Anatomy Unit 4 Review

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Adaptation to smells occurs ____(circle one: rapidly / slowly). This is why initial strong odors may seem to dissipate as olfactory receptor cells quickly adapt.

Mechanoreceptors, fluid

Sensory receptors for hearing and equilibrium are _________(circle one: chemoreceptors / nociceptors / mechanoreceptors / thermoreceptors). It is the movement of ________(circle one: air / fluids / solids) that will stimulate these sensory receptors.

A, C, B

Match the 3 types of papillae that contain taste buds with their location: _____fungiform papillae _____circumvallate papillae _____ foliate papillae C. form an inverted V on posterior tongue (contains most taste buds) A. scattered over entire tongue B. ridges found on sides of tongue C. form an inverted V on posterior tongue (contains most taste buds)

C, A, B

Match the cell of the olfactory epithelium with its function: _____olfactory receptor cell _____basal cell _____ supporting cell A. stem cells that continually replace olfactory receptor cells B. sustain the olfactory receptor cells C. bipolar neurons that detect odorants

A, D, B, C, E

. Match the taste sensation with the molecule that is the stimulus: _____H+ (acids) _____sugar _____ alkaloids ______metals like Na+ or K+ ______amino acids like glutamate & aspartate E. umami A. sour B. bitter C. salty D. sweet E. umami

½, vision

. More than _____(circle one: ¼ , ½, ¾ ) of the sensory receptors in the human body are located in the eyes. A large part of the cerebral cortex is devoted to processing ________(circle one: olfaction / gustation / vision / auditory /equilibrium) information.


. Receptors for equilibrium sense information about our head position. Sensory receptors are located in the utricle, saccule, semicircular ducts and together is called the vestibular apparatus

Fibrous tunic, vascular tunic, retina

. The wall of the eye is formed from 3 principal tunics: __________, __________, & __________.

Inferior colliculus, auditory reflexes, thalamus, primary auditory cortex

Auditory pathway: Impulses are carried along the cochlear branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve to the ___________(circle one: superior colliculus / inferior colliculus) where ________(circle one: auditory reflexes / visual reflexes) are processed. Signals are then relayed to the _______(circle one: thalamus / primary auditory cortex / medulla oblongata) where 3rd order neurons project to the _______(circle one: thalamus / primary auditory cortex / medulla oblongata) in the temporal lobe for conscious perception of sound.

C, A, B

Match the cells contained in a taste bud with its function: _____gustatory receptor cell _____basal cell _____ supporting cell A. stem cells that continually replace gustatory receptor cells B. sustain the gustatory receptor cells C. detects tastants (taste producing molecules & ions) in our food

Tensor tympani muscle, stapedius muscle

There are two tiny skeletal muscles that are associated with the ossicle that contract as a reflex to loud sounds. The ________(circle one: tensor tympani muscle / stapedius muscle) tenses the tympanic membrane and limits movement of the malleus where the ________(circle one: tensor tympani muscle / stapedius muscle) limits the movement of the stapes. Both reduce vibration by restricting ossicle movement and protect the sensory receptors of the inner ear.

VII, IX, X, primary gustatory cortex

When a tastant is dissolved in saliva, it diffuses into a taste pore (crevice where taste buds are located). There, it makes contact with a gustatory hair (taste hair) which is the dendrite of the gustatory receptor cell. This generates a special type of graded potential in the gustatory receptor cell and will cause release of neurotransmitters. The neurotransmitter stimulates the sensory dendrites of the primary (1st order) neuron within one of these cranial nerves: ______, ______, & ________. This information is processed in the thalamus (where a secondary neuron ends) and is then directed to the ______________________ (which is the tertiary neuron) so that there is conscious awareness of taste.


The ability to taste relies heavily on the ability to _________(circle one: see / hear / smell / balance). When olfactory receptors are blocked by nasal congestion, food is bland.


. Vitreous humor is the transparent, gel-like fluid that fills the posterior cavity (area posterior to the lens). It functions to maintain eye shape and keep the retina in position. Aqueous humor is the transparent watery fluid found in the anterior cavity. If functions to provide nutrients and oxygen to the avascular cornea and the lens.

Cerebellum, cerebral cortex, (motor nuclei for cranial nerves that control reflex movements of the eye, head and neck), cerebral cortex

Equilibrium sensory information from the saccule, utricle or semicircular ducts is sent from the vestibulocochlear nerve. The information can then be relayed to multiple places including: ___________, ______________, & ___________________. Information that is relayed to the _____________ will give you a conscious sense of head movement and position. The cerebellum uses the sensory input from the vestibular apparatus to coordinate skeletal muscle to maintain balance and muscle tone.


Olfactory glands secrete a ________ (circle one: odorants / mucus) that covers the exposed olfactory epithelium. The ducts are in the epithelium but the gland is located in areolar connective tissue (deep to the olfactory epithelium).

. Dendrite, chemoreceptors

Olfactory hairs are thin, non-motile cilia that project from _______(circle one: dendrite / axon) of olfactory receptor cell. Olfactory hairs are the part of the olfactory receptor cell that detects one specific odorant.

Pupillary reflex, dim light, pupillary constrictor muscles

The _______ (circle one: pupillary reflex / patellar reflex) is a cranial reflex that changes the size of the pupil depending on light. In _________(circle one: dim light / bright light) the fibers of sympathetic division are stimulated causing contraction of pupillary dilator muscles. In bright light, fibers of the parasympathetic division are stimulated causing contraction of ____________(circle one: pupillary constrictor muscles / pupillary dilator muscles).

Olfaction, odorants, chemoreceptors

The sense of smell is referred to as ______(circle one: olfaction / gustation / equilibrium). Volatile molecules called ______(circle one: tastants / odorants / respiratory gases) must be dissolved in mucus in our nasal cavity in order to be detected by ________(circle one: mechanoreceptors / nociceptors / chemoreceptors)

ganglion cells, rods, cones, dim light, high intensity light and color vision, not uniform, optic disc, macula lutea, fovea centralis, sharp vision, rods

. Anatomically, light would first hit the ______(circle one: bipolar cells / ganglion cells / photoreceptor cells). Light must filter through ganglion cells and bipolar cells before reaching the photoreceptor cells. Photoreceptor cells contain pigments that react to light energy. The two types of photoreceptor cells are: _______& _________. Rods function in ______(circle one: dim light / high intensity light and color vision). Cones function in ______(circle one: dim light / high intensity light and color vision). The distribution of rods and cones in the retina is _______(circle one: uniform / not uniform). Different parts of the retina contain different types of photoreceptor cells. The ________(circle one: peripheral retina / optic disc / macula lutea) contains no photoreceptor cells because this is where axons of ganglion cells form the optic nerve. It is commonly referred to as the blind spot. The ________(circle one: peripheral retina / optic disc / macula lutea) is a yellowish region lateral to the optic disc. In the center of the macula lutea is a depressed area called the _______(circle one: ora serrata / fovea centralis) which contains the highest number of cones and almost no rods. This is the area where you experience the most ________(circle one: sharp vision / blurry vision). Elsewhere in the peripheral retina, there are mostly _____(circle one: cones / rods) that function best in low light.

Tympanic membrane, auditory ossicles, malleus, incus, stapes, scala vestibuli, cochlear duct, basilar membrane, tectorial membrane, VIII, round window

. Pathway from sound wave to nerve signal: The external acoustic meatus funnels sound waves to the ___________(circle one: vestibule / tympanic membrane / semicircular canals). This causes vibration of the tympanic membrane which, in turn, cause vibration of the ________(circle one: auditory ossicles / vestibule / cochlea) which amplifies the sound waves. The auditory ossicles include the _________, ________, & _______. Vibration of the stapes causes the oval window to vibrate and that generates a pressure wave in the _________(circle one: scala vestibuli / cochlear duct / scala tympani). This causes a formation of a pressure wave in the _________(circle one: scala vestibuli / cochlear duct / scala tympani) which distorts the ________(circle one: tectorial membrane / basilar membrane). (Note that the specific area of the membrane distorted depends on the specific frequency of the sound waves). This causes the hair cells to bend against the ________(circle one: tectorial membrane / basilar membrane) and generates a nerve signal within the cochlear branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve, CN ___. Remaining pressure waves are transferred to the scala tympani where the pressure is absorbed as the ________(circle one: oval window / round window) bulges outward.

Low, graded potential, CN I, olfactory bulb, primary olfactory cortex, limbic system, thalamus

Like all special senses, olfaction has a _____ (circle one: low / high) threshold which mean it takes only a few stimulating odorant binding protein (with odorants) to cause an olfactory sensation. Stimulation by an odorant molecule causes a special type of ___________ (circle one: graded potential / action potential) in the olfactory hairs of a specific olfactory receptor cell. Collectively, the axons of olfactory receptor cells (remember they are bipolar neurons) make up the olfactory nerve ____(circle one: CN I / CN II / CN V / CN VIII / CN X). This neuron is the first order (primary) neuron. The impulse is then sent to the 2nd order (secondary) neuron whose cell body is in the ________(circle one: olfactory bulb / olfactory tract / primary olfactory cortex). The 2nd order neuron projects to the ________(circle one: olfactory bulb / olfactory tract / primary olfactory cortex) in the temporal lobe where there will be conscious awareness of smell. The impulse will simultaneously travel to structures of the __________(circle one: reticular activating system / limbic system) which is why certain emotional and behavioral responses are linked with smells. Olfaction is the only special sense whose 2nd order neuron travels directly to the cerebral cortex rather than being relayed through the ______(circle one: hypothalamus / thalamus). So it requires only 2 neurons for conscious awareness.

Saccule & utricle, saccule & utricle, semicircular ducts

The _______ (circle one: saccule & utricle / semicircular ducts) detect head position when the head is stationary. This is called static equilibrium. The _______ (circle one: saccule & utricle / semicircular ducts) also detect head position when it tilts forward or backward. This is called linear acceleration. The _______ (circle one: saccule & utricle / semicircular ducts) are responsible for detecting rotational movements of the head (angular acceleration) such as when you spin in a circle or simply look to the left or right.

Sclera, cornea

The fibrous tunic is made up mainly of tough white part called the _______(circle one: ciliary body / retina / choroid / sclera). It also includes the transparent ________ (circle one: ciliary body / cornea / lens / retina).

Retina, ganglion cells, bipolar cells, photoreceptor cells, ganglion cells, photoreceptors cells, bipolar cells

The internal layer/tunic is called the ________(circle one: ciliary body / retina / choroid / sclera). It is also referred to as the neural tunic. There are 3 distinct neurons that form the retina: ___________, ____________, & ___________. The neurons next to the posterior cavity (space posterior to the lens) are the ________(circle one: bipolar cells / ganglion cells / photoreceptor cells), where the neurons next to the choroid are the __________(circle one: bipolar cells / ganglion cells / photoreceptor cells). The __________(circle one: bipolar cells / ganglion cells / photoreceptor cells) are in between.

Flattened lens, spherical, accommodation

The lens is composed of many layers of cells that are filled with a protein called crystallin. The function of the lens is to focus incoming light onto the retina and its shape determines the degree of light refraction.The muscles of the ciliary body attach to suspensory ligaments of the lens. Relaxation or contraction of those muscles will affect tension to the lens and allow it to change shape. The _______(circle one: flattened lens / spherical lens) is the resting shape and is used for distant vision. The process of making the lens more ______(circle one: flat / spherical) to view close-up objects is called __________(circle one: adaptation / accommodation) and is controlled by the parasympathetic division of ANS

. Regulate, parasympathetic stimulation, pupillary constrictor muscles

The major function of the iris is to ________(circle one: process / regulate / convert) light entering through the pupil and control pupil size. The iris consists of both pupillary constrictor muscles and pupillary dilator muscles. These are smooth muscles so they are controlled by the ANS. With increased _______(circle one: parasympathetic stimulation / sympathetic stimulation), the pupillary constrictor muscles will contract. With increased sympathetic stimulation, the __________(circle one: pupillary constrictor muscles / pupillary dilator muscles) will contract. Only one set of the smooth muscle layers can contract at one time.

Decreases, decreased ability

The number of olfactory receptors ________(circle one: decreases / increases) with age thus elderly individuals have a ________(circle one: decreased ability / enhanced ability) to recognize odor molecules.

Superior nasal conchae

The olfactory epithelium contains the sensory receptors for sense of smell. It covers the superior region of the nasal cavity including the_________ (circle one: vomer / middle nasal conchae / superior nasal conchae / palatine bone). It is composed of 3 distinct cell types: olfactory receptor cells (also called olfactory neurons), basal cells and supporting cells.


The organs for hearing are located in the ________(circle one: cochlea / semicircular ducts / vestibule) which is a snail-shaped chamber in bone of the inner ear. It consists of 3 fluid-filled ducts: a cochlear duct (scala media) bordered by a vestibular duct (scala vestibule) and a tympanic duct (scala tympani). Located in the cochlear duct, the sensory structure for hearing is the spiral organ that consists of hair cells and supporting cells that rest on a basilar membrane. The hairs (stereocilia & kinocilia) are embedded into a gelatinous structure called the tectorial membrane. From the base of the hair cell (near the basilar membrane) are primary sensory neurons.

Gustation, tastants, gustatory receptor cells (also called gustatory cells), chemoreceptors, filiform papillae

The sense of taste is called________(circle one: olfaction / gustation). This occurs when we come in contact with the molecules or ions that we eat and drink called _____(circle one: odorants / tastants). The sensory receptors for taste are _________(circle one: supporting cells / gustatory receptor cells / basal cells). They are _______(circle one: chemoreceptors / mechanoreceptors / thermoreceptors) located in taste buds. The taste buds are located mainly on the tongue in elevations called papillae. But not all papillae are involved in taste. ______(circle one: filiform papillae / fungiform papillae / circumvallate papillae) contain tactile receptors but no taste buds. They assist in detecting texture and manipulating food.

Ampulla, crista, hair cells, gelatinous matrix, cupula

The sensory receptors for angular acceleration are located in the fluid-filled semicircular ducts of the semicircular canals. There is an anterior, posterior and lateral semicircular duct. The widened portion at the base of each duct is called the _______ (circle one: crista / otoliths / ampulla). Within the ampulla is a structure called the __________(circle one: crista / otoliths / ampulla). The crista is very similar to the macula in that is contains ________embedded in a ___________. The gelatinous matrix is dome-shaped and is called a ___________(circle one: crista / cupula / ampulla).

Macula, otoliths, VIII

The sensory receptors for static equilibrium and linear acceleration are hair cells and supporting cells clustered in oval structures called _______(circle one: ampulla / macula / otolith / crista). The hairs (sterocilia & kinocilia) are embedded in a gelatinous matrix that is covered with calcium carbonate crystals called ________(circle one: otoliths / cupula / crista). The gel matrix and otoliths are referred to as the otolithic membrane. The position of the head determines the position of the otolithic membrane. When the head is erect, there is minimal stimulation, but when the head is tilted, the otolithic membrane shifts and bends the "hairs" of the hair cells. This leads to nerve impulses that pass along the vestibular branch of CN ____.

Choroid, iris, ciliary body

The vascular tunic houses many blood vessels. It includes the darkly pigmented ________(circle one: choroid / lens / retina). It also includes the structure that contributes to eye color called the ________(circle one: choroid / iris / retina / ciliary body). Finally it includes the structure that can alter the shape of the lens called the ________(circle one: choroid / iris / retina / ciliary body).

. Simple, sweet, salt, sour, bitter, umami, bitter

This is somewhat similar to how odorants dissolved in mucus make contact with an olfactory hair to stimulate an olfactory receptor cell in the process of olfaction.However, gustation is more______(circle one: complex / simple) than olfaction as it involves only 5 primary tastes: 1)___________, 2)___________, 3)___________, 4)__________, & 5)__________. Substance that are ______(circle one: sour / bitter / salty / sweet / umami) have the lowest threshold.

Epithelium, mucus, 1000

To detect different smells, we must breathe/sniff deeply to swirl inhaled air across the olfactory ____________(circle one: epithelium, connective tissue, muscle tissue, nervous tissue) so that the odor molecules diffuse into the layer of _______ (circle one: mucus / muscle) covering the olfactory receptor cells. There, the odorants bind to odorant binding proteins. Together, that complex binds to the olfactory hair on the olfactory receptor cell. There are at least _______ different "smell" genes that code for unique proteins. Different smells will result when different olfactory receptor cells are stimulated. Humans can distinguish roughly 10,000 different odors

Fluid, cupula, vestibular branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve

When the head moves along the plan of a particular semicircular duct (anterior, posterior, or lateral), it moves ______ (circle one: air/ fluid /solid) in the duct (called endolymph). The fluid pushes on the __________(circle one: crista / cupula / otolith / ampulla) and bends the stereocilia of the hair cells. Movements in different directions affect different area being stimulated. The bending of the stereocilia of the hair cells lead to nerve impulses that pass along the __________(circle one: cochlear branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve / vestibular branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve).

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