Anatomy Integrative

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Matching questions: A. Pharynx B. Larynx C. Both D. Neither 1. Belongs to the respiratory system 2. Terminates at the level of cricoid cartilage 3. Communicates with the middle ear 4. Is supplied by branches of the external carotid artery 5. Is innervated by branches of the vagus nerve 6. Has cartilages

1. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. B

Matching questions: A. Radial nerve B. Ulnar nerve C. Median nerve D. All nerves E. Neither of them 1. Innervates muscles of the forearm 2. Is accompanied by the profunda brachii artery 3. Passes through the lateral (quadrangular) space 4. May be injured during the fracture of the medial epicondyle 5. Innervates biceps brachii muscle 6. Supplies the pronators of the forearm 7. Innervates muscle of the hypothenar 8. Gives of lateral inferior nerve ot the arm

1. D 2. A 3. E 4. B 5. E 6. A 7. B 8. A

Matching questions: A. Olfactory B. Vagus C. Oculomotor D. Abducens E. Facial F. Trigeminal 1. Anosmia 2. Dysphagia 3. Strabismus convergens 4. Bell's palsy 5. The douloreux?

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. E 5. F

Matching questions: A. Optic canal B. Superior orbital fissure C. Foramen magnum D. Foramen ovale E. Jugular foramen 1. Opthalmic artery 2. Mandibular nerve 3. Trochlear nerve 4. Glossopharyngeal nerve 5. Vertebral artery 6. Opthalmic nerve

1. A 2. D 3. B 4. E 5. C 6. B

Matchin questions: A. Supplementary motor area B. Primary motor area C. Basal ganglia D. Neocerebellum E. Motoneurons alfa and gamma 1. Apraxia 2. Decomposition of movements 3. Tremor 4. Dyskinesia 5. Asynergia 6. Muscular atrophy 7. Flaccid paralysis 8. Sign of Babinski

1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. E 7. E 8. B

Matching qustions: A. Visual system B. Vestibular system C. Both D. Neither 1. Receptor of this system belong to mechanoreceptors 2. Subcortical neurons are located in the lateral geniculate body 3. Primary cortical center is in the occipital lobe 4. Fibers reach the flocculonodular lobe 5. Controls sense of balance 6. Does n

1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. D

Matchin questions: A. Facial nerve B. Glossopharyngeal nerve C. Hypoglossal nerve 1. Supplies hypoglossus muscle 2. Passes throug the jugular foramen 3. Gives off posterior auricular nerve 4. Has motor nucleus in pons

1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A

Matching questions: A. Internal carotid B. External carotid C. Vertebral 1. Originates from subclavian artery 2. Gives off facial artery 3. Passes through foramen magnum 4. Gives off anterior cerebral artery 5. Supplies teeth

1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B

Matching question A. Glossopharyngeal nerve B. Vagus nerve C. Both D. Neither 1. Passes in the parapharyngeal space 2. Innervates muscle of the pharynx 3. Supplies muscles of the larynx 4. Its motor fibers originates in nucleus ambigunas? 5. Leaves the skull through jugular foramen 6. Its parasympathetic fibers originate in the ... 7. Innervates extrinsic muscles of the tragus 8. Gives off nere to carotid sinus

1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. A

Matching questions: A. Cranial nerve 3 B. Cranial nerve 5 C. Cranial nerve 7 D. Cranial nerve 10 E. Cranial nerve 11 1. Bell's palsy 2. Loss oflacrimation 3. Hoarseness 4. Deviation of opening jaw to ipsilateral side 5. Absence of light reflexes 6. Facial hemianesthesia 7. Dropping of the upper eyelid (ptosis) 8. Difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia) 9. Weakness in turning head toward opposite side 10. Loss of taste in the anterior two third of tongue

1. C 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. E 10. C

Matching questions: A. Aortic arch 1 B. Aortic arch 2 C. Aortic arch 3 D. Aortic arch 4 E. Aortic arch 5 F. Aortic arch 6 1. Internal carotid artery 2. Arch of the aorta 3. Stapedial artery 4. Maxillary artery 5. Left pulmonary artery 6. Right subclavian artery 7. Common carotid artery

1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. F 6. D 7. A

Matching questions: A. Transverse colon B. Jejenum C. Both D. Neither 1. Develops from the foregut 2. Has circular folds 3. Is an intraperitoneal organ 4. Receives blood from the superior mesentric artery 5. Is innervated by the celiac plexus

1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. D

Matching questions: A. Telencephalon B. Diencephalon C. Mesencephalon D. Pons E. Medulla oblongata 1. Pyramidal decussation 2. Decussation lemniscorum 3. Nucleus subthalamicus 4. Dorsal cochlear nucleus 5. Caudate nucleus 6. Medial geniculate body 7. Dorsal vagal nucleus 8. Crus cerebi 9. Mamillary body 10. Lamina tecti (quadrigemina)

1. E 2. 3. B 4. E 5. A 6. B 7. 8. D 9. B 10. C

Matching questions: A. Anterolateral system B. Dorsal column-medial lemniscus system C. Both D. Neither 1. Conveys thermal impulses 2. Has receptors in muscles 3. Crosses in the medulla oblongata 4. Lesion of this system results in funicular ataxia 5. Has cortical centers in the postcentral gyrus 6. Last order neurons terminate in prefrontal cortex


The sensory tracts from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex pass through the: A. Posterior limb of the internal capsule B. Anterior limb of the internal capsule C. External capsule D. Extreme capsule E. Corpus callosum


Which of the following structures is derived from the midgut? A. Appendix B. Stomach C. Liver D. Pancreas E. Sigmoid colon

A. Appendix

Which of the following passes through the gap between the superior and middle constrictors? A. Glossopharyngeal nerve B. Levator veli palatini C. Internal laryngeal nerve D. Superior laryngeal artery E. Superior laryngeal vein

A. Glossopharyngeal nerve

The midgut loop normally herniates through the primitive umbilical ring into the embryonic coelom during week 6 of development. Failure of the intestinal loop to return to the abdominal cavity by week 11 results in the formation of: A. Omphalocele B. Gastroschisis C. Anal agnesis D. Ileal diverticulum E. Intestinal stenosis

A. Omphalocele

The mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve contains cells for the: A. Proprioception B. Pain C. Temperature D. Touch E. Pressure

A. Proprioception

Fractures of the humerus through its mid or upper shaft carry the danger of serious damage to the A. Brachial artery B. Radial artery C. Musculocutaneous nerve D. Median nerve E. Ulnar nerve

A. Brachial artery

Anosmia result from damage to which cranial nerve? A. CN I B. CN II C. CN III D. CN IV E. CN V


During inspiration the verticel dimension of the thoracic cavity is increased chiefly by contraction of the A. Diaphragm B. Quadratus humborum muscles C. External intercostal muscles D. Seratus posterior superior muscles E. Transversus thoracic muscle

A. Diaphragm

Isolated damage to the flucculonodular lobe produces: A. Disturbances of the equilibrium B. Changes of the muscle tone C. Incoordinated movements D. Asynergia E. Decomposition of movements

A. Disturbances of the equilibrium

A 37-year-old man feels a little discomfort when moving his tongue, pharynx and larynx. Physical examination indicates that the muscles attached to the styloid process are paralyzed. Which of the following groups of cranial nerves are damaged? A. Facial, glossopharyngeal, and hypoglossal nerves B. Hypoglossal, vagus and facial nerve C. Glossopharyngeal, trigeminal and vagus nerves D. Vagus, spinal accessory and hypoglossal nerves E. Facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves

A. Facial, glossopharyngeal, and hypoglossal nerves

. The saphenous nerve is a terminal branch of which of the following nerves? A. Femoral B. Obturator C. Genitofemoral D. Ilioinguinal E. Sciatic

A. Femoral

The greater trochanter is located on which of the followign bones? A. Femur B. Tibia C. Fibula D. Ischium E. Ilium

A. Femur

Which muscle of the forearm has a double motor nerve innervation? A. Flexor digitorum profundus B. Flexor digitorum superficialis C. Pronator teres D. Flexor policis longus E. Pronator quadratus

A. Flexor digitorum profundus

Archicerebellum consists of: A. Flocculonodular lobe B. Dentate nucleus C. Anterior lobe D. Posterior lobe E. Emboliform nucleus

A. Flocculonodular lobe

The axillary artery A. Gives off lateral thoracic artery B. Divides into unlar and radial arteries C. Arises from the brachiocephalic trunk D. Originates above the clavicle

A. Gives off lateral thoracic artery

Which of the following nerves innervates the genioglossus muscle? A. Hypoglossal B. Ansa cervicalis C. Glossopharyngeal D. Vagus E. Trigeminal

A. Hypoglossal

All the following structures provide boundaries for the pelvic inlet EXCEPT: A. Inferior ramus of the pubis B. Sacral promontory C. Anterior border of the ala of the sacrum D. Arcuate line of

A. Inferior ramus of the pubis

The brachiocephalic veins are formed by the union of the subclavian vein and the A. Internal jugular B. External jugular C. Axillary D. Anterior jugular E. Brachial

A. Internal jugular

All the statements concerning the ductus deferens are correct EXCEPT: A. It begins in the head of the epididymis B. It ascends in the spermatic cord C. It passes through the inguinal canal D. It joins the duct of the seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct E. It descends medial to the ureter and seminal vesicles

A. It begins in the head of the epididymis

All of the following statements concerning the lesser saphenous are correct EXCEPT: A. It enters the leg in front of the lateral malleolus B. It enters the leg on the lateral side of the calcaneal tendon C. It ascends over the middle of the calf D. It perforates the crural fascia E. It ends in the popliteal vein

A. It enters the leg in front of the lateral malleolus

The vagus nerve leaves the skull through which of the following structure A. Jugular B. Internal acoustic C. Foramen spinosum D. Foramen ovale E. Foramen lacerum

A. Jugular

Which of the following structures represents the obliterated remains of the umbilical vein? A. Ligamentum teres hepatis B. Ligamentum venosum C. Ductus arteriosus D. Falciform ligament E. Porta hepatis

A. Ligamentum teres hepatis

The tract conveying pain, temperature and crude touch sensation from the head has second order neuron in the: A. Main sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve B. Spinal trigeminal nucleus C. Solitary tract nucleus D. Mesencephalic nucleus E. Vestibular nucleus

A. Main sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve

Which of the following structures pass through the foramen ovale? A. Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve B. Middle meningeal artery C. Ophthalmic artery D. Abducens nerve E. Greater petrosal nerve

A. Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve

An epidural hematoma consists of blood from which vessel? A. Middle meningeal artery B. Cerebral veins C. Internal carotid artery D. Circle of Willis E. Vertebral artery

A. Middle meningeal artery

Which of the following is innervated by the trigeminal nerve? A. Mylohyoid B. Geniohyoid C. Stylohyoid D. Posterior belly of the digastric E. Thyrohyoid

A. Mylohyoid

A posteriorly perforating ulcer in the pyloric antrum of the stomach is most likely to produce initial localized peritonitis or abscess formation in the: A. Omental bursa B. Right subhepatic space C. Left subhepatic and hepatorenal spaces (pouch of Morison) D. Right subphrenic space E. Greater sac

A. Omental bursa

A 45-year-old woman is suffering from numbness over the tip of her nose. Which of the following nerves is most likely to be damaged? A. Opthalmic division of trigeminal nerve B. Maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve C. Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve D. Facial nerve E. Auriculotemporal nerve

A. Opthalmic division of trigeminal nerve

Parasympathetic fibers from CN IX synapse in which ganglion before traveling to the parotid gland? A. Otic ganglion B. Ciliary ganglion C. Submandibular ganglion D. Pterygopalatine ganglion E. Trigeminal ganglion

A. Otic ganglion

The parotid gland receives postganglionic parasympathetic fibers from the: A. Otic ganglion B. Submandibular ganglion C. Pterygopalatine ganglion D. Geniculate ganglion E. Superior cervical sympathetic ganglion

A. Otic ganglion

The cuneus and precuneus are separated by the: A. Parieto Occipital sulcus B. Subparietal sulcus C. Cingulate sulcus D. Intraparietal sulcus E. Collateral sulcus

A. Parieto Occipital sulcus

Ductus thoracicus: A. Passes in the posterior mediastinum B. Originates in the lower mediastinum C. Crosses right subclavian vein D. Terminates in the superior vena cava E. Drains lymph from the right upper limb

A. Passes in the posterior mediastinum

Parasympathetic fibers to the bladder are derived from which of the following nerves? A. Pelvic splanchnic B. Greater splanchnic C. T11-L2 D. Superior hypogastric plexus E. Sacral plexus

A. Pelvic splanchnic

The descending colon receives parasympathetic nerves from the A. Pelvic splanchnic nerves B. Spinal cord segments L1 and 2 C. Greater splanchnic nerve D. Lesser splanchnic nerve E. Vaguse nerve

A. Pelvic splanchnic nerves

The venous blood from the pancreas and stomach is drained directly to the: A. Portal vein B. Hepatic vein C. Abdominal aorta D. Inferior vena cava E. None of the above

A. Portal vein

The primary somatosensoru cortex is located in the: A. Postcentral gyrus B. Precentral gyrus C. Temporal gyrus D. Cuneus E. Superior temporal gyrus

A. Postcentral gyrus

Which of the following veins unites with the retromandibular to form the external jugular vein? A. Posterior auricular B. Superficial temporal C. Transverse facial D. Internal jugular E. Facial

A. Posterior auricular

Which of the following paranasal sinuses communicates with the nasal cavity in the superior meatus? A. Posterior ethmoidal sinuses B. Frontal sinus C. Middle ethmoidal sinuses D. Sphenoidal sinus E. Maxillary sinus

A. Posterior ethmoidal sinuses

The internal capsule is composed of nerve fibers classified as: A. Projectional B. Short associational C. Commissural D. Arcuate E. Long associational

A. Projectional

The deep artery of the arm accompanies which of the following before passing around the body of the humerus? A. Radial nerve B. Musculocutaneous nerve C. Median nerve D. Ulnar nerve E. Axillary nerve

A. Radial nerve

All of the following structures provide boundaries for the pelvic inlet EXCEPT: A. Ramus of the ischium B. Sacral promontory C. Anterior border of the ala of the sacrum D. Arcuate line of the ilium E. Pecten pubis

A. Ramus of the ischium

The major venous system of the heart, the coronary sinus, empties into the: A. Right atrium B. Left atrium C. Right ventricle D. Superior vena cava E. Inferior vena cava

A. Right atrium

The sinoatrial node is located in the: A. Right atrium B. Left atrium C. Interventricular septum D. Left ventricle E. None of the above

A. Right atrium

The pronounced mediastinal shift to the right includes all of the following structures EXCEPT the: A. Sternum B. Aorta C. Trachea D. Esophagus E. Heart

A. Sternum

The pronounced mediastinal shift to the right includes all of the following structures EXCEPT: A. Sternum B. Aorta C. Trachea D. Esophagus E. Heart

A. Sternum

Which sinus drains the superior surface of the cerebellum? A. Straight B. Inferior sagittal C. Inferior petrosal D. Sigmoid E. Sphenoparietal

A. Straight

Which of the following arteries is a direct continuation of the inferior mesentric artery? A. Superior rectal B. Middle rectal C. Inferior rectal D. Illiolumbar E. Lateral sacral

A. Superior rectal

Which sinus extends from the foramen cecum to the internal occipital protuberance? A. Superior sagittal B. Inferior sagittal C. Rectus D. Sphenoparietal E. Superior petrosal

A. Superior sagittal

The anterior triangle of the neck does NOT contain which of the following smaller triangles? A. Supraclavicular triangle B. Submandibular triangle C. Submental triangle D. Carotid triangle E. Muscular triangle

A. Supraclavicular triangle

Where would a lesion resulting in a fluent (sensory) Wernicke aphasia most likely found? A. Temporal bone B. Parietal bone C. Frontal lobe D. Occipital lobe E. Limbic lobe

A. Temporal bone

Myocardial contraction normally is initiated at: A. The sinoatrial node B. The atrioventricular node C. The atrioventricular bundle D. Both atrioventricular node and bundle E. A localized region of ventricular myocardium

A. The sinoatrial node

A right-leg paralysis characterized as spastic may indicate damage to: A. The medial aspect of the left precentral gyrus B. The lateral aspect of the left precentral gyrus C. The lateral aspect of the right precentral gyrus D. The anterior horn cell E. The right fasciculus fracilis

A. The medial aspect of the left precentral gyrus

The sinoatrial node in the heart receives its blood supply principally from: A. The right coronary artery B. The posterior interventricular branch of the right coronary artery C. The anterior interventricular branch of the left coronary artery D. The circumflex branch of the left coronary arter E. None of the above

A. The right coronary artery

Following radical resection of a primary tongue tumor, a 72-year-old patient has lost general sensation on the anterior two thirds of the tongue. This is probably due to injury to branches of which of the following nerves? A. Trigeminal nerve B. Facial nerve C. Glossopharyngeal nerve D. Vagus nerve E. Hypoglossal nerve

A. Trigeminal nerve

The ileum receives parasympathetic nerves from the A. Vagus nerves B. Pelvid splanchnic nerve C. Lesser splanchnic nerves D. Spinal cord segment T10 and 11 E. Inferior mesentric plexus

A. Vagus nerves

Which of the following arterial malformations is very common in premature infants? A. Patent ductus arteriosus B. Coarctation of the aorta C. Right aortic arch D. Double aortic arch E. Abnormal origin of the right subclavian artery

B. Coarctation of the aorta

The trachea is lined with pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells. This epithelium is derived from: A. Neuroectoderm B. Endoderm C. Ectoderm D. Visceral mesoderm E. Mesoderm of fourht and sixth pharyngeal arches

B. Endoderm

The most common interventricular septal defect (VSI) seen clinically is: A. Persistent truncus arteriousus B. Membranous VSO C. Common ventricle D. Foramen secundum defect E. Premature closure of foramen ovale

B. Membranous VSO

Infection might pass from the infratemporal fossa directly into the pterygopalatine fossa by way of the: A. Foramen ovale B. Pterygomaxillary fissure C. Sphenopalatine foramen D. Pterygoid canal E. Cribriform plate

B. Pterygomaxillary fissure

The esophagogastric junction is located at level of which of the following vertebrae? A. 7th cervical B. 11th thoracic C. 2nd lumbar D. 5th lumbar E. 6th thoracic

B. 11th thoracic

The greater splanchnic nerve arises from: A. All thoracic ganglia B. 6th through 9th thoracic ganglia C. 10th to 11th thoracic ganglia D. 12th thoracic ganglion

B. 6th through 9th thoracic ganglia

The lateral wall of each cavernous sinus contains the following nerves EXCEPT: A. Oculomotor B. Abducens C. Trochlear D. Ophthalmic nerve E. Maxillary nerve

B. Abducens

The sternohyoid muscle is innervated by which of the following nerves? A. Hypoglossal B. Ansa cervicalis C. Transverse cervical D. Supraclavicular E. Vagus

B. Ansa cervicalis

The hepatic sinusoids that can be observed histologically in an adult liver are derived from the: A. Umbilibal veins B. Anterior cardinal veins C. Posterior cardinal veins D. Vitelline veins E. Subcardinal veins

B. Anterior cardinal veins

The main site of passage of cerebrospinal fluid into venous blood is through the: A. Pterygoid plexus B. Arachnoid villi C. Cerebral veins D. Parietal foramina E. Meningeal veins

B. Arachnoid villi

The sternum A. Is classed as a sesamoid bone B. Articulates with all true ribs by means of costal cartilages C. Consists of two parts: a manubrium and xiphoid process D. Forms part of the upper limb (pectoral girdle) E. Is described by all of the above

B. Articulates with all true ribs by means of costal cartilages

Which of the following contains PAIRED laryngeal cartilages? A. Thyroid, cricoid, epiglottic B. Arytenoid, corniculate, cuneiform C. Arytenoid, cricoid, epiglottic D. Corniculate, cricoid, cuneiform E. Cuneiform, corniculate, epiglottic

B. Arytenoid, corniculate, cuneiform

Which of the following passes through the gap between the superior constrictor and the skull? A. Tensor veli palatini B. Ascending palatine artery C. Glossopharyngeal nerve D. Stylohyoid ligament E. Stylopharyngeus

B. Ascending palatine artery

Which cranial nerve fibers are myelinated by oligodendrocytes? A. CN I B. CN II C. CN III D. CN VII E. CN X


The function of the papillary muscles in the heart is to: A. Open the atrioventricular valves during diastole (relaxation) B. Close the atrioventricular valves during ventricular systole (contraction) C. Secure the chordae tendinae to the atrioventricular valve leaflets D. Accomplish nothing of consequence since the papillary muscles are rudimentray E. Do none of the above

B. Close the atrioventricular valves during ventricular systole (contraction)

The function of the papillary muscles in the heart is to: A. Open the atrioventricular valves during diastole (relaxation) B. Close the atrioventricular valves during ventricular systole (contraction) C. Secure the chordae tendineae to the atrioventricular valve leaflets D. Accomplish nothing of consequence since the papillary muscles are rudimentary E. Do none of the above

B. Close the atrioventricular valves during ventricular systole (contraction)

External strabismus( deviation of eye laterally) results from paralysis of which of the following cranial nerves? A. Cranial nerves II B. Cranial nerves III C. Cranial nerve IV D. Cranial nerve V E. Cranial nerve VI

B. Cranial nerves III

The lateral portion of the clavicle serves for attachment of the A. Triceps muscle B. Deltoid muscle C. Subscapular muscle D. Biceps brachii muscle E. Coracobrachialis muscle

B. Deltoid muscle

The superior thyroid artery is usually the first branch of which of the following arteries? A. Common carotid B. External carotid C. Internal carotid D. Subclavian artery E. Maxillary artery

B. External carotid

Taste fibers for the anterior two-thirds of the tongue originate in the: A. Trigeminal ganglion B. Geniculate ganglion C. Lower portion of solitary nucleus D. Nucleus ambiguus E. Superior salivatory nucleus

B. Geniculate ganglion

. The lumbar plexus A. Is formed from the ventral rami of the first two lumbar nerves and part of the thrid lumbar nerve B. Gives rise to the obturator and femoral nerves C. Includes the sciatic nerve D. Has no connection with the sympathetic trunk E. Gives rise to the pudendal nerve

B. Gives rise to the obturator and femoral nerves

Which of the following nerves is a dorsal ramus of the second cervical nerve? A. Great auricular B. Greater occipital C. Lesse occipital D. Transverse cervical E. Supraclavicular

B. Greater occipital

Exploration of the peritoneal cavity discloses a greatly distended gallbladder. Numerous stones could be palpated. A finger was inserted into the epiploic foramen (of Winslow), and the common bile duct was palpated for stones. Structures that bounded the epiploic foramen include all of the following EXCEPT: A. Inferior vena cava B. Hepatic vein C. Common bile duct D. Caudate lobe of the liver E. Superior part of the duodenum

B. Hepatic vein

The humeroulnar joint is the A. Syndesmosis B. Hinge joint C. Ellipsoidal joint D. Ball-and-socket joint

B. Hinge joint

The long head of the triceps muscle originates from the A. Supraglenoid tubercle B. Infraglenoid tubercle C. Coronoid process D. Crest of the lesser tubercle E. Radial groove of the humerus

B. Infraglenoid tubercle

Cauda equina A. Is external to the dura mater of the spinal cord B. Is formed by the roots of the lumbar and sacral nerves C. Its inferior limit is the lower border of the 1st lumbar vertebra D. Is part of the filum terminale E. Is located above the conus medullaris

B. Is formed by the roots of the lumbar and sacral nerves

Which of the following statements correctly applies to the vermiform appendix? A. It is usually retroperitoneal B. It has a small mesentery C. It receives its blood supply from the inferior mesentric artery D. It is usually located in the subhepatic position E. It receives its innervation from the pelvic splanchnic

B. It has a small mesentery

All of the following structures may herniate into the thoracic cavity when there is a traumatic diaphragmatic hernia EXCEPT: A. Stomach B. Kidney C. Intestine D. Mesentry

B. Kidney

Which of the following muscles is NOT innervated by the oculomotor nerve? A. Levator palpebrae superioris B. Lateral rectus C. Medial rectus D. Inferior oblique E. Superior rectus

B. Lateral rectus

The anterior interventricular artery (ramus descendens) is usually a branch of the A. Right coronary artery B. Left coronary artery C. Marginal artery D. Nodal artery

B. Left coronary artery

. The infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula serves as an attachment for: A. Long head of biceps B. Long head of triceps C. Medial head of triceps D. Subscapularis E. None of the above

B. Long head of triceps

In adults the spinal cord usually terminates at the A. Upper border of the 12th thoracic vertebra B. Lower border of the 1st lumbar vertebra C. Upper border of the 4th lumbar vertebra D. Level of the 5th lumbar vertebra E. End of the sacral canal

B. Lower border of the 1st lumbar vertebra

Which of the following structures is NOT located in the posterior mediastinum? A. Thoracic duct B. Lungs C. Esophagus D. Descending aorta E. Azygos vein

B. Lungs

The last order neurons of the auditory tract are in the: A. Trapezoid body B. Medial geniculate body C. Superior colliculus D. Lateral lemniscus E. Lateral geniculate body

B. Medial geniculate body

A correct description of innervation of the upper limb includes which of the following? A. Musculocutaneous nerve, a derivative of the medial cord of the brachia! plexus B. Median nerve, innervating no muscle in the arm C. Ulnar nerve, a derivative of the lateral cord of the brachia! plexus D. Radial nerve, innervating the coracobrachialis muscle E. Lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve, terminating above the elbow

B. Median nerve, innervating no muscle in the arm

Arteries that contributes to the cerebral arterial circle (of Willis) include all of the following EXCEPT: A. Posterior cerebral artery B. Middle cerebral artery C. Anterior cerebral artery D. Posterior communicating artery E. Anterior communicating artery

B. Middle cerebral artery

The nucleus that gives rise to motor fibers that innervate muscles of larynx, pharynx, and palate is the: A. Hypoglossal nucleus B. Nucleus ambiguus C. Nucleus solitarius D. Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus E. Edinger-Westphal nucleus

B. Nucleus ambiguus

First order neurons for dorsal columnlemniscal system are located in the: A. Spinal ganglia B. Nucleus of the dorsal horn C. Substantia gelationsa D. Intermediate gray E. None of the above

B. Nucleus of the dorsal horn

Ptosis results from a lesion of which nerve? A. Optic nerve B. Oculomotor nerve C. Trochlear nerve D. Trigeminal nerve E. Abducens nerve

B. Oculomotor nerve

Special somatic afferent fibers are components of the: A. Facial nerve B. Optic nerve C. Oculomotor nerve D. Trigeminal nerve E. Accessory nerve

B. Optic nerve

The prominent muscle of the anterior wall of the axilla is: A. Pectoralis minor B. Pectoralis major C. Teres minor D. Subscapularis E. Intercostal

B. Pectoralis major

Concerning the male urethra all of the following are true, EXCEPT: A. Membraneous part passes through the urogenital diaphragm B. Penile part is compressed by the ichiocavernosus muscle C. Bulbourethral gland open into penile part D. Penile part passes through the corpus spongisum E. Sphincter urethrae muscle surround the membraneous part

B. Penile part is compressed by the ichiocavernosus muscle

The axillary nerve arises from the A. Inferior cord of the brachial plexus B. Posterior cord of the brachial plexus C. Medial cord of the brachial plexus D. Lateral cord of the brachial plexus E. Posterior trunk of the brachial plexus

B. Posterior cord of the brachial plexus

The nerve most commonly injured in fractures of the middle third of the humerus is the A. Ulnar B. Radial C. Median D. Thoracodorsal E. Musculocutaneous

B. Radial

The profunda brachii artery is accompanied by the A. Ulnar nerve B. Radial nerve C. Median nerve D. Long thoracic nerve E. Axillary nerve

B. Radial nerve

During fetal development, the left atrium receive blood directly from pulmonary veins and from the A. Ductus arteriossus B. Right atrium C. Sinus venosus D. Common cardinal vein E. Coronary sinus

B. Right atrium

Which of the following structures is NOT located in the posterior mediastinum? A. Thoracic duct B. Right lymphatic duct C. Esophagus D. Descending aorta E. Azygos vein

B. Right lymphatic duct

The space between the opposed vocal folds and arytenoid cartilages is known as the A. Glottis B. Rima glottidis C. Vestibule D. Rima vestibule E. Piriform recess

B. Rima glottidis

Cutting the long thoracic nerve during radical mastectomy results in paralysis of the A. Pectoralis major muscle B. Serratus anterior muscle C. Subscapular muscle D. Teres major muscle E. Pectoralis minor muscle

B. Serratus anterior muscle

The most superior vertebral spine that ordinarily is palpable is that of the: A. Eight cervical vertebra B. Seventh cervical vertebra C. First thoracic vertebra D. Seventh thoracic vertebra E. None of the above

B. Seventh cervical vertebra

Cerebrospinal fluid circulates in which of the following areas? A. Below the pia B. Subarachnoid space C. Subduralspace D. Epidural space E. Central canal

B. Subarachnoid space

Malignancies of the external genitalis and perineal abscesses result in enlargement first of the: A. External iliac lymph nodes B. Superficial inguinal lymph nodes C. Internal iliac lymph nodes D. Popliteal lymph nodes E. Lumbar lymph nodes

B. Superficial inguinal lymph nodes

Which of the following structures leave the pelvis through supraspiriformis foramen? A. Sciatic nerve B. Superior gluteal nerve C. Inferior gluteal artery D. Internal pudendal artery E. Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve

B. Superior gluteal nerve

The skin around the umbilicus on the anterior abdominal wall gains its sensory innervation from: A. T8 B. T10 C. T12 D. L1 E. L2

B. T10

The conducting system of the heart is composed of the following structures EXCEPT which? A. The Purkinje plexus B. The deep cardiac plexus C. The sinuatrial node D. The atrioventricular bundle E. The atrioventricular node

B. The deep cardiac plexus

All of the following statements concerning the hair cells of the organ of Corti are correct EXCEPT: A. They are mechanoreceptors B. They project centrally (axons) to the cochlear nuclei C. They are stimulated by vibrations of the basilar membrane D. They contain sterocilia E. They are located inside the cochlear duct

B. They project centrally (axons) to the cochlear nuclei

The axillary artery gives off the following branches, EXCEPT the: A. Thoracoacrominal B. Transverse scapular C. Supreme thoracic D. Lateral thoracic

B. Transverse scapular

A structure that lies just posterior to the medial epicondyle of the humerus is the: A. Inferior ulnar collateral artery B. Ulnar nerve C. Profunda brachii artery D. Radial nerve E. Median nerve

B. Ulnar nerve

The vertebral arteries A. Enter the skull via the foramen spinosum B. Unite in the skull to form the basilar artery C. Enter the cavernous sinus D. Pass through the muscular triangle E. Give off suprascapular arteries

B. Unite in the skull to form the basilar artery

All of the following structures may herniate into the thoracic cavity when there is traumatic diaphragmatic hernia EXCEPT: A. Stomach B. Ureter C. Intestine D. Mesentery E. Pecten pubis

B. Ureter

The posterior fornix is the deepest part of which of the following structures? A. Urinary bladder B. Vagina C. Deep perineal space D. Urethra E. Uterus

B. Vagina

The cervical plexus is formed by the A. Dorsal rami of C1-4 B. Ventral rami of C1-4 C. Dorsal rami of C5-T1 D. Ventral rami of C5-T1 E. Ventral rami of C1-T1

B. Ventral rami of C1-4

The ovarian arteries arise from which of the following arteries? A. Superior gluteal B. Inferior gluteal C. Abdominal aorta D. Superior rectal E. Internal pudendal

C. Abdominal aorta

The traditional radical mastoectomy included removal of the pectoralis major muscle. Postoperatively, patients complained frequently of difficulty with A. Abducting the arm B. Externally rotating the arm C. Adducting the arm D. Extending the arm E. None of the above movements

C. Adducting the arm

The parotid duct penetrates which of the following muscles? A. Masseter B. Medial pterygoid C. Buccinator D. Superior pharyngeal constrictor E. Levator anguli oris

C. Buccinator

Which of the following intrinsic laryngeal muscles is NOT innervated by the recurrent laryngeal nerve? A. Transverse arytenoid B. Oblique arytenoid C. Cricothyroid D. Posterior cricoarytenoid E. Lateral cricoarytenoid

C. Cricothyroid

A 20 year old guard at the gate of the Royal Kings palace blinks his eyes when a strong wind hits the cornea of his eye. The afferent fibers of the corneal reflex are carried by which of the following nerves? A. Optic nerve B. Long ciliary nerve C. Nasociliary nerve D. Zygomatic nerve E. Oculomotor nerve

C. Nasociliary nerve

The obturator nerve innervates: A. Psoas major muscle B. Sartorius muscle C. Obturator externus muscle D. Obturator internus muscle E. Biceps femoris muscle

C. Obturator externus muscle

The distal attachment of the triceps brachii muscle is A. Radial notch of the ulna B. Ulnar tuberosity C. Olecranon process of the ulna D. Coronoid process of the ulna E. Styloid process of the ulna

C. Olecranon process of the ulna

Congenital torticollis or wryneck is associated with injury to the: A. Erector spinalis muscle B. Trapezius muscle C. Sternocleidomastoid D. 6th cervical vertebra E. Anterior scalene muscle

C. Sternocleidomastoid

The accessory nerve supplies the motor fibers to the A. Platysma muscle B. Sternohyoid muscle C. Sternocleidomastoid muscle D. Frontal muscle E. Deltoid muscle

C. Sternocleidomastoid muscle

Which of the following muscle of the pharynx is innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve? A. Superior pharyngeal constrictor B. Salpingopharyngeus C. Stylopharyngeus D. Palatopharyngeus E. Middle pharyngeal constrictor

C. Stylopharyngeus

Which nerve innervating the skin og the thorax arises from the cervical plexus? A. Anterior thoracic B. Intercostal C. Supraclavicular D. Dorsal rami of the spinal nerves E. None of the above

C. Supraclavicular

Which nerves innervating the skin if the thorax arises from the cervical plexus? A. Lateral thoracic B. Intercostal C. Supraclavicular D. Dorsal rami of the spinal nerve E. None of the above

C. Supraclavicular

The distal end of the ovary connects to the lateral wall of the pelvis by which of the following structures? A. Round ligament B. Ligament of the ovary C. Suspensory ligament D. Transverse cervical ligament E. Lateral cervical ligament

C. Suspensory ligament

The anatomic position of the vas deferens in the male inguinal region is occupied in the female pelvis by the: A. Broad ligament of the uterus B. Round ligament of the uterus C. Suspensory ligament of the ovary D. Proper ovarian ligament E. Mesosalpinx

C. Suspensory ligament of the ovary

Knowledge of the lymphatic drainage of the breast is clinically important because of the high incidence of breast tumors. The major pathway of lymphatic drainage from mammary gland is along lymphatic channels that parallel A. Tributaries of the internal thoracic (mammary) vessels to the parasternal (internal thoracic) nodes B. Tributaries of the intercostal vessels to the parasternal nodes and posterior mediastinal nodes C. Tributaries of the axillary vessels to the axillary nodes D. Tributaries of the thoracoacromial vessels to the apical (subclavian) nodes E. Subcutaneous venous networks to the contralateral breast and to the abdominal wall

C. Tributaries of the axillary vessels to the axillary nodes

The anterior frontanelle is usually closed by: A. Birth B. Age 6 months C. Age 18 months D. Age 2 years E. Age 5 years

C. Age 18 months

The body of the mandible has a sharp inferior margin that ends posteriorly in the: A. Mental protuberance B. Mental tubercle C. Angle of the mandible D. Mandibular condyle E. Mandibular notch

C. Angle of the mandible

A 57-year-old woman comes into her physician's office complaining of fever, nausea, vomiting, and the worst headache of her life. Tests and physical examination suggest hydrocephalus (widening ventricles) resulting from a decrease in the absorption of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). A decrease of flow in the CSF through which of the following structures would be responsible for these findings? A. Choroid plexus B. Vertebral venous plexus C. Arachnoid villi D. Internal jugular vein E. Subarachnoid trabeculae

C. Arachnoid villi

Which of the following laryngeal cartilage has a triangular base with vocal and muscular process? A. Cricoid B. Comiculate C. Arytenoid D. Cuneiform E. Epiglottis

C. Arytenoid

When does the metanephros become functional? A. At week 3 of development B. At week 4 of development C. At week 8 of development D. Just before birth E. Just after birth

C. At week 8 of development

Fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus can cause injury to the A. Long thoracic nerve B. Ulnar nerve C. Axillary nerve D. Suprascapular nerve E. Median nerve

C. Axillary nerve

The tendons of which of the following muscle form the lateral margin of the popliteal fossa? A. Semitendinosus B. Semimembranosus C. Biceps femoris D. Gracilis E. Sartorius

C. Biceps femoris

Which of the following structures is included in the female pudendum? A. Uterus B. Uterine tubes C. Bulb of the vestibule D. Cervix E. Ovaries

C. Bulb of the vestibule

The first (S1 or "Lub") heart sound and the second (S2 or "Dup") heart sound originate, respectively, from the: A. Closure of the pulmonary valve followed by closure of the aortic valve B. Closure of the tricuspid valve followed by closure at the mitral valve C. Closure of the atrioventricular valves followed by closure of the seminlunar valves D. Closure of the atrioventricular valves followed by opening of the seminlunar valves E. Opening of the atrioventricular valves followed by closure of the atrioventricular valves

C. Closure of the atrioventricular valves followed by closure of the seminlunar valves

What is the innervation of the forearm extensors? A. Axillary nerve B. Musculocutaneous nerve C. Deep branch of the radial nerve D. Median nerve E. Ulnar nerve

C. Deep branch of the radial nerve

A 25-year-old man is involved in an automobile accident and slams his head into a concrete wall of a bridge. His computed tomography (CT) scan reveals that the middle meningeal artery has ruptured but the meninges remain intact. Blood leaking from his artery enters which of the followings spaces? A. Subarachnoid space B. Subdural space C. Epidural space D. Subpial space E. Cranial dural sinuses

C. Epidural space

A laceration or contusion in the parotid region or a fracture of the temporal bone might damage which nerve? A. Trigeminal nerve B. Abducens nerve C. Facial nerve D. Glossopharyngeal nerve E. Vagus nerve

C. Facial nerve

Which statement below concerning the aorta is true? A. It arises from the right ventricle B. Its descending part divides into internal iliac arteries C. From its ascending part originate coronary arteries D. It terminates at the level of L2

C. From its ascending part originate coronary arteries

The subclavian artery A. Passes anteriorly to the scalenus anterior muscle B. Arises from the ascending aorta C. Gives off the vertebral artery D. On the left side arises from the brachiocephalic trunk E. Passes below the first rib

C. Gives off the vertebral artery

The inferior mesentric artery A. Arises from the superior mesentric artery B. Supplies the ascending colon C. Gives off the left colic artery D. Originates at the level of L1 vertebra E. Communicates with the right renal artery

C. Gives off the left colic artery

Which spinal nerve rami contain unmyelinated postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers? A. White communicating B. Dorsal primary C. Gray communicating D. Ventral primary E. Meningeal

C. Gray communicating

The fact that general and special sensory information from the posterior part of the tongue is carried by glossopharyngeal nerve indicates that this part of tongue is from pharyngeal arch: A. I B. II C. III D. IV E. VI

C. III (?)

The nucleus ambiguus supplies axons to cranial nerves: A. IX, X, XI, and XII B. VII, IX, and XI C. IX, X D. VII, XI, XII E. VIII, IX, X, XI

C. IX, X

One component of the middle ear is the: A. Organ of corti B. Auricle C. Incus D. Seala vestibule E. Meatus

C. Incus

Where does the nasolacrimal duct communicate with the nasal cavity? A. Superior meatus B. Middle meatus C. Inferior meatus D. Nasopharynx E. Sphenoidal sinus

C. Inferior meatus

Which of the following is a separate bone? A. Superior nasal concha B. Middle nasal concha C. Inferior nasal concha D. Crista galli E. Glabella

C. Inferior nasal concha

The lateral ventricle A. Is located in brainstem B. Communicated directly with fourth ventricle C. Is bounded inferiorly by the thalamus and caudate nucleus D. Does not communicate with third ventricle E. Contains fibers forming interthalamic adhesion

C. Is bounded inferiorly by the thalamus and caudate nucleus

The posterior cord of the brachia! plexus is described correctly by all the following statements EXCEPT: A. It is formed by union of all the posterior divisions of the plexus B. It gives off the upper subscapular nerve C. It gives off the median nerve D. It gives off the axillary nerve E. It has the radial nerve as a terminal branch

C. It gives off the median nerve

The following anatomic facts regarding coronary artery are correct EXCEPT which? A. It gives rise to a marginal branch B. It passes forward between the right auricle and the pulmonary trunk C. It gives rise to an anterior interventricular branch D. It arises from the anterior aortic sinus E. It descends in the right atrioventricular grooce

C. It gives rise to an anterior interventricular branch

Which of the following statements correctly applies to the iliopsoas muscle? A. It is a flat quadrangular muscle B. It is the chief flexor of the thigh C. It is enclosed between two layers of fascia lata D. It inserts into the iliotibial tract E. It is located in the posterior compartment of the thigh

C. It is enclosed between two layers of fascia lata

Considering the stomach: A. Its lesser curvature is supplied by gastroepiploic artery B. The pylorus is supplied by splenic artery C. It is innervated by vagal nerve D. It lies in the right hypochondrium E. The greater curvatures is supplied by the right gastric artery

C. It is innervated by vagal nerve

All of the following statements concerning the rectus are correct, EXCEPT: A. The upper 1/3 has peritoneum on its anterior and lateral walls B. Superior rectal veins enter the inferior mesentric vein C. It pierces the urogenital diaphragm D. It receives blood from the internal iliac artery E. It is innervated by the pelvic plexus

C. It pierces the urogenital diaphragm

All of the following statements regarding renal blood flow are correct, EXCEPT the: A. Left renal vein passes anterior to the aorta B. Left renal vein is longer that the right renal vein C. Left renal vein receives ovarian/testicular vein D. Right renal artery passes anterior to the inferior vena cava E. Renal vein passes anterior to the renal artery

C. Left renal vein receives ovarian/testicular vein

Branches of the facial nerve include all of the following EXCEPT: A. Chorda tympani B. Greater petrosal nerve C. Lesser petrosal nerve D. Nerve to the stapedius E. Posterior auricular nerve

C. Lesser petrosal nerve

Ribs A. Always articulate with the vertebrae and sternum B. All articulate with the sternum by means of cartilages C. May be classified as true, false, or floating D. May be considered part of the appendicular skeleton E. Do not support any parts of the body

C. May be classified as true, false, or floating

The obturator nerve, a branch of the lumbag plexus, emerges from the psoas muscle on its A. Anterior surface B. Posterior surface C. Medial side D. Upper border E. Lateral side

C. Medial side

The median nerve is formed by parts of the: A. Lateral and posterior cord B. Posterior division of the upper and middle trunks C. Medial and lateral cords D. Posterior divisions of the middle and lower trunks E. Medial and posterior cords

C. Medial and lateral cords

Carpal tunnel syndrome involves compression of the A. Radial nerve B. Ulnar artery C. Median nerve D. Radial artery E. None of the above

C. Median nerve

The skeletal system develops from the: A. Ectoderm B. Endoderm C. Mesoderm D. Epiblast E. Hypoblast

C. Mesoderm

Which of the three primary germ layers forms the histologically definitive endocardium of the adult heart? A. Ectoderm B. Endoderm C. Mesoderm D. Epiblast E. Hypoblast

C. Mesoderm

The renal papillae empty into which of the following structures? A. Renal vein B. Ureter C. Minor calyces D. Renal pyramid E. Renal column

C. Minor calyces

During a game, a 26-year-old baseball player is hit in the head by a baseball that fractures the optic canal. Which of the following pairs of structures is most likely to be damaged? A. Optic nerve and opthalmic vein B. Opthalmic vein and opthalmic nerve C. Opthalmic artery and optic nerve D. Opthalmic nerve and optic nerve E. Opthalmic artery and opthalmic vein

C. Opthalmic artery and optic nerve

The adrenergic autonomic fibers are: A. Preganglionic sympathetic B. Preganglionic parasympathetic C. Postganglionic sympathetic D. Postganglionic parasympathetic E. All of the above

C. Postganglionic sympathetic

The primary motor area is located in the: A. Superior frontal gyrus B. Middle frontal gyrus C. Precental gyrus D. Postcentral gyrus E. Insula

C. Precental gyrus

A young girl complains of dryness of the nose and the palate. This would indicate a lesion of which of the following ganglia? A. Nodose ganglion B. Otic ganglion C. Pterygopalatine ganglion D. Submandibular ganglion E. Ciliary ganglion

C. Pterygopalatine ganglion

Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers that innervate glands of the nasal cavity originate in the: A. Trigeminal ganglion B. Otic ganglion C. Pterygopalatine ganglion D. Submandibular ganglion E. Ciliary ganglion

C. Pterygopalatine ganglion

Which blood vessel or group of vessels below carries richly oxygenated blood to the heart? A. Superior vena cava B. Pulmonary arteries C. Pulmonary veins D. Ascending aorta E. Cardiac veins

C. Pulmonary veins

The corticospinal tract at the level of medulla oblongata is located in the: A. Brachium pontis B. Area postrema C. Pyramid D. Cuneate tubercle E. Accessory cuneate nucleus

C. Pyramid

The second neuron in the pathway carrying pain and temperature in the anterolateral system A. Crosses to the opposite side within one segment rostrally B. Crosses randomly along the longitudinal axis of the spinal cord C. Remains ipsilateral the lenght of the spinal cord D. Crosses the midline within a small area of the medulla E. Is involved only with intersegmental reflexes

C. Remains ipsilateral the lenght of the spinal cord

The anterior surface of the heart as seen anatomically or radiographically is comprised primarily of the: A. Right atrium B. Left atrium C. Right ventricle D. Left ventricle E. Inferior vena cava

C. Right ventricle

The right lymphatic duct drains lymph from the A. Right lower limb B. Left upper limb C. Right side of the thoracic cavity D. Right part of the abdominal E. Left lower limb

C. Right side of the thoracic cavity

The eparterial bronchus is the: A. Left superior bronchus B. Left inferior bronchus C. Right superior lobar bronchus D. Right middle lobar bronchus E. Right inferior lobar bronchus

C. Right superior lobar bronchus

All of the following osseofibrous structures mark the boundaries of the perineum EXCEPT: A. Pubic symphysis B. Inferior pubic rami C. Sacrospinous ligament D. Ischial tuberosities E. Ischial rami

C. Sacrospinous ligament

The external capsule: A. Separates the thalamus and claustrum B. Lies between the claustrum and insular cortex C. Separates the claustrum and lentiform nucleus D. Is located between the putamen and globus pallidus E. Covers the lateral surface of the thalamus

C. Separates the claustrum and lentiform nucleus

Cutting the long thoracic nerve during radical mastectomy results in paralysis of the A. Pectoralis major muscle B. Pectoralis minor muscle C. Serratus anterior muscle D. Teres major muscle E. Subscapularis muscle

C. Serratus anterior muscle

A cruical role in Parkinson's disease plays: A. Subthalamic nucleus B. Globus pallidus C. Substantia nigra D. Lateral thalmic nucleus E. Claustrum

C. Substantia nigra

The femoral nerve: A. Passes anterior to the inguinal ligament B. Arises from the sacral plexus C. Supplies the vastus medialis muscle D. Gives off the lateral cutaneous femoris nerve E. Is located in the femoral canal

C. Supplies the vastus medialis muscle

The medial and lateral malleoli articulate with which of the following bones? A. Femur B. Calcaneus C. Talus D. Cuboid E. Fibula

C. Talus

A 38-year-old man has thyroid surgery to remove his papillary carcinoma. The external laryngeal nerve that accompanies the superior thyroid artery is damaged during the surgery. This injury could result in a severe impairment of function of which of the following? A. Relax the vocal cords B. Rotate the arytenoid cartilage C. Tense the vocal cords D. Abduct the vocal cords

C. Tense the vocal cords

Correct statement about the penis include: A. It has one corpus cavernodum B. It consists of two corpora spongiosa C. The ischiocavernosus muscle covers the crus of the corpus cavernosum D. The urethra traverses the corpus cavernosum E. The corpora spongiosa are on the dorsal surface of the penis

C. The ischiocavernosus muscle covers the crus of the corpus cavernosum

Correct statements about the penis include A. There is one corpus cavernosum B. There are two corpa spongiosa C. The ischiocavernosus muscles surround the orura of cavernous bodies D. The urethra traverses the corpus cavernosus E. The corpora spongiosa are on the dorsal surface of the penis

C. The ischiocavernosus muscles surround the orura of cavernous bodies

Correct statement with regard to the root of the lung includes: A. The azygos vein passes below the root of the left lung B. The phrenic nerve descends posterior to the lung root C. The left pulmonary artery lies superior to the main bronchus D. The vagus nerve descends anterior to the lung root E. The main bronchus is inferior to the lower pulmonary vein

C. The left pulmonary artery lies superior to the main bronchus

All of the following statements concerning the lungs are correct, EXCEPT: A. The apex extends through the superior thoracic aperture B. The apex of the lung is crossed by the subclavian artery C. The right lung has a deep cardiac notch D. The mediastinal surface contains the root of the lung E. The anterior border overlaps the pericarium

C. The right lung has a deep cardiac notch

Which of the following is NOT correct? A. The parotid gland is supplied by branches of the external carotid and superficial temporal arteries B. The submandibular gland is supplies by the submental artery C. The submandibular gland is innervated by the parasympathetic fibers of the glossopharyngeal nerve that synapses in the submandibular ganglion D. The sublingual glands are supplied by the sublingual and submental arteries E. The sublingual glands are innervated by parasympathetic fibers of the facial nerve

C. The submandibular gland is innervated by the parasympathetic fibers of the glossopharyngeal nerve that synapses in the submandibular ganglion

The skeleton of the lower limb can be described correctly by all of the following EXCEPT A. The pelvic girdle is attached firmly to the vertebral column B. The bones that compose the pelvic girdle fuse together in development C. The two coxal bones are firmly articulated with each other at the midline D. The fibula does not enter into the knee joint E. The hip joint is identical in all respects to the shoulder joint

C. The two coxal bones are firmly articulated with each other at the midline

All of the following statements concerning the vestibule of the vagina are correct EXCEPT: A. The mons pubis is part of he vestibule B. The ducts of the great vestibular glands open into the vestibule C. The urethra opens into the vestibule D. The vaginal opening comes to the surface in the vestibule E. It is the cleft between the labia minora

C. The urethra opens into the vestibule

All of the following statements concerning the ureters are correct EXCEPT: A. They are retroperitoneal B. They cross the pelvic brim anterior to the bifurcation of the common iliac arteries C. They are fibrous tubes connecting the kidneys to the urinary bladder D. Their superior halves lie in the abdomen and the inferior halves lie in the pelvis E. Their oblique passage through the bladder wall forms a one-way "flap-valve"

C. They are fibrous tubes connecting the kidneys to the urinary bladder

The thoracic hiatus of the diaphragm contains the: A. Branches of the left gastric artery B. Anterior vagal trunk C. Thoracic duct D. Left phrenic nerve E. Sympathetic trunk

C. Thoracic duct

Each of the following statements about the great sephenous vein is correct, EXCEPT: A. Frequently has a valvular incompetency B. Drains into the femoral vein C. Travels anterior to the medial malleolus D. Pierces the cribiform fascia E. Is found in the lateral crural compartment

C. Travels anterior to the medial malleolus

The common carotid artery usually bifurcates into the external and internal carotids at the level of the: A. Jugular arch B. Cricoid cartilage C. Upper border of the thyroid cartilage D. Neck of the mandible E. Stemoclavicular joint

C. Upper border of the thyroid cartilage

The relationship ("water passing under the bridge") is an especially important one for surgery of which of the followign arteries? A. Ovarian B. Testicular C. Uterine D. Vaginal E. Obturator

C. Uterine

Muscles participating in swallowing which originate from the styloid process are innervated by cranial nerves A. III, VII, X B. V, VII, XI C. VII, IX, XII D. V, IX, X


During surgery on a 56-year-old man for a squamous cell carcinoma of the neck, a surgeon notices profuse bleeding from the deep cervical artery. Which of the following arteries must be ligated immediately to stop bleeding? A. Inferior thyroid artery B. Transverse cervical artery C. Thyrocervical trunk D. Costocervical trunk E. Ascending cervical artery

D. Costocervical trunk

The posterior mediastinum contains A. Phrenic nerves B. Thymus C. Main bronchi D. Esophagus E. None of the above

D. Esophagus

A 19-year-old womain complains of numbness of the nasopharynx after surgical removal of the adenoid. A lesion of which of the followign nerves would be expected? A. Maxillary nerve B. Superior cervical ganglion C. External laryngeal nerve D. Glossopharyngeal nerve E. Vagus nerve

D. Glossopharyngeal nerve

The femoral nerve: A. Arises from the sacral plexus B. Passes through the femoral canal C. Accompanies the obturator artery D. Innervates the quadriceps femoris muscle E. Gives off the gluteal nerve

D. Innervates the quadriceps femoris muscle

From the lateral cord of the brachial plexus arises A. Subscapular nerve B. Ulnar nerve C. Axillary nerve D. Musculocutaneous nerve E. Thoracodorsal nerve

D. Musculocutaneous nerve

Numerous ducts that open into prostatic urethra has the: A. Seminal vesicles B. Great vestibular gland C. Bulbourethral gland D. Prostate gland E. Minor vestibular gland

D. Prostate gland

The vesical trigones is bounded by which of the following structures at its inferior (anterior) angle? A. Openings of ureters B. Urethral aperture C. Interureteric fold D. Puboprostatic ligament E. Uvula

D. Puboprostatic ligament

During an outbreak of meningitis at a local college, a 20-year-old young student presents to a hospital emergency room complaining of headache, fever, chills, and stiff neck. On examination, it appears that he may have meningitis and needs lumbar puncture or a spinal tap. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is normally withdrawn from which of the following spaces? A. Epidural space B. Subdural space C. Space between the spinal cord and pia mater D. Subarachnoid space E. Space between the arachnoid and dura maters

D. Subarachnoid space

Of the bronchopulmonary segment in the superior lobe of the left lung, which two are combined to form the lingula? A. Apical and posterior B. Posterior and anterior C. Anterior and superior D. Superior and inferior E. Apical and inferior

D. Superior and inferior

Which of the following structures guards the opening between the right aterium and right ventricle? A. Pulmonary semilunar valve B. Mitral valve C. Valve of the coronary sinus D. Tricuspid valve E. Aortic semilunar valve

D. Tricuspid valve

The primary motor area is designed as area: A. 3 B. 1 C. 2 D. 4 E. 6

D. 4

All of the following concerning the axillary lymph nodes are correct EXCEPT: A. Ther are arranged in five principal groups B. The pectroal group receives lymph from the anterior thoracic wall including the breast C. The subscapular group receives lymph from the posterior aspect of the thoracic wall D. All of them lie superior to the pectoralis minor tendon E. The apical group receives lymph from all other axillary lymph nodes

D. All of them lie superior to the pectoralis minor tendon

The paleocerebellum is frequently referred to as the: A. Flocculonodular lobe B. Superior and inferior semilunar lobules C. Fastigial nucleus D. Anterior lobe E. Posterior lobe

D. Anterior lobe ??

The middle ear includes the: A. Tragus B. Anthelix C. Cochlea D. Auditory ossicles E. Membranous labyrinth

D. Auditory ossicles

The spinal origin of the sympathetic nerve fibers forming the white communicating rami is A. C1-S3 B. C8-S3 C. T1-S3 D. C8-L2 E. L1-S4

D. C8-L2

Which of the cranial nerves exits the brainstem from the dorsal aspect? A. CN I B. CN II C. CN III D. CN IV E. CN VI


A 25-year-old woman's neck was injured in an automobile accident. At examination she reports difficulty in turning her head away from the side of her neck that was injured. She also has a visible shoulder droop. Which nerve was likely damaged? A. CN VIII B. CN IX C. CN X D. CN XI E. CN XII


The omohyoid, the sternocleidomastoid and the posterior belly of digastric muscle form the boundaries of which of the following triangle? A. Occipital B. Submandibular C. Submental D. Carotid E. Omoclavicular

D. Carotid

The axillary vein A. Is formed by the junction of cephalic and basilic veins B. Empties directly into the superior vena cava C. Is located anterior to the clavicle D. Continues superiorly as the subclavian vein

D. Continues superiorly as the subclavian vein

Which of the following structure contributes to the formation of the vocal ligaments A. Thyrohyoid membrane B. Cricotracheal ligament C. Quadrangular membrane D. Conus elasticus E. Hyoepiglottic ligament

D. Conus elasticus

The pharynx terminates at the level of the: A. Hyoid bone B. 2nd cervical vertebra C. Thyroid cartilage D. Cricoid cartilage E. Jugular arch

D. Cricoid cartilage

Esophagus: A. Originates at the level of C5 vertebra B. Terminates at the level of L2 vertebra C. Has circular folds D. Descends in the superior mediastinum E. Crosses superior vena cava

D. Descends in the superior mediastinum

A 31-year-old woman complains of headache and dizziness after hitting a kitchen cabinet door with his head. Her magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan and venogram show a large blood clot in the great cerebral vein of Galen. The obstructed vein of the brain is a direct tributary of which of the following venous structures? A. Emissary veins B. Pterygoid venous plexus C. Diploic veins D. Dural venous sinuses E. Internal jugular vein

D. Dural venous sinuses

A 23-year-old jockey falls from her horse and complains of headache, backache, and weakness. Radiologic examination would reveal blood in which of the following spaces if the internal vertebral venous plexus was ruptured? A. Space deep to the pia mater B. Space between the arachnoid and dura maters C. Subdural space D. Epidural space E. Subarachnoid space

D. Epidural space

Main function of the triceps at elbow joint is: A. Pronation B. Supination C. Flexion D. Extension E. Adduction

D. Extension

The angular artery is the terminal part of which of the following arteries? A. Superficial temporal B. Posterior auricular C. Maxillary D. Facial E. Occipita

D. Facial

A 35-year-old woman has been referred to your service with a radiographic report indicating a brain tumor located at the cerebellopontine angle. To determine preoperative impairments from your complete neurologic examination, which cranial nerve should receive special attention? A. Trochlear nerve B. Oculomotor and abducens nerves C. Trigeminal nerve D. Facial and vestibulocochlear nerves E. Optic nerve

D. Facial and vestibulocochlear nerves

Saphenous nerve is a branch of the: A. Sciatic nerve B. Pudendal nerve C. Obturator nerve D. Femoral nerve E. Ilioinguinal nerve

D. Femoral nerve

The median nerve innervates A. Biceps brachii muscle B. Teres major muscle C. Supinator muscle D. Flexor carpi radialis muscle E. Anconeus muscle

D. Flexor carpi radialis muscle

A young boy with a tooth abscess from a long-standing infection suffers damage of the lingual nerve as it enters the oral cavity. Which of the following structures contain cell bodies of injured nerve fibers? A. Geniculate and otic ganglia B. Trigeminal and submandibular ganglia C. Trigeminal and dorsal root ganglia D. Genigulate and trigeminal ganglia E. Geniculate and pterygopalatine ganglia

D. Genigulate and trigeminal ganglia

Preganglionic sympathetic neurons reside in the spinal cord A. In the anterior horn B. In the posterior horn C. In the intermediolateral gray at the level of C4 D. In the intermediolateral gray at the vertebral levels of T1-L2 E. In the intermediolateral gray at the levels Ll-S3

D. In the intermediolateral gray at the vertebral levels of T1-L2

Circulatory changes that occur at birth normally include all the following EXCEPT: A. Increased blood flow through the lungs B. Increased left atrial pressure C. Reversal of flow through the foramen ovale D. Increased flow through the ductus arteriosus E. Decreased right atrial pressure

D. Increased flow through the ductus arteriosus

Which of the following is NOT a branch of the facial nerve? A. Temporal B. Zygomatic C. Buccal D. Infraorbital E. Cervical

D. Infraorbital

The facial nerve enters the temporal bone by which of the following openings ? A. Carotid canal B. Foramen lacerum C. Stylomastoid foramen D. Internal acoustic meatus E. Jugular foramen

D. Internal acoustic meatus

Which of the following arteries is considered to be the artery of the pelvis? A. Obturator B. Pudendal C. Uterine D. Internal iliac E. Sacral

D. Internal iliac

The deltoid muscle A. Originates from the greater tubercle of the humerus B. Attaches to the coronoid process C. Is supplied by the radial nerve D. Is innervated by the axillary nerve E. Forms the anterior wall of the axillary cavity

D. Is innervated by the axillary nerve

All of the following statements concerning the falx cerebri are correct EXCEPT: A. It is sickle-shaped B. It is located in the longitudinal fissure C. It attaches anteriorly to the crista galli D. It attaches posteriorly to the internal occipital protuberance E. It separates the occipital lobes of the cerebral hemisphere from the cerebellum

D. It attaches posteriorly to the internal occipital protuberance

Which statement best describes the pulmonary artery? A. It branches from aorta B. It carries oxygenated blood C. It contains valves D. It carries blood from the heart to the lung E. It is connected with aorta through ductus venosus

D. It carries blood from the heart to the lung

All of the following statements concerning the internal jugular vein are correct, EXCEPT: A. It originates as the continuation of the sigmoid sinus B. It drains blood from the brain C. It passes in the carotid sheath D. It crosses posteriorly in the esophagus E. It receives the superior thyroid vein

D. It crosses posteriorly in the esophagus

All of the following statements concerning the internal jugular vein are correct EXCEPT: A. It originates as a continuation of the sigmoid sinus B. It drains the blood from the brain C. It passes in the carcoid sheath D. It crosses posteriorly the esophagus E. It receives the superior thyroid vein

D. It crosses posteriorly the esophagus

All statements concerning the median nerve are correct EXCEPT: A. It is accompanied by the brachial artery B. It supplies the flexor carpi radialis muscle C. It passes between the two heads of the pronator teres muscle D. It innervates the skin of the medial surface of the arm E. It gives off the anterior interosseous nerve

D. It innervates the skin of the medial surface of the arm

All the following statements concerning the adductor canal are correct EXCEPT: A. It is approximately 15 cm long B. It extends from the apex of the femoral triangle to the adductor hiatus C. It contains the saphenous nerve D. It is bounded posteriorly by the sartorius muscle E. It contains the femoral artery and vein

D. It is bounded posteriorly by the sartorius muscle

Which of the following statements concerning the ductus ejaculatorius is true? A. It joins the bulbourethral glands B. It opens into membraneous urethra C. It widens before it opens into urinary bladder D. It terminates in the prostatic part of the urethra E. It passes anterior to the urinary bladder

D. It terminates in the prostatic part of the urethra

Which of the following is part of the temporal bone? A. Cribriform plate B. Crista galli C. Middle nasal concha D. Mastoid process E. Superior nasal concha

D. Mastoid process

The quadrigeminal plate is part of the: A. Roof of the fourth ventricle B. Medulla C. Diencephalon D. Midbrain tectum E. Pontine tegmentum

D. Midbrain tectum

The superior deep cervical lymph nodes occupy which of the following cervical triangle? A. Carotid B. Omoclavicular C. Submandibular D. Occipital E. Submental

D. Occipital

Which statement is incorrect about the humerus? A. It is the long bone of the upper limb B. It articulates with the scapula C. At distal end it has the trochlea D. On its anterior surface is the axillary groove

D. On its anterior surface is the axillary groove

In addition to the optic nerves, the optic canal transmit which of the following ? A. Ophthalmic veins B. Oculomotor nerve C. Internal carotid artery D. Ophthalmic arteries E. Nerve branches to the meninges

D. Ophthalmic arteries

The superior orbital fissure transmits all of the following EXCEPT A. Ophthalmic vein B. Oculomotor nerve C. Abducens nerve D. Optic nerve E. Trochlear nerve

D. Optic nerve

The profunda brachii artery A. Arises from the axillary artery B. Supplies the muscles of the hand C. Is the main branch of the radial artery D. Originates from the brachial artery E. Passes with the median nerve

D. Originates from the brachial artery

Which of the following ganglia is a peripheral ganglion in the course of the parasympathetic innervation of the parotid gland: A. Ciliary B. Pterygopalatine C. Submandibular D. Otic E. Geniculate

D. Otic

Which of the following muscles is NOT innervated by the hypoglossal nerve? A. Genioglossus B. Hypoglossus C. Styloglossus D. Palatoglossus E. Instrinsic muscles of the tongue

D. Palatoglossus

The pudendal nerve: A. Arises from the lumbar plexus B. Passes through the suprapyriform foramen C. Innervates the gluteus medius muscle D. Passes through the pudendal canal E. Supplies the skin of the inguinal region

D. Passes through the pudendal canal

The cervical branch of the facial nerve innervates which of the following: A. Stemocleidomastoid B. Geniohyoid C. Sternohyoid D. Platysma E. Masseter

D. Platysma

The small saphenous vein empties into which of the following veins? A. Femoral B. Tibial C. Peroneal D. Popliteal E. Great Saphenous

D. Popliteal

The thoracic duct collects lymph from all of the following regions of the body EXCEPT the A. Lower limbs B. Left side of the thorax C. Abdomen D. Right side of the thorax

D. Right side of the thorax

Which of the following ligaments passes through the inguinal canal? A. Suspensory ligament of the ovary B. Ovarian ligament C. Broad ligament D. Round ligament of the uterus E. Pubovesical ligament

D. Round ligament of the uterus

The subarachnoid space in the vertebral canal terminates at the level of A. L4 B. L5 C. S1 D. S2 E. S4

D. S2

The 2nd order neuron of gustatory tract is located in the: A. Midbrain tegmentum B. Dorsal vagal nucleus C. Solitary nucleus D. Salivatory nucleus E. Hypoglossal nucleus

D. Salivatory nucleus

All the following structures are located in the spermatic cord EXCEPT the A. Ductus deferens B. Deferential artery C. Testicular artery D. Scrotal ligament E. Pampiniform plexus

D. Scrotal ligament

Which of the following muscles forms the urogenital diaphragm? A. Coccygeus B. Iliococcygeus C. Pubococcygeus D. Sphincter urethrae E. Obturator internus

D. Sphincter urethrae

Which of the following muscles forms the urogenital diaphragm? A. Coccygeus B. Iliooccygeus C. Pubooccygeus D. Sphincter urethrae externus E. Obturator internus

D. Sphincter urethrae externus

Which sinus receives drainage from the greatest number of arachnoid granulation? A. Straight sinus B. Transverse sinus C. Sigmoid sinus D. Superior sagittal sinus E. Cavernous sinus

D. Superior sagittal sinus

All these vessels originate from subclavian artery, EXCEPT: A. Vertebral artery B. Internal thoracic artery C. Thyrocervical trunk D. Superior epigastric artery E. Costocervical trunk

D. Superior epigastric artery

The musculocutaneous nerve A. Originates from the medial cord of the brachial plexus B. Passes on the posterior surface of the humerus C. Innervates the skin of the medial side of the forearm D. Supplies the biceps brachii muscle E. Passes with the ulnar artery

D. Supplies the biceps brachii muscle

The right kidney is associated anteriorly with all of the following, EXCEPT the: A. Liver B. Right colic flexure C. Duodenum / part II D. Tail of the pancreas E. Coils of the ileum

D. Tail of the pancreas

The cerebrocerebellum: A. Includes fastigal nucleus B. Receives fibers from the vestibular nuclei C. Receives afferents from the spinal cord D. Takes part in planning and timing of movements E. Has no connections with the cerebral cortex

D. Takes part in planning and timing of movements

. The superior gluteal nerve is distributed to: A. Gluteus maximus B. Adductor longus C. Adductor brevis D. Tensor rasclae latae E. Obturator internus

D. Tensor rasclae latae

Canalis inguinalis: A. Transmits suspensory ovarian ligament B. Lies below inguinal ligament C. Contains ovarian artery D. Through it descends testes E. Is larger in females

D. Through it descends testes

Which of the following is NOT contained in the tympanic cavity? A. Auditory ossicles B. Tympanic plexus C. Chorda tympani nerve D. Tonsilla tubaria E. Stapedius and tensor tympani muscles

D. Tonsilla tubaria

Tentorium cerevelli occupies the: A. Longitudinal fissure B. Lateral sulcus C. Central sulcus D. Transverse (horizontal) fissure E. Insula

D. Transverse (horizontal) fissure

All of the following statements concerning the uterus are correct EXCEPT the: A. Fundus of the uterus is above the entrance of uterine tube B. Uterine veins drain into internal iliac veins C. Nerve supply of the uterus is from pelvic plexuses D. Uterine artery arises from the external iliac artery E. It has the cervix and isthmus

D. Uterine artery arises from the external iliac artery

. The third order neurons of the dorsal column-medial lemniscal system are located in the: A. Gracile nucleus B. Posterior horn of the spinal cord C. Midbrain tegmentum D. VPL nucleus of the thalamus E. Anterior nuclear group of the thalamus

D. VPL nucleus of the thalamus ??

To refractive media of the eye belongs: A. Ciliary muscle B. Sciera C. Ciliary body D. Vitreous body E. Iris

D. Vitreous body

The short head of the biceps brachii muscle shares a common origin with which of the following? A. Brachialis B. Pectoralis major C. Brachioradialis D. Latissimus dorsi E. Coracobrachialis

E. Coracobrachialis

The short head of the biceps brachii muscle shares a common origin with: A. Brachialis B. Pectoralis major C. Brachioradialis D. Latissimus dorsi E. Coracobrachialis

E. Coracobrachialis

A thrombus in the superior mesentric artery at its origin from the aorta will result in ischemic necrosis of significant portions of all the following structures EXCEPT the: A. Duodenum and pancreas B. Jejenum and ileum C. Appendix D. Ascending colon and transverse colon E. Descending colon and sigmoid colon

E. Descending colon and sigmoid colon

The ulnar nerve supplies A. Pronator teres B. Flexor pollicis brevis C. Pronator quadratus D. Palmaris longus E. Hypothenar muscles

E. Hypothenar muscles

The upper motor syndrome is characterized by the: A. Hyporeflexia B. Spasticity C. Dysmetria D. Tremor E. Hypotonia

E. Hypotonia

The peritoneal cavity contains which of the following? A. Liver B. Pancreas C. Large intestine D. Kidney E. Peritoneal fluid

E. Peritoneal fluid

Which of the following is NOT contained in the infratemporal fossa? A. Parts of temporal, lateral pterygoid and medial pterygoid muscles B. Maxillary artery C. Pterygoid venous plexus D. Mandibular, inferior alverolar, buccal, and lingual nerves E. Pterygopalatine ganglion

E. Pterygopalatine ganglion

Which of the following is NOT contained in the infratemporal fossa? A. Principal muscles of mastication B. Maxillary artery C. Pterygoid plexus D. Mandibular division of the trigeminal E. Pterygopalatine ganglion

E. Pterygopalatine ganglion

Large involunatry movements of one side of the body, called hemiballismus, occur typically after damage to the: A. Caudate nucleus B. Pallidum C. Putamen D. Striatum E. Subthalmic nucleus

E. Subthalmic nucleus ?

The prosencephalon differentiates into the: A. Myelencephalon B. Metencephalon C. Mesencephalon D. Rhombencephalon E. Telencephalon and diencephalon

E. Telencephalon and diencephalon

The posterior layer of the sheath of the rectus abdominal muscle below the arcuate line is formed by the: A. Linea alba B. Conjoint tendon C. Linea semilunaris D. Linea semicircularis

E. Transversalis fasci

Identify the artery which does not participate in formation of the cerebral arterial circle (of Willis): A. Anterior and posterior communicating B. Anterior cerebral C. Middle cerebral D. Posterior cerebral E. Vertebral

E. Vertebral

Identify the artery which does not participate in formation of the cerebral arterial circle: A. Anterior communicating B. Posterior communicating C. Anterior cerebral D. Posterior cerebral E. Vertebral

E. Vertebral

The median nerve supplies A. Coracobrachialis and brachialis muscles B. Flexor carpi ulnaris muscles C. Triceps and anconeus muscles D. Hypothenar muscles E. Abductor pollicis brevis muscle

E. Abductor pollicis brevis muscle

The pharyngeal arches each have their own associated: A. Cartilaginous structures B. Cranial nerves C. Vascular components D. Muscular components E. All are correct

E. All are correct

Which of the following statements concerning the teeth is true: A. Each tooth consists of three parts B. The incisors and canines have one root C. Most of the tooth is composed of dentin D. The dentin over the crown is covered by enamel E. All of the above

E. All of the above

All of the following veins drain into the coronary sinus EXCEPT the: A. Oblique vein of the left atrium B. Great cardiac vein C. Middle cardiac vein D. Small cardiac vein E. Anterior cardiac vein

E. Anterior cardiac vein

Which of these vessels carries oxygenated blood? A. Superior vena cava B. Inferior vena cava C. Coronary sinus D. Pulmonary artery E. Aorta

E. Aorta

Which of the following muscles would not be affected if the posterior cord of the brachial plexus was severed in an accident? A. Teres minor B. Deltoid C. Brachioradialis D. Triceps brachii E. Brachialis

E. Brachialis

. Which of the following parts of the uterus protrudes into the uppermost vagina? A. Found ligament B. Body C. Fundus D. Isthmus E. Cervix

E. Cervix

The lacrimal gland receives parasympathetic innervation from the: A. Trigeminal ganglion B. Otic ganglion C. Pterygopalatine ganglion D. Nodose ganglion E. Ciliary ganglion

E. Ciliary ganglion

Which of the following is NOT a branch of the right coronary artery? A. SA nodal B. Right marginal C. Posterior interventricular D. AV nodal E. Circumflex

E. Circumflex

Which of the following is NOT a branch of the right coronary artery? A. SA node B. Right marginal C. Posterior interventricular D. AV node E. Circumflex

E. Circumflex

Which of the following structures is posterior to the aorta? A. Left renal vein B. Body of the pancreas C. Root of the mesentery D. Celiac plexus E. Cisterna chyli

E. Cisterna chyli

All listed below symptoms are associated with disease of basal ganglia, EXCEPT: A. Alkinesia B. Bradykinesia C. Dance-like movements D. Tremor at rest E. Dysmetria

E. Dysmetria

The internal ear consists of all the following structures EXCEPT: A. Cochlea B. Semicircular canals C. Utricle D. Saccule E. Epitympanic recess

E. Epitympanic recess

The orbicularis oculi is innervated by A. Optic nerve B. Oculomotor nerve C. Trochlear nerve D. Trigeminal nerve E. Facial nerve

E. Facial nerve

All of the following muscles arises from the medial epicondyle of the humerus EXCEPT the: A. Pronator teres B. Flexor carpi radialis C. Flexor carpi ulnaris D. Palmaris longus E. Flexor pollicis longus

E. Flexor pollicis longus

All of the following muscles arises from the medial epicondyle of the humerus, EXCEPT the: A. Pronator teres B. Flexor carpi radialis C. Flexor carpi ulnaris D. Palmaric longus E. Flexor pollicis longus

E. Flexor pollicis longus

Which of the following is NOT in the middle cranial fossa? A. Foramen rotundum B. Foramen spinosum C. Foramen lacerum D. Groove of greater petrosal nerve E. Foramen caroticum externum

E. Foramen caroticum externum

The superior mesentric artery A. Arises from the celiac trunk B. Gives off the left gastric artery C. Supplies the sigmoid colon D. Passes above the neck of the pancreas E. Gives off the right colic artery

E. Gives off the right colic artery

The fibers of the medial lemniscus originates from cells of the: A. Cochlear nuclei B. Vestibular nuclei C. Inferior olivary complex D. Trigeminal nuclei E. Gracile and cuneate nuclei

E. Gracile and cuneate nuclei

The digastric muscle is a two-bellied muscle that attaches by an intermediate tendon to the: A. Mandibular condyle B. Thyroid cartilage C. Cricoid cartilage D. Styloid process E. Hyoid bone

E. Hyoid bone

The middle pharyngeal constrictor arises from the: A. Pterygomandibular raphe B. Cricoid cartilage C. Thyroid cartilage D. Torus tubarius E. Hyoid bone

E. Hyoid bone

All of the following arteries enter the true pelvis EXCEPT A. Internal iliac B. Median sacral C. Superior rectal D. Ovarian E. Ileocolic

E. Ileocolic

Which of the following is NOT contained in the ptyrygopalatine fossa? A. Third part of maxillary artery B. Maxillary nerve C. Nerve of the pterygoid canal D. Pterygopalatine ganglion E. Inferior alveolar nerve

E. Inferior alveolar nerve

A 34-year-old man in a bar fight suffers a knife wound that severs the abducens nerve proximal to its entrance into the orbit. Which of the following conditions results from this injury? A. Ptosis of the upper eyelid B. Loss of the ability to dilate the pupil C. External strabismus (lateral deviation) D. Loss of visual accommodation E. Internal stabismus (medial deviation)

E. Internal stabismus (medial deviation)

The thyrocervical trunk usually generates all of the following branches EXCEPT the: A. Inferior thyroid artery B. Suprascapular artery C. Transverse cervical artery D. Ascending cervical artery E. Internal thoracic artery

E. Internal thoracic artery

Each of the following statements about the great saphenous vein is correct EXCEPT it A. Frequently has valvular incompetenoy B. Drains into the femoral vein C. Travels anterior to the medial mammeolus D. Pierces the cribriform fascia E. Is found in the lateral crural compartment

E. Is found in the lateral crural compartment

Each of the following statements about the great saphenous vein is correct, EXCEPT it: A. Frequently has valvular incompetancy B. Drains into the femoral vein C. Travels anterior to the medial malleolus D. Pierces the oribriform fascia E. Is found in the l

E. Is found in the lateral crural compartment

Each statement below concening the axillary nerve is true EXCEPT: A. It arises from the posterior cord of the brachial plexus B. It lies adjacent to the medial and posterior surface of the surgical neck of the humerus C. It supplies the deltoid and teres minor muscles D. It can be damaged by inferior dislocation of the head of the humerus E. It accompanies the scapular circumflex artery

E. It accompanies the scapular circumflex artery

All statements concerning the brachial artery are correct EXCEPT: A. It accompanies the median nerve B. It divides into radial and ulnar arteries C. Its largest branch of is profunda brachii artery D. It gives off the superior ulnar collateral artery E. It begins as a continu

E. It begins as a continuation of the subclavian artery

All of the following statements concerning the popliteal fossa are correct EXCEPT: A. The biceps femoris forms the superolateral border B. The semimembranosus forms the superolateral border C. It contains both the tibial and common fibular nerves D. The lateral and medial heads of the gastrocnemius form the inferolateral and inferomedial borders E. It contains the great sephaneous vein

E. It contains the great sephaneous vein

All of the following statements concerning the sigmoid colon are true, EXCEPT: A. It has teniae and laustra B. It is supplied by rami of the inferior mesentric artery C. It is innervated by the inferior mesentric plexus D. Its veins drain into portal vein via inferior mesentric vein E. It is a retroperitoneal organ

E. It is a retroperitoneal organ

All of the following statements concerning the perietal pleura are correct, EXCEPT: A. It has costal, mediastinal, and diaphragmatic parts B. It forms the pleural reflecions and recesses C. It covers the apex of the lung forming pleural cupula D. It is attached to the perioardium E. It is continious with visceral pleura at the apex of the lung

E. It is continious with visceral pleura at the apex of the lung

All of the following statements concerning the right lymphatic duct are correct EXCEPT: A. It terminates in the right brachiocephalic vein B. It receives the right jugular trunk C. It drains lymph from the right side of the head and neck D. It drains lymph from the right upper limb E. It receives the left mediastinal trunk

E. It receives the left mediastinal trunk

All of the following statements concerning the vagina are true, EXCEPT: A. It is innervated by branches of the pelvic plexus B. It is supplied by vaginal branches of the uterine artery C. It is partly drained by superficial inguinal lymph nodes D. Most sensitive is its lower part supplied by pudendal nerve E. Its anterior surface is covered by peritoneum

E. Its anterior surface is covered by peritoneum

All of the following statements concerning the femoral triangle are correct EXCEPT: A. its superior border is the inguinal ligament B. Its lateral border is the sartorius C. It is biseted by the femoral artery and vein D. The saphenous nerve passes through the femoral triangle E. Its medial border is the adductor magnus

E. Its medial border is the adductor magnus

A 69-year-old man has an abnormally increased curvature of the thoraic vertebral column. Which of the following conditions is the most likely diagnosis? A. Lordosis B. Spina bifida occulta C. Meningocele D. Meningomyelocele E. Kyphosis

E. Kyphosis

From the arch of aorta arises A. Right common carotic artery B. Right subclavian artery C. Thyrocervical trunk D. Left coronary artery E. Left subclavian artery

E. Left subclavian artery

Which of the following is NOT a muscle of facial expression? A. Platysma B. Nasalis C. Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis D. Orbicularis oculi E. Masseter

E. Masseter

The infraorbital artery is one of the terminal branches of which of the following arteries? A. Facial B. Transverse facial C. Superficial temporal D. Lingual E. Maxillary

E. Maxillary

Identify the structure which is not part of the visual pathway: A. Rodes and cones B. Bipolar neurons C. Ganglionic neurons D. Optic nerve, chiasm and tract E. Medial geniculate body

E. Medial geniculate body

The intermaxillary segment forms via the fusion of the: A. Maxillary prominences B. Mandibular prominences C. Palatine shelves D. Lateral nasal prominences E. Medial nasal prominences

E. Medial nasal prominences

Concerning the hand A. The abductor pollicis brevis is supplied by the ulnar nerve B. All interossei muscles are innervated by median nerve C. Ulnar nerve passes through carpal canal D. Superficial palmar arch lies superficial to palmar aponeurosis E. Median nerve passes through the carpal tunnel

E. Median nerve passes through the carpal tunnel

The peritoneal cavity contains: A. The stomach B. The pancreas C. The spleen D. The kidneys E. None of the above

E. None of the above

A 61-year-old woman is found to have ocular lymphoma invading her optic canal. Which of the following structures would most likely be damaged? A. Opthalmic vein B. Opthalmic nerve C. Oculomotor nerve D. Trochlear nerve E. Opthalmic artery

E. Opthalmic artery

The epithalamus includes the: A. Pulvinar B. Mammillary body C. Tuber cinerum D. Geniculate bodies E. Pineal body

E. Pineal body

Each of the following structures empties or opens into the middle nasal meatus, EXCEPT the: A. Middle ethmoidal cells B. Maxillary sinus C. Anterior ethmoidal air cells D. Frontal sinus E. Posterior ethmoidal air cells

E. Posterior ethmoidal air cells

Which artery accompanies the radial nerve to supply the posterior compartment of the arm? A. Axillary B. Brachial C. Ulnar D. Posterior interosseous E. Profunda brachii (deep brachial)

E. Profunda brachii (deep brachial)

All muscles listed below are flexors in the elbow joints EXCEPT: A. Brachialis B. Biceps C. Pronator teres D. Brachioradialis E. Pronator quadratus

E. Pronator quadratus

A "wrist drop" is produced by injury to the A. Ulnar nerve B. Axillary nerve C. Median nerve D. Musculocutaneous nerve E. Radial nerve

E. Radial nerve

Each structure below lie in the broad ligament of the uterus, EXCEPT the: A. Ureter B. Uterine artery C. Uterovaginal plexus D. Uterine vein E. Sacral part of the sympathetic trunk

E. Sacral part of the sympathetic trunk

Loss of cutaneous sensation on the medial side of the leg could indicate injury to the A. Superficial peroneal nerve B. Deep peroneal enrve C. Sural nerve D. Tibial nerve E. Saphenous nerve

E. Saphenous nerve

The myelin sheath of the peripheral nerve is formed by: A. Fibroblasts B. Spongioblasts C. Macrophages D. Oligodendroglia E. Schwann cells

E. Schwann cells

A 14-year-old boy hits his head on the asphalt road after falling off his skateboard. His radiograph reveals damage to the sella turcica. This is probably due to fracture of which of the following bones? A. Frontal bone B. Ethmoid bone C. Temporal bone D. Basioccipital bone E. Sphenoid bone

E. Sphenoid bone

A 17-year-old boy receives an injury of the phrenic nerve by a knife wound in the neck. The damaged nerve passes by which of the following structures in the neck? A. Anterior to the subclavian vein B. Posterior to the subclavian vein C. Deep to the brachial plexus D. Medial to the common carotid artery E. Superficial to the anterior scalene muscle

E. Superficial to the anterior scalene muscle

The foramen magnum transmits all of the following EXCEPT: A. Medulla and meninges B. Vertebral arteries C. Spinal roots of the accessory nerve D. Dural veins E. Sympathetic trunk

E. Sympathetic trunk

All of the following arteries enter true pelvis EXCEPT: A. Internal iliac B. Median sacral C. Superior rectal D. Ovarian E. Testicular

E. Testicular

Superficial inguinal lymph nodes receive lymph from each organ or structure below, EXCEPT the: A. Lower part of the anal canal B. Labium major C. Clitoris D. Scrotum E. Testis

E. Testis

The following statements concerning the main bronchi are correct except which? A. The right main bronchus is wider than the left main bronchus B. The right main bronchus is shorter that the left main bronchus C. The right main bronchus is more vertical in position than the left main bronchus D. The left main bronchus passes to the left in front of the esophagus E. The left main bronchus gives off the superior lobar bronchus before entering the hilum of the lung

E. The left main bronchus gives off the superior lobar bronchus before entering the hilum of the lung

The following structures open into the right atrium EXCEPT which? A. The superior vena cava B. The coronary sinus C. The anterior cardiac vein D. The inferior vena cava E. The right pulmonary veins

E. The right pulmonary veins

Arterial blood supply to the upper limb is correctly described by which of the following statements? A. The axillary artery is a branch of the arch of the aorta B. The brachia! artery is a direct branch of the subclavian artery C. The radial artery is a direct branch of the axillary artery D. The humeral circumflex arteries are branches of the brachial artery E. The ulnar artery is a direct division of the brachia! artery

E. The ulnar artery is a direct division of the brachia! artery

The following statements concerning the vertebral column are correct EXCEPT which? A. The intervertebral disc make up approximately one fourth the length of the vertebral column B. In old ages, atrophy of the intervertebral disc tends to produce a contious posterior convexity of the vertebral colum C. During pregnancy, weight of the developing fetus increase the posterior lumbar concavity of the vertebral colum D. The odontoid process of the axis represents developmentally the body of the atlas E. There are seven cervical spinal nerves and eight cervical vertebrae

E. There are seven cervical spinal nerves and eight cervical vertebrae

The lateral part of the clavicle serves as attachment of the A. Triceps brachii muscle B. Biceps brachii muscle C. Coracobrachial muscle D. Subscapularis muscle E. Trapezius muscle

E. Trapezius muscle

The doulourex is associated with which of the following nerves? A. Trochlear B. Facial C. Optic D. Vagus E. Trigeminal

E. Trigeminal

The carpal tunnel does NOT contain which of the following? A. Median nerve B. Four tendons of the flexor digitorum superficialis C. Four tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus D. The tendon of the flexor pollicis longus E. Ulnar nerve

E. Ulnar nerve

The jugular foramen transmits all of the following EXCEPT: A. Glossopharyngeal nerve B. Vagus nerve C. Accessory nerve D. Inferior petrosal and sigmoid sinuses E. Vertebral artery

E. Vertebral artery

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