Anna Biology Final

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Which one of the following is not a trace element in the human body? a) fluorine b) nitrogen c) zinc d) manganese e) iodine

b) nitrogen

DNA and RNA are polymers of a) fatty acids b) nucleotides c) monoglycerides d)amino acids e) monosaccharides

b) nucleotides

The phase of mitosis during which the nuclear envelope fragments and the chromatin condenses is called... a) interphase b) prophase c) metaphase d) anaphase e) telophase

b) prophase

Most of a cello's enzymes are a) lipids b) proteins c) amino acids d) nucleic acids e) carbohydrates

b) proteins

Most of the functions of a cell membrane are performed by... a) glycolipids b) proteins c) phospholipids d) cholesterol e) nucleotides

b) proteins

What is an anticodon?

3 unpaired bases that may bond with he complementary codon of mRNA

State the importance of EACh of the following to the process of DNA replication: ligase; SSBs; Okazaki fragments; primase; and DNA polymerase.

-Ligase is the last step in the DNA replication. It connects the Okazaki fragments together to finish the new DNA molecule -SSBs are single-strand DNA-binding proteins. They loosely attach to each single strand of DNA to keep them from reannealing or coming back together again -Okazaki fragments are new section of DNA as part of old DNA. They are formed on the lagging strand when DNA polymerase stops when it bumps into a primer and must go to another primer to ass on nucleotides, leaving only a section or fragment of the DNA done. -Primase adds on rNA primer on DNA to make a place for the DNA polymerase can begin on. It is about 50-60 RNA bases long -DNA polymerase extends or adds DNA nucleotides to the chain of DNA. It needs a place to begin therefore it uses the RNA primers to begin adding nucleotides. It cannot create the chain, only add to it.

Discuss evidence for evolution from Charles Darwin's trip to the Galapagos Islands. Include at least THREE (3) examples in your response.

1) Finches- different beaks for specific food they ate 2) over-production of offspring- allows more chance of offspring surviving and those who are more fit will survive and have more offspring 3) Blue-footed Boobies- different adaptations that let them live on the islands.webbed feet to propel themselves in the water, have a gland that releases oil to make a waterproof coat 4) present organism are similar to fossils from other organisms

A common number of alleles per trait


How many bases form one "word" of the RNA message?


Number of DNA bases that code for one amino acid


Number of different amino acids from which we make protein


Normal number of human chromosomes


What is the meaning and importance of 5'-> 3' and 3'-> 5' in a DNA molecule?

5'-> 3' and 3'->5' mean the DNA molecules is antiparallel. One strand begins with the 5' carbon of the deoxyribose and ends at the 3' carbon. The other strand begins with the 3' carbon but ends at the 5' carbon. The two strands are the reverse of the other. The importance is that on the 3' ->5' strand the bases are flipped and reverse to match up with their complementary bases.

Write about TWO characteristics of lift that are not mentioned in the multiple choice questions.

A characteristic of life is that organism can reproduce either asexually to sexually. Also, another characteristic of life is they grow and develop, and at each stage stage they look different then before. For example, a seed does not look like the flower it will become, but grows and develops. First the seed germinates, then the stem grows and lastly a flower will bloom.

The difficulties facing a bull shark as it swims from the sea into a freshwater environment

A difficulty a shark had to face swimming into a fresh water environment is the transition between a hypertonic solution into a hypotonic solution. In the hypertonic environment the water molecules in the shark will move toward the high concentration of alt in the sea water.That means it will become dehydrated more easily and the shark's cells have to diffuse more water into it's cells, so the cells do not shrivel up into plasmalosis. When the shark reached the freshwater, the water is a hypotonic solution since it has a low concentration of salt compared to the seawater. This means the shark's cells will take in more water molecules because its cells have a higher concentration of salt and water moves toward the higher concentration gradient. The shark's cells cannot diffuse too much water or they will swell and burst open, this known as cyctolsis.

The first codon on an mRNA always is ...


Discuss three organic molecules that have hydroxyl groups, and how each molecule's function/behavior/characteristic is a direct result of presence of the hydroxyl group(s).

An organic molecule would be polysaccharides. For example, in cellulose the hydroxyl group in the beta glucose in the cellulose forms hydrogen bonds between cellulose chains forms hydrogen bonds between cellulose chains. That is why that cellulose is fibrous looking in appearance and forms strands next to each other. An organic molecule would be alcohol. The hydroxyl group is what makes it an alcohol. It makes it polar to unequal sharing of the molecules -dehydration synthesis -beta glucose -alpha glucose

Why is DNA replication necessary?

DNA replication is necessary because without it we wouldn't be able to live or grow. It is necessary to replace cells and to make new cells. They need the same DNA each time to function. DNA contains the instructions for everything in the body especially to make proteins needed to live. Without DNA replication, we would not be about to grow or live.

What is the relationship between genes and proteins?

Genes code the sequence for the specific protein

Station #4: Sink or Swim Materials: tongs, ice cubes (d= 0.918 g/mL), beaker od water, beaker of ethanol (d= 0.789 g/mL)

Ice is less dense than liquid water and ice is more dense than ethanol: The density of liquid water is 1g/mL, while ice cubes density = 0.927 g/mL. this means ice is less dense than water, so it can float. Ice cannot float on ethanol because it is more dense.

What amino acid does AUG code for?


How does RNA differ from DNA

Its sugar is ribose rather than deoxyribose. RNA use uracil (U) in place of T. RNA has fewer nucleotides than DNA

Describe the importance of PFK and Rubisco

PFK and Rubisco are important enzymes in cellular respiration and photosynthesis. PFK is used in the process of glycolysis in cellular respiration. The importance of this enzyme is that it decides whether cellular respiration will occur or not. When enough ATP is made it will act as noncompetitive inhibitor and go to PFK's allosteric site causing PFK's active site to change shape, stopping the enzyme from doing its reactions. This completely stops the production of ATP in cellular respiration. When ATP levels are low and needed the ATP will leave PFK so that it can resume its reaction in the and the process of cellular respiration will continue on as usual. Rubisco is a very important enzyme in the calvin cycle of photosynthesis. Rubisco is what joins CO2 and RUBP in a process known as carbon fixation to form PGA molecules. The PGA molecules are then split to 3 carbon molecules and oxidized by NADPH powered by ATP to become G3P molecules. 2 G3P molecules are needed to create glucose for the plant to live. Rubisco is the start of the whole calvin cycle, without Rubisco no glucose would be created for the plant to survive

Discuss the importance of phosphodiester and hydrogen bonds in a DNA molecule. (Where are they located and what is their purpose?)

Phosphodiester bonds are covalent bonds between the phosphate group and deoxyribose in the sugar-phosphate backbone in the DNA. Their purpose is to have a strong bond to have a strong backbone for DNA. Hydrogen bonds are located between the bases. Their purpose is to keep the bases together but not strongly so they can be broken apart easily during DNA replication.

the molecule that transcription produces


What is the enzyme that mediates the process named above?

RNA polymerase

Phospholipid Bilayer

The cell membrane is made of 2 phospholipid bilayers. Phospholipids are made of phosphor, 2 fatty acids, and glycerol. The polarity of phosphate group and glycerol makes it hydrophilic or water loving, so it mixes well in the watery environment of blood. The non polarity of the fatty acids is what keeps it from dissolving. The fatty acids are hydrophobic or afraid of water.

What is the exact role of the ribosome in the formation of a polypeptide sequence?

The ribosome is made up of 2 subunits. The large ribosome subunit provides a place for the complementary codons and anticodons to pair. The amino acids form a peptide bond. The p site holds the polypeptide chain and the A site accommodates the next tRNA so the amino acid can be added to the chain. The small ribosome subunit recognizes the cap and tail of mRNA. Ribosome will recognize AUG as the start codon to begin protein synthesis. An initiator tRNA will come with the first amino acid, neck a tRNA with the complementary anticodon will come and bring the amino acid to be bonded through a peptide bond. This process continues during elongation.

How could a sequence be changed?

The sequence can be changed through mutations. One mutation is substitution. This can replace one of the bases causing that triplet to form a totally different amino acid or the same amino acid. Since some triplets code for the same amino acid. Another mutation is deletion. Deletion is when a base is erased or deleted from the sequence completely. This can be devestating because it changes the reading frame completely causing more triplets to be different thus making different amino acids. Lastly, the sequence can have an insertion of another base. This will cause the reading frame to be different for subsequent triplets, thus different amino acids are made.

Foods that are high fiber are most likely derived from... a) plants b) diary products c) meat d) fish e) any of these choices

a) plants

What happens when two tRNAs are side by side on a ribosome?

They are brought to the ribosomes to be read out by mRNA

Describe how to form an ester linkage. Where are these linkages found, and what is their importance?

To form an ester linkage is between a fatty acid and glycerol. To get this linkage, it is through dehydration synthesis. A H2O molecule is taken out to get the link between glycerol and fatty acids. The importance of the linkage is it created the 3 bonds needed to form a triglyceride.

Station #6: Much Color-ado About Nothing Materials" food coloring, 2 test tubes, 2 10-mL graduated cylinders, water in a beaker, oil in a beaker

Water is polar: Food dye is a polar substance, so it is attracted to water which is also polar. The polarity causes the food dye to spread out and disperse. In oil, which is non polar substance, the food dye sinks to the bottom. This is because polar and non polar substances do not mix.

Station #1: Freeze! Observe the differences between a can of soda that was frozen, and a can of soda that remained at room temperature What property of water and explain.

Water molecules expand when a solid: When the molecules are a solid, they expand by locking in place further away from each other and are stable. That is why the can opened up when it froze.

Of what is one DNA nucleotide composed?

a nitrogenous base, five-sugar carbon, and one phosphate group

A hypothetical community has the following levels: (1) grasses and other plants; (2) herbivores, such as aphids, rodents, and antelope; (3) carnivores, such as ladybugs and weasels, the feed mainly on herbivores; (4) carnivores, such as wolves and hawks, that feed on level (3) carnivores as well as on herbivores; and (5) detritivores, such as vultures, fungi, and bacteria. If a drought occurred, which of the consumer levels would be affected first? (Assume the adequate drinking water remains available) a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 e) 3 and 4

a) 2

How many different allele combinations would be found in the gametes produced by a pea plant whose genotype was RrYY? a) 2 b) 4 c) 8 d) 16

a) 2

If a pea plant that is heterozygous for round, yellow peas is crossed with a pea plant that is homozygous for round peas but heterozygous for yellow peas, how many different phenotypes are their offspring expected to show? a) 2 b) 4 c) 8 d) 16

a) 2

If a heterozygous tomato plant is crossed with a green-stems plant heterozygous for red fruit, what proportion of the offspring would you expect to have: a) Purple stems and yellow fruit b) green stems and yellow fruit c) green stems and red fruit

a) 2/16 b) 2/16 c) 6/16

A number of plant species have a recessive allele for albinism; homozygous albino (white) plants are unable to make chlorophyll. If a tobacco plant heterozygous for albinism is allowed to self-pollinate an 500 of its seeds produce plants: a) How many of these 500 seedlings ( the new plants that grow from the seeds) will be expected to have the same genotype as the parent tobacco plant? b) How many of the 500 seedlings will be expected to be white?

a) 250 b) 125

In tomato plants, the gene for purple stems is dominant to its allele for green stems, and the gene for red fruit is dominant to the allele for yellow fruit. If two tomato plants heterozygous for both traits are crossed, state what proportion of the offspring you would expect to have: a. Purple stems and yellow fruit b. Green stems and red fruit c) green stems and yellow fruit

a) 3 b) 3 c) 1

If 640 seed resulting a cross of two tomato plants heterozygous are collected and planted, determine how many are expected to grow into plants with: a) Red fruit b) green stems c) green stems with yellow fruit

a) 480 b) 160 c) 60

Which of the following is a feature of plant cell division that distinguishes it from animal cell division? a) A cell plate forms b) A cleavage furrow forms c) Cytokinesis does not occur d) Four new cells (rather than two) are produced per mitotic division e) Centrioles migrate to opposite poles of the cell

a) A cell plate forms

Why are (most) plants green? a) Chlorophyll reflects green light b) Chlorophyll absorbs green light c) Chlorophyll primarily uses green light as the source of energy for photosynthesis d) Green is the best color of light for plant growth e) Carotenoids reflects green light

a) Chlorophyll reflects green light

A cell that neither gains nor loses water when it is immersed in a solution is a) isotonic to its environment b) hypertonic to its environment c) hypertonic to it environment d) metabolically inactive e) dead

a) isotonic to its environment

When an enzyme catalyzes a reaction a) it lowers the energy of activation of the reaction b) it raises the energy of activation of the reaction c) it becomes a product d) it acts as a reactant e) none of the choices are correct

a) it lowers the energy of activation of the reaction

Human females produce egg cells that have a) one X chromosome b) two X chromosomes c) one X or one Y chromosome d) one X and one Y chromosome

a) one X chromosome

Discuss each of the following throughly with regard to plant cell mitosis: a) DNA replication b) Number of cell divisions that will occur and WHY

a) DNA replication is important to plant cell mitosis, so you end up with 2 daughter cells with exact same DNA. The chromosomes in the plant cell are duplicated forming sister chromatids. DNA replication occurs during the S phase in interphase in the cell cycle. Without DNA replication, each daughter would end up with half of the parent's cell chromosomes amount b) In the plant cell mitosis, it will produce 2 daughter cells. This happens because DNA is replicated to produce sister chromatids during interphase. Also, the cell will grow. In mitosis, the cell will produce spindle fibers first in prophase and the chromosomes will become tightly coiled. Next in metaphase the chromosomes will line up along the metaphase plate being attached to the spindle fibers. Then in anaphase the chromosomes are separated to opposite poles of the cell. Lastly, in telophase, the nucleus and nuclear envelope will reform. After cytokinesis will take place. Vesicles will create a cell plate between the 2 and build until it forms a cell wall. This creates the 2 new plant cells

When beta-carotene(C40H56) combines with oxygen(O2) and four hydrogens (4 H), two molecules of vitamin A are formed. Which of the following are true? a) Each of the vitamin A molecules contains 20 carbon atoms b) Each of the vitamin A molecules contains 2 oxygen atoms c) Beta-carotene is one of the products of the reaction d) The vitamin A molecules are the reactants e) All of the statements are true

a) Each of the vitamin A molecules contains 20 carbon atoms

The Calvin Cycle constructs_____, an energy-rich molecule that a plant cell can then use to make glucose or other organic molecules, such as RuBP. a) G3P b) ATP c) NADH d) NADPH e) carbon dioxide

a) G3P

Which one of the following does not happen to eukaryotic RNA? a) Introns are added to the RNA b) Exons are spliced together c) A small cap of extra nucleotides is added to one end of the RNA d) A tail of extra nucleotides is added to the other end of the RNA e) The completed RNA molecule is exported out of the nucleus

a) Introns are added to the RNA

Which one of the following is not true? a) Prokaryotic chromosomes are more complex than those of eukaryotes b) Most prokaryotic organisms reproduce mainly by the process of binary fission c) Prokaryotic cells are generally smaller and simpler than eukaryotic cells d) In prokaryotes, most genes are carried on a circular DNA molecule e) Daughter prokaryotic chromosomes are separated by some sort of active movement away from each other and the growth of new plasma membrane between them

a) Prokaryotic chromosomes are more complex than those of eukaryotes

Which of the following enzymes catalyzed the linking together of RNA nucleotides to form RNA? a) RNA polymerase b) RNA ligase c) a ribozyme d) reverse transcriptase e) tRNA

a) RNA polymerase

Which of the following is not true? a) RNA uses the sugar dextrose b) RNA uses the nitrogenous base uracil c) RNA is a nucleic acid d) One RNA molecule can include four different nucleotides in its structure e) RNA molecules have a sugar-phosphate backbone

a) RNA uses the sugar dextrose

In humans, the ability to taste PTC paper is dominant. Tasters experience a very bitter taste from placing a piece of the PTC paper on their tongues. Non-tasters experience no such sensation, even if they taste a paper treated with a very high concentration of PTC. a) What are the genotypes of Mr. and Mrs. G , who can taste PTC and who have three children, on of whom is a non-taster? b) What offspring phenotypes would be expected from the following crosses, and in what ratios? i. Homozygous taster x heterozygous ii. Heterozygous individual x non-taster

a) Rr Rr b) i. taster 4:0 ii. taster and non-taster 2:2

a)What is substrate-level phosphorylation? b) WHERE, in terms of location AND specific reactions (processes), does it occur in eukaryotic cellular respiration?

a) Substrate-level phosphorylation is when an enzyme transfers a phosphate group from an organic molecule to a molecule of ADP to form a ATP molecule b) The is process will often occur in the cellular respiration process of glycolysis. Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm of a cell. Glycolysis if the breakdown of glucose into pyruvate molecules. Glucose goes through a series of redox reactions (reduction and oxidation) and creates ATP and NADH.It also occurs in the Krebs cycle which occurs in the matrix of the cell.

a) Summarize the effects of adding acid and base to potato. b) EXPLAIN these effects in terms of buffers. be sure to include a description of a buffer

a) The acid (HCl) and the base (NaOH) caused the pH of the potato to be both acidic and basic. When the acid was added to the potato, the acidity would increase and decrease, but overall made it a little acidic. When the base was added, the acidity decreased and increased slightly, but overall made it slightly more basic. The potato was not able to maintain a certain pH. b) A buffer is a substance that is able to maintain its pH by either accepting H+ions or donating H+ions. The effects of the acids and bases made the pH of potato increase and decrease acidity and not maintain a certain pH. The potato contains a buffer by only being slightly affected by the acids and bases. But is not a buffer because it is not able to maintain a certain pH.

What is the main advantage of the C4 and CAM photosynthesis strategies over the C3 strategy? a) They help the plant both conserve water and synthesize glucose efficiently under hot, dry conditions b) They allow the plant to fix carbon more efficiently under conditions of low atmosphere CO2 c) They allow the pant to fix carbon more efficiently in dim or cool conditions d) They make it possible for the plant to use the Calvin Cycle at night as well as during the day e) They allow the plant to avoid photorespiration by producing a four-carbon sugar in place of glucose

a) They help the plant both conserve water and synthesize glucose efficiently under hot, dry conditions

Viruses are considered by come biologists to be alive. Which one of the properties of viruses listed below is consistent with this view? a) Viruses contain genetic information b) Viruses cannot reproduce themselves without using the machinery of a cell c) Viruses are not composed of cells d) Viruses cannot extract energy from the environment e) Viruses cannot convert molecules obtained from the environment to other molecules

a) Viruses contain genetic information

Darwinism fitness increases when an organism... a)passes on a greater proportion of its gene b)survives many hardships c)is stronger than the other organism in its community d)lives for a long time e) is disease-free

a) passes on a greater proportion of its genes

Describe clearly and carefully how scientist use each of the following as evidence for evolution. Be sure to include examples to support your responses. a) Insect resistance to pesticides b) Fruit flies in the Hawaiian Islands c) The fossil record d) Molecular biology

a) a gene can be passed to make next generation of insects resistant to pesticides.Those who have the gene to resist pesticides will live and be able to pass it on to their offspring while others who do not have the gene will die. Therefore those with the gene will be able to live and have offspring who will have offspring, creating a whole generation who can resist the pesticides. b) The fruit fly ancestor was able to adapt to the different environments of the islands, creating over 800 different species of fruit flies. Since they die quickly they are able to pass their adaptations on the next generation fairly quickly. c) shows how organisms evolved from simple organisms to more complex organism. EX: Whales evolved from land dwelling species d) shows DNA similarities, the closer organisms are related to, the more chromosomes they have in common

In the respiratory electron transport chain, electrons are passes from one electron transport molecule to another and are finally accepted by a) a molecule of oxygen, O2 b) a molecule of carbon dioxide c) a molecule of water d) ADP e) ATP

a) a molecule of oxygen, O2

Any change in the nucleotides sequence of the DNA of a gene is called a) a mutation b) an advantage c) a codon d) a translation e) an anticodon

a) a mutation

The emergence of numerous species from a common ancestor that finds itself in anew and diverse environment is called... a) adaptive radiation b) bushy evolution c) diversifying selection d) allopatric radiation e) adaptive opportunism

a) adaptive radiation

one way to convert an oil into a substance that is solid at room temperature is to... a) add hydrogens, decreasing the number of double bonds in the molecules b) remove water, causing a dehydration synthesis reaction to occur c) remove hydrogens, increasing the number of double bonds d) put it in the refrigerator: when unsaturated fats cool, double bonds form and the fats solidify e) add water and shake vigorously

a) add hydrogens, decreasing the number of double bonds in the molecules

Which of the following represents a correct ordering of the levels of complexity at which life is studied, from most simple to most complex? a) cell, tissue, organ, organism, population, community b) community, population,organism, organ, tissue, cell c) cell, organ, tissue, organism, population, community d) cell, tissue, organ, population, organism, community e) tissue, organ, cell, population, organism, community

a) cell, tissue, organ, organism, population, community

A mutant plant is found in which some mitochondria lack an inner mitochondrial membrane. Which of the following pathways would be completely disrupted in these mitochondria? a) chemiosmosis b) alcoholic fermentation c) the Krebs Cycle d) glycolysis e) the Krebs cycle and glycolysis

a) chemiosmosis

In most green plants, chloroplasts are a) concentrated in a zone of leaf tissue called the mesophyll b) concentrated in the stomata c) concentrated in a portion of the lead called the stroma d) found throughout the leaf tissue e) None of the choices are correct

a) concentrated in a zone of leaf tissue called the mesophyll

Which if the following organisms first gave Earth its oxygen-containing atmosphere? a) cyanobacteria b) methanogens c) early protozoans d) plants e) green algae

a) cyanobacteria

Which one of the following is a normal process of photosynthesis that would be unable to occur if all reaction centers were inactivated by a poison? a) donation of excited electrons by chlorophyll a to a primary electron acceptor b) donation of excited electrons by chlorophyll b to a primary electron acceptor c) absorption of photons by chlorophyll b d) reduction of chlorophyll b by a primary electron acceptor e) None of the choices are correct

a) donation of excited electrons by chlorophyll a to a primary electron acceptor

Small, non polar, hydrophobic molecules such as fatty acids a) easily pass through a membrane's lipid bilayer b) very slowly diffuse through a membrane's lipid bilayer c) require transport proteins to pass through a membrane's lipid bilayer d) are actively transported across cell membranes e) usually enter the cell via endocytosis

a) easily pass through a membrane's lipid bilayer

When two aqueous solutions (that is, solutions in which water is the solvent) that offer in solute concentration are placed on either side of a selectively permeable membrane, and osmosis is allowed to take place, the water will... a) exhibits a net movement to the side with lower water concentration b) exhibits a net movement to the side with higher water concentration c) exhibits a net movement to the side with lower solute concentration d) exhibit an equal movement in both direction across the membrane. e) not cross the membrane

a) exhibits a net movement to the side with lower water concentration or c) exhibits a net movement to the side with lower solute concentration

Which of the following are produced during the Calvin Cycle? a) glucose, ADP, NADP+ b) glucose, ADP, NADP+, CO2 c) ADP, NADP+ d) ATP NADPH, O2 e) ATP, NADPH, CO2

a) glucose, ADP, NADP+

Which one of the following is the correct sequence of stages in cellular respiration? a) glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain and chemiosmosis b) Krebs cycle, glycolysis, electron transport chain and chemiosmosis c) Krebs cycle, electron transport chain and chemiosmosis, glycolysis d) electron transport chain and chemiosmosis, glycolysis, Krebs cycle e) electron transport chain and chemiosmosis, Krebs cycle, glycolysis

a) glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain and chemiosmosis

If the S phase was eliminated from the cell cycle, but cytokinesis still took place, the daughter cells would a) have half the genetic material found in the parental cell b) be genetically identical c) be genetically identical to the parental cell d) synthesize the missing genetic material on their own e) None of the choices are correct

a) have half the genetic material found in the parental cell

As ice melts, a) hydrogen bonds are broken b) water molecules become less tightly packed c) the water becomes less dense d) covalent bonds form e) all of the choices are true

a) hydrogen bonds are broken

Eukaryotic cells spend most of their cell cycle in which phase? a) interphase b) prophase c) metaphase d) anaphase e) telophase

a) interphase

In a hypothetical food chain consisting of grass, grasshoppers, sparrows, and hawks, the grasshoppers are a) primary consumers b) primary producers c) secondary consumers d) secondary producers e) detritivores

a) primary consumers

The nucleus of an atom contains... a) protons and neutrons b) protons and electrons c) only neutrons d) only protons e) only electrons

a) protons and neutrons

In the equation 2 H2 + O2 --> 2 H2O, the H2 molecules______ and the H2O molecules are _______. a) reacants.....products b) profucts.....reactants c) reactants.....reactants d)products......products e)None of the choices are correct

a) reacants.....products

Anything that prevents ATP formation will most likely a) result in cell death b) force the cell to rely on lipids for energy c) result in the conversion of kinetic energy to potential energy d) force the cell to rely on ADP for energy e) have no effect on the cell

a) result in cell death

A solution with a pH of 1 is... a) strongly acidic b) weakly acidic c) neutral d) weakly neutral e) strongly neutral

a) strongly acidic

The bridge between glycolysis and the Krebs cycle is a) the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA b) the oxidation of NADH c) the oxidation of FADH2 d) the conversion of ADP to ATP e) the production of alcohol

a) the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA

Osmosis can be defined as a) the diffusion of water b) the diffusion of non polar molecules c) active transport d) the diffusion of a solute e) endocytosis

a) the diffusion of water

The fossil record shows that all of the following except... a) the first life forms were eukaryotes b) the earliest fossils of life are about 3.5 billion years old c) younger strata are on top of older strata d) within the vertebrates, fish were the first to evolve, followed in order by amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and then birds e) some fossils represent an evolutionary series of changes that provide strong documentation of evolution

a) the first life forms were eukaryotes

A child is born with a rare disease in which mitochondria are missing from skeletal muscle cells. Physicians find that the muscles function. Not surprisingly, they also find that a) the muscles contain large amounts of lactic acid following even mild physical exercise b) the muscles contain large amounts of carbon dioxide following even mild physical exercise c) the muscles require extremely high levels of oxygen to function d) the muscle cells cannot split glucose to pyruvate e) the muscles require extremely large amounts of carbon dioxide to function

a) the muscles contain large amounts of lactic acid following even mild physical exercise

The atomic number of an atom is... a) the number of protons and also the number of electron in the atom b) the number of electrons in the atom c) the number of neutrons in the atom d) the number of protons, electron, and neutrons in the atom e) the net electrical charge of the atom

a) the number of protons and also the number of electron in the atom

A base substitution mutation in a gene sometimes has no effect on the protein the gene codes for. Which of the following factors could account for this? a) the redundancy of the genetic code (multiple codons for the same amino acids) b) the rarity of such mutations c) a correcting mechanism that is part of the mRNA molecule d) the fact that such mutations are usually accompanied by a complementary deletion e) none of the choices are correct

a) the redundancy of the genetic code (multiple codons for the same amino acids)

Propanol and isopropanol are isomers. This means that they have... a) the same molecular formula but different chemical properties b) different molecular formulas but the same chemical properties c) the same molecular formula and the same chemical properties d) the same number of carbon atoms but different numbers of oxygen and hydrogen atoms e) the same molecular formula, but propanol is the liquid form of the compound and isopropanol is the gaseous form

a) the same molecular formula but different chemical properties

A disaccharide forms when... a) two monosaccharides join by dehydration synthesis b) two starched join by dehydration synthesis c) two monosaccharides join by hydrolysis d) two starched join by hydrolysis e) a starch and a monosaccharide join by dehydration synthesis

a) two monosaccharides join by dehydration synthesis

Fatty acids with double bonds between some of their carbons are said to be... a) unsaturated b) saturated c) completely hydrogenated d) triglycerides e) monoglycerides

a) unsaturated

Under arid conditions C4 plants fix carbon dioxide more efficiently than C3 plants because C4 plants a) use PEP carboxylase to fix carbon dioxide b) utilize rubisco c) decrease the rate at which carbon dioxide diffuses into the plant from the atmosphere d) have chloroplasts concentrated in mesophyll cells e) are larger than C3 plants

a) use PEP carboxylase to fix carbon dioxide

The oxygen released into the air as product of photosynthesis comes form a) water b) glucose c) carbon dioxide d) chlorophyll e) none of the above

a) water

A hydrogen atom has 1 electron. How many bonds can one hydrogen form? a)1 b) 4 c) 2 covalent bonds d) 2 ironic bonds


Complementary base pairs

a-t c-g

At the tail end of each tRNA molecule, an _____ attaches the appropriate _______molecule to the tRNA

amino acid......enzyme

Asexual reproduction requires_____ individual(s) a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) 4

b) 1

Each FADH2 yields a maximum of ______ATP and each NADPH yields a maximum of ________ as a result of transferring pairs of electrons to the electron transport chain a) 3....2 b) 2....3 c) 3....3 d) 1....3 e) 3....1

b) 2....3

If an organism's diploid number is 12, its haploid number is a) 12 b) 6 c) 24 d) 3

b) 6

During chemisomosis a) energy is generated because H+ ions move freely across mitochondrial membranes b) ATP is synthesized when H+ions move through a protein port (channel) provided by ATP synthase c) energy is generated by coupling exergonic reactions with other exergonic reactions d) a concentration gradient is generated when large numbers of H+ ions are passively transported from the matrix of the mitochondrion to the mitochondrion's inter membrane space e) H+ ions serve as the final electron acceptor

b) ATP is synthesized when H+ions move through a protein port (channel) provided by ATP synthase

Which of the following are products of cellular respiration? a) oxygen and carbon dioxide b) ATP, water and carbon dioxide c) oxygen and glucose d) oxygen and energy e) glucose and carbon dioxide

b) ATP, water and carbon dioxide

Which of the following descriptions best represents the gradualist model of speciation? a) an isolated population differentiates gradually from its parent stock as a result of the accumulation of genetic-drift events b) An isolated population differentiates gradually from its parents stock as it adapts by microevolution to its local environment c) Species evolve continuously in response to their changing environment, and most new species represent a ancestral species that has changed enough to deserve a new name d) two populations differentiate gradually from each other as gene flow between them is constricted by the emergence of a geographic barrier e) two populations differentiate gradually from each other as hybrids between them become progressively less viable and fertile

b) An isolated population differentiates gradually from its parents stock as it adapts by microevolution to its local environment

The molecular formula of most monosaccharides represents a multiple of a) CH3O b) CH2O c) CHO d) CHO2 e)CHO3

b) CH2O

Which one of the following sequence best describes the flow of information when a gene directs the synthesis of a cellular component? a) RNA-> DNA-> RNA-> protein b) DNA-> RNA-> protein c) protein-> RNA -> DNA d) DNA-> amino acid -> RNA -> protein e) DNA-> tRNA -> mRNA -> protein

b) DNA-> RNA-> protein

A child is brought to the hospital with a fever of 107F. Doctors immediately order an ice bath to laser the child's temperature. Which explanation offers the most logical reason for this action? a) Elevated body temperature will increase reaction rates in the child's cells and overload the limited number of enzymes found in the cell b) Elevated body temperatures may denature enzymes. This would interferer with the cell's abilities to catalyze various reactions c) Elevated body temperatures will increase the energy of activation needed to start various chemical reactions d) Elevated body temperatures cause molecules to vibrate more quickly and prevent enzymes from easily attaching to reactants. This would slow vital body reactions e) Elevated body temperatures easily break the covalent bonds linking biologically important molecules. This will cause a general breakdown of cell structures

b) Elevated body temperatures may denature enzymes. This would interferer with the cell's abilities to catalyze various reactions

Which of the following statements is not true? a) The parental plants of a cross are the P generation b) Hybrids hane homozygous genotypes c) Mendel's F1 pea plants were hybrids for purple flowers d) Mendel's F2 pea plants exhibited 3 dominant: 1 recessive phenotype

b) Hybrids hane homozygous genotypes

Which of the following genotypes result in the same phenotype? a) IA IA and IA I B b) IB IB and IB i c) IB IB and IA IB d) IB and ii

b) IB IB and IB i

Which of the following is not true of the inner mitochondrial membrane? a) ATP synthase is associated with it b) It plays a role in the production of pyruvate c) Electron carriers are associated with it d) It is involved in chemiosmosis e) An H+ gradient exists across it

b) It plays a role in the production of pyruvate

How do the reaction centers of photosystem I and II differ? a) chlorophyll a is found un photosystem I, and chlorophyll b in photosystem II b) They absorb slightly different wavelengths of light c) One is located in the thylakoid membrane, and the other in the stroma d) Only photosystem I is found int eh thylakoid membranes e) None of the choices are correct

b) They absorb slightly different wavelengths of light

You now know that the old cliché "oil and water don't mix" is true. Why? a) Oil exhibits polarity and water does not b) Water exhibits polarity and oil does not c) oil is hydrophilic d) Water is hydrophobic e) oil is an organic compound and water is not

b) Water exhibits polarity and oil does not

A stromatolite is... a) a fossilized bacterial mat probably formed mainly by ancient heterotrophic bacteria b) a fossilized bacterial mat probably formed mainly by ancient cyanobacteria c) a living bacterial mat formed mainly by cyanobacteria d) a living algal mat formed mainly by green algae e) a living algal mat formed mainly by slime molds

b) a fossilized bacterial mat probably formed mainly by ancient cyanobacteria

What is mutation? a) a gene that causes a disease b) a random change in an organism's DNA c) a chance change in the gene pool of a small population d) the immigration of alleles into a gene pool e) the emigration of alleles out of a gene pool

b) a random change in an organism's DNA

Which of the following permits a single gene to code for more than one polypeptide? a) retention of different introns in the final version of the different mRNA strands b) alternative (RNA) splicing c) protein degradation d) genetic differentiation e) addition of different types of caps and tails to the final version of the mRNA strands

b) alternative (RNA) splicing

Glucose molecules are to starch as______ are to proteins. a) oils b) amino acids c) fatty acids d) waxes e) lards

b) amino acids

Broccoli and cabbages are both descended from the same wild mustard and can still interbreed. The existence of these two vegetables is an example of... a) speciation b) artificial selection c) natural selection d) genetic drift e) inheritance of acquired characteristics

b) artificial selection

Radioactive isotopes.. a) have no medical usage b) can be used in conjunction with PET scans to diagnose a patient c) have no effect on living tissue d) never occur naturally e) are never incorporated into organic compounds

b) can be used in conjunction with PET scans to diagnose a patient

Which of the following photosynthetic pigments can be found at the photosystem reaction center? a) chlorophyll b b) chlorophyll a c) a carotenoid d) phycocyanin e) None of the choices are correct

b) chlorophyll a

The process by which the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell divides to produce two cells is called... a) mitosis b) cytokinesis c) binary fission d) telophase e) spindle fibers

b) cytokinesis

A radioactive isotope is one that... a) is stable b) decays c) has more protons than the common variant of the element d) has more electrons than the common variant of the element e) has the same atomic mass, but a different atomic number than the common variant of the element

b) decays

The primary decomposers of a community are called a) primary consumers b) detritivores c) primary producers d) protozoa e) herbivores

b) detritivores

Certain cells that line the stomach synthesize a digestive enzyme and secrete it into the stomach. This enzyme is a protein. Which of the following processes could be responsible for its secretion? a) endocytosis b) exocytosis c) diffusion d) pinocytosis e) passive transport

b) exocytosis

The coding regions of a gene (the portions that are expressed as polypeptide sequences) are called a) introns b) exons c) redundant coding section d) proto-oncogenes e) nucleosomes

b) exons

Unlike mitosis, meiosis results in the formation of a) two genetically identical cells b) four genetically different cells c) four genetically identical cells d) two generally different cells

b) four genetically different cells

The storage form of carbohydrates in animals is_____ and in plants is __________. a) starch....glycogen b)glycogen...starch c) cellulose....glycogen d)glycogen...cellulose e)sucrose...glycogen

b) glycogen...starch

Unlike mitosis, meiosis results in the formation of a) diploid cells b) haploid cells c) somatic cells d) body cells

b) haploid cells

In lab, you use a special balloon that is permeable to water but not sucrose to make an "artificial cell." The balloon is filled with a solution of 20% sucrose and 80% water and is immersed in a beaker containing a solution of 40% sucrose and 60% water. The solution in the balloon is_______ relative to the solution in the beaker. a) isotonic b) hypotonic c) hypertonic d) hydrophobic e) hydrophilic

b) hypotonic

What us the fundamental difference between covalent and ionic bonding? a) in a covalent bond, the partners have identical electronegativity; in an ionic bond, one of them is more electronegative b) in a covalent bond, the partners share a pair of electrons; in a ionic bond, one partner captures an electron from the other c) in covalent bonding, both partners end up with filled outer electron shells; in ionic bonding, one partner does and the other does not d) covalent bonding involves only the other electron shell; ionic bonding also involves the next inner electron shell e) covalent bonds form between atoms of the same element; ionic bonds, between atoms of different elements

b) in a covalent bond, the partners share a pair of electrons; in a ionic bond, one partner captures an electron from the other

Some protozoans have special organelles called contractile vacuoles that continually eliminates excess water from the cell. The presence of these organelles tells you that the environment... a) is isotonic to the protozoan b) is hypotonic to the protozoan c) is hypertonic to the protozoan d) contains a higher concentration of solutes than the protozoan e) None of the choices are correct

b) is hypotonic to the protozoan

Oxidation is the _____, and reduction is the _____. a) gain of electrons/ hydrogen....loss of electrons/hydrogen b) loss of electrons/hydrogen....gain of electrons/hydrogen c) loss of oxygen ions...gain of oxygen ions d) gain of oxygen ions...loss of oxygen ions e) gain of protons...loss of protons

b) loss of electrons/hydrogen....gain of electrons/hydrogen

A change in the relative frequencies of alleles in the gene pool of a population is called... a) genetic drift b) microevolution c) mutation d) diversifying selection e) directional selection

b) microevolution

If nondisjunction occurs during meiosis a) only two gametes may form instead of four b) some gametes may have an extra copy of some genes c) the chromatids do not separate d) it occurs during prophase

b) some gametes may have an extra copy of some genes c) the chromatids do not separate

The Golgi apparatus a) is composed of stacks of membranous vesicles that are continuous with one another b) stores, modifies, and packages proteins c) strings together amino acids to produce proteins d) forms fats from glycerols and fatty acids e) is the site of carbohydrate breakdown

b) stores, modifies, and packages proteins

Most sex-linked gene are located on a) the autosomes b) the X chromosomes only c) the Y chromosomes only d) both the X chromosome and the Y chromosome

b) the X chromosomes only

The primary structure of a protein is... a) an alpha helix or a pleated sheet b) the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide chain c) composed of two or more polypeptide chains d) maintained by hydrogen bonds e) irregular folding

b) the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide chain

Amino acids can de distinguished from one another by... a) the number of R groups found on the amino acid molecules b) the chemical properties of their R groups c) the type of bond between the R group and the rest of the amino acid molecule d) the chemical properties of their amino acid and carboxyl groups e) all of the choices are correct

b) the chemical properties of their R groups

According to _____, energy cannot be created or destroyed a) Aristotle's first principle b) the first law of thermodynamics c) the second lady of thermodynamics d) the third law of thermodynamics e) Einstein's law of relativity

b) the first law of thermodynamics

A scientist suspects that the food in an ecosystem may have been contaminated with radioactive nitrogen period of months. Which of the following substances could be examined for radioactivity to test the hypothesis ? a) the cell walls of plants growing in the ecosystem b) the hair produced by humans living in the ecosystem c) the sugars produced during photosynthesis by plants growing in the ecosystem d) the cholesterol in the cell membranes of organisms living in the ecosystem e) any of these choices

b) the hair produced by humans living in the ecosystem

What is photorespiration? a) light-driven cleavage of glucose to yield three two-carbon compounds, which are broken down to CO2 and H2O without producing ATP b) the incorporation of O2 instead of CO2 by rubisco c) the opening and closing of stomata in response to changes in light intensity d) the increase in the rate of mitochondrial respiration that takes place when a leaf is exposed to light and photosynthesis produces glucose e) ATP synthesis driven by light energy

b) the incorporation of O2 instead of CO2 by rubisco

Alleles of a gene are found at _______ chromosomes a) different loci on homologous b) the same locus on homologous c) different loci on heterologous d) the same locus on heterologous

b) the same locus on homologous

Which one of the following represents two structures that are homologous? a) the wing of a bat and the scales of a fish b) the wing of a bat and the flipper of a whale c) the antennae of an insect and the eyes of a bird d) the feathers of a bird and the salt glands of a blue-footed booby e) the legs of a fly and the wings of a bird

b) the wing of a bat and the flipper of a whale

Where is chlorophyll found in a plant cell? a) stroma b) thylakoid membranes c) matrix d) cytoplasm e) cristae

b) thylakoid membranes

Sister chromatids are a) found only when a cell is not actively diving b) tightly linked together at the centromere c) formed when chromatids separate during cell division d) made only of RNA e) unique to prokaryotes

b) tightly linked together at the centromere

The transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA is called a) translation b) transcription c) initiation d) elongation e) promotion

b) transcription

Which of the following is a coenzyme? a) zinc b) vitamin B6 c) iron d) iodine e) hydrogen ions

b) vitamin B6

Sucrose is formed... a) from two glucose molecules b) when glucose and fructose combine by dehydration synthesis c) when ionic bonds link two monosaccharides e) when glucose and lactose are combined

b) when glucose and fructose combine by dehydration synthesis

When full, the innermost electron shell of an atom contains______ electrons, and the outermost shell contains_______ electrons. a) 2....2 b)2.....8 c)4.....8 d)8....2 e)8....8


Which of these is an amino acid group? a) -C=O b) -OH c) -NH2 d)-COOH e) -SH

c) -NH2

What probable percentage of human sperm cells carry an X chromosome? a) 0% b) 25% c) 50% d) 100%

c) 50%

If a man with blood type A and a woman with blood type B produces an offspring, what might be the offspring's blood type? a) AB or O b) A, B, or O c) A, B, AB, or O d) AB only

c) A, B, AB, or O

The five most common elements in living organisms are... a) C,H,O, Na, Cl b)C, H, O, Na, Ca c) C, H, O, N, Ca d) C, N, O, Na, Cl e) C, N,O Ca, Fe

c) C, H, O, N, Ca

How does inhibition of an enzyme-cataylze reaction by a competitive inhibitor differ from inhibition by a noncompetitive inhibitor? a) Competitive inhibitors interfere with the enzyme; noncompetitive inhibitors interfere with the reactants b) Competitive inhibitors bind to the enzyme reversibly; noncompetitive inhibitors bind to it irreversibly c) Competitive inhibitors change the enzyme's tertiary structure;noncompetitive inhibitors cause polypeptide subunits to dissociate d) Competitive inhibitors bind to the active site of the enzyme; noncompetitive inhibitors bind to a different site e) Competitive inhibitors are inorganic substances such as metal ions; noncompetitive inhibitors are vitamins or vitamin derivatives

c) Competitive inhibitors change the enzyme's tertiary structure;noncompetitive inhibitors cause polypeptide subunits to dissociate

Which one of the following is not true? a) An enzyme's function depends on its three-dimensional shape b) Enzymes are very specific for certain substances c) Enzymes are used up in chemical reactions d) Enzymes emerge unchanged from the reactions they catalyze e) An enzyme binds to its substrate at the enzyme's active site

c) Enzymes are used up in chemical reactions

The electrons lost from the reaction center of photosystem II are replaced by electrons from a) CO2 b) ATP c) H2O d) NADPH e) photosystem I

c) H2O

Which one of the following statements concerning energy is not true? a) fireflies are able to take potential energy i the form of food and convert theta energy into kinetic energy in the form of heat and light b) A gasoline engine converts chemical energy into kinetic energy c) Living systems convert heat energy into chemical energy to reduce entropy d) Energy transformations in cells are accompanied by the release of heat energy e) During photosynthesis, plants convert kinetic energy into chemical energy

c) Living systems convert heat energy into chemical energy to reduce entropy

Discuss each of the following throughly with regard to plant cell mitosis: c) IMPORTANCE of mitosis to the plant d) Similarities to, and differences from, animal cell mitosis

c) Mitosis is important to plant cells because it is needed for the plant to grow bigger like in stems. Cell divisions helps build up the plant cell. It also helps if a plant is damaged cell division is needed to fix the plant. Also, when a plant cell gets too large, it becomes too inefficient for it to move waster and nutrients around. d) Plant cell mitosis and animal cell mitosis is the same prices until they reach cytokinesis. In animal cells, Cytokinesis happens through cleavage furrow. The cell pinched then separates. While plant cells build a cell plate through vesicles and it becomes a cell wall, creating 2 new plant cells

Which one of the following is not true? a) A ribosome consists of two subunits b) the subunits of the ribosome are made of proteins and ribosomal RNA c) THe subunits of the ribosomes are the same size d) The A site of the ribosome holds tRNA carrying the next amino acid to be added to the growing polypeptide chain e) The P site of the ribosome holds the tRNA carrying the growing polypeptide chain

c) THe subunits of the ribosomes are the same size

Which one of the following did Darwin discover that led him to suspect that species in the Americas were more closely related to each other than to species elsewhere? a) The South American fossils he collected were more similar to North American fossils than to living South American species b) The South American fossils he collected included many species that seemed less advanced than their modern counterparts c) The South America fossils he collected were more similar to living South American species than to fossils from other continents d) The animals he found in the Galápagos resembles South American animals more closely than animals from other continents e) Many of the fossils he collected in South America belonged belonged to species that no longer exist

c) The South America fossils he collected were more similar to living South American species than to fossils from other continents

Househole ammonia has a pH of 12; household bleach has a pH of 13. Which of the following statements is true? a) Both of these substances are strong acids b) the ammonia had 10 times as many OH- ions as the bleach c) The ammonia has 10 times as many H+ ions as the bleach d) A solution that could buffer the bleach and ammonia would remove excess OH- ions e) The ammonia has 10 times as many OH- ions as the bleach and a solution that could buffer the bleach and ammonia would remove excess OH-ions

c) The ammonia has 10 times as many H+ ions as the bleach

Which of the following does not occur during mitotic anaphase? a) The centromeres of each chromosome divide b) sister chromatids separate c) The chromatid DNA replicates d) daughter chromosomes begin to move toward opposite poles of the cell e) all of the choices occur during mitotic anaphase

c) The chromatid DNA replicates

If you made a Punnett square showing Gregor Mendel's cross between true-breeding tall plants and true-breeding short plants, the square would show that the offspring had a) the genotype of one of the parents b) a phenotype that was different from that of both parents c) a genotype that was different from that of both parents d) the genotype of both parents

c) a genotype that was different from that of both parents

when water dissociates, what is transferred from one water molecule to form a hydronium ion? a) H3O+ b) hydrogen atom c) a hydrogen ion d) H2O e) OH-

c) a hydrogen ion

The DNA sequence that marks the end of a gene and causes transcription to stop is a) RNA polymerase b) RNA ligase c) a terminator d) reverse transcription e) methionine

c) a terminator

Which of the following substances could be used be a cofactor? a) a protein b) a polypeptide c) a zinc atom or ion d) a ribosome e) None of the choices are correct

c) a zinc atom or ion

Metabolism is.... a) the consumption of energy b) the release of energy c) all the conversions of matter and energy taking place in an organism d) the productions of heat by chemical reactions e) the exchange of nutrients and waste products with the environment

c) all the conversions of matter and energy taking place in an organism

Organic compounds... a) always contain carbon b) are synthesized by cells c) always contain carbon and can be synthesized by cells d) can only be synthesized in a laboratory e) always contain nitrogen

c) always contain carbon and can be synthesized by cells

Which of the following statements about pH is/are true? a) pH is measure of hydroxide ion concentration b) a single unit change on the pH scale is equivalent to a 1% change in hydronium ion concentration c) an increase inn hydronium ion concentration means a decrease in pH scale units d) pH stands for per cent hydrogen e) none of the choices are true

c) an increase in hydronium ion concentration means a decrease in pH scale units

Which of the following account for most mutations? a) mutations that alter polysaccharide structure and mutations that do not b) nucleotide misreads and sugar substitutions c) base substitutions and base deletions d) translations and inversions e) none of the choices are correct

c) base substitutions and base deletions

When physicians perform an organ transplant, they choose a donor whose tissues match those of the recipient as closely as possible. Which of the following cell components are being matched? a) plasma membrane phospholipids b) plasma membrane proteins c) cell-surface carbohydrates d) plasma membrane cholesterols e) cytoskeletal elements

c) cell-surface carbohydrates

Which one of the following lists contains only polysaccharides? a) sucrose, starch, and cellulose b) starch, amino acids, and glycogen c) cellulose, starch, and glycogen d) nucleotides, glycogen, and cellulose e) fructose, cellulose, and glucose

c) cellulose, starch, and glycogen

A cross of a black chicken (BB) with a white chicken (WW) produces all speckled offspring (BW). Thus type of inheritance is known as a) incomplete dominance b) polygenic inheritance c) codominance d) multiple alleles

c) codominance

A compound... a) is a pure element b) is less common than a pure element c) contains two or more elements in a fixed ratio d) is exemplified by sodium e) is a solution

c) contains two or more elements in a fixed ratio

What type of bond gins the phosphates of ATP? a) hydrophobic b) hydrogen c) covalent d) hydrophilic e) ionic

c) covalent

When animal cells are grown in aperture dish, they typically stop dividing once they have formed a single, unbroken layer on the bottom of the dish. This cessation(stop,end) of division is an example of... a) cancer b) cell constraint c) density-dependent inhibition d) cell division repression e) growth factor desensitization

c) density-dependent inhibition

Chloroplasts contain dislike membranes sacs in STACKS called a) cristae b) thylakoids c) grana d) vacuoles e) stroma

c) grana

Fatty acids are... a) composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio b) composed of carbon, hydrogen, glycerol, and a phosphate group c) hydrophobic d) composed of four linked rings e) components of DNA

c) hydrophobic

Where do transcription and translation occur in prokaryotic cells? a) on the plasma membrane b) in the nucleus c) in the cytoplasm d) in chromatophores e) in the cell wall

c) in the cytoplasm

The mitochondrial cristae are adaptation that a) permits the expansion of mitochondria as oxygen accumulates in the mitochondrial matrix b) helps mitochondria divide during times of greatest cellular respiration c) increases the space for many copies of the electron transport chain and main ATP synthase complexes d) carefully encloses the DNA housed within the mitochondrial matrix e) none of the choices are correct

c) increases the space for many copies of the electron transport chain and main ATP synthase complexes

During which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes line up on a plane located equidistant from the two spindle poles? a) interphase b) prophase c) metaphase d) anaphase e) telophase

c) metaphase

The enzyme of the Krebs cycle are located in the a) cytoplasm b) outer mitochondrial membrane c) mitochondrial matrix d) inner mitochondrial membrane e) inter membrane space of the mitochondria

c) mitochondrial matrix

Cellulose differs from starch in that... a) the monomers of cellulose are held together by covalent bonds, whereas the monomers of starch are held together by hydrogen bonds b) glycogen is formed by plants and cellulose by animals c) most animals cannot break down cellulose, whereas starch is easily digested d) starch is made of glucose monomers, whereas cellulose is made of fructose monomers e) all of the choices are correct

c) most animals cannot break down cellulose, whereas starch is easily digested

A solution with a pH of 7 is... a) strongly acidic b) weakly acidic c) neutral d) weakly basic e) strongly basic

c) neutral

Rotenone is a poison commonly added to insecticides. This molecule binds to the first electron carrier molecule in the electron transport system. Which of the following statements best describes the effect that it has on an insect? The insect will die because a) anaerobic respiration can't occur b) high levels of fermentation products will build up c) of inadequate ATP production d) H2O will not be produced and dehydration will occur e) None of the choices are correct

c) of inadequate ATP production

Diffusion does not require the cell to expend ATP. Therefore, diffusion is considered a type of... a) exocytosis b) phagocytosis c) passive transport d) active transport e) endocytosis

c) passive transport

The transfer of a phosphate group to a molecule or compound is called a) carboxylation b) ionization c) phosphorylation d) hydrogen bonding e) hydrogenation

c) phosphorylation

The hydrogen atoms of a water molecule are bonded to the oxygen atom by_____ bonds, whereas neighboring water molecules are held together by_____ bonds. a) hydrohen.....ironic b) hydrogen ....polar covalent c) polar covalent....hydrogen d) ionic....covalent e) polar covalent....ionic

c) polar covalent....hydrogen

You are the director of research for a drug company. The following list of candidate drugs is brought to you. Which is most likely to be worth developing as a cancer chemotherapy agent? A drug that a) causes cells to divide at a right angle from their usual orientation b) interferes with cellular respiration c) prevents sister chromatids from separating at anaphase d) prevents crossing over e) prevents tetrad formation

c) prevents sister chromatids from separating at anaphase

Which list consists of only polymers? a) simple sugars, amino acids, nucleic acids, lipids b) proteins, nucleic acids, amino acids c) proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides d) proteins, nucleotides, simple sugars e) polysaccharides, lipids, amino acids, nucleic acids

c) proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides

Cells acquire cholesterol by a) osmosis b) diffusion c) receptor-mediated endocytosis d) pinocytosis e) phagocytosis

c) receptor-mediated endocytosis

In a food chain consisting of phytoplankton->zooplankton->fish->fishermen->sharks, the fishermen are a) primary consumers b) secondary consumers c) tertiary consumers d) primary producers e) secondary producers

c) tertiary consumers

The genetic material is duplicated during a) the mitotic phase b) G1 c) the S phase d) G2 e) mitosis

c) the S phase

Colorblindness is more common in males than in females because a) fathers pass the allele for colorblindness to their sons only b)the allele for colorblindness is located on the Y chromosome c) the allele for colorblindness is recessive and located on the X chromosome d) males who are colorblind have two copies of the allele for colorblindness

c) the allele for colorblindness is recessive and located on the X chromosome

The active site of an enzyme is a) the region of a substrate that is changed by an enzyme b) the highly changeable portion of an enzyme that adapts to fit the substrate of various reactions c) the region of an enzyme that attached to a substrate d) the region of a product that detached from the enzyme e) none of the choices are correct

c) the region of an enzyme that attached to a substrate

Which of the following processes is endergonic? a) the burning of wood b) the release of heat from the breakdown of glucose c) the synthesis of glucose from carbon dioxide and water d) the breakdown of glucose to power ATP formation e) cellular respiration

c) the synthesis of glucose from carbon dioxide and water

Cows can derive nutrients from cellulose because... a) they produce the enzymes that break down cellulose b) they chew their food so thoroughly that cellulose fibers are broken down c) their intestinal tract contains cellulose-hydrolizing microorganisms d) they convert cellulose into starch, which is easily broken down int he intestinal tract e) their intestinal tract contains termites, which can break down cellulose

c) their intestinal tract contains cellulose-hydrolizing microorganisms

Experiments have demonstrated that the "words" of the genetic code ( the units that specify amino acids) are a) single nucleotides b) two-nucleotide sequences c) three-nucletotide sequences d) nucleotide sequences of various lengths e) enzymes

c) three-nucletotide sequences

Which one of the following is not a function of tRNA? a) picking up the amino acid specified by the anticodon b) recognizing the appropriate codons in mRNA c) transferring nucleotides to rRNA d) translation codons into amino acids

c) transferring nucleotides to rRNA

Facilitated diffusion across a biological membrane requires_______ and moves a substance_______its concentration gradient a) ATP and transport proteins...down b) ATP...down c) transport proteins...down d)ATP and transport proteins...against e) transport proteins...against

c) transport proteins...down

A scientist performs a controlled experiment. This means that... a) the experiment is repeated many times to ensure that the results are accurate b) the experiment proceeds at a slow pace to guarantee that the scientist can carefully observe all reactions and process all experimental data c) two experiments are conducted, one differing from the other by only a single variable d) two experiments, one differing from the other by only two or more variables e) one experiment is performed, but the scientist controls the variables

c) two experiments are conducted, one differing from the other by only a single variable

A homozygous recessive genotype could be a) WW b) WwXx c) ww d) WwXX

c) ww

Structure where DNA is located

chromosomes in the nucleus

What is the technical name for such a group of bases found on mRNA?


An uncharged atom of boron has an atomic number of 5 and an atomic mass of 11. How many electrons does boron have? a)11 b) 15 c) 0 d) 5 e) 2

d) 5

Which of the following are produced during the light reactions of photosynthesis? a) glucose, ADP, NADP+ b) glucose, ADP, NADP+, CO2 c) ADP, NADP+,O2 d) ATP, NADPH, O2 e) ATP, NADPH, CO2


The overall equation for the cellular respiration glucose is a) C5H12O6 + 6 O2 -> 5 CO2 + 6 H2O +energy (ATP) b) 5 CO2 +6 H2O -> C5H12O6 + 6 O2 + energy (ATP) c) C5H12O6 + 3 O2->6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy(ATP) d) C5H12O6 +6 O2-> 6 CO2 + H2O + energy (ATP) e) none of the choices are correct

d) C5H12O6 +6 O2-> 6 CO2 + H2O + energy (ATP)

Which of the following statements is correct? a) Genes are proteins that produce DNA b) Each organism has its own unique RNA code c) The DNA of humans is more similar to the DNA of birds than it is to that of apes d) Differences among organisms reflect different sequences in their DNA e) Each DNA molecules is a single strand of nucleotides

d) Differences among organisms reflect different sequences in their DNA

The Galápagos Islands are off the west coast of... a) Brazil b) Colombia c) Canada d) Ecuador e) Portugal

d) Ecuador

What is the basic difference between exergonic and endergonic reactions? a) Exergonic reactions involve ionic bonds; endergonic reactions involve covalent bonds b) Exergonic reactions involve the breaking of bonds; endergonic reaction involve the formation of bonds c) Exergonic reactions involve the formation of bonds; endergonic reactions involve the breaking of bonds d) Exergonic reaction release energy; endergonic reactions absorb it e) In exergonic reactions, the reactants have less chemical energy than the products; in endergonic reactions, the opposite is true

d) Exergonic reaction release energy; endergonic reactions absorb it

A pharmaceutical company hires a chemist to analyze the purity of the water being used in its drug preparations. If the water is pure, the chemist might find... a) only molecules of H20 b) H2O molecules and H+ions c) H2O molecules and OH- ions d) H2O molecules, H3O+ions, and OH-ions e) only H+ ions and OH- ions

d) H2O molecules, H3O+ions, and OH-ions

Which of the following substances would have the most trouble crossing a biological membrane by diffusing through the lipid bilayer? a) H2O b) O2 c) CO2 d) NA+ e) a small, non polar molecule such as butane (C4H10)

d) NA+

Which of the following was probably not present in the primitive Earth's atmosphere? a) CH4 b) NH3 c) CO2 d) O2 e) H2O

d) O2

What happens between meiosis I and meiosis II that helps to reduce the number of chromosomes? a) crossing-over b) metaphase occurs c) Replication occurs twice d) Replication does not occur

d) Replication does not occur

Which one of the following is not true? a) polypeptides form proteins that determine the appearance and function of the cell and organism b) Eukaryotic mRNA is processed in several ways before export out of the nucleus c) The codons in a gene specify the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide d) Transcription occurs in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells e) Ribosomes function as factories that coordinate the functioning of mRNA and tRNA

d) Transcription occurs in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells

Which one of the following is an example of a hybrid that is both healthy and sterile? a) a cross between a thoroughbred racehorse and a mustang horse b) a pony c) a donkey d) a zedonk e) a colt

d) a zedonk

Which one of the following represents the sequence of organization, from simplest to most complex, of actin as it naturally occurs in a flight muscle of an insect? a) actin, tissue, cell, flight muscle b) flight muscle, actin, cell, tissue c) cell, actin, flight muscle, tissue d) actin, cell, tissue, flight muscle

d) actin, cell, tissue, flight muscle

Which of the following are shown in a karyotype? a) homologous chromosomes b) sex chromosomes c) autosomes d) all of the above

d) all of the above

Miller was the first to show that... a) the earliest forms of life were photosynthetic b) eukaryotic life evolved from early prokaryotes c) the primitive atmosphere contained ammonia and methane d) amino acids and other organic molecules could have been generated on a lifeless Earth e) the earliest forms of life had an RNA genome

d) amino acids and other organic molecules could have been generated on a lifeless Earth

Mature human nerve cells... a) remain undifferentiated unless an injury occurs b) become cancerous more easily than other cell types c) continue to divide throughout their lifetime d) are permanently in a state of non division e) cease dividing after a predetermined number of cell generations

d) are permanently in a state of non division

Which one of the following would be most affected by a mutation that prevented cells from forming tight junction? a) attachment of cells to the surrounding matrix b) direct flow of water and small molecules from one cell to another c) integrity of the inner lining of the digestive tract d) attachment of the cytoskeleton to the inside of the plasma membrane e) is involved in self-recongnition

d) attachment of the cytoskeleton to the inside of the plasma membrane

Which of the following occurs during interphase? a) growth of the aster b) duplication of the chromosomes c) cell growth d) cell growth and duplication of the chromosomes e) none of the choices are correct

d) cell growth and duplication of the chromosomes

A buffer... a) is an acid that is used to offset overly basic conditions in the body b) is a base that is used to offset overly acidic conditions in the body c) donates OH- ions when conditions become too acidic and accepts OH- ions when conditions become too basic d) donates H+ ions when conditions become too basic and accepts H+ ions when conditions become too acidic e) donates OH- ions when conditions become too basic and accepts OH- ions when conditions become too acidic

d) donates H+ ions when conditions become too basic and accepts H+ ions when conditions become too acidic

In ecosystems, the flow of ____is one way, while______ are constantly cycled. a) minerals.... energy compounds b) genetic information....genotypes c)organic compounds...minerals d) energy...materials e) food... energy

d) energy...materials

Which of the following is not an example of a photosynthetic autotroph? a) the leaves of potatoes, beets, and carrots b) seaweed c) herbs such as thyme, parsley, and basil d) fungi such as mushrooms, mold and mildew e) blue-green and green-algae

d) fungi such as mushrooms, mold and mildew

It is essential for heart muscle cells to beat in a coordinated fashion. The cell junctions that would best facilitate this are... a) occluding junctions b) desmosomes c) tight junction d) gap junction e) plasmodesmata

d) gap junction

Which one of the following occurs when RNA polymerase attaches to the promoter DNA? a) elongation of the growing RNA molecule b) termination of the RNA molecule c) addition of nucleotides to the DNA template d) initiation of a new RNA molecule e) initiation of a new polypeptide chain

d) initiation of a new RNA molecule

During cellular respiration, NADH a) is converted to NAD+ by an enzyme called a dehydrogenase b) is converted directly into ATP c) is reduced to form NAD+ d) is oxidized when it gives up electrons and hydrogen to other molecules e) none of the choices are correct

d) is oxidized when it gives up electrons and hydrogen to other molecules

Kinetic energy differs from chemical energy in that a) Kinetic energy is stored energy that has potential to do work, and chemical energy is the energy of movement b) Kinetic energy depends on the movement of atoms, whereas chemical energy depends on the movement of molecules c) Kinetic energy can be converted into various forms of energy, whereas chemical energy can only be converted into heat d) kinetic energy is the energy of a moving object, whereas chemical energy is the potential energy of molecules e) chemical energy is a particular form of kinetic energy

d) kinetic energy is the energy of a moving object, whereas chemical energy is the potential energy of molecules

Peptide bonds... a) are used to form amino acids b) form between fatty acids c) are linked formed by a hydrolysis reaction d) link amino acids e) none of the choices are correct

d) link amino acids

A cell... a) can be composed of many types of tissues b) is found only in plants and animals c) is the smallest entity studied by biologists d) may be a distinct entity or building block of a more complex organism e) all of the above

d) may be a distinct entity or building block of a more complex organism

Life is organized in a hierarchical fashion. Which one of the following sequences illustrates that hierarchy as it increases in complexity? a) ecosystem, population, organ system, cell, community, molecule, organ, organism, tissue b) cell, molecule, organ system, organ, population, tissue, organs, ecosystem, molecule c) organism, organ system, tissue, population, organ, community, ecosystem d) molecule, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem e) ecosystem, molecule, cell, tissue, organism, organ system, organ, community

d) molecule, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem

A diet high in animal products may increase the risk for hardening of the arteries. This is because... a) most animal fats are unsaturated and most animal products contain high levels of steroids b) most animal fats are hydrogenated oils and most animal products contain high levels of phospholipids c) most animal fats are used for energy storage and most animal products contain high levels of unsaturated fats d) most animal fats are saturated and most animal products contain high level of triglycerides e) most animal products contain high levels of unsaturated oils and anabolic steroids

d) most animal fats are saturated and most animal products contain high level of triglycerides

Which one of the following was not a main idea that Darwin advanced in his works? a) species change over time b) living species have arisen from earlier life forms c) modern species arose through a process known as "descent with modification" d) new species can form by inheritance of acquired characteristics e) new species arise by natural selection

d) new species can form by inheritance of acquired characteristics

Which of the following is not a characteristic of most living organisms? a) regulation of internal environment b) composed of one or more cells c) ability to produce biological molecules d) none of the above

d) none of the above

Shape of a DNA molecule

double helix

Which of the following is not a true statement about diffusion? Diffusion a) is a result of the kinetic energy of atoms and molecules b) is driven by an established concentration gradient c) required no input of energy into the system d) occurs when particles spread from areas where there are less concentrated to areas where there are more concentrated e) proceeds until equilibrium is reached

d) occurs when particles spread from areas where there are less concentrated to areas where there are more concentrated

Gametes have a) homologous chromosomes b) twice the number of chromosomes found in body cells c) two sets of chromosomes d) one allele for each gene

d) one allele for each gene

The energy that excites P680 and P700 is supplied by a) electrons passing down the electron transport chain b) the breaking of glucose bonds c) ATP d) photons e) NADPH

d) photons

UNLIKE those of eukaryotes, the electron transport chains of prokaryotes are located in the a) ER b) nuclear membrane c) central vacuole d) plasma membrane e) Golgi apparatus

d) plasma membrane

A concentration gradient is a form of a) kinetic energy b) life c) an exergonic reaction d) potential energy e) entropy

d) potential energy

Proteins containing more than one polypeptide chin exhibits the _____ level of protein structure. a) primary b) secondary c) tertiary d) quaternary e) infinite

d) quaternary

A tall plant is crossed with a short plant to yield an F1 generation, all the plants of which are tall. If the tall F1 pea plants are allowed to self-fertilize a) the offspring will be of medium height b) all of the offspring will be tall c) all of the offspring will be short d) some of the offspring will be tall and some will be short

d) some of the offspring will be tall and some will be short

In the chloroplast, sugars are made in a compartment that is filled with a thick fluid called the a) whasta stomata b) thylakoid c) matrix d) stroma e) mesophyll

d) stroma

In an average ecosystem, about how much energy is present in the organisms at a given trophic level compared to the organisms at the next higher trophic level? a) a tenth as much b) half as much c) twice as much d) ten times as much e) It is impossible to say without knowing which trophic levels are involved

d) ten times as much

A Punnett square shows all of the following except a) all possible results of a genetic cross b) the genotypes of the offspring c) the alleles in the gametes of each plant d) the actual results of a genetic cross

d) the actual results of a genetic cross

Many of fabrics are coated with a "water-repellent" chemical that causes water to bead on the fabric instead of soaking in. This probably occurs because... a) the coating has positive charges that repel the positively charges ends of the water molecules b)the coating has negative charges that repel the negatively charged ends of the water molecules c) the coating is neutral, and therefore repels water, which is also neutral d) the coating is neutral and repels the positive and negative ends of the water molecules e) the coating has positive charges that repel the positively charged ends of the water molecules and also has negative charges that repel the negatively charged ends of the water molecules

d) the coating is neutral and repels the positive and negative ends of the water molecules

The tertiary structure of a polypeptide refers to... a) its size b) the presence of pleated sheets c) the amino acids of which it is made d) the overall three-dimensional structure e) the number of R groups it contains

d) the overall three-dimensional structure

A solute is.... a) the dissolving agent of a solution b) the liquid portion of a solution c) usually water in living cells d) the substance that is dissolved in solution e) the dissolving agent of a solution which is usually oxygen in living cells

d) the substance that is dissolved in solution

Which one of the following is not true? Flying foxes... a) have excellent vision b)are actually bats c) eat fruit d) use echolocation e) are strong flyers

d) use echolocation

You are adrift in the Atlantic Ocean, and being thirsty, drink the surrounding seawater. As a result, a) you quench you thirst b) your cells lyse(rupture) due to excessive intake of salt c) your cells become turgid d) you dehydrate yourself e) none of these choice are correct

d) you dehydrate yourself

The atom sodium contains 11 electrons, 11 protons, and 12 neutrons. What is the mass number of sodium? a)0 b) 11 c) 22 d)23 e)34


Photosynthesis was a major evolutionary milestone because... a) photosynthesis organisms contributed oxygen to the environment, which led to the evolution of aerobic organisms b) photosynthesis let to conditions that allowed life to arise on land c) photosynthesis is the only metabolic process the can convert light energy to chemical d)all of the above

d)all of the above

The cell-cycle control system a) receives messages from outside of the cell that influence cell division b) triggers and controls major events in the cell cycle c) is influenced by growth factors that bind to cell receptors d) includes three key checkpoints to complete a cell cycle e) All of the choices are correct

e) All of the choices are correct

Which one of the following is not true about blue-footed boobies? a) The webbed feet of boobies make great flippers to propel them through the water b) The bobby's body and bill are streamlined, reducing friction when it dives c) A gland at the base of the tail secretes an oil that helps make the body waterproof d) A gland in the bird's eye socket accumulates salt from body fluids, helping to keep salt levels in the bird's body from reaching dangerous levels e) The large flat feet of boobies help them easily walk over the rough surface of the shoreline

e) The large flat feet of boobies help them easily walk over the rough surface of the shoreline

Do photosynthesizing plants have mitochondria? a) No, chloroplasts produce ATP as well as glucose b) Yes, to convert glucose into starch c) Yes, but only in CAM plants, in which carbon is fixed at night d) Yes, but they are used mainly to produce certain Krebs cycle intermediates, which are needed for the synthesis of compounds such as amino acids e) Yes, to supply the plant with the ATP needed to power various cell activities

e) Yes, to supply the plant with the ATP needed to power various cell activities

Which of these processed can move a solute against its concentration gradient? a) osmosis b) passive transport c) diffusion d) facilitated diffusion e) active transport

e) active transport

Characteristics of carbon that contribute to it ability to form an immense diversity of organic molecules include its... a) tendency to form covalent bonds b) ability to bond with up to four other atoms c) capacity to form single and double bonds d) ability to bond together to form extensive, branched or unbranched "carbon skeletons" e) all of the choices are correct

e) all of the choices are correct

Plasmodesmata a) penetrate plant cell walls b) are one type of cell junction in plants c) carry water between plant cells d) carry nutrients between plant cells e) all of the choices are correct

e) all of the choices are correct

Which of the following provides evidence that modern species have evolved from prior species? a) the fossil record b) comparative anatomy c) comparative embryology d) biogeography e) all of the choices are correct

e) all of the choices are correct

Which of the following factors can result in the denaturation of a protein? a) heat b) changes in pH c) chemicals that destroy hydrogen bonds d) changes in salt concentration e) all of the choices can result in the denaturation of a protein

e) all of the choices can result in the denaturation of a protein

Which of the following can affect the rate of an enzyme-cataylzed reaction? a) temperature b) pH c) competitive inhibitors d) noncompetitive inhibitors e) all the choices are correct

e) all the choices are correct

Compared to prokaryotic chromosomes, eukaryotic chromosomes a) are simpler b) are circular c) include d) are not copied e) are housed in a membrane-enclosed nucleus

e) are housed in a membrane-enclosed nucleus

Which one of the following statements is not true? Enzymes.... a) are proteins that change the rate of chemical reactions b) function as organic catalysts c) regulate virtually all chemical reactions in a cell d) have structures that correspond to their function e) are typically used up by the reactions they promote

e) are typically used up by the reactions they promote

The basic structural and physiological unit of all living organisms in the... a) aggregate b) organelle c) organism d) membrane e) cell

e) cell

Bases... a) donate H+ ions to solution b) accept H+ ions from solutions c) donate OH- ions to solution d) accept OH- ions from solutions e) either accept H+ions or donate OH-ions to solutions

e) either accept H+ions or donate OH-ions to solutions

Typically, nitrogen atoms are composed of seven electrons, seven protons, and seven neutrons. An isotope of nitrogen could... a) be positively charged b) be negatively charged c) have more than seven electrons and more than seven protons d) have more than seven each of electrons, protons, and neutrons e) have more than seven neutrons

e) have more than seven neutrons

The process of speciation occurs... a) in a relatively short time b) over extremely long periods of time c) only rarely d) once a generation e) in both relatively short time and over extremely long periods of time

e) in both relatively short time and over extremely long periods of time

The fluid mosaic model describes the plasma membrane as consisting of a) a phospholipid bilayer with embedded carbohydrates b) two layers of phospholipids with protein sandwiched between them c) a protein bilayer with embedded phospholipids d) carbohydrates, proteins, and phospholipids that can drift in the membrane e) individual proteins and phospholipids that can drift in a phospholipid bilayer

e) individual proteins and phospholipids that can drift in a phospholipid bilayer

Which one of the following is not true? Cell division a) is commonly referred to as cell reproduction b) is necessary for development to occur c) ensures the continuity of life from generation to generation d) is the basis of asexual reproduction e) is common in eukaryotes but rare in prokaryotes

e) is common in eukaryotes but rare in prokaryotes

Membrane phospholipids a) have hydrophobic heads that face the center of the membrane and are shielded from water b) have hydrophilic tails that face outward and are exposed to water c) often have "kinks" in their tails caused by the presence of a single rather than a double bond between carbons d) remain fluid because they are tightly packed against one another e) none of the choices are correct

e) none of the choices are correct

Table salt is formed when... a) chlorine gives an electron to sodium b) a hydrogen bond forms between sodium and chlorine c) sodium and chlorine share electrons to form a bond d) sodium crystals combine with chlorine crystals e) none of the statements are true

e) none of the statements are true

A phospholipid is composed of .... a) one glycerol molecule linked to three fatty acid molecules b) one fatty acid molecule linked to three glycerol molecules c) one glycerol molecule linked to three phosphate groups d) one fatty acid molecule linked to one glycerol molecule and two phosphate groups e) one glycerol molecule linked to one phosphate group and two fatty acid molecules

e) one glycerol molecule linked to one phosphate group and two fatty acid molecules

Molecular oxygen crosses a plasma membrane by... a) osmosis b) phagocytosis c) active transport d) pinocytosis e) passive transport

e) passive transport oxygen is non polar and requires no energy and is small

The act of a white blood cell engulfing a bacterium is a) osmosis b) diffusion c) recpetor-mediated endocytosis d) pinocytosis e) phagocytosis

e) phagocytosis

The electrons lost from the reaction center of photosystem I are replaced by electrons from a) CO2 b) ATP c) H2O d) NADPH e) photosystem II

e) photosystem II

A(n) ________forms when two atoms share electrons a) ion b) polar covalent bond c) nonpolar covalentbond d) ionic bond e) polar or nonpolar covalent bond

e) polar or nonpolar covalent bond

A molecule with the formula C55H110O55 is probably a(n)... a) oil b) steroid c) wax d) protein e) polysaccharide

e) polysaccharide

A biological species is defined as a... a) group of phenotypically indistinguishable organisms b) group of organisms that are phenotypically similar and that share a high proportion of genes c) group of organisms that share an ancestral- descendant sequence d) population or group of geographically contiguous populations whose members are phenotypically similar e) population or group of populations whose members have the potential to interbreed and produce fertile offspring

e) population or group of populations whose members have the potential to interbreed and produce fertile offspring

Within an ecosystem, a tree is a a) secondary consumer b) detritivore c) tertiary consumer d) primary consumer e) producer

e) producer

The________ suggests that speciation occurs in spurts. a) adaptive model of the origin of species b) ideas of Landmarck and Malthus c) theory put forth by Charles Lyell d) gradualist model of the origin of species e) punctuated equilibrium model

e) puncuated equilibrium model

Prior to mitosis, each chromosome of a eukaryotic cell consists of a pair of identical structures called a) chromatin b) sister chromosomes c) DNA transcripts d) nucleoli e) sister chromatids

e) sister chromatids

Glycolysis a) does not occur in plant cells b) does not occur in animal cells c) does not occur in bacterial cells d) does not occur in yeast cells e) takes place in virtually all cells

e) takes place in virtually all cells

During which phase of mitosis does the nuclear envelope re-form and the nucleoli reappear? a) anaphase b) metaphase c) prophase d) interphase e) telophase

e) telophase

A drug is tested in the laboratory and is found to create holes in both mitochondria membranes. Scientists suspect that the drug will be harmful to human cells because it will inhibit a) the Krebs cycle b) chemiosmosis c) glycolysis d) the formation of alcohol e) the Krebs cycle and chemiosmosis

e) the Krebs cycle and chemiosmosis

If placed in tap water, an animal cell will undergo lysis (rupture), whereas a plant cell will not. What accounts for this difference? a) expulsion of water by the plant cell's central vacuole b) the relative impermeability of the plant cell membrane to water c) the relative impermeability of the plant cell to water d) the fact that plant cells are isotonic to tap water e) the relative inelasticity and strength of the plant cell wall

e) the relative inelasticity and strength of the plant cell wall

The term anaerobic means a) without bacteria b) without ATP c) without CO2 d) with O2 e) without O2

e) without O2

One example of an environmental influence on a trait

hair dyeing

Enzyme that separated the two strand of DNA


passing traits from parent to child


Describe two different alleles


Describe identical alleles


Deoxyribonucleic acid

information for everything in our bodies and traits

What is the molecule that carries the information from a gene to the place where a protein will be made?


molecules around which DNA is wrapped


What is the structure in which proteins are made?


organelle that is described as a "protein factory"


Example of a behavioral trait

sheep dogs herd animals

Disease that results from a mutation in the gene for hemoglobin

sickle-cell anemia

What is the group of molecules that translate the genetic code?


The primary role(job) of a gene

to provide the information to make proteins

What is the process by which such a molecule is made?


What is another term for protein synthesis?


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