ANTH 107 Final

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Agnosticism VS. Atheism

*Agnosticism*: the idea that the existence of a god is unknowable, that it is as impossible to prove the nonexistence of the supernatural as it is to prove its existence. *Atheism*: disbelief in or denial of the existence of god or gods

Angels, demons, jinn

*Angels*: mediators between humans and god; benevolent. *Demons*: evil spirits; like to possess people, Incubi: male, Succubae: female. *Jinns*: live human like lives, Like to cause trouble, may possess people, In the Islamic religion; a spirit being created of fire

Animatism Vs. Animism

*Animatism*: the belief in an impersonal supernatural power. *Animism*: A belief in spirit beings

Asatru, druidism, satanism - know the basics of these neopagan religions

*Asatru*: Norse/Vikings, Northern Europe, Symbol: egg, rabbit(AKA Easter), *Druidism*: has no written history "It's not a religion but a philosophy". *Satanism*: don't recognize deities, Should be kind and loving to all who deserve it, Use rituals and magic, Can use it for destruction

Define: Diffusion, Assimilation, Acculturation, Syncretism

*Diffusion*: the apparent movement of cultural traits from one society to another. *Assimilation*: a condition whereby a dominated culture has changed so much because of outside influences that it ceases to have its own distinct identity, Dominated culture essentially ceases to exist. *Acculturation*: process whereby a culture receives traits from a dominant society, Process being de-cultured, Rapid change from dominating culture. *Syncretism*: a fusing of traits from two cultures to form something new and yet permitting the retention of the old by subsuming the old into a new form, The reworking of a trait to fit into existing culture

Emic Vs. Etic

*Emic*: the study of a society through the eyes of the people being studied. *Etic*: the study of a society using concepts that were developed outside of the culture

Define ghost, zombies and vampires

*Ghost*: the soul of an individual after death that remains in the vicinity of the community. *Zombie*: a corpse that has been raised from the grave and animated. *Vampire*: a person who has died before his or her time and who brings about the death of friends and relatives until his or her corpse is "killed"

What are the general defining characteristics of gods and pantheons? Spirits?

*Gods*: omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, more powerful than spirits and have names *Pantheons*: hierarchy of gods with 1 supreme god and complementary goddesses like parents of a family that mirrors human society with romance and feuds *Spirits*: not human but are anthropomorphic and have less power than gods with individual personalities. Collectively known, not individually named Live among us and can help of hinder us People try to foster good relationships with them

Types of Revitalization Movements

*Nativistic*: eliminate most of dominant culture and return to old days. *Revitalistic*: revive or reinterpret ancient "golden age". *Millenarian*: the "end is near" crowd. Messianic: hope is in form of divine savior in human form

What are witches in both anthropological and Christian contexts? Inquisitions and heresy. punishments for witches

*Punishments*: burning, hanging, prison *Anthropological contexts*: someone with innate psychic ability to do evil(no magic required) *Christian contexts*: witches make pacts with the devil because only Jesus had the ability to heal Witchcraft is heresy punishable by death Inquisitions sought out witches because they were a scapegoat for plagues and famines

Characteristics of religious fundamentalism

*Scripturalism*: The belief that religious text is perfect and unchangeable and it is used to justify current beliefs and practices *Traditioning*: generations old actions still apply such as clothing, hair, and speech because they revere the days that were "pure" and think that the modern world is evil Belief in messianic coming and a battle of good and evil *Terrorism*: public act of destruction to further fundamentalist objectives *Totalism*: religion interwoven in everyday life

Review the different kinds of rituals, such as rites of passage

*Separation*: removal from old role. *Transition*: liminality; no or ambiguous role, Initiates learn about rights and responsibilities of new role, often painful or traumatic. *Incorporation*: return to society with new role

Define Soul, Spirit, Prophet, Shaman, Priest

*Soul*: the noncorporeal, spiritual component of an individual, *Spirit*: a supernatural being that's less powerful than a god and is usually more localized. Often one of a collection of non individualized supernatural beings that are not given specific names and identities. Anthromorphic - can take the shape of humans. Usually collective unknown. Live among us. Help or hinder us. *Prophet*: someone who communicates the words and will of the gods to his or her community, acting as an intermediary between the people and the gods, Mouthpiece of the gods. *Shaman*: Part time religious specialist who receives his or her power directly from the spirit world and acquires status and the ability to do things through personal communication with the supernatural. *Priest*: full time religious specialist who is associated with formalized religious institutions

What are the different classes of gods and goddesses?

*Supreme*: top of pantheon. *Creator*: create the universe. *Otiose*: create then retreat. *Attribute*: specialized gods

Who are important scholars in the anthropological study of religion?

*Tyler*: First to define culture *Durkheim*: Collective conscious *Levi Strauss*: Binary Opposites *James Frasier*: Wrote Golden Bough

Wicca: what are its roots and what did they believe?

A neo pagan reconstruction, Beginnings traced to early mid 1900s, Margaret Muy wrote a book that made witches look sexy, Polytheistic, nature based, God = sun; goddess = moon, Ritual and magic used only for good

What function(s) do funerals serve?

A rite of passage for both living and dead, Can help channel grief

What is the unitary state

An altered state of consciousness in which an individual experiences a feeling of becoming one with the supernatural

Define cultural relativism

Attempting to analyze and understanding cultures other than one's own without judging them in terms of one's own culture

What are the subfields of anthropology?

Biological, Cultural, Archaeology, Linguistic

How is UFOology like Christianity?

Certain ufo theories reinterpret genesis Angels/demons replaced by aliens Ideas about creation / end of times Divinity replaced by alien intelligence

High Demand Religions - What are they?

Cults Religions that demand almost everything of you

Demonic possession in cultural context

Cultural context determines how possession is interpreted Possession occurs only in vulnerable people such as women and children, those who have undergone a serious psychological trauma, or or those who are at a disadvantage Usually used as an out for people dealing with stress

What is an origin myth?

Explain creation, human origins, lay foundation for world views. Often most sacred. Other myths stem from them

Why do beliefs in witchcraft exist?

Expression of social tension, Scapegoats and anti - role models, Twisted logic of medieval Christianity

Yir Yoront

Indigenous Australian people of the Cape York Peninsula First contact with Europeans was with Dutch explorers in 1623. The second contact was with a party of cattle herders in 1864, an encounter now known as the "Battle of Mitchell River." Acculturation into European-Australian society began after 1900 with settlement of the lower Cape York Peninsula and the establishment of an Anglican mission station just south of Yir Yoront territory in 1915. The Yir Yoront were shielded from intrusion when the Australian government established the reserve along the coast. Although some Yir Yoront moved south and settled at the mission, and various products of European manufacture were used by all Yir Yoront, much of the traditional culture survived into the 1940s.

Monomyth and Campbell

Joseph Campbell wrote "The Hero with a Thousand Faces". Monomyth: all hero stories follow the same basic pattern. General pattern repeated in rites of passage (separation, initiation, incorporation)

What is the difference between magic and sorcery?

Magic = good, Sorcery = bad

Witchcraft and AIDS in Africa

Many believe AIDS is caused by witchcraft, 1 in 9 in South Africa is affected by AIDS, They believe if the person with AIDS has sex with a virgin, they would be cleansed; the result of this is many rapes


Nevada Wovoka had a vision that he went to Heaven and spoke to God He was told that Indians were no longer to lie, steal, fight, or drink alcohol and was given a traditional dance that lasted 3 or 5 nights. If this was followed they'd go to heaven and once again be young The ghost dance

Trobriand Islanders

New Guinea Example of cricket game as syncretism Adopted the game as their own from british/australians , changing many aspects of it and use it to solve conflicts instead of war


New Guinea When someone among the Dani dies, a supernatural element called the mogat leaves the body The mogat remains near the community and the family and becomes a ghost Dani built ghost houses where ghosts can live


New Mexico, Southwest Witches initiated in witchery way Enforces social norms Prevents accumulation of wealth


Northern Sudan 3 types of jinn (made from fire without smoke) *White* jinn have little effect on humans *Black* are devils and dangerous Possession by black jinn leads to serious illness or death

What is scientific method?

Observations, tests, hypotheses, theories

How is Mary like a goddess?

Prayed to/revered Queen of heaven Mother of God Looks like a goddess of worship

Define Pilgrimage and know ethnographic examples

Ritual visitation of sacred places, Islamic Hajj, Lourdes, France, Huichol Pilgrimage

Heaven's Gate

San Diego, CA Believed that the alien salvation was coming for them and hiding in the tail of the Hale Bopp comet Their bodies were containers for aliens 39 people committed suicide in 3 days

Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints, Santeria

Santeria: cuban syncretusm of West African and Spanish Catholic beliefs, They believe in dual identities, Catholic Saints have another identity, Recognizes Yoruban (West Africa) Orisha which are associated with Saints. Orishas: sacred stones that can bring luck or misfortune


Southern Sudan and Northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo Believe that witchcraft, or mangu, is something that exists within the body of a witch Witchcraft is inherited Although witchcraft is contained within the psychical body, its action is psychic; the psychic aspect of mangu is the soul of witchcraft

What is divination?

Supernatural techniques for obtaining information about things unknown, including events that will occur in the future

Vodou: What are its roots what do they believe?

Syncretism of Catholicism and several West African religions, Born of slavery in French colony of Haiti, Vodou evolved in period of isolation , Recognizes pantheon of Iwa deities with special domains, symbolized by Catholic icons, Dance, music, altars, folk art prominent

In reference to symbols, what is displacement?

The ability to use symbols to refer to things and activities that are remote from the user

Why do gods exist?

They provide role models Help keep people cooperative making them think someone is always watching them

Why did Salem witchcraft trials happen?

They think there was irgot fungus on their rye/bread which had hallucinogenic effects

How does one achieve an altered state of consciousness?'

Transcend ordinary when interacting with sacred supernatural. Can be induced by physiological, psychological and pharmaceutical factors

Branch Davidians

Waco Texas Cult; Koresh's Branch Davidians Compound Believed Koresh was "lamb of god" Triggered suspicion of ATF, resulting in a tank, gunfire and tear gas used to break in; resulting in a fire

What is the significance of tattooing among Polynesians?

Ward off disease, Can say stories/ranks


West Africa/Nigeria Super natural world is populated by many spiritual beings called orisha

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