? A)Macrophage B)Astrocyte C)Mcroglial cell D)Oligodendrocyte E)Ependymal cell


The function of acetylcholinesterase is to A)Open voltage-gated sodium gates B)Breakdown acetylcholine in the synapse C)Metabolizes norepinephrine D)Produce an IPSP on the postsynaptic membrane

B)Breakdown acetylcholine in the synapse

The electrical properties of cells are the result of A)Phosphorylation reactions within the cytoplasm B)Ion concentration differences across the plasma membrane C)Receptor sites that are present on the plasma membrane D)Phospholipids in the cell membrane E)None of these choices is correct

B)Ion concentration differences across the plasma membrane

Visceral smooth muscle A)May contain groups of cells that function as an independent unit B)Occurs in sheets and exhibits numerous gap junctions C)Does not function as a unit D)Contracts only when stimulated E)All of these choices are correct

B)Occurs in sheets and exhibits numerous gap junctions

T tubules are invaginations of the A)Myofibril B)Sarcolemma C)Sarcoplasmic reticulum D)Sarcoplasm E)Sarcomere


If five action potentials arrive at the same synapse in very close succession, which of the following would occur? A)Depolarization always occurs B)Temporal summation occurs C)Spatial summation occurs D)The direction of the action potential is reversed E)Hyperpolarization occurs

B)Temporal summation occurs

Concentric contractions occur when A)The tension and length of the muscle remain constant during a contraction B)The muscle produces increasing tension as it shortens C)The muscle produces tension while the length of the muscle increases D)Isometric contractions occur E)Tension in a muscle is maintained while the muscle increases in length

B)The muscle produces increasing tension as it shortens

In order for muscle relaxation to occur, A)Sodium ions must be actively transported to troponin B)Calcium ions must be transported by troponin C)The active sites on actin must be blocked D)The active sites on myosin must be uncovered E)Power strokes slow down

C)The active sites on actin must be blocked

Saltatory conduction of an action potential means A)Once one action potential is created, it moves down the axon B)One action potential stimulates the production of a new action potential at the adjacent site C)An action potential is conducted from one node of Ranvier to the next node D)The whole axon depolarizes at the same time

C) An action potential is conducted from one node of Ranvier to the next node

Increased strength of a trained muscle is due to A)Elimination of unnecessary connective tissue B)An increased number of muscle fibers C)The nervous system's ability to recruit a large number of motor units simultaneously D)Elimination of unnecessary enzymes and metabolic pathways E)Elimination of all fat deposits

C) The nervous system's ability to recruit a large number of motor units simultaneously

A researcher discovered a sensory receptor that detects decreasing oxygen concentrations in the blood. According the principles of negative feedback, it is likely that stimulation of this sensory receptor will produce which of the following types of responses? A) an increase in physical activity B) unconsciousness C) an increase in the respiratory rate D) a decrease in heart rate E) both a decrease in heart rate and an increase in the respiratory rate

C) an increase in the respiratory rate

The gallbladder, liver, stomach are all part of the A) respiratory system B) skeletal system C) digestive system D) endocrine system E) cardiovascular system

C) digestive system

Which of the following is most consistent with homeostasis? A) as body temperature decreases, blood vessels in the periphery dilate B) men working in a hot environment drink quantities of water, and their urine volume increases C) elevated blood glucose levels cause insulin secretion (insulin causes cells to take up glucose) to increase D) as the mean blood pressure gradually increases in aging people, the blood vessel walls become thinner E) as blood pressure falls, blood flow to cardiac (Heart) muscle decreases

C) elevated blood glucose levels cause insulin secretion (insulin causes cells to take up glucose) to increase

Triglycerides are composed of A) monosaccharides B) amino acids C) glycerol and fatty acids D) nucleotides E) none of these choices are correct

C) glycerol and fatty acids

The shoulder is ___________ to the elbow. A) ventral B) dorsal C) proximal D) lateral E) distal

C) proximal

Which of the following statements accurately describe events that occur as a result of a local potential reaching threshold? A)K+ ion channels begin to close B)Inactivation gates of Na+ ion channels begin to open C)A positive feedback cycle develops in which depolarization causes activation gates of Na+ ion channels to open D)Activation gates of Na+ ion channels begin to close E)Inactivation gates of Na+ ion channels vegin to open and a positive feedback cycle develops in which depolarization causes activation gates of na+ ion channels to open

C)A postivie feedback cycle develops in which depolarization causes activation gates of Na+ ion channels to open

What ion is necessary for the release of neurotransmitter from synaptic vesicles? A)Potassium B)Chloride C)Calcium D)Sodium


Which of the following situations occurs in electrically excitable cells? A)Ligand-gated sodium ion channels are opened by high extracellular calcium levels B)Proteins tend to diffuse out of the cell C)Depolarization causes voltage-gated sodium channels to open D)When Na+ ion channels open, K+ channels close E)The sodium-potassium exchange pump moves sodium into the cell

C)Depolarization causes voltage-gated sodium channels to open

A neuron is receiving a stimulus which gets stronger and stronger. The result is A)Amplitude of the action potential increases B)Resonance of action potentials increases C)Frequency of occurrence of action potentials increases D)Height of the action potentials increases E)Duration of the action potential increases

C)Frequency of occurrence of action potentials increases

Curare block acetylcholine receptors at the motor end plate. This would result in A)Lack of calcium uptake by the muscle fiber B)Increased stimulation of the muscle C)Inability of the muscle fiber to respond to nervous stimulation D)Sustained contraction of the muscle E)More acetylcholinesterase production

C)Inability of the muscle fiber to respond to nervous stimulation

Which of the following statements regarding neuroglia is false? A)Neurogila produce cerebrospinal fluid B)Neuroglia form myelin sheaths around some axons C)Neuroglia produce action potentials for skeletal muscles D)Neuroglia serves as the major supporting tissue in the CNS E)Neuroglia form part of the blood-brain barrier

C)Neuroglia produce action potentials for skeletal muscles

A neuron that conducts pain sensations to the central nervous system would be classified as a(n) A)Motor neuron B)Interneuron C)Sensory or afferent neuron D)Association neuron E)Efferent neuron

C)Sensory or afferent neuron

Oxygen deficit represents A)The amount of carbon dioxide that cells need to eliminate B)Conversion of pyruvic acid to lactic acid C)The amount of oxygen that cells need to replenish ATP supplies after exercise D)The amount anaerobic metabolism must increase after exercise E)The amount of oxygen converted to lactic acid during exercise

C)The amount of oxygen that cells need to replenish ATP supplies after exercise

An isometric contraction is described as... A)A muscle produces tension, but the length of the muscle is increasing. B)Action potential frequency is high enough that no relaxation of muscle fibers occurs. C)A muscle produces increasing tension as it shortens D)A muscle produces an increasing tension as the length remains constant. E)A muscle produces constant tension during contraction

D)A muscle produces an increasing tension as the length remains constant

When a neurotransmitter binds to its receptor and increases the permeability of the postsynaptic membrane to sodium ions A)The membrane will become impermeable to potassium ions B)More chloride ions will also diffuse into the cell C)The sodium ions diffuse into the cell D)An excitatory postsynaptic potential(EPSP) will result E)The membrane will be hyperpolarized

D)An excitatory postsynaptic potential(EPSP) will result

Acetylcholine is released from the presynaptic terminal by the process of A)phagocytosis B)active transport C)Endocytosis D)Exocytosis E)Diffusion


Cell bodies of the peripheral nervous system are located in A)nerves B)Schwann cells C)The sensory division D)Ganglia E)The motor division


If you cut bundles of axons and their myelin sheaths in the PNS, you cut A)nuclei B)Nerve tracts C)Gray tracts D)Nerves E)Ganglia


An action potential A)Is an example of negative feedback B)Cannot transmit information C)Has no repolarization phase D)Occurs when the local potential reaches threshold level E)Propagates across the plasma membrane in a decremental fashion

D)Occurs when the local potential reaches threshold

Endomysium is a delicate network of loose connective tissue that A)Separates individual muscles B)Forms a sheath around a fasciculus C)Is composed of elastic fibers D)Surrounds each muscle fibers E)Penetrates muscle fibers

D)Surrounds each muscle fibers .

Neurons arranged in a circular pathway form A)Spatial pathways B)Neuromotor junctions C)Temporal circuits D)Reverberating circuits

D)Temporal circuits

In hyperpolarization A)The resting membrane potential becomes more positive B)The plasma membrane's permeability to K+ decreases C)Na+ ions enter the cell in large numbers D)The resting membrane potential moves closer to zero E)K+ ions tend to diffuse out of the cell

E) K+ ions tend to diffuse out of the cell

A DNA base sequence is A T G C C G. The sequence of bases in a strand of mRNA transcribed from this sequence of bases in DNA would be A) T A G G G G B) T A C G G C C) A U G C C G D) U T C G G U E) U A C G G C

E) U A C G G C

Communication between cells is essential to coordinate the activity of the trillions of cells that make up the human body. Which of the following is (are) directly involved in carrying out communication between cells? A) lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane B) receptor proteins of the plasma membrane C) mitochondria D) chemical signal molecules released by cells E) both receptor proteins of the plasma membrane and chemical signal molecules released by cells

E) both receptor proteins of the plasma membrane and chemical signal molecules released by cells

Covalent bonds form when A) atomic nuclei fuse B) molecules become ionized C) neutrons are transferred from one atom to another D) protons are lost from atoms E) electrons are shared between two atoms

E) electrons are shared between two atoms

Receptor-mediated endocytosis A) moves materials out of the cell B) does not need ATP; the receptors supply the energy C) occurs if oxygen is available D) is a type of passive transport E) exhibits specificity

E) exhibits specificity

Alex is participating in a 50 meter dash. Predict the most important chemical process his muscles will rely on during the race. A)Anaerobic respiration B)Nuclear reactions C)Aerobic respiration D)Creatine phosphate breakdown E)Both anaerobic respiration and creatine phosphate breakdown

E)Both anaerobic respiration and creatine phosphate breakdown.

In smooth muscle, cross-bridging occurs due to A)Calcium binding to calmodulin B)Myosin kinase adding a phosphate to myosin heads C)Calcium binding to troponin D)Both calcium binding to troponin and calmodulin E)Both calcium binding to calmodulin and myosin kinase adding a phosphate to myosin heads

E)Both calcium binding to calmodulin and myosin kinase adding a phosphate to myosin heads

Muscle myofibrils A)Are found in the sarcolemma B)Do not appear striated C)Extend from the sarcolemma to the T-tubule D)Hold muscle cells together E)Contain myosin and actin

E)Contain Myosin and Actin

Action potentials are conducted more rapidly when transmission is A)On an unmyelinated axon B)From internode to internode C)From internode to node on a myelinated axon D)On a small diameter axon E)From node to node on a myelinated axon

E)From node to node on a myelinated axon

During the absolute refractory period, the cell A)Responds to even weak stimuli B)Reverses the direction of the action potential C)Generates many local potentials D)Is very sensitive E)Is insensitive to further stimulation

E)Is insensitive to further stimulation

Hypertrophy of skeletal muscles from weight lifting is caused by an increase in the A)Number of nuclei within the muscle fibers B)Number of muscle cells C)Number of muscle fibers D)Number of striations E)Size of muscle fibers

E)Size of muscle fibers

The motor(efferent) division of the peripheral nervous system A)Regulates the digestion of food B)Is a division of the CNS C)Detects a stimulus D)Has nerve cell bodies located in ganglia near the spinal cord and brain E)Transmits impulses from the CNS to skeletal muscles

E)Transmits impulses from the CNS to skeletal muscles

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