Anger/Anger Management: Ch 16

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this predisposing factors to anger and aggression are DOs or conditions within the brain that have been implicated episodic aggreassion and violent behavior

neurophysiological DOs

This is the predisposing factor to anger and aggression that occurs when a specific behavior is positively or negatively reinforced

operant conditioning

in assessing risk factors of anger, this is considered to be the most widely recognized risk factor for violence in a treatment setting

past history of violence

this is one way that individuals express anger


an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage


anger need not be this kind of expression


this type of operant condition is a response to a specific behavior that prevents an undesirable result from occurring

negative reinforcement

this is a normal human emotion that, when handled appropriately and espressed assertively, can provide and individual with a positive forrce to solve problems and make decisions concerning life situations


These emotions/actions can be learned through operant conditioning

anger aggression

these an example of what predisposing factors to anger and aggression: temporal or frontal lobe injury brain tumors brain trauma encephalitis

neurophysiological DOs

After repeated requests for a client to unpack and get settled on the psychiatric unit, the client states, "I have no intention of unpacking and staying on this unit." To avoid a confrontation, the nurse unpacks the client's belongings. Which nursing behavior is exemplified? A. Positive role modeling B. Negative operant conditioning C. Assertiveness D. Aggressiveness

B. Negative operant conditioning This situation illustrates negative operant conditioning. The client's negative behavior has been reinforced and rewarded by the nurse's action of unpacking for the client.

An angry client states to the nurse, "You red- headed skinny witch. You can't tell me what to do." Which appropriate intervention would the nurse implement during this outburst? A. Reprimand the client for poor judgment and derogatory remarks. B. Respond to angry expressions with matching verbalizations. C. Offer support by the use of empathy and therapeutic touch. D. Ignore initial derogatory remarks.

C. Offer support by the use of empathy and therapeutic touch. During expressions of anger and aggression, ignoring initial derogatory remarks can be an appropriate nursing intervention. Lack of feedback often extinguishes an undesirable behavior.

A client has not received what was expected for lunch and directs an angry verbal outburst at the nurse. Which is an accurate description of this display of emotion? A. Anger is a primary emotion that is automatically experienced. B. Anger is a psychological arousal. C. The expression of anger can come under personal control. D. The expression of anger and aggression are closely related

C. The expression of anger can come under personal control. The expression of anger can come under personal control and is a learned behavior.

anger is significantly different from this action/emotion


this can cause damage with words, fists, or weapons, but it is virtually always designed to punish


this is a behavior that is intended to threaten or injure the victim's security or self-esteem


These are the predisposing factors to anger and aggression that is due to some correlation to alternations in brain chemicals

biochemical factors

hormonal dysfunction associated with hyperthyroidism is an example of this predisposing factor to anger and aggression

biochemical factors

in assessing risk factors for violence, these can be predictive of impending violence

current behavior

Use of alcohol and some other drugs, particularly cocaine, amphetamines, hallucinogens, and anabolic steroids is what kind of predisposing factor to anger and aggression

environmental factors

availability of firearms is what kind of predisposing factor to anger and aggression

environmental factors

physical crowding of people is what type of predisposig factor to anger and aggression

environmental factors

Alterations in these neurotransmitters may play a role in facilitation or inhiition of agression

epi norepi dopamine ach serotonin

anger is a physiological arousal, instilling these

feelings of power generating preparedness

anger is typically experienced as an automatic inner response to these

hurt, frustration, or fear

anger causes this change in phsyiological levels

increased HR increased BP increased levels of biogenic amines

what kind of emotion is anger

learned (not primary)

This is the predisposing factor to anger and aggression that includes role models


What are the following: Remain calm. Set verbal limits on behavior. Keep a diary of anger. Avoid touching the client. Help determine source of anger. Ignore derogatory remarks. Help find alternative ways of releasing tension. Role model. Observe for escalation of anger. When behaviors are observed, first ensure that sufficient staff is available. Talking down Physical outlets Medications Call for assistance Restraints Observation and documentation Ongoing assessment Staff debriefing

planning/implementation of anger/aggression

anger has both these functions

positive and negative

this type of operant conditioning is a response to a specific behavior that is pleasurable or produces the disired result

positive reinforcement

this part of socioeconomic factor is thought to encourage aggression because of the associated deprivatio, disruption of families, and unemployment


the earliest role models for an individual are these

primary caregivers

What are the following: Rigid posture Clenched fists and jaws Grim, defiant affect Talking in a rapid, raised voice Arguing and demanding Using profanity and threatening verbalizations Agitation and pacing Pounding and slamming

prodromal syndromes of violence (current behavior)

this predisposing factor to anger and aggression, is one of the strongest forms of learning

role modeling

this predisposing factor to anger and aggression has to do with high rates of violence exists within the subculture of poverty in the US

socioeconomic factors

discomfort associated with a moderate increase in this is an environmental predisposing factor to anger and aggression


What are the following: Substance use disorders Schizophrenia Major depression Bipolar disorder Neurocognitive disorders - Antisocial, borderline, and intermittent explosive personality disorders

these are the most common client diagnoses that are associated with violence

what are the following: Pacing Restlessness Tense face and body Verbal or physical threats Threats of homicide or suicide Loud voice, shouting, use of obscenities Argumentative Increased agitation Overreaction to environmental stimuli Panic anxiety leading to misinterpretation of the environment Disturbed thought processes Suspiciousness Disproportionate anger

ways that aggression can be identified by

what are the following: Frowning Clenched fists Low-pitched words forced through clenched teeth Yelling and shouting Intense or no eye contact Easily offended Defensive Passive-aggressive Emotional overcontrol and flushed face Intense discomfort Tension Intense or no eye contact Easily offended Defensive Passive-aggressive Emotional overcontrol and flushed face Intense discomfort Tension

ways that anger can be identified by

this is when anger becomes a problem

when it is not expressed, and when it is expressed aggressively

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