Anatomy Lecture Exam 1 - Clinical Application

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Identify the four components of a negative feedback loop and explain what would happen if secretion of a body chemical controlled by a negative feedback system became too great

-4 components: stimulus, sensor, control center, effector -If too great a quantity of chemical were excreted, sensors would activate control center, which would activate effector (the secreting cells) would be adjusted downward

Identify the four types of tissue in the body, and describe the major functions of each tissue

-Epithelial: protection, forms glands -Connective: protection, support -Muscle: contraction -Nervous: electrical conduction

Name at least three reasons to study anatomy and physiology

-Essential for healthcare professionals -Help make healthy choices -Help in your relationships

Identify three different ways that growth can occur in the human body

-Increasing number of existing cells -Increasing size of existing cells -Increasing amount of non-cellular material around cells

If a bullet were to penetrate a lung, which three anterior thoracic body cavities would it enter, and which layer of the serous membrane would encounter first?

-Ventral, thoracic, and pleural cavities -Encounter parietal layer first

Once dietary fats are digested and absorbed, why can they not be released directly into the bloodstream?

All lipids are hydrophobic and unable to dissolve in the watery environment of blood. They are packaged into lipoproteins, whose outer protein envelope enables them to transport fats in the bloodstream.

A burn victim exhibits a red and swollen arm with blistering; a hand that has been charred black, exposing bone; and a cheek that appears blanched. How serious is each burn and is this patient critical? Explain

Arm: second degree Hand: third degree Cheek: first degree Critical? Yes, hand requires skin graft

One of the main functions of connective tissue is to integrate organs and organ systems in the body. Discuss how blood fulfills this rule

Blood carries nutrients, salts, and waste to be dissolved in the liquid matrix and transported through the body

Why does an injury to cartilage, especially hyaline cartilage, heal much more slowly than a bone fracture?

Cells and nutrients needed for repair diffuse slowly to the injury site because a layer of density regular connective tissue covers cartilage and there are no blood vessels

Name the six levels of organization of the human body

Chemical, cellular, tissue, organ, organ system, organism

Describe the structure and composition of nails

Composed of keratin; nail body is on the nail bed at the nail root. Nail folds secure nail to body. Crescent-shaped region at base is the lanula

Explain the differences between eccrine and apocrine sweat glands

Eccrine are more abundant and don't smell. Apocrine are confined to axillary and anogenital areas and do smell

As an individual ages, a constellation of symptoms begins the decline to the point where individuals functioning is compromised. Identify and discuss two factors that have a role in factors leading to the compromise situation

Genetic makeup and lifestyle affect health as people age

When you do a load of laundry, why do you not just drop a bar of soap into the washing machine? In other words why is laundry detergent sold as a liquid or powder?

It dissolves faster into their reactive components when added to water

Why is it important to watch for increased redness, swelling, and pain after a cut or abrasion has been cleaned and bandaged?

It indicates infection

Explain your skin's response to a drop in body core temperature.

It reduces blood flow to papillary layers of skin to conserve body heat.

Explain why ultrasound imaging is the technique of choice for studying fetal growth and development

It's least invasive (uses sound waves) and uses no electromagnetic radiation

During a party, Eli loses a bet and is forced to drink a bottle of lemon juice. Not long thereafter, he begins complaining of having difficulty breathing, and his friends take him to the local emergency room. There he is given an intravenous solution of bicarbonate. Why?

Lemon juice caused his pH to drop below 7.35, and bicarbonate is a buffer (a weak base that accepts H+). This helped raise his pH level back to normal

The pH of lemon juice is 2, and the pH of orange juice is 4. Which of these is more acidic, and by how much? What does this mean?

Lemon juice is 100x more acidic. This means lemon juice has 100x greater concentration of H+

What is an undesirable consequence of taking anti-inflammatory drugs on a regular basis?

May promote internal bleeding, such as bleeding in the stomach. Excessive levels of cortisol would suppress inflammation, which could slow the wound healing process

What determines the color of skin, and what is the process that darkens skin when it is exposed to UV light?

Melanin determines skin color. Exposure to UV irradiation simulates the melanocytes to produce and secrete more melanin

AB + CD —> AD + BE Is this a legitimate example of an exchange reaction? Why or why not?

No - C disappeared and E appeared in the product side, so the original chemicals weren't correctly exchanged

A 40-year-old male is complaining to you that how suntan made him popular when he was young—but now his face is all wrinkled, and he has severely darkly pigmented moles that are growing rapidly and are as big as large coins. He shows you the moles, and immediately you think "ABCDE." What does that mean, and why should he be concerned?

Rapid growth and large size are indicators of malignant melanoma

Why do scars look different from surrounding skin?

Scars are made of collagen and don't have the cellular structure of surrounding skin. Doesn't allow for hair follicles, sweat, or oil glands.

Which morphological adaptations of neurons make them suitable for the transmission of nerve impulse?

Short extensions (dendrites) receive impulses from other neurons, while a long tail extension (an axon) carries electrical impulses away from the cell to other neurons. Myelin sheath on neurons speeds up the transmission of impulses.

What is the function of synovial membranes?

Supports joint mobility

Why does skeletal muscle look striated?

The arrangement of contractile proteins actin in myosin

The structure of a tissue usually is optimized for its function. Describe how the structure of the mucosa and its cells the match its function of nutrient absorption

The mucosa is highly folded, increasing surface area for nutrient absorption. Greater surface area = more nutrient absorption/unit time

Cells of the epidermis derive from stem cells of the stratum basale. Describe how the cells change as they become integrated into the different layers of the epidermis.

They are living towards the bottom and die as they reach the top

The female ovaries and the male testes are a part of which body system? Can these organs be members of more than one organ system? Why or why not?

They are part of the reproductive system AND the endocrine system because they secrete hormones

Discuss changes that occur in cells as a person ages

They become larger and many can't divide and regenerate. Because of alterations in cell membranes, transport of oxygen and nutrients into the cell and the removal of carbon dioxide and waste products aren't as efficient in the elderly. Cells function abnormally, leading to disease and cancer.

The most abundant element in the foods and beverages you consume are oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. Why might having these elements in consumables be useful?

They make up more than 95% of the mass of the human body, and it cannot make elements, so it is helpful to have them in consumables

Magnesium is an important element in the human body, especially in bones. Magnesium's atomic number is 12. Is it stable or reactive? Why? If it were to react with another atom would it be more likely to accept or to donate one or more electrons?

Unstable because of its two electrons in the valance shell. It's more likely to donate two electrons

In a hurry one day, you merely rinse your lunch dishes with water. As you were drying your salad bowl you noticed that it still has an oily film. Why was the water alone not effective in cleaning the bowl?

Water is polar and oils are no polar - they do not mix

Why do people sweat excessively when exercising outside on a hot day?

Your body becomes very hot and sweating cools the body down

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