ANPS exam #3 lab 1

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All fibers of the semimembranosus muscle converge to insert on the __________. a posterior tibia b posterior femur c anterior tibia d anterior femur


At the completion of supinator action, the palm is turned __________. a anteriorly b posteriorly c laterally d medially


The action of the extensor digitorum longus muscle is to __________. a extend digits b plantar flex the foot c flex the digits d invert the foot


The gastrocnemius muscle is innervated by the __________. a tibial nerve b fibular nerve c ulnar nerve d plantar nerve


The gluteus maximus is the most powerful muscle during __________. a extension b lateral rotation c medial rotation d flexion


The lateral rotators act on the __________. a femur b lumbar vertebrae c os coxae d sacrum


The origins of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle are the __________. a lateral condyle and posterior surface of the femur b patellar surface and posterior surface of the femur c patellar surface and anterior surface of the femur d medial condyle and posterior surface of the femur


The temporalis muscle is innervated by the mandibular branch of the __________. a. trigeminal nerve b. abducens nerve c. optic nerve d. trochlear nerve


The tensor fascia latae is involved in hip __________. a abduction b extension c adduction d lateral rotation


Which muscle produces the same action (synergist) as the teres minor? a infraspinatus b latissimus dorsi c trapezius d teres major


Which of the following muscles does NOT flex the elbow (forearm)? a triceps brachii b biceps brachii c brachioradialis d brachialis


Which of the following muscles produces dorsiflexion when contracted? a tibialis anterior b gastrocnemius c soleus d extensor digitorum longus


Both heads of the biceps femoris muscle __________. a flex the hip b flex the leg at the knee c extend the leg at the knee d extend the hip


The actions of the internal intercostals are most important during __________. a. forced inspiration b. forced expiration c. normal expiration d. normal inspiration


The actions of the internal obliques include __________. a. compression of the abdomen to assist in forced inspiration b. compression of the abdomen to assist in forced expiration c. compression of the rib cage to assist in forced inspiration d. compression of the rib cage to assist in forced expiration


The origin of the external obliques includes ribs __________. a. seven through twelve b. five through twelve c. six through twelve d. eight through twelve


The origins of the rectus abdominus muscle are on the __________. a ileum bone b pubic bone c ischial bone d sacral bone


The prime mover of hip extension is the __________. a adductor magnus b gluteus maximus c pectineus d gracilis


The semimembranosus __________ the thigh at the hip and __________ the leg at the knee. a flexes; extends b extends; flexes c adducts; extends d abducts; flexes


The semitendinosus muscle lies ______________ to the semimembranosus muscle. a deep b posterior c anterior d lateral


The temporalis muscle originates on the __________ and inserts on the __________. a. zygomatic arch; temporal fossa b. temporal fossa; coronoid process of mandible c. temporal process; mandibular fossa d. temporal fossa; zygomatic arch


The tibialis anterior muscle dorsiflexes the foot at the ankle and also assists in __________ of the foot. a eversion b inversion c extension d plantar flexion


The transversus abdominus muscle is innervated by the __________. a left scapular nerve b intercostals nerves c thoracic nerve d inguinal nerve


To allow for flexion, the __________ unlocks the knee joint. a biceps femoris b popliteus c semimembranosus d sartorius


What is the action of the gluteus maximus? a abduction and medial rotation of hip b extension and lateral rotation of hip c adduction and lateral rotation of hip d flexion and medial rotation of hip


Which of the following is NOT part of the adductor group? a adductor longus b sartorius c pectineus d gracilis


Which of the following muscles is NOT part of the hamstring group? a semitendinosus b gluteus medius c semimembranosus d biceps femoris


The external intercostals elevate the rib cage during __________. a.both expiration and inspiration b. neither inspiration nor expiration c. inspiration d. expiration


The long head of the biceps femoris muscle originates on the __________. a posterior superior iliac spine b anterior superior iliac spine c ischial tuberosity d iliac crest


The main action of the fibularis longus is to __________. a invert the foot b dorsiflexes the foot c evert the foot d plantar flexes the foot


The origin of the rectus femoris is the ____________. a greater trochanter b linea aspera c anterior inferior iliac spine d anterior femur


The prime mover of elbow extension is the __________. a biceps brachii b anconeus c triceps brachii d brachialis


The soleus muscle __________ the foot at the ankle and is innervated by the __________. a extends; fibular nerve b flexes; fibular nerve c flexes; tibial nerve d extends; tibial nerve


The tensor fasciae latae stabilizes the hip joint and the __________ joint. a sacral b ankle c knee d elbow


The two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle converge to insert onto __________. a the middle phalanx of digit one b digits two through five c the calcaneus d the posterior surface of the tibia


Which of the following muscles is NOT part of the quadriceps femoris group? a rectus femoris b vastus lateralis c tensor fasciae latae d vastus medialis


Which of the following muscles produces extension of the finger joints and wrist? a aconeus b brachioradialis c extensor digitorum d triceps brachii


Movement of the elbow joint movement is limited to __________. a pronation and supination b supination and flexion c extension and pronation d flexion and extension


Movement of the forearm includes __________. a extension and pronation b supination and flexion c flexion and extension d pronation and supination


Muscles that act on the knee joint form most of the mass of the __________. a hip b knee c calf d thigh


The action of this muscle includes flexion, adduction and medial rotation at the shoulder. a palmaris longus b biceps brachii c sternocleidomastoid d pectoralis major


The biceps femoris is located in the __________. a posterior arm b anterior thigh c anterior arm d posterior thigh


The majority of the fibers of the gluteus maximus insert onto the __________. a superior border of the os coxae b gluteal tuberosity c inferior border of the os coxae d ileotibial tract


The masseter is innervated by the _____________ branch of the trigeminal nerve. a. maxillary b. lingual c. ophthalmic d. mandibular


The masseter muscle originates on the __________. a. medial surface of maxilla, but not the zygomatic arch b. medial and lateral surfaces of the maxilla and the inferior and superior border of the zygomatic arch c. inferior border of the zygomatic arch only d. medial surfaces of the maxilla and the zygomatic arch as well as the inferior border of the zygomatic arch


The muscle that generates the most power during elbow flexion is the __________. a triceps brachii b biceps brachii c brachioradialis d brachialis


The piriformis originates on the __________ and inserts on the __________. a ischium; greater trochanter of the femur b ischium; lesser trochanter of the femur c sacrum; lesser trochanter of the femur d sacrum; greater trochanter of the femur


The rectus femoris muscle extends the leg at the __________. a elbow b ankle c hip d knee


The semitendinosus muscle is innervated by the __________ nerve. a femoral b coxal c patellar d tibial portion of the sciatic


The soleus muscle shares an insertion with the __________. a flexor digitorum longus b fibularis longus muscle c flexor hallucis longus d gastrocnemius muscle


What is the action of the gastrocnemius? a dorsiflexion b extension of knee; flexion and medial rotation at hip c flexion of knee; extension and lateral rotation at hip d plantar flexion


Which of the following is NOT an action of the trapezius? a elevate scapula b extention of neck c elevate, retract, depress, and rotate scapula upward NOTE: Retracting both scapulae gives a sensation of "squeezing the shoulder blades together." d circumduction of scapula NOTE: Movement of the shoulder in a circular motion so that if the elbow and fingers are fully extended the subject draws a circle in the air lateral to the body.


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