Ant 101 2

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The first evidence of writing in Sumer is found about __________ B.C


The Old Kingdom of Egypt began about __________ B.C.


The ideal cultural patterns of a society

consist of the ideas people have about how they ought to behave

One of the biggest differences between culture and other forms of animal behavior is that in culture, it is learned and shared. Why is this so?

cultural behavior is not innate and it has to be learned

The anthropological attitude that a society's customs and ideas should be described objectively and understood in the context of that society's problems and opportunities is called

cultural relativism

Many cognitive anthropologists feel that culture is in people's heads because

culture actually refers to rules and ideas behind culture

The population of the world seems to have increased dramatically as a result of

People settling down

What is the main argument against bipedal development as an adaptation for life on the savannas?

there is evidence there were few savannas, but more woodland and open country

The evidence available shows that the Archaic people of Highland Mesoamerica were different than the Natufians in that

there were no social differences in Highland Mesoamerica

Why are maladaptive customs likely to disappear from a society?

they diminish the chances of survival and reproduction

Intermediate Theories have some relevance in the discussion of human origins because

they try to explain the replacement of one population by another and some interbreeding between early modern humans and other populations.

A major reason for the decline of states appears to be

environmental degradation.

Most archaeologists agree that the key criterion for a state is

hierarchical and centralized decision making affecting a substantial population.

Anthropologists, as well as other social scientists, feel that culture is

learned and shared.

Homo erectus dates from ________ million years ago.


Recent finds in South Africa date Homo sapiens to about __________ years ago.


Archaeologists have experimented with the Oldowan tools. They did this because

they wanted to know what the tools were used for.

Natufians were


The period of culture history known as the Upper Paleolithic dates from about ______ years ago


_________ is the main evidence used by the multiregional theorists to support their


Anthropologists speculate that early stone tools found in East Africa were made by

Early Homo

Why have some anthropologists concluded that Neandertals may have had homesites outside of caves?

while there is evidence of cave dwelling, there is also evidence of open-air sites as well

Bipedalism does have its downside, including:

- It's harder to overcome gravity to supply brain with sufficient blood. - the weight on the body above the pelvis and lower limbs causes stress on the hips, lower back, knees, and feet. - females even have more stress during pregnancy **All the Above**

Anthropologists try very hard to eliminate ethnocentric thoughts and behaviors in their work because

- They stand in the way of open-mindedness. - judging other cultures solely in terms of their own culture is restrictive thinking. - they don't allow a more complete understanding of the population being studied. **all of the above**

About 10,000 years ago, the glaciers began to disappear causing

- the oceans to rise - seas to move inland - the water to inundate some of the rich coastal plains. **All the above**

The first hominid species to be widely distributed in the Old World was

Homo Erectus

The earliest city-state in Mesoamerica was probably

Monte Alban.

Early New World hunters are called


From the time agriculture developed in the Near East to about 6000 B.C., people in the Near East lived in

Small Villages

Tools found at Natufian sites suggest they harvested _________ intensively.

Wild wheat

The city of Teotihuacan in Mesoamerica was very influential at its peak. Why?

at the height of its power the city occupied an area larger than imperial Rome

Which is not put forth as a possible reason for broad-spectrum collecting?

average height of the population

Why are Western countries sometimes criticized for being too involved in the human rights issues of other cultures?

because they often dictate ideas about cultural behavior as a result of having a different code of ethics

In Ali Kosh in southwestern Iran after about 5500 B.C., ______________ were two important innovations.

irrigation and the use of domesticated cattle

Why does the presence of tools means culture existed?

making tools is a pattern of behavior shared by a group of individuals

All of the following are "costs" of bipedalism except

the hands were freed for other tasks

Which of the following hominid characteristics came first?


The sequence of food acquisition was

hunting to collecting to agriculture.

_________ is often given as a reason for the decline of the Roman Empire.


__________ are chisel-like stone tools used for carving.


The concept of cultural integration means that

cultural elements or traits are adjusted to or constant with one another.

Archaic peoples of North America began to follow a more ______ lifestyle.


The famous footprints of Australopithecus were found at


There are at least ______ species of Australopithecus.


Many of the excavated home sites from the Middle Paleolithic from Europe and the Near East are located in


The tools found just south of the Rockies on the High Plains are known as the ________.

Clovis complex

Most archaeologists believe that the __________ was one of the earliest centers of plant and animal domestication.

Fertile Crescent

Only __________ fossils have been found in North and South America.

Homo sapiens sapiens

A consequence of the rise in food production include

declining health

Archaeologists speak of domestication only when there is evidence that plants and animals show a ______ wild plants and animals.

difference from

We do not know when human language emerged because

it is difficult to explore archaeologically.

Early Neandertals and early modern humans got their food in a variety of ways. Why?

it varied with their environment whether semiarid desert or cold tundra

What is the main problem with anthropologists trying to reconstruct the body using fossils?

it's still very subjective on the part of the anthropologist

The Upper Paleolithic cultures relied on hunting for food. Why?

vast supplies of meat were available

Traces of art have been found in Upper Paleolithic sites. Most paintings were only of animals. This is believed to be because

- they may have thought that pictures of humans could cause injury or death. - they may have thought theses pictures would improve their luck at hunting. - they may have thought the pictures would increase the supply of animals. **All the above**

Among the cultural adaptations Homo erectus may have made is

- use of fire. - use of clothing. - better organization for scavenging, hunting, and defense against predators. **All the above**

Generally, the greater the sexual dimorphism, the _________ the social dominance of males over females.


Sumerian writing is called


The most powerful transmitter of culture is probably


Settled life is called


We know bipedal hominids emerged in Africa because

the available fossil record shows this.

Full bipedalism may have made possible

the development of more efficient tool making and consequently more efficient scavenging and foraging.

____________ looks at how a tool similar to one found in the past is used by people today.

Ethnographic analogy

Some archaeologists suggest that states first evolved in


Sexual dimorphism in Homo erectus is

about the same as in Homo sapiens

Cities and states emerged in Mesoamerica later than the Near East because

agriculture started later in the New World.

For something to be cultural, it must be

learned and commonly shared.

Variations in individual behavior are confined within __________ acceptable limits.


A most interesting debate continues regarding the Neandertals. Why?

some anthropologists argue that Neandertals are part of the same species as Homo sapiens and others think they were a distinct species that died out

Because a word or phrase can represent what it stands for, whether or not that thing is present, we say that language is


Bipedalism freed the hands, which allowed tools to be carried. This was an advantage because

the tools could be used as weapons against predators, if necessary

The rise of food production led to

- accelerated population growth. - declining health. - elaboration of material possessions. **All the above**

The first clear evidence of stone tools appears more than _______ million years after


Cro-Magnon first appeared in Europe about _________ years ago.


Cities first appeared in the Near East about

3500 BC

New evidence suggests that people were hunting big game as long as _________ years ago.


The first clear indication of a changeover to food production took place in the Near East about

8,000 BC

The tool tradition identified with Homo erectus is the


One of the more stunning developments in the Upper Paleolithic was the development of


Native Americans originally came from


The ___________scenario has the clearest archaeological evidence to support it.


One thing that can be said about culture is

It refers to innumerable aspects of life.

One of the most famous A. afarensis fossils is named Lucy. Why is it so famous?

It was one of the most complete skeletons found

The ________ site in Chile suggests that humans got to South America by about 12,500 to 33,000 years ago.

Monte Verde

Which of the following is NOT a theory about what happened to the Neandertals?


About 1.8 million years ago a remarkable hominid species existed (Homo erectus). What made them remarkable?

They were the first hominid species to be widely distributed in the Old World

The frequency distribution of behavior patterns in a group very often takes the form of

a bell-shaped curve.

Gracile australopithecines include all of the following except


Robust australopithecines include all of the following except


In anthropology, the term "culture" refers to

all the learned behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, values, and ideals that are characteristic of a particular society or population.

When Homo erectus hunted they may have used fire. How would this be an advantage?

animals were driven out of their hiding places into hunters positioned downwind

Most of the remains that have been excavated from Upper Paleolithic sites have been found in

caves and rock shelters

In the state, many people are relieved of the need for

food production

A complex system of spoken, symbolic communication, which we call "language"

has existed in people known to anthropologists

The skeleton of humans differs from that of the great apes in all of the following except

humans have powerful muscles at the back of the neck to balance the large head while apes do not need such powerful muscles because the head is balanced on the spinal column angle (much like a fulcrum).

The widening of the female pelvis is related to

larger brained babies

Among archaic peoples of Mesoamerica, ___________ were located near seasonally abundant resources.


Ethnographic analogy is a method of study based on reasoning. An example would be

observing the usage of tools by contemporary societies to determine how they might have been used thousands of years ago.

What is the major principle of Single-Origin Theory?

that Neandertals did not evolve into modern humans but instead became extinct

Neandertals and modern humans seemed to have coexisted in Europe and the Near East for at least 20,000 years. What is the best explanation to describe what happened to the Neandertals?

they became extinct when they were driven away from food sources by modern humans

We cannot accurately determine the lifestyle of early hominids from early tool sites because

very little else was found with the tools that were dug up.

The earliest Australopithecine species, anamensis, is dated to about ______ million years ago.

3.9 - 4.2

By about __________ B.C., archaeologists had found most of the major characteristics of civilizations.


According to the model of human evolution in Ember and Ember, the presumed common ancestor of apes and modern humans lived about _________ million years ago


There is some belief in a multiregional theory which can best be explained as

Homo erectus populations in various parts of the Old World gradually evolved into anatomically modern looking humans.

A person who judges other cultures solely in terms of his or her own culture is said to be


Regarding the New World, anthropologists seem to agree that

humans were living South of Canada around 11,000 years ago.

The Natufians had tools, like sickles, which allowed them

to harvest wild grain intensively

Many anthropologists are interested in the reasons ancient civilizations collapsed because

they may give hints as to what could happen in our present world.

In what way do modern humans, or Homo sapiens, look different than Neandertals?

- modern humans have higher foreheads You Answered - modern humans have thinner and lighter bones - modern humans have smaller faces **All the above**

The earliest identifiable stone tools from East Africa date from about ________million years ago.


Large game animals of the Upper Paleolithic period were known as

Pleistocene megafauna.

What makes Ardipithecus ramidus unique is that it

combined apelike dentition with bipedalism.

At present, archaeologists define the Neolithic in terms of the presence of

domesticated plants and animals.

Archaeologists can determine if an ancient society had different socioeconomic classes of people by

the differences in house size and furnishings.

A number of theories have been proposed as to why states developed in many parts of the world. They include

- the creation of irrigation. - population growth, leading to competition, and warfare. - the development of long distance trade routes. **All the above**

We know there was a different pattern of domestication in Mesoamerica which consisted of

-hunting and gathering lifestyle long after plants were domesticated. - planting desirable plants that were not basic to subsistence **Both A and C are correct**

The Neandertal period in Africa is called the

Middle Stone Age

The creation of home bases or home ranges among early Homo groups may have increased the likelihood of

food sharing.

Why do we think it possible that Neandertals had funeral rituals?

fossil evidence shows what looks like planned burial sites

Every culture has norms or standards of what is acceptable behavior. The importance of a norm is usually determined by

how members of a society respond when the norm is violated.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of culture?

It is not important to modern humans

________ are very tiny blade tools.


Bipedal locomotion, walking on two legs, was not the only change that occurred during early hominid evolution. Included were

the expansion of the brain

The fundamental difference between culture and most other forms of animal behavior is that culture is

Learned and shared

To explain why human evolution would proceed gradually and in the same direction in various parts of the Old World, multiregional theorists point to cultural improvements in ______________.

hunting tools and cooking technology

Anthropologist Donald Johanson found 40 percent of the skeleton of a female hominid at Hadar, which he named __________ after the Beatles song.


One way states change the lifestyles of people is

by allowing for larger populations.

There are numerous explanations as to why states would decline and collapse over time. They include

- environmental degradation. - incidences of disease increasing with more denser population. - overextension in more and more territory. **all the above**

A theory to explain why food production eventually developed is

- that a drastic change in climate caused domestication in the Near East. - that culture had to evolve enough to handle it. - that people were simply not ready earlier to achieve domestication. **All the above**

Which of the following is part of the state's infrastructure?

Irrigation Systems

Undisputed bipedal early hominids lived in ___________ about 4 million years ago.

East Africa

Toward the end of the Acheulian period, a technique developed that enabled the toolmaker to produce flake tools of a predetermined size, the ____________ method.


Some adaptations to the changing environment can be seen in the cultural remains of the settlers in northern Europe called


The term "subculture" refers to

the variant culture of a group of people within a larger society.

Food production developed because of

- climate change. - population pressure. - shortage of desired products. **All the above**

What characterizes early Homo so that we begin to see the start of new trends in hominid evolution?

- expansion of the brain - modification of female pelvis - general reduction in the size of teeth **All the above**

A negative result of the development of states is

- the use of force to govern. - class stratification. - health issues due to concentration of people in cities. Correct! **All the above**

The genus Australopithecus were definitely hominid based on the fact

- their teeth show the basic hominid characteristics. - they were fully bipedal. - they had a parabolic dental arch **All the above**

Anthropologists, when studying culture, try to distinguish actual behavior from ideas about how people ought to feel and behave. This is because

- there is often a difference between ideal behavior and actual behavior. - the ideal is based on the way a society used to be. - ideal behavior may be what they would like to see as correct behavior. **all of the above**

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