Andean Final

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-export (bat/bird excrement) -benefits mainly Peruvian economy

Feminist Movement of 1982



-"Colombian Yankees" -hard working individual workers who migrated towards coffee area


-"without masters" 1970s -healthcare services -bringing water and sewer to the cities -housing development


-1800s -nation to respond to natural development -modernization and results inevitably with the nurturing of the state

Jose Carlos Mariategui

-1920s -lower class background/very smart -exliked during Leguia's dictatorship/met many Enlightenment thinkers -teamed up with de la Torre -respected journalist

Rafeal Morelo

-2000s-- Ecuador President -poor people doing better


-3/4 mestizo -offensive term -term used for people they didn't like -1865-1871

Che Guevara

-Argentina -revolutionary leader -guerilla and chased by Bolivian army


-Bolivia tin mining company -nationalized then cut thousands of workers

Rafeal Reyes

-Colombia early 1900s-bridge divide between liberal/conservative-avoid another civil war -modernize the capitol -farmers got the money for coffee crops (Colombia had unique coffee)

Guillermo Rodrigues Lara

-ECUADOR -capitol increased -jobs opening -more money spent than made


-indi movement that promoted a universal moral code for idi people -Pacha Kutik political section of CONAIE -ECUADOR 1986 -restore native pride

Grace Contract (PERU)

-RR contract of 1889 -WR Grace Company: assumed Peru's enormous foreign debt from the guano driven RR attempt in 1870s -Peru grows continuously//RR loses out on that deal

Simon Patino

-Tin miner-- made himself one of the wealthiest men alove at his time -1860-1942

Juan Jose Flores (1830-1845) ((ECUADOR))

-Venezuelan ruling in Ecuador -tried to expand Ecuadors boarders - conquers Colombian land but cannot convince the people to follow him *conflict between boarders common

Fernando Botero

-art acedemy in Madrid -most famous ANdean artist -studied Mexican muralists

Ciro Alegria

-author of Broad and Alien is the Word -"the struggle between communities and haciendas over land and labor"


-classes through the Guilded Age -middle class that seems more like upper middle -see benefits from labor improvements of ISI (1930s) -Peru has large middle class- jobs using their brains v using their hands (stock workers/teachers/identified with the elite)


-clear vision of where he wanted to take -came into power 1861 -fairly authoritarian -1862 developed the Catholic Region

Constitution of Rionegra 1863 ((COLOMBIA))

-created by Mosquera -weak central government -relate to Articles of Confederation -wealthy states have greater development -railroads -protects individuals and their liberties

Alberto Fuji Mori

-elected Peru President 1990s -took out leader of Shining Path -sentenced later to prison for embezzelment


-end of ISI and 1980s-2000s -overtuning and resumption -history as a circular theory


-led by Manuel Marlanda -represented the rural population of COLOMBIA -frequently outfought the Colombian army -largest group- even women -guerrila warfare -1960s-present

Alfonso Lopez (1930s) COLOMBIA

-liberals for the workers -taxed the elites -populist//liberal

Victor Raul Haya de la Torre

-major player in ANdean polities -against Leguia's regime -APRA "us v. them" -rejected Marxism and allied w/America- seen as last attempt to become President


-market women

Martin Chambi

-mid 20th century -Peruvian photographer that compared indi Peruvians to models -sold stylish portaits to elite


-mixed race -motivation of Mexican Revolution of 1910 -national identity


-national pride for indi people -including indi the social class


-race in a literary context in the 20th century -indigenismo -spheres- pishtacos and cholos -race v. class- Euro influence

Camilo Torres

-revolutionary priest/sociology profesor (COLOMBIA) -came from elite -led the ELN (marxist group) -died in his first battle//known for his writings

Gente Descente

-richer class but uneven development -different classes going on with emerging cultures -Ecuadors progress seemed to lag more than the others because of poor agriculture practices -Massacre of the Strikers (under more liberal regime)


-two moities fight eachother -enter as two lines and leave as one -the fight would work out aggression gathered over the years

Shining Path

-vicious guerilla organization -peasant led strategy -redistributed land -represented only most desperate -skinned dogs to make Mao-ist statement -Fuji Mori



ISI (post 1930)



1. disruption in political state 2. liberals v. conservative (theoritical) 3. economics (global v. domestic) 4. territorial issues (war of pacific) 5. race and ethnicity (change over time) 6. culture (national identity and appeal to the masses)

Rail Roads

1908 -Guayaquil -brought in more workers/economy boomed/niche products becomming popular -revenue from cacao built the RR but not as reliable as other niche products -75-80% Ecuadors exporting

Jorge Eliecer Gaitan

1940s in Colombia -wanted a national front and rotate presidential leaders on a political rotation -social change and fewer work hours

Juan Velasco

1968 PERU -nationalize national natural resource industries -"Plan Inca" state dominate everything/weaken econ -stood up against foreign imperialism and solve ills -Tuna War- gain water access

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

1982-- 100 years of Solitude -COLOMBIA -nobel prize winner

Vicrot Paz Estrenssoro

Bolivia -national leader of MNR -wanted universla suffrage -

War of the Pacific (1879-1883)

Chile/Bolivia/Peru -fought over guano, nitrates, and land -made Bolivia landlocked even though they only lost a small amount of land -Peru's national self confidence shattered -Chile gained great national identity

Augusto Leguia ((PERU))

President: 1908-1912 Dictator: 1919-1930 -"Age of the Aristocratic Republic" -modernized oligarh -reformed education//more diverse economy -drafted the mita system -Grace Contract of 1889

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